I You Get Nowhere Else WIII 1sMr I i...j M Mad4 oltQ flVQ8OO 4 elaeNlr telaaMu 1News3 East Kentucky...

t Jr j M Mad4 oltQ flVQ8OO 4 elaeNlr telaaMu 3 East Kentucky Correspondence 1News You Get Nowhere Else i eorreipeaienc psbU1II4 ualm aljnta la fan by the wetter Till WIII IIf sot lot inbllMUoi bit M aa STUIMO of rx I faith Writs elilaly aloe e ooOSOOSOSogosOUooso EDITORIAL NOTE The contest in the Eleventh Dis- trict ¬ eeems to be getting pretty warm and the indications are that it may become bitter Many of our corres- pondents are from this District and they may be tempted at times to be- come t partizan We want them to give the nuns but we hope they wlllcQjr tlnue to be temperate and nfct under- take to tell people how they should voteIf the editor was a voter in the district he would not for a moment look to the Interest of either man- n He has nevem done so before lIe does not consider it in any sense a per ¬ itsonal matter He would look at the office and study the Interests of the nation not of the District alone Guided by this principle he would come to a conclusion and cast his vote Ills vote would be his measure of the men Strife for the place and r mud slinging would seriously die ¬ qualify either or both In his estima ¬ tionOnly publishing the news disclaim ¬ ing responsibility for any preference expressed by any correspondent and with hands off so far as personalities and the wind are concerned The ntlzen commends the above principle to every yotdr JACKSON COUNTY OHKKNIIAIL Greenhall June 20The Greenhall baseball team the Oak 31In Is billed to speak at several places I In Owsley County this week The County is supposed to give Powers an overwhelming majority and It Is sate to say Jackson County will give PoI ers SOO majority Mrs Maggie who has been low with pneumonia is improving The Sundays school organ ¬ ized at Canons chapel by5 H Long I la making a good start management of Clark WlIsonTheI continued wet weather has done much damage to corn and other crops Much bottom land growingI total fallureJ D pierson and J N Smith and wife visited Si ¬ Ian Creech Sunday and enjoyed a very pleasant time We think it a duty of all to follow the rules given by our editor regarding the dreadful disease of consumption By so doing we can save much suffering and the lives of manyThe Rev Buckles has been appointed to finish up theI circuit vacated by the Rev He will preach at Canons chapel tho first Sunday in JulyD9b Evans Is out from Virginia visiting his broth ¬ ers Jim and Samuel and other rela ¬ tives Early Gibson is at Plnevllle visiting relatives Now that Clark Wilson wIlLte with us in our Sun ¬ day school work till he returns to Berea in September we should do all In our power to have a good school and to accomplish this we parents should be found at our places Remember the duty we owe to our little ones and let all set that ex- ample that will be of great benefit to them and try to bring them up In a- way i that will be pleasing In the sight of God rillTKTT Prlvelt June ISThe fever Is rag Ing through this vicinity The Rev JjHarvey Johnston has been holding meeting at Black Water I with many additions to the church Mr James Anderson who has been in the army for the last three years f GIIO home on a visit and has now gone to New York whero ho will be employed for a whlteMr Silas Spur lock gate the young folks a singing last Saturday night David Flan ery of Rosses Creek attended the funeral or his aunt at Flat Lick last Sunday XATIIANTON Nathanton June 16J E Wilson made his return home last night from a drumming trip thorugh Lee County Mrs Robert Wilson has beep very bad with fever but we hope her bet- tor ¬ nowMrs Jessie Halbrcoks Is some betterGeo Tlncher J S Wil ¬ 4son G C Gentry Jessie Halcomb were tho welcome guests of J E Wilson and family last SundayAll crops seems to show up very doubtful In this part of the country Mr Lee Peters passed thru our city Monday last on his way to MauldenHalleys comet was all the talk a while back but it is all hushed and the talk t now is for Caleb Powers HOBLKT p Hurley June 20All crops are warml meeting at McKee has been well attended from this place this week Mr Grover Gabbard visited his par ¬ ents at Black Lick Saturday night W M Baker from Clay County is i visiting his fatherinlaw Mr Ned Gabbard a few days this week Our Sunday school at this place is pro pressing nicely Mr and Mrs John WIT go otloetoeoto oleo 0 oYoq I McCollum and Dona Philips visited at Pal Gabbards Sunday nlghtThe lion D C Edwards will speak at our school house Saturday the 2 th at ten oclock Everybody conic out and hear him Mlsa Pollle McCollum took tho examination at McKee this- weekMessrs Jake and Charlie Is ¬ aacs of Egypt visited their sister Mrs William Hurley Friday night Mr and Mrs J B Morris from Birch Lick visited at Hooten Saturday and Sun ¬ day JULIltKI Mildred June 19 Farmers are very much behind with their crops in this section on account of so much ralnJames H Moore made a fly Ing trip to Owsloy County Friday Died June 11th Old Aunt Betty Moore of heart trouble and other diseases She was a kind and Christian woman I and liked by nIl who knew her Her many friends and relatives have our Rice10f Green Morris Saturday night Mr and Mrs Walter Cannon of Maulden visit ¬ ed Mrs Cannons mother Saturday night They expect to move to Lin ¬ coin County soonJames Towles ofI Gray Hawk was In town Saturday Mrs Jane Morris is planning to visit her mother in Laurel County soon There have been higher waters in Laurel Fork this spring than have been known for 15 yearsAll the talk seems to be about the congressI race Mr Powers seems to lead In this community Wo are sorry to lose our editor but hope we have one Just as good We extend our welcome to him and wish him our success Luck to The Citizen and its new editor Isaacs June ISAACSI wet weather their work Died June 16th Mrs El ¬ len Pennington She Is a daughter of Mr Robert Johnston of Berea She leaves a husband and three children to mourn her loss Mr John York and wife of Hamilton 0 returned home SundayMr Sanbrooks of Llv t ingston organized an SaturdayMlsslS- usie Chapter at Annvllle Watson of