Ihsan English



It gives a detailed oversight about Ihsan organization.

Transcript of Ihsan English

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Organization Details

Category: Community Development

Start date: Jan 20112

Idea initiator: Shuruk Elwarrak3

Idea Supporter: Shuruk Magdy4

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One who practices Ihsan. Wikipedia

Information about Ihsan

Ihsan Is an Arabic term meaning “To do beautiful perfect things”.


Is the sense of social responsibility borne from religious convictions where

people try to worship Allah as if they see Him, and if they cannot see Him, then

indeed He sees them. Wikipedia

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Be that positive pearl in your

own community where we

will start from your inner

intention and taking you up

to the highest level in life.


Turning Ihsan into a habit by

practicing Ihsan in whatever we

are doing along with helping

people to practice it.

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It started when I was really taken by the prophet Mohamed hadith saying:

“That Allah loves , when one of you do any action, Do it with quality”

I spent many years thinking, what does this mean? then I come to a

conclusion that any action done by us in life, if not done by quality it may has

one of two ends despite the fact that the action itself is good:

1. Results may turn into negative.

2. It may lose it`s sustainability.

Let us pick any action and apply above conclusion on it ….

Ihsan Idea Background

To be Continued

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Ihsan Idea Background

To be Continued

Eating Action

Let us assume that Eating with Ihsan means that we eat healthy

food along with quality chewing.

Imagine if we lost one of the above qualities despite the fact that eating action is


The result will turn negative as unhealthy food and bad chewing may cause over

weight and if it did not cause over weight so it will cause an unhealthy body.

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Charity Action

Let us assume that Charity with Ihsan means that we offer

what is within our capabilities whether it is time or money.

Again Imagine if we lost one of the above qualities despite the fact that charity

action is okay!

Action can not be sustained as he/she is committing for some thing that is

exceeding their abilities.

Ihsan Idea Background

To be Continued

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Accordingly, we really need to do any action with a very good quality

and then we can reach this highest level of Ihsan.

Where we are not just doing actions, we are perfecting actions!

So you are not a JUST, You are a ROLE MODEL ……

Ihsan Idea Background

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Text in here

Follow up


Street Visit

Small group • Consists of Ihsan volunteers.

Idea Realization

• Group Will be responsible for visiting a certain street and determine

exactly what is needed to be done in a perfect quality.

• Group will be ready for transforming any bad quality action into

good quality one, In short they will practice Ihsan.

• To make sure that things are going in the right form.

The uniqueness of our idea came from building on existing and perfecting it by being

this eye that will criticize any bad quality action done by us/others.

The suggested steps:

Note: Transforming will be realized through Ihsan date base where you can find

people or organizations who are willing to be Muhsin.

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Qualifications needed :

1. Ready to be Muhsin.

2. Ready to be Passionate.

3. Ready to let the Quality be #1 priority

for him/her.

To be Continued

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There are 2 types

of volunteers:

Will be selected through filling

into online application then a

quality interview for measuring

previous 3 needed


Will be selected through filling

into online application then a

quality interview for measuring

only “Ready to be Muhsin”



To apply: http://screator.net/showform.php?f=487614754

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