IBM Rational AppScan portfolio supports collaborative security

IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345, dated November 15, 2011 IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 1 IBM Rational AppScan portfolio supports collaborative security testing throughout the software development lifecycle with dynamic, static, and hybrid analysis Table of contents 1 Overview 5 Technical information 2 Key prerequisites 11 Ordering information 2 Planned availability date 29 Terms and conditions 2 Description 31 Prices 4 Program number 32 Order now 5 Publications Overview Application security and risk management requires both advanced security testing and deep integration into the application development life cycle. The Rational® AppScan® portfolio continues to deliver on both with the introduction of glass box security testing and an enhanced platform for centrally managing application security testing and risk as critical elements of application lifecycle management. Rational AppScan Standard Edition now includes patent-pending, glass box testing with run-time analysis - a form of interactive application security testing (IAST). AppScan glass box security testing is the latest evolution of hybrid analysis that combines dynamic (black box) analysis to simulate security attacks with an internal agent that monitors application behavior during the attack. This combination of a remote agent with traditional black box testing provides more accurate test results, identifies new threat categories, and pinpoints specific lines of code and details that help facilitate remediation. To support deep integration into the application lifecycle, Rational AppScan Enterprise Edition is re-engineered. This collaborative solution for application security testing and risk management centrally manages dynamic analysis (black box), source code analysis (white box), and provides the critical integrations with application lifecycle management. AppScan Enterprise provides a central repository and a user experience to serve the needs of testers, developers, and security auditors. This release represents the next step for IBM® in truly making security part of the software development lifecycle, by promoting collaboration among the stakeholders and integration into existing development processes. The need for comprehensive security testing - to support a Secure by Design approach - is never greater. As customers develop applications for deployment onto cloud environments, security is a top priority. Providing web-based front-ends to legacy applications made the security of those applications a concern. And finally, the increased use of packaged applications resulted in the rapid deployment of functionality to web-based front-ends. Version 8.5 of the Rational AppScan portfolio adds features to respond to these needs. Rational AppScan Source Edition now provides additional support for analysis of legacy applications through the ability to analyze COBOL source code. Customers who are undertaking Enterprise Modernization projects can now analyze the

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Page 1: IBM Rational AppScan portfolio supports collaborative security

IBM United States Software Announcement211-345, dated November 15, 2011

IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 1

IBM Rational AppScan portfolio supports collaborativesecurity testing throughout the software developmentlifecycle with dynamic, static, and hybrid analysisTable of contents

1 Overview 5 Technical information 2 Key prerequisites 11 Ordering information 2 Planned availability date 29 Terms and conditions 2 Description 31 Prices 4 Program number 32 Order now 5 Publications


Application security and risk management requires both advanced security testingand deep integration into the application development life cycle. The Rational®AppScan® portfolio continues to deliver on both with the introduction of glassbox security testing and an enhanced platform for centrally managing applicationsecurity testing and risk as critical elements of application lifecycle management.

Rational AppScan Standard Edition now includes patent-pending, glass box testingwith run-time analysis - a form of interactive application security testing (IAST).AppScan glass box security testing is the latest evolution of hybrid analysis thatcombines dynamic (black box) analysis to simulate security attacks with an internalagent that monitors application behavior during the attack. This combination of aremote agent with traditional black box testing provides more accurate test results,identifies new threat categories, and pinpoints specific lines of code and details thathelp facilitate remediation.

To support deep integration into the application lifecycle, Rational AppScanEnterprise Edition is re-engineered. This collaborative solution for applicationsecurity testing and risk management centrally manages dynamic analysis (blackbox), source code analysis (white box), and provides the critical integrations withapplication lifecycle management. AppScan Enterprise provides a central repositoryand a user experience to serve the needs of testers, developers, and securityauditors.

This release represents the next step for IBM® in truly making security part of thesoftware development lifecycle, by promoting collaboration among the stakeholdersand integration into existing development processes.

The need for comprehensive security testing - to support a Secure by Designapproach - is never greater. As customers develop applications for deployment ontocloud environments, security is a top priority.

Providing web-based front-ends to legacy applications made the security of thoseapplications a concern. And finally, the increased use of packaged applicationsresulted in the rapid deployment of functionality to web-based front-ends. Version8.5 of the Rational AppScan portfolio adds features to respond to these needs.

Rational AppScan Source Edition now provides additional support for analysis oflegacy applications through the ability to analyze COBOL source code. Customerswho are undertaking Enterprise Modernization projects can now analyze the

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 2

back-end, COBOL source code using AppScan's static analysis techniques, and testnew, front-end web applications with IBM dynamic analysis techniques.

AppScan Source Edition now also includes code quality testing from both IDEand build automation to identify code-level quality defects with key performanceindicators that track code quality.

IBM continues to push the boundaries of hybrid analysis, which combine static anddynamic analysis results to reduce false positives and aid in the prioritization offixes. In Version V8.5, AppScan Enterprise supports automated hybrid analysisof .NET applications.

To order, contact your IBM representative, an IBM Business Partner, or the AmericasCall Centers at: 800-IBM-CALL Reference: AE001

Key prerequisites

For details, refer to the Hardware requirements and the Software requirementssections.

Planned availability date

• November 15, 2011: Electronic availability

• November 22, 2011: Media availability


Rational AppScan

The most efficient way to stay ahead of application security vulnerabilities is tobuild software securely, from the ground up. The challenge is that the majority ofdevelopers are not security experts, and secure coding is historically not identifiedas a priority. As a result, web-based and non-web-based applications alike continueto be deployed riddled with vulnerabilities ready for exploitation, easily riskingsensitive data to a breach.

The onerous task of vulnerability identification and remediation cannot besuccessfully addressed by limited IT security resources. So, the best way to engagedevelopment in the process of application security is to provide tools that fit into theexisting environment and workflow, and that generate results in an understandablelanguage. The Rational AppScan portfolio offers a host of offerings to enableapplication security testing across the application lifecycle.

Rational AppScan is a leading application security testing suite designed to helpmanage vulnerability testing throughout the software development lifecycle.AppScan offers a time-saving solution for all types of security testing - outsourced,individual, and enterprise-wide analysis - and for all types of users - applicationdevelopers, build managers, quality assurance (QA) teams, penetration testers,security auditors, and senior management.

AppScan offerings include analysis techniques to traverse a live application orits source code, analyzing and testing the application or its code, validatingthe findings, and then reporting results. The reports generated includerecommendations to fix the problems. These advanced fix recommendationseducate and help developers and security auditors to address and remediate thevulnerabilities identified during the scan.

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 3

Rational AppScan editions in Version 8.5.0

• Rational AppScan Standard Edition delivers the desktop solution forautomating web application security testing. Used by penetration testers andsecurity auditors, as well as QA and development.

• Rational AppScan Enterprise Edition is a web-based, multi-user solutionthat provides centralized application security scanning, data consolidation andreporting, remediation capabilities, executive dashboards, compliance reporting,and seamless integration with AppScan Standard Edition.

• Rational AppScan Source Edition automates the analysis of source codeto identify vulnerabilities and facilitate their remediation by integrating withdevelopment processes and tools, including build systems and IDEs.

• Rational AppScan Tester Edition for Rational Quality Manager integratessecurity testing into the QA process and supports software quality assurance, andsoftware quality management.

Rational Policy Tester®

Rational Policy Tester is an industry-leading, website Compliance Managementsolution used to assess end-user privacy, accessibility, and website quality issuesthat impact compliance and site effectiveness and end-user experience. Policy Testerdrives significant cost out of the online operation by automating manual processesand by identifying and prioritizing compliance issues for immediate remediation.

Policy Tester editions include:

• Rational Policy Tester, Privacy Edition - Uncover and report oversights thatmay expose the organization to undue risk and issues including missing privacystatements, non-compliant pages collecting personally identifiable information,insecure data collection forms, and cookie presence. This is critical if customersneed to comply with privacy regulations such as COPPA, GLBA, HIPAA, andCalifornia SB1386 and AB1950.

• Rational Policy Tester, Accessibility Edition - Helps to ensure theaccessibility of the website for all users, including those accessing the site withthe help of assistive technologies such as screen readers and Braille keyboards.By executing hundreds of comprehensive accessibility checks such as appropriatetext and background color contrast or the presence of text equivalent "alt" tagson images, it helps determine the site's level of compliance with US Governmentstandards, including the US Government Section 508 and guidelines such as theW3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and France's AccessiWeband other international standards.

• Rational Policy Tester, Quality Edition - Generates reports on issues thatimpact website quality and effectiveness, including issues such as spellingerrors, broken links, and outdated content to enhance site usability andemployee productivity by making information accurate and easier to find.assists organizations in maintaining their internal quality and web developmentstandards while improving the customer experience. website usability has adirect impact on e-Commerce and revenue attainment.

Rational AppScan Standard Edition V8.5 includes the followingenhancements:

• Glass box testing with run-time analysis that combines dynamic (black box)analysis with an internal agent that monitors application behavior during theattack. This combination of a remote agent with traditional black box testingprovides more accurate test results, identifies new threat categories, andpinpoints specific lines of code and details that help facilitate remediation.

• Improved accuracy in the JavaScriptTM Security Analyzer module that delivershybrid analysis by leveraging static and dynamic analysis for detecting client-sideJavaScript vulnerabilities.

• Automatic parameter-based navigation detection in the Scan Expert Moduleto simplify scan configuration for applications that use parameters to navigatebetween contents and functions.

