IAN RICKUSS MP...Extract from Hansard Speech by Ian Rickuss MP, Member for Lockyer - 20 March 2014...

TO THE HOUSEHOLDER 3 February 2016 IAN RICKUSS MP MEMBER FOR LOCKYER Opposition Whip Electorate office: Shop 11 47 North Street, Gatton Ema il addre ss: [email protected].gov.au Website address: www.ianrickuss.com.au Phone: (07) 5351 61 00 Free Call: 1800 817 791 Fa x: (07) 535 1 6 109 As the Prime Minister of Australia, the Honourable Malcolm Turnbull MP, has recently said "there has never been a more exciting time to be alive than today". This year cert ainly has a number of exciting and interesting issues that the people of Australia, Queensland and the Lockyer will be involved in deciding. There will be a local government election in Queensland on 19 March for which I have provided some general information. There will al so be a referendum on four year fixed terms for the Queensland Parliament at the same time. I have listed some of the benefits of fixed terms in the enclosed correspondence such as certainty and also providing a better platform for making decisions and policies. Unfortunately, the Palaszczu k Gordon government has been procrastinating on decision making and policies since being elected over 12 ·months ago. It would be debatable if a four year fixed term for the present government would improve their fixation on naval gazing and kowtowing to their union mates. This has been highlighted by the Premier's inaction in relation to the CFMEU 's disgraceful dumping of 7 tonne of documentation requested by the courts. The corruption and misspending by union leadership of members' hard earned fees is deplorable. The bullying and standover tactics that continues to exude from some of the union movements is nothing more than organised crime in another form. I will continue to raise issues in relation to matters concerning the best interests of workers in Parliament, as it is the duty of any good elected representative to ensure the Australian fair-go, no matter what religion, ethnicity or political ideology one ha s. A federal election will be held sometime this year, 2016. There could also be a referendum on same sex marriage this year, if the new Federal Parliament decides on a date in late 2016. The issue of same se x marriage has created some consternation within the community, so I do feel a referendum will give the Australian community a chance to express their views fairly. . .. ./2 · dl r incnrporalcd. Lockyer Electorate in ..G ero nt areas of: _ _ ·- -·. Ipswich Ci ty Council (part on, Scenic Rim Regional Council (part on, Logan ty n ci l ( part on and L ockyer Valley Regional Co unci l.

Transcript of IAN RICKUSS MP...Extract from Hansard Speech by Ian Rickuss MP, Member for Lockyer - 20 March 2014...

Page 1: IAN RICKUSS MP...Extract from Hansard Speech by Ian Rickuss MP, Member for Lockyer - 20 March 2014 Lockyer Val.ley Regional Council Mr RICKUSS (Lockyer-LNP) (2.45 pm): I rise to highlight


3 February 2016


Opposition Whip

Electorate office: Shop 1147 North Street, Gatton

Ema il address: [email protected]

Website address: www.ianrickuss.com.au

Phone: (07) 5351 61 00 Free Call: 1800 817 791 Fax: (07) 535 1 6109

As the Prime Minister of Australia, the Honourable Malcolm Turnbull MP, has recently said "there has never been a more exciting time to be alive than today". This year certainly has a number of exciting and interesting issues that the people of Australia, Queensland and the Lockyer will be involved in deciding.

There will be a local government election in Queensland on 19 March for which I have provided some general information. There will also be a referendum on four year fixed terms for the Queensland Parliament at the same time. I have listed some of the benefits of fixed terms in the enclosed correspondence such as certainty and also providing a better platform for making decisions and policies.

Unfortunately, the Palaszczuk Gordon government has been procrastinating on decision making and policies since being elected over 12 ·months ago. It would be debatable if a four year fixed term for the present government would improve their fixation on naval gazing and kowtowing to their union mates. This has been highlighted by the Premier's inaction in relation to the CFMEU's disgraceful dumping of 7 tonne of documentation requested by the courts. The corruption and misspending by union leadership of members' hard earned fees is deplorable. The bullying and standover tactics that continues to exude from some of the union movements is nothing more than organised crime in another form. I will continue to raise issues in relation to matters concerning the best interests of workers in Parliament, as it is the duty of any good elected representative to ensure the Australian fair-go, no matter what religion, ethnicity or political ideology one has.

A federal election will be held sometime this year, 2016. There could also be a referendum on same sex marriage this year, if the new Federal Parliament decides on a date in late 2016. The issue of same sex marriage has created some consternation within the community, so I do feel a referendum will give the Australian community a chance to express their views fairly.

. .. ./2 · dl r incnrporalcd.

Lockyer Electorate in ..G ero nt areas of: _ _ ·--·. Ipswich City Council (part on, Scenic Rim Regional Council (part on, Logan ty ncil (part on and Lockyer Valley Regional Council.

Page 2: IAN RICKUSS MP...Extract from Hansard Speech by Ian Rickuss MP, Member for Lockyer - 20 March 2014 Lockyer Val.ley Regional Council Mr RICKUSS (Lockyer-LNP) (2.45 pm): I rise to highlight

I am sure you are aware that both federal and state governments have had to deal with a downturn in the resources sector which has had a flow-on effect to government's income and also to the number of people employed in these industries.

