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LETTINS- THE PEOPLE KNOW I Huntingtbn League of Women Voters KgB WHAT IS IMPORTANT? ^part-time-- - ¦• p' litribts , . periodic- l^cricj ' .iis whose normal coiitribit- llll * to the weltaf d dt their coi ' m- lUgf consists of casting a vote for igjisideii t every fbui- years and pwimbiing the rest of-the time ot ?iSki Is being done , may well uues- IH B the Importance of tbe League Sl^Women Voters In times of na- §§p§al emergency. Ilplu t oiice you accept the premise HHf government Is everybody ' s (Hid that the essential , character- isSc -of our way of life is govern- •Slit not only of and for but by iSstpeople; then the importance ol ISi League ' s work becomes obvi- Ugl because its-whole purpose is ^p practice of the art and science p|||itizo]isbip. All peoples have gov- ;^nments , whether they like them Sot. The art of citizenship is ring what kind of government want , getting It , and taking r ' to keep it that way. Anieri- will not act ut the whim of •ant or a clique. They will not unless they understand wha t ling done and why; they will Ipl vote without knowing what || | ' Whom they are voting for. Illfeln lies the usefulness ol' the flfg ue. tpuU. 1- government is not a machine JHKwl from outside , but a living '$fc|plsm always searching out [M$j and better ways to accomplish ;«H|f, * . H^ - ¦ —; w^~ ~~^" ' - ^ , ^* s * v *^* s ^ - ^ - ^ s ^* N- ' m Your Huntington Launderaide ] H NOW MAS TWO LOCATIONS i ^"h e . original self-service Launderaide complete with ' i|)riers , Extractors and 25 Automatic Bendix Washers ' |||t 307 N. Y. Ave., Hunt. 4246. Open Monday Nite ' Iffo 8 o ' clock. ~ I |P AND j ppe newest Launderaide next to the A. & P., con- | |||enient tor shopp ing with front and rear exits. I Wm OPEN TUESDAY NITE TO 8 O'CLOCK j §§75 MAIN STREET HUNT. 4818 Ifl Both Locations Have Free Parking t t i l . _ j. . . , ' .. : . ' r7 ^ " ' ' ¦"'—" Il1 ,—nm i miHMinii-fi iM ««^in.n«iiiwr t <rnLfc ^*Mani-i»n ^H^y.y^^ li * m —~ i Larkfield - Bfeaii iy Sa-loifw si5 rf*"~— *••***. ¦ < ^SmA mmj imiarA^a^m^ ,^ ^ ^^ ' s no ^ featuring the new French ^^^^ SSr ^^^^^^^ Scissor cut. ' H^^O Bg ffl Individuall y tailored and styled '|]^BKai ^^^K ^^ " , ' Wm for you. i nwH ^n^ w Come in—Una will advised you. ^yma^K^SfSmSrfsm Mm Consultations Free. W B^^B^Sw^lS I y^S^m^S^^^ inSlI World famous artist in Hair Sf yl- '/ ^^^Mra^-yiK^l ' n 5' °^ ^ os * * ^°* ^ Ave., ™««\w x BBfitfa N Y# (km ' •<. ; ?p|exf to Post Office Larlcfield Avenue v ljj one Northport 1130 Easf Northport ; J ' CLOSED ^QftPAY^,,, ,..,., " t ^^ JJ. -'ij- - ¦—¦m^Miiiii t iiiiNiiiMMilltiSAiiaiiillliti«MiHi tJraiiJ.::' ." .^Ji^t^" .i»^^Ma ffl?ry ** JZM*R3BSS?W*%I W***^^ !fffi^ffr*?rff Bffffl ff?fWff*fflWfff TJ^^ iiffi ' " : ' ¦ ' - . '" ¦ " ' ¦'"' ¦' mi and Stainless-Steel Siiik-Tofs . |r;f. aIMi i# ii f&Kmttij^^ MM . Kill .*¦ '' , ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ . ' .> "'¦ ¦- ¦ "" .•* ¦ ' w IfiSSfti' . " v '' - . . ' . - ' .t-t ' j xtii tf<'' , 'i i' »-iwii" . - ifc vii ¦ " ty &• 'i- 'Y * . uv'J -i * ''' v' ; B. ; : tiiMt^mi mimm^ - zzzz .. c=a ^ttauto.UxaEtsav watt-E3.. ies SO-SB - MMfflWS ,,/ ' ¦«>' ^ W MW >U WM ' -C I 7 IHM 3P«* M- ? -wOw gptft/ff ' 66^ 164 . yidiiimim o ADV . ' ' rtUNt ifoS r izza Pies Lasagtia R avi oli S pag hetti 234 W. Jeri cho T pke. Telephone Hurit. 299 Closed Mondays , —- " ¦ - , - . ¦ - 1 ComfaaMk' Just it rem'In ' aer to - cord players of the Crfd party sponsored by the Ladles ' Auxiliary of Commack fire depurtmeiit 6n Saturday evening, January 20 , at file house. Admis- sion 55c. Prizes ii'id refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Henrj ' Br6\vn of New York were visitors on Tues- day at the home of Mrs . Anna Brown. , Mrs. j ,, Garcia . Is (-onfiiieil to her home with a bad told. Mr . and Mrs. Georpe Drummond entertained friends on Thursday of FlusHiin g. The boys- l-H Club held their meeting- at the-school on Wednes- day evening, which had a good at- tendance. Mr. and Mrs . Carl! S. Hurr of Burr Road, left this ]>asi week to spend gome time In Florida. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Huntington Township lire depart- ments will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, .January 31 , at North noi l fire house with the Northport ladies as hostesses. Janet Hallaran celebrated lier six ' th'blrthd.'iy Monilay, Jaiuiuiy 15. Walter Albrecht attended a house party on Sunday of last week nt the homo or " a former Harvard classmate , John Brundage , in Mor- ristown. N' fw Jersey. The irtahy friends of Mrs. M. King will oe glad to learn th-it she Is much improved , having been con- filled to her home by illness. Miss Karol Ann Johnson spent last week end visiting lier aunt , and uncle , Mr. and Mrs . William Aluller in Melville. Mr. and Mrs. IMiilip Johnson spent Saturday evenini; with friends in Northport. TAXPAYERS ASSN. The. Commack Taxpayers Assoc- iation lield their meeting at Com- mack fire hall , Dei-c-mber in . The members discussed the talk given by Douglas Morey and Mr. Me- Guire about conditions in the Com- mack school and Its grpwth. The members voted to go further in investigating what can be done to alleviate this condition. Next meeting will be of interest to all taxpayers , " . 