ICE Creates 7e's Model


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Transcript of ICE Creates 7e's Model

Page 1: ICE Creates 7e's Model


The individual project is set up. Meetings are held with stakeholders, to understand their drivers, and desired outcomes, and agreements are made as to the resources that each stakeholder needs to commit to the work for it to be a success. Only once these have been agreed, can the project start.

The ICE 7E, people centred approach delivers sustainable futures.

You’ll see improvements in quality and customer satisfaction, substantially reduced cost, and enriched internal attitudes and morale:


Data is gathered to allow people at all levels of the organisation to understand why the services is the way it is. The types of data collected are specific to the type of services being reviewed, but will include elements of both the technical process, and the social factors and behaviours that influence work design. This stage includes, understanding customer, purpose, demand, flow, measures, and social factors..


This is a crucial stage where staff who have gathered data present back their findings to the stakeholders of the process. All stakeholders (anyone who can say no to a potential redesign) are present at a single workshop. Here they will agree the findings, agree things need to changed, and sign up to the improvement opportunities identified.


Changes are tried out and measured against the baseline collected in the explore stage. Those that show improvements are taken forward those that do not are shelved. Here the benefits achieved are tracked, recorded and shared across all stakeholders.


A roll in plan is created, so the changes can be implemented for all demand. The capacity required to work in the new way is understood and benefits and savings are realised.


The outcomes achieved through the work are understood and compared to those agreed at the beginning of the work, learning points are taken forward to the next cycle of change.


Skills transfer is inherent throughout the whole methodology. Education is normative, and proactively pass on to teams every step of the way. Reflective practices are used that encourage the team to share, educate and spread inclusive good practice.


0845 5193 [email protected]