If u know anyone belonging to the following Churches pls ... · 1 If u know anyone belonging to the...

1 If u know anyone belonging to the following Churches pls print or e-mail to them. This may save a lot of people out there who honestly think they are saved and worship God when in actual fact they are worshiping men or deceived by false prophets & worship satan. ZCC, MODESE,TIRANO,SHEMBE,& MANY OTHER SIMILAR CHURCHES Matthew 24:24 “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive,… The Truth Behind ZCC Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Matthew 24:5 “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. If you are a member of ZCC, remove your ZCC badge and ZCC Cap before you read this testimony, we pray for the Lord’s protection upon the readers and hearers of this testimony in Jesus Name. ZCC is a well known church in South Africa. They say ZCC stands for ‘Zion Christian Church’ whereas the truth is not so. One of three leaders of this church is a man known by ‘Barnabas Lekganyane’ or should I say ‘False prophet Lekganyane’ he has millions of members here in SA. It is said the founder was a man by the name Engenas Lekganyane who is now dead and had had two sons who are still alive who are the current leaders, one of them being Barnabas Lekganyane whom we will concentrate on mainly here. The real meaning of the acronym ZCC is actually in Chinese which means ‘I Satan, Collect & destroy’ This secret was revealed by Pastor Mbatha aka ‘The Man of Secrets’, Pastor Mbhatha stayed in the sea for two years and seven months in preparation to be a sangoma, he later got saved after he failed to kill a true Christian, he realized the power of God after having killed thousands of lukewarms and non believers by witchcraft. The story of Pastor Mbhatha might be a bit sad, his whereabouts are not known by many people after he got deliverance and having revealed many secrets about the powers of darkness. Pastor Mbhatha was a Sangoma or a hardcore witch prior to being a Christian and a Pastor who revealed many stunning secrets, some think that the devil managed to get him back to the sea and some believe he died and went to heaven. He was an Evangelist who preached too much on the subject of holiness and always revealing the secrets of the powers of darkness or the movement of evil spirits in our midst, he revealed secrets behind Sangomas and some churches which I won’t mention by name for now except for ZCC. Pastor

Transcript of If u know anyone belonging to the following Churches pls ... · 1 If u know anyone belonging to the...


If u know anyone belonging to the following Churches pls print or e-mail to them.

This may save a lot of people out there who honestly think they are saved and

worship God when in actual fact they are worshiping men or deceived by false

prophets & worship satan.


Matthew 24:24 “For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs

and wonders to deceive,…

The Truth Behind ZCC

Matthew 7:21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.

Matthew 24:5 “For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.

If you are a member of ZCC, remove your ZCC badge and ZCC Cap before you read this testimony, we pray for the Lord’s protection upon the readers and hearers of this testimony in Jesus Name.

ZCC is a well known church in South Africa. They say ZCC stands for ‘Zion Christian Church’ whereas the truth is not so.

One of three leaders of this church is a man known by ‘Barnabas Lekganyane’ or should I say ‘False prophet Lekganyane’ he has millions of members here in SA.

It is said the founder was a man by the name Engenas Lekganyane who is now dead and had had two sons who are still alive who are the current leaders, one of them being Barnabas Lekganyane whom we will concentrate on mainly here.

The real meaning of the acronym ZCC is actually in Chinese which means ‘I Satan, Collect & destroy’

This secret was revealed by Pastor Mbatha aka ‘The Man of Secrets’, Pastor Mbhatha stayed in the sea for two years and seven months in preparation to be a sangoma, he later got saved after he failed to kill a true Christian, he realized the power of God after having killed thousands of lukewarms and non believers by witchcraft.

The story of Pastor Mbhatha might be a bit sad, his whereabouts are not known by many people after he got deliverance and having revealed many secrets about the powers of darkness.

Pastor Mbhatha was a Sangoma or a hardcore witch prior to being a Christian and a Pastor who revealed many stunning secrets, some think that the devil managed to get him back to the sea and some believe he died and went to heaven. He was an Evangelist who preached too much on the subject of holiness and always revealing the secrets of the powers of darkness or the movement of evil spirits in our midst, he revealed secrets behind Sangomas and some churches which I won’t mention by name for now except for ZCC. Pastor


Mbhatha preached too much on the subject of holiness and the End Times towards the years of 2000. I had a couple of his tapes, he always preached against the churches which he used to interact with during the times when he was still a wizard.

Pastor Mbhatha actually mentioned that when he used to live in the sea, he used to interact with a mermaid, Satan and Lekganyane.

In his preachings he would shout out the name of lekganyane that people would know that lekganyane is a friend of Satan. He would scream out “ZCCs are not going to heaven!”

Some Christians did not like his harsh preachings about holiness, they thought his statutes were difficult. It might have been so, but I liked and believed the secrets which he revealed to awaken the sleeping body of Christ, he knew almost everything about demons.

He knew where they would send the demons to accomplish some tasks so at the time he got saved, he was never watching TV, he said TV was banned in his house because he knew how demons were interactive on the media, he knew how interactive demons were at parties so he also used to advise Christians not to go to parties. He also severely discouraged bad women attire because he knew where the ideas came from.

He never allowed unholy people to enter his yard whether part of the family or not because of Psalm 1:1 he said the Lord would speak to him in dreams and visions and shared some of them with us. I know many people thought many things about him, but I grasped what was important for me to grasp, ‘the secrets’ which were even matching to Emmanuel Enni’s testimony and some Ex Satanists testimonies including Pastor Linda’s testimony. Pastor Mbhatha actually mentioned the name “Queen of the Coast” that he used to interact with, and you will remember that Emmanuel Enni also did interact with the Queen of The Coast in the sea.

Now back to ZCC. There are some Ex Satanists testimonies where they also proclaim to have seen lekganyane in the meetings that are held in the sea by Satan and his followers. In one of the tapes that I had, was a youth girl who testified about attending satanists’ meeting in the sea where they would see Satan himself. The interviewer asked her how Satan looked like and she said they could not see Satan’s face, he was wearing a long black cloth from shoulder to feet and his face was also covered with a black veil, but she said they would see lekganyane’s face as an executive member there.

I am Not doing this article to condemn, but to help the doomed brothers and sisters who are followers of Lekganyane and ‘thinking’ that they will make it to heaven.

This church has millions of members all over South Africa. At the time when I thought of exposing ZCC and the Universal Church, another brother in Christ just came to give me a certain Ex ZCC Member’s mp3 testimony and said I should burn him a copy, and I thought it was God’s confirmation that I should go ahead and help the doomed souls in ZCC. This was during Jan 2010. God doesn’t want any single being to spend eternity in the lake of fire which was created for the devil and his angels.

We are still dealing with ZCC here, we are coming to the Universal Church, Yes, I said it. This Universal church of Satan is gaining fame every Sunday morning; it is televised to attract people to a false breakthrough. A breakthrough where you kill a member of your family!?? A breakthrough where they sneak and kill a member of your family as sacrifice to Satan!!? Hmm…

You see there is nothing for free from Satan. True breakthrough only comes from God; True love only comes from God.


Back to ZCC. Unlike the Universal church, ZCC does not use the name of Jesus, rather it is substituted by the name of ‘Lekganyane’, in ZCC they use the very same bible that we use, lekganyane is deceiving ZCCs by the same bible that we use, how sad is that?

However, I believe only a few ZCCs realize the truth from reading the bibles very well by themselves, like this brother’s mp3 testimony where he managed to see that ZCCs are actually missing true salvation when they get baptized. He said he noticed that the bible says that when we get baptized we must be baptized by the name of the holy trinity, which are Father God, God the Son and The Spirit of God, but in ZCC baptism, neither of these names are used, rather three names are used which refer back to lekganyane.

This brother who is an Ex ZCC member did not mention his name on the mp3 testimony, but I think I will manage upload his full testimony on the site.

Another thing that is misleading in ZCC is the fact that they consult so called ‘ancestors’, aren’t they dead?

They consult Sangomas, don’t Sangomas belong to the devil?

Let us join our hands and help these doomed brothers and sisters.

I tried to translate that mp3 testimony to text, so here below is the testimony of that brother in direct speech.

Here’s what you will notice from this testimony: Lekganyane is a false god, a friend of Satan, this brother was a prophet of lekganyane, he said lekganyane does not speak to just anyone, but speaks to only some of his chosen(his prophets), he speaks to them in dreams, visions and some depart their physical bodies and talk to him in the eternal realm, this brother was one of them.

This brother’s testimony will save many doomed souls, we pray that the Lord convict the hearts of the doomed souls as they read or hear of this testimony.

This brother also believes that it was what God had created him for, to help the doomed ZCCs, let us join our hands and spread this testimony all over. This brother joined ZCC because of his parents.

The members of ZCC usually wear a badge on their chest, a ZCC badge, there is also a cap which is worn by the Men of ZCC. The is a shop where you get ZCC everything, mugs, salt, photos and etc.

The ZCC salt contains tiny spice like red particles and as a ZCC member, you are not allowed to ask what those red small particles are.

There is a ‘ZCC tea bag’ with lekganyane’s photo on the box of the tea and the ZCC coffee, no one knows where these products are made, you will notice in the testimony what they actually are and where they come from.

This brother also mentioned something which is stunning, true and sad, Lekganyane plays with the minds of the Men of ZCC, truly speaking, I once had this thought in my mind, I actually thought ‘You know, sometimes, it is easy to tell if someone is a ZCC member’ you will find out in the testimony about this sad thing which the devil is doing.

The badge which is worn by ZCC members have got a black and a green cloth underneath the silver star


which is on top of the badge.

This brother said that the black cloth represents ‘death’, Lekganyane can kill any of his members at anytime, the members of ZCC have indirectly given that power to Lekganyane because they are baptized under the name ‘Lekganyane’

The green cloth represents the world, which means that the people of ZCC are people of the world and not born again, that is why fornication is not a sin according to ZCC.

Now even if there was nothing supernaturally evil about ZCC, the mere fact that fornication is not a sin can take a soul to Hell. That is Not Godly.

The physical buildings of the church of ZCC have no roof all over the branches every where in SA.

The wall is just as high as the waist. When they sing, they get to a point where they jump very high up like it is a competition of who can jump to highest.

Some people say that the reason have they don’t have a roofing at their worship places is that it might happen that as they jump very high, someone can just be caught up by the holy spirit straight to heaven and never come back. That’s a sad deceit because It won’t happen.

Like it is said, Not everyone in the church of ZCC knows the deep secret of this church. So Not every member can believe or testify of the things which are in this article, but ask the how they pray, they will tell you that they really don’t use the name of Jesus, rather they mention ‘Lekganyane’ in their prayers.

Even some of the leaders are doomed, they know absolutely nothing about these supernatural things that we testify of here in this article, that’s because the devil is a deceiver, and his aim is to drag all souls to Hell.

And based on my understanding, Lekganyane might Not even know the truth about Hell and the Lake of fire, remember Lekganyane is also a human being, A dude who might have sold his soul to Satan and given powers by him.

Yes Lekganyane is seeing Satan face to face in the sea, but the devil is a great deceiver.

Check this out in your logic, No one would want to burn in the lake of fire forever, so what the devil does is to deceive his closest people and tell them that he will win the Armageddon war and have a kingdom of his


own which he will share with them, which is actually Not true.

He might be masquerading as that good looking person in the sea with many powers and many souls to him more than to Christ on earth, but in Hell, he knows exactly that he is that huge ugly looking monster who tortures the dead unsaved souls.

I personally believe that Sangomas also know Not much about Hell. I remember we heared some testimony from an ex devil worshipper who said that as Sangomas would try to help people who go to them for consulting, the devil worshippers would be the ones in the eternal realm who come with the solutions to those clients, they would tell it to the Sangomas and the Sangomas would prophesy to the victims or the clients and give some stuff to drink, eat or smoke and does, they would always believe in Sangomas and never be close to salvation.

So that is my personal believe with Sangomas and traditional healers, that some may not know the deep truth, but the hardcore ones know exactly what is happening, like Ex Sangoma Pastor Mbhatha, he knew all these things, he just maybe had never knew about Jesus until he saw the power of God protecting some true Christian, but I am not sure about this, maybe all of them know very well and just pretending to know nothing because of being bound by Fear.

I remember a time when I watched a certain female Sangoma who was interviewed on TV, I was listening to what she was saying, and she said something which proved that she is a witch.

It was a documentary, so Satan was advertising his false breakthrough on TV, she actually said “If someone was being witched or if a certain witch had attacked a victim by lightning, if the victim comes to consult at us, we are able to send the lightning back to the sender”

Send a lightning back to the sender?! A Sangoma?! How!? What powers?! She’s a witch!!

Yeah, she knows exactly that she can also send lightning strikes even if it is Not for revenge.

And I really don’t buy the stories of these women who appear on TV nowadays trying to get a market through TV that traditional healing is helpful, if they don’t know that they are working for the devil then let them know from today.

Psalm 5:4-6 For you are not a God who takes pleausers in wickedness, Nor shall evil dwell with you. The boastful shall not stand in Your sight; You hate all workers of iniquity.

Pastor Mbhatha revealed the secrets behind Sangomas because he was a top of the range Sangoma and a witch, and Pastor Mbhatha actually gave the details of how he used to do witchcraft and how he used to send lightnings as an attack.

So I believe only a few Satan’s workers know about Hell, because Satan is a deceiver, A liar.

Are you Not angry with the devil that he had taken our family members, friends and loved ones to hell. I can’t wait for Judgement day.

Now let’s get back to something serious about ZCC.

This brother was taught witchcraft in ZCC !


This brother was a prophet of Lekganyane, he said that Lekganyane would show him people whom he should go to and interact with in dreams or visions and he would get confirmation that he was actually sent from other prophets of Lekganyane.

Like I said, ZCC is a well known church here in SA especially to Africans. It looks like in every corner one or two people are wearing a ZCC badge.

You must check how many souls the devil is deceiving and tell me if you really don’t want to stand up and help these people.

They wear a dark green badge on their bosom; the base of this badge is a dark green cloth then a silver star on top of it written ZCC. They usually where it wherever they go, I think it’s some sort of a statute. Some of these people are humble and generous people and it is really sad to know where they will spend eternity if they don’t escape ZCC.

This false god Lekganyane sees each and every member of ZCC apparently, and he knows when a single member plans to leave ZCC, we pray that the Lord will protect everyone who reads or hears of this testimony, it is Not that Lekganyane has powers for himself or Satan, but the ZCC members are baptized under the names of Lekganyane.

Jehovah God, respects the decision that you make, we choose for ourselves whom we want to serve.

This brother also said that Lekganyane does give gifts to various members of the church.

There is a certain gospel singer at ZCC who is given powers by him or by Satan, that he may win souls to ZCC through his music. This guy’s music mesmerizes many people.

One of the things which ZCC gets fame for here in SA is gospel music and a certain ‘Tea’ solution which is apparently ‘Tea without sugar’ called by some name like ‘iNdhayela’ it is thought to bring breakthrough and healing from drinking it, false healing and false breakthrough.

This same Tea without sugar solution is the same one which Pastor Linda was referring to.

You remember Pastor Linda’s testimony “The Truth Behind HIV AIDS” while he was outside his physical body, Jesus showed him the churches which were queuing to get healing water from that snake of the ‘water spirits’ where the first church in that queue was the church called ‘The Jerichos’ or ‘AmaJericho’ and the second church was ZCC !

The churches who were at that queue were churches who uses water for healing, now if your church causes people to drink water for healing then you must not wait for an article “The Truth Behind Your Church”, just be safe by quitting it quickly and join a Christian which talks about Jesus, Not lekganyane or Shembe.

