IB 1.5 External Environment

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Transcript of IB 1.5 External Environment

  • 8/22/2019 IB 1.5 External Environment


    1. Business organisation

    and environment1.5 External Environment

    A reasonable man adapts himself to thewo rld; an unreason able one persists in

    trying to adapt the world to himself

    George Bernard Shaw (1956-1950), Irish


  • 8/22/2019 IB 1.5 External Environment


    RecapO Explain the interests ofinternal stakeholders

    O Explain the interests ofexternal stakeholders

    O Discuss the possible areas ofconflictbetweenstakeholders

    O Evaluate possible ways to overcome

    stakeholder conflict (HL)

  • 8/22/2019 IB 1.5 External Environment


    Learning outcomesO Prepare a PEST analysis (or PESTLE and STEEPLE)

    for a given situation and use it to analyse the impact of

    the external environment on a firm.

    O Evaluate the impact on a firms objectives and strategy

    of a changein any of the PEST/PESTLE factors.

    O Analyse the impact that external opportunities and

    threatsmay have on business objectives and strategy.

    O Explain how external opportunities and threats canimpacton business decision-making and SWOT

    (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)


  • 8/22/2019 IB 1.5 External Environment


    PEST analysisO A useful way to assess the impact of the external

    environment on an organisations future activities.

    Political issues include Economic issues include

    New laws to limit the effects of smoking An appreciating exchange rate

    The country joining a trading bloc


    Economic slowdown or downturn

    Elections resulting in a new government Rising unemployment

    Sociological issues include Technological issues include

    Ageing population New interactive televisions

    More working women/one parent


    Growth in mobile internet

    Growing interest in environmentalissues

    Increase in clean/green technologies

    In p airs, select a well

    knownHK company

    and discuss andpr epare a PEST


  • 8/22/2019 IB 1.5 External Environment



    Discuss the impact on a firms objectivesand

    strategiesof:O New employment / consumer / competition


    O Rising or falling interest / exchange ratesand

    inflationO Slowing economic growth and rising unemployment

    O Demographicchanges (e.g. de- or ageing


    O New productinnovations







  • 8/22/2019 IB 1.5 External Environment


    Opportunities & threatsIdentify opportunities and threats posed to the

    Coffee Corner of:

    O Social/cultural changesO New technologicalinnovations

    O A downturn in the economicenvironment

    O Environmentalissues

    O Politicalchanges

    O Legaldevelopments

    O Increasing ethical concerns

    How could these

    oppor tuni t ies and

    threats im pact on

    Coffee Corners

    dec is ion-making?

  • 8/22/2019 IB 1.5 External Environment


    O ____________________analysis:a useful way ofclassifying and assessing the ______ of the

    external ___________ on a businesss

    performance and activities

  • 8/22/2019 IB 1.5 External Environment


    O PEST/STEEPLE/PESTLE analysis:a useful wayof classifying and assessing the impact of the

    external environment on a businesss performance

    and activities

  • 8/22/2019 IB 1.5 External Environment


    HomeworkO Read pages 66-74 of Hoang

    O Begin revising for an assessment next week

  • 8/22/2019 IB 1.5 External Environment


    RecapO Prepare a PEST analysis (or PESTLE and

    STEEPLE) for a given situation and use it to analysethe impact of the external environment on a firm.

    O Evaluate the impact on a firms objectives andstrategy of a changein any of the PEST/PESTLEfactors.

    O Analyse the impact that external opportunities andthreatsmay have on business objectives and

    strategy.O Explain how external opportunities and threats can

    impacton business decision-making and SWOT(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)analysis.