If Ud» Go-Cart or a 0aflky *» * *v %' A^%fteg Styles...

s$5gfe**K*W If Ud» Go-Cart or a 0aflky * Baby Carriage We BatefcTHHrw*. haven't what yoa want we out get tt fdr yon. In a few dayatotany color «jyte or Mak«. Comefciami look over a*r Kew - Styles. . - TOkeAatemt a DlaJng testable, Boaadtop,45 inch wtth a PeeleajB Mkbeatoa w a i t on MUM* fMft tltW to ttajaa ' - Call as* be cow-doced abeat Prieak Jesse I. Go & Co Funeral Directors, Licensed Bmbalmer* * Laity Assistant i 151 Margaret St PlatUbarg*, N. Y. You Marry The Girl We Furnish the Hone MONDAY, MARCH •. !»!•. , , msssassesaBseBseaabBmsm *v %' A^%fteg Styles A MM. a' M. Ousttnaa w*a CdHjftd b$ 4ta*ttee by the fitheae oftarfe*Ml*NL A. D. Buck. " T1 Ray B. »« J 4 < r, ft* *e jHu* d*e y*a*a etagaeyed in Httchcwk'a Fhajih macy, aaa waiffftpd hta *»eM*o*:al* hsavas teday for AWMte*iaji| -'wftt** •**• -mm *e*awa* m *re» fjooewcooweey- aod aoda Iwhaawea with *oh» sawder. Ray Snyder la f,- man who eftaJ&y tnakee ftteada taat Ma ttevr baapaeaa *ea*atw Www Kfccfteaafiit «t aftftoit * '' JiOra. titlSui Caawtofi aa» firaaa a «*fpr*i day* *laH wiifc' a*r iita^a^^Mikji^ %je* «aui %t^Ma» ^Ma^uka^aaUaufc^ ttH^j^. i"wl>W» wUT. -OTMs HWRIfc I v U M ^ f ^ W UWJU of Ooafeeraear. )fta;TOe«&it*$fio^t*l «af fwwwdwy from a«r raoaa* aejr*j , ioue ftlfteae. - ' |- - Thoataa Cu»va*H of Waefcafctaa. D. C, teNttifty af tftftt «a*» ta «qkb> ih« retamea la town attar «a.«b- aeaee of foar yeattv ^ JfteaJy Ha»r*m No*** ,&>£ptb|%; aaja^^aa -.'AMiaaM^a^ae- ' 4^a^ ' ""~ """ waa. ananar, we -WW- uuyr_ yueaNi tmm Kaney *•» **«H*d honae et 42 Oaa«a«» aflfcr a few daya the tweeTe*/ Veeeaoewrttle. t |Mf *tt**a of Jfr. aaad Baxtar, *n tala my. •#. wanca aa aiawMW flHR appp ^ rtta^ la 4ati "" * v ;3U As'ttjwia, olme^s ial Hat TSUI Uksfiu ^W 4r^r^tl> tf 4fifia ^ift>rlf * maa^fr^.T^S' ' ^^^^^-. VMHBf» fir WiNipk Bit *fri(l ^^WW^^Wir ^W "•rti^mj|: CTTATiOS POK JTCHCIAI, tlw people of tha atate of New Tatlti to Mrs* ^Oiala Amyot, 180 ftat 8c. Catherine, Moaii , »iU»' P. Q., RomJ Caa«»on, ^aupana-, MJUS,, Adelard <a»a«»0«,; mmtwTk,. mm*. ©tv -M* i*nt mmon, I1S3 mif. m,- JF*cqn^ Monu-eal, 1>, <J^.. Jose^lj Pigfton, «g| Notre; Jte^cb W«st,, '-5ianti*jati» lp,' $& Phiteus Pigeon,-' 523 ££»- Catherine Sa. Kot£» ©3333,; W«R,, HSdlvtWafl," ! *».• ^ toa aSt^- IPyovtteucesi'.a. t, )^a. Atlala immis&s, SIT " Tasdtxzc^. ®v Wa*er* toarfe,< 'N-, ^' Wirs. %,. 1J. i4Cro^^- SI. * StanHeias : a©. -Kestteat P- ^ . ^ta."--J«^ jooiafr .Btseoft,: H ' MsSsmn SU 'Wsn-[ ttm% $•». <g., : Sits, AKB» 'C^tgseii* ^^ ; <ft.#«Hfe, :i>. -^...sbsi.'- 'JSBneMa.-/SJrel|(»: 3Sw«fvJBe,: - - ,F. •. - ^ .. leg, •- Befn*ftett» : B o J ^ , . Misriwifle, i». ^ Scsepli' ^BriJS^a, .412 Notre Dame, W. Iff*n-i *eea& F^ Q., Almee Chagnon, V«r- 4&)EE^ f*. Q., Amedee Chagnon, V«r- *feew?s, J?. ^.. Mrs.. Fleartps Charron,; 1*5 SioMoa Ave, Providence, "TL. %,'. p%t!psiaii» CS&agaon. 234 Woomasaua- aaaftaft peraona and of tlia aakaawr h*fm-at»l*w and nam of Wft rn4 to a*. p«Wona intaraatad in tit* aatat* of ReV. F* X. Cha«i'•«. lata•... of - &mm*- pmth Cllfttoft county, decaaatd, a* cwid Jtora, legatees, n*« * of: lt)tv - fir oOwmtae, Send OreatJnc;: Ton and eaca of yoa ara awpeby citfd and i^ulrad peraoii^tr to aa and appeaf before our Surrocata of Ma offiea la ^latttlnittlV «irtl»t Wtlfc day «f April 1*14, at it o'clock la <-h*j Jorenoon of that day, thea and the^e to attend the Judicial aettle- mmt Kit tn»- aesc^atJ of ^fttlais tt Ge*and aa executor of the aald Mm K. caiaspion deceaaed, nd If »»? of th* peM9na lataiv •0 i^.oaaer jstte aire «f tajiniy*4m«^ 5*ates, fgby «*£ ia^^»»e to apaamr if. «|»|r"isaja«am'it'*li*y Ti*«* «!