Jesus can come back at anytime, Don’t risk Eternity.

Back to the gospel music guy. This same brother with the mesmerizing evil powers from the music is the same guy who teaches witchcraft in ZCC ! beat that.

This same guy can quote scriptures very well in the music. Non believers who get mesmerized by the music do feel like joining ZCC from those attracting demonic powers.


All around the townships of South Africa, this ‘Ndhayela’ thing is so famous, whenever some people need breakthrough they think of nothing except for ‘iNdhayeka’ the Tea without sugar.

Non Christians are really hooked up with this Ndhayela thing. I am glad that many great Men of God like Pastor NJ Sithole do speak against lekganyane everywhere he holds a crusade to warn Christians and true Christians don’t consult at ZCC.

Evangelist & Prophet NJ Sithole ‘The Tsunami’ is brave in testifying against Lekganyane, The Universal Church and Shembe. NJ actually said that Lekganyane knows him and hates him because of this, however, lekganyane can do nothing about it, Our God is Not a God of dealing with stupid gods.

The bible says we must Not respect nor fear other gods.

Another lady went to get the help of that ZCC Tea and immediately also went to seek help from Jesus at NJ Sithole’s ministry “God’s Army”, if I recall correctly, NJ shared with us this testimony and said that he prayed for that Lady on the phone and that lady vomited that ‘Ndhayela’ out, and Lekganyane called her from nowhere and told her “never interact with that fool NJ again”

I believe she did leave ZCC. I wish NJ could have a full time channel on SABC because he is a walking world-secrets source.

I am confident to write this article because Great Men of God like NJ Sithole and Pastor Linda including Ex Satanists and Ex Devil worshippers do testify against Lekganyane and ZCC.

We are trying to win souls to heaven, Not to condemn. He who hears, let him hear.

Another thing which I have noticed from all these various source of these secrets behind ZCC is that this church operates in fear. The members of ZCC are bound in fear, e.g. “should you leave ZCC, you will be mentally disturbed”, “should you tell this to people, you will have your legs cut” etc. so many rules which bind people with the spirit of fear.

Those who know these secrets like that gospel artist guy pretend to know nothing whereas they know exactly; they are just bound by the fear and the deceit.

This brother also mentioned that he was inspired to share his testimony by listening to another ex Satanist who did testify against Lekganyane.

In another testimony the person mentioned that they were so bound by the fear that if they told the secrets, they would get insane, and it is true, Lekganyane has the power to control their minds because they are baptized in his name, but as soon as they give their lives to Jesus Christ, lekganyane no longer has power over them. Lekganyane has no power over Christians.

In another testimony that was given by a different Ex ZCC member it was mentioned that some new member of ZCC was pathetically killed because he got exposed to the secrets of ZCC by accident.

This Ex ZCC member was a captain at ZCC, this is a rank where you get exposed to the human body flesh parts sacrifices which are given to Lekganyane in his sanctum at the Mount Moriah.

It is said that those who know these horrible super natural stuff speak in codes when they are in public, for


example if they wanted to say ‘we are going to the cave’ they would rather say ‘we are going to the mine’ so by ‘seeds’ they would mean the human body parts sacrifices.

So one time a new member of ZCC found himself among the captains and they were told to bring the “seeds” to Moriah (the mountain where ZCCs gather annually or regularly)

Little did the new member know what they meant by seeds, so the statute is that you don’t open your bag of ‘seeds’ until you enter the Sanctum of Lekganyane. So this new member collected real seeds as in ‘crops’. So they went and entered the private room, and everyone among those men were opening their bags of the seeds as sacrifices to their god Lekganyane and it was found to be body parts of human flesh. To his surprise that it was human flesh from the others and to their surprise why he was not opening his bag, they found out that he brought actual seeds for plowing, as they realized that he was knew, he was killed dead, because he would expose those secrets having not followed the procedure to reach that level.

The one who gave testimony is one who managed to escape ZCC with God’s help, there is no ‘just leaving ZCC’ , but there is escaping from ZCC with God’s help. Amen.

Lekganyane has got a brand of products for the ZCC members which have his photo on them, like body lotion, perfume, Tea, Coffee and no one knows where they are manufactured and neither do they have the right to ask such questions.

Now back to the mp3 testimony, this brother explained that these products are made from underground and are made of mixtures of dead body flesh and other things. He said the ZCC lotion is actually the fluid that comes out of dead bodies, and that there are shops where these products are sold, there are ZCC stores in places like Pretoria and Petersburg. Amen

The following is the testimony from the mp3. This is the brother’s direct speech. Be awakened. Amen.

I greet you all in the name of Jesus, the name which has power, the name that saves, the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

I will like to share a testimony, a testimony which will save many people in this country who are members of ZCC and those who go to ZCC to seek breakthroughs which are not of God, but demonic breakthroughs.

I am person who joined ZCC in the year 1993; I joined ZCC because of parents. My father was the the first one to join ZCC, then my mother, then my younger brother.

I am a generous person, I like to help people, please believe this testimony, please open your hearts and minds and ask for God’s protection especially against the spirits of ZCC which make people to be stubborn. Call the name of Jesus and ask God to protect you as I testify.

I believe that you will have assurance about the things in ZCC which contradict the Word of God. Some may be shocked why I speak these things, they will think that I am just condemning ZCC and

Lekganyane. I am Not condemning anyone; I want to speak the truth.

I will like to make an example with Moses, Moses lived in Egypt, in the house of Egypt, living in Pharaoh’s palace but he was not an Egyptian, what is important here is that it was all God’s plan, God


knew that He was going to use Moses to rescue His children, the Israelites.

I also personally believe that this is my calling to bring the light to the doomed ZCCs. I believe it was God’s plan for me to be a member of ZCC that I may fulfil God’s purpose for me.

I will like to speak in this manner: God wants to help you, ‘the doomed members of ZCC’, if you can read Matthew 24, Jesus talks about false prophets who are going to come in His name and deceive many people, thousands of people will follow them. Many people may say “but at ZCC we do get breakthrough, we get miracles, healing and Jobs”, but Jesus has spoken these things that, these false prophets will show signs and wonders, but what I would like to let you know is that Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross, Not a star. I will like to tell you that ZCC uses powers of a star. Amen.

I believe God is also using me like Moses, after forty years God sent Moses to the same Egypt where he was taught godship and to Pharaoh who actually raised him.

The second thing that I like to explain is the baptism of ZCC. This is the very place where ZCC members miss it. There is a person or persons by the name “Holy Trinity”, I will like to put it in that manner, it is God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit, but when a member of ZCC gets baptized, he or she is baptized under the names Engenans, Edward, Barnabas Lekganyane, they are emersed in water three times, but according to the Word of God, saints are supposed to be baptized in the names of the Holy Trinity.

When you get baptized in ZCC, it actually means that you are putting your life into the hands of Lekganyane, Amen, Hallelujah.

God respects the decision that you make with your life. God has no power over your own will. When you get baptized in the name of Barnabas Lekganyane, you are giving your life to Lekganyane, that is why in ZCC, the prophets there can prophesy and tell you about your life and surroundings, they can tell all the secrets of your life then you become mesmerized and think that Lekganyane is really God, it is not so, you have sacrificed your whole life to Lekganyane that he may take control of it, Amen.

There is something called ‘birth rights’, you are also giving them to this man, barnabas Lekganyane, that is why you can get breakthrough and miracles from him, that’s because your life is in his hands. Aleluyah. I will like to let you know that with that baptism, you are actually selling your life. Amen.

Another thing that I would like to talk about are the carved images and photos of ZCC, there is a statute in ZCC whereby you must stand before the photo of lekganyane before you sleep. There are also different levels of these photos, there is a photo of a mountain, there is a photo where Lekganyane is wearing green & yellow, then there’s a photo where Lekganyane is wearing a khakhi uniform. This khakhi uniform is worn by certain people especially those who do gather on Fridays and Saturdays and pray the whole night, they wear certain types of boots and a black ZCC cap. These are the photos which I would like to speak about.

God said to the children of Israel, ‘you shall not bow down to any other gods nor any carved images’, but in ZCC people bow down to the photos of Lekganyane and ZCC. Behind these framed images of Lekganyane is certain soft paper materials which are normally used by the Pastors of ZCC to pray for people, it is a green paper and a newspaper, these papers are locked inside these frames.


I like to help you realize that you are actually praying to a false god.

Yes in ZCC they do speak against Christians that Christians are actually deceived by the new testament which is actually a western theory from America, but the truth is that ZCC statutes are also contradicting to the Old testament. Hallelujah.

I like us to check a relevant scripture, if you can read Deuteronomy 18:9-13 God does speak again about gods, Hallelujah. God says you must not bow down to the spirits of the dead.

Deuteronomy 18:10-11 “There shall not be found among you anyone who practices witchcraft, or a soothsayer, or one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, “or one who conjures spells, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who calls up the dead.

God says you must not do these things, Hallelujah brethren. These things are against the Word of God, but in ZCC, it said that ZCC is a church of God, Man and Ancestors.

These things are against God’s will. Also check Jeremiah 16:19-21 it also talks about false gods, also check Isaiah 44:13-20

God speaks against carved images and false gods in these scriptures.

Lekganyane is a false god, there are statutes in ZCC where by you have to bow down to Lekganyane’s image. You bow down to this image and confess your desires and wishes. How can you speak to something that was made by your own hands? Hallelujah.

Hallelujah.Amen. Another thing that I like to talk about is the ZCC cap. It is worn by males of ZCC, Hallelujah. This cap is used to take people’s brains, as a man we know naturally that a man is strong in heart and physique. Hallelujah, but check a man who is a ZCC member, before he becomes a member, he is a strong person, but after he is baptized at ZCC, Lekganyane takes his brains and he becomes weak minded like females hallelujah.

Inside the ZCC cap there is a tiny noticeable thingy, which actually steals some brains from you. You can check this ZCC cap worn by Men only, it has some sort of a frame on the top of it in the inside, it is what Lekganyane uses to control the minds of these men of ZCC as he wills. Hallelujah.

I will also like to speak about the flag of the buffalo and the star. Those who managed to visit the place where Lekganyane stays at the headquarters of ZCC where it is believed according to the statutes that there is breakthrough for the members of ZCC if they managed to step at the place. There is a flag with a cow and a star.

I like to explain. This cow represents a god, Lekganyane proclaims to be God. In the prophecies of ZCC, it is said “god has spoken, Lekganyane has spoken” hallelujah, Lekganyane deceives people that he is God, that he is Jesus hallelujah. godship is a great sin.

Like I said in Matthew 24 there are people who will come and proclaim to be christs and deceive many people.

About the star, the star means that ZCC uses powers of a star, Not the cross. Even the ZCC badge has got a silver star, Hallelujah. In the silver star is written ZCC, Hallelujah. They say it is ‘Zion


Christian Church’, but as a Christian we know that Jesus was crucified on the cross, not a star. Lekganyane uses powers of a star. Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, he died for our sins, and this star thing of Lekganyane is godship.

According to the Word of God, we Christians are given power to command the stars and everything; we have the power to command the sun, the moon and the stars.

If you can check the ZCC badge, it has a silver star; it has a black cloth and a dark green base cloth. I will like to explain as well. I have explained abut the star, that ZCC uses powers of a star, this power is Not real power from God. Hallelujah. He deceives people that ZCC stands for ‘Zion Christian Church’ whereas it is not so.

So at this ZCC badge there is a black cloth cloth, this round black cloth means that you are mourning. In the tradition of Africans (unsaved) when a husband has died in a familym the widow must wear only black fine clothes to show that someone has died in the family, so this black cloth represents death, wearing this badge with this black cloth means that you are bound by death; that is why when you are baptized in ZCC, Lekganyane can do anything with your life, Lekganyane can kill you and make sacrifice from you at anytime, you are actually bound by the power of death, Hallelujah.

I like to help you, God’s people, Leave this church, you are being misled and doomed.

The green cloth represents the world, if you can check the grass, it is green, that means you are of the world, that is why in ZCC, it is Not a sin to fornicate and neither is it a problem to have a child before marriage, that means you are of the world, Not born again.

As a ZCC member, you can be told by a prophet of ZCC about who your soul mate is and her whereabouts and you can do the things of the world with her.

People, this church of Hell, it is a church of Satan. Like I said, that the black cloth represents Death, if you can listen to the prophets of ZCC when they prophesy, they call out the name ‘mytah’

They prophesy like “mytah! The god of this earth has spoken! Lekganyane has spoken! The god of the church has spoken!”

‘mytah’ is the name that refers to the demon of Death. I believe that ZCC members can be witnesses here, the prophets of Lekganyane do call this name out during as they prophesy, you must know that when they call this name out, your life is finished, Lekganyane can do anything with your life, this ‘mytah’ demon is a demon of Death.

Another thing that I like to speak out is the following.

I was taught witchcraft in ZCC. These ZCC tea which you are drinking my doomed brethren is able to kill you dead. I am talking about something which I was taught in the church ZCC. While a member of ZCC, there were people whom Lekganyane would show to me in dreams that I should go meet with them, and indeed when I went to those people, I would get confirmation that Indeed I have an appointment with them.

There is a certain man in the church of ZCC. He is a great singer (National Gospel Artist), this guy can mesmerize people with his music, you might be deceived and think that he is really a man of God, but


the truth is not so.

Lekganyane is somebody who can camouflage, he functions as God. There are people whom Lekganyane uses from his church to win millions of souls; we know that there are millions of ZCC members through out the country and Matthew 24 have said it.

There are people whom Lekganyane uses to sing gospel music to deceive people, that is why you can be mesmerized when you listen to their songs, there’s a guy who is used by Lekganyane to win souls, to deceive people, Hallelujah.

He uses these songs and people may think that ZCC is a Christian church, but it is not so. Satan steals God’s things and uses them for his own gain, I am telling you, this guy’s music is mesmerizing, you can feel like something supernatural is happening to you and think that this guy is a man of God, this same singer is the same person who taught me how to attack people with stroke (witchcraft)

I am talking about this same Gospel artist, this guy can also quote scriptures very well in his music, but he taught me witchcraft.

This is how a stroke attack is made: This is just what I was taught by this man, and this man is one of those that Lekganyane showed me in a vision that I should meet with. Here’s how it is done: you take certain special newspapers similar to those which dagga is tied on, but these papers comes from Moriah (a mountain where ZCC members meet during Easters) these papers are manufactured from mount Moriah, there is a machine which manufactures these soft papers and they are given to the Pastors of ZCC, they are first taken to Lekganyane, Lekganyane prays for these papers with that flag of a bull & a star, this flag has got demonic powers. Hallelujah.

These papers have got demonic powers because they were prayed for by Lekganyane who is a god of this church ZCC, so after acquiring these papers you visit this shop called ‘Moriah Store’, this shop is found in Moriah, Petersburg, you buy a red pen in that shop, you might think that the red color is ink, but the truth is that it is human blood, demons are induced into this pen, you then use this pen to write the name of the person that you target with the stroke (the victim) you write his name with the red pen on that soft paper, if I want you to be attacked by stroke, I write your name and the name of the attack. If I want you to loose a job, I would write your name and that which you must suffer (Job loss) hallelujah, I would then burn this paper with a petrol explosion in a plastic bottle, I would half fill the plastic bottle with petrol which I have prayed for using the other papers which are given to the Pastors of ZCC as a prayer tool for the members individually, having written my desire on the soft paper, I would put the paper inside the plastic bottle, I would then pray and call out your name and saying my desire with my mouth, something like “(name of victim) !! be attacked with stroke !! because ! you have done me this evil ! (as revenge) you have broken my heart !! I want your life to be miserable ! “ hallelujah, after I prayed thus, I would climb on top of the mountain, that’s when I want the attack to really work, I would climb up the mountain at twelve o clock then I igninte fire on the bottle top, as it ignites, I continue to pray my desire, releasing curses, this bottle will then explode, it will explode no matter what. In the instant when the bottle explodes, that target is really instantly getting struck by the stroke. Halelujah. This is how I was taught.

