Interest Rate Models: theory and practice. MSc Mathematics and Finance, IC, London, 2012-2013 Prof. Damiano Brigo Mathematical Finance Section Dept. of Mathematics http://www.damianobrigo.it/masterICmaths/master2013.html Imperial College London (c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 1 / 833

Transcript of ICMSC

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Interest Rate Models: theory and practice.

MSc Mathematics and Finance, IC, London, 2012-2013

Prof. Damiano BrigoMathematical Finance Section

Dept. of Mathematicshttp://www.damianobrigo.it/masterICmaths/master2013.html

Imperial College London

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 1 / 833

Page 2: ICMSC


The Black Scholes and Merton AnalysisWhat does it all mean?10 × planet GDP: Thales, Bachelier and de FinettiQuantitative Finance and the CrisisMathematical Finance: Interesting times

3 PART ONE: TERM STRUCTURE MODELS4 Basic Definitions of Interest Rates

Risk Neutral ValuationBonds, Rates, Term structureFRAs and SWAPsCaps and Swaptions

5 Choice of the variables to Model6 Short rate models

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 2 / 833

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Content IIEndogenous ModelsExogenous modelsCase Study: Shifted Vasicek model G1++Numerical methods: Path dependence and early exerciseMonte Carlo SimulationTrinomial TreesMultifactor models

7 HJM type modelsHJM and Multifactor r models

8 Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP modelsIntro and guided tourDerivation of Libor Market ModelSwap Market Model vs LIBOR market modelParametrization of vols and corrMonte Carlo methods

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 3 / 833

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Content IIIAnalytic swaptions formula in Libor modelCalibrationDrift freezing approximationPricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)Pricing: Ratchet Caps and FloorsPricing: Zero Coupon SwaptionsPricing: CMS

9 Market models: Smile ModelingGuided tourSpecific models: Displaced DiffusionSpecific models: CEVSpecific models: Mixture Diffusion DynamicsSpecific models: SABRConclusions

10 The Crisis: Multiple Curves, Liquidity Effects. Credit, Bases(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 4 / 833

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12 Basic Credit Risk Products and ModelsCDS and Defaultable bondsMarket implied default probabilitiesCDS and Defaultable Bonds: Intensity ModelsIntensity models: Constant IntensityIntensity models: Deterministic IntensityIntensity models: Stochastic Intensity

13 Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & ACounterparty Credit RiskCredit VaR and CVACVA, Model Risk and WWRCollateralNettingCredit and Debit Valuation Adjustments (CVA-DVA)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 5 / 833

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Content V14 The mechanics of counterparty risk

General formula, Symmetry vs AsymmetryUnilateral Credit Valuation Adjustment (UCVA)Unilateral Debit Valuation Adjustment (UDVA)Bilateral Risk and DVADVA Hedging?Risk Free Closeout or Substitution Closeout?Can we neglect first to default risk?Payoff Risk

15 Our modeling approachCVA for Interest Rate ProductsStressing underlying vols, credit spread vols, and correlationsCVA for Commodities

16 Counterparty Credit Risk and Collateral MarginingCollateralization, Gap Risk and Re-Hypothecation

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 6 / 833

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Content VI17 Adding Collateral Margining Costs and Funding rigorously

Funding Costs: FVA?

18 Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA”Risk-Neutral Modelling of Bilateral CVA with MarginingThe recursive nature of funding adjusted pricesFunding Costs, CVA Desk and Bank StructureCCPsCVA ”Best Practices”: CVA Desk

19 PART III: RISK MEASURESIntroductionWhat do we mean by ”Risk”?A brief history of VaR and Expected ShorfallValue at RiskVaR drawbacks and Expected ShortfallVaR and ES: Example

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 7 / 833

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This course is mostly based on the books:

especially the first one (most recent) and the last one (least recent).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 8 / 833

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In this introductory part we introduce the Black Scholes and Mertonresult, their precursors (Bachelier, DeFinetti...) and the refinements oftheir theory (Harrison, Kreps, Pliska....), pointing out its significance,successes and failures.

We also look at the derivatives markets and their significance

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 9 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Portfolio replication theory plus Ito’s formula to derive the Blackand Scholes PDE under certain assumptions on the dynamics ofthe stock price.The Feynman-Kac theorem to interpret the solution of the Blackand Scholes PDE as an expected value of a function of the stockprice with different dynamics.The Girsanov theorem to interpret the different dynamics of thestock price as a dynamics under a different (martingale)probability measure.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 10 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Description of the economy

We consider:

A probability space with a r.c. filtration (Ω,F , (Ft : 0 ≤ t ≤ T ),P).In the given economy, two securities are traded continuously fromtime 0 until time T . The first one (a bond) is riskless and its(deterministic) price Bt evolves according to

dBt = Bt rdt , B0 = 1, (1)

which is equivalent toBt = ert , (2)

where r is a nonnegative number. To state it differently, the shortterm interest rate is assumed to be constant and equal to rthrough time.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 11 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Description of the economy

As for the second one, given the (Ft ,P)-Wiener process Wt ,consider the following stochastic differential equation

dSt = St [µdt + σdWt ], 0 ≤ t ≤ T , (3)

with initial condition S0 > 0, and where µ and σ are positiveconstants. Equation (3) has a unique (strong) solution which isgiven by

St = S0 exp(

µ− 12σ2)

t + σWt

, 0 ≤ t ≤ T . (4)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 12 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

The risky asset, The B e S Assumptions, andContingent Claims

dBt = Bt rdt , B0 = 1,

dSt = St [µdt + σdWt ], 0 ≤ t ≤ T ,

The second asset (a stock) is risky and its price is described by theprocess St . Furthermore, it is assumed that

(i) there are no transaction costs in trading the stock;(ii) the stock pays no dividends or other distributions;(iii) shares are infinitely divisible;(iv) short selling is allowed without any restriction or penalty.

We refer to these assumptions as to Black and Scholes’ idealconditions.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 13 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Contingent claim, Pricing problem, Complete Market

A contingent claim Y for the maturity T is any random variable whichis FT –measurable.We limit ourselves to simple contingent claims, i.e. claims of the formY = f (ST ).The idea behind a claim is that it represents an amount that will bepaid at maturity to the holder of the contract.The Pricing Problem is giving a fair price to such a contract.Loosely speaking, the market is said to be complete if everycontingent claim has a price.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 14 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Trading strategies, Value process, gain process,self–financing

A trading strategy φ = (φB, φS) is a pair of functions F–adapted. Thepair (φB

t , φSt ) represents respectively amounts of bond and stock to be

held at time t .The value process is the process V describing the value of theportfolio constructed by following the strategy φ,

Vt (φ) = φBt Bt + φS

t St .

The gain process is defined as

Gt (φ) =

∫ t


u dBu +

∫ t


u dSu .

and represents the income one obtains thanks to price movements inbond and stock when following the trading strategy φ.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 15 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Trading strategies, Value process, gain process,self–financing

The strategy is said to be self–financing if

φBt Bt + φS

t St − (φB0 B0 + φS

0 S0) = Gt (φ) ,

or, in differential terms, d Vt (φ) = d Gt (φ), i.e.

d(φBt Bt + φS

t St ) = φBt dBt + φS

t dSt . (5)

Intuitively, this means that the changes in value of the portfoliodescribed by the strategy φ are only due to gains/losses coming fromprice movements, i.e. to changes in the prices B and S, without anycash inflow and outflow.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 16 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Arbitrage opportunity, arbitrage–free market

An arbitrage opportunity is a self–financing strategy φ such that

φB0 B0 + φS

0 S0 = 0 , φBT BT + φS

T ST > 0 a.s.

Basically, an arbitrage opportunity is a strategy which creates analmost surely positive cash inflow from nothing. It is sometimes calleda free lunch.The market is said to be arbitrage–free if there are no arbitrageopportunities.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 17 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Example of Claim: European Call Option

Figure: A one-year maturity Gamble on an equity stock. Call Option.(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 18 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Example of Claim: European Call Option I

Suppose we have to price a simple claim Y = f (ST ) at time t .

We focus on the case of a European call option: Let K be its strikeprice and T its maturity. The option payoff (to a long position) isrepresented by Y = (ST − K )+ = max(ST − K ,0).

This is a contract which at maturity-time T pays nothing if therisky–asset price ST is smaller than the strike price K , whereas it paysthe difference between the two prices in the other case.

An investor who expects the risky–asset value to increaseconsiderably can speculate by buying a call option.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 19 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Example of Claim: European Call Option II

An example of use of a call option is the following. Suppose now weare at time 0 and we plan to buy one share (unit) of a certain stock attime T . We wish to pay this stock the same price K = S0 it has now,rather than the price it will have at time T , which could be much higher.What one can do in this situation is to buy a call option on the stockwith maturity time T and strike price S0.

He then buys the stock at time T paying ST and receives (ST − S0)+

from the option payoff. Clearly, the total amount he pays in T is thenST − (ST −S0)+ which equals ST if ST ≤ S0 and equals S0 if ST ≥ S0.Therefore, an European call option can be seen as a contract whichlocks the stock price at a desired value to be paid at maturity time T .This locking has of course a price, which we wish to determine.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 20 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

The Black and Scholes PDE

Let Vt = V (t ,St ) be the candidate claim (option) value at time t .Assume the function V (t ,St ) of time t and of the stock price St to haveregularity V ∈ C1,2([0,T ]× IR).Apply Ito’s Lemma to V so as to obtain

dV (t ,St ) =


(t ,St ) +∂V∂S

(t ,St )µSt +12∂2V∂S2 (t ,St )σ





(t ,St )σStdWt .

Set, for each 0 ≤ t ≤ T ,

φSt =


(t ,St ), φBt = (Vt − φS

t St )/Bt . (7)

By construction, the value of this strategy at time t is V itself, sinceclearly V (t ,St ) = φB

t Bt + φSt St .

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 21 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

The Black and Scholes PDE

Now assume φ to be self–financing. Since φ is self-financing

dVt = φBt dBt + φS

t dSt (8)


[V (t ,St )−


(t ,St )St

]rdt +


(t ,St )St (µdt + σdWt ).

Then by equating (6) and (8) (ITO + SELF FINANCING), we obtainthat Vt satisfies


(t ,St ) +∂V∂S

(t ,St )rSt +12∂2V∂S2 (t ,St )σ

2S2t = rV (t ,St ), (9)

which is the celebrated Black and Scholes partial differential equationwith terminal condition VT = (ST − K )+.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 22 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Black and Scholes’ famous formula

The strategy (φB, φS) has final value equal to the claim Y we wish toprice, and during its life the strategy does not involve cash inflows oroutflows (self–financing condition). As a consequence, its initial valueVt at time t must be equal to the unique claim price to avoid arbitrageopportunities.The solution of the above equation is given by

VBS(t) = VBS(t ,St ,K ,T , σ, r) := St Φ(d1(t))− Ke−r(T−t)Φ(d2(t)), (10)


d1(t) :=ln(St/K ) + (r + σ2/2)(T − t)


T − t,

d2(t) := d1(t)− σ√

T − t ,

and Φ(·) denotes the cumulative standard normal distribution function.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 23 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Black and Scholes’ famous formula

Expression (10) is the celebrated Black and Scholes option pricingformula which provides the unique no-arbitrage price for the givenEuropean call option.

Notice that the coefficient µ does not appear in (10), indicating thatinvestors, though having different risk preferences or predictions aboutthe future stock price behaviour, must yet agree on this unique optionprice.


(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 24 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Numerical example

Suppose the current stock value is S0 = 100.Suppose the risk free interest rate is r = 2% = 0.02.Suppose that the strike K = 100 (at the money option).Assume the volatility σ = 0.2 = 20%.Take a maturity of T = 5y . CALL PRICE IS VBS(0) = 22.02.

For example, in Matlab this is obtained through commandsS0=100; sig=0.2; r=0.02; K=100; T=5;d1 = (r + 0.5*sig*sig)*T/(sig*sqrt(T));d2 = (r - 0.5*sig*sig)*T/(sig*sqrt(T));V0 = S0*normcdf(d1)-K*exp(-r*T)*normcdf(d2);The same calculation with lower volatility σ = 0.05 = 5% would give

VBS(0)|σ=0.05 = 10.5943, VBS(0)|σ=0.0001 = 9.52.

The last value is very close to the intrinsic value S0 − Ke−rT .

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 25 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Numerical example

Acme today is worth S0 = 100.The more the value of acme goes up in 5 years, the more we gainas S5y − S0 grows. In a scenario where S5y = 200, we gain 100.If however Acme goes down instead, S5y − S0 goes negative butthe option (S5y − S0)+ caps it at zero and we lose nothing. Forexample, in a scenario where Acme goes down to 60, we get(60− 100)+ = (−40)+ = 0 ie we lose nothingWith the original data, entering the gamble costs initially 22 USDout of 100 of stock notional. It is expensive. On the other hand, itis a gamble where we can only win and in principle havescenarios with unlimited profit.You will notice that:

↑ σ ⇒ VCallBS ↑, ↑ S0 ⇒ VCallBS ↑, ↓ K ⇒ VCallBS ↑ ....

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 26 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Another numerical example

Take one more example where now the strike K is at the moneyforward and volatility very low, namelyS0=100; sig=0.0001; r=0.02; T=5; K=S0*exp(r*T);Then

VBS(0) = 0 ≈ S0 − Ke−rT = S0 − S0 = 0.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 27 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Verifying the Self financing condition

Going back to the general Black Scholes result, we then prove that thestrategy

φSt =


∂S(t ,St ), φB

t = (VBS(t)− φSt St )/Bt(

VBS(t) = VBS(t ,St ,K ,T , σ, r) := St Φ(d1(t))− Ke−r(T−t)Φ(d2(t))),

is indeed self-financing. By Ito’s Lemma, in fact, we have

dVBS(t) =∂

∂tVBS(t)dt +

∂SVBS(t)dSt +


∂S2 VBS(t)σ2S2t dt . (11)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 28 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Verifying the Self financing condition

Since straightforward differentiation of VBS expression leads to

∂tVBS(t) = −St Φ



T − t− rXe−r(T−t)Φ(d2(t)),


∂S2 VBS(t) =Φ′(d1(t))


T − t,

where Φ′(x) := 1√2π

e−12 x2

, then it is enough to substitute φS and φB

expressions given above to obtain from (11) thatdVBS(t) = φS

t dSt + φBt dBt , which is the self–financing condition in

differential form.

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

The Feynman Kac theorem for Risk Neutral Valuation

Different interpretation: the Feynman-Kac Theorem allows to interpretthe solution of a parabolic PDE such as the Black and Scholes PDE interms of expected values of a diffusion process. In general, givensuitable regularity and integrability conditions, the solution of the PDE


(t , x)+∂V∂x

(t , x)b(x)+12∂2V∂x2 (t , x)σ2(x) = rV (t , x), V (T , x) = f (x),

(12)can be expressed as

V (t , x) = e−r(T−t)EQt ,xf (XT )|Ft (13)

where the diffusion process X has dynamics starting from x at time t

dXs = b(Xs)ds + σ(Xs)dW Qs , s ≥ t , Xt = x (14)

under the probability measure Q under which the expectation EQt ,x· is

taken. The process W Q is a standard Brownian motion under Q.(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 30 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Risk Neutral interpretation of the B e S’s formula

By applying this theorem to the Black and Scholes setup, withb(x) = rx , σ(x) = σ x (so that the general PDE of the theoremcoincides with the BeS PDE) we obtain:The unique no-arbitrage price of the integrable contingent claimY = (ST − K )+ (European call option) at time t , 0 ≤ t ≤ T , is given by

VBS(t) = EQ(

e−r(T−t)Y |Ft

). (15)

The expectation is taken with respect to the so-called martingalemeasure Q, i.e. a probability measure under which the risky–assetprice St/Bt = e−rtSt measured with respect to the risk-free asset priceBt is a martingale, i.e.

dSt = St [rdt + σdW Qt ], 0 ≤ t ≤ T , (16)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 31 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

An expression for Q: Girsanov’s theorem

Consider on a probability space (Ω,F ,Ft ,P) a stochastic differentialequation

d Xt = b(Xt ) dt + v(Xt ) dWt , X0.

Define the measure Q by



= exp



∫ t


(bQ(Xs)− b(Xs)



ds +

∫ t


bQ(Xs)− b(Xs)



Then under Q

dW Qt = −(bQ(Xt )− b(Xt ))/v(Xt )dt + dWt

is a Brownian motion and

d Xt = bQ(Xt ) dt + v(Xt ) dW Qt , X0.

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

The Risk Neutral measure via Girsanov’s theorem

We apply Girsanov’s theorem to move from

d St = µSt dt + σSt dWt


d St = rSt dt + σSt dW Qt

We obtain


= exp



(µ− rσ


T − µ− rσ


. (17)

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

main steps followed:

Portfolio replication theory plus Ito’s formula to derive the Blackand Scholes PDE:

d St = µSt dt + σSt dWt


(t ,St ) +∂V∂S

(t ,St )rSt +12∂2V∂S2 (t ,St )σ

2S2t = rV (t ,St ),

VT = φ(ST )

The Feynman-Kac theorem to interpret the solution of the Blackand Scholes PDE as an expected value of a function of the stockprice with different dynamics

V (t ,St ) = EQe−r(T−t)φ(ST )|Ft

d St = rSt dt + σSt dW Qt

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

main steps followed:

The Girsanov theorem to interpret the different dynamics of thestock price as a dynamics under a new (Risk neutral ormartingale) probability measure P∗:


= exp



(µ− rσ


T − µ− rσ



(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 35 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

The idea behind the martingale approach

Why martingales?A martingale is a stochastic process representing a fair game. Looselyspeaking, the above proposition states that in order to price underuncertainty one must price in a world where the probability measure issuch that the risky asset evolves as a fair game when expressed inunits of the risk–free asset.

Hence in our case St/Bt must be a fair game, ie a martingale.

martingales: local mean =0For regular diffusion processes Xt martingale means ”zero-drift”, no upor down local direction: dXt = 0dt + σ(t ,Xt )dWt .

Indeed, show that the drift of the SDE for d(St/Bt ) is zero under Q.

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

The idea behind the martingale approach

NumeraireWhen we consider St/Bt we may say that we are looking at Smeasured with respect to the numeraire Bt .In general, as we shall see later on, it is possible to adopt anynon-dividend paying asset price as numeraire, and price under theparticular probability measure associated with that numeraire.However, the canonical numeraire is the bank account B we have usednow and the probability measure associated with the numeraire B isthe risk neutral measure Q.

The above analysis is easily generalized from a call option to anyintegrable claim Y = f (ST ) different from a Call Option.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 37 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

The idea behind the martingale approach

No need to know the real expected returnWe noticed earlier that the coefficient µ does not appear in (10),indicating that investors, though having different risk preferences orpredictions about the future stock price behaviour, must yet agree onthis unique option price.

This property can also be inferred from (16), since, under Q, the driftrate of the stock price process equals the risk-free interest rate whilethe variance rate is unchanged. For this reason the pricing rule (15) isoften referred to as risk-neutral valuation, and the measure Qdefines what is called the risk-neutral world.

Intuitively, in a risk-neutral world the expected rate of return on allsecurities is the risk-free interest rate, implying that investors do notrequire any risk premium for trading stocks.

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE The Black Scholes and Merton Analysis

Weak point of the derivation: Uniqueness of φ

The above derivation, however, is still not fully satisfactory, since wehave implicitly assumed that (φB, φS) is the unique self-financingstrategy replicating the claim with payoff f (ST ). This uniqueness,anyway, can be obtained by applying the more general theory oncomplete markets, which is beyond the scope of this introduction.

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What does it all mean

So far we have tried to follow a technical path, but it is time toappreciate the significance of what we have done so far.

We now ask ourselves: What are the implications of what we havecalculated on the big picture?

Mathematical Finance deals in large part with Derivatives. So,following our derivation above, why are derivatives so important,so popular and, often, unpopular?

Why is there a focus on Derivatives in this Master programme?

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What does it all mean? Call option and Gambling

Assume we wish to enter into a gamble (call option) against a bank,where:

If the future price of the ACME stock in 1y is larger than the valueof ACME today, we receive from the bank the difference betweenthe two prices (on a given notional).If the future price of the ACME stock in 1y is smaller or equal thanthe value of ACME today, nothing happens.

The bank will charge us for entering this wage, since we can only winor get into a draw, whereas the bank can only lose or get to a draw.

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Figure: A one-year maturity Gamble on an equity stock. Call Option.

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Call option and Gambling

We have an investor buying a call option on ACME with a 1y maturity.

The Bank’s problem is finding the correct price of this option today.This price will be charged to the investor, who may also go to otherbanks.

This is an option pricing problem.

The market introduced options and more generally financial derivativesthat may be much more complex than the above example. Suchderivatives often work on different sectors: Foreign Exchange Rates,Interest Rates, Default Events, Metheorological events, Energy, etc.

Derivatives can be bought to protect or hedge some risk, but also forspeculation or ”gambling”.

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE 10× planet GDP: Thales, Bachelier and de Finetti

Options and Derivatives

Derivatives outstanding notional as of June 2011 (BIS) is estimated at708 trillions USD (US GDP 2011: 15 Trillions; World GDP: 79 Trillions)

708000 billions, 708,000,000,000,000, 7.08× 1014 USD

How did it start? It has always been there. Around 580 B.C., Thalespurchased options on the future use of olive presses and made afortune when the olives crop was as abundant as he had predicted,and presses were in high demand. (Thales is also considered to bethe father of the sciences and of western philosophy, as you know).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 43 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE 10× planet GDP: Thales, Bachelier and de Finetti

Options and Derivatives valuation: precursors

Louis Bachelier (1870 – 1946) (First to introduce Bronwnianmotion Wt in Finance, First in the modern study of Options);Bruno de Finetti (1906 – 1985) (Father of the subjective interpretof probability; defines the risk neutral measure in a way that isvery similar to current theories: first to derive no arbitrage(ante-litteram!) through inequalities constraints, discrete setting).

Modern theory follows Nobel awarded Black, Scholes and Merton(and then Harrison and Kreps etc) on the correct pricing of options.

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE 10× planet GDP: Thales, Bachelier and de Finetti

Black and Scholes: What does it mean?

We have derived the Black Scholes formula for a call option earlier. Letus recall the key points.

Let St be the equity price for ACME at time t .For the value of the ACME stock St let us assume, as before, a SDEdSt = µStdt + σStdWt or also


St︸︷︷︸ = µ︸︷︷︸ dt + σ︸︷︷︸ dWt︸︷︷︸relative change instantaneous volatility Newin stock ACME ”mean” return for ACME random

between of ACME shockt and t + dt between t and t + dt

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE 10× planet GDP: Thales, Bachelier and de Finetti

Black and Scholes: What does it mean?

Then we have seen there exists a formula (Black and Scholes’)providing a unique fair price for the above gamble (option) on ACME inone year.

This Black Scholes formula depends on the volatility σ of ACME, andfrom the initial value S0 of ACME today, but does NOT depend on theexpected return µ of ACME.

This means that two investors with very different expectations on thefuture performance of ACME (for example one investor believes ACMEwill grow, the other one that ACME will go down) will be charged thesame price from the bank to enter into the option.

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE 10× planet GDP: Thales, Bachelier and de Finetti

The Gamble price does not depend on the investor perception of futuremarkets. One would think that Red Investor should be willing to pay ahigher price for the option with respect to Blue Investor. Instead, bothwill have to pay the gamble according to the green scenarios, whereACME grows with the same returns as a riskless asset

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE 10× planet GDP: Thales, Bachelier and de Finetti

Derivatives prices independent of expected returns???

This seemingly counterintuitive result renders derivatives pricingindependent of the expected returns of their underlying assets.

This makes derivatives valuations quite objective, and has contributedto derivatives growth worldwide.

Today, derivatives are used for several purposes by banks andcorporates all over the world

A mathematical result has contributed to create new markets thatreached 708 trillions (US GDP: 15 Trillions)

But keep in mind that the derivation of the Black Scholes result holdsonly under the 4 ideal conditions: no transaction costs, no dividends,infinite divisibility of shares, short selling fully allowed.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 47 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Quantitative Finance and the Crisis

The Credit Crisis: Is this Mathematics fault?

Quantitative Analysts (”quants”) and Academics guilty?

Over the past few years a number of articles has disputed the role ofMathematics in Finance, especially in relationship with CounterpartyCredit Risk and Credit Derivatives (especially CDOs).Quants have been accused to be unaware of models limitations and tohave provided the market with a false sense of security.

“The formula that killed Wall Street”1

“The formula that fell Wall Street”2

“Wall Street Math Wizards forgot a few variables”3

“Misplaced reliance on sophisticated (mathematical) models”4

1Recipe for disaster: the Formula that killed Wall Street. Wired Magazine,17.03.

2The Financial Times, Jones, S. (2009). April 24 2009.3Lohr (2009), New York Times of September 12.4Turner, J.A. (2009). Section title in The Turner Review. March 2009.

Financial Services Authority, UK.www.fsa.gov.uk/pubs/other/turner review.pdf.(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 48 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Quantitative Finance and the Crisis

Some facts

Proceedings of a Conferenceheld in London in 2006 byMerrill Lynch.A number of proposals toimprove the static copulamodels used (and abused) forcredit derivatives have beenpresented. I was there.Quants and Academics werewell aware (and had been foryears) of the modelslimitations and were trying toovercome them.

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Quantitative Finance and the Crisis

A few journalist have very short memory...

12 Sept 2005. Wall Street JournalHow a Formula [Base correlation + Gaussian Copula] Ignited MarketThat Burned Some Big Investors.

There are many other publications preceeding the crisis started in2007. Such publications questioned the use of the Gaussian copulaand the notion of implied and base correlation. For example, see our2006 article

Implied Correlation: A paradigm to be handled with care, 2006, SSRN,http://ssrn.com/abstract=946755

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Quantitative Finance and the Crisis

Figure: This book collects research published originally in 2006, warningagainst the flaws of the industry credit derivatives models. Related papers inthe journals Mathematical Finance, Risk Magazine, IJTAF

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Quantitative Finance and the Crisis

Is Maths Guilty and Wrong?

Mathematics is not wrong. We have to be careful in understandingwhat is meant when saying that one uses mathematical models.Mathematical models are a simplification of reality, and as such,are always ”wrong”, even if they try to capture the salient featuresof the problem at hand.The core mathematical theory behind derivatives valuation iscorrect, but the assumptions on which the theory is based (forexample Black Scholes 4 ideal conditions, and many more) maynot reflect the real world when the market evolves over the years.A mathematical model can be used only under a number ofassumptions. If these assumptions collapse, this is not an error inthe mathematics behind the model, but rather the fact that themodel is no longer a satisfactory representation of reality.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 51 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Quantitative Finance and the Crisis

Is Mathematics guilty?

Although the models used in Credit Derivatives and counterpartyrisk have limits that have been highlighted before the crisis byseveral researchers, the ongoing crisis is due to factors that gowell beyond any methodological inadequacy: the killer formula∫ +∞




(Φ−1(1− exp(−Λi(T )))−√ρim√

1− ρi


VersusThe Crisis:US real estate policy, Originate to Distribute (to Hold?) system fragility,volatile monetary policies,myopic compensation and incentives system, lack of homogeneity inregulation, underestimation of liquidity risk, lack of data, fraudcorrupted data...5.

5Szego 2009, The crash sonata in D major, JRMFI, Vol 3 (1)(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 52 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Quantitative Finance and the Crisis

And what about the data?

Data and Inputs qualityFor many financial products, and especially RMBS (ResidentialMortgage Backed Securities), quite related to the asset class thattriggered the crisis, the problem is in the data rather than in the models.

Risk of fraudAt times data for valuation in mortgages CDOs (RMBS and CDO ofRMBS) can be distorted by fraud (see for example the FBI Mortgagefraud report, 2007,www.fbi.gov/publications/fraud/mortgage fraud07.htm.

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Quantitative Finance and the Crisis

Pricing a CDO on this underlying:

Figure: The above photos are from condos that were involved in a mortgagefraud. The appraisal described ”recently renovated condominiums” to includeBrazilian hardwood, granite countertops, and a value of 275,000 USD

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Quantitative Finance and the Crisis

And what about the data?

At times it is not even clear what is in the portfolio: From the offeringcircular of a huge RMBS (more than 300.000 mortgages)

Type of property % of TotalDetached Bungalow 2.65%

Detached House 16.16%Flat 13.25%

Maisonette 1.53%Not Known 2.49 %

New Property 0.02%Other 0.21%

Semi Detached Bungalow 1.45%Semi Detached House 27.46%

Terraced House 34.78%Total 100.00%

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 54 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Quantitative Finance and the Crisis

Mathematics or Magic?

All this is before modeling. Models obey a simple rule that is popularlysummarized by the acronym GIGO (Garbage In→ Garbage Out). AsCharles Babbage (1791–1871) famously put it:

On two occasions I have been asked, “Pray, Mr. Babbage, ifyou put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answerscome out?” I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind ofconfusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.

So, in the end, how can the crisis be mostly due to models inadequacy,and to quantitative analysts and academics pride and unawareness ofmodels limitations?

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 55 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Mathematical Finance: Interesting times

Interesting times...

We are indeed going through very interesting times. New derivativesare appearing, eg Longevity swaps, but there’s much more beyondderivatives:

We need better models, not no models

We need to model new types of risks that were absent in the classicaltheory: Counterparty credit risk, liquidity risk, funding risk...

We need to understand systemic risk, contagion, the dynamics ofdependence, and how to deal with scarcity of data and data proxying...

We need to enhance consistency of models in different areas

Optimal execution, algorithmic trading, high frequency trading, riskoptimization...

All these areas, and many more, require quantitative input and goodmathematical finance.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 56 / 833

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Mathematical Finance: Interesting times

Interesting times...

This is not a good idea:

Rather then accusing maths for failures that are more managerial,political and behavioural in nature, we should derive better models thatmay account for the types of risks that had been neglected earlier.But before doing that, we need to learn the classical theory pretty well.

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PART 0. OPTION PRICING AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE Mathematical Finance: Interesting times

... we need to learn the classical theory pretty well...

So let’s get started

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In this part of the course we look at the classical theory of termstructure models. No credit risk. No liquidity risk. No multiple curves.Just the classical theory. We’ll look at the more modern aspects later.

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Risk Neutral Valuation

Risk Neutral Valuation

Bank account dB(t) = rtB(t)dt , B(t) = B0 exp(∫ t

0 rsds)


Risk neutral measure Q associated with numeraire B, Q = QB.Recall shortly the risk-neutral valuation paradigm of Harrison et al(1983), generalizing the result of Black and Scholes we have seenabove, characterizing no-arbitrage theory:A future stochastic payoff HT , built on an underlying fundamentalasset, paid at a future time T and satisfying some technical conditions,has as unique price at current time t the risk neutral world expectation


[B(t)B(T )


]= EQ



(−∫ T

trs ds



(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 60 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Risk Neutral Valuation

Risk neutral valuation I


[B(t)B(T )


]= EQ



(−∫ T

trs ds


]As we have seen above. “Risk neutral world” means that allfundamental underlying assets must have as locally deterministic driftrate the risk-free interest rate r :

d Assett = rt Assett dt+

+Asset-Volatilityt (d Brownian-motion-under-Q)t

Nothing strange at first sight. To value future unknown quantities now,we discount at the relevant interest rate and then take expectation.The mean is a reasonable estimate of unknown quantities with knowndistributions.

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Risk Neutral Valuation

Risk neutral valuation I

But what is surprising is that we do not take the mean in the realworld, where statistics and econometrics based on the observed dataare used. Indeed, in the real world probability measure P, we have

d Assett = µt Assett dt+

+Asset-Volatilityt (d Brownian-motion-under-P)t .

But when we consider risk-neutral valuation, or no-arbitrage pricing,we do not use the real-world P-dynamics with µ but rather therisk-neutral world Q-dynamics with r .

We have a feeling for why this happens, since we derived the BlackScholes formula, a special case of the above framework, earlier.Basically we can avoid µ thanks to a replicating self-financing strategyin the underlying asset whose value does not depend on µ.

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Risk Neutral Valuation

Risk neutral valuation II

From the risk neutral valuation formula we see that one fundamentalquantity is rt , the instantaneous interest rate.

As a very important special case of the general valuation formula, if wetake HT = 1, we obtain the Zero-Coupon Bond

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 63 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Bonds, Rates, Term structure

Zero-coupon Bond, LIBOR rate I

A T –maturity zero–coupon bond is a contract which guarantees thepayment of one unit of currency at time T . The contract value at timet < T is denoted by P(t ,T ):

P(T ,T ) = 1,

P(t ,T ) = EQt

[B(t)B(T )


= EQt exp

(−∫ T

trs ds

)= EQ

t D(t ,T )

All kind of rates can be expressed in terms of zero–coupon bonds andvice-versa. ZCB’s can be used as fundamental quantities.The spot–Libor rate at time t for the maturity T is the constant rate atwhich an investment has to be made to produce an amount of one unit

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Bonds, Rates, Term structure

Zero-coupon Bond, LIBOR rate II

of currency at maturity, starting from P(t ,T ) units of currency at time t ,when accruing occurs proportionally to the investment time.

P(t ,T )(1 + (T − t) L(t ,T )) = 1, L(t ,T ) =1− P(t ,T )

(T − t) P(t ,T ).

Notice:r(t) = lim

T→t+L(t ,T ) ≈ L(t , t + ε),

ε small.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 65 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Bonds, Rates, Term structure

LIBOR, zero coupon curve (term structure) I

The zero–coupon curve (often referred to as “yield curve” or “termstructure”) at time t is the graph of the function

T 7→ L(t ,T ), initial point rt ≈ L(t , t + ε).

This function is called term structure of interest rates at time t .

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Bonds, Rates, Term structure

Zero-coupon curve T 7→ L(t , t + T ) stripped frommarket EURO rates on 13 Feb 2001 I

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Bonds, Rates, Term structure

Zero-coupon curve T 7→ L(t , t + T ) stripped frommarket EURO rates on 13 Feb 2001 II

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Bonds, Rates, Term structure

LIBOR, zero coupon curve (term structure) I

This figure illustrates the different variables at play:the fundamental process is the short rate t 7→ rt . We show onepath (in black, with a cyan contour) of the short rate r from time 0(starting from r0 = 2.5% = 0.025) to t1.Then at t1 we show the term structure of interest ratesT 7→ L(t1,T ) (in red), highlighting a point L(t1,T1).As we have seen before, L(t1,T1) is a function of P(t1,T1) which,in turn, is Et1 [exp(−

∫ T1t1

rtdt)].This means that the point L(t1,T1) of the term structure isobtained through an expectation of an integral of every path of rfrom t1 to T1.Some of these paths are shown as zig-zagging lines in red from t1to T1 in the picture.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 69 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs

Products not depending on the curve dynamics: FRA’sand IRS’s I

At time S, with reset time T (S > T )

Fixed payment −→ (S − T )K −→←− (S − T ) L(T ,S) ←− Float. payment

A forward rate agreement FRA is a contract involving three timeinstants: The current time t , the expiry time T > t , and the maturitytime S > T . The contract gives its holder an interest rate payment forthe period T 7→ S with fixed rate K at maturity S against an interestrate payment over the same period with rate L(T ,S).Basically, this contract allows one to lock–in the interest rate betweenT and S at a desired value K .

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 70 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs

Products not depending on the curve dynamics: FRA

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs

Products not depending on the curve dynamics: FRA I

The FRA is said to be a Receiver FRA if we pay floating L(T ,S) andreceive Fixed K . It is a Payer FRA if we pay K and receive floatingL(T ,S).By easy static no-arbitrage arguments, the price of a receiver FRA is:

FRA(t ,T ,S,K ) = P(t ,S)(S − T )K − P(t ,T ) + P(t ,S) .

(S−T ) may be replaced by a year fraction τ . The price of a payer FRAis exactly the opposite, since cash flows go into the opposite direction.The Proof is as follows.The Receiver Fra Price is obtained by taking the risk neutralexpectation of the FRA Discounted Cash Flows. As payments happenin S, we need to discount them back to t through D(t ,S).

FRA(t ,T ,S,K ) = Et [D(t ,S)τK − D(t ,S)τL(T ,S)] =

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs

FRA Pricing: I Et [D(t ,S)τK − D(t ,S)τL(T ,S)] =

= τKEt [D(t ,S)]− Et [D(t ,S)τL(T ,S)] =

= τKP(t ,S)− Et [D(t ,S)τL(T ,S)] =

now use D(t ,S) = D(t ,T )D(T ,S) (ok for D, not for P)= τKP(t ,S)− Et [τD(t ,T )D(T ,S)L(T ,S)] =

= τKP(t ,S)− Et [ETτD(t ,T )D(T ,S)L(T ,S)] =

= τKP(t ,S)− Et [τD(t ,T )L(T ,S)ETD(T ,S)] =

= τKP(t ,S)− Et [τD(t ,T )L(T ,S)P(T ,S)] =

= τKP(t ,S)− Et [D(t ,T )P(T ,S)(1/P(T ,S)− 1)] =

= τKP(t ,S)− Et [D(t ,T )] + Et [D(t ,T )P(T ,S)] =

= τKP(t ,S)− Et [D(t ,T )] + Et [D(t ,T )ET [D(T ,S)]] =

= τKP(t ,S)− Et [D(t ,T )] + Et [ET [D(t ,T )D(T ,S)]] =

= τKP(t ,S)− Et [D(t ,T )] + Et [ET [D(t ,S)]] =

= τKP(t ,S)− Et [D(t ,T )] + Et [D(t ,S)] =

= τKP(t ,S)− P(t ,T ) + P(t ,S)

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs

FRA Pricing I

Note that this derivation did not require any modeling assumptions. Wehave made no assumption on the dynamics of interest rates. We haveonly used very general no-arbitrage principles to derive this formula.

The value of K which makes the contract fair (=0) is the forwardLIBOR interest rate prevailing at time t for the expiry T and maturityS: K = F (t ; T ,S). This is derived by solving in K

τKP(t ,S)− P(t ,T ) + P(t ,S) = 0.

K = F (t ; T ,S) :=1

S − T

(P(t ,T )

P(t ,S)− 1).

Notice that incidentally we have found, with the above derivation, that

Et [D(t ,S)L(T ,S)] = P(t ,S)F (t ,T ,S).

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs

Are Forward rates expectations of future interestrates? I

It is important to notice that while

EQt [D(t ,S)L(T ,S)] = P(t ,S)F (t ,T ,S),

we also haveEQ

t [L(T ,S)] 6= F (t ,T ,S).

The second one would follow from the first one only if D and L wereindependent. Clearly this is not the case. We will be able to write


t [L(T ,S)] = F (t ,T ,S)

only under a different probability measure QS, called S forwardmeasure. We’ll deal with this later in the course.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 75 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs

Products not depending on the curve dynamics: IRS I

An Interest Rate Swap (PFS) is a contract that exchanges paymentsbetween two differently indexed legs, starting from a futuretime–instant. At future dates Tα+1, ...,Tβ,

−→ τjK −→at Tj : Fixed Leg Float. Leg

←− τj L(Tj−1,Tj) ←−or taking ETα [·] :

τj F (Tα; Tj−1,Tj)

where τi = Ti − Ti−1. The IRS is called “payer IRS” from the companypaying K and “receiver IRS” from the company receiving K .

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs


(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 77 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs

Products not depending on the curve dynamics: IRS I

The discounted payoff at a time t < Tα of a receiver IRS is


D(t ,Ti) τi(K − L(Ti−1,Ti)), or alternatively

we may proceed as follows. (i) value the swap at the future first resetTα. (ii) Take the Tα IRS price, which is a random payoff when seenfrom t , and dicount it back at t . This will help later with swaptions andthis is why we do this. We obtain

D(t ,Tα)ETα [


D(Tα,Ti) τi(K − L(Ti−1,Ti))] =

= D(t ,Tα)


P(Tα,Ti) τi(K − F (Tα; Ti−1,Ti)).

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs

Products not depending on the curve dynamics: FRA’sand IRS’s I

Now rather than taking risk neutral expectations and going through thecalculations, we simply note that IRS can be valued as a collection ofFRAs. In particular, a receiver IRS can be valued as a collection of(receiver) FRAs.

ReceiverIRS(t , [Tα, . . . ,Tβ],K ) =


FRA(t ,Ti−1,Ti ,K ) =



τiKP(t ,Ti)− P(t ,Tα) + P(t ,Tβ), or alternatively



P(t ,Ti) τi(K − F (t ; Ti−1,Ti)).

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs

Products not depending on the curve dynamics: FRA’sand IRS’s II


PayerIRS(t , [Tα, . . . ,Tβ],K ) =



P(t ,Ti) τi(F (t ; Ti−1,Ti)− K ), or alternatively

= −β∑


τiKP(t ,Ti) + P(t ,Tα)− P(t ,Tβ).

The value K = Sα,β(t) which makesIRS(t , [Tα, . . . ,Tβ],K ) = 0is the forward swap rate.Denote Fi(t) := F (t ; Ti−1,Ti).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 80 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs

Products not depending on the curve dynamics: FRA’sand IRS’s I

Three possible formulas for the forward swap rate:

Sα,β(t) =P(t ,Tα)− P(t ,Tβ)∑β

i=α+1 τiP(t ,Ti)

Sα,β(t) =


wi(t)Fi(t), wi(t) =τiP(t ,Ti)∑β

j=α+1 τjP(t ,Tj)

Sα,β(t) =1−


11+τj Fj (t)∑β

i=α+1 τi∏i


1+τj Fj (t)


The second expression is a “weighted” average: 0 ≤ wi ≤ 1,∑βj=α+1 wj = 1. The weights are functions of the F ’s and thus random

at future times.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 81 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs

Products not depending on the curve dynamics: FRA’sand IRS’s I

Recall the Receiver IRS Formula

ReceiverIRS(t , [Tα, . . . ,Tβ],K ) =



τiKP(t ,Ti)− P(t ,Tα) + P(t ,Tβ)

and combine it with

Sα,β(t) =P(t ,Tα)− P(t ,Tβ)∑β

i=α+1 τiP(t ,Ti)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 82 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates FRAs and SWAPs

Products not depending on the curve dynamics: FRA’sand IRS’s II

to obtain

ReceiverIRS(t , [Tα, . . . ,Tβ],K ) =

= (K − Sα,β(t))


τiP(t ,Ti)


PayerIRS(t , [Tα, . . . ,Tβ],K ) =

= (Sα,β(t)− K )


τiP(t ,Ti)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 83 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Caps and Swaptions

Products depending on the curve dynamics: Capletsand CAPS I

A cap can be seen as a payer IRS where each exchange payment isexecuted only if it has positive value.

Cap discounted payoff:β∑


D(t ,Ti) τi(L(Ti−1,Ti)− K )+ .



D(t ,Ti) τi(Fi(Ti−1)− K )+ .

Suppose a company is Libor–indebted and has to pay at Tα+1, . . . ,Tβthe Libor rates resetting at Tα, . . . ,Tβ−1.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 84 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Caps and Swaptions

Products depending on the curve dynamics: Capletsand CAPS II

The company has a view that libor rates will increase in the future, andwishes to protect itself

buy a cap: (L− K )+ −→CAP Company −→DEBT L

or Company −→NET L− (L− K )+ = min(L,K )

The company pays at most K at each payment date.A cap contract can be decomposed additively: Indeed, the discountedpayoff is a sum of terms (caplets)

D(t ,Ti) τi(L(Ti−1,Ti)− K )+

= D(t ,Ti) τi(Fi(Ti−1)− K )+ .

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Caps and Swaptions

Products depending on the curve dynamics: Capletsand CAPS III

Each caplet can be evaluated separately, and the correspondingvalues can be added to obtain the cap price (notice the “call option”structure!).However, even if separable, the payoff is not linear in the rates. Thisimplies that, roughly speaking, we need the whole distribution of futurerates, and not just their means, to value caplets. This means that thedynamics of interest rates is needed to value caplets: We cannot valuecaplets at time t based only on the current zero curve T 7→ L(t ,T ), butwe need to specify how this infinite-dimensional object moves, in orderto have its distribution at future times. This can be done for example byspecifying how r moves.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 86 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Caps and Swaptions

Products depending on the curve dynamics: Floors

A floor can be seen as a receiver IRS where each exchange paymentis executed only if it has positive value.

Floor discounted payoff:β∑


D(t ,Ti) τi(K − L(Ti−1,Ti))+ .



D(t ,Ti) τi(K − Fi(Ti−1))+ .

The floor price is the risk neutral expectation E of the abovediscounted payoff.

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Caps and Swaptions

Products depending on the curve dynamics:SWAPTIONS I

Finally, we introduce options on IRS’s (swaptions).A (payer) swaption is a contract giving the right to enter at a future timea (payer) IRS.The time of possible entrance is the maturity.Usually maturity is first reset of underlying IRS.IRS value at its first reset date Tα, i.e. at maturity, is, by our aboveformulas,

PayerIRS(Tα, [Tα, . . . ,Tβ],K ) =



P(Tα,Ti) τi(F (Tα; Ti−1,Ti)− K ) =

= (Sα,β(Tα)− K )



(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 88 / 833

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Caps and Swaptions

Products depending on the curve dynamics:SWAPTIONS II

Call Cα,β(Tα) the summation on the right hand side.The option will be excercised only if this IRS value is positive. Thereresults the payer–swaption discounted–payoff at time t :

D(t ,Tα)Cα,β(Tα)(Sα,β(Tα)− K )+ =

D(t ,Tα)



P(Tα,Ti ) τi (F (Tα; Ti−1,Ti )− K )



Unlike Caps, this payoff cannot be decomposed additively.Caps can be decomposed in caplets, each with a single fwd rate.Caps: Deal with each caplet separately, and put results together.Only marginal distributions of different fwd rates are involved.Not so with swaptions: The summation is inside the positive partoperator ()+, and not outside.

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Basic Definitions of Interest Rates Caps and Swaptions

Products depending on the curve dynamics:SWAPTIONS III

With swaptions we will need to consider the joint action of the ratesinvolved in the contract.The correlation between rates is fundamental in handling swaptions,contrary to the cap case.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 90 / 833

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Choice of the variables to Model

Which variables do we model? I

For some products (Forward Rate Agreements, Interest Rate Swaps)the dynamics of interest rates is not necessary for valuation, thecurrent curve being enough.For caps, swaptions and more complex derivatives a dynamics isnecessary.Specifying a stochastic dynamics for interest rates amounts tochoosing an interest-rate model.

Which quantities do we model? Short rate rt? LIBOR ratesL(t ,T )? Forward LIBOR rates Fi(t) = F (t ; Ti−1,Ti)?Forward Swap rates Sα,β(t)? Bond Prices P(t ,T )?How is randomness modeled? i.e: What kind of stochasticprocess or stochastic differential equation do we select for ourmodel? (Markov diffusions)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 91 / 833

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Choice of the variables to Model

Which variables do we model? II

What are the consequences of our choice in terms of valuation ofmarket products, ease of implementation, goodness of calibrationto real data, pricing complicated products with the calibratedmodel, possibilities for diagnostics on the model outputs andimplications, stability, robustness, etc?

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 92 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

First Choice: short rate r I

This approach is based on the fact that the zero coupon curve at anyinstant, or the (informationally equivalent) zero bond curve

T 7→ P(t ,T ) = EQt exp

(−∫ T

trs ds


is completely characterized by the probabilistic/dynamical properties ofr .So we write a model for r , the initial point of the curve T 7→ L(t ,T ) forT = t at every instant t .Typically a stochastic differential equation for r is chosen.

d rt = local mean(t , rt )dt+

+local standard deviation(t , rt )× stochastic changet

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 93 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

First Choice: short rate r II

which we writedrt = b(t , rt )dt + σ(t , rt ) dWt

The local mean b is called the “drift” and the local standard deviation σis the “diffusion coefficient”

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 94 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

First Choice: short rate r I

Dynamics of rt = xt under the risk–neutral-world probability measure1 Vasicek (1977):

dxt = k(θ − xt )dt + σdWt , α = (k , θ, σ).

2 Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR, 1985):

dxt = k(θ − xt )dt + σ√

xtdWt , α = (k , θ, σ), 2kθ > σ2 .

3 Dothan / Rendleman and Bartter:

dxt = axtdt + σxtdWt , (xt = x0 e(a− 12σ

2)t+σWt , α = (a, σ)).

4 Exponential Vasicek:

xt = exp(zt ), dzt = k(θ − zt )dt + σdWt , α = (k , θ, σ).

Every different choice has important consequences.(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 95 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

First Choice: short rate r . Example: Vasicek I

dxt = k(θ − xt )dt + σdWt , rt = xt .

The Vasicek model has some peculiarities that make it attractive.The equation is linear and can be solved explicitly.Joint distributions of many important quantities are Gaussian. Manyformula for prices (i.e. expectations)The model is mean reverting: The expected value of the short ratetends to a constant value θ with velocity depending on k as time growstowards infinity, while its variance does not explode.However, this model features also some drawbacks.Rates can assume negative values with positive probability.Gaussian distributions for the rates are not compatible with the marketimplied distributions.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 96 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

First Choice: short rate r . Example: Vasicek II

The choice of a particular dynamics has several importantconsequences, which must be kept in mind when designing orchoosing a particular short-rate model. A typical comparison is forexample with the Cox Ingersoll Ross (CIR) model.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 97 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

First Choice: short rate r . Example: CIR I

dy(t) = κ[µ− y(t)]dt + ν√

y(t) dW (t), rt = yt

For the parameters κ, µ and ν ranging in a reasonable region, thismodel implies positive interest rates, but the instantaneous rate ischaracterized by a noncentral chi-squared distribution.The model is mean reverting: The expected value of the short ratetends to a constant value µ with velocity depending on κ as time growstowards infinity, while its variance does not explode.This model maintains a certain degree of analytical tractability, but isless tractable than Vasicek, especially as far as the extension to themultifactor case with correlation is concernedCIR is usually closer to market implied distributions of rates thanVasicek.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 98 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

First Choice: short rate r . Example: CIR II

Therefore, the CIR dynamics has both some advantages anddisadvantages with respect to the Vasicek model.

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

CIR and Vasicek models: some intuition I

The parameters of the CIR model are similar to those of the Vasicekmodel in terms of interpretation.

dyt = κ(µ− yt )dt + ν√


κ: speed of mean reversionµ: long term mean reversion levelν: volatility.

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

CIR model I

E [yt ] = y0e−κt + µ(1− e−κt )

VAR(yt ) = y0ν2

κ(e−κt − e−2κt ) + µ


2κ(1− e−κt )2

After a long time the process reaches (asymptotically) a stationarydistribution around the mean µ and with a corridor of variance µν2/2κ.The largest κ, the fastest the process converges to the stationary state.So, ceteris paribus, increasing κ kills the volatility of the interest rate.The largest µ, the highest the long term mean, so the model will tendto higher rates in the future in average.The largest ν, the largest the volatility. Notice however that κ and νfight each other as far as the influence on volatility is concerned. Wesee some plots of scenarios now

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 101 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

CIR model II

Figure: y0 = 0.0165, κ = 0.4, µ = 0.05, ν = 0.04

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 102 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek I

drt = k(θ − rt )dt + σdWt α = (k , θ, σ).


d [ekt rt ] = kekt rtdt + ektdrt = . . . = ekt [kθ dt + σdWt ]

Integrating both sides between s and t we obtain, for each s ≤ t ,

ekt rt − eksrs =

∫ t

sekukθ du +

∫ t


Now, multiplying both sides by e−kt we get

r(t) = r(s)e−k(t−s) + θ(

1− e−k(t−s))

+ σ

∫ t

se−k(t−u)dW (u), (18)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 103 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek II

r(t) = r(s)e−k(t−s) + θ(

1− e−k(t−s))

+ σ

∫ t

se−k(t−u)dW (u), (19)

so that r(t) conditional on rs is normally distributed with mean andvariance given respectively by

Er(t)|rs = r(s)e−k(t−s) + θ(

1− e−k(t−s))

VARr(t)|rs =σ2


[1− e−2k(t−s)


(Ito isometry: for deterministic v(t) we haveVAR(

∫v(u)dWu) = E [(

∫v(u)dWu)2] =


This implies that, for each time t , the rate r(t) can be negative withpositive probability.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 104 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek III

Er(t)|rs = r(s)e−k(t−s) + θ(

1− e−k(t−s))

VARr(t)|rs =σ2


[1− e−2k(t−s)


and r is normally distributed. The possibility of negative rates is indeeda major drawback of the Vasicek model. However, the analyticaltractability that is implied by a Gaussian density is hardly achievedwhen assuming other distributions for r .The short rate r is mean reverting, since the expected rate tends, for tgoing to infinity, to the value θ.The price of a pure-discount bond can be derived by computing theexpectation P(t ,T ) = Et exp(−

∫ Tt rudu).

Notice: The integral in the exponent is Gaussian since r is Gaussian.Its mean and variance can be computed from

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 105 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek IV


∫ T

trudu =

∫ T

tEt [ru]du =

∫ T

t[r(t)e−k(u−t) + θ

(1− e−k(u−t)

)]du = ...


(∫ T


)2 = Et

[∫ T


∫ T

trurv dudv


∫ T


∫ T

tEt [rurv ]dudv =


∫ T


∫ T


[rte−k(u−t) + θ(1− e−k(u−t)) + σ

∫ u


][rte−k(v−t) + θ(1− e−k(v−t)) + σ

∫ v




(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 106 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek VThis can be computed by using the isometry

E [

∫ u

tf (z)dWz

∫ v

tg(z)dWz ] =

∫ min (u,v)

tf (z)g(z)dz.

One obtains (moment generating function of a Gaussian)

X := −∫ T

trudu ∼ N (M,V 2),

P(t ,T ) = E [eX ] = exp(M + V 2/2)

By completing the (now trivial) computations we have

P(t ,T ) = A(t ,T )e−B(t ,T )r(t)

A(t ,T ) = exp(

θ − σ2


)[B(t ,T )− T + t ]− σ2

4kB(t ,T )2

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 107 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek VI

B(t ,T ) =1k

[1− e−k(T−t)


Put Option on a S-maturity Zero coupon bond. Payoff at T (discountedback at t)


(−∫ T


)(X − P(T ,S))+

The price at time t of a European option with strike X , maturity T andwritten on a pure discount bond maturing at time S is the risk neutralexpectation of the above quantity, and is denoted by ZBP(t ,T ,S,X ).Here is how one can compute it.

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek. Bond Option I



(−∫ T


)(X − P(T ,S))+


r(T ) = r(t)e−k(T−t) + θ(

1− e−k(T−t))

+ σ

∫ T

te−k(T−u)dW (u),

and P(T ,S) = A(T ,S)e−B(T ,S)r(T ). Moreover, integrating both sides ofdr = k(θ − r)dt + σdW we get

−∫ T

trudu = (rT − rt )/k − θ(T − t)− (σ/k)

∫ T


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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek. Bond Option II

The above expectation depends only on the random vector[∫ T

tdW (u),

∫ T

te−k(T−u)dW (u)


which is normally distributed (isometry)




[T − t (1− e−k(T−t))/k. (1− e−2k(T−t))/(2k)




(−∫ T


)(X − P(T ,S))+


= Et


(X − αeγY2


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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek. Bond Option III


]∼ N



[T − t (1− e−k(T−t))/k. (1− e−2k(T−t))/(2k)


so that we know how to compute the expectation explicitly. Oneobtains, after a lot of computations (but there are easier ways)

ZBP(t ,T ,S,X ) = [XP(t ,T )Φ(σp − h)− P(t ,S)Φ(−h)] ,

where Φ(·) denotes the standard normal cumulative distributionfunction, and

σp = σ

√1− e−2k(T−t)

2kB(T ,S), h =


lnP(t ,S)

P(t ,T )X+σp


(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 111 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek. Caplet I

A caplet can be seen as a put option on a zero bond.If N is the notional amount, and τ = S − T , we have

Cpl(t ,T ,S,X ,N) = E(

e−∫ S

t rsdsNτ(L(T ,S)− X )+|Ft

)= E


∫ St rsdsNτ(L(T ,S)− X )+|FT


)= E


∫ Tt rsdse−

∫ ST rsdsNτ(L(T ,S)− X )+|FT


)= E


∫ Tt rsdsE


∫ ST rsds|FT

]Nτ(L(T ,S)− X )+|Ft

)= NE


∫ Tt rsdsP(T ,S)τ(L(T ,S)− X )+|Ft


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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek. Caplet II

where we used iterated conditioning. Using the definition of the LIBORrate L(T ,S), we obtain

= NE


∫ Tt rsdsP(T ,S)


P(T ,S)− 1− Xτ




= N(1 + Xτ)E(

e−∫ T

t rsds[1/(1 + Xτ)− P(T ,S)]+|Ft


We have thus seen that a caplet can be expressed as a put option on abond, for which we derived a formula earlier.

