IB trlydtrereIfairvtaor bie ofe › lccn › sn87060004 › ...r 119 THE BE6 EARLINGTUN ICY e-J t =...

r 119 THE BE6 EARLINGTUN ICY e- J t = it1I 1uers w7rarsreueao rresredm 1 Falling hair means weak hair Then strengthen hair feed it with the only hair food Ayers Hair Vigor It checks filling hair makes the hair Hair Vigor grow completely cures dan- druff ¬ And it always restores color to gray hair all the rich dark color of early life Mr heir wIn out Imilr and 1 WM trlydtrereIfairvtaor made halt RUI COUhI whit It lb be llBneccx Po ALLKN Elizabeth N J i1oo a battle r C A TEn CO Adidas < it forinwcilr Palling Hair A Defective Memory Mrs Ferguson hnd just returned from an entertainment and was 111 cslashfi over a young woman elo outlonist who had taken part in it Sho had on n trained gown nt link purple vojvot sho said with bodice trimmed in deep capo collar of teal Irish Inca and lace cuffs Sho Wore her hair pompadour and had a diamond cluster at her throatI What did slit recite asked Mr Ferguson Something about a little girl whoso mothor lost her in the park or somewhere tvo forgotten tho nnmd of it You know wall onuugh what a wrotchod memory I have lint it was awfully txuliotlo What are yon grinning about Id like to knowfChlcRKO Tribune How Avoid Pneumonia Wo havo nover heard of a single instance of a cold resulting In Pnuli monln or other lung whoa Foley Honey and Tar has boon coughJnit Ask for FoleY Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered Jr O J Bishop of Agnow Mich writes I have used Foloys Honoy and Tar in three very severe cases of pneumonia with good results in every case For sale by John X Taylor gamuol L Clemens Mark Twaiu who has been confined to his bed for three weeks with acute bronchitis Is repor jid to be recovering During tho first ton days of Janu ¬ ary 14000 immigrants arrived at El UB Island During the same period 487 persons wore dnportod Senator Cockrell of Missouri has decided to accept tho position of tho Interstate Commerce Commission offered him recently by Prosldon t Roosevelt Tho nicest and plcasautest medi ¬ lIne I have used for indigestion and constipatloJU Is ChamberlainsStom aon and Liver Tablets says Molard F Craig of Middlegrove N Y They work like a charm and do not gripe or hare nut unpleasant DrugStoroEarlingtonl3 Gap Jno X Taylor Enfllngton John Alexander Dowlc has con ¬ firmed tho report that lie proposes to establish a second Zion City In Mexico and will occupy part of a tract of 1000000 acres acros fronting on tho gulf of Mexico He an ¬ nounces that ho will have the Mexi ¬ can Zion City completed boforo Jan- uary 1 1000 The grand jury at Pueblo Col hat returnnd thirtyone new indict- ments ¬ charging fraud in connection with the recent election You Know What You are Taking When you take Groves Tastolos Chill Tunic because the formula showing nine in a tasteless form No cure no pay 5O- oFormer Gov Peabody filed his contest against Gov Alva Adams onargiug fraud and conspiracy in Denver anti in several other coun ¬ ties The Colorado Sonata unseated two Democratic members and seat- ed ¬ Republicans The Democrats nl lego Unit a twothirds vote is neces sary to expel and may apply to the 8u0reuia Court for redress Mr Wm S Crane of California Md Buffered for years from rheu ¬ matism and lumbago Ho was dnall advised to try Chamberlains Pain Balmtyhfch ho did and it ef ¬ fected a ooinpleto cure For salo by St Bernard Drug Store Earlington i BT Robinson Mortons Gap Jno L Taylor Earl ¬ ington When hypocrites meet the devil has time to eat Hd cannot bo a saint who willnot ha H servant YOU have no right to complain that ttho sermpn is thin If you are keeping tho preacher on a water gruel salary jk I r An Almost Faultless Climate For time climate of tho Everglades is almost faultless It is singularly equable showing no extremes of heat and cold and not subject to sudden change Even a norther coming out of tho region of ice mid snow IB soon softened to mildet- engmeraturo and tho heat of sum ¬ mer IB made genial though tho mer ¬ curt pray bo wolf up in tho eighties by tho ozonized air which is every ¬ whorl in the Glades The year is divided Into the dry and rainy sea ¬ sons Time latter may bo roughly spoken of as including Juno and September although well in the Glades sudden light showers In lim ¬ ited areas aro likely at any season and In the autumn a high degree of humidity is constant A lifetime might be spout in the region and no sign of malaria over bo discovered Pure air that moves in gentle breoxoos over a vast expanse of more water is tho perfect assurance of health as evinced in tho fine physique splendid coloring and atholtlc vigor of tho Seminole who has a monopoly of as fine a climat- as there Is on earthFrom 111ho Everglades of Florida In time Feb- ruary ¬ Century Good spirits Good spirits dont all como from Kentucky Their main sourco is the livor and nil tho fine spirits over made in tho Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad liver or the lrodUces ¬ and a bad liver at tho same timo Your liver must be in fine condition if you would fool buoyant happy and hopeful bright of eye light ot tttop vigorous and successful in your Infine August loW01tho greatest of all medlO1noH for tho IIvur and stomach and a curtain euro for dyspepsia or Indigestion It has bean a favorite household lomody for over five years August Flower will make your liver healthy amid active and thus Insure you a liberal supply of good spirits 1rlnl size 2Go i regular bottles 76o At all druggists I Must Have Stamps rho poBtoilloo department rules that all mall found by a rural car- rier ¬ In army box without stamps or proper amount of money tor post- age ¬ must be collected and taken to tho