^>igir>u presiding. teacherspresent.€¦ · wasWednesday.a welcome visitor in Columbia...

Satohlay, December 13, 1941 "qersonal I MENTION Mrs. Dora Miller of 2225 Ger_ vuis street, Columbia, S. C., is sick and her daughter, Mrs. Laura Gilmt/re, and her grand son from New York City, are visiting her. 1 .( Mrs. Julia Hreeland, who heads the beauty college in Orangeburg, was a welcome visitor in Columbia ( Wednesday. She- is.very-optimistic I concerrtllg her school and said during her remarks that never in the history of her beauty career hac she been s</ pleased with the work. Bet., Beta Chi uter of Delta ^>igir>u Theta Sorority is entertaining the needy children at a Christmas * uarv at the Community Center on Sunday afternoon, December 11. j Admission will be by invitations which will be given out through ,,VV117 W41>- viuiui en of the firs^. second, i nd thiVd grades. marriage announcement "Mrrand"" Mrnr Solomon R. Chirp- annource the marriage of their daughter Margaret Beatrice, to Mr. James Ulysses Williams of Co. lumbia, Missouri rnd Washington, D. C., September .1. 11141. at Wrsh. ington, D. C. 5P THE CULTURE CLUB J Mrs. D. K. Jenkins. popular gu_ penvisor of Richland county, was hostess at the last meeting. Mrs. Jenkins is rs efficient a home. maker a* she is in In r ntlwr j±c tivities. . Mrs M, I.. Slaughter entertained _ the club with "echoes" from the Washington meeting Mrs. E. Sightler of the North Columbia high' scTvv/T gave an in. tGTCBting: resume aTd criticism ofNegro authors. Mrs. Br.umg.irdner reviewed "Black No More" in her usual pleasing manner. All members were asked t >.suh scribe to McCall's Macazin ».the club will bo the recipent of half th° porceeds. Momev for Christmas pif:s for the Wilkinson Home will col lected at the^Pext nitutinr which will be at the home of Mr«u-Fo_ bir.n Paul. 140G Heidt St.. Decern ... her 12. The children from the Home will furnish _Lhe. prog-am. Due to the holiday season, the club meets two successive weeks, December 16th at the hom« of Mrs Raiford. 1416 Heidt St. Mrs. R. C. McQuilkin will be the euest speak »er. "Out* Spiritual Defense.The tPble." "Defense is not onlv olanes and puns. It is the bnildiop of health, the social and spiritual well bei^er.the sum total o' wi ich is tn live most and serve best." Y,W_ C. Ji U. S. O. Variety Club h. Id itT" weekly meeting in the social room on tni Allen Benedict Court on Monday nieht. We were sorry our president, Mis, Murray, was unable to be with us. We are always delighted to have our rdvdsors. Mrs. Ermunds ur.d Miss Law, with us. All the ladies seem to be very interested in knitting and dramatic works. Some erf the young ladies are planning on attending the sol. dlers* darce Saturday night at the Fort. We have pledged to give our support in making the underprivileged children happy fit old Howard Recreation Center on the third Sunday rfternoon in^ this month. (So good bye until next Monday evening when we*will meet you in our new home, 1228 Harden street. Miss Annie Mae Firms, reporter THE HIGH HATTERS SAVING ^ AND SOCIAL CLUB The club held its weekly meeting ft the home of Mr. and Mrs Willie Battle, 2424 Green St., Monday night, December 8. . The president called the house to ""order at the regular time. The chaplain. Mr. Samuel, conducted the devotional and carried -it ovt in ita usurl way. The minutes of the last meeting were read receiv ed and adopted. The roll was called and each member responded.- The president took charge of the meet* ing and went into the business ses s'on. Old and new business was d'scussed.. Our new business is a s'lver tea to be given in our honor Snrdav, December 14 at 4:30 W o'clock at the h<Sme hf IVD". Rfid Mrs Young, 2310 Gervais. We are inviting the various clubs and friends to come out and be with p* «t the last affair for the year 1941. Wo wish to sav to you who would like to become a member of the Pfieh Hatters club for the year 1942. the opportunity is now yours. On** honk* are ncrw ooen so end in your application row. We a»-e still rolling and will bc-glad to kflve you pome In with us. You may contact uir In person or bv writing. We want to thank the variour clubs and mlr friends who have worse* so laitnraiiy with us this year. We *re hoping that God will bHng us together next year and mrke us more hannv. We are now wisMn<? v>o n M*»n*v ChHstmas and a Happv New Year, and the best of health. We also want to thank the** who hrve been printing and sending out newH for fm this past season. We adtoumed to meet Monday Yoonf, following the silver tea. iirW .* r-:-t V - 1- -USUI (nil - ' ~ nitTDEELECT FETED BY COLUMBIA HOSTESSES On Saturduy afternoon, Decern, ber 6, the home of Miss Blanche Jackson wrs the picturesque set tine of a very lorvely miscellaneous shower given by Miss Earline Goff and Miss Jackson in honor nf Miaa Harriett E. Sawyer, bride.eVect of Columbia, The Yulotide motif kvaQ well expressed in decorations, tallies and frvors. Each guest was met by Miss Beatrice Harvey and presented with a Christmas corsage and ask. ^d tn autograph . very cleverly de. I signed rolling pin. Several pro. gressions of bridge were enjoyed luring which time white cargo and | hors d* oeuvres were served. Following the progressions, Mrs. An. nie Mae Dixon was award 'fj ton 3core prize; Miss Harriett"Sawyur. second prize. and Mrs. Pear) M^nce, low score prize. The tcfU rnd low score prize winners in re turn presented their prizca to the bride elect. Each guest was al. lowed to pluck a nut from the "nui fortune. Following this feature Miss Sawyer wa.s presented with a huge box, wrapped and tied ' wn!> f Christnus wrappings, filled wi.n the most unique and useful gifts presented by each guest. A ,delicious turkey dinner was served consisting: of roast turkey with ^oyster dressing ami berry jellv, sweet potato cups, tr'ecn peas, sh 11 noodles with gib let gravy, cabbage and carrot a a lad and cheese rolls. I The following guests enioyed the afternoon with the bride elect: Musses Beatrice Harvey, Ewelyn Gray,. ftehorrV Johnson. Res" Glas L coe. Melbe Lawrence. Catherine Mack, Harriett Comwell. Osceola Allen Marv Rav Saxon, Thoma. cina Thomas. Mildred Ckerrelt. Joyce Tatum, Melrpse White. F^ls Mason, Mamie Gordon, Ann'ce Cofield ^ Rcein.. Thomas, home PCO" poo Oreershoro. N. C.. Mesdanifs'i WMh'lmira Madden. Doroth'- Sim. Rlak*e Bail'**- , Ma.ri'an j. Thompson. Annie Mae Dixon, Pearl Mnnce.