'ill be held Wednesday evening, February 11 , at the lire house. WOMAN'S SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. Clarke C. l'aye of Jericho Turnpike was the hostess last week for t . h^ first meeting this year of th' e Woman 's Society of Christian Service at which time the nomina- ting eummittec gave its report which resulted in the following election of officers : President , Mrs. Mae Burr; vice president; M13. Nellie Hubbs^M rs : Miitel Goldsmith ; treasurer , Miss Carrie Snuer; spiritual secretary, Mrs, Ida Fletcher; and sunshine c6' mhVil(ee, Mrs. Vera Clancy. The meeting decided to increase the membership dues to 25 cents a month. Twenty-five new hym- nals were donated to , the church , and the treasure r reported a "sub- sHiWlai bafuhe ' e- 'In ' the treasury. Ttie ' ncxt ih' eetln' g iVill bo held on Pobmary 1 at 2 o' clock In the after- noon in the home of Mrs, William He.borcr on Hun' Itoa ' d. Commack P.T.A. The Commack PTA held their regular monthly meeting nt ' tlie Uoniiniiftk School' on Jjimiary U nt 8 P.M. ' Mrs. "Peterson the Pres- ident culled tlio. ' meeting to order. Mrs; Birmingham read tlm niliiutos of (lie previous meeting. Mr. Morey our principal showed a film "Meet- ing the Emotional Needs ol' Chil- dren " iiftor tlio film Mm. J' aullno Vlqiglei' who Is our school psycholo- gist dlHcuasM this subject of U10 eiiiiHioiial needs of children and discussed hor work, In school, After meeting Mrti. Ji6i«l6r , refreshments wore Borve'd. 'WO \i-lsh to thank Hn, Zolgler fo ' r lier wonderful tallt 011 this Hiibjeiit. nonortbr Mutjoiia Huscli COMMACK CUOVER3 < 1-H GIRLS CUUBl '1'lie Coniiiinidt Olovkii'a Mf Olrl' 11 Clilti" imld t ' h'AIr liiootlnR ' at tli o n ' eliool on .laniuii 'y B. Oil Prldiiy, JiiWinry 12, liU'SlrlH lii our ciiib A»hi> ' , ttrd"-|«torbatetl'' in" glriH8 anil textile pointings , will moot nt the Hdidol -\vlVoro M I ; H . ' itliftVlcli 6\ii ; hW ^ildo ' iUid nrt tonuher will touch this project, Reporter for 4-H Marjorla Busoh ?<!»-»" mm SFoSsi if : ; SEA SOTf IS If Application was made tjl ls week for a charier for a third ' Boy Scout troop iti Nortliport . to be sponsored by the .NorihiVort-teiitenioi t LI O ' IIF club ' . ,. Activities o 'i this new tioo>ii will start the\ first week of February, led by Scoufrfiaster Joe Doiig ' li\s , fA'i-in 'p ' r leader of '11 ' 00 ' p 11 ' , who lias just coinpleled one of the Scout- masters training courses offe red by tlie. Suffolk County Council , in f' at- clidfnie. Any boy 11 years ofd or olrfei wlio wishes to join tfils new troop sfi' oiild contact Tro ' op Coiainittee cliairman William H . Gardiner ir. by calling Noilfjport 625-W ii t oiice, Older boys wlio' li li ' vo dropped out Of Scoutifi g are needed to (111 Junior leaders jobs and help train younger boys . Other members of the new Tibo ' p committee wlio may be i- 6' i ' ita ' cied aro : I.ions , Albert siillian, ChTii 'les I). Walker . HarOTd PItbliitldO , anil l'fcter S. Van ALU. (Existing plans ' call f6' r the 6' sfab- llshment ot a Sea Scout unit affili- ated with the new tro0' )i a ' s sO' 6'A as enough boy s II years or over have signed up for this advanced activity. Such a Sea Scout unit would opei-i'te anil maintain its own motor boat, and would receive in- struction in sailing, seamanship, na- vigation , small boat ha ' millrag, ' life- saving and safety, and would serve as a valuable aid to Const (Juard pt'Mon. ' i ' el ill local boat ra c es in a patrol and llfcsaving capacity. This additional activity of the Northport-Centcrpo ' rt Llo'iis cttii) will be carried oh with tlie money raised by the annual Lion ' s barh dance held at CrabnVeadow- , beach p ' avillion each year In' la'te A^u^u ' st. Other Lions activities in Nortri p ' ort Include eyeplasse ' s and dental ca're for school age children arid the maintenance of the 1 Lending Aid. * service which loans crutches , hos- pital beds , wheelchairs , iind other sickroom equipment to Ihose wlin heed it. . 1 ^ -- Coat of Arms Reproduced Black & "White or Color MODERATE RATES Wri te P, C, Box 29 Huntington , L. E. ; y^ 1,1 . I M- XO.,. . ' , ii - . ' ,;i.-...,. i ,i'.,...i ,; i '. pi^ij HThe onl y "But " aboutg Wl Insurance is H 8 DONALD H. BUTT B H375 New York Avenue M 3 Room 201 § M Huntington m. |C?H Hiitt*. 3910 or 5795 B 1 . ^KfcV. i fei]fcrMj LJx SERVICE ' REPAI RS » . , . AS ALWAYS TOM COLLINS VACUUM CLEANER CENTER 302 New York Avenue Huntington 1695 mtmmmrmmMmmmwmmf ^mmmmmlMAmMm ^mmnrimmmm ., ¦ y .. 4 ;. " , ' s , Mj\ i?y < wA ' fi -vl ,[ tioikidma m , /|» ' "i.v f i' v ' A. b'fu il!. , '-" " Si 1 ^ Wi Mmh v briismyB ' '"* g ^ f itj iff iw& ' Wotch your color lample pro* «/io/v from moro ^han 1300 shades, It ' * ca»y wllh. Seauly feythfMNINtflMAlKR v/ay,. ' , '/irttlfiti6 ' quallly Boauly \by tm BruiWul palnli go far* «* thor-at HO exlfci coil. 'll ihow you how faiclnotlnQ ' C0L0RIX£Rwork».,„ rOULSEN PAINT CO. Va ' mtB . . nod Wafepfct' HpUNTINfGTQ^ :^' / . ! / ., : ¦ tllijntinBtoirr-'^aif- "" - * ' :' *«.iniWMimniaMwiiMiMi»mi«Mii«ni»iialiifniWMiiniM iniii Wc we ' liioihe Mr; an'd Mrs. Ed- zu'tuta'S&hoV p'fer sln 'd oiii year old di'iighter , ' Tufllth Mary, tofmerly of nicltrfiori'd Hill , to our cflmmunity. Tli6y fiiovod to their lovely new htoftY. on Cuba Hiir Road Saturday, .Tuft. 13. - Mrs, ScliAepter Is a daugh- ter of Mr. anil Mrs. Stanley Michal- owsKI ql- the anni e address. Fr-finlt Moni'oig of Cuba Hill Itoad eclpDrated lila. ieth birthday on Sat- urday. Jan.. 13' with a gathering of friends ..and . relatives at his home. All . enjoyed watching television and eaWfig it b e a u t if u l , delicious birthday cake , ice cream and soda. GlfiL SCO 'tlT TF(6' 0P 16 Leaders and girls were happy to nicefl again Wednesday, Jan. Ill and talk, over their long , Christinas va- cation. | No doubt all the ' folks in the ubmnimiit ' y h;ive fiiiislied en- joying (heir lovely Christin a ' s cards ili ' id feci bad about llirov. -ing them a ' lVivj" . . Well , the scouts deiided It would be nice to collect Christmas cards ' and ;iiu;e them dis'lrib' iited to cliilAi ' -eh sii 'ffe i-lrig with cerebral patsy. It will not 0111 y give Ih ' eiii Mpjitnea s