ICKFORD INFORMER Page 1 September 2015 Ickford Parish Council If you are in any way interested in what goes on in our village please come along to this meeting. There will be a chance for villagers to have their say and although we may not be able to act on your suggestions at this meeting we can put it on the agenda for the next meeting. Your opinion matters to us. It’s your village and your Parish Council. We do have vacancies on the council if you feel you would like to join us. The Meeting of Ickford Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 8 th September 2015 in the Village Hall annexe at 7.30pm. Topics for discussion include To update the Clerk/RFO vacancy and confirm appointment. Open Forum for Parishioners: (under adjournment) 15 minutes are available if requested for parishioners to address the Council on any local issues. To agree any Co-opted Members onto the Parish Council meeting held on 1st July 2015 To consider the issue of Car Parking outside the School. To consider Management and Security of the Sport Pavilion. To provide an update on the Village Custodian arrangements. To consider the proposal to update the Parish Council website. To discuss option for developing a 4 year plan and agree appropriate actions To consider correspondence and other communications received since last meeting a. Bucks CC, grant from Local Area Forum for Mobile Vehicle Activated Sign and required conditions. b. Thames Water – comments on Ickford Flooding issues c. Best Kept Village results d. AVDC – update on Neighbourhood Plans The full agenda will be posted on the community notice board outside the shop by Wednesday 2nd September. If you would like an electronic copy of either this or the minutes please email [email protected]. BK Clerk to Ickford Parish Council Parish Council meeting of 1st July. This is a synopsis of various matters that were brought up at this meeting. Concerns over dog fouling in Worminghall Road. Proposals for working groups to report back to the Parish Council on various matters e.g a. Village Maintenance and Landscaping b. Highways and Byways c. Communication and Publicity d. Village organisation and “Institutions” The Ickford Informer to be published 10 times a year with maybe a smaller edition on alternate months. Follow up on the tree survey and work that needed to be done in the recreation area. Appropriate action discussed regarding the state of the footpath behind Farm Close Maintenance and landscaping matters. Who cuts the grass around the village, Organise repair of the zip wire surround. The 5 a side goal post needs repainting and new netting. The gazebo in the millennium garden needs repair and cleaning and paving stones need resetting. New drainage required on the corner of Bulls Lane and Sheldon Road. Looking into alternative ways of dealing with the litter and bins on the recreation ground. If you would like to contribute more to the way that your village is run then please come along to the next meeting which will be held in the Village Hall Annexe on Tuesday 8th September at 7.30 pm.




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September 2015

Ickford Parish Council If you are in any way interested in what goes on in our village please come along to this meeting. There will be a chance for villagers to have their say and although we may not be able to act on your suggestions at this meeting we can put it on the agenda for the next meeting. Your opinion matters to us. It’s your village and your Parish Council. We do have vacancies on the council if you feel you would like to join us.

The Meeting of Ickford Parish Council will be held on Tuesday 8th September 2015 in the Village Hall annexe at 7.30pm. Topics for discussion include To update the Clerk/RFO vacancy and confirm appointment. Open Forum for Parishioners: (under adjournment) 15 minutes are available if requested for parishioners to address the Council on any local issues. To agree any Co-opted Members onto the Parish Council meeting held on 1st July 2015 To consider the issue of Car Parking outside the School. To consider Management and Security of the Sport Pavilion. To provide an update on the Village Custodian arrangements. To consider the proposal to update the Parish Council website. To discuss option for developing a 4 year plan and agree appropriate actions To consider correspondence and other communications received since last meeting

a. Bucks CC, grant from Local Area Forum for Mobile Vehicle Activated Sign and required conditions.

b. Thames Water – comments on Ickford Flooding issues c. Best Kept Village results d. AVDC – update on Neighbourhood Plans

The full agenda will be posted on the community notice board outside the shop by Wednesday 2nd September. If you would like an electronic copy of either this or the minutes please email [email protected].