Cpl(t ,T ,S,X ,N) = N(1 + Xτ)ZBP(t ,T ,S,1/(1 + Xτ))

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 113 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek. Summary I

In Vasicek’s model we can:Solve explicitly the SDE for r

drt = k(θ − rt )dt + σdWt , α = (k , θ, σ)

because it is linear, and find the normal distribution of r ;Find the price of a bond P(t ,T ) = P(t ,T ;α; rt ) thanks to the factthat adding up jointly normal variables one obtains a normalrandom variable, so that

∫rsds is normal;

Find the price of a put option on a zero coupon bond

ZBP(t ,T ,S,X ) = ZBP(t ,T ,S,X ;α, rt )

by means of the expectation of a certain random variable basedon a bivariate normal distribution coming from properties ofBrownian motions;

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 114 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek. Summary II

Find the price of a caplet

Cpl(t ,T ,S,X ,N) = N(1 + Xτ)ZBP((t ,T ,S,1/(1 + τX );α, rt )

as a price of a zero-bond put option thanks to iteratedconditioning (property of conditional expectations).

Even this simple example shows that in order to price financialproducts one needs to master probability and statistics. Also,analytical tractability is often related to linearity and normality.

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek. Objective measure,econometrics, statistics, historical estimation I

We can consider the objective measure Q0-dynamics of the Vasicekmodel as a process of the form

dr(t) = [k θ − (k + λ σ)r(t)]dt + σdW 0(t), r(0) = r0 ,

where λ is a new parameter, contributing to the market price of risk.Compare this Q0 dynamics to the risk-neutral Q-dynamics

dr(t) = k(θ − r(t))dt + σdW (t), r(0) = r0 .

Notice that for λ = 0 the two dynamics coincide. More generally, theabove Q0-dynamics is expressed again as a linear Gaussian stochasticdifferential equation, although it depends on the new parameter λ.

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Case Study: Vasicek. Objective measure,econometrics, statistics, historical estimation II

Requiring that the dynamics be of the same nature under the twomeasures (linear-Gaussian), imposes a Girsanov change of measure:



= exp(−1


∫ t

0λ2 r(s)2ds +

∫ t

0λ r(s)dW 0(s)

)although λ has to be assumed to be constant and not depending on r ,which is not true in general. However, under this choice we obtain ashort rate process that is tractable under both measures.Important: In traditional finance, one first postulates a dynamics underthe objective measure Q0, and then writes the risk neutral dynamics byadding one or more parameters. For example, one would write

dr(t) = k(θ − r(t))dt + σdW 0(t), r(0) = r0 .

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Case Study: Vasicek. Objective measure,econometrics, statistics, historical estimation III

under the objective measure Q0 and then

dr(t) = [k θ − (k − λ σ)r(t)]dt + σdW (t), r(0) = r0

under the risk neutral measure.We did the contrary because in pricing practice one starts from the riskneutral dynamics first.

dr(t) = [k θ − (k + λ σ)r(t)]dt + σdW 0(t)

(Statistics, historical estimation, econometrics).

dr(t) = k(θ − r(t))dt + σdW (t)

(Pricing, risk neutral valuation).

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek. Objective measure,econometrics, statistics, historical estimation IV

It is clear why tractability under the risk-neutral measure is a desirableproperty: claims are priced under that measure, so that the possibilityto compute expectations in a tractable way with the Q-dynamics isimportant. Yet, why do we find it desirable to have a tractable dynamicsunder Q0 too?If we are provided with a series r0, r1, r2, . . . , rn of daily observations ofa proxy of r(t) (say a monthly rate, r(t) ≈ L(t , t + 1m)), and we wish toincorporate information from this series in our model, we can estimatethe model parameters on the basis of this daily series of data.However, data are collected in the real world, and their statisticalproperties characterize the distribution of our interest-rate process r(t)under the objective measure Q0. Therefore, what is to be estimatedfrom historical observations is the Q0 dynamics. The estimation

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Case Study: Vasicek. Objective measure,econometrics, statistics, historical estimation V

technique can provide us with estimates for the objective parametersk , λ, θ and σ, or more precisely for combinations thereof.If we are provided with a series r0, r1, r2, . . . , rn of daily observations ofa proxy of r(t), their statistical properties characterize the distributionof our interest-rate process r(t) under the objective measure Q0.Therefore, what is to be estimated from historical observations is theQ0 dynamics, with the objective parameters k , λ, θ and σ.On the other hand, prices are computed through expectations underthe risk-neutral measure. When we observe prices, we observeexpectations under the measure Q. Therefore, when we calibrate themodel to derivative prices we need to use the Q dynamics, thus findingthe parameters k , θ and σ involved in the Q-dynamics and reflectingcurrent market prices of derivatives.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 120 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Case Study: Vasicek. Objective measure,econometrics, statistics, historical estimation VIWe could then combine the two approaches. For example, since thediffusion coefficient is the same under the two measures, we mightestimate σ from historical data through a maximum-likelihoodestimator, while finding k and θ through calibration to market prices.However, this procedure may be necessary when very few prices areavailable. Otherwise, it might be used to deduce historically a σ whichcan be used as initial guess when trying to find the three parametersthat match the market prices of a given set of instruments.Maximum-likelihood estimator for the Vasicek model. Write

dr(t) = [b − ar(t)]dt + σdW 0(t),

with b and a suitable constants.

r(t) = r(s)e−a(t−s) +ba

(1− e−a(t−s)) + σ

∫ t

se−a(t−u)dW 0(u).

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Case Study: Vasicek. Objective measure,econometrics, statistics, historical estimation VII

Given Fs the variable r(t) is normally distributed with meanr(s)e−a(t−s) + b

a (1− e−a(t−s)) and variance σ2

2a (1− e−2a(t−s)).It is natural to estimate the following functions of the parameters:β := b/a, α := e−aδ and V 2 = σ2

2a (1− e−2aδ), where δ denotes thetime-step of the observed proxies. The maximum likelihood estimatorsfor α, β and V 2 are easily derived as

α =n∑n

i=1 ri ri−1 −∑n

i=1 ri∑n

i=1 ri−1


i=1 r2i −

(∑ni=1 ri−1

)2 , β =

∑ni=1[ri − αri−1]

n(1− α),

V 2 =1n


[ri − αri−1 − β(1− α)


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Case Study: Vasicek. Objective measure,econometrics, statistics, historical estimation VIII

The estimated quantities give complete information on the δ-transitionprobability for the process r under Q0, thus allowing for examplesimulations at one-day spaced future discrete time instants.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 123 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

First Choice: short rate r . Questions to ask. I

Back to short rate models in general. When choosing a model, oneshould ask:

Does the dynamics imply positive rates, i.e., r(t) > 0 a.s. for eacht?What distribution does the dynamics imply for the short rate r? Isit, for instance, a fat-tailed distribution?

Are bond prices P(t ,T ) = Et


∫ Tt r(s)ds

(and therefore spot

rates, forward rates and swap rates) explicitly computable from thedynamics?Are bond-option (and cap, floor, swaption) prices explicitlycomputable from the dynamics?Is the model mean reverting, in the sense that the expected valueof the short rate tends to a constant value as time grows towardsinfinity, while its variance does not explode?

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

First Choice: short rate r . Questions to ask. II

How do the volatility structures implied by the model look like?

Does the model allow for explicit short-rate dynamics under theforward measures?

How suited is the model for Monte Carlo simulation?

How suited is the model for building recombining lattices (trees)?

Does the chosen dynamics allow for historical estimationtechniques to be used for parameter estimation purposes?

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

First Choice: Modeling r . Endogenous models. I

Model Dist Analytic Analytic Multif M-R r > 0?P(t ,T ) Options

Vasicek N Yes Yes Yes Yes NoCIR n.c. χ2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Dothan eN ”Yes” No No ”Yes” YesExp. Vasicek eN No No No Yes Yes

These models are endogenous. P(t ,T ) = Et (e−∫ T

t r(s)ds) can becomputed as an expression (or numerically in the last two) dependingon the model parameters.For example, in Vasicek and CIR, given k , θ, σ and r(t), once thefunction T 7→ P(t ,T ; k , θ, σ, r(t)) is known, we know the wholeinterest-rate curve at time t . At t = 0 (initial time), the interest ratecurve is an output of the model, rather than an input, depending onk , θ, σ, r0 in the dynamics.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 126 / 833

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

First Choice: Modeling r . Endogenous models. II

If we have the initial curve T 7→ PM(0,T ) from the market, and we wishour model to incorporate this curve, we need forcing the modelparameters to produce a curve as close as possible to the marketcurve. This is the calibration of the model to market data. In theVasicek case, run an optimization to have

Fit T 7→ P(0,T ; k , θ, σ, r0) to T 7→ PM(0,T ) through k , θ, σ, r0.

Too few parameters. Some shapes of T 7→ LM(0,T ) (like an invertedshape) can never be obtained, no matter the values of the parametersin the dynamics. To improve this situation and calibrate also capletdata, exogenous term structure models are usually considered.

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Short rate models Endogenous Models


A particularly important part of a model’s operations is thecalibration.Our aim is pricing, hedging and possibly risk managing a complexEXOTIC financial product whose quotations are not liquid or easilyfoundTo do so we plan to use a modelThe model needs to reflect as many available liquid market dataas possible when these data are pertinent to the financial productto be analyzedIn the interest rate market ususally one starts from the zero curve(FRA, Swaps) and a few vanilla options (Caps, Swaptions),imposing the model to fit themOnce the model has been fit as well as possible to such data, themodel is used to price the complex product

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Short rate models Endogenous Models

Endogenous Models Calibration Figure

We are given a market zero coupon curve of interest rates at time0, the blue curve ”zero curve” for T 7→ LM(0,T ).We are given also a number of options volatilities possibly, theblue surface ”market volatilities”We best fit the Red Vasicek model formula for the curveL(0,T ; k , θ, σ, r0) and perhaps a few options formulas to get thebest parameters we can in matching the market data. These willbe the red parameters k∗, θ∗, σ∗, r∗0 .The best fit can occur through the grey optimization methods,either local (gradient method) or global (simulated annealing,genetic algorithms...)The resulting fit is usually poor. For example, Vasicek cannotreproduce an inverted curve, compare the green (model) and blue(market) zero curves on the right hand side of the figure...The volatility structure is also poorly fit, as you see comparing theblue and the green surfaces on the right hand side.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 131 / 833

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Short rate models Exogenous models

First Choice: Modeling r . Exogenous models. I

Exogenous short-rate models are built by suitably modifying the aboveendogenous models. The basic strategy that is used to transform anendogenous model into an exogenous model is the inclusion of“time-varying” parameters. Typically, in the Vasicek case, one does thefollowing:

dr(t) = k [θ − r(t)]dt + σdW (t) −→ dr(t) = k [ ϑ(t) − r(t)]dt + σdW (t) .

Now the function of time ϑ(t) can be defined in terms of the marketcurve T 7→ LM(0,T ) in such a way that the model reproduces exactlythe curve itself at time 0.The remaining parameters may be used to calibrate CAPS/Swaptionsdata. We no longer price caps, since they are very liquid, but wish themodel to “absorb” them to price more difficult things.

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Short rate models Exogenous models

First Choice: Modeling r . Exogenous models. I

Dynamics of rt = xt under the risk–neutral measure:

1 Ho-Lee:dxt = θ(t) dt + σ dWt .

2 Hull-White (Extended Vasicek):

dxt = k(θ(t)− xt )dt + σdWt .

3 Hull-White (Extended CIR):

dxt = k(θ(t)− xt )dt + σ√

xt dWt .

4 Black-Derman-Toy (Extended Dothan):

xt = x0 eu(t)+σ(t)Wt

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Short rate models Exogenous models

First Choice: Modeling r . Exogenous models. II

5 Black-Karasinski (Extended exponential Vasicek):

xt = exp(zt ), dzt = k [θ(t)− zt ] dt + σdWt .

6 CIR++ (Shifted CIR model, Brigo & Mercurio (2000)):

rt = xt + φ(t ;α), dxt = k(θ − xt )dt + σ√


Now parameters are used to fit volatility structures.In general other parameters can be chosen to be time–varying so as toimprove fitting of the volatility term–structure (but...)

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Short rate models Exogenous models

Reference Model Dist ABP AOP Multif M-R r > 0?Vasicek N Yes Yes Yes Yes No

CIR n.c. χ2 Yes Yes Yes Yes YesDothan eN ”Yes” No No ”Yes” Yes

Exp. Vasicek eN No No No Yes Yes

Classical extended models:Distribution (Distr)Analytical bond prices (ABP)Analytical bond–option prices (AOP)Mean Reversion (MR)Tractable Multi Factor Extension (Multif)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 135 / 833

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Short rate models Exogenous models

Extended Model Distr ABP AOP Multif M-R r > 0?Ho-Lee N Yes Yes Yes No No

Hull-White (Vas.) N Yes Yes Yes Yes NoHull-White (CIR) n.c. χ2 No No No Yes Yes-but

BDT eN No No No Yes YesBlack Karasinski eN No No No Yes Yes

CIR++ Brigo Mercurio s.n.c. χ2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 136 / 833

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Short rate models Exogenous models

Short rate models: Which model? I

Extended Model Distr ABP AOP Multif M-R r > 0?Ho-Lee N Yes Yes Yes No No

Hull-White (Vas.) N Yes Yes Yes Yes NoHull-White (CIR) n.c. χ2 No No No Yes Yes-but

BDT eN No No No Yes YesBlack Karasinski eN No No No Yes Yes

CIR++ Brigo Mercurio s.n.c. χ2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Ho Lee: very tractable; stylized, simplistic, negative rates;Hull-White (Vasicek): Very tractable, formulas, easy to implementand calibrate, trees easy, Monte Carlo possible; possibly negativerates; can give pathological calibrations under certain marketsituations.Hull-White (CIR): Not tractable, numerical problems...

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Short rate models Exogenous models

Short rate models: Which model? II

BDT: No tractability, some mean reversion but linked to thevolatility, excellent distribution and good calibration to the marketrates implied distributions, explosion problem of bank account incontinuos version: EB(ε) = E(exp(

∫ ε0 rudu)) =∞.

Need trinomial trees (discretization in time and space) to have itwork. No reasonable Monte Carlo simulation possible.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 138 / 833

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Short rate models Exogenous models

Short rate models: Which model? III

Extended Model Distr ABP AOP Multif M-R r > 0?Ho-Lee N Yes Yes Yes No No

Hull-White (Vas.) N Yes Yes Yes Yes NoHull-White (CIR) n.c. χ2 No No No Yes Yes-but

BDT eN No No No Yes YesBlack Karasinski eN No No No Yes Yes

CIR++ Brigo Mercurio s.n.c. χ2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Black Karasinski: No tractability, mean reversion, excellentdistribution and good calibration to the market rates distributions,explosion problem of bank account in continuos version (as in alllognormal short-rate models). Need trinomial trees (discretizationin time and space) to have it work. No reasonable Monte Carlosimulation possible.

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Short rate models Exogenous models

Short rate models: Which model? IV

CIR++: Tractable, many formulas, easy to implement andcalibrate, trees are not so easy but feasible, Monte Carlo possible,positive rates, can give pathological calibrations under certainmarket situations (as most one-dimensional short-rate models)

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Short rate models Exogenous models

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Short rate models Exogenous models

Exogenous Models Calibration Figure

We are given a market zero coupon curve of interest rates at time0, the blue curve ”zero curve” for T 7→ LM(0,T ).We are given also a number of vanilla options volatilities (typicallycaps and a few swaptions), possibly. This is the blue surface”market volatilities”We now use a time dependent ”parameter” ϑ(t) or shift ϕ(t) to fitthe zero curve exactly, and this is represented by the blue arrow.Then we use the parameters k , θ, σ, r0 in the x part of r to best fitthe vanilla option data, and this is the green arrow.The best fit of the options data can occur through the greyoptimization methods, either local (gradient method) or global(simulated annealing, genetic algorithms...)The resulting fit is usually not too good, as you see comparing theblue and the green surfaces on the right hand side. If we fit just afew options, the fit improves

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 142 / 833

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Short rate models Case Study: Shifted Vasicek model G1++

Case study: Shifted Vasicek I

We have seen extensions of

dxt = µ(xt ;α)dt + σ(xt ;α)dWt ,

obtained through time varying coefficients,

rt = xt , dxt = µ(xt ;α(t))dt + σ(xt ;α(t))dWt .

Instead, we propose the following alternative possibility:

rt = xt + φ(t ;α), dxt = µ(xt ;α)dt + σ(xt ;α)dWt ,

with x0 a further parameter we include augmenting α. We have thefollowing bond and option prices

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 143 / 833

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Short rate models Case Study: Shifted Vasicek model G1++

Case study: Shifted Vasicek. Bond and Option I

P r (t ,T , rt ;α) = Et


[−∫ T

t(φ(s;α) + xs)ds


= Et


[−∫ T



[−∫ T



= exp

[−∫ T




[−∫ T



= exp

[−∫ T


]Px (t ,T , xt ;α)

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Short rate models Case Study: Shifted Vasicek model G1++

Case study: Shifted Vasicek. Bond and Option II

ZBPr (0,T , s,K , r0;α) = E0


[−∫ T


](K − P r (T , s, rT ;α))+

= exp[−∫ s



(0,T , s,K exp

[∫ s

Tφ(u;α) du

], xα0 ;α


Calibration of the market zero curve (T 7→ PM(0,T )) and of Capletdata. How do we select α and φ(·, α) to calibrate the model?

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Short rate models Case Study: Shifted Vasicek model G1++

Case study: Shifted Vasicek.Exact calibration of zero curve through φ I

rt = xt + φ(t ;α), dxt = µ(xt ;α)dt + σ(xt ;α)dWt .

Fitting the initial term structure. Solve

Pr (0,T , rt ;α) = PM(0,T ) for all T , i.e.


[−∫ T


]Px (0,T , x0;α) = PM(0,T ), and obtain

∫ b

aφ(u;α)du = ln



)− ln

(Px (0,a, r0;α)

Px (0,b, r0;α)

)φ(t ;α) = − ∂


PM(0, t)Px (0, t , r0;α)

)=: −fx(0, t, rt;α) + fM(0, t).

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Short rate models Case Study: Shifted Vasicek model G1++

Case study: Shifted Vasicek.Exact calibration of zero curve through φ II

If we select this φ, we fit the initial term structure, no matter the valueof α. In the Vasicek case we obtain

ϕVAS(t ;α) = f M(0, t) + (e−kt − 1)k2θ − σ2/2


− σ2

2k2 e−kt (1− e−kt )− x0e−kt .

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Short rate models Case Study: Shifted Vasicek model G1++

Case study: Shifted Vasicek.Exact calibration of zero curve through φ I

Notice that the parameters θ and x0 are redundant. Indeed, we caneasily see that such parameter can be reabsorbed in ϕ. We willtherefore take, from now on, θ = 0 in the above expressions, leading to

dxt = −kxtdt + σdWt , x0 = 0, rt = xt + ϕ(t , α), α = [k , σ].

Indeed, when applied to the Vasicek model, our method is essentiallyequivalent to θ 7→ θ(t) and produces the Hull-White model, due tolinearity of the equation for x . x0 has no effect and we can assume it tobe zero.

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Short rate models Case Study: Shifted Vasicek model G1++

Case study: Shifted Vasicek.Exact calibration of zero curve through φ I

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Short rate models Case Study: Shifted Vasicek model G1++

Case study: Shifted Vasicek.Exact calibration of zero curve through φ II

Figure: Graph of ϕ corresponding to a calibration of CIR++. Calibration ofshifted Vasicek gives similar results

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Short rate models Case Study: Shifted Vasicek model G1++

Case study: Shifted Vasicek.calibration of caplet market quotes through α I

Choose α to fit caplets (caps/floors) or a few swaptions pricesgiven analytically in terms of zero–bond option prices.Find α (optimization) such that model prices

e−∫ s

0 φ(u;α)duZBPx (0,T , s,K exp[∫ s

Tφ(u;α) du

], xα0 ;α)

are as close as possible to market prices


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Short rate models Case Study: Shifted Vasicek model G1++

Case study: Shifted Vasicek.calibration of caplet market quotes through α II

Figure: Comparison between the volatility curve implied by CIR++ and that observed in the EURO market (M) on December

6th, 1999 at 2 p.m. Shifted Vasicek does a little worse

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 152 / 833

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Short rate models Numerical methods: Path dependence and early exercise

Monte Carlo and Trinomial Trees I

In the market there are products featuring path dependent payoffs andearly exercise payoffs.When we aim at pricing derivatives whose payout at final maturity T isa function not only of interest rates at a final time related to the finalmaturity T but also of interest rates related to earlier times ti < T , thenwe say that we have a path dependent payout. More precisely, thishappens if the payout cannot be decomposed into a sum of payoutseach referencing a single maturity interest rate at the time.For these path dependent payouts, except for a few exceptions, it maybe necessary to price unsing Monte Carlo simulation.

There are also products that can be exercised at times ti preceding thefinal maturity of the payout. The typical example is bermudanswaptions, which are swaptions that can be exercised every year ratherthan at a single maturity Tα. For such products Monte Carlo simulation

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Short rate models Numerical methods: Path dependence and early exercise

Monte Carlo and Trinomial Trees II

is not suitable. Indeed, simulating forward in time does not allow us toknow or propagate the optimal exercise strategy for the option. On thecontrary, this can be know at terminal time and be propagatedbackwards in time along a tree, similarly for how American options onequity are priced using binomial trees and backward induction.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 154 / 833

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Short rate models Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo Simulation I

Since for Vasicek we know thatr(t) conditional on rs is normally distributed with mean and variancegiven respectively by

Er(t)|rs = r(s)e−k(t−s) + θ(

1− e−k(t−s))

VARr(t)|rs =σ2


[1− e−2k(t−s)


this means that the short rate can be simulated exactly across largeintervals ti−1, ti without further discretization. Monte Carlo simulation iseasy because we know the exact normal distribution for the transitionprobability of the short rate between times ti−1 and ti . A furtheradvantage of the Vasicek model is that if we know the short rate at tiwe have a formula for the bond price P(ti ,T ) for every maturity T .Hence from the short rate simulation we can immediately get as a

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 155 / 833

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Short rate models Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo Simulation II

bonus Libor rates, forward and swap rates for any maturity. This makesthe model handy in pricing path dependent payoffs via simulation. Thisreasoning of course applies as well to the shifted Vasicek model.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 156 / 833

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Short rate models Trinomial Trees

Trinomial Tree I

We now illustrate a procedure for the construction of a trinomial treethat approximates the evolution of the process x . It can be thenextended to the shifted Vasicek model by suitably adjusting the tree(see for example Brigo and Mercurio 2006).This is a two-stage procedure that is basically based on thosesuggested by Hull and White (1993d, 1994a).Let us fix a time horizon T and the times 0 = t0 < t1 < · · · < tN = T ,and set ∆ti = ti+1 − ti , for each i . The time instants ti need not beequally spaced. This is an essential feature when employing the treefor practical purposes.The first stage consists in constructing a trinomial tree for the processx

dxt = −kxtdt + σdWt

We explain how to build a tree for a generic diffusion process X first

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Short rate models Trinomial Trees

Trinomial Tree I

Let us consider the diffusion process X

dXt = µ(t ,Xt )dt + σ(t ,Xt )dWt ,

where µ and σ are smooth scalar real functions and W is a scalarstandard Brownian motion.We want to discretize this dynamics both in time and in space.Precisely, we want to construct a trinomial tree that suitablyapproximates the evolution of the process X .To this end, we fix a finite set of times 0 = t0 < t1 < · · · < tn = T andwe set ∆ti = ti+1 − ti . At each time ti , we have a finite number ofequispaced states, with constant vertical step ∆xi to be suitablydetermined. We set xi,j = j∆xi .

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Short rate models Trinomial Trees

Trinomial Tree I







←− ∆ti −→ ...



xi+1,k+1 = (k + 1)∆xi+1

xi+1,k = k∆xi+1

xi+1,k−1 = (k − 1)∆xi+1




(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 159 / 833

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Short rate models Trinomial Trees

Trinomial Tree II

Assuming that at time ti we are on the j-th node with associated valuexi,j , the process can move to xi+1,k+1, xi+1,k or xi+1,k−1 at time ti+1 withprobabilities pu, pm and pd , respectively. The central node is thereforethe k -th node at time ti+1, where also the level k is to be suitablydetermined.Denoting by Mi,j and V 2

i,j the mean and the variance of X at time ti+1conditional on X (ti) = xi,j , i.e.,


X (ti+1)|X (ti) = xi,j

= Mi,j


X (ti+1)|X (ti) = xi,j

= V 2i,j ,

we want to find pu, pm and pd such that these conditional mean andvariance match those in the tree.

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Short rate models Trinomial Trees

Trinomial Tree III

Precisely, noting that xi+1,k+1 = xi+1,k + ∆xi+1 andxi+1,k−1 = xi+1,k −∆xi+1, we look for positive constants pu, pm and pdsumming up to one and satisfying

pu(xi+1,k + ∆xi+1) + pmxi+1,k + pd (xi+1,k −∆xi+1) = Mi,j

pu(xi+1,k + ∆xi+1)2 + pmx2i+1,k + pd (xi+1,k −∆xi+1)2 =

= V 2i,j + M2

i,j .

Simple algebra leads toxi+1,k + (pu − pd )∆xi+1 = Mi,j

x2i+1,k + 2xi+1,k ∆xi+1(pu − pd ) + ∆x2

i+1(pu + pd )

= V 2i,j + M2

i,j .

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Short rate models Trinomial Trees

Trinomial Tree IV

Setting ηj,k = Mi,j − xi+1,k (we omit to express the dependence on theindex i to lighten the notation) we finally obtain

(pu − pd )∆xi+1 = ηj,k

(pu + pd )∆x2i+1 = V 2

i,j + η2j,k ,

so that, remembering that pm = 1− pu − pd , the candidateprobabilities are

pu =V 2








pm = 1−V 2





pd =V 2





2∆x2i+1− ηj,k


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Short rate models Trinomial Trees

Trinomial Tree V

In general, there is no guarantee that pu, pm and pd are actualprobabilities, because the expressions defining them could benegative. We then have to exploit the available degrees of freedom inorder to obtain quantities that are always positive. To this end, wemake the assumption that Vi,j is independent of j , so that from now onwe simply write Vi instead of Vi,j . We then set ∆xi+1 = Vi

√3 (this

choice, motivated by convergence purposes, is a standard one. Seefor instance Hull and White (1993, 1994)) and we choose the level k ,and hence ηj,k , in such a way that xi+1,k is as close as possible to Mi,j .As a consequence,

k = round(



), (20)

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Short rate models Trinomial Trees

Trinomial Tree VI

where round(x) is the closest integer to the real number x . Moreover,pu = 1

6 +η2


6V 2i




pm = 23 −


3V 2i,

pd = 16 +


6V 2i− ηj,k




It is easily seen that both pu and pd are positive for every value of ηj,k ,whereas pm is positive if and only if |ηj,k | ≤ Vi

√2. However, defining k

as above implies that |ηj,k | ≤ Vi√

3/2, hence the condition for thepositivity of pm is satisfied, too.As a conclusion, the above are actual probabilities such that thecorresponding trinomial tree has conditional (local) mean and variancethat match those of the continuous-time process X .

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Short rate models Trinomial Trees

Trinomial Tree VII

Going back to our xt as in Vasicek, we have

Ex(ti+1)|x(ti) = xi,j = xi,je−a∆ti =: Mi,j

Varx(ti+1)|x(ti) = xi,j =σ2


[1− e−2a∆ti

]=: V 2

i .(22)

We then set xi,j = j∆xi , where

∆xi = Vi−1√

3 = σ


2a[1− e−2a∆ti−1

]. (23)

and we apply the above procedure.

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Short rate models Trinomial Trees

Trinomial Tree VIII

Once we have the tree, pricing of (early exercise) Bermudan swaptionsoccurs by backward induction.

One first computes the final payout at each final node in the tree at T ,and then starts rolling back the payout along the tree in time.

At each time where exercise is available one then compares the rolledback price down to that point/node (continuation value) to the price ofexercise in that specific node, and takes the maximum.

This maximum is then rolled further backwards in the tree, discountingat the local tree interest rate, and then compared to immediateexercise; maximum is then taken and the backwards propagationcontinues down to time 0, when the price is obtained at the singleinitial node of the tree.

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Short rate models Trinomial Trees

Trinomial Tree IX

This way we make the optimal choice every time early exercise isavailable. This is easily implemented once the tree is built.

A (forward looking) monte carlo simulation would not work here, sincewe would not know, in a specific path at a point in time, the continuatonvalue, which can be computed going backwards but not forward

Special versions of the Monte Carlo method that approximate thecontinuation value as a function of the present state variables can beused. This is called Least Squared Monte Carlo.

The student has certainly seen continuation value calculations in treesfor simple option pricing theory. This is completely analogous to thebinomial-tree model of Cox Ross Rubinstein for american options on astock.

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Short rate models Trinomial Trees

Trinomial Tree X

Figure: A possible geometry for the tree approximating x .(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 168 / 833

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Short rate models Multifactor models

First choice: Modeling r. Multidimensional models I

In these models, typically (e.g. shifted two-factor Vasicek)

dxt = kx (θx − xt )dt + σxdW1(t),dyt = ky (θy − yt )dt + σydW2(t), dW1 dW2 = ρ dt ,

rt = xt + yt + φ(t , α), α = (kx , θx , σx , x0, ky , θy , σy , y0)

More parameters, can capture more flexible caps or swaptionsstructures in the market and especially gives less correlated rates atfuture times.Indeed, suppose we define Continuously Compounded Spot Rates attime t for the maturity T as

R(t ,T ) := − 1T − t

ln P(t ,T ) ⇒ P(t ,T ) = e−R(t ,T )(T−t).

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Short rate models Multifactor models

First choice: Modeling r. Multidimensional models II

This is an alternative definition to the Simply Compounded (Libor) Spotrates we have seen earlier:

L(t ,T ) :=1

T − t


P(t ,T )− 1]

One dimensional models havecorr0(R(1y ,2y),R(1y ,30y)) = 1,due to the unique source of randomness dW .Multidimensional models can lower this perfect correlation by playingwith the instantaneous correlation ρ in the two sources of randomnessW1 and W2.We may retain analytical tractability.

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HJM type models

What do we model? Second Choice: instantaneousforward rates f (t ,T ) I

Recall the forward LIBOR rate at time t between T and S,F (t ; T ,S) = (P(t ,T )/P(t ,S)− 1)/(S − T ), which makes the FRAcontract to lock in at time t interest rates between T and S fair. When Scollapses to T we obtain instantaneous forward rates:

f (t ,T ) = limS→T +

F (t ; T ,S) ≈ −∂ ln P(t ,T )

∂T, lim

T→tf (t ,T ) = rt .

Why should one be willing to model the f ’s at all? The f ’s are notobserved in the market, so that there is no improvement with respectto modeling r in this respect. Moreover notice that f ’s are morestructured quantities:

f (t ,T ) = −∂ ln Et


(−∫ T

t r(s)ds)]


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HJM type models

What do we model? Second Choice: instantaneousforward rates f (t ,T ) II

P(t ,T ) = e−∫ T

t f (t ,u)du

Given the structure in r , we may expect some restrictions on therisk-neutral dynamics that are allowed for f .

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HJM type models

What do we model? Second Choice: instantaneousforward rates f (t ,T ) I

Indeed, there is a fundamental theoretical result: Setf (0,T ) = f M(0,T ). We have

df (t ,T ) = σ(t ,T )

(∫ T

tσ(t , s)ds

)dt + σ(t ,T )dW (t),

under the risk neutral world measure, if no arbitrage has to hold. Thuswe find that the no-arbitrage property of interest rates dynamics is hereclearly expressed as a link between the local standard deviation(volatility or diffusion coefficient) and the local mean (drift) in thedynamics. Given the volatility, there is no freedom in selecting the drift,

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HJM type models

What do we model? Second Choice: instantaneousforward rates f (t ,T ) II

contrary to the more fundamental models based on drt , where thewhole risk neutral dynamics was free:

drt = b(t , rt )dt + σ(t , rt )dWt

b and σ had no link due to no-arbitrage.

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HJM type models

Second Choice, modeling f (HJM): is it worth it? I

df (t ,T ) = σ(t ,T )

(∫ T

tσ(t , s)ds

)dt + σ(t ,T )dW (t),

This can be useful to study arbitrage free properties of models, butwhen in need of writing a concrete model to price and hedge financialproducts, most useful models coming out of HJM are the alreadyknown short rate models seen earlier (these are particular HJMmodels, especially Gaussian models) or the market models we aregoing to see later.Even though market models do not necessarily need the HJMframework to be derived, HJM may serve as a unifying framework inwhich all categories of no-arbitrage interest-rate models can beexpressed.

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Multidimensional models and correlations I

Before turning to the third choice on what to model, we go back to thesecond one and consider multidimensional models more in detail.Recall that the Vasicek model assumes the evolution of the short-rateprocess r to be given by the linear-Gaussian SDE

drt = k(θ − rt )dt + σdWt .

Recall also the bond price formula P(t ,T ) = A(t ,T ) exp(−B(t ,T )rt ),from which all rates can be computed in terms of r . In particular,continuously-compounded spot rates are given by the following affinetransformation of the fundamental quantity r

R(t ,T ) = − ln(P(t ,T ))/(T − t) = − ln A(t ,T )

T − t+

B(t ,T )

T − trt =

=: a(t ,T ) + b(t ,T )rt .

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Multidimensional models and correlations II

Consider now a payoff depending on the joint distribution of two suchrates at time t . For example, we may set T1 = t + 1 years andT2 = t + 10 years. The payoff would then depend on the jointdistribution of the one-year and ten-year continuously-compoundedspot interest rates at “terminal” time t . In particular, since the jointdistribution is involved, the correlation between the two rates plays acrucial role. With the Vasicek model such terminal correlation is easilycomputed as

Corr(R(t ,T1),R(t ,T2)) =

= Corr(a(t ,T1) + b(t ,T1)rt ,a(t ,T2) + b(t ,T2)rt ) = 1

so that at every time instant rates for all maturities in the curve areperfectly correlated. For example, the thirty-year interest rate at agiven instant is perfectly correlated with the three-month rate at thesame instant. This means that a shock to the interest rate curve at

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Multidimensional models and correlations III

time t is transmitted equally through all maturities, and the curve, whenits initial point (the short rate rt ) is shocked, moves almost rigidly in thesame direction. Clearly, it is hard to accept this perfect-correlationfeature of the model. Truly, interest rates are known to exhibit somedecorrelation (i.e. non-perfect correlation), so that a more satisfactorymodel of curve evolution has to be found.One-factor models such as HW, BK, CIR++, EEV may still prove usefulwhen the product to be priced does not depend on the correlations ofdifferent rates but depends at every instant on a single rate of thewhole interest-rate curve (say for example the six-month rate).Otherwise, the approximation can still be acceptable, especially for“risk-management-like” purposes, when the rates that jointly influencethe payoff at every instant are close (say for example the six-monthand one-year rates). Indeed, the real correlation between such near

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Multidimensional models and correlations IV

rates is likely to be rather high anyway, so that the perfect correlationinduced by the one-factor model will not be unacceptable in principle.But in general, whenever the correlation plays a more relevant role, orwhen a higher precision is needed anyway, we need to move to amodel allowing for more realistic correlation patterns. This can beachieved with multifactor models, and in particular with two-factormodels. Indeed, suppose for a moment that we replace the GaussianVasicek model with its hypothetical two-factor version (G2):

rt = xt + yt ,

dxt = kx (θx − xt )dt + σxdW1(t),

dyt = ky (θy − yt )dt + σydW2(t),

with instantaneously-correlated sources of randomness,dW1dW2 = ρ dt . Again, we will see later on that also for this kind of

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Multidimensional models and correlations V

models the bond price is an affine function, this time of the two factorsx and y ,

P(t ,T ) = A(t ,T ) exp(−Bx (t ,T )xt − By (t ,T )yt ),

where quantities with the superscripts “x” or “y ” denote the analogousquantities for the one-factor model where the short rate is given by x ory , respectively. Taking this for granted at the moment, we can seeeasily that now

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Multidimensional models and correlations VI

Corr(R(t ,T1),R(t ,T2)) =

= Corr(bx (t ,T1)xt + by (t ,T1)yt ,bx (t ,T2)xt + by (t ,T2)yt ),

and this quantity is not identically equal to one, but depends cruciallyon the correlation between the two factors x and y , which in turndepends, among other quantities, on the instantaneous correlation ρ intheir joint dynamics.How much flexibility is gained in the correlation structure and whetherthis is sufficient for practical purposes will be debated. It is howeverclear that the choice of a multi-factor model is a step forth in thatcorrelation between different rates of the curve at a given instant is notnecessarily equal to one.Another question that arises naturally is: How many factors should oneuse for practical purposes? Indeed, what we have suggested with two

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Multidimensional models and correlations VII

factors can be extended to three or more factors. The choice of thenumber of factors then involves a compromise betweennumerically-efficient implementation and capability of the model torepresent realistic correlation patterns (and covariance structures ingeneral) and to fit satisfactorily enough market data in most concretesituations.

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Multidimensional models: how many factors? I

Usually, historical analysis of the whole yield curve, based on principalcomponent analysis or factor analysis, suggests that under theobjective measure two components can explain 85% to 90% ofvariations in the yield curve, as illustrated for example by Jamshidianand Zhu (1997, Finance and Stochastics 1, in their Table 1), whoconsider JPY, USD and DEM data. They show that one principalcomponent explains from 68% to 76% of the total variation, whereasthree principal components can explain from 93% to 94%. A relatedanalysis is carried out in Chapter 3 of Rebonato (book on interest ratemodels, 1998, in his Table 3.2) for the UK market, where results seemto be more optimistic: One component explains 92% of the totalvariance, whereas two components already explain 99.1% of the totalvariance. In some works an interpretation is given to the componentsin terms of average level, slope and curvature of the zero-couponcurve, see for example again Jamshidian and Zhu (1997).

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Multidimensional models: how many factors? II

What we learn from these analyses is that, in the objective world, awhile back a two- or three-dimensional process was needed to providea realistic evolution of the whole zero-coupon curve. Since theinstantaneous-covariance structure of the same process when movingfrom the objective probability measure to the risk-neutral probabilitymeasure does not change, we may guess that also in the risk-neutralworld a two- or three-dimensional process may be needed in order toobtain satisfactory results. This is a further motivation for introducing atwo- or three-factor model for the short rate. Here, we have decided tofocus on two-factor models for their better tractability andimplementability. In particular, we will consider additive models of theform

rt = xt + yt + ϕ(t), (24)

where ϕ is a deterministic shift which is added in order to fit exactly theinitial zero-coupon curve, as in the one-factor case. This formulation

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Multidimensional models: how many factors? III

encompasses the classical Hull and White two-factor model as adeterministically-shifted two-factor Vasicek (G2++), and an extensionof the Longstaff and Schwartz (LS) model that is capable of fitting theinitial term structure of rates (CIR2++), where the basic LS model isobtained as a two-factor additive CIR model.

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Multidimensional models: volatility shape I

These are the two-factor models we will consider, and we will focusespecially on the two-factor additive Gaussian model G2++. The mainadvantage of the G2++ model over the shifted Longstaff and SchwartzCIR2++ with x and y as in

dxt = kx (θx − xt )dt + σx√


dyt = ky (θy − yt )dt + σy√


is that in the latter we are forced to take dW1dW2 = 0 dt in order tomaintain analytical tractability, whereas in the former we do not need todo so. The reason why we are forced to take ρ = 0 in the CIR2++ caselies in the fact that square-root non-central chi-square processes donot work as well as linear-Gaussian processes when adding nonzeroinstantaneous correlations. Requiring dW1dW2 = ρdt with ρ 6= 0 in theabove CIR2++ model would indeed destroy analytical tractability: It

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Multidimensional models: volatility shape II

would no longer be possible to compute analytically bond prices andrates starting from the short-rate factors. Moreover, the distribution of rwould become more involved than that implied by a simple sum ofindependent non-central chi-square random variables. Why is thepossibility that the parameter ρ be different than zero so important asto render G2++ preferable to CIR2++? As we said before, thepresence of the parameter ρ renders the correlation structure of thetwo-factor model more flexible. Moreover, ρ < 0 allows for a humpedvolatility curve of the instantaneous forward rates. Indeed, if weconsider at a given time instant t the graph of the T function

T 7→√

Var[d f (t ,T )]/dt

where the instantaneous forward rate f (t ,T ) comes from the G2++model, it can be seen that for ρ = 0 this function is decreasing andupwardly concave. This function can assume a humped shape for

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Multidimensional models: volatility shape III

suitable values of kx and ky only when ρ < 0. Since such a humpedshape is a desirable feature of the model which is in agreement withmarket behaviour, it is important to allow for nonzero instantaneouscorrelation in the G2++ model. The situation is somewhat analogous inthe CIR2++ case: Choosing ρ = 0 does not allow for humped shapesin the curve

T 7→√

Var[d f (t ,T )]/dt ,

which consequently results monotonically decreasing and upwardlyconcave, exactly as in the G2++ case with ρ = 0, as we will see lateron in the chapter.

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Multidimensional models: G2++ vs CIR2++ I

In turn, the advantage of CIR2++ over G2++ is that, as in theone-factor case where HW is compared to CIR++, it can maintainpositive rates through reasonable restrictions on the parameters.Moreover, the distribution of the short rate is the distribution of the sumof two independent noncentral chi-square variables, and as such it hasfatter tails than the Gaussian distribution in G2++. This is considered adesirable property, especially because in such a way(continuously-compounded) spot rates for any maturity are affinetransformations of such non-central chi-squared variables and arecloser to the lognormal distribution than the Gaussian distribution forthe same rates implied by the G2++ model. Therefore, both from apoint of view of positivity and distribution of rates, the CIR2++ modelwould be preferable to the G2++ model. However, the humped shapefor the instantaneous forward rates volatility curve is very important forthe model to be able to fit market data in a satisfactory way.

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Multidimensional models: G2++ vs CIR2++ II

Furthermore, the G2++ model is more analytically tractable and easierto implement. These overall considerations then imply that the G2++model is more suitable for practical applications, even though weshould not neglect the advantages that a model like CIR2++ may have.In general, when analyzing an interest rate model from a practical pointof view, one should try to answer questions like the following. Is atwo-factor model like G2++ flexible enough to be calibrated to a largeset of swaptions, or even to caps and swaptions at the same time?How many swaptions can be calibrated in a sufficiently satisfactoryway? What is the evolution of the term structure of volatilities asimplied by the calibrated model? Is this realistic? How can oneimplement trees for models such as G2++? Is Monte Carlo simulationfeasible? Can the model be profitably used for quanto-like productsand for products depending on more than an interest rate curve when

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Multidimensional models: G2++ vs CIR2++ III

taking into account correlations between different interest-rate curvesand also with exchange rates?Here we will focus mainly on the G2++ model and we will try to dealwith some of the above questions.

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

The G2++ model I

We assume that the dynamics of the instantaneous-short-rate processunder the risk-adjusted measure Q is given by

r(t) = x(t) + y(t) + ϕ(t), r(0) = r0, (25)

where the processes x(t) : t ≥ 0 and y(t) : t ≥ 0 satisfy

dx(t) = −ax(t)dt + σdW1(t), x(0) = 0,

dy(t) = −by(t)dt + ηdW2(t), y(0) = 0,

where (W1,W2) is a two-dimensional Brownian motion withinstantaneous correlation ρ as from

dW1(t)dW2(t) = ρdt ,

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

The G2++ model II

where r0, a, b, σ, η are positive constants, and where −1 ≤ ρ ≤ 1. Thefunction ϕ is deterministic and well defined in the time interval [0,T ∗],with T ∗ a given time horizon, typically 10, 30 or 50 (years). Inparticular, ϕ(0) = r0. We denote by Ft the sigma-field generated by thepair (x , y) up to time t .

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

The G2++ model I

Simple integration of these equations implies that for each s < t

r(t) = x(s)e−a(t−s) + y(s)e−b(t−s)

∫ t


∫ t

se−b(t−u)dW2(u) + ϕ(t),

meaning that r(t) conditional on Fs is normally distributed with meanand variance given respectively by

Er(t)|Fs = x(s)e−a(t−s) + y(s)e−b(t−s) + ϕ(t),

Varr(t)|Fs =σ2


[1− e−2a(t−s)



[1− e−2b(t−s)

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

The G2++ model II


a + b

[1− e−(a+b)(t−s)


In particular

r(t) = σ

∫ t

0e−a(t−u)dW1(u) + η

∫ t

0e−b(t−u)dW2(u) + ϕ(t). (26)

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Bond pricing I

We denote by P(t ,T ) the price at time t of a zero-coupon bondmaturing at T and with unit face value, so that

P(t ,T ) = E

e−∫ T

t rsds|Ft


where as usual E denotes the expectation under the risk-adjustedmeasure Q. In order to explicitly compute this expectation, we needthe followingLemma. For each t ,T the random variable

I(t ,T ) :=

∫ T

t[x(u) + y(u)]du

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Bond pricing IIconditional to the sigma-field Ft is normally distributed with meanM(t ,T ) and variance V (t ,T ), respectively given by

M(t ,T ) =1− e−a(T−t)

ax(t) +

1− e−b(T−t)

by(t) (27)


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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Bond pricing III

V (t ,T ) =σ2


[T − t +


e−a(T−t) − 12a

e−2a(T−t) − 32a




[T − t +


e−b(T−t) − 12b

e−2b(T−t) − 32b




[T − t +

e−a(T−t) − 1a

+e−b(T−t) − 1


−e−(a+b)(T−t) − 1a + b


Proof is not too difficult but is omitted.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 198 / 833

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Bond pricing IV

The price at time t of a zero-coupon bond maturing at time T and withunit face value is

P(t ,T ) = exp

−∫ T

tϕ(u)du − 1− e−a(T−t)


−1− e−b(T−t)

by(t) +


V (t ,T )

. (28)

Proof: Being ϕ a deterministic function, the theorem follows fromstraightforward application of the Lemma and the fact that if Z is anormal random variable with mean mZ and variance σ2

Z , thenEexp(Z ) = exp(mZ + 1

2σ2Z ).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 199 / 833

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Bond pricing V

Let us now assume that the term structure of discount factors that iscurrently observed in the market is given by the sufficiently smoothfunction T 7→ PM(0,T ).If we denote by f M(0,T ) the instantaneous forward rate at time 0 for amaturity T implied by the term structure T 7→ PM(0,T ), i.e.,

f M(0,T ) = −∂ln PM(0,T )


we then have the following:

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Bond pricing VI

The G++ model fits the currently-observed term structure of discountfactors if and only if, for each T ,

ϕ(T ) = f M(0,T ) +σ2


(1− e−aT




(1− e−bT

)2+ (29)



(1− e−aT

)(1− e−bT

), (30)

i.e., if and only if


−∫ T



=PM(0,T )

PM(0, t)exp


2[V (0,T )− V (0, t)]


(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 201 / 833

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Bond pricing VII

so that the corresponding zero-coupon-bond prices at time t are givenby

P(t ,T ) =PM(0,T )

PM(0, t)expA(t ,T )

A(t ,T ) :=12

[V (t ,T )− V (0,T ) + V (0, t)]

−1− e−a(T−t)

ax(t)− 1− e−b(T−t)


Proof is omitted.

(Is it really necessary to derive the market instantaneous forwardcurve?) Notice that, at a first sight, one may have the impression thatin order to implement the G2++ model we need to derive the whole ϕcurve, and therefore the market instantaneous forward curve

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 202 / 833

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Bond pricing VIII

T 7→ f M(0,T ). Now, this curve involves differentiating the marketdiscount curve T 7→ PM(0,T ), which is usually obtained from a finiteset of maturities via interpolation. Interpolation and differentiation mayinduce a certain degree of approximation, since the particularinterpolation technique being used has a certain impact on (first)derivatives.However, it turns out that one does not really need the whole ϕ curve.Indeed, what matters is the integral of ϕ between two given instants.This integral has been computed above. From this expression, we seethat the only curve needed is the market discount curve, which neednot be differentiated, and only at times corresponding to the maturitiesof the bond prices and rates desired, thus limiting also the need forinterpolation.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 203 / 833

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Bond pricing IX(Short-rate distribution and probability of negative rates). By fittingthe currently-observed term structure of discount factors, we obtainthat the expected instantaneous short rate at time t , µr (t), is

µr (t) := Er(t) =

= f M(0, t) +σ2


(1− e−at)2



(1− e−bt



ab(1− e−at) (1− e−bt


while the variance σ2r (t) of the instantaneous short rate at time t is

σ2r (t) = Varr(t) =



(1− e−2at




(1− e−2bt



a + b

(1− e−(a+b)t


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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Bond pricing XThis implies that the risk-neutral probability of negative rates at time t is

Qr(t) < 0 = Φ

(−µr (t)σr (t)


which is often negligible in many concrete situations, with Φ denotingthe standard normal cumulative distribution function.

Warning. When trying to use G2++ or even the one factor model afterthe beginning of the crisis in 2007, one often finds that the probabilityof negative rates has increased dramatically. This is due to the largemarket volatilities and the low levels of rates.

We have that the limit distribution of the process r is Gaussian withmean µr (∞) and variance σ2

r (∞) given by

µr (∞) := limt→∞

Er(t) =

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 205 / 833

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Bond pricing XI

= f M(0,∞) +σ2

2a2 +η2

2b2 + ρση


σ2r (∞) := lim

t→∞Varr(t) =



2b+ 2ρ


a + b,

wheref M(0,∞) = lim

t→∞f M(0, t).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 206 / 833

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Vol and Correl Structures in 2-Factor Models I

We now derive the dynamics of forward rates under the risk-neutralmeasure to obtain an equivalent formulation of the two-additive-factorGaussian model in the Heath-Jarrow-Morton (1992) framework. Inparticular, we explicitly derive the volatility structure of forward rates.This also allows us to understand which market-volatility structurescan be fitted by the model.Let us define A(t ,T ) and B(z, t ,T ) by

A(t ,T ) =PM(0,T )

PM(0, t)exp


[V (t ,T )− V (0,T ) + V (0, t)]


B(z, t ,T ) =1− e−z(T−t)


so that we can write

P(t ,T ) = A(t ,T ) exp −B(a, t ,T )x(t)− B(b, t ,T )y(t) . (31)(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 207 / 833

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Vol and Correl Structures in 2-Factor Models II

The (continuously-compounded) instantaneous forward rate at time tfor the maturity T is then given by

f (t ,T ) = − ∂

∂Tln P(t ,T )

= − ∂

∂Tln A(t ,T ) +


(a, t ,T )x(t)


(b, t ,T )y(t),

whose differential form can be written as

df (t ,T ) = . . . dt +∂B∂T

(a, t ,T )σdW1(t) +∂B∂T

(b, t ,T )ηdW2(t).

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Vol and Correl Structures in 2-Factor Models IIITherefore

Var(df (t ,T ))



(a, t ,T )σ




(b, t ,T )η



(a, t ,T )∂B∂T

(b, t ,T )

= σ2e−2a(T−t) + η2e−2b(T−t) + 2ρσηe−(a+b)(T−t),

which implies that the absolute volatility of the instantaneous forwardrate f (t ,T ) is

σf (t ,T ) =

√σ2e−2a(T−t) + η2e−2b(T−t) + 2ρσηe−(a+b)(T−t).

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Vol and Correl Structures in 2-Factor Models IV

We immediately see that the desirable feature, as far as calibration tothe market is concerned, of a humped volatility structure similar towhat is commonly observed in the market for the caplets volatility, maybe only reproduced for negative values of ρ. Notice indeed that if ρ ispositive, the terms σ2e−2a(T−t), η2e−2b(T−t) and 2ρσηe−(a+b)(T−t) areall decreasing functions of the time to maturity T − t and no hump ispossible. This does not mean, in turn, that every combination of theparameter values with a negative ρ leads to a volatility hump. A simplestudy of σf (t ,T ) as a function of T − t , however, shows that there existsuitable choices of the parameter values that produce the desiredshape.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 210 / 833

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

T 7→ σf (0,T ) for G2 calibrated on 13 02 2001.a = .54,b = .076, σ = .0058, η = .0117, ρ = −0.99

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T 7→ σf (0,T ) for G2 calibrated on 13 02 2001.a = 0.54,b = 0.076, σ = 0.0058, η = 0.0117, ρ = 0

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 212 / 833

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

Options in G2++ I

Given the current time t and the future times T1 and T2, a caplet paysoff at time T2

[L(T1,T2)− X ]+ α(T1,T2)N,

where N is the nominal value, X is the caplet rate (strike), α(T1,T2) isthe year fraction between times T1 and T2 and L(T1,T2) is the LIBORrate at time T1 for the maturity T2, i.e.,

L(T1,T2) =1



P(T1,T2)− 1].

By setting

X ′ =1

1 + Xα(T1,T2),N ′ = N(1 + Xα(T1,T2)),

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 213 / 833

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Options in G2++ II

we have

Cpl(t ,T1,T2,N,X ) = E [D(t ,T2) (L(T1,T2)− X )+ α(T1,T2)N] (32)

= −N ′P(t ,T2)Φ

ln NP(t ,T1)N′P(t ,T2)

Σ(t ,T1,T2)− 1

2Σ(t ,T1,T2)


+P(t ,T1)NΦ

ln NP(t ,T1)N′P(t ,T2)

Σ(t ,T1,T2)+


Σ(t ,T1,T2)

. (34)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 214 / 833

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Options in G2++ III


Σ(t ,T ,S)2 =σ2


[1− e−a(S−T )

]2 [1− e−2a(T−t)



[1− e−b(S−T )

]2 [1− e−2b(T−t)



ab(a + b)

[1− e−a(S−T )

][1− e−b(S−T )

][1− e−(a+b)(T−t)


From caplets one gets caps by adding up. Floorlets and floor arecompletely analogous. For the details see Brigo and Mercurio (2006).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 215 / 833

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HJM type models HJM and Multifactor r models

First Choice: short rate r I

This approach is based on the fact that the zero coupon curve at anyinstant, or the (informationally equivalent) zero bond curve

T 7→ P(t ,T ) = EQt exp

(−∫ T

trs ds


is completely characterized by the probabilistic/dynamical properties ofr . So we write a model for r , the initial point of the curve T 7→ L(t ,T )for T = t at every instant t .

drt = b(t , rt )dt + σ(t , rt )dWt

Unrealistic correlation patterns between points of the curve withdifferent maturities. for example, in one-factor short-rate models

Corr(dFi(t),dFj(t)) = 1;

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 216 / 833

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First Choice: short rate r II

Poor calibration capabilities: can only fit a low number of caps andswaptions unless dangerous and uncontrollable extensions aretaken into account;

Difficulties in expressing market views and quotes in terms ofmodel parameters;

Related lack of agreement with market valuation formulas forbasic derivatives.

Models that are good as distribution (lognormal models) are notanalytically tractable and have problems of explosion for the bankaccount.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 217 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro I

Before market models were introduced, short-rate models used to bethe main choice for pricing and hedging interest-rate derivatives.Short-rate models are still chosen for many applications and are basedon modeling the instantaneous spot interest rate (“short rate” rt ) via a(possibly multi-dimensional) diffusion process. This diffusion processcharacterizes the evolution of the complete yield curve in time.To introduce market models, recall the forward LIBOR rate at time tbetween T and S,

F (t ; T ,S) =1

(S − T )(P(t ,T )/P(t ,S)− 1),

which makes the FRA contract to lock in at time t interest ratesbetween T and S fair (=0). A family of such rates for(T ,S) = (Ti−1,Ti) spanning T0,T1,T2, . . . ,TM is modeled in theLIBOR market model.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 218 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro II

These are rates associated to market payoffs (FRA’s) and notabstract rates such as rt or f (t ,T ) (rates on infinitesimalmaturities/tenors).To further motivate market models, let us consider the time-0 price of aT2-maturity caplet resetting at time T1 (0 < T1 < T2) with strike X anda notional amount of 1. Let τ denote the year fraction between T1 andT2. Such a contract pays out at time T2 the amount

τ(L(T1,T2)− X )+ = τ(F2(T1)− X )+.