•• «r' 'l^..f)otf:.«^-t»-'i».4ajBimei^ a^ t« 'afes .«witt^\a. their n«*;leot or fallur to do *o, a euard.an will p* appalot «dtor«^» ItotToaAte JM» WBpaWW* •«*» act fo£ theratiithe firocaadlnf. Is i. %estJmony Wharepf, wa Jkuww ,<as»fed! '**» c«ai;a| JOTB* Si*ft**aJ#> -Iteeeaaed, or if asiy heii»*s*«4»*r am&i T&m, of fcln of the deceased, testator, •Se^ sajB^ ,whos» t&wesa .«** r«sldi5»eB «re tjnteaown and af&sr auo dlll&ence fanjaoi *e aseertaiaed &&•'&"&&&,' X#m JStM «ea* of feto of/Qia) a*wra| fct tfca ttdi «a*r at Mai, tajaA* aMMWltym to *iatt H«r a>i|wbara»la witk tba . •^^aa ^^^* . ^,™a^^^Ha^P^B • ^PW^B 1 ^^aHPRH^^PHa AH totaaaa and bar ttfa baa aaaa aa aa^ ampla of Chrtatlaa dvaatlaa. In tfcaaa af »fa and ta Uta C^aata af wtrtoa aba waa a aba wffl ba aTaat^r hoabaad. ta movrm aar lain,- ara twa daaahu*a, oaa aoa, a ataa> 4aa«btar and atep aon and graodoaildraa, Her fooaral bald at tbo TTaiiiw— M. E. cborch. Rar. m J. Harrto af- floUt(n», aartated ay Ur. Oto. Cook, waa tenraly atteadad by raUUvat and frtenda and a daleaattoa from tha P«aiww*a _.Oi*aa»; arti«~W'. tlaair praa- •howed aa beat they oould - U»e4r deep- ait.; «ymp*thy to the *ffltcted ftunlly. ^ \..J»««^»«- i %wpt mada la --ikavBlKlt*,' in»--««r'^t"4iMai thara it no msmtr. J,nd' -"In the graVa no bittaroea*- '", you*U have slide lw 6 B ^ «wanac Chapter, Oattshtora of the Atfcerteaa Revoluttoa, obaerVed New Hatopeair* and Peaiwytvanta l)ay at the T. NL C. A. aawmWy roo«« Sat- srday aftferaoott at wbJeii ttyae att aaioyable proaTAm Waa carried oat which leaded tW reading of aev- erat ftapata of iue«^ nad Intereet ajad a aambar at pteaitna; musical aelec- ttona. A full orcheatra from the Nor- mal achaofr waa praaent and furnlah* ad detbjatfal iawie duttaa;- tha af* teraoofe. Uta program waa at foi* Iowa: AJBer|oa—wltb fall orehoatra. , The liord'a Prayar—Led by Mra C. v. Grtemar, Cha|ikla «t the Orean MoBhtato Chapter, D. A. R„ of Bur- UnajtOtt, Vfc, PJattaburith Normal school orchea- tra-^efettida> * New Hampahira'a Weleo»a and tntroductory Reiaarka Mra. «aa, F. Tattle, Rataat. . . * ^ e *Aaan* Hoaa. of toaa A«o— mm. e % Ortwaar. x .• W. & Tftompaon, lira, it «. Oatbord. Mtaa jBdlth icaaoa. Mlaa mhel x>am. ft*. » a w s a | f a - - ^ qodarw—B»aiaJl T*a*«a from a Chlira Ifamary at Naw aampahlre^—Ifra, -RitUa, ; i l a f Maluta. -^ ^. "*, «f Maj»a«t M : Oarrlty. »taa*. **«*•* MtUA*M; ^ * a t Tiolla, l»a*bdbo^ Raaaett tK fc«i .„... ^ vjoMa, Oeoraa Lewta, »ay Majtflblit - eorneta. Benjatnta ttrbaha aa Cfcariaa Oaa .; Vka ihiaiiiiwi ^ iraal tv I I P £^tt^Mni 4aaaik* ^^^^^^a^^^^^ -^S^^SiS -^S^aaSMt JS^aaa*/ aai|a>al ,|Mua%ttat ajaf thotwaajalj aa-< ItW*.*b*aaaa T. D«lte, JfTaw Joaapb OaMMa, Hl» Itteaaor A. Mebm. WA>II>A <u*Bfi*!sai 'ipaMM' \Mtidh foBaWad. mm ottabtead twa yaata aya. aad tba niaatrat aad \aod«- K m llaoiitra, m #j«>e»e»t «4 ««aal tttfttn i^« addfaaa * mMtK^^ hm ik?«pewi Hi mqwtea** »o|«rajre «* tla tftt&Kfl! HAU«*<hla e\-«nitia;, ioatead of totnarrow evatt*jar T «• waa #»#fc$oi»t 3r «attoB«<?««. Mm Heoaton ia art* fa as ««wwit pptaker, m^| praparevi to aaeat »n «xum*.it tn ;ho «u»c of «ie fcailot fnr womaa. CdaM t#fea-.ltff«^iri|&afft^d. VttMWf i Z S « * 'W -**--•*• ••- »-»-->.• ^*; <^Ba*r i*- Ctintoa, a*. && f^ter <f• ^iiay|ot Fehraary, Ap^laey- for |B*«as i ftw , » - .-.