BK Clerk to Ickford Parish Council

Parish Council meeting of 1st July. This is a synopsis of various matters that were brought up at this meeting.Concerns over dog fouling in Worminghall Road.Proposals for working groups to report back to the Parish Council on various matters e.g

a. Village Maintenance and Landscaping b. Highways and Byways c. Communication and Publicity d. Village organisation and “Institutions”

The Ickford Informer to be published 10 times a year with maybe a smaller edition on alternate months. Follow up on the tree survey and work that needed to be done in the recreation area. Appropriate action discussed regarding the state of the footpath behind Farm Close Maintenance and landscaping matters. Who cuts the grass around the village, Organise repair of the zip wire surround. The 5 a side goal post needs repainting and new netting. The gazebo in the millennium garden needs repair and cleaning and paving stones need resetting. New drainage required on the corner of Bulls Lane and Sheldon Road. Looking into alternative ways of dealing with the litter and bins on the recreation ground.

If you would like to contribute more to the way that your village is run then please come along to the next meeting which will be held in the Village Hall Annexe on Tuesday 8th September at 7.30 pm.


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Planning permissions. The planning application for 38 Golders Close was approved but that for the land adjoining 43 Golders Close was rejected by the Parish council because of access and concerns over sewage and flooding.Ickford InformerThe council agreed to continue the funding of the Ickford Informer. The school agreed that we could use their facilities to print the Informer there.MVASWe have been given funding for an MVAS ( Mobile Vehicle Activated Sign) and 3 sites have been agreed with Bucks County Council. This sign can be moved around the village and will remind motorists of the 30mph speed limit. Although it will not record the speed of individual vehicles, should one site prove to have an excess of speeding vehicles then we can ask for the police to come and monitor the speed.


Ickford Informer

The printing of the Ickford Informer is funded by Ickford Parish Council. The publishing is under the supervision and editorship of Ruth Baker and Barbara Kolbert. However, any views that we publish are not necessarily the views of any of these parties. We will not publish anything we consider libellous but would like to have more input from villagers. For instance, what do you think of the idea of putting the agenda and unapproved minutes in the Informer? Would you like more information or less?The Informer is meant as a community organisation and, as such, we would like to give feedback to the village on all organisations.


The football club....

After winning Division 1 last season, the first team have had an unbeaten preseason against some very good sides from all over Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire. The most notable result being a 16-2 win over newly formed Aylesbury Wanderers FC! The reserves have strengthened their squad considerably and have also done well throughout preseason.With only two weeks left until the league openers, we are now in our final stages of preparing for another successful year. Hope to see some of you down at 'The Fortress' supporting us this coming season.



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CHURCH SERVICES The times and dates of all services in St. Nicholas Church are published every month and placed on the noticeboard outside the church and in the noticeboard on the wall outside the village shop. As always in August, when the Rector is on holiday, each church in the Benefice takes it in turn to hold a service. This year our Licensed Lay Reader, Susan Small of Worminghall, took all four services and we are grateful to her for her involvement. FRIDAY, 31st JULY 2015 William Edward Honey & Emma Louise Gouldstone We were delighted that Emma and William chose St. Nicholas for there wedding. Emma is a teacher in Ickford School and we have come to know her well over several years as the producer of the annual St. Nicholas play for our patronal festival in December and several other services where she has organized and conducted a special choir for us. She looked so beautiful in a white brocade gown with a veil and carrying a posy of cream roses. Her three bridesmaids were dressed in coral and their flowers were cream and coral and that was the colour scheme in church. The church was full with their family and friends and, as they came out in the bright sunshine, there to greet them at the church gate was a happy crowd of children from the school. We wish Emma and William a long and happy life together and we know we will be seeing them again in St. Nicholas. SATURDAY, 15th AUGUST – 1955- 2015 Hilary and Brian Billimore celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary with a very happy lunch in St. Nicholas Church. Together with a card from The Queen, we send them very vest wishes and congratulations on this really special occasion. CHURCH PORCH The ‘bat man’ has again been to inspect our porch at dusk and confirmed there are no bats inside the building. Plenty flitting around outside but, thank goodness, they don’t want to come in. So we are cleared to go ahead with the renovation and work will start on the roof on 17th August. The inside will be left until early next year. CHURCH RAFTERS Yet more woodworm was found, this time in the chancel rafters. Ladders were clearly not going to be high enough or safe enough so measurements were taken for a cherry-picker. Then it became apparent that this equipment would be too tall for the apex of the arch above the main door. Finally a scissor lift was decided upon. On a morning when Stephen Johns, our organist, was practicing voluntaries on the organ, the machinery slowly glided down the aisle to the chancel. Rather different to the entrance of the bride but it did the job satisfactorily! THE STOREHOUSE, AYLESBURY We recently took another large collection of tins, jars and packets, together with sheets and curtains, to The Storehouse on the Gatehouse Estate in Aylesbury. As always, these were taken in with many thanks and we hope to receive some posters and information about the work there so that we can display it on our noticeboard in the church porch. Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this last delivery. Please keep it coming. SUMMER QUIZ RESULT The latest quiz entitled “Hold It” was won by Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bird of Northampton with a score of 98 correct answers. £84 has been paid into church funds as the profit from this quiz. Thank you to all who entered. There will be another quiz ready in November. Ann Crees