to sec the pretty, brtghl colors, bi' i ' t liclp.s them to use tlieii nd ' nds. Ariyone wishing t6 give tlieii - cards pTea ' se get Iii' touc h with ittiy o 'f the leailerii , Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. -Boritenino . or Mrs . Sllbersteii' o ' r arty- of the Kill scouts. B 'tfoWNIES fROOP 53 Tlie firs: niccling a ' irii-e their Cliristma ' s vac-iiion was, held Tues- day, Ja 'ft. ' S , when' tlie chililren con- tfatioil tlieir work on the slt-npdiis. Attitii AVeTfit w'd' s h'6' st6ss and serv- ed cup cakes and cookies. There are so many , . children desiring to becom'6 Bfawhies tliiU the leaders mu.st h<lve ttiove. assistilnce.. Any- one fe&Iing ' i tl ' i ' iit they could offer their services, please get In touch with Mrs. Benjamin Gentile or Mrs Allan Tanov. RAL^hi O' SGOb'b' , GUEST AT P. T. A. The next ine ' etlng will be Thurs.. Jan. IS , X I' . M. at which time there will be , a return visit from Ralph Osgood; Principal of King 's PM'k High School. There will be Im portant business to discuss so let us have ft' food attendance. - —Evelyn Beach. FAIR KAY-- . - ;.. , . Oil k WAY. EVEflYDAY DQU&.EAST, INC. 540 New York Ave. Hunt. 3033 : 'y [ . : y- ° \ . : . I : ¦ . .. . .. i .. ; Vl A ¦¦n.y, . f r-J> GREAT ENGINE FEATURES & & TWO GREAT ENGINES » VALVE-IN-HEAI> EFFICIENCY DLOErFUME, COMBUSTION , f !~ POWER-JET CARBURETOR PERFECTED COOLING . SPECIALIZED 4-WAY. LUWICATl6]tf Mf v m* jlJL$%® « THERMOSTATIC HEAT-CONTROL CAM-GROUND CAST ALIOV IRON PlsfoC/S ^W " ^^ GREAt CHASSIS FEATURES ' f y t i i^j ^j in M RU0OEO , RIGID FRAMES HYPOID REAR AXLES . SINGLE-UNIT REAR AXLE HOUSINGS , 'liff ^fflnF" •• . , * NEW TWIN-ACTION REAR BRAKES (heavy-dut/ modolt) NEW DUAL-SHOE PARKING Ju W|P" jJahi i#*y^ BRAKE flieavy-duly mot/0/1) NEW TOttQUE.ACTION BRAKES [llg hl-duly modah) » fOOT- i ,\ T *W ' - '" ta il M^M^^^ ' 0P£| i ArCD PARKING BRAKE (mdoU wWi 3-ipeisd iVanimloion) STEERING CptU^tf. GEAR- : ; ¦ ¦ ' ¦ * t*P ¦&& ffl SBaH£ j& SHIFT (moth/* w/l/i 3-ipaorf tronmluldn) 4-SPEED SYNCHRO-Misrt T^NSMlSSiON (in . - " ' i M^OT ^W M ** ^^ ^ heavier triodeh) WIDE RA^OE OF SPRINGS W^W^ , Mg \iffip$» GREAT CAB AMD BODY FEATURES .. .. ' ^ y ¦ '* . : , . ' . ¦ " i V< ' ' ir fl&f NEW VENTIPANBS IN CABS ( .. FLEXI-MPUNTED CAD . IMPROVED FULUWIDYH CAB P ' iM&iilfi ^ 1 JzmftiM SB/ ^ TS ADJUSTABLE SEAT A^O' RES I'ROPER: EY^ LEVEL . LARGE OOOR , -Cl|PENINOS Hinl¥- ' ; ¦'' ¦•• ¥t!£ ^B&^ ALL-AROUND CAB VISIBIUT)?>. SIRE ppORS tIELtS OPEN BY pVEft^Wfi'ft^JJTfO ' r ' . . '" ' ffff llfi j /iijT «»#^^ STURDY STEEL CONSTRUCTIQW ^ UN^.pEsioN . DqDIES . PICK-ti^ , n ' 6rilE!i \Wlt^FLUSH - . Q/Aw tt* * . ' . SKID STRIP ' S . INSULATED PAIM)ELBODIES . EXTft/^TRONO STAl/, B 0boillS , » FUll-W|pTH. ' ,; W . , t >V i^» ORAVEl SHIELD ONE-PIECE FENDERS cbUNll:RbALANCE& AUfGHTC .^AV. ^I^ 0 * 5 , ' '' , . 9 ' ^e^SiH^ ' ' ' " ¦ ¦ - ¦ : ' . v : - - - '^v. " ' - : :-i : '!- "! -• wMw ^ ¦ . - , ,. u< ;. . ./ . . >: ' . . y^- .. ' .:- , . , .- :- .;- ::v/- - . . iyy. yyy ..;.. B^ You «lro tho win nor whan , you. cl#o|M» AWQ ricaV , fy^-^/tfM^J) :y.yy > '&' , *; locrdor ... the new 1951 Chovrbfoi truck. , I l ' f -' /ffii fl^f* ) ^^ ^L i L ;l i M pP i L i ^^)' 'i onolna»roe(:to.dp mor<»A«'iirk; i hAI(J'd6wri' ' fla» and ,. '^^^^" /^S^f" ^ Vl/i^:.^'^ : y)S>WfSnf^'!jfiS^P 6ll o^|J6n«e> r<»qulro lift* i^aJntfl|itf}ie >. ^t> boon ;,.: '^^ r^WgS sV' Wfi$$" /^M^^M^^MW/ ftio rioflon 'i . fayorito yjanraftor y^«r, an ' d.lf now ¦ : ;; ¦. >. . . ^ ;$wf r y'? y!^ ' ~" ^HH[ ¦• l^vod to- servo you ^ ftvon boMor, Soo , 1^080,:;' ;,^ , ¦ ' ¦ . If . ur.it s txovi. Como in IbdayV ' ¦ ' V. . ' . . <> '' . ¦ ' Atit'ttfHaa!iB^Cniy;.vJ:/^L^' :-\l , !^V ¦ ' ¦ liODEllHURSl*EHt wJKOtti . .HW T^ IW IWB-' « BB , <** BI »« BI ' » ; ,^ I III « H« I . ., W w . iwfH w f.. : , MW wi. ^'ww , ., . . ¦y > - *t t ' ' ' *y y ~ y y y y y > 'l<iy0}' p : \tf ' . ^i^i-ii Nfiw -YORic AVE/' - " K-iTiriT .^^ u ' : v : U} r . ;¦;:• ^ " . . ! ' - ' ' ¦ . . ' ¦¦ . ' ' .. ' ¦ ' . ' ¦ , ' . ' .;' ¦ . ¦ . '. ,' , " .' - ' , ¦ . ., '. " , ' ' ' ' '. ' ¦ ' - . ' . ' ¦ . 1' ' . 'I' ' ¦ ,- . ' ' ' . ' ¦ ' .'' . ' '- * lyyy ' y 'iyyiyy^ 'N^'tttfyt'-y , "liii p ii>-. U!rll}diiy " to Mrs. Albert Klein ol' New Dairy Lime who will cclcli-iitc her birtlid ' ny this Friday. "Hii|>py AiniivcrsaryV to Mr . and Mrs. \Vtu . l.lnd of Old Commack Koiul, who i-elebiated the happy oi-L'HSion ' this week. Ilev . ami Mrs. Lauren I). Vork anil family ot the Methodist Pars- onuse are enjoying a two weeiis va- cation in Florida. During Hev . Yoi li 's absence Itayinond Butler , l,ny Exhort or of the KI IIRS ' Park Methodist ' . 'lun ch will i-tiuduct the San day services. Thee Woman 's Society of the Kings Park Methodist Church held their regular monthly business iheeliiK Inst Wednesday evening In the Clmi-cli Auditorium. Hostesses for the evening were : Mrs. Illiiiiclic Knoebcl ; Mrs. Lenore i.ind , and .Mrs. l-' ranccs LaTorre. .Mr. and .Mrs. Victnr eiilortained Mrs . J. 'riiiinis of New York City ill ilieir home this past week. Mrs. Thorns is Mis. l.aToirc ' s mother. Lawrence Williamson, son of Mr. and Mrs . Win. Williamson , and Ar- thu r Stache , son of -Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stache have recently enlisted In the l" . S. Navy and expect to leave for iluly in the near future. Mrs. Maine Oiift' y Sides of Kings I' ui-k was installed and appointed as Worthy Matron for 11151 In Adah Chapter O ' . K. S.. in Northport. Others from Kings Pari; who were installed as officers in Adah Chap- ter . O. E. S. were : Mrs. Elvira WliHebi oa ' ii, as Associate Coiidnc- tress: M rs. Agnes Tliimiso ' ii , as Al.