ICT Help Desk User Guide · ICT Help Desk User Guide ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March...

ICT Help Desk User Guide ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017 Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 1 of 11 Version 2.0 Applied to: All Users Step 1: Log on to ICT Helpdesk System Summary The solution to change user personal detail Step User Interaction 1. Open the web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and etc.) Go to http://ict.lagunahub.com 2. Enter username and password and click Post button. Figure 1: Log on ICT Helpdesk System 3. For changing password, Click Settings menu > Main tab > enter New Password and Password Confirmation then click Update button. Figure 2: Change Password

Transcript of ICT Help Desk User Guide · ICT Help Desk User Guide ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March...

Page 1: ICT Help Desk User Guide · ICT Help Desk User Guide ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017 Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 5 of 11 Version 2.0 Summary Create a

ICT Help Desk User Guide

ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017

Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 1 of 11 Version 2.0

Applied to: All Users

Step 1: Log on to ICT Helpdesk System

Summary The solution to change user personal detail

Step User Interaction

1. Open the web browser (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and etc.) Go to http://ict.lagunahub.com

2. Enter username and password and click Post button.

Figure 1: Log on ICT Helpdesk System

3. For changing password, Click Settings menu > Main tab > enter New Password and Password Confirmation then click Update button.

Figure 2: Change Password

Page 2: ICT Help Desk User Guide · ICT Help Desk User Guide ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017 Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 5 of 11 Version 2.0 Summary Create a

ICT Help Desk User Guide

ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017

Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 2 of 11 Version 2.0

Page 3: ICT Help Desk User Guide · ICT Help Desk User Guide ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017 Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 5 of 11 Version 2.0 Summary Create a

ICT Help Desk User Guide

ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017

Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 3 of 11 Version 2.0

Step 2: Create a ticket

Summary Create a ticket for any ICT request (such as IT Asset, Software, Network and etc.)

Step User Interaction

1. Click Create a ticket

Figure 3: Create a ticket

Page 4: ICT Help Desk User Guide · ICT Help Desk User Guide ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017 Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 5 of 11 Version 2.0 Summary Create a

ICT Help Desk User Guide

ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017

Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 4 of 11 Version 2.0

Summary Create a ticket for any ICT request (such as IT Asset, Software, Network and etc.)

Step User Interaction

2. Complete request details as the form below - Type, Category, Urgency, Title, Detail Fill in the form below and put in the description box in ICT Help Desk

IT will send your request below with complete info for HOD approve in the ticket.

Subject ITSOP ITAM102 EX1 IT REQUEST FORM (ITRF) Content Subject: Requester : IT Request Form (ITRF) Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITSOP ITAM102 Ex1 IT Request Form (ITRF) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Request for - First name : ................................ - Middle name : ................................ - Last name : ................................ - Tel/Ext : .................................. - Position : ................................ - Department : ................................ - Job grade: ................................ - Company :........................................................... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOFTWARE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Business Application : …Conso/RPT................................ - Reason of request :............................................................ - Effective date : ................................ MAPPING (CONSO / RPT) 1. Company - ................................... 2. Operation - ................................... 3. Group permission - please specify Yes, No ........(Yes, No) Admin - Conso/RPT, View Conso - Report level operation &company , View RPT report, Unlock company & operation ........(Yes, No) RPTADMIN - RPT Only, view RPT report, lock Conso/RPT ........(Yes, No) Checker - Conso/RPT, View Conso - Report level operation & company , Unlock operation only ........(Yes, No) Preparer - Conso/RPT, View Conso - Report level operation only ........(Yes, No) RPT - can use RPT Only

Page 5: ICT Help Desk User Guide · ICT Help Desk User Guide ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017 Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 5 of 11 Version 2.0 Summary Create a

ICT Help Desk User Guide

ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017

Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 5 of 11 Version 2.0

Summary Create a ticket for any ICT request (such as IT Asset, Software, Network and etc.)

Step User Interaction

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remark: * For any request concern with IT Asset, please define the Hardware Type. ** For any request concern with document, please upload the document for reference. (If there are many files to attach in this ticket, please zip file first.)

Page 6: ICT Help Desk User Guide · ICT Help Desk User Guide ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017 Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 5 of 11 Version 2.0 Summary Create a

ICT Help Desk User Guide

ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017

Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 6 of 11 Version 2.0

Summary Create a ticket for any ICT request (such as IT Asset, Software, Network and etc.)

Step User Interaction

3 After click Submit Message, the system will send the ticket automatically to your email and technician support group. (On the subject of email, it will show New ticket )

Figure 4: Sample of New ticket of ICT request email

4. In case of you received email of ticket follow up from IT, you can reply by log in to http://ict.lagunahub.com with your account. 4.1 Select Ticket menu -> Click on Title ticket link.

Figure 5 : Sample of Follow up ticket

Page 7: ICT Help Desk User Guide · ICT Help Desk User Guide ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017 Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 5 of 11 Version 2.0 Summary Create a

ICT Help Desk User Guide

ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017

Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 7 of 11 Version 2.0

Summary Create a ticket for any ICT request (such as IT Asset, Software, Network and etc.)

Step User Interaction

4.2 Click Processing ticket > click follow up -> fill in your message > click Add button. The system will send email of ticket follow up to user and IT Group.

Figure 6: Sample of Add a new follow up

Applied: Technical Support

Step 3: Find out the solution and solve a ticket

Summary Technician Support will recheck and support the request

Step User Interaction

1. Find out solution for the request, once require further information and/or solve completed will update on ICT Helpdesk system. Users will automatically receive email on the solution of this request. (The status of subject email will change to Solve ticket)

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ICT Help Desk User Guide

ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017

Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 8 of 11 Version 2.0

Applied: All Users

Step 4: Received email notification about solve ticket.

Summary Once Technician Support solved a ticket, you will automatically receive email on the solution of this request

Step User Interaction

1. Received solved email notification.

Figure 7: Sample of Solved ticket of ICT request email

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ICT Help Desk User Guide

ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017

Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 9 of 11 Version 2.0

Step 5: Users provide the feedback (Approved/Refused solution)

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ICT Help Desk User Guide

ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017

Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 10 of 11 Version 2.0

Summary Once got the solved email notification, log on the ICT Helpdesk system and provide the feedback

Step User Interaction

1. Log on ICT Helpdesk system (http://ict.lagunahub.com) then click Solved.

Figure 8: Show Ticket Summary and Click Solved

2. Click the concern ticket.

Figure 9: Selected concern ticket

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ICT Help Desk User Guide

ICT Helpdesk User Manual Creation Date: March 27, 2017

Last Updated: March 27, 2017 Page 11 of 11 Version 2.0

3. Click Solutions Tab, “Approved of the solution” fill in your comments at box then click “Approved solution” button to close ticket.

Figure 10: Approval of the solution

Remark: ** In case the solution is NOT solved, please provide the details and reason on comments box. Then click Refused solution button for Technician Support to investigate and further support.

4. When the solution was approved, the ticket will change status from “Solved” to “Closed” on Home menu. Also send email of Close ticket to relevant person.