Annvlllo visited Mrs Sarah Davis Wednesday and Thurs ¬ dayMra Maranda arrett who has been sick Is well again Mr Lewis Hellard of Loam passed through bore Thursday on his way to Mill Creek Wheat and oats are looking fine but grass is quite light Election IiD IooreslCreek Tllllo York the past week- gOCKCASTLE j COUWM IIOIIINET Roblnet June IS Regular churchI service Is held at Horse Lick second Saturday and Sunday In j month by tto Rev T Durham IrsI Travis French of Mt Vernon came hue the 18th to walt on the measles at her sons J W French The law suit between Sommers and McDowel was decided In Mr McDowels favor John Powell of Conway Is in this part hauling tiesMilt Carpen ¬ ter Is planning going to Hot Springs Ark this fallThe measles are rag ¬ ing in this neighborhood orn crops ore looking fine in this community nOOCJlLANDI Goochland of DIsputanta preached at Sycamore SundayPearl Morris Maggie and Polly McCollum were the guests of Allle Phillips last Sunday Talenge Phillips who hon typhoid fever la t improving George Sparks attended church at Gochlrnd Sunday Several j of this placa attended at Berea last week commencementI of McKee and Stella Sparks visited A G Phillips Monday J F Dooley was In Mt Vornoa last week on busi ¬ ness Abney Bros will move their saw mill U W B Harriss near Big Hill soonW S Jones contemplates going to Hamilton Ohio in the near future Jim Lucas passed thru here on his way to the mountains Wednes ¬ duyWm Jones and Ella Dooley are planning to attend the examination at Mt Vernon Friday and Saturday Den Ballard was In Madison County first of tho week Easom Johnson I spendthe land In the early autumn George Abrams was in Berea last week on business W A Phillips attended church at Cowbell Hollow Sunday nlghtNed McHonc agent for Tho Citizen was thru Goochland recently selling and collecting The Baptists MOTHER GRAYS SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN sContlpstlon b s garder War Tbe ak an 1ld I I IDonlce T If of this place have changed their meet ings from the second Saturday to the fourth Will la Johnson of Orlando host the contract for building tho new school at this place for 500 8NII1UU Snider June 1sMr W F Lam- bert ¬ and fatally of Winchester visit ¬ ed relatives In this vicinity from Wednesday till Sunday Mrs Min ¬ nie Conn of Dorm visited Mrs Lee Wren Saturday and Sunday Mr Al mon Arthur of Llvlngood was the wel ¬ come guest of his mother Saturday night There have been some big tides in Round Stone here of late Miss Bottle Todd of Richmond is in this community Mr Calvin Chasteen who has been at homo for a week left Monday to go back to his work at Plnevllle Marlon Pointer was at home Saturday and SundayMr El ¬ mo McClure was in this community Saturday Miss Nellie Grant has beln- staying with her antes Mrs Mamie Watkins at Berea for some tlmeIr James Owens has moved toLivtngood to work on the railroad AVI Mil K- Wlltlle June 13Mr Gilbert and Henry Dalley and Miss Lucy Dally of Conway were the guests of Miss Lou Coffey Sunday James Coffey was with home folks Sunday Mr Jesse Fish visited Mr and Mrs Albert Rey- nolds last week Mrs A Philips and granddaughter Lou Philips were m Mt Vernon Monday Mrs Edward Graves of Paris visited Jut parents Mr and Mrs W H Jones last week Mrs Sarah Maret Is sick Born to Mr and Mrs J W Parsons a fine boy Mother and babe are doing well Misses Ella Nash and LcJa PettIt are visiting friends at this place Mr Albert and Jack Fish attended commencement at Berea last Wednes ¬ dayMrs Mary E Coffey and Misses Ethel and Maude Reynolds and Fannie French visited friends at Bercw last weekClarence Holdman the child of Mr Jeff Holdman died June 13th at the age of five yearsMr W H Jones was in Mt Vernon Monday CONWAY Conway June OCrops are look Ing fine in this part of the neighbor ¬ hOOdElmer Williams has return ¬ ed from Brush Creek and Is not dofiig wellMrs Wm Hayes Is very poo- rlyMr ¬ Chas Bowman has been to I London to see the doctor as he was advised to do but Is not doing well Mrs Della Dally Is better Mr J H Branaman and Mies Lou Philips of Wildle wero here Sunday Mr A P Gabbard has returned from Jackson Mr I A Bowman has gone to Jack ¬ son on business Mr Hubbard the drummer was with the merchants here last weokThe Rev Phelps filled his appointment here Saturday and Sunday There will be church here every third Saturday and Sunday Mr Ben Gabbard and Logan Gabbard started out Monday on a drumming trip thru the mountains Miss Rhoda Bowman entertained quite a crowd I of young folks Sunday Mr Claude Anderson of Berea visited at I A Bowmans Saturday and Sunday Mr and Mrs Jennie Hayes visited At Wildle Sunday Mr Bob Abney of Clear Creek was over Saturday and Sunday IIOOMR Boone June 20Mr Charles Smith and Miss Jessie Guinn were quietly married at tho home of Mr Robert Smith Sunday evening Miss Hattie Poynter made a business trip to Mt Vernon last weekMr and Mrs Tow ry of Paint Lick were in this vicinity Sunday evening Mr and Mrs T S Guinn of Beroa visited friends and relatives here Sunday Mr Cal Chas ¬ teen returned to Straight Creek last MondayMrs Rosa Grant who has been quite sick for a few dayu 1s some betterMr and Mrs Lee Wren and Mrs Geo Wren and Mrs Lam bert were guests of Mr and Mrs Jno Wren Sunday Mr and Mrs D Bolen started to Illinois last Saturday where they will make their future home MiKj Mary Crutcher is visiting friends and relatives at this place Miss Rena Smith and lass Jessie Guinn were shopping In Berea SaturdayMr Geo Poynter and bother M Poyhter visit ¬ ed relatives here Saturday and Sunday Mr Wm Rich of Rockford is doing some work for H T and Arthur Chas teenMr J Oldham and A D Lev ett Wero visiting near Rockford on Sunday lost Miss Lizzie Grant was tho guest of Mrs Margaret Sims Sun ¬ dayMrs DcJsy Lambert and Mrs Norn Wren were visiting their moth ¬ er Mrs Mattlc Gadd near Rockford lost Saturday MADISON COUNTY KINGSTON Kingston Juno 20Mr A P Set ¬ tle entertained a number of people at his home Sunday among them were Mr and Mrs Ben Boen M D Set 100 Reward 100 The readers of thlt will be leased to learn that there U at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all