-ii- .sli '. -il: .Mrs . Alraa Ilioiv n , as As- sistant Maishal: Mrs . Hazel Hen- derson , as Warder; .Mrs. Frances La Torre , . as Color nearer; Mrs. Frances Butler , us Esther; M rs. Libbie Burns , as Martha; Mrs. Jose- phine Coiirul , as a Trustee; and .Mis. Enlily Schubert and Mrs . Ill. -iiu-he Knoebel on the Floral Stuff. . ^Inline P.lvate Edward F. Moore , so:i of Mr. and Mrs . Frank .Moore of Thompson Street , Kings Park , was recently awarded the coveted silver-crossed rifles of Expert Rifle- men when he fi red 229 out of a ¦jo.ssihle 250 points with the UP rand Rifl e sit the Marine Corps Ke- crultiiig Station at Parris Island , South Carolina. ICffejs SPiit RESEARCH INCREASES LIFE OF RAILROAD CROSSTIES The railroads ' annual bill for crosstie replacement runs at the staggering late of $2511 million. To pare this figure down by Increas- ing tie life , the National Lumber Maiuilacturers Association and the Association of American Railroads litive teamed up to develop more efficient methods of using wood for crosstlos. ¦ » *ja> «> For Pancalics Try this on your , morning pan- cakes . Mix one-half cup of strained , honey with three tablespoons of soft butter; cream thoroughly, and then fold in.one-half cup of whipped cream ' . Serves six. , - i ' ¦ -.: >J\ - i YOU CAN GET A LOAN AT B B J 1 ^ LOGINS $2S TO $500 ON SIGNATURE , FURNITURE OR CAR em ^^ ^| UR 35 years ' experience has proved people are | |g ^^ V reliable. We' re sold on you—that' s why we say sj s $111 " yes" promptly to so high a percentage of people | | | lill who request a loan. And the loan is made yo ur way! j |l |H SERVED OVER A MIIU0N r—r~< ""^' ¦ " i m ^ SATISFIED CUSTOMERS!* ) *?J"?, t> CASHyOU GET «| fSSSS »,,, . , I Monthly <ROAO <SSOQ ftsS l&l What you are not [ ¦&¦ 9*9V ?a"» Baa. Wm what yoii own—counts \ I s Mos. $20.67 $38.57 §|| » h^e. Don' t borrow un- 20 Hos.-> 16.34 .^30.22 , M m necessarily, but if a ; *%$£ ^' Z' .^S, 'S5 ' f| ¥§§!& Innn mill Otvf VOU a •veiylhinjl Loan of olkir omounli fSS, loan win give you a „„ , - piopo nion. , (3f| | |i| ^^ fresh' start...pay medi- ¦ ¦ .. - ¦ ¦ ra - | | cal or dental expenses .. . enable you to help rela- | | | «^ tives . .. make car or home repairs ... get the cash fm % S from Tkwxaud today. ^ ^ \ T% ' ¦ - ' ' ; A THRE£ WAYS T0 APPLY m- ' &M feaCTW Phone first for one-trip loan . > > or m - «M £tant > come in.,, or write. It ' s " yes " promptly ¦ W& Wis * t0 ^ out ° - ^ ^ at P^^onat- H ¦ ¦ WfiSi B^ ''THE CO MPANYB J THAT UKtS TO SAY Y te"^ ^; 2nd Floor Opp. Hunllng|on Theatre 375 NEW YORK AVENUE, HUNTINGTON, N. Y. "• . Phone: HUnllnglon 2443 William Sanderi, Jr., YES MANager OPEN FRIDAY- EVENINGS UNTII 8 P.M. Perianal Flnanto Company ol New York loam mods to leildenls of all ignoundlng towni Loom olio matt by moll - its puriiosfes. The Ua 'gu ' e \v v orKs to smooth the way to niore effective citizen participation in elections through non-partisan information , voters ' ill rectories and the like . It ulso works on a limited number of issues as a way of demonstrittlng h6w citizens can net. This means rinding ow£ ai ' t ' il making avallalol ' e the most pertinent'facts , process- ing the facts through wide dis- cussion into effective opinion , and directing that opinion into legis : lative action. In both kinds of service the League has earned an honorable reputation. Its in-service training is an acceleration ol the normal processes of American citi- zenship. . (Reprinted-from the M6hthly News of the League of Women Voters of New Vork). " TlliV"iY6x£ Wool'lhK tit tlie NAA' tT will ho hold ut Uollifll A M K C'liurdi on .litiui. -iiy 22 id «,M. r ; p.m, A I'fUiiiil-tnblo (II HOIIHH I OII will bo I HI M mi th . . . > H»ij Joi5t r : Our ' FoViilun Policy UOPH it Met oi' ir nMt\«1 The oxocutlvfi fiimnilttuo HtroiiRly III 'BA H till iiiiimb' oi-ii 1 tii (irliiK• ' tliilr fi'loiiiU nnd piirtloiiniio lu thin (In- linto , wliloli It coiiHldom tlm mom liiiporliiiit ptnbloni fncliiK tli o Amorloiui poopl^j ' todny, Mnl. ' Gun- tuvo Konno will irfitirilW'dliloiiHiiroil, liJIectlon of officers for ihe oom- his your ' will ' fillW plni ' tv ilf UilV mootliiR, Mr«. .IOHHO - Point, Uliulf mini of tlio unnilniitlii K i'Oi)iiiih|too will HII |) III I( II K I M I O ui' iifriiioiK v l'or ^li pi'ovnlMinil .ninniborii of tlio ox- rfiill.lvb' , cq ' m'Mlit('<l will 60 ' noniliiH (< "U "- fHJj a IhV'ftq,^. ;- . "' u , ' i'iii'<ii»i ' »":' ¦¦'¦*¦ . ' y h-i ' ¥mib) iii.LAun&ty . y Tlm oqulvfllfln t ot a two and a half t9n. trw«te , l|i-Jlitmi, .«vi}rj r.yoar when women hong laundry on tho line.' &AACP ' Meeting 'To Elect 19S1 , -Officers \ Wmli Iii Save ffl lilf ?| THEN READ THIS ,1 1 . ,.. ¦ ,. - . ' . . -;. - -lis 1 / AttKrican Lumbemiens and Merchants Mutual Casualty fi? J Co., general auto and liability insurance:— 1 AND - . . . . .. -. . g jj Worcester Mutual and Holyoke Mutual Fire Insurant;? ! cotnpanies , the two oldes t fire insurance coriipaftles ' ifl g jj Massachusetts , issue policies at the regular rates as sei S) / by the State of New York , But:— g I We. pay 10 to 20%> dividends. Special Pofi ' o Insurance , ' J j pays up to #5 , 000.00 3 year policy #10.00 for the ^ 5 famil y. a I A. W. PSQtJET, Ageiif j 5 392 New York Ave. Huntington , N. Y. A 3 Telephone Huntington 1403 y MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGES | |i PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER | M 152 1 Now York Avenuo $ | || . Hunfingtori Station^ N. Y. Mm Of ten tho followlrt' o •orvloots . , - ailMlfnooaraphlno Typewriting ~, ' EriVetopo Addrenolng SWtter Writing Mailing T>|Jin g 6r Mimeographing ppntrnoto, iMytttero , Proorqma , ' M'W u 't Carda, Bulletlna or What have you. jam Prfcea Beaionabli. . .. t , PtytyP} Serwlcd. il l ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' -, Call H^nir.gtbh 2867- R

