Ignition 5 16.09.13


Transcript of Ignition 5 16.09.13


This Week...Mini salutes you, PopUp Opera, Nismo smart watch, caring prisoners, #letseattogether

Mini salutes youMini

PopUp OperaIKEA

Nismo smart watchNissan

Prisoners aidPeruvian Cancer Foundation

#letseattogetherCoca Cola

Mini salutes youMini

Contextual outdoor at it’s best.

Mini are using billboards in London in a different way. This is brilliant, as it’s highly personalized, it rewards Mini drivers and intrigues other car drivers aswell!

Mini saluted their drivers for a whole week, all as part of their mininotnormal campaign, which celebrates all the inventive ways that mini drivers show their passion for their cars.

PopUp OperaIKEA

IKEA decided to launch their new catalogue in a new and surprising way. They remade the “Catalogue Aria” written by Mozart in 1787.

It was then performed by an opera singer in the middle of Stockholm in front of a surprised crowd waiting for the annual Culture Festival to begin.

Nissan has unveiled the first smartwatch concept to communicate with a car, providing drivers with real-time information such as average speed and heart rate.

The Nismo Watch will connect with Nissan’s Nismo vehicle range, enabling drivers to keep track of their speed and fuel consumption to help improve efficiency.Racing drivers will be able to use the watch to access performance statistics while on track. Data from the car and wearer will be transmitted to a smartphone app via bluetooth, where it will be stored.

It is hoped these new features will be able to monitor biometrics including heart rhythm intervals to identify when drivers are becoming tired, brainwaves to track concentration levels and emotions, plus skin temperature to record core body temperature and hydration levels.

Nismo smart watchNissan

Prisoners aidPeruvian Cancer Foundation

Every year the PCF seeks to raise money for children with cancer through a campaign called Ponle Corazon, but for the past three, it has failed to reach its target goals.

So instead of going to the general public, this time it took its drive to a very specific demographic: - occupants of the country's most dangerous prison, Castro Castro Penitentiary.

Where many would assume generosity and compassion would be at an all time low, the organization discovered just the opposite, with the prisoners freely giving of their money, as well as their own personalized gifts to the suffering children.

The effort ended up generating a massive amount of publicity driving further donations from Peruvians outside the prison and helping the Peruvian Cancer Society to finally reach its target.

Coca Cola have come up with an innovative way to combine traditional & social media.

People’s increasingly busy lives prevent them from spending quality time together and eating as a family. In Romania, 60% of Romanians do not eat meals together, so Coca Cola wanted to help them rediscover the happiness of sharing a meal. They ran a typical ad showing family and friends coming together with the help of Coca-Cola. However, unlike any other spot ever created, this one integrated live tweets on national television.

At the bottom of the ad, there was a text bar that hosted tweets from fans featuring the hashtag #LetsEatTogether. The tweets were edited live as they flowed in and Coca Cola chose up to seven tweets to show each time the ad was played. Most of the tweets were addressed to specific people, with friends inviting friends to have a meal together and enjoy each other’s company.

#letseattogetherCoca Cola