Its sla gei and the U Catarrh tails Catarrh Cure la- the cure now known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional die ease a constitutional treatment lIalla Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting direct ¬ ly upon the blood and mucous IlIraera of the system thereby destroying the foundation of bybulldlnKnl much faith In Its curative power that offer One Hundred Dollars for au cue Ihallt rail to cure Send for list of testimonials Address FJ ClIItN Y tr CO Toledo 0 Sofd by all Dmgxlsta7c Take flails yI Ila for constipation w 1 tie and wife the Rev Vandorpool Margaret Crooke and Lyda Young i Mr and Mrs Eager of BcattyVlllo came Saturday to visit their daughter I Mra Mark Flanery for several d s Miss Bessie MoWhorter of IJeIC6I visited Miss Eva Lewis Saturday and I Sunday Mr O P Jackson and wife i of Richmond visited relatlvesht Mote last week Several from hero are planning to attend the entertainment at Speedwell Sunday night Miss Floa sle Baker of Dreytus was the guest of Miss Martha Powell Saturday night any SundayMr Arch Murray visited near Richmond one day last week Mr Levi Kimberlaln and daughter America visited at Dreyfus recently Success to The Citizen and Its new editor I IIHKYFllH I Dreyfus June 21Rev Dunagan of Corbin is holding a meeting at tho Baptist church hero this woekMr Chas Ridded is visiting relatives here this week Misses Ida and Bettlo Lewis of Berea visited Miss Alma and Lizzie Lake Saturday and Sunday Miss Alum Lake has returned from Richmond where she has been attend ¬ ing school Mr and Mrs F M Jones visited Mr Lincoln Combs Sunday piss Dora and Curt Bengo delightfully entertained at their home last Sunday afternoon a number of their friends All report a good tlmee are gladI strlct1We success IIAItTH Harts June OThe fanners are proud Indeed to see these warm days how they make the crops look fineI drying up the ground so niceMr H T Jones and family are all very sick with mumps Miss Pearl McClure is visiting her grandparents In IndI lannMr James McQucen has been very sick but is improving Born to Mr and Mrs Tom Coffee on Wednes ¬ day June 16th a baby girl Mr and Mrs Willie Plgg are the proud par ¬ ents of a baby boyMrs Geo Ames of St Louts Mo is visiting her sis ¬ tern Mrs Baker and Mrs Davis Mr J E Hammond attended the Mason Lodge Saturday night at Berea Mrs Matt Range and boys of Illinois are paying Mr and Mrs Mart Baker a visit Mr W B Lake of Silver Creek I has bought a new organ which they enjoy very much Mrs Richard Cllft who has been at the Infirmary at Richmond returned home after a months stay taking treatment Mr C J Lake Is just about done setting his tobacco outMr J E Sexton has the nicest crop of corn In this neighborhood He Is over It the sec ¬ ond time Tho prayer meeting whichI is hold every Thursday night Is quite a success Everybody come Lets take a part There Is nothing better than a prayer meeting going on OWSLEY COONTt ISLAM CITYI Island City June 17Married at the brides tome Monroe King to Miss arah Becknell Another moonshine raid was made Saturday near XathanI ton Jackson County by Wm Mays Win Adkins Collector G J Gentry Dave Bowman Arthur Bryant and J W Jemcrson They found one ItllII In operation Married at the brides home Saturday at 2 p m Wm Gentry to Miss Emma Chestnut ot CIa Coun ¬ tyJoe Moore Is ill with teerI Eva and J Chadwell who have beenI attending Berea College for the past six months returned home Thursday and report an excellent sllhoo1I Eljas Nceley who has been down about four weeks with over Is no betterI Esther G Gentry who has been ai student of Bcrca College for tour years returned to her fathers Thurs ¬ day There have been donations to the amount of thirtyfive thousand feet of lumber to erect the graded school at Island City Torrah and Dole Gentry returned from the com ¬ mencement at Berea Thursday and report an excellent trip Powers is still In the lead and gaining every i day I JVincent at Beattyvllle a day or two last week on business T D Vonable visited at Blake a day or two last week Rufus Jackson was over at DoonevUlo last Saturday on business Com is scarce throughout this section One dollar per bushel and very little at that Tho Vincent boys played tho Boonevlllo boys last Sunday on tho old ground at Travelers Rest and gave them a nice detest the score standing 14 to C In favor of the yin ¬ cent team There will average about I one hog to the family thruout this section T B Venable has had a now phone installed in his homeJ- C Botner has his new gasoline mill in full operation nowPowers la good for 90 per cent of the votes thruout this section LESLIE COUNTY HYDEN Hyden June 13U M Hensley and wife are back after a two months abI sence Mrs Hensley underwent operation while in Louisville and tow well on the road to recovery IsI On lust Sunday at a meeting on head of White Oak in Leslie County 15 miles from Hyden a general affrayf took place One man killed and two seriously wounded Solomon Taylor killed 81 Mitchell Taylor was shot in the thigh and Willie Witt n by thrLffray J Mitchell after Mitchell was shot Witt is not fnta1lyI live It was an old grudge between i Mitchell and Taylor that caused tho row and they all came them to at ¬ tend church and metD C Edwards spoke hero last Saturday to a very largo crowd In the court house and from tho expression of tho PeoilloI present it was plain that was i a majority In the house for Mr Pow ¬ ers and against Mr Edwardrt were not over ten or fifteen TheroI time cheered Mr Edwards tho enthusiasm that could bo muster- ed up horn by his supporters Ho took up a good part of his speech reading time letters of one Jos II Sloorq who had turned traitor on Mr Powers and exposing his letters Mr i Powers had written to Mr Moore while Mr Powers was In prison Mr Edwards nude an absolute failure to create any sentiment for his cause or accusation as to Mr Powers getting rich in jail He also told that old sterotyjwd story that John D White used to tell so much that he would lock and dam tho Kentucky River to Hyden 1C tho people would just con ¬ i tinue to send him to Congress i PERRY COUNTY i JIAZZAIID Hazard June 18The weather