^ a^aa ^w*aftaa^p a# *7wa^^B^|Pwwi *? -^t j v'vhti i»Lmaw*W**%n— ara^tn WQ4tt •tUaMGTJMMM lUOfOYIP^ T '• #* aa Taaada#«vaa hat «f aa»t waefc. oadar the aoaj»toa», of rian4baa«ik- CaaaoU. Ral*btJ» of Oatamvea^ the bicceat and beat eoter- talaaaeav af tba Mad ever aeen la thl» «ity. The beat lomt talent ta t o tak* part !a th« performaace, aud bt adtll- t'j-a tb»re will be at jeaat t*o jNrot##> •ionol vaudeville ajfta of 'm&t* than ordlntu-v merit. : .Oa*;-aif v; il»tae -aota fcaatitiad-*Wi*-#*m*m* ma.-Wok piari^t .of wit- - and \a^tia#--'.ii«.:- I t N e MH3ttinneaa Thoniaauo' and nla rom^ ; jp«ar.V*lr-;,1tei«afM^ Vimon are beard dartnir the playle; itt a numbar of the aweeteat of th« oM-iima IrWfc «|e1oo«m ' Ttic ataaa aetuag far the tninatre* « « i j>art of^ tfcflr ajww win be anflifa- ?» n*u-and nor*i. rm taaiiilar aatii^; 4H»W> I** Ik abandeaaf «^d ch« «rt» !«*• wilt rerreaent a tardea teat* a»4 wia be atoat eiab-wata. laaladlw '«. number of aleetrtcal effocuu Pro,; C F. fJudaon. who ta dtrectia* tht UraaKml faatorea of the entertain* e|>«tea lata •axoaOwat fo«ft attl WIMA, naat Toeaday aterlaa;, the ooraate •«te» H w«l be on oaa of the moat beautKalaceata and beat aintlntoom^ blnatfoti erartothe tbaatra, « ~ Waaaa ,H»a little «a«t*tfr* a«d Mra. F. ft Oardealer, aKj. wpt WMBI.' TMI * ^lyajaiiit a SMtarday ^>nJo< about t after a« ataaaa rf aJKwt ihjfev IJUUt W*B4a. WHO wa« Use old. Thte Mi wea teatlfled ti. ....... _ r . laiwe' rwianbira aaba have vtalt- "•|^d tba houae of «*Uratog alnce th* PWillaE aecay of a»e «hoid.' I.*it Jaa- aajrj tba oboM waa affttrted the toe- aUi«a *hioh waa fbHowed by Heart ' A «B W)f«IWb7< MROOfCJTIOS jfatiura, 'Iwhkii' cauawo her u»Umel> >Mt|MrJ0meormeaey b» lattsburgh r^y The New ftiikCr*aa Here J^BSJftttMHKa# " ^ lf " Tut Silks Wjiripyiw fffftmwttSt UttJa Wauda wa> a pupH In the to be Uvea at tb* Kladeirarteo departnwnt or the Etta llll III 1,1 lllllll llllll'l Lewt*a Adcoi* »Wwa U «W)ea«au^ af MarrlaoavlUe ttmrattw M a n * 14 wifc aMf^ "WF *al^Pii^^*^a ja^^^a-^aaJ^^^ m aw^a-^ajr •a^a^^a^^ ^naa ^a f»*iwtflaj ibia^lcaaeiita^^Ajf*. ai>v*aMi*,e«aaap Ortel Vharroa will aell at bia ajpa HtRnVPw ^ ^np^PT^PSt^w^^i' »^^ F^^^^^I ^^^^^y w^a^apwa*aw m»e ':''a>aai-''"^"¥~i»iaa^(jr*"-'' "iae'rw:: Maroh if. 1»14. i It^. r aora- ©aaw aeaa aad bay. w. earai, at«tch« harniaata. rabe» Waaiitata.'aB^ farwt* t a t taipleaaaata aaal -*"Jkjda. ' #?V my ot ite-iftc^ Mntf »» m$m^ : te ^ « M am > ^i«i t |> t«||«i« "I* *&pm<* ^iSS^ffia^^f^Ll^ S ^ l f ^ f ^ f e S $ . ••3? ii'nminiimij)'Hi)ii'»ii')^»iiii"< n ii njtii i)uw{<i)i«iii»u<ji|ii.ii'iiii'i»,, • n^imnfi^jtuimiji 1.15m«i»«w^,minftfui »"T»irt*ififMftiji>hM»i«'i , ifciiiiabwn»ya»wa^»'ainj »«• •ixnjfa.JSSr. , V j-# - < *p^a jpaeliajd. Malcaf' hatt taaja ftotn m* %$m mt*msr* mm- -<* »* '«j*M> atraok tham" yaatarday after* the Sth tofa^rtir ptayera oompiHaly % ~ awaataad t t e by « aoare of tT ^ J t , < m«t. ^M« regimental prtmasry ,aad waa a popular favarfte wfth both hwr teaoher aad the pupil* r aad not a daj- jwaaed dur- Iwr her Hlneea In which amae o* ho* plejrmate* did not call fa inquire foi J»tr, A few daja before her death ahc aa^ed by her mother which of hot plasma tea »a* would moat like tb whtcfc -*e raaiied" Msimwia. 1 love IhJBin ait"^ She waa iery much inter ••tad her achooi Work and the treat •& .mammm--*t im «itor* m* wit ***». .a*#^ waa .iavObift t»' fei)»JS.A 'JN>me^..^«aj»tHa» \'of .'