poBtoiltce from which tho route is operated and hold for postage This ruling means the owner of a mall box lens absolutely no control over It f Tonic to the System For liver trot iHo and constipation there Is nothlngftetter than Do Witts Littlo Early Blsors tho famous lit ¬ tle Pills Tnoy do not weaken the stomach Their action upon tho system it mild pleasant and harm ¬ LaFayetteInd Little Early Risers do tnolr work All other pills I havo used and make mo sick in tho stomach and never cured me DeWitts Little Early Risers proved to be the long perfect ¬ Early Risers time most reliable rome ¬ dy to carry wlih them Sold by St Bernard Drug Store A sensation was created in tho lower house of the Missouri General Assembly by the Introduction of a resolution calling for an Investiga- tion ¬ of tho report that Thomas K NeldrlnghauB Republican caucus nominee for United States Senator had accepted 21000 from tit Louis brewersfor the purpose of Infiuenc ¬ ing legislation at tho present session Twenty persons wore killed dur- ing ¬ the labor disturbances in the oil regions about Tlllls and forty tour oil towers burned No More Stomach Troubles All stomach trouble Is removed the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure itt gives tho stomach perfect rest byI digesting what you oat without tho upI ach to health You dont havo to diet yourself when taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure J D Ersklno of Allenvillo Mich snys1 suffered Heartburn null Stomach troublo for sometime My sisterinlaw hasI had tho same troublo and was pot able to eat for six weeks She lived entirely on warm water After tak DyspepslnOure now oats heartily and is in good health I am Ind to say Kodol gave mo instant relief Sold by St Bernard Drug Store A man giving his name as Gesslor Rosseau and having In his posses ¬ sion an unloaded infernal machfno was arrested In Philadelphia and confessed to attempting to destroy tho statue of Frederick tho Groat In Washington also to sending the trunk containing an Infernal ma ¬ chine to time British steamship Um bria at Now York In May lDOnI Imperfect Digestion Moans less nutrition and hi con ¬ sequence less vitality When the liver falls to secrete bile the blood becomes loaded with Ulllous prop ¬ erties the digestion Im ¬ and tho bowels constipated Horblno will rectify his it gives tone to the stomach liver null kid ¬ strengthens te appetite copmploxionIimfusos whole system 60 Oent a bottle Sold by St Bernard fDrufc Store r A T fts PiUs utlmulitto the TORPID LIVER strengthen the digestive organs bowels and are un rcquuiulasan ANT BILIOUS MEDICINE In malarial districts their virtues ore recognized as they peculiar properties in freeing the system Elegantly sugar coo ted Take No Substitute WALKS THE TONIC OF LIFE Fine Vigorous Stride Is Rapidly Be ¬ coming a Poetic Fancy The ufine intoxication of an old fashioned saunter or n vigorous ton ¬ ic stride on foot is rapidly becoming a poetic fancy not to be Indulged in by the city man or woman unless prescribed by the physician as a last desperate remedy for the me ¬ grims which waylay the lazy says bie ¬ cycle has fallen into disrepute of late because bicycle riding is too close an approach to walking The trolley car gives motion without ef ¬ fort Tho microbe of laziness de ¬ velops at a marvelous pace on the broom stick train and laziness begets appendicitis and many other undesirable thlmrs One of the latest devices of the evil one to hasten the legless ago Is tho auto mobile There Is no remedy for tho sesquipedalian disease known as automoblllousness save plain walk ¬ tub Thoro are some survivals of walking age among us who walk as a part of the dally duty despite fivecent faros and alluring subur ¬ ban routes The hopo of the race is in the rare individuals who go afield When tho languor of spring is upon us Nature is In her most In ¬ viting mood and bids us como Give me Elmoclear blue sky over my head says Hazlitt in Going on a Journey and time green turf boheath my toot a winding road bo ¬ foro me and a three hours march to dinner Four Hundred Babies St Vincents Infant Asylum Chi- cago shelters homeless waifs await ing adoption and there are nearly 400 babies thero Sister Julia writes I cannot say too much in of coughslcolds Contains no opiate and is safe and sure Ask for Foleys Honoy and Tar and insist upon having Ili as it is a safo remedy and certain In re ¬ sults Refuse substitutes Sold by Jno X Taylor King Edward signed a proclama- tion ¬ convening Parliament on Feb- ruary ¬ 14 1 Thirtyfive thousand coal miners are now on a strike throughout Ger ¬ many aiid the trouble is spreading At Chicago a man lulled his wife and one daughter fatally woundedc another daughter and cut Cured Lumbago A B Canman Chicago writes 4 1903 Having been trou- bled ¬ with lumbago at different times and tried one physician after another then different ointments and llnaraeuts gavo It up altogether So I tried once moro and got a bot ¬ tle of Ballards Snow Liniment which gave me almost instant re ¬ lief I can cheerfully recommend yourlint and 1c Sold by St Bernard Drug Store The immense plant of the St Louis Plato Glass Company at Valley Park westof St Louis and vnluodI at 250000 was destroyed firoI Hundreds of employes will be until tho plant can be rebuilt President Roosevelt has como out against the proposition to reduce thoI congressional representation in the South and it is said no legislation in this direction will be put through during his term of ofilce For a badtasto in the mouth tale a tow doses of Chamberlains Stom ¬ ach and Liver Tablets Price 25 centsFor sale by St Bernard Drug- Store Earlington i B T Bobmsou Mortons Gap Jno X Taylor Earl In ton The