I was also taught to cause divorce, like I told you, ZCC is Satan’s church, this is Not a Christian Church.

I was taught how to steal someone’s lover, I am talking about a married couple, not dating games, but I


could also get someone’s girlfriend in that manner. I just like to talk about this sorrowful thing which Satan does.

If I wanted to take someone’s wife or girlfriend, I would do it with ease, as long as that person was not born again and washed by the blood of Jesus, I would do it with ease Hallelujah.

The same manner of attacking people with stroke, I would use the same type of papers and write my wish with that demonic pen. Then there is some smooth dusty product which is normally used for baking, since it is as soft as dust like fine coffee, I would use it for divorce, I would have a certain couple as target, then I would take this product and mix it with water of the waterfall, the waterfall water would cause quarrel between in that family, this mixture caused misunderstanding, the man and wife would quarrel and there would be misunderstanding in that house, that’s because the waterfall makes noise. I would go to the river to get this water.

There is also another type of water which I would use to cause confusion in the target’s house. If I wanted to cause confusion, I would get lake water, because the water is confused not knowing where to go. I would mix it with this product and take this mixture and bring it to them as the ZCC Tea to either one of them provided we know each other. As I give them this mixture in a form of the ZCC Tea they actually drink a curse when they drink it. (so breakthroughs from the ZCC Tea are actually a false breakthrough, you can get a job from having drunk the Tea, then later get a stroke or accident, be crippled or die and go to hell. don’t go to ZCC for breakthrough again) After they have drunk the Tea as they leave to their house, the quarrel would begin. Hallelujah. This couple would just be angry with one another for no reason, that’s when I would intervene indirectly and when the woman sees me, she would just be filled with so much love for me, which is a false love. There is a false love which comes from Satan, just like the love of adultery.

All these things I was taught when I was in ZCC.

Even at work, If I felt jeolus of a certain leader or if someone had made me angry, I would make his life miserable in that manner.

If I wanted to take a certain leader off his position at work, I would make the following mixture, the ZCC Tea which has Lekganyane’s photo, and insert the ZCC Tea which comes from Moriah, there is also a small bottle where small peables of the river are inserted, I would then scatter this mixture at the gate at work or inside the company on the floor, I would write the target’s name and speak out my desire. Hallelujah.

Here is something that I once done at a certain company that I used to work for. In the company that I used to work for, when someone was permanent, he would get his own machine inside the company, now because Lekganyane was using me for his things, I would slumber during work because I was Not getting enough rest for my body. I was a person who would loose concentration and memory because of ZCC, Hallelujah.

So I would not function properly at work, hallelujah, we used to work in groups at the company and my colleagues would reject me, and eventually they reported this matter about me to the floor manager. This floor manager then removed me from being a permanent worker; I went to him to explain to him that I had a problem of being absent minded and loosing memory.

This floor manager made me angry, so I used that mixture inside the company, I used the ZCC Tea. The


box of this Tea is green & yellow and has Lekganyane’s photo on it. I burned the papers and went to the toilet inside the company and called out the name of that floor manager, I cursed this manager with those ZCC products. He used to live in a flat and something shocking happened at his flat, he used to live at a secure flat, there were security guards everywhere at those flats, but one day he came back from work and found all his furniture gone, all the security never saw the thieves who robbed the flat, his flat was empty, he then reported that he was going to take a week off because of what happened to him, I knew what I had done, Hallelujah.

Another thing that I would like to testify of is that at one time when I was asleep, Lekganyane came to me in the spiritual; Lekganyane is someone who can visit you in the spiritual and communicate with you. Lekganyane come to speak to me, Lekganyane can speak to you and you can hear his voice like God does. Hallelujah.

Lekganyane came to me wearing a blacksuit, I remember it very well, Hallelujah, we were sitting and he spoke to me. I want to reveal the truth, even ZCC members know that Lekganyane doesn’t speak to just anyone, hallelujah. Lekganyane came to me in a vision and told me that I am his chosen, he chose me, he told me that I had great ancestors, he said, he had requested me from them. The so called Ancestors are actually demons. If someone has died, he is dead, Hallelujah.

Let me get back to Lekganyane. Lekganyane came and told me that I have been given powers, he said, he wanted to use me, he said to me, I will pray for you in my private room where only the captains of ZCC are permitted to enter. This information is a bit well known that Lekganyane uses human flesh and human blood for sacrifices. Yes it is true, this man works for Satan. Hallelujah.

As he speaks to you, there are evil spirits powers which are entering your body. He spoke to me in the spiritual, that I will work for him, he actually said that If I don’t obey him, I am going to loose my mind and be mentally disturbed and that my life would be miserable. He also sent a prophecy to me when I was asleep, his prophet came to me in a dream and told me that if I don’t work for Lekganyane, my legs were going to be cut off. Later during those times I came to decide to leave ZCC, his prophet came to me again in a dream and said “the god of this church sees you, that you want to quit”

My life was miserable at ZCC, I wanted to leave, so he told me that If I don’t continue, he would cut off my legs and cause me to loose my mind. Halelujah.

At the time when Lekganyane came to tell me that I had powers, it was true, brethren. I would now be able to cause accidents without effort, I could be with someone in a car or taxi and I could make the car to crash or have an accident, but I would have the faith that I would survive, and I would always survive, I would accidents and I wouldn’t care if you were a family or not. Lekganyane had given me demonic powers.

I have explained about stroke and these witchcraft powers, I had been given these powers by him, like I told you what I did to that guy who was a floor manager. Halelujah.

I like also to speak something out, even ZCC member can be witnesses of this, “There is no one who knows where the ZCC Coffee is made” it can just be rumours that there is a factory where it is made. No one knows where these things are manufactured.

Here is an explanation, these products are manufactured from underground, these products comes from a mixture of dead human flesh, it gets burned, you might not notice this, but this is true, I have


also spoken about the ZCC salt which is bought at moriah, this salt has got tiny red particles in the inside of it. You can ask yourself what kind of salt it is with red particles.

The statutes of ZCC is that you must never ask what those red particles are, I like to open your eyes ZCCs, ‘the doomed souls who are misled by Lekganyane’ these things are of Satan. Ask yourself about a salt with red particles whereby you are not allowed to ask anything, you are not allowed to ask where those products come from.

That was my testimony, brethren . Hallelujah. These things are of Satan.

If they are things of God, these teas which I said I could kill people with and cause divorce, why are these things harmful if they things of God? You can ask yourself that question. Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Another thing, there is a certain cave, there are certain people whom I was shown while I was in ZCC, in a vision, I was told to go and meet with those people, I went inside the cave in the physical and I met these very people which I was shown in a vision, and they knew I would come, I began working with those people, we were praying inside the caves.

When you arrive at this cave, there is a certain type of snake it was also used by Lekganyane, we would linger outside the cave and knock and wait for that creature to give us permission to enter.

A great secret which I have seen, like I told you, in a vision Lekganyane told me that I was his chosen. We would pray in this cave, praying for Lekganyane’s kingdom, Lekganyane had declared us to be the pillars of ZCC, we would enter this cave before twelve o clock, when we were among other people or other members of ZCC, we would speak in codes, when we meant “going to the cave” we would rather say “going to the mine” that’s how I was used by Lekganyane, as a pillar of ZCC. We would go there and pray in the spiritual before twelve. ZCCs pray with their knees and hands on the floor, in the spiritual, Lekganyane is climbing on our backs, this enables him to be interactive in the spiritual realm and do some activities, he had said we were the pillars of ZCC, and Not even our parents were supposed to know this. Even if your father is a Pastor at ZCC, you are Not allowed to let him know, even if your mother can be a great woman of ZCC, she is Not suppose to know.

So I would ask myself, “why is it a big secret even to my father that I am a pillar of ZCC?”

My father was a leader at ZCC, My mother was a secretary at ZCC, a bookkeeper, but Lekganyane told me through his other prophets not to let anyone know, it was a great secret.

At times when I was supposed to go the cave since I had an outside room at home, at around ten, I would go to my room at home, and anoint myself with the ZCC Tea and smoke some other ZCC products asking for the path from Lekganyane, letting him know that I was coming to the cave. I would wear the ZCC khakhi uniform and switch off the light, and anoint myself with the ZCC lotion which has Lekganyane’s photo on the container, I was supposed to do these things then stay in the darkness. I would wait for my parents to fall asleep.

It was grieving to know that parents were Not supposed to know about this, whereas they were leaders at ZCC. I would just ask myself why my parents were Not supposed to know it.

There is information that I found about some lotion and other products which people like to use on


their bodies including the ZCC lotion.

In Pretoria, there is a shop by the name kgotso’s store, it’s a ZCC shop at the Vanderwaal street, there is a lotion for relieving pain, if you can’t find it there, you will find it in Moriah. Lekganyane is someone who works for Satan like devil worshippers, this lotion’s ingredients include the fluid that comes out of a dead corpse, and they get oil and water from the corpses. Even the products for make-up and some perfumes. These products consist of these waters from the corpses. The ZCC lotion is plainly a dead body’s fluid.

Many people like these fancy stuff and good smelling products. There is information which I found from another brother by the name David Mamashila who worked for the devil for twenty five years as a leader in Satan’s committee, this brother also shared a testimony after he got delivered that Lekganyane is one of the executives of Satan. He said Lekganyane is one of the top guys for Satan, that is why Lekganyane has millions of followers (ZCCs), he is given powers by Satan.

I have told you, the ZCC lotion is plainly dead corpses’ fluid. Hallelujah. Even the water that they drink in Moriah, that water is from dead corpses. There are certain events at ZCC whereby the members are sprinkled with water, you don’t even know where the water comes from, that water comes from corpses.

I have told you, this is Not a Christian church, this is a church of the kingdom of darkness. I like to help people, that they may be helped.

Here’s one other thing which I would like to speak out to the members of ZCC and to those who go to ZCC to get breakthrough, there is a certain “statute or prophecy” which is called “kgophula” (injection) whereby you are told that you need to get pierced by a certain injection for your breakthrough. This injection is Not different to that which is used on cows, this injection is used by the Pastors in ZCC. They pierce you at your nostrils, hands, body, feet, palms and under the feet and then you bleed, this is thought to be a remedy.

I like to let you know, this is a deceit from Satan and Lekganyane.

There is something called “Blood Covenant”, when you get pierced with this injection and bleed, you are actually making a blood covenant with Satan & Lekganyane. You are sacrificing with your blood, that is why devil worshippers drink people’s blood, this is another way in which lekganyane sacrifices to the devil. Lekganyane takes this blood to the powers of darkness, Lekganyane uses the powers of darkness, so this blood is taken to the kingdom of darkness.

You can think that as you bleed that the blood settles on the ground, but sometimes the prophets of Lekganyane can prophesy and give you a “statute” as a prophecy that you must be pierced by this injection inside a river, so that you may bleed to the moving water instead of the ground. And as the prophets pierce you, they literally tell the blood to abscond with the flowing water. (the blood will then make its way to the snake of the waters)

There is a snake of the waters which Lekganyane also uses, he uses the powers of this snake, so this even is like a sacrifice, he makes sacrifices with people’s blood to this snake, and people don’t know these things. That is why they get sick, this is what I like to let you know, as long as you made a blood covenant with him, he can insert anything into your body, with this injection, he is able to put diseases


and make your life miserable. This injection is filled with demons.

That is why many of the ZCC members’ lives are miserable, including those who go to ZCC for help, they get sick and depressed especially those who were once pierced with that injection.

There is also another special place where you go to consult from the Prophets of ZCC, they can eventually make use of that injection on you, if for example you came to them sick, you might be pierced with that injection and get the healing, an you might think that Lekganyane is powerful, it is Not true. He is able to insert sickness into you and also removes it. Halelujah, he is able to make your life miserable and then fix it again, that’s because these afflictions were inserted into your life by him, because you have given your life to him. Halelujah I like to get people helped here.

Know this one thing, that if you are a ZCC member, you have given your life to Lekganyane’s hands. That is why he can tell secrets about your life, he can tell you about what you have been through in your life and what is happening around you, you must know that you have given your life to Lekganyane.

This is what I can tell you, if you want to get delivered and set free, since there is a statute that once you become a ZCC member, you must never leave the church, they implant fear into people’s lives that once you leave, you will be mentally disturbed.

I am somebody who was a member of ZCC who knew a lot of secrets about ZCC and I used to fear Lekganyane, but God took me out of ZCC, Hallelujah.

I was told that should I leave ZCC, I would loose my mind and get my legs cut, but God saved me. I left ZCC.

This is what I want to let you know today, the blood of Jesus Christ is powerful. Jesus said to those who have burdens, “cast your burdens unto me” he will remove your afflictions. Hallelujah.

Accept Jesus and make him your king and savior of your life.

I know that Lekganyane has inserted fear in you, Lekganyane can terrify you with nightmares and he is able to see you, and he is able to see when you want to leave his church, that you want to leave his hands, he also managed to see when I was thinking of leaving ZCC, because my life was in his hands.

Just kneel and pray

[Lord Jesus, I accept you as a king and savior of my life. Please forgive me my sins, cleanse me from all unrighteousness and give me a heart to desire holiness. I thank you for dying for me at Calvary. I thank you that I am now a Christian. In Jesus Name. Amen]

You will be delivered, ask God for protection and he will protect you. Hallelujah, Hallelujah.

Those were the things which I wanted to make people realize. I really want to help people with these things. Halelujah.

Another thing which I would like you to know is that, if you are a born again child of God, witchcraft has no power over you. If you can check Numbers 23:7-10


When you become a born again, you become a child of God spiritually, no one can manage to witchcraft you.

Lekganyane is bounding people with fear giving them these demonic Tea and use the Teas to deceive them.

As you are now born again, you must Not wear those strings of ZCC anymore. Don’t even wear them again, don’t use the ZCC products anymore, don’t use the ZCC Tea, ZCC Coffee, the ZCC lotion and the other products, you will now use the name of Jesus.

Thank you Good people. I thank the Lord that you will be saved. Thank you, In the name of Jesus. Amen.

People of South Africa, if your church is Not ZCC, but similar to ZCC in statutes, it is better to leave it and be safe by joining a Christian church. If your church uses a different name as they pray except for Jesus, then leave that church, don’t wait for us to write an article about it, but we shall do as the Holy Spirit leads us.

Jesus said No one comes to the Father except through him. Amen.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me

You can Not go to heaven through Lekganyane or Modese. or Tirano or Shembe

If you were a ZCC member and you have read this testimony and gave your life to Jesus Christ. You are now a Christian and under God’s protection.

Get rid of all the ZCC products and fellowship at a Christian church.

You can fellowship at the church that I go to ‘Assemblies of God’ or any Christian church, as long as they talk about Jesus and believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but don’t go to Universal, don’t go to a deeper pit.

If you were Not a ZCC member, start checking how many ZCC members you come across on the street in the every day life and ask yourself if you really don’t want to help share this testimony with these doomed brothers & sisters.

You will see them by their badge, a dark green cloth and a silver star on their.

As we try to win doomed souls who are following false prophets, let us be careful, do Not proclaim that certain churches are Not of God or that certain Pastors are Not of God, just because you had of some slandering testimony given, we must test these testimonies, Satan obviously does try to bring mighty Men of God low. It is dangerous to speak against the true Man of God.