- Bessie CprreTT. Vi. J vian Montmth. Everett., Ruther. fo'd and Ethel Keith of Darling <5 r TV,. linPTP n A tor.' S. C. Th-> hoste-s<=cs wpro assisted <n entertaining bv Mrs. Matt'e Jack. J son Brown nnd Mrs. Rosa L. Hart PI,AY AT ALLEN FRIDAY NIGHT The Dramatic club of Alio- Uni entitled "Christmas F.ve." Th« plav will be given Friday, December 12, beginning at 8 p. m. in the college auditorium. Mrs. Ella Morris and Miss Horry, sponsorc of the play, sav it is to be one of the finest entertain morts of the week end and o cor <l>ol iavitation is extended to the public. T|jr COIJ MBLV HOSPITAL j "AT I' MN A E A S SOCTANTK)N .The alumnae held its regular meeting. Tuesday, December 2, in the auditorium of the i.urses' home. The meeting wa* called to order by the President, Nurse Berniee Spry. Scripture reading, 'th Psalm by the president; the Lord's Prayer was repeated after which we all sang Silent Night !ed by Nurse Blanche Lipsey. Minutes of last meeting were read* received and adopted. Nurse Evelyn Cook brought to the meeting a very interesting reading about the drug Sulfodiozine, one of the many drugs used to help cure infections. The unfinished and new business was discussed. The i roll was called and each member ' responded with dues. We then adjourned to meet again January J fi, 19-12. We wish to thank each and ev. orvone that helped to make the dance, given in our auditorium December 5th for the benefit of our library a great success Blanche Lipsey, Sec't-Rcporter. . . SAXON SCHOOL Some of us were much surprised a phonograph record that he had made since leaving us. His short talk on the record was-principally to the Boy Scouts. . Last week marked the end of our second six weeks of the school term. Though we pre fast approach inrr the Christmas holidays we are trying not to let tne nonaay spirit rrterfere with our classroom work. Ttatner n Tias introduced sunject matter and activities which prove very interesting. Thi3 week each class will concentrate on making their alloted number of Christmas greeting card0 for the soldiers. Many of the classrooms have already been decorated for Christmas.particularly the primary grades' rooms. Next week we will enjoy our. selves at. the Christmas party whidrwill be given at the school. THE EAST END CLUB UNION The East End Club Union held its reHuar meeting December 4. at the Chauffeurs Club house. The meetine was railed to order by the chaplain. It was then turned over to the president. Business wa^ discussed very briefly. We have nlanned to hrve n Charity Bail December 21 'at the Chauffeurs' Club house. Come out and have ari evening <>f fun with ua. Th? next meeting will be held January Zr 1942. Maggie Johnson, reporter1 C.IRL SCOUT TROOP 14 The meeting of Girl Scout Troop 14 on December 8, 1941 was open- N ed by the singing of one verse of f "Go«i Bless America" after which r the Girl Scout Promise and Scout ( Laws were repeated. A.discuss-- t ion on how_&_girl can help in Nat- ^ ional Defense was led by Dorothy * Minis. The Intermediate Patrol is to practice First Aid on the 1 members of the Junior Patrol at c the^next meeting. A visitor, Mrs. Edmunds, a U. , S. O. worker who brought us some yarn and needlea to knit ( sweaters for the Red Cross. There r were twelve members present. The meeting was clos«l with the sing- ^ ing of Taps. The next meeting < will be at the home of their lead- 1 er. ' Reporter, Lillian Brown. THE BLUE STAR SOCIAL CLUB ' \ The Blue Star Social Club.held ] its regular meeting on Monday 1 night, December 8 at tne lit me'of { Mrs. Justine Smith, 2483 Senrte 1 St. The Tiouse was called to order ' by the president. The first selec ' tion. "I Shall Not Be Moved," was offered by Mr. White. The minutes ' of the last meeting were omitteu and the rail was called. Each mem ber responded with a Bible verse nnd fee. - . ' The unfinished and new bus. ' iness was discussed by the presi. j dent ancT members. Our chitterlin? supper was a success. The un_ 1 finished business was nearly com. 1 ptetertr The closing' song, "Telt Wr Meet," was led,, by Mr. Jordan. Benediction by "Miss Allison. Th< of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Brooks, c DEBORAH SOCIAL CLUB The club held its last meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.'Ou"^ ten Monday night. December 8th. , The president called the meeting to order at the usual hour. Seng. "Just I am." The Lord's Prayer wat led bv the vice president. The ^ scriptvre was read bv Mrs. .Sum. ter. The minutes of the lrst meet ing were read, received'and adopt, j ed. The roll was called by the sec ( retary, Mr. Pettierew. Each mem. t ber responded with a Bible verse * and dues. , The house wo- opened for bus. mews. Unfinished and new business * was discussed. Our next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. 1 Gordon Mondcy night, December r 1 Bth. The club's closing semg was ' "God be with you." j AURORA SOCIAL CLUB NEWS < Seneca, S. C..Miss Dorethn 1 Mayes waB hostess to the Aurorr ( ^nnin4 .WQf^nQaHair ovonin^. I November 3, at the home of Mr. t and Mrs. W. D. Addison. i The meeting was called to order by the president, Mr. W. H. ( Gaines, Jr. Minutes of the last } meeting were read. The business ( part oT the meeting envolved the , plans of giving a pre.Christmas t dance which iq an annual affair of the club. The proeram committee present, ed a subject for discussion: "Should the United State* send eid to the Alien Countries?" Mr. W { H. Gaines opened the discussion J followed by some very stocrd j thO\jghts~from Miss Fleta L. Wil. v liams, Messrs. Miller Rush and Allen Code. Both sides w°ro 1 considered in the discussion. The ' conclusion was that the United i States should send aid to the alien 1 countries. Following this discus sion the hostes,. served a delicious 1 renast. Various games of amuse, ments were eneaged in. Mr. A L 1 Code thanked the hoste*- for hav. ln~ spent such a splendid evening. f , LAURENS NEWS < Mrs, John V. Bullocks was hos 1 'ess to the Ushers' Club of Spring. ' field Baptist church Tuesday night. After the meeting a birthday dinner was served in honor of her ! husband, Mr. John V. Bullocks. .many useful gifts J Everyone reported a pleasant eve. ning. 5 Those present were: Rev. snd Mrs. W. L. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Troy Calhoun, Mr. snd Mrs. Albert 1 Garlington, Mr. and Mrs. Epp 1 Hellams, Mrs. Janie P. Conw«f, Mrs. Lessie Holiday, Mrs. Sarah Shell, Mrs. Willie M. {Jarrett, Mrs. Marin Nedcy..-Miaa Pauline Boy^ end Mr. Robert Johnson. * LAKE CITY 8EAL 8ALE MAKES FINE PRlOGLESS Tho Soul SaIp of Ijike Citv has already gone beyond the half- way mark. The goal set by the Lake City school and a Patron committee working with t h e \ school is fifty dollars. Of thia 1 sum twenty-six dollars and three cants have already been reported | to Prof. L. B. Bradley, chairman < of the group. The chairman ftated that he expects the reports to ex- ( ceed the goal before the sale is over. I The highest amount thus far reported by any one person was ** 00. reported by Mrs. Annie Shields ^ of the Patron groug. Other Individual reports will be i mentioned later. Since the school closes on the 19th or the holidays the geal Sale will practically _end_ next week. Another check up will be m»de on next Tuesday. 