IAT 800 Lab 1: Loops, Animation, and Simple User Interaction.

IAT 800 IAT 800 Lab 1: Loops, Animation, and Simple User Interaction
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Transcript of IAT 800 Lab 1: Loops, Animation, and Simple User Interaction.

Page 1: IAT 800 Lab 1: Loops, Animation, and Simple User Interaction.

IAT 800

IAT 800

Lab 1: Loops, Animation, and Simple User Interaction

Page 2: IAT 800 Lab 1: Loops, Animation, and Simple User Interaction.

Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

What have you gone over? Window size and coordinate system Commenting code Variables Drawing primitives

– point– line– rect– ellipse– triangle

print() and println() if(boolean){ do something }else{ do something} logic




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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Today’s lab

Variables: A Recap Drawing primitives (more info) Java Control Flow: Looping The Processing “draw()” looping function for animation

Simple mouse interaction

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800


Variables are placeholders for your data.

int i; // declares a new variable ii = 1; // assigns the value of 1 to the new variableint j = i + 1; // declares a new variable j, and assigns it to i + 1, which is 2.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800


Two main types: Primitives and Objects

Primitives:– Boolean, Char, Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float, Double

Objects:– Everything else. – Constructed with primitives as a base. – For example, a “String” object is a series of Char variables.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

More info on drawing primitives

Reference pages…– http://processing.org/reference/

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow

If-Then-Else: Conditional Logic

int i = 5;if(i > 10) {

draw_the_kitten();}else if(i > 3) {

erase_the_kitten();}else {


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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: Looping

Draw ten lines, evenly-spaced apart

line(10, 10, 10, 200);line(20, 10, 20, 200);line(30, 10, 30, 200);...


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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: Looping

Want to draw ten lines, evenly-spaced apart?

line(10, 10, 10, 200);line(20, 10, 20, 200);line(30, 10, 30, 200);...

This can get old, fast. Also would be tedious if you wanted to change all of the lines to start 5 pixels higher, instead.

What if we could run this same line of code multiple times, only changing these two numbers?

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: While Loops

Use a while loop

line(10, 10, 10, 200);line(20, 10, 20, 200);line(30, 10, 30, 200);...

int i = 10;while(i <= 100) { line(i, 10, i, 200); i = i + 10;}

A while loop will run the code inside the brackets repeatedly until the condition in the parentheses is false.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: While Loops

Make sure the condition will eventually return false, or else it will go forever.

while(true) { ...}

int i = 10;while(i > 0) { line(i, 10, i, 200); i = i + 10;}

Both of these loops are valid, will compile, and run infinitely.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: For Loops

For Loops are just like While loops, but a bit more compact for simple incrementing

These two loops are functionally the same:

int i = 10;while(i <= 100) { line(i, 10, i, 200); i += 10;}

for(int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10) { line(i, 10, i, 200);}

(i += 10 is equivalent to i = i + 10)

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: Nested Loops

Nesting of loops refers to putting one loop inside the brackets of another.

for(int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10) { for(int j = 10; j <= 100; j += 10) { point(i, j); }}

The inside loop will run through, then i will increment, then the inside loop will run again.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: Nested Loops

Let’s look at this thing closer.

for(int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10) { for(int j = 10; j <= 100; j += 10) { point(i, j); }}



Sets i to 10. First step.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: Nested Loops

Let’s look at this thing closer.

for(int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10) { for(int j = 10; j <= 100; j += 10) { point(i, j); }}



Sets j to 10. That’s all for now.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: Nested Loops

Let’s look at this thing closer.

for(int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10) { for(int j = 10; j <= 100; j += 10) { point(i, j); }}



i = 10, j = 10. Draws a point at (10, 10).