has been very wet and farmers are very j mush behind with their work Crops look badThe County examination Is being held here with twentyone ap ¬ pliant of whom two have w It- hdrawnL ¬ F Brashcar cashier of Perry County State Hank is having a- new house erected on Broadway Street near the college building Busklrk a railroad man of Cincinnati was hero Saturday Austin Melds purchased the store and dwelling formerly own ¬ ed by E C Holliday Saturday tho consideration being about twentytwo hundreddollars The tide last week cleared the rivers of rafts and brought considerable money Into this County D Y Combs Is in Letcher County taking land contracts Tho different orders of Hazard are going to give a grand picnic on the 4th of July Hamilton 0 Letter Hamilton 0 June ZOTho Chris- tian ¬ Endeavorers of Hamilton held a picnic In Reser Grove south of town last 8alurdayfir E B Flanery of Elmwood Place Cincinnati paid Mr and Mrs M Gabbard a short llIltI last Sunday afternoon Messrs In ¬ gram and Pyke former Bnrea College students are employed In Hamilton tills summer Mr Grant Farmers totally has measles also have one ion just recovering from typhoid fevor Mr Granvll Johnstons daughter line scarlet fever There are many cases the city n01The First Baptist church will hold Its annual picnic next Friday at the Butler County Fate Grounds The Odd fellows of the Blxtythlrd district are trying to getI tho next State Convention for Hamil ¬ tonIt is reported that C E Walling now serving his third term as trea i surer of Hamilton and the only Rep ubllcan ever elected to any otflco con- secutively ¬ In this city li dying Mr Walling is a brother of the lato WILl ¬ ling who was hanged with Jackson for the murder of Pearl Bryan In New ¬ tort Ky several years ago Meredith Gabbard and family had the pleasure of attending Berea College Commence- ment ¬ this year and listening to some of the orations given by the gradual and old Alumni members also to note the great advancement Barca College Is making In building beautifying the town and In turning out so many gra uates Mr John Flanery came home with them and is painting for th- C C Paper Co this summerThe Miami Valley Chautauqua opens July I MinnlKtnred by J 15 and holds until August t i promises an exceptional list or epfak- era this year Mr W J Bryan Goo R Stewart tho Rev Spurgeon of England Bishop Walden Byron W RIB ton of Ohio Dr 0 F Wright Dr Thos Green and Dr H T Sell aro some of the most noted speakers The Tyroleon Yodlers and Alpine singers Chicago Glee Club Rogers Concert Band Clrdllos Italian Band and the Hayden Concert Quintette are Interest- Ing features We regret to zoo Mr Frost the old editor leave The Citizen but heartily congratulate Mr Faulkner as ho succeeds Mr Frost Wo Berea College students In Hamilton him success with his new duties wishl believe In The Citizen and it brings to Its readers wo believe In it because It believes In Bcrca Col loge which is doing more toward gU lug the boys and girls of the moun ¬ tains a Christian education than any other school in the South Inordpr- to bo convinced of this fact Ipo to youI ¬ mencement next year and sit in the great old Tabernacle and not walk among the crowds all day as some do but visit the different col- lege buildings and see somo ot the products of the students manual train Ing or the girls work in Domestic Science f 4 1sS PENIX GRADUATES J S Penlx of Salyersvllle Kya former student of Borea Colleger has just graduated from the University of Chattanooga at their annual com ¬ mencement and now holds the degree of Bachelor of Laws All Boron will recall that Mr Penlx was a student here two years ago and was very prominently connected with much of the literary work of the college lln Ic a teacher and is well loved in the profession and thehun day school circles lie is a strong friend of Berea and tolls many peo plo that It is the best place they can find to get an education and that he would not think of going else- where to get the things that Berea furnishes Thru The Citizen he wishes to express his hearty apprecia ¬ tion of Ucrea College and all who fare In sly way connected wltli the same To the students taaahcrs and tho Church and Sunday school hIS sends his kindest regards and hearty IdtntIn Chattanooga for teachers Fe 0 CLARK GOES TO EUROPEi Mr F 0 Clark has decided to spend the summer in Europe He Is cm his way now to New York and expects to call as soon as ho can saouro passage Mr Clark did not decide togo till after commencement and on applying for a berth to several steamship comb panics he found that everything was booked on tho outgoing strainers for several weeks He hopes to find pas sage after he gets to Now York Italian Proverbp Willows are serve toblad other wood i WE BU- YWOOL I FlIDESANOFURlltia tnuabd Wta fa po till iftb nactetti i Riltrtict SIT kook U Utttfilk We trial WooiBats Fen la M siirtai WrtkFxa lot 1 L BABEL A SONS suiawbi ° Utfirflk Kf SAVE YOUR FOWLS I Bonrftoif Poultry Cure U recognized as the standard poultry of tba world Ills tbe oaeremcdytbatcaabadepanded on with absolute certainty to cure and prevcat Gapes Cholera Roup Diarrhoea and III extt nil forms of poultry dl eases AfewdropsInthedrinkingwaterkeepafowlshealthyand tree from 111 A Wo bottle 12 gallons ofinedicineer the treatment of meckhcad and other discuses in turkeys Bourbon Poultry Cure I 1 HAS NO EQUAL I IIIn Bourbon Remedy Co I1cabiitoa AtAI Lttdlna DruQoltU BOo per Bottle Trial Vial Froe For sale by Porter Drug Company Inc Berea Ky OHIO COLLEGE DENTAL SURGERY Central Avenue and Court Street Cincinnati ThlH College was organized In 1846 and the 06th Annual Seealon begins October 4 1010 Three sessions of seven months each are re- quired for graduation This Is the first dental collego established In the West It IB coeducational and line a teaching corps of twenty in- structors Its buildings are modern and well adapted to the require- ments ¬ of modern dental education and MB clinics are unrnirpapsed Optional Spring and Fall Courses In clinical Instruction ore also given For further information announcement address HA SMITH D D S Dean lid Garfleld Place Cincinnati Ohio