1 THE PALMETTO L& CHESTER FARATTRATHS Mr. and Mrs. Chaxlie Stewart vill celebrate their fiftieth wedling anniversary We<inesday nite it their home on Ce»ter street, rhey are the parents of twelve :hildren, six girls and six boys, >11 of whom live in New- York Dity except one daughter, who lied a few years ago. All have ome for this joyous occasion. Mr. r.d Mrs. Stewart are some of the rest citizens here,. He is a dea- 1 :on of Mt. Olive Baptist church, md is the much loved janitor of he Chester high school (white), j Many are planning to attend. Mrs. C. M. Finley, Mrs. Fannie Jriffln and Mrs. Minnie Wright notored to Darlington Monday af t ernoon and attended the pre- >pening program of the Masonic jrand Lodge, . presided over by ' -and Master J. S. Stanback. Mrs v finley spoke in behalf of the Eas 1 crn Stars. A portion of the af. ( ernoon was spent at Society Hill vhere Mrs. Finley first lived when 'he came to South Carolina many * /ears ago. They spent the time vith Mrs. Ellen Brock. In Darl- ngton they were.guests o Mrs H. K. Howard. Many friends and rormer pupils greeted Mrs. Finey, she having taught there years >go. They stopped at the Lan- msicr nign school to say hello to Vfrs. Griffin's daughter. Miss Ma. finrtsvillc. they drove on the cnm is of the schooL The entire trip. -as very pleasant. Pastor M. T. Coker preached wo very forceful sermons Sun. lay. It was an impressive occa don when the officers stooil a. ound the table and with the tray fused high so that all could see. turned the niortgage of the J hurch. the Calvary Bapt. church. Many Masons are in Darlington his week at the Grand Lodge. .Prof. A. D. Hardin was-eleeted Vc'v Trees, of the S. C. Athletic isgnclatinn In Camd^D^Satard&y. Mrs. Anna Dve, Columbia St. ind Mrs. Beulah Hinton. Jeter \ ?t.. continue very 111. .Declaration of w; r.Monday gave very one here great concern, ind put a dampness* on the usual jreparalion for the Christmas :enson. n And Gut of Gethsemane The Missionary Society N& L J ield its regular meeting Sunday evening 3:00 p.m. at the home of lister Marie Clems. The group net by special request of Mrs. Blems who has been an invalid for ibout five years. After the reg. { ilar business was finished the neeting was turned into a testinonial one. Each sister expressed herself through songs and pray irs and religious testimonies. 1 Bister Amanda Davie stirred the \ .iH » iuup muming wnn a iorce- ^ 'ul discourse on the subject Keep i'our Feet In The Path. Sistei 21ems was very grateful to the redely for accepting the invita. ion to meet-at her home since it c s impossible for her to meet them » it the church anymore. The sotiety donated sister Clems $1.00 |" different sisterR. The President. I Mrs. F. L. Brown expressed the t lentiment o the group to the ho? .ess for such a wonderful meet- 8 ng. I Miss Sara Young was unable to ( 'ttend the meeting on account of t ittending services in the commun ^ tv where she is now teaching. ?he was accompanied by her co. 8 vorker Mrs. Inez Ra+nov G+adderr -1 Mr. John W. McCullough shall tttve reiurnon nome irom a two weeks' visit with hi<» sister and hroe brothers of Baltimore. Md.. the time this goes to press. boubt/e branch A. M. E. CHURCH r Rev. R. C. Cunningham. Pastor Sunday was a beautiful day in md around West Columbia. Ser- " dees throughout the day was well attended. Sunday school opened it the usual hour. The lesson war i beautifully discussed on all class. >s. The pastor pave us some fine remarks relative to the lesson. The pastor preached two inspiring sermons, morning and wening to a large and apprecia;ive.audience ojLmernber3 and viating friends. Sunday being the first Sunday n the month, the Lord's Supper [ .vas partaken of. All visitors were introduced to the congregate tion and we are askine them to 'ome and worship with us any ime. The A. C. E. League met at 6 p.m. Miss Dorothy Dervin prescient, in charge.' An enioyabte " n^ogram was rendered with the i the participation of all present \ The funer^ service of Mrs. < r.ucretia Wannamaked Earle was eonducted by her Pastor, Rev. Hunninehnm assisted by the Rev F5. L. Glass and Rev. J. W. Dreh- 1 er, Srnday at 3 o'clock from Mt i Pisf*ah of which she was a faith, ful member. The deceased was i born April 15, 1541; died Decern- t her 4, 1941. She is survived bv five children, thirty-four v jyrand 1 ihlldren and forty eitfht fcreat ; ?rand children, as well as a host if sorrowing relatives and friends. 1 The OfRcial Board meeting was 1 held at the church Monday even. !nar 7 o'olock. All reports were favorable. 1 Miss Bertie Morpran a senior i it Lakevlew hieh school and who »lao last year attended Nannie H. 1 RurrouvVs school in Washington, < D. C.. is now working out her ap- i prentlc$jjhip Beauty. parlor. I Cora Coleman, reporter. « kDER WE8T ABBEVILLE NEWS Grace Chapel A. M. E. Church Rev. W. B. Williams. Pastor Grace Chapel is sturtitt^r with the new conference vmr, with ?ourape.and determlnatl'iii. Sun. lay, our pastor, whom we are iflad to have back, delivered a vonderful sermon at 12:00 noon. Plans uie being made already at J race for a successful year. We rav God to help a id guide us as leretofore. At 4 p.m. the funeral services jf Mr. "Doc" Williams were held, .he Rev. D. W. Jones, officiating. Vlr. Williams have for many years ived in Atlanta, Ga. He" is survived by his wife, u mother Mrs. Nettie Adams of this city;"a host if lelatives and friends._ Mr. John Searls has returned :o Fort Bragg, N. C., after spendhhP friends very happily. Prof, and Mis. Henry A. Ashe md son Bob spent a few hours ^rrwlay with f rieiuls. Prof, and lis. Kshe fire working in Ware bonis S C. Evening Rv AzaTec T. Johnson ike a beautiful prayer, roday has been ike a beautiful piayei Today must end, Vnd it's ending now with solom. ne$s. Tonight/'will come pure ami coop Vnd today will feeP refreshed ike nn< feels, when prayer .is ' done, >Vith a solemn. Holv hush. Vnd tonight will come with Holi. ness. i )h speak Holy Father unto my soul, \nd euitO thi« l'(i«llnccnnau ro a sea of quiet, calm emotions -Vherc I can sail with forgetfulness, fhen my soul will be filled with peaeefulness ^r^ve"litrvef^Tlnnh back nor loolT behind, -«et my life be as beautiful as to. , day Then will 1 be supremely happy, n a meek, humble, and Holy way, Then dear Lord from you, I'll never strays As I write.-ihese few ~4ine9 %© >ur dear Palmetto Leader, the 'resident of the United State's, ias just declared a state of war s already existing between the Jnited States and Japan. Let us he Negro women, who can not ictually fight with material wva)ons, put on the whole armor of Jod, thut we may be able to stand igainst the wilus-ipf trhe devil. Avove all, take the shield of faith, tnd the sword of the spirit, which s thv- word. of. God Azalee J. Johnson, reporter. T ^TKPHKN A M. E. CHURCH Rev. I.. D. Gamble. Pastor Georgetown, S. C..The «bov<lanierf church ir moving forward iy lenpd and hcrunds. Sunday was & high day both piritually and financially. The ew set.up is working like a clock, verv man in his place and doing lis bit to hold up the pastor's and. . Georgetown citizen,, went over ve top in the Red Cross roll call The faculty of Howard school houkl he commended for the loyal y and hard work in this sacred ausc. Also the various churches n 1 loyal member should be con noun! raised. Over $300.00 wee "aised. Now, we will turn </ur at. ention to a greater St. Stephen hurch, with-the cooperation of all. Henry Smith, reporter MT. OLIVE A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. H. C. Andrews, Pastor Myrtle ueach, h. f..Stllldny school opened at the usual hour vith the Supt. Rev. J. Q. Living. ?ton and teachers at their post. 6:30 The A. C. E. League opened with the President, Mrs. Mary Abraham, presiding. The lesson ivas thorouehlv discussed by the nembera and friends. At 8 o'clock the pastor preached i wonderful sermon, the spirit ruly ran high. Prof. Charles Brown of Georeetown was on the beach Sunday 'isPing frienda. Mrs. Eartha Mack Thomas i s irisiting her mother, Mrs. Willie VTnck in Greenville. Mrs. J. B. Owens spent the day 3nt«rdav on the beach with tier husband, Mr. J. B. Owens after ipending three weeks at the bed >de of her mother. She reported her mother was a little Improved. Her many friends wish her s speedy recotery. Mlsg Ethel B. Carter Ami Mr*. FVancig Robinaon spent the week nd In Conway. NOTICE! The Richland County Teachers association will meet Saturday, (December 13, 1941 at 12 o'clock in the Booker Washington high school auditorium. Dr. James H. Hope, State Sup rintendent of Education, will address the teachers. All members are urged to be present to hear Dr. Hope. Ruv,-W--G, Owens. President V. E. Russell. Cor. Sec'ty M11I.KR ( HAf'P.I. . \. M. E. CHt'RCH Rev. B. F. Sumpter. Pastor Newberry, S. C.