After we get these testimonies, we test them in many ways and finally getting the confirmation from True Prophets of God, like NJ Sithole and Brother Oliva, which makes it solid.

It is my prayer that world-secrets.com can be known by everyone in SA. A current project that I am facing is advertising the website on the daily sun SA Newspaper, it has millions of viewers throughout South



Please let us Join our hands and make this project to be successful, let us win souls like Jesus is coming back this year.

I plan to advertise this A5 article , it will cost R 15,000 / $ 2,500t o be published once, let us join our hands and fight against the spirits of ZCC and rescue our brothers & sisters in these last days.

If you are willing to give a hand in this project, you are welcome. Let us take all the current members of Lekganyane to heaven. Amen.

this picture below is what I wish could be published on a newspaper.



From childhood I knew Satanism and witchcraft existed because we were hearing their testimonies at the revivals where Mightily used Men and Women of God would hold crusades and catch witches, devil worshippers and Satanists. So they would testify to the congregation how they got delivered. Strange and scary stuff we would here being uttered.

One time My late mother and younger brother were attending a revival that was at a certain rural area called Saselane in Limpopo, South Africa. There was a huge tent there, the Man of God there was Pastor Machimane, it was around the years 1998-2000, because then I was staying at a township called Dwarsloop, just next to the rural areas of Limpopo.

This Man of God was very anointed, he was a stunning testimony himself, his father If I recall correctly was a Sangoma and his family were Not Christian.

He had told us Satan was using an imp to torture him from childhood, he said there was an imp that used to come to him every morning, I don’t know whether in the spirit or physical, but I think physical.

He said this imp would come and lead him to a river, very early in the morning and cause & torture him to herd hippopotamuses, it would come everyday and something like ‘boy…! Let us go! In a funny way. From when he became Christian, Satan was very mad and I was still a young boy when we got these testimonies.

At the revival tent in Saselane were many testimonies which shaped me to an extent that I was assured that Satan existed and God existed.

There were many demons that were casted out from people and they were let to talk on a microphone and everyone was listening and shocked.

At other times the Ex Satanists would testify to the congregation how they used to fly by night, how they used to fly from Mpumalanga to Capetown in just two seconds and other stunning secrets, how they used to meet for a meeting with Satan in the sea.

The Man of God used to go around with a woman who had died and came back having been to Heaven and back, she also testified at the tent in front of our eyes. The tent was very huge and one time something happened, The Man of God had sensed or God told him there were many witches in the midst, so I think during a preaching, the Man of God said, “there are many witches in the crowd today” and everyone was anticipating in shock, the man of God actually got into the midst and pointed out the witches, it was I think during a Holy Spirit manifestation, he was paving through the crowd and going like “here’s a witch”, “here’s another one”, “that one over there is a witch”, he was touching their heads passing to the next one and some of them repented, but some decided to stay flying with their brooms until they go to hell :)

Sometimes we would just borrow tapes of the testimonies. Another former satanist girl used to work for the devil in the department of fornication, they say they also have departments or categories just like we christians have different gifts. Fornication is having sexual relationships outside of marriage, so that girl said she used to work in the department of Fornication and she would sleep with different guys and take some of


their semen to where the satanists met at the sea and she mentioned in her tape they would do something to the semen and the guy would Not depart from fornication, I think in a form of a curse. And the process would go on and on, the next person who would sleep with the cursed also got cursed and Not depart from fornication, so her duty was to promote fornication for Satan.

Some former satanists would mention they were responsible to cause divorce, accidents etc, some young girls testified and said at their school (primary) each year, there would be some a death of a child, at least one, and they said they were responsible for that.

At the time I was growing up, I would have a collection of this information and I would be getting a lot from my mother. I would be sharing it with some of my school mates, and they saw me as a unique person because I did Not want to engage in bad things because I knew something they never knew, I knew Jesus.

From 2001 to this day I was staying around Secunda, South Africa. People here seem to ignorant of these things. Some people never even for a single moment heard a demon speaking through someone, they never heard God speaking through a human being using him or her as mouthpiece, when I testified about these things especially at High School before 2004, it would be like I was performing in a stand up comedy show, they would just laugh out very loud and Not believe thinking I am insane. May The Lord convict the hearts of my high school friends wherever they are In Jesus Name.

Later I came across a tape of a former devil worshipper by the name Denis who at the time when I got the tape had already accepted Christ and became a Pastor.

In Denis’ tape he mentioned he was a ‘devil worshipper’ he said Satan came to him in a form of a man. I don’t remember If he said in physical body or spiritual body. Denis was troubled at that time when the devil came and told him he could give him a job and pay him money, so Denis accepted the deal. He was working for the devil in the department of drawing saved souls to Satan, in other words his job was to make Christians to backslide. I don’t remember everything in that tape; I will touch up what I grasped. He mentioned he would go to church like other church goers and pretend to be a ‘born again’ and I think he said he was playing the music keyboard for the congregation. He would disturb God’s service and cause demons to appear in front of infants and young babies so that they cry. He said the babies would literally see the demons ‘LIVE’ during a very important part of the Word of God so that the congregation would be interrupted by the crying babies and miss the essence of the Word. He said he and his companions of ‘devil worshippers’ would also ‘fast’ and not eat anything except for drinking human blood and pray to Satan that bad things would happen, they would pinpoint exactly what they wanted Satan to do for them and it pleased Satan. They would pray for accidents, divorce and more, however their fasting was not strong against Christians. He mentioned that when a true Christian would fast for three days, they would have to fast for fifteen days in order to stand that Christian in temptations and backsliding tricks.

He said he would get paid regularly, they would arrange an appointed time at an appointed place, and he would stand there and wait, then a black luxurious car would arrive and a man would give him his salary wrapped. And when the car left, No one would recall or know where the car had gone.


So I would borrow these tapes to my school mates and friends but sometimes they were not returned. Some people would say, but we shouldn’t dwell on Satan’s stuff, rather let’s praise our God. I would feel like Yeah we have to praise our God but these secrets also encourages, especially us as Christians, some people even get saved from these revealed secrets. I think it opens our spiritual eyes while we are still in the earthly body. This stuff removes a veil in front of our eyes; It increases our faith and causes our praises towards our God to be more significant. I know it also helps to know how your opponent fights in order to avoid his strong points, I do Karate as sport and I know it helps to know your opponent’s strong points or to learn your opponent during the fight.

During this year 2009, I came across Emmanuell Enni’s testimony, this one is like the absolute secrets out. If this one does Not invigorate someone’s heart! I don’t know what to say. My Father also told me that Emmanuel Enni once came to testify his experiences many years ago when I was still very young here around Secunda. He was a Satanist and actually became the chairman of the Satanists. Now I advice you Not to desire to be a Satanist, the Ex Satanists who received a chance to repent are very lucky, according to my thinking, ‘The majority of Satanists are going to Hell’, so don’t risk eternity and if you are a Satanist, you must know that the devil is a liar, he might promised that you will never die, but it is not true, Judgement Day is coming, you don’t want to spend forever burning in the Lake of Fire, please repent, Ask Jesus into your heart and run to a Man of God to let him know about your testimony.

In this testimony you will realize many things. I always wondered who those are that the sea gave up who were in it.

Revelation 20:13 The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each according to his works.

When I was busy getting more stunning testimonies I realized that In the sea! Are many people who work for the devil And Not dying until Judgement Day, But I don’t know If it is those that the scripture refer to.

There are people in the sea who live there as Satan’s workers, and come to earth using earthly bodies like the woman who worked for the devil 3,249 years without having gone to hell already. There is also Pastor Mbatha who was a Sangoma then became saved and became a Pastor. In his testimonies he said he stayed in the sea for two years and seven months in preparation to be a Sangoma, interacting with a mermaid and Satan himself including some leader of an unchristian church here in South Africa.

Now this proves that this city in the sea actually exists where Satan workers meet with him(Satan). Later after having acquired about the lady who worked for the devil and was existing for +3000 years on earth, I heard of faint rumors that there are some also who were caught by the same Man of God during this year 2009, a 1000 year old soul in an 11 year old boy’s body.

Luke 8:17 “For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light.

Emmanuel Enni’s Stunning Testimony


Also watch this former Satanist young girl's testimony

The Truth Behind HIV/AIDS

Pastor Linda's 40days & 40nights fasting testimony

This is a testimony about Pastor Linda who have been through a Fasting of forty days and forty nights on a mountain. I am still looking forward to meet with him that he may give me his own 'Text Version' of this testimony. I just translated & interpreted a little bit exactly from my audio cassette tape. It is in an African language so I'm the one who translated it to English with the help of Holy Spirit.

So here I wrote exactly what I was listening to from the audio tape, at some places it's not very clear. I pray his testimony can be globally well-known.

Here is how it goes exactly from the audio tape. The orange text is me speaking:

During my forty days and forty nights fasting (40Days&40Nights).

Day1 up to day19... this is where I saw this person standing besides me, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I noticed his beauty from his feet to his bosom and I was satisfied with his appearance, Then I asked “And Who are you?”

He said “I am The Word. As I have come to this place call me ‘The Word’ for I will be with you during your ‘Forty Days & Forty Nights Fasting”. I said ‘I have a problem... why do people don’t get healed from their deadly diseases? Why do people have problems without solutions? I have come here to weep for people, It was day19, I didn’t know what was happening to my wife back home, but what made me glad was that she was there when they accompanied me to the mountain for my fasting. My fellow servants of God allowed her to come with so that she may be witness that they indeed left me at the mountain, she cried when we dismissed, I asked her “Why do you cry?” she said “I’m scared” then I said “don’t cry the Lord will be with me” Then I turned and spoke in tongues with the Lord as they left me there. I didn’t know what was going to happen during my ‘4o days fasting’ During day19 when I asked Jesus Christ ‘why do people don’t get healed from their deadly diseases? Why do people have problems without solutions? Why are people so fastened? He said to me “Linda... my son..., They are not bound here, they are not tied on this


world--------------------They are in the ‘rule of darknesses, in the spiritual wickednesses, in ‘The higher places’. I said ‘Lord I want to see those spirits that have tied them’, He said ‘Let’s go’ Then we went. I don’t know how we went, it was incredible. That’s where I understood why God said I should leave my house and do the fasting on the mountain. He knew maybe people would think I have passed away. God wanted to take me out of my body, because I couldn’t see those things with my earthly body. So He took me and we went and then we entered what seem to be a massive horrible Arena(house). This house was made of glass in the sides, on the floor as well as the roof. The area of this house could span cities. Then we walked inside and He said ‘Linda, this is where the people are bound. I saw people of earth that don’t have Jesus, they were in that massive arena, I saw them being cursed, I saw them being beaten and abused. I asked ‘Why are these people seen here but they live on the earth’ , then ‘The Word’ (Jesus) said ‘If the Word says if a sinner repents to God and be saved, he actually comes from the dead to life, it means while he was an unbeliever, he was deceased-alive, because you see them here, but they are on earth as we speak. You see there they are on the earth, they are having fun and enjoying themselves, but because they are unbelievers, they are dead.’

I saw all unbelievers or heathens there, the clothes they were on earth daily are exactly the same as those in that realm of darkness. Their names are called by the same names of earth. I then saw people in a queue, it was those who deny Christ on earth, backsliders and skeptics. They were being counted every day in that ‘wicked realm’.

The bible says in Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV) For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the ruler of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. That’s where I mean, I have been there! What grieved my heart was when I saw at the entrance was a person or a being who wore sacks like a ruggamuffin, then as the queue was coming in, backsliders were stepping on the sacks of that man, and some demons of torment would rise and say ‘Why did you step on the King of the Dominion!!!’ It wasn’t Satan, it was just a chief demon in that place. Those demons would persecute those people, getting them to pick up heavy drums while beating them etc. They were severely punished for stepping on the chief demon. All the people in that arena were severly persecuted, then I saw a special type of people in that realm, these people were no longer persecuted because they were trusted that these have genuinely joined


‘The Kingdom of Darkness’ they are trusted that they won’t depart from this kingdom.

I was showed them: Sangoma’s, Izinyanga and dancers(Jivers) It was said that these have joined genuinely, they are no longer persecuted or tormented by these demons in that realm. Sangoma’s(witchdoctors or black traditional healers) genuinely belong to the devil, and all non-christian dances(Jives) belong to the devil genuinely. As I was walking, I saw cripples being made. There are people on earth that are in good health but in that ‘spiritual wicked realm’ they are crippled. They are tied and being cursed, there are demons surrounding them saying ‘You are a cripple!, you are a cripple!, you are a cripple!, you are a cripple!’ But on earth these people are still in good health and shape and having fun. They are being cursed in that realm until one single day of earth it happens that they are either knocked down by a car or shot at a spinal cord or anything happens just to fullfill the curse in the spiritual wicked realm. [There is a book by Vuyo Dineka titled, ‘Redeemed from Curses’, he mentions on the first page, that the things that happen here on earth are actually the results of what had happened in spirit or what is happening in the spiritual. Some people that have been to ‘hell and back’ mentioned the spritual world seem to be more real than this physical world] If people knew these secrets they would all run to Jesus, Because they are enjoying themselves and having fun on earth and know not much. Then I asked and said ‘Lizwi, do all diseases come from here?’ [Lizwi is an African word meaning ‘Word’; Jesus,

The Word] John 1:1-2 He said ‘Asthma comes from here, TB comes from here, BP comes from here...’ He mentioned All the diseases, bone diseases... ALL diseases you can think of! Then I asked and said ‘Tell me Lizwi(word), does this disease called HIV/AIDS come from here? He said ‘Yes my son, it is made here’ I said ‘can we go and see where they make it? We were walking on a corridor, there were labs on the sides, we couldn’t enter, I saw It was locked, there were people in this labs being tested diseases on. We indeed walked in that passage! As we were walking, I was seeing in the rooms, people were in the rooms very sick, Lizwi said ‘Look beneath’ and when I looked to the earth I saw the very same sick people in the rooms, they were on the earth in very good health and shape. I could see on the earth also as I was in spirit form, like John said ‘I was in spirit’ I didn’t know what to expect, but through prayer, it happened, I had departed from my body. Then ‘The Word’ (Jesus) said ‘some people get sick here for up to about 10 years or 16 years before they get sick on the earth, and when they start to be attacked by the disease on earth, people think it started them now-now, but the reality is not so. Then I was shown some people that die before their appointed time. ‘The Word’


