ICT II Course Syllabus 2015 - madison-schools.com · 2015-08-04 · ICT II COURSE SYLLABUS Madison...

ICT II COURSE SYLLABUS Madison Middle School Mrs. Smith, Room 704 [email protected] ICT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an innovative instructional program that prepares students to effectively use technology in learning, communication, and life. Students in Information and Communication Technology II complete study in interpersonal and self-directional skills; input applications; technology lab management and networking; publishing applications; graphic design applications; web design applications; spreadsheet applications; database applications; and technology problem-solving and decision making tools. The ICT curriculum framework is built upon 21 st Century Skills standards and the National Educational Technology Standards for Students. Career Pathways and Mississippi Department of Education Subject Area Testing benchmarks are integrated throughout the competencies, objectives, and suggested teaching and assessment strategies. Upon the successful completion of this program, students will be prepared to complete the IC 3 Computer Literacy exam and meet the eighth grade computer literacy requirement of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. COURSE OUTLINE Unit Title Hours 1 Safety & Orientation 5 2 Input Applications 20 3 Spreadsheets 20 4 Database Applications 20 5 Technology Lab Management & Networking 10 6 Design Applications 15 7 Graphic Design Applications 15 8 Web Design Applications 20 9 Technology Problem-solving & Decision Making Tools 30 GRADING SCALE The MCSD grading scale is used to determine grades in this class. The following types of grades will be given, with more weight on tests and projects than daily grades and homework. Daily Grades/Homework – 33% Test Grades/Projects – 67%

Transcript of ICT II Course Syllabus 2015 - madison-schools.com · 2015-08-04 · ICT II COURSE SYLLABUS Madison...

Page 1: ICT II Course Syllabus 2015 - madison-schools.com · 2015-08-04 · ICT II COURSE SYLLABUS Madison Middle School Mrs. Smith, Room 704 ysmith@madison-schools.com ICT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION

ICT II COURSE SYLLABUS Madison Middle School Mrs. Smith, Room 704 [email protected] ICT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an innovative instructional program that prepares students to effectively use technology in learning, communication, and life. Students in Information and Communication Technology II complete study in interpersonal and self-directional skills; input applications; technology lab management and networking; publishing applications; graphic design applications; web design applications; spreadsheet applications; database applications; and technology problem-solving and decision making tools. The ICT curriculum framework is built upon 21st Century Skills standards and the National Educational Technology Standards for Students. Career Pathways and Mississippi Department of Education Subject Area Testing benchmarks are integrated throughout the competencies, objectives, and suggested teaching and assessment strategies. Upon the successful completion of this program, students will be prepared to complete the IC3 Computer Literacy exam and meet the eighth grade computer literacy requirement of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. COURSE OUTLINE

Unit Title Hours 1 Safety & Orientation 5 2 Input Applications 20 3 Spreadsheets 20 4 Database Applications 20 5 Technology Lab Management & Networking 10 6 Design Applications 15 7 Graphic Design Applications 15 8 Web Design Applications 20 9 Technology Problem-solving & Decision Making Tools 30

GRADING SCALE The MCSD grading scale is used to determine grades in this class. The following types of grades will be given, with more weight on tests and projects than daily grades and homework. Daily Grades/Homework – 33% Test Grades/Projects – 67%

Page 2: ICT II Course Syllabus 2015 - madison-schools.com · 2015-08-04 · ICT II COURSE SYLLABUS Madison Middle School Mrs. Smith, Room 704 ysmith@madison-schools.com ICT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION

ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY & PROCEDURES Because of the nature of ICT – using computers daily – it’s important that all students abide by the Madison County School District’s Acceptable Use Policy and Procedures found in the student handbook on pages 50-53. Please make sure you read this policy thoroughly and sign and return the Student/Parent Agreement found on page 85 in the student handbook to your ICT teacher. COURSE EXPECTATIONS COURSE BINDER/NOTEBOOK You will be expected to keep an organized 3-ring binder for this class – a ½ or 1 inch binder will be fine. No other class materials may be kept in this binder (no Math, English, etc.) – only ICT. Since we do not have a textbook for this course, it’s important that you have a system of organization in order to keep up with the handouts and notes we will have. BINDER ORGANIZATION You should have a 3-ring binder with dividers – preferably with pockets to hold larger handouts. The tabs should be labeled as follows:

1. Safety & Orientation 2. Notes & Handouts 3. Study Guides

Part of being organized is making sure that you bring all supplies to class every day! The supplies are listed again below.

• 1/2 or 1 inch 3-ring binder with pockets • 4 tabbed dividers with pockets preferably • Notebook paper for binder • Highlighter

• Ear Buds (YOU MUST HAVE THEM EVERY DAY) • Pencils, Blue/black ink pens

Because so many students will be using the computer each day, it’s important to keep each workstation clean and germ free! Because of this, I am asking for the following items to keep our room clean!