-^Sunday was a high day at Miller's in spite of the cool winds. Sunday school was opened at the usual hour with the Supt., Prof. E. F. Floyd, presiding. and his staff of teacherspresent. The attendance was good. There seems to be a friend 'y rival nmornrthe classes which makes the Sunday school very ^tvely. Class Nor. 1, 4, G and 8 - irupnes so hard hard to pet the Ntnncr every Sunday but Clas<-No. 2 taught by Miss L. 11. Bureh with their easy and friendly plan ' vines the bacon home every Sun. lay. This class' hardly conn-* un . -Jer j,l.f.K.l.This is.a pinna-of girls what's wronp with our young hoy* ? Bovs wake up dm.'r i nu now Santa is coming? The Primary classes fi and 7 stands ready and waitinp for Old Santa t o come. . Moiniiv s. rvic. 11 fin Our pastor delivered to us a won. 'erful message, which held the whole congregation spell.boil'"* This being- _the first Sunday the T/f>rd's Surper was pertaKen. The -nivit ran high throughout the lay. Last Friday night the Sunday chool hnard.mot, The- nw-etmtr as a success. Many plans were hroupht-out to help the betterher« meeting every Fridav nite. Don't forgot the contest for th^ hospital Friday nipht. Please help Mrs. Sumpter to win hv nut;ne what you can in the envelope. Thanks DIE WEST NEWS Regular routine of services marked the activities in the ^hurches of Due West on last Sun fay. Thfwministers delivered fine sermons and-Jiie. hearers were much benefited at each place of vorship. The usual Sunday school and Young People's service^ wer<" ;ng. Revs. Glover, McAdams and Daniels are doing fine work in "aring for the religious life of the community. They are setting ex. - mplep of the finest type of Chris| 'inn lenders,.and.the.people do i-cerely appreciate it. 'M"f£fTVTae'gle" Urief Tx-e of Wash :ngton, D. C., spent last week end 'n One West with relatives. Messrs O. L. Smith and E. T Holmes. Mesdames Julia P. Mor. agne and Eunice B. Hawthorne mended the conference held or nitrition in the Abbeville County Court House on last Satu>dav viic vuuui) rieaur Department. Dr. the "ounty health officer was the noaker. and crave rich instruction nn the subject of nutrition, par. 'icularly for the school child, and 'or all in general. Miss William* of Greenwood. ? JC.» was among the worshippers a* Mt. Lebanon on last Sundry. Miss Rebecca Glover, who bac been mnkinc her home in Ashe, ille. N. C.. is now making her home here with her brother th' R'-v. Benjamin J. Glover. , She i* »akine an active part in the ~hurch work and was elected ^resident of the Allen C E League on last Sunday. nPTjjn i e M-iuiii, ,»i. r_ *.iii RI n - Rev. B. J. Hutchinson, Pastor St. George.The Sunday school was called to order by the Supt., .Mr. Joseph Jones. The lesson was reviewed by Rev. Simpson. At 11:30 the morning service began which was a high day iri Zion. Everybody present enjoy, .id the sermon. Night services vere equally as good. In the afternoon the Wilkinson nigh school of Orangeburg rendered a very interesting and time !y program. Severah- selections were sung by the glee club o f which Miss Madge Perry is the . direataa. ftny Garden o»as lsked by Miss Mattie Mae Smilley to introduce the speaker of the hour, Prof. J. C. Parlor, principal of "the Wilkinson high school Orangeburg. Prof. Parlor cited three great institutions The Home School and Church. An instrumental solo was played by a mom her of the group. This program vi* n a civon in intornot r»f fKo grade of which Miaa-M-attie Mae ?milley is the teacher. A neat sum of $12.21 was raised. The roup was accompanied by Messrs John Rowc, Thompson, Stewart, Mrs. Cook and Miss Madge Perry all of Orangeburg. The Dorc'i\ester County Teachers association met Saturday in the St, George high school auditorium. Mr. Bleeze Spell will leave on Tuesday to go to the camp. Sunday evening at 4 oTcTock the first school rally will be held and every teacher is .4° THT and her T>Tt~to" put the program ovar. Page Seres Gi'and Terrace Scene of Earl Hines Triumph -t j'-: ^.' '. T^, _ .th EftH IIii.es' Oi chojtrn : W hat the fatuous Cotton-Club always was to llailein and New Weak. i h»- f ~ *- » v .j uw \> c*a ku Ji.icnyo and tin- mid-west. And .\hiicas Duke Ellington and Cab ..'alloway an- ide:.tilled with the «i iner spot. Earl "Father" Hinet vho brings his orchestra to the lowi.ship auditoncni oii Friday night. December 1H. is the name .hat flashes to toe mind of anyone wlih over visited the Grand IVriiu'c. H>- was featured thoro ~®t least oi.eea y ey 1 for twelve years. Bom in Duquesno, I'ennsylvaniu on December 28. 1 . . . his .ather,.Joseph Hint*?, formerly ~ftlny#*<j tn'PT'"t in '-urioiiH lodge oands aid his mother, Mary llines, formerly was organist in "-church . .. ,. sister, Nancy*, is a pianist and conducts a small dantfe and i "and" around Pittsburgh . not musically inclinedEarl's music lessons began at the ape of _ five, and he he pan to improvise aily beeu so his boyis"h urge to neglect his practice* and join his pals in cam.es found1".him often unprepared when his teacher ar. r*vt' during h|s school Hayn ; he played in church ami at concert.-. frequently accompanied by his mother after hiirh. q/>K/-w%1 he joined Lois Deppe, later fanoPs fia the siii^ii;-g[Mr of "Great lay lb bm aL tha; time a sax play ?r-\-onducting his own dance band :n Pittshurg'n .... in 1923. Hinea vent to Chicago, played piano in >»nAlL.cLiibit_iuitii-ongayed hy Carroll Dickerson for the band in the ">ld Sunset cafe at 35th and Caluau-t.- where Cab Caloway later was to* make his professional debut .... Louis Armstrong was t memrw.r Pi.Hit uliuUlliil SUfTset orchestra, ami his trumpet pla>>_-inp- was theTnsp.Tration" for the rvle of piano technique which Earl developed du'rin? this pe-iod ,. '. . in 1927 the Sunset losod and Hines joined Jimmy Noone*s~ band for a year, went to \ew York to make QRS records T.d piano rolls, formed his own kand and opened at the new Grand Terrace in Chicago .... became Tactically a fxtcre'and a periodic headliner there, leaving: only 'on? enough t > play dance tours md to appear in theatres from to coast. yO^CyOOOOO^C-C-OOC'OCeOOOJO^RW VOL' ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE OPENING OF The Magnolia Garden SATURDAY. DEC. 13TH 2124 Gervais Street Mrs. ANNIE BROWN, Prop. 0 CfC9C0C>*O^OO^"0OO^OOOCfOO*OX>OC8> STOP AT Fred Greene's Place Where Ihe^FoOd !fi Best Slid PrlCM- Less. Always Glad to Serve You Home Cooked Meals, Sandwiches, Drinks of All Kinds. Gasoline andL, Oil. Day and All Night Service Excellent Curb Service Ered Greene, Prop. Corner Main and Beach Streeta Andrews. S. C. Poro Beauty School Located at 2481 Millwood Ave. BEAUTY CULTURE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES hampooing, Pressing, Marcelling Croquinolhng, Finger Waving, Hair Dyeing, Bleaching, Manicuring, Massaging, Hand Molding. Anatomy and Electricity. PHONE 5«87 \nnie M. Pone I. 11 alone. Prac. Wiihclmina C . I'ope, Instructor Mrs. Lula Goodwin's PLACE 922 Harden Street HomeCooked Food ] 7* PTione 3484 L ^