Transcript of I You Get Nowhere Else WIII 1sMr I i...j M Mad4 oltQ flVQ8OO 4 elaeNlr telaaMu 1News3 East Kentucky...

Page 1: I You Get Nowhere Else WIII 1sMr I i...j M Mad4 oltQ flVQ8OO 4 elaeNlr telaaMu 1News3 East Kentucky Correspondence You Get Nowhere Else i IIf eorreipeaienc psbU1II4 ualm aljnta la

t Jrj M Mad4 oltQ flVQ8OO 4 elaeNlr telaaMu

3 East Kentucky Correspondence

1News You Get Nowhere Else ieorreipeaienc psbU1II4 ualm aljnta la fan by the wetter Till WIIIIIf sot lot inbllMUoi bit M aa STUIMO of rx I faith Writs elilaly



The contest in the Eleventh Dis-


eeems to be getting pretty warmand the indications are that it may

become bitter Many of our corres-pondents are from this District andthey may be tempted at times to be-comet partizan We want them to givethe nuns but we hope they wlllcQjrtlnue to be temperate and nfct under-

take to tell people how they should

voteIfthe editor was a voter in the

district he would not for a momentlook to the Interest of either man-

n He has nevem done so before lIe doesnot consider it in any sense a per ¬

itsonal matter He would look at theoffice and study the Interests of thenation not of the District aloneGuided by this principle he wouldcome to a conclusion and cast hisvote Ills vote would be his measureof the men Strife for the place and

rmud slinging would seriously die¬

qualify either or both In his estima ¬

tionOnlypublishing the news disclaim ¬

ing responsibility for any preferenceexpressed by any correspondent andwith hands off so far as personalitiesand the wind are concerned Thentlzen commends the above principleto every yotdr


Greenhall June 20The Greenhallbaseball team the Oak31InIs billed to speak at several places


In Owsley County this week TheCounty is supposed to give Powers anoverwhelming majority and It Is sateto say Jackson County will give PoIers SOO majority Mrs Maggiewho has been low with pneumonia isimproving The Sundays school organ ¬

ized at Canons chapel by5 H Long I

la making a good startmanagement of Clark WlIsonTheIcontinued wet weather has done muchdamage to corn and othercrops Much bottom land growingI

total fallureJ D piersonand J N Smith and wife visited Si ¬

Ian Creech Sunday and enjoyed avery pleasant time We think it aduty of all to follow the rules givenby our editor regarding the dreadfuldisease of consumption By so doingwe can save much suffering and thelives of manyThe Rev Buckleshas been appointed to finish up theIcircuit vacated by the RevHe will preach at Canons chapel thofirst Sunday in JulyD9b Evans Is

out from Virginia visiting his broth ¬

ers Jim and Samuel and other rela ¬

tives Early Gibson is at Plnevlllevisiting relatives Now that ClarkWilson wIlLte with us in our Sun ¬

day school work till he returns toBerea in September we should doall In our power to have a goodschool and to accomplish this weparents should be found at our placesRemember the duty we owe to ourlittle ones and let all set that ex-ample that will be of great benefit tothem and try to bring them up In a-

wayi that will be pleasing In the sightof God

rillTKTTPrlvelt June ISThe fever Is rag

Ing through this vicinity The Rev

JjHarvey Johnston has been holdingmeeting at Black Water

I with many additions to the churchMr James Anderson who has been

in the army for the last three yearsf GIIO home on a visit and has now

gone to New York whero ho will beemployed for a whlteMr Silas Spurlock gate the young folks a singinglast Saturday night David Flanery of Rosses Creek attended thefuneral or his aunt at Flat Lick lastSunday

XATIIANTONNathanton June 16J E Wilson

made his return home last night froma drumming trip thorugh Lee County

Mrs Robert Wilson has beep verybad with fever but we hope her bet-


nowMrs Jessie Halbrcoks Issome betterGeo Tlncher J S Wil ¬4son G C Gentry Jessie Halcombwere tho welcome guests of J EWilson and family last SundayAllcrops seems to show up very doubtfulIn this part of the country Mr LeePeters passed thru our city Mondaylast on his way to MauldenHalleyscomet was all the talk a while backbut it is all hushed and the talk

t now is for Caleb PowersHOBLKT

p Hurley June 20All crops arewarmlmeeting at McKee has been wellattended from this place this week

Mr Grover Gabbard visited his par ¬

ents at Black Lick Saturday nightW M Baker from Clay County is

i visiting his fatherinlaw Mr NedGabbard a few days this week OurSunday school at this place is propressing nicely Mr and Mrs John


go otloetoeoto oleo 0 oYoq

I McCollum and Dona Philips visitedat Pal Gabbards Sunday nlghtThelion D C Edwards will speak atour school house Saturday the 2 that ten oclock Everybody conic outand hear him Mlsa Pollle McCollumtook tho examination at McKee this-

weekMessrs Jake and Charlie Is ¬

aacs of Egypt visited their sister MrsWilliam Hurley Friday night Mrand Mrs J B Morris from Birch Lickvisited at Hooten Saturday and Sun ¬


Mildred June 19 Farmers arevery much behind with their cropsin this section on account of so muchralnJames H Moore made a flyIng trip to Owsloy County FridayDied June 11th Old Aunt Betty Mooreof heart trouble and other diseasesShe was a kind and Christian woman

I and liked by nIl who knew her Hermany friends and relatives have our

Rice10fGreen Morris Saturday nightMr andMrs Walter Cannon of Maulden visit¬

ed Mrs Cannons mother Saturdaynight They expect to move to Lin ¬

coin County soonJames TowlesofIGray Hawk was In town Saturday

Mrs Jane Morris is planning to visither mother in Laurel County soonThere have been higher waters inLaurel Fork this spring than havebeen known for 15 yearsAll thetalk seems to be about the congressIrace Mr Powers seems tolead In this community Wo are sorryto lose our editor but hope we haveone Just as good We extend ourwelcome to him and wish him oursuccess Luck to The Citizen and itsnew editor

Isaacs June ISAACSIwet weathertheir work Died June 16th Mrs El ¬

len Pennington She Is a daughter ofMr Robert Johnston of Berea Sheleaves a husband and three childrento mourn her loss Mr John Yorkand wife of Hamilton 0 returnedhome SundayMr Sanbrooks of Llv


ingston organized anSaturdayMlsslS-

usieChapter at Annvllle

Watson of Annvlllo visited MrsSarah Davis Wednesday and Thurs ¬

dayMra Maranda arrett who hasbeen sick Is well again Mr LewisHellard of Loam passed through boreThursday on his way to Mill Creek