^Nlr^'ltiaiau ' : -#h« ten department 'of «b> i«i»Me achooi* si'-m-fxfr mm'-um.ffm «i«eiv«ii'» : eer^lcsate for perfect a^endance for th» entire achool y«sar. ,Kr, aai %* Gardender have «i« armpathy nf Cheir taaav frleada m » • * freat **R«*fc»*i. <ftm tm*m mV$ banald mm*&* hoaaa te»o^owr aftarneon at t e'etoe*. Rar. n«y a Wee* omelette*. IntermenttoRlrer . In paraoaace of an ordar of Hon. trtotor F. Boira, aurrotate of Clinton ^ »** fJ^^lattBa It. hereby tivaa aooordlnt to »aw to aft peVeena hartair olahaa ataJnit Jamea &&& late & PUttaburfh In m^&mm af CMaton, deoaaaad. to preaent tha aa»a wltfa tha youohera &&**# to* the autajorfbera at tfaew- place of Wh^ Not ? Let t Tailor Make You a Real TAILOR HIDE SUIT Latest Fabrics and Style* lor the Kew Spring Models Stim»i%! Always ^Sfiared ©I left ftusl^ Com® : "-: \.-llHafi^p: ^ # ^ e iff..;'/. Alterations, Cleanino; and Pres- sing «f i oats & Stolts oar Siieiak %r, Prices I/>w on earl? erders> ITfiait ler F*iMoiaii|e jbadies W aP™Wa e" JBF ^i <44H]b&*»- N. LeKOFF 9 Margaret Street ^:^; ; ^ - ^*.:; ; J %"' T :' : . £.*-.,' S' : ^ ? - * " v " *?rU:^".l'. i'*T'':. -... fe-.- ^v --""•• '•' . . ' ' . ' ' •• -•"... -•j-' ; ;-- ,'o' in chi pn CO ty til tin ••e* ad th< •- CM t fJa aal nw plo hO] roc too ad Co: chi lit act nei ata mi; tur wit mmmmm ^r^^^^^^w F. "(5.i""iJ wiW|p^»«*^^»«a L^f war* -mmm'ip^ 4mm&m 4>mmsm&fte*~&&v «Hi»iwi WHT M PLATTHilfJRQH FIRM? .illllilliMini'ia liii^rt»iiiliV.iij.i.Wiiluilit.i»|iiltli M»'«»l"' *-"! > .milTOn » • fji'f) ll'i'SlJlliliiHIiTljifliiij V :ima® ^*3^KE2S t9aa -mm 'iras* « ; DRAMA Z^VDE IX IRELAND, . PlATTSei»G» XHEATRE, M ARCS Id. jrEATTRE P1CTTRJE Shaw, Wtiatatar, - W ^ f « - 4 * i i *ia yew are aavad wbaa Hatt aorai *!' Jfe*****?* ^Coanally. ISberhardt. •wlflr «i#a«* •^»aaa0aa-^a«tay ^^taa; ^J™***^^ ' *«?ea«e«ota» f»r* ; 'M^Mtt« i #l^i^»^^Wo|*wlil^S^ Ifc CWaana'Haaa beamed « dona MWcly aad without 1 ^ SS^SlJS^f^fe^f*^ \ *•» * w,ttu f^rtaain'a- -• .-Brtractar "aaata Jte, ^§a^ ,L ^^ l -' IM ^ *^>ch** *» Bort •«enry r . - - \ ,,„,*,.„„»„*„. Hottla, aald aad raoaaimaaded by ta»rda. Waat. Frank, refaraed the - Aft.r rearI|ht th|» t«h«roua ead en- 1r u«w«. «a* Red l ^ i a a ^ p p ^ i ^ » ^ k m«»#%»|pW ^ fair zHftfrMm* imm lav ,8aadaii, - " " " *-'•-*- * > -* * ' • - ' %iW»k4»t^WjRaJ«B*a^.Io»t itt>4^3M|r-i«SaS Rut to ret the' •tmm'mritu Mk Boudoh had. you <|o»l<l s«JbtttS twpa remedy,. ^ia»* at*<^af e^ti^ae* other-kldaej' pttte ba* 1 mmm$ : ^ ^*? wdtttsr nfttt 4e aa*ta. aa Doan'a «ha* ta -why Fiatjgs; laW people demand the tenuine, ' Joaeph Boudoh. J B Main M1U atreet ^Wtlfiiaffft |T, V|aja«{ s *^ tt nairty: aerea yaara ilnce Doan'a Kidney ma*;; *49nEa4MUa # l#»«ir *»tf^i«f«4^6tt« m%f t» x «filta *^ aay that the eure ; S»w #r*V6H aariaanjaii^ I p> ftsad •th|t .MMMtr «* HHT JtH« IT'* t^e> . *#&**$*% ltlfl#, »*o« fay W : ;%tni»^i J ft#*ir t»t fooler4«*J3* : *fpajal ftflrWt «|htr kidney »uffer*r* m*$}mm fl|w*a»* »»r aajaAM'alt jaWiaa^^it! M*wm Fwter-Mn. rims m n %nftM)i'|^r |*6f*» j«|», ^ a««a*e far tl»' tHiHit Btataa, 1&*,* t i»ea«her> - <he naw*-~i>oaa*a-^ f f\ INSURE ##» f a W CAE «? * * * i _ " * i ' * ' ' * £ , * v i lm$• Fii f i»*« "' .- C e '"«,, JHalVtfR| ##*#-*#! to«t|Wfe# 20 CUotoo Street ; PlattsbuiYh, N. Y ^ - * Teleahoae «0-R - S". VWLUAMS'KIDNEY PlLLi Faarnsui^'atem ~ fr kidneys and aina.atte.back ^ ^ ^ . % ^ ^ WIUJAMSIaT^CO^IVaf^a»«laao\OiMa »/-4NMrw«ftii» OAI>T URUG OOMPANY. OjMt*aaa'ardFI : ''COk^^liCTSaaaaaal- «aift>r^^-teatnajaiAajwa^aa.^ ^'/: JUajUjyUB c^to^ «i*i«r staiiartQow *iiM*tiatM»*». -^ : 4. P. ue 498 »+.X : /: : SKW .^ --rVV; ->;\*s.