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Personalised Childrens Name Pictures

Designed and Produced by Joy Hawes, Ickford, Buckinghamshire

Name of your choice, various designs – lovely presents

contact Joy 01844 338042 or [email protected]

website: Joyhaweswatercolours.co.uk

More tug of war pictures


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Tug of WarThe tug of war took place this year on 7th August, as usual, the first Friday of August. We were very lucky with the weather and there was a good turn out.The juniors had a very quick win and the ladies team too had a win but with a lot more effort and doubt from spectators about whether they would succeed. The men had to work even harder and took some time before they were finally defeated after a hard struggle and a lot of effort and encouragement from spectators. No teams decided to risk the water so all stayed dry!Unfortunately we have not got the names of all the members of all the teams so apologies if your name is not on the list. If you would like to be named then please let Jan at the pub know and we will put


Max ThomasGeorge ButlerHarry ButlerRuby IllsleyHugh WilkinsonCharlotte SurmanKane Ashfield (reserve)Jessica PlattBritney

Men's Team:

Michael BlackwellJames RoffeyRoger TaplinScott BoylesLewis CroucherMatt FrenchConnor Green

Tom White

Ladies Team:

Debbie GrayEmma TaplinGrace BlackwellAmanda ClarkeAli KnightCaz KnightHolly Cottingham-



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We have funded timber treatment in the church which was diseased and have landscaped the churchyard where it adjoins the field to the North.

Internal painting will be undertaken during September.

Major work will commence on the porch in December/January to replace the roof and plaster the interior

Recent Event

a.A cream tea was held in the gardens of Manor Farm House on 11th July.

Many thanks to Ella May for allowing us to use her garden and to Kate Billimore for

organising a delightful string quartet that played throughout. Because of the Wimbledon Ladies final and many being on holiday ,the attendance was disappointing but we still made over £300 for our funds

b.On 23rd August ,twenty of us enjoyed an Oxford City tour based on the ‘Downton

Abbey era’’. This was followed by tea and cakes at a local hostelry.

Future Events

a.On 31st October there will be a murder mystery in the Village Hall. Doors will open at 7pm for a 7.30pm performance. Tickets will be £10 each to include snacks

b.On 23rd December the annual Christmas at St Nicholas event will take place from 6.30pm to 9 pm in the church. This event is free of charge and is ‘The Friends’ way of saying thankyou for your support over the years.

c.It is hoped that in Spring 2016,we will be able to organise a talk by a rear end gunner on a Lancaster bomber in WW2. The gentleman in question is is now 93 years old and in good health but there is much to consider when organising an event such as this. KT


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The Friends of St Nicholas Church invite you to a

Murder Mystery Evening

Presented by Quaintwood Players

Saturday 31th October 2015

Ickford Village Hall Doors and Bar Open 7.00pm


Tickets available from the Village Shop or

Andrew Osborn 2 School Close.

The Friends of St Nicholas Church Ickford is a non-religious organisation established to support fundraising for the maintenance and development of the Church Fabric including the Churchyard.

(Registered charity number 1110383)

Steam rallyThe steam rally decamped to the Rising Sun on the Saturday evening and many villagers turned out to see them

Thomley CentreThroughout the summer Thomley has had well over 1,000 children come and enjoy our facilities, with workshops such as Golf, Ignite Sports, Lionel the Train, Woodwork and much more on offer. Our Community and Preschool days have seen a few new faces from Ickford too, so thanks for coming to play! If you haven't been before, why not take a look at our website and see when you can come? www.thomley.org.uk/calendar/ If it's your first visit, and you quote code: 'IckfordInformer' you can have a half price visit.