said ‘these people are not actually dead as the physical world(earth) declare them so because they were buried. They were killed in this ‘wicked realm’ and then after that, maybe after 3 or 4 years they die on earth and get buried. That is Not God’s will.’ I don’t like this phrase ‘All death comes from God’... NO! I saw secrets! People go like ‘Thank you God, you gave us, and you have taken’... NO! It’s not God that takes some times. So He said ‘We are short of Men and Women, Damsels and Lads (Youth) that are full of the Holy Spirit, that when they get to a corpse(of that situation) and say ‘In the Name of JESUS!’ and they will leap and walk (live) . I said ‘Lord, when i’m done here, I want to see those people rising and running. Then I said ‘Let’s go and see this “braggart” HIV/AIDS which is said to be uncurable’ and we went there, but when we were about to reach there he said ‘there is where it is made my son’ I saw this for real! I saw people that are in super good health on earth, but there in those rooms were almost bones helplessly lying on the floor. They couldn’t even drink water but here on earth, they don’t even have a symptom of AIDS. He said ‘This disease... has spent sixty(60) years on this realm, before it could lend to a single human being on earth. I said ‘Lord is this disease uncurable?? He said ‘It is curable...’ Then I said ‘Lord tell me lizwi why do (we) Servants of God lay hands on people with this disease yet it kills them even after we laid our hands on them. He said ‘Linda, because you are asking, i will tell you the truth my son, ‘You all’ are the hypocrites. There is something wrong ‘you all’ do after laying the hands on the people, I HEAL THEM, THEN YOU ALL DON’T THANK ME. YOU ARE TEARING MY GLORY APART. I WILL NOT SHARE MY GLORY WITH MAN. I WILL NOT SHARE MY GLORY WITH MEN. The problem with some of my servants that preach the true gospel, that are anointed, that are full of the Fire and Power, that lay hands on these people with AIDS, there is something wrong that they do. They say THEY are the ones that healed AIDS, they are tearing my Glory. I WILL NOT SHARE MY GLORY WITH MAN. Then I said ‘speak on Father, what do you mean exactly? He said ‘Linda my son, I mean after they have laid hands on those people, they fail to come and thank me, they fail to say ‘Thank You, Thank You, YOU have done it.’ I said ‘Lord, Isn’t that the church rise up and thank you, Isn’t that thanking you Father? Then He took me to the earth and showed me ten men that had thought they had thank the Lord according to the church, then they went home, so the one who realy thanked me was the one who came afterwards while alone and said ‘Honor and Glory I do not deserve, BUT YOU deserve it’ The Lord said, ‘I want that type of gratitudes’ Then I said ‘Lord I humble myself, everytime You do miracles, I will send gratitudes’ There are words that ‘The Word’ had said, they


had indeed made me up: He said ‘To send gratitudes my son, means You have done NOTHING, but I have done it, that’s why you give thanks. Sending gratitudes gives brith to: You have done nothing, but God had done it’ He said ‘my son, witholding gratitudes means God has done nothing, but YOU have done it’ I then humbled myself and said ‘I will send gratitudes everytime you do miracles Lord.’ He said ‘my son, we are not done yet, there is one last room, you see that last room over there, it is where they are making a very bad disease that surpasses AIDS. I asked ‘how bad is it and why?’ He said ‘this one attacks a person and within three(3) days, he or she is gone, because HIV/AIDS lasts for a long time before the person dies, he or she even gets a chance to come back to ME and repent to be saved, but this bad one that is coming, many will not get the chance to accept ME before they die. So we went to that room to see the bad disease, I was shocked. I haven’t made a global search yet to see if this disease is yet come or not. He told me AIDS has spent sixty years in that realm but He did not tell me how long will this one take, has it started yet or how many years has it been on the realm for. I realy don’t know.

So we went to see it. I realy saw this brethren. When a person gets attacked by this disease:

-Water vanishes from the body

-Saliva vanishes

-the tongue dries all the way inside like outside.

-The person dries inside, urine vanishes, tears vanishes

-sweat vanishes

-anything that is liquid vanishes

Until blood gets weavened, then that person can’t even talk because it is all dry.

As he raised his hand to ask for water, brethren I saw him with my own eyes, opened his mouth, people ran to get water, as he tried to drink the water, he drank, vomitted and fell onto the floor. And that was his death.

[As he mentioned he left his body. I think he went to what others call ‘Second Heaven’. So the people that he saw with this bad disease, I


believe or think they are the ones to be infected by this disease first here on erth, because he said he saw unbelievers that are on earth even to this day in good health, in that realm they were are troubled. And I think if that person that he saw could be ‘born again’(accept Jesus) today, that curse may be broken and the disease might bypass him]

I asked the Lord ‘how will people evade this disease?’ He said Let them all run to ‘The Rock’, as He said ‘The Rock’ I saw Him being A Rock, and I praised Him and said ‘The Rock of the Ages, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, The Lion of Judah, the soon coming King. I saw Him being a Rock. Then I understood, all those who will run to Jesus shall live. It was during day19 of my 40 days. I then said ‘Lord this is enough’, can I now go inside the rooms, heal and release them. Jesus said ‘Satan is so wicked that the keys to unlock these rooms are not around here, as he has locked here, the keys are also hidden, and not here. We must go and fetch them, then you can come back to open for this people. I was so grieved. Then I got back into my physical body, woke up on top of a rock that I was lying on, It was wet, my collar was filled with tears. I thanked God for the things He showed me, It was day19. I was now back to physical, I read the word and prayed, read the word and prayed. Until day30. He was besides me and he said let’s go to the keys. Then we went with a swift like swish. I left my body lying there as we went for the keys. We reached this great river sort of a waterfall, it was where many waters meet, not in a sea, but a great river that literally exists. We went near and stood out there, we saw a black bird just outside. Jesus said ‘it is a guard at this place, Satan has assigned it, kill it!’, I asked ‘Lord, how can I kill it?’ and He said point it with your finger and I did so, not even with my right hand but with my left. As I pointed it with my finger, it was like a bomb had hit it, it fell to the water being in pieces and feathers scattered. I was frightened and thought ‘what is happening to my finger?’ then He said ‘Let’s go in’. And we now found a house that could be equivalent to a church building in area and it was made of a super hard impenetrable metal. It had two people outside, A black man and a white man, they were also in guard that no one should come in to get the keys without permission. We just passed these people and went in with super ease. I looked and saw different types of keys hanging in long rags or what seem to be a room divider but very long and was a glass just before the keys. As unique as the keys were, you could go around and round like in a supermarket looking for the right type of keys. I saw also two people inside in guard for the keys, also one black man and one a white man. Jesus said ‘These keys are many, you will only take a few, many people should come to get these keys for those people


to be set free. Then I asked ‘I understand that Lord, but how did we get in here’ That place was not made of glass nor brick but a very strong material it seemed it could withold fire. But we just went through with ease. The people outside couldn’t see us and neither did the people inside, so I asked ‘How?’ And He said, ‘there is no place where I cannot enter, God has got three offices, one for Himself, one for Myself and one for Holy Ghost, but I can enter into all of them, I have permission to My Father’s office and I have permission to Holy Ghost’s office. There are places where angels cannot go to, and places where Holy Spirit cannot come close.’ I said, ‘I don’t understand this. A place where Holy ghost doesn’t come near, angels don’t go in, but You can go in, I don’t understand.’ He said ‘Linda, listen let me tell you. Today you will know that there are places where Holy ghost doesn’t go in, where he just stand outside and fold his arms. And Jesus took me and showed me an He said ‘Look there’s a woman, she’s taken by another man who also have a wife, they are both going to have fun at the hotel where no one sees them, they are both anonymous there. ‘Holy Spirit has folded his arms afar off, he is grieved by what they have done, that’s why the word says do not grieve the Holy Spirit, when he is grieved, he doesn’t do anything, he folds his arms.’ Then I said, ‘I still don’t understand, speak on Lord.’ He said ‘Linda, now you will understand fully, there are many churches, the people are fighting for positions inside, they practice witchcraft, they got hatred, gossiping and misunderstanding. Holy Ghost is standing outside saying ‘I wan’t to go in there, but there’s chaos, I can’t go in, but when the fight is over, then i will enter.’, but I (Jesus) go inside during the chaos because I can go anywhere.’ I then asked ‘what do you mean you go inside?’, He said, ‘In all the churches where there are fights, you will find them reading the Bible(The Word). IT IS ME, I AM REBUKING THEM, BUT THEY STILL DON’T HEED’. Then I understood that indeed the Word goes everywhere. Then He said ‘That’s why we got into a place like this one. I said ‘I heared it’s enough, can I now get the keys to release those people in that wicked realm.’ He had told me, it is not easy to release those people from their earthly problems before they are released in the dominion of darkness, becuase they are actually not bound here on earth. He told me ‘you must first release them from the spiritual world, then it will be easy in physical body, even you just say, you are healed, In Jesus’ name, it will just happen automatically, because they will have been released from that wicked dominion in spirit. As I drew near to get the keys, I noticed it was also locked, I was surprised and thought ‘why is it not opening?’ I looked at Him in the eyes and said ‘It doesn’t open!’ I said I want the key to open here and take the keys!’ He said the


key to open here and get the keys to set the people free is In You’ I marveled and giggled. I thought to myself ‘I won’t lose, it is said the key is in me’ Then Jesus said tell me! (what is the key?) I said the key is the name of Jesus!, He said the name of Jesus is a key on other things but not here.-----------------[My audio tape wasn’t that good during this moment, bear with me. So there are some seconds missing here, I hope you don’t get confused. Until Pastor Linda mentioned while at the waters he saw a snake ‘The Dragon’ I think the missing part was when he explained the trinity of Satan] While at the waters, I saw a huge snake(dragon) that vomitted water to that great river and I saw a very long queue of people coming to get these water for their healing. Jesus said ‘this is the snake that blasphemes God, I caught or found many peoples worshipping it, when different peoples say they go to get water to heal people, it is actually the spirits of this snake. They are called ‘water spirits’ All those who pray for people using water are deceiving people, they actually belong to this snake.’I didn’t know, and then He said ‘my son Linda, I have spoken on Mark 16:18 (NKJV) ...they will lay hands on the sick, and they

will recover. NOT get them to drink water.’ I noded to the Lord, as i did this, He said ‘Look at these people...’ I was shocked to see a small church that is still starting here(South Africa), it was the first church on the queue to the water spirits of the snake. This church is very small, they call themselves (‘The Jerichos’) AmaJericho, they wear only red apparel. Then I looked and saw the next church just close to the first church, it is very well-known church in South Africa. It is a church that uses ‘TEA without Sugar’ to heal people, they are in the queue also to the snake. I won’t mention all the churches, and i’m not condemning or insulting anyone, I am telling you what I saw while in spirit form! I saw all those churches who came to get the water. As I was looking at those churches, Jesus said ‘These people know nothing, but they are taught about these water by their leaders, and they are also possessed by these ‘water spirit healing’ of the snake. They seek no other form of healing except these water.

The snake spoke with a loud voice and said ‘I hate those who say they are born again, i have a plan how we can make all of them to be quiet! That they should never talk about salvation.’

I was listening and Jesus said ‘Listen carefully’ . It wasn’t the devil(Satan) speaking, but the snake, but then Satan also spoke and he spoke words that humiliate himself, you might think Satan doesn’t know anything but the truth is that he knows much. I realy heard him speak! So


the snake spoke and said ‘All those who preach the gospel and the followers of this ‘man of the cross’ let them all lack MONEY, so that they can go to this demon of ours that we had assigned to keep MONEY then they can join our kingdom.’

Then Satan spoke, he was in a distance afar from us and he said. ‘Listen to me serpent, i’m superior than you, i know what to do! We can’t succeed in making christians to be poor so that they depart from their God, because MONEY belongs to their God, not to us!’

Brethren money doesn’t belong to Satan, some people misinterpret this, they go like ‘money is root of all evil.’ NO! Money is NOT the root of evil. MONEY

IS THE ANSWER FOR EVERYTHING!!! (Ecclesiastes 10:19), BUT to love money more than God(The Creator of The Heavens and The Earth) is a root of all EVIL!!! (1Timothy

6:10) As i’m speaking on this microphone--it’s money, I’m in fine apparel—because of money, you ate food—it was bought by money. Money answers everything but the love of it is the root of all kinds of evil, as some have cut off heads of their children and gave them to witches for the sake of getting money. Some kill their beloved family members in the wilderness for the sake of getting money, some do very hideous staff in order to get it, that is “The Love of Money”. So after Satan has spoke against the snake he said ‘I alone know how to stop them, ‘We can insert FEAR into them, because there is not a single person that can join our Kingdom without FEAR. Let’s put FEAR into them so that whenever they transgress, they will even be scared to go and ask for forgiveness, because I and my followers hate God as HE always forgives them when they repent to ask for forgiveness. So if we insert FEAR in them, they would even be scared to ask for forgiveness, then we would have won them ALL.’

You know when God uses FAITH, Satan uses FEAR. Before I came back to normal, I asked the Lord ‘where are the keys?’ He said ‘Linda I said they are in You’, then I said ‘but which are the keys!’ He said ‘Oh Linda, the keys to open there and get the keys to release the people in that realm are a certain portion of you tears. When you cry, don’t cry for your prosperity, but weep for the bound people in that wicked realm. Not all your tears can do this, you could cry for the whole week, but as long as the “Right” tears hasn’t come out, the keys will have not been won.’ He spoke on and said ‘Linda keep on weeping for the people’ I started weeping from that moment, then I asked the Lord ‘how are those tears


going to get to the waters and get the keys and to the realm of darkness to set the people free.’ He said ‘Linda, what is impossible to men, to God only it’s possible. I then got back to my physical body. My eyes began to fill with tears and they welled. Even at times when i am alone, my tears just well. Then I wept for the people with uncurable diseases, I wept for broken marriages, I wept for Parent vs. Child problems, I wept for victims of car-jack (Hi-jack), I wept for widows and widowers, I wept for the abused, I wept and wept. While in physical body like now.

From day31, I was praying and reading The Word. Then day40, I couldn’t stand up, as I tried to stand up-right, I was seeing everywhere it was yellow, then I would kneel, until I regain a little bit of strength. I was powerless and couldn’t even pray with vitality. I was just kind of whispering when I tried to pray. I was sitting on the stone to my surprise why it was yellow everywhere, then I understood this is no longer supernatural but it’s got to be physical hunger. The Lord was besides me, he didn’t depart, though I couldn’t see him but I could feel that He is around.

He said ‘Lift up your eyes’, I looked and behold a man, descending downwards towards us. He was brightly sparkling and shining like I had never seen before, he descended and stood right in front of me. It wasn’t Jesus this time. I looked at him from his feet to his bosom and I couldn’t continue looking at his face. And Jesus asked me ‘can you see what has this man in his hand’ I said ‘Yes I can see’

This man was holding a rod which had black and white stripes. Jesus said ‘take it!’

As Jesus was saying this, the man stretched his hand towards me, then I grabbed it, as I grabbed it, this man uttered with a voice that could be heared in the nearest city, in the nearby country, in the nearby continent and could shake the whole earth at once.

The man uttered and said ‘LET THEM BE FREE...! FROM THE POWERS OF SATAN...!





As the man uttered and I grabbed the rod and I imitated the man and said. ‘Let them be HEALED...! from ALL diseases!... Let them be FREE...! from all powers of Satan!

I tried to look at this man’s face, but I couldn’t see even his lips. He kept uttering:



Jesus said to me ‘Do you see this man?’ I said ‘Yes I do’

The man turned toward Jesus and now spoke with a low voice in reverence to Jesus. Then Jesus said, ‘what is the colour of this rod’ I said ‘It has got black and white stripes’ Then Jesus said ‘these stripes means from today you will be sent to all places and abroad to all white people and to black people like you. I asked him in wonder ‘How can I go to white people?, I can’t speak English, I am not educated, i don’t know their language?’

I was raised in a farm being a sheep herder, I did not even go to high school. I couldn’t even say a single English word properly. I struggled a lot when God called me to be His Servant. Bible schools rejected me because of not being able to speak. Until I found this Bible School called ‘Assemblies of God International’ which was found in Witbank, springvalley, it has now moved to Benoni. That’s where I did my theology in Zulu, and I understood it very well, I did my three years and qualified for a diploma to be a Pastor. This brethren is all true.

So when Jesus said I will go to all places to preach, I asked how could this be possible as I can’t speak English. Jesus said ‘from today, you will speak English. this experience took place during the year 2000. I then said ‘Lord, how can I speak it? Who’s going to teach me? He said, ‘you are going to start to teach yourself’ I was left with that message that I will go to ALL places. That was the end of my ‘40 days fasting’.