On the other hand, the market has been pricing caplets (actually caps)with Black’s formula for years. Let us see how this formula is rigorouslyderived under the LIBOR model dynamics, the only dynamical modelthat is consistent with it.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 219 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro III

FACT ONE. The price of any asset divided by a reference asset (callednumeraire) is a martingale (no drift) under the measure associatedwith that numeraire.In particular,

F2(t) =(P(t ,T1)− P(t ,T2))/(T2 − T1)

P(t ,T2),

is a portfolio of two zero coupon bonds divided by the zero couponbond P(·,T2). If we take the measure Q2 associated with thenumeraire P(·,T2), by FACT ONE F2 will be a martingale (no drift)under that measure.F2 is a martingale (no drift) under that Q2 measure associated withnumeraire P(·,T2).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 220 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro IV


Pricet = EB


B(t)Payoff(T )

B(T )


Pricet = ES



Payoff(T )




(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 221 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro V

Consider now the caplet price and apply FACT TWO: Replace B withP(·,2)



B(T2)τ(F2(T1)− X )+


= EQ2[


P(T2,T2)τ(F2(T1)− X )+

]Take out P(0,T2) and recall that P(T2,T2) = 1. We have

= P(0,T2)EQ2τ[(F2(T1)− X )+,

]By fact ONE F2 is a martingale (no drift) under Q2. Take a geometricBrownian motion

dF (t ; T1,T2) = σ2(t) F (t ; T1,T2)dW2(t), mkt F (0; T1,T2)

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro VI

where σ2 is the instantaneous volatility, assumed here to be constantfor simplicity, and W2 is a standard Brownian motion under themeasure Q2. The forward LIBOR rates F ’s are the quantities thatare modeled instead of r and f in the LIBOR market model.

dF2(t) = σ2(t) F2(t)dW2(t), mkt F2(0)

Let us solve this equation and compute EQ2[(F2(T1)− X )+, ]. By Ito’s


(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 223 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro VII

d ln(F2(t)) = ln′(F2)dF2 +12

ln′′(F2) dF2 dF2


dF2 +12

(− 1(F2)2 )dF2 dF2 =

=1F2σ2F2dW2 −


1(F2)2 (σ2F2dW2)(σ2F2dW2) =

= σ2dW2 −12


22F 2

2 dW2dW2 =

= σ2(t)dW2(t)− 12σ2


(we used dW2 dW2 = dt). So we have

d ln(F2(t)) = σ2(t)dW2(t)− 12σ2


(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 224 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro VIII

Integrate both sides:∫ T

0d ln(F2(t)) =

∫ T

0σ2(t)dW2(t)− 1


∫ T



ln(F2(T ))− ln(F2(0)) =

∫ T

0σ2(t)dW2(t)− 1


∫ T



lnF2(T )


∫ T

0σ2(t)dW2(t)− 1


∫ T



F2(T )

F2(0)= exp

(∫ T

0σ2(t)dW2(t)− 1


∫ T




F2(T ) = F2(0) exp

(∫ T

0σ2(t)dW2(t)− 1


∫ T




(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 225 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro IX

F2(T ) = F2(0) exp

(∫ T

0σ2(t)dW2(t)− 1


∫ T




Compute the distribution of the random variable in the exponent.It is Gaussian, since it is a stochastic integral of a deterministicfunction times a Brownian motion (sum of independent Gaussians isGaussian).Compute the expectation:

E [

∫ T

0σ2(t)dW2(t)− 1


∫ T


2(t)dt ] = 0− 12

∫ T



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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro X

and the variance


[∫ T

0σ2(t)dW2(t)− 1


∫ T




= Var

[∫ T



= E

(∫ T


)2− 02 =

∫ T


where we have used Ito’s isometry in the last step.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 227 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XIWe thus have

I(T ) :=

∫ T

0σ2(t)dW2(t)− 1


∫ T


2(t)dt ∼

∼ m + VN (0,1), m = −12

∫ T

0σ2(t)2dt , V 2 =

∫ T


Recall that we have

F2(T ) = F2(0) exp(I(T )) = F2(0)em+VN (0,1)

Compute now the option price

EQ2[(F2(T1)− X )+] = EQ2

[(F2(0)em+VN (0,1) − X )+]


∫ +∞

−∞(F2(0)em+Vy − X )+pN (0,1)(y)dy = . . .

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XII

Note that F2(0) exp(m + Vy)− X > 0 if and only if

y >− ln




V=: y

so that

. . . =

∫ +∞

y(F2(0) exp(m + Vy)− X )pN (0,1)(y)dy =

= F2(0)

∫ +∞

yem+VypN (0,1)(y)dy − X

∫ +∞

ypN (0,1)(y)dy =

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XIII

= F2(0)1√2π

∫ +∞


12 y2+Vy+mdy − X (1− Φ(y))

= F2(0)1√2π

∫ +∞


12 (y−V )2+m+ 1

2 V 2dy − X (1− Φ(y)) =

= F2(0)em+ 12 V 2 1√

∫ +∞


12 (y−V )2

dy − X (1− Φ(y)) =

= F2(0)em+ 12 V 2 1√

∫ +∞


12 z2

dz − X (1− Φ(y)) =

= F2(0)em+ 12 V 2

(1− Φ (y − V ))− X (1− Φ(y)) =

= F2(0)em+ 12 V 2

Φ (−y + V )− XΦ(−y) =

= F2(0)Φ (d1)− XΦ(d2), d1,2 =ln F2(0)

X ± 12

∫ T10 σ2

2(t)dt√∫ T10 σ2

2(t)dt(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 230 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XIV

Cpl(0,T1,T2,X ) = P(0,T2)τ [F2(0)Φ (d1)− XΦ(d2)],

d1,2 =ln F2(0)

X ± 12

∫ T10 σ2

2(t)dt√∫ T10 σ2


This is exactly the classic market Black’s formula for the T1 − T2caplet. The term in squared brackets can be also written as

= F2(0)Φ (d1)− XΦ(d2), d1,2 =ln F2(0)

X ± 12T1v1(T1)2


where v1(T1) is the time-averaged quadratic volatility

v1(T1)2 =1T1

∫ T1

0σ2(t)2dt .

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XV

Notice that in case σ2(t) = σ2 is constant we have v1(T1) = σ2.Summing up: take

dF (t ; T1,T2) = σ2 F (t ; T1,T2)dW2(t), mkt F (0; T1,T2)

The current zero-curve T 7→ L(0,T ) is calibrated through the initialmarket F (0; T ,S)’s. This dynamics in under the numeraire P(·,T2)(measure Q2), where W2 is a Brownian motion. We wish to compute



B(T2)τ(F (T1; T1,T2)− X )+


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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XVI

We obtain from the change of numeraire and under Q2, assuminglognormality of F:

Cpl(0,T1,T2,X ) := P(0,T2)τE(F (T1; T1,T2)− X )+

= P(0,T2)τ [F (0; T1,T2)Φ(d1(X ,F (0; T1,T2), σ2√


−XΦ(d2(X ,F (0; T1,T2), σ2√


d1,2(X ,F ,u) =ln(F/X )± u2/2


This is the Black formula used in the market to convert Cpl prices involatilities σ and vice-versa. This dynamical model is thus compatiblewith Black’s market formula. The key property is lognormality of Fwhen taking the expectation.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 233 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XVII

The example just introduced is a simple case of what is known as“lognormal forward-LIBOR model”. It is known also asBrace-Gatarek-Musiela (1997) model, from the name of the authors ofone of the first papers where it was introduced rigorously. This modelwas also introduced earlier by Miltersen, Sandmann and Sondermann(1997). Jamshidian (1997) also contributed significantly to itsdevelopment. However, a common terminology is now emerging andthe model is generally known as “LIBOR Market Model” (LMM).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 234 / 833

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XVIIIQuestion: Can this model be obtained as a special short rate model?Is there a choice for the equation of r that is consistent with the abovemarket formula, or with the lognormal distribution of F ’s?Again to fix ideas, let us choose a specific short-rate model andassume we are using the Vasicek model. The parameters k , θ, σ, r0 aredenoted by α.

rt = xt , dxt = k(θ − xt )dt + σdWt .

Such model allows for an analytical formula for forward LIBOR rates F ,

F (t ; T1,T2) = F VAS(t ; T1,T2; xt , α).

At this point one can try and price a caplet. To this end, one cancompute the risk-neutral expectation



B(T2)τ(F VAS(T1; T1,T2, xT1 , α)− X )+


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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XIX

This too turns out to be feasible, and leads to a function

UVASC (0,T1,T2,X , α).

Question: Is there a short-rate model compatible with the Marketmodel? For VASICEK dxt = k(θ − xt )dt + σdWt , rewritten under Q2,we have

dF VAS(t ; T1,T2; xt , α) =∂F VAS

∂[t , x ]d [t xt ]

′ +12∂2F VAS

∂x2 (dxt )2,

VS Lognormal dF (t ; T1,T2) = vF (t ; T1,T2)dW2(t).

F VAS is not lognormal, nor are F ’s associated to other known shortrate models. So no known short rate model is consistent with themarket formula. Short rate models are calibrated through their

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XX

particular formulas for caplets, but these formulas are not Black’smarket formula (although some are close).When Hull and White (extended VASICEK) is calibrated to caplets onehas the values of k , θ, σ, x0 consistent with caplet prices, but theseparameters don’t have an immediate intuitive meaning for traders,who don’t know how to relate them to Black’s market formula. Onthe contrary, the parameter σ2 in the mkt model has an immediatemeaning as the Black caplet volatility of the market. There is animmediate link between model parameters and market quotes.Language is important.

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XXI

When dealing with several caplets involving different forward rates,

F2(t) = F (t ; T1,T2), F3(t) = F (t ; T2,T3), . . . ,Fβ(t) := F (t ; Tβ−1,Tβ),

or with swaptions, different structures of instantaneous volatilities canbe employed. One can select a different σ for each forward rate byassuming each forward rate to have a constant instantaneous volatility.Alternatively, one can select piecewise-constant instantaneousvolatilities for each forward rate. Moreover, different forward rates canbe modeled as each having different random sources Z that areinstantaneously correlated. This implies that we have great freedomin modeling

corr(dFi(t),dFj(t)) = ρi,j

whereas in one-factor short rate models dr these correlations werefixed practically to 1.

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XXII

Modeling correlation is necessary for pricing payoffs depending onmore than a single rate at a given time, such as swaptions.

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XXIII

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XXIV

Dynamics of Fk (t) = F (t ,Tk−1,Tk ) under Qk (numeraire P(·,Tk )) isdFk (t) = σk (t)Fk dZk (t), lognormal distrib. (we have seen the examplek = 2 above).

Dynamics of Fk under Qi 6= Qk for i < k and i > k is more involved,has a complicated drift (local mean) and does not lead to a knowndistribution of Fk under such measures. Hence the model needs to beused with simulations (no PDE’s) or approximations (drift freezing).

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro XXV

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro I

Precisely because the dynamics of Fk (t) = F (t ,Tk−1,Tk ) under Qk

(numeraire P(·,Tk )) is dFk (t) = σk (t)Fk dZk (t), lognormally distributed,the LIBOR market model is calibrated to caplets automaticallythrough integrals of the squared deterministic functions σk (t).For example, if one takes constant σk (t) = σk (constant), then σk is themarket caplet volatility for the caplet resetting at Tk−1 and paying at Tk .

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro II

No effort or complicated nonlinear inversion / minimization is involvedto solve the “reverse engineering” problemMarketCplPrice(0,T1,T2,X2) =LIBORModelCplPrice(σ2?);MarketCplPrice(0,T2,T3,X3) =LIBORModelCplPrice(σ3?);MarketCplPrice(0,T3,T4,X4) =LIBORModelCplPrice(σ4?);....Whereas it is complicated to solveMarketCplPrice(0,T1,T2,X2) =VasicekModelCplPrice(k?, θ?, σ?);MarketCplPrice(0,T2,T3,X3) =VasicekModelCplPrice(k?, θ?, σ?);MarketCplPrice(0,T3,T4,X4) =VasicekModelCplPrice(k?, θ?, σ?);

....Swaptions can be calibrated through some algebraic formulas undersome good approximations, and the swaptions market formula isalmost compatible with the model.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro IIIThe LIBOR market model for F ’s allows for:

immediate and intuitive calibration of caplets (better than anyshort rate model)easy calibration to swaptions through algebraic approximation(again better than most short rate models)can virtually calibrate a high number of market products exactly orwith a precision impossible to short rate models;clear correlation parameters, since these are intantaneouscorrelations of market forward rates;Powerful diagnostics: can check future volatility and terminalcorrelation structures (Diagnostics impossibile with most shortrate models);Can be used for monte carlo simulation;High dimensionality (many F are evolving jointly).

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro IV

Unknown joint distribution of the F ’s (although each is lognormalunder its canonical measure)

Difficult to use with partial differential equations or lattices/trees,but recent Monte Carlo approaches such as Least Square MonteCarlo make trees and PDE’s less necessary.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro V

However the LIBOR market model is not the only market model. Thesimple market options on interest rates are divided in two marketsCAPS/FLOORS and SWAPTION.

The LIBOR market model is the model of choice for caplets, as wehave seen, since it produces the Black-Scholes type (Black’s) capletformula the market uses to quote implied volatilities.

But what about SWAPTIONS?

SWAPTIONS can be managed well in the LIBOR model only throughapproximations like drift freezing. To properly deal with swaptions, onewould have to use a different market model, the SWAP market model(SMM).

We now present it briefly.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Intro and guided tour

What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro VI

Consider the payer swaption giving the right (and no obligation) toenter into the swap first resetting in Tα and paying at Tα+1,Tα+2... upto Tβ, for a fixed rate K .

Recall that one way to write the payout of such option at maturity Tα is

(Sα,β(Tα)− K )+β∑



Let’s define the annuity numeraire, also known as Present Value perBasis Point (PVPBP), PV01 or DV01, and the related measure:

U = Cα,β(t) =


τiP(t ,Ti), QU = Qα,β

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro VII

By FACT ONE the forward swap rate Sα,β is then a martingale underQα,β:

Sα,β(t) =P(t ,Tα)− P(t ,Tβ)∑β

i=α+1 τiP(t ,Ti)=

P(t ,Tα)− P(t ,Tβ)


Take the usual martingale (zero drift) lognormal geometric brownianmotion

d Sα,β(t) = σ(α,β)(t)Sα,β(t) dWα,βt , Qα,β (SMM),

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro VIIIBY FACT TWO on the change of numeraire


(Sα,β(Tα)− K )+ Cα,β(Tα)B(0)



= E α, β

(Sα,β(Tα)− K )+Cα,β(Tα)Cα,β(0)


= Cα,β(0) Eα,β

[(Sα,β(Tα)− K )+

]= Cα,β(0) [Sα,β(0)Φ (d1)− K Φ(d2)], d1,2 =

ln Sα,β(0)K ± 1



v2α,β(T ) =


∫ T

0(σ(α,β)(t))2 dt .

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro IX

This is the well known Black’s formula for swaptions.

It is a Black Scholes type formula for swaptions.

It is the formula the market uses to convert swaptions prices intoswaptions implied volatilities v .

SMM is the only model that is consistent with this market formula.

LMM is not compatible with the Black formula for Swaptions.

The SMM is not used as much as the LMM. The reason is that swaprates do not recombine as well as forward rates in describing otherrates. Also, swaptions can be priced easily in the LMM through driftfreezing with formulas that are very similar to the market swaptionsformula. It follows that, even if in principle the two models are notcompatible and consistent, in practice the LMM is quite close to theSMM even in terms of swap rate dynamics.

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What? 3d choice: MARKET MODELS. Intro X

Hence we will focus on the LMM only in the following.

End of the guided tour to the LIBOR modelNow we begin the detailed presentation.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Derivation of Libor Market Model

Giving rigor to Black’s formulas: The LMM marketmodel in general I

End of the guided tour to the LIBOR modelNow we begin the detailed presentation.Recall measure QU associated with numeraire U(Risk–neutral measure Q = QB).FACT 1: A/U, with A a tradable asset, is a QU -martingaleCaps: Rigorous derivation of Black’s formula.Take U = P(·,Ti), QU = Qi . Since

F (t ; Ti−1,Ti) = (1/τi)(P(t ,Ti−1)− P(t ,Ti))/P(t ,Ti),

F (t ; Ti−1,Ti) =: Fi(t) is a Qi -martingale. Take

dFi(t) = σi(t)Fi(t)dZi(t), Qi , t ≤ Ti−1.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Derivation of Libor Market Model

Giving rigor to Black’s formulas: The LMM marketmodel in general II

This is the Lognormal Forward–Libor Model (LMM). Consider thediscounted Tk−1–caplet

(Fk (Tk−1)− K )+B(0)/B(Tk )

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The LMM model dynamics in general I

LMM: dFk (t) = σk (t)Fk (t)dZk (t), Qk , t ≤ Tk−1.

The price at the time 0 of the single caplet is (use FACT 2)

B(0) E QB [(Fk (Tk−1)− K )+/ B(Tk )


= P(0,Tk ) E k [(Fk (Tk−1)− K )+/ P(Tk ,Tk ) ] = . . .

= P(0,Tk ) B&S(Fk (0),K , vTk−1−caplet


v2Tk−1−caplet =


∫ Tk−1

0σk (t)2dt

The dynamics of Fk is easy under Qk . But if we price a productdepending on several forward rates at the same time, we need to fix a

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The LMM model dynamics in general II

pricing measure, say Qi , and model all rates Fk under this samemeasure Qi .In this case we are lucky when k = i , since things are easy, but we arein troubles when i < k or i > k , since the dynamics of Fk under Qi

(rather than Qk ) becomes difficult. We are going to derive it now usingthe change of numeraire toolkit.

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The LMM model dynamics in general III

Dynamics of Fk under Qi .Consider the forward rate Fk (t) = F (t ,Tk−1,Tk ) and suppose we wishto derive its dynamics first under the Ti -forward measure Qi with i < k .We know that the dynamics under the Tk -forward measure Qk has nulldrift. From this dynamics, we propose to recover the dynamics underQi . Let us apply the change of numeraire toolkit. The change ofnumeraire toolkit provides the formula relating Brownian shocks undernumeraire 2 (say U) given shocks under Numeraire 1 (say S). See forexample Formula (2.13) in Brigo and Mercurio (2001), Chapter 2. Wecan write

dZ St = dZ U

t − ρ(


St− DC(U)



where we abbreviate “Vector Diffusion Coefficient” by “DC”.

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The LMM model dynamics in general IV

DC is actually a sort of linear operator for diffusion processes thatworks as follows. DC(Xt ) is the row vector v in

dXt = (...)dt + v dZt

for diffusion processes X with Z column vector Brownian motioncommon to all relevant diffusion processes. This is to say that if forexample dF1 = σ1F1dZ 1

1 , then

DC(F1) = [σ1F1, 0, 0, . . . , 0] = σ1F1e1.

The correlation matrix ρ is the instantaneous correlation among allshocks (the same under any measure):

dZidZj = ρi,jdt

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The LMM model dynamics in general V

The toolkit

dZ St = dZ U

t − ρ(


St− DC(U)



can also be written as

dZ St = dZ U

t − ρ (DC(ln(S/U)))′ dt

This alternative toolkit expression (which we shall use) is obtained bynoticing that


St− DC(U)

Ut= DC(ln(S))− DC(ln(U))

= DC(ln(S)− ln(U)) = DC(ln(S/U))

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The LMM model dynamics in general VI

Let us apply the toolkit: S = P(·,Tk ) and U = P(·,Ti)

dZ kt = dZ i

t − ρDC(ln(P(·,Tk )/P(·,Ti)))′ dt

Now notice that

lnP(t ,Tk )

P(t ,Ti)= ln

(P(t ,Tk )

P(t ,Tk−1)

P(t ,Tk−1)

P(t ,Tk−2)· · · P(t ,Ti+1)

P(t ,Ti)


= ln(

11 + τkFk (t)

· 11 + τk−1Fk−1(t)

· · · 11 + τi+1Fi+1(t)


= ln



(1 + τjFj(t))

= −k∑


ln(1 + τjFj(t)


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The LMM model dynamics in general VII

lnP(t ,Tk )

P(t ,Ti)= −


ln(1 + τjFj(t)

)so that from linearity

DC lnP(t ,Tk )

P(t ,Ti)= −


DC ln(1 + τjFj(t)

)= −


DC(1 + τjFj(t))

1 + τjFj(t)= −



1 + τjFj(t)=

= −k∑



1 + τjFj(t)

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The LMM model dynamics in general VIII

where ej is a zero row vector except in the j-th position, where we have1 (vector diffusion coefficient for dFj is σjFjej ). Recalling

dZ kt = dZ i

t − ρDC(ln(P(·,Tk )/P(·,Ti)))′ dt

we may now write

dZ kt = dZ i

t + ρ


τjσj(t)Fj(t)e′j1 + τjFj(t)


Pre-multiply both sides by ek . We obtain

dZ kk = dZ i

k + [ρk ,1 ρk ,2...ρk ,n]k∑


τjσj(t)Fj(t)e′j1 + τjFj(t)


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The LMM model dynamics in general IX

= dZ ik +


τjσj(t)Fj(t)ρk ,j

1 + τjFj(t)dt

Substitute this in our usual equation dFk = σkFkdZ kk to obtain

dFk = σkFk

dZ ik +


τjσj(t)Fj(t)ρk ,j

1 + τjFj(t)dt

that is finally the equation showing the dynamics of a forward rate withmaturity k under the forward measure with maturity i when i < k . Thecase i > k is analogous.

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The LMM model dynamics in general X

dFk (t) = µki (t ,F (t))σk (t)Fk (t)dt + σk (t)Fk (t)dZ i

k (t),dFk (t) = σk (t)Fk (t)dZ k

k (t)dFk (t) = −µi

k (t ,F (t))σk (t)Fk (t)dt + σk (t)Fk (t)dZ ik (t),

for i < k .i = k and i > k respectively, where we have set

µml =



1 + τjFj(t)

As for existence and uniqueness of the solution, the case i = k istrivial. In the case i < k , use Ito’s formula:

d ln Fk (t) = σk (t)k∑


ρk,jτjσj (t)Fj (t)1 + τjFj (t)

dt − σk (t)2

2dt + σk (t)dZk (t).

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The LMM model dynamics in general XI

The diffusion coefficient is deterministic and bounded. Moreover,since 0 < τjFj(t)/(1 + τjFj(t)) < 1, also the drift is bounded, besidesbeing smooth in the F ’s (that are positive). This ensures existence anduniqueness of a strong solution for the above SDE. The case i > k isanalogous.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Derivation of Libor Market Model

LIBOR model under the Spot Measure I

It may happen that in simulating forward rates Fk under numeraires Qi

with i much larger or smaller than k , the effect of the discretizationprocedure worsens the approximation with respect to cases where i iscloser to k .A remedy to situations where we may need to simulate Fk very faraway from the numeraire Qi is to adopt the spot measure.Consider a discretely rebalanced bank-account numeraire as analternative to the continuously rebalanced bank account B(t) (whosevalue, at any time t , changes according to dB(t) = rtB(t)dt). Weintroduce a bank account that is rebalanced only on the times in ourdiscrete-tenor structure. To this end, consider the numeraire asset

Bd (t) =P(t ,Tβ(t)−1)∏β(t)−1

j=0 P(Tj−1,Tj)=


(1 + τjFj(Tj−1)) P(t ,Tβ(t)−1) .

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LIBOR model under the Spot Measure II

Here in general Tβ(u)−2 < u ≤ Tβ(u)−1.

Bd (t) =P(t ,Tβ(t)−1)∏β(t)−1

j=0 P(Tj−1,Tj)=


(1 + τjFj(Tj−1)) P(t ,Tβ(t)−1) .

The interpretation of Bd (t) is that of the value at time t of a portfoliodefined as follows. The portfolio starts with one unit of currency att = 0, exactly as in the continuous-bank-account case (B(0)=1), butthis unit amount is now invested in a quantity X0 of T0 zero-couponbonds. Such X0 is readily found by noticing that, since we invested oneunit of currency, the present value of the bonds needs to be one, sothat X0P(0,T0) = 1, and hence X0 = 1/P(0,T0). At T0, we cash thebonds payoff X0 and invest it in a quantityX1 = X0/P(T0,T1) = 1/(P(0,T0)P(T0,T1)) of T1 zero-coupon bonds.We continue this procedure until we reach the last Tβ(t)−2 preceding

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LIBOR model under the Spot Measure III

the current time t , where we invest Xβ(t)−1 = 1/∏β(t)−1

j=1 P(Tj−1,Tj) inTβ(t)−1 zero-coupon bonds. The present value at the current time t ofthis investment is Xβ(t)−1P(t ,Tβ(t)−1), i.e. our Bd (t) above. Thus, Bd (t)is obtained by starting from one unit of currency and reinvesting ateach tenor date in zero-coupon bonds for the next tenor. This gives adiscrete-tenor counterpart of B, and the subscript “d” in Bd stands for“discrete”. Bd is also called discretely rebalanced bank accountNow choose Bd as numeraire and apply the change-of-numerairetechnique starting from the dynamics dFk = σkFkdZk under Qk , toobtain the dynamics under Bd . Calculations are analogous to thosegiven for the Qi case.

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LIBOR model under the Spot Measure IV

The measure Qd associated with Bd is called spot LIBOR measure.We then have the following (Spot-LIBOR-measure dynamics in theLMM)

dFk (t) = σk (t) Fk (t)k∑


τjρj,k σj(t) Fj(t)1 + τjFj(t)

dt + σk (t) Fk (t) dZ dk (t).

Both the spot-measure dynamics and the risk-neutral dynamics admitno known transition densities, so that the related equations need to bediscretized in order to perform simulations.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Derivation of Libor Market Model

LIBOR model under the Spot Measure: Benefits I

Assume we are in need to value a payoff involving rates F1, . . . ,F10from time 0 to time T9.Consider two possible measures under which we can do pricing.First Q10. Under this measure, consider each rate Fj in each intervalwith the number of terms in the drift summation of each rate shownbetween square brakets:

0− T0 : F1[9],F2[8], F3[7] , . . . ,F9[1],F10[0]

T0 − T1 : F2[8], F3[7] , . . . ,F9[1],F10[0]

T1 − T2 : F3[7] , . . . ,F9[1],F10[0]

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LIBOR model under the Spot Measure: Benefits II

etc. Notice that if we discretize some rates will be more biased thanothers. Instead, with the spot LIBOR measure

0− T0 : F1[1],F2[2], F3[3] , . . . ,F9[9],F10[10]

T0 − T1 F2[1], F3[2] , . . . ,F9[8],F10[9]

T1 − T2 F3[1] , . . . ,F9[7],F10[8]

etc. Now the bias, if any, is more distributed.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 271 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Swap Market Model vs LIBOR market model

Theoretical incompatibility SMM / LMM I

Recall LMM: dFi(t) = σi(t)Fi(t)dZi(t), Qi ,

SMM: (∗)d Sα,β(t) = σ(α,β)(t)Sα,β(t) dWt , Qα,β . (35)

Precisely: Can each Fi be lognormal under Qi and Sα,β be lognormalunder Qα,β, given that

(∗∗) Sα,β(t) =1−


11+τj Fj (t)∑β

i=α+1 τi∏i


1+τj Fj (t)

? (36)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 272 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Swap Market Model vs LIBOR market model

Theoretical incompatibility SMM / LMM II

Check distributions of Sα,β under Qα,β for both LMM and SMM. Derivethe LMM model under the SMM numeraire Qα,β:

(∗ ∗ ∗) dFk (t) = σk (t)Fk (t)(µα,βk (t)dt + dZα,β

k (t)), (37)

µα,βk =


(2(j≤k) − 1)τjP(t ,Tj)


max(k ,j)∑i=min(k+1,j+1)

τiρk ,iσiFi

1 + τiFi.

When computing the swaption price as the Qα,β expectation

Cα,β(0)Eα,β(Sα,β(Tα)− K )+

we can use either LMM (**,***) or SMM (*). In general, Sα,β comingfrom SMM (*) is LOGNORMAL, whereas Sα,β coming fromLMM (**,***) is NOT. But in practice it is very close. Hence LMM workswell also as a substitute for the SMM

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 273 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Parametrization of vols and corr

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Parametrization of vols and corr

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LMM instantaneous covariance structures I

LMM is natural for caps and SMM is natural for swaptions. Choose.We choose LMM and adapt it to price swaptions.Recall: Under numeraire P(·,Ti ) 6= P(·,Tk ):

dFk (t) = µik (t) Fk (t) dt + σk (t) Fk (t) dZk , dZ dZ ′ = ρ dt

Model specification: Choice of σk (t) and of ρ.

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LMM instantaneous covariance structures II

General Piecewise constant (GPC) vols, σk (t) = σk ,β(t),Tβ(t)−2 < t ≤ Tβ(t)−1.

Inst. Vols t ∈ (0,T0] (T0,T1] (T1,T2] . . . (TM−2,TM−1]

Fwd: F1(t) σ1,1 Expired Expired . . . ExpiredF2(t) σ2,1 σ2,2 Expired . . . Expired

... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FM (t) σM,1 σM,2 σM,3 . . . σM,M

Separable Piecewise const (SPC), σk (t) = Φkψk−(β(t)−1)

Parametric Linear-Exponential (LE) vols

σi(t) = Φi ψ(Ti−1 − t ; a,b, c,d)

:= Φi

([a(Ti−1 − t) + d ]e−b(Ti−1−t) + c


(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 277 / 833

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Caplet volatilities I

Recall that under numeraire P(·,Ti):

dFi(t) = σi(t)Fi(t) dZi , dZdZ ′ = ρ dt

Caplet: Strike rate K , Reset Ti−1, Payment Ti :Payoff: τi(Fi(Ti−1)− K )+ at Ti .”Call option” on Fi , Fi ∼ lognormal under Qi

⇒ Black’s formula, with Black vol. parameter

v2Ti−1−caplet :=


∫ Ti−1

0σi(t)2dt .

vTi−1−caplet is Ti−1-caplet volatilityOnly the σ’s have impact on caplet (and cap) prices, the ρ’s having noinfluence.

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Caplet volatilities II

dFi (t) = σi (t)Fi (t) dZi , v2Ti−1−caplet :=


∫ Ti−1

0σi (t)2dt .

Under GPC vols, σk (t) = σk ,β(t)

v2Ti−1−caplet =



(Tj−1 − Tj−2) σ2i,j

Under LE vols, σi(t) = Φi ψ(Ti−1 − t ; a,b, c,d),

Ti−1v2Ti−1−caplet = Φ2

i I2(Ti−1; a,b, c,d)

:= Φ2i

∫ Ti−1


([a(Ti−1 − t) + d ]e−b(Ti−1−t) + c

)2dt .

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Caplet Vols with GPC LMM volatilities

Important: In the GPC case, caplet volatilties can be computed verysimply as follows. The GPC volatilities matrix has a ziggurat shape.

Inst. Vols t ∈ (0,T0] (T0,T1] (T1,T2] (T2,T3] . . . (TM−2,TM−1]

Fwd: F1(t) σ1,1 . . .F2(t) σ2,1 σ2,2 . . .F3(t) σ3,1 σ3,2 σ3,3 . . .

... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FM (t) σM,1 σM,2 σM,3 σM,4 . . . σM,M

square each entry in the tablefor each row, add up all the squared terms, each multiplied by thecorresponding year fraction expiry-maturity τ for that volatility.Take the total in the previous point and divide it by the caplet resettime (or the sum of all τ ’s used in that row)Take the square root.

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Term Structure of Caplet Volatilities I

The term structure of volatility at time Tj is a graph of expiry times Th−1against average volatilities V (Tj ,Th−1) of the related forward ratesFh(t) up to that expiry time itself, i.e. for t ∈ (Tj ,Th−1).Formally, at time t = Tj , graph of points

(Tj+1,V (Tj ,Tj+1)), (Tj+2,V (Tj ,Tj+2)), . . . , (TM−1,V (Tj ,TM−1))

V 2(Tj ,Th−1) =1

Th−1 − Tj

∫ Th−1


σ2h(t)dt , h > j + 1.

The term structure of vols at time 0 is given simply by caplets volsplotted against their expiries.Different assumptions on the behaviour of instantaneous volatilities(SPC, LE, etc.) imply different evolutions for the term structure ofvolatilities in time as t = T0, t = T1, t = T2...

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Simple calculation for TSOV with GPC LMM

IMPORTANT. In the GPC parameterization, under the Ziggurat matrix,computing the future term structure of caplet volatilities (TSOV) at timeTj is very easy:

Inst. Vols t ∈ (0,T0] (T0,T1] (T1,T2] (T2,T3] . . . (TM−2,TM−1]

Fwd: F1(t) σ1,1 . . .F2(t) σ2,1 σ2,2 . . .F3(t) σ3,1 σ3,2 σ3,3 . . .

... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .FM (t) σM,1 σM,2 σM,3 σM,4 . . . σM,M

square each entry in the tableStarting from the column corresponding to the desired future time,in each row add up all the squares up to the diagonal, eachmultiplied by the corresponding year fraction τ .Take the total in the previous point and divide it by the sum of theτ ’s you have used.Take the square root.

If the aim is computing the term structure of volatilities at all futuretime, a calculation with cumulative sums of squares going back in timeis ideal. This is illustrated in the next slide.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Parametrization of vols and corr

Term structure of Caplet Vols IN THE FUTURE

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Parametrization of vols and corr

Cap calibration: Some possible choices I

We implemented a version with:

Semi-annual tenors, Ti − Ti−1 = 6m.

Instantaneous correlation estimated historically, first fitted on thefull rank parametric form in ρ∞, α:

ρ∞ + (1− ρ∞) exp(−α|i − j |)

and then possibly fitted to a reduced rank correlation (no impacton caps but need for ratchets etc., more on this later)

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Cap calibration: Some possible choices II

Vol. parameterization σk (t) = σk ,β(t) := Φkψk−(β(t)−1),

Inst. Vols t ∈ (0,T0] (T0,T1] (T1,T2] . . . (TM−2,TM−1]

Fwd : F1(t) Φ1ψ1 Dead Dead . . . DeadF2(t) Φ2ψ2 Φ2ψ1 Dead . . . Dead

... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FM (t) ΦMψM ΦMψM−1 ΦMψM−2 . . . ΦMψ1

Note: Φ = 1 (use only ψ) leads to ”stationary vol term structure”as in the top figure, next page;ψ = 1 (use only Φ) leads to constant volatilities and is the easiestcalibration possible, since then Φi = vTi−1−caplet, but leads also tobad term-structure evolution, middle figure next page.

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Cap calibration: Some possible choices IIIVol. parameterization: HOMOGENEOUS IN THE TIME-TO-EXPIRY(constancy along the DIAGONALS of the “ziggurat”):σk (t) = ψk−(β(t)−1), and in particular σk (Tj−) = ψk−j ;

Inst. Vols t ∈ (0,T0] (T0,T1] (T1,T2] . . . (TM−2,TM−1]

Fwd : F1(t) ψ1 Dead Dead . . . DeadF2(t) ψ2 ψ1 Dead . . . Dead

... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FM (t) ψM ψM−1 ψM−2 . . . ψ1

Vol. parameterization: HOMOGENEOUS IN TIME (constancy alongthe ROWS of the “ziggurat”): σk (t) = Φk

Inst. Vols t ∈ (0,T0] (T0,T1] (T1,T2] . . . (TM−2,TM−1]

Fwd : F1(t) Φ1 Dead Dead . . . DeadF2(t) Φ2 Φ2 Dead . . . Dead

... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

FM (t) ΦM ΦM ΦM . . . ΦM

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Cap calibration: Some possible choices IV

Let’s see the evolution of the term structure of volatilities in the threecases: Φ = 1 (homogeneous in time-to-expiry), ψ = 1 (homogeneousin time), and intermediate (neither Φ nor ψ set to one).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 287 / 833

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Cap calibration: Some possible choices V

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Cap calibration: Some possible choices VI

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Cap calibration: Some possible choices VII

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 290 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Parametrization of vols and corr

Terminal and Instantaneous correlation I

Swaptions depend on terminal correlations among fwd rates.E.g., the swaption whose underlying is S1,3 depends on


This terminal corr. depends both on inst. corr. ρ2,3and and on the way the T1 − T2 and T2 − T3 caplet volsv1 = vT1−caplet and v2 = vT2−caplet are decomposed in instantaneous volsσ2(t) and σ3(t) for t in 0,T1. We’ll show later that (here τ = Ti − Ti−1)

corr(F2(T1),F3(T1)) ≈∫ T1

0 σ2(t)σ3(t)ρ2,3dt√∫ T10 σ2

2(t)dt√∫ T1

0 σ23(t)dt

= under GPC vols

= ρ2,3τσ2,1σ3,1 + τσ2,2σ3,2√

τσ22,1 + τσ2



3,1 + τσ23,2

= ρ2,3σ2,1σ3,1 + σ2,2σ3,2




3,1 + σ23,2


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Terminal and Instantaneous correlation II

No such formula for general short-rate models

corr(F2(T1),F3(T1)) ≈ ρ2,3σ2,1σ3,1 + σ2,2σ3,2




3,1 + σ23,2


Fix ρ2,3 = 1, τi = 1 and caplet vols:

v21 T1 = σ2

2,1 + σ22,2; v2

2 T2 = σ23,1 + σ2

3,2 + σ23,3 .

Decompose v1 and v2 in two different ways: First case

σ2,1 = v1√

T1, σ2,2 = 0; σ3,1 = v2√

T2, σ3,2 = σ3,3 = 0.

In this case the above fomula yields easily

corr(F2(T1),F3(T1)) = ρ2,3 = 1 .

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Terminal and Instantaneous correlation III

The second case is obtained as

σ2,1 = 0, σ2,2 = v1√

T1; σ3,1 = v2√

T2, σ3,2 = σ3,3 = 0.

In this second case the above fomula yields immediately

corr(F2(T1),F3(T1)) = 0ρ2,3 = 0 .

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Instantaneous correlation: Parametric forms I

Swaptions depend on terminal correlation among forward rates (ρ’sand σ’s). How do we model ρ?

Full Rank Parametric forms for instant. correl. ρSchoenmakers and Coffey (2000) propose a finite sequence

1 = c1 < c2 < . . . < cM ,c1



c3< . . . <



and they set (“F” stands for “Full” (Rank))

ρF (c)i,j := ci/cj , i ≤ j , i , j = 1, . . . ,M.

Notice that the correlation between changes in adjacent rates isρF

i+1,i = ci/ci+1.

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Instantaneous correlation: Parametric forms II

The above requirements on c’s translate into the requirement thatthe sub-diagonal of the resulting correlation matrix ρF (c) be increasingwhen moving from NW to SE.This bears the interpretation that when we move along the yield curve,the larger the tenor, the more correlated changes in adjacent forwardrates become. This corresponds to the experienced fact that theforward curve tends to flatten and to move in a more “correlated” wayfor large maturities than for small ones. This holds also for lower levelsbelow the diagonal.The number of parameters needed in this formulation is M, versus theM(M − 1)/2 number of entries in the general correlation matrix. Onecan prove that ρF (c) is always a viable correlation matrix if defined asabove (symmetric, positive semidefinite and with ones in the diagonal).

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Instantaneous correlation: Parametric forms III

Schoenmakers and Coffey (2000) observe also that thisparameterization can be always characterized in terms of a finitesequence of non-negative numbers ∆2, . . . ,∆M :

ci = exp


j∆j +M∑


(i − 1)∆j

.Some particular cases in this class of parameterizations thatSchoenmakers and Coffey (2000) consider to be promising can beformulated through suitable changes of variables as follows. The first isthe case where all ∆’s are zero except the last two: by a change ofvariable one has

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Instantaneous correlation: Parametric forms IV

Stable, full rank, two-parameters, “increasing alongsub-diagonals” parameterization for instantaneous correlation:

ρi,j = exp[− |i − j |

M − 1

(− ln ρ∞ + η

M − 1− i − jM − 2


Stability here is meant to point out that relatively small movements inthe c-parameters connected to this form cause relatively smallchanges in ρ∞ and η.Notice that ρ∞ = ρ1,M is the correlation between the farthest forwardrates in the family considered, whereas η is related to the first non-zero∆, i.e. η = ∆M−1(M − 1)(M − 2)/2.A 3-parameters form is obtained with ∆i ’s following a straight line (twoparameters) for i = 2,3, . . . ,M − 1 and set to a third parameter fori = M.

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Instantaneous correlation: Parametric forms V

Stable, full rank, 3-parameters, “increasing along sub-diagonals”parameterization S&C3:

ρi,j = exp[−|i − j |

(β − α2

6M − 18(i2 + j2 + ij − 6i − 6j − 3M2 + 15M − 7



6M − 18(i2 + j2 + ij − 3Mi − 3Mj + 3i + 3j + 3M2 − 6M + 2


(38)where the parameters should be constrained to be non-negative, if

one wants to be sure all the typical desirable properties are indeedpresent.In order to get parameter stability, Schoenmakers and Coffey introducea change of variables, thus obtaining a laborious expressiongeneralizing the earlier two-parameters one. The calibrationexperiments pointed out, however, that the parameter associated withthe final point ∆M−1 of our straight line in the ∆’s is practically always

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Instantaneous correlation: Parametric forms VI

close to zero. Setting thus ∆M−1 = 0 and maintaining the othercharacteristics of the last parameterization leads to the followingImproved, stable, full rank, two-parameters, “increasing alongsub-diagonals” parameterization for instantaneous correlations(S&C2):

ρi,j = exp[− |i − j |

M − 1

(− ln ρ∞ (39)

+ ηi2 + j2 + ij − 3Mi − 3Mj + 3i + 3j + 2M2 −M − 4

(M − 2)(M − 3)


As before, ρ∞ = ρ1,M , whereas η is related to the steepness of thestraight line in the ∆’s.

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Instantaneous correlation: Parametric forms VIIFull Rank, Classical, two-parameters, exponentially decreasingparameterization

ρi,j = ρ∞ + (1− ρ∞) exp[−β|i − j |], β ≥ 0.

where now ρ∞ is only asymptotically representing the correlationbetween the farthest rates in the family.Schoenmakers and Coffey (2000) point out that Rebonato’s (1999c,d)full-rank parameterization, consisting in the following perturbation ofthe classical structure:Full Rank, Rebonato’s three parameters form

ρi,j = ρ∞ + (1− ρ∞) exp[−|i − j |(β − α (max(i , j)− 1))], (40)

has still the desirable property of being increasing alongsub-diagonals. However, the domain of positivity for the resultingmatrix is not specified “off-line” in terms of α, β, ρ∞.

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Instantaneous correlation: Reducing the rank I

Instant. correl: Approximate ρ (M ×M, Rank M) with a n-rank

ρB = B × B′, with B an M × n matrix, n << M.

dZ dZ ′ = ρ dt −→ B dW (B dW )′ = BB′dt .

ρB = B × B′, with B an M × n matrix, n << M.

Eigenvalues zeroing and rescaling.We know that, being ρ a positive definite symmetric matrix, it can bewritten as

ρ = PHP ′,

where P is a real orthogonal matrix, P ′P = PP ′ = IM , and H is adiagonal matrix of the positive eigenvalues of ρ.The columns of P are the eigenvectors of ρ, associated to theeigenvalues located in the corresponding position in H.

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Instantaneous correlation: Reducing the rank II

Let Λ be the diagonal matrix whose entries are the square roots of thecorresponding entries of H, so that if we set A := PΛ we have both

AA′ = ρ, A′A = H .

ρ = PHP ′, “Λ =√

H”, A := PΛ, AA′ = ρ, A′A = H.

We can try and mimic the decomposition ρ = AA′ by means of asuitable n-rank M × n matrix B such that BB′ is an n-rank correlationmatrix, with typically n << M.Consider the diagonal matrix Λ(n) defined as the matrix Λ with theM − n smallest diagonal terms set to zero.Define then B(n) := PΛ(n), and the related candidate correlation matrixρ(n) := B(n)(B(n))′.

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Instantaneous correlation: Reducing the rank III

We can also equivalently define Λ(n) as the n × n diagonal matrixobtained from Λ by taking away (instead of zeroing) the M − n smallestdiagonal elements and shrinking the matrix correspondingly.Analogously, we can define the M × n matrix P(n) as the matrix P fromwhich we take away the columns corresponding to the diagonalelements we took away from Λ. The result does not change, in that ifwe define the M × n matrix B(n) = P(n)Λ(n) we have

ρ(n) = B(n)(B(n))′ = B(n)(B(n))′.

We keep the B(n) formulation.

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Instantaneous correlation: Reducing the rank IV

ρ(n) = B(n)(B(n))′, B(n) = P(n)Λ(n).

Now the problem is that, in general, while ρ(n) is positive semidefinite,it does not feature ones in the diagonal. Throwing away someeigenvalues from Λ has altered the diagonal. The solution is tointerpret ρ(n) as a covariance matrix, and to derive the correlationmatrix associated with it. We can do this immediately by defining

ρ(n)i,j := ρ

(n)i,j /(


(n)i,i ρ

(n)j,j ).

Now ρ(n)i,j is an n-rank approximation of the original matrix ρ. But how

good is the approximation, and are there more precise methods toapproximate a full rank correlation matrix with a n-rank matrix? Can wefind, in a sense, the best reduced rank correlation matrixapproximating a given full rank one?

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Instantaneous correlation: Reducing the rank. Anglesparameterization and optimization I

An angles parametric form for B. Rebonato:

bi,1 = cos θi,1

bi,k = cos θi,k sin θi,1 · · · sin θi,k−1, 1 < k < n,bi,n = sin θi,1 · · · sin θi,n−1, for i = 1,2, . . . ,M.

Angles are redundant: one can assume with no loss of generality thatθi,k = 0 for i ≤ k (“trapezoidal” angles matrix)

For n = 2, ρBi,j = bi,1bj,1 + bi,2bj,2 = cos(θi − θj).

(redendancy: can assume θ1 = 0 with no loss of generality.) Thisstructure consists of M parameters θ1, . . . , θM obtained either byforcing the LMM model to recover market swaptions prices (market

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Instantaneous correlation: Reducing the rank. Anglesparameterization and optimization II

implied data), or through historical estimation(time-series/econometrics). More on this later.Given full rank ρF , can find optimal θ by minimizing numerically

θ∗ = argminθ


(ρFi,j − ρi,j(θ))2


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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Parametrization of vols and corr

Instantaneous correlation: Reducing the rank. Anglesparameterization and optimization IIIExample: full rank ρ

1 0.9756 0.9524 0.9304 0.9094 0.8894 0.8704 0.8523 0.8352 0.81880.9756 1 0.9756 0.9524 0.9304 0.9094 0.8894 0.8704 0.8523 0.83520.9524 0.9756 1 0.9756 0.9524 0.9304 0.9094 0.8894 0.8704 0.85230.9304 0.9524 0.9756 1 0.9756 0.9524 0.9304 0.9094 0.8894 0.87040.9094 0.9304 0.9524 0.9756 1 0.9756 0.9524 0.9304 0.9094 0.88940.8894 0.9094 0.9304 0.9524 0.9756 1 0.9756 0.9524 0.9304 0.90940.8704 0.8894 0.9094 0.9304 0.9524 0.9756 1 0.9756 0.9524 0.93040.8523 0.8704 0.8894 0.9094 0.9304 0.9524 0.9756 1 0.9756 0.95240.8352 0.8523 0.8704 0.8894 0.9094 0.9304 0.9524 0.9756 1 0.97560.8188 0.8352 0.8523 0.8704 0.8894 0.9094 0.9304 0.9524 0.9756 1

Rank-2 optimal approximation:θ∗(2) = [1.2367 1.2812 1.3319 1.3961 1.4947 1.6469 1.7455 1.8097 1.8604 1.9049].

The resulting optimal rank-2 matrix ρ(θ∗(2)) is1 0.999 0.9955 0.9873 0.9669 0.917 0.8733 0.8403 0.8117 0.7849

0.999 1 0.9987 0.9934 0.9773 0.9339 0.8941 0.8636 0.8369 0.81170.9955 0.9987 1 0.9979 0.9868 0.9508 0.9157 0.888 0.8636 0.84030.9873 0.9934 0.9979 1 0.9951 0.9687 0.9396 0.9157 0.8941 0.87330.9669 0.9773 0.9868 0.9951 1 0.9885 0.9687 0.9508 0.9339 0.9170.917 0.9339 0.9508 0.9687 0.9885 1 0.9951 0.9868 0.9773 0.9669

0.8733 0.8941 0.9157 0.9396 0.9687 0.9951 1 0.9979 0.9934 0.98730.8403 0.8636 0.888 0.9157 0.9508 0.9868 0.9979 1 0.9987 0.99550.8117 0.8369 0.8636 0.8941 0.9339 0.9773 0.9934 0.9987 1 0.9990.7849 0.8117 0.8403 0.8733 0.917 0.9669 0.9873 0.9955 0.999 1

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Problems of low rank correlation: sigmoid shape

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Problems of low rank correlation: sigmoid shape

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Parametrization of vols and corr

Higher rank correlation

Another example: Consider the rapidly decreasing 10× 10 full-rankρi,j = exp[−|i − j |].rank-4 approximation: the zeroed-eigenvalues procedure yields amatrix ρ(4) given by

1 0.9474 0.5343 -0.0116 -0.1967 -0.0427 0.1425 0.1378 -0.042 -0.15110.9474 1 0.775 0.2884 0.0164 -0.03 0.0316 0.0538 0 -0.0420.5343 0.775 1 0.8137 0.4993 0.0979 -0.1229 -0.1035 0.0538 0.1378

-0.0116 0.2884 0.8137 1 0.8583 0.3725 -0.0336 -0.1229 0.0316 0.1425-0.1967 0.0164 0.4993 0.8583 1 0.7658 0.3725 0.0979 -0.03 -0.0427-0.0427 -0.03 0.0979 0.3725 0.7658 1 0.8583 0.4993 0.0164 -0.19670.1425 0.0316 -0.1229 -0.0336 0.3725 0.8583 1 0.8137 0.2884 -0.01160.1378 0.0538 -0.1035 -0.1229 0.0979 0.4993 0.8137 1 0.775 0.5343-0.042 0 0.0538 0.0316 -0.03 0.0164 0.2884 0.775 1 0.9474

-0.1511 -0.042 0.1378 0.1425 -0.0427 -0.1967 -0.0116 0.5343 0.9474 1

optimal angle-parameterized rank-4 matrix ρ(θ∗(4)):1 0.9399 0.4826 -0.0863 -0.2715 -0.0437 0.1861 0.1808 -0.077 -0.2189

0.9399 1 0.7515 0.234 -0.0587 -0.0572 0.0496 0.0843 -0.0135 -0.0770.4826 0.7515 1 0.7935 0.4329 0.015 -0.1745 -0.1195 0.0843 0.1808

-0.0863 0.234 0.7935 1 0.8432 0.3222 -0.0872 -0.1745 0.0496 0.1861-0.2715 -0.0587 0.4329 0.8432 1 0.7421 0.3222 0.015 -0.0572 -0.0437-0.0437 -0.0572 0.015 0.3222 0.7421 1 0.8432 0.4329 -0.0587 -0.27150.1861 0.0496 -0.1745 -0.0872 0.3222 0.8432 1 0.7935 0.234 -0.08630.1808 0.0843 -0.1195 -0.1745 0.015 0.4329 0.7935 1 0.7515 0.4826-0.077 -0.0135 0.0843 0.0496 -0.0572 -0.0587 0.234 0.7515 1 0.9399

-0.2189 -0.077 0.1808 0.1861 -0.0437 -0.2715 -0.0863 0.4826 0.9399 1

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Higher rank

again 10× 10 full-rank ρi,j = exp[−|i − j |].If we resort to a rank-7 approximation, the zeroed-eigenvaluesapproach yields the following matrix ρ(7):

1 0.5481 0.0465 0.0944 0.0507 -0.0493 0.034 0.0169 -0.0441 0.02840.5481 1 0.6737 0.0647 0.0312 0.112 -0.0477 -0.0162 0.0691 -0.04410.0465 0.6737 1 0.579 0.1227 0.0353 0.0562 0.0012 -0.0162 0.01690.0944 0.0647 0.579 1 0.5822 0.0674 0.0806 0.0562 -0.0477 0.0340.0507 0.0312 0.1227 0.5822 1 0.6472 0.0674 0.0353 0.112 -0.0493

-0.0493 0.112 0.0353 0.0674 0.6472 1 0.5822 0.1227 0.0312 0.05070.034 -0.0477 0.0562 0.0806 0.0674 0.5822 1 0.579 0.0647 0.0944

0.0169 -0.0162 0.0012 0.0562 0.0353 0.1227 0.579 1 0.6737 0.0465-0.0441 0.0691 -0.0162 -0.0477 0.112 0.0312 0.0647 0.6737 1 0.54810.0284 -0.0441 0.0169 0.034 -0.0493 0.0507 0.0944 0.0465 0.5481 1

Optimization on an angle-parameterized rank-7 matrix yields thefollowing output matrix ρ(θ∗(7)):

1 0.5592 -0.0177 0.1085 0.0602 -0.0795 0.0589 0.018 -0.0734 0.06670.5592 1 0.5992 0.0202 0.0277 0.1123 -0.0652 -0.008 0.0797 -0.0734

-0.0177 0.5992 1 0.5464 0.0618 0.0401 0.0561 -0.012 -0.008 0.0180.1085 0.0202 0.5464 1 0.5556 0.018 0.0834 0.0561 -0.0652 0.05890.0602 0.0277 0.0618 0.5556 1 0.5819 0.018 0.0401 0.1123 -0.0795

-0.0795 0.1123 0.0401 0.018 0.5819 1 0.5556 0.0618 0.0277 0.06020.0589 -0.0652 0.0561 0.0834 0.018 0.5556 1 0.5464 0.0202 0.10850.018 -0.008 -0.012 0.0561 0.0401 0.0618 0.5464 1 0.5992 -0.0177

-0.0734 0.0797 -0.008 -0.0652 0.1123 0.0277 0.0202 0.5992 1 0.55920.0667 -0.0734 0.018 0.0589 -0.0795 0.0602 0.1085 -0.0177 0.5592 1

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Higher rank

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Higher rank

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Monte Carlo methods

Monte Carlo pricing swaptions with LMM I



B(Tα)(Sα,β(Tα)− K )+




= E α


P(Tα,Tα)(Sα,β(Tα)− K )+



.= P(0,Tα)Eα

(Sα,β(Tα)− K )+β∑



.Since Sα,β(Tα) =



1+τj Fj (Tα)∑βi=α+1 τi


11+τj Fj (Tα)

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Monte Carlo pricing swaptions with LMM IIthe above expectation depends on the joint distrib. under Qα of

Fα+1(Tα),Fα+2(Tα), . . . ,Fβ(Tα)

Recall the dynamics of forward rates under Qα:

dFk (t) = σk (t)Fk (t)k∑


ρk ,j τj σj Fj

1 + τjFj(t)dt + σk (t)Fk (t)dZk ,

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Monte Carlo pricing swaptions with LMM III


D(0,Tα) (Sα,β(Tα)− K )+β∑




= P(0,Tα)Eα

(Sα,β(Tα)− K )+β∑



.Since Sα,β(Tα) =



1+τj Fj (Tα)∑βi=α+1 τi


11+τj Fj (Tα)

Milstein scheme for ln F :

ln F ∆tk (t + ∆t) = ln F ∆t

k (t) + σk (t)k∑


ρk ,j τj σj(t) F ∆tj

1 + τjF ∆tj


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Monte Carlo pricing swaptions with LMM IV


k (t)2

∆t + σk (t)(Zk (t + ∆t)− Zk (t))

leads to an approximation such that there exists a δ0 with

Eα| ln F ∆tk (Tα)− ln Fk (Tα)| ≤ C(Tα)(∆t)1 for all ∆t ≤ δ0

where C(Tα) > 0 is a constant (strong convergence of order 1).(Zk (t + ∆t)− Zk (t)) is GAUSSIAN and KNOWN, easy to simulate.

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM I

A refined variance for simulating the shocks: Notice that inintegrating exactly the dF equation between t and t + ∆t , the resultingBrownian-motion part, in vector notation, is

∆ζt :=

∫ t+∆t

tσ(s)dZ (s) ∼ N (0,COVt )

(here the product of vectors acts component by component), where thematrix COVt is given by

(COVt )h,k =

∫ t+∆t

tρh,kσh(s)σk (s) ds.

Therefore, in principle we have no need to approximate this term by

σ(t)(Z (t + ∆t)− Z (t)) ∼ N (0, ∆t σ(t) ρ σ(t)′)

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM II

as is done in the classical general MC scheme given earlier. Indeed,we may consider a more refined scheme where the followingsubstitution occurs:

σ(t)(Z (t + ∆t)− Z (t)) −→ ∆ζt .

The new shocks vector ∆ζt can be simulated easily through itsGaussian distribution given above.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Monte Carlo methods

Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Standard error I

Assume we need to value a payoff Π(T ) depending on the realizationof different forward LIBOR rates

F (t) = [Fα+1(t), . . . ,Fβ(t)]′

in a time interval t ∈ [0,T ], where typically T ≤ Tα.We have seen a particular case of Π(T ) = Π(Tα) as the swaptionpayoff. The earlier simulation scheme for the rates entering the payoffprovides us with the F ’s needed to form scenarios on Π(T ). Denote bya superscript the scenario (or path) under which a quantity isconsidered, np = # paths.The Monte Carlo price of our payoff is computed, based on thesimulated paths, as E [D(0,T )Π(T )] == P(0,T )ET (Π(T )) = P(0,T )

∑npj=1 Πj(T )/np,

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Standard error II

where the forward rates F j entering Πj(T ) have been simulated underthe T -forward measure. We omit the T -argument in Π(T ),ET andStdT to contain notation: all distributions, expectations and statisticsare under the T -forward measure. However, the reasoning is generaland holds under any other measure.We wish to have an estimate of the error me have when estimating thetrue expectation E(Π) by its Monte Carlo estimate

∑npj=1 Πj/np. To do

so, the classic reasoning is as follows.Let us view (Πj)j as a sequence of independent identically distributed(iid) random variables, distributed as Π. By the central limit theorem,we know that under suitable assumptions one has∑np

j=1(Πj − E(Π))√

np Std(Π)→ N (0,1),

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Standard error III

in law, as np →∞, from which we have that we may write,approximately and for large np:∑np

j=1 Πj

np− E(Π) ∼ Std(Π)

√npN (0,1).