Transcript of ^>igir>u presiding. teacherspresent.€¦ · wasWednesday.a welcome visitor in Columbia...

Page 1: ^>igir>u presiding. teacherspresent.€¦ · wasWednesday.a welcome visitor in Columbia (She-is.very-optimistic I concerrtllg her school and said during her remarks that never

Satohlay, December 13, 1941

"qersonalI MENTIONMrs. Dora Miller of 2225 Ger_

vuis street, Columbia, S. C., is sickand her daughter, Mrs. LauraGilmt/re, and her grand son fromNew York City, are visiting her. 1

.(Mrs. Julia Hreeland, who heads

the beauty college in Orangeburg,was a welcome visitor in Columbia (Wednesday. She- is.very-optimistic Iconcerrtllg her school and saidduring her remarks that never inthe history of her beauty careerhac she been s</ pleased with thework.

Bet., Beta Chi uter of Delta ^>igir>uTheta Sorority is entertainingthe needy children at a Christmas

* uarv at the Community Center on

Sunday afternoon, December 11. jAdmission will be by invitationswhich will be given out through

,,VV117 W41>- viuiui en

of the firs^. second, i nd thiVdgrades.

marriage announcement

"Mrrand"" Mrnr Solomon R. Chirp-annourcethe marriage of their

daughter Margaret Beatrice, toMr. James Ulysses Williams of Co.lumbia, Missouri rnd Washington,D. C., September .1. 11141. at Wrsh.ington, D. C.


Mrs. D. K. Jenkins. popular gu_penvisor of Richland county, washostess at the last meeting. Mrs.Jenkins is rs efficient a home.maker a* she is in In r ntlwr j±ctivities.

. Mrs M, I.. Slaughter entertained _

the club with "echoes" from theWashington meeting

Mrs. E. Sightler of the NorthColumbia high' scTvv/T gave an in.tGTCBting: resume aTd criticism ofNegroauthors. Mrs. Br.umg.irdnerreviewed "Black No More" in herusual pleasing manner.

All members were asked t >.suhscribe to McCall's Macazin ».theclub will bo the recipent of halfth° porceeds.Momev for Christmas pif:s for

the Wilkinson Home will b» collected at the^Pext nitutinr whichwill be at the home of Mr«u-Fo_bir.n Paul. 140G Heidt St.. Decern ...

her 12. The children from theHome will furnish _Lhe. prog-am.

Dueto the holiday season, theclub meets two successive weeks,December 16th at the hom« of MrsRaiford. 1416 Heidt St. Mrs. R. C.McQuilkin will be the euest speak

»er. "Out* Spiritual Defense.ThetPble." "Defense is not onlv olanesand puns. It is the bnildiop ofhealth, the social and spiritual wellbei^er.the sum total o' wi ich istn live most and serve best."

Y,W_ C. Ji

U. S. O. Variety Club h. Id itT"weekly meeting in the social room

on tni Allen Benedict Court on

Monday nieht. We were sorry our

president, Mis, Murray, was unableto be with us. We are alwaysdelighted to have our rdvdsors.Mrs. Ermunds ur.d Miss Law, withus.

All the ladies seem to be veryinterested in knitting and dramaticworks. Some erf the young ladiesare planning on attending the sol.dlers* darce Saturday night at theFort. We have pledged to give our

support in making the underprivilegedchildren happy fit oldHoward Recreation Center on thethird Sunday rfternoon in^ thismonth. (So good bye until nextMonday evening when we*will meetyou in our new home, 1228 Hardenstreet.Miss Annie Mae Firms, reporter


The club held its weekly meetingft the home of Mr. and MrsWillie Battle, 2424 Green St.,Monday night, December 8.. The president called the house to

""order at the regular time. Thechaplain. Mr. Samuel, conductedthe devotional and carried -it ovtin ita usurl way. The minutes ofthe last meeting were read received and adopted. The roll was calledand each member responded.- Thepresident took charge of the meet*ing and went into the business sess'on. Old and new business wasd'scussed.. Our new business is as'lver tea to be given in our honorSnrdav, December 14 at 4:30

W o'clock at the h<Sme hf IVD". RfidMrs Young, 2310 Gervais. We areinviting the various clubs andfriends to come out and be withp* «t the last affair for the year1941.Wo wish to sav to you who

would like to become a memberof the Pfieh Hatters club for theyear 1942. the opportunity is now

yours. On** honk* are ncrw ooen so

end in your application row. Wea»-e still rolling and will bc-glad tokflve you pome In with us. You maycontact uirIn person or bv writing.We want to thank the variour

clubs and mlr friends who haveworse* so laitnraiiy with us thisyear. We *re hoping that God willbHng us together next year andmrke us more hannv.We are now wisMn<? v>o n M*»n*v

ChHstmas and a Happv New Year,and the best of health. We alsowant to thank the** who hrve beenprinting and sending out newH for

fm this past season.We adtoumed to meet Monday

Yoonf, following the silver tea.

iirW .* r-:-t V

- 1- -USUI (nil - ' ~


On Saturduy afternoon, Decern,ber 6, the home of Miss BlancheJackson wrs the picturesque settine of a very lorvely miscellaneousshower given by Miss Earline Goffand Miss Jackson in honor nf MiaaHarriett E. Sawyer, bride.eVectof Columbia, The Yulotide motifkvaQ well expressed in decorations,tallies and frvors.Each guest was met by Miss

Beatrice Harvey and presentedwith a Christmas corsage and ask.^d tn autograph . very cleverly de. Isigned rolling pin. Several pro.gressions of bridge were enjoyedluring which time white cargo and |hors d* oeuvres were served. Followingthe progressions, Mrs. An.nie Mae Dixon was award 'fj ton3core prize; Miss Harriett"Sawyur.second prize. and Mrs. Pear)M^nce, low score prize. The tcfUrnd low score prize winners in return presented their prizca to thebride elect. Each guest was al.lowed to pluck a nut from the "nui

fortune.Following this feature Miss

Sawyer wa.s presented with a hugebox, wrapped and tied ' wn!> fChristnus wrappings, filled wi.nthe most unique and useful giftspresented by each guest.A ,delicious turkey dinner was

served consisting: of roast turkeywith ^oyster dressing amiberry jellv, sweet potato cups,tr'ecn peas, sh 11 noodles with giblet gravy, cabbage and carrot aalad and cheese rolls. IThe following guests enioyed the

afternoon with the bride elect:Musses Beatrice Harvey, EwelynGray,. ftehorrV Johnson. Res" Glas Lcoe. Melbe Lawrence. CatherineMack, Harriett Comwell. OsceolaAllen Marv Rav Saxon, Thoma.cina Thomas. Mildred Ckerrelt.Joyce Tatum, Melrpse White. F^lsMason, Mamie Gordon, Ann'ce

Cofield^ Rcein.. Thomas, home PCO"

poo Oreershoro. N. C.. Mesdanifs'iWMh'lmira Madden. Doroth'- Sim.

Rlak*e Bail'**- , Ma.ri'an j.Thompson. Annie Mae Dixon,Pearl Mnnce.- Bessie CprreTT. Vi. Jvian Montmth. Everett., Ruther.fo'd and Ethel Keith of Darling

<5 r TV,. linPTP n Ator.' S. C.

Th-> hoste-s<=cs wpro assisted <n

entertaining bv Mrs. Matt'e Jack. Json Brown nnd Mrs. Rosa L. Hart


The Dramatic club of Alio- Uni

entitled "Christmas F.ve." Th« plavwill be given Friday, December 12,beginning at 8 p. m. in the collegeauditorium.