Transcript of IH 00 -...

LETTINS- THE PEOPLE KNOW IHuntingtbn League of Women Voters

KgB WHAT IS IMPORTANT?^part-time-- - ¦• p'litribts, . periodic-l cricj '.iis whose normal coiitribit-llll* to the weltaf d dt their coi'm-lUgf consists of casting a vote forigj isideii t every fbui- years andpwimbiing the rest o f -t h e time ot?iSki Is being done, may well uues-IHB the Importance of tbe LeagueSl Women Voters In times of na-§§p§al emergency.

Ilplut oiice you accept the premiseHHf government Is everybody 's(Hid that the essential , character-isSc -of our way of life is govern-•Slit not only of and for but byiSstpeople; then the importance olISi League's work becomes obvi-Ugl because i ts-whole purpose is^p practice of the art and sciencep|||itizo]isbip. All peoples have gov-; nments , whether they like them


The art of citizenship isring what kind of governmentwant , getting It , and t ak ing

r 'to keep it that way. Anieri-will not act ut the whim of

•ant or a clique. They will notunless they understand wha tling done and why; they will

Ipl vote without knowing what|||| ' Whom they are voting for.Illfeln lies the usefulness ol' theflfgue.tpuU.1- government is not a machineJHKwl from outside, but a l iving'$fc|plsm always searching out[M$j and better ways to accomplish

;«H|f, * .

H - ¦—;w^~~~^" '- , *s*v* *s - - s *N-'m Your Huntington Launderaide ]H NOW MAS TWO LOCATIONS i"he. original self-service Launderaide complete with '

i|)riers , Extractors and 25 Automatic Bendix Washers '|||t 307 N. Y. Ave., Hunt. 4246. Open Monday Nite 'Iffo 8 o'clock. ~ I|P AND jppe newest Launderaide next to the A. & P., con- ||||enient tor shopping with front and rear exits. IWm OPEN TUESDAY NITE TO 8 O'CLOCK j§§75 MAIN STREET HUNT. 4818Ifl Both Locations Have Free Parking ttil ._ j. . . , • ' .. :. '


" ' ' ¦"'—"Il1 ,—nm

imiHMinii-fi iM««^in.n«iiiwr t<rnLfc *Mani-i»n ^H y.y ^

li *m —~ i Larkfield - Bfeaii iy Sa-loifw

si5rf*"~— *••***. ¦ <

SmAmmjimiarA a m^,^^ 's no featuring the new French^ ^ SSr ^ ^ ^ Scissor cut.

'H ^OBgffl Individually tailored and styled''|] BKai ^ ^K ",' Wm for you.

inwH ^n w Come in—Una will advised you.

yma^K^SfSmSrfsm Mm Consultations Free.W B ^B Sw^lSI y^S^m^S^^^ inSlI World famous artist in Hair Sfyl-'/ ^ ^Mra -yiK^l 'n5' ^° ° ^

os* * ^°* Ave.,™««\w x BBfitfa N Y#

(km '•<.; ?p|exf to Post Office Larlcfield Avenuev ljjone Northport 1130 Easf Northport

;J ' CLOSED QftPAY^,,, ,..,., "t^^JJ.-'ij- - ¦—¦m^Miiiii t iiiiNiiiMMilltiSAiiaiiillliti«MiHitJraiiJ.::'.". Ji t ".i» ^Ma

ffl?ry **JZM*R3BSS?W*%IW*** !fffi ffr*?rff Bfffflff?fWff*fflWfffTJ^^

iiffi ' ":' ¦ ' - . ' " ¦ " '¦'"'¦'mi and

Stainless-Steel Siiik-Tofs .|r;f.aIMii#i if&Kmttij^^MM .

Kill .*¦• ' ' , ' '¦ ' ¦'¦¦ .- ¦ '.> "'¦ ¦- ¦"" .•* ¦' w

IfiSSfti' . " v ' ' - ..' . - '.t- t 'j xtii tf<'','ii'»-iwii".- ifc vii ¦" ty &• 'i- 'Y * .uv'J -i*''' v';

B. ; : tiiMt^mi mimm -zzzz . . c=a ttauto.UxaEtsav watt-E3. . ies SO-SB -MMfflWS , , / ' ¦«>' W MW>UWM '

-CI7IHM3P«* M- ? -wOw

gptft/ff ' 66^164 . y idiiimimo ADV.' ' rtUNt ifoS

r izza PiesLasagtia

Ravioli Spaghetti

234 W. Jericho Tpke.Telephone Hurit. 299

Closed Mondays ,

—- " ¦ -, -. • :¦¦- 1

ComfaaMk'Just it rem'In'aer to- cord players

of the Crfd party sponsored by theLadles' Auxiliary of Commack firedepurtmeiit 6n Saturday evening,January 20 , at f i le house. Admis-sion 55c. Prizes ii'id refreshments.

