

Transcript of Identity

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During the stage when the main character found her face beneath her mask, the silence increased the tension as due to the narrative being backwards, the audience weren’t aware what this meant.

The mystical music when the girl was leaving the bathroom and the foregrounded noise of the school students speaking highlighted how lonely the young girl felt and showed that groups in a school environment are important to young people and if you aren’t in a group then you aren’t “popular”.

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To make it clear to the audience that the film is starting from the end, the beginning shots are reversed to create some confusion and keep people interested in watching the rest of this short film.

The short film consists of many long edits to suggest the length of emotion and thoughts that the girl may go through because of the unhappiness that she may be due to the many groups not including her because of her looks (represented in this case through the masks worn.)

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Shots are used intelligently during this short film to emphasise why the masks are used. Zooming is used effectively to show what colour masks the students are wearing as well as panning to posters with messages about the colours to show what children in school deal with in terms of popularity.

Some point of view shots are used to incorporate what the main character views in her day to day life and what she has to deal with everyone making friends depending on the ‘colour of their masks’.

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Props are the main mise-en-scene used in this film to highlight issues which happen every day. By including different colour masks to represent personalities is a clever idea and when one of the characters changed the colour of her mask, suggests that some people change their behaviour around separate groups within the school.

The weather outside also represents how many students hide their true feelings about friendships in order to stay in the best group they can.