IB Maths .Basic differentiation




Transcript of IB Maths .Basic differentiation

  • 1. Calculate the following limits:
  • 2. Bytheendofthelessonyouwillbeableto: Understandthedefinitionofderivative. Findderivativesfromfirstprinciples. Differentiation Calculatethegradientofacurvewithoutdrawing thetangentline. Relatederivativesandslopesofcurves.
  • 3. Introduction to Differentiation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC5ITOflh3k&feature=related
  • 4. Gradient of a line B A
  • 5. Gradient of a line B A y2 y1 x1 x2
  • 6. Gradient of a line B A y2 y1 x1 x2 The gradient of a line is constant.
  • 7. Gradient of a curve Thegradientofacurveatapointistheslopeof thetangentlineatthatpoint. http://www.math.umn.edu/%7Egarrett/qy/TraceTangent.html Tangentlinetoacurve.ggb
  • 8. Gradient of a curve The gradient of a curve varies at each point.
  • 9. Weneedtofindamethodtocalculatetheslopeof thetangentlineatanypoint.
  • 10. x Let'sconsiderapointPonthecurve. P f(x) CoordinatesofP:(x,f(x)) f(x) Secanttotangent.ggb
  • 11. CoordinatesofQ:(x+h,f(x+h)) x Let'sconsideranotherpointonthecurve,Q. P f(x) Q x+h f(x)
  • 12. Coordinates of Q :(x+h,f(x+h)) x Let's take another point on the curve , Q. P Q x+h f(x+h) f(x)
  • 13. x ThelinePQissecanttothecurve.Ifwefindthe gradientofthisline,itisnotthetangentlinebutisa starter. P f(x)Q x+h
  • 14. x P f(x)Q x+h f(x) f(x+h) m=
  • 15. x P f(x)Q x+h f(x) f(x+h) Gradient of secant line PQ : We can rewrite this gradient in a different way : Gradient of secant PQ :
  • 16. Q x+h Veamos que sucede si Q se acerca a P... P x Secanttotangent.ggb
  • 17. slopeofthesecant= x P f(x)Q x+h IfQgetsclosertoP...
  • 18. Thenweneedhtobeassmallaspossible. h 0When theslopeofthesecanttendsto betheslopeofthetangent. Thisisthedifferencequotient,thedefinitionof thederivative.
  • 19. This iscalled thefirstderivativeoffunctionfwithrespecttox. Notation: f'(x)ory'or
  • 20. Findthederivativeofthefunctionf(x)=x2 Pp R S Wewillfindthegradientofthetangentatany pointforthefunction f(x)=x2
  • 21. f(x)=x2
  • 22. Pp R S m =4 m =-6 We found for f(x)=x2 which is a new function that gives the value of the gradient of the curve at each point. Para its derivative:
  • 23. Calculatethederivativeoff(x)=3x2 +1 To practice this topic on-line : http://archives.math.utk.edu/visual.calculus/2/definition.7/index.html
  • 24. Theprocessoffindingthederivativeiscalled differentiation.
  • 25. Book page 357 Ex 12B http://www.calculushelp.com/funstuff/phobe.html Attheendofthelesson:
  • 26. http://www.calculushelp.com/funstuff/phobe.html To revise this lesson at home:
  • 27. At the end of the lesson: http://animoto.com/play/hVIw4sOG1tEL3hYONxJyJQ
  • 28. Attachments Tangentlinetoacurve.ggb Secanttotangent.ggb