Wheat and oats are looking finebut grass is quite light ElectionIiDIooreslCreekTllllo York the past week-




Roblnet June IS RegularchurchIservice Is held at Horse Lick

second Saturday and Sunday Inj

month by tto Rev T Durham IrsITravis French of Mt Vernon camehue the 18th to walt on the measlesat her sons J W French The lawsuit between Sommers and McDowelwas decided In Mr McDowels favorJohn Powell of Conway Is inthis part hauling tiesMilt Carpen ¬

ter Is planning going to Hot SpringsArk this fallThe measles are rag¬

ing in this neighborhood orn cropsore looking fine in this community

nOOCJlLANDIGoochlandof DIsputanta preached at SycamoreSundayPearl Morris Maggie andPolly McCollum were the guests ofAllle Phillips last Sunday TalengePhillips who hon typhoid fever la t

improving George Sparks attendedchurch at Gochlrnd Sunday Several j

of this placa attendedat Berea last week commencementI

of McKee and Stella Sparks visitedA G Phillips Monday J F Dooleywas In Mt Vornoa last week on busi ¬

ness Abney Bros will move theirsaw mill U W B Harriss near BigHill soonW S Jones contemplatesgoing to Hamilton Ohio in the nearfuture Jim Lucas passed thru hereon his way to the mountains Wednes ¬

duyWm Jones and Ella Dooley areplanning to attend the examinationat Mt Vernon Friday and SaturdayDen Ballard was In Madison Countyfirst of tho week Easom Johnson Ispendtheland In the early autumn GeorgeAbrams was in Berea last week onbusiness W A Phillips attendedchurch at Cowbell Hollow SundaynlghtNed McHonc agent for ThoCitizen was thru Goochland recentlyselling and collecting The Baptists


sgarderWar Tbe ak an 1ldI

I IDonlceT


of this place have changed their meetings from the second Saturday to thefourth Will la Johnson of Orlandohost the contract for building tho newschool at this place for 500

8NII1UUSnider June 1sMr W F Lam-


and fatally of Winchester visit¬

ed relatives In this vicinity fromWednesday till Sunday Mrs Min ¬

nie Conn of Dorm visited Mrs LeeWren Saturday and Sunday Mr Almon Arthur of Llvlngood was the wel ¬

come guest of his mother Saturdaynight There have been some bigtides in Round Stone here of lateMiss Bottle Todd of Richmond is inthis community Mr Calvin Chasteenwho has been at homo for a weekleft Monday to go back to his workat Plnevllle Marlon Pointer was athome Saturday and SundayMr El ¬

mo McClure was in this communitySaturday Miss Nellie Grant has beln-staying with her antes Mrs MamieWatkins at Berea for some tlmeIrJames Owens has moved toLivtngoodto work on the railroad

AVI Mil K-

Wlltlle June 13Mr Gilbert andHenry Dalley and Miss Lucy Dally ofConway were the guests of Miss LouCoffey Sunday James Coffey waswith home folks Sunday Mr JesseFish visited Mr and Mrs Albert Rey-nolds last week Mrs A Philips andgranddaughter Lou Philips were mMt Vernon Monday Mrs EdwardGraves of Paris visited Jut parentsMr and Mrs W H Jones last weekMrs Sarah Maret Is sick Born toMr and Mrs J W Parsons a fineboy Mother and babe are doing well

Misses Ella Nash and LcJa PettItare visiting friends at this placeMr Albert and Jack Fish attendedcommencement at Berea last Wednes ¬

dayMrs Mary E Coffey and MissesEthel and Maude Reynolds and FannieFrench visited friends at Bercw lastweekClarence Holdman the childof Mr Jeff Holdman died June 13that the age of five yearsMr W H

Jones was in Mt Vernon MondayCONWAY

Conway June OCrops are lookIng fine in this part of the neighbor ¬

hOOdElmer Williams has return ¬

ed from Brush Creek and Is not dofiigwellMrs Wm Hayes Is very poo-rlyMr


Chas Bowman has been to I

London to see the doctor as he wasadvised to do but Is not doing well

Mrs Della Dally Is better Mr JH Branaman and Mies Lou Philips ofWildle wero here Sunday Mr A PGabbard has returned from Jackson

Mr I A Bowman has gone to Jack ¬

son on business Mr Hubbard thedrummer was with the merchants herelast weokThe Rev Phelps filledhis appointment here Saturday andSunday There will be church hereevery third Saturday and SundayMr Ben Gabbard and Logan Gabbardstarted out Monday on a drummingtrip thru the mountains Miss RhodaBowman entertained quite a crowd


of young folks Sunday Mr ClaudeAnderson of Berea visited at I ABowmans Saturday and Sunday Mrand Mrs Jennie Hayes visited At

Wildle Sunday Mr Bob Abney ofClear Creek was over Saturday andSunday


Boone June 20Mr Charles Smithand Miss Jessie Guinn were quietlymarried at tho home of Mr RobertSmith Sunday evening Miss HattiePoynter made a business trip to MtVernon last weekMr and Mrs Towry of Paint Lick were in this vicinitySunday evening Mr and Mrs T SGuinn of Beroa visited friends andrelatives here Sunday Mr Cal Chas ¬

teen returned to Straight Creek lastMondayMrs Rosa Grant who hasbeen quite sick for a few dayu 1s

some betterMr and Mrs Lee Wrenand Mrs Geo Wren and Mrs Lambert were guests of Mr and Mrs JnoWren Sunday Mr and Mrs D Bolenstarted to Illinois last Saturday wherethey will make their future homeMiKj Mary Crutcher is visiting friendsand relatives at this place Miss RenaSmith and lass Jessie Guinn wereshopping In Berea SaturdayMr GeoPoynter and bother M Poyhter visit¬

ed relatives here Saturday and SundayMr Wm Rich of Rockford is doing

some work for H T and Arthur ChasteenMr J Oldham and A D Levett Wero visiting near Rockford onSunday lost Miss Lizzie Grant wastho guest of Mrs Margaret Sims Sun ¬

dayMrs DcJsy Lambert and MrsNorn Wren were visiting their moth ¬

er Mrs Mattlc Gadd near Rockfordlost Saturday


Kingston Juno 20Mr A P Set ¬

tle entertained a number of peopleat his home Sunday among them wereMr and Mrs Ben Boen M D Set

