Identity theft

Identity Theft Identity theft is a crime in which an imposter obtains key pieces of personal information, in order to impersonate someone else. Consider this to be Satan's main mission! He has come to steal, kill and destroy ....and his target is your identity. If he can steal your identity, he can take away everything given to you by God! Who do you think you are? How this question is answered will determine if you have sufficient protection. Jesus has bought and paid for every single person. We all belong to His Father. As a child of God, the blood of Jesus secures our inheritance. However, if we don't protect our identity, it can be taken from us by a thief. 1 Peter 5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.The thief can use a victim’s identity to begin new activities or can take over the victim‘s existing life/assets. The method for either theft is to gather information about a person, usually done through going through their garbage (dumpster diving) or observing when a victim is giving information about themselves (shoulder surfing) or giving information about themselves through the internet (iJacking). We can have our spiritual identity (Christ) stolen from us and used by the liar and thief, the devil himself. He does this the very same way that dumpster divers do: He sorts through the garbage of our lives, and pulls out the trash about us, then comes back to accuse us day and night. He listens to what we say about ourselves (shoulder surfing). He looks for any way to breach the protection God gives us (iJacking). What are we to do with the garbage of our life? 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


What do we really think about ourselves? Just listen to what we say. Either we are going to agree with the enemy’s opinion or we are going to agree with God‘s Word.

Transcript of Identity theft

Page 1: Identity theft

Identity Theft

Identity theft is a crime in which an imposter

obtains key pieces of personal information, in

order to impersonate someone else. Consider this

to be Satan's main mission! He has come to steal,

kill and destroy....and his target is your identity. If

he can steal your identity, he can take away

everything given to you by God!

Who do you think you are? How this question is

answered will determine if you have sufficient

protection. Jesus has bought and paid for every

single person. We all belong to His Father. As a

child of God, the blood of Jesus secures our

inheritance. However, if we don't protect our

identity, it can be taken from us by a thief.

1 Peter 5:8 “Be alert and of sober mind. Your

enemy the devil prowls around like a

roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”

The thief can use a victim’s identity to begin new

activities or can take over the victim‘s existing

life/assets. The method for either theft is to gather

information about a person, usually done through

going through their garbage (dumpster diving) or

observing when a victim is giving information

about themselves (shoulder surfing) or giving

information about themselves through the internet


We can have our spiritual identity (Christ) stolen

from us and used by the liar and thief, the devil

himself. He does this the very same way that

dumpster divers do: He sorts through the garbage

of our lives, and pulls out the trash about us, then

comes back to accuse us day and night. He listens

to what we say about ourselves (shoulder surfing).

He looks for any way to breach the protection

God gives us (iJacking).

What are we to do with the garbage of our life? 1

John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and

just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from

all unrighteousness.

Page 2: Identity theft

Confession recycles our garbage! Psalm 35:27

“He works everything together for good for his


What are we to say about ourselves? We believe

whatever comes out of our own mouths! Luke

6:45 A good man brings good things out of the

good stored up in his heart, and an evil man

brings evil things out of the evil stored up in

his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is

full of.

This would be a powerful antidote to the lies of

the devil who has come to steal our identity: 1

Corinthians 1:30 And because of him you are

in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from

God, righteousness and sanctification and


What is our defense when the accuser is doing his

third shift job? Either we will agree with the

accuser or we will agree with the Blood covenant.

He listens to what comes out our mouths about

ourselves and puts this information into action

creating just what came out of our mouths.

What do we really think about ourselves? Just

listen to what we say. Either we are going to agree

with the enemy’s opinion or we are going to agree

with God‘s Word.

This is the battle ground for our identity. It is

fought in our mind and heart. If our heart has not

been healed, then the Word of God will not be

able to take root and thrive. If our minds have not

been renewed then we will have no weapon

against the enemy or the world system.

If we don’t go to battle and begin to speak out of

our mouths the truth about ourselves in Christ, we

have not engaged in the battle. By default, the

enemy has stolen our identity.

Who do you think you are?