As I started to pray, to my surprise my prayer was in English and I wasn’t sure it is really English. My fellow servants of God are witnesses, they would say staff like ‘Pastor Linda is anointed, if he could speak English, he could go abroad’. I was praying in English during the dawn of day41 and I regained strength, I was rejoicing. I was waiting for my wife to come and handle me with tender care as we descend down the mountain. I was in watch, and a Servant of God Pastor Zikalala came searching for me, I think he was afraid thinking maybe I have long time passed out, he came saying, “SERVANT OF GOD... IS THE SERVANT OF GOD AROUND?” As I lifted my hand, I helplessly said “I’m here” they came towards me, one grabbed me on my left and the other on my right, as they were lifting me to where the car was, I said ‘Let us pray.’ They didn’t want to pray, I said ‘let us close our eyes and pray’, but they denied it, they were just staring at me. I thought maybe they are thinking ‘what if he passes out on our hands, let’s rush to get him strength lest he dies of hunger’. Then I alone prayed, and they were very surprised because my prayer was in English, they heard me saying:

‘Heavenly Father I thank you for your grace, for your mercy. I want to thank you almighty God, and I promise you I will serve no other God except You. I worship you in truth and spirit, because for you are worthy to be praised. Yesterday, today and forever you are the same, all may change but Jesus never. Welcome King of Kings! welcome king of Glory! You come in majesty! You rule the nations! They shake at the sound of your name! Mountains bow downand the seas will roll at the sound of your name, Your Kingdom shall not pass away, and your power will never come to an end. Haleluya!

[He then continued in tongues and called those who wanted to Accept Jesus as their Savior]

Have you not received Jesus Christ The Lord as your savior as yet. To give your life to Jesus say the following prayer and mean it in your heart:

Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and unless you save me I am lost forever. I thank you for dying for me at Calvary. I come to you now, I ask you to save & heal me Lord. I now receive you as my Savior. I thank you for forgiving me all my sins. Please baptize me with your Spirit. In Jesus

Christ Name, Amen.

believe that you are now a christian and gather with other fellow christians.


Colossians 2:6 As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him.

Get yourself a Bible and read from the book of Genesis to learn about the foundation of the Universe, then Matthew to the book of Revelation to learn more about your savior Jesus Christ, then also read the old testament to know more about God’s works and ways and sin no more until we meet in Paradise.

As I was typing Pastor Linda’s testimony very early in the morning (27 June 2009), my step mother came towards me at the computer and she looked frightened and she told me she had a vision just before she woke up. She said she dreamed what seemed to be the Return of Jesus Christ and this dream was so convincing that it was real until she woke up. She mentioned she saw people who had died including my biological mother who was also a Christian and many more dead people, and all of a sudden confusing moment they were again rising to the sky and at the midst of the sky were a lot of young men and young women looking youth and also angels playing what seemed to be drums and they all wore ‘bright shining white apparel’ and my step mother was going around and round failing to rise like others, as she was running around looking towards home to get a phone to tell us look up the sky she became sort of blind because of the whiteness of the apparels and the shining of the drums she fell down, kneeled and started to weep & pray, and as she was trying to pray she woke up from the dream and she wept. She is also a humble Christian, she said she thinks it was a vision from the Lord warning that ‘The Return of Jesus is very soon’ and to prepare for it lest one fails to Rapture.

Jesus is Returning very soon, we should be ready.

Yours in Christ


World-Secrets.Com ©2009

Training of Prophets, Genuine?

This is a quote from book five of “Babtized by Blazing Fire”

Pastor Kim: My beloved Lord, there is a place where they train people to in the work of the prophetic. Many people are gathering at this place. A member from that training place visited our church and we delivered him from a high ranked evil spirit. He was very


shocked when he realized that he was demonized. He had been prophesying without being aware of the demons inside him. Lord, what is your thoughts on this matter?

Jesus: (With a sigh of deep breath) You have all read the bible and are all aware that the gift is a gift. It is a big mistake to assume that the gift of prophecy can be achieved by training or in some other unnatural way. Some people are also training others to speak in tongue, the heavenly language. There are some who create their own heavenly language. These are the leaders of cults. They are the ones who block the heavenly gates. They are the ones who blocks the heavenly milestone.

My beloved, the people in this place do not believe it can be achieved by training. I have given you the gift of salvation. You had no other option but to die in your sins. You do not know the concept of a gift. Some think the gift can be granted based on demand. At times, even you get ahead of Me. You then end up trying to teach Me or command Me. Now, those who have been unnaturally trained are operating ministries and employing Me. They are standing in front of Me and commanding Me to comply with their desires. They are the worst of the worst.

You all know there are wheat and tares or sheep and wolves within this end time generation church. Now, the time has come that I must separate them from right to left. You must awaken and meticulously examine yourselves. Be very careful and be repeatedly cautious to know that you are not lined up in the wrong lane.

Once your spiritual eyes become darken, you will not be able to discern any further. It will not matter whether I come close to you, crying with compassion, and speaking the truth, you will not be able to hear Me. Filled with personal desires, they will be running toward their own ambitions. You will be able to witness their end results or consequences. And not too far after, they will receive disciplinary punishment and you will clearly witness how they will go under. I will judge them. You will not witness their destruction at My second coming, you will witness them with your vary own eyes. The Holy Spirit's work will manifest with fruits. You will see from their life whether their fruit is dead or alive.

World-Secrets.Com ©2009

Reading the whole Bible is Not Only for Pastors & Leaders

I have now finished reading through the whole Bible in a period of about three months, this is an encouragement to fellow Christians especially youth and to every one else who

lives on earth.

There are Indeed many answers to life from the Bible.

It is Not only for Preachers to read the Bible, but it is for everyone, whether Christian or Not.

Were you Not made by God?


Why then should you Not learn about your creator?

Malachi 2:10 … Has not one God created us?

If you are just a fellow Christian and don’t know the Bible well, it is difficult to win a soul and to understand the ways of God, because the unsaved my claim to know the Bible better than you and eventually he can even succeed to win even your being to Satan.

There are many commandments throughout the whole Bible and in different books of the Bible. By the way to those who never knew, the Bible is a book which is a combination

of many books in one.

Matthew on its own is a book; Genesis on its own; the book of Joshua and so on.

So if being saved requires you to follow the commandments in all the books and you don’t read the Bible, how are you going to know the commandments?

Can your Pastor tell you all the things in the Bible?

If your Pastor reads one scripture and preach mightily on it per Sunday, how many decades will it take him to have read all the scriptures of the Bible in front of you?

It is good to read through the Word(Bible) even if you are Not a leader at your church.

And also it is dangerous to read only one scripture per year, Is that Not so?

Little information kills some say…

Check out this simple sample.

Imagine a double-life who randomly happily opens the Bible pages to wherever she feels like whenever she feels like.

She flips the Bible to Matthew 19 and she scans to verse 21 and she reads.

Matthew 19:21 Jesus said to him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you Have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.

She says “wow… sell what you have…”

The next morning she’s a prostitute because the Word said she must sell what she has.

See, she just read one scripture that week or so. If she had read the whole Bible, she might have come across Fornication being a sin or so.

One time I passed by a place of prostitutes, I heard one of them singing a Gospel song severely. Who knows if she thinks she’s perfect because her Bible that consists of one

verse said she must sell what she has?


Ok, reading the whole Bible is for everyone, Not just Pastors.

Imagine we arrive in Heaven for The Wedding of The Lamb after the Rapture and saints are going like "There's Jacob! There's Jacob!", you don't even know who Jacob was in the Bible while on earth, and you start to ask who Jacob was, I won't answer to you, I

will just shout 'Yes! Jacob!'

Another guy also a Christian thought Elijah is another name for Jehovah, I couldn't help it but laugh, I don't know if he was praying to Elijah the whole time.

It is good to read the Word. The Word is the Bible, The Word is Jesus, So by reading the Word, you are getting to know Jesus more.

Therefore I’m Not a leader of any sort… I just like to testify about my God over the streets of the Internet.

How many lukewarm Christians and unsaved people do you know who have Bibles that consists of only one verse or three?

Another guy’s Bible consists of just one verse “Do not judge…” whenever you provoke him about Salvation, he says you are judging him, the Bible says you must not judge others.

He was not saved but that scripture was his defending short gun against soul winners who are not leaders at church.

Whether I was judging him or Not, there is also a scripture which talks about righteous judging, however his Bible does not have that verse because it contains only one verse

“Judge Not…”

Am I judging him or telling him the truth if I say, “If you die without Jesus, you will descend to HADES?

Reading the whole Bible is good for everyone whether leader or Not.

some dude was trying to explain to us about our trinity, he said "this body is just a casket, there is a demon inside of you, which does the real talking", so ya, I believe he wanted to say soul or spirit, but he said a demon. it was a funny moment, because he

maybe never knew we were saved and a bit enlightened about these things.

Should you like to get a new Bible and read it, here's my pattern advice. You can start reading the first two books, Genesis & Exodus then from Matthew to Revelation then

from Genesis to Malachi, then again Matthew to Revelation.

May we fall in love with The Word. Be blessed and Be Ready.

Hell Awaits Fornicators


Fornication is having a sexual relationship outside of marriage.

Quotes from the Seven Youths Article in HELL


As we continued, we saw thousands of people in torment. Whenever a soul saw the Lord, they tried to reach Him with their skinny hands. I noticed a woman that started to shout when she saw Jesus. She screamed, "Lord please have mercy on me! Take me out of this place!" She was suffering a lot and she extended her hands towards the Lord. She kept begging Him to take her out of that place at least just one second. She was totally naked and covered with mud. Her hair was all dirty and worms were slithering up and down her body. She tried to take them off with her hands, but every time she scraped some away they multiplied even more. The worms were about 6-8 inches long. The Word of the Lord says in Mark 9:44, "Where their worm never ceases and the fire is not put out"

It was so terrible seeing this woman and hearing her cries as the worms voraciously ate her flesh. There was a metal plate embedded in her chest that could not be destroyed by the flames. It read, "I am here for fornication." In the same manner of her sin, this woman was forced to fornicate in hell with a very disgusting and fat snake. The snake had huge thorns around its body, about 6-8 inches long. The snake penetrated her private parts and traveled up her body to her throat. When the snake entered her, she started to scream.

She begged the Lord more intensely to take her out of that place, "Lord, I am here for fornication, I have been here for 7 years, since I died from AIDS. I had six lovers, and I am here for fornication." In hell she had to repeat her sin over and over. She had no rest day or night, suffering the same way all the time. She tried to extend her hands toward the Lord, but the Lord just told her, "Blanca, it is too late for you. Worms shall be your bed, and worms shall cover you." (Isaiah 14:11) When the Lord said those words, a blanket of fire covered her, and I could no longer see her.


We walked hand in hand with Jesus, and arrived at the section of fornication. Jesus turned to look at a woman who was totally covered with the fire. When Jesus saw her, she started to go out slowly from the fire, although her sufferings never stepped. We could see she was totally naked and saw all of her physical characteristics. Her body was totally dirty, and she stunk. Her hair was all messed up, and she had a yellowish green mud on her. She had no eyes and her lips were falling to pieces. She had no ears, just the holes. With her hands, which were bones charred black, she took the flesh that was falling from her face and tried to put it back on. But this gave her even worse pain.

She then shook and shouted even more; her shouts never ended. She was full of worms, and there was a serpent wrapped around in her arm. It was very thick and had thorns around its body. She had the number 666 engraved on her body; the number of the Beast mentioned in the book of


Revelation. (Revelations 4:9-11) She also had a metal plate embedded on her chest, made from some unknown metal, it was never consumed by the fire. On the plate was something written in a strange language, but we could understand what was written on it. It read, "I am here because of fornication."

When Jesus saw her He asked her, "Elena, why are you in this place?" While Elena was answering the Lord her body twisted with the pain of her torments. She said that she was there because of fornication. She asked the Lord for forgiveness over and over again.

Then we started to see the event of her death. When she died, she was having sex with one of her lovers, because she thought that the person she was living with was gone on a trip. However, he came back from his job and found her in bed with someone else. He then went to the kitchen and took a big knife and stuck it in Elena's back. She died and was taken to Hell, exactly the way she died; totally naked.

In Hell, everything materialized and she still had that big knife in her back, causing her great pain. By this time, she had already been in Hell 7 years and she could remember each moment of her life and death. She also remembered when someone tried to preach to her about Jesus; that He was the only one who could save her. But now it was too late for her and everyone else in Hell.

The Word of the Lord is talks a lot about fornication, and it is very clear. Fornication is having sexual relationships outside of marriage. 1 Corinthians 6:13 "Food for the stomach and the stomach for food, but God will destroy both of them. The body is not for lost but for the Lord, and the Lord for the body." also in 1 Corinthians 6:18 "Shun sexual immorality. All other sin a person commits outside the body, but the immoral person sins against his own body."

When Jesus finished talking with her, she was covered with a big blanket of fire and we could no longer see her. But we heard the sound of her flesh burning and those horrifying screams, I can't even describe them with words.

As we continued to walk with the Lord, He showed us all the people there: the idol worshipers, those who used and practiced witchcraft, the immoral, adulterers, liars, and homosexuals. We were very scared, the only thing we wanted to do was leave. But Jesus kept saying that it was necessary to look so we could tell

others, so they might believe.

And if you sell your body to get money, Ask yourself the following question.

Which is better between:

Getting money by prostitution in your 60 years on earth then spend FOREVER burning in a volcano? And

Suffering all the sorrows of earth in your 60 years then spend FOREVER in Heaven



Among those millions and millions of people, the Lord allowed us to focus on one man whose body was half-way submerged in the lake of fire. The Lord let us understand and know his thoughts. The name of that man was Mark. We were amazed by the things this man said to himself, in his thoughts. We learned an eternal lesson when we heard the following thoughts, "I would give anything to be in your place now! I would give anything to go back to the earth just for one minute. I wouldn't care if I were the most miserable, most sick, most hated, or the poorest man in the world, I would give anything to go back! Just for one minute on the earth." The Lord Jesus was holding my hand. Jesus replied to Mark's thoughts saying, "Mark, why would you like to come back to the earth even for just one single minute?" With a crying and tormented voice, he told Jesus, "Lord! I would give anything to go back to the earth just for one single minute simply to repent and be saved."

When the Lord heard what Mark had said, I saw blood come from Jesus' wounds and tears filled His eyes as He said, "Mark, it is too late for you! Worms are set for your bed and worms will cover you." (Isaiah 14:11) When the Lord said this to him, he sank in the lake forever. Sadly, all those souls have no more hope. Only we on Earth have the

chance to repent today and go to Heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ.

How many people will go to Hell because of Fornication?

World-Secrets.Com ©2009



“He required everyone – great and small, rich and poor, slave and free – to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name. Wisdom is needed to understanding this. Let the one who has understanding solve the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is 666” (Rev. 13:16-18 New Living Translation).



At the present time, computer-assisted biometric identification systems are being developed rapidly and have been readily accepted into our society. Miniature computer chips, using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology, have already been embedded within electronic appliances, retail goods, livestock, and human beings. This is not tomorrow’s science fiction – it is happening today.

In many parts of the world, Applied Digital Corporation’s human implanted RFID microchip (VeriChip) is used to help diagnose Alzheimer’s disease, mental illness, Diabetes, heart problems and it also helps to prevent kidnappings. In the near future, this type of biochip will be widely accepted and implanted for personal identification, protection, monitoring, tracking, commerce, and other uses not yet imagined.

Unfortunately, such biochips store personal identification and the information generated from its use will be stored and maintained in a computer database. Your body becomes a tagged asset that is monitored and whose behavior will be tracked. Implanting the microchip in the body alters a person’s physically, mentally and ultimately – spiritually. The problem that arises from the use of biochip in humans is more than an aesthetic, medical, political, or legal issue.