Original ChfcagQorlglnatedHouey remedy and on account of tho groat merit and popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many are offered for tho genuine Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered as no other preparation will give the same satis ¬ faction It is mildly laxative It oontalns no opiates and is safest for personsBold VJOB WORK Will receive prompt atton- f Lion at this office Estimate furnished upon application I J g d- I k > U The Custom of Treating Tho American treating customs to be blamed for a lurgo amount of Intemperance Tho average mali who drinks occasionally is a good follow Ho is good hearted But the desire to foster good fellowship and a disposition to be generous are fre ¬ quently the nauso of his undoing The custom of setting up the drinks is tho cause of much over drinking if fetich a term can bo used A man goes into the saloon Ho wants only ono drink A gang of friends como in He cannot got away without drinking with all of them That is tho ethics of the bar Before he leaves he Is filled up If one Is determined to drink and thero aro millions who seem thus determined the safer procedure is the Dutch treattho kind where ovary man treats himself Our Ger ¬ man fellow citizens follow this cus ¬ tom largely and one seldom sees a German much the worsefor liquor The man who follows the treating custom is probably a moral coward Ho is afraid of offending Tho con ¬ ventions demand that he should tlBot em up to the boys and ho is too weak to refuse He fears being called a tight wad The man who bows to tho treating custom is pro ¬ bably also a fool He acts foolish ¬ ly He drinks when ho has no de sire Ho makes an occasion where thero is no sensible excuse In a competition of generosity ho makes a swill barrol of himself to please his follows He prostrates the fir tue of his friendship and makes it a vice Do not drink at all Abstinence is the only safe course If you must drink go It alone Make every oc ¬ casion of it a Dutch trot tCloyo ¬ land Press To California Via Scenic Colorado or True South ¬ ern Route Dally through Pullman standard sleeping cars St Louie to San Francisco via the Missouri Pa ¬ cilia Ry and Scenic Colorado Elo gant tourist sleeping car service oV ory Tuesday and Thursday from St Louis Daily through Pullman stan ¬ dard sleeping cars St Louis to Los Angeles Cal via Iron Mountain Route tho True Southern Route Naw tourist sleeping car excursions via Iron Mountain Route and El Paso leave St Louis every Tuesday and Saturday The service and equipment is strictly up to date Round trip and low rate one way tickets are on sale via Iron Moun ¬ tain or Missouri Pacific Ry from all principal points the East For berth reservations and full informa ¬ lion address any representative Missouri PacificIron Route System orR T G Matthews TPA Room KyorN Louis Mo What He Needs Missourii young with her gloves on The editor of this paper needs bread with his shoes on he needs it with his trousers on and unless tLo delin ¬ quont readers of this old rag of free ¬ dom pay up soon we will need bread without a darn thing on Rev Carlisle P B Martin L L D OfWaverly Texas writeBHOf a morning when first arising I often find a troublesome collection of phlegm which produces a cough and Is very bard to dlsloge but a small quantity of Ballards Hore- hound at once disloge It and the trouble is over I know of no medicine that is equal to it and it is so pleasant to take I can most cordially recommend it to all per- sons ¬ needing a for throat lung trouble 25o BOc and 100 by St Bernard Drug Store The Proper Way A Young Wife writes to know if Is proper to punish her husband after he has stayed out very late by refusing to give him breakfast The nuswOjis that if he has been very is not llkelyto care for break- fast ¬ Possibly it would bo a bettor plan to empty the water cooler Washington Post Speedy Relief A salve that heals without a scar is DeWltts Witch Hazel Salvo No remedy effects such speedy relief It draws out inflammation soothes cools and heals nil cuts burns and bruises A sure cure for Piles and skin diseases DeWItts Is the only genuine Witch Hazel Salve Be- ware of counterfeits they are Jan gorousSold by St Bernard Drug Store Last year in Cleveland dhlo there wero 8884 marriages and 920 divorce cases or just one divorce to over four marriages This is a re- cord ¬ that lias never been equalled anywhere in this country Fire at Olatho lan destroyed property worth 160000 If vinegar would preserve morals some men are sour enough to save the world Coughs and Colds All coughs colds and pulmonary complaints that are curable are quickly cured by Ono Minute Cough Cure Cleats tho phlegm draws out tho inflammation and healfl and soothes the affected strength- ens ¬ the wardsofr pneumonia H rrl1lcssRl1dpleasaut to take Sold by St Bernard Drug Store r fi > HE above picture of tim man und fish is the track1 mark of Scotts Emulsion and is tho synonym foi strength and purity It is soul in almost all the civilized coun ¬ globeJf became extinct it would be a worldwide calam ¬ ity because tho oil that conies front its liver surpasses all other fits in nourishing and lifegiving properties Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scotts Emul ¬ sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can tnbdt and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taskv Scotts KiiHiisi m is the best timing in thi world fur venk backward children tliiii lielimt people onlln illruluhitioma of vusting and lost strength Stud for f1ot asd SCOTT BOXVNK CIIKMJS l 400416 rEAiiz muter XKV YOJJK TIc ant IM A II draggled WILL STOP PAPER If Contribution is Not Published Tho Henderson Gleaner has the foiling in last