Transcript of If Ud» Go-Cart or a 0aflky *» * *v %' A^%fteg Styles...


If U d » Go-Cart or a 0aflky *» * Baby Carriage We Bate fcTHHr w*. haven't what yoa want we out get tt fdr yon. In a few daya tot any color «jyte or Mak«. Come fci ami look over a*r Kew - Styles. .

- TOkeAatemt a DlaJng testable, Boaad top, 45 inch wtth a PeeleajB Mkbeatoa wait on MUM* fMft t l t W to ttajaa ' -

Call a s * be cow-doced abeat Prieak

Jesse I. Go & Co Funeral Directors, Licensed Bmbalmer*

* Laity Assistant i

151 Margaret St PlatUbarg*, N. Y.

You Marry The Girl We Furnish the Hone

MONDAY, MARCH •. !» ! • . , , msssassesaBseBseaabBmsm * v %' A^%fteg Styles

A MM. a ' M. Ousttnaa w*a CdHjftd b$

4ta*ttee by the fitheae of tar fe*Ml*NL A. D. Buck. "T 1

Ray B. »«J4<r, ft* * e jHu* d*e y*a*a etagaeyed in Httchcwk'a Fhajih macy, aaa waiffftpd hta *»eM*o*:al* hsavas teday for AWMte*iaji| -'wftt** •**• -mm *e*awa* m *re» fjooewcooweey-aod aoda Iwhaawea with *oh» sawder. Ray Snyder la f,-man who eftaJ&y tnakee ftteada taat Ma ttevr baapaeaa *ea*atw Www Kfccfteaafiit «t aftftoit *

'' JiOra. titlSui Caawtofi aa» firaaa a «*fpr*i day* *laH wiifc' a*r

iita^a^^Mikji^ %je* « a u i %t Ma» ^Ma^uka^aaUaufc ttH^j^.

i " w l > W » wUT. -OTMs HWRIfc I v U M ^ f ^ W UWJU of Ooafeeraear. )fta;TOe«&it*$fio^t*l «af fwwwdwy from a«r raoaa* aejr*j , ioue ftlfteae. - ' |- -

Thoataa Cu»va*H of Waefcafctaa. D. C , teNttifty af tftftt «a*» ta «qkb> ih« retamea la town attar « a . « b -aeaee of foar yeattv ^

JfteaJy Ha»r*m No*** ,&>£ptb|%; aaja^^aa -.'AMiaaM^a^ae- ' 4 ^ a ^ '""~ """

waa. ananar, we -WW- uuyr_ yueaNi

tmm Kaney *•» **«H*d honae e t 42 Oaa«a«» aflfcr a few daya the tweeTe*/ Veeeaoewrttle. t | M f

*tt**a of Jfr. aaad Baxtar, *n tala my.

•#. w a n c a aa aiawMW flHR a p p p ^ rtta^ la 4ati ""

* v ;3U As'ttjwia,

olme s ial Hat

TSUI Uks f iu

^W 4r^r^tl> tf 4fifia • i f t>rlf * m a a ^ f r ^ . T ^ S ' '

^^^^^- . VMHBf» f i r W i N i p k B i t

*fri(l ^ WW^ Wir ^W "•rti^mj|:


t l w people of tha atate of New Tatlti to Mrs* ^Oiala Amyot, 180 ftat 8c. Catherine, Moaii,»iU»' P. Q., RomJ Caa«»on, ^aupana-, MJUS,, Adelard <a»a«»0«,; mmtwTk,. mm*. • ©tv -M* i*nt mmon, I1S3 mif. m,- JF*cqn^ Monu-eal, 1>, <J .. Jose^lj Pigfton, « g | Notre; Jte^cb W«st,, '-5ianti*jati» • lp,' $& Phiteus Pigeon,-' 523 ££»- Catherine Sa.

Kot£» ©3333,; W«R, , HSdlvtWafl,"! * » . • ^

toa aSt - IPyovtteucesi'.a. t , )^a. Atlala

immis&s, SIT " Tasdtxzc^. ® v Wa*er* toarfe,< 'N-, ^ ' Wirs. %,. 1J. i4Cro^^- SI.

* StanHeias: a©. -Kestteat P- ^ . ^ta."--J«^ jooiafr .Btseoft,: H ' MsSsmn SU 'Wsn-[ ttm% $•». <g.,: Sits, AKB» 'C^tgseii* ^ ^ ;

<ft.#«Hfe, :i>. -^...sbsi.'- 'JSBneMa.-/SJrel|(»: 3Sw«fvJBe,: - - ,F. •. - . . l e g , •- Befn*ftett»:

B o J ^ , . Misriwifle, i». ^ • Scsepli' ^BriJS^a, .412 Notre Dame, W. Iff*n-i *eea& F^ Q., Almee Chagnon, V«r-4 & ) E E ^ f*. Q., Amedee Chagnon, V«r-*feew?s, J?. ^.. Mrs.. Fleartps Charron,; 1*5 SioMoa Ave, Providence, "TL. %,'. p%t!psiaii» CS&agaon. 234 Woomasaua-

aaaftaft peraona and of tlia aakaawr h*fm-at»l*w and nam of Wft rn4 to a*. p«Wona intaraatad in tit* aatat* of ReV. F* X. Cha«i'•«. lata•... of - &mm*-pmth Cllfttoft county, decaaatd, a* cwid Jtora, legatees, n*« * of: lt)tv - fir oOwmtae, Send OreatJnc;:

Ton and eaca of yoa ara awpeby citfd and i^ulrad peraoii^tr to aa and appeaf before our Surrocata of

Ma offiea la ^latttlnittlV «irtl»t Wtlfc day «f April 1*14, at i t o'clock la <-h*j Jorenoon of that day, thea and the^e to attend the Judicial aettle-mmt Kit tn»- aesc^atJ of ^fttlais tt • Ge*and aa executor of the aald Mm W» K. caiaspion deceaaed,

nd If »»? of th* peM9na lataiv •0 i^.oaaer jstte aire «f tajiniy*4m«^

5*ates, fgby «*£ ia^^»»e to apaamr i f . «|»|r"isaja«am'it'*li*y Ti*«* «!•• «r'

'l^..f)otf:.«^-t»-'i».4ajBimei^ a^ t« 'afes .«witt^\a. their n«*;leot or fallur t o do *o, a euard.an will p* appalot «d tor «^» ItotToaAte JM» WBpaWW* •«*» act fo£ thera tii the firocaadlnf.