Mr. and Mrs. Henrj' Br6\vn ofNew York were visitors on Tues-day at the home of Mrs. AnnaBrown., Mrs. j,,Garcia . Is (-onfiiieil to herhome with a bad told.

Mr . and Mrs. Georpe Drummondentertained friends on Thursdayof FlusHiin g.

The boys- l-H Club held theirmeeting- at the-school on Wednes-day evening , which had a good at-tendance.

Mr. and Mrs . Carl! S. Hurr ofBurr Road, left this ]>asi week tospend gome time In Florida.

The Ladies Auxi l iary of theHuntington Township lire depart-ments will hold their next meet ingon Wednesday, .January 31 , atNorth noi l fire house with theNorthport ladies as hostesses.

Janet Hal la ran celebrated liersix 'th 'b l r thd.'iy Monilay, Jaiuiuiy 15.

Walter Albrecht attended a houseparty on Sunday of last week ntthe homo or" a former Harvardclassmate , John Brundage , in Mor-ristown. N'fw Jersey.

The irtahy friends of Mrs. M.King will oe glad to learn th -it sheIs much improved , having been con-filled to her home by illness.

Miss Karol Ann Johnson spentlast week end vis i t ing lier aunt ,and uncle, Mr. and Mrs . WilliamAluller in Melville.

Mr. and Mrs. IMi i l ip Johnsonspent Saturday evenini ; w i t hfriends in Northport.

TAXPAYERS ASSN.The. Commack Taxpayers Assoc-

iation lield their meeting at Com-mack fire hall , Dei-c-mber in . Themembers discussed the talk givenby Douglas Morey and Mr. Me-Guire about conditions in the Com-mack school and Its grpwth. Themembers voted to go further ininvestigating what can be done toalleviate this condition. Nextmeeting will be of interest to alltaxpayers , ".'ill be held Wednesdayevening, February 11 , at the lirehouse.


Mrs. Clarke C. l'aye of JerichoTurnpike was the hostess last weekfor t.h^ first meeting this year ofth'e Woman 's Society of ChristianService at which time the nomina-ting eummittec gave its reportwhich resulted in the followingelection of officers :

President , Mrs. Mae Burr ; vicepresident; M13. Nellie Hubbs^M rs:Miitel Goldsmith ; treasurer , MissCarrie Snuer; spiritual secretary,Mrs, Ida Fletcher; and sunshinec6'mhVil(ee, Mrs. Vera Clancy.

The meeting decided to increasethe membership dues to 25 centsa month. Twenty-five new hym-nals were donated to , the church ,and the treasure r reported a "sub-sHiWlai bafuhe'e - 'In ' the treasury.Ttie'ncxt ih'eetln'g iVill bo held onPobmary 1 at 2 o'clock In the after-noon in the home of Mrs, WilliamHe.borcr on Hun' Itoa'd.

Commack P.T.A.The Commack PTA held their

regular monthly meeting nt ' tlieUoniiniiftk School' on Jjimiary Unt 8 P.M.' Mrs."Peterson the Pres-ident culled tlio . 'meeting to order.Mrs; Birmingham read tlm niliiutosof (lie previous meeting. Mr. Moreyour principal showed a film "Meet-ing the Emotional Needs ol' Chil-dren " iiftor tlio film Mm. J'aullnoVlqiglei' who Is our school psycholo-gist dlHcuasM this subject of U10eiiiiHioiial needs of children anddiscussed hor work, In school, Aftermeeting Mrti. Ji6i«l6r , refreshmentswore Borv e'd. 'WO \i-lsh to thankHn, Zolgler fo'r lier wonderful tallt011 this Hiibjeiit.

nonortbr Mutjoiia Huscli


'1'lie Coniiiinidt Olovkii'a Mf Olrl' 11

Clilti" imld t'h'AIr liiootlnR ' at tli on'eliool on .laniuii 'y B. Oil Prldiiy,JiiWinry 12, liU'SlrlH lii our ciiibA»hi> ' , ttrd"- |«torbatetl'' in" glriH8 aniltextile pointings , will moot nt theHdidol -\vlVoro M I

;H . ' itliftVlcli 6\ii;

hW ^ildo ' iUid nrt tonuher willtouch this project ,

Reporter for 4-HMarjorla Busoh

„ ?<!»-»"

mm SFoSsi if :;SEA SOTf IS If

Application was made tjl ls weekfor a charier for a third' Boy Scouttroop iti Nortliport . to be sponsoredby the .NorihiVort-teiitenioit LIO'IIFclub'. ,.

Activit ies o'i this new tioo> ii willstart the\ first week of February,led by Scoufrfiaster Joe Doiig'li\s,fA'i-in'p'r leader of '11'00'p 11', who liasjust coinpleled one of the Scout-masters training courses offe red bytlie. Suffolk County Council , in f'at-clidfnie.

Any boy 11 years ofd or olrfeiwlio wishes to join tfils new troopsfi'oiild contact Tro'op Coiainitteecliairman William H. Gardiner ir.by calling Noilfj port 625-W ii t oiice,Older boys wlio' li li'vo dropped outOf Scoutifi g are needed to (111 Juniorleaders jobs and help train youngerboys.

Other members of the new Tibo'pcommittee wlio may be i-6'i'ita'ciedaro : I.ions , Albert siillian, ChTii'lesI). Walker . HarOTd PItbliitldO , anill'fcter S. Van ALU.(Existing plans' call f6'r the 6'sfab-

llshment ot a Sea Scout unit affil i-ated with the new tro0')i a's sO'6'Aas enough boy s I I years or overhave signed up for this advancedactivity. Such a Sea Scout unitwould opei-i'te anil maintain its ownmotor boat, and would receive in-struction in sailing, seamanship, na-vigation , small boat ha'millrag,' life-saving and safety, and would serveas a valuable aid to Const (Juardpt 'Mon.'i'el ill local boat ra ces in apatrol and llfcsaving capacity.

This additional activ ity of theNorthport-Centcrpo 'rt Llo'iis cttii)will be carried oh with tlie moneyraised by the annual Lion's barhdance held at CrabnVeadow- , beachp'avillion each year In' la'te A^u^u'st.Other Lions activit ies in Nortrip'ortInclude eyeplasse's and dental ca'refor school age children arid themaintenance of the1 Lending Aid.*service which loans crutches , hos-pital beds , wheelchairs , iind othersickroom equipment to Ihose wlinheed it. .