Fridays issue Some one at Robards has sent in some neighborhood notes for publica- tion in the Gleaner Tho party has not given his or her name We do not know who it is from But who ever it is appends this note Put this in the Robards notes If you dont I wont take your paper any longer We have tried in every way pos ¬ sible to Inform our readers that we do not publish communications with ¬ out knowning tho writer Wo do not publish tho writers name But WE MUST KNOW time writer We invariably consign such communica ¬ tions to tho waste basket Ot course we would be sorry to lose a subscriber but if our un ¬ known correspodent at Robards makes it a condition of his or hoi subscription that he or she shall dictate what shall go in the columns of the Gleaner then we will have to loso our Unknown as subscriber Should the writer of this particu- lar ¬ communication have signed his or her name It would have reached thee waste basket just the same Hero is a sample Miss is very sorry that Mr has quit coming to see her uWe have had a Snow and most every Body is Setting by the Warm fire they was a few People Went out Possom hunting and caught a good manyMr attended on Miss SundayMrs has got the Big head at this writing We would suggest that our Un ¬ known might profit by a few yoars more in school Wo are at all time anxious to kayo news In fact we spend several thousands of dollars annually to get the news but we fall to seo any semblance to news in the commUni catfan from ourunknown subscriber Pleasant arid Most Effective- T J Chambers Ed Vindicator Texas s Dec 25 1002 Liberty pleasure and unsolicited by you I boar testimony to the oura tivo power of Ballards Horohound Syrup I have used it in my family and can cheerfully affirm it is time most effective and ploasantost rem ¬ ody for coughs and colds I have ever used 25o 50o and 100 Sold by St Bernard Drug Store A little boy who wa asked where a Spider got the tbreadto make his web answered Ults the raveling othls shirt I saw him take It ALLs Her Card of Thanks s aie llowing card appeared in a iytfiourl ifmpur Mr Editor I tQ tItaukmyntmmy friends and neighbors most heartily in this man- lier ¬ for their cooperation during tho illness and death of my lato hus band Who escaped from me by tho hand of death on last Friday while eating breakfast To my friends and all who contributed so willingly toward making tho last moments and time funeral of my husband a success I desire to remember most kindly hoping these lines will find you enjoying the same blessing I have also a good milch cow and roan gelding horso eight years old which I will soil cheap God moves in a toperforth tho sea and rides upon tho storm Also black and white shoatcheati n SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFE ofe Louis the best semiweekly nev paper in the country and FARM PROGRESS Americas leading ag- ricultural and home monthly will be sent to any address or to separ ate addresses when so requested for ONE DOLLAR A YEAR THE TWIOEA WEEK REPUB ¬ LIC for nearly a century has earned and maintained the confidence of half a million readers It covers the news of the world thoroughly and accurately anti issues special State editions each containing the latest and most reliable reports of the particular locality in which it depnrtmontsI in the country It is published ov- ary ¬ Tuesday and Thursday eight pages each issue sixteen pages a week FARM PROGRESS issued on tho first Thursday of each month con ¬ tains sixteen or more full standard size newspaper pages filled with up todate farm literature and special departments for the home fashions boys and girls fiction etc etc It Is published by Tho Republica guarantee of Its excellence and high character It will PAY 3 oUto take advan ¬ tage of this special offer NOW USo this ORDER BLANK The Republic St Louis Mo Inclosed find 100 for which send Time TwIceaWeeloBeiV public and Farm Progress one year to- Name PO RFD No State NOTE If you want only Tlfe TwlceaWeek Republic the price is 05c a year The price of Farm Pro gress alone is lOc a year i Another Good Kan Gone Wrong He neglected to taiga Foleys Kid ¬ ney Cure at the first sign of kidney trouble hoping it would wear away Brightsdisease but if Foleys Kidney Cure is taken af once the sympjtoms will disap ¬ pear the s are strengthened yvellA had to get up ten or twelve times in the night and had a severe back- ache ¬ and pains in the kidneys and was cured by Fole 8 Kidney Cure Earlingtoa A Word Abot Coon Hollow People go to the theatre as a rule1 to be interested and amused that is why plays hkeuA Romance of Coon Hollow aro so well liked This popular comedy drama has a story that holds oneIt is not a far western pieceits scenes aro laid In the Tennessee mountains It has funny scenes galore and its char ¬ actors are as quaint as those of Dickens Besides that thorn Is a dramatic strength seldom seen ex ¬ cept in the standard dramas In the whole range of tho drama no more exciting rolos can be found than the mountaineers Clyde Harrod and Lam Stockwell Tho play is given with special now scenery mid a fine cast Temple Theatre Saturday night Jan 28 The first time small Bessie attend ¬ ed a luneral she asked why tho lady died Because God called her11 she was told A few days lator she was tied m her little chair because she had beent naughty After nitting quietly for a time sho said Mamma if God called me now I couldnt go cause Im tied fast 1 Resolvo to perform what you ought perform without fall what you rosolvo Franklin SICILIANIair Renews the hair makes it new again restores the freshness Just what you need if your hair is faded orturning forltahvirsr- estores I the color Stops falling hair also1mrw7ir 4 i r ri n 7 1