Mrs. Ella Morris and Miss Horry,sponsorc of the play, sav it isto be one of the finest entertainmorts of the week end and o cor<l>ol iavitation is extended to thepublic.T|jr COIJ MBLV HOSPITAL j"AT I'MN AE A SSOCTANTK)N.The alumnae held its regularmeeting. Tuesday, December 2,in the auditorium of the i.urses'home. The meeting wa* calledto order by the President, NurseBerniee Spry. Scripture reading,'th Psalm by the president; theLord's Prayer was repeated afterwhich we all sang Silent Night!ed by Nurse Blanche Lipsey.Minutes of last meeting were read*received and adopted. Nurse EvelynCook brought to the meetinga very interesting reading aboutthe drug Sulfodiozine, one of themany drugs used to help cure infections.The unfinished andnew business was discussed. The i

roll was called and each member '

responded with dues. We thenadjourned to meet again January J

fi, 19-12.We wish to thank each and ev.

orvone that helped to make thedance, given in our auditoriumDecember 5th for the benefit ofour library a great success

Blanche Lipsey,Sec't-Rcporter.

. .

SAXON SCHOOLSome of us were much surprised

a phonograph record that he hadmade since leaving us. His shorttalk on the record was-principallyto the Boy Scouts.. Last week marked the end ofour second six weeks of the schoolterm. Though we pre fast approachinrr the Christmas holidays we aretrying not to let tne nonaay spiritrrterfere with our classroom work.Ttatner n Tias introduced sunjectmatter and activities which provevery interesting. Thi3 week eachclass will concentrate on makingtheir alloted number of Christmasgreeting card0 for the soldiers.Many of the classrooms have alreadybeen decorated forChristmas.particularlythe primary

grades' rooms.Next week we will enjoy our.

selves at. the Christmas partywhidrwill be given at the school.


The East End Club Union heldits reHuar meeting December 4. atthe Chauffeurs Club house. Themeetine was railed to order bythe chaplain. It was then turnedover to the president. Business wa^discussed very briefly. We havenlanned to hrve n Charity BailDecember 21 'at the Chauffeurs'Club house. Come out and have arievening <>f fun with ua.Th? next meeting will be held

January Zr 1942.Maggie Johnson, reporter1


The meeting of Girl Scout Troop14 on December 8, 1941 was open- N

ed by the singing of one verse off"Go«i Bless America" after which r

the Girl Scout Promise and Scout (

Laws were repeated. A.discuss-- t

ion on how_&_girl can help in Nat- ^

ional Defense was led by Dorothy *

Minis. The Intermediate Patrolis to practice First Aid on the 1members of the Junior Patrol at c

the^next meeting.A visitor, Mrs. Edmunds, a U. ,

S. O. worker who brought us

some yarn and needlea to knit (sweaters for the Red Cross. There r

were twelve members present. Themeeting was clos«l with the sing- ^ing of Taps. The next meeting <

will be at the home of their lead- 1er. '

Reporter, Lillian Brown.



The Blue Star Social Club.held ]its regular meeting on Monday 1

night, December 8 at tne lit me'of {

Mrs. Justine Smith, 2483 Senrte 1St. The Tiouse was called to order '

by the president. The first selec '

tion. "I Shall Not Be Moved," was

offered by Mr. White. The minutes 'of the last meeting were omitteuand the rail was called. Each member responded with a Bible versennd fee. -



The unfinished and new bus. '

iness was discussed by the presi. jdent ancT members. Our chitterlin?supper was a success. The un_ 1

finished business was nearly com. 1

ptetertr The closing' song, "Telt WrMeet," was led,, by Mr. Jordan.Benediction by "Miss Allison. Th<

of Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Brooks, c


The club held its last meetingat the home of Mr. and Mrs.'Ou"^ten Monday night. December 8th. ,

The president called the meeting toorder at the usual hour. Seng."Just a» I am." The Lord's Prayerwat led bv the vice president. The ^scriptvre was read bv Mrs. .Sum.ter. The minutes of the lrst meeting were read, received'and adopt, jed. The roll was called by the sec (retary, Mr. Pettierew. Each mem. t

ber responded with a Bible verse*

and dues. ,

The house wo- opened for bus.mews. Unfinished and new business *

was discussed. Our next meetingwill be held at the home of Mrs. 1

Gordon Mondcy night, December r

1 Bth. The club's closing semg was '

"God be with you." jAURORA SOCIAL CLUB NEWS

<Seneca, S. C..Miss Dorethn 1

Mayes waB hostess to the Aurorr (^nnin4 .WQf^nQaHair ovonin^. I

November 3, at the home of Mr. tand Mrs. W. D. Addison. iThe meeting was called to order

by the president, Mr. W. H. (Gaines, Jr. Minutes of the last }

meeting were read. The business (

part oT the meeting envolved the ,

plans of giving a pre.Christmas t

dance which iq an annual affair ofthe club.The proeram committee present,

ed a subject for discussion:"Should the United State* send eidto the Alien Countries?" Mr. W {H. Gaines opened the discussion Jfollowed by some very stocrd j

thO\jghts~from Miss Fleta L. Wil. v

liams, Messrs. Miller Rush andAllen Code. Both sides w°ro 1considered in the discussion. The '

conclusion was that the United i

States should send aid to the alien 1

countries. Following this discussion the hostes,. served a delicious 1

renast. Various games of amuse,

ments were eneaged in. Mr. A L 1Code thanked the hoste*- for hav.ln~ spent such a splendid evening.



Mrs, John V. Bullocks was hos 1

'ess to the Ushers' Club of Spring. '

field Baptist church Tuesday night.After the meeting a birthday

dinner was served in honor of her !

husband, Mr. John V. Bullocks..many useful gifts J

Everyone reported a pleasant eve.

ning.5 Those present were: Rev. sndMrs. W. L. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. 1

Troy Calhoun, Mr. snd Mrs. Albert 1

Garlington, Mr. and Mrs. Epp 1

Hellams, Mrs. Janie P. Conw«f,Mrs. Lessie Holiday, Mrs. SarahShell, Mrs. Willie M. {Jarrett, Mrs.Marin Nedcy..-Miaa Pauline Boy^end Mr. Robert Johnson.



Tho Soul SaIp of Ijike Citv hasalready gone beyond the half-way mark. The goal set by theLake City school and a Patroncommittee working with t h e \school is fifty dollars. Of thia 1sum twenty-six dollars and threecants have already been reported |to Prof. L. B. Bradley, chairman <of the group. The chairman ftatedthat he expects the reports to ex- (

ceed the goal before the sale isover. IThe highest amount thus far

reported by any one person was** 00. reported by Mrs. AnnieShields

^of the Patron groug.

Other Individual reports will be imentioned later. Since the schoolcloses on the 19th or the holidaysthe geal Sale will practically _end_next week. Another check up willbe m»de on next Tuesday.




Mr. and Mrs. Chaxlie Stewartvill celebrate their fiftieth wedlinganniversary We<inesday niteit their home on Ce»ter street,rhey are the parents of twelve:hildren, six girls and six boys,>11 of whom live in New- YorkDity except one daughter, wholied a few years ago. All haveome for this joyous occasion. Mr.r.d Mrs. Stewart are some of therest citizens here,. He is a dea- 1:on of Mt. Olive Baptist church,md is the much loved janitor ofhe Chester high school (white), jMany are planning to attend.Mrs. C. M. Finley, Mrs. Fannie

Jriffln and Mrs. Minnie Wrightnotored to Darlington Monday af ternoon and attended the pre-

>peningprogram of the Masonicjrand Lodge, . presided over by' -and Master J. S. Stanback. Mrs v

finley spoke in behalf of the Eas 1crn Stars. A portion of the af. (ernoon was spent at Society Hillvhere Mrs. Finley first lived when'he came to South Carolina many


/ears ago. They spent the timevith Mrs. Ellen Brock. In Darl-

ngtonthey were.guests o MrsH. K. Howard. Many friends andrormer pupils greeted Mrs. Finey,she having taught there years>go. They stopped at the Lan-msicr nign school to say hello toVfrs. Griffin's daughter. Miss Ma.

finrtsvillc. they drove on the cnmisof the schooL The entire trip.