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: Nested Loops

Let’s look at this thing closer.

for(int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10) { for(int j = 10; j <= 100; j += 10) { point(i, j); }}



Now we jump to the top of the innermost loop, and increment j by 10, and then check if it’s greateror equal to 100, which it’s not, so we continue.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: Nested Loops

Let’s look at this thing closer.

for(int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10) { for(int j = 10; j <= 100; j += 10) { point(i, j); }}



i is still 10, but j is now 20. We draw the new point,Then go to loop again.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: Nested Loops

Let’s look at this thing closer.

for(int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10) { for(int j = 10; j <= 100; j += 10) { point(i, j); }}



We keep looping in this j loop until itpasses 100. Then what?

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: Nested Loops

Let’s look at this thing closer.

for(int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10) { for(int j = 10; j <= 100; j += 10) { point(i, j); }}



Now that the program has exited from our j loop,It sees that it’s still inside our i loop, and increments iBy 10.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: Nested Loops

Let’s look at this thing closer.

for(int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10) { for(int j = 10; j <= 100; j += 10) { point(i, j); }}



The program reaches the j loop again, so it loopsAll the way through drawing dots. Only this time, iis 20, so the dots are further to the right.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: Nested Loops

Let’s look at this thing closer.

for(int i = 10; i <= 100; i += 10) { for(int j = 10; j <= 100; j += 10) { point(i, j); }}



The i loop keeps incrementing in this way, drawingcolumns of dots, until i exceeds 100. The programthen exits the code inside the i loop’s braces.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Java Control Flow: Nested Loops

Nested Loops are especially useful for drawing in grid formations in a 2-D space.

Think about how you could nest another loop inside to make a grid in a 3-D space.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

The draw() function

What is the draw() function?– Processing allows you to put code in a special function called draw, which will run a number of times per second.

You need the draw() function:– to change graphics over time, – have the user interact with graphics

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

The draw() function

Simple example:

float a = 200;

void draw() { background(255); a = a - 1; if (a < 0) { a = height; } line(0, a, width, a); }

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

The draw() function

Simple example:

float a = 200;

void draw() { background(255); a = a - 1; if (a < 0) { a = height; } line(0, a, width, a); }

Important! The variable declarationmust be outside the loop function, orelse it will be reset every time draw() iscalled.

(Try putting it inside draw() to see what happens)

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

The draw() function

Simple example:

float a = 200;

void draw() { background(255); a = a - 1; if (a < 0) { a = height; } line(0, a, width, a); }

For animation, this line is necessaryTo clear the last frame that was drawn.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

The draw() function

Simple example:

float a = 200;

void draw() { background(255); a = a - 1; if (a < 0) { a = height; } line(0, a, width, a); }

This is the meat of what makes theline move. Each loop, we subtract 1from the variable a, which we lateruse when drawing the line, so it willappear to move.

When a is 0, we’ve hit the top of thewindow, and reset a to the highestvalue.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

The setup() function

You can use the setup() function to define some properties of your window once when your program first starts:– size(width, height): size of drawing window (in pixels)

– framerate(fps): number of times per second that the draw() function is called.

void setup() { size(640, 480); framerate(30);}

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Tracking Mouse Position

Processing uses two global variables which have the current mouse position at all times:– mouseX, mouseY: current X and Y of cursor, relative to the top-left of drawing window.void draw() {

background(204); line(mouseX, 20, mouseX, 80); }

A simple program that moves aline left or right to follow yourcursor. Note that it stops trackingyour mouse when it’s not in thedrawing window.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

Reacting to Mouse Clicks

Use the variable mousePressed.

void draw() { if(mousePressed) { point(mouseX, mouseY); }}

This simple function will draw a pointin the window whenever the mouse isin the clicked position. Try clicking anddragging around the window and seewhat happens.

Can you think of a way to make the drawing smoother?

There are similar variables for mouseReleased, mouseMoved, and mouseDragged.

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Sep 10, Fall 2009 IAT 800

That’s It For Today!

For and While Loops Processing draw() function

Mouse Position and Clicking