Transcript of IB trlydtrereIfairvtaor bie ofe › lccn › sn87060004 › ...r 119 THE BE6 EARLINGTUN ICY e-J t =...



    J t =it1I

    1uersw7rarsreueao rresredm 1

    Falling hair means weak hairThen strengthen hairfeed it with the only hair foodAyers Hair Vigor It checksfilling hair makes the hair

    Hair Vigorgrow completely cures dan-druff


    And it always restorescolor to gray hair all the richdark color of early life

    Mr heir wIn out Imilr and 1 WMtrlydtrereIfairvtaormade halt RUI COUhI whit It lb be

    llBneccx Po ALLKN Elizabeth N Ji1oo a battle r C A TEn COAdidas < it forinwcilrPalling Hair

    A Defective Memory

    Mrs Ferguson hnd just returnedfrom an entertainment and was 111cslashfi over a young woman elooutlonist who had taken part in it

    Sho had on n trained gown ntlink purple vojvot sho said withbodice trimmed in deep capo collarof teal Irish Inca and lace cuffs ShoWore her hair pompadour and had adiamond cluster at her throatI

    What did slit recite asked MrFerguson

    Something about a little girlwhoso mothor lost her in the park orsomewhere tvo forgotten thonnmd of it You know wall onuughwhat a wrotchod memory I havelint it was awfully txuliotlo Whatare yon grinning about Id like toknowfChlcRKO Tribune

    HowAvoidPneumoniaWo havo nover heard of a single

    instance of a cold resulting In Pnulimonln or other lung whoaFoley Honey and Tar has booncoughJnitAsk for FoleY Honey and Tar andrefuse any substitute offered JrO J Bishop of Agnow Michwrites I have used Foloys Honoyand Tar in three very severe casesof pneumonia with good results inevery case

    For sale by John X Taylor

    gamuol L Clemens Mark Twaiuwho has been confined to his bed forthree weeks with acute bronchitisIs repor jid to be recovering

    During tho first ton days of Janu ¬ary 14000 immigrants arrived at ElUB Island During the same period487 persons wore dnportod

    Senator Cockrell of Missouri hasdecided to accept tho position of thoInterstate Commerce Commissionoffered him recently by Prosldon tRoosevelt

    Tho nicest and plcasautest medi ¬lIne I have used for indigestion andconstipatloJU Is ChamberlainsStomaon and Liver Tablets says MolardF Craig of Middlegrove N Y

    They work like a charm and donot gripe or hare nut unpleasant

    DrugStoroEarlingtonl3Gap Jno X Taylor Enfllngton

    John Alexander Dowlc has con ¬firmed tho report that lie proposesto establish a second Zion City InMexico and will occupy part of atract of 1000000 acres acros frontingon tho gulf of Mexico He an ¬nounces that ho will have the Mexi ¬can Zion City completed boforo Jan-uary 1 1000

    The grand jury at Pueblo Colhat returnnd thirtyone new indict-ments


    charging fraud in connectionwith the recent election

    You Know What You are Taking

    When you take Groves TastolosChill Tunic because the formulashowingnine in a tasteless form No cureno pay 5O-

    oFormer Gov Peabody filed hiscontest against Gov Alva Adamsonargiug fraud and conspiracy in

    Denver anti in several other coun ¬ties The Colorado Sonata unseatedtwo Democratic members and seat-ed


    Republicans The Democrats nllego Unit a twothirds vote is necessary to expel and may apply to the8u0reuia Court for redress

    Mr Wm S Crane of CaliforniaMd Buffered for years from rheu ¬matism and lumbago Ho wasdnall advised to try ChamberlainsPain Balmtyhfch ho did and it ef¬fected a ooinpleto cure

    For salo by St Bernard DrugStore Earlington i B T RobinsonMortons Gap Jno L Taylor Earl ¬ington

    When hypocrites meet the devilhas time to eat

    Hd cannot bo a saint who willnotha H servant

    YOU have no right to complainthat ttho sermpn is thin If you arekeeping tho preacher on a watergruel salaryjk

    IrAn Almost Faultless Climate

    For time climate of tho Evergladesis almost faultless It is singularlyequable showing no extremes ofheat and cold and not subject tosudden change Even a northercoming out of tho region of ice midsnow IB soon softened to mildet-engmeraturo and tho heat of sum ¬mer IB made genial though tho mer ¬curt pray bo wolf up in tho eightiesby tho ozonized air which is every ¬whorl in the Glades The year isdivided Into the dry and rainy sea ¬sons Time latter may bo roughlyspoken of as including Juno andSeptember although well in theGlades sudden light showers In lim ¬ited areas aro likely at any seasonand In the autumn a high degree of

    humidity is constant A lifetimemight be spout in the region and nosign of malaria over bo discoveredPure air that moves in gentlebreoxoos over a vast expanse ofmore water is tho perfect assuranceof health as evinced in tho finephysique splendid coloring andatholtlc vigor of tho Seminole whohas a monopoly of as fine a climat-as there Is on earthFrom 111hoEverglades of Florida In time Feb-ruary



    Good spiritsGood spirits dont all como from

    Kentucky Their main sourco isthe livor and nil tho fine spiritsover made in tho Blue Grass Statecould not remedy a bad liver or thelrodUces ¬and a bad liver at tho same timoYour liver must be in fine conditionif you would fool buoyant happyand hopeful bright of eye light ottttop vigorous and successful in yourInfineAugust loW01tho greatest of allmedlO1noH for tho IIvur and stomachand a curtain euro for dyspepsia orIndigestion It has bean a favoritehousehold lomody for overfive years August Flower willmake your liver healthy amid activeand thus Insure you a liberal supplyof good spirits 1rlnl size 2Go iregular bottles 76o At all druggists


    Must Have Stampsrho poBtoilloo department rules

    that all mall found by a rural car-rier


    In army box without stamps orproper amount of money tor post-age


    must be collected and taken totho poBtoiltce from which tho routeis operated and hold for postageThis ruling means the owner of amall box lens absolutely no controlover It f