Locally, the Queensland Government is conducting a review of the Moreton Water Resource Plan and I have ensured that Lockyer farmers and constituents' views are being heard by the Queensland Government and particularly the Minister for Natural Resources and Mines, the Honourable Anthony Lynham MP.

The Toowoomba Second Range crossing is fin.ally getting underway, thanks to the LNP government funding. This project should assist local businesses as approximately 1800 jobs will be generated by this project and I am sure many businesses will receive some beneficial effects of this project.

If you have any issues that you wish to raise with my please do not hesitate to contact my office.

Yours sincerely

/_/L.· Ian Rickuss MP Member for Lockyer

Lockyer Electorate includes the Local Government areas of: Ipswich City Council (part of), Scenic Rim Regional Council (part of), Logan City Council (part of) and Lockyer Valley Regional Council.

Page 3: IAN RICKUSS MP...Extract from Hansard Speech by Ian Rickuss MP, Member for Lockyer - 20 March 2014 Lockyer Val.ley Regional Council Mr RICKUSS (Lockyer-LNP) (2.45 pm): I rise to highlight

Referendum on Fixed Four Year Terms of Parliament in Queensland to

be conducted at the Local Government Elections, 19 March 2016

Advantages of Fixed Four Year Terms -

1. It provides for better government and public policy making as decisions can be made in the interest

of outcomes and better services for Queenslanders, rather than short term political gain or what

may be the news of the day.

2. It removes constant speculation from the political process and provides fa irness fo r all political

parties rather than what is in the interest of the government of the day and

3. It provides confidence in government and certainty in government, from the public and also from

t he business community, which drives investment, economic confidence and job creation.

Ian meeting community members around the Lockyer Electorate, discussing their concerns.

Glen Pavey of Gatton & Ian Rickuss MP discussing local issues that affect the


Jean Duncan of Lower Tenth ill raised concerns with Ian Rickuss MP in relation to waste management

David Zampech, Manager Foodworks Withcott & Rick Vela,

Laidley Jewellers, discussing business and t raffic concerns on

Melbourne Cup Day at Withcott

Paul Steffens of Upper Tenthill & Ian Rickuss MP discussing farming issues concerning the Lockyer Valley

Lockyer Electorate includes the Local Government areas of: Ipswich City Council (part on. Scenic Rim Regional Council (part on. Logan City Council (part on and Lockyer Valley Regional

Council. Ian Rickuss MP, Member for Lockyer. Shop 1/ 47 Nort h St reet, Gatton Q 4343.

lockyer@parliament .qld.gov.au - www.ianrickuss.com.au Tel:- 07 5351 6100 Fax:- 07 5351 6109 Free Toll:- 1800 817 791

Page 4: IAN RICKUSS MP...Extract from Hansard Speech by Ian Rickuss MP, Member for Lockyer - 20 March 2014 Lockyer Val.ley Regional Council Mr RICKUSS (Lockyer-LNP) (2.45 pm): I rise to highlight



Are local rates higher than those of similar councils in South East Queensland (e.g. Scenic Rim, Lockyer Valley and Somerset Regional Councils)?

Should local councils be involved in direct competition with private enterprise when councils are the controlling authority of planning for private enterprise?

Why are councils operating coffee shops and restaurants that are being subsidised by ratepayers in direct competition with other cafes in the area?

Should ratepayers be subsidising chi ld care facilities that are in direct competition with other child care centres?

Should councils be involved in motel projects, other than the planning process as set out in government legislation?

Should councils be involved in financially supporting factories and other businesses, other . than the planning process as set out in government legislation? ·

Should the main aim of councils be to deliver services to the residents of the shire in keeping ·with the L'{)cal Government Act at a responsible and reasonable cost?





Someone who will take phone or email inquiries from local residents

Someone who will respond to these inquiries raised by local residents

Someone who will challenge ideas of bureaucrats and other councillors to ensure the best outcomes for residents·of the shire.

Someone who is not continually late for appointments and engagements. If you cannot manage your diary and phone, you cannot manage the council.

Someone who ensures that they work within the appropriate government legislation so the area will not be penalised by not following process and protocols.



Page 5: IAN RICKUSS MP...Extract from Hansard Speech by Ian Rickuss MP, Member for Lockyer - 20 March 2014 Lockyer Val.ley Regional Council Mr RICKUSS (Lockyer-LNP) (2.45 pm): I rise to highlight

ff?C ION~L C'9Jt.l:Cn.



$ 390.00 $ 531.00

Disaster Restorations Resilience $ 0 $ 50.00

· Eriviro'nmental Levy $ 12.50 $. 20.00

Waste Collection >$ 38.00 $ 115.00

Waste Management . $. 45.00 $ 65.00 .

$ 485.50 $ 781.00

Less: Discount $ . 88.05 $ 32.30

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· Hncrease of 88a~7o/o in 41/2 y~ar~ a average 19 .. 63% per year. · · · : . . - :

ihese are lo©kyer Valley "Regional Council's .Charges!!

