IClicker Questions CNIT 201E Modified 8-31-10. After 4.1.

iClicker iClicker Questions Questions CNIT 201E CNIT 201E Modified 8-31-10

Transcript of IClicker Questions CNIT 201E Modified 8-31-10. After 4.1.

Page 1: IClicker Questions CNIT 201E Modified 8-31-10. After 4.1.

iClicker iClicker QuestionsQuestions


Modified 8-31-10

Page 2: IClicker Questions CNIT 201E Modified 8-31-10. After 4.1.

After 4.1After 4.1

Page 3: IClicker Questions CNIT 201E Modified 8-31-10. After 4.1.

What OSI Model Layer labels data What OSI Model Layer labels data with a with a port numberport number??

A.A. Application, Presentation, or SessionApplication, Presentation, or Session

B.B. TransportTransport

C.C. NetworkNetwork

D.D. Data LinkData Link

E.E. PhysicalPhysical

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What OSI Model Layer labels data What OSI Model Layer labels data with a with a MAC AddressMAC Address??

A.A. Application, Presentation, or SessionApplication, Presentation, or Session

B.B. TransportTransport

C.C. NetworkNetwork

D.D. Data LinkData Link

E.E. PhysicalPhysical

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What OSI Model Layer labels data What OSI Model Layer labels data performs performs segmentationsegmentation??

A.A. Application, Presentation, or SessionApplication, Presentation, or Session

B.B. TransportTransport

C.C. NetworkNetwork

D.D. Data LinkData Link

E.E. PhysicalPhysical

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Which protocol will deliver a large Which protocol will deliver a large data file the most rapidly?data file the most rapidly?






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Which item is Which item is not not found in the found in the TCP header?TCP header?

A.A. ACK numberACK number

B.B. Source IP AddressSource IP Address

C.C. Source Port NumberSource Port Number

D.D. Window SizeWindow Size

E.E. ChecksumChecksum

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Page 8: IClicker Questions CNIT 201E Modified 8-31-10. After 4.1.

A client requests a Web page. A client requests a Web page. What TCP port on the Web server What TCP port on the Web server

receives the request?receives the request?

A.A. 2323

B.B. 5353

C.C. 8080

D.D. 110110

E.E. A port larger than 1023A port larger than 1023

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A client requests a Web page. A client requests a Web page. What TCP port on the client sends What TCP port on the client sends

the request?the request?

A.A. 2323

B.B. 5353

C.C. 8080

D.D. 110110

E.E. A port larger than 1023A port larger than 1023

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After 4.2After 4.2

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When a user opens a Web page, When a user opens a Web page, what is the first TCP packet sent to what is the first TCP packet sent to

the server?the server?






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Which item is Which item is not not a flag field in the a flag field in the TCP Header?TCP Header?






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Which type of packet is normally Which type of packet is normally sent to indicate that the session sent to indicate that the session should be ended?should be ended?






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What TCP Header Field specifies What TCP Header Field specifies how many bytes can be sent before how many bytes can be sent before waiting for acknowledgement?waiting for acknowledgement?

A.A. WindowWindow

B.B. ChecksumChecksum

C.C. FlagsFlags

D.D. Sequence NumberSequence Number

E.E. Acknowledgement NumberAcknowledgement Number

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What TCP Header Field has the What TCP Header Field has the value 80 in an HTTP GET value 80 in an HTTP GET segment?segment?

A.A. Source PortSource Port

B.B. ChecksumChecksum

C.C. FlagsFlags

D.D. Sequence NumberSequence Number

E.E. Destination PortDestination Port

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Binary Lesson 4Binary Lesson 4Hexadecimal and Binary Hexadecimal and Binary


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Counting to 15Counting to 15BaseBase Base Base Base 16 Base 16 Base Base Base Base

Base 16Base 16

Two TenTwo Ten (Hex) (Hex) Two Ten (Hex) Two Ten (Hex)

0 00 0 0 0 1000 8 1000 8 8 8

1 11 1 1 1 1001 9 1001 9 9 9

10 210 2 2 2 1010 10 1010 10 A A

11 311 3 3 3 1011 11 1011 11 B B

100 4100 4 4 4 1100 12 1100 12 C C

101 5101 5 5 5 1101 13 1101 13 D D

110 6110 6 6 6 1110 14 1110 14 E E

111 7111 7 7 7 1111 15 1111 15 F F

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Four Bits Make a NybbleFour Bits Make a Nybble

11 00 00 11

A nybble can be represented by one hexadecimal digitValues from 0 to 15, or 0 to F

8s 4s 2s 1s

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Eight Bits Make a ByteEight Bits Make a Byte

11 00 00 11 11 00 00 11

So this number is

128 + 16 + 8 + 1 = 153

8s 4s 2s 1s8s 4s 2s8s 4s 1s2s8s 4s16s









One nybble:

0 through F

One nybble:

0 through F

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Two hexadecimal digits Two hexadecimal digits make a bytemake a byte

11 00 00 11 11 00 00 11

So this number is $99 = 9*16 + 9 = 144+9 = 153

One nybble:

0 through F

# of 16s

One nybble:

0 through F

# of 1s

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Binary iClicker Binary iClicker QuestionsQuestions

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What is 16 in hexadecimal?What is 16 in hexadecimal?