    Tonic to the SystemFor liver trot iHo and constipation

    there Is nothlngftetter than Do WittsLittlo Early Blsors tho famous lit ¬tle Pills Tnoy do not weaken thestomach Their action upon thosystem it mild pleasant and harm ¬LaFayetteIndLittle Early Risers do tnolr workAll other pills I havo used andmake mo sick in tho stomach andnever cured me DeWitts LittleEarly Risers proved to be the longperfect¬Early Risers time most reliable rome ¬dy to carry wlih them

    Sold by St Bernard Drug Store

    A sensation was created in tholower house of the Missouri GeneralAssembly by the Introduction of aresolution calling for an Investiga-tion


    of tho report that Thomas KNeldrlnghauB Republican caucusnominee for United States Senatorhad accepted 21000 from tit Louisbrewersfor the purpose of Infiuenc ¬ing legislation at tho present session

    Twenty persons wore killed dur-ing


    the labor disturbances in the oilregions about Tlllls and forty touroil towers burned

    No More Stomach TroublesAll stomach trouble Is removed

    the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ittgives tho stomach perfect rest byIdigesting what you oat without thoupIach to health You dont havo todiet yourself when taking KodolDyspepsia Cure J D Ersklno ofAllenvillo Mich snys1 sufferedHeartburn null Stomach troublo forsometime My sisterinlaw hasIhad tho same troublo and was potable to eat for six weeks She livedentirely on warm water After takDyspepslnOurenow oats heartily and is in goodhealth I am Ind to say Kodol gavemo instant relief

    Sold by St Bernard Drug Store

    A man giving his name as GesslorRosseau and having In his posses ¬sion an unloaded infernal machfnowas arrested In Philadelphia andconfessed to attempting to destroytho statue of Frederick tho Groat InWashington also to sending thetrunk containing an Infernal ma ¬chine to time British steamship Umbria at Now York In May lDOnI

    Imperfect DigestionMoans less nutrition and hi con ¬sequence less vitality When theliver falls to secrete bile the bloodbecomes loaded with Ulllous prop ¬erties the digestion Im ¬

    and tho bowels constipatedHorblno will rectify his it givestone to the stomach liver null kid ¬

    strengthens te appetitecopmploxionIimfusoswhole system 60 Oent a bottle

    Sold by St Bernard fDrufc Store


    T fts PiUsutlmulitto the TORPID LIVERstrengthen the digestive organs

    bowels and are unrcquuiulasanANT BILIOUS MEDICINE

    In malarial districts their virtues orerecognized as they

    peculiar properties in freeing thesystem Elegantlysugar coo ted

    Take No Substitute


    Fine Vigorous Stride Is Rapidly Be ¬coming a Poetic Fancy

    The ufine intoxication of an oldfashioned saunter or n vigorous ton ¬ic stride on foot is rapidly becominga poetic fancy not to be Indulged inby the city man or woman unlessprescribed by the physician as alast desperate remedy for the me ¬grims which waylay the lazy saysbie ¬cycle has fallen into disrepute oflate because bicycle riding is tooclose an approach to walking Thetrolley car gives motion without ef¬fort Tho microbe of laziness de ¬velops at a marvelous pace on thebroom stick train and lazinessbegets appendicitis and many otherundesirable thlmrs One of thelatest devices of the evil one tohasten the legless ago Is tho automobile There Is no remedy for thosesquipedalian disease known asautomoblllousness save plain walk ¬tub Thoro are some survivals ofwalking age among us who walk asa part of the dally duty despitefivecent faros and alluring subur¬ban routes The hopo of the race isin the rare individuals who goafield When tho languor of springis upon us Nature is In her most In ¬viting mood and bids us como

    Give me Elmoclear blue sky overmy head says Hazlitt in Goingon a Journey and time green turfboheath my toot a winding road bo ¬foro me and a three hours march todinner

    Four Hundred BabiesSt Vincents Infant Asylum Chi-

    cago shelters homeless waifs awaiting adoption and there are nearly400 babies thero Sister Julia writesI cannot say too much in ofcoughslcolds

    Contains no opiate and is safe andsure Ask for Foleys Honoy andTar and insist upon having Ili as itis a safo remedy and certain In re ¬sults Refuse substitutes

    Sold by Jno X Taylor

    King Edward signed a proclama-tion


    convening Parliament on Feb-ruary



    Thirtyfive thousand coal minersare now on a strike throughout Ger ¬many aiid the trouble is spreading

    At Chicago a man lulled his wifeand one daughter fatally woundedcanother daughter and cut

    Cured LumbagoA B Canman Chicago writes

    4 1903 Having been trou-bled


    with lumbago at differenttimes and tried one physician afteranother then different ointmentsand llnaraeuts gavo It up altogetherSo I tried once moro and got a bot ¬tle of Ballards Snow Linimentwhich gave me almost instant re ¬lief I can cheerfully recommendyourlintand1cSold by St Bernard Drug StoreThe immense plant of the St LouisPlato Glass Company at ValleyPark westof St Louis and vnluodIat 250000 was destroyed firoIHundreds of employes will beuntil tho plant can be rebuilt

    President Roosevelt has como outagainst the proposition to reduce thoIcongressional representation in theSouth and it is said no legislation inthis direction will be put throughduring his term of ofilce

    For a badtasto in the mouth talea tow doses of Chamberlains Stom ¬ach and Liver Tablets Price 25centsFor sale by St Bernard Drug-Store Earlington i B T BobmsouMortons Gap Jno X Taylor EarlIn ton