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 4

Rational AppScan Enterprise Edition V8.5 includes the followingenhancements:

• Centralized platform to manage dynamic analysis (black box), source codeanalysis (white box), and critical integrations with application lifecyclemanagement

• New Dynamic Analysis Scanner that is deployed separately from the EnterpriseServer to scale dynamic scanning throughout an organization

• Integration with IBM Security SiteProtector and IBM Security Network IPS tofeed vulnerability findings into SiteProtector, which then provides custom securitypolicies in the IPS to block attacks against the specific vulnerabilities

• Enhanced hybrid analysis that now also correlates .Net application vulnerabiltiesidentified by both black box (dynamic) and white box (static) analysis

Rational AppScan Source Edition V8.5 includes the following enhancements:

• Broad application support with the addition of COBOL, PL/SQL and T-SQL

• Code quality testing from both IDE and build automation to identify code-levelquality defects with key performance indicators that track code quality

• Integration with Virtual Forge CodeProfiler for static analysis of SAP ABAPapplications

• User experience that is designed to allow developers and non-security experts toquickly identify and remediate vulnerabilities in their code

Section 508 of the US Rehabilitation Act

IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Edition is capable as of November 22, 2011 , whenused in accordance with IBM's associated documentation, of satisfying the applicablerequirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, provided that any assistivetechnology used with the product properly interoperates with it. A U.S. Section 508Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT), containing details on the productsaccessibility compliance, can be requested on the following website

Program number

Program VRM Program namenumber 5724-T52 8.5.0 IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Edition5724-Z34 8.5.0 IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Automation5724-Z36 8.5.0 IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Developer5724-Z37 8.5.0 IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Remediation5724-Z35 8.5.0 IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Security5724-T59 8.5.0 IBM Rational AppScan Standard Edition5724-T51 8.5.0 IBM Rational AppScan Tester Edition5725-E21 8.5.0 IBM Rational Policy Tester

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 5

Offering Information

Product information is available via the Offering Information website

Also, visit the Passport Advantage® website


No publications are shipped with these products.

The IBM Publications Center

The Publications Center is a worldwide central repository for IBM productpublications and marketing material with a catalog of 70,000 items. Extensivesearch facilities are provided. Payment options for orders are via credit card (inthe U.S.) or customer number for 20 countries. A large number of publicationsare available online in various file formats, and they can all be downloaded by allcountries.

Technical information

Specified operating environment

Hardware requirements

AppScan Standard Edition hardware requirements

• Processor: IntelTM PentiumTM P4, 2.4 GHz• Memory: 2 GB RAM

• Disk space: 30 GB

• Network: 1 NIC 100 Mbps for network communication with configured TCP/IP

AppScan Enterprise Edition hardware requirements

• Processor: Pentium Class PC (P4 - 3 GHz or greater; faster processor or multipleprocessors recommended). Dual-core CPU recommended for any load whenrunning on x86-based hardware

• Memory: 4 GB of RAM or more recommended

• Hard disk

– Approximately 800 MB of available hard-disk space for the recommendedinstallation

– Approximately 10 GB of available hard-disk space for scan logs on DynamicAnalysis Scanner

– Approximately 200 GB of available hard-disk space on the system hosting thedatabase (equals approximately 400,000 pages

– Approximately 330 MB for the Web Services Explorer (to test Web Services forsecurity vulnerabilities)

AppScan Source Edition hardware requirements

• Processor: Intel Pentium P4, 3.0 GHz or faster

• Memory: 2 GB RAM minimum

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 6

• Disk space: WindowsTM 1 GB (2 GB required for installation); LinuxTM 1.1 GB (2GB required for installation)

• Network: 1 NIC 10 Mbps for network communication with configured TCP/IP (100Mbps recommended)

• Drives: CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive

AppScan Tester Edition hardware requirements

• Processor: 3.0 GHz Pentium IV-compatible processor; faster processor ormultiple processors recommended.

• Memory: 4 GB of RAM or more recommended

• Hard disk:

– Approximately 800 MB of available hard-disk space for the recommendedinstallation

– Approximately 10 GB of available hard-disk space for scan logs on AgentServer

– Approximately 200 GB of available hard-disk space on the system hosting thedatabase (equals approximately 400,000 pages

– Approximately 330 MB for the Web Services Explorer (to test Web Services forsecurity vulnerabilities)

Policy Tester hardware requirements

• Processor: 3.0-GHz Pentium IV-compatible processor; faster processor ormultiple processors recommended

• Memory: 4 GB of RAM or more recommended

• Hard disk

– Approximately 800 MB of available hard-disk space for the recommendedinstallation

– Approximately 10 GB of available hard-disk space for scan logs on AgentServer

– Approximately 200 GB of available hard-disk space on the system hosting thedatabase (equals approximately 400,000 pages

– Approximately 330 MB for the Web Services Explorer (to test Web Services forsecurity vulnerabilities)

Software requirements

AppScan Standard Edition software requirements

Operating systems

Supported operating systems (both 32-bit and 64-bit editions, where applicable):

• Windows XP: Professional, SP2 and SP3

• Windows 2003: Standard and Enterprise, SP1 and SP2

• Windows Vista: Business, Ultimate and Enterprise, SP1 and SP2

• Windows Server 2008: Standard and Enterprise, SP1 and SP2

• Windows Server 2008 R2: Standard and Enterprise, with or without SP1

• Windows 7: Enterprise, Professional and Ultimate, with or without SP1

Note: Rational AppScan smart tags, which are used when creating custom reports,are not supported on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.

Browser -- MicrosoftTM Internet Explorer Versions 7, 8, and 9

Other requirements

• Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 SP1 (Version 3.0 or later is required inaddition for some optional, additional functionality).

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 7

• Optional: AdobeTM Flash Player for Internet Explorer, Version orlater is required for Flash execution, and for viewing instructional videos in someof the advisories. Earlier versions are not supported, and some versions mightrequire configuration. For details, see the documentation.

• Optional: Microsoft Word 2003 or 2007 for using AppScan smart tags to insertfields for custom report templates. If Word 2003 is used, Update for Office 2003:KB907417, must also be installed.

Glass box system requirements

In order to use the new glass box scanning feature, you will need to set up theserver-side glass box agent on your application server. The following serverplatforms and technologies are supported:

JavaTM EE containers: JBoss, Tomcat 6.0/7.0, WebLogic, and WebSphere® 7.0

Operating systems

• Windows: XP, Windows 7 SP1 and SP2, Win 2008 Server R2 SP1 (Q1, 2011), Win2008 Server R2, (August 15, 2009)

• Linux: Red Hat Enterprise Linux: RHEL 4 Update 9 (October 6, 2010), RHEL 5Update 6 (October 20,2010), RHEL 6 (October -December 2010); Ubuntu serverLTS 10.0.4, SLES (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server): 11 SP1 (June 2010) SLES 11(030509), SLES 10 SP4 (Q32011

• UNIXTM: AIX®, 7.1 (Oct 2010), Solaris 10 (SPARC), Solaris 11 Express®


• Customers without a local license on their computer require a networkconnection to their Rational licensing server when using AppScan.

• A personal firewall running on the same computer as Rational AppScan mightblock communication and result in inaccurate findings and reduced performance.For best results, do not run a personal firewall on the computer that runsRational AppScan.

AppScan Enterprise Edition software requirements


• SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition or SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition ServicePack 2

• SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition Service Pack 1 or SQL Server 2008 EnterpriseEdition Service Pack 1

• SQL Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

• (SQL Server system requirements available from Microsoft.)

Web server

• IIS6 (Windows 2003 Server) Note: IIS6 must be enabled on the Windows 2003Server so that the Server properly installs.

• IIS7 (Windows 2008 Server) Note: IIS7 must be enabled on the Windows 2008Server so that the Server properly installs.

Other prerequisites

• Before installing the Enterprise Server, IIS must be installed (not required forservers running Enterprise Dynamic Analysis Scanners only).

• Before installing the Enterprise Server, download and install the.NET Framework4.0 from this Microsoft website.

• Ensure that ASP.Net is installed and enabled in IIS.

Supported browsers

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 8

• Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0

• Mozilla Firefox 3.6.x, 6.x, and 7.x

Operating systems

• Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2 (32-bit and 64-bit)

• Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 2 (32-bit and 64-bit)

• Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

• Windows 7 (32-bit) (client-side only)

• Windows XP (32-bit) (client-side only)

Note: For best results, install all critical Microsoft updates. If the website beingscanned uses technologies such as Flash, Windows Media, and additional charactersets, these technologies must also be installed on the agent server machines.

Supported integrations

• Rational Quality Manager 2.0.1.x and V3.0.1

• AppScan Source Edition V7.0, and higher

• AppScan Standard Edition V7.7, and higher

• IBM Security SiteProtector V2.0 SP 8.1

• WebSphere Portal V6.0.1.4, and higher

AppScan Source Edition software requirements

Project Files: Visual Studio 2005; Visual Studio 2008; Visual Studio 2010 (excludingC and C++); WebSphere Studio; Application Developer V5.1; Eclipse 3.1, 3.2, 3.3,3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7; and Rational Application Developer V7.0, V7.5, V7.5.0.3,V8.0, V8.0.1, V8.0.2, and V8.0.3

Compilers: GNU compiler Collection (gcc) for Linux, Visual Studio 2005 (V8) forWindows; Visual Studio 2008; Visual Studio 2010 (excluding C and C++); SunStudio C and C++ Compilers for Linux and Solaris

Language Support Security Testing: Java, ClientSide JavaScript, JSP, ColdFusion, C,C++, .NET (C#, ASP.NET, and VB.NET), Classic ASP, (JavaScript/VBScript), PHP, Perl,VisualBasic 6, PL/SQL, T-SQL, and COBOL

Language Support Quality Testing: Java, C, and C++ (Microsoft Windows, Red HatEnterprise Linux only)

IDE Plug-in support: Eclipse versions 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7; IBM RationalApplication Developer V7.0, V7.5, V7.5.0.3, V8.0, V8.0.1, V8.0.2, and V8.0.3; VisualStudio 2005, and Visual Studio 2008 (excluding C and C++), Visual Studio 2010,Rational Application Developer and Eclipse supports Java, Visual Studio supports C#,ASP.NET, and VB.NET

Defect Tracking System support: Rational ClearQuest® V7.0, V7.1.1, V7.1.2, andV8.0; HP Quality Center 9.2 and 10.0; Rational Team ConcertTM V2.0.0.2, V3.0, andV3.0.1; and Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2008 and 2010

External database support: Oracle 10g and Oracle 11g

Operating systems

• Microsoft Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate 32-bit and 64-bit (in32-bit mode)

• Microsoft Windows XP Professional (SP2, and higher)

• Microsoft Windows Vista Business, Enterprise and Ultimate (SP1) 32-bit and 64-bit (in 32-bit mode)

• Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise (SP2, and higher)

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 9

• Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise

• Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (in 32-bit mode)

• RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.0 Workstation and Server

• RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.0 and 6.0 Workstation and Server 32-bit and 64-bit (in32-bit mode)

• Solaris 9 (Rational AppScan Source Edition for Automation only)

• Solaris 10 (Rational AppScan Source Edition for Automation only)

AppScan Tester Edition software requirements


• SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition or SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition ServicePack 2

• SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition Service Pack 1 or SQL Server 2008 EnterpriseEdition Service Pack 1

• SQL Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

• (SQL Server system requirements available from Microsoft.)

Web server

• IIS6 (Windows 2003 Server) Note: IIS6 must be enabled on the Windows 2003Server so that the Server properly installs.

• IIS7 (Windows 2008 Server) Note: IIS7 must be enabled on the Windows 2008Server so that the Server properly installs.

Other prerequisites

• Before installing the Enterprise Server, you must have IIS installed (not requiredfor servers running Enterprise Dynamic Analysis Scanners only).

• Before installing the Enterprise Server, you must download and install the .NETFramework 4.0 from this Microsoft website.

• Ensure that ASP.Net is installed and enabled in IIS.

Supported browsers

• Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0

• Mozilla Firefox 3.6.x, 6.x, and 7.x

Operating systems

• Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2(32-bit and 64-bit)

• Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 1 (32-bit and 64-bit)

• Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

• Windows 7 (32-bit) (client-side only)

• Windows XP (32-bit) (client-side only)

Note: For best results, install all critical Microsoft updates. If the website beingscanned uses technologies such as Flash, Windows Media, and additional charactersets, these technologies must also be installed on the agent server machines.

Supported integrations

• Rational Quality Manager V2.0.1.x and V3.0.1

• WebSphere Portal V6.0.1.4, and higher

Note: For best results, install all critical Microsoft updates. If the website beingscanned uses technologies such as Flash, Windows Media, and additional charactersets, these technologies must also be installed on the agent server machines.

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 10

Policy Tester software requirements


• SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition or SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition ServicePack 2

• SQL Server 2008 Standard Edition Service Pack 1 or SQL Server 2008 EnterpriseEdition Service Pack 1

• SQL Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

• SQL Server system requirements that are available from this Microsoft website(link resides outside of®)

Web server

• IIS6 (Windows 2003 Server) Note: IIS6 must be enabled on the Windows 2003Server so that the Server properly installs.

• IIS7 (Windows 2008 Server) Note: IIS7 must be enabled on the Windows 2008Server so that the Server properly installs.

Other prerequisites

• Before installing the Enterprise Server, IIS must be installed (not required forservers running Enterprise Dynamic Analysis Scanners only).

• Before installing the Enterprise Server, download and install the.NET Framework4.0 from this Microsoft website.

• Ensure that ASP.Net is installed and enabled in IIS.

Supported browsers

• Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0, and 8.0

• Mozilla Firefox 3.6.x, 6.x, and 7.x

Operating System

• Windows Server 2003 with Service Pack 2(32-bit and 64-bit)

• Windows Server 2008 with Service Pack 2 (32-bit and 64-bit)

• Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

• Windows 7 (32-bit) (client-side only)

• Windows XP (32-bit) (client-side only)

Note: For best results, install all critical Microsoft updates. If the website beingscanned uses technologies such as Flash, Windows Media, and additional charactersets, these technologies must also be installed on the agent server machines.

Supported integrations -- WebSphere Portal V6.0.1.4, and higher

The program's specifications and specified operating environment informationmay be found in documentation accompanying the program, if available, such asa README file, or other information published by IBM, such as an announcementletter. Documentation and other program content may be supplied only in theEnglish language.

Planning information

Software Subscription and Support (also referred to as Software Maintenance)is included with licenses purchased through Passport Advantage and PassportAdvantage Express. Product upgrades and technical support are provided by theSoftware Subscription and Support (also referred to as Software Maintenance)offering as described in the Agreements. Product upgrades provide the latestversions and releases to entitled software, and technical support provides voice andelectronic access to IBM support organizations, worldwide.

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 11

IBM includes one year of Software Subscription and Support (also referred to asSoftware Maintenance) with each program license acquired. The initial period ofSoftware Subscription and Support (also referred to as Software Maintenance) canbe extended by the purchase of a renewal option, if available.


IBM Rational AppScan

Security, auditability, and control

The customer is responsible for evaluation, selection, and implementation of securityfeatures, administrative procedures, and appropriate controls in application systemsand communication facilities.

Ordering information

This product is only available via Passport Advantage. It is not available asshrinkwrap.

Product information

ProductLicensed function title Product group category IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Software Software Dynamic Analysis Scanner Quality QualityIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Software Software Dynamic Analysis Users Quality QualityIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Software Software Reporting Only User Quality QualityIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Software Software Server Quality QualityIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Software Software Server Basic Quality QualityIBM Rational AppScan Source Rational Rational Edition for Automation AppScan Source AppScan Source Edition EditionIBM Rational AppScan Source Rational Rational Edition for Developer AppScan Source AppScan Source Edition EditionIBM Rational AppScan Source Rational Rational Edition for Remediation AppScan Source AppScan Source Edition EditionIBM Rational AppScan Source Rational Rational Edition for Security AppScan Source AppScan Source Edition EditionIBM Rational AppScan Standard Ed Software Software Quality QualityIBM Rational AppScan Standard Software Software Edition Quality QualityIBM Rational AppScan Tester Software Software Edition for Rational Quality Quality Quality ManagerIBM Rational Policy Tester Software Software Accessibility Module Quality QualityIBM Rational Policy Tester Privacy Software Software Module Quality QualityIBM Rational Policy Tester Quality Software Software Module Quality QualityIBM Rational Policy Tester Scanner Software Software Quality Quality

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PID Charge unitProgram name number description IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Install Dynamic Analysis ScannerIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Install for Dynamic Analysis Scanner System zIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Authorized User Dynamic Analysis Users Single Install for System zIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Authorized User Dynamic Analysis Users Single InstallIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Floating User Dynamic Analysis Users Single Install for System zIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Floating User Dynamic Analysis Users Single InstallIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Floating User Reporting Only User Single InstallIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Authorized User Reporting Only User Single Install for System zIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Floating User Reporting Only User Single Install for System zIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Authorized User Reporting Only User Single InstallIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Install ServerIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Install for Server System zIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Install for Server Basic System zIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise 5724-T52 Per Install Server BasicIBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z34 Per Install for for Automation System zIBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z34 Per 1 Authorized User, for Automation 1 ContactIBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z36 Per Floating User for Developer IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z36 Per Floating User for Developer for System zIBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z36 Per 1 Authorized User, for Developer 1 ContactIBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z36 Per Authorized User for Developer for System zIBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z37 Per Floating User for Remediation IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z37 Per 1 Authorized User, for Remediation 1 ContactIBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z37 Per Authorized User for Remediation IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z37 Per Authorized User for Remediation for System zIBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z37 Per Floating User for Remediation for System zIBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z35 Per Floating User for Security for System zIBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z35 Per 1 Authorized User, for Security 1 ContactIBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z35 Per Authorized User for Security for System zIBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z35 Per Floating User for Security IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition 5724-Z35 Per Authorized User for Security IBM Rational AppScan Standard Ed 5724-T59 Per Floating User Single InstallIBM Rational AppScan Standard Ed 5724-T59 Per Floating User Single Install for System zIBM Rational AppScan Standard 5724-T59 Per Authorized User Edition Single Install for

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 13

System zIBM Rational AppScan Standard 5724-T59 Per Authorized User Edition Single InstallIBM Rational AppScan Tester Edition 5724-T51 Per Authorized User for Rational Quality Manager IBM Rational AppScan Tester Edition 5724-T51 Per Authorized User for Rational Quality Manager for System zIBM Rational AppScan Tester Edition 5724-T51 Per Floating User for Rational Quality Manager for System zIBM Rational AppScan Tester Edition 5724-T51 Per Floating User for Rational Quality Manager IBM Rational AppScan Tester Edition 5724-T51 Per Server for for Rational Quality Manager System zIBM Rational AppScan Tester Edition 5724-T51 Per Server for Rational Quality ManagerIBM Rational Policy Tester 5725-E21 Per Install Accessibility ModuleIBM Rational Policy Tester 5725-E21 Per Install for Accessibility Module System zIBM Rational Policy Tester Privacy 5725-E21 Per Install for Module System zIBM Rational Policy Tester Privacy 5725-E21 Per Install ModuleIBM Rational Policy Tester Quality 5725-E21 Per Install ModuleIBM Rational Policy Tester Quality 5725-E21 Per Install for Module System zIBM Rational Policy Tester Scanner 5725-E21 Per Authorized User Single Install for System zIBM Rational Policy Tester Scanner 5725-E21 Per Floating User Single Install for System zIBM Rational Policy Tester Scanner 5725-E21 Per Floating User Single InstallIBM Rational Policy Tester Scanner 5725-E21 Per Authorized User Single InstallIBM Rational Policy Tester Scanner 5725-E21 Per Install for System zIBM Rational Policy Tester Scanner 5725-E21 Per Install

Charge metrics definitions

Authorized User

Authorized User is the unit of measure by which this program is licensed. AnAuthorized User is an individual (named or unnamed) within or outside of yourenterprise. The program may be installed on one or more computers or serversand accessed by the number of users authorized by the Proof of Entitlement (PoE).You must have an entitlement for each Authorized User accessing the program orany program component in any manner directly or indirectly (for example, via amultiplexing program, device, or application server) through any means.

Floating User

Floating User is a unit of measure by which the program can be licensed. A FloatingUser is a person who is accessing the program at any particular point in time.An Install is an installed copy of the program on a physical or virtual disk madeavailable to be executed on a computer. The program may be installed on anynumber of computers or servers, but if the Floating User simultaneously accessesmore than one Install of the program, the Floating User requires a separateentitlement for each such Install. Licensee must obtain separate entitlements foreach Floating User simultaneously accessing the program on each Install in anymanner directly or indirectly (for example: via a multiplexing program, device, orapplication server) through any means.

Note: Some programs may be licensed where devices are considered users. In thatcase the following applies: Any computing device that requests the execution ofor receives for execution a set of commands, procedures, or applications from the

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 14

program or that is otherwise managed by the program is considered a separate Userof the program and requires an entitlement as if that device were a person.

Authorized User Single Session

Authorized User Single Session is a unit of measure by which the program can belicensed. An Authorized User is a unique person who is given access to the program.The program may be installed on any number of computers or servers, but if theAuthorized User simultaneously accesses the program multiple times, either onthe same or on multiple computers, each separate simultaneous access requiresa separate entitlement. Licensee must obtain separate, dedicated entitlementsfor each Authorized User given access to the program in any manner directly orindirectly (for example: via a multiplexing program, device, or application server)through any means. An entitlement for an Authorized User is unique to thatAuthorized User and may not be shared, nor may it be reassigned other than for thepermanent transfer of the Authorized User Session entitlement to another person.

Note: Some programs may be licensed where devices are considered users. In thatcase the following applies: Any computing device that requests the execution ofor receives for execution a set of commands, procedures, or applications from theprogram or that is otherwise managed by the program is considered a separate Userof the program and requires an entitlement as if that device were a person.

Floating User Single Install

Floating User Single Install is a unit of measure by which the program can belicensed. A Floating User is a person who is accessing the program at any particularpoint in time. An Install is an installed copy of the program on a physical or virtualdisk made available to be executed on a computer. The program may be installedon any number of computers or servers, but if the Floating User simultaneouslyaccesses more than one Install of the program, the Floating User requires a separateentitlement for each such Install. Licensee must obtain separate entitlements foreach Floating User simultaneously accessing the program on each Install in anymanner directly or indirectly (for example: via a multiplexing program, device, orapplication server) through any means.

Note: Some programs may be licensed where devices are considered users. In thatcase the following applies: Any computing device that requests the execution ofor receives for execution a set of commands, procedures, or applications from theprogram or that is otherwise managed by the program is considered a separate Userof the program and requires an entitlement as if that device were a person.


Install is a unit of measure by which the program can be licensed. An install is aninstalled copy of the program on a physical or virtual disk made available to beexecuted on a computer. Licensee must obtain an entitlement for each install of theprogram.


Server is the unit of measure by which this program is licensed. A server is acomputer system that executes requested procedures, commands, or applicationsto one or more user or client devices. A Proof of Entitlement (PoE) must be obtainedfor each server regardless of the number of processor cores or partitions in theserver on which the program runs or each server managed by the program. Whereblade technology is employed, each blade is considered a separate server.

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 15

Passport Advantage program licenses

Rational AppScan Enterprise Edition

PartPart description number IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Reporting Only UserRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Author User Single E05EJLL Install Annual SW S&SRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Author User Single D056BLL Install Initl FT Lic+SRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Author User Single D0569LL Install Lic + SW S&S 1Ratl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Author User Single D056ALL Install SW S&S ReinstaRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Author User Single E05EKLL Install Subsq FT Lic+SRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Floating User Single E06GHLL Inst Annual SW S&S RRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Floating User Single D0L7GLL Inst Initl FT Lic+S&Ratl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Floating User Single D07YCLL Inst Lic + SW S&S 12Ratl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Floating User Single D07YDLL Inst SW S&S ReinstatRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Floating User Single E0CRTLL Inst Subsq FT Lic+S&IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Dynamic Analysis ScannerRatl AppScan Entp DA Scanner Per Install Annual SW S&S E0CRJLL RnwlRatl AppScan Entp DA Scanner Per Install Initl FT D0L7DLL Lic+S&S 12 MoRatl AppScan Entp DA Scanner Per Install Lic + SW S&S D0L73LL 12 MoRatl AppScan Entp DA Scanner Per Install SW S&S D0L74LL Reinstate 12 MoRatl AppScan Entp DA Scanner Per Install Subsq FT E0CRQLL Lic+S&S 12 MoIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Dynamic Analysis UsersRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Author User Single E047CLL Install Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Author User Single D040HLL Install Initl FT Lic+S&SRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Author User Single D61V2LL Install Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Author User Single D61V4LL Install SW S&S ReinstateRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Author User Single E04SILL Install Subsq FT Lic+S&SRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Floating User Single Inst E06GFLL Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Floating User Single Inst D0L7KLL Initl FT Lic+S&S 1Ratl AppScan Entp DA User Per Floating User Single Inst D07YALL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Floating User Single Inst D07YBLL SW S&S Reinstate 1Ratl AppScan Entp DA User Per Floating User Single Inst E0CRXLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 1IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Server BasicRatl AppS Entp Svr Basic Per Install Annual SW S&S Rnwl E0CRBLLRatl AppS Entp Svr Basic Per Install Initl FT Lic+S&S D0L79LL 12 MoRatl AppS Entp Svr Basic Per Install Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D0L6CLLRatl AppS Entp Svr Basic Per Install SW S&S Reinstate D0L6DLL 12 MoRatl AppS Entp Svr Basic Per Install Subsq FT Lic+S&S E0CRLLL 12 MoIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise ServerRatl AppS Entp Svr Per Install Annual SW S&S Rnwl E0CRDLLRatl AppS Entp Svr Per Install Initl FT Lic+S&S 12 Mo D0L7BLLRatl AppS Entp Svr Per Install Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D0L6GLL

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Ratl AppS Entp Svr Per Install SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D0L6HLLRatl AppS Entp Svr Per Install Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12 Mo E0CRNLL

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Automation

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for AutomationAppScan Source Ed Automation Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact E086LLL Annual SW S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Automation Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact D0BR8LL Initl FT Lic+S&S 1AppScan Source Ed Automation Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact D0BQVLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Automation Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact D0BQWLL SW S&S Reinstate 1AppScan Source Ed Automation Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact E086ULL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 1AppScan Source Ed Automation Per Install Annual SW S&S E086LLL RnwlAppScan Source Ed Automation Per Install Initl FT D0BR8LL Lic+S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Automation Per Install Lic + SW S&S D0BQVLL 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Automation Per Install SW S&S D0BQWLL Reinstate 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Automation Per Install Subsq FT E086ULL Lic+S&S 12 Mo

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Developer

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for DeveloperAppScan Source Ed Developer Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact E086NLL Annual SW S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Developer Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact D0BRALL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Developer Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact D0BQZLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Developer Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact D0BR0LL SW S&S Reinstate 12AppScan Source Ed Developer Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact E086WLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Developer Per Floating User Annual SW E086MLL S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Developer Per Floating User Initl FT D0BR9LL Lic+S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Developer Per Floating User Lic + SW D0BQXLL S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Developer Per Floating User SW S&S D0BQYLL Reinstate 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Developer Per Floating User Subsq FT E086VLL Lic+S&S 12 Mo

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Remediation

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for RemediationAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact E086QLL Annual SW S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact D0BRCLL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact D0BR3LL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact D0BR4LL SW S&S Reinstate 12AppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact E086YLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Authorized User Annual E086QLL SW S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Authorized User Initl D0BRCLL FT Lic+S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Authorized User Lic + D0BR3LL SW S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Authorized User SW S&S D0BR4LL Reinstate 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Authorized User Subsq E086YLL FT Lic+S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Floating User Annual SW E08KTLL S&S Rnwl

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AppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Floating User Initl FT D0CIGLL Lic+S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Floating User Lic + SW D0CI7LL S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Floating User SW S&S D0CI8LL Reinstate 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Floating User Subsq FT E08KYLL Lic+S&S 12 Mo

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Security

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for SecurityAppScan Source Ed Security Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact E086KLL Annual SW S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Security Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact D0BR7LL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Security Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact D0BQTLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Security Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact D0BQULL SW S&S Reinstate 12AppScan Source Ed Security Per 1 Auth User, 1 Contact E086TLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Security Per Authorized User Annual E086KLL SW S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Security Per Authorized User Initl FT D0BR7LL Lic+S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Security Per Authorized User Lic + SW D0BQTLL S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Security Per Authorized User SW S&S D0BQULL Reinstate 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Security Per Authorized User Subsq FT E086TLL Lic+S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Security Per Floating User Annual SW E08KGLL S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Security Per Floating User Initl FT D0CHHLL Lic+S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Security Per Floating User Lic + SW D0CHKLL S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Security Per Floating User SW S&S D0CHLLL Reinstate 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Security Per Floating User Subsq FT E08KELL Lic+S&S 12 Mo

IBM Rational AppScan Standard Edition

IBM Rational AppScan Standard EditionRational AppScan Std Ed Per Author User Single Install E0D71LL Annual SW S&S RnwlRational AppScan Std Ed Per Author User Single Install D0N1PLL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12Rational AppScan Std Ed Per Author User Single Install D0N1KLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRational AppScan Std Ed Per Author User Single Install D0N1LLL SW S&S Reinstate 12Rational AppScan Std Ed Per Author User Single Install E0D73LL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12IBM Rational AppScan Standard EditionRational AppScan Std Ed Per Floating User Single Inst E046DLL Annual SW S&S RnwlRational AppScan Std Ed Per Floating User Single Inst D040CLL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12Rational AppScan Std Ed Per Floating User Single Inst D61SYLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRational AppScan Std Ed Per Floating User Single Inst D61SZLL SW S&S Reinstate 12Rational AppScan Std Ed Per Floating User Single Inst E04SDLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12IBM Rational AppScan Tester Edition for Rational Quality ManagerRATL AppScan Tester Ed for RQM Per Auth User Initl FT D083GLL Lic+S&S 12 MoRATL AppScan Tester Ed for RQM Per Auth User SubSq FT E06I9LL Lic+S&S 12 MoRATL AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per Auth Usr Annual E06I8LL SW S&S RnwlRATL AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per Auth Usr Lic + D083ELL

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SW S&S 12 MoRATL AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per Auth Usr SW S&S D083FLL Reinstate 12 MoRATL AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per FLt Usr Annual E06G6LL SW S&S RnwlRATL AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per FLt Usr Lic + D07XMLL SW S&S 12 MoRATL AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per FLt Usr SW S&S D07XNLL Reinstate 12 MoRATL AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per Server Annual E06I5LL SW S&S RnwlRATL AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per Server Initl FT D083BLL Lic+S&S 12 MoRATL AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per Server Lic + SW D0833LL S&S 12 MoRATL AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per Server SW S&S D0834LL Reinstate 12 MoRATL AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per Server SubSq FT E06I6LL Lic+S&S 12 Mo

IBM Rational Policy Tester

IBM Rational Policy Tester Accessibility ModuleRatl PolicyTester Acc Module Per Install Annual SW S&S E0CNTLL RnwlRatl PolicyTester Acc Module Per Install Initl FT D0L2BLL Lic+S&S 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Acc Module Per Install Lic + SW S&S D0KZWLL 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Acc Module Per Install SW S&S D0KZXLL Reinstate 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Acc Module Per Install Subsq FT E0CPALL Lic+S&S 12 MoIBM Rational Policy Tester Quality ModuleRatl PolicyTester Qual Modul Per Install Annual SW S&S E0CNYLL RnwlRatl PolicyTester Qual Modul Per Install Initl FT D0L2DLL Lic+S&S 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Qual Modul Per Install Lic + SW S&S D0L1LLL 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Qual Modul Per Install SW S&S D0L1MLL Reinstate 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Qual Modul Per Install Subsq FT E0CPCLL Lic+S&S 12 MoIBM Rational Policy Tester ScannerRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Author User Single E0CNLLL Install Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Author User Single D0L1ZLL Install Initl FT Lic+S&SRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Author User Single D0KZHLL Install Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Author User Single D0KZILL Install SW S&S ReinstateRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Author User Single E0CP5LL Install Subsq FT Lic+S&SRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Floating User Single Inst E0CNMLL Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Floating User Single Inst D0L20LL Initl FT Lic+S&S 1Ratl PolicyTester Scanner Per Floating User Single Inst D0KZJLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Floating User Single Inst D0KZKLL SW S&S Reinstate 1Ratl PolicyTester Scanner Per Floating User Single Inst E0CP6LL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 1Ratl PolicyTester Scanner Per Install Annual SW S&S E0CNKLL RnwlRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Install Initl FT Lic+S&S D0L1YLL 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Install Lic + SW S&S 12 D0KZFLL MoRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Install SW S&S Reinstate D0KZGLL 12 Mo

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Ratl PolicyTester Scanner Per Install Subsq FT Lic+S&S E0CP4LL 12 MoIBM Rational Policy Tester Privacy ModuleRatl PolicyTester Priv Modul Per Install Annual SW S&S E0CP0LL RnwlRatl PolicyTester Priv Modul Per Install Initl FT D0L2FLL Lic+S&S 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Priv Modul Per Install Lic + SW S&S D0L1QLL 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Priv Modul Per Install SW S&S D0L1RLL Reinstate 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Priv Modul Per Install Subsq FT E0CPELL Lic+S&S 12 Mo

Passport Advantage trade-up licenses

IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Edition

Trade-up Precursor product Trade-up product part number IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise ServerAppScan Enterprise Server Ratl AppS Entp Svr Install D0L6ILL Basic Per Install fr Ent Svr Bsc Instl Trade Up Lic + SW S&S 12 MoIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Dynamic Analysis UsersAppScan Enterprise Ratl AppS Entp DA User D0L6SLL Reporting Only User AUSI fr AS Ent Rep Only Ur Authorized User Single AUSI Trade Up Lic + SW InstallAppScan Enterprise Dynamic Ratl AppScan Entp DA User D0L6RLL Analysis Users Authorized FUSI fr AS Ent DA Ur AUSI User Single Install Trade Up Lic + SWAppScan Enterprise Ratl AppScan Entp DA User D0L6ZLL Reporting Only User FUSI fr Ent Rep Only Ur Floating User Single FUSI Trade Up Lic + SW InstallIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Reporting Only UserEnterprise Reporting Only AppS Entp Rpt Only Ur FUSI D0L77LL User Authorized User FR Entp Rpt Only Ur AUSI Single Install Trade Up Lic +

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Developer

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for DeveloperRatl AppScan Source Ed for AppScan Source Ed Dev Per D0CIJLL Remediation to Developer Flt Ur Fr Remediation Floating User Trade Up Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRatl AppScanSource Ed for AppScan Source Ed D0CILLL Remediation to Developer Developer Per Auth Usr fr Authorized User Remediation Trade Up Lic+ SW SRatl AppScan Source AppScan Source Ed D0CIKLL Edition for Developer Developer Per FU fr Auth Authorized User to User Trade Up Lic + SW S&S Floating User 12 Mo

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Remediation

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for RemediationRational AppScan Source AppScan Source Ed D0CI9LL Edition for Remediation Remediatn Flt Usr fm Auth Authorized User to UsrTrade Up Lic + SW S&S Floating User 12 Mo

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Security

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for SecurityRatl AppScan Source Ed for AppScan Source Ed Security D0CHMLL Security Authorized User Flt Usr fr Auth Usr Trade to Floating User Up Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 20

IBM Rational AppScan Standard Edition

IBM Rational AppScan Standard EdAppScan Standard Edition Rational AppScan Std Ed D053YLL Authorized User Single Per Floating User Single Install Inst Trade Up Lic + SW S&

Passport Advantage supply


Passport Advantage customer: Media pack entitlement details

Customers with active maintenance or subscription for the products listed areentitled to receive the corresponding media pack.

Rational AppScan Enterprise Dynamic Analysis Scanner V8.5.0

Entitled maintenance Media packs description Partofferings description number IBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppScan BT0FFML Enterprise Dynamic Enterprise Dynamic Analysis Scanner Per Analysis Users 8.5 Win ML Install MPackIBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppScan BT0FFML Enterprise Dynamic Enterprise Dynamic Analysis Scanner Per Analysis Users 8.5 Win ML Install for System Z MPackIBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppScan BT0FFML Enterprise Dynamic Enterprise Dynamic Analysis Users Per Analysis Users 8.5 Win ML Authorized User Single MPack InstallIBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppScan BT0FFML Enterprise Dynamic Enterprise Dynamic Analysis Users Per Analysis Users 8.5 Win ML Floating User Single MPack InstallIBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppScan BT0FFML Enterprise Dynamic Enterprise Dynamic Analysis Users per Analysis Users 8.5 Win ML Authorized User Single MPack Install for System z

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 21

IBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppScan BT0FFML Enterprise Dynamic Enterprise Dynamic Analysis Users per Analysis Users 8.5 Win ML Floating User Single MPack Install for System z

Rational Policy Tester Scanner V8.5.0

Entitled maintenance Media packs description Partofferings description number IBM Rational Policy Tester IBM RATIONAL POLICY TESTER BT0FQML Accessibility Module Per V8.5 FOR WINDOWS Install MULTILINGUAL MEDIA PACKIBM Rational Policy Tester IBM RATIONAL POLICY TESTER BT0FQML Accessibility Module Per V8.5 FOR WINDOWS Install for System Z MULTILINGUAL MEDIA PACKIBM Rational Policy Tester IBM RATIONAL POLICY TESTER BT0FQML Privacy Module Per Install V8.5 FOR WINDOWS MULTILINGUAL MEDIA PACKIBM Rational Policy Tester IBM RATIONAL POLICY TESTER BT0FQML Privacy Module Per Install V8.5 FOR WINDOWS for System Z MULTILINGUAL MEDIA PACKIBM Rational Policy Tester IBM RATIONAL POLICY TESTER BT0FQML Quality Module Per Install V8.5 FOR WINDOWS MULTILINGUAL MEDIA PACKIBM Rational Policy Tester IBM RATIONAL POLICY TESTER BT0FQML Quality Module Per Install V8.5 FOR WINDOWS for System Z MULTILINGUAL MEDIA PACKIBM Rational Policy Tester IBM RATIONAL POLICY TESTER BT0FQML Scanner Per Authorized V8.5 FOR WINDOWS User Single Install MULTILINGUAL MEDIA PACKIBM Rational Policy Tester IBM RATIONAL POLICY TESTER BT0FQML Scanner Per Authorized V8.5 FOR WINDOWS User Single Install for MULTILINGUAL MEDIA PACK System ZIBM Rational Policy Tester IBM RATIONAL POLICY TESTER BT0FQML Scanner Per Floating User V8.5 FOR WINDOWS Single Install MULTILINGUAL MEDIA PACKIBM Rational Policy Tester IBM RATIONAL POLICY TESTER BT0FQML Scanner Per Floating User V8.5 FOR WINDOWS Single Install for System MULTILINGUAL MEDIA PACK ZIBM Rational Policy Tester IBM RATIONAL POLICY TESTER BT0FQML Scanner Per Install V8.5 FOR WINDOWS MULTILINGUAL MEDIA PACKIBM Rational Policy Tester IBM RATIONAL POLICY TESTER BT0FQML Scanner Per Install for V8.5 FOR WINDOWS System Z MULTILINGUAL MEDIA PACK

Rational AppScan Tester Edition Rational Quality Manager V8.5.0

Entitled maintenance Media packs description Partofferings description number IBM Rational AppScan IBM RATL APPSCAN TESTER BT0FPML Tester Edition for EDITION FOR RATIONAL Rational Quality Manager QUALITY MANAGER 8.5 WIN ML Per Authorized User MPIBM Rational AppScan IBM RATL APPSCAN TESTER BT0FPML Tester Edition for EDITION FOR RATIONAL Rational Quality Manager QUALITY MANAGER 8.5 WIN ML Per Authorized User for MP System ZIBM Rational AppScan IBM RATL APPSCAN TESTER BT0FPML Tester Edition for EDITION FOR RATIONAL Rational Quality Manager QUALITY MANAGER 8.5 WIN ML Per Server MP

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 22

IBM Rational AppScan IBM RATL APPSCAN TESTER BT0FPML Tester Edition for EDITION FOR RATIONAL Rational Quality Manager QUALITY MANAGER 8.5 WIN ML Per Server for System Z MPIBM Rational AppScan IBM RATL APPSCAN TESTER BT0FPML Tester Edition for EDITION FOR RATIONAL Rational Quality Manager QUALITY MANAGER 8.5 WIN ML per Floating User MPIBM Rational AppScan IBM RATL APPSCAN TESTER BT0FPML Tester Edition for EDITION FOR RATIONAL Rational Quality Manager QUALITY MANAGER 8.5 WIN ML per Floating User for MP System z

Rational AppScan Standard Edition V8.5.0

Entitled maintenance Media packs description Partofferings description number IBM Rational AppScan IBM RATIONAL APPSCAN BT0FNML Standard Edition STANDARD EDITION V8.5 Authorized User Single MULTILINGUAL WINDOWS MEDIA Install PACKIBM Rational AppScan IBM RATIONAL APPSCAN BT0FNML Standard Edition STANDARD EDITION V8.5 Authorized User Single MULTILINGUAL WINDOWS MEDIA Install Sys Z PACKIBM Rational AppScan IBM RATIONAL APPSCAN BT0FNML Standard Edition Floating STANDARD EDITION V8.5 User Single Install MULTILINGUAL WINDOWS MEDIA PACKIBM Rational AppScan IBM RATIONAL APPSCAN BT0FNML Standard Edition Floating STANDARD EDITION V8.5 User Single Install MULTILINGUAL WINDOWS MEDIA PACKIBM Rational AppScan IBM RATIONAL APPSCAN BT0FNML Standard Edition Floating STANDARD EDITION V8.5 User Single Install Sys Z MULTILINGUAL WINDOWS MEDIA PACKIBM Rational AppScan IBM RATIONAL APPSCAN BT0FNML Standard Edition Floating STANDARD EDITION V8.5 User Single Install Sys Z MULTILINGUAL WINDOWS MEDIA PACK

AppScan Source Ed Automation V8.5.0

Entitled maintenance Media packs description Partofferings description number AppScan Source Edition for RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00NML Automation per Install EDITION FOR AUTOMATION 8.5 MP ML MEDIA PACKIBM Rational AppScan RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00NML Source Edition for EDITION FOR AUTOMATION 8.5 Automation per Install for MP ML MEDIA PACK System Z

AppS Enterprise Server Basic V8.5.0

Entitled maintenance Media packs description Partofferings description number IBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppS BT0FEML Enterprise Reporting Only Enterprise Server V8.5.0 User AU Single Install Multiplatform Multilingual MPackIBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppS BT0FEML Enterprise Reporting Only Enterprise Server V8.5.0 User AU Single Install Multiplatform Multilingual SysZ MPack

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IBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppS BT0FEML Enterprise Reporting Only Enterprise Server V8.5.0 User FU Single Install Multiplatform Multilingual MPackIBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppS BT0FEML Enterprise Reporting Only Enterprise Server V8.5.0 User FU Single Install Multiplatform Multilingual SysZ MPackIBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppS BT0FEML Enterprise Server Basic Enterprise Server V8.5.0 Per Install Multiplatform Multilingual MPackIBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppS BT0FEML Enterprise Server Basic Enterprise Server V8.5.0 Per Install for System Z Multiplatform Multilingual MPackIBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppS BT0FEML Enterprise Server Per Enterprise Server V8.5.0 Install Multiplatform Multilingual MPackIBM Rational AppScan IBM Rational AppS BT0FEML Enterprise Server Per Enterprise Server V8.5.0 Install for System Z Multiplatform Multilingual MPack

AppScan Source Ed Developer V8.5.0

Entitled maintenance Media packs description Partofferings description number AppScan Source Edition for RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00QML Developer per Authorized EDITION FOR DEVELOPER 8.5 User MP ML MEDIA PACKAppScan Source Edition for RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00QML Developer per Floating EDITION FOR DEVELOPER 8.5 User MP ML MEDIA PACKIBM Rational AppScan RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00QML Source Edition for EDITION FOR DEVELOPER 8.5 Developer per Authorized MP ML MEDIA PACK User for System ZIBM Rational AppScan RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00QML Source Edition for EDITION FOR DEVELOPER 8.5 Developer per Floating MP ML MEDIA PACK User for System Z

AppScan Source Ed Security V8.5.0

Entitled maintenance Media packs description Partofferings description number AppScan Source Edition for RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00PML Security per Authorized EDITION FOR SECURITY 8.5 User MP ML MEDIA PACKIBM Rational AppScan RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00PML Source Edition for EDITION FOR SECURITY 8.5 Security per Authorized MP ML MEDIA PACK User for System ZIBM Rational AppScan RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00PML Source Edition for EDITION FOR SECURITY 8.5 Security per Floating User MP ML MEDIA PACKIBM Rational AppScan RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00PML Source Edition for EDITION FOR SECURITY 8.5 Security per Floating User MP ML MEDIA PACK for System Z

AppScan Source Ed Remediatn V8.5.0

Entitled maintenance Media packs description Partofferings description number AppScan Source Edition for RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00RML Remediation per Authorized EDITION FOR REMEDATION 8.5 User MP ML MEDIA PACK

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IBM Rational AppScan RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00RML Source Edition for EDITION FOR REMEDATION 8.5 Remediation per Authorized MP ML MEDIA PACK User for System ZIBM Rational AppScan RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00RML Source Edition for EDITION FOR REMEDATION 8.5 Remediation per Floating MP ML MEDIA PACK UserIBM Rational AppScan RATIONAL APPSCAN SOURCE BT00RML Source Edition for EDITION FOR REMEDATION 8.5 Remediation per Floating MP ML MEDIA PACK User for System Z

Cross-platform products

Cross-platform products for use on System z

Order the part numbers that follow when the product is used for either thedevelopment of code that will be deployed on System z® servers or when theproduct will be communicating or transferring data between a distributed serverand a System z server. Otherwise order from the other set of part numbers inthis announcement. This set of part numbers provides the identical supply andauthorization as the other set in this announcement.

IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Edition

Part description Part number IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Reporting Only UserRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Au Us Single Inst E05ELLL System z Annual SW S&SRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Au Us Single Inst D0L7FLL System z Initl FT Lic+SRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Au Us Single Inst D056CLL System z Lic + SW S&S 1Ratl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Au Us Single Inst D056DLL System z SW S&S ReinstaRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Au Us Single Inst E0CRSLL System z Subsq FT Lic+SRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Float User Sngl In E06GGLL Systemz Annual SW S&SRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Float User Sngl In D0L7HLL Systemz Initl FT Lic+SRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Float User Sngl In D07YELL Systemz Lic + SW S&S 1Ratl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Float User Sngl In D07YFLL Systemz SW S&S ReinstaRatl AppScan Ent Rpt Only Ur Per Float User Sngl In E0CRULL Systemz Subsq FT Lic+SIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Dynamic Analysis ScannerRatl AppScan Entp DA Scanner Per Install for System z E0CRKLL Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl AppScan Entp DA Scanner Per Install for System z D0L7ELL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12Ratl AppScan Entp DA Scanner Per Install for System z D0L75LL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRatl AppScan Entp DA Scanner Per Install for System z D0L76LL SW S&S Reinstate 12Ratl AppScan Entp DA Scanner Per Install for System z E0CRRLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Dynamic Analysis UsersRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Au Us Single Inst System E047DLL z Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Au Us Single Inst System D0L7JLL z Initl FT Lic+S&SRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Au Us Single Inst System D61V3LL z Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Au Us Single Inst System D61V5LL z SW S&S ReinstateRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Au Us Single Inst System E0CRWLL z Subsq FT Lic+S&S

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Ratl AppScan Entp DA User Per Float User Sngl In E06GELL Systemz Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Float User Sngl In D0L7LLL Systemz Initl FT Lic+S&SRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Float User Sngl In D07Y8LL Systemz Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Float User Sngl In D07Y9LL Systemz SW S&S ReinstateRatl AppScan Entp DA User Per Float User Sngl In E0CRYLL Systemz Subsq FT Lic+S&SIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Server BasicRatl AppS Entp Svr Basic Per Install for System z E0CRCLL Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl AppS Entp Svr Basic Per Install for System z Initl D0L7ALL FT Lic+S&S 12 MoRatl AppS Entp Svr Basic Per Install for System z Lic + D0L6ELL SW S&S 12 MoRatl AppS Entp Svr Basic Per Install for System z SW D0L6FLL S&S Reinstate 12 MoRatl AppS Entp Svr Basic Per Install for System z Subsq E0CRMLL FT Lic+S&S 12 MoIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise ServerRatl AppS Entp Svr Per Install for System z Annual SW E0CRELL S&S RnwlRatl AppS Entp Svr Per Install for System z Initl FT D0L7CLL Lic+S&S 12 MoRatl AppS Entp Svr Per Install for System z Lic + SW D0L6JLL S&S 12 MoRatl AppS Entp Svr Per Install for System z SW S&S D0L6KLL Reinstate 12 MoRatl AppS Entp Svr Per Install for System z Subsq FT E0CRPLL Lic+S&S 12 Mo

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Automation

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for AutomationAppScan Source Ed Automation Per Install for System z E08K9LL Annual SW S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Automation Per Install for System z D0CHELL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Automation Per Install for System z D0CHBLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Automation Per Install for System z D0CHCLL SW S&S Reinstate 12AppScan Source Ed Automation Per Install for System z E08KBLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Developer

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for DeveloperAppScan Source Ed Developer Per Auth.User for System z E08KKLL Annual SW S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Developer Per Auth.User for System z D0CIELL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Developer Per Auth.User for System z D0CHTLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Developer Per Auth.User for System z D0CHULL SW S&S Reinstate 12AppScan Source Ed Developer Per Auth.User for System z E08KWLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Developer Per Float.User for System z E08KMLL Annual SW S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Developer Per Float.User for System z D0CIFLL Initl FT Lic+S&S 1AppScan Source Ed Developer Per Float.User for System z D0CHXLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Developer Per Float.User for System z D0CHYLL SW S&S Reinstate 1AppScan Source Ed Developer Per Float.User for System z E08KXLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 1

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Remediation

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for RemediationAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Auth.User for System z E08KNLL Annual SW S&S Rnwl

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 26

AppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Auth.User for System z D0CI4LL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Auth.User for System z D0CI1LL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Auth.User for System z D0CI2LL SW S&S Reinstate 12AppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Auth.User for System z E08KQLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Float.User for System z E08KVLL Annual SW S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Float.User for System z D0CIALL Initl FT Lic+S&SAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Float.User for System z D0CIBLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Float.User for System z D0CICLL SW S&S ReinstateAppScan Source Ed Remediatn Per Float.User for System z E08KULL Subsq FT Lic+S&S

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Security

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for SecurityAppScan Source Ed Security Per Auth.User for System z E08KFLL Annual SW S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Security Per Auth.User for System z D0CHFLL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Security Per Auth.User for System z D0CHILL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Security Per Auth.User for System z D0CHJLL SW S&S Reinstate 12AppScan Source Ed Security Per Auth.User for System z E08KCLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Security Per Float.User for System z E08KILL Annual SW S&S RnwlAppScan Source Ed Security Per Float.User for System z D0CHGLL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12AppScan Source Ed Security Per Float.User for System z D0CHPLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoAppScan Source Ed Security Per Float.User for System z D0CHQLL SW S&S Reinstate 12AppScan Source Ed Security Per Float.User for System z E08KDLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12

IBM Rational AppScan Standard Edition

IBM Rational AppScan Standard EditionRational AppScan Std Ed Per Au Us Single Inst System z E0D72LL Annual SW S&S RnwlRational AppScan Std Ed Per Au Us Single Inst System z D0N1QLL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12Rational AppScan Std Ed Per Au Us Single Inst System z D0N1MLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRational AppScan Std Ed Per Au Us Single Inst System z D0N1NLL SW S&S Reinstate 12Rational AppScan Std Ed Per Au Us Single Inst System z E0D74LL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12IBM Rational AppScan Standard EdRational AppScan Std Ed Per Float User Sngl In Systemz E046ELL Annual SW S&S RnwlRational AppScan Std Ed Per Float User Sngl In Systemz D0NEKLL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12Rational AppScan Std Ed Per Float User Sngl In Systemz D61T0LL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRational AppScan Std Ed Per Float User Sngl In Systemz D61T1LL SW S&S Reinstate 12Rational AppScan Std Ed Per Float User Sngl In Systemz E0DBCLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12

IBM Rational AppScan Tester Edition

IBM Rational AppScan Tester Edition for Rational Quality ManagerRATL AppScan Tester Ed for RQM Per Auth System Z Annual E06I7LL SW S&S RnwlRATL AppScan Tester Ed for RQM Per Auth System Z Lic + D083CLL SW S&S 12 MoRATL AppScan Tester Ed for RQM Per Auth System Z SW S&S D083DLL

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 27

Reinstate 12 MoRATL AppScan Tester Ed for RQM Per Server Sys Z Lic + D0831LL SW S&S 12 MoRATL AppScan Tester Ed for RQM Per Server Sys Z Lic + E06I4LL SW S&S 12 MoRATL AppScan Tester Ed for RQM Per Server Sys Z SW S&S D0832LL Reinstate 12 MoRatl AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per FL Sys Z Annual E06G7LL SW S&S RnwlRatl AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per FL Sys Z Lic + D07XPLL SW S&S 12 MoRatl AppScan Tester Edition for RQM Per FL Sys Z SW S&S D07XQLL Reinstate 12 Mo

IBM Rational Policy Tester

IBM Rational Policy Tester Accessibility ModuleRatl PolicyTester Acc Module Per Install for System z E0CNULL Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl PolicyTester Acc Module Per Install for System z D0L2CLL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12Ratl PolicyTester Acc Module Per Install for System z D0KZYLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Acc Module Per Install for System z D0KZZLL SW S&S Reinstate 12Ratl PolicyTester Acc Module Per Install for System z E0CPBLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12IBM Rational Policy Tester Quality ModuleRatl PolicyTester Qual Modul Per Install for System z E0CNZLL Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl PolicyTester Qual Modul Per Install for System z D0L2ELL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12Ratl PolicyTester Qual Modul Per Install for System z D0L1NLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Qual Modul Per Install for System z D0L1PLL SW S&S Reinstate 12Ratl PolicyTester Qual Modul Per Install for System z E0CPDLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12IBM Rational Policy Tester ScannerRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Au Us Single Inst System E0CNRLL z Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Au Us Single Inst System D0L22LL z Initl FT Lic+S&SRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Au Us Single Inst System D0KZSLL z Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Au Us Single Inst System D0KZTLL z SW S&S ReinstateRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Au Us Single Inst System E0CP8LL z Subsq FT Lic+S&SRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Float User Sngl In E0CNSLL Systemz Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Float User Sngl In D0L23LL Systemz Initl FT Lic+S&SRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Float User Sngl In D0KZULL Systemz Lic + SW S&S 12 Mob PolicyTester Scanner Per Float User Sngl In D0KZVLL Systemz SW S&S ReinstateRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Float User Sngl In E0CP9LL Systemz Subsq FT Lic+S&SRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Install for System z E0CNQLL Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Install for System z D0L21LL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Install for System z Lic D0KZQLL + SW S&S 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Install for System z SW D0KZRLL S&S Reinstate 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Scanner Per Install for System z E0CP7LL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12 MoIBM Rational Policy Tester Privacy ModuleRatl PolicyTester Priv Modul Per Install for System z E0CP1LL Annual SW S&S RnwlRatl PolicyTester Priv Modul Per Install for System z D0L2GLL Initl FT Lic+S&S 12

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Ratl PolicyTester Priv Modul Per Install for System z D0L1SLL Lic + SW S&S 12 MoRatl PolicyTester Priv Modul Per Install for System z D0L1TLL SW S&S Reinstate 12Ratl PolicyTester Priv Modul Per Install for System z E0CPFLL Subsq FT Lic+S&S 12

Cross-platform product for use on System z IFL engines

Order the part numbers that follow when the product is intended to run on the Linuxoperating system on System z IFL engines. If the product is not intended to run onthe Linux operating system on System z IFL engines, order from the other set ofpart numbers in this announcement. This set of part numbers provides the identicalsupply and authorization as the other set in this announcement.

Trade-up licenses for cross-platform products

IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Edition

Precursor product Trade-up product Part number IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise ServerEnterprise Server Basic Ratl AppS Entp Svr Install D0L6LLL Per Install fr AS Ent Svr Bsc Sz Trade Up Lic + SW S&S 12 MoIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Dynamic Analysis UsersAppScan Enterprise Ratl AppS Ent DA User AUSI D0L6WLL Reporting Only User fr AS Ent Rep Only Ur AUSI Authorized User Single Syz Trade Up Lic + SW Install for SysZAppScan Enterprise Dynamic Ratl AppScan Entp DA User D0L6VLL Analysis Users Authorized FUSI fr AS Ent DA Ur AUSI User Single Install SysZ Syz Trade Up Lic + SWAppScan Enterprise Ratl AppScan Entp DA Usr D0L72LL Reporting Only User FUSI fr Ent Rep Only Ur Floating User Single FUSI SyZ Trade Up Lic + SW Install for SysZIBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Reporting Only UserEnterprise Reporting Only AppS Entp Rpt Only Ur FUSI D0L78LL User Authorised User FR Entp Rpt Only Ur AUSI Single Install for System Systemz Trade Up Lic + Z

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Developer

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for DeveloperRatl AppScanSource Ed for AppScan Source Ed Dev Per D0CHVLL Remediation to Developer AU for Sysz fr Remediation Authorized User Sys z Trade Up Lic + SW SRatl AppScan Source Ed for AppScan Source Ed Dev Per D0CI0LL Remediation to Developer Flt.Ur for Sys z fr Floating User Sys z Remediation Trade Up Lic + SWRatl AppScan Source Ed for AppScan Source Ed D0CHZLL Developer Authorized User Developer Per FU for Sys z Sysz to Floating User Sysz fr AU Sys z Trade Up Lic + SW

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Remediation

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for RemediationRational AppScan Source AppScan Source Ed D0CIDLL Edition for Remediation Remediatn Flt Usr frm Authorized User to AuthUsr for Sys z Trade Up Floating User Lic + SW

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for Security

IBM Rational AppScan Source Edition for SecurityRational AppScan Source AppScan Source Ed Security D0CHRLL Edition for Security Flt Usr fr Auth Usr System Authorized User to z Trade Up Lic + SW S Floating User

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 29

IBM Rational AppScan Standard Edition

IBM Rational AppScan Standard EdAppScan Standard Edition Rational AppScan Std Ed D053XLL Authorized User Single Per Float User Sngl In Install for SystemZ Systemz Trade Up Lic + SW S

Terms and conditions

The information provided in this announcement letter is for reference andconvenience purposes only. The terms and conditions that govern any transactionwith IBM are contained in the applicable contract documents such as the IBMInternational Program License Agreement, IBM International Passport AdvantageAgreement, and the IBM Agreement for Acquisition of Software Maintenance.


IBM International Program License Agreement including the License Informationdocument and Proof of Entitlement (PoE) govern your use of the program. PoEs arerequired for all authorized use.

Part number products only, offered outside of Passport Advantage, where applicable,are license only and do not include Software Maintenance.

This software license includes Software Subscription and Support (also referred to asSoftware Maintenance).

License Information form number(s)

Program name Program Form number number IBM Rational AppScan Enterprise Edition 5724-T52 L-EKOA-8K4K69, L-LARS-8MZDNDIBM Rational AppScan Source Ed for 5724-Z34 L-EKOA-8K4LVT AutomationIBM Rational AppScan Source Ed for 5724-Z36 L-EKOA-8K4LVT DeveloperIBM Rational AppScan Source Ed for 5724-Z37 L-EKOA-8K4LVT RemediationIBM Rational AppScan Source Ed for 5724-Z35 L-EKOA-8K4LVT SecurityIBM Rational AppScan Standard Edition 5724-T59 L-EKOA-8L7KJ4IBM Rational AppScan Tester Ed 5724-T51 L-LARS-8N3P5NIBM Rational Policy Tester 5725-E21 L-LARS-8MZE4R, L-LARS-8MZDZS

The program's License Information will be available for review on the IBM SoftwareLicense Agreement website

Limited warranty applies


Limited warranty

IBM warrants that when the program is used in the specified operating environment,it will conform to its specifications. The warranty applies only to the unmodifiedportion of the program. IBM does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operationof the program or that IBM will correct all program defects. You are responsible forthe results obtained from the use of the program.

IBM provides you with access to IBM databases containing information on knownprogram defects, defect corrections, restrictions, and bypasses at no additional

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 30

charge. For further information, consult the IBM Software Support Handbook foundat

IBM will maintain this information for at least one year after the original licenseeacquires the program (warranty period).

Program technical support

Technical support of a program product version or release will be available for aminimum of five years from the general availability date, as long as your SoftwareMaintenance is in effect. This technical support allows you to obtain assistance(via telephone or electronic means) from IBM for product-specific, task-orientedquestions regarding the installation and operation of the program product. SoftwareMaintenance also provides you with access to updates (modifications or fixes),releases, and versions of the program. You will be notified, via announcementletter, of discontinuance of support with 12 months' notice. If you require additionaltechnical support from IBM, including an extension of support beyond thediscontinuance date, contact your IBM representative or IBM Business Partner. Thisextension may be available for a fee.

Money-back guarantee

For clarification, note that if for any reason you are dissatisfied with the programand you are the original licensee, you may obtain a refund of the amount you paidfor it, if within 30 days of your invoice date you return the program and its PoE tothe party from whom you obtained it. If you downloaded the program, you maycontact the party from whom you acquired it for instructions on how to obtain therefund.

For clarification, note that for programs acquired under the IBM InternationalPassport Advantage Agreement, this term applies only to your first acquisition of theprogram.

Volume orders (IVO)


Passport Advantage applies

Yes, and through the Passport Advantage website at

This product is only available via Passport Advantage. It is not available asshrinkwrap.

Software Subscription and Support (Software Maintenance)

Yes. Software Subscription and Support (also referred to as Software Maintenance)is included with licenses purchased through Passport Advantage and PassportAdvantage Express. Product upgrades and technical support are provided by theSoftware Subscription and Support (also referred to as Software Maintenance)offering as described in the Agreements. Product upgrades provide the latestversions and releases to entitled software and Technical Support provides voice andelectronic access to IBM support organizations, worldwide.

IBM includes one year of Software Subscription and Support (also referred to asSoftware Maintenance) with each program license acquired. The initial period ofSoftware Subscription and Support (also referred to as Software Maintenance) canbe extended by the purchase of a renewal option, if available.

While your Software Subscription and Support (also referred to as SoftwareMaintenance) is in effect, IBM provides you assistance for your routine, shortduration installation and usage (how-to) questions, and code-related questions.

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 31

IBM provides assistance via telephone and, if available, electronic access, to yourinformation systems (IS) technical support personnel during the normal businesshours (published prime shift hours) of your IBM support center. (This assistance isnot available to your end users.) IBM provides Severity 1 assistance 24 hours a day,7 days a week. For additional details, consult your IBM Software Support Handbookat

Software Subscription and Support (also referred to as Software Maintenance) doesnot include assistance for the design and development of applications, your use ofprograms in other than their specified operating environment, or failures caused byproducts for which IBM is not responsible under the applicable agreements.

For additional information about the International Passport Advantage Agreementand the IBM International Passport Advantage Express Agreement, visit the PassportAdvantage website at

System i Software Maintenance applies


Educational allowance available

Not applicable.


For additional information and current prices, contact your local IBM representative.

Passport Advantage

For Passport Advantage information and charges, contact your IBM representativeor authorized IBM Business Partner, or authorized IBM Business Partner for SoftwareValueNet®, if applicable. Additional information is also available at

Business Partner information

If you are an IBM Business Partner -- Distributor for Workstation Software acquiringproducts from IBM, you may link to Passport Advantage Online for resellers whereyou can obtain Business Partner pricing information. An IBM ID and password arerequired.

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IBM United States Software Announcement 211-345 IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation 32

Order now

To order, contact the Americas Call Centers or your local IBM representative, or yourIBM Business Partner.

To identify your local IBM representative or IBM Business Partner, call 800-IBM-4YOU(426-4968).

Phone: 800-IBM-CALL (426-2255)Fax: 800-2IBM-FAX (242-6329)Internet: [email protected]: IBM Teleweb Customer Support Sales Execution Center, Americas North 3500 Steeles Ave. East, Tower 3/4 Markham, Ontario Canada L3R 2Z1Reference: AE001


Rational Team Concert is a trademark of IBM Corporation in the United States, othercountries, or both.

Rational, AppScan, IBM, Policy Tester, Passport Advantage, WebSphere, AIX,Express, ClearQuest,, System z and ValueNet are registered trademarks ofIBM Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

Intel and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in theUnited States and other countries.

Windows and Microsoft are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States,other countries, or both.

Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, othercountries, or both.

Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States, and/orother countries.

UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and othercountries.

Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks ofothers.

Terms of use

IBM products and services which are announced and available in your countrycan be ordered under the applicable standard agreements, terms, conditions,and prices in effect at the time. IBM reserves the right to modify or withdraw thisannouncement at any time without notice. This announcement is provided for yourinformation only. Additional terms of use are located at:

For the most current information regarding IBM products, consult your IBMrepresentative or reseller, or visit the IBM worldwide contacts page