-as very pleasant.Pastor M. T. Coker preached

wo very forceful sermons Sun.lay. It was an impressive occadon when the officers stooil a.ound the table and with the trayfused high so that all could see.turned the niortgage of the Jhurch. the Calvary Bapt. church.Many Masons are in Darlington

his week at the Grand Lodge..Prof. A. D. Hardin was-eleetedVc'v Trees, of the S. C. Athleticisgnclatinn In Camd^D^Satard&y.Mrs. Anna Dve, Columbia St.

ind Mrs. Beulah Hinton. Jeter \?t.. continue very 111..Declaration of w; r.Monday gavevery one here great concern,ind put a dampness* on the usualjreparalion for the Christmas:enson.

n And Gut of GethsemaneThe Missionary Society N& L J

ield its regular meeting Sundayevening 3:00 p.m. at the home oflister Marie Clems. The groupnet by special request of Mrs.Blems who has been an invalid foribout five years. After the reg. {ilar business was finished theneeting was turned into a testinonialone. Each sister expressedherself through songs and prayirs and religious testimonies. 1

Bister Amanda Davie stirred the \.iH »iuup muming wnn a iorce- ^'ul discourse on the subject Keepi'our Feet In The Path. Sistei21ems was very grateful to theredely for accepting the invita.ion to meet-at her home since it cs impossible for her to meet them »

it the church anymore. The sotietydonated sister Clems $1.00 |"different sisterR. The President. IMrs. F. L. Brown expressed the tlentiment o the group to the ho?.ess for such a wonderful meet- 8

ng. IMiss Sara Young was unable to (

'ttend the meeting on account of tittending services in the commun ^tv where she is now teaching.?he was accompanied by her co.


vorker Mrs. Inez Ra+nov G+adderr -1

Mr. John W. McCullough shalltttve reiurnon nome irom a twoweeks' visit with hi<» sister andhroe brothers of Baltimore. Md..

the time this goes to press.

boubt/e branchA. M. E. CHURCH r

Rev. R. C. Cunningham. Pastor

Sunday was a beautiful day inmd around West Columbia. Ser- "

dees throughout the day was wellattended. Sunday school openedit the usual hour. The lesson war i

beautifully discussed on all class.>s. The pastor pave us some fineremarks relative to the lesson.The pastor preached two inspiringsermons, morning and

wening to a large and apprecia;ive.audienceojLmernber3 and viatingfriends.Sunday being the first Sunday

n the month, the Lord's Supper [.vas partaken of. All visitorswere introduced to the congregatetion and we are askine them to'ome and worship with us anyime.The A. C. E. League met at 6

p.m. Miss Dorothy Dervin prescient,in charge.' An enioyabte"

n^ogram was rendered with the ithe participation of all present \

The funer^ service of Mrs. <

r.ucretia Wannamaked Earle waseonducted by her Pastor, Rev.Hunninehnm assisted by the RevF5. L. Glass and Rev. J. W. Dreh- 1

er, Srnday at 3 o'clock from Mt i

Pisf*ah of which she was a faith,ful member. The deceased was iborn April 15, 1541; died Decern- ther 4, 1941. She is survived bvfive children, thirty-four v jyrand 1ihlldren and forty eitfht fcreat ;

?rand children, as well as a hostif sorrowing relatives and friends. 1

The OfRcial Board meeting was 1held at the church Monday even.!nar 7 o'olock. All reports werefavorable. 1

Miss Bertie Morpran a senior iit Lakevlew hieh school and who»lao last year attended Nannie H. 1RurrouvVs school in Washington, <

D. C.. is now working out her ap- i

prentlc$jjhip Beauty.parlor. I

Cora Coleman, reporter. «


Grace Chapel A. M. E. ChurchRev. W. B. Williams. Pastor

Grace Chapel is sturtitt^r withthe new conference vmr, with?ourape.and determlnatl'iii. Sun.lay, our pastor, whom we areiflad to have back, delivered a

vonderful sermon at 12:00 noon.Plans uie being made already atJ race for a successful year. Werav God to help a id guide us asleretofore.At 4 p.m. the funeral services

jf Mr. "Doc" Williams were held,.he Rev. D. W. Jones, officiating.Vlr. Williams have for many yearsived in Atlanta, Ga. He" is survivedby his wife, u mother Mrs.Nettie Adams of this city;"a hostif lelatives and friends._Mr. John Searls has returned

:o Fort Bragg, N. C., after spendhhP

friends very happily.Prof, and Mis. Henry A. Ashe

md son Bob spent a few hours^rrwlay with f rieiuls. Prof, andlis. Kshe fire working in Warebonis S C.

EveningRv AzaTec T. Johnson

ike a beautiful prayer,roday has beenike a beautiful piayeiToday must end,Vnd it's ending now with solom.


Tonight/'will come pure ami coopVnd today will feeP refreshedike nn< feels, when prayer .is

' done,>Vith a solemn. Holv hush.Vnd tonight will come with Holi.


i)h speak Holy Father unto my

soul,\nd euitO thi« l'(i«llnccnnau

ro a sea of quiet, calm emotions-Vherc I can sail with forgetfulness,fhen my soul will be filled with


^r^ve"litrvef^Tlnnh back nor loolTbehind,

-«et my life be as beautiful as to.

, dayThen will 1 be supremely happy,n a meek, humble, and Holy way,Then dear Lord from you, I'll

never strays

As I write.-ihese few ~4ine9 %©>ur dear Palmetto Leader, the'resident of the United State's,ias just declared a state of wars already existing between theJnited States and Japan. Let ushe Negro women, who can notictually fight with material wva)ons,put on the whole armor ofJod, thut we may be able to standigainst the wilus-ipf trhe devil. Avoveall, take the shield of faith,tnd the sword of the spirit, whichs thv- word. of. God

Azalee J. Johnson, reporter.

T ^TKPHKN A M. E. CHURCHRev. I.. D. Gamble. Pastor

Georgetown, S. C..The «bov<lanierfchurch ir moving forwardiy lenpd and hcrunds.Sunday was & high day both

piritually and financially. Theew set.up is working like a clock,verv man in his place and doinglis bit to hold up the pastor'sand.

.Georgetown citizen,, went overve top in the Red Cross roll callThe faculty of Howard schoolhoukl he commended for the loyaly and hard work in this sacredausc. Also the various churchesn 1 loyal member should be con

noun! raised. Over $300.00 wee"aised. Now, we will turn </ur at.ention to a greater St. Stephenhurch, with-the cooperation of all.Henry Smith, reporter

MT. OLIVE A. M. E. CHURCHRev. H. C. Andrews, Pastor

Myrtle ueach, h. f..Stllldnyschool opened at the usual hourvith the Supt. Rev. J. Q. Living.?ton and teachers at their post.6:30 The A. C. E. League openedwith the President, Mrs. Mary

Abraham, presiding. The lessonivas thorouehlv discussed by thenembera and friends.At 8 o'clock the pastor preached

i wonderful sermon, the spiritruly ran high.Prof. Charles Brown of Georeetownwas on the beach Sunday

'isPing frienda.Mrs. Eartha Mack Thomas i s

irisiting her mother, Mrs. WillieVTnck in Greenville.Mrs. J. B. Owens spent the day

3nt«rdav on the beach with tierhusband, Mr. J. B. Owens afteripending three weeks at the bed>de of her mother. She reportedher mother was a little Improved.Her many friends wish hers speedy recotery.Mlsg Ethel B. Carter Ami Mr*.