Is i. %estJmony Wharepf, wa Jkuww ,<as»fed! '**» c«ai ;a | JOTB* Si*ft**aJ#>

-Iteeeaaed, or if asiy heii»*s*«4»*r am&i T&m, of fcln of the deceased, testator,

•Se^ sajB^ ,whos» t&wesa .«** r«sldi5»eB «re tjnteaown and af&sr auo dlll&ence fanjaoi *e aseertaiaed &&•'&"&&&,'

X#m JStM «ea* of feto of/Qia) a*wra|

fct tfca t tdi «a*r at

Mai , tajaA* aMMWltym

to *iatt H«r a>i|wbara»la witk tba .

•^^aa ^^^* . ,™a^^^Ha^P^B • ^PW^B1 ^^aHPRH^^PHa AH

totaaaa and bar ttfa baa aaaa aa aa^ ampla of Chrtatlaa dvaatlaa. In tfcaaa

af »fa and ta Uta C^aata af wtrtoa aba waa a aba wffl ba aTaat r

hoabaad. ta movrm aar lain,- ara twa daaahu*a, oaa aoa, a ataa> 4aa«btar and atep aon and m» graodoaildraa,

Her fooaral bald at tbo TTaiiiw— M. E. cborch. Rar. m J. Harrto af-floUt(n», aartated ay Ur. Oto. Cook, waa tenraly atteadad by raUUvat and frtenda and a daleaattoa from tha P«aiww*a _.Oi*aa»; arti«~W'. tlaair praa-

•howed aa beat they oould - U»e4r deep-ait.; «ymp*thy to the *ffltcted ftunlly. ^ \..J»««^»«-i%wpt mada la --ikavBlKlt*,'

in»--««r' t"4iMai thara it no msmtr. J,nd' -"In the graVa no bittaroea*- '",

you*U have slide l w 6


«wanac Chapter, Oattshtora of the Atfcerteaa Revoluttoa, obaerVed New Hatopeair* and Peaiwytvanta l)ay at the T. NL C. A. aawmWy roo«« Sat-srday aftferaoott at wbJeii ttyae att aaioyable proaTAm Waa carried oat which l e a d e d tW reading of aev-erat ftapata of iue«^ nad Intereet ajad a aambar a t pteaitna; musical aelec-ttona. A full orcheatra from the Nor­mal achaofr waa praaent and furnlah* ad detbjatfal iawie duttaa;- tha af* teraoofe. Uta program waa at foi* Iowa:

AJBer|oa—wltb fall orehoatra. , The liord'a Prayar—Led by Mra

C. v . Grtemar, Cha|ikla «t the Orean MoBhtato Chapter, D. A. R„ of Bur-UnajtOtt, Vfc,

PJattaburith Normal school orchea-tra-^efettida> *

New Hampahira'a Weleo»a and tntroductory Reiaarka Mra. «aa, F. Tattle, Rataat. . .

* ^ e *Aaan* Hoaa. of toaa A«o— mm. e % Ortwaar. x .•

W. & Tftompaon, lira, i t « . Oatbord. Mtaa jBdlth icaaoa. Mlaa mhel x>am. ft*.

» a w s a | f a - - ^ qodarw—B»aiaJl

T*a*«a from a Chlira Ifamary at Naw aampahlre^—Ifra, -RitUa, ;

i l a f Maluta.

-^ . "*, «f Maj»a«t M: Oarrlty. »taa*. **«*•* MtUA*M; ^ * a t Tiolla, l»a*bdbo^ Raaaett tK fc«i .„... ^ vjoMa, Oeoraa Lewta, »ay Majtflblit -eorneta. Benjatnta ttrbaha aa Cfcariaa

Oaa . ; Vka ihiaiiiiwi ^ iraal t v


£^tt^Mni 4aaaik* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -^S^^SiS -^S^aaSMt JS^aaa*/

aai|a>al ,|Mua%ttat ajaf thotwaajalj aa-<

ItW*.*b*aaaa T. D«lte, JfTaw Joaapb OaMMa, H l » Itteaaor A. Mebm.

WA>II>A <u*Bfi*!sai

'ipaMM' \Mtidh foBaWad.

mm ottabtead twa yaata aya. aad

tba niaatrat aad \aod«-

K m llaoiitra, m #j«>e»e»t «4 ««aal tttfttn i^« addfaaa * mMtK^^ hm ik?«pewi Hi mqwtea** »o|«rajre «* t l a tftt&Kfl! HAU«*<hla e\-«nitia;, ioatead of totnarrow evatt*jarT « • waa #»#fc$oi»t 3r «attoB«<?««. Mm Heoaton ia art* fa * » as ««wwit pptaker, m^| praparevi to aaeat »n «xum*.it tn ;ho « u » c of «ie fcailot fnr womaa.

