Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art,...

Ian Grant Grant Stouffer Culture of the Middle Ages
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Transcript of Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art,...

Page 1: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

Ian Grant

Grant Stouffer

Culture of the Middle Ages

Page 2: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music

Even wars and crusades were fought around faith and religion

People believed that joining crusades would make them have better favor with god


Page 3: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

Most of the architecture was dedicated to Christian churches

Gargoyles were put on buildings of a way to fend of demons Arches were very influential inside churches The arches not only could support a lot of way but they

looked very good inside the church and they were very symbolic with faith

The warship area in the middle of the church was very wide open and had massive stained glass in the front

Faith in Architecture

Page 4: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

Religion was really incorporated into literature Each story that an author wrote was about different subject

that had to do with religion The three main authors that wrote religious stories during

the Middle Ages were Anselm of Canterbury, Thomas Aquinas, and Pierre Abélard

The type of writing was called Theology Theology is the systematic and rational study of religion

and its influences and of the nature of religious truths Some of the religious stories were used a inspiration to

men in the army

Middle Ages Religious Literature

Page 5: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

Religious art cam in many form from painted glass in churches, to decorated crossed, or even paintings

Most of the art was icon paintings, murals, and mosaics The icons paintings were of Christ, the Virgin Mary, or the

Saints The murals were also of Christ but were on a much larger

scale such as the whole side of a was Mosaics were decorative art of pictures and patterns made

of colored pieces of glass, marble or other materials on a bed of cement that depicted Christ or religious patterns

Medieval religious art

Page 6: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

The religious music started in the church and was used to sooth the worshippers to add background to the stories told

The music in the churches consisted of mostly an early created piano and a stringed instrument similar to a guitar

Once music caught on, lyrics were added to tell stories about Christ and other Christian disciples

After music moved from the churches, household used it for their own stories and other tales

Soldiers used music to pray before battles and to hope for good outcomes

Religious music

Page 7: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

Chivalry is the generic term for the knightly system of the Middle Ages and for virtues and qualities it inspired in its followers

Expressed the ideals of knightly virtues, honor, and courtly love

Expressed ideal moral and courteous behavior

Way of life for Christians•Came from old French word chivalries

meaning “Knighthood”


Page 8: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

Introduced chivalrous conduct.Went beyond chivalry in combat. The song of RolandKnown as “Charlemagne's Code of Chivalry”

Knights Code of Chivalry

Page 9: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

To fear God and maintain His Church

To serve the liege lord in valor and faith

To protect the weak and defenseless

To give succor to widows and orphans

To refrain from the wanton giving of offence

To live by honor and for glory To despise pecuniary reward To fight for the welfare of all To obey those placed in authority

Knights Code of Chivalry continued…

• To guard the honor of fellow knights

• To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit

• To keep faith • At all times to speak the

truth• To persevere to the end in

any enterprise begun• To respect the honor of

women• Never to refuse a

challenge from an equal• Never to turn the back

upon a foe

Page 10: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

Religious, as well as secular workWritten languages- Latin, Greek, and Old

Church SlavonicMany written things were anonymous,

believed to be not important because most stories were passed down

Authors relied on allegory to convey the morals the author had in mind while writing


Page 11: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

Beowulf- unknownBeowulf defeats a monster named Grendel who

has killed many men in Hrothgar’s kingdom The Song of Roland- unknown

Brave warrior named Roland dies from Muslim army, Charlemagne calls upon god for revenge and god kills all of the Muslims.

Inspires crusadersDivine comedy- DanteThe Canterbury Tales- Chauser

Famous Stories

Page 12: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

The dominant form of literature in the middle ages

Catholic clerics were the most educatedMany hymns survived until todayPhilosophical treatises-

attempting to reconcile the teachings of the Greek and Roman pagan authors with the doctrines of the Church.

Best known Jewish authors:MaimonidesRashi

Religious Literature

Page 13: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

Non-religious literatureNot as prevalent as the religious writingsMany survive until todaySubject of “courtly love” was very popularUsed to describe foreign lands to peopleUsed to explain and argue politics

Secular literature

Page 14: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

A troubadour was a composer and performer of Old Occitan lyric poetry during the Middle Ages

Since the word "troubadour" is etymologically masculine, a female troubadour is usually called a trobairitz.

People became troubadours by going to a special troubadour school

The troubadour school or tradition began in the 11th century in Occitania, but it quickly spread through Italy, Spain, and even Greece.

Occitania was a small region in Europe that encompasses where France is now


Page 15: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

The theme of troubadour songs deal mainly with the topics of chivalry and courtly love

Many of the songs were humorous or vulgar satires

The plot in the songs were meant to make people think and they all had two meaning

The songs were all supposed to be metaphoric

Troubadour Songs

Page 16: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

The troubadour songs had three different styles and many different genera’s but the canso genera was the most popular

A canso song had a first stanza called the exordium, where the composer explains his purpose.

The main body of usually drew out a variety of relationships with the exordium.

The canso ends with either a tornada or envoi that wraps up the song and ends with the audience thinking.

Troubadour Styles

Page 17: Ian Grant Grant Stouffer. Faith dominated all aspects of life from architecture, literature, art, and music Even wars and crusades were fought around.

http://www.medieval-life.net/chivalry.htm http://www.middle-ages.org.uk/knights-code-of-chivalry.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chivarly http://northstargallery.com/gargoyles/aboutgargoyles.htm http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/history-of-art/medieval-

christian-artworks.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_music http://medievaleurope.mrdonn.org/literature.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medieval_literature http://csis.pace.edu/grendel/projf981e/story.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troubadour

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