. ... .. . ····· -· ·· ·.• • • ••• •• •• '..', ~ • ,.,.._,.,., •• • ... :·· .- .• "'"·' •'·' •• •• • .. .... •: -:-; ·: .. •. -;-: .... •, •,. ,. ....... •,:,•_,., • .,,, .... ~':<·t..:i :-:: :- ... • . .. ... .... ·l-'' - , • ·'-': ~-;·: ~.:: • •.· r •• •: 1.•,•, T... • • •. : • • ·.·1.;. • .·.· .~ ·.: · ••• ••• • • •

Results of audit: Local government entities 2012-13 Internal control frameworks

Despite the s!gnificant effect natl:.lra! disasters have had on Queensland local governments in r~entyears, the following 13 councils continued to have inadequate, incomplete or undocumented plans for business continuity and disaster recovery; c ·. Bu.rdekin Shire Council e Burk~ Shire Council e Cassowary Coast Regional Council .. Central Highlands Regional Council " Cook Shire Council e Goondiwindi Regional Council

. .. Gympie Regional Council · •·-"d::ae~a.).~4ifi'~©P.,\<1'G~~~}?f,f ~~~.!f;~~~: ... ~·,,..,i;.o;_ .>!"•· :.:Cr:-: .. -"%~;~~~-~:.;:]'WP',~.X~il;:i;t.· '° · Mapoon .Aboriginal Shire Council

· c Maranoa ·Regional Council o Mount Isa City Council .. Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council . a Southern Downs Regional Council.

Page 6: IAN RICKUSS MP...Extract from Hansard Speech by Ian Rickuss MP, Member for Lockyer - 20 March 2014 Lockyer Val.ley Regional Council Mr RICKUSS (Lockyer-LNP) (2.45 pm): I rise to highlight

Extract from Hansard Speech by Ian Rickuss MP, Member for Lockyer - 20 March 2014

Lockyer Val.ley Regional Council

Mr RICKUSS (Lockyer-LNP) (2.45 pm): I rise to highlight some of the issues .of concern locally in the

Lockyer Valley Regional Council area. I will table some documents that highligl:it the concerns that the

Queensland Audit Office has with the Lockyer Valley Regio.nal Council. What is of real concern is the fact

that the Lockyer Valley Regional Council is receiving niore damning reports on a ye.arly basis from the

.Queensland Audit Office.

At an increase of 88.37 per cent, that is about 19.5 p~r cent a year, which is six times the rate of inflation.

The council has had to deal with disasters, ·but I think they should start to manage their accounts to fit

their budget. I am advised that the mayor has about five staff. I know Jamie Simmonds has a consultancy

of about $200,000 a year. Then 1. think there are a permanent cameraman and several others who

ap-parently spend a lot oftir'ne cleaning up t~e mayor's chaos. I do know that a council has so many peopte ·

who are not required attending events with the mayor. Of real concern to me is the fact that the current

council _has a ne.gativ,e operating surplus of seven per cent. 1.t has a low asset sustc;iinability ratio, yet rates

have gone up 88 per cent in the last 41/i years. You cannot blame the other leve ls of government.

Extract from Hansard Speech by Ian Rickuss MP, Member for Lockyer - 13 October 2015

Grantham Floods Commission of Inquiry

Mr RICK USS (Lockyer-LNP) (11.41 am): The Premier mentioned the Grantham. flood inquiry this morning

an_d. it was a sad occasion, but what evidence did .t~~ Pr_em!e.r have to call this inquiry? None!

" . Th~ Lo.ckyer Va-ll~y Regional Council did not f~·11t~"the dis~ster m~nage~-ent legislatiOn. The m'ayor w~rit . missing in action during the clean-:-up. The CEO could not find the mayor and the police had to search .for

him. The mayor could not.chair some" of the locai'disaster management group meetings, and the assistant

commissioner of police had to ask him to leave a public meeting because of his inappropriate conduct.

Justin Fisher, a young engineer, brought the lack of preparation to the attention of the council during a

meeting in September 2010. Unfortunately he was ignor.ed and no money was 'put aside for flood


The Lockyer Valley Regional Council spent $3501 000 (LVRC Meeting Agenda 28 October 2015 page 103} obtaining legal advice due to its poor governance and' policy management prior to the 2011 flood disaster. · The Grantham Floods Commission of Inquiry conducted by Commissioner Walter Sofronoff would have also cost ratepayers more than just the legal fees as a number of council staff sp·ent an inordinate amount of time at the inquiry observing.

Lockyer Electorate includes the Local Government areas of: . Ipswich City Council (part oD, Scenic Rim Regional Council (part ofj, Logan City Council (part ofj and Lockyer Valley Regional

. Council. Ian Rickuss MP, Member for Lockyer. Shop 1/47 North Street, Gatton Q 4343.

[email protected] Tel:- 07 5351 6100 Fax:- 07 5351 6109 Free Toll:-1800 817 791