FVancig Robinaon spent the weeknd In Conway.

NOTICE!The Richland County Teachers

association will meet Saturday,(December 13, 1941 at 12 o'clockin the Booker Washington highschool auditorium.

Dr. James H. Hope, State Suprintendent of Education, willaddress the teachers. All membersare urged to be present tohear Dr. Hope.

Ruv,-W--G, Owens. PresidentV. E. Russell. Cor. Sec'ty

M11I.KR ( HAf'P.I. .

\. M. E. CHt'RCHRev. B. F. Sumpter. Pastor

Newberry, S. C.-^Sunday wasa high day at Miller's in spite ofthe cool winds. Sunday schoolwas opened at the usual hour withthe Supt., Prof. E. F. Floyd, presiding.and his staff of teacherspresent.The attendance wasgood. There seems to be a friend'y rival nmornrthe classes whichmakes the Sunday school very^tvely. Class Nor. 1, 4, G and 8- irupnes so hard hard to pet theNtnncr every Sunday but Clas<-No.2 taught by Miss L. 11. Burehwith their easy and friendly plan' vines the bacon home every Sun.lay. This class' hardly conn-* un

. -Jer j,l.f.K.l.This is.a pinna-of girlswhat's wronp with our younghoy* ? Bovs wake up dm.'r i nunow Santa is coming? The Primaryclasses fi and 7 stands readyand waitinp for Old Santa t o

come.. Moiniiv s. rvic. 11 finOur pastor delivered to us a won.'erful message, which held thewhole congregation spell.boil'"*This being- _the first Sunday theT/f>rd's Surper was pertaKen. The-nivit ran high throughout thelay.

Last Friday night the Sundaychool hnard.mot, The- nw-etmtras a success. Many plans werehroupht-out to help the betterher«

meeting every Fridav nite.Don't forgot the contest for th^hospital Friday nipht. Pleasehelp Mrs. Sumpter to win hv nut;newhat you can in the envelope.Thanks


Regular routine of servicesmarked the activities in the^hurches of Due West on last Sunfay. Thfwministers delivered finesermons and-Jiie.hearers weremuch benefited at each place ofvorship. The usual Sunday schooland Young People's service^ wer<"

;ng. Revs. Glover, McAdams andDaniels are doing fine work in"aring for the religious life of thecommunity. They are setting ex.- mplep of the finest type of Chris|'inn lenders,.and.the.people doi-cerely appreciate it.'M"f£fTVTae'gle" Urief Tx-e of Wash

:ngton, D. C., spent last week end'n One West with relatives.

Messrs O. L. Smith and E. THolmes. Mesdames Julia P. Mor.agne and Eunice B. Hawthornemended the conference held ornitrition in the Abbeville CountyCourt House on last Satu>dav

viic vuuui) rieaurDepartment. Dr. the"ounty health officer was thenoaker. and crave rich instructionnn the subject of nutrition, par.'icularly for the school child, and'or all in general.

Miss William* of Greenwood. ?JC.» was among the worshippers a*Mt. Lebanon on last Sundry.

Miss Rebecca Glover, who bacbeen mnkinc her home in Ashe,ille. N. C.. is now making herhome here with her brother th'R'-v. Benjamin J. Glover. , She i*»akine an active part in the~hurch work and was elected^resident of the Allen C ELeague on last Sunday.

nPTjjn i *« eM-iuiii, ,»i. r_ *.iii RI n

- Rev. B. J. Hutchinson, PastorSt. George.The Sunday school

was called to order by the Supt.,.Mr. Joseph Jones. The lessonwas reviewed by Rev. Simpson.At 11:30 the morning service beganwhich was a high day iriZion. Everybody present enjoy,.id the sermon. Night servicesvere equally as good.In the afternoon the Wilkinson

nigh school of Orangeburg rendereda very interesting and time!y program. Severah- selectionswere sung by the glee club o fwhich Miss Madge Perry is the

. direataa. ftny Garden o»aslsked by Miss Mattie Mae Smilleyto introduce the speaker of thehour, Prof. J. C. Parlor, principalof "the Wilkinson high schoolOrangeburg. Prof. Parlor citedthree great institutions The HomeSchool and Church. An instrumentalsolo was played by a momher of the group. This programvi* n a civon in intornot r»f fKo

grade of which Miaa-M-attie Mae?milley is the teacher. A neatsum of $12.21 was raised. Theroup was accompanied by MessrsJohn Rowc, Thompson, Stewart,Mrs. Cook and Miss Madge Perryall of Orangeburg.The Dorc'i\ester County Teachersassociation met Saturday in

the St, George high school auditorium.Mr. Bleeze Spell will leave on

Tuesday to go to the camp.Sunday evening at 4 oTcTock the

first school rally will be held andevery teacher is .4°THT and her T>Tt~to" put the programovar.

Page Seres

Gi'and TerraceScene of EarlHines Triumph

-t j'-: ^.' '.

T^,_ .th EftHIIii.es' Oi chojtrn :

W hat the fatuous Cotton-Clubalways was to llailein and NewWeak. i h»- f ~ *-

» v . j uw \> c*a ku

Ji.icnyo and tin- mid-west. And.\hiicas Duke Ellington and Cab..'alloway an- ide:.tilled with the«i iner spot. Earl "Father" Hinetvho brings his orchestra to thelowi.ship auditoncni oii Fridaynight. December 1H. is the name.hat flashes to toe mind of anyonewlih over visited the GrandIVriiu'c. H>- was featured thoro

~®t least oi.eea y ey 1 for twelveyears.

Bom in Duquesno, I'ennsylvaniuon December 28. 1 . . . his.ather,.Joseph Hint*?, formerly~ftlny#*<j tn'PT'"t in '-urioiiH lodgeoands aid his mother, Maryllines, formerly was organist in"-church . .. ,. sister, Nancy*, is apianist and conducts a small dantfeand i "and" around Pittsburgh .

not musically inclinedEarl'smusic lessons began at the ape of _ five,and he hepan to improviseaily beeu so his boyis"h urge toneglect his practice* and join hispals in cam.es found1".him oftenunprepared when his teacher ar.r*vt' during h|s school Hayn ;he played in church ami at concert.-.frequently accompanied byhis mother after hiirh. q/>K/-w%1he joined Lois Deppe, later fanoPsfia the siii^ii;-g[Mr of "Greatlaylb bm aL tha; time a sax play?r-\-onducting his own dance band:n Pittshurg'n .... in 1923. Hineavent to Chicago, played piano in>»nAlL.cLiibit_iuitii-ongayed hy CarrollDickerson for the band in the">ld Sunset cafe at 35th and Caluau-t.-where Cab Caloway laterwas to* make his professional debut.... Louis Armstrong wast memrw.r Pi.Hit uliuUlliil SUfTsetorchestra, ami his trumpet pla>>_-inp-was theTnsp.Tration" for thervle of piano technique whichEarl developed du'rin? this pe-iod,. '. . in 1927 the Sunsetlosod and Hines joined JimmyNoone*s~ band for a year, went to\ew York to make QRS recordsT.d piano rolls, formed his ownkand and opened at the new GrandTerrace in Chicago .... becameTactically a fxtcre'and a periodicheadliner there, leaving: only'on? enough t > play dance toursmd to appear in theatres from

to coast.



The Magnolia GardenSATURDAY. DEC. 13TH

2124 Gervais StreetMrs. ANNIE BROWN, Prop.




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