1 --

Coat of ArmsReproduced

Black & "White or ColorMODERATE RATES

Write P, C, Box 29Huntington, L. E. ;

y^ 1,1 .IM-XO.,..', ii-„.',;i.-...,.i,i'.,...i,;i'.

pi^ijHThe only "But" aboutgWl Insurance is H8 DONALD H. BUTT BH375 New York Avenue M3 Room 201 §M Huntington m.|C?H Hiitt*. 3910 or 5795 B1 . ^KfcV. i

fei]fcrMj LJxSERVICE —' REPAI RS »



302 New York AvenueHuntington 1695

mtmmmrmmMmmmwmmf ^mmmmmlMAmMm ^mmnrimmmm

— ., ¦ y .. 4 ;.", 's,Mj\ i?y < wA 'f i-vl ,[t ioikidmam

, /|»'"i.v f i'v 'A . b'fu il!.,'-" "

Si1Wi Mmh

v briismyB

' '"* g f itj iff iw&y ®'

Wotch your color lample pro*«/io/v from moro ^han 1300shades, It'* ca»y wllh. SeaulyfeythfMNINtflMAlKRv/ay,.','/irttlfiti6'quallly Boauly

\by tm BruiWul palnli go far* «*thor-at HO exlfci coil. W»'llihow you how faiclnotlnQ

' C0L0RIX£Rwork».,„

rOULSEN PAINT CO.Va'mtB . .nod Wafepfct'

HpUNTINfGTQ^ : '/.!/ .,:¦tllijntinBtoirr-'^aif- "" - *•':'*«.iniWMimniaMwiiMiMi»mi«Mii«ni»iialiifniWMiiniM

iniiiWc we'liioihe Mr; an'd Mrs. Ed-

zu'tuta'S&hoVp'fer sln'd oiii year olddi'iighter,' Tufllth Mary, tofmerly ofnicltrfiori'd Hill , to our cflmmunity.Tli6y fiiovod to their lovely newhtoftY. on Cuba Hiir Road Saturday,.Tuft. 13. - Mrs, ScliAepter Is a daugh-ter of Mr. anil Mrs. Stanley Michal-owsKI ql- the anni e address.

Fr-finlt Moni'oig of Cuba Hill ItoadeclpDrated lila. ieth birthday on Sat-urday. Jan.. 13' with a gathering offriends ..and . relatives at his home.All . enjoyed watching televisionand eaWfig it beautif ul , deliciousbirthday cake , ice cream and soda.

GlfiL SCO'tlT TF(6'0P 16Leaders and girls were happy to

nicefl again Wednesday, Jan. Ill andtalk, over their long ,Christinas va-cation. | No doubt all the' folks inthe ubmnimiit 'y h ;ive fiiiislied en-joying (heir lovely Christin a's cardsili'id feci bad about llirov.-ing thema'lVivj" . .Well , the scouts deiided Itwould be nice to collect Christmascards' and ;iiu;e them dis'lrib'iited tocliilAi'-eh sii'ffe i-lrig with cerebralpatsy. It will not 0111 y give Ih'eiiiMpjitnea s to sec the pretty, brtghlcolors, bi'i't liclp.s them to use tlieiind'nds. Ariyone wishing t6 givetlieii- cards pTea'se get Iii' touch wi thittiy o'f the leailerii , Mrs. Kennedy,Mrs. -Boritenino. or Mrs . Sllbersteii'o'r arty- of the Ki l l scouts.

B't foWNIES fROOP 53Tlie firs: niccling a' irii-e the i r

Cliristma's vac-iiion was, held Tues-day, Ja'ft. 'S, when' tlie chililren con-tfatioil tlieir work on the slt-npdiis.Attitii AVeTfit w'd's h'6'st6ss and serv-ed cup cakes and cookies. Thereare so many, . children desiring tobecom'6 Bfawhies tliiU the leadersmu.st h<lve ttiove. assistilnce.. Any-one fe&Iing' i tl'i'iit they could offertheir services, please get In touchwith Mrs. Benjamin Gent i le or MrsAllan Tanov.

RAL^hi O'SGOb'b', GUEST ATP. T. A.

The next ine'etlng will be Thurs..Jan. IS , X I' . M. at which timethere will be , a return visit fromRalph Osgood; Principal of King 'sPM'k High School. There will beIm port ant business to discuss so letus have ft' food attendance.

- —Evelyn Beach.

FAIR KAY-- .- ;.. , .Oil k WAY.


DQU&.EAST, INC.540 New York Ave. Hunt. 3033

: • ' y [. : y - °

\ . : . I: ¦ ...... i..;Vl A ¦ ¦n .y , .




Mf v




'liff fflnF" •• ., * NEW TWIN-ACTION REAR BRAKES (heavy-dut/ modolt) • NEW DUAL-SHOE PARKING

JuW|P" jJahii#*y BRAKE flieavy-duly mot/0/1) • NEW TOttQUE.ACTION BRAKES [llg hl-duly modah) » fOOT- i ,\

T*W ' -'" ta ilM M^^ ' 0P£|iArCD PARKING BRAKE (mdoU wWi 3-ipeisd iVanimloion) • STEERING CptU tf. GEAR- :;

¦ ¦ ' ¦ • * t*P ¦&&ffl SBaH£j& SHIFT (moth/* w/l/i 3-ipaorf tronmluldn) :¦ 4-SPEED SYNCHRO-Misrt T^NSMlSSiON (in .- " '

iM^OT ^WM **^

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CAB VISIBIUT)?>. SIRE ppORS tIELtS OPEN BY pVEft^Wfi'ft^JJTfO 'r '. •.'" '

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Q/Aw tt** . '. SKID STRIP'S . INSULATED PAIM)ELBODIES . EXTft/ TRONO STAl/,B 0boillS,» FUll-W|pTH.',;W . , t >V i » ORAVEl SHIELD • ONE-PIECE FENDERS • cbUNll:RbALANCE& AUfGHTC. AV. ^I 0*5,' '' ,.

9 ' e^SiH ' ' • '" ¦ ¦-

¦ :' .v :- - -'^v. "' - ::-i : '!-"!-• wMw ¦ .-, ,.u< ;.../ . .>: '. .y^- .. '.:- , . ,.- : - .;- ::v/- - . . iyy . yyy

..;.. B You «lro tho win nor whan, you. cl#o|M» AWQricaV , fy - /tfM J) :y.yy

>'&',*; locrdor ... the new 1951 Chovrbfoi truck., Il'f -'/ f f iifl^f*) ^^

^LiL ;liM pPiLi ^ )'' i • onolna»roe(:to.dp mor<»A«'iirk;ihAI(J'd6wri''fla» and,. ' ^^^"/^S^f"^Vl/i :. ': y)S>WfSnf '!jfiS^P

6llo^|J6n«e> r<»qulro lift* i aJntfl|itf}ie>. t> boon ;,.: ' ^r WgSsV'Wfi$$"

/ ^M^^M^^MW/ ftio rioflon'i.fayorito yjanraftor y^«r, an'd.lf now ¦ : ;; ¦. > . ..