It follows that



j=1 Πj

np− E(Π)

∣∣∣∣∣ < ε

= QT

|N (0,1)| < ε



= 2Φ



)− 1,

where as usual Φ denotes the cumulative distribution function of thestandard Gaussian random variable.

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Standard error IV



j=1 Πj

np− E(Π)

∣∣∣∣∣ < ε

= 2Φ



)− 1,

The above equation gives the probability that our Monte Carlo estimate∑npj=1 Πj/np is not farther than ε from the true expectation E(Π) we

wish to estimate. Typically, one sets a desired value for this probability,say 0.98, and derives ε by solving



)− 1 = 0.98.

For example, since we know from the Φ tables that

2Φ(z)− 1 = 0.98 ⇐⇒ Φ(z) = 0.99 ⇐⇒ z ≈ 2.33,

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Standard error V

we have that

ε = 2.33Std(Π)√


The true value of E(Π) is thus inside the “window”[∑npj=1 Πj

np− 2.33



∑npj=1 Πj

np+ 2.33




with a 98% probability. This is called a 98% confidence interval forE(Π). Other typical confidence levels are given in Table 1.

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Standard error VI

2Φ(z)− 1 z ≈99% 2.5898% 2.33

95.45% 295% 1.9690% 1.65

68.27% 1

Table: Confidence levels

We can see that, ceteris paribus, as np increases, the window shrinksas 1/

√np, which is worse than 1/np. If we need to reduce the window

size to one tenth, we have to increase the number of scenarios by afactor 100. Sometimes, to reach a chosen accuracy (a small enoughwindow), we need to take a huge number of scenarios np. When this is

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Standard error VII

too time-consuming, there are “variance-reduction” techniques thatmay be used to reduce the above window size.A more fundamental problem with the above window is that the truestandard deviation Std(Π) of the payoff is usually unknown. This istypically replaced by the known sample standard deviation obtained bythe simulated paths,

(Std(Π; np))2 :=


(Πj)2/np − (



and the actual 98% Monte Carlo window we compute is[∑npj=1 Πj

np− 2.33

Std(Π; np)√


∑npj=1 Πj

np+ 2.33

Std(Π; np)√


]. (41)

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Standard error VIII

To obtain a 95% (narrower) window it is enough to replace 2.33 by1.96, and to obtain a (still narrower) 90% window it is enough toreplace 2.33 by 1.65. All other sizes may be derived by the Φ tables.We know that in some cases, to obtain a 98% window whose (half-)width 2.33 Std(Π; np)/

√np is small enough, we are forced to take a

huge number of paths np. This can be a problem for computationaltime. A way to reduce the impact of this problem is, for a given np thatwe deem to be large enough, to find alternatives that reduce thevariance (Std(Π; np))2, thus narrowing the above window withoutincreasing np.One of the most effective methods to do this is the control variatetechnique.

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Control Variate I

We begin by selecting an alternative payoff Πan which we know how toevaluate analytically, in that

E(Πan) = πan

is known. When we simulate our original payoff Π we now simulatealso the analytical payoff Πan as a function of the same scenarios forthe underlying variables F . We define a new control-variate estimatorfor EΠ as

Πc(γ; np) :=

∑npj=1 Πj

np+ γ

(∑npj=1 Πan,j

np− πan


with γ a constant to be determined. When viewing Πj as iid copies of Πand Πan,j as iid copies of Πan, the above estimator remains unbiased,since we are subtracting the true known mean πan from the correction

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Control Variate II

term in γ. So, once we have found that the estimator has not beenbiased by our correction, we may wonder whether our correction canbe used to lower the variance.Consider the random variable

Πc(γ) := Π + γ(Πan − πan)

whose expectation is the E(Π) we are estimating, and compute

Var(Πc(γ)) = Var(Π) + γ2Var(Πan) + 2γCorr(Π,Πan)Std(Π)Std(Πan),

We may minimize this function of γ by differentiating and setting thefirst derivative to zero.

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Control Variate IIIWe obtain easily that the variance is minimized by the following valueof γ: γ∗ := −Corr(Π,Πan)Std(Π) /Std(Πan). By plugging γ = γ∗ into theabove expression, we obtain easily

Var(Πc(γ∗)) = Var(Π)(1− Corr(Π,Πan)2),

from which we see that Πc(γ∗) has a smaller variance than our originalΠ, the smaller this variance the larger (in absolute value) thecorrelation between Π and Πan. Accordingly, when moving to simulatedquantities, we set

Std(Πc(γ∗); np) = Std(Π; np)(1− Corr(Π,Πan; np)2)1/2,

where Corr(Π,Πan; np) is the sample correlation

Corr(Π,Πan; np) =Cov(Π,Πan; np)

Std(Π; np) Std(Πan; np)

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Control Variate IV

and the sample covariance is

Cov(Π,Πan; np) =


ΠjΠan,j/np − (






(Std(Πan; np))2 :=


(Πan,j)2/np − (



One may include the correction factor np/(np − 1) to correct for thebias of the variance estimator, although the correction is irrelevant forlarge np.We see from

Std(Πc(γ∗); np) = Std(Π; np)(1− Corr(Π,Πan; np)2)1/2,

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Control Variate V

that for the variance reduction to be relevant, we need to choose theanalytical payoff Πan to be as (positively or negatively) correlated aspossible with the original payoff Π. Notice that in the limit case ofcorrelation equal to one the variance shrinks to zero.The window for our control-variate Monte Carlo estimate Πc(γ; np) ofE(Π) is now:[

Πc(γ; np)− 2.33Std(Πc(γ∗); np)


, Πc(γ; np) + 2.33Std(Πc(γ∗); np)



This window is narrower than the corresponding simple Monte Carloone by a factor (1− Corr(Π,Πan; np)2)1/2.We may wonder about a good possible Πan. We may select as Πan thesimplest payoff depending on the underlying rates

F (t) = [Fα+1(t), . . . ,Fβ(t)]′.

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Monte Carlo pricing with LMM: Control Variate VIThis is given by the Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) contract seenearlier. We consider the sum of at-the-money FRA payoffs, each on asingle forward rate included in our family.In other terms, if we are simulating under the Tj forward measure apayoff paying at Tα, with , the payoff we consider is

Πan(Tα) =


τiP(Tα,Ti)(Fi(Tα)− Fi(0))/P(Tα,Tj)

whose expected value under the Qj measure is easily seen to be 0 byremembering that quantities featuring P(·,Tj) as denominator aremartingales. Thus in our case πan = 0 and we may use the relatedcontrol-variate estimator. Somehow surprisingly, this simple correctionhas allowed us to reduce the number of paths of up to a factor 10 inseveral cases, including for example Monte Carlo evaluation of ratchetcaps.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Analytic swaptions formula in Libor model

Analytical swaption prices with LMM I

Approximated method to compute swaption prices with the LMMLIBOR MODEL without resorting to Monte Carlo simulation.This method is rather simple and its quality has been tested in Brace,Dun, and Barton (1999) and by ourselves.Recall the SWAP MODEL SMM leading to Black’s formula forswaptions:

d Sα,β(t) = σ(α,β)(t)Sα,β(t) dWα,βt , Qα,β .

A crucial role is played by the Black swap volatility component∫ Tα

0σ2α,β(t)dt =

∫ Tα



∫ Tα

0(d ln Sα,β(t))(d ln Sα,β(t))

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Analytic swaptions formula in Libor model

Analytical swaption prices with LMM II

We compute an analogous approximated quantity in the LMM.

Sα,β(t) =


wi(t) Fi(t),

wi(t) = wi(Fα+1(t),Fα+2(t), . . . ,Fβ(t)) =



1+τj Fj (t)∑βk=α+1 τk


11+τj Fj (t)


Freeze the w ’s at time 0:

Sα,β(t) =


wi(t) Fi(t) ≈β∑


wi(0) Fi(t) .

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Analytic swaptions formula in Libor model

Analytical swaption prices with LMM III

(variability of the w ’s is much smaller than variability of F ’s)

dSα,β ≈β∑


wi(0) dFi = (. . .)dt +


wi(0)σi(t)Fi(t)dZi(t) ,

under any of the forward adjusted measures. Compute

dSα,β(t)dSα,β(t) ≈β∑


wi(0)σi(t)Fi(t)dZiwj(0)Fj(t)σj(t) dZj =



wi(0)wj(0)Fi(t)Fj(t)ρi,jσi(t)σj(t) dt .

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Analytic swaptions formula in Libor model

Analytical swaption prices with LMM IV

The percentage quadratic covariation is

(d ln Sα,β(t))(d ln Sα,β(t)) =dSα,β(t)Sα,β(t)




i,j=α+1 wi(0)wj(0)Fi(t)Fj(t)ρi,jσi(t)σj(t)

Sα,β(t)2 dt .

Introduce a further approx by freezing again all F ’s (as was doneearlier for the w ’s) to time zero: (d ln Sα,β)(d ln Sα,β) ≈




Sα,β(0)2 σi(t)σj(t) dt .

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Analytic swaptions formula in Libor model

Analytical swaption prices with LMM V

Now compute the time-averaged percentage variance of S as

(Rebonato’s Formula)

(v LMMα,β )2 =


∫ Tα

0(d ln Sα,β(t))(d ln Sα,β(t))




Tα Sα,β(0)2

∫ Tα

0σi(t)σj(t) dt .

v LMMα,β can be used as a proxy for the Black volatility vα,β(Tα).

Use Black’s formula for swaptions with volatility v LMMα,β to price swaptions

analytically with the LMM.It turns out that the approximation is not at all bad, as pointed out byBrace, Dun and Barton (1999) and by ourselves.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Analytic swaptions formula in Libor model

Analytical swaption prices with LMM VI

A slightly more sophisticated version of this procedure has beenpointed out for example by Hull and White (1999).This pricing formula is ALGEBRAIC and very quick (compare withshort-rate models)H–W refine this formula by differentiating Sα,β(t) without immediatelyfreezing the w . Same accuracy in practice.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Analytic swaptions formula in Libor model

Analytical terminal correlation I

By similar arguments (freezing the drift and collapsing all measures)we may find a formula for terminal correlation.Corr(Fi(Tα),Fj(Tα)) should be computed with MC simulation anddepends on the chosen numeraireUseful to have a first idea on the stability of the model correlation atfuture times.Traders need to check this quickly, no time for MCIn Brigo and Mercurio (2001), we obtain easily

exp(∫ Tα

0 σi(t)σj(t)ρi,jdt)− 1√

exp(∫ Tα

0 σ2i (t)dt

)− 1


(∫ Tα0 σ2

j (t)dt)− 1

≈ ρi,j

∫ Tα0 σi(t)σj(t) dt√∫ Tα

0 σ2i (t)dt

√∫ Tα0 σ2

j (t)dt,

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Analytic swaptions formula in Libor model

Analytical terminal correlation II

the second approximation as from Rebonato (1999). Schwartz’sinequality: terminal correlations are always smaller, in absolute value,than instantaneous correlations.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Calibration to swaptions prices I

Swaption calibration: Find σ and ρ in LMM such that the LMMreproduces market swaption vols (the first column is Tα and the firstrow is the underlying swap length Tβ − Tα)

vMKTα,β 1y 2y 3y 4y 5y 6y 7y 8y 9y 10y

1y 16.4 15.8 14.6 13.8 13.3 12.9 12.6 12.3 12.0 11.72y 17.7 15.6 14.1 13.1 12.7 12.4 12.2 11.9 11.7 11.43y 17.6 15.5 13.9 12.7 12.3 12.1 11.9 11.7 11.5 11.34y 16.9 14.6 12.9 11.9 11.6 11.4 11.3 11.1 11.0 10.85y 15.8 13.9 12.4 11.5 11.1 10.9 10.8 10.7 10.5 10.47y 14.5 12.9 11.6 10.8 10.4 10.3 10.1 9.9 9.8 9.6

10y 13.5 11.5 10.4 9.8 9.4 9.3 9.1 8.8 8.6 8.4

Table: Black vols of EURO ATM swaptions May 16, 2000

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Calibration to swaptions prices II

Table (brokers) not updated uniformly. Some entries may refer to oldermarket situations.“Temporal misalignment/Stale data”Calibrated parameters σ or ρ might reflect this by weird configurations.If so:Trust the model⇒ detect misalignmentsTrust the data⇒ need a better parameterization.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 343 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Instantaneous Correlations: Inputs or Outputs? I

Swaptions: Fit “Market prices” to “model prices(σ, ρ)”.Should we infer ρ itself from swaption market quotes or should weestimate ρ exogenously and impose it, leaving the calibration only toσ? Are the parameters in ρ inputs or outputs to the calibration?Inputs? We might consider a time series of past interest-rate curvesdata, which are observed under the real world probability measure.This would allow us, through interpolation, to obtain a correspondingtime series for the particular forward LIBOR rates being modelled inour LIBOR model. These series would be observed under theobjective or real-world measure. Thanks to the Girsanov theorem thisis not a problem, since instantaneous correlations, considered asinstantaneous covariations between driving Brownian motions inforward rate dynamics, do not depend on the probability measure.Then, by using historical estimation, we obtain an historical estimate ofthe instantaneous correlation matrix. This ρ, or a stylized version of it,

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Instantaneous Correlations: Inputs or Outputs? II

can be considered as a given ρ for our LIBOR model, and theremaining free parameters σ are to be used to calibrate marketderivatives data. In this case calibration will consist in finding the σ’ssuch that the model (caps and) swaptions prices match thecorresponding market prices. In this “matching” procedure (often anoptimization) ρ is fixed from the start to the found historical estimateand we play on the volatility parameters σ to achieve our matching.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Instantaneous Correlations: Inputs or Outputs? I

Outputs? This second possibility considers instantaneous correlationsas fitting parameters. The model swaptions prices are functions of ρB,and possibly of some remaining instantaneous volatility parameters,that are forced to match as much as possible the corresponding marketswaptions prices, so that the parameters values implied by the market,ρB = ρB

MKT, are found. In the two-factor angles case for example, oneobtains the values of θ1, . . . , θM (and of the volatility parameters notdetermined by the calibration to caps) that are implied by the market.

INPUTS? OUTPUTS? Which of the two methods is preferable? We willconsider again this question later on. Now we try and address theissue of determining a decent historical ρ in case we are to decide laterfor the “inputs” approach.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: The historical matrix I

Since European swaptions turn out to be relatively insensitive toinstantaneous (rather than terminal) correlation details (e.g. Jackel andRebonato (2000)), we may impose a good exogenous instantaneouscorrelation matrix and subsequently play on volatilities to calibrateswaptions.Smoothing the rough historically estimated matrix through aparsimonious “pivot” form enjoying desirable properties may guaranteea smooth and regular behaviour of terminal correlations, and slightlymore regular σ’s when calibrating. This also avoids problems related tooutliers, non-synchronous data and discontinuities in correlationsurfaces. These and further problems are recalled by Rebonato eJackel (1999), that consequently propose to fit a parametric form ontothe estimate.Secondly, the chosen parametric forms may enjoy particularlyinteresting properties typical of forward rates correlations.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: The historical matrix II

Thirdly, “pivot” forms depend on a low number of parameters, so thatwe can more easily control the main features of the matrix, detectingthose that provoke undesirable anomalous outputs so as to avoidthem. Incorporating personal views or recent changes in the market isalso easier with pivot forms.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: The historical matrix I

“Reduced rank pivot historical correlation matrix”:1 A market historical correlation matrix is estimated;2 The parameters of a parsimonious form are determined by

keeping the historical estimate as a reference;3 An angles form of the desired rank is fitted to the resulting

parsimonious matrix;Historical Estimation: In estimating correlations, we take into accountthe particular nature of forward rates in the LMM, characterized by afixed maturity, contrary to market quotations, where a fixedtime-to-maturity is usually considered as time passes. We observefrom the market, at different times t

P(t , t + Z ),P(t + 1, t + 1 + Z ), . . . ,P(t + n, t + n + Z ),

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Inst Corrs as Inputs: The historical matrix II

where Z is ranging in a standard set of time-to-maturities. We needinsead

P(t ,T ),P(t + 1,T ), . . . ,P(t + n,T ),

for the maturities T included in the tenor structure of the chosen LMM.Accordingly, a log-interpolation between discount factors has beencarried out and only one year of data has been used, since the firstforward rate in the family expires in one year from the starting date.These data span from February 1, 2001 to February 1, 2002.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: The historical matrix I

From these daily quotations of notional zero-coupon bonds, whosematurities range from one to twenty years from today, we extracteddaily log-returns of the annual forward rates involved in the model.Starting from the following usual gaussian approximation[


F1(t + ∆t)F1(t)

), ..., ln

(F19(t + ∆t)


)]∼ MN(µ,V ),

where ∆t = 1 day, our estimations of the parameters are based onsample mean and covariance for gaussian variables, and are

µi =1m




Fi(tk )


Vi,j =1m




Fi(tk )

)− µi



Fj(tk )

)− µj


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Inst Corrs as Inputs: The historical matrix II

where m is the number of observed log-returns for each rate, so thatour estimation of the general correlation element ρi,j is

ρi,j =Vi,j√




Resulting matrix:

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 1.00 .823 .693 .652 .584 .467 .290 .235 .434 .4732 .823 1.00 .798 .730 .682 .546 .447 .398 .529 .5663 .693 .798 1.00 .764 .722 .629 .472 .557 .671 .6104 .652 .730 .764 1.00 .777 .674 .577 .561 .681 .7015 .584 .682 .722 .777 1.00 .842 .661 .667 .711 .7346 .467 .546 .629 .674 .842 1.00 .774 .682 .729 .6887 .290 .447 .472 .577 .661 .774 1.00 .718 .709 .6478 .235 .398 .557 .561 .667 .682 .718 1.00 .735 .6599 .434 .529 .671 .681 .711 .729 .709 .735 1.00 .748

10 .473 .566 .610 .701 .734 .688 .647 .659 .748 1.0011 .331 .418 .484 .562 .696 .770 .648 .639 .591 .63212 .432 .453 .519 .593 .669 .694 .619 .561 .665 .67513 .288 .476 .483 .581 .640 .659 .714 .610 .688 .70414 .230 .343 .542 .498 .590 .634 .619 .720 .693 .63415 .259 .346 .462 .499 .581 .615 .628 .588 .690 .63616 .206 .321 .422 .478 .649 .677 .663 .645 .634 .65117 .227 .323 .450 .488 .653 .702 .638 .642 .644 .62518 .293 .312 .420 .439 .534 .569 .524 .492 .518 .52419 .245 .322 .352 .354 .422 .447 .375 .459 .402 .399

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11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 191 0.331 0.432 0.288 0.230 0.259 0.206 0.227 0.293 0.2452 0.418 0.453 0.476 0.343 0.346 0.321 0.323 0.312 0.3223 0.484 0.519 0.483 0.542 0.462 0.422 0.450 0.420 0.3524 0.562 0.593 0.581 0.498 0.499 0.478 0.488 0.439 0.3545 0.696 0.669 0.640 0.590 0.581 0.649 0.653 0.534 0.4226 0.770 0.694 0.659 0.634 0.615 0.677 0.702 0.569 0.4477 0.648 0.619 0.714 0.619 0.628 0.663 0.638 0.524 0.3758 0.639 0.561 0.610 0.720 0.588 0.645 0.642 0.492 0.4599 0.591 0.665 0.688 0.693 0.690 0.634 0.644 0.518 0.402

10 0.632 0.675 0.704 0.634 0.636 0.651 0.625 0.524 0.39911 1.000 0.832 0.722 0.642 0.581 0.679 0.727 0.566 0.44812 0.832 1.000 0.819 0.687 0.675 0.704 0.686 0.654 0.42613 0.722 0.819 1.000 0.785 0.776 0.785 0.715 0.594 0.42514 0.642 0.687 0.785 1.000 0.820 0.830 0.788 0.599 0.45315 0.581 0.675 0.776 0.820 1.000 0.901 0.796 0.501 0.22216 0.679 0.704 0.785 0.830 0.901 1.000 0.939 0.707 0.46417 0.727 0.686 0.715 0.788 0.796 0.939 1.000 0.818 0.65718 0.566 0.654 0.594 0.599 0.501 0.707 0.818 1.000 0.83619 0.448 0.426 0.425 0.453 0.222 0.464 0.657 0.836 1.000

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: The historical matrix I

Examining the matrix, we see a pronounced and approximatelymonotonic decorrelation along the columns, when moving away fromthe diagonal. We see also a relevant initial steepness of thedecorrelation pattern. The upward trend along the sub-diagonals is notremarkable. That might be due to the smaller extent of such aphenomenon, more likely to be hidden by noise or differences inliquidity amongst longer rates. Not very different features are visiblealso in the previous similar estimate showed in Brace, Gatarek andMusiela (1997).We did some tests on the stability of the estimates, finding out that thevalues remain rather constant even if we change the sample size or itstime positioning.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: The historical matrix I

Principal component analysis reveals that 7 factors are required toexplain 90% of the overall variability.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: The historical matrix II1 11,6992 61,575% 61,575%2 2,1478 11,304% 72,879%3 1,1803 6,212% 79,091%4 0,7166 3,772% 82,863%5 0,6413 3,375% 86,238%6 0,4273 2,249% 88,487%7 0,386 2,032% 90,519%8 0,3389 1,784% 92,303%9 0,2805 1,476% 93,779%

10 0,2542 1,338% 95,117%11 0,1995 1,050% 96,167%12 0,1692 0,891% 97,057%13 0,1611 0,848% 97,905%14 0,1503 0,791% 98,696%15 0,0877 0,462% 99,158%16 0,0601 0,316% 99,474%17 0,0515 0,271% 99,745%18 0,0333 0,175% 99,921%19 0,0151 0,079% 100,000%

Table: Eigenvalues of the historical correlation matrix in decreasing order withsingle and cumulated percentage variance explained by them

Now we have a realistic correlation benchmark, consistent with markettendencies, to be used as a blueprint for determining the values of theparameters in the presented correlation forms. The methods to do soare tackled in the following.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices I

Here we concentrate on the full rank parameterizations seen earlier(S&C3, Classical Exponential, Rebonato exponential). The classicmethodology is fitting the chosen parametric form to the historicallyestimated matrix by minimizing some loss function of the differencebetween the two matrices.Morini (2002) proposes instead to invert directly the functionalstructure of the parametric forms. Parameters are expressed asfunctions of key elements of the target historical matrix, so that suchelements will be exactly reproduced. We dub such key elements “pivotpoints” of the historical matrix, and the resulting parametric matrices“pivot matrices”. The Pivot approach:

1 does not need any optimization routine;2 If the pivot points are chosen appropriately, it generates a matrix

with the same typical monotonicity and positivity properties as theoriginal one.

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Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices II

3 parameters have a clear, intuitive meaning, since they areexpressed in terms of correlation entries considered to beparticularly significant. This allows us to easily alter and deformthe matrix playing with the parameters in a controlled way, asmight be needed in the market practice.

4 It keeps out the negative effects of irregularities and clear outlierstypical of historical estimations.

5 In our examples the fitting error with the Pivot method is not so farfrom the error in a complete, optimal fitting.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices I

Pivot points must be chosen carefully. We will start by consideringthree-parameters structures. We consider the entries ρ1,2, ρ1,M andρM−1,M . Such elements embed basic monotonicity information of thehistorical correlation matrix.Morini (2002) computes, starting with Rebonato’s exponential form,

ρi,j = ρ∞ + (1− ρ∞) exp[−|i − j |(β − α(max(i , j)− 1))], β ≥ 0.

the equations (ρ1,M − ρ∞

1− ρ∞


(ρM−1,M − ρ∞

1− ρ∞



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Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices II

for ρ∞, and

α =


ρ1,2 − ρ∞ρM−1,M − ρ∞


, β = α− ln(ρ1,2 − ρ∞1− ρ∞


The results are

ρ∞ = 0.23551, α = 0.00126, β = 0.26388.

Let us now move on to form SC3,

ρi,j = exp[−|i − j |

(β − α2

6M − 18(i2 + j2 + ij − 6i − 6j − 3M2 + 15M − 7



6M − 18(i2 + j2 + ij − 3Mi − 3Mj + 3i + 3j + 3M2 − 6M + 2



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Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices III

Morini computesβ = − ln




α1 =6 ln ρ1,M

(M − 1) (M − 2)−

2 ln ρM−1,M

(M − 2)−

4 ln ρ1,2

(M − 2),

α2 = −6 ln ρ1,M

(M − 1) (M − 2)+

4 ln ρM−1,M

(M − 2)+

2 ln ρ1,2

(M − 2),

leading to

α1 = 0.03923, α2 = −0.03743, β = 0.17897.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices IV

Consider also the pivot version of S&C2:

ρi,j = exp[− |i − j |

M − 1

(− ln ρ∞

+ ηi2 + j2 + ij − 3Mi − 3Mj + 3i + 3j + 2M2 −M − 4

(M − 2)(M − 3)


Use as pivot points ρ1,M and ρ1,2. ρ1,2 is selected for reasons that willbe clear later on. We have

ρ∞ = ρ1,M , η =

(− ln ρ1,2

)(M − 1) + ln ρ∞


and obtain ρ∞ = 0.24545, η = 1.04617.We compared the two three-parameters pivot forms with respect to thegoodness of fit (to the historical matrix). S&C3 pivot is superior whenwe take as loss function the simple average squared difference

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices V

(denoted by MSE), whilst Rebonato pivot is better if considering theaverage squared relative difference with respect to the estimatedmatrix (denoted by MSE%). This is shown in the following table.



MSE%Reb. 3 pivot 0.030121 0.09542 0.173554 0.30890S&C3 pivot 0.024127 0.10277 0.155327 0.32058

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Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices I

Some reasons for considering Rebonato pivot form preferable in thiscontext arise from the graphical observation of the behaviour of thesematrices. As visible in the first figure below, showing the plot of the firstcolumns, such matrix seems a better approximation of the estimatedtendency, whereas S&C3 pivot tends to keep higher than the historicalmatrix. Moreover, in matching the estimated values selected, theparameter α2 in S&C3 has turned out to be negative. This has led to anon-monotonic trend for sub-diagonals, see in fact the humped shapefor the first sub-diagonal.

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Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices I

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Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices II

Figure: First columns of the historical and fitted “pivot” matrices(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 368 / 833

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Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices

Figure: Corresponding sub-diagonals

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Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices I

A similar problem is hinted at also by Schoenmakers and Coffey(2000). In their constrained tests α2 tends to assume always theminimum value allowed, namely zero. They propose the form S&C2.Our results with S&C2 pivot suggest that this very faint increasingtendency along sub-diagonals, joined with the level of decorrelationalong the columns seen in the historical estimate, represent aconfiguration very hard to replicate with S&C parameterizations.Indeed, by building a pivot S&C2 keeping out information upon thesub-diagonal behaviour, one gets a matrix spontaneously featuring astrong increase along such sub-diagonals. On the other hand,including information on this estimated behaviour, a far largerdecorrelation is implied than in the historically estimated matrix. Moreelements and details on such tests are given in Morini (2002).No such problem has emerged for Rebonato’s 3 parameters pivotform, that seems to allow for an easier separation of the tendency

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Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices II

along sub-diagonal from the one along the columns. Moreover, noticethat Rebonato pivot form, with our data, turns out to be positivedefinite, so that its main theoretical limitation does not represent aproblem in practice.Our preferred choice is Rebonato-exponential 3-parameters.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices I

Now we have still to check the divergence between pivot matrices andmatrices optimally fitted to the entire target matrix.We compare the pivot version of Rebonato’s parameterization with twooptimal specifications of the same form obtained by minimizing theaforementioned loss functions. In the following table we present foreach optimal form the square root of the corresponding error, besidesthe value obtained, for the same measure, when considering the pivotform.



Fitted vs Historical 0.108434 0.25949Pivot vs Historical 0.173554 0.30890

Differences are relatively small. First columns are plotted below.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 372 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices I

First columns of correlation matrices

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 373 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Inputs: Pivot matrices II

Conclusion: The pivot approach can be helpful when trying to describethe essential stylized feature of the historical correlation matrix. Therelated matrix, or a reduced rank version of it, can be considered as areasonable exogenous correlation matrix to be used as input forcalibration to (caps and) swaptions.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 374 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Inst Corrs as Outputs: Joint calibration to caps andswaptions I

We start with ρ as calibration outputs.CALIBRATION: Need to find σ(t) and ρ such that the market prices ofcaps and swaptions are recovered by LMM(σ, ρ).caplet-volat-LMM(σ)= market-caplet-volat (Almost automatic).swaptions-LMM(σ, ρ)= market-swaptions.Caplets: Algebraic formula; Immediate calibration, almost automatic.Swaptions: In principle Monte Carlo pricing. But MC pricing at eachoptimization step is too computationally intensive.Use Rebonato’s approximation and at each optimization step evaluateswaptions analytically with the LMM model.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 375 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

ρ as outputs. Joint calibration: Market cases I

SPC vols, σk (t) = σk ,β(t) := Φkψk−(β(t)−1).ρ rank-2 with angles −π/2 < θi − θi−1 < π/2Data below as of May 16, 2000, F (0; 0,1y) = 0.0469, plus swaptionsmatrix as in the earlier slide.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 376 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

ρ as outputs. Joint calibration: Market cases II

Index initial F0 vcaplet1 0.050114 0.1802532 0.055973 0.1914783 0.058387 0.1861544 0.060027 0.1772945 0.061315 0.1678876 0.062779 0.1581237 0.062747 0.1526888 0.062926 0.1487099 0.062286 0.144703

10 0.063009 0.14125911 0.063554 0.13798212 0.064257 0.13470813 0.064784 0.13142814 0.065312 0.12814815 0.063976 0.12710016 0.062997 0.12682217 0.061840 0.12653918 0.060682 0.12625719 0.059360 0.125970

Index ψ Φ θ1 2.5114 0.0718 1.78642 1.5530 0.0917 2.07673 1.2238 0.1009 1.51224 1.0413 0.1055 1.60885 0.9597 0.1074 2.37136 1.1523 0.1052 1.60317 1.2030 0.1043 1.12418 0.9516 0.1055 1.83239 1.3539 0.1031 2.3955

10 1.1912 0.1021 2.543911 0 0.1046 1.611812 3.3778 0.0844 1.317213 0 0.0857 1.222514 1.2223 0.0847 1.099515 0 0.0869 1.260216 0 0.0896 1.090517 0 0.0921 0.800618 0.1156 0.0946 0.873919 0.5753 0.0965 1.7096

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 377 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

ρ as outputs. Joint calibration: Market cases (cont’d) I

Quality of calibration: Caplets are fitted exactly, whereas we calibratedthe whole swaptions volatility matrix except for the first column.Matrix: 100(Mkt swaptions vol - LMM swaption vol)/Mkt swaptions vol:

2y 3y 4y 5y 6y 7y 8y 9y 10y1y -0.71 0.90 1.67 4.93 3.00 3.25 2.81 0.83 0.112y -2.43 -3.48 -1.54 -0.70 0.70 0.01 -0.22 -0.45 0.493y -3.84 1.28 -2.44 -0.69 -1.18 0.21 1.51 1.57 -0.014y 1.87 -2.52 -2.65 -3.34 -2.17 -0.44 -0.11 -0.63 -0.385y 1.80 4.15 -1.40 -1.89 -1.74 -0.79 -0.34 -0.07 1.287y -0.33 2.27 1.47 -0.97 -0.77 -0.65 -0.57 -0.15 0.19

10y -0.02 0.61 0.45 -0.31 0.02 -0.03 0.01 0.23 -0.30

Calibr error OK for 19 caplets and 63 swaptions, but... calibrated θ’simply erratic, oscillating (+/-) ρ’s and 10y terminal correlations:

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 378 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

ρ as outputs. Joint calibration: Market cases (cont’d) II

10y 11y 12y 13y 14y 15y 16y 17y 18y 1910y 1.00 0.56 0.27 0.19 0.09 0.21 0.08 -0.10 -0.06 0.3711y 0.56 1.00 0.61 0.75 0.67 0.68 0.64 0.44 0.42 0.5012y 0.27 0.61 1.00 0.42 0.71 0.53 0.48 0.43 0.40 0.4213y 0.19 0.75 0.42 1.00 0.36 0.71 0.50 0.41 0.43 0.3414y 0.09 0.67 0.71 0.36 1.00 0.32 0.67 0.43 0.40 0.3615y 0.21 0.68 0.53 0.71 0.32 1.00 0.28 0.59 0.39 0.3316y 0.08 0.64 0.48 0.50 0.67 0.28 1.00 0.22 0.62 0.3017y -0.10 0.44 0.43 0.41 0.43 0.59 0.22 1.00 0.17 0.3618y -0.06 0.42 0.40 0.43 0.40 0.39 0.62 0.17 1.00 0.0719y 0.37 0.50 0.42 0.34 0.36 0.33 0.30 0.36 0.07 1.00

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 379 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Joint calibration: Market cases (cont’d) I

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 380 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Joint calibration: Market cases (cont’d) II

Evolution of the term structure of caplet volatilitiesLoses the “humped shape” after a short time.Becomes somehow “noisy”+ previous results on fitted correlation: future market structures impliedby the fitted model are not regular under SPC.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 381 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Joint calibration: Market cases (cont’d) I

Tried other calibrations with SPC σ’sTried: More stringent constraints on the θFixed θ both to typical and atypical values, leaving the calibration onlyto the vol parametersFixed θ so as to have all ρ = 1.Summary: To have good calibration to swaptions need to keep theangles unconstrained and allow for partly oscillating ρ’s.If we force “smooth/monotonic” ρ’s and leave calibr to vols, results areessentially the same as in the case of a one-factor LMM with ρ = 1.Maybe inst correlations do not have a strong link with Europeanswaptions prices? (Rebonato)Maybe permanence of “bad results”, no matter the particular “smooth”choice of fixed ρ, reflects an impossibility of a low-rank ρ to decorrelatequickly fwd rates in a steep initial pattern? (Rebonato)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 382 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Joint calibration: Market cases (cont’d) II

3-4 factor ρ’s does not seem to help. Increase drastically # factors?But MC... More on this later.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 383 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Joint calibration: Market cases (cont’d) I

Calibration with the LE parametric σ’s.Same inputs as beforeRank-2 ρ with −π/3 < θi − θi−1 < π/3, 0 < θi < πConstraint “1− 0.1 ≤ Φi (a,b, c,d) ≤ 1 + 0.1”Calibrated parameters and calibration error (caps exact):

a = 0.29342753, b = 1.25080230, c = 0.13145869, d = 0.00,

θ1−7 = [1.75411 0.57781 1.68501 0.58176 1.53824 2.43632 0.88011],

θ8−12 = [1.89645 0.48605 1.28020 2.44031 0.94480],

θ13−19 = [1.34053 2.91133 1.99622 0.70042 0 0.81518 2.38376].

Calibration error:2y 3y 4y 5y 6y 7y 8y 9y 10y

1y 2.28 -3.74 -3.19 -4.68 2.46 1.50 0.72 1.33 -1.422y -1.23 -7.67 -9.97 2.10 0.49 1.33 1.56 -0.44 1.883y 2.23 -6.20 -1.30 -1.32 -1.43 1.86 -0.19 2.42 1.174y -2.59 9.02 1.70 0.79 3.22 1.19 4.85 3.75 1.215y -3.26 -0.28 -8.16 -0.81 -3.56 -0.23 -0.08 -2.63 2.627y 0.10 -2.59 -10.85 -2.00 -3.67 -6.84 2.15 1.19 0.00

10y 0.29 -3.44 -11.83 -1.31 -4.69 -2.60 4.07 1.11 0.00

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 384 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Joint calibration: Market cases (cont’d) II

Inst correlations are again oscillating and non-monotonic. Terminalcorrelations share part of this negative behaviour.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 385 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Joint calibration: Market cases (cont’d) I

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 386 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Joint calibration: Market cases (cont’d) II

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 387 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Joint calibration: Market cases (cont’d) I

Evolution of term structure of vols looks better

Many more experiments with rank-three correlations, less or morestringent constraints on the angles and on the Φ’s.Fitting to the whole swaption matrix can be improved, but at the cost ofan erratic behaviour of both correlations and of the evolution of theterm structure of volatilities in time.3-factor choice does not seem to help that much, as before.LE σ’s allow for an easier control of the evolution of the term structureof vols, but produce more erratic ρ’s: most of the “noise” in theswaption data ends up in the angles (we have only 4 vol parametersa,b, c,d for fitting swaptions)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 388 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade Calibration with GPC vols I

Cascade calibration is a very fast and accurate calibration procedure,that can be implemented with easy tools such as spreadsheets.However, one needs to be careful to avoid numerical instability and toobtain a robust procedure.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 389 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade Calibration with GPC vols IIρ’s as inputs to the calibration (e.g. historical estimation)

(vLMMα,β )2 ≈ 1


wi (0)wj (0)Fi (0)Fj (0)ρi,j


∫ Tα

0σi (t)σj (t) dt ,

Tα Sα,β(0)2 v2α,β =





(Th − Th−1) σi,h+1 σj,h+1

+ 2β−1∑




(Th − Th−1) σβ,h+1 σj,h+1

+ 2β−1∑


wβwjFβFjρβ,j (Tα − Tα−1) σβ,α+1 σj,α+1

+ w2βF 2



(Th − Th−1) σ2β,h+1

+ w2βF 2

β(Tα − Tα−1) σ2β,α+1 .

Solve this 2nd order eq: all quantities known or previously calculatedexcept σβ,α+1, provided that the “upper diagonal part” of the inputswaption matrix is visited left to right and top down, starting from theupper left corner (v0,1 = σ1,1.)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 390 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade Calibr with general PC vols: IOne to one corresp with swaption vols (cont’d)

Length 1y 2y 3yMaturityT0 = 1y v0,1 v0,2 v0,3

σ1,1 σ1,1, σ2,1 σ1,1, σ2,1, σ3,1

T1 = 2y v1,2 v1,3 -σ2,1, σ2,2 σ2,1, σ2,2, σ3,1, σ3,2 -

T2 = 3y v2,3 - -σ3,1, σ3,2, σ3,3

Problem: can obtain negative or imaginary σ’s.Possible cause: Illiquidity/stale data on the v ’s.Possible remedy: Smooth the input swaption v ’s matrix with a17-dimensional parametric form and recalibrate: imaginary andnegative vols σ disappear.Term structure of caplet vols evolves regularly but loses hump

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 391 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade Calibr with general PC vols: IIOne to one corresp with swaption vols (cont’d)

Instantaneous correlations good because chosen exogenouslyTerminal correlations positive and monotonically decreasingThis form can help in Vega breakdown analysis (helpful for hedging)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 392 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Exact Swaption Cascade Calibration with GPC:Numerical example I

Calibrate σ’s to the following swaptions matrix (2000)1y 2y 3y 4y 5y 6y 7y 8y 9y 10y

1y 0.180 0.167 0.154 0.145 0.138 0.134 0.130 0.126 0.124 0.1222y 0.181 0.162 0.145 0.135 0.127 0.123 0.120 0.117 0.115 0.1133y 0.178 0.155 0.137 0.125 0.117 0.114 0.111 0.108 0.106 0.1044y 0.167 0.143 0.126 0.115 0.108 0.105 0.103 0.100 0.098 0.0965y 0.154 0.132 0.118 0.109 0.104 0.104 0.099 0.096 0.094 0.0926y 0.147 0.127 0.113 0.104 0.098 0.098 0.094 0.092 0.090 0.0897y 0.140 0.121 0.107 0.098 0.092 0.091 0.089 0.087 0.086 0.0858y 0.137 0.117 0.103 0.095 0.089 0.088 0.086 0.084 0.083 0.0829y 0.133 0.114 0.100 0.091 0.086 0.085 0.083 0.082 0.081 0.080

10y 0.130 0.110 0.096 0.088 0.083 0.082 0.080 0.079 0.078 0.077

added vols for 6y,8y and 9y maturities by linear interpolation.assume nice decreasing positive rank 2 corr given exogenously,ρi,j = cos(θi − θj), corresponding to the angles

θ1−9 = [ 0.0147 0.0643 0.1032 0.1502 0.1969 0.2239 0.2771 0.2950 0.3630 ],

θ10−19 = [ 0.3810 0.4217 0.4836 0.5204 0.5418 0.5791 0.6496 0.6679 0.7126 0.7659 ].

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 393 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Exact Swaption Cascade Calibration with GPC:Numerical example (cont’d) I

0.1800 - - - - - - - - -0.1548 0.2039 - - - - - - - -0.1285 0.1559 0.2329 - - - - - - -0.1178 0.1042 0.1656 0.2437 - - - - - -0.1091 0.0988 0.0973 0.1606 0.2483 - - - - -0.1131 0.0734 0.0781 0.1009 0.1618 0.2627 - - - -0.1040 0.0984 0.0502 0.0737 0.1128 0.1633 0.2633 - - -0.0940 0.1052 0.0938 0.0319 0.0864 0.0969 0.1684 0.2731 - -0.1065 0.0790 0.0857 0.0822 0.0684 0.0536 0.0921 0.1763 0.2848 -0.1013 0.0916 0.0579 0.1030 0.1514 - 0.0316 0.0389 0.0845 0.1634 0.27770.0916 0.0916 0.0787 0.0431 0.0299 0.2088 - 0.0383 0.0746 0.0948 0.18540.0827 0.0827 0.0827 0.0709 0.0488 0.0624 0.1561 - 0.0103 0.0731 0.09110.0744 0.0744 0.0744 0.0744 0.0801 0.0576 0.0941 0.1231 - 0.0159 0.06100.0704 0.0704 0.0704 0.0704 0.0704 0.1009 0.0507 0.0817 0.1203 - 0.02100.0725 0.0725 0.0725 0.0725 0.0725 0.0725 0.1002 0.0432 0.0619 0.11790.0753 0.0753 0.0753 0.0753 0.0753 0.0753 0.0753 0.0736 0.0551 0.03290.0719 0.0719 0.0719 0.0719 0.0719 0.0719 0.0719 0.0719 0.0708 0.07020.0690 0.0690 0.0690 0.0690 0.0690 0.0690 0.0690 0.0690 0.0690 0.06800.0663 0.0663 0.0663 0.0663 0.0663 0.0663 0.0663 0.0663 0.0663 0.0663

Calibration shows negative signs in σ’s. ”Temporal misalignments”caused by illiquidity in the swaption matrix? In some cases one can

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 394 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Exact Swaption Cascade Calibration with GPC:Numerical example (cont’d) II

also have complex volatilities. To avoid this, smooth the marketswaption matrix by fitting

vol(S,T ) = γ(S) +

(exp(f · ln(T ))

e · S+ D(S)

)· exp(−β · exp(p · ln(T ))),

where (S is the maturity, T the tenor)

γ(S) = c + (exp(h · ln(S)) · a + d) · exp(−b · exp(m · ln(S))),

D(S) = (exp(g · ln(S)) · q + r) · exp(−s · exp(t · ln(S))) + δ,

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 395 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Exact Swaption Cascade Calibration with GPC:Numerical example (cont’d) I

a b c d e f del bet0.000359 1.432288 2.5269 -1.93552 5.751286 0.065589 0.02871 -5.41842

g h m p q r s t-0.02129 17.64259 2.043768 -0.06907 -0.09817 -0.87881 2.017844 0.600784

Difference between the market and the smoothed matrices:1y 2y 3y 4y 5y 6y 7y 8y 9y 10y

1y -0.46 0.49 0.33 0.16 -0.01 0.01 -0.06 -0.18 -0.14 -0.142y -0.39 0.53 0.18 0.03 -0.17 -0.11 -0.05 -0.05 0.01 0.033y 0.03 0.64 0.22 -0.13 -0.32 -0.16 -0.10 -0.10 -0.05 -0.034y 0.01 0.43 0.05 -0.23 -0.35 -0.21 -0.06 -0.08 -0.04 -0.035y -0.36 0.12 -0.02 -0.15 -0.10 0.31 0.14 0.11 0.14 0.136y -0.31 0.19 -0.02 -0.18 -0.21 0.13 0.09 0.10 0.16 0.207y -0.27 0.25 -0.01 -0.21 -0.32 -0.05 0.05 0.09 0.19 0.278y -0.13 0.27 -0.04 -0.22 -0.32 -0.06 0.02 0.09 0.18 0.259y 0.00 0.30 -0.05 -0.24 -0.32 -0.07 0.00 0.10 0.18 0.25

10y 0.15 0.32 -0.07 -0.25 -0.31 -0.08 -0.02 0.09 0.17 0.23

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 396 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Exact Swaption Cascade Calibration with GPC:Numerical example (cont’d) I

σ’s obtained calibrating the smoothed swaption matrix:

18.46 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0014.09 22.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0012.84 13.11 24.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0012.14 11.17 13.00 25.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0011.64 10.11 10.59 12.54 27.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0011.19 9.51 9.44 9.87 12.73 28.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0010.94 8.88 8.47 8.53 9.82 13.01 28.58 0.00 0.00 0.0010.59 8.61 7.82 7.57 8.58 10.06 12.92 29.62 0.00 0.0010.37 8.25 7.53 6.81 7.52 8.61 9.74 13.51 30.20 0.0010.26 7.73 7.21 6.43 7.14 7.65 8.31 10.45 13.56 30.358.89 8.89 7.08 6.31 6.39 7.23 7.38 8.73 10.40 13.418.07 8.07 8.07 6.23 6.30 6.82 6.79 7.96 8.63 10.107.35 7.35 7.35 7.35 6.27 6.43 6.29 7.38 7.96 8.447.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 7.01 6.39 5.85 6.89 6.70 7.466.53 6.53 6.53 6.53 6.53 6.53 6.29 5.96 6.92 6.686.23 6.23 6.23 6.23 6.23 6.23 6.23 6.97 5.58 6.576.06 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.06 6.57 5.775.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 5.76 6.355.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 397 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Exact Swaption Cascade Calibration with GPC:Numerical example (cont’d) II

irregularity and illiquidity in the input swaption matrix can causenegative or even imaginary values in the calibrated σ’s. However, bysmoothing the input data before calibration, usually this undesirablefeatures can be avoided.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 398 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Exact Swaption calibration with GPCNumerical example (cont’d)

The smoothing procedure also improves terminal correlations.Ten-years terminal correlations for the non-smoothed case:

10y 11y 12y 13y 14y 15y 16y 17y 18y 19y10y 1.000 0.677 0.695 0.640 0.544 0.817 0.666 0.762 0.753 0.74011y 0.677 1.000 0.614 0.617 0.665 0.768 0.696 0.760 0.752 0.74012y 0.695 0.614 1.000 0.758 0.716 0.938 0.848 0.870 0.862 0.85013y 0.640 0.617 0.758 1.000 0.740 0.866 0.914 0.894 0.885 0.87514y 0.544 0.665 0.716 0.740 1.000 0.771 0.919 0.885 0.879 0.86815y 0.817 0.768 0.938 0.866 0.771 1.000 0.923 0.965 0.960 0.95316y 0.666 0.696 0.848 0.914 0.919 0.923 1.000 0.983 0.980 0.97517y 0.762 0.760 0.870 0.894 0.885 0.965 0.983 1.000 0.999 0.99518y 0.753 0.752 0.862 0.885 0.879 0.960 0.980 0.999 1.000 0.99919y 0.740 0.740 0.850 0.875 0.868 0.953 0.975 0.995 0.999 1.000

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 399 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Exact Swaption calibration with GPC INumerical example (cont’d)

Compare with the corresponding matrix from smoothed data

10y 11y 12y 13y 14y 15y 16y 17y 18y 19y10y 1.000 0.939 0.898 0.872 0.851 0.838 0.823 0.809 0.817 0.78711y 0.939 1.000 0.992 0.980 0.969 0.962 0.947 0.941 0.936 0.91512y 0.898 0.992 1.000 0.996 0.990 0.986 0.975 0.972 0.966 0.95013y 0.872 0.980 0.996 1.000 0.997 0.995 0.986 0.984 0.979 0.96614y 0.851 0.969 0.990 0.997 1.000 0.997 0.992 0.989 0.984 0.97315y 0.838 0.962 0.986 0.995 0.997 1.000 0.994 0.995 0.990 0.98216y 0.823 0.947 0.975 0.986 0.992 0.994 1.000 0.997 0.997 0.99217y 0.809 0.941 0.972 0.984 0.989 0.995 0.997 1.000 0.998 0.99518y 0.817 0.936 0.966 0.979 0.984 0.990 0.997 0.998 1.000 0.99819y 0.787 0.915 0.950 0.966 0.973 0.982 0.992 0.995 0.998 1.000

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 400 / 833

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Exact Swaption Cascade Calibration with GPC:Numerical example (cont’d)

non-smoothed case is worse: terminal correlations deviate more frommonotonicity, roughly corresponding to the portion of instantaneousvolatilities that go negative in the calibration. The non-smoothed caseshows also a slightly erratic evolution of the term structure of volatilitiescompared to the smoothed case.

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Exact Swaption Cascade Calibration with GPC:Numerical example (cont’d)

Figure: Term structure evolution corresponding to the smoothed volatilityswaption data

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Calibration: A pause for thought and a First summary I

Some desired calibration features:

A small rank for ρ in view of Monte CarloA small calibration error;Positive and decreasing inst. and term. correlations;Smooth and stable evolution of the term structure of vols;

Can achieve these targets through a low # of factors?Try and combine many of the ideas presented hereThe one-to-one formulation is perhaps the most promising: Fitting toswaptions is exact; can fit caps by introducing infra-correlations;instantaneous correlation OK by construction; Terminal correlation notspoiled by the fitted σ’s; Terms structure evolution smooth but not fullysatisfactory qualitatively.

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Calibration: A pause for thought and a First summaryII

Requirements hardly checkable with general HJM or short-ratemodels

More mathematically-advanced issues: Smile calibration.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: further developments I

The examples and considerations given here are based on morerecent market data and have appeared earlier Morini (2002) and inBrigo and Morini (2002).New Data: input swaption matrix, 1 feb 02.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 17.90 16.50 15.30 14.40 13.70 13.20 12.80 12.50 12.30 12.002 15.40 14.20 13.60 13.00 12.60 12.20 12.00 11.70 11.50 11.303 14.30 13.30 12.70 12.20 11.90 11.70 11.50 11.30 11.10 10.904 13.60 12.70 12.10 11.70 11.40 11.30 11.10 10.90 10.80 10.705 12.90 12.10 11.70 11.30 11.10 10.90 10.80 10.60 10.50 10.406 12.50 11.80 11.40 10.95 10.75 10.60 10.50 10.40 10.35 10.257 12.10 11.50 11.10 10.60 10.40 10.30 10.20 10.20 10.20 10.108 11.80 11.20 10.83 10.40 10.23 10.17 10.10 10.10 10.07 10.009 11.50 10.90 10.57 10.20 10.07 10.03 10.00 10.00 9.93 9.90

10 11.20 10.60 10.30 10.00 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.90 9.80 9.80

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: further developments II

The annualized forward LIBOR rates from the corresponding zerocurve on the same date are

F (0; 0, 1): 1 0.036712 11 0.058399F (0; 1, 2): 2 0.04632 12 0.058458

. . .: 3 0.050171 13 0.0585694 0.05222 14 0.0583395 0.054595 15 0.0579516 0.056231 16 0.0578337 0.057006 17 0.0575558 0.057699 18 0.0572979 0.05691 19 0.056872

10 0.057746 20 0.056738

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade Calibration of Rectangular swaption matricesI

The rows associated with the swaptions maturities of 6,8 and 9 yearsdo not refer to market quotations. Considering that the CascadeCalibration Algorithm (CCA) requires a complete swaption matrix,featuring values for each and every maturity (and length) in the range,they have been obtained as before by a simple linear interpolationbetween the adjacent market values on the same columns, see alsoRebonato and Joshi (2001). We discuss the interpolation effects later.An important point about the basic CCA given earlier is that resultsare, in a sense, independent of the matrix size, in that the output of thecalibration to a sub-matrix will be a subset of the output of a calibrationto the original matrix.This implies also that any swaption matrix V can be seen in principleas a sub-matrix of a larger one, say V , including V itself in its upper

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 407 / 833

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Cascade Calibration of Rectangular swaption matricesII

triangular part, so that all entries of V , including those in its lowertriangular part, will be recovered by applying the basic CCA algorithmto the upper part of the larger matrix V . In other words, this “nestedconsistency” means that, if all needed market values were available,so that we could always embed our given market V in a sufficientlylarge market V , the basic “upper part” CCA seen earlier might beconsidered to be general, with no need for any extension.Of course this is not usually the case, in that in general there is nolarger V to be exploited.If we apply the basic CCA extending it to the elements in the lowertriangular part, namely we keep on moving from left to right and topdown but now visiting all the boxes in the matrix, in certain positions ofthe table we will have more than one unknown in the relevant inversionformula.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 408 / 833

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Cascade Calibration of Rectangular swaption matricesIII

However, we can still manage by assuming these unknowns to beequal to each other, as we tacitly did earlier.Let us sum up the CCA main advantages and typical problems.

1 The correlation matrix is an exogenous input;2 The remaining inputs are a complete swaption volatilities matrix

and the zero coupon curve, so cap data are not involved in thecalibration;

3 The calibration can be carried out through closed form formulas;4 If the industry formula is used for pricing swaptions in combination

with Black’s formula, market swaption prices are recoveredexactly;

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Cascade Calibration of Rectangular swaption matricesIV

5 The method establishes a one-to-one correspondence betweenmodel volatility parameters and market swaption volatilities, atleast in its basic form.