    The Original

    ChfcagQorlglnatedHoueyremedy and on account of tho groatmerit and popularity of FoleysHoney and Tar many areoffered for tho genuine Ask forFoleys Honey and Tar and refuseany substitute offered as no otherpreparation will give the same satis ¬faction It is mildly laxative Itoontalns no opiates and is safest for

    personsBoldVJOB WORK

    Will receive prompt atton-f

    Lion at this office Estimatefurnished upon application I J

    g d-I k > U

    The Custom of TreatingTho American treating customs

    to be blamed for a lurgo amount ofIntemperance Tho average maliwho drinks occasionally is a goodfollow Ho is good hearted But thedesire to foster good fellowship anda disposition to be generous are fre ¬quently the nauso of his undoingThe custom of setting up thedrinks is tho cause of much overdrinking if fetich a term can bo usedA man goes into the saloon Howants only ono drink A gang offriends como in He cannot gotaway without drinking with all ofthem That is tho ethics of the barBefore he leaves he Is filled up Ifone Is determined to drink andthero aro millions who seem thusdetermined the safer procedure isthe Dutch treattho kind whereovary man treats himself Our Ger ¬man fellow citizens follow this cus ¬tom largely and one seldom sees aGerman much the worsefor liquorThe man who follows the treatingcustom is probably a moral cowardHo is afraid of offending Tho con ¬ventions demand that he shouldtlBot em up to the boys and ho istoo weak to refuse He fears beingcalled a tight wad The man whobows to tho treating custom is pro ¬bably also a fool He acts foolish ¬ly He drinks when ho has no desire Ho makes an occasion wherethero is no sensible excuse In acompetition of generosity ho makesa swill barrol of himself to pleasehis follows He prostrates the firtue of his friendship and makes it avice Do not drink at all Abstinenceis the only safe course If you mustdrink go It alone Make every oc ¬casion of it a Dutch trot tCloyo ¬land Press

    To CaliforniaVia Scenic Colorado or True South ¬

    ern Route Dally through Pullmanstandard sleeping cars St Louie toSan Francisco via the Missouri Pa ¬cilia Ry and Scenic Colorado Elogant tourist sleeping car service oVory Tuesday and Thursday from StLouis Daily through Pullman stan ¬dard sleeping cars St Louis to LosAngeles Cal via Iron MountainRoute tho True Southern RouteNaw tourist sleeping car excursionsvia Iron Mountain Route and ElPaso leave St Louis every Tuesdayand Saturday The service andequipment is strictly up to dateRound trip and low rate one waytickets are on sale via Iron Moun ¬tain or Missouri Pacific Ry from allprincipal points the East Forberth reservations and full informa ¬lion address any representativeMissouri PacificIron Route SystemorR T G Matthews T P A RoomKyorNLouis Mo

    What He Needs

    Missouriiyoungwith her gloves on The editor ofthis paper needs bread with hisshoes on he needs it with histrousers on and unless tLo delin ¬quont readers of this old rag of free ¬dom pay up soon we will need breadwithout a darn thing on

    Rev Carlisle P B Martin L L DOfWaverly Texas writeBHOf amorning when first arising I oftenfind a troublesome collection ofphlegm which produces a coughand Is very bard to dlsloge but asmall quantity of Ballards Hore-hound at once disloge Itand the trouble is over I know ofno medicine that is equal to it andit is so pleasant to take I can mostcordially recommend it to all per-sons


    needing a for throatlung trouble 25o BOc and 100

    by St Bernard Drug Store

    The Proper Way

    A Young Wife writes to know ifIs proper to punish her husband

    after he has stayed out very late byrefusing to give him breakfast ThenuswOjis that if he has been very

    is not llkelyto care for break-fast


    Possibly it would bo a bettorplan to empty the water coolerWashington Post

    Speedy ReliefA salve that heals without a scar

    is DeWltts Witch Hazel Salvo Noremedy effects such speedy reliefIt draws out inflammation soothescools and heals nil cuts burns andbruises A sure cure for Piles andskin diseases DeWItts Is the onlygenuine Witch Hazel Salve Be-ware of counterfeits they are JangorousSold by St Bernard Drug Store

    Last year in Cleveland dhlothere wero 8884 marriages and 920divorce cases or just one divorce toover four marriages This is a re-cord


    that lias never been equalledanywhere in this country

    Fire at Olatho lan destroyedproperty worth 160000

    If vinegar would preserve moralssome men are sour enough to savethe world

    Coughs and ColdsAll coughs colds and pulmonary

    complaints that are curable arequickly cured by Ono Minute CoughCure Cleats tho phlegm drawsout tho inflammation and healfl andsoothes the affected strength-ens


    the wardsofr pneumoniaH rrl1lcssRl1dpleasaut to take

    Sold by St Bernard Drug Store

    rfi >

    HE above picture of timman und fish is the track1mark of Scotts Emulsionand is tho synonym foi

    strength and purity It is soulin almost all the civilized coun ¬

    globeJf became extinctit would be a worldwide calam ¬ity because tho oil that coniesfront its liver surpasses all otherfits in nourishing and lifegivingproperties Thirty years agothe proprietors of Scotts Emul ¬sion found a way of preparingcod liver oil so that everyone cantnbdt and get the full value ofthe oil without the objectionabletaskv Scotts KiiHiisi m is thebest timing in thi world fur venkbackward children tliiii lielimtpeople onllnillruluhitioma ofvusting and lost strength