„' ~"" ^HH[ ¦•

l vod to-

servo you^ftvon boMor, Soo ,1 080,:;' ;,

, ¦ '¦ . If.ur.its txovi. Como in IbdayV ' ¦' V. . ' . .<>' ' .¦'Atit'ttfHaa!iB^Cniy;.vJ:/ L ':-\l

,! V

¦ ' ¦ liODEllHURSl*EHtwJKOtti. .HW T^ IW IWB-'«B B ,<**BI»«BI'» ; ,^ I III «H«I ..,W ^» w. iwfH w f . . :, MW wi. 'ww , . , .. ¦y>- *t t ' ' ' *yy~yyyyy> 'l<iy0}' p:\tfT « ' . ^i^i-ii Nfiw -YORic AVE/' - • "K-iTiriT.^^ u' :v:U}r . ;¦; :•

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, "liiip ii>-.U!rll}diiy " to Mrs. AlbertKlein ol' New Dairy Lime who willcclcli-iitc her birtlid 'ny this Friday.

"Hii|>py AiniivcrsaryV to Mr . andMrs. \Vtu. l.lnd of Old CommackKoiul, who i-elebiated the happyoi-L'HSion' this week.

Ilev . ami Mrs. Lauren I). Vorkanil family ot the Methodi st Pars-onuse are enjoying a two weeiis va-cation in Florida. During Hev .Yoi li 's absence Itayinond Butler ,l,ny Exhor t or of the KI IIRS ' ParkMethodist '.'lun ch will i-tiuduct theSan day services.

Thee Woman 's Society of theKings Park Methodist Church heldtheir regular monthly businessiheeliiK Inst Wednesday evening Inthe Clmi-cli Audi to r ium. Hostessesfor the even in g were : Mrs.Illiiiiclic Knoebcl ; Mrs. Lenorei.ind , and .Mrs. l-'ranccs LaTorre.

.Mr. and .Mrs. Victnr eiilortainedMrs . J. 'riiiinis of New York Cityill ilieir home th is past week. Mrs.Thorns is Mis . l.aToirc 's mother.

Lawrence Wil l iamson , son of Mr.and Mrs . Win. Will iamson , and Ar-thu r Stache , son of -Mr. and Mrs.Paul Stache have recently enlistedIn the l " . S. Navy and expect toleave for iluly in the near future.

Mrs. Maine Oiift 'y Sides of KingsI'ui-k was installed and appointedas Worthy Matron for 11151 In AdahChapter O'. K. S.. in Northport.Others from Kings Pari ; who wereinstalled as officers in Adah Chap-ter . O. E. S. were : Mrs. ElviraWliHebi oa'ii, as Associate Coiidnc-tress: M rs. Agnes Tliimiso'ii , asAl.-ii -.sli'.- i l : .Mrs. Alraa Ilioiv n , as As-sistant Ma i sha l : Mrs . Hazel Hen-derson , as Warder ; .Mrs. FrancesLa Torre , . as Color nearer ; Mrs.Frances Butler , us Esther ; M rs.Libbie Burns , as Mar tha ; Mrs. Jose-phine Coiirul , as a Trustee ; and.Mis . Enlily Schubert and Mrs .Ill.-iiu-he Knoebel on the FloralStuff. .

^ In l ine P.lvate Edward F. Moore ,so:i of Mr. and Mrs . Frank .Mooreof Thompson Street , Kings Park ,was recently awarded the covetedsilver-crossed rifles of Expert Rifle-men when he fi red 229 out of a¦j o.ssihle 250 points with the UPrand Rifl e sit the Marine Corps Ke-crult i i i g Station at Parris Island ,South Carolina.

ICffejs SPiit


The railroads ' annual bill forcrosstie replacement runs at thestaggering late of $2511 mill ion. Topare this figure down by Increas-ing tie life , the National LumberMaiuilacturers Association and theAssociation of American Railroadslitive teamed up to develop moreefficient methods of using woodfor crosstlos.

¦» *ja> «>For Pancalics

Try this on your , morning pan-cakes . Mix one-half cup of strained,honey with three tablespoons ofsoft butter; cream thoroughly, andthen fold in.one-half cup of whippedcream'. Serves six.

, - i • ' ¦ -.: >J\-



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SATISFIED CUSTOMERS!* ) *?J"?,t> CASHyOU GET «|fSSSS »,,, . , I Monthly <ROAO <SSOQ ftsSl&l What you are — not [ ¦&¦ 9*9V ?a"» B a a .Wm what yoii own—counts \ Is Mos. $20.67 $38.57 §||» h^e. Don't borrow un- • 20 Hos.-> 16.34 . 30.22 , M

m necessarily, but if a ; *%$£ 'Z'. S,'S5 '

f|¥§§!& Innn mill Otvf VOU a •veiylhinjl Loan of olkir omounli fSS,^® loan win give you a „„ ,-„ piopo nion. , (3f| | |i|

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loam mods to leildenls of all ignoundlng towni • Loom olio matt by moll -

its puriiosfes. The Ua'gu'e \vvorKs tosmooth the way to niore effectivecitizen participation in electionsthrough non-partisan information ,voters' ill rectories and the like . Itulso works on a limited number ofissues as a way of demonstrittlngh6w citizens can net. This meansrinding ow£ ai't'il making avallalol'ethe most pert inent 'facts , process-ing the facts through wide dis-cussion into effective opinion , anddirecting that opinion into legis:lative action. In both kinds ofservice the League has earned anhonorable reputation. Its in-servicetraining is an acceleration ol thenormal processes of American citi-zen ship. .(Reprinted-from the M6hthly Newsof the League of Women Votersof New Vork).

" TlliV"iY6x£ Wool'lhK tit tlie NAA'tTwill ho hold ut Uollifll A M KC'liurdi on .litiui.-iiy 22 id «,M.r; p.m,A I'fUiiiil- tnblo (II HOIIHH I OII will boIHI M mi th...> H»ij Joi5tr

: Our ' FoViilunPolicy — UOPH it Met oi'ir nMt\«1The oxocutlvf i fi imnilttuo HtroiiRlyIII 'BA H till iiiiimb'oi-ii 1 tii (irliiK • ' tliilrfi'loiiiU nnd pi irtloi iniio lu thin (In-linto , wliloli It coiiHldom tlm momliiiporliiiit ptnbloni fncliiK t l i oAmorloiui poopl j ' todny, Mnl.' Gun-tuvo Konno will irfitirilW'dliloiiHiiroil,

liJIectlon of officers for ihe oom-his your 'will' fillW plni 'tv ilf UilVmootliiR , Mr«. .IOHHO - Point, Uliulfmini of tlio unnilnii t l i i K i'Oi)iiiih|toowill HII |)III I ( II K I M I O ui' i i f r i i io iK vl'or^lipi'ovnlMinil .ninniborii of tlio ox-rfiill.lvb'

,cq'm'Mlit('<l will 60' noniliiH (<"U"- fHJj a IhV' ftq, . ;- . " '

u , 'i'iii'<ii»i '»":' ¦ ¦' ¦* ¦. 'yh-i ' ¥mib) iii.LAun&ty. y Tlm oqulvfllfln t ot a two and a halft9n.trw«te ,l|i-Jlitmi,.«vi}rj r.yoar whenwomen hong laundry on tho line.'

&AACP' Meeting'ToElect 19S1 ,-Officers

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