The last three points clearly represent the main advantages. The firstpoint allows for imposing satisfactory instantaneous correlations.Avoiding any optimization routine, CCA does not allow one to set anyconstraints on the output, so that there is no guarantee that thecalibrated instantaneous volatilities will be real and non-negative. Onthe contrary, we have seen some cases in where we obtain negativeentries in the output. We have solved this problem earlier by a ratherdrastic and too rough smoothing of the input swaption matrix.Here we try and find different, less drastic ways to get rid of suchinconveniences.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 410 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies

New input data of 1 feb 02, seen earlier. At first we will consider theresults of calibration to only the upper (bold-faced) part of the swaptionmatrix.The first exogenous correlation matrix we apply is Rebonato 3parameters pivot, possibly rank-reduced. start with rank 7. Thecalibrated σ volatilities are

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 411 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies

0.1790.153 0.1550.144 0.129 0.1540.144 0.134 0.105 0.1560.140 0.122 0.112 0.112 0.1540.143 0.134 0.103 0.101 0.106 0.1530.143 0.127 0.143 0.088 0.097 0.086 0.1440.146 0.153 0.128 0.078 0.070 0.098 0.093 0.1450.157 0.109 0.155 0.160 0.067 0.007 0.101 0.081 0.1070.136 0.152 0.126 0.123 0.121 0.108 -0.040 0.120 0.077 0.067

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 412 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies I

So there is a negative volatility, σ10,7. What can we do to avoid thisproblem? Let us start by changing the rank of the correlation matrix. Acalibration with full rank, equal to 19, gives us not only the samenegative volatility, but also a complex one, σ10,10.Let us then try and reduce the rank. Down to rank 5 we get the samenegative volatility, though reduced in absolute value. At rank 4 thenegative entry disappears, and the output is completely acceptable, asvisible in the following table.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies

0.1790.152 0.1560.131 0.130 0.1650.123 0.132 0.120 0.1640.128 0.123 0.120 0.118 0.1530.141 0.128 0.098 0.101 0.108 0.1620.144 0.115 0.122 0.082 0.102 0.106 0.1590.147 0.137 0.106 0.065 0.071 0.110 0.114 0.1590.156 0.098 0.136 0.131 0.054 0.031 0.119 0.111 0.1390.134 0.147 0.117 0.106 0.095 0.086 0.007 0.138 0.102 0.122

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 414 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies I

The same happens for rank 3 and 2. What might cause a similarbehaviour? Recall that lowering the rank of a correlation matrixamounts to impose an oscillating tendency to the columns, that forvery low ranks is represented by a sigmoid-like shape.Some features of the lower rank correlations seem to be better suitedto these swaptions data. In particular, we might elicit that correlationmatrices characterized by less steep initial decorrelation allow foracceptable results.More evidence? Further tests with synthetic correlation matrices,whose essential features can be easily modified and controlled. Let ussee how the calibrated volatilities change with ρ∞ and β inρi,j = ρ∞ + (1− ρ∞) exp[−β|i − j |], β ≥ 0. The parameters aremodified for the exogenous ρ at each calibration (same swaptionsinputs) as follows:

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 415 / 833

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies II

a) ρ∞ = 0.5, β = 0.05;b) Reduce ρ∞ to 0;c) Set β to 0.2;d) Set ρ∞ up to 0.5;e) Set β to 0.4;f) Take β = 0.2 and ρ∞ = 0.4;g) ρ∞ = 0, β = 0.1.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 416 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies

Figure: First columns of classic exponential structure

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies I

ρi,j = ρ∞ + (1− ρ∞) exp[−β|i − j |], β ≥ 0.

a) ρ∞ = 0.5, β = 0.05;b) Reduce ρ∞ to 0;c) Set β to 0.2;d) Set ρ∞ up to 0.5;e) Set β to 0,4;f) Take β = 0,2 and ρ∞ = 0.4;g) ρ∞ = 0, β = 0,1.We start with the matrix whose first column is represented by a,obtained by setting ρ∞ = 0.5 and β = 0.05. With such a correlation, atfull rank we obtain volatilities all real and positive, even calibrating tothe entire swaption matrix. Then we lower the rank, first to 15 and thento 5, a level we keep in the following because representing the first

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies II

problematic level when increasing the rank of Rebonatothree-parameters form. We find acceptable results.Then we move ρ∞ and β, producing all the configurations shown,different in terms of extent of the decorrelation, initial steepness, andfinal level reached by correlation. With the correlations correspondingto b, d and g, we avoid negative or complex vols, whereas c, e and fgive again a negative σ10,7. We find bad results for those correlationsfeaturing columns initially steeper, while the four configurationscharacterized by less initial steepness result in real and positivevolatilities.Now, let us see if S&C2 pivot can avoid problems for Rebonato 3parameters correlations. S&C2 pivot is characterized by a morepronounced increase along sub-diagonals and less steep initialdecorrelation. This correlation gives us volatilities all real and positive,at full 19 rank and when reducing the rank by optimizing a lower rank

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies III

angles form onto the S&C2 pivot form. In particular, for rank 2matrices, we do not have nonsensical correlations even if we calibrateto the entire matrix, as shown in the next table.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies

0.1790.152 0.1560.130 0.130 0.1660.119 0.131 0.122 0.1670.112 0.115 0.120 0.126 0.1640.112 0.115 0.100 0.113 0.126 0.1710.113 0.103 0.119 0.098 0.120 0.119 0.1630.122 0.124 0.108 0.082 0.091 0.121 0.119 0.1600.138 0.093 0.130 0.129 0.073 0.047 0.123 0.113 0.1490.121 0.129 0.106 0.098 0.092 0.090 0.023 0.144 0.118 0.1470.120 0.120 0.101 0.093 0.134 0.063 0.060 0.045 0.142 0.1080.107 0.107 0.107 0.142 0.036 0.135 0.078 0.063 0.051 0.1430.112 0.112 0.112 0.112 0.084 0.084 0.074 0.108 0.062 0.0520.103 0.103 0.103 0.103 0.103 0.123 0.116 0.043 0.105 0.0610.097 0.097 0.097 0.097 0.097 0.097 0.169 0.088 0.068 0.1080.093 0.093 0.093 0.093 0.093 0.093 0.093 0.153 0.117 0.0890.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.094 0.090 0.1550.097 0.097 0.097 0.097 0.097 0.097 0.097 0.097 0.097 0.0160.099 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.099 0.099

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 421 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies I

Diagnostics in these new cases? We examine first the evolution of theterm structure of volatilities (TSV). We see below how it appears incase of a calibration with Rebonato three-parameters pivot correlationmatrix at rank 2 (left) and with S&C2 at rank 2 (right).

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies I

The left “Rebo3” evolution appears surprisingly regular, smooth andstable over time, as well as being rather realistic. The right “S&C2”evolution shows the same general features with a little worsening.And when increasing the rank? We plot now the results with Rebonatopivot at rank 4, and S&C2 pivot at rank 10.

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies I

Now we examine terminal correlations (TC’s). Low rank correlationmatrices, through flat initial patterns, may induce oscillating TCpatterns. Better with high rank.10y TC with S&C2 pivot rank 2 and rank 10.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies I

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1710 1.000 0.928 0.895 0.920 0.855 0.846 0.928 0.92411 0.928 1.000 0.863 0.909 0.933 0.881 0.901 0.92312 0.895 0.863 1.000 0.916 0.908 0.910 0.878 0.93913 0.920 0.909 0.916 1.000 0.944 0.931 0.956 0.92614 0.855 0.933 0.908 0.944 1.000 0.954 0.923 0.92815 0.846 0.881 0.910 0.931 0.954 1.000 0.937 0.95816 0.928 0.901 0.878 0.956 0.923 0.937 1.000 0.95717 0.924 0.923 0.939 0.926 0.928 0.958 0.957 1.000

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies I

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1710 1.000 0.887 0.806 0.792 0.708 0.690 0.757 0.73411 0.887 1.000 0.822 0.837 0.825 0.746 0.749 0.75312 0.806 0.822 1.000 0.877 0.841 0.820 0.758 0.80113 0.792 0.837 0.877 1.000 0.919 0.877 0.881 0.80614 0.708 0.825 0.841 0.919 1.000 0.932 0.878 0.84015 0.690 0.746 0.820 0.877 0.932 1.000 0.915 0.91416 0.757 0.749 0.758 0.881 0.878 0.915 1.000 0.93417 0.734 0.753 0.801 0.806 0.840 0.914 0.934 1.000

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies II

Low rank corr is OK for TSV; High rank corr is OK for TC;However, using particularly smooth and stylized corr it is possible toattain a regular evolution even at full rank.

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies I

Although one may find comfort in the existence of typical correlationfeatures avoiding the common problems of cascade algorithms, it isworthwhile to keep in mind that such results depend on the particularmarket quotations we had available, and similar analysis should becarried out again for markedly different market situations. Moreover,we remark that intermediate configurations, with respect to thefeatures we considered to be decisive, might give rise to less clearresults, possibly due to the influence of some different, less evidentfactors. Finally, these findings depend also on the interpolation usedfor missing market quotations. We address this issue now.

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies I

In all previous cascade tests negative or complex σ’s occur only forinput swaptions artificial volatilities obtained by local linearinterpolation along the columns of the swaption matrix.On the contrary, volatilities obtained before such artificial interpolatedvalues are all real and positive.Let us check whether the linear interpolation is really the most suitedfor patterns in the swaption market. Following Morini (2002), fit alog-linear (or “power”) functional form in the maturity to the matrixcolumns. For example, with our values, the fitted first column is

Y = 0.1785 (X )−0.201 , or ln(Y ) = ln(0.1785)− 0.201 ln(X ),

where Y denotes the swaption volatility and X the maturity.

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1st columns of the swaptions data with fitted linear andlog-linear parametric forms

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies I

The power fitting form appears clearly closer to the real market patternthan the linear one, as is further confirmed by standard diagnosticsconcerning the optimization output.

Also a graphical comparison regarding the other columns confirms thesuperiority of the power form. In order to make sure this was not aone-off coincidence, we tried the same with quotations referring tosome months later, finding analogous results.

However, we must recall what is reported in Rebonato and Joshi(2001) about typical swaption configurations. According to this work,two are the common shape patterns that can be found in the Euroswaption market: a humped one, called normal and typical of periodsof stability, and a monotonically decreasing one, called excited sinceassociated with periods immediately following large movement in theyield curve and in the swaption matrix.

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies II

Our data appear easily to belong to the second pattern. Of course, inperiods characterized by humped patterns, a similar form would belikely to prove inadequate.

It is natural to wonder whether, using such a more realisticinterpolation for missing maturities, it is possible to change the outputof the cascade calibration.

Keep now the original swaption matrix entries of february 1 except forthe 7y row. Replace the 7y row by the fitted log-linear values and addthe 6y, 8y and 9y maturity rows computed by this fitted form. Errors forthe replaced 7th row are (upper part of the matrix, 4 entries)

Errors (differences) -0.00028 -0.00119 -0.00079 0.00049% Errors -0.23272% -1.03388% -0.70780% 0.45776%

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies III

Keeping Rebonato three-parameters pivot as exogenous ρ, andcalibrating to the upper part of the swaption matrix, the previouslyfound negative σ10,7 disappears at any rank for the exogenous ρ.Even reaching full 19 rank, all volatilities are real and positive.This is not necessarily the solution, but shows that the choice of theinterpolation technique is all but irrelevant!!

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Endogenous Interpolation Cascade Calibration I

A much more interesting step would the possibility to develop ananalytical calibration relying only on directly available market datawith no exogenous data interpolation.We construct a new algorithm assuming σ parameters to be related ina pre-specified way when, due to the lack of market data needed tomake a specific discernment, they surface as multiple unknowns. Thisway one can invert the industry swaption formula via cascade methodseven in presence of “holes” in the market swaption matrix.This method allows to have an exact consistent calibration based on allavailable market swaption quotes, and only on them. The newalgorithm amounts to carrying out an endogenous interpolation,therefore it is called Cascade Calibration with EndogenousInterpolation Algorithm (EICCA).

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Endogenous Interpolation Cascade Calibration II

Below we consider the simplest and most natural hypothesis on σparameters, assuming the volatility of forward rates to be constantwhen no data are available to infer possible changes. We present thealgorithm already extended for a complete calibration to the entireswaption matrix.

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Endogenous Interpolation Cascade Calibration I1. Fix s, final dimension of the swaption matrix, and set

K :=

k ∈ 0..s − 1 : vk ,y missing for y = k + 1, . . . , k + s

2. Set α = 0;3. a. If α ∈ K , set σj,m+1 = σj,m = . . . = σj,α+1 =: σj (*), α + 1 ≤ j ≤ s,,m = min i = α + 1, . . . , s − 1, i /∈ K . Set γ = α and α = m.

b. If α /∈ K , set γ = α.Set β = α + 1.

4. a. If γ ∈ K , solve the cascade 2nd order equation in σβ withconstraints (*).

b. If γ /∈ K , solve the cascade 2nd order equation in σβ,α+1.5. Set β = β + 1. If β < s + γ go to point 4. If β = s + γ, setσβ,α+1 = σβ,α = . . . = σβ,1 and solve the cascade 2nd order equationin σβ,α+1 . If β < s + α, repeat point 5, else set α = α + 1.6. If α < s, go to point 3, else stop.

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Endogenous Interpolation Cascade CalibrationAlgorithm (EICCA) I

Lest one should get confused by notation, notice that K is the set ofindices for missing maturities, which obviously cannot include the lastmaturity considered, and m in point 3a) represents the index of the firstmarket quoted maturity after missing maturity α.When Algorithm 5 is applied to a typical Euro swaption matrix we have

K = 5,7,8 ,

namely the maturities at 6, 8 and 9 years after today. The algorithmdetermines all volatility parameters related to available swaptions,while correctly skipping the others.For instance, with these missing maturities the volatility buckets σ6,6,σ8,8, σ9,8 and σ9,9 are not determined by the algorithm. In fact, noticethat no market quoted swaption volatilities depend on them, and they

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Endogenous Interpolation Cascade CalibrationAlgorithm (EICCA) II

do not affect the algorithm, which determines independently the othervolatility buckets.When needed, for example for presenting diagnostic structures, weuse for these four buckets the homogeneity assumptionσk ,β(t) =: ηk−(β(t)−1) getting σ6,6 := σ5,5, σ8,8 := σ7,7, σ9,8 := σ8,7 andσ9,9 := σ8,8.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Endogenous Interpolation Cascade CalibrationAlgorithm (EICCA) I

Having discarded the influence of exogenous artificial data, we cannow check how cascade calibration really works on market data. Wesee below how algorithm EICC performs in practice.As a first example, wee apply EICCA to previously used market data ofFebruary 1, 2002, with historically estimated correlation at full rank.This corresponds to one of the worst possible situations using basicCCA with exogenous artificial data, giving imaginary and negativeentries in the upper triangular calibration considered, and many more ifextending to the entire swaption matrix. With the new algorithm EICCresults are:

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Endogenous Interpolation Cascade Calibration I0.1790.167 0.1400.153 0.138 0.1380.142 0.148 0.130 0.1220.135 0.131 0.134 0.135 0.1090.142 0.135 0.106 0.118 0.112 0.1090.155 0.126 0.145 0.098 0.130 0.087 0.0870.150 0.141 0.118 0.099 0.103 0.142 0.142 0.0870.130 0.092 0.136 0.153 0.095 0.122 0.122 0.142 0.0870.109 0.127 0.116 0.116 0.130 0.088 0.088 0.112 0.112 0.1120.123 0.123 0.115 0.112 0.166 0.115 0.115 0.118 0.118 0.1180.111 0.111 0.111 0.165 0.056 0.147 0.147 0.081 0.081 0.0810.118 0.118 0.118 0.118 0.107 0.102 0.102 0.083 0.083 0.0830.117 0.117 0.117 0.117 0.117 0.145 0.145 0.097 0.097 0.0970.127 0.127 0.127 0.127 0.127 0.127 0.127 0.106 0.106 0.1060.104 0.104 0.104 0.104 0.104 0.104 0.104 0.135 0.135 0.1350.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.114 0.1140.120 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.120 0.1200.166 0.166 0.166 0.166 0.166 0.166 0.166 0.166 0.166 0.166

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Endogenous Interpolation Cascade Calibration II

namely we have only real and positive σ’s still allowing a perfectrecovery of all market swaptions quotes.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Endogenous Interpolation Cascade CalibrationAlgorithm (EICCA) I

Considering earlier CCA tests, now with EICCA based only on marketquotations all previously found numerical problems disappear, even forthe previously highly problematic set of May 16, 2000 with its typicalcorrelation matrix.In addition data sets of February 1, 2002, December 10, 2002, andOctober 10, 2003, have been considered for general completecalibration testing, using as exogenous correlations the correspondinghistorically estimated matrices and their reduced rank versions. Thehistorical estimations have been performed using one year of dataprior to the trading day used for swaption data.We considered in our tests reduced rank versions of all possible ranksfrom 2 to full rank 19. Results are summarized as follows.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Endogenous Interpolation Cascade CalibrationAlgorithm (EICCA) II

Upper Triangular Calibration. This calibration was the typicalreference case in the earlier CCA tests. Results included variousanomalous results. Now with EICC no anomalous results or numericalproblems have been found in any test outputs, at any correlation rankconsidered with any rank reduction method.Complete Rectangular Calibration. This calibration was almostalways highly problematic with previous cascade calibration. Now, withEICCA, no anomalous results have been found in any test outputs, atany correlation rank with the eigenvalue zeroing by iteration rankreduction method (Morini and Webber, 2004).Considering the angles parameterization rank reduction methodologyseen above, results were analogously satisfactory with one singleexception. For 2002 data, in the test with rank 4 correlation, we foundtwo almost-zero negative volatilities, highly influenced by both

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Endogenous Interpolation Cascade CalibrationAlgorithm (EICCA) III

homogeneity assumptions used, so that more realistic and flexiblehypotheses could avoid them. But in practice it suffices to use theeigenvalue zeroing by iteration rank reduction technique, or S&C2parametric form, to obtain positive σ′s.This exception is useful to notice that the fine details of volatilityparameters have a precise dependence on the fine details of thecorrelation structure. Since usually instantaneous correlations aredeemed not have a strong influence on swaption prices, this sensitivitycan appear a flaw. On the other hand, it gives us a precise indicationon the influence of instantaneous correlations on calibration, that withother methods can be hard to detect.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Calibration

Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies I

Possible integration of the Cascade Calibration with the capmarketThe first point to address is the annualization of semi-annual capsdata, so as to make them consistent with usually annual swaptionsdata. We have used the method in the earlier examples of jointcalibration with ρ as calibration outputs.Consider three instants 0 < S < T < U, all six-months spaced, andassume we are dealing with an S × 1 swaption and with S andT -expiry six-month caplets. Let us denote by v2

Black the Black’s swaptionvolatility and by σ1(t) and σ2(t), respectively, the instantaneousvolatilities of the two semi-annual forward rates F1(t) and F2(t)associated with the two caplets, whereas F (t) is the annual S-expiry

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies IIforward rate. It is easy to derive the following approximate relationshipto connect the above quantities:

v2Black ≈ 1



1(0)∫ S

0 σ1(t)2 dt + u22(0)

∫ S0 σ2(t)2 dt

+ 2ρu1(0)u2(0)∫ S

0 σ1(t)σ2(t) dt],

u1,2 (t) = 1F (t)


2 + F1(t)F2(t)4


where ρ is the infra-correlation between the two semi-annual forwardrates. When assuming constant inst vols, we have

v2Black ≈ u2

1(0)v2S−caplet + u2

2(0)v2T−caplet + 2ρu1(0)u2(0)vS−capletvT−caplet,

Given the last formulas, and setting infra-ρ’s to 1, we can simplyreplace the first column of the input swaption matrix, containingvolatilities for unitary length swaptions, with the corresponding array of

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies III

annualized caplet volatilities. This is the method we used earlier forjoint calibration. With the data of February 1 below

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies IV

Swaption volatilities Semi-annual rates Caplet volatilities

1 0,1790 0,0436 0,0480 0,1805 0,1720

2 0,1540 0,0483 0,0508 0,1911 0,1745

3 0,1430 0,0508 0,0523 0,1641 0,1575

4 0,1360 0,0532 0,0545 0,1546 0,1517

5 0,1290 0,0550 0,0560 0,1516 0,1480

6 0,1250 0,0559 0,0566 0,1445 0,1409

7 0,1210 0,0566 0,0572 0,1374 0,1352

8 0,1180 0,0560 0,0562 0,1329 0,1307

9 0,1150 0,0568 0,0571 0,1285 0,1262

10 0,1120 0,0575 0,0577 0,1240 0,1231

Table: Volatilities and forward rates on February 1, 2002

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies V

we obtain the annualized caplet vols

.178 .185 0.163 0.155 0.152 0.145 0.138 0.134 0.129 .125

Except for the first one, these values are all higher than the swaptionvolatilities they are to replace.Replacing the corresponding Sx1 swaptions vols with these annualizedcap vols and using exogenous Rebonato 3 parameters pivotcorrelation at rank four (most standard situation, used earlier), with acascade calibration we obtain all real and positive σ’s, with diagnosticssimilar to the first cascade calibration tests we performed with year2000 data. In particular, we have a rapidly increasing TSV.

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies VI

Assuming again constant inst vols and implying instead ρ’s from bothcaplets and swaptions data, by inverting

v2Black ≈ u2

1(0)v2S−caplet + u2

2(0)v2T−caplet + 2ρu1(0)u2(0)vS−capletvT−caplet,

we get1.022 0.388 .543 .536 .444 .493 .533 .56 .586 .598

1.022 0.388 .543 .536 .444 .493 .533 .56 .586 .598Besides the fact that the first value is outside the viable range forcorrelations, the other values appear too low to represent realcorrelations between adjacent rates. A possible reason for this is theaforementioned bias due to the chosen volatility parameterization.Again, more realistic hypothesis can lead to different results.But the really relevant reasons calling for a cautious interpretation ofsuch results are of a different nature. Indeed, relations and

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Cascade calibration: Further numerical studies VII

discrepancies between caps and swaptions tend to be influenced bycauses concerning the market fundamentals. Does there exist a basiccongruence between the cap and swaption markets, that a model cansuccessfully detect and incorporate? Rebonato (2001) seems to warnagainst excessive enthusiasm in considering such a possibility.Rebonato recalls that problems such as illiquidities, agency problemsand value-at-risk based limit structures strongly reduce theeffectiveness of the quasi-arbitrageurs who are supposed to maintainthe internal consistency between the two markets.Accordingly, simple artificial values such as the infra-correlationsabove are likely to be actually influenced by many different externalfactors that are hard to detect and measure.

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Cascade calibration: Conclusions I

We remarked that some fundamental features make the Cascademethodology particularly appealing:it is automatic and analytical, and hence instantaneous;if a common industry approximation is used for pricing, it is free fromany calibration error;it allows for a direct correspondence between market swaptionvolatilities and LIBOR volatility parameters.We pointed out that a further opportunity is given by the exogenousnature of the forward rates correlation matrix. Accordingly, we bothcalibrated with an exogenous historically estimated correlation matrixand considered regular and parsimonious parameterizations, being ledto a simple and intuitive methodology to fix parameters consistentlywith general market tendencies. In this way instantaneous correlationmatrices that are rather realistic, regular and simple to control andmodify can be easily obtained. Moreover, as we showed, regular

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Cascade calibration: Conclusions II

terminal correlations and a satisfactory evolution of the term structureof volatilities are possible, even though our tests revealed a possibletrade-off between regularity of the evolution of the TSV and realism ofTC’s, depending on the level of the rank in the exogenous correlationmatrix.Further, we have given suggestions on the choice of the exogenouscorrelation matrix and on the interpolation technique for the swaptionmatrix that avoid negative or complex σ’s.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Drift freezing approximation

LIBOR model pricing: General approximation I

Freeze part of the drift of the LIBOR dynamics so as to obtain a“multi-dimensional” geometric Brownian motion. This was done earlierto derive approximated formulas for swap volatilities and terminalcorrelations. Recall: under the Ti -forward-adjusted measure Qi wehave the exact dynamics:

dFk (t) = µi,k (t)Fk (t) dt + σk (t)Fk (t) dZ ik (t) ,

where µi,k (t) := σk (t)µki (t) for i < k , µi,i(t) := 0 and

µi,k (t) := −σk (t)µik (t) for i > k . To sum up:

µi,k (t) := −σk (t)i∑


ρk ,jτjσj(t)Fj(t)1 + τjFj(t)

, k < i

µi,k (t) := 0, k = i

µi,k (t) := σk (t)k∑


ρk ,jτjσj(t)Fj(t)1 + τjFj(t)

, k > i .

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Drift freezing approximation

LIBOR model pricing: General approximation II

The distributions or statistical laws of the Fk under Qi areunknown for i 6= k . This is a problem, because prices areexpectations under pricing measures, and if we do not know thelaws of the random variables we cannot compute theexpectations analytically. We are forced to resort to numericalmethods. Can we escape this situation in some cases?

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Drift freezing approximation

LIBOR model pricing: General approximation III

Consider the approximated lognormal dynamics:

dFk (t) = µi,k (t)Fk (t) dt + σk (t)Fk (t) dZ ik (t) ,

µi,k (t) := −σk (t)i∑


ρk ,jτjσj(t)Fj(0)

1 + τjFj(0), k < i

µi,k (t) := 0, k = i

µi,k (t) := σk (t)k∑


ρk ,jτjσj(t)Fj(0)

1 + τjFj(0), k > i .

This dynamics gives access, in some cases, to a number oftechniques which have been developed for the basic Black andScholes setup, for example, in equity and FX markets. Moreover, this

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Drift freezing approximation

LIBOR model pricing: General approximation IV

“freezing-part-of-the-drift” technique can be combined with driftinterpolation so as to allow for rates that are not in the fundamental(spanning) family T0,T1, . . . ,TM corresponding to the particular modelbeing implemented. Finally, even resorting to MC allows now for a“one-shot” propagation of the dynamics with no infra-discretization,thus reducing memory requirements and simulation time. A similaridea may work also in some smile extensions.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps) I

An in-advance swap (or LIBOR in arrears) is an IRS that resets atdates Tα+1, . . . ,Tβ and pays at the same dates, with unit notionalamount and with fixed-leg rate K .With respect to standard swaps, the LIBOR payments are “in arrears”,since the libor pays immediately when it resets, and not one periodlater.More precisely, the discounted payoff of an in-advance swap (of“payer” type) can be expressed via



B(Ti)τi+1(L(Ti ,Ti+1)− K ) =




B(Ti)τi+1(Fi+1(Ti)− K ).

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps) II

The value of such a contract is, therefore,




B(Ti)τi+1(Fi+1(Ti)− K )

.Before calculating the expectations, it is convenient to make someadjustments. We shall use the following identity (obtained easily via

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Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps) IIIiterated conditioning):



B(T )

]= EB

[P(T ,S)

P(T ,S)




= EB

1P(T ,S)


B(T )EB[

B(T )



= EB


1P(T ,S)


B(T )

B(T )



= EB


1P(T ,S)





= EB[

1P(T ,S)



]so that



B(T )

]= EB


P(T ,S)

for all 0 < T < S,

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps) IV

where X is a T -measurable random variable, known from InfoTTo value the above contract, notice that





B(Ti)τi+1(Fi+1(Ti)− K )

= E





P(Ti ,Ti+1)− (1 + τi+1K )

] = ...

Now use our previous result with T = Ti , S = Ti+1, XT = 1/P(Ti ,Ti+1)to get




1P(Ti ,Ti+1)

]= E

1P(Ti ,Ti+1)


P(Ti ,Ti+1)


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Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps) V

= E[

1P(Ti ,Ti+1)2



]and substitute:

= E





1P(Ti ,Ti+1)2 −


B(Ti)(1 + τi+1K )


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Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

= Eβ∑




1P(Ti ,Ti+1)2 −


B(Ti)(1 + τi+1K )







1P(Ti ,Ti+1)2




B(Ti)(1 + τi+1K )




P(0, Ti+1) E i + 1


P(Ti+1, Ti+1)

1P(Ti ,Ti+1)2




P(0,Ti)(1 + τi+1K ) =

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Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)



P(0,Ti+1)E i+1[(1 + τi+1Fi+1(Ti))2




P(0,Ti)(1 + τi+1K ).

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Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Computing the expected value is an easy task, since we know that,under Qi+1, Fi+1 has the driftless (martingale) lognormal dynamics

dFi+1(t) = σi+1(t)Fi+1(t)dZi+1(t) ,

so that (Ito formula φ(F ) = F 2, φ′(F ) = 2F , φ′′(F ) = 2),

dF 2i+1(t) = 2Fi+1(t)dFi+1(t) +



= σi+1(t)2F 2i+1(t)dt + 2σi+1(t)F 2

i+1(t)dZi+1(t) ,

so that we still have a geometric brownian motion for F 2:

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Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

dF 2i+1(t) = σi+1(t)2F 2

i+1(t)dt + 2σi+1(t)F 2i+1(t)dZi+1(t) ,

and the mean of this process is known to be

E i+1(

F 2i+1(Ti)

)= F 2

i+1(0) exp

[∫ Ti



]= F 2

i+1(0) exp(Tiv2i )

where the v ’s have been defined earlier and are caplet volatilities forTi − Ti+1.

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Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

By expanding the square and substituting we obtain



P(0,Ti+1) [1 + 2τi+1Fi+1(0)+

+ τ2i+1F 2

i+1(0) exp(v2i Ti)

]− (1 + τi+1K )P(0,Ti).

Contrary to the plain-vanilla case, this price depends on the volatility offorward rates through the caplet volatilities v . Notice however thatcorrelations between different rates are not involved in this product, asone expects from the additive and “one-rate-per-time” nature of thepayoff.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Ratchet Caps and Floors I

A ratchet cap is a cap where the strike is updated at each caplet reset,based on the previous realization of the relevant interest rate.A simple ratchet cap first resetting at Tα and paying at Tα+1, . . . ,Tβpays the following discounted payoff:


D(0,Ti)τi [L(Ti−1,Ti)− (L(Ti−2,Ti−1) + X )]+ ,

Notice that if we set Ki := L(Ti−2,Ti−1) + X for all i ’s this is a set ofcaplets with (random) strikes Ki .X is a margin, which can be either positive or negative.

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Ratchet Caps and Floors II

A sticky ratchet cap is instead given by:


D(0,Ti)τi [L(Ti−1,Ti)− Xi ]+ ,

Xi = max(L(Ti−2,Ti−1)± X ,Xi−1 ± X


Xα := L(Tα−1,Tα).

There are versions with “min” replacing “max” in the Xi ’s definition. Thequantity X is a spread that can be positive or negative.

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Ratchet caps and floors I

In general a sticky ratchet cap has to be valued through Monte Carlosimulation. We have



D(0,Ti)τi [L(Ti−1,Ti)− Xi ]+

= P(0,Tβ)



[L(Ti−1,Ti)− Xi ]


P(Ti ,Tβ)


Since the Qβ forward-rate dynamics of Fβ(t)(t), . . . ,Fβ(t) can bediscretized via the usual scheme, Monte Carlo pricing can be carriedout in the usual manner. We can use also the lognormal frozen-driftapproximation to implement a faster MC simulation.However, for the non-sticky ratchet cap payoff we may investigatepossible analytical approximations based on the usual “freezing thedrift” technique for the LIBOR market model.

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Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation I

All we need to compute is the expectation

ED(0,Ti) [L(Ti−1,Ti)− (L(Ti−2,Ti−1) + X )]+

= P(0,Ti)E i[Fi(Ti−1)− Fi−1(Ti−2)− X ]+ =: P(0,Ti)mi

and then add terms. In the above expectation, the rates evolve asfollows under the measure Qi : dFi(t) = σi(t)Fi(t)dZi(t),

dFi−1(t) = −ρi−1,iτiσi(t)Fi(t)

1 + τiFi(t)σi−1(t)Fi−1(t)dt + σi−1(t)Fi−1(t)dZi−1(t)

As usual, in such dynamics we do not know the distribution of Fi−1(t).But, since Fi−1 and Fi ’s reset times are adjacent, we may freeze the

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Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation II

drift in Fi−1 and be rather confident on the resulting approximations.We thus replace the second SDE by

dFi−1(t) = µ(t)Fi−1(t)dt + σi−1(t)Fi−1(t)dZi−1(t),

µ(t) := −ρi−1,iτiσi(t)Fi(0)

1 + τiFi(0)σi−1(t).

Now both Fi−1 and Fi follow (correlated) geometric Brownian motionsas in the Black and Scholes model.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation ISpread option

Now consider the case X > 0.If we set S1 := Fi , S2 := Fi−1, r − q1 := 0, r − q2 := µ(t)1t < Ti−2,σ1 := σi(t), σ2 := σi−1(t)1t < Ti−2, a = 1, b = −1, and ω = 1, wemay view our dynamics as the two-dimensional Black Scholesdynamics d [S1,S2] and our payoff as a spread option payoff, by slightlyadjusting to the fact that no discounting should occur in our case.Consider two assets whose prices S1 and S2 evolve, under the riskneutral measure, according to

dS1(t) = S1(t)[(r − q1)dt + σ1dW Q1 (t)], S1(0) = s1,

dS2(t) = S2(t)[(r − q2)dt + σ2dW Q2 (t)], S2(0) = s2,

where W Q1 and W Q

2 are Brownian motions under Q with instantaneouscorrelation ρ.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation IISpread option

Fix a maturity T , a positive real number a, a negative real number b, astrike price K . The spread-option payoff at time T is then defined by

H = (awS1(T ) + bwS2(T )− wK )+ , (43)

where w = 1 for a call and w = −1 for a put.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation ISpread option

Price of the spread option:

πt = e−r(T−t)EQt

(awS1(T ) + bwS2(T )− wK )+ ,A pseudo-analytical formula can be derived. The unique arbitrage-freeprice is

πt =

∫ +∞



e−12 v2

f (v)dv ,

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation IISpread option


f (v) = awS1(t) exp[−q1τ −


1τ + ρσ1√τv]·


wln aS1(t)

h(v) + [µ1 + (12 − ρ

2)σ21]τ + ρσ1



1− ρ2


wln aS1(t)

h(v) + (µ1 − 12σ

21)τ + ρσ1



1− ρ2


h(v) = K − bS2(t)e(µ2− 12σ


√τv , µ1,2 = r − q1,2, τ = T − t .

proof based on standard bivariate Gaussian variables comp.(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 478 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation. I

If X < 0 we just switch the definitions of S1 and S2 above, S1 := Fi−1,S2 = Fi etc., and then take ω = −1. In the calculations below weassume X > 0.As a matter of fact, our coefficients here are time-dependent, but thisdoes not change substantially the derivation. It follows that ourexpected value

mi := E i[Fi(Ti−1)− Fi−1(Ti−2)− X ]+

is given by our formula above for the spread option when taking intoaccount the above substitutions, i.e. one needs to apply said formula

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation. II

with a = 1, ω = 1, t = 0,

S1(t) = Fi(0), q1τ = 0, q2τ = −∫ Ti−2


r = 0, σ21τ =

∫ Ti−1


i (u)du, σ22τ =

∫ Ti−2



ρ = ρi−1,i , K = X .

Once we have the mi ’s, our ratchet price is given by


P(0,Ti)τimi .

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation ICase X = 0.

The above price depends on a one-dimensional numerical integration.There is a case, though, where this is not necessary. Indeed, if X = 0,we obtain a special ratchet cap that, under the lognormal assumption,we may value analytically through the Margrabe formula for theoption exchanging one asset for another.We map the ratchet payoff terms

E i [(Fi(Ti−1)− Fi−1(Ti−2))+]into equity payoffs

H = (S1(T )− S2(T ))+

This payoff is the so called “option to exchange one asset (S1) foranother (S2)”. Indeed, if we hold S2, when we are at T the option pays

(S1(T )− S2(T ))+ = max(S1(T )− S2(T ),0) = S1(T )− S2(T )

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation IICase X = 0.

if S1(T ) > S2(T ), and 0 otherwise. Recall we are holding S2. Bygetting the option payoff in this case where S1(T ) > S2(T ), we get atotal of

S2(T ) + (S1(T )− S2(T )) = S1(T ).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 482 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation ICase X = 0.

So, when holding S2, if S1(T ) > S2(T ) by means of the option we endup with S1, so we have exchanged S2 with the more valuable S1. Onthe contrary, if S1(T ) < S2(T ), the option expires worthless and thereis no exchange, so we keep the more valuable S2.This means that the exchange is a right but no obligation, since itoccurs only when it favors us.This is then indeed an option to exchange one asset for another. In themarket this kind of option is priced with Margrabe’s formula, which wederive below by using the change of numeraire technique.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation ICase X = 0.

We derive a formula now for



B(T )(S1(T )− S2(T ))+

]= ES1


S1(T )(S1(T )− S2(T ))+


= S1(0)ES1

[(1− S2(T )

S1(T )


= S1(0)ES1[(1− Y (T ))+]

where Yt = S2(t)e−∫ T

t q2(s)ds/S1(t). Note that we took S1 asnumeraire, assuming q1 = 0, since the numeraire has to be a positivenon-dividend paying asset (q1 = 0). Notice also that in the numerator,to have the price of a tradable asset, we got rid of the dividend byinserting the forward price


[B(t)B(T )

S2(T )

]= S2(t)e−

∫ Tt q2(s)ds

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 484 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation IICase X = 0.

(without dividends the forward price would be S2(t) itself).Now we need to derive the dynamics of Yt under the S1 measure. Weknow this is a martingale, since Yt is a ratio between a tradable assetand our numeraire S1, so that by FACT ONE on the change ofnumeraire (earlier lecture) we have that Yt is a martingale (=zero drift).Compute then, first under QB:

dYt = d


∫ Tt q2(s)ds


)= d


∫ Tt q2(s)ds S2(t)



First notice that the first term would only give a “dt” contribution whendifferentiated. Then we compute directly

= e−∫ T

t q2(s)dsd(


)+ (. . .)dt =

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 485 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation IIICase X = 0.

= e−∫ T

t q2(s)ds[


d (S2(t)) + S2(t)d(



+ dS2(t) d(


)]+ (. . .)dt =

= e−∫ T

t q2(s)ds[


d (S2(t)) + S2(t)d(


)]+ (. . .)dt =

= e−∫ T

t q2(s)ds


S2(t)[(r − q2)dt + σ2dW B2 ]+

+ S2(t)d(


)+ (. . .)dt = ...→

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 486 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation IVCase X = 0.

Since (Ito φ(S) = 1S , φ

′(S) = − 1S2 , φ

′′(S) = 2/(S3))




1dS1 +



1dS1dS1 = − 1

S1[rdt + σ1dW B

1 ] + (. . .)dt ,

by substituting we obtain

→ ... = e−∫ T

t q2(s)ds[


S2(t)σ2dW B2 + S2(t)

(− 1

S1σ1dW B


)]+(. . .)dt =

Recalling that Yt = S2e−∫

q2/S1, we may then write

dYt = −Ytσ1dW B1 + Ytσ2dW B

2 + (...)dt

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation VCase X = 0.

Now, if we change numeraire, the diffusion part does not change.Since we already know that under the S1 measure Y is a martingale,this means that the equation of Y under S1 will have the samediffusion parts and zero drift. We get

dYt = −Ytσ1dW S11 + Ytσ2dW S1


or alsodYt = Yt (−σ1dW S1

1 + σ2dW S12 )

From the point of view of the law, this process is the same as aprocess with a single brownian motion

dYt = Yt (σ0dW S10 )

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 488 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation VICase X = 0.

provided that

Var(σ2dW S12 − σ1dW S1

1 ) = Var(σ0dW S10 )

This equation reads

Var(σ2dW S12 − σ1dW S1

1 ) = σ21dt + σ2

2dt − 2ρσ1σ2dt

and sinceVar(σ0dW S1

0 ) = σ20dt

we haveσ2

0 = σ21 + σ2

2 − 2ρσ1σ2

Let us now go back to

S1(0)ES1[(1− Y (T ))+]

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation VIICase X = 0.

with the dynamicsdYt = Yt (σ0dW S1

0 )

This is a put option with strike 1 for which we get the formula

S1(0)[Φ(−d2)− Y (0)Φ(−d1)]


d1,2 =ln(Y (0)/1)± 1


∫ T0 σ2

0(t)dt(∫ T0 σ2

0(t)dt) 1


Recalling the expressions for Y and σ0 we get

[S1(0)Φ(−d2)− S2(0)e−∫ T

0 q2(t)dt Φ(−d1)]

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 490 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation VIIICase X = 0.

d1,2 =ln(S2(0)/S1(0))−

∫ T0 q2(t)dt ± 1


∫ T0 [...]dt(∫ T

0 [σ21(t) + σ2

2(t)− 2ρσ1(t)σ2(t)]dt) 1


As before, set

S1(t) = Fi(0), q1 = 0,∫ T

0q2(t)dt = −

∫ Ti−2


r = 0,∫ T


1(t)dt =

∫ Ti−1


i (t)dt ,∫ T


2(t)dt =

∫ Ti−2


i−1(t)dt , ρ = ρi−1,i

to get:

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation ICase X = 0.




D(0,Ti )τi [L(Ti−1,Ti )− L(Ti−2,Ti−1)]+

= E



D(0,Ti )τi [Fi (Ti−1)− Fi−1(Ti−2)]+



τi P(0,Ti )

[Fi (0)Φ(d i

1)− Fi−1(0) exp

(∫ Ti−2


)Φ(d i



d i1,2 =

ln(Fi (0)/Fi−1(0))−∫ Ti−2

0 µ(u)duRi

± 12

Ri ,

Ri =

(∫ Ti−1


i (u)du +

∫ Ti−2


i−1(u)− 2ρi−1,iσi−1(u)σi (u))du

) 12

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Libor in Arrears (In Advance Swaps)

Non-Sticky Ratchets: Analytical approximation IICase X = 0.

In this section we dealt with ratchet caps. The treatment of ratchetfloors is analogous.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 493 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Zero Coupon Swaptions

Zero Coupon Swaption I

A payer (receiver) zero-coupon swaption is a contract giving the rightto enter a payer (receiver) zero-coupon IRS at a future time. Azero-coupon IRS is an IRS where a single fixed payment is due at theunique (final) payment date Tβ for the fixed leg in exchange for astream of usual floating payments τiL(Ti−1,Ti) at times Ti inTα+1,Tα+2, . . . ,Tβ (usual floating leg). In formulas, the discountedpayoff of a payer zero-coupon IRS is, at time t ≤ Tα:



P(Tα,Ti)τiFi(Tα)− P(Tα,Tβ)τα,βK

,where τα,β is the year fraction between Tα and Tβ. The analogouspayoff for a receiver zero-coupon IRS is obviously given by theopposite quantity.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 494 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Zero Coupon Swaptions

Zero Coupon Swaption II

Taking risk-neutral expectation, we obtain easily the contract value as

P(t ,Tα)− P(t ,Tβ)− τα,βKP(t ,Tβ),

which is the typical value of a floating leg minus the value of a fixed legwith a single final payment.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Zero Coupon Swaptions

Zero Coupon Swaption I

The value of K that renders the contract fair is obtained by equating tozero the above value. K = F (t ; Tα,Tβ). Indeed, the value of the swapis independent of the number of payments on the floating leg, since thefloating leg always values at par, no matter the number of payments.Therefore, we might as well have taken a floating leg paying only in Tβthe amount τα,βL(Tα,Tβ). This would have given us again a standardswaption, standard in the sense that the two legs of the underlying IRShave the same payment dates (collapsing to Tβ) and the unique resetdate Tα. In such a one-payment case, the swap rate collapses to aforward rate, so that we should not be surprised to find out that theforward swap rate in this particular case is simply a forward rate.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Zero Coupon Swaptions

Zero Coupon Swaption I

An option to enter a payer zero-coupon IRS is a payer zero-couponswaption, and the related payoff is




P(Tα,Ti)τiFi(Tα)− P(Tα,Tβ)τα,βK ]+,

or, equivalently, by expressing the F ’s in terms of discount factors,


[1− P(Tα,Tβ)− P(Tα,Tβ)τα,βK ]+ ,

which in turn can be written as


τα,βP(Tα,Tβ) [F (Tα; Tα,Tβ)− K ]+ .

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Zero Coupon Swaptions

Zero Coupon Swaption I


τα,βP(Tα,Tβ) [F (Tα; Tα,Tβ)− K ]+ .

Notice that, from the point of view of the payoff structure, this is merelya caplet. As such, it can be priced easily through Black’s formula forcaplets. The problem, however, is that such a formula requires theintegrated percentage variance (volatility) of the forward rateF (·; Tα,Tβ), which is a forward rate over a non-standard period.Indeed, F (·; Tα,Tβ) is not in our usual family of spanning forward rates,unless we are in the trivial case β = α + 1.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 498 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Zero Coupon Swaptions

Zero Coupon Swaption I

Therefore, since the market provides us (through standard caps andswaptions) with volatility data for standard forward rates, we need aformula for deriving the integrated percentage volatility of the forwardrate F (·; Tα,Tβ) from volatility data of the standard forward ratesFα+1, . . . ,Fβ. The reasoning is once again based on the “freezing thedrift” procedure, leading to an approximately lognormal dynamics forour standard forward rates.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Zero Coupon Swaptions

Zero Coupon Swaption I

Denote for simplicity F (t) := F (t ; Tα,Tβ) and τ := τα,β.We begin by noticing that, through straightforward algebra, we have(write everything in terms of discount factors to check)

1 + τF (t) =


(1 + τjFj(t)).

It follows that

ln(1 + τF (t)) =


ln(1 + τjFj(t)),

so that d ln(1 + τF (t)) =



d ln(1 + τjFj(t)) =


τjdFj(t)1 + τjFj(t)

+ (. . .)dt .

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Zero Coupon Swaptions

Zero Coupon Swaption II

Since dF (t) =1 + τF (t)

τd ln(1 + τF (t)) + (. . .)dt ,

we obtain from the above expression

dF (t) =1 + τF (t)



τjdFj(t)1 + τjFj(t)

+ (. . .)dt .

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 501 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Zero Coupon Swaptions

Zero Coupon Swaption I

dF (t) =1 + τF (t)



τjdFj(t)1 + τjFj(t)

+ (. . .)dt .

Take variance (conditional on t) on both sides:


dF (t)F (t)


[1 + τF (t)τF (t)

]2 β∑i,j=α+1

τiτjρi,jσi(t)σj(t)Fi(t)Fj(t)(1 + τiFi(t))(1 + τjFj(t))

dt .

Freeze all t ′s to 0 except for the σ’s, and integrate over [0,Tα]:(vzcα,β)2 := (1/Tα)×

[1 + τF (0)

τF (0)

]2 β∑i,j=α+1


(1 + τiFi(0))(1 + τjFj(0))

∫ Tα

0σi(t)σj(t)dt .

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 502 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Zero Coupon Swaptions

Zero Coupon Swaption II

To price the zero-coupon swaption it is then enough to put thisquantity into the related Black’s Caplet formula:

ZCPS = τP(0,Tβ)[F (0)Φ(d1(F (0),K , vzcα,β))

−K Φ(d2(F (0),K , vzcα,β))].

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 503 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Zero Coupon Swaptions

Zero Coupon Swaption I

We have checked the accuracy of this formula against the usual MonteCarlo pricing based on the exact dynamics of the forward rates. In thetests all swaptions are at-the-money. We have done this under anumber of situations , corresponding to possible modifications of thedata coming from a standard calibrations of the LIBOR model toat-the-money swaptions data.All cases show the formula to be sufficiently accurate for practicalpurposes.When using the formula we notice that the at-the-money standardswaption has always a lower volatility (and hence price) than thecorresponding at-the-money zero-coupon swaption. We may wonderwhether this is a general feature. Indeed, we have the following.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 504 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Zero Coupon Swaptions

Zero Coupon Swaption I

Comparison between zero-coupon swaptions and correspondingstandard swaptions: A first remark is due for a comparison betweenthe zero-coupon swaption volatility vzc

α,β and the correspondingEuropean-swaption approximation v LMM

α,β . If we rewrite the latter as

Tα(v LMMα,β )2 =



∫ Tα

0σi(t)σj(t)dt , λi =



it is easy to check that

Tα(vzcα,β)2 =



∫ Tα

0σi(t)σj(t)dt ,

whereµi =


P(0,Ti)λi ≥ λi ,

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: Zero Coupon Swaptions

Zero Coupon Swaption II

the discrepancy increasing with the payment index i . It follows that, forpositive correlations, the zero-coupon swaption volatility is alwayslarger than the corresponding plain vanilla swaption volatility, thedifference increasing with the tenor Tβ − Tα, for each given Tα.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 506 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: CMS

Constant Maturity Swaps (CMS’s) I

A constant-maturity swap is a financial product structured as follows.We assume a unit nominal amount. Let us denote by T0, . . . ,Tn aset of payment dates at which coupons are to be paid. At time Ti−1 (insome variants at time Ti ), i ≥ 1, institution A pays to B the c-year swaprate resetting at time Ti−1 in exchange for a fixed rate K . Formally, attime Ti−1 institution A pays to B

Si−1,i−1+c(Ti−1) τi ,

instead ofL(Ti−1,Ti)τi = Fi(Ti−1) τi ,

as would be natural (standard Interest Rate Swap with modelindependent valuation, see earlier Lecture).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 507 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: CMS

Constant Maturity Swaps (CMS’s) I

The net value of the contract to B at time 0 is





B(Ti−1)(Si−1,i−1+c(Ti−1)− K )τi




τiE B



− Kn∑



We can change numeraire in two ways: choose a rolling numeraire ineach different term, P(·,Ti−1), or choose the single ”final” numeraireP(·,Tn)

1 : →=n∑


τiP(0,Ti−1)[E i−1 (Si−1,i−1+c(Ti−1)

)− K

]2 : →=



(P(0,Tn) En



)− KP(0,Ti−1)


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We need only compute either

E i−1 [Si−1,i−1+c(Ti−1)]

or En[Si−1,i−1+c(Ti−1)/P(Ti−1,Tn)]

At first sight, one might think to discretize the dynamics of the forwardswap rate in the swap model under the relevant forward measure, andcompute the required expectation through a Monte Carlo simulation.However, notice that forward rates appear in the drift of such equation,so that we are forced to evolve forward rates anyway. As aconsequence, we can build forward swap rates as functions of theforward LIBOR rates obtained by the Monte Carlo simulated dynamicsof the LIBOR model. Find the swap rate Si−1,i−1+c(Ti−1) from the Ti−1values of the (Monte Carlo generated) spanning forward rates

Fi(Ti−1),Fi+1(Ti−1), . . . ,Fi−1+c(Ti−1).

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: CMS


Analogously to earlier cases, such forward rates can be generatedaccording to the usual discretized (Milstein) dynamics based onGaussian shocks and under the unique measure Qn for example.

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: CMS


Alternatively, resort to Sα,β(Tα) ≈∑β

i=α+1 wi(0)Fi(Tα) and compute

EαSα,β(Tα) ≈β∑





wi(0)e∫ Tα

0 µα,i (t)dtFi(0)

We have frozen again the drift in the Fi ’s dynamics of the F ’s under Qα.This can be compared with classical market convexity adjustments.The two methods give similar results when volatilities are not too high.

Notation for µ was given at the beginning of this unit.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 511 / 833

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Market Models: LIBOR and SWAP models Pricing: CMS


The method is general and can be used whenever swap rates orforward rates are paid at times that are not “natural” in swaps andsimilar contracts. A dynamics can be obtained by the freezingprocedures outlined above.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 512 / 833

Page 517: ICMSC

Market models: Smile Modeling


Guided tour to the caplet and swaption smile problems.

Theoretical results on smile modeling in general (Breeden andLitzenberger, Dupire, local volatility models and stochasticvolatility models)

Displaced diffusion LIBOR model


The local volatility lognormal mixture dynamics (LVLMD) LIBORmodel

The Stochastic Volatility SABR (stochastic alpha beta rho) model.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 513 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling

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Market models: Smile Modeling

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 515 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Caplet Smile Modeling: Guided Tour I

We have seen earlier that Black’s formula for caplets. To fix ideas, letus consider again the time-0 price of a T2-maturity caplet resetting attime T1 (0 < T1 < T2) with strike K

P(0,T2)τE20 [(F (T1; T1,T2)− K )+].

The dynamics for F in the above expectation under the T2-forwardmeasure is the lognormal LMM dynamics

dF (t ; T1,T2) = σ2(t)F (t ; T1,T2) dWt . (44)

Lognormality of the T1-marginal distribution of this dynamics impliesthat the above expectation results in Black’s formula

CplBlack(0,T1,T2,K ) = P(0,T2)τBl(K ,F2(0), v2(T1)) ,

v2(T1)2 =

∫ T1


2(t)dt .

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 516 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Caplet Smile Modeling: Guided Tour II

The average volatility of the forward rate in [0,T1], i.e. v2(T1)/√

T1,does not depend on the strike K of the option. In this formulation,volatility is a characteristic of the forward rate underlying the contract,and has nothing to do with the nature of the contract itself. Inparticular, it has nothing to do with the strike K of the contract.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 517 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Caplet Smile Modeling: Guided Tour I

Now take two different strikes K1 and K2. Suppose that the marketprovides us with the prices of the two related caplets with the sameunderlying forward rates and the same maturity.Does there exist a single volatility v2(T1) such that both

CplMKT(0,T1,T2,K1) = P(0,T2)τBl(K1,F2(0), v2(T1))

CplMKT(0,T1,T2,K2) = P(0,T2)τBl(K2,F2(0), v2(T1))

hold? The answer is a resounding “no”. In general, market capletprices do not behave like this. What one sees when looking at themarket is that two different volatilities v2(T1,K1) and v2(T1,K2) arerequired to match the observed market prices if one is to use Black’sformula:

CplMKT(0,T1,T2,K1) = P(0,T2)τBl(K1,F2(0), vMKT2 (T1,K1)),

CplMKT(0,T1,T2,K2) = P(0,T2)τBl(K2,F2(0), vMKT2 (T1,K2)).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 518 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Caplet Smile Modeling: Guided Tour II

In other terms, each caplet market price requires its own Blackvolatility vMKT

2 (T1,K ) depending on the caplet strike K .The market therefore uses Black’s formula simply as a metric toexpress caplet prices as volatilities.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 519 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Caplet Smile Modeling: Guided Tour I

The curve K 7→ vMKT2 (T1,K )/

√T1 is the so called volatility smile of the

T1-expiry caplet. If Black’s formula were consistent along differentstrikes, this curve would be flat, since volatility should not depend onthe strike K . Instead, this curve is commonly seen to exhibit “smiley” or“skewed” shapes.Clearly, only some strikes K = Ki are quoted by the market, so thatusually the remaining points have to be determined throughinterpolation or through an alternative model. Interpolation in K , for afixed expiry T1, can be easy but it does not give any insight as to theunderlying forward-rate dynamics compatible with such prices.

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Caplet Smile Modeling: Guided Tour I

Let p2 be the density of F2(T1) under the T2-forward measure (ifBlack’s formula were ok, this density would be lognormal). It is easy tosee that (Breeden and Litzenberger (1978)),

∂2CplMKT(0,T1,T2,K )

∂K 2 = P(0,T2)τp2(K ),

so that by differentiating the interpolated-prices curve we can find p2.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 521 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Caplet Smile Modeling: Guided Tour I

This is based on the following: we know that (differentiation is in thesense of distributions)

(d/dK )[(F − K )+] = −1K<F, (d2/dK 2)[(F − K )+] = δ(K − F )

where δ is the Dirac delta function centered in 0. Now,

∂2CplMKT(0,T1,T2,K )

∂K 2 = P(0,T2)τ∂2E2

0 [(F2(T1)− K )+]

∂K 2 ,

∂2E20 [(F2(T1)− K )+]

∂K 2 = E20

[∂2(F2(T1)− K )+

∂K 2


= E20 [δ(K − F2(T1))] =

∫δ(K − x)p2(x)dx = p2(K )

Thus Breeden and Litzenberger’s result ensures that by bydifferentiating the interpolated-prices curve we can find the density p2.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 522 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Caplet Smile Modeling: Guided Tour II

However, the method of interpolation may interfere with the recovery ofthe density, since a second derivative of the interpolated curve isinvolved. Moreover, what kind of F dynamics does the density p2 comefrom?

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 523 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Caplet Smile Modeling: Guided Tour I

∂2CplMKT(0,T1,T2,K )

∂K 2 = P(0,T2)τp2(K ).

Starting from this result, Dupire looks for a diffusion coefficient for anassumed diffusion dynamics of the underlying such that also thederivatives of prices with respect to the time-to-maturity are retrieved.Substantially, by assuming also a continuum of traded maturities, afurther differentiation with respect to the time to maturity may lead tothe possibility to invert the Kolmogorov forward (or Fokker-Planck)equation for the assumed diffusion, thus retrieving the diffusioncoefficient from knowledge of the density evolution consistent with themarket quotations.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 524 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Caplet Smile Modeling: Guided Tour I

There is a problem in case of the caplet market, though. Indeed, itmakes no sense to assume a continuum of traded maturities foroptions on the forward rate F2. The only instant of interest in a forwardrate is typically its reset date T1, since at that instant it becomes aLIBOR rate. And payoffs contain LIBOR rates, not Forward-LIBORrates. This means that we might have caplets on L(T1,T2) = F2(T1)(maturity T2), L(T2,T3) = F3(T2) (maturity T3), L(T3,T4) = F4(T3)(maturity T4) and so on. But the forward rates involved are different, sowe cannot assume to have options on more maturities T2,T3,T4... forthe same F , as Dupire’s method would require. This can work in theequity or FX market, where the asset is always the same.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 525 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Caplet Smile Modeling: Guided Tour I

Dupire’s general method would require to have options on morematurities T2,T3,T4... for the same F , which is not the case in theinterest-rate option market.Dupire’s method is in fact nonparametric, since it aims at deriving adiffusion coefficient as a function of a whole market surface in maturityand strike.We need to work only in the strike dimension, since maturity is fixed fora caplet.We may then proceed the other way around(parametric-dynamics approach)We assume a dynamics a priori, depending on given parameters.We price options with the right maturity with said dynamics.Prices will depend on the parametersWe set the parameters so as to match the relevant options prices forthe given maturities. In detail:

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 526 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Caplet Smile Modeling: Guided Tour I

A partial answer to these issues can be given the other way around, bystarting from a parametric alternative dynamics

dF (t ; T1,T2) = ν(t ,F (t ; T1,T2)) dWt (45)

This alternative dynamics generates a smile, which is obtained asfollows.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 527 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Caplet Smile Modeling: Guided Tour I

1 Set K to a starting value;2 Compute the model caplet price

Π(K ) = P(0,T2)τE20 (F (T1; T1,T2)− K )+

with F obtained through the alternative dynamics (45).3 Invert Black’s formula for this strike, i.e. solve

Π(K ) = P(0,T2)τBl(K1,F2(0), v(K ))

in v(K ).4 Change K and restart from point 2.

The fact that the alternative dynamics is not lognormal implies that weobtain a smile curve K 7→ v(K )/

√T1 that is not flat.