• 1st – Disinfectant Cleaning Wipes (Clorox, Lysol, etc.) • 2nd & 6th – Hand Sanitizer • 4th – box of Kleenex • 5th – Roll of Paper Towels • 8th– Disinfectant Spray or Air Freshener Spray (Lysol, Febreeze, etc.)

CELL PHONES Most students have cell phones, and most bring them to school with them – and that is completely understandable and acceptable. What is not acceptable is using that cell phone for NON-INSTRUCTIONAL purposes during instructional time. In ICT there may be times we use our cell phones to demonstrate a particular technology, but you are to ONLY have your cell phone out if you have been specifically instructed to do so by the teacher. Any other times you have your cell phone out will be subject to the disciplinary actions of our classroom. KEYBOARDING & ICT II PORTFOLIO The state department requires that all students who take ICT II must compile a portfolio of student work. This will be kept in a folder for each individual student, along with a checklist of competencies to be completed by the student and marked off by the teacher. Part of that portfolio includes 5 minute timed writing. The goal this year for ICT II is for the students to be able to touch type 40 net words per minute. As they did last year, the students will be expected to touch type – this means without looking at the keyboard, using a keyboard cover – in class. All keyboarding assignments are to be completed IN CLASS, so we know WHO is typing, as well as if proper technique is being used. Just as with any skill – athletic, musical, etc. – perfect practice makes perfect. So, if you practice incorrectly, you will not master the skill, and your grade in keyboarding will reflect that!

Page 3: ICT II Course Syllabus 2015 - madison-schools.com · 2015-08-04 · ICT II COURSE SYLLABUS Madison Middle School Mrs. Smith, Room 704 ysmith@madison-schools.com ICT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION

Mrs. Smith Classroom Procedures – ICT II Bell Activity – Enter the room quietly, and complete bell activity on board or in Canvas as soon as you enter the classroom. Turning in /Returning Work: Turn in all work in your class folder unless directed by me to turn it in elsewhere. All work will be returned to you to place in your individual folder, or in your notebook depending on the type of assignment. Notebook/Binders: You are expected to keep a 3-ring binder for ICT with all notes and handouts I give you. You never know when I’ll ask to see your notebook for a daily grade! Headings: Be sure to put your full name, class period, and date on all papers or 2 points will be deducted for each item missing. Team Work: The teacher will assign all members of the team. Each member is expected to participate in all teamwork activities. Participation will be part of your grade when working on a group activity. Tardiness: If you aren’t in the classroom and in your assigned seat when the bell rings, you are considered tardy unless you have a signed excuse. Makeup Work: It is your responsibility to make sure you complete all makeup work. All work missed during an absence must be made up by the second class meeting after the absence. On school sponsored trips, assignments should be secured ahead of time and are due on the day the student returns to class. Any handouts you missed will be in the makeup work folder for the day you missed, or found on Canvas for the day you miss. Most work must be completed in the lab, which means you must make arrangements to come either before or after school to complete your makeup work. Computers: No food, gum or drinks are allowed in the ICT lab. Backpacks, purses & other bags: Keep all purses, backpacks and other bags out of the walkway so no one trips on them. It’s best to hang them on the back of your chair! Restroom: Take care of your business between classes. I will use my judgment as to emergency situations. Passwords: Usernames and passwords will be given out once. Find a place to keep up with it – if you have to ask me for it, I will deduct 5 points from that day’s activity – if no grade is taken that day, I will deduct it from the next daily grade assignment. On/Off Procedures: Always log off at the end of each class period. The last class period will shut down all computers at the end of the day.

Page 4: ICT II Course Syllabus 2015 - madison-schools.com · 2015-08-04 · ICT II COURSE SYLLABUS Madison Middle School Mrs. Smith, Room 704 ysmith@madison-schools.com ICT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION

Classroom Rules

1. Respect yourself, the teacher, each other, and all personal and school property.

2. Be prepared for class.

3. Bring a positive attitude with you.

4. Always follow directions the first time.

5. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking or getting out of your seat.

Classroom Consequences

➢ 1st offense – Warning & Conference with teacher

➢ 2nd offense – Conference with Teacher & Parent Notice

➢ 3rd offense – Teacher Punishment & Parent Notice

➢ 4th offense - Office Referral

Page 5: ICT II Course Syllabus 2015 - madison-schools.com · 2015-08-04 · ICT II COURSE SYLLABUS Madison Middle School Mrs. Smith, Room 704 ysmith@madison-schools.com ICT PROGRAM DESCRIPTION

Classroom Agreement I, _________________________________ have read the classroom procedures, rules and consequences. I also acknowledge that I have read and will comply with the Madison County School District’s Internet Acceptable Use Policy found in the student handbook and distributed to students on the first day of school. By signing my name below, I agree that I am fully aware of the consequences of breaking any of the rules, or not following the procedures. I also promise to do my part in making this class a safe, fun, and exciting learning environment!

Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature