iBimi 1P5I3J! 'lidRadway'sIN A Ffc.V MINLTho BY SiWADY TIELIEP. whether sick or nervous,...

4 X 1 u H w . lEtt. 1Et. Ki. owbo Starr as to thorow-or- of Iladway'o Heady Uc-lkl'i- na cao of ba- le Ilhcnuiatism. rso. Va Ns JtAcr.Sew York. WSth mo yourrilW hay ,ei For the lien trrreejean. I JfTOMJlM5nentnil severe attacks of scl-Sr- S. extending Irani the lumbar lonslom ankles, aud, al limes. In both Darfn"?htirncthatl liav had tbe disease ."wfriU almost all tne remedies ui men and kin unpin; to nLdreacl.Mitall proved wt failures. "have tries.' various Kinds of baths outward applications of liul-men- ts lew numerous to mention, K.d ti.ein.r-- t imluetit p'osiclae. allot which failed to give rue leliei. LHstaepleinb-- r, al the urgent re-i- been araictod as in sell .i .i u I, ewlio bad was induced to try jour re.ue-e!- . I akluen ..itlerlng learluli with one or mj old turns. ioiiu surprise anddelu,hl tlieCr-.iaj.pica- . D.lhlna and runblng tion nit a- - " purtMi.lKiMl.WHriij ti.e.nub m nwarru jtti ..reai-- n tlie l.eiiei. In astiort time tne ' w lavni entirel away, lult.ough a.-- , I . a ailseasapproacning lHV, .,,1 j. erio.llcal c an ui attier. 1 kui w now bow to enre ill and tiiiili,!i lihrtlil KtLlbKis nuiniud. S never travel without a boluatu rny vellsev. luuisireuy, ULO blAIUL E'lFUJIATieil, DIPTlIKIilA. IXFLUEXZa, liOKK THI.OAT, DirFICULT BhxSATHIXU, IN A Ffc.V MINLTho BY Radway's SiWADY TIELIEP. whether sick or nervous, itieninatlsm, lumbago, pains a ad weakness i t ue b.ii-k- , spine or kidnes, pains around liver, pleunsv. i.weilin.s ol tlie Joints, p smll.e bowels, heartburn and pains ol i kind, cbi u.alns and lrovt bum, Ilail-- v .. .. !:! Inef w II aiitd iliniicili.il. eas,and 1U continued use Kir a Jew i!as etle. t a innunut core Price .10 cents. BADWATiSBBftDyJJEF ( L-- .r IKE Vv,l' I ' 1 - n iToniOno la 'Irl.. huips. A ter rcadlus, till- - advertls si any SUFFEfsV.T.- - ? 5. iiadway's Ready Italic! IS A CUKE I OK LVF'iY TAEV. IT U S T lit I lifc-- AND J3 THE ONLY PAIK REMEDY ltiui tlj siojis the most v eclating tialn.allavn Inflammation, u. ' c T. Cou- - iu.1lrm 10U. UOH I, or oti er siands or on;uu-- Lj OJ applica- - 'ou. 4i tTom lino tr Twenty l.aateN. i . intti.r ow foleutor txcrariatini! the nalutln KHJ.bMATlC, 11-riili.i- Jutlrin, Nervous, or jTostrtta wi.ii toaat ma iuncr, BADWAK READY BELIEF WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE. litlamintlnn or the Kidneys luflamma-- ' tiouol tne Itladder, IiiriamniMtiou of the ' liowel", Co:i;(tlou ol the Lungs, Miro " Tluxiat. Di.licult ISreatbln, i'alpl-UUou- tliH IN. nt Hjstencs, .Croup, llpthcna, A I n II u e n zh, Hadaebe, Toothache, Ncural-- , ylH, llbeuinaUsm - Cold Chills. AKUtiCbtllh, "" ciii'blalUbHndKnietl-'lte- iiif ipplicaiionof tlieKIIAlA KULIErto II i' ),ailor iarb, wlnre the pain or dilllccity exists u 111 ul!urd utie and comfort. rmri to sixty drops m half u tumbler ol water will linn few moments cure ChAxrs, MXUIAtll, hICK IllIAD. achk, 1)iaijioa, usi.NTi-i.i- f Colic, Vim luDKUh AMIAUlSTMtAL I'AINs liaitlerssbould always carry a liottlo ol UAUU'AY'a IltAWV IltLIEh with Uiem. A lew drops In wattr v.lll prewnl sickness Irnra cbaai.e ol watir. It is bettir than uraud or bitten, as astiinulanU H.VF11AN1) AOL'E cured for flfty cents. Ibnelsuola ri medial t,ent In this uorld that will cure h ever and Aue, ami all other Mai irlous Uilllous, ?car!et, Typhoi 1. eliow and olhir lecr, tided bj IlADWA'V'-- ril.I.". so inrk as KAIA'a UEAD1 UK'.IKF. rents jwr bottle. 1Zi. Radway5! Sarsainl!!! iiesoiFeal HE (iUKATlILOOI) PUHIFIGK CHANGES AS SEEK AND FELT. bey daily occur after usin; a few doses 1. Good spirit dlsapjHiarajiie of vreak-ne-s- s, languor, inclancbol , I ncreuM; and of neshand muscles,etc t. trtm;tn Increases, .pietHe improved, relish lor I00J, no more sour eruditions or saterbrasb. ikkI diKestmu, and uudls-lurbe- d sleep, awaken fri-- and uoroeb. s iMiniKjerance of smits. blotches, nlm-- . ti,.---i n skin looks clear aud healthy. Ihe urine chanseel 1mm lbi turlnd and cloudy inrwarauee 10 .1 clear sherry or amber color; Iroin the bladder through Ine urethra without scalding; little or no sediment; 110 pain or weakness. 4 Marked diminution of iuaulty and frequency of linn.cnutry weakening with the cer- tainty ol miaufiiteure. Increased strem;lb exlilnltesi in the Uands and luuc-llou- al harmouj restored to the Several 5 'ieliow tlr.ee on the white of the eyes, and the wartii,ssl!rou a,arance of the toacltui. live! and healthy CO'OI. t. Tbosp suflerlni! Imm wmt or nleerated lungsortulHi-rcule- s will ral xe great benefit In exiectorat.ns freeiy the 10111,1 phelglim or mucous nom the miizs air & lis bronchi r windpipe, throat or diminishing the f requenr ol K neral Increase strength tiiroughot tile stoppage ol nlaLt sweats and pains aud ol weakness around the ankles, leirt, shoalders, etc; ces- sation of coldahd chills sense ol sufocatiou: hard breathing and ineroxjs n of ou.li on I ling down or arising I't tne iiiomug. AH theise distressing simplons tradualiy and Ileelv dlsspisar. 7 Asuaj ane r day tho MAILSAI'Itll LI A ls'taaeu newsiuus ol r.luuiius bealib will appear: as the bluest lmprove-- in purity and strength disease will duuluish and all lor-el- and 1 111 pure dt isisits uodef , I umors, c ul- cers, hard lumps etc., be resolved awav and the unsound maje sound and lua tli; ul-- o rs, lever sores, vhronlc skin diseases trad ualiy tisapiKr. In cases w Iiere thefiystem has been sail vnted.and Mercur, -- Quicks. Iver, e'orroslve Sublimate, have aecumuliite-- and deiraslte-dl- the bone-- s Joints, etc, causing euH.srtlieUiues. rickets, spinal curvature. contortions, whilesweillugNVariceiso velnss etc, the AllsAl'Ai:iLLlAN will resolve awav these exterminate tho l- - r.f Hie disease Irom the svstem. 9. If those who are taking tlie-s- medicines lor I lie cure of chronic scroiuious oirjpnu-Iticdlsease- however slow mai lethe cure, 'leel Is'tter," and Mnd the-i- r general health Improving, their tlesh aud weight increasing ..r.v.it lis own. Is a sure sign that tho cure Is. tinigtessiai:. In these diseases tne patient either gets better er worse-t- he virus of the disease Is l.ot inactive; If not and driven freiSJ oe blood. It villi spread aud continue to Jindermiue the n. Ab soon hAIlAPAKIL L.1AN makes the patient "feel better" every nourjou will grow toiler and inuevwj in bPHltti.Mreiiktband . Thegreat Kierof this remedy Is In dls- - sen that threaten death- - as .11 Ol tne Lunga and Tuberculous .'htisls Scrof- ula, be phlloid Diseases, Wasting, legeu ra- tion, "aud Ulceration of the KlJuejs of water, re- - llel where catheters have been used, thus doing away with the painful oiieration e! uslug theseinsirument.- - .elissolvlg stone In tho bladder, and In all cases of IuOuniiiiiion Gf tlib IKcdder and Kidiipj-s- , Omonlccasesof Lucorhea and Uterine dis- - lu tumors, nodes hard lumps, and Fyphl-Jol- d ulcers: In dropsy. In veiierealsoretaroat uio.rsand In tubercles of the lungs. In gout, Uyepeinla, rheumatism, rickets; In mercurial deposits it Is In thcM! terrible tonus of dis- ease, where the human body has become a .omplete wreck, and where every hour of existence is torture, wherein this great reme-- d challenges the astonishment and admira- tion ofthesick. it is in such cases, where all the pleasures of existence appear cut off trom the nulortunale, aud by Its wonderful, almtv-- t supernatural agenc it restores the hopeless to u We and new existence where this great remedy stands alone In Its might aud power. In the ordinary skin diseases that every one is more or less troubled with, a few doses will. In most rases, and a few bottles In the more aggravated forms, work a permanent urc. T bote afflict eet wllhchtonlc diseases should iircbasu a package containing one dozen ottles. Price S-- " perdozen.or S5 per hall oxen bottles, or l per bottle bold hj xuggists. DR. RADWAY'S REGULATING PILLS. Perfectly tastoless, elegantly coated with aweet gum purge, regulate, purity, cleanse and strengthen. Iiadway's l"ilisfor the ct'reof all disorders ot the btomacn. Liver, ivjwels, Kldnej s, Illadder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Costlveness, lndi-gjstlo- n. Dyspepsia, lillllousneis. Fever, In. uammaUon of the bowels, I'll and all de- rangement of the Internal Viscera. War rant to efleet a positive cure. lnrely vegeln-ol-e, containing no mercury, minerals or drugs. swbserve the following Symplons re nit lng from Disorders of the Digestive Constipation, Inward Piles, Fnllnes of the tJlood In the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, xilsgnst of Food, Full- ness or Weight In the Siomach, bour Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suflerlng Sensations when inn Jlng Posture, Dimness of YLslon. Dots or Webs before bight. Fever and DuU pl-- i in the Head, Denclency of Perspiration. Yellow- ness of the bkin and Eyes, Pain inths Mde, Cnest, Limbs and Bnetflen Flushes of heat Darning In the Flesh. "sS.i2.,lilSt0 Co. o32 WARREN, corner Church threat Mew York, ImormaUon worui .wuiBeaenv, - WitMn, 8flw5 T1IUK5DVY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1S79. IITY NEWS. Mai y M.Er2sov was adjudged insane be fore the I rub tie Judge jeslenlay and an ap- plication will be made for her commitment vothealuui. To kiacii the biebcst staudard of Jitaltb,. nature demands the ulmcst nularllyo! tlie bowels; a tJtjht deviation brlni many In conveniences and paves the way to more strious ilanKLrs. e can recommend Dr. Hub's lUlUmure l'HIs as tne oesi idkiiuuc lor the need . ol Uio dUestlv e apparatiu. A TiAriJ2o man made the remark In from ol Ibc Coutintutal hotel "Kansas City lsajreat rEiirosd ctnter, but It Is over rated Ju-- t ore buni'rrd rer cent, while the lacls in rt.'ereuc: to I.Heuwilli ai, that it is under ratio oi.e hundred T cent." The wbolt. ktoi whs coudimed in a feu tlmu.e woids. Tiie word IMectr'c in tl.e name of the dltbraled lioo-ili- o d remedy, Tul.mai,, K1 Itctrie Oil, fclnllles sdtcKd and efreb izta, and aptly dtscrlbis its nature. The Ingredients of this unniliilatoi of pain and remedy for ..,,.,.-,- .. u.r,.. hurts, tiiioal ani luui: dls- - orders, djujilery, blIlousue-- aud other are careful. sc.ected, and possess aluaolecJeriric 11111111... w n ,uv - vtrtemtnis. ip .Monument lor Hicnard It. !. Alton, the 100- -t latere ting events during 11... ssicn of tno Masonic Grand Lodecf the Mate, which meeU li'reon the 151b, IC.h and T.li ol mxt mouth, will be the turning ovtraudui.veil.UKOf a very fine monument at at. Muncie, erected by the Masons of the Mate to the memory of ltichard It. Hees, the ilret orand il-- a er of the S'ate, and w helped to orsaaijn the liraud Lodge The luonuim at i now be n made by Uurdelt A lids an-- i is a iuot e.o,Jiil speciineu of tine woilx. It Is to Lett euuesste maio.e, wuicu ,. ,.hiM.t HnlirrwLll to KlunllO ei! auy- - ii.inriound lo the ouanieH. Tnrre will be a .. i.'t. .... .urn l the inur sides, to be iiollsheu Hi.a used lor iueriiliuus. lue base course and the cap, wllbals.se creiss ly us on top 01 trie inubuuienl. will iL ol Jlne-tooi- work and the sides ot rougu ice munu lueZll 111 cost tl.leu. Two aliliioll or UottlCH. livery oue, no doubt, has hcird of Ur. p.iv S...W1.-1- I Flavoring Extracts, but al though upwardsof two million of Unties are annually ruieuuiaciureu, eueieuic jn .....-,.- - Wives Who KUOW UOIIUUgol lirama.iicuic eu Iu.i.w.m ti.ut thfv are the nurcs strong- - -.- .t. mid Jluest llavoilu extract. In the market. "tdw. Uilliam ilraiu1" Ilinirtiltlex. 1 he nav e been recorded in the To ilea Court reports of this paper for the past eek In rtgird 10 the reprecensiuie couuuci ol William lirowti IIo was first fined S5W, which amounted to ten days In the city Jail, the lime to be spent upon the roc!i pile, for imbibing too freely of that which enters the mouth bui to fcteal away the bralus An other charge of petit lareeny, for purloining u vnti-t- i. vj then made, in wiilrh thede1 feudaut was sentenced to six mouths in the couuty ail, vn.11 costs It it, susplcioned that he had uuiawiullj po'Sesseel himsell ot a horse, which had been sold at a erylow I rice, vincii iiieeiiece 01 iuiui sus- picion against llrown as being a horse iblef. The i Ice were finally notified that the rr noL nniouuded and yesterday morning tbeowueref tho liorse, J. II. Cam-tl- l, appear.-- ned gave such evidence that i:ron was lKinndove-- r in lue sum of SI.lbD for,n.ud larceny , I'is'rict Court Hon. Kobert C'rozler, Judge; I U. Lawc, herlll, McCown Hunt, Clcik. Esherlll made return on venire. i;i parte Louis Clausing, admitted to hi.1 citizenship. laindvs Hous'ry Motion of defendant to dlMals, appeal enstalutd aad exceptions. Monroe vs Ixinoiioc Motion to dismiss ap. IKral ov erru'ed. Marshall vs Waddle ctal IXmurrerof de fendants to petition ovirrul. J. I'erkiusvs 1'erklii' Lave 10 plalntllT to fliti'iid petition, which is dune, defendant given live davs 10 Inswtr. Johnson vs W iterinan Motion of ptalntll! to romi-c- l defendants waterman A Water ni'iu, to make ausweriuo.e definite ami ac-H- n Ithdrawu, leave lo pluint.irio reply in ten days. in me matter of the asslguincnt of Wil- liams A Utrveust" V . Ilassier, Etj , roniuiisfloner. vs KnhiiCt al sale in Ljon county contl mesl. C.aric vs EpcncheMt Judgment modl-lli-- .l J. I bHler, li . appoluiexl I. Cclver. l'a.kltr vsMertmik Couit triai. 1)til.vi, which might o'herwlo be thrown away by resorting to ineffectual medicines, are saved by purchasing fiat in expensive specific f r bodily pain and lerae-il- v loraircctlons of Ihe tluott, lungs.itom-ach- , liver and Isowels, Thomas' LkstTitic Oil, which !i s not deteriorate, and is thor- ough and pun. 1 ubllc atleiitlnn is called to advetlisemenl in another column. i:ito vl. Miss ('lira K.lsh returm-- l trom Illinois on h nil ai . Will. Abattt itliy has gone bick to f.chool. John (i arret t has gouo we.vt. Col. Anthony and famll) will arrive home this morning, after six weeks absence IV. J. Keller Ielt jeslenlav for Leuilville We Uopo he will be successful In his new home, as he deserves It, baiug tteaJy, indus- trious and pel severing. Hon. John A. Anderson, member of Con- - grots from this district, called at TheTimes otace v st, rdny innm'rg. He was In the city oiuv n lew nours. but V7us wainny vieicomeii oy our citizens. The following gentlemen visited Tiie Times yesterday to pay their respe-ct- s and renew their Kubcrlptlms: . McCain, J. buIUvan am! Mtbew I ord.of Uozp , I. Hatmsker, of nu:ow ; ana mv iu iiaseti, o: cpnuiaie. Mr LM. II. Mallorj- - leaves this afternoon for Chicago to accept a position with Mradner, smith A to LI. is one of tho best young men In Kansi". aril l.raduer. Smith A Co. are tort uuate 11 his services. We be. lleve tliHt afier oue or two trips be will sell more goods than ai.v other man In the sateo busine-- s on the road 01 a 31 im rAt-Toiii- V oinpilatlonortlie unibrr of jlniui-r.K-torle- in the .MiKiimt nl Itnslness Thev Do and tin- - timber of .Men Thej i:inploj . Kven ocr home peoi 1c are not aware of the extent ot the manufacturing Interests of this cll. Tin j know that from many furnaces goes up tbe smoke which tell of the blazing dusk diamonds beneath which are warm- ing luto life aud motion ponderous machin- ery ; the meet in the dally walks of life troops of sl workmen; they occa-- s dually look In and Fee them at their work, perhaps, when business calls them to tbe 1 cinityofsomeof the lactorics. SUll.as regards the extent nnd imjiortanco of our manufac- turing Interests few know fully thereof. It is with the design of giving the people of Lev en worth and the wor'dat large as well a full knowledge of these thinzsthat a it lias been prepired wticso features are out llnrd In the caption above. Tnat appears below is aplaln.ilmplepre-scntatio- a ef facts. No attempt at coloring has been used. The figures have an eloquen- tial ring of their own which will lnsplreianew the love ojr people have for our ctty;wlll ceu-- o their blood to Jlow In fuller sympathy, if possible, with all that pertains to Its future y. In comme-ncin- the lis, no more appro- priate heaolcg can be lour.il iti. that of the I OUNDEira AM) MACHINE SIIOPs The manufacturing of Leavenworth which lies in this direction can perhars lay claim as being tho most prominent feature thereof, as there are more men employed In this w tind the value of tho work turned out will resell to a greater fisure. The re- - spectlv- - establishments are as follows: Ihe Imou Machine Works has a capacity In tLe sto.e deiartment al present of ten stoves per dav. or 3,1 H a vear. They cow run twe'uty five men, raeetlv on engine building aud railroa t work. Tbe capaclt will be doubled In sixty flays. The Greet Western Manufacturing Com- pany, which manufactures fiouiiug mill machinery, steam engines, saw mills, bou OislltiE". etc. does u business of J'JO OUO eary aud employsone hundred and tweuly- - nve men on tun time. The Great Western btovo Works started out to make S0,teO stove-- s this season, and the Indications nre that tbe amount will be 11 little abive that figure. One hundred and rl'ty men find steady emp'oyment In these wotk-- s ewsome's But'er Works employ six men. and in the year don business which reaches in tne neicnuirncou 01 iiuim). rnev win aveiagc filty boilers each ear. r.KIDGE WORKS. Tha Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron Works Lave Just been re opened under the control oflnsley, bhirei-Co- . There Is every reason to believe that within a very short time these works will be running upon the old-ti- capacity, when one hundred and fifivrnen were unwoven ana nuv lineal leet 01 unit ing were) manufactured dailr ruoUBivo MILLS. It Is a fact which. Is established and which dealers will bear oct, that Leaven- worth Hour has an established reputation, not only Iu this Elate, but in loirs, Illinois and Mts-our- i. The Hour Unequal 10 that In the famous mills of Minne sota ;and time will Rive It as fair a reputa- tion. The flouring mills of Leavenworth, are four In number and their capacity la aa follows : Tbe Novelty Mills now have a capacity of 140 barrel daily, and the present week, with THE L.BAVENWORTH WEEKLY TIMES: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 18, 1875)---SI- X PAGES. new machinery, will have a capacity of S3 barrels daily. This represents l.ltij bushels of wheat. Hush's Mills, r.t their former capacity. manufactured SbO barrels daily. The new machinery now being added will Increase th I s to ZX oa rrels, dally. DllwonhA Lyme's capacity is nbout canal to tbe present facilities of the Novelty Mils nnraely, 119 barrels daily. inesiar jiuis ao more cus-o- woric man for tbe wholesale trade, but manufacture about TS barrels dally. inese mills witu a caDaciiy alt to'd 01 about 67) barrels, have their hands full of business. There is a good opemuz for extra capital In the same direction. FURMTtTKE. It Is not exaggeration to tay that Leaven worth has tbe largest furniture houses in tlie WesL While the stocks they carry are not all manufactured in Leavenworth, they are engaged In manufacturing to a very great extent, as the figures will show. Hobert Keith A- - Co. manufacture SjO.OCO worth of all classes ot furniture and employ forty men They will, by force of necessity, siioilly enlarge their facilities. hy liros manufacture S50.COO worth of furniture early, emplnjlng fifty men. Tl.cv turn out filtv beds ol one kind dailr. They, too, contemplate enlarging their fa culties. cirj.vts. There are twenty-on- e cigar factories In Leaveunorth, which pay early about tiO.VO in Internal revenue for the stamps used upon their goods. The tax paid per hundred cigars U filty ceatF, showing that the amount of cigars made early Is In round Lumbers four miniun. C.gar makers will arer.ee about SO) cigars dail, r rone man will make lu S'JO worklug elavs.CO.CHO. The number of cgar bauds 111 tl.is city, with these figures al a basis of cal culatlou, is sixty-six- . M ALT 1.1 Q. l.'Otu. Taking the revenue figuits in the fame wjy as above, we find that Leaveuwoith's thresj breweries pay yearly S10.000 in leveDue taxes. 7he tax per gallon upon ber la twelve and one-ha- lf cents, wh ch would make the total number of gallons mauufac lured In tbe city 3 early eighty thousand gallons. VACONS AM) CAKKtAf.IS. The lmiK)rtauce of thU manufacturing In te'tst Is far greater than Imagined by even our own aod when the facts ale shown, supported by figures, the resnlt is simply astonishing. Old Mother Earth could speedily bo girdled by the many vehicles for utc9 uoiu lor pleasure anu prcui, which Leavenworth is sending out and which are sold every wnere. The Kansas W'ngon Compnny manufactures G vn a ear 01 spring, piaiiorm. ireigiit anu firm wagons, representing at an average of I 5 tor earn veulcie.a liusincssoi tiw.iuu. W G. lies- turns out 'JUU farm wagons and 75 light wagons in a ear. Ills early sales will reach SJj.OOO, and fenrteen to sixteen men nre emrdoved. s. D. orlh manulaclures carriages, of whlcu he put up uvaiiuudred early. J. I. von makes carriages in addition to re pairing. He at the same time manulactiires flit buggies aud light wagons, out side uf his ueueral work. JobnCretors empks adczsn men In his carriage ana repair suop, noing aujut lue same In manufacturlngasabjve. llVSKETS. Uustav Ilretschneider manufactures sev eral thousand dollars' wor.lt of baskets early. M WOBKE1LS. Hurdett A Heis employ twenty-tw- o men, and d3 a. monthly Lusiness of about S2,K0. Twenty-tw- o men are cmp!oed on to-u- stones and cut stone work in manufacturing and selling. P. Geraughty alo does a large business In the same line, amounting up in an enuai ex tent, keeping men at the shops and ujion the re-a- constantly. HOOT 1 AND SHOES. U.S. KurriCo. find employment for fifty men in making boots nnd Fhoes, and expect lovery largely increase ineir laciiities. IUC MAM'l ACTCElts, The Ltavenwerth Hag Factory turns out SOU) ba:s and burlaps daily, furnishing em plo meiit In manufacturing the same lo twent -- lo jr persons. llir.HEEs' SCTI'LIES. II. J. Helmeis orenea a tnort time ago a manufactory of barbers' supplies of all kinds Tho business being n new one, but whose steady growtn is tie guarantee 01 lis perma nence. 11 is scarcely possible to estimate upon the amount ol business which a ears work will bring forth. He Is now getting out a v ery handsome illustrated catalogue. I'Al'ER AM) CtRAIt I10XL3. II. A. liken-- , manufactures paper boxes, while J.Vo;el A Co. manufacture c'gar boxes. Il3th do r thriving business, although the li2';n-- s upon the amounts are not eatlly ob- tainable. WOOLEN JIlLI.s. Owen Duffy employs about fifteen persons in tbe manufacture of woolen goods, which have ready sale abroad soap lAeToru-s- . There are two soap factot)es, both doing a large business toip Is sold over where In thu West. CE0CEBS' StNi'LIES. Harrop's Gracer Supply Company and Spice Mills do a business ot $10,000 yearly, and ex-le- cl to Increase thai business four times this ear. MEDICINE. The Drown Mtdiciue Company emp'oys twenty persons. List year their business in- - creased thlrty-fl- v e per cent, and reached SIO,- - OU). This year the per cent, of Increase is ;iealerand the s lies will reach SCj Iw. JEWELRY. II. X. HcrsLfleld manufactures all bis gold and silver goods, his busluess being from 10 000 to KM.OOO early, and employ ment lie- - tc given to twenty-fiv- e lmn. Hve travel lug men are 011 tbe road constant! . TIIE COAL INTLKK-iT- . Although not properly belonging to the mainif.ctuiln; class, tho coat slmf -- an with Justice bs adde.1. Ihe pro- duct ..f the mill, is lU.OuO bushels dally, and overiwo bundle" meuareempioeu. VVAIll. VI1L lUKNACES. 11. U: Varncy manufactures these very nsfiul contrivanc-- s and does an extensive buiLosi ov . r thi. st ate. M11KT MACLES. Theo'des bllsiird firm of Woo'.f Ilrotbcrs 111 .ist not Le .rgof.en, who do business every-v- v bete in te W est. TKUKMAKEl-- s. Frogling A Co. report that their early sales upont nnfcF.wul.h they manufacture, will rechio W) SASII, 10jUs VMIKLIMIS Munson A Burrows have forty men in manufaclnr'riethe alve articles, and doa business ot So ,WJeariy. OTHER INDUSTRIES. Pcsldcs these above enumerated, is aglue facloryian extensive cooper shop, two vine- gar factories two broom makers, one cotton batting factoi, a soda water factory, and .rimiM n few either-- , nil doing business in the vast territory which nature has mado tributary to tbe metropolis or the west. A Nure XDlng. ir. Hunter's Specific and Injection No. are warranted to cure Oonnorncea, Gloet,Cor dee. Strictures, Diseases of the Kidneys, Blad- der and Urinary organs of .males and fe- males. Dr. Hunter'sPpecincNo.21sa snreremedy for the Siermatorrho?H, Seminal Weakuess, nightly emissions, the loss of power, b sell-abu- or excessive Indulgence. Price 01 Dr. Hunter's specific Wper bottle Inac- tion, SI per bottle, bent everwbare bjex-rres- s. Dr. J.Dlnsbeer, sole proprieto ,o. Seventh street, St. Louis, Missouri Send two stamps for treatise. Cure guaran-Stee- d or th money refunded. Theo. Kgersdorff, Ai.ent, Leavenworth Kjnsaf. mayllsoJAw i:ic-ri- c Itrlts A sure for nervous debilitypremature e cay, exhaustion, etc Tbe only reliable rure. Cliculars mailed free- - Address J. U. BEEVES Cliatham street, N. Y. oed:m snre TlilDit. Dr. King's Syphilitic Kemedy Is warranted to cure S philrs in the primary, Beoondary and tertiary stages, and In all its varied and complicated forms and will cure the worst cascsof venereal diseases; cases which hava resisted the treatment of the most eminent physicians of America. It cures the first stage and heals the ulcers In a few days. It cures ulcers in the month, nose, throat, head, arms and legs; also bard pains In the bones and Joints, swelling of joints syphilitic rheu- matism, etc.. In a short time. Price fivedol. Iars per package, bent everywhere by A treatise on sexual disease, tree- - :ent mailed lor two stamps. Sold by Dr. J. Dinsboer, 115, North Severn n street, oh ixjuis Mo. Cures guaranteed or tue money refund- ed. Theo. Lgeraaorti. agent, Leavenworth Kauuis. A 4JARI. To ali who aresuffer'ng from the etrors and Indiscretions or yontn nervous weaKss , eirl lecav loss ol manhood, Ac., I will send u recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CIIAHGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary In south America, send a envelope to Hev. JosxTUT. Inxan, Saaon D., 2cw York CVif. mayiseodtkwGmo tiave Your Hair.' .H.eep It Beautiful. "The "London Ralr Color Restorer" is the most delightful article ever Introduced to the American people, and Is totally different from all other Hair Restorers, being entirely free from alt Impure Ingredients that render many other articles for the hair obnoxious. Where baldness or falling of the hair exists, or premature grayness from sickness or other causes, its use will restore tbe natural youth- ful color, and cause a healthy growth, cleans- ing the scalp trom ail impurities, dandruff. ete, at the same time It is a most pleasing and lasting hair dressing fragrantly per- fumed, rendering the hair soft and pliable, making It an Indispensable article In every toilet. Ask: yo:r drugslst for London Hair Price. 75) a bottle; six bottles ft. Main depot for the United States, 33) North 6th street, Philadelphia, bold in Leaven wo:th by Arnold & Hunt, wedfrlsunftw To Kxchanse. Merchandtse- -I have for sa'e JI50.UV worth of staple merchandise, all woolrsaie stock. In prime order. Will sell In lots ot trom (5,000 tot25,0U0, and take in payment one-thi- rd cash and two-thir- pood real estate. Ad- dress MERCHANT, Box 2UI, New York CUy. ykJeodAwxmo. Preseriptiaai Free. For the speedy cere or Seminal Weakness Loss of manhood, and ail disorders brought on by Indiscretion or excess. Any nas me ingrcuienis. Aoonsi Davtdsow Ox, JuccUodAwly TNi istKewYorx. KANSAS NEWS. Toptka wants a packing house. Anew temperance paper called the Uclden Ga'e has been started al Newton, by Messrs. fcood and Werner. A t.ood Kind of .lew si Olatbe Progress, 11 We would be pleued If all onr correspon- dents would give the crop yields of their nelgbborhrod when they can gst them. There Is no more Interesting. The A.. T. A. S. r. IMonltor. When tbe Santa Fe railroad Is completed to Uusyama?, Mexico, tbe distance from New York to Australia by that route will bo 1,100 mills shorter than by the way of Sin Fran- cisco. Penned. WId field Courier, 11 I Deputy Finch started to Leaven worth Mon- day with the prisoners convicted at the late of court. Ike White soes for three year. Hoffman for oue ear and Punkard for three years. Itain iu Itonruou Connty. Ft. scott Monitor, 12 About sev en o'clock last evening a most re- freshing ralu st hi, much to of the country at large, bnt It somewhat dampen. d ihe attendance on tbe Pinafore entertainment al the opera bouse. A lirnphle Description. Walnut Valley Times, 12 Two girls who latel v ran away from Wichita are thus graphically described by taelr father: "Laura, aged 18, dressed in a straw hat; Florence J. aged 16, blue suit " We tremble In view of the possibility of tbe fair Laura's straw hat blowing oil". In n Ilealtby Condition. IFt. Scott ltecord. 11. Our borne manufacturers have a much bel- ter trade than daring any corresponding months for the live preceding eurs, and every kludof businesi shows that tbe coun- try is slowly but surely emerging from the bard times Into a more prosperous condition. llorxe Nteallnc Prevail. Auguf ta Gaze-ttee- . 11 J The stealing of horses Is becoming too fre- quent. No les than halt a di zen have been stolen from citizens ot this county within a month, aud It Is time the people were taking some steps to prevent it. A vigilance com- mittee would probab'y exert a good lnllu-enc- e. Itlue. (Wjandotte Gazette, 12 Can't the Gov ernor borrow twenty or thirty fatigue nnlforms from Gen. Pope, at Fort Leavenw orth, for tbe only lallltary company that has been Invited to escort the Presi dent on his tour through Kansas? The fit might not lie perfect iu every case, but tho color would be much more appropriate than con'ederate t,ray Kn ltou'e. ILarned Optll.1 A delegation of tbe Irish Catholic coloniza tion, spoken of heretofore, arrlv ed last t rl day morning, and visited several portions of tho couuty.especlaliy where they are Intend lug to fettle. We do not know as to what final conclusions they came to, but thev Ielt a few das afterwards for the purpose of vis- iting Hutchinson and Iteno couuty. AniaHementH not Appreciated. I Linn County Clarion, lij A pralrledog, a t rooster, a stuffed calf, two men with an old fiddle In an old "rlcklty " wagon, drawn by a couple of "crow bait" horses, constituted a menagerie on the street on Monday. The admission was only five cents with a lead pencil thrown In; but that was too clleap for our citizens, so they pulled up Htakes and moved on to the next town. Watch the Markets). rNorth Topeka Times, 12.1 Tbe farmers who have hogs to ship this season woule' do well to watch tbe markets and not wait, as the most of them did last winter, and at the last moment, when the market was flooded, run them In at a loss' rather than hold them any longer. Owing lolhevasl numbered hogs In the country tins season. It wilt be well to noi wait unui the market U glutted. The Han nee County Fair. Larned Optic, 12. Tbe Pawnee County Agricultural Society will bo'd ttelr .'air this lall on tnelr new grounds on tbe 21th, 25th and 26 of the pres- ent moath. Many attractions are offered. Premiums to tne amount of five hundred dollars will be paid to succesful competitors. Entries are open to all, and everybody Is lv Invited. Trotting and running races will be oue of the principal features. Not Ignite Bun F.nough. Linn County Clarion, 12. A flue ralu fell on Friday night followed by light showeis on Snnday, but It will require a great deal more to wet tbe ground enough to ralsotbe streams and start up the splines so as to furnish slock, water for winter without driving to the streams, it would be cheaper lor those WHO nave large uerus 01 siucie anu ito mines of run nine water, to drill artesian walls wbtcli would furnish an Inexhaustable sii mil y. lh loss in driving a herd two miles to water lor a single winter would pay tor tbe well. Annual Church Meet In jr. The annual btate Meeting of the Christian churches of Kansas will meet at Emporia on Thuts lay. October 2d, at two o'clock p.m., and continue over the following Sunday. The State Preachers' Meeting will meet on the Tuesday preceding at tw o o'clock p. m Delegates attending via tbeM., K AT. and pa lug full tare will be returned at one-four-th fare on presentallen ol a certificate signed by the secretary. It is expected that like reductions w 111 be made by the A. , T. A S. F. and perhaps oiuer loaus. 111 ciaie papers please notice? J.E Pickett, Set 'y. 1'aetM and Figures). North Tcpeka Times, li.j To clve the reader a faint Idea of the amount of pactlng that would be done hero if we had a packing houe, we have only to say that during one season In the winter of 1371-- the late II. W. Baker packed here 2),CC0 alone, uearly all of which were brought In by the farmers residing In this vicinity. This Is enough to sbow how the business would in- crease with all the latest modern facilities for future operations. Far as tbe season Is nun advanced, suitable buPdmgs can yet be erected here this fall. If operations are com menced at once, lor packing ai least i,iw hogs the coming winter. A Resnlt or Foolins U itb Alcohol (Eureka Herald J On Friday, beptember 5, W. M. Hummer, of Elk county, came nigh being killed by the cxplos'on of an empty alcohol barrel. Ha received a severe wound on one hand and a slight wound on one arm, his bat was blown off, his beard, eyebrows and hair singed, and his beard Oiled with splinters and partly pulled out by passing pieces. All that saved his Hie was a gimlet hole through which smoke esraned. causing him to move his head to one side (looking to sec where tbe smoke cme Irom) jusi tarenougn to ne nurs- ed by the main part of the barrel bead, which was thrown to the lop of the shop with such force as to shiver hard, seasoned wood. Campmeetlns: in Cbaae Count-- . CliaseCountyLeader.il A district campmeeting under the auspices of tbe Huteiilnson district of the M. E. Church, south Kansas conference, will be held at Cedar Point, on the A . T. A S. F. railroad, commencing Thursday, September lsth, 1ST9, at two o'clock r. M., and continues one week. There will ba a boarding hall on theRround', lurnlshed and controlled b tbe organization, where meals will be furnished at a low price- - All other stands are positively forbidden by tbe organization. Lach family will be expected to furnish their own tents and lodging. Tbe grove Is a beautiful one seats and water will be furnished and good order maintained. Milpmcnts or Cattle. Osage City Time'.) The shipment of fat cattle from this point so far this month has exceeded any ship- ment ever made from any other point In the county. The number since the 1th Inst, was SSJhead, of which Messrs. Nathan A Herring shipped CCS. which they bought or Miller Bros. The lot averaged about 1,100 pounds. Messrs. Hepsiey A- - Willing shipped 215 head which were the finest and best lot ever ship- ped Jiom Osage county. Ther averaged LBOi) pounds, and were as "fat as butter." The following is the record of shipment from this point for the week ending Thursday, Beptember 11th: Cattle. SG cars; wheat, 1 car; coal, IU cars: flagging. 5 cars; hogs.l car. Total, id. cars. Trouble Abont Cattle. Butler County Enterprise. The people along Rock creek and the divi- des between that stream and Mnddy and Timber, are very ranch agitated about the appearance of disease among the cattle in that section of the country. Several he ad have died and more are sick and the farmeis have seized upon a herd out there, and are holding It by force. LondthreaU have been made or a resort to violence, if an attempt Is made on the part or the cattle men to remove theherd. wVcounselall parties to act with moderation and not allow tot blood to infia enee their actions, and ws believe the diffi- culty can be amicably arranged. Any at- tempt to settle it by shovguns wont do at au. ".orating- - the Depot. Concordia Expositor. AIJ. Do land, of the Kansas Pacific, was In own Tuesday afternoon, to settle upon the location of their depot in this place. That question had created more excitement here the tint railroad than any one question sine .nimi niond county, and is settled with sat. Ufsctloa to the railroad company, and. we or tne ciiy. am KroStoeoiidned for that purnov tna norm amii e uiee jS -- II- - - mv Bflsn. inwuiiii sus: wpi. rzVrzz-z- z. ". ji. ii fsa m SSaswMH saw , w JL this week. A temnorarvbrirtn. wrlll hohnllt across tbe Republican rtver.andoa Inelstnff. vjciuurr me -- non roinooros- - 01 the K. P. will blow Its "bugle" Insldeorour city lim- its, and then the city of Concordia will be booming. Xcn England Dinner. IWolt lourler. ll.j According to announcment. some thirty pareons whose nativity wis In some one or other of New England Mates, met st the Avenue House, on Wednesday last and par- took of dlnur prepared by tbe host of said bouse. Beans and pumpkin pl were tbe prominent dishes, while the dinne.- - was otherwise elaborately spread. Bsfor dinner tbe president Col. Whitney, called the meeting to order, and said that the election ofotficeis was the first thing to be attended lo ihey selected for President of the society, A. P. blmoudi; Vice l're.ident, Lapt Blood and a L Brow n cecretary, Dr. A. FHtten;TTeasurer, F. V. Barret. Upon being seated at tbe table, Mr. Hersey pronounced th b'essing, and thst hungry set ot purltansjust cleared away yard alter yard of tbe good thing set before them. A Kotv About a Nrliool Teacher. Wyandotte Gaz-ti- e, 12th.l The colored people are quite indignant at the action of the Boird cfKlucatlon iu em- - p'oylng J. D. Bowser as prlcc'pal of their school, under existing circumstances It seems that serious chirg's hid been broj-h- t against air. oser in Kuns is. City, where hehpd long been prirclpal of the colored school', and that when lie was called on for an explanation, he ru.1; ed, insured : promptly making uu eUorl to e'lab b-- his Innocence. Thetolorrd peop'e bad a meet- ing Monday nlibt, and .1 vlnnn.ns protest was made by Depity Mirshal Patterson aud several other tulluentlal co'ored Kenllcmeu against the employment of Mr Browser. So far as we have b-- able 10 learn tbeolored pfoplrt were all extremely well satisfied Willi their former principal Mr Spencer, and do not understand or countenance h!s removal. Jnst as Though Koiuethius I'unnr Had Keen Naitl Olatlie Progress, ll.i We know a young mau about twelve years old that has earned a good ltcklng.whlch will be presented to him tbe first time we meet him. TLe other day, while marketing, w3 purchased a large slza cabbage bead, aud as we had a number of other things to carry, frr convenience we carried the cabbage head on our shoulder. We had not gone but a lew steps when wo I card the aforesaid young man yell out; "Say, Mr. Iiiitor!" We turn-ex- ! around with, "Well, unit is wanted?" "Oh, nothing much;! ju-- t wanled to know which one of thoe bends luruishevl the brains for the J'rogrtti." We did not w ail for answer, but a lot of 011 the corner coram. ticsi to Iiush Ju't as If something funu had been sild. Dutch Henry t sain saline County Journal, 11 j That which might have proved a tragi dy happened 011 0 psum creek last . Hen- ry Prudent and wife lived at their farm on tbe Saline rlv er, but the wife becamecstraug ed an 1 left her liu'bind, to take up her resi- dence on Gypsuin creek. A German who went through life Weighed down with the fes- tive name of "Dutch Henry," had become enamored of Prudent's wife, and desired to be near her, and followed he latter to Gyp- sum Creek. Henry Prudent and uncle start- ed over to G vpsum one day last w eek, to go to the farm where the truant wife had estab- lished herself, fr the purpose of obtaining n drill belonging to tbe uncle. Dutch Henry" an I tbe wile ordered Pruient and bis uncle ouTthe premises. The former followed up his commands with an adv auee upon the w titon. A-l- ie went he seized a club, aud Jumping into wagon commenced K)tiudIng Prudent, was quite badly injured before his assailant ceased his blows. luka the Ccuntj Meat or 1'ralt County. Pratt County Press. Early' last Tuesday laorulnj tbe voters were ga'hcred at tbe different polling places, ready lo begin the conflict. Promptly at 9 o'clock the Judges and e'erkswere elected, and by noon nearly tho entire vote of tbe county was polled. The boari did Its duty and canvassed a'l the Iegel returns with the following result: luka, 173; Saratoga, 101; Anderson, 3. As luka had a majority over all the places voted lor It was duly declar d the county seat. The following ofheers were elected by majorities ranging from30to70: Represen- tative, W. 1. Hi-.nr- Commissioners, Jotiu blllln, Thomas Goodwin, L. U. NarontCouu ty Clerk, L. C. Thompson; Clerk District Court, Samuel Brumsey: county Tieisurer. R. T. Peak: Probate) Judge, James Neele ; Reg- ister of Deeds, Philip Haines; SbrlH. samuel McAvoy; Coroner, P. small; Coumy Attor- ney, M. O Barney; surveyor, A. F. Carr; superintendent Public insiuctlon, Alexan- der Uubbs. A City niarMhal Walloped. Eureka, Uera'd, 11. A fiisco occurred last Saturday morning that awakened no Uttlo merriment, some derision, and a good deal of disgust al tbe present condition of onr police regulations It Is said that our is v ery talka- tive and frequently engages in altercations with persons who are disposed to be noisy and who are thereby provoked to mole or less turbulence. It is elated that on last Saturday morning at an early hour the mar- shal while engaging In a windy combat with a young man who was "feeling his oats' Invited the latter to walk outside the corpor ate limits and he would enlighten hlui in reference to a thing or two The joungmau said he would be glad to accommodate him, and the two Immediately proceeded to tbe field south ot town, sparring at once com- menced and tho result was that the marshal found It necessary to apply a quantity of fresh beef to oucee and carry that member In a sling. Do not begin your Singing Class- es boforo Examining L. O. Emerson's Row Book TliBVoiceofWorsliiB While containing a large and valuable col- lection ofChurch Music 1 Ihe lnrm of Tunes and Anthems, It Is perfectly fitted for the Singing School and Convention by the large number of Songs, Duets, Glees, Ac, and its wll made Elementary Cours. Price JJ.oo per dozen. Specimen copies mailed fort 1 0). Send for circulars and rtialoturs. with full Hit of standard Singiig School ooks. The new 0 cbcedllloiiof Plnarore (com- plete) sells finelv, and FHtlnltziiJHO;, Sor- cerer (51 00). Trial by Jur (10 ets.), are In con-sla- nt deman J F.mcrxon'M Vocal Hethoil. by IO Em- erson (S1.W) Is a valuable new book for Voice Training, containing all tbe essentials of study, plenty or exercises, and plain expla- nations, and costing much less than the larger works on the same subject. Subscribe for the Musical Kerord and receive weekly all the news, and plenty of gold music, for ti 0) per ear. In press. White Itnbex, a charming new Sunday school Song Book. OLIVER CITSON &. CO., IloBton, C.ll.DiTsovA-Ca- , J. E. Drrsov A Co., SUI!rodwav-- , tC Chestnut SU, New Yori. Philadelphia A sjpi.ESimn OPPOItTCJIITV TO WIN A FORTUNE. TENTH GRAND DIS- TRIBUTION, CLASS J. AT NSW OR- LEANS, TUESDAY. OCTOBER Hth, 1879 113th .nontlily li rawing. mm Slate Wery CompanY- - This Institution was regularly incorpora- ted by the Legislature of the Stale for Educa- tional and Charitable punoses In ISM, (or the Term ot Twrnif rive Veavra, to which contract the inviolable faith of the State Is pledged, with a capital of 11,000.000 to which it has since added a reserve fund of (350,000. Its Cirsuadi (tingle Number Ulsiribailoa will take place monthly on tbe second Tuesday. Jl now teala or pot - pone. Look ai me loiiowing ausuiuuuuu . CAPITAL PRIZE. JlO.000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EVCH. UALF-TICKET- -, ONE DOLLAR. LIST Or" PRIZES: 1 Capital Prise.. J30,000 1 Capital Prize.. 10,000 l enmiai 5,000 5 PrliesorCAW- - i,uoo 3 Prizes or l,x). 5JJ00 20 Prizes of 5eO . lOWs) 10) Prizes of 1ft).- - 10,000 200 Prizes of 50.. . iooo sot) Prizes of CO 10,000 laOPrixesor 10.. 10,1X0 APPROXIMATION PRIZES: 9 Approximation Prises of 1300 2,700 9 Approximation Prize) or 2U0. 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of liX) 9u0 1S37 Prizes, amounting to.. -J- llO.lOO ttMinniibla eorresDondine agents wanted at all prominent points, to whom a liberal compensation will be paid. Application for ra'es to clubs should only be made to tbe Home Office In New Orleans. Write, clearly stating full address, lor fur- ther Information, or send orders to X. A. UAUPHIX, P. O. Box 602, Sew Orleans, MjM, AU our Cnmf faraonunar Drxncingt an under the tupnruton and mansprmesf of GEN- ERALS G. T. UEAUBXa&BU and JUBAL we jatAw IjhwAmiaalTlCTKfsllsllltS""""!"?!? 4m. aiw MummJmst'-i- - ffr ?bg 12 i. Juauei 1$ a Preparation ol IRON and CAUSAYA Endorsed by the Medical Profession, and recommended by them for Dvspcnola, General male Diseases, Want of Vltallty,ic, Ac. Xanuftsclnred by Ihp Dr. Ila.-le- r Jledlclne- - C'o 3 X. Kaln SCrssrt, t. lajuu. Tbe followlnglsoneofinevery many testimonials we are receiving dally 1 GnOwm Some three months ap I bepan thenseofDB.il enTER's Iron Tonic, npon the a trice ormanririeiiuswiio knew its irraes. I was suiferlnz from general dcbllliy to such n extent Hut uir Ltbor was exceeding!) burdensome to me. A or a month did not pive me much relief, tsilun the rnnlrarr. was folfowe.1 hy lnrrex-.- prostration and tlnUnc chilli. At Ihls time I bnran the e of jonrlKON tomc. from which I realized almost immediate and womicriul results. The o.d ener--r returae.! and I fonnd that m uatnral force was not permanently aate-d- . I have used three tsttl-se- f Ihe1ni since using It lbarc done twice the labor that 1 ererdi I In the same time dnring my Illness, and with double the ease. With the traniicli nerve and Tlpor or bn.lv. has come also a clearm-- w i.( tliourht never before eujoje-d- . IX the Tomc his not done the work, 1 know not what- - I give it tbe redlt. Most gratefully yours, Tlov, O , Jan. 2. IS3. J. P. Watson, Pastor Christian Church, Troy, 0 for -- tale by Dratchli and Vencral Dealers tirrjwhrrt-- . nPlEps29'3E399ssft- - LsuF mmWBKmm H.J. Helsers kO-Esfs- . Mauji:"u:cr lltaSjiassaMltlili?? Vt3sVBlL.SBuUiJitV?'a j jjeaZJESR IN Waiuui. Barbers' Chairs, tsii2LsRfWISsHBHrsBt.i Iookins Glasses. S m Dressing Cat's CUP CASES MARBLE-TO- P Watthstands Tills Chair Im Ilevon I Doubt TEZ HZ AD'S" TA: 1 pi, ';, -- " r sKsi3" sn SS & STKGH8HS7 TMa LYE r m. LEiS? - - p, t rr- "7tv w r j "tl fsarSstil In (- n t i an o- -l ra- - . ..I e nur jnaVin? rnvder f Uj.t iu. 1 itn f . l in a Lout (poilm' luilani-- 1 I ;iomii!' of l riiiiurtl Xinl wt.ip ni ilt in tuftit'j nmutt vt'h iwtlut .j ml y uj u h wi'l b c.tun liiin to tho tcro iv'thnut at x.nt3T n 11 ln Juiv iv iii uioi; mAj maIc hoap or fcoap tuaiio Uva, thr 1 ;i Onr ftr.Micnful will fof'ni fire "isi.i.i- - of Hani Tnlfr. I.IiWI L"i I- - - 42" x,l vti.1. &irj.swe. uiia ati utiicr Lyo or IU.. or Uii I'ot-- 't --. I NiH't bU ONl. 117 GEO. T. LEWIS & BSENZIES COMPANY, PKi.'.ACELPHIA, PA. For Sil" by T.pwh Mayo, i1i-al- r ninn.rn:j $ Binoi -- 55 oJh.ruqo "grii,irj 'ttipt,! TIj.3. l3 T'-"vj- h "'If :? )"".l efoji tJa mu ix swan '."iv? Miindm s . uaa v saorayj joj ouil!is(ti v rC?3 NOW31 nouintKiT ptnbiT njmroti lTiiSl nv "3N3KiOOJ. KOPO Uj"oEs"r ..- -. . ?3l'jnja2d TjnciirlO so;;uiV? hmo Z12V " rnoq osr. etoin ar.q pntr 'ejoq;o Ann nctji rinissj jotjocj e)0...;c ' taoejio oj.orzi joqou ao:i,ajwinpa tnojj ogjj ! s3 Wifi'v''? yfi rf::! 3M1M0MM m Tvmss CHICAGO, tVHCHiCAfta 02 Lake bt. mi? TOgpf SmJyM'iBrkiS) WJ yAWVlrrrrAcirTlK. HOME BITTERS Agent. IRON ATONIC BARK, la combination wild the Phosshates BARBERS CanbeEUpplied at Cost thanby5endln EasL ALL GOODS Warranted Send fir Illus- - traed Catalogue OKr If E, FACTORY, A.V- D- P1LE3-ROO- 220 Ihlavare Slrtet. the in the- - 'o.i:if-y- . a a. H"A? IiZAEZIt: .. TPe? SJanT: Pure. AHD PBSEST LYE is a FINE POWDES in Sfaplft and Fanpy (.iroceript. msm tS VS5ft fiat mm J'MiMa 1P5I3J! ' 'lid ' S7 QVE BUFFAI.O, 03 b'enccn St. mn muoi THE BEST AND RELIABLE ,VND ACKNOWLEDGED FAVORITES STOVE EELIAULE, i'TD PE0VE3 A SCCCES3. ail g:ci3 rrjLZT TAn?.A.;TZD. PURIFY THE BLOOD, PBEVE57 and Fever, Jr tcrmiitszt and Bilious CUBE Ague and Fever, lndi-gestio- a, Eervonsness, Loss of Sleep, Oispepsia, Female and Disorders. Recommend- ed and by best Physicians. all Druggists and Dealer Leavenworth. Kansas. to Troctrr Jt flamMr't ilatllrtl (itms iBimi )" SrjZttrrTrXtZX tf. U S F3 :sSlwlfe IN ThE WsTTis ipMyy 1 inc TKcU and Fire TcsJsd ! BV.i 1?$ iPFt-m-- r K7''S4t r I z.ZZ If v Econcir.y in Fuc!, Durn'uitily, 3.iu Convenience. POINT Complctcn'-s- s of Ccsirin, nnU Perfection of Construction. OF J Simplicity cf Fannrje cr,t, au- - General Wcrkinrj Qualiiics- - FOR SALE rERY-WHn- i' FY FIRST CLAW DEALERS. sU rUlWj vT " sf J l ' X- - V ft 'lS2 avssr"jrf fc A SK' m vfesa ggn Aim 1 1 P Pain cannot stay where It Is ned. H is Mm cheapest mrd'c'no "vr mad" Flvedrops cover a surface as lirge as the hand. Oaeflosecnr-scomino- i . .re Tbroar One bottle has cured Fi'tv cent's worth liNseursl an Old S an ling ouili It positively Catarrh, Asthma and Croup Flftvceut'n worth hascnr i Cr ck in Hie Hack, and the same quantity Lime Back of eh.ht years' standing. Ilcnres swilel Neck and ah oilier Tumors. Rheumatism Neuralgia, Ointract'on of the Muscles, S ill Joint-- , spinal Difficulties, nnd Pains and soreness in put, no matter where It rnav be, nor from what e it may arise, it al win s ooes vim good. Twenl -- five cents' worth has cured bsit cases of t hronicand Bloody Dysentery. One.easpoonfol curcsCoilcln flftn mlnntei. It will cure any case of Piles that is possible to cure. Six or elget are warranted to rure any case of Exconaieetr.ippiesoriiiuame-- iireast. for Hrulses, irappliei often ami ikiuuu up. me.e Is never tbe s! ghlest discoloration of tne skin. It stops tlie pain ot Burn ns soon as, applied, and Is a positive cure for Cbllbains, Frosted Feet Rnis, wnrls. Corns, and wounds of every description on man or beast. Price. M cents and SI 00. FO)TEl MlLBURNacO. Sole Prop'rs, Buffalo. New York. Sold In Leavenworth by Theodore Eiersdorfi". Go to your for Mrs. Freeman's National Dyes. For and durability of color they are unequaled. tolor, 2 to 5 lbs., price 15 cents. eodAeaw Stld free of U. S. Liquor License by GEORGE A. EDDY, Of expenznud and eeooonircl houtcEeepen is given s considerable Less It,t MADE. GO. MOST Chills Fevers. Sumner used reliable cures any application Druwist brightness FARMERS TAKE HOT! GE! SEEDS, GROCERIES AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS LEWI MAYO, 525 SHAWNEE STREET. Water easily penetrates Soaps made of nueatiocable material, which weatens and softens teem. TB0CTER& CAlWLE-- a MOTTLED OZRMAS JSOAP is made of DapnnijUt JUd Oil, the best aatenal knows for producing Ars. 4wrmU rfftxdrr Soap, which water will not weaken craofteiv Tbesuu4)sstilcoBlutd toadtaaUec. AtcalfvilcHyJ. fpld cTcrywbere. Elizabetli Aull FEMALE SEMINARY. Lexington, Missouri. Twentieth term begins September 2. No publ'c exhibitions; prosperous; sixteen teach-e- r. stat d i- -l very ni advantages superior. Forcataloaue n.Mrtss. J. A. QUAKLE3, Pres. S. H. HOLMES, PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE Attention Is respectfully directed to tfce fact that at this store may be found every ar- ticle In the lineof Drugs and Cb'ile'als, and positively at the lowest prices. Prescriptions fllleel at any hour of the day or night. Cor. 5th ctChestrut Streets SIIITTK I.KVIVUllRTII Attention, Owners of Horses I tih; xim- - ri - lKIltniot.t permanent hi.-- , rui. ( LilfeJ TVe part lor M5r net n! norCH ur maie-- tint i.a:eer fceeu jnwu - .I and d.fc beui.reH -- IvlmprowilMucv.!..... lt, b Us, - leclnll nUrtltotlrt-cU.H-t- !l M iud loose toptwd collars. 1 he new pad ol proper s.z sv.111 fit either. Being of smoo'ii niet.il the do not wear tlie mane and aiw iv s dispense, when ueeJe.1, their mtdiclnilvtr uirs Tbeie are over .e uu.ilem aud a half 01 them lu use. 1'ads made of other materia can on'y temporarily hnve any curitlve propertleswbatever.aud soon becomewortb-les- s by Hbnision In cleaning them The Ztnc Puis are so it by leading Saddler Hou-e- s lhroughonl the counlry and harness) make's seueraily sjc your Mnrness Maker lor PAD 10.. Buchan vn, Mich auu7 wJmo BP . . PENNSYLVANIA FEMALE COLLEGE. rVr KMI, l'ITTsKfltl.U. A first clss college for women. Education al staiidsrd hlh. Advantages complete l vt delightful situation In the whole cntni- - I reiiiisqulte moderate Next term opens "sFITEVinsK Dili Auuress hiss tiia.KV i:.ri:i.i.i.Titi:ir. llll31ull Acllmg TSfliiaRe& STUDENTS I twnWIIssill W ."On10Uor.i0( I'l It Il( ril during 1 Forfu i pariiciti rn ml Iress J C Jlce L RDY A C0.,S:.Lr ul Alo Ju lwst AGENTS ! ed' 250 i w picict-- .im! riHf ri.i.iT. ItUOKH 'JtTAMhMs, Mild IIIltM ,irr mn! compIVtf fy repn-Miit- In ur nw I.K1M) ,'OTiui-.Aiio-- i runsrrrf lS hook, by Niinple iagt- -, liliuUnK" li I n-- t rat loirs tc. Popular wrUs of er klnil Mire mmtws frir .ina-str- . AO actually wlshiDK KMTLO MFaT.a.ilress for UrniS.JHAMjlELI- - v.V LU , St. LOUIS, 3IO. feblJMCluo. STANLEY'S iS'lSffit' TIir.ortJH the DRK CONTINTNT and down Till. CONGO, lilhe- - most siiu.lit f..r thrllltngly interesting and f istesl selling book out Onlv authetitie uml complete people'sedlllnu. IN ST l.M.KI -- OW N L VN G17AGE Profuse-- illustrated by full piue engravings ot exciting scenes and an ven- tures. More matter for Ihe money than an other. Ov er .) pages, largeoctavo, onlv SJ-- ). AGI.MS UASilt.lt tosenil for nigr- al terms Or, to save time-- , send SUM for h I'LL outfit. ST ND RDEOOK HOUSE, ST. LOl IS, MO febUwfilUfi II It I It t: A en's new mm Jewel Niniiimnry 570 Uo to CIIEAfF.ST I.N Till: Oltl.D.1 Two simples with Jewelry, by mill. os paid, 'J.1 cents. Illustrated Circulars of ta- - iiloaml urintaii4asoveiiies iree. J. IIKIIIKA ' 297 B " O A D W A -J- EWEL NEW ol.K. Establlslird, 1S70. Favorably known through- out the L nlted States. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS. IS79 71 I'LL Courso ' study In Ancient and t? Modern Lan .. .es Liw and Nor nit I enartments now established. Music b competent" lnnructnr Full session op ns -- eptemlierlittli. I or any deslretl Information, address. JAMEs MARVIN, Chancellor, Lawrence, Kins.1.. Thirty thousand acres of choice lands In Anderson, Woodson and totfey ountieH, lor saieou ver reasoiiame lerms AUtiress av w. j. 11 v rtt 4 a w oi r, Itnd gent, Neosho rails Kansas Hit ri:s. g HOP B1TT1SSS.8 iA &c icinc net a Cnnk ( tJNTalss S HOI'S, III Clir, IIWDllliei:, i)A.i)i:i.i.N. n And the Purest and Best tiuabtlcs of a G ITHL-Eii- r CTJilLE g All DircareH of tLe Stomach, l!jwelri jjlilooel, Liver, Kidneys anil I nnary Org . oSl.nll3r..a k.l,i...f. L I S1iir-- , I'tituu-iirrp- , i cuialr 1 OoinnlainlH and Drunklssfw. a B i vi iuiii sv f.ni ii ? "' '""' I Will be naii for a cje thev will rotrtireJ or help, or for acvihin impure or injur-- ? ous fouuil in fiem. H Ask your Druecist for Hon Hitters andH free book, and trj the Bitters before youl Ieep. c Tho Hop Cure ani Pain Relief i.s the Cheapest. &tt est rt-i- Best it lOUSALEIlV ALI a pitovEiiits. U "Xons can be sic when the ptnmach.h itooel, liver and kidneys are health, auJi top l.iltera keep them to." '1 he greate!t nouri-hi- tonic, appe-ze- r, strengthener and curative on earth Hop Bittern." "It is impo-vibl- to remain long sicl r out of health, where Hop Bitters are 'Vhy do Ifop Bitters cure so much "Because they give good digestion, ricl ilood and healthy action of all the organ;.' .. , uv. L. r. -- o msiter wnat your leenngs or an nnt. Hop Bitten will do you good. "Remember, Hop Bitters never do larm.but good, always and continually.' "Purify the blood, cleanw the stomach ind sweeten Ihe breath with Hop Bitters ri l tlet nerves and balmy tleep in Hot Bitters " ''So health with inactive liver and irinary organs without ifop Bitters." fry Hop Congh faro and Pain nelief For sale hr Ans.or.n A Hcnt.Gforoe A and 1 HE.) toueiaDjKr, wholesale. A GOOD PLAN. Anybody can leam to matte money rapidly operating in stocks by the "Two Unerring Itules lor Fuccess," In Messrs. A Co.'s new circular Thecoinblnatlon which this firm has made 10 successful, en- ables people wltn largn or small means to reap all the bentflts of largest capital and bestsaill. Thousands of orders In various suras, are pooled Into one vast amount and co operated as a mighty whole, thus securing to each shareholder all the ad vantages of the largest operator. Immense proflLs are di- vided monthly. Any amount, from ft to HOOO.ormore, can be ned successfully. N. Y Jlnptu: HVeJUy.eeptemberirtth. 1ST, sas, By the combination system S15 would make 175. or S per cent : tv pays JSW, or7 per cent.; tlWmakeTl.G,GrW per cent. on thesiock. duringheminth, acconllng to the market," .Franfc IjttUe't IttuttrnUd Jleuipripn; June Zith: ''Ihe combination method of opera- ting stocks Is the mewt successful ever adopted. yorkJndrpmdent.Hrpt.KlUi "The combination system Is founded upon correct business principles, and no person need be without an Income while It Is kept working by Messrs. latwrenco A Co. 7frex.it- - Ijn Journal, a prn -- our editor m.du net profit of I101.S5 from fJO In onw of Mesri Lawrence A Co.'s combln itions." New cir colar (mailed frf-e- explains everything! Htocks and bonds wanted. Government bonds supplied. Lawrence A Co , Bankers, 7 Exchange Place ,N. Y. TAKE KArraCkasatsW saTCMaiffrir. llMUll Lrtf UUobswt rat-lt- la th wgrii. It cvalaa 24 Wuf rpT,24 ZavlnMt,rrttsrsraoUr,Gcl4s;a rs,ftat PCsst TsJoUJewtr7. OA4t4 mat ipMk4vT,wllI) plr f lrrtuit Eacrd KkkrlUr BirUN-- r Stjt la " J. MM ti, 27 HMIMT, MW KK, , MISCELLANEOUS! OJVrumftf, OeranGYm nil lltlt Edge m- - mrtnl t'ardw. name In gold, IOc RAT 4; Co., E. Wallingtord, Ct. mlw-Is- t BvlifSgigrefflK. w will aj as 1 1 li mctu sn I es ci t r t l.w . hrcy fMnmiioi), 10 wll our nw soil w ai sv.nl -- . ill mtam vkat UTMtrtt. -- IBS 1 frn. Ama sllEUAUJ. eX, afaisliali. atich. milM3.Glup. ?J77 a.Montti aud espmses guaranteed to V. .:X- -' ,s" OulCttiee Mivvv-ACo.A- gsta. M ni.- -. lebliwlyr. Of) l"v,,, rosebud Ch.omo CS-.- or M Mot. -- J loCbromns s- -i name, lOe Nassai . , ..WWII, .S 1 autialt RMPF-OYMEriTorroV- or: ltun, Utfcwr-nimilitBt.ii.lruyprril- e.t Unt m alJjLlia J a a J Worrtln-- h,),u CChlV .rVllkDTliertiaslM 4piari ntla t W R NERVOUS DEBILITY,-:- .-; VrslM, t!oa - t .Its -a .f r if Srsis .al ..rr... .. leu nl. r.M w iiiiiuuii.iiiii.ra, nir!:..)." ' - i. f,r ?i s.tts.tfnifilit. l rr rfsl.r.ita I 1 i ui, l.itn L... B.is. .tilliasL, etles, IU. S57.60 A1.FNT"S pn'tlts is?r week Will prove It or forfeit N.-- art t ls. iusi i. ...itiiL smiiples sen e. to all Idr.ss v. H. CHIHIJ.TFK. Ul F illon st. N. isctSlwltt. n in si.ncil Outfits. Whit 0rji-- i 4u. sl'sripitiv torso eis. e.ai- - fr.e S M m-i- tit. IU rt'avl- - -- I., Iaston, Mas septu-wiy- r A VTI D to ell 1k Cu vsf-- e J in ten ire Boos, New 1'rlce ifiCHT: last luii ilw blejn-irmis-.i- Ad.lrtss. Dr. ehase's lrinlla!r House, Ann Arbor. Mien. augSV-wl- r iTv-- r v i it ti-- r.s. cncsp-- i t Srte;oi.i lotown it itiu. ttpte tttiieJitrr t) v.:,ln w,.cuLi.rxs lw 1 , Trrrtt i miciiti SN ntcrr i,ce!iwiitrilt)s?s r ta Intie , stpnlsl. rttimrsa leTwnirlinai s - 4.KST A . Eli ln"t t . is" rim Itl Ill V fi it ineKiiiiiitlt ti- - VtidrirfvH J Kr Imiii Del oil, MirI n-- iM. ut r S25 Every Day ' W Can be cuiij mado with out J$f Well Augers & DrLls Onr m n and on horn rimrKt V I ' Artiir nl maker of the1imiica- - n UsLrrttntrJ Iht-- lt t I nrtH aalAcr jt ewrciiii mi itma.r from3ltif ! IiJ" IX. j t - rRit Addrrs. LOOMS & N1MA1. TIFFLf. OHO. wl IMPROVED PATENT RUE3ER TAREErCH. lO.OUU a i a a, i d.V Ar Bu.Ms avlmss I n ttnug-i- t m fiir f. b fit with i k rtB, tstn-- v t 1 r III &. n t.l Am Tartrets ft. ! S ittt r nnrtsig fur churr ft afcr w. rsTHt tt OH rl s. I MM p u uoa r 1 PO t aifa- - Mnsm, t fntifs n ih rr fMir Svta.1 ft,rt if mtt ttati (. r "Iks JtrrsWr" nt oiac ailf Ui rilt f An nrnr sjsvsll kc tina Oimti tb sril Archer en Anwn. . fttvl J yAl CxTsit(rS ifVm rsa. Mslftlf LltvU 4f lrfIT(l. JOHA ff ILUAdU J, i r, "7 Sl St., CaIKa uu ; v it I THE BEST 11 P OF ALL I UMNENTSj F03 K&1T OE 3SAST. Srt K vrii. n i m 'nine 1j inf illlbly dnni H P in w. rl. in nnliioi.s r enst-- s for nior M it llin.l ot n itiitury. when it Ii is j n at lu.l iter pirt.it Hi. worm, in:i ntnnlM rless 1 mill), s .v.rvwli re ein gj sider it tlie nnl sit r. . m nsiii iiitlu i r a. id. ut. ii is i.rett s lie. to ealt W i sueh a lue .He tne rl THE BEST OF ITS KIM. I Thu H tin rise n.i tl IrIrnj illuliiit 1 1 ii I iti r ii t Ii Uiil 1 1 J tirliiKsiiiUllit ni i :t nltirililr Ii I Ittirtt MulMliirl li.t It m i - tf rhrn-- j iuntisiiti.vcr on iiimI t ii fi.on-i'i- .l 4 aui tn f)tli( r l sui4 a n , ir- - I IMrfoniioil h tu oi ritil )ln-irn- tt Muttnn I litimtriil. 1I fitniis i out w ai t ! i jc K Mustang I mr.ont JL 1)4 U t till ! . mrmhrnno nnl Si tiHtll tttl( ' I -- t mil i tirin ' i tt4 . i a riwr Utnt H ii ii er fjiN It i a ni Ii IIH R r Irtjttj ti. tik tli (I UX ,ll)ti'.l'5 LVh .a f orprt it l!f ir lf It? f't 1ti Hit r hiinl tS priii it I th Hit. r nlisi h. lis j UNf.- - t wild f ix II ur s I !, i uiui u rUi n ull uther am ii siti 1 f sj.pli v rnr t imcU ailintuta vt Uit III M N I. . -- II US I j ia e u iik it i till. rT iiiug iiiip Tnlnf s 4 i.ttf - f Fui.i.lB Itlirna ! Htl ScnKIw, 4 tit . KruUn uittl Sprnlii;, I'nUiiuoiiH Xtltrt niitl Stlii"i. StIsTniss Iamiiri(, 4ltt 'M Sorts, I Irrr. J'rohtlilCrtf.C lilllilf . 1 Sirr "Mjiplr t akel Jtrrait. ititil '4 liiilcet! ccr form of external til- - ji'""" j It M th- - trr tf -- t rnv J fur !h lls- - 3 or-- rsn I u i l ii'- - 1 ntii Ii tn S 15l.LT i urui"', an l.if.t tiat has ti r liii ii Liiiiivn I r inrt.u a: Stiruin.. Sf.intir. SHOT Joints. Hi XiMliitlrr lfwriies. SorrtJInor 1 oot Kola. n-- Uonu, srnl, Holluw Horn. Srrntclir. Intl-nl- N Spuxlli. Inrc), ItlliKHttr. hl Siirm. loll 1..1I. I ilni noil EJtJ. Slight atitt cirry odirr ailment til) iiina tne orriipitni ii me isinlil. anil Stock nnl are Ilnlilr. .... . . Sl.. ..(t.. : ..A l ii I f ill. uiiitir ai ji - n uu l. a 3m ' t? I ni i ut hP3 fn n . 1 u J ii l.'.r- u a lilt ajis eiiill.t3, Ui var of t srtim It lisiilst ii Iilintif ft Smr. It I'Acu ful P h v i it ol Uu. ui i i i.jm at trutxnj t y au um j p If ii- rrto1r, ri I liTpp in'a .. . IT 1 1 t m lu t. v'j -- . r' rS fj n. til l Uvttll U v. it-it- .iinl i- -" . ill JCl e53 Jb i OF ALL i i&8!13JI h B wtS u asf-- - llfsaii ca a y?a toe i:ait oe ssasi. PUBLIC SALE OF TJ.0P.OLG-.3HE- s , rl Horn Cuttle Tue undrslgneil announces that .bey will set at pUvi'i siteal Cameron, Mo , WEDNESDAY, 03. 8ft I about KIGiltY HKADof Cholrely Bred Dur- ham Caitleof MIX fl FtMAI.EHand 1WEN- - T iOUNUELLL-- Ourolfrlngswlllcom- - prlsw representatl vi s of the fjlloitlng popu lar and useful families - Rosa of Shaion. fcunse Mary Car oline. cioaby Lady, White and Rom Roae, Louan, Vic oris, rtoliv Bly and other good srts. a would call at tention to tbe fact that weaie offering over FORTY YOUrtiJ aXIMAL-- i under two ears o'd, tbe Increase of our herds for th last ye ir and a half Mr. Ireland Is selling bis entire herd, mostly females, ia e positive and w ltbout reserve Tikms. Six months credit, wltbout inter- - terest- - Cataloiues sent on application to J. W. Harper, Hamilton, Mo. I . Hakper. Hamilton, 5fo. H-- C Irel-vsi- i, Moore viile, VIo. J Kreekenrldice, Slo. Col- -J V iidv. Auctioneer Lost l.sntl YVsrrnitr. Public notice Isherebv given, tba' Mlll'a'y Bounty L.ud Warrant No.IlSU.bsned in tt name of Miz-- t Converse, for W acres, und.r the act of March Sd,l-i- anilonlb' me, was by me sent In February 1871, toO J. Hopkins, of Leavenworth. Ksusa-s- . for loca- tion, and has been lest or destroyed. Tb public Is cautioned against purchasing the same as I have never psrted wltli my title thereto, anil I Intend to apply lo the Com- missioner of for a ol ihe said warrant and a cancellation of theorlgi--na- l. Enwis Pshkixk. WASacrcTos, DC, JuJy 7, 1577. "!yl7,w-0-t- .

Transcript of iBimi 1P5I3J! 'lidRadway'sIN A Ffc.V MINLTho BY SiWADY TIELIEP. whether sick or nervous,...

Page 1: iBimi 1P5I3J! 'lidRadway'sIN A Ffc.V MINLTho BY SiWADY TIELIEP. whether sick or nervous, itieninatlsm, lumbago, pains a ad weakness i t ue b.ii-k-, spine or kidnes, pains around liver,





. lEtt. 1Et. Ki.owbo Starr as to thorow-or-of

Iladway'o Heady Uc-lkl'i- na

cao of ba-le Ilhcnuiatism.

rso. Va Ns JtAcr.Sew York.WSth mo yourrilW hay,ei For the lien trrreejean. I

JfTOMJlM5nentnil severe attacks of scl-Sr- S.

extending Irani the lumbarlonslom ankles, aud, al limes. In both

Darfn"?htirncthatl liav had tbe disease."wfriU almost all tne remedies

ui men and kin unpin; tonLdreacl.Mitall proved wt failures.

"have tries.' various Kinds of bathsoutward applications of liul-men- ts

lew numerous to mention, K.dti.ein.r-- t imluetit p'osiclae.

allot which failed to give rue leliei.LHstaepleinb-- r, al the urgent re-i-

been araictod as in sell.i .i u I, ewlio badwas induced to try jour re.ue-e!- . I akluen..itlerlng learluli with one or mj old turns.ioiiu surprise anddelu,hl tlieCr-.iaj.pica- .

D.lhlna and runblngtion nit a- - "purtMi.lKiMl.WHriij ti.e.nub m nwarru

jtti ..reai-- n tlie l.eiiei. In astiort time tne'w lavni entirel away, lult.ough a.--, I

. aailseasapproacninglHV, .,,1 j. erio.llcalc an ui attier. 1 kui w now bow to enre

ill andtiiiili,!i lihrtlil KtLlbKis nuiniud.S never travel without a boluatu rny vellsev.

luuisireuy, ULO blAIUL






whether sick or nervous,itieninatlsm, lumbago, pains a ad weakness

i t ue b.ii-k- , spine or kidnes, pains aroundliver, pleunsv. i.weilin.s ol tlie Joints,

p smll.e bowels, heartburn and pains oli kind, cbi u.alns and lrovt bum, Ilail-- v

.. .. !:! Inef w II aiitd iliniicili.il.eas,and 1U continued use Kir a Jew i!asetle. t a innunut core Price .10 cents.


( L-- .r IKE Vv,l' I ' 1 - niToniOno la 'Irl.. huips.

A ter rcadlus, till- - advertls si any

SUFFEfsV.T.- - ? 5.

iiadway's Ready Italic!IS A CUKE I OK LVF'iY TAEV.

IT U S T lit I lifc-- AND J3

THE ONLY PAIK REMEDYltiui tlj siojis the most v eclatingtialn.allavn Inflammation, u. ' c T. Cou- -iu.1lrm 10U. UOH

I, or oti er siands or on;uu-- Lj OJ applica- -

'ou.4i tTom lino tr Twenty l.aateN.i . intti.r ow foleutor txcrariatini! the

nalutln KHJ.bMATlC, 11-riili.i- Jutlrin,Nervous, or jTostrtta

wi.ii toaat ma iuncr,


WILL AFFORD INSTANT EASE.litlamintlnn or the Kidneys luflamma-- 'tiouol tne Itladder, IiiriamniMtiou of the

' liowel", Co:i;(tlou ol the Lungs, Miro" Tluxiat. Di.licult ISreatbln, i'alpl-UUou-

tliH IN.nt Hjstencs,.Croup, llpthcna, A

I n II u e n zh, Hadaebe,Toothache, Ncural-- ,

ylH, llbeuinaUsm- Cold Chills.AKUtiCbtllh,"" ciii'blalUbHndKnietl-'lte-

iiif ipplicaiionof tlieKIIAlA KULIErtoII i' ),ailor iarb, wlnre the pain or dilllccityexists u 111 ul!urd utie and comfort.

rmri to sixty drops m half u tumbler olwater will linn few moments cure ChAxrs,

MXUIAtll, hICK IllIAD.achk, 1)iaijioa, usi.NTi-i.i- f Colic, Vim

luDKUh AMIAUlSTMtAL I'AINsliaitlerssbould always carry a liottlo ol

UAUU'AY'a IltAWV IltLIEh with Uiem. Alew drops In wattr v.lll prewnl sicknessIrnra cbaai.e ol watir. It is bettir than

uraud or bitten, as astiinulanU

H.VF11AN1) AOL'E cured for flfty cents.Ibnelsuola ri medial t,ent In this uorldthat will cure h ever and Aue, ami all otherMai irlous Uilllous, ?car!et, Typhoi 1. eliowand olhir lecr, tided bj IlADWA'V'--

ril.I.". so inrk as KAIA'a UEAD1UK'.IKF. rents jwr bottle.

1Zi. Radway5!Sarsainl!!! iiesoiFeal

HE (iUKATlILOOI) PUHIFIGKCHANGES AS SEEK AND FELT.bey daily occur after usin; a few doses

1. Good spirit dlsapjHiarajiie of vreak-ne-s- s,

languor, inclancbol , I ncreuM; andof neshand muscles,etc

t. trtm;tn Increases, .pietHe improved,relish lor I00J, no more sour eruditions orsaterbrasb. ikkI diKestmu, and uudls-lurbe- d

sleep, awaken fri-- and uoroeb.s iMiniKjerance of smits. blotches, nlm-- .

ti,.---i n skin looks clear aud healthy. Iheurine chanseel 1mm lbi turlnd and cloudyinrwarauee 10 .1 clear sherry or amber color;

Iroin the bladder throughIne urethra without scalding; littleor no sediment; 110 pain or weakness.

4 Marked diminution of iuaulty andfrequency of linn.cnutry weakening

with the cer-tainty ol miaufiiteure. Increased strem;lbexlilnltesi in the Uands and luuc-llou- al

harmouj restored to the Several

5 'ieliow tlr.ee on the white of the eyes,and the wartii,ssl!rou a,arance of the

toacltui. live! and healthyCO'OI.

t. Tbosp suflerlni! Imm wmt or nleeratedlungsortulHi-rcule- s will ral xe great benefitIn exiectorat.ns freeiy the 10111,1 phelglimor mucous nom the miizs air & lis bronchir windpipe, throat or diminishing the

frequenr ol K neral Increase strengthtiiroughot tile stoppage ol nlaLtsweats and pains aud ol weaknessaround the ankles, leirt, shoalders, etc; ces-sation of coldahd chills sense ol sufocatiou:hard breathing and ineroxjs n of ou.li onI ling down or arising I't tne iiiomug. AHtheise distressing simplons tradualiy andIleelv dlsspisar.

7 Asuaj ane r day tho MAILSAI'Itll LI Als'taaeu newsiuus ol r.luuiius bealib willappear: as the bluest lmprove-- in purity andstrength disease will duuluish and all lor-el-

and 1 111 pure dt isisits uodef , I umors, c ul-

cers, hard lumps etc., be resolved awav andthe unsound maje sound and lua tli; ul-- o

rs, lever sores, vhronlc skin diseases tradualiy tisapiKr.

In cases w Iiere thefiystem has been sailvnted.and Mercur, --Quicks. Iver, e'orroslveSublimate, have aecumuliite-- anddeiraslte-dl- the bone-- s Joints, etc, causingeuH.srtlieUiues. rickets, spinal curvature.contortions, whilesweillugNVariceiso velnssetc, the AllsAl'Ai:iLLlAN will resolveawav these exterminate tho l- -

r.f Hie disease Irom the svstem.9. If those who are taking tlie-s- medicines

lor I lie cure ofchronic scroiuious oirjpnu-Iticdlsease-

however slow mai lethe cure,'leel Is'tter," and Mnd the-i- r general health

Improving, their tlesh aud weight increasing..r.v.it lis own. Is a sure sign thattho cure Is. tinigtessiai:. In these diseasestne patient either gets better er worse-t- he

virus of the disease Is l.ot inactive; If notand driven freiSJ oe blood. It villi

spread aud continue to Jindermiue the n.

Ab soon hAIlAPAKILL.1AN makes the patient "feel better" everynourjou will grow toiler and inuevwj inbPHltti.Mreiiktband .

Thegreat Kierof this remedy Is In dls- -sen that threaten death- - as .11

Ol tne Lunga and Tuberculous .'htisls Scrof-ula, be phlloid Diseases, Wasting, legeu ra-

tion, "aud Ulceration of the KlJuejsof water, re--

llel where catheters have been used, thusdoing away with the painful oiieration e!uslug theseinsirument.- - .elissolvlg stone Intho bladder, and In all cases of

IuOuniiiiiion Gf tlib IKcdder andKidiipj-s- ,

Omonlccasesof Lucorhea and Uterine dis- -

lu tumors, nodes hard lumps, and Fyphl-Jol- d

ulcers: In dropsy. In veiierealsoretaroatuio.rsand In tubercles of the lungs. In gout,Uyepeinla, rheumatism, rickets; In mercurialdeposits it Is In thcM! terrible tonus of dis-ease, where the human body has become a.omplete wreck, and where every hour ofexistence is torture, wherein this great reme--d

challenges the astonishment and admira-tion ofthesick. it is in such cases, whereall the pleasures of existence appear cut offtrom the nulortunale, aud by Its wonderful,almtv--t supernatural agenc it restores thehopeless to u We and new existence wherethis great remedy stands alone In Its mightaud power.

In the ordinary skin diseases that everyone is more or less troubled with, a few doseswill. In most rases, and a few bottles In themore aggravated forms, work a permanenturc.

T bote afflict eet wllhchtonlc diseases shouldiircbasu a package containing one dozenottles. Price S-- " perdozen.or S5 per halloxen bottles, or l per bottle bold hjxuggists.


REGULATING PILLS.Perfectly tastoless, elegantly coated withaweet gum purge, regulate, purity, cleanseand strengthen. Iiadway's l"ilisfor thect'reof all disorders ot the btomacn. Liver,ivjwels, Kldnej s, Illadder, Nervous Diseases,Headache, Constipation, Costlveness, lndi-gjstlo- n.

Dyspepsia, lillllousneis. Fever, In.uammaUon of the bowels, I'll and all de-rangement of the Internal Viscera. Warrant to efleet a positive cure. lnrely vegeln-ol-e,

containing no mercury, minerals ordrugs.

swbserve the following Symplons renit lng from Disorders of the Digestive

Constipation, Inward Piles, Fnllnes of thetJlood In the Head, Acidity of the Stomach,Nausea, Heartburn, xilsgnst of Food, Full-ness or Weight In the Siomach, bour

Fluttering at the Heart,Choking or Suflerlng Sensations when innJlng Posture, Dimness of YLslon. Dots orWebs before bight. Fever and DuU pl-- i inthe Head, Denclency of Perspiration. Yellow-ness of the bkin and Eyes, Pain inths Mde,Cnest, Limbs and Bnetflen Flushes of heatDarning In the Flesh."sS.i2.,lilSt0 Co.o32 WARREN, corner Churchthreat Mew York, ImormaUon worui



WitMn, 8flw5T1IUK5DVY. SEPTEMBER 11, 1S79.


Mai y M.Er2sov was adjudged insane before the I rub tie Judge jeslenlay and an ap-

plication will be made for her commitmentvothealuui.

To kiacii the biebcst staudard of Jitaltb,.

nature demands the ulmcst nularllyo! tliebowels; a tJtjht deviation brlni many Inconveniences and paves the way to morestrious ilanKLrs. e can recommend Dr.Hub's lUlUmure l'HIs as tne oesi idkiiuuclor the need . ol Uio dUestlv e apparatiu.

A TiAriJ2o man made the remark Infrom ol Ibc Coutintutal hotel "KansasCity lsajreat rEiirosd ctnter, but It Is overrated Ju-- t ore buni'rrd rer cent, while thelacls in rt.'ereuc: to I.Heuwilli ai, that itis under ratio oi.e hundred T cent." Thewbolt. ktoi whs coudimed in a feu tlmu.ewoids.

Tiie word IMectr'c in tl.e name of thedltbraled lioo-ili- o d remedy, Tul.mai,, K1

Itctrie Oil, fclnllles sdtcKd and efreb izta, andaptly dtscrlbis its nature. The Ingredientsof this unniliilatoi of pain and remedy for..,,.,.-,- .. u.r,.. hurts, tiiioal ani luui: dls- -orders, djujilery, blIlousue-- aud other

are careful. sc.ected, and possessaluaolecJeriric 11111111... w n ,uv -


.Monument lor Hicnard It. !.Alton, the 100- -t latere ting events during11... ssicn of tno Masonic Grand Lodecfthe Mate, which meeU li'reon the 151b, IC.h

and T.li ol mxt mouth, will be the turningovtraudui.veil.UKOf a very fine monumentat at. Muncie, erected by the Masons of theMate to the memory of ltichard It. Hees, theilret orand il-- a er of the S'ate, and w

helped to orsaaijn the liraud Lodge Theluonuim at i now be n made by Uurdelt Alids an-- i is a iuot e.o,Jiil speciineu of tinewoilx. It Is to Lett euuesste maio.e, wuicu,. ,.hiM.t HnlirrwLll to KlunllO ei! auy- -ii.inriound lo the ouanieH. Tnrre will be a.. i.'t. .... .urn l the inur sides, to be iiollsheuHi.a used lor iueriiliuus. lue base courseand the cap, wllbals.se creiss ly us on top01 trie inubuuienl. will iL ol Jlne-tooi- workand the sides ot rougu ice munulueZll 111 cost tl.leu.

Two aliliioll or UottlCH.livery oue, no doubt, has hcird of Ur.

p.iv S...W1.-1- I Flavoring Extracts, but although upwardsof two million of Unties areannually ruieuuiaciureu, eueieuic jn .....-,.- -

Wives Who KUOW UOIIUUgol lirama.iicuiceu Iu.i.w.m ti.ut thfv are the nurcs strong- -

-.- .t. mid Jluest llavoilu extract. In themarket. "tdw.

Uilliam ilraiu1" Ilinirtiltlex.1 he nav e been recorded in the To

ilea Court reports of this paper for the pasteek In rtgird 10 the reprecensiuie couuuci

ol William lirowti IIo was first fined S5W,

which amounted to ten days In the city Jail,the lime to be spent upon the roc!i pile, forimbibing too freely of that which enters themouth bui to fcteal away the bralus Another charge of petit lareeny, for purloiningu vnti-t- i. vj then made, in wiilrh thede1feudaut was sentenced to six mouths in thecouuty ail, vn.11 costs It it, susplcionedthat he had uuiawiullj po'Sesseel himsell ota horse, which had been sold at a erylowI rice, vincii iiieeiiece 01 iuiui sus-picion against llrown as being a horse iblef.The i Ice were finally notified that therr noL nniouuded and yesterdaymorning tbeowueref tho liorse, J. II. Cam-tl- l,

appear.-- ned gave such evidence thati:ron was lKinndove-- r in lue sum of SI.lbDfor,n.ud larceny ,

I'is'rict CourtHon. Kobert C'rozler, Judge; I U. Lawc,herlll, McCown Hunt, Clcik.

Esherlll made return on venire.i;i parte Louis Clausing, admitted to hi.1

citizenship.laindvs Hous'ry Motion of defendant to

dlMals, appeal enstalutd aad exceptions.Monroe vs Ixinoiioc Motion to dismiss ap.

IKral ov erru'ed.Marshall vs Waddle ctal IXmurrerof de

fendants to petition ovirrul. J.I'erkiusvs 1'erklii' Lave 10 plalntllT to

fliti'iid petition, which is dune, defendantgiven live davs 10 Inswtr.

Johnson vs W iterinan Motion of ptalntll!to romi-c- l defendants waterman A Waterni'iu, to make ausweriuo.e definite ami ac-H-

n Ithdrawu, leave lo pluint.irio reply inten days.

in me matter of the asslguincnt of Wil-liams A Utrveust" V . Ilassier, Etj ,

roniuiisfloner.vs KnhiiCt al sale in Ljon county

contl mesl.C.aric vs EpcncheMt Judgment modl-lli-- .l

J. I bHler, li . appoluiexl I. Cclver.l'a.kltr vsMertmik Couit triai.

1)til.vi, which might o'herwlo bethrown away by resorting to ineffectualmedicines, are saved by purchasing fiat inexpensive specific f r bodily pain and lerae-il- v

loraircctlons of Ihe tluott, lungs.itom-ach- ,liver and Isowels, Thomas' LkstTitic

Oil, which !i s not deteriorate, and is thor-ough and pun. 1 ubllc atleiitlnn is called toadvetlisemenl in another column.

i:ito vl.

Miss ('lira K.lsh returm-- l trom Illinoison h nil a i .

Will. Abattt itliy has gone bick to f.chool.

John (i arret t has gouo we.vt.

Col. Anthony and famll) will arrive homethis morning, after six weeks absence

IV. J. Keller Ielt jeslenlav for LeuilvilleWe Uopo he will be successful In his newhome, as he deserves It, baiug tteaJy, indus-trious and pel severing.

Hon. John A. Anderson, member of Con- -grots from this district, called at TheTimesotace v st, rdny innm'rg. He was In the cityoiuv n lew nours. but V7us wainny vieicomeiioy our citizens.

The following gentlemen visited Tiie Timesyesterday to pay their respe-ct- s and renewtheir Kubcrlptlms: . McCain, J. buIUvanam! Mtbew I ord.of Uozp , I. Hatmsker, ofnu:ow ; ana mv iu iiaseti, o: cpnuiaie.

Mr LM. II. Mallorj- - leaves this afternoon forChicago to accept a position with Mradner,smith A to LI. is one of tho best youngmen In Kansi". aril l.raduer. Smith A Co.are tort uuate 11 his services. We be.lleve tliHt afier oue or two trips be will sellmore goods than ai.v other man In the sateobusine-- s on the road

01 a 31 im rAt-Toiii-

V oinpilatlonortlie unibrr of jlniui-r.K-torle-

in the.MiKiimt nl Itnslness Thev Do andtin- - timber of .Men Thej i:inploj .

Kven ocr home peoi 1c are not aware of theextent ot the manufacturing Interests of thiscll. Tin j know that from many furnacesgoes up tbe smoke which tell of the blazingdusk diamonds beneath which are warm-ing luto life aud motion ponderous machin-ery ; the meet in the dally walks of lifetroops of sl workmen; they occa-- s

dually look In and Fee them at their work,perhaps, when business calls them to tbe 1

cinityofsomeof the lactorics. SUll.as regardsthe extent nnd imjiortanco of our manufac-turing Interests few know fully thereof. Itis with the design of giving the people ofLev en worth and the wor'dat large as wella full knowledge of these thinzsthat a itlias been prepired wticso features are outllnrd In the caption above.

Tnat appears below is aplaln.ilmplepre-scntatio- aef facts. No attempt at coloring

has been used. The figures have an eloquen-tial ring of their own which will lnsplreianewthe love ojr people have for our ctty;wlllceu-- o their blood to Jlow In fuller sympathy,if possible, with all that pertains to Its future


In comme-ncin- the lis, no more appro-priate heaolcg can be lour.il iti. that of the


The manufacturing of Leavenworth whichlies in this direction can perhars lay claim asbeing tho most prominent feature thereof,as there are more men employed In thisw tind the value of tho work turnedout will resell to a greater fisure. The re--spectlv- - establishments are as follows:

Ihe Imou Machine Works has a capacityIn tLe sto.e deiartment al present of tenstoves per dav. or 3,1 H a vear. They cowrun twe'uty five men, raeetlv on enginebuilding aud railroa t work. Tbe capacltwill be doubled In sixty flays.

The Greet Western Manufacturing Com-pany, which manufactures fiouiiug millmachinery, steam engines, saw mills, bouOislltiE". etc. does u business of J'JO OUO

eary aud employsone hundred and tweuly- -nve men on tun time.

The Great Western btovo Works startedout to make S0,teO stove-- s this season, and theIndications nre that tbe amount will be 11

little abive that figure. One hundred andrl'ty men find steady emp'oyment In thesewotk-- s

ewsome's But'er Works employ six men.and in the year don business which reachesin tne neicnuirncou 01 iiuim). rnev winaveiagc filty boilers each ear.


Tha Missouri Valley Bridge and Iron WorksLave Just been re opened under the controloflnsley, bhirei-Co- . There Is every reasonto believe that within a very short time theseworks will be running upon the old-ti-

capacity, when one hundred and fifivrnenwere unwoven ana nuv lineal leet 01 uniting were) manufactured dailr

ruoUBivo MILLS.

It Is a fact which. Is established andwhich dealers will bear oct, that Leaven-worth Hour has an established reputation,not only Iu this Elate, but in loirs, Illinoisand Mts-our- i. The Hour Unequal 10 that

In the famous mills of Minnesota ;and time will Rive It as fair a reputa-tion.

The flouring mills of Leavenworth, are fourIn number and their capacity la aa follows :

Tbe Novelty Mills now have a capacity of140 barrel daily, and the present week, with

THE L.BAVENWORTH WEEKLY TIMES: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER. 18, 1875)---SI- X PAGES.new machinery, will have a capacity of S3barrels daily. This represents l.ltij bushels ofwheat.

Hush's Mills, r.t their former capacity.manufactured SbO barrels daily. The newmachinery now being added will Increaseth I s to ZX oa rrels, dally.

DllwonhA Lyme's capacity is nbout canalto tbe present facilities of the Novelty Milsnnraely, 119 barrels daily.

inesiar jiuis ao more cus-o- woric manfor tbe wholesale trade, but manufactureabout TS barrels dally.

inese mills witu a caDaciiy alt to'd 01about 67) barrels, have their hands full ofbusiness. There is a good opemuz for extracapital In the same direction.


It Is not exaggeration to tay that Leavenworth has tbe largest furniture houses in tlieWesL While the stocks they carry are notall manufactured in Leavenworth, they areengaged In manufacturing to a very greatextent, as the figures will show.

Hobert Keith A-- Co. manufacture SjO.OCO

worth of all classes ot furniture and employforty men They will, by force of necessity,siioilly enlarge their facilities.

hy liros manufacture S50.COO worthof furniture early, emplnjlng fifty men.Tl.cv turn out filtv beds ol one kind dailr.They, too, contemplate enlarging their faculties.

cirj.vts.There are twenty-on- e cigar factories In

Leaveunorth, which pay early about tiO.VO

in Internal revenue for the stamps used upontheir goods. The tax paid per hundred cigarsU filty ceatF, showing that the amount ofcigars made early Is In round Lumbers fourminiun.

C.gar makers will arer.ee about SO) cigarsdail, r rone man will make lu S'JO worklugelavs.CO.CHO. The number of cgar bauds 111

tl.is city, with these figures al a basis of calculatlou, is sixty-six- .

M ALT 1.1 Q. l.'Otu.Taking the revenue figuits in the fame

wjy as above, we find that Leaveuwoith'sthresj breweries pay yearly S10.000 in leveDuetaxes. 7he tax per gallon upon ber latwelve and one-ha- lf cents, wh ch wouldmake the total number of gallons mauufaclured In tbe city 3 early eighty thousandgallons.

VACONS AM) CAKKtAf.IS.The lmiK)rtauce of thU manufacturing In

te'tst Is far greater than Imagined by evenour own aod when the facts aleshown, supported by figures, the resnlt issimply astonishing. Old Mother Earth couldspeedily bo girdled by the many vehicles forutc9 uoiu lor pleasure anu prcui, whichLeavenworth is sending out and which aresold every wnere.

The Kansas W'ngon Compnny manufacturesG vn a ear 01 spring, piaiiorm. ireigiit anufirm wagons, representing at an average ofI 5 tor earn veulcie.a liusincssoi tiw.iuu.

W G. lies- turns out 'JUU farm wagons and75 light wagons in a ear. Ills early saleswill reach SJj.OOO, and fenrteen to sixteenmen nre emrdoved.

s. D. orlh manulaclures carriages, ofwhlcu he put up uvaiiuudred early.

J. I. von makes carriages in addition to repairing. He at the same time manulactiires

flit buggies aud light wagons, outside uf his ueueral work.

JobnCretors empks adczsn men In hiscarriage ana repair suop, noing aujut luesame In manufacturlngasabjve.


Uustav Ilretschneider manufactures several thousand dollars' wor.lt of baskets

early.M WOBKE1LS.

Hurdett A Heis employ twenty-tw- o men,and d3 a. monthly Lusiness of about S2,K0.Twenty-tw- o men are cmp!oed on to-u-

stones and cut stone work in manufacturingand selling.

P. Geraughty alo does a large business Inthe same line, amounting up in an enuai extent, keeping men at the shops and ujion there-a- constantly.


U.S. KurriCo. find employment for fiftymen in making boots nnd Fhoes, and expectlovery largely increase ineir laciiities.


The Ltavenwerth Hag Factory turns outSOU) ba:s and burlaps daily, furnishing emplo meiit In manufacturing the same lotwent -- lo jr persons.


II. J. Helmeis orenea a tnort time ago amanufactory of barbers' supplies of all kindsTho business being n new one, but whosesteady growtn is tie guarantee 01 lis permanence. 11 is scarcely possible to estimate uponthe amount ol business which a ears workwill bring forth. He Is now getting out av ery handsome illustrated catalogue.

I'Al'ER AM) CtRAIt I10XL3.

II. A. liken-- , manufactures paper boxes,while J.Vo;el A Co. manufacture c'gar boxes.Il3th do r thriving business, although theli2';n-- s upon the amounts are not eatlly ob-tainable.

WOOLEN JIlLI.s.Owen Duffy employs about fifteen persons

in tbe manufacture of woolen goods, whichhave ready sale abroad

soap lAeToru-s- .

There are two soap factot)es, both doing alarge business toip Is soldover where In thu West.

CE0CEBS' StNi'LIES.Harrop's Gracer Supply Company and Spice

Mills do a business ot $10,000 yearly, and ex-le- cl

to Increase thai business four times thisear.

MEDICINE.The Drown Mtdiciue Company emp'oys

twenty persons. List year their business in--

creased thlrty-fl- v e per cent, and reached SIO,- -OU). This year the per cent, of Increase is;iealerand the s lies will reach SCj Iw.

JEWELRY.II. X. HcrsLfleld manufactures all bis gold

and silver goods, his busluess being from10 000 to KM.OOO early, and employ ment lie- -

tc given to twenty-fiv- e lmn. Hve travellug men are 011 tbe road constant! .


Although not properly belonging to themainif.ctuiln; class, tho coatslmf --an with Justice bs adde.1. Ihe pro-duct ..f the mill, is lU.OuO bushels dally, andoveriwo bundle" meuareempioeu.

VVAIll. VI1L lUKNACES.11. U: Varncy manufactures these very

nsfiul contrivanc-- s and does an extensivebuiLosi ov . r thi. st ate.


Theo'des bllsiird firm of Woo'.f Ilrotbcrs111 .ist not Le .rgof.en, who do business every-v- v

bete in te W est.TKUKMAKEl-- s.

Frogling A Co. report that their earlysales upont nnfcF.wul.h they manufacture,will rechio W)


Munson A Burrows have forty men in

manufaclnr'riethe alve articles,and doa business ot So ,WJeariy.


Pcsldcs these above enumerated, is agluefacloryian extensive cooper shop, two vine-gar factories two broom makers, one cottonbatting factoi, a soda water factory, and.rimiM n few either-- , nil doing business inthe vast territory which nature has madotributary to tbe metropolis or the west.

A Nure XDlng.ir. Hunter's Specific and Injection No.

are warranted to cure Oonnorncea, Gloet,Cordee. Strictures, Diseases of the Kidneys, Blad-

der and Urinary organs of .males and fe-

males.Dr. Hunter'sPpecincNo.21sa snreremedy

for the Siermatorrho?H, Seminal Weakuess,nightly emissions, the loss of power,b sell-abu- or excessive Indulgence. Price01 Dr. Hunter's specific Wper bottle Inac-tion, SI per bottle, bent everwbare bjex-rres- s.

Dr. J.Dlnsbeer, sole proprieto ,o.Seventh street, St. Louis, Missouri

Send two stamps for treatise. Cure guaran-Stee- d

or th money refunded.Theo. Kgersdorff, Ai.ent, Leavenworth

Kjnsaf. mayllsoJAw

i:ic-ri- c ItrltsA sure for nervous debilitypremature e

cay, exhaustion, etc Tbe only reliablerure. Cliculars mailed free- - Address J. U.BEEVES Cliatham street, N. Y. oed:m

snre TlilDit.Dr. King's Syphilitic Kemedy Is warranted

to cure S philrs in the primary, Beoondaryand tertiary stages, and In all its varied andcomplicated forms and will cure the worstcascsof venereal diseases; cases which havaresisted the treatment of the most eminentphysicians of America. It cures the firststage and heals the ulcers In a few days. Itcures ulcers in the month, nose, throat, head,arms and legs; also bard pains In the bonesand Joints, swelling of joints syphilitic rheu-matism, etc.. In a short time. Price fivedol.Iars per package, bent everywhere by

A treatise on sexual disease, tree- -:ent mailed lor two stamps. Sold by Dr. J.Dinsboer, 115, North Severn n street, oh ixjuisMo. Cures guaranteed or tue money refund-ed. Theo. Lgeraaorti. agent, LeavenworthKauuis.

A 4JARI.To ali who aresuffer'ng from the etrors and

Indiscretions or yontn nervous weaKss ,eirl lecav loss ol manhood, Ac., I will sendu recipe that will cure you, FREE OFCIIAHGE. This great remedy was discoveredby a missionary In south America, send a

envelope to Hev. JosxTUT.Inxan, Saaon D., 2cw York CVif.


tiave Your Hair.' .H.eep It Beautiful."The "London Ralr Color Restorer" is the

most delightful article ever Introduced to theAmerican people, and Is totally differentfrom all other Hair Restorers, being entirelyfree from alt Impure Ingredients that rendermany other articles for the hair obnoxious.Where baldness or falling of the hair exists,or premature grayness from sickness or othercauses, its use will restore tbe natural youth-ful color, and cause a healthy growth, cleans-ing the scalp trom ail impurities, dandruff.ete, at the same time It is a most pleasingand lasting hair dressing fragrantly per-fumed, rendering the hair soft and pliable,making It an Indispensable article In everytoilet.

Ask: yo:r drugslst for London HairPrice. 75) a bottle; six bottles ft.

Main depot for the United States, 33) North6th street, Philadelphia, bold in Leavenwo:th by Arnold & Hunt,


To Kxchanse.Merchandtse- -I have for sa'e JI50.UV worth

of staple merchandise, all woolrsaie stock. Inprime order. Will sell In lots ot trom (5,000tot25,0U0, and take in payment one-thi- rd

cash and two-thir- pood real estate. Ad-dress MERCHANT, Box 2UI, New YorkCUy. ykJeodAwxmo.

Preseriptiaai Free.For the speedy cere or Seminal Weakness

Loss of manhood, and ail disorders broughton by Indiscretion or excess. Anynas me ingrcuienis. Aoonsi

Davtdsow Ox,JuccUodAwly TNi istKewYorx.


Toptka wants a packing house.

Anew temperance paper called the UcldenGa'e has been started al Newton, by Messrs.fcood and Werner.

A t.ood Kind of .lew si

Olatbe Progress, 11

We would be pleued If all onr correspon-dents would give the crop yields of theirnelgbborhrod when they can gst them.There Is no more Interesting.

The A.. T. A. S. r.IMonltor.

When tbe Santa Fe railroad Is completed toUusyama?, Mexico, tbe distance from NewYork to Australia by that route will bo 1,100mills shorter than by the way of Sin Fran-cisco.

Penned.WId field Courier, 11 I

Deputy Finch started to Leaven worth Mon-

day with the prisoners convicted at the lateof court. Ike White soes for three year.

Hoffman for oue ear and Punkard for threeyears.

Itain iu Itonruou Connty.Ft. scott Monitor, 12

About sev en o'clock last evening a most re-

freshing ralu st hi, much toof the country at large, bnt It somewhatdampen. d ihe attendance on tbe Pinaforeentertainment al the opera bouse.

A lirnphle Description.Walnut Valley Times, 12

Two girls who latel v ran away from Wichitaare thus graphically described by taelr father:"Laura, aged 18, dressed in a straw hat;Florence J. aged 16, blue suit " We trembleIn view of the possibility of tbe fair Laura'sstraw hat blowing oil".

In n Ilealtby Condition.IFt. Scott ltecord. 11.

Our borne manufacturers have a much bel-

ter trade than daring any correspondingmonths for the live preceding eurs, andevery kludof businesi shows that tbe coun-try is slowly but surely emerging from thebard times Into a more prosperous condition.

llorxe Nteallnc Prevail.Auguf ta Gaze-ttee- . 11 J

The stealing of horses Is becoming too fre-

quent. No les than halt a di zen have beenstolen from citizens ot this county within amonth, aud It Is time the people were takingsome steps to prevent it. A vigilance com-

mittee would probab'y exert a good lnllu-enc- e.

Itlue.(Wjandotte Gazette, 12

Can't the Gov ernor borrow twenty or thirtyfatigue nnlforms from Gen. Pope, at FortLeavenw orth, for tbe only lallltary companythat has been Invited to escort the President on his tour through Kansas? The fitmight not lie perfect iu every case, but thocolor would be much more appropriate thancon'ederate t,ray

Kn ltou'e.ILarned Optll.1

A delegation of tbe Irish Catholic colonization, spoken of heretofore, arrlv ed last t rlday morning, and visited several portions oftho couuty.especlaliy where they are Intendlug to fettle. We do not know as to whatfinal conclusions they came to, but thev Ielta few das afterwards for the purpose of vis-iting Hutchinson and Iteno couuty.

AniaHementH not Appreciated.I Linn County Clarion, lij

A pralrledog, a t rooster, a stuffedcalf, two men with an old fiddle In an old"rlcklty " wagon, drawn by a couple of "crowbait" horses, constituted a menagerie on thestreet on Monday. The admission was onlyfive cents with a lead pencil thrown In; butthat was too clleap for our citizens, so theypulled up Htakes and moved on to the nexttown.

Watch the Markets).rNorth Topeka Times, 12.1

Tbe farmers who have hogs to ship thisseason woule' do well to watch tbe marketsand not wait, as the most of them did lastwinter, and at the last moment, when themarket was flooded, run them In at a loss'rather than hold them any longer. Owinglolhevasl numbered hogs In the countrytins season. It wilt be well to noi wait unuithe market U glutted.

The Han nee County Fair.Larned Optic, 12.

Tbe Pawnee County Agricultural Societywill bo'd ttelr .'air this lall on tnelr newgrounds on tbe 21th, 25th and 26 of the pres-

ent moath. Many attractions are offered.Premiums to tne amount of five hundreddollars will be paid to succesful competitors.Entries are open to all, and everybody Is lv

Invited. Trotting and running raceswill be oue of the principal features.

Not Ignite Bun F.nough.Linn County Clarion, 12.

A flue ralu fell on Friday night followed bylight showeis on Snnday, but It will require agreat deal more to wet tbe ground enough toralsotbe streams and start up the splines soas to furnish slock, water for winter withoutdriving to the streams, it would be cheaperlor those WHO nave large uerus 01 siucie anuito mines of run nine water, to drill artesianwalls wbtcli would furnish an Inexhaustablesii mil y. lh loss in driving a herd twomiles to water lor a single winter would paytor tbe well.

Annual Church Meet In jr.The annual btate Meeting of the Christian

churches of Kansas will meet at Emporia onThuts lay. October 2d, at two o'clock p.m.,and continue over the following Sunday.The State Preachers' Meeting will meet onthe Tuesday preceding at tw o o'clock p. mDelegates attending via tbeM., K AT. andpa lug full tare will be returned at one-four-th

fare on presentallen ol a certificatesigned by the secretary. It is expected thatlike reductions w 111 be made by the A. , T. AS. F. and perhaps oiuer loaus. 111 ciaiepapers please notice?

J.E Pickett, Set 'y.

1'aetM and Figures).North Tcpeka Times, li.j

To clve the reader a faint Idea of the amountof pactlng that would be done hero if we hada packing houe, we have only to say thatduring one season In the winter of 1371-- thelate II. W. Baker packed here 2),CC0 alone,uearly all of which were brought In by thefarmers residing In this vicinity. This Isenough to sbow how the business would in-

crease with all the latest modern facilitiesfor future operations. Far as tbe season Isnun advanced, suitable buPdmgs can yet beerected here this fall. If operations are commenced at once, lor packing ai least i,iwhogs the coming winter.

A Resnlt or Foolins U itb Alcohol(Eureka Herald J

On Friday, beptember 5, W. M. Hummer,of Elk county, came nigh being killed by thecxplos'on of an empty alcohol barrel. Hareceived a severe wound on one hand and aslight wound on one arm, his bat was blownoff, his beard, eyebrows and hair singed, andhis beard Oiled with splinters and partlypulled out by passing pieces. All that savedhis Hie was a gimlet hole through whichsmoke esraned. causing him to move hishead to one side (looking to sec where tbesmoke cme Irom) jusi tarenougn to ne nurs-ed by the main part of the barrel bead, whichwas thrown to the lop of the shop with suchforce as to shiver hard, seasoned wood.

Campmeetlns: in Cbaae Count-- .

CliaseCountyLeader.ilA district campmeeting under the auspices

of tbe Huteiilnson district of the M. E.Church, south Kansas conference, will beheld at Cedar Point, on the A . T. A S. F.railroad, commencing Thursday, Septemberlsth, 1ST9, at two o'clock r. M., and continuesone week. There will ba a boarding hall ontheRround', lurnlshed and controlled b tbeorganization, where meals will be furnishedat a low price-- All other stands are positivelyforbidden by tbe organization. Lach familywill be expected to furnish their own tentsand lodging. Tbe grove Is a beautiful oneseats and water will be furnished and goodorder maintained.

Milpmcnts or Cattle.Osage City Time'.)

The shipment of fat cattle from this pointso far this month has exceeded any ship-

ment ever made from any other point In thecounty. The number since the 1th Inst, was

SSJhead, of which Messrs. Nathan A Herringshipped CCS. which they bought or MillerBros. The lot averaged about 1,100 pounds.Messrs. Hepsiey A-- Willing shipped 215 headwhich were the finest and best lot ever ship-ped Jiom Osage county. Ther averagedLBOi) pounds, and were as "fat as butter."The following is the record of shipment fromthis point for the week ending Thursday,Beptember 11th: Cattle. SG cars; wheat, 1 car;coal, IU cars: flagging. 5 cars; hogs.l car.Total, id. cars.

Trouble Abont Cattle.Butler County Enterprise.

The people along Rock creek and the divi-

des between that stream and Mnddy andTimber, are very ranch agitated about theappearance of disease among the cattle inthat section of the country. Several he adhave died and more are sick and the farmeishave seized upon a herd out there, and areholding It by force. LondthreaU have beenmade or a resort to violence, if an attempt Ismade on the part or the cattle men to removetheherd. wVcounselall parties to act withmoderation and not allow tot blood to infiaenee their actions, and ws believe the diffi-

culty can be amicably arranged. Any at-

tempt to settle it by shovguns wont do at au.

".orating- - the Depot.Concordia Expositor.

AIJ. Do land, of the Kansas Pacific, was Inown Tuesday afternoon, to settle upon thelocation of their depot in this place. Thatquestion had created more excitement here

the tint railroadthan any one question sine.nimi niond county, and is settled with sat.Ufsctloa to the railroad company, and. we

or tne ciiy. amKroStoeoiidned for that purnovtna norm amii e uiee jS -- II-- - mv Bflsn. inwuiiii sus: wpi.rzVrzz-z- z. ". ji. ii fsa mSSaswMH saw , w


this week. A temnorarvbrirtn. wrlll hohnlltacross tbe Republican rtver.andoa Inelstnff.vjciuurr me --non roinooros- - 01 the K. P.will blow Its "bugle" Insldeorour city lim-its, and then the city of Concordia will bebooming.

Xcn England Dinner.IWolt lourler. ll.jAccording to announcment. some thirty

pareons whose nativity wis In some one orother of New England Mates, met st theAvenue House, on Wednesday last and par-took of dlnur prepared by tbe host of saidbouse. Beans and pumpkin pl were tbeprominent dishes, while the dinne.- - wasotherwise elaborately spread.

Bsfor dinner tbe president Col. Whitney,called the meeting to order, and said thatthe election ofotficeis was the first thing tobe attended lo ihey selected for Presidentof the society, A. P. blmoudi; Vice l're.ident,Lapt Blood and a L Brow n cecretary, Dr. A.FHtten;TTeasurer, F. V. Barret.

Upon being seated at tbe table, Mr. Herseypronounced th b'essing, and thst hungryset ot purltansjust cleared away yard alteryard of tbe good thing set before them.

A Kotv About a Nrliool Teacher.Wyandotte Gaz-ti- e, 12th.l

The colored people are quite indignant atthe action of the Boird cfKlucatlon iu em- -p'oylng J. D. Bowser as prlcc'pal of theirschool, under existing circumstances Itseems that serious chirg's hid been broj-h- tagainst air. oser in Kuns is. City, wherehehpd long been prirclpal of the coloredschool', and that when lie was called on foran explanation, he ru.1; ed, insured :promptly making uu eUorl to e'lab b-- hisInnocence. Thetolorrd peop'e bad a meet-ing Monday nlibt, and .1 vlnnn.ns protestwas made by Depity Mirshal Patterson audseveral other tulluentlal co'ored Kenllcmeuagainst the employment of Mr Browser. Sofar as we have b-- able 10 learn tbeoloredpfoplrt were all extremely well satisfied Willitheir former principal Mr Spencer, and donot understand or countenance h!s removal.

Jnst as Though Koiuethius I'unnrHad Keen NaitlOlatlie Progress, ll.i

We know a young mau about twelve yearsold that has earned a good ltcklng.whlch willbe presented to him tbe first time we meethim. TLe other day, while marketing, w3purchased a large slza cabbage bead, aud aswe had a number of other things to carry, frrconvenience we carried the cabbage head onour shoulder. We had not gone but a lewsteps when wo I card the aforesaid youngman yell out; "Say, Mr. Iiiitor!" We turn-ex- !

around with, "Well, unit is wanted?""Oh, nothing much;! ju-- t wanled to knowwhich one of thoe bends luruishevl thebrains for the J'rogrtti." We did not w ail foranswer, but a lot of 011 the cornercoram. ticsi to Iiush Ju't as If somethingfunu had been sild.

Dutch Henry t sainsaline County Journal, 11 j

That which might have proved a tragi dyhappened 011 0 psum creek last . Hen-ry Prudent and wife lived at their farm ontbe Saline rlv er, but the wife becamecstrauged an 1 left her liu'bind, to take up her resi-

dence on Gypsuin creek. A German whowent through life Weighed down with the fes-

tive name of "Dutch Henry," had becomeenamored of Prudent's wife, and desired tobe near her, and followed he latter to Gyp-sum Creek. Henry Prudent and uncle start-ed over to G vpsum one day last w eek, to goto the farm where the truant wife had estab-lished herself, fr the purpose of obtaining ndrill belonging to tbe uncle. Dutch Henry"an I tbe wile ordered Pruient and bis uncleouTthe premises. The former followed up hiscommands with an adv auee upon the w titon.A-l- ie went he seized a club, aud Jumpinginto wagon commenced K)tiudIng Prudent,was quite badly injured before his assailantceased his blows.

luka the Ccuntj Meat or 1'ralt County.Pratt County Press.

Early' last Tuesday laorulnj tbe voterswere ga'hcred at tbe different polling places,ready lo begin the conflict. Promptly at 9

o'clock the Judges and e'erkswere elected,and by noon nearly tho entire vote of tbecounty was polled. The boari did Its dutyand canvassed a'l the Iegel returns with thefollowing result:

luka, 173; Saratoga, 101; Anderson, 3. Asluka had a majority over all the places votedlor It was duly declar d the county seat. Thefollowing ofheers were elected bymajorities ranging from30to70: Represen-tative, W. 1. Hi-.nr- Commissioners, Jotiublllln, Thomas Goodwin, L. U. NarontCouuty Clerk, L. C. Thompson; Clerk DistrictCourt, Samuel Brumsey: county Tieisurer. R.T. Peak: Probate) Judge, James Neele ; Reg-ister of Deeds, Philip Haines; SbrlH. samuelMcAvoy; Coroner, P. small; Coumy Attor-ney, M. O Barney; surveyor, A. F. Carr;superintendent Public insiuctlon, Alexan-der Uubbs.

A City niarMhal Walloped.Eureka, Uera'd, 11.

A fiisco occurred last Saturday morningthat awakened no Uttlo merriment, somederision, and a good deal of disgust al tbepresent condition of onr police regulationsIt Is said that our is v ery talka-tive and frequently engages in altercationswith persons who are disposed to be noisyand who are thereby provoked to mole orless turbulence. It is elated that on lastSaturday morning at an early hour the mar-shal while engaging In a windy combat witha young man who was "feeling his oats'Invited the latter to walk outside the corporate limits and he would enlighten hlui inreference to a thing or two The joungmausaid he would be glad to accommodate him,and the two Immediately proceeded to tbefield south ot town, sparring at once com-menced and tho result was that the marshalfound It necessary to apply a quantity offresh beef to oucee and carry that memberIn a sling.

Do not begin your Singing Class-es boforo Examining L. O.

Emerson's Row Book


While containing a large and valuable col-

lection ofChurch Music 1 Ihe lnrm of Tunesand Anthems, It Is perfectly fitted for theSinging School and Convention by the largenumber of Songs, Duets, Glees, Ac, and itswll made Elementary Cours.

Price JJ.oo per dozen. Specimen copiesmailed fort 1 0).

Send for circulars and rtialoturs. with fullHit of standard Singiig School ooks.

The new 0 cbcedllloiiof Plnarore (com-plete) sells finelv, and FHtlnltziiJHO;, Sor-cerer (51 00). Trial by Jur (10 ets.), are In con-sla- nt

deman J

F.mcrxon'M Vocal Hethoil. by IO Em-erson (S1.W) Is a valuable new book for VoiceTraining, containing all tbe essentials ofstudy, plenty or exercises, and plain expla-nations, and costing much less than thelarger works on the same subject.

Subscribe for the Musical Kerord andreceive weekly all the news, and plenty ofgold music, for ti 0) per ear.

In press. White Itnbex, a charming newSunday school Song Book.


C.ll.DiTsovA-Ca- , J. E. Drrsov A Co.,SUI!rodwav-- , tC Chestnut SU,

New Yori. Philadelphia



113th .nontlily lirawing.

mm Slate Wery CompanY--

This Institution was regularly incorpora-ted by the Legislature of the Stale for Educa-tional and Charitable punoses In ISM, (orthe Term ot Twrnif rive Veavra, towhich contract the inviolable faith of theState Is pledged, with a capital of 11,000.000to which it has since added a reserve fund of(350,000. Its Cirsuadi (tingle NumberUlsiribailoa will take place monthly ontbe second Tuesday. Jl now teala or pot -pone. Look ai me loiiowing ausuiuuuuu .



1 Capital Prise.. J30,0001 Capital Prize.. 10,000l enmiai 5,0005 PrliesorCAW- - i,uoo3 Prizes or l,x). 5JJ00

20 Prizes of 5eO . lOWs)10) Prizes of 1ft).- - 10,000200 Prizes of 50.. . iooosot) Prizes of CO 10,000

laOPrixesor 10.. 10,1X0

APPROXIMATION PRIZES:9 Approximation Prises of 1300 2,7009 Approximation Prize) or 2U0. 1,8009 Approximation Prizes of liX) 9u0

1S37 Prizes, amounting to.. -J-llO.lOOttMinniibla eorresDondine agents wanted

at all prominent points, to whom a liberalcompensation will be paid.

Application for ra'es to clubs should onlybe made to tbe Home Office In New Orleans.

Write, clearly stating full address, lor fur-ther Information, or send orders to

X. A. UAUPHIX,P. O. Box 602, Sew Orleans, MjM,

AU our Cnmf faraonunar Drxncingt anunder the tupnruton and mansprmesf of GEN-ERALS G. T. UEAUBXa&BU and JUBAL

we jatAw

IjhwAmiaalTlCTKfsllsllltS""""!"?!?4m. aiw MummJmst'-i- -

ffr ?bg12 i. Juauei

1$ a Preparation ol IRON and CAUSAYAEndorsed by the Medical Profession, and recommended by them for Dvspcnola, General

male Diseases, Want of Vltallty,ic, Ac.Xanuftsclnred by Ihp Dr. Ila.-le-r Jledlclne- - C'o 3 X. Kaln SCrssrt, t. lajuu.

Tbe followlnglsoneofinevery many testimonials we are receiving dally 1

GnOwm Some three months ap I bepan thenseofDB.il enTER's Iron Tonic, npon the a triceormanririeiiuswiio knew its irraes. I was suiferlnz from general dcbllliy to such n extent Hut uirLtbor was exceeding!) burdensome to me. A or a month did not pive me much relief, tsilunthe rnnlrarr. was folfowe.1 hy lnrrex-.- prostration and tlnUnc chilli. At Ihls time I bnran the e ofjonrlKON tomc. from which I realized almost immediate and womicriul results. The o.d ener--rreturae.! and I fonnd that m uatnral force was not permanently aate-d- . I have used three tsttl-se- f

Ihe1ni since using It lbarc done twice the labor that 1 ererdi I In the same time dnring my Illness,and with double the ease. With the traniicli nerve and Tlpor or bn.lv. has come also a clearm-- w i.(tliourht never before eujoje-d-. IX the Tomc his not done the work, 1 know not what- - I give it tberedlt. Most gratefully yours,

Tlov, O , Jan. 2. IS3. J. P. Watson, Pastor Christian Church, Troy, 0for --tale by Dratchli and Vencral Dealers tirrjwhrrt-- .

nPlEps29'3E399ssft- - LsuF


H.J. Helsers kO-Esfs-.


j jjeaZJESR IN


Chairs, tsii2LsRfWISsHBHrsBt.iIookins

Glasses. Sm





Tills Chair Im Ilevon I Doubt


pi, ';, -- " r

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r m.

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j "tl fsarSstil In (- n t i an o- -l ra- - . ..I e nur jnaVin? rnvder fUj.t iu. 1 itn f . l in aLout (poilm' luilani--

1 I ;iomii!' of l riiiiurtl Xinl wt.ip ni ilt in tuftit'j nmutt vt'hiwtlut .j ml y uj u h wi'l b c.tun liiin to tho tcro iv'thnut

at x.nt3T n 11 ln Juiv i v iii uioi; mAj maIc hoap or fcoap tuaiioUva, thr 1 ;i

Onr ftr.Micnful will fof'ni fire "isi.i.i- - of Hani Tnlfr.I.IiWI L"i I- - - 42" x,l vti.1. &irj.swe. uiia ati utiicr Lyo or

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ninn.rn:j $ Binoi--

55 oJh.ruqo "grii,irj 'ttipt,! TIj.3. l3T'-"vj- h "'If :? )"".l efoji tJa mu ixswan '."iv? Miindm s . uaa v

saorayj joj ouil!is(ti v rC?3 NOW31nouintKiT ptnbiT njmroti lTiiSl nv "3N3KiOOJ.

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so;;uiV? hmo Z12V " rnoq osr. etoin ar.q pntr 'ejoq;o Ann nctjirinissj jotjocj e)0...;c ' taoejio oj.orzi joqou ao:i,ajwinpa tnojj ogjj

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ed and by best Physicians.all Druggists and Dealer

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Pain cannot stay where It Is ned. H is Mm cheapest mrd'c'no "vr mad" Flvedropscover a surface as lirge as the hand. Oaeflosecnr-scomino- i . .re Tbroar One bottle hascured Fi'tv cent's worth liNseursl an Old S an ling ouili It positivelyCatarrh, Asthma and Croup Flftvceut'n worth hascnr i Cr ck in Hie Hack, and the samequantity Lime Back of eh.ht years' standing. Ilcnres swilel Neck and ah oilier Tumors.Rheumatism Neuralgia, Ointract'on of the Muscles, S ill Joint-- , spinal Difficulties, nndPains and soreness in put, no matter where It rnav be, nor from what e it mayarise, it al win s ooes vim good. Twenl -- five cents' worth has cured bsit cases of t hronicandBloody Dysentery. One.easpoonfol curcsCoilcln flftn mlnntei. It will cure any case ofPiles that is possible to cure. Six or elget are warranted to rure any case ofExconaieetr.ippiesoriiiuame-- iireast. for Hrulses, irappliei often ami ikiuuu up. me.eIs never tbe s! ghlest discoloration of tne skin. It stops tlie pain ot Burn ns soon as,applied, and Is a positive cure for Cbllbains, Frosted Feet Rnis, wnrls. Corns, and woundsof every description on man or beast. Price. M cents and SI 00. FO)TEl MlLBURNacO.Sole Prop'rs, Buffalo. New York.

Sold In Leavenworth by Theodore Eiersdorfi".Go to your for Mrs. Freeman's National Dyes. For and durability of

color they are unequaled. tolor, 2 to 5 lbs., price 15 cents. eodAeaw

Stld free of U. S. Liquor License by


Of expenznud and eeooonircl houtcEeepen is given















Druwist brightness





Water easily penetrates Soaps made of nueatiocable material, which weatens and softens teem.TB0CTER& CAlWLE-- a MOTTLED OZRMAS JSOAP is made of DapnnijUt JUd Oil, the bestaatenal knows for producing Ars. 4wrmU rfftxdrr Soap, which water will not weakencraofteiv Tbesuu4)sstilcoBlutd toadtaaUec. AtcalfvilcHyJ. fpld cTcrywbere.


Lexington, Missouri.Twentieth term begins September 2. No

publ'c exhibitions; prosperous; sixteen teach-e- r.

stat d i- -l very ni advantagessuperior. Forcataloaue n.Mrtss.

J. A. QUAKLE3, Pres.


Attention Is respectfully directed to tfcefact that at this store may be found every ar-ticle In the lineof Drugs and Cb'ile'als, andpositively at the lowest prices. Prescriptionsfllleel at any hour of the day or night.

Cor. 5th ctChestrut StreetsSIIITTK I.KVIVUllRTII

Attention, Owners of Horses I

tih; xim- - ri -lKIltniot.tpermanent hi.-- , rui.( LilfeJ TVe part lor M5r net n!norCH ur maie-- tinti.a:eer fceeu jnwu -

.I and d.fc beui.reH --

IvlmprowilMucv.!.....lt, b Us, - leclnll nUrtltotlrt-cU.H-t- !l Miud loose toptwd collars. 1 he new pad olproper s.z sv.111 fit either. Being of smoo'iiniet.il the do not wear tlie mane and aiw iv sdispense, when ueeJe.1, their mtdiclnilvtruirs Tbeie are over .e uu.ilem aud a half 01them lu use. 1'ads made of other materiacan on'y temporarily hnve any curitlvepropertleswbatever.aud soon becomewortb-les- s

by Hbnision In cleaning them The ZtncPuis are so it by leading Saddler Hou-e- s

lhroughonl the counlry and harness) make'sseueraily sjc your Mnrness Maker lor

PAD10.. Buchan vn, Mich auu7 wJmo

BP . .


rVr KMI, l'ITTsKfltl.U.A first clss college for women. Education

al staiidsrd hlh. Advantages completel vt delightful situation In the whole cntni- -

I reiiiisqulte moderate Next term opens"sFITEVinsK Dili Auuress

hiss tiia.KV i:.ri:i.i.i.Titi:ir.llll31ull Acllmg

TSfliiaRe& STUDENTSI twnWIIssill W ."On10Uor.i0(I'l It Il( ril during 1 Forfu ipariiciti rn ml Iress

J C Jlce L RDY A C0.,S:.Lr ul AloJu lwst

AGENTS ! ed' 250i w picict-- .im! riHf ri.i.iT.ItUOKH 'JtTAMhMs, Mild IIIltM ,irrmn! compIVtf fy repn-Miit- In ur nwI.K1M) ,'OTiui-.Aiio-- i runsrrrfl S hook, by Niinple iagt- -, liliuUnK" liI n-- t rat loirs tc. Popular wrUs of erklnil Mire mmtws frir .ina-str- . AOactually wlshiDK KMTLO MFaT.a.ilress forUrniS.JHAMjlELI- - v.V LU , St. LOUIS, 3IO.


STANLEY'S iS'lSffit'TIir.ortJH the DRK CONTINTNT anddown Till. CONGO, lilhe-- most siiu.lit f..rthrllltngly interesting and f istesl sellingbook out Onlv authetitie uml completepeople'sedlllnu. IN ST l.M.KI -- OW N L VNG17AGE Profuse-- illustrated by full piueengravings ot exciting scenes and anven-tures. More matter for Ihe money than another. Ov er .) pages, largeoctavo, onlv SJ-- ).

AGI.MS UASilt.lt tosenil for nigr-al terms Or, to save time-- , send SUM forh I'LL outfit.ST ND RDEOOK HOUSE, ST. LOl IS, MO


II It I It t: A en's newmm Jewel Niniiimnry570 Uo to

CIIEAfF.ST I.N Till: Oltl.D.1Two simples with Jewelry, by mill. ospaid, 'J.1 cents. Illustrated Circulars of ta--iiloaml urintaii4asoveiiies iree.

J. IIKIIIKA '297 B " O A D W A -J-EWELNEW ol.K.Establlslird, 1S70. Favorably known through-

out the L nlted States.



71 I'LL Courso ' study In Ancient andt? Modern Lan .. .es Liw and Nor nit

I enartments now established. Music bcompetent" lnnructnr

Full session op ns -- eptemlierlittli.I or any deslretl Information, address.

JAMEs MARVIN, Chancellor,Lawrence, Kins.1..

Thirty thousand acres of choice lands InAnderson, Woodson and totfey ountieH, lorsaieou ver reasoiiame lerms AUtiress

av w. j. 1 1 v rtt 4 a w oi r,Itnd gent, Neosho rails Kansas

Hit ri:s. g

HOP B1TT1SSS.8i A &c icinc net a Cnnk (

tJNTalss SHOI'S, III Clir, IIWDllliei:,i)A.i)i:i.i.N. n

And the Purest and Best tiuabtlcsof a G

ITHL-Eii-r CTJilLE g

All DircareH of tLe Stomach, l!jwelrijjlilooel, Liver, Kidneys anil I nnary Org

.oSl.nll3r..a k.l,i...f. L IS1iir--

, I'tituu-iirrp- , i cuialr 1OoinnlainlH and Drunklssfw. a

B ivi iuiii sv f.ni ii ?"' '""' I

Will be naii for a cje thev will rotrtireJor help, or for acvihin impure or injur-- ?

ous fouuil in fiem. H

Ask your Druecist for Hon Hitters andHfree book, and trj the Bitters before youlIeep. c

Tho Hop Cure ani Pain Relief i.sthe Cheapest. &tt est rt-i- Best it


pitovEiiits. U

"Xons can be sic when the ptnmach.hitooel, liver and kidneys are health, auJitop l.iltera keep them to."'1 he greate!t nouri-hi- tonic, appe-ze- r,

strengthener and curative on earthHop Bittern.""It is impo-vibl- to remain long sicl

r out of health, where Hop Bitters are

'Vhy do Ifop Bitters cure so much"Because they give good digestion, riclilood and healthy action of all the organ;.'.. ,uv. L. r.

-- o msiter wnat your leenngs or annnt. Hop Bitten will do you good.

"Remember, Hop Bitters never dolarm.but good, always and continually.'

"Purify the blood, cleanw the stomachind sweeten Ihe breath with Hop Bitters ri

l tlet nerves and balmy tleep in HotBitters "

''So health with inactive liver andirinary organs without ifop Bitters."

fry Hop Congh faro and PainneliefFor sale hr Ans.or.n A Hcnt.Gforoe A

and 1 HE.) toueiaDjKr, wholesale.

A GOOD PLAN.Anybody can leam to matte money rapidlyoperating in stocks by the "Two UnerringItules lor Fuccess," In Messrs. ACo.'s new circular Thecoinblnatlonwhich this firm has made 10 successful, en-

ables people wltn largn or small means toreap all the bentflts of largest capital andbestsaill. Thousands of orders In varioussuras, are pooled Into one vast amount andco operated as a mighty whole, thus securingto each shareholder all the ad vantages of thelargest operator. Immense proflLs are di-

vided monthly. Any amount, from ft toHOOO.ormore, can be ned successfully. N.Y Jlnptu: HVeJUy.eeptemberirtth. 1ST, sas,

By the combination system S15 would make175. or S per cent : tv pays JSW, or7 per cent.;tlWmakeTl.G,GrW per cent. on thesiock.duringheminth, acconllng to the market,".Franfc IjttUe't IttuttrnUd Jleuipripn; JuneZith: ''Ihe combination method of opera-ting stocks Is the mewt successful everadopted. yorkJndrpmdent.Hrpt.KlUi"The combination system Is founded uponcorrect business principles, and no personneed be without an Income while It Is keptworking by Messrs. latwrenco A Co. 7frex.it- -Ijn Journal, a prn -- our editor m.dunet profit of I101.S5 from fJO In onw of MesriLawrence A Co.'s combln itions." New circolar (mailed frf-e- explains everything!Htocks and bonds wanted. Governmentbonds supplied. Lawrence A Co , Bankers,7 Exchange Place ,N. Y.

TAKE KArraCkasatsW

saTCMaiffrir.llMUllLrtf UUobswt

rat-lt- la th wgrii. It cvalaa 24 Wuf rpT,24ZavlnMt,rrttsrsraoUr,Gcl4s;a rs,ftat PCsstTsJoUJewtr7. OA4t4 mat ipMk4vT,wllI) plr flrrtuit Eacrd KkkrlUr BirUN-- r Stjt la

" J. MM ti, 27 HMIMT, MW KK, ,

MISCELLANEOUS!OJVrumftf, OeranGYm nil lltlt Edge m- -

mrtnl t'ardw. name In gold, IOc RAT4; Co., E. Wallingtord, Ct. mlw-Is- t

BvlifSgigrefflK.w will aj as 1 1 li mctu sn I

es ci t r t l.w . hrcy fMnmiioi), 10 wll our nwsoil w ai sv.nl -- . ill mtam vkat UTMtrtt. --IBS1 frn. Ama sllEUAUJ. eX, afaisliali. atich.


?J77 a.Montti aud espmses guaranteed toV. .:X- -' ,s" OulCttiee Mivvv-ACo.A-

gsta. M ni.- -. lebliwlyr.

Of) l"v,,, rosebud Ch.omo CS-.- or M Mot.-- J loCbromns s--i name, lOe Nassai. , ..WWII, .S 1 autialt


ltun, Utfcwr-nimilitBt.ii.lruyprril- e.t

Unt m alJjLlia J

a aJ Worrtln-- h,),uCChlV .rVllkDTliertiaslM4piari ntla t W R

NERVOUS DEBILITY,-:- .-;VrslM,t!oa -

t .Its -a .fr if Srsis .al ..rr... .. leu nl.r.M w iiiiiuuii.iiiii.ra, nir!:..)."' - i. f,r ?i s.tts.tfnifilit. l rr rfsl.r.ita

I 1 i ui, l.itn L... B.is. .tilliasL, etles, IU.

S57.60 A1.FNT"S pn'tlts is?r weekWill prove It or forfeit

N.-- art t ls. iusi i. ...itiiL smiiples sene. to all Idr.ss v. H. CHIHIJ.TFK. Ul

F illon st. N. isctSlwltt.n in si.ncil Outfits. Whit


4u. sl'sripitiv torso eis. e.ai--fr.e S M m-i- tit. IU rt'avl- --- I., Iaston, Mas septu-wiy- r

A VTI D to ell 1k Cu vsf-- e

J in ten ire Boos, New 1'rlceifiCHT: last luii ilw blejn-irmis-.i-

Ad.lrtss. Dr. ehase's lrinlla!rHouse, Ann Arbor. Mien. augSV-wl- r

iTv-- r v i it ti-- r.s. cncsp-- i tSrte;oi.i lotown it itiu. ttpte tttiieJitrr t)

v.:,ln w,.cuLi.rxslw 1

, Trrrtt i miciiti SN

ntcrr i,ce!iwiitrilt)s?s rta Intie , stpnlsl.

rttimrsa leTwnirlinais - 4.KST A .

Eli ln"t t . is" rim Itl Ill V fi itineKiiiiiitlt ti-- VtidrirfvH J Kr

Imiii Del oil, MirI n-- iM. ut r

S25 Every Day' W Can be cuiij mado with out

J$f Well Augers & DrLlsOnr m n and on horn rimrKt V

I ' Artiir nl maker of the1imiica- -nUsLrrttntrJ Iht-- lt t I nrtH

aalAcr jt ewrciiii mi itma.r from3ltif ! IiJ"IX.j t - rRit Addrrs.




Bu.Ms avlmss I n ttnug-i- t m fiir f. bfit with i k rtB, tstn-- v t 1 r III &.

n t.l Am Tartrets ft.

! S ittt r nnrtsig furchurr ft afcr w. rsTHttt OH rl s. I MM pu uoa r 1 PO t

aifa-- Mnsm, t fntifs n ih rrfMir Svta.1 ft,rt if mtt ttati (. r "IksJtrrsWr" nt oiac ailf Ui rilt f An nrnr sjsvsll kc

tina Oimti tb sril Archer en Anwn. . fttvl J yAlCxTsit(rS ifVm rsa. Mslftlf LltvU 4f lrfIT(l.JOHA ff ILUAdU J, i r, "7 Sl St., CaIKa

uu ; v it





K vrii. n i m 'nine 1j inf illlbly dnni HP in w. rl. in nnliioi.s r enst-- s for nior M

it llin.l ot n itiitury. when it Ii is jn at lu.l iter pirt.it Hi. worm, in:intnnlM rless 1 mill), s .v.rvwli re ein gjsider it tlie nnl sit r. . m nsiiiiiitlu i r a. id. ut. ii is i.rett s lie. to ealt W

i sueh a lue .He tne

rl THE BEST OF ITS KIM.I Thu H tin rise n.i tl IrIrnjilluliiit 1 1 ii I iti r ii t Ii Uiil 1 1

J tirliiKsiiiUllit ni i :t nltirililr Ii

I Ittirtt MulMliirl li.t It m i - tf rhrn-- jiuntisiiti.vcr on iiimI t ii fi.on-i'i- .l

4 aui tn f)tli( r l sui4 a n , ir-- IIMrfoniioil h tu oi ritil )ln-irn- tt

Muttnn I litimtriil.1I fitniis i out w ai t ! i jc

K Mustang I mr.ontJL 1)4 U t till ! . mrmhrnno nnl Si

tiHtll tttl( ' I -- tmil i tirin ' i tt4 . i a riwr Utnt H

ii ii er fjiN It i a ni Ii IIHR r Irtjttj ti. tik tli (I UX ,ll)ti'.l'5LVh.a

f orprt it l!f ir lf It? f't 1ti Hit r hiinltS priii it I th Hit. r nlisi h. lis j

UNf.-- t wild f ixII ur s I !, i uiui u rUi n ull uther

am ii siti1


sj.pli v rnr t imcU ailintuta vt UitIII M N I . . -- II US Ij ia e u iik it i till. rT iiiug iiiipTnlnf s 4 i.ttf - f Fui.i.lB Itlirna !

Htl ScnKIw, 4 tit . KruUn uittlSprnlii;, I'nUiiuoiiH Xtltrt niitlStlii"i. StIsTniss Iamiiri(, 4ltt

'M Sorts, I Irrr. J'rohtlilCrtf.C lilllilf .1 Sirr "Mjiplr t akel Jtrrait. ititil

'4 liiilcet! ccr form of external til- -ji'"""j It M th- - trr tf -- t rnv J fur !h lls- -

3 or-- rsn I u i l ii'- - 1 ntii Ii tnS 15l.LT i urui"', an l.if.t tiat has

ti r liii ii Liiiiivn I r inrt.ua: Stiruin.. Sf.intir. SHOT Joints. HiXiMliitlrr lfwriies. SorrtJInor

1 oot Kola. n-- Uonu, srnl,Holluw Horn. Srrntclir. Intl-nl- N

Spuxlli. Inrc), ItlliKHttr.hl Siirm. loll 1..1I. I ilni noil

EJtJ. Slight atitt cirry odirr ailmenttil) iiina tne orriipitni ii meisinlil. anil Stock nnl are Ilnlilr..... . .Sl.. ..(t..: ..A l ii I f ill. uiiitir ai ji - n uu l. a

3m ' t? I ni i ut hP3 fn n . 1 u J

ii l.'.r-u a lilt ajis eiiill.t3, Uivar of t srtimIt lisiilst ii Iilintif ft Smr. It I'Acu ful

P h v i it ol Uu. ui i i i.jm at trutxnj ty a u um jp If ii- rrto1r, ri I liTpp in'a.. . IT 1 1 t m lu t. v'j -- . r' rSfj n. til l Uvttll U v. it-it- .iinl i--"

. ill JCl e53 Jb iOF ALL

i i&8!13JIh B wtS u asf---

llfsaii ca a y?a

toe i:ait oe ssasi.


s , rl Horn CuttleTue undrslgneil announces that .bey will

set at pUvi'i siteal

Cameron, Mo ,

WEDNESDAY, 03. 8ft Iabout KIGiltY HKADof Cholrely Bred Dur-

ham Caitleof MIX fl FtMAI.EHand 1WEN- -T iOUNUELLL-- Ourolfrlngswlllcom- -prlsw representatl vi s of the fjlloitlng popular and useful families -

Rosa of Shaion. fcunse Mary Caroline. cioaby Lady, White andRom Roae, Louan, Vic oris, rtolivBly and other good srts. a would call attention to tbe fact that weaie offering overFORTY YOUrtiJ aXIMAL-- i under two earso'd, tbe Increase of our herds for th last ye irand a half Mr. Ireland Is selling bis entireherd, mostly females, ia e positive andw ltbout reserve

Tikms. Six months credit, wltbout inter- -

terest-- Cataloiues sent on application to J.W. Harper, Hamilton, Mo.

I . Hakper. Hamilton, 5fo.H-- C Irel-vsi- i, Moore viile, VIo.J Kreekenrldice, Slo.Col--J V iidv. Auctioneer

Lost l.sntl YVsrrnitr.Public notice Isherebv given, tba' Mlll'a'y

Bounty L.ud Warrant No.IlSU.bsned in ttname of Miz-- t Converse, for W acres, und.rthe act of March Sd,l-i- anilonlb' me,was by me sent In February 1871, toO J.Hopkins, of Leavenworth. Ksusa-s- . for loca-tion, and has been lest or destroyed. Tbpublic Is cautioned against purchasing thesame as I have never psrted wltli my titlethereto, anil I Intend to apply lo the Com-missioner of for a ol ihesaid warrant and a cancellation of theorlgi--na- l.

Enwis Pshkixk.WASacrcTos, D C , JuJy 7, 1577.

"!yl7,w-0-t- .