Calibration: Choose ν(·, ·) so that v(K ) is as close as possible tovMKT

2 (T1,K ) for all quoted K .(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 528 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Alternative dynamics for the smile I

dF (t ; T1,T2) = ν(t ,F (t ; T1,T2)) dWt

ν can be either a deterministic or a stochastic function of F . In thelatter case we would be using a so called “stochastic-volatility model”,where for example

ν(t ,F ) =√ξ(t)F , dξ(t) = k(θ − ξ(t))dt + η

√ξ(t)dZ (t),

with dZdW = ρW ,Z dt . Volatility acquires a “stochastic life”.Here we will concentrate on a deterministic ν(t , ·), leading to“local-volatility models” such as for example ν(t ,F ) = σ2(t)F γ (CEVmodel), where 0 ≤ γ ≤ 1 and where σ2 is deterministic.The only exception will be the SABR model, that is a stochasticvolatility model where

√ξ(t) = Vt where V is a new stochastic process

given by a driftless geometric browian motion, dVt = εVtdZt .

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 529 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Alternative dynamics for the smile I

Local volatility models have the problem that the smile in thefuture, conditional on future information, tends to flatten.

For example, conditional on a future time u > 0, consider thesmile for the maturity u + T conditional on the information at u.

As u moves forward, the smile for maturity T + u tends to flattenwith local volatility models.

Instead, stochastic volatility models are capable of not flatteningthe smile as u moves forward, and this is considered to beimportant.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 530 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Summing up the smile problem I

Summing up: The “true” forward-adjusted density p2 of F2 is linked toCaplet (Call on F ) or Floorlet (Put on F ) market prices throughsecond-order differentiation wrt strikes.Need dF dynamics as compatible as possible with density p2.Dupire works on p’s extracted from prices through interpolation ratherthan on prices directly, and based on this obtains dF . However,interpolation interferes strongly with the result and the method isunstable;One can instead parameterize dF and fit the prices implied by theparameterized dF to the market prices CplMKT(0,T1,T2,Ki) for thequoted strikes Ki .The problem is that the parameterization has to be flexible and has tolead to a tractable model.We finally point out that one has to deal, in general, with animplied-volatility surface, since we have a caplet-volatility curve for

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 531 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Guided tour

Summing up the smile problem II

each considered expiry. The calibration issues, however, areessentially unchanged, apart from the obviously larger computationaleffort required when trying to fit a bigger set of data.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 532 / 833

Page 537: ICMSC

Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Displaced Diffusion

Shifted lognormal (displaced diffusion) model for the smile I

A very simple way of constructing forward-rate dynamics that impliesnon-flat volatility structures is by shifting the generic lognormaldynamics. Indeed, let us assume that the forward rate Fj evolves,under its associated Tj -forward measure, according to

Fj(t) = Xj(t) + α, dXj(t) = β(t)Xj(t) dWt ,

where α is a real constant, β is a deterministic function of time and Wis a standard Brownian motion. We have

dFj(t) = β(t)(Fj(t)− α) dWt .

The distribution of Fj(T ), conditional on Fj(t), t < T ≤ Tj−1, is a shiftedlognormal distribution. The resulting model for Fj preserves the

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 533 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Displaced Diffusion

Shifted lognormal (displaced diffusion) model for the smile II

analytically tractability of the geometric Brownian motion X . Noticeindeed that

E jt [Fj(Tj−1)− K ]+ = E j

t [Xj(Tj−1)− (K − α)]+,

so that, for α < K , the caplet price Cpl(t ,Tj−1,Tj ,K ) is simply given by

τP(t ,Tj)Bl

K − α,Fj(t)− α,

(∫ Tj−1


)1/2 .

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 534 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Displaced Diffusion

Shifted lognormal model for the caplet smile I

dFj(t) = β(t)(Fj(t)− α) dWt .

The implied Black vol v/√

Tj−1 = v(K , α)/√

Tj−1 (say at t = 0) isobtained by backing out the volatility parameter v in Black’s formulathat matches the model price:

Bl(K ,F , v(K , α) ) = Bl

K − α,F − α,

(∫ Tj−1


)1/2 .

with F = Fj(0). An example of the skewed volatility structureK 7→ v(K , α)/

√T1 is shown below.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 535 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Displaced Diffusion

Caplet volatility structure K 7→ v(K , α)/√

Tj−1 implied,at time t = 0, by the forward-rate dynamics abovewhere we set Tj−1 = 1, Tj = 1.5, α = −0.015,β(t) = 0.2 for all t and Fj(0) = 0.055

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 536 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Displaced Diffusion

Shifted lognormal model for the caplet smile I

dFj(t) = β(t)(Fj(t)− α) dWt .

Introducing a non-zero α has two effects on the implied caplet volatilitystructure, which for α = 0 is flat at the constant level.First, it leads to a strictly decreasing (α < 0) or increasing (α > 0)curve.Second, it moves the curve upwards (α < 0) or downwards (α > 0).More generally, ceteris paribus, increasing α shifts the volatility curveK 7→ v(K , α) down, whereas decreasing α shifts the curve up.Shifting a lognormal diffusion can then help in recovering skewedvolatility structures. However, such structures are often too rigid, andhighly negative slopes are impossible to recover.Moreover, the best fitting of market data is often achieved fordecreasing implied volatility curves, which correspond to negative

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 537 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Displaced Diffusion

Shifted lognormal model for the caplet smile II

values of the α parameter, and hence to a support of the forward-ratedensity containing negative values. Even though the probability ofnegative rates may be negligible in practice, many people regard thisdrawback as an undesirable feature.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 538 / 833

Page 543: ICMSC

Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: CEV

CEV model for the caplet smile I

CEV model of Cox (1975) and Cox and Ross (1976).

dFj(t) = σj(t)[Fj(t)]γ dWt ,

Fj = 0 absorbing boundary when 0 < γ < 1/2.

For 0 < γ < 1/2 this equation does not have a unique solution unlesswe specify a boundary condition at Fj = 0. This is why we take Fj = 0as an absorbing boundary.Time dependence of σj can be dealt with through a deterministic timechange. Indeed, by setting

v(τ,T ) =

∫ T

τσj(s)2ds, W (v(0, t)) :=

∫ t

0σj(s)dW (s),

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 539 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: CEV

CEV model for the caplet smile II

we obtain a Brownian motion W with time parameter v . We substitutethis time change in the above equation by setting fj(v(t)) := Fj(t) andobtain

dfj(v) = fj(v)γdW (v), fj = 0 abs boun when 0 < γ < 1/2.

This can be transformed into a Bessel process via a change ofvariable. Straightforward manipulations lead then to the transitiondensity of Fj(T ) conditional on Fj(t), t < T ≤ Tj−1 (noncentral chisquared).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 540 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: CEV

CEV model for the caplet smile I

dFj(t) = σj(t)[Fj(t)]γ dWt , Fj = 0 abs b when 0 < γ < 1/2.

This model features analytical tractability, allowing for the knownn.c.-χ2 transition density. The following explicit formula can be derived:Cpl(t ,Tj−1,Tj , τ,N,K ) =

τNP(t ,Tj)


(1− χ2

(2K 1−γ ;

11− γ




1− γ,2kK 1−γ

)]k =

12v(t ,T )(1− γ)2 , u = k [Fj(t)]2(1−γ).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 541 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: CEV

Caplet volatility structure implied by CEV at time t = 0,where we set Tj−1 = 1, Tj = 1.5, σj(t) = 1.5 for all t ,γ = 0.5 and Fj(0) = 0.055.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 542 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: CEV

CEV model for the caplet smile I

As previously done in the case of a geometric Brownian motion, anextension of the above model can be proposed based on displacing theCEV process. The introduction of the extra parameter α determiningthe density shifting may improve the calibration to market data.Finally, there is the possibly annoying feature of absorption in F = 0.While this does not necessarily constitute a problem for caplet pricing,it can be an undesirable feature from an empirical point of view. Also, itis not clear whether there could be some problems when pricing moreexotic structures. As a remedy to this absorption problem, Andersenand Andreasen (2000) propose a “Limited” CEV (LCEV) process,where instead of φ(F ) = F γ they set

φ(F ) = F min(εγ−1,F γ−1) ,

where ε is a small positive real number.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 543 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: CEV

CEV model for the caplet smile II

As far as the calibration of the CEV model to swaptions is concerned,approximated swaption prices based on “freezing the drift” and“collapsing all measures” are also derived (analogous to the lognormalcase in the LMM). See Andersen and Andreasen (2000) for the details.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 544 / 833

Page 549: ICMSC

Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Mixture Diffusion Dynamics

Brigo & Mercurio’s Mixture Dynamics for the caplet smile I

For each time t let us consider N lognormal densities

pit (y) =




− 1

2V 2i (t)



+ 12V 2

i (t)]2,

Vi(t) :=

√∫ t


i (u)du, pi0(x) = δ(x − Fj(0)),

where all σi ’s are positive and deterministic time functions.Brigo and Mercurio (2000a) showed that it is possible to determine thelocal volatility σ in the Qj -forward-rate dynamics:

dFj(t) = σmix(t ,Fj(t))Fj(t) dWt ,

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 545 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Mixture Diffusion Dynamics

Brigo & Mercurio’s Mixture Dynamics for the caplet smile II

In such a way that the SDE admits a unique strong solution whosemarginal density, at each time t ≤ Tj−1, is given by the mixture oflognormals

pFj (t)(y) :=ddy

QjFj(t) ≤ y =N∑


λipit (y),

with λi > 0 such that∑N

i=1 λi = 1. Notice:

∫ +∞

0ypt (y)dy =



∫ +∞


t (y)dy =N∑


λiFj(0) = Fj(0).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 546 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Mixture Diffusion Dynamics

B & M’s Mixture dynamics for the caplet smile I

dFj(t) = σmix(t ,Fj(t))Fj(t) dWt , pFj (t)(y) :=N∑


λipit (y).

The local volatility σmix(t , ·) is backed out from the Fokker-Planckequation associated with the above dynamics.Assume that each σi is continuous and bounded from above and belowby (strictly) positive constants, and that there exists an ε > 0 such thatσi(t) = σ0 > 0, for each t in [0, ε] and i = 1, . . . ,N. Then, if we set

σmix(t , y)2 :=

∑Ni=1 λiσ

2i (t) 1

Vi (t) exp− 1

2V 2i (t)

[ln y

Fj (0) + 12V 2

i (t)]2

∑Ni=1 λi

1Vi (t) exp

− 1

2V 2i (t)

[ln y

Fj (0) + 12V 2

i (t)]2 ,

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 547 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Mixture Diffusion Dynamics

B & M’s Mixture dynamics for the caplet smile II

for (t , y) > (0,0) and ν(t , y) = σ0 for (t , y) = (0,Fj(0)), the above SDEhas a unique strong solution whose marginal density is given by theabove mixture of lognormals

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 548 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Mixture Diffusion Dynamics

B & M’s Mixture dynamics for the caplet smile I

dFj(t) = σmix(t ,Fj(t))Fj(t) dWt , pFj (t)(y) :=N∑


λipit (y).

σmix(t , y)2 can be viewed as a weighted average of the squared basicvolatilities σ2

1(t), . . . , σ2N(t), where the weights are all functions of the

chosen lognormal basic densities:

σmix(t , y)2 =N∑


Λi(t , y)σ2i (t), Λi(t , y) :=

λipit (y)∑N

i=1 λipit (y)


As a consequence, for each t > 0 and y > 0, the function σmix isbounded from below and above by (strictly) positive constants.

σ∗ ≤ σmix(t , y) ≤ σ∗ for each t , y > 0,(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 549 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Mixture Diffusion Dynamics

B & M’s Mixture dynamics for the caplet smile II

σ∗ = inft≥0


σi(t) > 0, σ∗ = supt≥0


σi(t) < +∞.

The function σmix(t , y) can be extended by continuity to (0, y) : y > 0and (t ,0) : t ≥ 0 by setting σmix(0, y) = σ0 and σmix(t ,0) = ν∗(t),where ν∗(t) := σi∗(t) and i∗ = i∗(t) is such thatVi∗(t) = maxi=1,...,N Vi(t). In particular, σmix(0,0) = σ0.Indeed, for every y > 0 and every t ≥ 0,


σmix(t , y) = σ0, limy→0

σmix(t , y) = ν∗(t).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 550 / 833

Page 555: ICMSC

Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Mixture Diffusion Dynamics

B & M’s Mixture dynamics for the caplet smile I

dFj(t) = σmix(t ,Fj(t))Fj(t) dWt , pFj (t)(y) :=N∑


λipit (y).

At time t = 0, E j[Fj(Tj−1)− K ]+ =

∫ +∞

0(y − K )+pF (Tj−1)(y)dy =



∫ +∞

0(y − K )+pi

Tj−1(y)dy ,

Cpl(0,Tj−1,Tj ,K ) = τP(0,Tj)N∑


λiBl(K ,Fj(0),Vi(Tj−1)).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 551 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Mixture Diffusion Dynamics

Caplet smile implied by the mixture dynamics withTj−1 = 1, N = 3, (V1(1),V2(1),V3(1)) = (0.6,0.1,0.2),(λ1, λ2, λ3) = (0.2,0.3,0.5) and Fj(0) = 0.055

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 552 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Mixture Diffusion Dynamics

B & M’s Mixture dynamics for the caplet smile I

When proposing alternative dynamics, it can be quite problematic tocome up with analytical formulas for caplet prices. Here, instead, suchproblem can be avoided from the beginning, just because the use ofanalytically-tractable densities pi

Tj−1immediately leads to explicit caplet

prices for the process Fj . This is fundamental for calibrationpurposes.Moreover, the absence of bounds on the parameter N implies that avirtually unlimited number of parameters can be introduced in theforward-rate dynamics and used for a better calibration to marketdata.A last remark concerns the classic economic interpretation of a mixtureof densities. We can indeed view Fj as a process whose density attime t coincides with the basic density pi

Tj−1with probability λi . This is

related to an uncertain volatility model of which the diffusion modelwe presented is a projection on 1-dimensional diffusions.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 553 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Mixture Diffusion Dynamics

B & M’s shifted Mixture dynamics for the smile I

The earlier mixture dynamics implies that the vol smile has a minimumat the at-the-money forward level, i.e. for K = Fj(0). Brigo andMercurio (2000b) proposed a simple way to generalize the mixturedynamics in order to introduce more asymmetry and shift the minimum.The basic lognormal-mixture model is combined with thedisplaced-diffusion technique. Set

Fj(t) = α + Fj(t), dFj(t) = σmix(t ,Fj(t)− α

)(Fj(t)− α)dWt

where α is a real constant and Fj evolves according to the basic“lognormal mixture” dynamics.The analytical expression for the marginal density of such process isgiven by the shifted mixture of lognormals pFj (t)(y) =




(y − α)Vi (t)√


− 1

2V 2i (t)


y − αFj (0)− α

+ 12 V 2

i (t)]2, y > α.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 554 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Mixture Diffusion Dynamics

B & M’s shifted Mixture dynamics for the smile I

dFj(t) = σmix(t ,Fj(t)− α

)(Fj(t)− α)dWt

This model for the forward-rate process preserves the analyticaltractability of the original process Fj . Indeed,

E j [Fj(Tj−1)− K ]+

= E j[

F (Tj−1)− (K − α)]+


so that, for α < K , we have Cpl(0,Tj−1,Tj ,K ) =

= τP(t ,Tj)N∑


λiBl(K − α,Fj(0)− α,Vi(Tj−1)).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 555 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: Mixture Diffusion Dynamics

B & M’s shifted Mixture dynamics for the smile II

The introduction of α has the effect that, decreasing α, the variance ofthe asset price at each time increases while maintaining the correctexpectation. Indeed, E(Fj(t)) = Fj(0) and

Var(Fj(t)) = (Fj(0)− α)2



λieV 2i (t) − 1


α affects the implied vol curve. First, the level: changing α leads to analmost parallel shift. Second, it moves the strike with minimumvolatility: if α > 0 (< 0) the minimum is attained for strikes lower(higher) than the ATM’s Fj(0). In general α can be used to addasymmetry without shifting the curve. Finally, once againapproximated swaption prices based on the “freezing the drift”approach can be attempted.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 556 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


Hagan, Kumar, Lesniewski and Woodward (2002) propose astochastic-volatility model for the evolution of the forward price of anasset under the asset’s canonical measure.This model is widely used in practice because of its simplicity andtractability (but brace for Horror stories!!).Here, we apply the model to forward rates. Precisely, the forward rateFk is assumed to evolve under the associated measure Qk as

dFk (t) = V (t)Fk (t)β dZk (t),dV (t) = εV (t) dWk (t),V (0) = α,

where Zk and Wk are Qk -standard Brownian motions withdZk (t) dWk (t) = ρdt and where β ∈ (0,1], ε and α are positiveconstants and ρ ∈ [−1,1].

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 557 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


Using singular perturbation techniques, a closed-form approx for theprice at time t = 0 of a Tk -maturity caplet is

Cpl(0,Tk−1,Tk , τk ,K ) = τkP(0,Tk )[Fk (0)Φ(d+)− K Φ(d−)]

d± =ln(Fk (0)/K )± 1

2σimp(K ,Fk (0))2Tk−1

σimp(K ,Fk (0))√


σimp(K ,F ) =α

(FK )1−β


[1 + (1−β)2

24 ln2(


)+ (1−β)4

1920 ln4(


)+ · · ·

] zx(z)


1 +

[(1− β)2α2

24(FK )1−β +ρβεα

4(FK )1−β


+ ε22− 3ρ2


]Tk−1 + · · ·


(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 558 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR



z :=ε

α(FK )

1−β2 ln



x(z) := ln

√1− 2ρz + z2 + z − ρ

1− ρ


(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 559 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


The ATM (caplet) implied volatility is immediately obtained by settingK = F = Fk (0):

σATM = σimp(Fk (0),Fk (0)) =α

Fk (0)1−β ·


1 +

[(1− β)2α2

24Fk (0)2−2β +ρβεα

4Fk (0)1−β + ε22− 3ρ2


]Tk−1 + ..


The ATM volatility, as a function of the forward rate Fk (0), traces acurve that is called backbone.The leading term in σATM is α/Fk (0)1−β, meaning that α and β concurin determining both the level and slope of ATM implied volatilities (theother parameters have less relevant impacts).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 560 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


The SABR dynamics lead to skews in the implied volatilities boththrough a β smaller than one (“non-lognormal” case) and through anon-zero correlation.In practice, it can be difficult to disentangle the contributions of the twoparameters, since market implied volatilities can be fitted equally wellby different choices of β ranging from zero (zero excluded) to one.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 561 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


Hagan et al. suggest to determine β either by a-priori choice (personaltaste) or by historical calibration. In the latter case:

lnσATM = lnα− (1− β) ln Fk (0) + ln1 + · · · ,

so that β can be found with a linear regression applied to a historicalplot of (ln Fk (0), lnσATM).Remark 1. Hagan et al. postulate the evolution of a single forwardasset. Their model, therefore, is not a proper extension of the LMM.In a LIBOR market model, in fact, not only has one to specify the jointevolution of forward rates under a common measure, but also to clarifythe relations among the volatility dynamics of each forward rate.Remark 2. The SABR model can be equivalently used for modeling aswap-rate evolution and, consequently, for the (analytical) pricing ofswaptions. In fact, one can assume that under the swap measure Qa,b

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 562 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


dSa,b(t) = V (t)Sa,b(t)β dZ a,b(t),

dV (t) = εV (t) dW a,b(t), V (0) = α.

In practice, this model is widely used by financial institutions to quoteimplied volatility smiles and skews for swaptions.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 563 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


We now consider an example of calibration of the SABR model toswaption volatilities and CMS swap spreads.The reason why we resort to such a joint calibration is because impliedvolatilities by themselves do not allow to uniquely identify the fourparameters of the SABR model.In fact, several are the combinations of parameters β and ρ thatproduce (almost) equivalent fittings to the finite set of market volatilitiesavailable for given maturity and tenor.Our examples of calibration, based on Euro data as of 28 September2005, are performed by minimizing the sum of square percentagedifferences between model quantities (volatilities and CMS spreads)and the corresponding market ones.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 564 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


Swaption volatilities are quoted by the market for different strikes K asa difference ∆σM

a,b with respect to the ATM level∆σM

a,b(∆K ) := σMa,b(K ATM + ∆K )− σATM

a,busually for ∆K = ±200,±100,±50,±25 basis points.The market also quotes the spread Xn,c over LIBOR that sets to zerothe value of a CMS swap paying the c-year swap rate on dates T ′i ,i = 1, . . . ,n.Denoting by S′i,c the c-year (forward) swap rate setting at T ′i − δ, thespread is explicitly given in terms of CMS convexity adjustments as:

Xn,c =


(S′i,c(0) + CA(S′i,c ; δ)

)P(0,T ′i )∑n

i=1 P(0,T ′i )− 1− P(0,T ′n)


i=1 P(0,T ′i )

where all the accrual periods are equal to δ = 3m.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 565 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


We use the following formula for implied volatilities: σimp(K ,Sa,b(0)) ≈

≈ α

(Sa,b(0)K )1−β


[1 + (1−β)2

24 ln2(


)+ (1−β)4

1920 ln4(


)]· zx(z)

1 +

[(1− β)2α2

24(Sa,b(0)K )1−β +ρβεα

4(Sa,b(0)K )1−β


+ ε22− 3ρ2




where z := εα(Sa,b(0)K )

1−β2 ln




x(z) := ln√



Even though this is only an approximation, it is market practice toconsider it as exact and to use it as a functional form mapping strikesinto implied volatilities.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 566 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


We then use the following formula for convexity adjustments:

CA(Sa,b; δ) := ETa+δ[Sa,b(Ta)]− Sa,b(0)

≈ Sa,b(0) θ(δ)



a,b(0)− 1)

= Sa,b(0) θ(δ)



∫ ∞0

Bl(K ,Sa,b(0), v imp(K ,Sa,b(0))

)dK − 1


v imp(K ,Sa,b(0)) := σimp(K ,Sa,b(0))√


θ(δ) := 1−τSa,b(0)

1 + τSa,b(0)

(δ +

b − a(1 + τSa,b(0))b−a − 1

)and δ is the accrual period of the swap rate.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 567 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


StrikeExp-Ten -200 -100 -50 -25 25 50 100 2001y - 10y 11.51% 3.24% 1.03% 0.37% -0.22% -0.22% 0.21% 2.13%5y - 10y 7.80% 2.63% 1.02% 0.44% -0.33% -0.53% -0.63% -0.17%10y - 10y 6.39% 2.25% 0.91% 0.40% -0.31% -0.52% -0.71% -0.47%20y - 10y 5.86% 2.07% 0.85% 0.37% -0.30% -0.51% -0.73% -0.62%30y - 10y 5.44% 1.92% 0.79% 0.35% -0.29% -0.52% -0.79% -0.85%1y - 20y 9.45% 2.74% 1.17% 0.46% -0.24% -0.25% 0.15% 1.62%5y - 20y 7.43% 2.56% 1.00% 0.43% -0.32% -0.51% -0.60% -0.10%10y - 20y 6.59% 2.34% 0.94% 0.41% -0.32% -0.54% -0.72% -0.43%20y - 20y 6.11% 2.19% 0.90% 0.40% -0.32% -0.55% -0.77% -0.61%30y - 20y 5.46% 1.92% 0.79% 0.35% -0.29% -0.50% -0.72% -0.69%1y - 30y 9.17% 2.67% 1.19% 0.47% -0.25% -0.27% 0.13% 1.58%5y - 30y 7.45% 2.58% 1.01% 0.44% -0.33% -0.52% -0.61% -0.13%10y - 30y 6.73% 2.38% 0.96% 0.42% -0.33% -0.53% -0.68% -0.35%20y - 30y 6.20% 2.22% 0.91% 0.40% -0.32% -0.54% -0.74% -0.55%30y - 30y 5.39% 1.90% 0.78% 0.35% -0.28% -0.50% -0.72% -0.68%

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 568 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


Eur market volatility smiles across expiry, tenor and strike. Strikes areexpressed as absolute differences in basis points w.r.t the

at-the-money values.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 569 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


TenorExpiry 10y 20y 30y

1y 17.60% 15.30% 14.60%5y 16.00% 14.80% 14.30%10y 14.40% 13.60% 13.10%20y 13.10% 12.10% 11.90%30y 12.90% 12.30% 12.30%

Table: Market at-the-money volatilities.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 570 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


TenorMaturity 10y 20y 30y

5y 94.1 124.1 130.310y 82.0 104.8 110.615y 72.5 91.3 98.320y 66.7 84.2 92.930y 64.6 85.2 97.9

Table: Market CMS swap spreads in basis points.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 571 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


Remark. In practice, β needs to be bounded for a successfulcalibration. In fact, values of β approaching one lead to divergentvalues for convexity adjustments (for β = 1 the correction is infinite).As a numerical confirmation, we show below the CMS swap spreadsXn,10(β) for a ten-year underlying swap rate and for different maturitiesn, after calibration, with fixed β, to whole swaption smile.

βββMaturity 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

5 93.4 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.1 94.1 94.910 80.6 81.3 81.5 81.8 82.2 83.0 85.315 70.4 71.6 72.1 72.9 74.3 78.5 129.820 63.0 65.8 66.6 68.1 71.2 82.1 306.130 56.2 62.0 63.7 66.6 73.5 104.2 1206.4

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 572 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


StrikeExpiry Tenor -200 -100 -50 -25 0 25 50 100 200

5y 10y 2.1 1.2 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.4 1.710y 10y 1.5 0.7 1.1 0.7 0.5 0.7 1.1 1.2 1.220y 10y 1.9 1.1 1.7 0.3 0.5 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.45y 20y 2.6 1.8 1.1 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.4 1.9 2.0

10y 20y 1.9 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.8 0.4 1.0 1.7 1.520y 20y 2.4 1.2 1.4 0.9 0.6 0.4 1.6 1.8 1.75y 30y 2.3 1.5 0.8 1.1 0.8 1.5 1.1 1.1 1.5

10y 30y 1.5 0.5 1.1 0.8 0.7 1.0 1.1 0.8 1.120y 30y 2.7 1.7 1.7 0.6 0.5 0.8 1.4 1.6 1.7

Absolute differences in bps between market and SABR impliedvolatilities.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 573 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR


TenorMaturity 10y 20y 30y

5y 0.1 0.2 0.910y 0.2 0.9 2.615y 0.4 1.0 3.320y 1.4 0.4 2.730y 2.1 0.2 1.5

Absolute differences in bps between market and SABR CMS swapspreads.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 574 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Specific models: SABR



After the beginning of the financial crisis, with periods of Low rates andHigh Volatilities, the SABR expansion formula for implied volatilitybreaks.

Prices computed with that formula imply negative probability densitiesfor forward and swap rates

Market is struggling to find a standard model to go beyond SABR

Herd mentality is part of the problem

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 575 / 833

Page 580: ICMSC

Market models: Smile Modeling Conclusions

Conclusions on LIBOR models with smile effects I

We have seen some possibilities to include (caplet) smile effects in theLIBOR market model by means of alternative dynamics:

Displaced Diffusion. One parameter for each maturity, impliesmonotonic smile, can fit only few data, parametrically poor butanalytically tractable.

(Shifted) CEV model. One (two) parameter(s) for each maturity,monotonic smile, can fit only few data, parametrically poor butanalytically tractable.

(Shifted) Mixture dynamics. As many parameters as needed,non-monotonic smile, can fit several data, analytically tractable,interesting uncertain volatility version.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 576 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Conclusions

Conclusions on LIBOR models with smile effects II

SABR (stochastic Alpha Beta Rho) Model. Stochastic volatilitymodel. Very popular. Market oriented, used by brokers andpractitioners. Does not flatten future smiles. Based onperturbation theory, not fully rigorous. Problems in extending itproperly to a full LIBOR model for all tenors and maturities undera single pricing measure.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 577 / 833

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Market models: Smile Modeling Conclusions

Conclusions on LIBOR models with smile effects I

Open problems:Swaptions smile associated with the caplet-smile calibrated LIBORmodel? Can one connect the two smiles, perhaps playing withinstantaneous correlations?Analytical approximation for swaption prices in the LIBOR models withsmile? Partial answers for CEV and displaced diffusion...More numerical tests, implied future smiles conditional on futurerealizations of underlying rates, diagnostics....

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 578 / 833

Page 583: ICMSC

The Crisis: Multiple Curves, Liquidity Effects. Credit, Bases

The crisis (2008-current). Multiple curves

Following the 7[8] credit events happening to Financials in one monthof 2008,

Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual,Landsbanki, Glitnir and Kaupthing [and Merrill Lynch]

the market broke up and interest rates that used to be very close toeach other and were used to model risk free rates for differentmaturities started to diverge.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 579 / 833

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The Crisis: Multiple Curves, Liquidity Effects. Credit, Bases

Multiple curves: LIBOR?

Credit/Default-free interest rates rt , L(t ,T ), F (t ,Ti−1,Ti) etc?

So it is not clear what is the risk free rate rt anymore, but especiallycredit/default-free interest rates with finite (rather than infinitesimal)tenor T − t are hard to define: What is the credit/default-free L(t ,T )? Inthe above course we identified it with LIBOR interbank rates, ie interestrates banks charge each other for lending and borrowing. However,after the credit events above, banks can no longer be considered asdefault free, so that Interbank rates, and LIBOR rates in particular, arecontaminated by counterparty credit risk and liquidity risk.

LIBOR has been also subject to illegal manipulation (see the LIBORrigging scandal involving a number of major banks), but this is fraudrisk and is another story.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 580 / 833

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The Crisis: Multiple Curves, Liquidity Effects. Credit, Bases

Multiple curves: OIS?

Besides LIBOR, other rates have been considered as default/creditrisk free rates in the past. One of the most popular is the overnightrate. This is an interest rate O(ti−1, ti) applied at time ti−1 to a loan thatis closed one or two days later at ti . Hence the credit risk embedded inthe overnight rate is only on one day and is limited. Furthermore,overnight rates are harder to manipulate illegally (some are quoted bycentral banks).

There are swaps built on overnight rates, and they are called OvenightIndexed Swaps (OIS).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 581 / 833

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The Crisis: Multiple Curves, Liquidity Effects. Credit, Bases

Multiple curves: OIS?

OIS have been introduced back in the mid nineties. The maturities T ofOISs range from 1 week to 2 years or longer.

Overnight swapsAt maturity T , the swap parties calculate the final payment as adifference between the accrued interest of the fixed rate K and thegeometric average LO(0,T ) of the floating index rates O(ti−1, ti) on theswap notional for ti ranging from the initial time tfirst = 0 to the swapmaturity tlast = T . Since the net difference is exchanged, rather thanswapping the actual rates, OISs have little counterparty credit risk.

Overnight swaps vs LIBOR indexed swaps: Counterparty risk

In a LIBOR based swap where we pay L and receive K , if ourcounterparty defaults (say with zero recovery) we still pay L and welose the whole K . If the net rate were exhanged as in OIS, at defaultwe would only lose K − L if positive.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 582 / 833

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The Crisis: Multiple Curves, Liquidity Effects. Credit, Bases

Figure: Spread between 3 months Libor and 3 months ONIA (OIS) swaps.Plotting t 7→ L(t , t + 3m)− LO(t , t + 3m) (proxy of credit and liquidty risk).Taken from a talk of Aaron Brown (2011)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 583 / 833

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The Crisis: Multiple Curves, Liquidity Effects. Credit, Bases

The crisis (2008-current). Multiple curves

At the moment it is no longer realistic to neglect credit risk and liquidityeffects in interest rate modeling, pretending there is a risk free rate thatis governing the LIBOR and interbank markets.

The OIS rate partly solves the problem as it is a best proxy for adefault- and liquidity-free interest rate. Residual credit risk is stillpresent and liquidity effects may still be visible, especially under strongstress scenarios.

These days one tends to use overnight swap rates as proxies for therisk free rates, whereas LIBOR and LIBOR-based swap rates have tobe managed more carefully. There are multiple curves that can bebuilt for discounting, some LIBOR based, other OIS based, andyet other different ones.

The following table is taken by a presentation of Marco Bianchetti(2011)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 584 / 833

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The Crisis: Multiple Curves, Liquidity Effects. Credit, Bases

The crisis (2008-current). Multiple curves

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 585 / 833

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The Crisis: Multiple Curves, Liquidity Effects. Credit, Bases

The crisis (2008-current). Multiple curves

The uncertainty on which rate could be considered as a naturaldiscounting rate is pushing banks to use multiple curves, trying topatch them together, at times in inconsistent ways.

Much work needs to be done to include consistently credit and liquidityeffects in interest rate theory from the start, thus avoiding the confusionof unexplained multiple curves. The industry is looking at this now.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 586 / 833

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The Crisis: Multiple Curves, Liquidity Effects. Credit, Bases

Multiple curves explained as synthesis of morefundamental Credit, Liquidity and Funding effects

Multiple curves explained as synthesis of more fundamental Credit,Liquidity and Funding effects.

Rather than taking the curves as fundamental objects, we need tointerpret them as incorporating fundamental effects that need to bemodeled first.

These effects are Credit Risk and Liquidity Funding Risk.

We face this challenge now.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 587 / 833

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In this Part we look at how we may include Counterparty Credit Riskinto the Valuation from the start rather than through unexplainedad-hoc discount (multiple) curves.

This leads to the notions of Credit and Debit Valuation Adjustments(CVA DVA).

We also hint at Funding Valuation Adjustments (FVA).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 588 / 833

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Presentation based on the Forthcoming Book

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 589 / 833

Page 594: ICMSC

Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

Intro to Basic Credit Risk Products and Models

Before dealing with the current topical issues of Counterparty CreditRisk, CVA, DVA and Funding, we need to introduce some basicelements of Credit Risk Products and Credit Risk Modelling.

We now briefly look at:

Products: Credit Default Swaps (CDS) and Defaultable BondsPayoffs and prices of such productsMarket implied Q probabilities of default defined by such modelsIntensity models and probabilities of defaults as credit spreadsCredit spreads as possibly constant, curved or even stochasticCredit spread volatility (stochastic credit spreads)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 590 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

Defaultable (corporate) zero coupon bonds

We started this course by defining the zero coupon bond price P(t ,T ).Similarly to P(t ,T ) being one of the possible fundamental quantitiesfor describing the interest-rate curve, we now consider a defaultablebond P(t ,T ) as a possible fundamental variable for describing thedefaultable market.


time t time T: ←− :

P(t ,T ) 1


time t time T :: ←− NO DEFAULT: 1

P(t ,T ) DEFAULT: 0

When considering default, we have a random time τ representing the time atwhich the bond issuer defaults. τ : Default time of the issuer

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 591 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

Defaultable (corporate) zero coupon bonds I

The value of a bond issued by the company and promising thepayment of 1 at time T , as seen from time t , is the risk neutralexpectation of the discounted payoffBondPrice = Expectation[ Discount x Payoff ]

P(t ,T ) = ED(t ,T ) 1 |Ft, 1τ>tP(t ,T ) := ED(t ,T )1τ>T|Gt

where Gt represents the flow of information on whether defaultoccurred before t and if so at what time exactly, and on the default freemarket variables (like for example the risk free rate rt ) up to t . Thefiltration of default-free market variables is denoted by Ft . Formally, weassume

Gt = Ft ∨ σ(τ ≤ u, 0 ≤ u ≤ t).

D is the stochastic discount factor between two dates, depending oninterest rates, and represents discounting.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 592 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

Defaultable (corporate) zero coupon bonds II

The “indicator” function 1condition is 1 if “condition” is satisfied and 0otherwise. In particular, 1τ>T reads 1 if default τ did not occur beforeT , and 0 in the other case.

We understand then that (ignoring recovery) 1τ>T is the correctpayoff for a corporate bond at time T : the contract pays 1 if thecompany has not defaulted, and 0 if it defaulted before T , according toour earlier stylized description.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 593 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

Defaultable (corporate) zero coupon bonds

If we include a recovery amount REC to be paid at default τ in case ofearly default, we have as discounted payoff at time t

D(t ,T )1τ>T + RECD(t , τ)1τ≤T

If we include a recovery amount REC paid at maturity T , we have asdiscounted payoff

D(t ,T )1τ>T + RECD(t ,T )1τ≤T

Taking E[·|Gt ] on the above expressions gives the price of the bond.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 594 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

Fundamental Credit Derivatives: Credit Default Swaps

Credit Default Swaps are basic protection contracts that became quiteliquid on a large number of entities after their introduction.

CDS’s are now actively traded and have become a sort of basicproduct of the credit derivatives area, analogously to interest-rateswaps and FRA’s being basic products in the interest-rate derivativesworld.

As a consequence, the need is not to have a model to be used to valueCDS’s, but rather to consider a model that can be calibrated to CDS’s,i.e. to take CDS’s as model inputs (rather than outputs), in order toprice more complex derivatives.

As for options, single name CDS options have never been liquid, asthere is more liquidity in the CDS index options. We may expectmodels will have to incorporate CDS index options quotes rather thanprice them, similarly to what happened to CDS themselves.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 595 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

Fundamental Credit Derivatives: CDS’s

A CDS contract ensures protection against default. Two companies “A”(Protection buyer) and “B” (Protection seller) agree on the following.If a third company “C” (Reference Credit) defaults at time τ , withTa < τ < Tb, “B” pays to “A” a certain (deterministic) cash amount LGD.In turn, “A” pays to ”B” a rate R at times Ta+1, . . . ,Tb or until default.Set αi = Ti − Ti−1 and T0 = 0.

ProtectionSeller B

→ protection LGD at default τC if Ta < τC ≤ Tb →← rate R at Ta+1, . . . ,Tb or until default τC ←

ProtectionBuyer A

(protection leg and premium leg respectively). The cash amount LGD isa protection for “A” in case “C” defaults. Typically LGD = notional, or“notional - recovery” = 1− REC.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 596 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

Fundamental Credit Derivatives: CDS’s

A typical stylized case occurs when “A” has bought a corporate bondissued by “C” and is waiting for the coupons and final notional paymentfrom “C”: If “C” defaults before the corporate bond maturity, “A” doesnot receive such payments. “A” then goes to “B” and buys someprotection against this risk, asking “B” a payment that roughly amountsto the loss on the bond (e.g. notional minus deterministic recovery)that A would face in case “C” defaults.

Or again ”A” has a portfolio of several instruments with a largeexposure to counterparty ”C”. To partly hedge such exposure, ”A”enters into a CDS where it buys protection from a bank ”B” against thedefault of ”C”.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 597 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

Fundamental Credit Derivatives: CDS’s

ProtectionSeller B

→ protection LGD at default τC if Ta < τC ≤ Tb →← rate R at Ta+1, . . . ,Tb or until default τC ←

ProtectionBuyer A

Formally we may write the (Running) CDS discounted payoff to “B” attime t < Ta as

ΠRCDSa,b(t) := D(t , τ)(τ − Tβ(τ)−1)R1Ta<τ<Tb +b∑


D(t ,Ti)αiR1τ>Ti

−1Ta<τ≤TbD(t , τ) LGD

where Tβ(τ) is the first of the Ti ’s following τ .

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 598 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

CDS payout to Protection seller (receiver CDS)

The 3 terms in the payout are as follows (they are seen from theprotection seller, receiver CDS):

Discounted Accrued rate at default : This is supposed tocompensate the protection seller for the protection he providedfrom the last Ti before default until default τ :

D(t , τ)(τ − Tβ(τ)−1)R1Ta<τ<Tb

CDS Rate premium payments if no default: This is the premiumreceived by the protection seller for the protection being provided


D(t ,Ti)αiR1τ>Ti

Payment of protection at default if this happens before final Tb

−1Ta<τ≤TbD(t , τ) LGD

These are random discounted cash flows, not yet the CDS price.(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 599 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

CDS’s: Risk Neutral Valuation Formula

Denote by CDSa,b(t ,R,LGD) the time t price of the above Runningstandard CDS’s payoffs.

As usual, the price associated to a discounted payoff is its risk neutralexpectation.

The resulting pricing formula depends on the assumptions oninterest-rate dynamics and on the default time τ (reduced formmodels, structural models...).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 600 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

CDS’s: Risk Neutral Valuation

In general by risk-neutral valuation we can compute the CDS price attime 0 (or at any other time similarly):

CDSa,b(0,R,LGD) = EΠRCDSa,b(0),

with the CDS discounted payoffs defined earlier. As usual, E denotesthe risk-neutral expectation, the related measure being denoted by Q.

However, we will not use the formulas resulting from this approach toprice CDS that are already quoted in the market. Rather, we will invertthese formulas in correspondence of market CDS quotes to calibrateour models to the CDS quotes themselves. We will give examples ofthis later.

Now let us have a look at some particular formulas resulting from thegeneral risk neutral approach through some simplifying assumptions.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 601 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

CDS Model-independent formulas

Assume the stochastic discount factors D(s, t) to be independentof the default time τ for all possible 0 < s < t . The price of thepremium leg of the CDS at time 0 is:

PremiumLega,b(R) = E[D(0, τ)(τ − Tβ(τ)−1)R1Ta<τ<Tb] +




= E[∫ ∞

t=0D(0, t)(t − Tβ(t)−1)R1Ta<t<Tbδτ (t)dt



E[D(0,Ti)]αiR E[1τ≥Ti] =

For those who don’t know the theory of distributions (Dirac’s delta etc),read δτ (t)dt = 1τ∈[t ,t+dt].

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 602 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

CDS Model-independent formulas

PremiumLega,b(R) =

∫ Tb


E[D(0, t)(t − Tβ(t)−1)R δτ (t)dt ] +



P(0,Ti)αiR Q(τ ≥ Ti) =


∫ Tb


E[D(0, t)](t − Tβ(t)−1)R E[δτ (t)dt ] +b∑


P(0,Ti)αiR Q(τ ≥ Ti)

= R∫ Tb


P(0, t)(t − Tβ(t)−1)Q(τ ∈ [t , t + dt)) +



P(0,Ti)αiQ(τ ≥ Ti),

where we have used independence in factoring terms. Again, readδτ (t)dt = 1τ∈[t ,t+dt]

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 603 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

CDS Model-independent formulas

We have thus, by rearranging terms and introducing a “unit-premium”premium leg (sometimes called “DV01”, “Risky duration” or “annuity”):

PremiumLega,b(R; P(0, ·),Q(τ > ·)) = R PremiumLeg1a,b(P(0, ·),Q(τ > ·)),

PremiumLeg1a,b(P(0, ·),Q(τ > ·)) := −∫ Tb


P(0, t)(t − Tβ(t)−1)dt Q(τ ≥ t)



P(0,Ti)αi Q(τ ≥ Ti) (46)

This model independent formula uses the initial market zero couponcurve (bonds) at time 0 (i.e. P(0, ·)) and the survival probabilitiesQ(τ ≥ ·) at time 0 (terms in the boxes).

A similar formula holds for the protection leg, again underindependence between default τ and interest rates.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 604 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

CDS Model-independent formulas

ProtecLega,b(LGD) = E[1Ta<τ≤TbD(0, τ) LGD]

= LGD E[∫ ∞

t=01Ta<t≤TbD(0, t)δτ (t)dt

]= LGD

[∫ Tb


E[D(0, t)δτ (t)dt ]



∫ Tb


E[D(0, t)]E[δτ (t)dt ]


∫ Tb


P(0, t)Q(τ ∈ [t , t + dt))

(again interpret δτ (t)dt = 1τ∈[t ,t+dt])

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 605 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

CDS Model-independent formulas

so that we have, by introducing a “unit-notional” protection leg:

ProtecLega,b(LGD; P(0, ·),Q(τ > ·)) = LGD ProtecLeg1a,b(P(0, ·),Q(τ > ·)),

ProtecLeg1a,b(P(0, ·),Q(τ > ·)) := −∫ Tb


P(0, t) dt Q(τ ≥ t)

This formula too is model independent given the initial zero couponcurve (bonds) at time 0 observed in the market and given the survivalprobabilities at time 0 (term in the box).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 606 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

CDS Model-independent formulas

The total (Receiver) CDS price can be written as

CDSa,b(t ,R,LGD;Q(τ > ·)) = RPremiumLeg1a,b(Q(τ > ·))

−LGD ProtecLeg1a,b(Q(τ > ·))

= R

−∫ Tb


P(0, t)(t − Tβ(t)−1)dt Q(τ ≥ t) +b∑


P(0,Ti)αi Q(τ ≥ Ti)



[∫ Tb


P(0, t) dt Q(τ ≥ t)


(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 607 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable bonds

(Receiver) CDS Model-independent formulas

We may also use that dtQ(τ > t) = dt (1−Q(τ ≤ t)) = −dt Q(τ ≤ t).We have

CDSa,b(t ,R,LGD;Q(τ ≤ ·)) = −LGD

[∫ Tb


P(0, t) dt Q(τ ≤ t)



∫ Tb


P(0, t)(t − Tβ(t)−1)dt Q(τ ≤ t) +b∑


P(0,Ti)αi Q(τ ≥ Ti)

The integrals in the survival probabilities given in the above formulascan be valued as Stieltjes integrals in the survival probabilitiesthemselves, and can easily be approximated numerically bysummations through Riemann-Stieltjes sums, considering a lowenough discretization time step.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 608 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Market implied default probabilities

CDS Model-independent formulas

The market quotes, at time 0, the fair R = Rmkt MID0,b (0) coming from bid

and ask quotes for this fair R.

This fair R equates the two legs for a set of CDS with initial protectiontime Ta = 0 and final protection timeTb ∈ 1y ,2y ,3y ,4y ,5y ,6y .7y ,8y ,9y ,10y, although often only asubset of the maturities 1y ,3y ,5y ,7y ,10y is available.

Solve thenCDS0,b(t ,RmktMID

0,b (0),LGD;Q(τ > ·)) = 0

in portions of Q(τ > ·) starting from Tb = 1y , finding the marketimplied survival Q(τ ≥ t), t ≤ 1y; plugging this into the Tb = 2y CDSlegs formulas, and then solving the same equation with Tb = 2y , wefind the market implied survival Q(τ ≥ t), t ∈ (1y ,2y ], and so on upto Tb = 10y .

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 609 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Market implied default probabilities

CDS Model-independent formulas

This is a way to strip survival (or equivalently default)probabilities from CDS quotes in a model independent way. Noneed to assume an intensity or a structural model for default here.

However, the market in doing the above stripping typically resorts tointensities (also called hazard rates), assuming existence of intensitiesassociated with the default time.

We will refer to the method just highlighted as ”CDS stripping”.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 610 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable Bonds: Intensity Models

CDS and Defaultable Bonds: Intensity Models

In intensity models the random default time τ is assumed to beexponentially distributed.

A strictly positive stochastic process t 7→ λt called default intensity (orhazard rate) is given for the bond issuer or the CDS reference name.

The cumulated intensity (or hazard function) is the processt 7→

∫ t0 λs ds =: Λt . Since λ is positive, Λ is increasing in time.

The default time is defined as the inverse of the cumulative intensity onan exponential random variable ξ with mean 1 and independent of λ

τ = Λ−1(ξ).

Recall that

Q(ξ > u) = e−u, Q(ξ < u) = 1− e−u, E(ξ) = 1.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 611 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable Bonds: Intensity Models

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable Bonds: Intensity Models

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 613 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable Bonds: Intensity Models

CDS and Defaultable Bonds: Intensity Models

A few calculations: Probability of surviving time t :

Q(τ > t) = Q(Λ−1(ξ) > t) = Q(ξ > Λ(t)) =→

Let’s use the tower property of conditional expectation and the fact thatΛ is independent of ξ:

→= E[Q(ξ > Λ(t)|Λ(t))] = E[e−Λ(t)] = E[e−∫ t

0 λs ds]

This looks exactly like a bond price if we replace r by λ!

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 614 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable Bonds: Intensity Models

CDS and Defaultable Bonds: Intensity Models

Let’s price a defaultable zero coupon bond with zero recovery. Assumethat ξ is also independent of r .

P(0,T ) = E[D(0,T )1τ>T] = E[e−∫ T

0 rs ds1Λ−1(ξ)>T] =

= E[e−∫ T

0 rs ds1ξ>Λ(T )] = E[Ee−∫ T

0 rs ds1ξ>Λ(T )|Λ, r]

= E[e−∫ T

0 rs dsE1ξ>Λ(T )|Λ, r]

= E[e−∫ T

0 rs dsQξ > Λ(T )|Λ] = E[e−∫ T

0 rs dse−Λ(T )] =

= E[e−∫ T

0 rs ds−∫ T

0 λs ds = E[e−

∫ T0 (rs + λs) ds


So the price of a defaultable bond is like the price of a default-freebond where the risk free discount short rate r has been replaced by rplus a spread λ.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 615 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable Bonds: Intensity Models

CDS and Defaultable Bonds: Intensity Models

This is why in intensity models, the intensity is interpreted as a creditspread.

Because of properties of the exponential random variable, one canalso prove that

Q(τ ∈ [t , t + dt)|τ > t , ”λ[0, t ]”) = λt dt

and the intensity λt dt is also a local probability of defaulting around t .

So:λ is an instantaneous credit spread or local default probability

ξ is pure jump to default risk

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 616 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable Bonds: Intensity Models

Intensity models and Interest Rate Models

As is now clear, the exponential structure of τ in intensity modelsmakes the modeling of credit risk very similar to interest rate models.

The spread/intensity λ behaves exactly like an interest rate indiscounting

Then it is possible to use a lot of techniques from interest rate modeling(short rate models for r , first choice seen earlier) for credit as well.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 617 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models CDS and Defaultable Bonds: Intensity Models

Intensity: Constant, time dependent or stochastic

Constant λt : in this case λt = γ for a deterministic constant creditspread (intensity);Time dependent deterministic intensity λt : in this case λt = γ(t)for a deterministic curve in time γ(t). This is a model with a termstructure of credit spreads but without credit spread volatility.Time dependent and stochastic intensity λt : in this case λt is a fullstochastic process. This allows us to model the term structue ofcredit spreads but also their volatility.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 618 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Constant Intensity

The case with constant intensity λt = γ: CDS

Assume as an approximation that the CDS premium leg payscontinuously.

Instead of paying (Ti − Ti−1)R at Ti as the standard CDS, given thatthere has been no default before Ti , we approximate this premium legby assuming that it pays ”dt R” in [t , t + dt) it there has been no defaultbefore t + dt .

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 619 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Constant Intensity

The case with constant intensity λt = γ: CDS

This amounts to replace the original pricing formula of a CDS (receivercase, spot CDS with Ta = 0 = today)

CDS0,b(0,R,LGD;Q(τ > ·)) = R

[−∫ Tb

0P(0, t)(t − Tβ(t)−1)dtQ(τ ≥ t)



P(0,Ti)αiQ(τ ≥ Ti)

]+ LGD

[∫ Tb

0P(0, t) dt Q(τ ≥ t)

]with (accrual term vanishes because payments continuous now)

R∫ Tb

0P(0, t)Q(τ ≥ t)dt + LGD

∫ Tb

0P(0, t) dtQ(τ ≥ t)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 620 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Constant Intensity

The case with constant intensity λt = γ: CDS

If the intensity is a constant γ we have

Q(τ > t) = e−γt , dtQ(τ > t) = −γe−γtdt = −γQ(τ > t)dt ,

and the receiver CDS price we have seen earlier becomes

CDS0,b(t ,R,LGD;Q(τ > ·)) = −LGD

[∫ Tb

0P(0, t)γQ(τ ≥ t)dt



[∫ Tb

0P(0, t)Q(τ ≥ t)dt

]If we insert the market CDS rate R = Rmkt MID

0,b (0) in the premium leg,then the CDS present value should be zero. Solve

CDSa,b(t ,R,LGD;Q(τ > ·)) = 0 in R

to obtain

γ =Rmkt MID

0,b (0)

LGD(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 621 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Constant Intensity

The case with constant intensity λt = γ: CDS

from which we see that also the CDS premium rate R is indeed asort of CREDIT SPREAD, or INTENSITY.

We can play with this formula with a few examples.

CDS of FIAT trades at 300bps for 5y, with recovery 0.3

What is a quick rough calcul for the risk neutral probability that FIATsurvives 10 years?

γ =Rmkt FIAT

0,b (0)


300/100001− 0.3

= 4.29%

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 622 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Constant Intensity

The case with constant intensity λt = γ: CDS

Survive 10 years:

Q(τ > 10y) = exp(−γ10) = exp(−0.0429 ∗ 10) = 65.1%

Default between 3 and 5 years:

Q(τ > 3y)−Q(τ > 5y) = exp(−γ3)− exp(−γ5)

= exp(−0.0429 ∗ 3)− exp(−0.0429 ∗ 5) = 7.2%

If RCDS goes up and REC remains the same, γ goes up and survivalprobabilities go down (default probs go up)

If REC goes up and RCDS remains the same, LGD goes down and γgoes up - default probabilities go up

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 623 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Deterministic Intensity

The case with time dependent intensity λt = γ(t): CDS

We consider now deterministic time-varying intensity γ(t), which weassume to be a positive and piecewise continuous function. We define

Γ(t) :=

∫ t


the cumulated intensity, cumulated hazard rate, or also Hazardfunction.

From the exponential assumption, we have easily

Qs < τ ≤ t = Qs < Γ−1(ξ) ≤ t = QΓ(s) < ξ ≤ Γ(t) =

= Qξ > Γ(s) −Qξ > Γ(t) = exp(−Γ(s))− exp(−Γ(t)) i.e.

“prob of default between s and t is “e−∫ s

0 γ(u)du − e−∫ t

0 γ(u)du≈∫ t

s γ(u)du”(where the final approximation is good ONLY for small exponents).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 624 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Deterministic Intensity

CDS Calibration and Implied Hazard Rates/Intensities

Reduced form models are the models that are most commonly used inthe market to infer implied default probabilities from market quotes.

Market instruments from which these probabilities are drawn areespecially CDS and Bonds.

We just implement the stripping algorithm sketched earlier for ”CDSstripping”, but now taking into account that the probabilities areexpressed as exponentials of the deterministic intensity γ, that isassumed to be piecewise constant.

By adding iteratively CDS with longer and longer maturities, at eachstep we will strip the new part of the intensity γ(t) associated with thelast added CDS, while keeping the previous values of γ, for earliertimes, that were used to fit CDS with shorter maturities.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 625 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Deterministic Intensity

A Case Study of CDS stripping: Lehman Brothers

Here we show an intensity model with piecewise constant λ obtainedby CDS stripping.

We also show the AT1P structural / firm value model by Brigo et al(2004-2010). This will not be subject for this course, but in case ofinterest, for details on AT1P see


Otherwise ignore the AT1P and σi parts of the tables.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 626 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Deterministic Intensity

August 23, 2007: Lehman announces that it is going to shut oneof its home lending units (BNC Mortgage) and lay off 1,200employees. The bank says it would take a $52 million charge tothird-quarter earnings.March 18, 2008: Lehman announces better than expectedfirst-quarter results (but profits have more than halved).June 9, 2008: Lehman confirms the booking of a $2.8 billion lossand announces plans to raise $6 billion in fresh capital by sellingstock. Lehman shares lose more than 9% in afternoon trade.June 12, 2008: Lehman shakes up its management; its chiefoperating officer and president, and its chief financial officer areremoved from their posts.August 28, 2008: Lehman prepares to lay off 1,500 people. TheLehman executives have been knocking on doors all over theworld seeking a capital infusion.September 9, 2008: Lehman shares fall 45%.September 14, 2008: Lehman files for bankruptcy protection andhurtles toward liquidation after it failed to find a buyer.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 627 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Deterministic Intensity

Lehman Brothers CDS Calibration: July 10th, 2007

On the left part of this Table we report the values of the quoted CDSspreads before the beginning of the crisis. We see that the spreadsare very low. In the middle of Table 7 we have the results of the exactcalibration obtained using a piecewise constant intensity model.

Ti Ri (bps) λi (bps) Surv (Int) σi Surv (AT1P)10 Jul 2007 100.0% 100.0%

1y 16 0.267% 99.7% 29.2% 99.7%3y 29 0.601% 98.5% 14.0% 98.5%5y 45 1.217% 96.2% 14.5% 96.1%7y 50 1.096% 94.1% 12.0% 94.1%10y 58 1.407% 90.2% 12.7% 90.2%

Table: Results of calibration for July 10th, 2007.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 628 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Deterministic Intensity

Lehman Brothers CDS Calibration: June 12th, 2008

We are in the middle of the crisis. We see that the CDS spreads Rihave increased with respect to the previous case, but are not veryhigh, indicating the fact that the market is aware of the difficultiessuffered by Lehman but thinks that it can come out of the crisis. Noticethat now the term structure of both R and intensities is inverted. This istypical of names in crisis

Ti Ri (bps) λi (bps) Surv (Int) σi Surv (AT1P)12 Jun 2008 100.0% 100.0%

1y 397 6.563% 93.6% 45.0% 93.5%3y 315 4.440% 85.7% 21.9% 85.6%5y 277 3.411% 80.0% 18.6% 79.9%7y 258 3.207% 75.1% 18.1% 75.0%

10y 240 2.907% 68.8% 17.5% 68.7%

Table: Results of calibration for June 12th, 2008.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 629 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Deterministic Intensity

Lehman Brothers CDS Calibration: Sept 12th, 2008

In this Table we report the results of the calibration on September 12th,2008, just before Lehman’s default. We see that the spreads are nowvery high, corresponding to lower survival probability and higherintensities than before.