100 Reward 100The readers of thlt will be leased to

learn that there U at least one dreaded diseasethat science has been able to cure in all Its slagei and the U Catarrh tails Catarrh Cure la-

the cure now known to the medicalfraternity Catarrh being a constitutional dieease a constitutional treatment lIallaCatarrh Cure Is taken Internally acting direct ¬

ly upon the blood and mucous IlIraera of thesystem thereby destroying the foundation ofbybulldlnKnlmuch faith In Its curative power that offerOne Hundred Dollars for au cue Ihallt rail tocure Send for list of testimonials

Address F J ClIItN Y tr CO Toledo 0Sofd by all Dmgxlsta7cTake flails y I Ila for constipation


tie and wife the Rev VandorpoolMargaret Crooke and Lyda Young i

Mr and Mrs Eager of BcattyVlllocame Saturday to visit their daughter I

Mra Mark Flanery for several d sMiss Bessie MoWhorter of IJeIC6Ivisited Miss Eva Lewis Saturday and I

Sunday Mr O P Jackson and wifei

of Richmond visited relatlvesht Motelast week Several from hero areplanning to attend the entertainmentat Speedwell Sunday night Miss Floasle Baker of Dreytus was the guestof Miss Martha Powell Saturday nightany SundayMr Arch Murray visitednear Richmond one day last weekMr Levi Kimberlaln and daughterAmerica visited at Dreyfus recently

Success to The Citizen and Its neweditor I


Dreyfus June 21Rev Dunaganof Corbin is holding a meeting at thoBaptist church hero this woekMrChas Ridded is visiting relatives herethis week Misses Ida and BettloLewis of Berea visited Miss Alma andLizzie Lake Saturday and SundayMiss Alum Lake has returned fromRichmond where she has been attend¬

ing school Mr and Mrs F M Jonesvisited Mr Lincoln Combs Sundaypiss Dora and Curt Bengo delightfullyentertained at their home last Sundayafternoon a number of their friendsAll report a good tlmee are gladI


Harts June OThe fanners areproud Indeed to see these warm dayshow they make the crops look fineIdrying up the ground so niceMr HT Jones and family are all verysick with mumps Miss Pearl McClureis visiting her grandparents In IndIlannMr James McQucen has beenvery sick but is improving Born toMr and Mrs Tom Coffee on Wednes ¬

day June 16th a baby girl Mr andMrs Willie Plgg are the proud par ¬

ents of a baby boyMrs Geo Amesof St Louts Mo is visiting her sis ¬

tern Mrs Baker and Mrs Davis MrJ E Hammond attended the MasonLodge Saturday night at Berea MrsMatt Range and boys of Illinois arepaying Mr and Mrs Mart Baker avisit Mr W B Lake of Silver Creek I

has bought a new organ which theyenjoy very much Mrs Richard Cllftwho has been at the Infirmary atRichmond returned home after amonths stay taking treatment MrC J Lake Is just about done settinghis tobacco outMr J E Sexton hasthe nicest crop of corn In thisneighborhood He Is over It the sec¬

ond time Tho prayer meeting whichIis hold every Thursday night Isquite a success Everybody comeLets take a part There Is nothingbetter than a prayer meeting goingon

OWSLEY COONTtISLAM CITYIIsland City June 17Married at

the brides tome Monroe King to Missarah Becknell Another moonshine

raid was made Saturday near XathanIton Jackson County by Wm MaysWin Adkins Collector G J GentryDave Bowman Arthur Bryant and JW Jemcrson They found one ItllIIIn operation Married at the brideshome Saturday at 2 p m Wm Gentryto Miss Emma Chestnut ot CIa Coun¬

tyJoe Moore Is ill with teerIEva and J Chadwell who have beenIattending Berea College for the pastsix months returned home Thursdayand report an excellent sllhoo1IEljas Nceley who has been down aboutfour weeks with over Is no betterI

Esther G Gentry who has been aistudent of Bcrca College for touryears returned to her fathers Thurs ¬

day There have been donations tothe amount of thirtyfive thousandfeet of lumber to erect the gradedschool at Island City Torrah andDole Gentry returned from the com ¬

mencement at Berea Thursday andreport an excellent trip Powers isstill In the lead and gaining every i

day I

JVincentat Beattyvllle a day or two last weekon business T D Vonable visitedat Blake a day or two last weekRufus Jackson was over at DoonevUlo

last Saturday on business Com isscarce throughout this section Onedollar per bushel and very little atthat Tho Vincent boys played thoBoonevlllo boys last Sunday on thoold ground at Travelers Rest andgave them a nice detest the scorestanding 14 to C In favor of the yin ¬

cent team There will average about I

one hog to the family thruout thissection T B Venable has had anow phone installed in his homeJ-C Botner has his new gasoline millin full operation nowPowers la

good for 90 per cent of the votesthruout this section


Hyden June 13U M Hensley andwife are back after a two months abIsence Mrs Hensley underwentoperation while in Louisville andtow well on the road to recovery IsIOn lust Sunday at a meeting onhead of White Oak in Leslie County15 miles from Hyden a general affrayftook place One man killed and two

seriously wounded Solomon Taylorkilled 81 Mitchell Taylor was shotin the thigh and Willie Witt n bythrLffrayJ Mitchell after Mitchell wasshot Witt is not fnta1lyI

live It was an old grudge between i

Mitchell and Taylor that caused thorow and they all came them to at¬

tend church and metD C Edwardsspoke hero last Saturday to a verylargo crowd In the court house andfrom tho expression of tho PeoilloIpresent it was plain that was i

a majority In the house for Mr Pow ¬

ers and against Mr Edwardrtwere not over ten or fifteen TheroItime cheered Mr Edwardstho enthusiasm that could bo muster-ed up horn by his supporters Hotook up a good part of his speechreading time letters of one Jos IISloorq who had turned traitor on MrPowers and exposing his letters Mr i