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The Queen’s 90th Birthday. On 21st April next year the Queen will be 90!

It seems a good reason for a village celebration. If you have any ideas for how we can celebrate the occasion and/or

would like to be on a committee Please contact us at the Informer.

[email protected]


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Best Kept Village Competition.

It was rather disappointing to read the results of the Best Kept Village competition as it didn’t reflect all the lovely gardens and the general litter free village. It was unfortunate that the judges came just after the football tournament when there were temporarily, large bags of litter waiting for clearance. The war memorial at the church was being restored and the door to the village hall was just about to be refurbished.


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In January we would like to publish a booklet for every household full of information about what’s going on in Ickford in 2016. The format will be an A5 size and in colour. We would like to include;

• Village contacts • A footpath map • A bus timetable • Contacts for local businesses • Ickford events to look forward to throughout the year • Dates of the mobile library • Times of church services

It would be helpful to us if village organisations could contact us to update us on personnel and phone numbers and/or email addresses. If you would like to advertise your business in this handy booklet the extremely reasonable costs would be £5.00 for a half page, or £10 for a full A5 size page. If you also have interesting information about Ickford that you would like included please send it to [email protected]. We look forward to hearing from you.

Progressive supper At the Progressive Supper held in February a number of people suggested that it might be a good idea to follow Shabbington’s lead and hold the next one on New Year’s Eve. There has been a good level of interest expressed so far and we have made a preliminary booking for the Village Hall. However, we think we shall need early commitment from sufficient people to ensure that we can go ahead as we would not want to leave people high and dry with nowhere to go on New Year’s Eve. We particularly need commitment from hosts, helpers for setting up, supplying desserts, clearing up and all the other things that have make the evening go well in the past. We thought we would retain the normal format for the evening but that; 1. Maybe we should increase the ticket price to around £20 per head and spend a little more on better starters and decorate the hall. 2. Provide some background music in the Hall and a Radio Link to play Big Ben at Midnight. We would be grateful if you could please let us know by 30 September if you can commit to attending the evening and whether you would be able to assist with any of the above. Please contact Liz or Peter Jordain, contact details below. Peter Jordain 01844 33851816 Bridge Road 07747 426345Ickford [email protected] [email protected] 9HX


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VILLAGE CONTACTSAfter School Club Helen Harris (manager) 338785

Allotments Natalie Morton 339358

Bernwode News Janet NoyceBreakfast Club Helen Harris (manager) 338785

Church Rector Rev. David Kaboleh 338839

Church Warden Claire Hennessey 339564

Church Warden Anita Tansley 339952

Darby and Joan Maureen Parker-Farrell 339417

Fish Scheme Helen Woodham 339683

Football Club Joe Kitchen [email protected].

Friends of St Nicholas Keith Tattersfield 339507

Ickford Informer Ickford WI 338851

Ickford Pre School Helen Harris (manager) 338785

Ickford Pre school PTA Rebecca Shuttlebotham

Rendezvous Gill Rippin 338807

The Rising Sun Pub Jan and Paul 339238

Parish Council Clerk

Post Office/Village Shop Vina Parmar 339256

Village Shop Association Paul Farrell 339417

School Headmaster John Ronane 339261

Tug of War Teams

Tennis Club Fred Ellis

VILLAGE SHOPWe are very fortunate to have a shop and post office in our village when so many have lost theirs. Our shop is open at the following times

Mon-Fri 7.45am-6.30pm Saturday 8.30am-13.00pm Sunday 8.30am-12.30pm

The post office hours are

Mon-Fri 9.00am-1.00pm Saturday 9.00am-12.30pm

Village bus

The bus also comes to the village 6 days a week as follows

It leaves from the school at

07.19, 09.19,11.30, 13.40 and 17.10 each day and on Saturday at09.22, 11.27, 13.32 and 15.37

Most buses, but not all, go via Long Crendon and Thame and finish up at Aylesbury bus station.

Check the timetable at the school for return times.

Mobile Library

Did you know that the mobile library comes to our village once a month. It parks outside the school and the dates for 2015 are

Sept 16th Oct 14th