Ti Ri (bps) λi (bps) Surv (Int) σi Surv (AT1P)12 Sep 2008 100.0% 100.0%

1y 1437 23.260% 79.2% 62.2% 78.4%3y 902 9.248% 65.9% 30.8% 65.5%5y 710 5.245% 59.3% 24.3% 59.1%7y 636 5.947% 52.7% 26.9% 52.5%

10y 588 6.422% 43.4% 29.5% 43.4%

Table: Results of calibration for September 12th, 2008.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 630 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

Stochastic Intensity. The CIR++ model

We have seen in detail CDS calibration in presence of deterministicand time varying intensity or hazard rates, γ(t)dt = Qτ ∈ dt |τ > t

As explained, this accounts for credit spread structure but not forvolatility.

The latter is obtained moving to stochastic intensity (Cox process).The deterministic function t 7→ γ(t) is replaced by a stochastic processt 7→ λ(t) = λt . The Hazard function Γ(t) =

∫ t0 γ(u)du is replaced by the

Hazard process (or cumulated intensity) Λ(t) =∫ t

0 λ(u)du.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 631 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

CIR++ stochastic intensity λ

We model the stochastic intensity as follows: consider

λt = yt + ψ(t ;β) , t ≥ 0,

where the intensity has a random component y and a deterministiccomponent ψ to fit the CDS term structure. For y we take a Jump-CIRmodel

dyt = κ(µ− yt )dt + ν√

ytdZt + dJt , β = (κ, µ, ν, y0), 2κµ > ν2.

Jumps are taken themselves independent of anything else, withexponential arrival times with intensity η and exponential jump sizewith a given parameter.

In this course we will focus on the case with no jumps J, see B andEl-Bachir (2006) or B and M (2006) for the case with jumps.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 632 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

CIR++ stochastic intensity λ.Calibrating Implied Default Probabilities

With no jumps, y follows a noncentral chi-square distribution; Veryimportant: y > 0 as must be for an intensity model (Vasicek would notwork). This is the CIR++ model we have seen earlier for interest rates.

About the parameters of CIR:

dyt = κ(µ− yt )dt + ν√


κ: speed of mean reversionµ: long term mean reversion levelν: volatility.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 633 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

CIR++ stochastic intensity λ. ICalibrating Implied Default Probabilities

E [λt ] = λ0e−κt + µ(1− e−κt )

VAR(λt ) = λ0ν2

κ(e−κt − e−2κt ) + µ


2κ(1− e−κt )2

After a long time the process reaches (asymptotically) a stationarydistribution around the mean µ and with a corridor of variance µν2/2κ.The largest κ, the fastest the process converges to the stationary state.So, ceteris paribus, increasing κ kills the volatility of the credit spread.The largest µ, the highest the long term mean, so the model will tendto higher spreads in the future in average.The largest ν, the largest the volatility. Notice however that κ and νfight each other as far as the influence on volatility is concerned.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 634 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

CIR++ stochastic intensity λ. IICalibrating Implied Default Probabilities

Figure: y0 = 0.0165, κ = 0.4, µ = 0.05, ν = 0.04

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 635 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity


Assume we are given a stochastic intensity process of CIR type,

dyt = κ(µ− yt )dt + ν√

ytdW (t)

where y0, κ, µ, ν are positive constants. W is a brownian motion underthe risk neutral measure.a) Increasing κ increases or decreases randomness in the intensity?And ν?b) The mean of the intensity at future times is affected by k? And by ν?c) What happens to mean of the intensity when time grows to infinity?d) Is it true that, because of mean reversion, the variance of theintensity goes to zero (no randomness left) when time grows to infinity?e) Can you compute a rough approximation of the percentage volatilityin the intensity?

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity


f) Suppose that y0 = 400bps = 0.04, κ = 0.3, ν = 0.001 andµ = 400bps. Can you guess the behaviour of the future randomtrajectories of the stochastic intensity after time 0?g) Can you guess the spread of a CDS with 10y maturity with theabove stochastic intensity when the recovery is 0.35?

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 637 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

EXERCISE Solutions. I

a) We can refer to the formulas for the mean and variance of yT in aCIR model as seen from time 0, at a given T . The formula for thevariance is known to be (see for Example Brigo and Mercurio (2006))

VAR(yT ) = y0ν2

κ(e−κT − e−2κT ) + µ


2κ(1− e−κT )2

whereas the mean is

E [yT ] = y0e−κT + µ(1− e−κT )

We can see that for k becoming large the variance becomes small,since the exponentials decrease in k and the division by k gives asmall value for large k . In the limit


VAR(yT ) = 0

so that for very large κ there is no randomness left.(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 638 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

EXERCISE Solutions. II

We can instead see that VAR(yT ) is proportional to ν2, so that if νincreases randomness increases, as is obvious from ν

√yt being the

instantaneous volatility in the process y .

b) As the mean is

E [yT ] = y0e−κT + µ(1− e−κT )

we clearly see that this is impacted by κ (indeed, ”speed of meanreversion”) and by µ clearly (”long term mean”) but not by theinstantaneous volatility parameter ν.c) As T goes to infinity, we get for the mean


y0e−κT + µ(1− e−κT ) = µ

so that the mean tends to µ (this is why µ is called ”long term mean”).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 639 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity


d) In the limit where time goes to infinity we get, for the variance



κ(e−κT − e−2κT ) + µ


2κ(1− e−κT )2] = µ


So this does not go to zero. Indeed, mean reversion here implies thatas time goes to infinite the mean tends to µ and the variance to theconstant value µ ν


2κ , but not to zero.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 640 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

EXERCISE Solutions. IVe) Rough approximations of the percentage volatilities in the intensitywould be as follows. The instantaneous variance in dyt , conditional onthe information up to t , is (remember that VAR(dW (t)) = dt)

VAR(dyt ) = ν2ytdt

The percentage variance is






dt =ν2


and is state dependent, as it depends on yt . We may replace yt witheither its initial value y0 or with the long term mean µ, both known. Thetwo rough percentage volatilities estimates will then be, for dt = 1,√








(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 641 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

EXERCISE Solutions. V

These however do not take into account the important impact of κ inthe overall volatility of finite (as opposed to instantaneous) creditspreads and are therefore relatively useless.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 642 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

EXERCISE Solutions. VIf) First we check if the positivity condition is met.

2κµ = 2 · 0.3 · 0.04 = 0.024; ν2 = 0.0012 = 0.000001

hence 2κµ > ν2 and trajectories are positive. Then we observe thatthe variance is very small: Take T = 5y ,

VAR(yT ) = y0ν2

κ(e−κT − e−2κT ) + θ


2κ(1− e−κT )2 ≈ 0.0000006.

Take the standard deviation, given by the square root of the variance:

STDEV(yT ) ≈√

0.0000006 = 0.00077.

which is much smaller of the level 0.04 at which the intensity refersboth in terms of initial value and long term mean. Therefore there isalmost no randomness in the system as the variance is very smallcompared to the initial point and the long term mean.

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity


Hence there is almost no randomness, and since the initial conditiony0 is the same as the long term mean µ0 = 0.04, the intensity willbehave as if it had the value 0.04 all the time. All future trajectories willbe very close to the constant value 0.04.g) In a constant intensity model the CDS spread can be approximatedby


1− REC⇒ RCDS = y(1− REC) = 0.04(1− 0.35) = 260bps

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 644 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

CIR++ stochastic intensity λ. ICalibrating Implied Default Probabilities

For restrictions on the β’s that keep ψ and hence λ positive,as is required in intensity models, we may use the results in B. and

M. (2001) or (2006). We will often use the hazard processΛ(t) =

∫ t0 λsds, and also Y (t) =

∫ t0 ysds and Ψ(t , β) =

∫ t0 ψ(s, β)ds.

If we can read from the market some implied risk-neutral defaultprobabilities, and associate to them implied hazard functions ΓMkt (aswe have done in the Lehman example), we may wish our stochasticintensity model to agree with them. By recalling that survivalprobabilities look exactly like bonds formulas in short rate models for r ,we see that our model agrees with the market if

exp(−ΓMkt(t)) = exp (−Ψ(t , β))E[e−∫ t

0 ysds]

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 645 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

CIR++ stochastic intensity λ. IICalibrating Implied Default Probabilities

IMPORTANT 1: This is possible only if λ is strictly positive;IMPORTANT 2: It is fundamental, if we aim at calibrating defaultprobabilities, that the last expected value can be computed analytically.The only known diffusion model used in interest rates satisfyingboth constraints is CIR++

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 646 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

CIR++ stochastic intensity λCalibrating Implied Default Probabilities

exp(−ΓMkt(t)) = Qτ > t = exp (−Ψ(t , β))E[e−∫ t

0 ysds]

Now notice that E[e−∫ t

0 ysds] is simply the bond price for a CIR interestrate model with short rate given by y , so that it is known analytically.We denote it by Py (0, t , y0;β).

Similarly to the interest-rate case, λ is calibrated to the market impliedhazard function ΓMkt if we set

Ψ(t , β) := ΓMkt(t) + ln(Py (0, t , y0;β))

where we choose the parameters β in order to have a positive functionψ, by resorting to the condition seen earlier.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 647 / 833

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Basic Credit Risk Products and Models Intensity models: Stochastic Intensity

This concludes our introduction to Defaultable Bonds, CDS, creditspreads and intensity models.

We now turn to using such tools in one of the problems the industry isfacing right now:

Pricing of counterparty credit risk, leading to the notion of CreditValuation Adjustment (CVA)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 648 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A


(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 649 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A Counterparty Credit Risk

Q & A: What is Counterparty Credit Risk?

Q What is counterparty risk in general?A The risk taken on by an entity entering an OTC contract with a

counterparty having a relevant default probability. As such, thecounterparty might not respect its payment obligations.

The counterparty credit risk is defined as the risk that thecounterparty to a transaction could default before the finalsettlement of the transaction’s cash flows. An economic loss wouldoccur if the transactions or portfolio of transactions with thecounterparty has a positive economic value at the time of default.[Basel II, Annex IV, 2/A]

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 650 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A Credit VaR and CVA

Q & A: Credit VaR and CVA

Q What is the difference between Credit VaR and CVA?A They are both related to credit risk.Credit VaR is a Value at Risk type measure, a Risk Measure. itmeasures a potential loss due to counterparty default.CVA is a price, it stands for Credit Valuation Adjustment and is aprice adjustment. CVA is obtained by pricing the counterparty riskcomponent of a deal, similarly to how one would price a creditderivative.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 651 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A Credit VaR and CVA

Q & A: Credit VaR and CVA

Q What is the difference in practical use?A Credit VaR answers the question:”How much can I lose of this portfolio, within (say) one year, at aconfidence level of 99%, due to default risk and exposure?”CVA instead answers the question:”How much discount do I get on the price of this deal due to thefact that you, my counterparty, can default? I would trade thisproduct with a default free party. To trade it with you, who aredefault risky, I require a discount.”

Clearly, a price needs to be more precise than a risk measure, so thetechniques will be different.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 652 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A Credit VaR and CVA

Q & A: Credit VaR and CVA

Q Different? Are the methodologies for Credit VaR and CVA notsimilar?

A There are analogies but CVA needs to be more precise ingeneral. Also, Credit VaR should use statistics under the physicalmeasure whereas CVA should use statistics under the pricing measureQ What are the regulatory bodies involved?

A There are many, for Credit VaR type measures it is mostly BaselII and now III, whereas for CVA we have IAS, FASB and ISDA. But thepicture is now blurring since Basel III is quite interested in CVA tooQ What is the focus of this presentation?

A We will focus on CVA.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 653 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A Credit VaR and CVA

Q & A: Credit VaR and CVA

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 654 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A CVA, Model Risk and WWR

Q & A: CVA and Model Risk, WWR

Q What impacts counterparty risk CVA?A The OTC contract’s underlying volatility, the correlation between

the underlying and default of the counterparty, and the counterpartycredit spreads volatility.Q Is it model dependent?

A It is highly model dependent even if the original portfolio withoutcounterparty risk was not. There is a lot of model risk.Q What about wrong way risk?

A The amplified risk when the reference underlying and thecounterparty are strongly correlated in the wrong direction.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 655 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A Collateral

Q & A: Collateral

Q What is collateral?A It is a guarantee (liquid and secure asset, cash) that is deposited

in a collateral account in favour of the investor party facing theexposure. If the depositing counterparty defaults, thus not being ableto fulfill payments associated to the above mentioned exposure,Collateral can be used by the investor to offset its loss.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 656 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A Netting

Q & A: Netting

Q What is netting?A This is the agreement to net all positions towards a counterparty

in the event of the counterparty default. This way positions withnegative PV can be offset by positions with positive PV andcounterparty risk is reduced. This has to do with the option on a sumbeing smaller than the sum of the options. CVA is typically computedon netting sets.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 657 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A Netting

For an introductory dialogue on Counterparty Risk see

CVA Q&AD. Brigo (2012). Counterparty Risk Q&A: Credit VaR, CVA, DVA,Closeout, Netting, Collateral, Re-hypothecation, Wrong Way Risk,Basel, Funding, and Margin Lending. SSRN.com and arXiv.org.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 658 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A Netting

Check also

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 659 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A Credit and Debit Valuation Adjustments (CVA-DVA)

General Notation

We will call “Bank” or sometimes the ”investor” the party interestedin the counterparty adjustment. This is denoted by “B”We will call “counterparty” the party with whom the Bank istrading, and whose default may affect negatively the Bank. This isdenoted by “C”.“1” will be used for the underlying name/risk factor(s) of thecontractThe counterparty’s default time is denoted with τC and therecovery rate for unsecured claims with RECC (we often useLGDC := 1− RECC).ΠB(t ,T ) is the discounted payout without default risk seen by ‘B’(sum of all future cash flows between t and T , discounted back att). ΠC(t ,T ) = −ΠB(t ,T ) is the same quantity but seen from thepoint of view of ‘C’. When we omit the index B or C we mean ‘B’.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 660 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A Credit and Debit Valuation Adjustments (CVA-DVA)

Examples of products Π

If ”B” enters an interest rate swap where ”B” pays fixed K and receivesfrom ”C” LIBOR L with tenor Tα,Tα+1, . . . ,Tβ, then the payout iswritten, as we have seen earlier, as

Π(0,Tβ) =


D(0,Ti)(Ti − Ti−1)(L(Ti−1,Ti)− K ).

The majority of the instruments that are subject to Counterparty risk isgiven by Interest Rate Swaps.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 661 / 833

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Intro to Counterparty Risk: Q & A Credit and Debit Valuation Adjustments (CVA-DVA)

General Notation

We define NPVB(t ,T ) = Et [Π(t ,T )]. When T is clear from thecontext we omit it and write NPV(t).

Π(s, t) + D(s, t)Π(t ,u) = Π(s,u)

E0[D(0,u)NPV (u,T )] = E0[D(0,u)Eu[Π(u,T )]] =

= E0[D(0,u)Π(u,T )] = NPV (0,T )− E0[Π(0,u)]

= NPV (0,T )− NPV (0,u)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 662 / 833

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Unilateral counterparty risk

We now look into unilateral counterparty risk.

This is a situation where counterparty risk pricing is computed byassuming that only the counterparty can default, whereas the investoror bank doing the calculation is assumed to be default free.

Hence we will only consider here the default time τC of thecounterparty. We will address the bilateral case later on.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 663 / 833

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The mechanics of Evaluating unilateral counterpartyrisk

payoff undercounterpartydefault risk

counterpartydefaults afterfinal maturity

original payoff of the instrument

counterpartydefaults beforefinal maturity

all cash flows before default⊕ recovery of the residual NPV atdefault if positive Total residual NPV at default ifnegative

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 664 / 833

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Mechanics General formula, Symmetry vs Asymmetry

General Formulation under Asymmetry

ΠDB (t ,T ) = 1τC>T ΠB(t ,T )

+1t<τC≤T[ΠB(t , τC) + D(t , τC)

(RECC (NPVB(τC))+ − (−NPVB(τC))+)]

This last expression is the general payoff seen from the point of view of‘B’ (ΠB, NPVB) under unilateral counterparty default risk. Indeed,

1 if there is no early default, this expression reduces to first term onthe right hand side, which is the payoff of a default-free claim.

2 In case of early default of the counterparty, the payments duebefore default occurs are received (second term)

3 and then if the residual net present value is positive only therecovery value of the counterparty RECC is received (third term),

4 whereas if it is negative it is paid in full by the investor/ Bank(fourth term).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 665 / 833

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Mechanics Unilateral Credit Valuation Adjustment (UCVA)

General Formulation under Asymmetry

If one simplifies the cash flows and takes the risk neutral expectation,one obtains the fundamental formula for the valuation of counterpartyrisk when the investor/ Bank B is default free:


ΠDB (t ,T )


111τC>tEt ΠB(t ,T ) − Et

LGDC111t<τC≤TD(t, τC) [NPVB(τC)]+


First term : Value without counterparty risk.Second term : Unilateral Counterparty Valuation AdjustmentNPV(τC) = EτC [Π(τC ,T )] is the value of the transaction on thecounterparty default date. LGD = 1 - REC counterparty.

UCVA0 = Et

LGDC111t<τC≤TD(t, τC) [NPVB(τC)]+

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 666 / 833

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Mechanics Unilateral Credit Valuation Adjustment (UCVA)

Proof of the formula

In the proof we omit indices: τ = τC , REC=RECC , LGD=LGDC ,NPV=NPVB, Π = ΠB. The proof is obtained easily putting together thefollowing steps. Since

1τ>tΠ(t ,T ) = 1τ>TΠ(t ,T ) + 1t<τ≤TΠ(t ,T )

we can rewrite the terms inside the expectation in the right hand sideof the simplified formula (*) as

111τ>tΠ(t ,T )−

LGD111t<τ≤TD(t , τ) [NPV(τ)]+

= 1τ>TΠ(t ,T ) + 1t<τ≤TΠ(t ,T )

+ (REC− 1)[1t<τ≤TD(t , τ)(NPV(τ))+]= 1τ>TΠ(t ,T ) + 1t<τ≤TΠ(t ,T )

+ REC 1t<τ≤TD(t , τ)(NPV(τ))+ − 1t<τ≤TD(t , τ)(NPV(τ))+

Conditional on the information at τ the second and the fourth terms areequal to

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 667 / 833

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Mechanics Unilateral Credit Valuation Adjustment (UCVA)

Proof (cont’d)

Eτ [1t<τ≤TΠ(t ,T )− 1t<τ≤TD(t , τ)(NPV(τ))+]

= Eτ [1t<τ≤T[Π(t , τ) + D(t , τ)Π(τ,T )− D(t , τ)(Eτ [Π(τ,T )])+]]

= 1t<τ≤T[Π(t , τ) + D(t , τ)Eτ [Π(τ,T )]− D(t , τ)(Eτ [Π(τ,T )])+]

= 1t<τ≤T[Π(t , τ)− D(t , τ)(Eτ [Π(τ,T )])−]

= 1t<τ≤T[Π(t , τ)− D(t , τ)(Eτ [−Π(τ,T )])+]

= 1t<τ≤T[Π(t , τ)− D(t , τ)(−NPV(τ))+]


1t<τ≤TΠ(t ,T ) = 1t<τ≤TΠ(t , τ) + D(t , τ)Π(τ,T )

and f = f + − f− = f + − (−f )+.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 668 / 833

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Mechanics Unilateral Credit Valuation Adjustment (UCVA)

Proof (cont’d)

Then we can see that after conditioning the whole expression of theoriginal long payoff on the information at time τ and substituting thesecond and the fourth terms just derived above, the expected valuewith respect to Ft coincides exactly with the one in our simplifiedformula (*) by the properties of iterated expectations by whichEt [X ] = Et [Eτ [X ]].

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 669 / 833

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Mechanics Unilateral Credit Valuation Adjustment (UCVA)

What we can observe

Including counterparty risk in the valuation of an otherwisedefault-free derivative =⇒ credit (hybrid) derivative.

The inclusion of counterparty risk adds a level of optionality to thepayoff.In particular, model independent products become modeldependent also in the underlying market.=⇒ Counterparty Risk analysis incorporates an opinionabout the underlying market dynamics and volatility.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 670 / 833

Page 675: ICMSC

Mechanics Unilateral Debit Valuation Adjustment (UDVA)

The point of view of the counterparty “C”

The deal from the point of view of ‘C’, while staying in a world whereonly ‘C” may default.

ΠDC(t ,T ) = 1τC>T ΠC(t ,T )

+1t<τC≤T[ΠC(t , τC) + D(t , τC)

((NPVC(τC))+ − RECC (−NPVC(τC))+)]

This last expression is the general payoff seen from the point of view of‘C’ (ΠC , NPVC) under unilateral counterparty default risk. Indeed,

1 if there is no early default, this expression reduces to first term onthe right hand side, which is the payoff of a default-free claim.

2 In case of early default of the counterparty ‘C”, the payments duebefore default occurs go through (second term)

3 and then if the residual net present value is positive to thedefaulted ‘C’, it is received in full from ‘B’ (third term),

4 whereas if it is negative, only the recovery fraction RECC it is paidto ‘B’ (fourth term).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 671 / 833

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Mechanics Unilateral Debit Valuation Adjustment (UDVA)

The point of view of the counterparty “C”

The above formula simplifies to


ΠDC(t ,T )


111τC>tEt ΠC(t ,T )+ Et

LGDC111t<τC≤TD(t, τC) [−NPVC(τC)]+

and the adjustment term with respect to the risk free priceEt ΠC(t ,T ) is called


UDVAC(t) = Et

LGDC111t<τC≤TD(t, τC) [−NPVC(τC)]+

We note that UDVAC = UCVAB.Notice also that in this universe UDVAB = UCVAC = 0.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 672 / 833

Page 677: ICMSC

Mechanics Bilateral Risk and DVA

Including the investor/ Bank default or not?

Often the investor, when computing a counterparty risk adjustment,considers itself to be default-free. This can be either a unrealisticassumption or an approximation for the case when the counterpartyhas a much higher default probability than the investor.

If this assumption is made when no party is actually default-free, theunilateral valuation adjustment is asymmetric: if “C” were to consideritself as default free and “B” as counterparty, and if “C” computed thecounterparty risk adjustment, this would not be the opposite of the onecomputed by “B” in the straight case.

Also, the total NPV including counterparty risk is similarly asymmetric,in that the total value of the position to “B” is not the opposite of thetotal value of the position to “C”. There is no cash conservation.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 673 / 833

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Mechanics Bilateral Risk and DVA

Including the investor/ Bank default or not?

We get back symmetry if we allow for default of the investor/ Bank incomputing counterparty risk. This also results in an adjustment that ischeaper to the counterparty “C”.

The counterparty “C” may then be willing to ask the investor/ Bank “B”to include the investor default event into the model, when theCounterparty risk adjustment is computed by the investor

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 674 / 833

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Mechanics Bilateral Risk and DVA

The case of symmetric counterparty risk

Suppose now that we allow for both parties to default. Counterpartyrisk adjustment allowing for default of “B”?“B” : the investor; “C”: the counterparty;(“1”: the underlying name/risk factor of the contract).τB, τC : default times of “B” and “C”. T : final maturityWe consider the following events, forming a partition

Four events ordering the default times

A = τB ≤ τC ≤ T E = T ≤ τB ≤ τCB = τB ≤ T ≤ τC F = T ≤ τC ≤ τBC = τC ≤ τB ≤ TD = τC ≤ T ≤ τB

Define NPVB,C(t) := Et [ΠB,C(t ,T )], and recall ΠB = −ΠC .

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 675 / 833

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Mechanics Bilateral Risk and DVA

The case of symmetric counterparty riskΠD

B (t ,T ) = 1E∪F ΠB(t ,T )

+1C∪D[ΠB(t , τC) + D(t , τC)

(RECC (NPVB(τC))+ − (−NPVB(τC))+)]

+1A∪B[ΠB(t , τB) + D(t , τB)

((NPVB(τB))+ − RECB (−NPVB(τB))+)]

1 If no early default⇒ payoff of a default-free claim (1st term).2 In case of early default of the counterparty, the payments due

before default occurs are received (second term),3 and then if the residual net present value is positive only the

recovery value of the counterparty RECC is received (third term),4 whereas if negative, it is paid in full by the investor/ Bank (4th

term).5 In case of early default of the investor, the payments due before

default occurs are received (fifth term),6 and then if the residual net present value is positive it is paid in full

by the counterparty to the investor/ Bank (sixth term),7 whereas if it is negative only the recovery value of the investor/

Bank RECB is paid to the counterparty (seventh term).(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 676 / 833

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Mechanics Bilateral Risk and DVA

The case of symmetric counterparty risk



B (t ,T )

= Et ΠB(t ,T )+ DVAB(t)− CVAB(t)

DVAB(t) = Et

LGDB · 111(t < τ 1st = τB < T) · D(t, τB) · [−NPVB(τB)]+

CVAB(t) = Et

LGDC · 111(t < τ 1st = τC < T) · D(t, τC) · [NPVB(τC)]+

1(A ∪ B) = 1(t < τ1st = τB < T ), 1(C ∪ D) = 1(t < τ1st = τC < T )

Obtained simplifying the previous formula and taking expectation.2nd term : adj due to scenarios τB < τC . This is positive to theinvestor/ Bank B and is called ”Debit Valuation Adjustment” (DVA)3d term : Counterparty risk adj due to scenarios τC < τB

Bilateral Valuation Adjustment as seen from B:BVAB = DVAB − CVAB.If computed from the opposite point of view of “C” havingcounterparty “B”, BVAC = −BVAB. Symmetry.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 677 / 833

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Mechanics Bilateral Risk and DVA

The case of symmetric counterparty risk

Strange consequences of the formula new mid term, i.e. DVA

credit quality of investor WORSENS⇒ books POSITIVE MARKTO MKTcredit quality of investor IMPROVES⇒ books NEGATIVE MARKTO MKTCitigroup in its press release on the first quarter revenues of 2009reported a positive mark to market due to its worsened creditquality: “Revenues also included [...] a net 2.5$ billion positiveCVA on derivative positions, excluding monolines, mainly due tothe widening of Citi’s CDS spreads”

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 678 / 833

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Mechanics DVA Hedging?

The case of symmetric counterparty risk: DVA?

October 18, 2011, 3:59 PM ET, WSJ. Goldman SachsHedges Its Way to Less Volatile Earnings.

Goldman’s DVA gains in the third quarter totaled $450 million [...] Thatamount is comparatively smaller than the $1.9 billion in DVA gains thatJ.P. Morgan Chase and Citigroup each recorded for the third quarter.Bank of America reported $1.7 billion of DVA gains in its investmentbank. Analysts estimated that Morgan Stanley will record $1.5 billion ofnet DVA gains when it reports earnings on Wednesday [...]

Is DVA real? DVA Hedging. Buying back bonds? Proxying?

DVA hedge? One should sell protection on oneself, impossible, unlessone buys back bonds that he had issued earlier. Very Difficult.Most times: proxying. Instead of selling protection on oneself, onesells protection on a number of names that one thinks are highlycorrelated to oneself.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 679 / 833

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Mechanics DVA Hedging?

The case of symmetric counterparty risk: DVA?

Again from the WSJ article above:

[...] Goldman Sachs CFO David Viniar said Tuesday that the companyattempts to hedge [DVA] using a basket of different financials.A Goldman spokesman confirmed that the company did this by sellingCDS on a range of financial firms. [...] Goldman wouldn’t say whatspecific financials were in the basket, but Viniar confirmed [...] that thebasket contained ’a peer group.’

This can approximately hedge the spread risk of DVA, but not the jumpto default risk. Merrill hedging DVA risk by selling protection onLehman would not have been a good idea. Worsens systemic risk.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 680 / 833

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Mechanics DVA Hedging?

DVA or no DVA? Accounting VS Capital Requirements

NO DVA: Basel III, page 37, July 2011 release

This CVA loss is calculated without taking into account any offsettingdebit valuation adjustments which have been deducted from capitalunder paragraph 75.

YES DVA: FAS 157Because nonperformance risk (the risk that the obligation will not befulfilled) includes the reporting entitys credit risk, the reporting entityshould consider the effect of its credit risk (credit standing) on the fairvalue of the liability in all periods in which the liability is measured atfair value under other accounting pronouncements FAS 157 (see alsoIAS 39)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 681 / 833

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Mechanics DVA Hedging?

DVA or no DVA? Accounting VS Capital Requirements

Stefan Walter says:

”The potential for perverse incentives resulting from profit being linkedto decreasing creditworthiness means capital requirements cannotrecognise it, says Stefan Walter, secretary-general of the BaselCommittee: The main reason for not recognising DVA as an offset isthat it would be inconsistent with the overarching supervisory prudenceprinciple under which we do not give credit for increases in regulatorycapital arising from a deterioration in the firms own credit quality.”

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 682 / 833

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Mechanics DVA Hedging?

Funding and DVA

We will look at this more carefully when dealing with funding costs. Fornow:

DVA a component of FVA?DVA is related to funding costs when the payout is uni-directional, egshorting/issuing a bond, borrowing in a loan, or going short a calloption.

Indeed, if we are short simple products that are uni-directional, we arebasically borrowing.

As we shorted a bond or a call option, for example, we received cashV0 in the beginning, and we will have to pay the product payout in theend.

This cash can be used by us to fund other activities, and allows us tospare the costs of fuding this cash V0 from our treasury.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 683 / 833

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Mechanics DVA Hedging?

Funding and DVA

Our treasury usually funds in the market, and the market charges ourtreasury a cost of funding that is related to the borrowed amount V0, tothe period T and to our own bank credit risk τB < T .

In this sense the funding cost we are sparing when we avoid borrowinglooks similar to DVA: it is related to the price of the object we areshorting and to our own credit risk.

However quite a number of assumptions is needed to identify DVA witha pure funding benefit, as we will see below.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 684 / 833

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Mechanics DVA Hedging?

The case of symmetric counterparty risk: DVA?

When allowing for the investor to default: symmetry

DVA: One more term with respect to the unilateral case.depending on credit spreads and correlations, the total adjustmentto be subtracted (CVA-DVA) can now be either positive ornegative. In the unilateral case it can only be positive.Ignoring the symmetry is clearly more expensive for thecounterparty and cheaper for the investor.Hedging DVA is difficult. Hedging “by peers” ignores jump todefault riskWe assume the unilateral case in most of the numericalpresentationsWE TAKE THE POINT OF VIEW OF ‘B” from now on, so we omitthe subscript ‘B’. We denote the counterparty as ‘C”.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 685 / 833

Page 690: ICMSC

Mechanics Closeout and contagion

Closeout: Replication (ISDA?) VS Risk Free

When we computed the bilateral adjustment formula from

ΠDB (t ,T ) = 1E∪F ΠB(t ,T )

+1C∪D[ΠB(t , τC) + D(t , τC)

(RECC (NPVB(τC))+ − (−NPVB(τC))+)]

+1A∪B[ΠB(t , τB) + D(t , τB)

((−NPVC(τB))+ − RECB (NPVC(τB))+)]

(where we now substituted NPVB = −NPVC in the last two terms) weused the risk free NPV upon the first default, to close the deal. Butwhat if upon default of the first entity, the deal needs to be valued bytaking into account the credit quality of the surviving party? What if wemake the substitutions



(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 686 / 833

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Mechanics Closeout and contagion

Closeout: Replication (ISDA?) VS Risk Free

ISDA (2009) Close-out Amount Protocol.”In determining a Close-out Amount, the Determining Party mayconsider any relevant information, including, [...] quotations (either firmor indicative) for replacement transactions supplied by one or morethird parties that may take into account the creditworthiness of theDetermining Party at the time the quotation is provided”

This makes valuation more continuous: upon default we still priceincluding the DVA, as we were doing before default.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 687 / 833

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Mechanics Closeout and contagion

Closeout: Substitution (ISDA?) VS Risk Free

The final formula with subsitution closeout is quite complicated:

ΠDB (t ,T ) = 1E∪F ΠB(t ,T )


[ΠB(t , τC) + D(t , τC)

·(RECC (NPVB(τC) + UDVAB(τC))+ − (−NPVB(τC)− UDVAB(τC))+) ]


[ΠB(t , τB) + D(t , τB)

·((−NPVC(τB)− UDVAC(τB))+ − RECB (NPVC(τB) + UDVAC(τB))+) ]

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 688 / 833

Page 693: ICMSC

Mechanics Closeout and contagion

Closeout: Substitution (ISDA?) VS Risk Free

B. and Morini (2010)We analyze the Risk Free closeout formula in Comparison with theReplication Closeout formula for a Zero coupon bond when:1. Default of ‘B’ and ‘C” are independent2. Default of ‘B’ and ‘C” are co-monotonic

Suppose ‘B’ (the lender) holds the bond,and ‘C’ (the borrower) will pay the notional 1 at maturity T .

The risk free price of the bond at time 0 to ’B’ is denoted by P(0,T ).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 689 / 833

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Mechanics Closeout and contagion

Closeout: Replication (ISDA?) VS Risk Free

Suppose ‘B’ (the lender) holds the bond, and ‘C’ (the borrower) will paythe notional 1 at maturity T .The risk free price of the bond at time 0 to ’B’ is denoted by P(0,T ).If we assume deterministic interest rates, the above formulas reduce to

PD,Repl(0,T ) = P(0,T )[Q(τC > T ) + RECCQ(τC ≤ T )]

PD,Free(0,T ) = P(0,T )[Q(τC > T ) + Q(τB < τC < T )

+RECCQ(τC ≤ min(τB,T ))]

= P(0,T )[Q(τC > T ) + RECCQ(τC ≤ T ) + LGDCQ(τB < τC < T )]

Risk Free Closeout and Credit Risk of the LenderThe adjusted price of the bond DEPENDS ON THE CREDIT RISK OFTHE LENDER ‘B’ IF WE USE THE RISK FREE CLOSEOUT. This iscounterintuitive and undesirable.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 690 / 833

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Mechanics Closeout and contagion

Closeout: Replication (ISDA?) VS Risk Free

Co-Monotonic CaseIf we assume the default of B and C to be co-monotonic, and thespread of the lender ‘B” to be larger, we have that the lender ‘B”defaults first in ALL SCENARIOS (e.g. ‘C’ is a subsidiary of ‘B’, or acompany whose well being is completely driven by ‘B’: ‘C’ is a tryefactory whose only client is car producer ‘B”). In this case

PD,Repl(0,T ) = P(0,T )[Q(τC > T ) + RECCQ(τC ≤ T )]

PD,Free(0,T ) = P(0,T )[Q(τC > T ) + Q(τC < T )] = P(0,T )

Risk free closeout is correct. Either ‘B” does not default, and then ‘C”does not default either, or if ‘B” defaults, at that precise time C issolvent, and B recovers the whole payment. Credit risk of ‘C” shouldnot impact the deal.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 691 / 833

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Mechanics Closeout and contagion

Closeout: Substitution (ISDA?) VS Risk Free

Contagion. What happens at default of the Lender

PD,Subs(t ,T ) = P(t ,T )[Qt (τC > T ) + RECCQt (τC ≤ T )]

PD,Free(t ,T ) = PD,Subs(t ,T ) + P(t ,T )LGDCQt (τB < τC < T )

We focus on two cases:τB and τC are independent. Take t < T .

Qt−∆t (τB < τC < T ) 7→ τB = t 7→ Qt+∆t (τC < T )

and this effect can be quite sizeable.τB and τC are comonotonic. Take an example where τB = t < Timplies τC = u < T with u > t . Then

Qt−∆t (τC > T ) 7→ τB = t , τC = u 7→ 0

Qt−∆t (τC ≤ T ) 7→ τB = t , τC = u 7→ 1

Qt−∆t (τB < τC < T ) 7→ τB = t , τC = u 7→ 1(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 692 / 833

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Mechanics Closeout and contagion

Closeout: Substitution (ISDA?) VS Risk Free

Let us put the pieces together:

τB and τC are independent. Take t < T .

PD,Subs(t −∆t ,T ) 7→ τB = t 7→ no change

PD,Free(t −∆t ,T ) 7→ τB = t 7→ add Qt−∆t (τB > τC , τC < T )

and this effect can be quite sizeable.τB and τC are comonotonic. Take an example where τB = t < Timplies τC = u < T with u > t . Then

PD,Subs(t −∆t ,T ) 7→ τB = t 7→ subtract X

X = LGDCP(t ,T )Qt−∆t (τC > T )

PD,Free(t −∆t ,T ) 7→ τB = t 7→ no change

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 693 / 833

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Mechanics Closeout and contagion

Closeout: Replication (ISDA?) VS Risk Free

The independence case: Contagion with Risk Free closeoutThe Risk Free closeout shows that upon default of the lender, the markto market to the lender itself jumps up, or equivalently the mark tomarket to the borrower jumps down. The effect can be quitedramatic.The Replication closeout instead shows no such contagion, as themark to market does not change upon default of the lender.

The co-monotonic case: Contagion with Replication closeoutThe Risk Free closeout behaves nicely in the co-monotonic case, andthere is no change upon default of the lender.Instead the Replication closeout shows that upon default of the lenderthe mark to market to the lender jumps down, or equivalently the markto market to the borrower jumps up.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 694 / 833

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Mechanics Closeout and contagion

Closeout: Replication (ISDA?) VS Risk Free

Impact of an early default of the LenderDependence→ independence co-monotonicity

Closeout↓Risk Free Negatively affects No contagion


Replication No contagion Further Negativelyaffects Lender

For a numerical case study and more details see Brigo and Morini(2010, 2011).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 695 / 833

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Mechanics Can we neglect first to default risk?

A simplified formula without τ1st for bilateral VA

The simplified formula is only a simplified representation ofbilateral risk and ignores that upon the first default closeoutproceedings are started, thus involving a degree of doublecountingIt is attractive because it allows for the construction of a bilateralcounterparty risk pricing system based only on a unilateral one.The correct formula involves default dependence between the twoparties through τ1st and allows no such incremental constructionA simplified bilateral formula is possible also in case ofsubstitution closeout, but it turns out to be identical to thesimplified formula of the risk free closeout case.We analyze the impact of default dependence between investor ‘B’and counterparty ‘C’ on the difference between the two formulasby looking at a zero coupon bond and at an equity forward.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 696 / 833

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Mechanics Can we neglect first to default risk?

A simplified formula without τ1st for bilateral VA

One can show easily that the difference between the full correctformula and the simplified formula is

E0[1τB<τC<TLGDCD(0, τC)(EτC (Π(τC ,T )))+] (47)− E0[1τC<τB<TLGDBD(0, τB)(−EτB (Π(τB,T )))+].

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 697 / 833

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Mechanics Can we neglect first to default risk?

A simplified formula without τ1st : The case of a ZeroCoupon Bond

We work under deterministic interest rates. We consider P(t ,T ) heldby ‘B” (lender) who will receive the notional 1 from ‘C”(borrower) atfinal maturity T if there has been no default of ‘C”.

The difference between the correct bilateral formula and the simplifiedone is, under risk free closeout,

LGDCP(0,T )Q(τB < τC < T ).

The case with substitution closeout is instead trivial and the differenceis null. For a bond, the simplified formula coincides with the fullsubstitution closeout formula.

Therefore the difference above is the same difference between riskfree closeout and substitution closeout formulas, and has beenexamined earlier, also in terms of contagion.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 698 / 833

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Mechanics Can we neglect first to default risk?

A simplified formula without τ1st : The case of anEquity forward

In this case the payoff at maturity time T is given by ST − K

where ST is the price of the underlying equity at time T and K thestrike price of the forward contract (typically K = S0, ‘at the money’, orK = S0/P(0,T ), ‘at the money forward’).

We compute the difference DBC between the correct bilateral risk freecloseout formula and the simplified one.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 699 / 833

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Mechanics Can we neglect first to default risk?

A simplified formula without τ1st : The case of anEquity forward

DBC := A1 − A2, where

A1 = E0

1τB<τC<TLGDCD(0, τC)(SτC − P(τC ,T )K )+

A2 = E0

1τC<τB<TLGDBD(0, τB)(P(τB,T )K − SτB )+

The worst cases will be the ones where the terms A1 and A2 do notcompensate. For example assume there is a high probability thatτB < τC and that the forward contract is deep in the money. In suchcase A1 will be large and A2 will be small.

Similarly, a case where τC < τB is very likely and where the forward isdeep out of the money will lead to a large A2 and to a small A1.

However, we show with a numerical example that even when theforward is at the money the difference can be relevant. For moredetails see Brigo and Buescu (2011).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 700 / 833

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Mechanics Can we neglect first to default risk?

Figure: DBC plotted against Kendall’s tau between τB and τC , all otherquantities being equal: S0 = 1, T = 5, σ = 0.4, K = 1, λB = 0.1, λC = 0.05.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 700 / 833

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Mechanics Payoff Risk


The exact payout corresponding with the Credit and Debit valuationadjustment is not clear.

DVA or not?Which Closeout?First to default risk or not?How are collateral and funding accounted for exactly?

Worse than model risk: Payout risk. WHICH PAYOUT?At a recent industry panel (WBS) on CVA it was stated that 5 banksmight compute CVA in 15 different ways.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 701 / 833

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Methodology1 Assumption: The Bank/investor enters a transaction with a

counterparty and, when dealing with Unilateral Risk, the investorconsiders itself default free.Note : All the payoffs seen from the point of view of the investor.

2 We model and calibrate the default time of the counterparty usinga stochastic intensity default model, except in the equity casewhere we will use a firm value model.

3 We model the transaction underlying and estimate the deal NPVat default.

4 We allow for the counterparty default time and the contractunderlying to be correlated.

5 We start however from the case when such correlation can beneglected.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 702 / 833

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Model Modeling the underlying

Approximation: Default BucketingGeneral Formulation

1 Model (underlying) to estimate the NPV of the transaction.

2 Simulations are run allowing for correlation between the credit andunderlying models, to determine the counterparty default time and theunderlying deal NPV respectively.

Approximated Formulation under default bucketing

E0ΠD(0,T ) := E0Π(0,T )− LGDE0[1τ<Tb D(0, τ)(EτΠ(τ,T ))+]

= E0Π(0,T )− LGDE0[(b∑


1τ ∈ (Tj−1,Tj ]) D(0, τ)(EτΠ(τ,T ))+]

= E0Π(0,T )− LGD


E0[1τ ∈ (Tj−1,Tj ] D(0, τ)(EτΠ(τ,T ))+]

≈ E0Π(0,T )− LGD


E0[1τ ∈ (Tj−1,Tj ] D(0,Tj )(ETj Π(Tj ,T ))+]

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 703 / 833

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Model Modeling the underlying

Approximation: Default Bucketing and Independence

1 In this formulation defaults are bucketed but we still need a jointmodel for τ and the underlying Π including their correlation.

2 Option model for Π is implicitly needed in τ scenarios.

Approximated Formulation under independence (and 0 correlation)

E0ΠD(0,T ) := E0Π(0,T )



Qτ ∈ (Tj−1,Tj ] E0[D(0,Tj )(ETj Π(Tj ,T ))+]

1 In this formulation defaults are bucketed and only survival probabilitiesare needed (no default model).

2 Option model is STILL needed for the underlying of Π.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 704 / 833

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Model Modeling the credit part

Ctrparty default model: CIR++ stochastic intensity

If we cannot assume independence, we need a default model.Counterparty instantaneous credit spread: λ(t) = y(t) + ψ(t ;β)

1 y(t) is a CIR process with possible jumps

dyt = κ(µ−yt )dt+ν√

ytdW yt +dJt , τC = Λ−1(ξ), Λ(T ) =

∫ T


2 ψ(t ;β) is the shift that matches a given CDS curve3 ξ is standard exponential independent of all brownian driven

stochastic processes4 In CDS calibration we assume deterministic interest rates.5 Calibration : Closed form Fitting of model survival probabilities to

counterparty CDS quotes6 B and El Bachir (2010) (Mathematical Finance) show that this

model with jumps has closed form solutions for CDS options.(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 705 / 833

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Model Modeling the credit part

Literature on CVA across asset classes

Impact of dynamics, volatilities, correlations, wrong way risk

Interest Rate Swaps and Derivatives Portfolios (B. Masetti(2005), B. Pallavicini 2007, 2008, B. Capponi P. Papatheodorou2011, B. C. P. P. 2012 with collateral and gap risk)Commodities swaps (Oil) (B. and Bakkar 2009)Credit: CDS on a reference credit (B. and Chourdakis 2009, B.C. Pallavicini 2012 Mathematical Finance)Equity Return Swaps (B. and Tarenghi 2004, B. T. Morini 2011)Equity uses AT1P firm value model of B. and T. (2004) (barrieroptions with time-inhomogeneous GBM) and extensions (randombarriers for risk of fraud).

Further asset classes are studied in the literature. For example seeBiffis et al (2011) for CVA on longevity swaps.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 706 / 833

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Model Modeling the credit part

Interest Rate and Commodities swaps and derivatives

We now examine UCVA with WWR for:Interest Rate Swaps and Derivatives PortfoliosCommodities swaps

Interest rate swaps are the vast majority of market contracts on whichCVA is computed.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 707 / 833

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Model Interest rate swaps

Interest Rates Swap CaseFormulation for IRS under independence (no correlation)

IRSD(t ,K ) = IRS(t .K )



Qτ ∈ (Ti−1,Ti ]SWAPTIONi,b(t ; K ,Si,b(t), σi,b)

Modeling Approach with corr.Gaussian 2-factor G2++ short-rate r(t) model:r(t) = x(t) + z(t) + ϕ(t ;α), r(0) = r0

dx(t) = −ax(t)dt + σdWxdz(t) = −bz(t)dt + ηdWz

dWx dWz = ρx,zdt

α = [r0, a, b, σ, η, ρ1,2]

dWx dWy = ρx,y dt , dWzdWy = ρz,y dt


The function ϕ(·;α) is deterministic and isused to calibrate the initial curve observedin the market.

We use swaptions and zero curve data tocalibrate the model.

The r factors x and z and the intensity aretaken to be correlated.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 708 / 833

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Model Interest rate swaps

Interest Rates Swap Case

Total Correlation Counterparty default / rates

ρ = Corr(drt ,dλt ) =σρx ,y + ηρz,y√

σ2 + η2 + 2σηρx ,z

√1 + 2βγ2



where β is the intensity of arrival of λ jumps and γ is the mean of theexponentially distributed jump sizes.

Without jumps (β = 0)

ρ = Corr(drt ,dλt ) =σρx ,y + ηρz,y√σ2 + η2 + 2σηρx ,z


(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 709 / 833

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Model Interest rate swaps

IRS: Case Study1) Single Interest Rate Swaps (IRS)At-the-money fix-receiver forward interest-rate-swap (IRS) paying onthe EUR market.The IRS’s fixed legs pay annually a 30E/360 strike rate, while thefloating legs pay LIBOR twice per year.2) Netted portfolios of IRS.- Portfolios of at-the-money IRS either with different starting dates orwith different maturities.

1 (Π1) annually spaced dates Ti : i = 0 . . .N, T0 two businessdays from trade date; portfolio of swaps maturing at each Ti , withi > 0, all starting at T0.

2 (Π2) portfolio of swaps starting at each Ti all maturing at TN .Can also do exotics (Ratchets, CMS spreads, Bermudan)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 710 / 833

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Model Interest rate swaps

IRS Case Study: Payment schedules





(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 711 / 833

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Model Stressing underlying vols, credit spread vols, and correlations

IRS ResultsCounterparty risk price for netted receiver IRS portfolios Π1 and Π2and simple IRS (maturity 10Y). Every IRS, constituting the portfolios,has unit notional and is at equilibrium. Prices are in bps.λ correlation ρ Π1 Π2 IRS

3% -1 -140 -294 -360 -84 -190 -221 -47 -115 -13

5% -1 -181 -377 -460 -132 -290 -341 -99 -227 -26

7% -1 -218 -447 -540 -173 -369 -441 -143 -316 -37

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 712 / 833

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Model Stressing underlying vols, credit spread vols, and correlations

Compare with ”Basel 2” deduced adjustments

Basel 2, under the ”Internal Model Method”, models wrong way risk bymeans of a 1.4 multiplying factor to be applied to the zero correlationcase, even if banks have the option to compute their own estimate ofthe multiplier, which can never go below 1.2 anyway.

Is this confirmed by our model?

(140− 84)/84 ≈ 66% > 40%

(54− 44)/44 ≈ 23% < 40%

So this really depends on the portfolio and on the situation.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 713 / 833

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Model Stressing underlying vols, credit spread vols, and correlations

A bilateral example and correlation risk

Finally, in the bilateral case for Receiver IRS, 10y maturity, high riskcounterparty and mid risk investor, we notice that depending on thecorrelations

ρ0 = Corr(drt ,dλ0t ), ρ2 = Corr(drt ,dλ2

t ), ρCopula0,2 = 0

the DVA - CVA or Bilateral CVA does change sign, and in particular forportfolios Π1 and IRS the sign of the adjustment follows the sign of thecorrelations.

ρ2 ρ0 Π1 Π2 10×IRS-60% 0% -117(7) -382(12) -237(16)-40% 0% -74(6) -297(11) -138(15)-20% 0% -32(6) -210(10) -40(14)0% 0% -1(5) -148(9) 31(13)

20% 0% 24(5) -96(9) 87(12)40% 0% 44(4) -50(8) 131(11)60% 0% 57(4) -22(7) 159(11)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 714 / 833

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Model Stressing underlying vols, credit spread vols, and correlations

Payer vs Receiver

Counterparty Risk (CR) has a relevant impact on interest-ratepayoffs prices and, in turn, correlation between interest-rates anddefault (intensity) has a relevant impact on the CR adjustment.The (positive) CR adjustment to be subtracted from the defaultfree price decreases with correlation for receiver payoffs.Natural: If default intensities increase, with high positivecorrelation their correlated interest rates will increase more thanwith low correlation, and thus a receiver swaption embedded inthe adjustment decreases more, reducing the adjustment.The adjustment for payer payoffs increases with correlation.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 715 / 833

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Model Stressing underlying vols, credit spread vols, and correlations

Further Stylized Facts

As the default probability implied by the counterparty CDSincreases, the size of the adjustment increases as well, but theimpact of correlation on it decreases.Financially reasonable: Given large default probabilities for thecounterparty, fine details on the dynamics such as the correlationwith interest rates become less relevantThe conclusion is that we should take into accountinterest-rate/ default correlation in valuing CR interest-ratepayoffs.In the bilateral case correlation risk can cause the adjustment tochange sign

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 716 / 833

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Model Stressing underlying vols, credit spread vols, and correlations


For examples on exotics, including Bermudan Swaptions and CMSspread Options, see

Papers with Exotics and Bilateral RiskBrigo, D., and Pallavicini, A. (2007). Counterparty Risk underCorrelation between Default and Interest Rates. In: Miller, J.,Edelman, D., and Appleby, J. (Editors), Numerical Methods forFinance, Chapman Hall.Brigo, D., Pallavicini, A., and Papatheodorou, V. (2009). Bilateralcounterparty risk valuation for interest-rate products: impact ofvolatilities and correlations. Available at Defaultrisk.com, SSRNand arXiv

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 717 / 833

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Model CVA for Commodities

Commodities and WWR

The correlation between interest rates drt (LIBOR, OIS) and creditintensities dλt , if measured historically, if often quite small in absolutevalue. Hence interest rates are a case where including correlation isgood for stress tests and conservative hedging of CVA, but a numberof market participant think that CVA can be computed by assumingzero correlations.

Whether one agrees or not, there are other asset classes on whichCVA can be computed and where there is agreement on the necessityof including correlation in CVA pricing. We provide an example: Oilswaps traded with an airline.

It’s natural to think that the future credit quality of the airline will becorrelated with prices of oil.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 718 / 833

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Model CVA for Commodities

Commodities: Futures, Forwards and Swaps

Forward: OTC contract to buy a commodity to be delivered at amaturity date T at a price specified today. The cash/commodityexchange happens at time T.Future: Listed Contract to buy a commodity to be delivered at amaturity date T. Each day between today and T margins are calledand there are payments to adjust the position.Commodity Swap: Oil Example:

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 719 / 833

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Model CVA for Commodities

Commodities: Modeling Approach

Schwartz-Smith Model

ln(St ) = xt + lt + ϕ(t)dxt = −kxtdt + σxdWx

dlt = µdt + σldWl

dWx dWl = ρx,ldt

Correlation with credit

dWx dWy = ρx ,ydt ,dWl dWy = ρl,ydt

VariablesSt : Spot oil price;xt , lt : short and long termcomponents of St ;This can be re-cast in a classicconvenience yield model

Calibrationϕ: defined to exactly fit the oil forwardcurve.Dynamic parameters k , µ, σ, ρ arecalibrated to At the money impliedvolatilities on Futures options.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 720 / 833

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Model CVA for Commodities


Total correlation Commodities - Counterparty default

ρ = corr(dλt , dSt ) =σxρx ,y + σLρL,y√σ2

x + σ2L + 2ρx ,LσxσL

We assumed no jumps in the intensity

We show the counterparty risk CVA computed by the AIRLINE on theBANK. This is because after 2008 a number of bank’s credit qualitydeteriorated and an airline might have checked CVA on the bank withwhom the swap was negotiated.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 721 / 833

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Model CVA for Commodities

Commodities: Commodity Volatility Effect

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 722 / 833

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Model CVA for Commodities

Commodities: Commodity Volatility Effect

Notice: In this example where CVA is calculated by the AIRLINE,positive correlation implies larger CVA.

This is natural: if the Bank credit spread widens, and the bank defaultbecomes more likely, with positive correlation also OIL goes up.

Now CVA computed by the airline is an option, with maturity the defaultof the bank=counterparty, on the residual value of a Payer swap. Asthe price of OIL will go up at default due to the positive correlationabove, the payer oil-swap will move in-the-money and the OIL optionembedded in CVA will become more in-the-money, so that CVA willincrease.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 723 / 833

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Model CVA for Commodities

Commodities: Credit Volatility Effect

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 724 / 833

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Model CVA for Commodities

Commodities1 : Credit volatility effect

ρ intensity volatility νR 0.025 0.25 0.50-88.5 Payer adj 2.742 1.584 1.307

Receiver adj 1.878 2.546 3.066-63.2 Payer adj 2.813 1.902 1.63

Receiver adj 1.858 2.282 2.632-25.3 Payer adj 2.92 2.419 2.238

Receiver adj 1.813 1.911 2.0242-12.6 Payer adj 2.96 2.602 2.471

Receiver adj 1.802 1.792 1.8630 Payer adj 2.999 2.79 2.719

Receiver adj 1.79 1.676 1.691+12.6 Payer adj 3.036 2.985 2.981

Receiver adj 1.775 1.562 1.527+25.3 Payer adj 3.071 3.184 3.258

Receiver adj 1.758 1.45 1.371+63.2 Payer adj 3.184 3.852 4.205

Receiver adj 1.717 1.154 0.977+88.5 Payer adj 3.229 4.368 4.973

Receiver adj 1.664 0.988 0.798Fixed Leg Price maturity 7Y: 7345.39 USD for a notional of 1 Barrel per Month

1adjusment expressed as % of the fixed leg price(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 725 / 833

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Model CVA for Commodities

Commodities2 : Commodity volatility effect

ρ Commodity spot volatility σS 0.0005 0.232 0.46 0.93-88.5 Payer adj 0.322 0.795 1.584 3.607

Receiver adj 0 1.268 2.546 4.495-63.2 Payer adj 0.322 0.94 1.902 4.577

Receiver adj 0 1.165 2.282 4.137-25.3 Payer adj 0.323 1.164 2.419 6.015

Receiver adj 0 0.977 1.911 3.527-12.6 Payer adj 0.323 1.246 2.602 6.508

Receiver adj 0 0.917 1.792 3.3250 Payer adj 0.324 1.332 2.79 6.999

Receiver adj 0 0.857 1.676 3.115+12.6 Payer adj 0.324 1.422 2.985 7.501

Receiver adj 0 0.799 1.562 2.907+25.3 Payer adj 0.324 1.516 3.184 8.011

Receiver adj 0 0.742 1.45 2.702+63.2 Payer adj 0.325 1.818 3.8525 9.581

Receiver adj 0 0.573 1.154 2.107+88.5 Payer adj 0.326 2.05 4.368 10.771

Receiver adj 0 0.457 0.988 1.715Fixed Leg Price maturity 7Y: 7345.39 USD for a notional of 1 Barrel per Month

2adjusment expressed as % of the fixed leg price(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 726 / 833

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Model CVA for Commodities

Wrong Way Risk?

Basel 2, under the ”Internal Model Method”, models wrong way risk bymeans of a 1.4 multiplying factor to be applied to the zero correlationcase, even if banks have the option to compute their own estimate ofthe multiplier, which can never go below 1.2 anyway.What did we get in our cases? Two examples:

(4.973− 2.719)/2.719 = 82% >> 40%

(1.878− 1.79)/1.79 ≈ 5% << 20%

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 727 / 833

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Counterparty Credit Risk and Collateral Margining Collateralization, Gap Risk and Re-Hypothecation

Collateral Management and Gap Risk I

Collateral (CSA) is considered to be the solution to counterparty risk.Periodically, the position is re-valued (”marked to market”) and aquantity related to the change in value is posted on the collateralaccount from the party who is penalized by the change in value.