Satan works in the world and he shapes people and society to achieve his goals. Knowingly or not, anti-christ will force people to follow and obey an agenda that appears to be in the best interest of its people but, in following the pattern of human history and man’s rebellion to God, will bring about pain and suffering until Christ comes again.

“…he [satan’s agent] deceived all the people who belong to this world. He ordered the people of the world to make a great statue of the first beast, who was fatally wounded and then came back to life. He was permitted to give life to this stature so that it could speak. Then the statue commanded that anyone refusing to worship it must die.” (Rev 13vs14-15 New Living Translation).

A time is coming when society and lives will be ruled by a self-imposed system where mankind is monitored, analyzed, measured, and evaluated by computers. In those times, anyone who refuses to accept this system will be tortured then killed.


We are moving towards a ubiquitous society where people from all walks of life can access anything, anywhere, and at anytime regardless of time and location. The implementations of RFID technology in retail stores is one example. It’s estimated that the majority of retail merchandise will use RFID technology within 1 or 2 years (as of 2005) and will replace bar codes, which have been used for the past 30 years.

What drives such development is the belief that we will live safer, easier, richer and more enjoyable lives by using technology to manage everyday aspects of daily life. In a society that craves automated financial management, instant communication and security, it’s not a far stretch for RFID enabled biochips to be implanted into the body, and eventually replacing currency that is easily stolen, lost, or hidden. In the near future:


1) All people will be required to have a biochip. All economic operations will use this chip thereby replacing today’s unit of monetary exchange.

2) There will be privacy invasion and freedom will cease to exist.

3) A charismatic leader, who is the Anti-Christ, will rule the whole world through a system that is interconnected and interdependent.


1) Accepting this mark is the irreversible act of selling your soul to Satan. This sin is unforgivable and cannot be reversed by physically removing the mark (Rev. 14:9-11). Your soul belongs to God. Therefore if you receive this mark, you then will belong to Satan.

2) If you receive this mark, you willfully placing your faith in man and not in God. You are actively choosing to live without a loving God who desires to spend eternity with you in Heaven. God does not want you choosing Hell’s path. God knew these things beforehand, and because He loves us and wants us to acknowledge this, it was revealed to us through the writing of the apostle John in Revelation around 100 AD. If you are not taken up to heaven and are thereby left behind for the tribulation, you must not receive the mark of the beast even though you will be tortured then killed for not accepting the government’s sanctioned acts of satan. You must remember this at all times because the hope of heaven still remains until the end comes.


For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Rom. 3:23)

Money is not everything. A person cannot come to God by believing in any other gods, ethics, discipline, or by good deeds. Only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ makes it possible to stand righteous before a holy God at end of human history. It was for this reason that Jesus Christ suffered on the cross, shed His blood, died, and came back to life. This was done to demonstrate God’s willingness, ability, and glory in saving us from sin and death.

I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father excerpt through Me. (John 14:6)

That if you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified. And it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. (Rom 10:9-10)

You must believe in Jesus and that He died for your sins. Jesus loves you.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)


Realize that you are a sinner and you must pray in faith. You need to receive Jesus as your personal Savior. There is surely a Heaven and a Hell. Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven.


Jesus, who redeemed us through the cross will prepare a place and will come back to be with us. He has promised us. (John 14:3). The rapture will take place before the Great Tribulation (Rev. 3:10). Jesus said, “you know to interpret how to interpret the appearance of the sky but you cannot interpret the signs of the times, (Matt. 16:3 Luke 12:56).


The rapture is reserved for those saints who will be lifted into the sky upon God’s trumpet call, saints that are to be raptured will be lifted into the sky to meet Jesus in the clouds (1 The 4:16-17). The rapture is reserved for those believers who wear spiritual white robes. Their physical body will be transformed into a glorious body and will be God’s delight, (Rev. 19:7-8).

If you remain in lukewarm faith, Jesus will spew you out so you must not be like this type of believer (Rev. 3:16). Jesus’ first coming was to bring salvation, but He is coming again to meet those who are Ready and Waiting in the clouds at the sound of the trumpets and this is call Rapture. Lord Jesus, will take His children with Him to Heaven. After the tribulation on earth then He will return again on earth with those who were ratpured with Him into Heaven to the New Jerusalem this will be called His Second Coming. For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when He comes? Is it not you? (1 Thess. 2:19)

At Jesus’ return, only raptured saints will be presented at the seat of glory (1 Cor. 15:49-55). Even if we do not know the day and time of His coming, the sons of light are not in darkness therefore that day will not come upon you like a thief (1 Thess. 5:4-5). Do not be lukewarm believers nor do not sleep but be awake and pray, (1 Thess. 5:1-4). Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard: obey it, and repent. But if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come to you, (Rev. 3:3). Those with lukewarm faith, those who are tied to the world, and those who do not know Jesus will be left behind for the Great Tribulation. The Great Tribulation will be the most devastating time in all of human history. Those who are left behind in the Great Tribulation must not receive the biochip (which bears satan’s name) into their body (forehead or right hand; Rev 13vs16, 20vs4) even to the point of death. Christians who commit suicide will spend eternal life in hell. By refusing this chip, you will be tortured then killed. For the unblelievers (nonChristians) you don’t only have to refuse the chip but also you will have to confess Jesus as your Lord and savior with your lips, ask of forgiveness of your sins and believe in your heart that is the Son of the God and He died for us, Amen

Direct Messages From God Himself -- First Person Tone

Psalm 105:1 ...Make known His deeds among the people!


I stayed in Embalenhle-Mpumalanga until when I was nine in 1997.

I started hearing God speaking 'Live' through another human being in First-Person-Tone when I was about eleven years old.

We were at a 'Fasting & All-Night-Prayer Service' where the Lord spoke through a certain woman at about few hours past midnight.

I understood it was God speaking because he introduced Himself to us, while everyone was silent after a mighty pour of the Holy Spirit the woman was uttering in a brave voice and God told us that we should hold on because He is coming soon. I think it was 1998 or so, but before the year 2000, because from 1998 to 2000 I was staying at Dwarsloop-


This made me wonder why do some people say God doesn't exist, I heard Him speaking to Us LIVE.

During the year 2001 we came back to stay at Embalenhle-Mpumalanga until 2004, we were going to a Church called 'God Never Fails' or GNF. There was a woman there whom

God has used as His mouthpiece many times.

Usually it would be after a mighty pour of the Holy Spirit either when the congregation was about to finish the Praise & Worship Service or when it was finished or after the GNF Choir which was led by Mr S Mazibuko was finishing their praise and the Holy Ghost would pour to the congregation, at one time it happened after a Giving session where God encouraged the congregation on how well they have Given offering and

proclaimed that Blessings were Indeed at hand.

The woman would rise up just after the mighty pour of the Holy Spirit, she would rise up alone and praise God with a loud voice, she would shout words like 'Bayethe...! Bayethe...!'

many times, 'Bayethe' is an African word which I cannot translate can Interpret to 'Your Majesty...! Your Majesty...!'

That woman would continue calling 'Your Majesty...!' bravely until she uttered in very special holy tongues that were full of 'H & W' for some time then eventually her mouth uttered something like 'I am Jehovah...! Your Living God...! Listen to Me... My Children...

and so on, so it would be obvious that God was speaking through her, using her as mouthpiece.

Whenever that woman would rise up alone & praise & shout 'Bayethe...! in a brave tone' I would marvel in wonder what The Lord would say at that moment.

Then you come across a fool with three-much science in his forehead who say there is No God... Earthly Science & space study to me makes me see how Great & Awesome our God Is, I couldn't comprehend why to some people it did the opposite. You tell someone about Salvation & he tells you about the 'big bang' of the space study thing... 'dude... the big bang was supposed to make you see that God Exists... however if you Insist on denying Christ, the biggest bang you are going to get is a frying-pan-slap on your head

from a demon at your arrival in HELL.


Psalm 14:1 THE fool has said in his heart, "There is no God"...

I inquired and was told that that woman left Mpumalanga and now stays in KZN, but before that, my late mother also was used by God as mouthpiece many times. She was In

an organization of Women-of-Fasting-&-Prayer.

They were gathering many Christian women and regularly fast for many days then they would go to pray at the wilderness or mountain.

I noticed she develeoped that gift when I was around the age of 16 or so. The Lord would speak through her after she prayed in the house. She would pray with tears for a long time until her voice changed & became bold, brave and calm and she uttered in very special tongues or a Heavenly language, at that moment I would notice that it was God speaking though I could not understand the language but the tone would chang from her

sorrowful-prayer-tone to a pause then Calmness & bold & brave voice.

Then after the tongues she uttered in our African language and it was a first-person-tone from The Lord Himself answering her prayer. It was a wonderful, reverend & good

feeling to be so honoured by the Most High.

The Lord told us many things Including things that I never thought God would let us know.

The Lord let us know about the warfare that was going on even when I was in ICU for about ten days & stayed in the hospital for about the whole month, my younger brother told me that The Lord also did speak in that manner while I was in ICU, He encourgaed

my mother because she was very worried, He let them know that I would recover.

He also told us that the enemies were trying to make our youngest brother to loose his mind during those times and be mentally disturbed, the youngest brother was seven

years old at that time. After she was finished praying & used as mouthpiece, I went to her & told her what God said about the youngest brother, I never knew she also

heard the message from the Lord, she told me she heard everything clearly, I was amazed how she heard it because The Lord spoke through her.

The Lord showed us great mercy and let us know many things, eventually around 2004 The Lord spoke again and told us He will move us out of the place and Indeed we

eventually succeeded in moving to Evander in 2005.

The Lord took away His servant (my biological mother) during 2006 and at her funeral some woman did prophesy that God was saying that we should Not mourn but rejoice and

it was so.

At one time when we were at Evander, the Lord spoke by her and mentioned "Your children are surrounded by Fire, you must not fear, it was a time when the Lord told us

about the warfare that was going on. It was druing 2005, The Lord spoke and was encouraging us, she was gasping with tears when we got this message, The Lord also mentioned 'Do Not Be Scared... My Children... For I Am With You... she would pause a bit, gasp and then the message would continue from The Lord, The Lord also said 'The Angels of Heaven are busy working at your yard right now... While the Lord was speaking


that, I went to the window, I knew I would Not see anything beacuse I was Not in the Spiritual or had Not acquired the gift of Spiritual Sight, but when I get to Heaven, I want to review that scene because I think few Angels did wave back. At one time both

my parents had a car accident where the car just started to slip near a bridge and it was a bit rainy, but my father was driving slow, with no doubt we thought it was witches or attacks, Indeed when mother prayed for long in the house, the Lord spoke and said

something like "They wanted to kill you..., but they failed.... My Children.... I have saved you..." Imagine what that do to me, obviously, I become rest assured that witchcraft exists and it is indeed God who saves us every now and then. Even God does Not tell us that he saved us from accidents in our journeys, we must thank Him, because we might

Not have seen what happened in the spiritual.

Here is what I discovered, yes it might be proven that the accident could have happened, it was rainy, and that bridge was declared to be dangerous, "A small bridge", people died there when their cars loosed control and felt over from the top to the river bank, my father's car also fell from the bridge to the river bank, but they survived.

praise God.

Now, see it could be proven that yes accidents do happen there, but "I Heard The Lord Speak to tell us it was attacks from enemies", I believe the Lord Needed Not to tell us

cause we are Christians, but this really awakens our spiritual sight doesn't it?

After I stopped going to church for some time, I came across FreeCDTracts.Com & SpiritLessons.Com which was during 2009. These two websites revived my soul greatly as I was Not acceptable to God anymore. I thank God that He showed me His Great Mercy by leading me to Bill Wiese testimony & The Seven Youths testimony. I think the video on the home page caught me back to Christ. I felt relieved after watching it, I think if I had demons at that time, they all fled by my just watching the video. I never knew much

about the splendid realities of Hell & Eternity.

So I read the articles on these websites and came across an article where The Lord spoke by a small boy in China.

The following Is a text-clip from that article, I look forward to collect these sorts of messages.


In fulfillment of the Scripture that "in the last days. .. your sons . . . shall prophesy" (Acts 2 :17), one of the little ten-year-old beggar sons of China was used as the mouth-piece of the Lord to bring us a message by direct inspiration.

A few months previous this boy, ragged and dirty—in fact, more nearly clothed with filth than with garments—came to our door with his two companions to ask if he might come in. When bathed and dressed, the boy looked like a guileless little fellow, and such he proved to be. He at once took every Bible story and sermon to heart. He soon learned to pray, and we could hear him praying in bed very earnestly every night. When the Holy Spirit fell upon us this boy was among the first to receive the baptism of the Spirit,


speaking with other tongues as on the Day of Pentecost.

As surely as ever God spoke in the past, when men were moved upon by the Holy Spirit, so that Scripture was inspired of God and prophets declared their message to be "Thus saith the Lord" with such assurance that they were ready to back their convictions with their lives, even so surely the living God still reigns and speaks to the children of men by direct prophecy, when the circumstances demand it, and faith and other conditions are according to His divine will.

One night the power of the Lord was present in an unusual manner. Heaven seemed not far away. Then it was that our one-time, little, friendless beggar-boy seemed to leave this filthy earth and to be caught up to heaven. Ushered into the presence of the Lord Jesus, he fell prostrate at His feet in humble adoration and worship. As a matter- of-fact, the boy lay prostrate in the middle of the room surrounded by his companions, who sat about him on the floor, listening intently to a message that came through him from the Lord. Such gripping, heart-searching words I have never heard. While the boy sobbed and wept with deepest grief the message was given, a sentence or two at a time, in a clear strong voice. The language came in rhythm; the choice of words was the simplest and purest. The intonation of the voice, the choice of language, the penetrating power of every word was such that no person who heard could ever doubt that this little simple minded Samuel was speaking by direct supernatural inspiration from God.

Prostrated in vision at the feet of the Lord, the boy said, "Lord Jesus, I am not worthy to be here or to be saved at all. I am only a little street beggar." Then Jesus addressed the boy. The boy did not know it at the time, but the Lord actually spoke through the boy as a mouth piece, using the first person and addressing us and the children sitting about him. Here is the "Thus saith the Lord" that we wish might grip your hearts as it still grips our own.

The Message from Christ

"I weep tonight. I am heart-broken. I am in deep sorrow because those who believe in me are so very few. I planned and prepared heaven for every one, having made room for all the people in all the world. I made the New Jerusalem in three great cities, one above the other, with plenty of space for all men. But men will not believe me. Those who believe are so very few. I am sad, so very sad. (This message was given between heart-rending sobs and floods of tears from the boy.) Since men will not believe me, I must destroy the wicked earth. I planned to visit it with three great calamities, but it is so wicked that I have added a fourth. "If you have any friends, tell them to repent quickly; persuade all men as rapidly as possible to believe the gospel; but if people will not listen and will not accept your message the responsibility will not be upon you. "Get the baptism of the Holy Spirit. If you will tarry and believe, I will baptize you. The devil deceives you by making you think you will not receive the baptism, but wait and seek and I will baptize you, and give you power to cast out devils and to heal the sick. Those who receive the seal of the Holy Spirit are to preach and testify, and I will be with you to help and protect you in times of danger.

"If you think perhaps you will not get to heaven, that thought is of the devil. I will not destroy my own children; I will protect and save every one; not one of mine will perish. I


will overcome. Pray for Mr. and Mrs. Baker and I will give them power to cast out devils and to heal the sick. The children in the home should obey. Do not fight. Do not lie. Live at peace. When you pray, pray from the heart. Do not let your love grow cold. "Tell other churches they, too, should seek the Holy Spirit. All churches must press forward.