    Stud for f1ot asdSCOTT BOXVNK CIIKMJS l

    400416 rEAiiz muter XKV YOJJKTIc ant IM A II draggled


    If Contribution is Not Published

    Tho Henderson Gleaner has thefoiling in last Fridays issue

    Some one at Robards has sent insome neighborhood notes for publica-tion in the Gleaner Tho party hasnot given his or her name We donot know who it is from But whoever it is appends this note

    Put this in the Robards notes Ifyou dont I wont take your paperany longer

    We have tried in every way pos¬sible to Inform our readers that wedo not publish communications with ¬out knowning tho writer Wo donot publish tho writers name ButWE MUST KNOW time writer Weinvariably consign such communica ¬tions to tho waste basket

    Ot course we would be sorry tolose a subscriber but if our un¬known correspodent at Robardsmakes it a condition of his or hoisubscription that he or she shalldictate what shall go in the columnsof the Gleaner then we will have toloso our Unknown as subscriber

    Should the writer of this particu-lar


    communication have signed hisor her name It would have reachedthee waste basket just the sameHero is a sample

    Miss is very sorry that Mrhas quit coming to see her

    uWe have had a Snow and mostevery Body is Setting by the Warmfire they was a few People Went outPossom hunting and caught a goodmanyMr

    attended on MissSundayMrs

    has got the Big headat this writing

    We would suggest that our Un ¬known might profit by a few yoarsmore in school

    Wo are at all time anxious to kayonews In fact we spend severalthousands of dollars annually to getthe news but we fall to seo anysemblance to news in the commUnicatfan from ourunknown subscriber

    Pleasant arid Most Effective-T J Chambers Ed Vindicator

    Texas s Dec 25 1002Libertypleasure and unsolicited byyou I boar testimony to the ourativo power of Ballards HorohoundSyrup I have used it in my familyand can cheerfully affirm it is timemost effective and ploasantost rem ¬ody for coughs and colds I haveever used 25o 50o and 100

    Sold by St Bernard Drug Store

    A little boy who wa asked wherea Spider got the tbreadto make hisweb answered

    Ults the raveling othls shirt Isaw him take It


    Her Card of Thankssaie llowing card appeared in a

    iytfiourl ifmpur Mr Editor ItQ tItaukmyntmmy friends and

    neighbors most heartily in this man-lier


    for their cooperation during thoillness and death of my lato husband Who escaped from me by thohand of death on last Friday whileeating breakfast To my friends andall who contributed so willinglytoward making tho last momentsand time funeral of my husband asuccess I desire to remember mostkindly hoping these lines will findyou enjoying the same blessing Ihave also a good milch cow and roangelding horso eight years old whichI will soil cheap God moves in atoperforththo sea and rides upon tho stormAlso black and white shoatcheati n

    SPECIAL CLUBBING OFFEofeLouis the best semiweekly nevpaper in the country and FARMPROGRESS Americas leading ag-ricultural and home monthly willbe sent to any address or to separate addresses when so requestedfor ONE DOLLAR A YEAR

    THE TWIOEA WEEK REPUB ¬LIC for nearly a century has earnedand maintained the confidence ofhalf a million readers It coversthe news of the world thoroughlyand accurately anti issues specialState editions each containing thelatest and most reliable reports ofthe particular locality in which it

    depnrtmontsIin the country It is published ov-ary


    Tuesday and Thursday eightpages each issue sixteen pages aweek

    FARM PROGRESS issued on thofirst Thursday of each month con ¬tains sixteen or more full standardsize newspaper pages filled with uptodate farm literature and specialdepartments for the home fashionsboys and girls fiction etc etc ItIs published by Tho Republicaguarantee of Its excellence and highcharacter

    It will PAY 3oUto take advan ¬tage of this special offer NOW USothis


    The Republic St Louis MoInclosed find 100 for which

    send Time TwIceaWeeloBeiVpublic and Farm Progress oneyear to-Name

    PO RFDNo State

    NOTE If you want only TlfeTwlceaWeek Republic the price is05c a year The price of Farm Progress alone is lOc a year


    Another Good Kan Gone WrongHe neglected to taiga Foleys Kid¬

    ney Cure at the first sign of kidneytrouble hoping it would wear awayBrightsdiseasebut if Foleys Kidney Cure is takenaf once the sympjtoms will disap ¬pear the s are strengthenedyvellAhad to get up ten or twelve times inthe night and had a severe back-ache


    and pains in the kidneys andwas cured by Fole 8 Kidney CureEarlingtoa

    A Word Abot Coon HollowPeople go to the theatre as a rule1

    to be interested and amused that iswhy plays hkeuA Romance ofCoon Hollow aro so well likedThis popular comedy drama has astory that holds oneIt is not a farwestern pieceits scenes aro laid Inthe Tennessee mountains It hasfunny scenes galore and its char¬actors are as quaint as those ofDickens Besides that thorn Is adramatic strength seldom seen ex¬cept in the standard dramas In thewhole range of tho drama no moreexciting rolos can be found than themountaineers Clyde Harrod andLam Stockwell Tho play is givenwith special now scenery mid a finecast Temple Theatre Saturdaynight Jan 28

    The first time small Bessie attend ¬ed a luneral she asked why tho ladydied

    Because God called her11 shewas told

    A few days lator she was tied mher little chair because she had beentnaughty After nitting quietly for atime sho said

    Mamma if God called me now Icouldnt go cause Im tied fast1

    Resolvo to perform what youought perform without fall whatyou rosolvo Franklin

    SICILIANIairRenews the hair makes it new again restores the freshness Justwhat you need if your hair is faded orturning forltahvirsr-estores

    Ithe color Stops falling hair also1mrw7ir

    4 ir

    ri n 71