Ig4 final major project evaluation


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IG4 Final Major Project Evaluation

Although I didn’t end up doing what I originally planned for my final major project I think the outcome was good. I planned on doing a short film but due to time management I couldn’t complete that task, so I decided just to do an advertisement for a film. I did 4 posters advertising a film I had created. The images were good; two people from my class were used for the front cover. We used lights to get better angles on their face seen as I was only going to use half of each face. I didn’t use any sound as I did not need it for a film poster. However I did do a little bit off editing on Photoshop just to clean up a few problems with the pictures that I took for example, because I was using a black background on my poster I needed to go around the pictures outline so there wasn’t a huge white box there also changing the saturation about along with the opacity, but this was the only editing I did for both the images. Before moving onto my final design I produced three layouts according to where I wanted all the images and text to go.

Skills that I have learnt over this unit include Photoshop, I only really knew how to use the basic equipment in Photoshop and getting to have a little mess about when I was editing my photos was a good way to learn about the program, I also learnt how to use Celtx which is Script writing software. This was good for when I was writing my script for my short film at the beginning of my project.

My original proposal was for my short film so I didn’t meet the credentials I had hoped for. Due to time management I couldn’t keep up with the work and go out filming so I had to change over to another idea.

I didn’t really handle time management well, I started having problems keeping up about half way through the project therefor meaning that I started to fall behind, and after coming back with no footage for my short film I had to change to a different approach. However now that I have changed over I am keeping on top of my work and I would say that my time management has improved compared to earlier n in the year.

If I was to start the project again ad do anything different I would probably just keep on top of my work, considering that I was looking forward to making my own short film and editing it later on, maybe a few more idea changes to the storyline but these are ideas I thought of o late into the year. If I was to change anything with my actual final piece it would probably be genre of film, although I like the horror genre I think I could of probably made a better poster with an action/adventure type of film.