CdaM t# fea-.ltff«^iri|& afft^d. VttMWf i Z S « * 'W -**--•*• ••- »-»-->.• • *;

<^Ba*r i*- Ctintoa, a*. && f ter <f•

^iiay|ot Fehraary,

Ap^laey- for |B*«asiftw,» - .-.^ a aa ^w*aftaa^p a# *7wa B |Pwwi *? -^t j

v'vhti i»Lmaw*W**%n—

ara^tn WQ4tt •tUaMGTJMMM

lUOfOYIP^ T • '•


aa Taaada#«vaa hat «f aa»t waefc. oadar the aoaj»toa», of rian4baa«ik- CaaaoU. Ral*btJ» of Oatamvea^ the bicceat and beat eoter-talaaaeav af tba Mad ever aeen la thl» «ity. The beat lomt talent ta to tak* part !a th« performaace, aud bt adtll-t'j-a tb»re will be at jeaat t * o jNrot##> •ionol vaudeville ajfta of 'm&t* than ordlntu-v merit. :.Oa*;-aifv;il»tae -aota fcaatitiad-*Wi*-#*m*m* ma.-Wok piari^t .of wit- - and \a^tia#--'.ii«.:- ItNe MH3ttinneaa Thoniaauo' and nla rom^ ;jp«ar.V*lr-;,1tei«afM^

Vimon are beard dartnir the playle; itt a numbar of the aweeteat of th« oM-iima IrWfc «|e1oo«m ' Ttic ataaa aetuag far the tninatre* « « i j>art of tfcflr ajww win be anflifa-?» n*u-and nor*i. rm taaiiilar aatii ; 4H»W> I * * Ik abandeaaf «^d ch« «rt» !«*• wilt rerreaent a tardea teat* a»4 wia be atoat eiab-wata. laaladlw

'«. number of aleetrtcal effocuu Pro,; C F. fJudaon. who ta dtrectia* tht UraaKml faatorea of the entertain*

e|>«tea lata •axoaOwat fo«ft att l WIMA, naat Toeaday aterlaa;, the ooraate •«te» H w«l be on oaa of the moat beautKalaceata and beat aintlntoom^ blnatfoti erar to the tbaatra, « ~

Waaaa ,H»a little «a«t*tfr* a«d Mra. F. f t Oardealer,

aKj. w p t WMBI.' TMI * ^lyajaiiit a SMtarday ^>nJo< about t after a« ataaaa rf aJKwt ihjfev IJUUt W*B4a. WHO wa« Use

old. Thte M i w e a teatlfled ti. ....... _r. laiwe' rwianbira aaba have vtalt-

" • | ^ d tba houae of «*Uratog alnce th* PWillaE aecay of a»e «hoid.' I.*it Jaa-aajrj tba oboM waa affttrted the toe-aUi«a *hioh waa fbHowed by Heart ' A « B W)f«IWb7< MROOfCJTIOS jfatiura, 'Iwhkii' cauawo her u»Umel>

>Mt|MrJ0meormeaey b»



The New ftiikCr*aa



" ^ lf" Tut Silks Wjiripyiw


UttJa Wauda wa> a pupH In the to be Uvea at tb* Kladeirarteo departnwnt or the Etta

llll III 1,1 lllllll llllll'l

Lewt*a Adcoi* »Wwa U «W)ea«au^ af MarrlaoavlUe ttmrattw M a n * 14 wifc a M f ^ "WF *al Pii ^*^a ja^^^a-^aaJ^^^ m aw^a- ajr •a^a^^a^^ ^naa ^a

f»*iwtflaj ibia lcaaeiita^^Ajf*.

ai>v*aMi*,e«aaap Ortel Vharroa will aell at bia

ajpa HtRnVPw ^ np^PT^PSt^w^^i' »^^ F^^^^^I ^^^^^y w^a^apwa*aw

m»e ':''a>aai-''"^"¥~i»iaa (jr*"-'' "iae'rw:: Maroh if . 1»14. i I t ^ . r aora-©aaw aeaa aad bay. w. earai, at«tch« harniaata. rabe» Waaiitata.'aB^ farwt* tat taipleaaaata aaal -*"Jkjda. '

#?V my ot ite-iftc^ Mntf »» m$m^ :te « M a m > ^ i « i t | > t«||«i« "I* *&pm<* ^ i S S ^ f f i a ^ ^ f ^ L l ^ S ^ l f ^ f ^ f e S $

. ••3? ii'nminiimij)'Hi)ii'»ii')^»iiii"< n ii njt i i i)uw{<i)i«ii i»u<ji| i i . i i ' i i i i ' i»,, • n^imnfi^jtuimiji 1.15m«i»«w^,minftfui »"T»irt*ififMftiji>hM»i«'i,ifciiiiabwn»ya»wa^»'ainj »«• •ixnjfa.JSSr. , V

j - #

- <

*p a jpaeliajd. Malcaf' hatt taaja ftotn

m* %$m mt*msr* mm- -<* » * '«j*M> atraok tham" yaatarday after*

the Sth tofa^rtir ptayera oompiHaly % -« ~ awaataad t t e by « aoare of tT ^ J t ,

< m « t . ^M« regimental

prtmasry ,aad waa a popular favarfte wfth both hwr teaoher aad the pupil* raad not a daj- jwaaed dur-Iwr her Hlneea In which amae o* ho* plejrmate* did not call fa inquire foi J»tr, A few daja before her death ahc aa^ed by her mother which of hot plasma tea »a* would moat like tb whtcfc -*e raaiied" Msimwia. 1 love IhJBin ait"^ She waa iery much inter ••tad l« her achooi Work and the treat •& .mammm--*t im «itor* m* wit * * * » . .a*#^ waa .iavObift t» ' fei)»JS.A ''JN>me .. «aj»tHa» \'of .'^Nlr^'ltiaiau ' :-#h«

ten department 'of «b> i«i»Me achooi*

si'-m-fxfr mm'-um.ffm «i«eiv«ii'» :eer^lcsate for perfect a^endance for th» entire achool y«sar.