Powers had written to Mr Moorewhile Mr Powers was In prison MrEdwards nude an absolute failure tocreate any sentiment for his cause oraccusation as to Mr Powers gettingrich in jail He also told that oldsterotyjwd story that John D Whiteused to tell so much that he wouldlock and dam tho Kentucky River toHyden 1C tho people would just con ¬ i

tinue to send him to Congress i


JIAZZAIIDHazard June 18The weather has

been very wet and farmers are very j

mush behind with their work Cropslook badThe County examinationIs being held here with twentyone ap¬

pliant of whom two have w It-hdrawnL


F Brashcar cashier ofPerry County State Hank is having a-

new house erected on Broadway Streetnear the college building Busklrk arailroad man of Cincinnati was heroSaturday Austin Melds purchasedthe store and dwelling formerly own ¬

ed by E C Holliday Saturday thoconsideration being about twentytwohundreddollars The tide last weekcleared the rivers of rafts and broughtconsiderable money Into this County

D Y Combs Is in Letcher Countytaking land contracts Tho differentorders of Hazard are going to givea grand picnic on the 4th of July

Hamilton 0 Letter

Hamilton 0 June ZOTho Chris-tian


Endeavorers of Hamilton held apicnic In Reser Grove south of townlast 8alurdayfir E B Flanery ofElmwood Place Cincinnati paid Mrand Mrs M Gabbard a short llIltIlast Sunday afternoon Messrs In ¬

gram and Pyke former Bnrea Collegestudents are employed In Hamiltontills summer Mr Grant Farmerstotally has measles also have one ionjust recovering from typhoid fevorMr Granvll Johnstons daughter linescarlet fever There are many cases

the city n01The First Baptistchurch will hold Its annual picnic nextFriday at the Butler County FateGrounds The Odd fellows of theBlxtythlrd district are trying to getItho next State Convention for Hamil ¬

tonIt is reported that C E Wallingnow serving his third term as trea i

surer of Hamilton and the only Republlcan ever elected to any otflco con-


In this city li dying MrWalling is a brother of the lato WILl ¬

ling who was hanged with Jacksonfor the murder of Pearl Bryan In New ¬

tort Ky several years ago MeredithGabbard and family had the pleasureof attending Berea College Commence-ment


this year and listening to someof the orations given by the gradualand old Alumni members also to notethe great advancement Barca CollegeIs making In building beautifying thetown and In turning out so many grauates Mr John Flanery came homewith them and is painting for th-

C C Paper Co this summerTheMiami Valley Chautauqua opens July

I MinnlKtnredby


15 and holds until August tipromises an exceptional list or epfak-

era this year Mr W J Bryan GooR Stewart tho Rev Spurgeon ofEngland Bishop Walden Byron WRIBton of Ohio Dr 0 F Wright DrThos Green and Dr H T Sell arosome of the most noted speakers TheTyroleon Yodlers and Alpine singersChicago Glee Club Rogers ConcertBand Clrdllos Italian Band and theHayden Concert Quintette are Interest-Ing features We regret to zoo MrFrost the old editor leave The Citizenbut heartily congratulate Mr Faulkneras ho succeeds Mr Frost Wo BereaCollege students In Hamiltonhim success with his new duties wishlbelieve In The Citizen andit brings to Its readers wo believe Init because It believes In Bcrca Colloge which is doing more toward gUlug the boys and girls of the moun ¬

tains a Christian education than anyother school in the South Inordpr-to bo convinced of this fact Ipo toyouI¬

mencement next year and sit inthe great old Tabernacle and notwalk among the crowds all day assome do but visit the different col-

lege buildings and see somo ot theproducts of the students manual trainIng or the girls work in DomesticScience

f 4


J S Penlx of Salyersvllle Kyaformer student of Borea Colleger hasjust graduated from the University ofChattanooga at their annual com¬

mencement and now holds the degreeof Bachelor of Laws All Boron willrecall that Mr Penlx was a studenthere two years ago and was veryprominently connected with much ofthe literary work of the college llnIc a teacher and is wellloved in the profession and thehunday school circles lie is a strongfriend of Berea and tolls many peoplo that It is the best place they canfind to get an education and thathe would not think of going else-where to get the things that Bereafurnishes Thru The Citizen hewishes to express his hearty apprecia ¬

tion of Ucrea College and all who

fare In sly way connected wltli thesame To the students taaahcrs andtho Church and Sunday school hIS

sends his kindest regards and heartyIdtntInChattanooga for teachers

Fe 0 CLARK GOES TO EUROPEiMr F 0 Clark has decided to spend

the summer in Europe He Is cm hisway now to New York and expects tocall as soon as ho can saouro passageMr Clark did not decide togo tillafter commencement and on applyingfor a berth to several steamship combpanics he found that everything wasbooked on tho outgoing strainers forseveral weeks He hopes to find passage after he gets to Now York

Italian ProverbpWillows are serve toblad

other wood




tnuabdWta fa po till iftb nactetti iRiltrtict SIT kook U Utttfilk We trialWooiBats Fen la M siirtai WrtkFxa lot 1L BABEL A SONS suiawbi

°Utfirflk Kf


Bonrftoif Poultry Cure U recognized as the standard poultryof tba world Ills tbe oaeremcdytbatcaabadepanded

on with absolute certainty to cure and prevcatGapes Cholera Roup

Diarrhoea and III extt nil forms of poultry dleases AfewdropsInthedrinkingwaterkeepafowlshealthyandtree from 111 A Wo bottle 12 gallons ofinedicineerthe treatment of meckhcad and other discuses in turkeys

Bourbon Poultry Cure I1


IIIInBourbon Remedy Co I1cabiitoaAtAI Lttdlna DruQoltU BOo per Bottle Trial Vial Froe

For sale by Porter Drug Company Inc Berea Ky

OHIO COLLEGE DENTAL SURGERYCentral Avenue and Court Street Cincinnati

ThlH College was organized In 1846 and the 06th Annual Seealonbegins October 4 1010 Three sessions of seven months each are re-

quired for graduation This Is the first dental collego established In

the West It IB coeducational and line a teaching corps of twenty in-

structors Its buildings are modern and well adapted to the require-


of modern dental education and MB clinics are unrnirpapsedOptional Spring and Fall Courses In clinical Instruction ore also

givenFor further information announcement address HA SMITH

D D S Dean lid Garfleld Place Cincinnati Ohio