A.A. $0A$0A

B.B. $A6$A6

C.C. $0F$0F

D.D. $10$10

E.E. $16$161 of 11

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What is $A0 in decimal?What is $A0 in decimal?

A.A. 160160

B.B. 100100

C.C. 1010

D.D. 255255

E.E. 9090

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What is 64 in hexadecimal?What is 64 in hexadecimal?

A.A. $20$20

B.B. $30$30

C.C. $34$34

D.D. $40$40

E.E. $44$443 of 11

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What is 252 in hexadecimal?What is 252 in hexadecimal?

A.A. $F0$F0

B.B. $F8$F8



E.E. $FE$FE4 of 11

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Convert this binary number to Convert this binary number to hexadecimal:hexadecimal:


A.A. $23$23

B.B. $63$63

C.C. $67$67

D.D. $69$69

E.E. $6B$6B5 of 11

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What is the What is the highlighted highlighted IP IP Address?Address?





E.E. Something elseSomething else6 of 11

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Convert this IP address to Convert this IP address to hexadecimal:hexadecimal:

A.A. 80 00 00 0180 00 00 01

B.B. 81 00 00 0181 00 00 01

C.C. 79 00 00 0179 00 00 01

D.D. 7F 00 00 017F 00 00 01

E.E. 7D 00 00 017D 00 00 017 of 11

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Convert this IP address to binary:Convert this IP address to binary:

A.A. 11111111 00000000 00000000 0000000111111111 00000000 00000000 00000001

B.B. 01111111 00000000 00000000 0000000101111111 00000000 00000000 00000001

C.C. 00111111 00000000 00000000 0000000100111111 00000000 00000000 00000001

D.D. 00011111 00000000 00000000 0000000100011111 00000000 00000000 00000001

E.E. 00001111 00000000 00000000 0000000100001111 00000000 00000000 00000001

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Convert this IP address to binary:Convert this IP address to binary:

A.A. 11111111 00000000 00000000 0000000111111111 00000000 00000000 00000001

B.B. 01111111 00000000 00000000 0000000101111111 00000000 00000000 00000001

C.C. 10010111 10010000 00000000 0000000110010111 10010000 00000000 00000001

D.D. 10010011 10010000 00000000 0000000110010011 10010000 00000000 00000001

E.E. 10010111 10110000 00000000 0000000110010111 10110000 00000000 00000001

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Convert this IP address to binary:Convert this IP address to binary:

A.A. 10010111 00000000 00000000 0000000110010111 00000000 00000000 00000001

B.B. 10010011 11111111 00000000 0000000110010011 11111111 00000000 00000001

C.C. 10010111 11111111 11111111 11111111 10010111 11111111 11111111 11111111

D.D. 10010011 11111111 11111111 11111110 10010011 11111111 11111111 11111110

E.E. 10010011 11111111 11111111 11111101 10010011 11111111 11111111 11111101

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Convert this subnet mask to binary:Convert this subnet mask to binary:

A.A. 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111

B.B. 11111111 00000000 00000000 0000000011111111 00000000 00000000 00000000

C.C. 01111111 01111111 01111111 0000000001111111 01111111 01111111 00000000

D.D. 11111111 11111111 11111111 0000000111111111 11111111 11111111 00000001

E.E. 11111111 11111111 11111111 0000000011111111 11111111 11111111 00000000

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After 4.4After 4.4

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Which TCP header value is Which TCP header value is dynamically adjusted to react to dynamically adjusted to react to

network congestion?network congestion?

A.A. Source PortSource Port

B.B. Destination PortDestination Port

C.C. Window SizeWindow Size

D.D. Acknowledgement NumberAcknowledgement Number

E.E. Sequence NumberSequence Number

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Page 35: IClicker Questions CNIT 201E Modified 8-31-10. After 4.1.

A computer is ready to send a file to another A computer is ready to send a file to another computer over a network link with a latency computer over a network link with a latency of 100 ms (for a round-trip). How long will it of 100 ms (for a round-trip). How long will it have to wait before it can start sending data have to wait before it can start sending data via TFTP?via TFTP?

A.A. No DelayNo Delay

B.B. 50 ms50 ms

C.C. 100 ms100 ms

D.D. 150 ms150 ms

E.E. 200 ms or more200 ms or more

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