,Kr, aai % * Gardender have «i« armpathy nf Cheir taaav frleada m » • * freat **R«*fc»*i. <ftm tm*m mV$ banald mm*&* hoaaa te»o^owr aftarneon at t e'etoe*. Rar. n«y a Wee* omelette*. Interment to Rlrer

. In paraoaace of an ordar of Hon. trtotor F. Boira, aurrotate of Clinton ^ » * * fJ^^lattBa It. hereby tivaa aooordlnt to »aw to aft peVeena hartair olahaa ataJnit Jamea &&& late & PUttaburfh In m^&mm af CMaton, deoaaaad. to preaent tha aa»a wltfa tha youohera &&**# to* the autajorfbera at tfaew- place of

Wh^ Not ? Let t Tailor Make You a Real

TAILOR HIDE SUIT Latest Fabrics and Style* lor the

Kew Spring Models

Stim»i%! Always ^Sfiared ©I l e f t ftusl^ Com®

:"-: \.-llHafi^p: ^ # ^ e iff..;'/.

Alterations, Cleanino; and Pres­sing «f i oats & Stolts oar Siieiak %r, Prices I/>w on earl? erders> ITfiait ler F*iMoiaii|e jbadies W aP™Wa e " JBF i <44H]b&*»-

N. LeKOFF 9 Margaret Street

^ : ^ ; ;

• ^ - •



£.*-.,' S' :^? -* " v " •

* ? r U : ^ " . l ' . i'*T'':. -...


^ v --""•• '•' .

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in chi

pn CO ty t i l t i n

• • e * ad th<

•- CM t


aal nw plo hO] roc too ad Co: chi l i t act nei ata mi; tu r wi t


^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ w F. "(5.i""iJ wiW|p^»«* ^»«a L ^ f

war* -mmm'ip^ 4mm&m 4>mmsm&fte*~&&v



.illllilliMini'ia liii^rt»iiiliV.iij.i.Wiiluilit.i»|iiltli M»'«»l"'


> .mil TO n » • fji'f) ll'i'SlJlliliiHIiTljifliiij

» V

:ima® *3 KE2S t9aa -mm 'iras* «;



Shaw, Wtiatatar, - W ^ f « - 4 * i i *ia yew are aavad wbaa Hatt aorai *!' Jfe*****?* ^Coanally. ISberhardt.

•wlflr «i#a«* •^»aaa0aa-^a«tay ^ taa; ^ J ™ * * * ^ ^ ' *«?ea«e«ota» f»r*;

' M ^ M t t « i # l ^ i ^ » ^ ^ W o | * w l i l ^ S ^ Ifc CWaana'Haaa beamed « dona MWcly aad without 1 ^ S S ^ S l J S ^ f ^ f e ^ f * ^ \ *•» * w , t t u

f rtaain'a- -• .-Brtractar "aaata Jte, ^§a^,L^^l-'IM^ * >ch** *» Bort •«enryr. - - \ ,,„,*,.„„»„*„. Hottla, aald aad raoaaimaaded by ta»rda. Waat. Frank, refaraed the - Aft.r rear I|ht th|» t«h«roua ead en-1ru«w«. «a* Red l ^ i a a ^ p p ^ i ^ » ^ k m « » # % » | p W ^ fair zHftfrMm* imm lav ,8aadaii,

- " " " * - ' • - * - *>-* * ' • - ' %iW»k4»t^WjRaJ«B*a^.Io»t itt>4^3M|r-i«SaS Rut to ret the' •tmm'mritu Mk Boudoh had. you <|o»l<l s«JbtttS twpa remedy,. ^ia»* at*<^af e^ti^ae* other-kldaej' pttte ba*1

mmm$:^ ^*? wdtttsr nfttt 4e aa*ta. aa Doan'a «ha* ta -why Fiatjgs; l a W people demand the tenuine, ' Joaeph Boudoh. J B Main M1U atreet

^Wtlfiiaffft |T, V | a j a « { s * ^ t t nairty: aerea yaara ilnce Doan'a Kidney ma*;;

*49nEa4MUa # l # » « i r * » t f ^ i « f « 4 ^ 6 t t « m%f t»x«filta *^ aay that the eure ;S»w #r*V6H aariaanjaii^ I p> ftsad •th|t .MMMtr «* HHT JtH« IT'* t e>

. *#&**$*% ltlfl#, »*o« f a y W : ;%tni»^i Jft#*ir t»t fooler4«*J3* : *fpajal ftflrWt «|htr kidney »uffer*r* m*$}mm fl|w*a»* »»r aajaAM'alt jaWiaa^^it! M*wm Fwter-Mn. rims mn %nftM)i'|^r |*6f*» j«|»,

^ a««a*e far t l»' tHiHit Btataa, 1&*,* ti»ea«her> - <he naw*-~i>oaa*a-^

f f\

INSURE # # » faW CAE «? * * * i _ " * i ' * ' ' * £ , * v

i lm$• Fii f i»*« "' .- C e ' " « , , J H a l V t f R | # # * # - * # ! to«t|Wfe#

20 CUotoo Street ; PlattsbuiYh, N. Y ^ - * Te l eahoae «0-R -


VWLUAMS'KIDNEY PlLLi Faarnsui^'atem ~ fr kidneys and


^ ^ ^ . % ^ ^ WIUJAMSIaT^CO^IVaf^a»«laao\OiMa

»/-4NMrw«ftii» OAI>T URUG OOMPANY.


''COk^^liCTSaaaaaal-«aift>r^^-teatnajaiAajwa^aa.^ ^' /:


c^to^ «i*i«r staiiartQow *iiM*tiatM»*». -^:

4. P. ue 498

»+.X : / : :

SKW . ^

--rVV; ->;\*s.