"The devil is coming to earth in a few years, and there will be great tribulation. Do not worry; I will protect and care for you.

"People everywhere will gather together and fight in one place, after which I will come to punish the earth. You must not fear, for those who believe in me will be caught up to blow trumpets and to play harps.

"I will destroy two of every three. When I come everything must obey my voice (Chinese, "Yang yang du yao ting o dy hwa"). Houses will tumble down; mountains will fall; trees will be destroyed. There will be utter destruction where I will not leave one blade of grass (Chinese, "Ih gen tsao du buh liu".) Those who worship idols will perish. All sorcerers and spiritist mediums shall be cast into hell. Only those who believe the gospel will be saved."

Thus hath the Lord spoken to Adullam and, we believe, to all to whom we may be able to pass this message of prophecy. This message from our risen Lord was given in Chinese as above recorded, the sentences spoken slowly and distinctly with pauses between. I wrote them as they were given, often repeated a time or two so there could be no mistake on the part of the hearers; there was ample time to record without mistake every word the Lord spoke through this little inspired prophet of His choice.

The message complete, the little boy arose and told us he had been at the feet of Jesus. He did not know that the Lord had spoken through him as well as to him in the first person. He repeated the prophecy, saying, "Jesus said that, Jesus said this," etc.

This prophecy already heard, already written, and then again repeated from the little prophet's memory item by item, made it easy to see how in days of old the prophets spoke as moved by God, how a scribe might record every word as it came from the lips of the prophet, or how the prophet himself could record his own messages, truly saying, "thus saith the Lord."

In days of old, when religious and worldly men had departed from a simple faith in a personal living God who spoke to men and when their unbelief and wickedness was such that "in those days there was no open vision" (I Sam 3), God found a pure-minded little Samuel and spoke to him in an audible voice a message that was fulfilled to the very letter. Accordingly, we believe that God who is still the same living God that has spoken to and through others in the past has, in this day of wickedness and unbelief, given to us through our little Chinese Samuel a "Thus saith the Lord" that will shortly come to pass, a message to be heeded to our eternal joy or neglected to eternal sorrow.

During the times when I met The Truth About HELL article and listened to the sounds from HELL and watched the video 'What The Real HELL is Like' was a Revival at

Evander, hosted by our church 'Assemblies of God' it was called 'Evander For Jesus'. I also heard God speaking by a certain guy who had accepted Christ in that same Revival, I


noticed it was God speaking because He introduced Himself, the guy was also sobbing with tears as the Lord spoke by him, it was the last day of the Revival in the tent on friday, it was Evangelist or Prophet Mdhlalose who is also known as 'Pele Pele' meaning 'Peri Peri' who was preaching, so while the Holy Spirit was pouring at the tent, the Lord spoke and told us to listen to Him and that He is our God. During that Revival, Prophet Mdlalose prophesied or said something about the Great Revival that It will start at

South Africa, The reason why 2010 world cup is at South Africa is because the Great Revival will start here or something like that.

That guy whom The Lord spoke through that day is one of my close brothers in christ cause we live in the same town, when we told him about the scene afterwards, he

believed us, but he said he did Not know that God used him as mouthpiece until he saw the video, and He couldn't recall, he said he thinks he lost control. Amazingly enough, there are people who don't think holy spirit does manifest that way of making people unaware, but I have seen it, "also consider this same incident that happened to that chinese beggar boy", later on we managed to get the DVD and we watched it with him.

In the following Sunday at the church, God also did speak through another woman and I managed to get hold of the video, enjoy it and be encouraged.

This event took place at the church of 'Assemblies of God' at Evander at the Port Elizabeth street.

God spoke and encouraged us that He is really God and He said that He is raising young and old prophets and He said that He is Not a God who lies, that when He speaks

something, it will come to pass, because He is Jehovah.

He also said we must believe in the Bible and His prophecies. So today we find people who don't believe in the bible for some reason, this is a proof that the Bible is 101%

Valid because God confirmed it see. watch the video and be blessed. this manifestation is unlike normal prophesying, but God takes over the body of the prophet or the saint. So it is really encouraging to Christians to hear our God speaking to us in this mighty manner. please share this video with other Christians so they may also be encouraged.

2Samuel 23:2 "The spirit of the LORD spoke by me, And His word was on my


Matthew 15:3 He answered and said to them, "Why do you also transgress the

commandment of God because of your tradition?

Ancestors and Tradition


We all have Ancestors... Don’t you have Ancestors?

An ancestor is anyone whom a person is descended from. To be descended from means to come by birth from a certain person or family.

So your ancestors can be your dead parents’ parents’ parents or so.

Some people believe their ancestors will give them luck, break curses and all that. Most probably they Don’t consider their ancestors either in HELL or HEAVEN.

Most of these people are those that don’t believe in Jesus. The Reality is that the dead are either in HELL or HEAVEN.

Those that are in HELL are burning and tormented day & night. How can somebody who is screaming for mercy in HELL give you luck?

Isn’t it a false belief?

Who is causing people to fall to this belief? And doesn’t Sangomas belong to Satan?

Here is knowledge based on two people that have been to the Second Heaven & back individually. The following three people don’t know each other yet they reveal the same


They are: Pastor Linda-40 days fasting, Rev. Horward Pittman and Pastor Mbhata-'The Man of Secrets'.

There are demons that Satan has assigned to deceive people towards these false beliefs.

Many of the victims of this fallacy fall to the trap because the Sangoma has prophesied almost accurate about their lives without having met them before.

Come on now... Doesn’t Satan know his people? Why should you fall to the trap when Satan tells you about your life and surroundings?

Is it Not Satan’s aim to take as many as he can to the HELL? So don’t you think he does deceive people by enticing them away from Salvation by his little powers?

One of the meanings of the words ‘Praise’ is – to say that somebody or something is very good. Another meaning of the word ‘god’ is – a person or thing that is

worshipped. Another meaning for the word ‘worship’ is to give praise or respect to God or a god.

So doesn’t sending gratitudes to the dead ancestors in expectation for good luck the same as worshipping them?

Exodus 34:14 “(For you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God),(NKJV)


Exodus 34:14 I demand your complete loyalty – you must not worship any other god! (CEV)

If you have any problems and you were told that you must consult your ancestors, It is a deceit…, It is demons who are enticing you away from Salvation.

If you have problems of curses of these sort, I advice you to go to a servant of God and get prayed for. The curses from your dead forefathers will be broken in Jesus’ Name.

And If your Church engages in the services of the Underground, here's my polite advice... "Quit the church and join a Christian Church", Do Not Risk ETERNITY.

Don’t be deceived, your ancestors are either in HELL or HEAVEN which is determined by how they lived their lives while on earth.

Were they Christians or Not?

We might Not change the way they lived, but we still have a chance to choose whether to be Christian or Not.

Pastor Mbhata was a Hardcore Sangoma and he said he stayed in the sea for two years & seven months interacting with a mermaid.

He revealed many secrets about his life as a hardcore Sangoma who killed many by the powers of Satan.

He became a Christian and then a Pastor after having failed to kill a true Christian.

I have some of Mr Mbhata’s tapes with me, they are stunning, he also dares to mention the actual names of the churches that he knew that are Not of Christ.

In his tapes, he explained the Deceit of believing in ancestors. He also said they used to hold meetings with Satan and the leader of that well-known church known to be a

Christian church but actually Not.

He mentioned that the acronym of the name of that church is Not what many people know it to be.

He said the accronym is Actually in chinese which is three phrases that actually stand for “I (Satan), Collect and Destroy.

Mr Mbhata was well-known around the area from Nelspruit through to Limpopo for his braveness of revealing these secrets.

I know him from his tapes for his brave heart, stunning severe & harsh preachings and super strict teachings towards the body of Christ and Holiness Vs. Fallacies.

Do Not be deceived Mzansi. Jesus is the only way to Eternal life.

May Mzansi’s eyes be opened...


Even many Mzansi's music Artists on TV are doomed by this fallacy of believing in Ancestors. They even mention they thank the underground people.

Do we now Not know what is Underground in the earth?

Is it Not HELL?

Based on my understanding... Christians should Not engage in the so called ‘services for the ‘Underground’ or the ‘Ancestors service’. It is of the Devil...

People of South Africa... There Are No Underground People that are Heeding your prayers... Stop saying you thank the Underground People. It pleases the devil...

What is Underground is HADES... HELL... Stop worshipping demons and Repent today...

You might Not have known this truth about praising the Underground... You still have the chance to change...

1John 1:9 ...If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Ezekiel 3:27 ...,’Thus says the Lord God. ‘He who hears, let him hear; and he who refuses, let him refuse;...

3,249 years on earth working for Satan

A Lady delivered from the powers of darkness

A Lady who has been working for the devil for Three thousand two hundred and forty nine years in the powers of darkness has been delivered during the Secunda Revival Camp in April 2008

I was borrowed a DVD where the Man of God was interviewing the lady and the following things was mentioned by her through out the interview in front of the Congregation.

The congregation was curiously in shock as the interview was going on. I wondered if They had made an article or a tract out of it.

Based on my understanding the way the Man of God explained it, her soul was departing from one physical body in a form of death and then entering into a conceived womb by removing the innocent new soul by the powers of Satan.

So In the interview she mentioned she has been on earth for 3,249 years. That was during 2008. That means she has used many physical bodies through out the whole earth. She lived in China, America, many parts of Asia, Japan and now in South Africa. In her current physical body she is 31 or so.

She said after the Man of God had prayed for her, the following day she couldn’t perform the things she used to do. She could enter into the mind of a person by her powers given by Satan. The Man of God asked her about how was she able to imitate the language or tongue of another guy who was in the


Camp when he prayed.

She said the eyes of that guy were a gateway to her but she said the eyes of the Man of God were made different, they couldn’t be used as a gateway for he her

As the Man of God was bravely and curiously interviewing her, she told the Man of God That she knew about it when the Man of God was conceived in the womb of his mother.

She said she physically encountered with some of the people of the Bible. She mentioned she knew Ezekiel face-to-face and also Isaiah and others.

She said the Fire that was surrounding the Man of God was the same as the Fire that used to surround Moses of the bible. The Man of God inquired how were they able to know the information about his birth and all that.

She said usually they have a string to record everything that happens around their targets, but with the Man of God, many things were hidden by the power of God.

By the way the Man of God had declared her that she was only 70 percent delivered during the interview and he would give her the rest of the deliverance after the interview or so.

The lady was let to speak on, and said during the time the Man of God was conceived, his mother was in a room and praying to God. the lady mentioned the type of apparel his mother was wearing as she was praying and the Man of God confirmed that he was told a story like that before.

The lady said as she was praying his mother mentioned the pattern and layout of the child to be born and God sent the angels of heaven to take note of everything she was praying for

The lady said the mother also prayed and asked for the name of the child and God told her that she would get a name in few days, and that it would not be a girl but a son and a powerful son, All nations would bow down to him. God told her(the mother of the Man of God.) that the son will suffer like no other child has ever suffered. And the mother was crying as she couldn’t endure the pain of listening to the message from God.

The Man of God confirmed and insisted in asking how they were able to know all that, and she said that these information was scriptured in the sea, in the air or everywhere. He asked why he was important to the powers of darkness and she replied "you are God’s chosen". She said the father of the Man of God was meant to destroy the plan, but the more the father would rebuke the boy(the Reverend) would be the more the heavens would give power to the young boy (the Man of God).

She said whatever word the father would say to the Man of God while a young boy, the young boy would go under a tree and pray. The Man of God confirmed “It was a guava tree” and the lady confirmed it, the lady kept speaking on and said that the Man of God would pray under that tree and ask God for a heart to forgive his father and God gave him the heart to forgive.

The Man of God was amazed that the Satanic realm was watching all that. She spoke on and mentioned she married the devil before in the sea and that she was a mermaid of a size of a whale in the sea.

She said she would know when a woman was pregnant before the women even knew it, she would even


know the date the woman was going to give birth. She would know by the powers given to her by the devil. The Man of God asked how many people she killed over her 3,000 years experience, she said “Millions sir” The Man of God asked how she was killing the people and she mentioned she would just enter through their body, nose, mouth, ears. The Man of God kept asking questions as led by the Holy Spirit I think, and at times the Man of God would ask which year it was during a certain occassion in her 3,000 years but she would hardly recall.

The Man of God prophesied and asked her if she remember entering a womb of a woman who was three months pregnant in Chicago-America, and she confirmed it firmly. The Man of God asked few more questions concerning that life, but she could hardly recall some things.

The Man of God continued prophesying and said that woman who was pregnant was sort of barren, but when she conceived during three months of her pregnancy the lady came and took out the baby boy and she entered the womb and then she came out, went to school and then died, then she appeared again in India, then China, then South Africa.

The Man of God said the lady mentioned some of the prophets of the bible, she described Ezekiel that he had a fair complexion and she knew him face-to-face. She could hardly recall other things.

She mentioned prophet Isaiah was not tall and was handsome and the Man of God confirmed it to the congregation as he also saw some visions of the elders of the bible while he was in Israel on vacation.

The Man of God and the lady said Ezekiel was tall and skinny. She said she was there when Ezekiel commanded the bought to rise, and the Man of God asked her what her name was there and what was she sent to do, she couldn’t remember but she firmly confirmed she was there. The Man of God asked her which other instance in the bible was she involved.

She said she was there when Jonah was in the mouth of a fish. The Man of God amazingly asked her if she knew Jonah and asked her to describe him. She said Jonah was average in height etc. The Man of God asked which of the seas she was in, she couldn’t recall and The Man of God asked where she was positioned during that instance of Jonah, she said she was just behind the fish that swallowed Jonah.

The Man of God asked if she was a fish or a python in the sea and she answered "a fish" which was of a size of a whale and she could swallow a human being too, and the fish that swallowed Jonah was also a whale.

The Man of God asked why she decided to come to the ministry and that was she sent or came by her own. She said she wanted deliverance. The Man of God asked which branch of his ministry did she go to and what did she accomplish. They spoke on and she said there was fire around, she couldn’t do a single thing.

They She kept speaking on and the Man of God asked which animals did she represent in the powers of darkness and she mentioned Elephant for protection, snake for sneaking when no one is watching and chameleon to reflect many colors.

The Man of God asked if she and her companion gave people food in the dream and she confirmed and said they gave food in the dreams to make people to be tired of praying. The Man of God also inquired about sex in the dream, she said sex in the dream would leave a guilty conscience to an extent that the


person would not want to enter the premises of God anymore. She spoke on in the DVD.

Then eventually she was fully delivered from the powers of darkness and she happily testified on a different day how thankful she is that she is now a Christian. A Child of God.

She was very humble when the Man of God was interviewing her in front of the congregation and she was very happy when she testified that she is now saved.

Before she testified she also mentioned what the devil said concerning the Reverend’s Ministry. The Reverend asked her when she broke-up with the devil, and they confirmed it was a week before the confession or interview, and it was the day she pledged on the ministry.

The Man of God prophesied during the interview and told her that the devil came to her during the day she made a pledge and the Man of God asked her what the devil said to her, she answered and told to the congregation that the devil said if she ever goes back to the Man of God’s Ministry she must never come back to him.

She also said in their meetings they would eat human flesh and drink human blood. She testified and said she was at the claws of the devil, meaning the devil was using her to devour people. She said if the devil had sent her to a person of different culture, she would be able to utter in his or her language with the power given to her by the devil, she could hear people when they were praying and even when they were murmuring.

She confirmed her body was sore and in pain and cramps during the days she was being prayed for and she happily testified that she recovered and that God has opened her mouth to speak His Word.