This way, the collateral account, at the periodic dates, contains anamount that is close to the actual value of the portfolio and if onecounterparty were to default, the amount would be used by thesurviving party as a guarantee (and viceversa).Gap Risk is the residual risk that is left due to the fact that therealingment is only periodical. If the market were to move a lotbetween two realigning (”margining”) dates, a significant loss wouldstill be faced.

Folklore: Collateral completely kills CVA and gap risk is negligible.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 728 / 833

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Counterparty Credit Risk and Collateral Margining Collateralization, Gap Risk and Re-Hypothecation

Collateral Management and Gap Risk I

Folklore: Collateral completely kills CVA and gap risk is negligible.We are going to show that there are cases where this is not the case atall (B. Capponi and Pallavicini 2012, Mathematical Finance)

Risk-neutral evaluation of counterparty risk in presence ofcollateral management can be a difficult task, due to thecomplexity of clauses.Only few papers in the literature deal with it. Among them we citeCherubini (2005), Alavian et al. (2008), Yi (2009), Assefa et al.(2009), Brigo et al (2011) and citations therein.Example: Collateralized bilateral CVA for a netted portfolio of IRSwith 10y maturity and 1y coupon tenor for different default-timecorrelations with (and without) collateral re-hypothecation. See B,Capponi, Pallavicini and Papatheodorou (2011)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 729 / 833

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Counterparty Credit Risk and Collateral Margining Collateralization, Gap Risk and Re-Hypothecation

Collateral Management and Gap Risk II

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 730 / 833

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Counterparty Credit Risk and Collateral Margining Collateralization, Gap Risk and Re-Hypothecation

Figure explanation

Bilateral valuation adjustment, margining and rehypotecation

The figure shows the BVA(DVA-CVA) for a ten-year IRS undercollateralization through margining as a function of the updatefrequency δ with zero correlation between rates and counterpartyspread, zero correlation between rates and investor spread, and zerocorrelation between the counterparty and the investor defaults. Themodel allows for nonzero correlations as well.Continuous lines represent the re-hypothecation case, while dottedlines represent the opposite case. The red line represents an investorriskier than the counterparty, while the blue line represents an investorless risky than the counterparty. All values are in basis points.

See the full paper by Brigo, Capponi, Pallavicini and Papatheodorou‘Collateral Margining in Arbitrage-Free Counterparty ValuationAdjustment including Re-Hypotecation and Netting”available at http://arxiv.org/abs/1101.3926for more details.(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 731 / 833

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Counterparty Credit Risk and Collateral Margining Collateralization, Gap Risk and Re-Hypothecation

Figure explanation

From the fig, we see that the case of an investor riskier than thecounterparty (M/H) leads to positive value for DVA-CVA, while the caseof an investor less risky than the counterparty has the oppositebehaviour. If we inspect the DVA and CVA terms as in the paper wesee that when the investor is riskier the DVA part of the correctiondominates, while when the investor is less risky the counterparty hasthe opposite behaviour.Re-hypothecation enhances the absolute size of the correction, areasonable behaviour, since, in such case, each party has a greaterrisk because of being unsecured on the collateral amount posted tothe other party in case of default.

Let us now look at a case with more contagion: a CDS.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 732 / 833

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Counterparty Credit Risk and Collateral Margining Collateralization, Gap Risk and Re-Hypothecation

Collateral Management and Gap Risk I

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 733 / 833

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Counterparty Credit Risk and Collateral Margining Collateralization, Gap Risk and Re-Hypothecation

Collateral Management and Gap Risk II

The figure refers to a payer CDS contract as underlying. See the fullpaper by Brigo, Capponi and Pallavicini (2011) for more cases.

If the investor holds a payer CDS, he is buying protection from thecounterparty, i.e. he is a protection buyer.

We assume that the spread in the fixed leg of the CDS is 100 while theinitial equilibrium spread is about 250.

Given that the payer CDS will be positive in most scenarios, when theinvestor defaults it is quite unlikely that the net present value be infavor of the counterparty.

We then expect the CVA term to be relevant, given that the relatedoption will be mostly in the money. This is confirmed by our outputs.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 734 / 833

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Counterparty Credit Risk and Collateral Margining Collateralization, Gap Risk and Re-Hypothecation

Collateral Management and Gap Risk III

We see in the figure a relevant CVA component (part of the bilateralDVA - CVA) starting at 10 and ending up at 60 bps when under highcorrelation.

We also see that, for zero correlation, collateralization succeeds incompletely removing CVA, which goes from 10 to 0 basis points.

However, collateralization seems to become less effective as defaultdependence grows, in that collateralized and uncollateralized CVAbecome closer and closer, and for high correlations we still get 60basis points of CVA, even under collateralization.

The reason for this is the instantaneous default contagion that, underpositive dependency, pushes up the intensity of the survived entities,as soon as there is a default of the counterparty.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 735 / 833

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Counterparty Credit Risk and Collateral Margining Collateralization, Gap Risk and Re-Hypothecation

Collateral Management and Gap Risk IV

Indeed, the term structure of the on-default survival probabilities (seepaper) lies significantly below the one of the pre-default survivalprobabilities conditioned on Gτ−, especially for large default correlation.

The result is that the default leg of the CDS will increase in value dueto contagion, and instantaneously the Payer CDS will be worth more.This will instantly increase the loss to the investor, and most of theCVA value will come from this jump.

Given the instantaneous nature of the jump, the value at default will bequite different from the value at the last date of collateral posting,before the jump, and this explains the limited effectiveness of collateralunder significantly positive default dependence.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 736 / 833

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Adding Collateral Margining Costs and Funding rigorously Funding Costs: FVA?

Inclusion of Funding Cost

When managing a trading position, one needs to obtain cash in orderto do a number of operations:

hedging the position,posting collateral,paying coupons or notionalsset reserves in place

and so on. Where are such founds obtained from?Obtain cash from her Treasury department or in the market.receive cash as a consequence of being in the position:

a coupon or notional reimbursement,a positive mark to market move,getting some collateral or interest on posted collateral,a closeout payment.

All such flows need to be remunerated:if one is ”borrowing”, this will have a cost,and if one is ”lending”, this will provide revenues.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 737 / 833

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Adding Collateral Margining Costs and Funding rigorously Funding Costs: FVA?

Inclusion of Funding Cost

Funding is not just different discounting

CVA and DVA are not obtained just by adding a spread to thediscount factor of assets cash flowsSimilarly, a hypothetical FVA is not simply applying spreads toborrowing and lending cash flows.

One has to carefully and properly analyze and price the real cashflows rather than add an artificial spread. The simple spread mayemerge for very simple deals and under simplifying assumptions (nocorrelations, uni-directional cash flows, etc)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 738 / 833

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Adding Collateral Margining Costs and Funding rigorously Funding Costs: FVA?

Inclusion of Funding Cost: literature

Crepey (2011) is one of the most comprehensive treatments sofar. The only limitation is that it does not allow for underlying creditinstruments in the portfolio, and has possible issues with FX.A related framework that is more general, is in Pallavicini, Periniand B. (2011). Earlier works are partial.Piterbarg (2010) considers an initial analysis of the problem ofreplication of derivative transactions under collateralization but ina standard Black Scholes framework without default risk. Burgardand Kjaer (2011) are more general but do not consider collateralsubtelties and resort to a PDE approach.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 739 / 833

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Adding Collateral Margining Costs and Funding rigorously Funding Costs: FVA?

Funding: The self financing condition

A number of papers (and Hull’s book) have a mistake in theself-financing condition, in that they assume the risky assetposition is self-financing on its own. They assume the replicatingportfolio to be Pt = ∆tSt + γt , and the self financing condition

dPt = ∆tdSt + dγt ⇒ d(∆tSt ) = ∆tdSt (wrong).

The funding account γ is NOT properly defined that way.Going back to literature, Morini and Prampolini (2011) focus onsimple products (zero coupon bonds or loans) in order to highlightsome essential features of funding costs and their relationshipwith DVA.Fujii and Takahashi (2010) analyzes implications of currency riskfor collateral modeling.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 740 / 833

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Adding Collateral Margining Costs and Funding rigorously Funding Costs: FVA?

Funding Valuation Adjustment? Can FVA be additive?

A fundamental point is including funding consistently with counterpartyrisk. Industry wishes for a “Funding Valuation Adjustment”, or FVA,that would be additive:


Since I need to pay the funding costs to my treasury desk or to themarket party that is funding me, or perhaps since I am receivinginterest on collateral I posted, the real value of the deal is affected.

But is the effect just additive and decomposable with CVA and DVA?

It is not so simpleFunding, credit and market risk interact in a nonlinear and recursiveway and they cannot be decomposed additively.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 741 / 833

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Adding Collateral Margining Costs and Funding rigorously Funding Costs: FVA?

Funding and DVA

DVA a component of FVA?DVA is related to funding costs when the payout is uni-directional, egshorting/issuing a bond, borrowing in a loan, or going short a calloption.

Indeed, if we are short simple products that are uni-directional, we arebasically borrowing.

As we shorted a bond or a call option, for example, we received cashV0 in the beginning, and we will have to pay the product payout in theend.

This cash can be used by us to fund other activities, and allows us tospare the costs of fuding this cash V0 from our treasury.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 742 / 833

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Adding Collateral Margining Costs and Funding rigorously Funding Costs: FVA?

Funding and DVA

Our treasury usually funds in the market, and the market charges ourtreasury a cost of funding that is related to the borrowed amount V0, tothe period T and to our own bank credit risk τB < T .

In this sense the funding cost we are sparing when we avoid borrowinglooks similar to DVA: it is related to the price of the object we areshorting and to our own credit risk.

However quite a number of assumptions is needed to identify DVA witha pure funding benefit, as we will see below.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 743 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” Risk-Neutral Modelling of Bilateral CVA with Margining

Basic Payout plus Credit and Collateral: Cash Flows I

We calculate prices by discounting cash-flows under the pricingmeasure. Collateral and funding are modeled as additionalcashflows (as for CVA and DVA)We start from derivative’s cash flows.

Vt (C; F ) := Et [ Π(t ,T ∧ τ) + . . . ]

where−→ τ := τC ∧ τI is the first default time, and−→ Π(t ,u) is the sum of all discounted payoff terms up from t to u,

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 744 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” Risk-Neutral Modelling of Bilateral CVA with Margining

Basic Payout plus Credit and Collateral: Cash Flows II

As second contribution we consider the collateralization procedureand we add its cash flows.

Vt (C; F ) := Et [ Π(t ,T ∧ τ) ]

+ Et[γ(t ,T ∧ τ ; C) + 1τ<TD(t , τ)Cτ− + . . .

]where−→ Ct is the collateral account defined by the CSA,−→ Cτ− is the pre-default value of the collateral account, and−→ γ(t ,u; C) are the collateral margining costs up to time u.

Notice that when applying close-out netting rules, first we will netthe exposure against Cτ− , then we will treat any remainingcollateral as an unsecured claim.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 745 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” Risk-Neutral Modelling of Bilateral CVA with Margining

Basic Payout plus Credit and Collateral: Cash Flows IIIThe cash flows due to the margining procedure on the time gridtk are equal to

γ(t ,u; C) :=n−1∑k=1

1t≤tk<uD(t , tk )Ctk


Ptk (tk+1)

P ctk (tk+1)

)where the collateral accrual rates and zero-coupon bonds aregiven by

ct := c+t 1Ct>0 + c−t 1Ct<0 , P c

t (T ) :=1

1 + (T − t)ct (T )

Then, according to CSA, we introduce the pre-default value of thecollateral account Cτ− as

Cτ− :=n−1∑k=1

1tk<τ<tk+1CtkPτ (tk+1)

P ctk (tk+1)

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” Risk-Neutral Modelling of Bilateral CVA with Margining

Close-Out: Trading-CVA/DVA under Collateral – I

As third contribution we consider the cash flow happening at 1stdefault, and we have

Vt (C; F ) := Et [ Π(t ,T ∧ τ) ]

+ Et[γ(t ,T ∧ τ ; C) + 1τ<TD(t , τ)Cτ−

]+ Et

[1τ<TD(t , τ) (θτ (C, ε)− Cτ−) + . . .

]where−→ ετ is the amount of losses or costs the surviving party would incur

on default event (close-out amount), and−→ θτ (C, ε) is the on-default cash flow.

θτ will contain collateral adjusted CVA and DVA payouts for theinstument cash flowsWe define θτ including the pre-default value of the collateralaccount since it is used by the close-out netting rule to reduceexposure

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 747 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” Risk-Neutral Modelling of Bilateral CVA with Margining

Close-Out: Trading-CVA/DVA under Collateral – II

The close-out amount is not a symmetric quantity w.r.t. theexchange of the role of two parties, since it is valued by one partyafter the default of the other one.

ετ := 1τ=τCεI,τ + 1τ=τIεC,τ

Without entering into the detail of close-out valuation we canassume a close-out amount equal to the risk-free price ofremaining cash flows inclusive of collateralization and fundingcosts. More details in the examples.−→ See ISDA document “Market Review of OTC Derivative Bilateral

Collateralization Practices” (2010).−→ See, for detailed examples, Parker and McGarry (2009) or Weeber

and Robson (2009)−→ See, for a review, Brigo, Morini, Pallavicini (2013).

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 748 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” Risk-Neutral Modelling of Bilateral CVA with Margining

Close-Out: Trading-CVA/DVA under Collateral – III

At transaction maturity, or after applying close-out netting, theoriginating party expects to get back the remaining collateral.Yet, prevailing legislation’s may give to the Collateral Taker somerights on the collateral itself.−→ In presence of re-hypothecation the collateral account may be used

for funding, so that cash requirements are reduced, butcounterparty risk may increase.

−→ See Brigo, Capponi, Pallavicini and Papatheodorou (2011).In case of collateral re-hypothecation the surviving party mustconsider the possibility to recover only a fraction of his collateral.−→ We name such recovery rate REC

′I , if the investor is the Collateral

Taker, or REC′C in the other case.

−→ In the worst case the surviving party has no precedence on othercreditors to get back his collateral, so that


′C ≤ 1

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 749 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” Risk-Neutral Modelling of Bilateral CVA with Margining

Close-Out: Trading-CVA/DVA under Collateral – IV

The on-default cash flow θτ (C, ε) can be calculated by followingISDA documentation. We obtain

θτ (C, ε) := 1τ=τC<τI

(εI,τ − LGDC(ε+

I,τ − C+τ−)+ − LGD

′C(ε−I,τ − C−τ−)+

)+ 1τ=τI<τC

(εC,τ − LGDI(ε

−C,τ − C−τ−)− − LGD


+C,τ − C+


where loss-given-defaults are defined as LGDC := 1− RECC , andso on.If both parties agree on exposure, namely εI,τ = εC,τ = ετ then

θτ (C, ε) := ετ − 1τ=τC<τIΠCVAcoll + 1τ=τI<τCΠDVAcollΠCVAcoll = LGDC(ε+

τ − C+τ−)+ + LGD

′C(ε−τ − C−τ−)+

ΠDVAcoll = LGDI((−ετ )+ − (−Cτ−)+)+ + LGD′I(C

+τ− − ε+

τ )+

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” Risk-Neutral Modelling of Bilateral CVA with Margining

Close-Out: Trading-CVA/DVA under Collateral – V

In case of re-hypothecation, when LGDC = LGD′C and LGDI = LGD

′I , we

obtain a simpler relationship

θτ (C, ε) := ετ

− 1τ=τC<τILGDC(εI,τ − Cτ−)+

− 1τ=τI<τCLGDI(εC,τ − Cτ−)−

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 751 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” Risk-Neutral Modelling of Bilateral CVA with Margining

Funding and Hedging – I

As fourth and last contribution we consider the funding andhedging procedures and we add their cash flows.

Vt (C; F ) := Et [ Π(t ,T ∧ τ) ]

+ Et[γ(t ,T ∧ τ ; C) + 1τ<TD(t , τ)θτ (C, ε)

]+ Et [ϕ(t ,T ∧ τ ; F ,H) ]

where−→ Ft is the cash account needed for trading,−→ Ht is the risky-asset account implementing the hedging strategy,

and−→ ϕ(t ,T ; F ,H) are the cash F and hedging H funding costs up to u.

In classical Black Scholes on Equity, for a call option (no creditrisk, no collateral, no funding costs),

V Callt = ∆tSt + ηtBt =: Ht + Ft , τ = +∞, γ = 0, ϕ = 0.

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” Risk-Neutral Modelling of Bilateral CVA with Margining

Funding and Hedging – II

The cash flows due to the funding and hedging strategy on thetime grid tj are equal to

ϕ(t ,u; F ,H) :=m−1∑j=1

1t≤tj<uD(t , tj )(Ftj + Htj )(

1− Ptj (tj+1)(1 + ftj (tj+1)))


1t≤tj<uD(t , tj )Htj

(1− Ptj (tj+1)(1 + htj (tj+1))

)where the funding and lending rates for F and H are given by

ft := f +t 1Ft>0 + f−t 1Ft<0 , ht := h+

t 1Ht>0 + h−t 1Ht<0

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 753 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” Risk-Neutral Modelling of Bilateral CVA with Margining

Funding and Hedging – III

Cash is borrowed F > 0 from the treasury at an interest f + (cost) or islent F < 0 at a rate f− (revenue)

Risky Hedge asset is worth H. Cash needed to buy H > 0 ie the riskyhedge is borrowed at an interest f + from the treasury (cost); in thiscase H can be used for asset lending (Repo for example) at a rate h+


On the other hand if risky hedge is worth H < 0, we may borrow fromthe repo market by posting the asset H as guarantee (rate h−, cost),and lend the obtained cash to the treasury to be remunerated at a ratef− (revenue).

It is possible to include the risk of default of the funder and funded,leading to CVA and DVA adjustments for the funding position, see PPB.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 754 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” The recursive nature of funding adjusted prices

The Recursive Nature of Pricing Equations – I

(∗) Vt (C; F ) = Et[

Π(t ,T ∧ τ) + γ(t ,T ∧ τ) + 1τ<TD(t , τ)θτ (C, ε)]

+Et [ϕ(t ,T ∧ τ ; F ,H) ]

where we recall that ϕ(t ,T ∧ τ ; F ) = sum of all the Investor fundingborrowing and lending positions costs/revenues to hedge its tradingposition, up to the 1st default.

Recursive pricing algorithm (see full PPB (2011) paper for details)

We obtain a recursive equation: the product price Vt (C,F ) in (∗)depends on the funding strategy F ((t ,T ]) after t via ϕ, and the fundingF = V − (C−)H after t depends on the future product price V ((t ,T ]).

This recursive equation can be solved iteratively via LS MCtechniques as in standard CVA calculations→ See PPB (2011)

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 755 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” The recursive nature of funding adjusted prices

The Recursive Nature of Pricing Equations – II

−→ Numerical solutions based on BSDE techniques are required tosolve the general problem.

−→ See Pallavicini, Perini, Brigo (2011) for a discrete time solution.−→ See Crepey et al. (2012a) for further examples.

The recursive feature of pricing equations is hidden in simplifiedapproaches starting either from spreading the discount curve, orfrom adding simplistic extra pricing terms (FVA?).

A different approach, leading to similar results, is followed byCrepey et al. (2011) or Burgard and Kjaer (2010,2011) where theusual risk-neutral evaluation framework is extended to includemany cash accounts accruing at different rates.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 756 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” The recursive nature of funding adjusted prices

Explain Funding Rates: Trading vs. Funding DVA – I

The funding rate ft is determined by the party managing thefunding account for the investor, usually the bank’s treasuryaccording to its liquidity policy:−→ trading positions may be netted before searching for funds on the

market;−→ a Funds Transfer Pricing (FTP) process may be implemented to

gauge the performances of different business units;−→ a maturity transformation rule can be used to link portfolios to

effective maturity dates;−→ many source of funding can be mixed to obtain the internal funding

curve; etc. . .

In the literature the role of the treasury is usually neglected,leading to some controversial results particularly when the fundingpositions are not distinguished from the trading positions.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 757 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” The recursive nature of funding adjusted prices

Explain Funding Rates: Trading vs. Funding DVA – IIIn particular, the false claim “funding costs are the DVA”, or even“there are no funding costs at all”, are often cited in thepractitioners’ literature.

−→ See the querelle following Hull and White (2012), ”FVA =0” (???)

DealPrice = RiskFreePrice - CVA + DVA ± FVA?Can we simply add a new term called FVA to account for fundingcosts, ”funding valuation adjustment”?

We have seen that when including funding we obtain a recursivenonlinear problem on a specific portfolio (netting set? Aggregationlevel? Treasury decision?).

Not additive with CVA and DVA as these cash flows feed each other ina nonlinear and overlapping way. These risk interact and we can onlycompute a total adjustment.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 758 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” Funding Costs, CVA Desk and Bank Structure

Funding structures inside a bank?

Funding implications on a Bank structureIncluding funding costs into valuation, even via a simplistic FVA,involves methodological, organisational, and structural challenges.

Many difficulties are similar to CVA’s and DVA’s, so Funding can beintegrated in the CVA effort typically.

Reboot IT functions, analytics, methodology, by adopting aconsistent global methodology including a consistentcredit-debit-collateral-funding adjustmentVery strong investment, discontinuity, and against the ”internalcompetition” cultureOR include separate and inconsistent CVA and FVA adjustments,accepting simplifications and double counting.It can be important to analyze the global funding implications ofthe whole trading activity of the bank.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 759 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” Funding Costs, CVA Desk and Bank Structure

Conclusions on funding

The law of one priceFVA cannot be charged to the counterparty, differently from CVA, andcannot be bilateral, since we do not know the funding policy of ourcounterparties. So even if DVA was giving us some hope to realignsymmetry of prices, funding finally destroys the law of one price andmakes prices a matter of perspective. bid ask?

Is the funding inclusive ”price” a real price?Each entity computes a different funding adjusted price for the sameproduct. The funding adjusted ”price” is not a price in the conventionalterm. We may use it to book the deal in our system or to pay ourtreasury but not to charge a client. It is more a ”value” than a ”price”.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 760 / 833

Page 766: ICMSC

Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CCPs

Q & A. CCPs

Q And what about Central Counterparty Clearing houses (CCP’s)?A CCPs are commercial entities that, ideally, would interpose

themselves between the two parties in a trade.Each party will post collateral margins say daily, every time themark to market goes against that party.Collateral will be held by the CCP as a guarantee for the otherparty.If a party in the deal defaults and the mark to market is in favour ofthe other party, then the surviving party will obtain the collateralfrom the CCP and will not be affected, in principle, by counterpartyrisk.Moreover, there is also an initial margin that is supposed to coverfor additional risks like deteriorating quality of collateral, gap risk,wrong way risk, etc.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 761 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CCPs

Figure: Bilateral trades and exposures without CCPs. Source: John Kiff.


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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CCPs

Figure: Bilateral trades and exposures with CCPs. Source: John Kiff.


(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 763 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CCPs

Q & A: CCPs

Q It looks pretty safe. With the current regulation and law pushingfirms to trade through central clearing, will all this analysis of credit,liquidity and funding risk be a moot point? Are CCP’s going to be theend of CVA/DVA/FVA problems?

A CCP’s will reduce risk in many cases but are not a panacea.They also require daily margining, and one may question

The pricing of the fees they applyThe appropriateness of the initial margins and ofovercollateralization buffers that are supposed to account forwrong way risk and collateral gap riskThe default risk of CCPs themselves.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 764 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CCPs

Q & A: CCPs

Q So it is not that safe after all.A Valuation of the above points requires CVA type analytics,

inclusive of collateral gap risk and wrong way risk, similar to those wediscuss here. So unless one trusts blindly a specific clearing house, itwill be still necessary to access CVA analytics and risk measures.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 765 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CCPs

Q & A: CCPs

Q So CCP’s are not really a panacea. Other issues with CCPs?A The following points are worth keeping in mind:a

CCPs are usually highly capitalised. All clearing members postcollateral (asymmetric ”CSA”). Initial margin means clearingmembers are overcollateralised all the time.TABB Group says extra collateral could be about 2 $ Trillion.b

CCPs can default and did default. Defaulted ones - 1974: Caissede Liquidation des Affaires en Marchandises; 1983: Kuala LumpurCommodity Clearing House; 1987: Hong Kong Futures Exchange.The ones that were close to default- 1987: CME and OCC, US;1999: BM&F, Brazil.

aSee for example Piron, B. (2012). Why collateral and CCPs can be badfor your wealth. SunGard’s Adaptive White Paper.

bRhode, W. (2011). European Credit and Rates Dealers 2011 – Capital,Clearing and Central Limit Order Books. TABB Group Research Report

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 766 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CCPs

Q & A: CCPs

Q And what about netting under CCPs? That should improve aseverything goes through them.

A Not so clear. A typical bank may have a quite large number ofoutstanding trades, making the netting clause quite material. With justone CCP for all asset classes across countries and continents, nettingefficiency would certainly improve. However, in real life CCPs deal withspecific asset classes or geographical areas, and this may evenreduce netting efficiency compared to now.

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CCPs

Q & A: CCPs

Q So CCPs could compete with each other?AYes and one can be competitive in specific areas but hardly in all

of them. Some CCPs will be profitable in specific asset classes andcountries. They will deal mostly with standardised transactions. Even ifCCPs could function across countries, bankruptcy laws can makecollateral held in one place unusable to cover losses in other places.a

aSingh, M. (2011) Making OTC Derivatives Safe - A Fresh Look. IMF paper

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 768 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CCPs

Q & A: CCPs

Q The geographical angle seems to be an issue, with no internationallaw addressing how CCPs would connect through EMIR/CDR 4/BaselIII and DFA. Is that right?

A Indeed, there is currently ”No legal construct to satisfy both DoddFrank Act and EMIR and allow EU clients to access non-EU CCP’s”.a

And there are also other conflicts in this respect. Where will CCPs belocated and which countries will they serve? For example, theEuropean Central Bank opposed LCH–Clearnet to work with Eurodenominated deals because this CCP is not located in the Eurozone.This lead to a legal battle with LCH invoking the European Court ofJustice.

aWayne, H. (2012). Basel 3, Dodd Frank and EMIR. CitigroupPresentation.

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CCPs

Q & A: CCPs

Q But competition should be a good thing?ATo compete CCPs may lower margin requirements, which would

make them riskier, remember the above CCPs defaults? In the US,where the OTC derivatives market is going through slightly more than10 large dealers and is largely concentrated among 5, we could have aconflict of interest. If CCPs end up incorporating most trades currentlyoccurring OTC bilaterally, then CCPs could become ”too big to fail”.a

Q So what should a bank do in modeling CCPs counterparty risk?AThe CCP does not post collateral directly to the entities trading

with it, as the collateral agreement is not symmetric. Hence, it is likeCVA but computed without collateral. On top of that, one has theovercollateralization cost to lose. Hopefully, the default probability islow, making CVA small, bar strong contagion, gap risk and WWR

aMiller, R. S. (2011) Conflicts of interest in derivatives clearing.Congressional Research Service report.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 770 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CCPs

Q & A: CCPs

Q It seems like even with CCPs one needs a strong analytical andnumerical apparatus for pricing/hedging and risk.

AYes for all the reasons we illustrated, CCPs are not the end ofCVA and its extensions. We need to consider and price/ risk-manage

Checking initial margin charges across different CCPs to seewhich ones best reflect actual gap risk and contagion. Thisrequires a strong pricing apparatusComputing counterparty risk associated with the default of theCCP itselfUnderstanding quantitatively the consequences of the lack ofcoordination among CCPs across different countries andcurrencies.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 771 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CVA ”Best Practices”: CVA Desk

Q & A: CVA Desks? ”Best practices”?

Q In terms of active and concrete CVA (DVA? FVA?) management,what is the ”best practice” banks follow? I hear about ”CVA Desks”,what does that mean?

AThe idea is to move Counterparty Risk management away fromclassic asset classes trading desks by creating a specific counterpartyrisk trading desk, or ”CVA desk”. Under a lot of simplifyingassumptions, this would allow ”classical” traders to work in acounterparty risk-free world in the same way as before thecounterparty risk crisis exploded.

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CVA ”Best Practices”: CVA Desk

Q & A: CVA Desks? ”Best practices”?

Q Why are CVA desks mostly a development of the crisis?A Roughly, CVA followed this historical path:Up to 1999/2000 no CVA. Banks manage counterparty riskthrough rough and static credit limits, based on exposuremeasurements (related to Credit VaR: Credit Metrics 1997).2000-2007 CVA was introduced to assess the cost of counterpartycredit risk. However, it would be charged upfront and would bemanaged mostly statically, with an insurance based approach.2007 on, banks increasingly manage CVA dynamically. Banksbecome interested in CVA monitoring, in daily and even intradayCVA calculations, in real time CVA calculations and in moreaccurate CVA sensitivities, hedging and management.CVA explodes after 7[8] financials defaults occur in one month of2008 (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Washington Mutual, Lehman,[Merrill] and three Icelandic banks).

This contributed to the creation of CVA desks(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 773 / 833

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CVA ”Best Practices”: CVA Desk

Q & A: CVA Desks? ”Best practices”?

Q Where is the CVA desk located and what does it do?A In most tier-1 and 2 banks it is in on the capital markets/trading

floor division, being a trading desk. Occasionally it may sit on theTreasury department (eg Banca IMI). In a few cases it can be astand-alone entity outside standard departments classifications.Q Why these different choices?

A Trading floor is natural because it is a trading desk.The CVA desk charges classical trading desks a CVA fee in orderto protect their trading activities from counterparty risk throughhedging. This may happen also with collateral/CSA in place (GapRisk, WWR, etc). The cost of implementing this hedge is the CVAfee the CVA desk charges to the classical trading desk.

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CVA ”Best Practices”: CVA Desk

Q & A: CVA Desks? ”Best practices”?

Q Then why did some banks place it in the treasury department, forexample?

A Charging a fee is not easy and can make a lot of P&L sensitivetraders nervous. That is one reason why some banks set the CVAdesk in the treasury for example. Being outside the trading floor canavoid some ”political” issues on P&L charges among traders.Q Would that be the only reason?

A There is more. Given that the treasury often controls collateralflows and funding policies, this would allow to coordinate CVA and FVAcalculations and charges after collateral.

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CVA ”Best Practices”: CVA Desk

Q & A: CVA Desks? ”Best practices”?

Q How would this CVA desk help classical trading desks, more indetail?a

A It would free the classical traders from the need to:develop advanced credit models to be coupled with classical assetclasses models (FX, equity, rates, commodities...);know the whole netting sets trading portfolios; traders would haveto worry only about their specific deals and asset classes, as theCVA desk takes care of ”options on whole portfolios” embedded incounterparty risk pricing and hedging;Hedge counterparty credit risk, which is very complicated.

aSee for example ”CVA Desk in the Bank Implementation”, Global MarketSolutions white paper

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CVA ”Best Practices”: CVA Desk

Q & A: CVA Desks? ”Best practices”?

Q Given all we have discussed earlier, this looks like a difficultchallenge?

A It is certainly difficult. The CVA desk has little/no control oninflowing trades, and has to:

quote quickly to classical trading desks a ”incremental CVA” forspecific deals, mostly for pre-deal analysis with the client;For every classical trade that is done, the CVA desk needs tointegrate the position into the existing netting sets and in theglobal CVA analysis in real time;related to pre-deal analysis, after the trade execution CVA deskneeds to allocate CVA results for each trade (”marginal CVA”)Manage the global CVA, and this is the core task: Hedgecounterparty credit and classical risks, including credit-classicalcorrelations (WWR), and check with the risk managementdepartment the repercussions on capital requirements.

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CVA ”Best Practices”: CVA Desk

Q & A: CVA Desks? ”Best practices”?

Q Is this working?A Of course the idea of being able to relegate all CVA(/DVA/FVA)

issues to a single specialized trading desk is a little delusional.WWR makes isolating CVA from other activities quite difficult.In particular WWR means that the idea of hedging CVA and thepure classical risks separately is not effective.CVA calculations may depend on the collateral policy, which doesnot depend on the CVA desk or even on the trading floor.We have seen FVA and CVA interact

In any case a CVA desk can have different levels of sophistication andeffectiveness.

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Funding Costs: Quantitative Analysis and ”FVA” CVA ”Best Practices”: CVA Desk

Q & A: CVA Desks? ”Best practices”?

Q What do ”classical traders” think about this?A Clearly, being P&L sensitive this is rather delicate. There are

mixed feelings.Because CVA is hard to hedge (especially the jump to default riskand WWR), occasionally classical traders feel that the CVA deskdoes not really hedge their counterparty risk effectively andquestion the validity of the CVA fees they pay to the CVA desk.Other traders are more optimistic and feel protected by theadmittedly approximate hedges implemented by the CVA desk.There is also a psychological component of relief in delegatingmanagement of counterparty risk elsewhere.

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In this third part we look at the problem of risk measurement andmanagement.

So far we discussed mostly valuation and hedging. This is importantand is done under the risk neutral measure Q, as we have seen earlier.

Risk Management however is partly based on historical estimation,and is interested in potential losses in the physical world, hence weneed to go back to the historical/physical measure P.

We introduce the two fundamental risk measures of Value at Risk(VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES).

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Risk Measures: A historical perspective I

This historical perspective is from Brian McHugh’s review (2011)

This is an introduction into ’Risk Measures’, particularly focusing onValue-at-Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES) measures. A briefhistory of risk measures is given, along with a discussion of keycontributions from various authors and practitioners.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES What do we mean by ”Risk”?

What do we mean by ”Risk”? I

Risk is defined by the dictionary as ’a situation involving exposure todanger’. It is related to the randomness of uncertainty. Risk is alsodescribed as ’the possibilty of financial loss’ and this is the definitionthat will be discussed here.

Risk management, described by Kloman6 as ’a discipline for living withthe possibility that future events may cause adverse effects’, is of vitalimportance to the appropriate day to day running of financialinstitutions.

Here, downside risk (the probability of loss or less than expectedreturns) will be the focus of discussion as it is the most crucial area forrisk managers. In particular, Value at Risk (VaR) and ExpectedShortfall (ES) methodologies of measuring risk will be analysed.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES What do we mean by ”Risk”?

What do we mean by ”Risk”? II

The question that comes to mind is where does this risk come from,and of course there is no single answer.

Risk can be created by a great number of sources, both directly andindirectly, it propogates from government policies, war, inflation,technological innovations, natural phenomena, and many others.

There are a number of risks faced by financial institutions everyday,these include market risk, credit risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, andmodel risk.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES What do we mean by ”Risk”?

What do we mean by ”Risk”? III

Market risk includes the unexpected moves in the underlying ofthe financial assets (stock prices, interest rates, fx rates...)Credit risk propogates from the creditworthiness of a counterpartyin a contract and the possibility of losses caused by its default.Operational risk: possibility of losses occured by internalprocesses, people, and systems or from other sources externally.Liquidity risk stems from the inability, in some cases, to buy or sellfinancial instruments in sufficient time as to minimise losses.Model risk: inaccurate use of valuation and pricing models, forinstance inaccurate distributions or unrealistic assumptions.Negative interest rates? (eg Vasicek, Hull White), Models with thintails instead of fat tails? Bad future volatility structures?Unrealistic correlation patterns? (see discussion on LMM above).

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PART III: RISK MEASURES What do we mean by ”Risk”?

What do we mean by ”Risk”? IV

Finally, all such risks may interact in complex ways and theirmutual dependence and contagion is a key aspect of modernresearch. As these risks are not really completely separable, thisclassification is purely indicative and not substantial.

6H. F. KLOMAN (1990), Risk Management Agonistes, Risk Analysis10:201-205.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall

A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall I

The origins of VaR and risk measures can be traced back as far 1922to capital requirements the New York Stock Exchange imposed onmember firms according to Holton7.

However, Markowitz’s seminal paper ’Porfolio Theory’ (1952), whichdeveloped a means of selecting portfolios based on an optimization ofreturn given a certain level of risk, was the first convincing if stylizedand simplistic method of measuring risk. His idea was to focusportfolio choices around this measurement.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall

A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall II

Risk management methodologies really took off from this point andover the next couple of decades new ideas, such as the Sharpe Ratio,the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) and Arbitrage Pricing Theory(APT), were being proposed and implemented.

Along with this came the introduction of the Black-Scholesoption-pricing model in 1973, which lead to a great expansion of theoptions market, and by the early 1980s a market for over-the-counter(OTC) contracts had formed.

The related theory had important precursors in Bachelier (1900) andde Finetti (1931)8

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PART III: RISK MEASURES A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall

A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall III

Perhaps the greatest consequence of the financial innovations of the1970s and 1980s was the proliferation of leverage, and with these newfinancial instruments, opportunities for leverage abounded.

Think of an interest rate swap that is at the money: it costs nothing toenter this swap even on a huge notional, and yet this may lead to verylarge losses in the future.

Similarly for credit default swaps, oil swaps, and a number of otherderivatives.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall

A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall IV

Along with academic innovation came technological advances.Information technology companies like Reuters, Telerate, andBloomberg started compiling databases of historical prices that couldbe used in valuation techniques.

Financial instruments could be valued quicker with new hi-techmethods such as the Monte Carlo pricing for complex derivatives, andthus trades were being made quicker.

We have now reached super-human speed with high frequencytrading, so debated that the EU is considering banning it.

However, in addition to all these innovations and advances camecatastrophes in the financial world such as:

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PART III: RISK MEASURES A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall

A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall V

The Barings Bank collapse of 1995, which was solely down to thefraudulent dealings of one of its traders.Metallgesellschaft lost $1.3 billion by entering into long term oilcontracts in 1993.Long-Term Capital Management’s near collapse in 1998 andsubsequent bailout overseen by the Federal Reserve. Somewhatironically, members of LTCM’s board of directors included Scholesand Merton.

For more information on these financial disasters and others seeJorion (2007).9 Organizations were now more than ever increasingly inneed for a single risk measure that could be applied consistentlyacross asset categories in hope that financial disasters such as thesecould be prevented. However, even this wouldn’t be enough, as theLehman collapse of 2008 has shown. We’ll discuss why later.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall

A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall VI

Q: ”What is Basel?”

A: ”A city in Europe? Perhaps switzerland?”

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision was central to theintroduction and implementation of VaR on a worldwide scale. TheCommittee itself does not possess any overall supervising authority,but rather gives standards, guidelines, and recommendations forindividual national authorities to undertake.

The first Basel Accord of 1988 on Banking Supervision attempted toset an international minimum capital standard, however, according toMcNeil at al.10 this accord took an approach which was fairly coarseand measured risk in an insufficiently differentiated way.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall

A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall VII

The G-30 (consultative group on international economic and monetaryaffairs) report in 1993 titled ’Derivatives: Practices and Principles’addressed the growing problem of risk management in great detail.

It was created with help from J.P. Morgans’ RiskMetrics system, whichmeasured the firm’s risk daily.

The report gave recommendations that portfolios be marked-to-marketdaily and that risk be assessed with both VaR and stress testing.

While the G-30 Report focused on derivatives, most of itsrecommendations were applicable to the risks associated with othertraded instruments.

For this reason, the report largely came to define the new riskmanagement of the 1990s and set the an industry-wide standard.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall

A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall VIII

The report is also interesting, as it may be the first published documentto use the word ”value-at-risk”.

Expected shortfall (ES) is a seemingly more recent risk measure,however, Rappoport (1993) 11 mentions a new approach calledAverage Shortfall in J.P. Morgan’s Fixed Income Research TechnicalDocument, which first noted application of the theory of ExpectedShortfall in finance.

The later paper of Artzner et al. (1999)12 introduces four properties formeasures of risk and calls the measures satisfying these properties as’coherent’.

While such ”coherent” risk measures become ill defined in presence ofliquidity risk (especially the proportionality assumption), this was thecatalyst for the need of a new ’coherent’ risk measure.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall

A brief history of VaR and Expected Shorfall IX

As ES was practically the only operationally manageable coherent riskmeasure, ES was proposed as a coherent alternative to VaR.

7G. A. HOLTON (2002), working paper. History of Value-at-Risk:1922-1998.

8Pressacco, F., and Ziani, L. (2010). Bruno de Finetti forerunner of modernfinance. In: Convegno di studi su Economia e Incertezza, Trieste, 23 ottobre2009, Trieste, EUT Edizioni Universit di Trieste, 2010, pp. 65-84.

9P. JORION Value at Risk: The New Benchmark for Managing FinancialRisk 3rd ed. McGraw-Hill.

10A. MCNEIL, R. FREY AND P. EMBRECHTS (2005), Quantitative RiskManagement , Princeton University Press.

11P. RAPPOPORT (1993), A New Approach: Average Shortfall , J.P. MorganFixed Income Research Technical Document.

12P. ARTZNER, F. DELBAEN, J. EBER AND D. HEATH , Coherent Measures ofRisk, Mathematical Finance Vol.9 No.3.

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Value at Risk I

Value at risk (VaR) is a single, summary, statistical measure ofpossible portfolio losses. It aggregates all of the risks in a portfolio intoa single number suitable for use in the boardroom, reporting toregulators, or disclosure in an annual report, and it is the most widelyused risk measure in financial institutions according to McNeil et al.

In addition to this, VaR estimates not only serve as a summarystatistic, but are also often used as a tool to manage and control riskwith institutions changing their market exposure to maintain their VaRat a prespecified level.

The theory behind VaR is quite simplistic, actually too simplistic: VaRis defined as

the loss level that will not be exceeded with a certain confidence levelover a certain period of time.

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Value at Risk II

Again, this is related to the idea of downside risk, which measures thelikelihood that a financial instrument or portfolio will lose value.

Downside risk can be measured by quantiles, which are the basis ofthe mathematics behind VaR. We now introduce a formal definition ofVaR.

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Value at Risk III

VaR is related to the potential loss on our portfolio, due to downsiderisk, over the time horizon H. Define this loss LH as the differencebetween the value of the portfolio today (time 0) and in the future H.

LH = Portfolio0 − PortfolioH .

Consistently with earlier notation, we may call Π(t ,T ) the sum of allfuture cash flows in [t ,T ], discounted back at t , for our portfolio. Theseare random cash flows and not yet prices. Price of the portfolio at t is

Portfoliot = EQt [Π(t ,T )].

T is usually the final maturity of the portfolio, and typically H << T .

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Value at Risk IV

For example, if the portfolio is just an interest rate swap where we payfixed K and receive LIBOR L with tenor Tα,Tα+1, . . . ,Tβ, then thepayout is written, as we have seen earlier, for t ≤ Tα, as

Π(t ,Tβ) =


D(t ,Ti)(Ti − Ti−1)(L(Ti−1,Ti)− K ).

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Value at Risk V

VaRH,α with horizon H and confidence level α is defined as thatnumber such that

P[LH < VaRH,α] = α


P[EQ0 [Π(0,T )]− EQ

H [Π(H,T )] < VaRH,α] = α

so that our loss at time H is smaller than VaRH,α with P-probability α.

In other terms, it is that level of loss over a time T that we will notexceed with P-probability α. It is the α P-percentile of the lossdistribution over T .

From this last equation, notice the interplay of the two probabilitymeasures.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 799 / 833

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Value at Risk VI

From the dialogue by Brigo (2011). ”Counterparty Risk FAQ: CreditVaR, PFE, CVA, DVA, Closeout, Netting, Collateral, Re-hypothecation,WWR, Basel, Funding, CCDS and Margin Lending”. See also theforthcoming book by Brigo, Morini and Pallavicini: ”Credit, Collateraland Funding”, Wiley, March 2013.

A: VaR is calculated through a simulation of the basic financialvariables underlying the portfolio under the historical probabilitymeasure, commonly referred as P, up to the risk horizon H. At therisk horizon, the portfolio is priced in every simulated scenario ofthe basic financial variables, including defaults, obtaining anumber of scenarios for the portfolio value at the risk horizon.

Q: So if the risk horizon H is one year, we obtain a number ofscenarios for what will be the value of the portfolio in one year,based on the eveolution of the underlying market variables and onthe possible default of the counterparties.

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Value at Risk VII

A: Precisely. A distribution of the losses of the portfolio is built basedon these scenarios of portfolio values. When we say ”priced” wemean to say that the discounted future cash flows of the portfolioafter the risk horizon are averaged conditional on each scenario atthe risk horizon but under another probability measure, the Pricingmeasure, or Risk Neutral measure, or Equivalent MartingaleMeasure if you want to go technical, commonly referred as Q.

Q: Not so clear... [Looks confused]A: [Sighing] All right, suppose your portfolio has a call option on

equity, traded with a Corporate client, with a final maturity of twoyears. Suppose for simplicity there is no interest rate risk, sodiscounting is deterministic. To get the Var, roughly, you simulatethe underlying equity under the P measure up to one year, andobtain a number of scenarios for the underlying equity in one year.

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Value at Risk VIII

Q: Ok. We simulate under P because we want the risk statistics ofthe portfolio in the real world, under the physical probabilitymeasure, and not under the so called pricing measure Q.

A: That’s right. And then in each scenario at one year, we price thecall option over the remaining year using for example a BlackScholes formula. But this price is like taking the expected value ofthe call option payoff in two years, conditional on each scenario forthe underlying equity in one year. Because this is pricing, thisexpected value will be taken under the pricing measure Q, not P.This gives the Black Scholes formula if the underlying equityfollows a geometric brownian motion under Q.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 802 / 833

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PART III: RISK MEASURES VaR drawbacks and Expected Shortfall

VaR drawbacks and Expected Shortfall I

As we explained in the introduction to risk measures, VaR has anumber of drawbacks. We list two of them now, starting from the mostrelevant.

VaR drawback 1: VaR does not take into account the tail structurebeyond the percentile.

Consider the following two cases.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES VaR drawbacks and Expected Shortfall

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PART III: RISK MEASURES VaR drawbacks and Expected Shortfall

VaR drawbacks and Expected Shortfall I

From the picture above we see that we may have two situations wherethe VaR is the same but where the risks in the tail are dramaticallydifferent.

In the first case, the VaR singles out a 99% percentile, after which aslightly larger loss follows with 1% probability mass. The bank may behappy to know the 99% percentile in this case and to base its riskdecision on that.

In the second case, the VaR singles out the same 99% percentile, afterwhich an enormously much larger loss concentration follows withprobability 1%. For example, this is now so large to easily collapse thebank. Would the bank be happy to ignore this potential huge anddevastating loss, even if it has a small 1% probability?

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PART III: RISK MEASURES VaR drawbacks and Expected Shortfall

VaR drawbacks and Expected Shortfall II

Probably not, and in this second case the bank would not base its riskanalysis on VaR at 99%.

The VaR at 99% does not capture this difference in the twodistributions, and if the bank does not explore the tail structure, itcannot know the real situation.

The most dangerous situation is the bank computing VaR and thinkingit is in the first situation when it is actually in the second one.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES VaR drawbacks and Expected Shortfall

VaR drawbacks and Expected Shortfall III

VaR drawback 2: VaR is not sub-additive on portfolios.Suppose we have two portfolios P1 and P2, and a third portfolioP = P1 + P2 that is given by the two earlier portfolios together.VaR at a given confidence level and horizon would be sub-additive if

VaR(P1 + P2) ≤VaR(P1)+ VaR(P2) (VaR subadditivity. Is it true? )

ie the risk of the total portfolio is smaller than the sum of the risks of itssub-portfolios (benefits of diversification, among other things).

However, this is not true. It may happen that

VaR(P1 + P2) >VaR(P1)+ VaR(P2) in some cases.

While such cases are usually difficult to see in practice, it is worthkeeping this in mind.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES VaR drawbacks and Expected Shortfall

VaR drawbacks and Expected Shortfall IV

As a remedy to this sub-additivity problem (and only partly to the firstdrawback) Expected Shortfall (ES) has been introduced.

ES requires to compute VaR first, and then takes the expected valueon the TAIL of the loss distribution for values larger than VaR,conditional on the loss being larger than Value at Risk.

ES is sub-additive (solves drawback 2).

ES looks at the tail after VaR, but only in expectation, withoutanalyzing the tail structure carefully. Hence, it is only a partial solutionto drawback 1.

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PART III: RISK MEASURES VaR drawbacks and Expected Shortfall

VaR drawbacks and Expected Shortfall V

Recalling that we defined the loss LH as the difference between thevalue of the portfolio today (time 0) and in the future H.

LH = Portfolio0 − PortfolioH ,

ES for this portfolio at a confidence level α and a risk horizon H is

ESH,α = EP[LH |LH > VaRH,α]

By definition, ES is always larger than the corresponding VaR.

Be aware of the fact that ES has several other names, and there areother risk measures that are defined very similarly. Names you mayhear are:Conditional value at risk (CVaR), average value at risk (AVaR), andexpected tail loss (ETL).

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Value at Risk and ES: An example I


FIRST ASSET of the PORTFOLIO: Zero coupon bond withMaturity T = 2 years and notional NB = 1000.

RISK FACTOR r : The BOND value is driven by interest rates. Wechoose a short rate model for rt for this risk factor.

Short term interest rate under the physical measure P:

drt = kr (θ − rt )dt + σr dZt ,

r0 = 0.01, kr = 0.1, θ = 0.1, σr = 0.004.

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Value at Risk and ES: An example II

Short term interest rate under the pricing measure Q:

drt = kr (θ − rt )dt + σr dZt ,

θ = 0.05.

We need both the P and Q dynamics of the risk factor: We willsimulate r up to the risk horizon H using the P dynamics, hence θ.Then, to compute the price of the bond and equity call option atthe different scenarios at time H we will use the Q dynamics,hence θ.SECOND ASSET of the PORTFOLIO: Call option on equity S withstrike Kc = 100. Call option maturity: 2 years.RISK FACTOR S: The EQUITY CALL OPTION is driven by equitystock St . We choose a Black Scholes type model for the stockprice S (but careful about the Q drift...)

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Value at Risk and ES: An example IIIEquity under the physical measure: dSt = µStdt + σSStdWt ,S0 = 100, µ = 0.09, σS = 0.2.Equity under the pricing measure: dSt = rtStdt + σSStdWt , with rtthe short term stochastic process given above. Here the drift rt isimposed by no-arbitrage!We need both the P and Q dynamics of the risk factor: We willsimulate S up to the risk horizon H using the P dynamics, henceµ. Then, to compute the price of the call option at the differentscenarios at time H we will use the Q dynamics, hence r , wherethe drift in dr is θ.So

Π(t ,T ) = D(t ,2y)NB + D(t ,2y)(S2y − Kc)+ =

= exp

(−∫ 2y


)NB + exp

(−∫ 2y

trs ds

)(S2y − Kc)+

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Value at Risk and ES: An example IV


VaR holding period: H = 1y .

Confidence level: 99%

ES holding period: H = 1y .

Confidence level: 99%

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Value at Risk and ES: An example V

So, our loss is: L1y = Portfolio0− Portfolio1y , or

L1y = EQ0


(−∫ 2y


)NB + exp

(−∫ 2y

0rs ds

)(S2y − Kc)+




(−∫ 2y


)NB + exp

(−∫ 2y

1yrs ds

)(S2y − Kc)+

]IMPORTANT: Notice that the risk factor rt appears also in theDRIFT (local mean) of S under Q, so that S and r need to besimulated consistently and jointly.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 814 / 833

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Value at Risk and ES: An example VI


corr(dr ,dS) = ρ (dZtdWt = ρdt),

we try three cases:

ρ = 0

ρ = −1

ρ = 1

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 815 / 833

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Value at Risk and ES: An example VII

Results: One million paths in R

ρ = −1 : VaR = 13.07 ES = 14.38

ρ = 0 : VaR = 9.34 ES = 10.85

ρ = +1 : VaR = −0.99 ES = −0.93

Let’s look at the three cases in detail

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 816 / 833

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Value at Risk and ES: An example VIII

ρ = −1 : VaR = 13.07 ES = 14.38

Here there is totally negative correlation.

Remember that when interest rates go up in 1y, bonds go down: if rincreases the zero coupon bond P decreases. This is also confirmedby the formula for the Vasicek zero coupon bond priceP(t ,T ) = A(t ,T ) exp(−B(t ,T )rt ) (recall A > 0 and B > 0): This is adecreasing function of r since it is an exponential with a negativeexponent.

Totally negative correlation between r and S means that when r goesup (same as P goes down) S goes down and viceversa. Then we canwrite

r ↑ (equivalently P ↓)⇒ S ↓ and r ↓ (equivalently P ↑)⇒ S ↑ .

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 817 / 833

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Value at Risk and ES: An example IX

r ↑ (equivalently P ↓)⇒ S ↓ and r ↓ (equivalently P ↑)⇒ S ↑ .

Hence, in our portfolio, when the bond goes down a lot in one year,leading to an important loss, the stock goes into the same way due tothe correlation and there is an important loss also in the equity calloption, which is monotonically increasing in S. Same for the gain, inthe other direction. Hence the correlation links losses (gainsrespectively) from the bond to losses (gains) from the stock and theeffects compound by happening, statistically, in the same scenarios.

Then the loss distribution will be more spread out and the percentileswill be larger, as shown by our VaR, which is the largest in this case.We show the situation in a couple of plots:

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 818 / 833

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(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 819 / 833

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(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 820 / 833

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Value at Risk: An example I

Let’s look at the second case:

ρ = 0 : VaR = 9.34 ES = 10.85

Here there is no correlation (and since the shocks are jointly gaussian,this means independence). Hence there is no link between thedirection of P and the direction of S. As a consequence losses areless extreme than in the previous case because bad scenarios in r andS happen independently and don’t combine.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 821 / 833

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(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 822 / 833

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(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 823 / 833

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Value at Risk: An example I

We may see that now that extreme losses or gains do not happentogether, the distribution is less spread out. Compare to the plots forthe case ρ = −1 and this is clear. The tail stops earlier and so doesthe VaR percentile. VaR is smaller here.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 824 / 833

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Value at Risk: An example I

Let’s look at the third case:

ρ = 1 : VaR = −0.99 ES = −0.93

Here there is total positive correlation. This means that when r goesup (equivalently P goes down), leading to a loss in the Bond portfolio,S goes up too, leading to a gain in the Call option.

In the opposite case, when S goes down, leading to a loss in theequity call option, then r goes down (equivalently P goes up) and wehave a gain in the bond portfolio.

It is then obvious that we have here the less risky situation: when welose on one of the two assets we gain from the other one, so that ourlosses will be always reduced compared to the other two cases.Indeed we may see that from the plot.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 825 / 833

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Value at Risk: An example II

This holds to the extent that actually VaR and ES are negative andnear zero, meaning that the worst we risk - according to thesemeasures - is to make a small gain instead of a big one. But no actuallosses.

With a similar notation as before, we may now write

r ↑ (equivalently P ↓)⇒ S ↑ and r ↓ (equivalently P ↑)⇒ S ↓

showing clearly that P and S move into opposite directions.

Since the two assets move into opposite directions, the portfolio valueswill be much more concentrated near zero than in the previous cases.This is confirmed by the plot.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 826 / 833

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(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 828 / 833

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Value at Risk: An example I

So we have seen

ρ = −1 : VaR = 13.07 ES = 14.38

ρ = 0 : VaR = 9.34 ES = 10.85

ρ = +1 : VaR = −0.99 ES = −0.93

In this case the correlation between the two risk factors, interest ratesand equity, r and S, plays a crucial role.The next plot shows the impact of all possible values of correlation, iecorrelation sensitivity for VaR and ES

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 829 / 833

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Correlation sensitivity VaR and ES

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 830 / 833

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Value at Risk: An example I

More generally, volatilities, correlation, dynamics and statisticaldependencies have a very important impact on risk.

For very large portfolios it is difficult to obtain intuition on why some riskpatterns are observed, as there are too many assets and parameters.

A rigorous quantitative analysis of risks is fundamental to have a saferesult. However, the assumptions underlying the analysis need to bekept in mind and stress-tested

VaR type measures have also been applied to credit risk, leading tothe Credit VaR measure we briefly discussed in the comparison withCVA in the credit part of this course.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 831 / 833

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Value at Risk: An example II

VaR of CVA itself is now one of the topical areas in the industry. This isnot Credit VaR, but the VaR coming from the possible loss due tofuture adverse movements of CVA over a given risk horizon. Basel IIIis quite concerned with this.

Current research is focused on extending risk measures to properlyinclude liquidity risk, see for example Brigo and Nordio ”Liquidityadjusted risk measures”.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 832 / 833

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”Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful”.Prof. G.E.P Box

A final note on the exam. Not all the course material has beenexplained in detail in class. If in doubt on what is examinable, a goodstrategy is to look at the final exercise set. If a part of the course is notneeded to solve the exercise set, then it is not examinable.

Thank you for your attention.

(c) 2012-13 D. Brigo (www.damianobrigo.it) Interest Rate Models Imperial College London 833 / 833