I WI t t1t1t - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · o heading a committee which U to prosen a platform...

I WI Mom T APRIL 11 t- c J t Partly cloudy today and r o1 LXXINO 224 NEW YOHJ JI0 DAY APRIL 11 1904coJ vr1uhtt904bvThSuPrinlluadlubUtTIlnAlloc alion PRICE TWO GENTS L 4 f I 2 L t1t1t morrow < = = = 1f r j thy Iy 1ke 11 pro htA onE p red md- ect tho- md of- ou tte- ero lEt rc at LnP wn Ine- als ate ley inn d tho- Ity nt tho- tle ing lOW inrn tho tax py- I ur Ion roW lkH i 0 If- of the Uro tl- nIt ItO aro- sla im ate rik- of 1- Ige I wer- PD li br- an j f ojl Ion i ror- nM lum- nd I 1 Hi t i 4- LI I t t GOVERNOR FULL OF BUSINES Ill STIC OXlTERFEREXCH- REEMKXT ov we so o Time In See Plait Ward for Clialrmn- nn Credentials ulBC to Chlcag- UIIM nouEUft or DouRlaa Doesnt i The Aew Hallroatl Commissioner dloll nan been a busy man since r- i nine I I own Friday afternoon BO busy tIlL hnil time to see Senator Platt for UVH irirmtis on Saturday although hot are slipping nt tho Fifth Aventio Hotel The Ouvernors labors were so nrduoiv- put erdiiy that lw hndnt time to son Senator Plait al nil but then thoOovomorsadhii- i nii overlooked this on tho ground that h- oiilclnt relax from his work of siniiflhln to MnithiTiMiH this pnrt of tho compac- Miteroil into between Cloy Odell and Bonatc Plait it tho hotel on March 20 I wan furthor agreed that wherovc wore local contests for leadcrwhi in the irty them should bo no Interferenc In frvor of or against any one either b Senator or Oov Odell iov not desired thnt tho name of the chairmen of the committees on ere Jpniiilit niul resolutions In the Stnto con of Tuesday should be known ii Tho choice of the chairman of th committee on resolutions and platform i not so niCTilficant ho wIll bo Assomblymai Joan I Hurnott of Ontario but tho ohalr man of the committee on credential i- eiptvtrd to do business for the Oovornor Mr Burnett is merely to go through the form o heading a committee which U to prosen a platform prepared over a week ago bj- fiov Odell and which craoks up Presiden- Koosevclts adniinisrntion and declares Governors administration to hove been Hi ever ov own wants WostchesUv- wardninn oxRepresentative William L Ward to ho chairman of tho commlttei- nn credentials and In this desire Gov Ortell sustained by hi9 downtown ward man Representative Lucius N Llttnuer Mr Ward was pver in Washington a short lime and ho said Representative Charles William Oillet of the Thirtythird dUtrici should be sent back to Congress for the eighth tune and that J Sloat Fassett business to aspire to go to Congresi from the district Mr Fassett and Mr FasM tts friends think differently and committee on credentials of the approachi- ng convention is to be called upon to settle a contest In the district which is mod up of lie counties of Ohernung Schuyler Seneca and Stouben Mr QuIet contestants in Seneca county Ir the convention and Coy Odell not at nl in favor of or against an one insists that Mr Ward shall be chair mm of the committee on credentials in order to aid Glllet and damage Faisett anc Fassetts that the contest put up in of the flimsiest character- The settlement of tilt content by Gov Odells wardman either way will have no effect upon the candidate in tho Congress district as it is to bo taknn to the courts hut a declaration tn favor of Gillei would Rive him prestige and go a long way toward electuiK another Odell Stato commltteeman Gay Odell having tumbled out as Stnto committeemen all of the Platt old guard- Ia New York county took up yesterday tho dispute in the Fifteenth Congress district over delegates to the national convention The slate hits been Represent at ivn William H Douglas and Lemuel E Quigg Odell called a conference of tlioso inter- ested and there wero present redoubt- able patronage patriot Abe William Halpin William B Fuller Warren C Yune- Knderiok C Waters Mr Quigg W B Mack Theodore I Oilman Alexander T Mason teorge W Wanmuker nnd Charles H Abo Irillier anil most of the for personal reasons said MrJ- uiKR tthould rIot Iw allowwl to go us ono of th national delegates for tho Yet it was proved that Mr Douglas but twenty delegates out of the fiftynix in Hi Nineteenth Assembly district and fn it MI ly decided that if Mr- Nonpluss cnpporiers ndlicro to their origi- nal agreement Mr Quigg is to bo IIIH- oliraKiio in Mr Douglas will RO to I not Mr Douglas Is to U lropped and Alexander T Mason wni in his place Quigg who will go anyway has menu a Congressman for the dis- trict three times and was president of the county commit t ro and twice temporary of a State i vr ii toadfaet party worker So like- wise was Edward Iauterbach president of inn county committeo and a Republican ho helled out thousands when the till wa empty and yet he has been eel aside for Dr Nicholas Murray Butler So you cant tt very much what is to happen- ih e days The convention of the Fift- eenth onsross district on Thursday night Promiw h to Ixj interesting Incidentally It marked by an Odell adherent that some f them mugwumps didnt know hat kind o shingles are made of inJ a of President Roose- vtlt M in reply There are ft lot o bricks this hotel today that you couldnt put Reid on William Barnes Jr of Albany after a Wits think decided to remain chairman- of the committee of the mid MI Of his friends OiMl has chosen new Railroad ommUMoners George W Aldrldge of ocheri r now secretary of the board former Superintendent DOlT of the Erie an adherent of Edward H HarriiMii are to bo the two new commUl- ontrj md already announced in TUB SRC rge Edward Graham manager of AhiKiatcd Press at Albany Is to be now sMTctary f board numont wa heard because Cloy il Twentieth Congress dlstricti con ntio stiHlvan Orange and Rockland- Jo n Saturday instruct for President hut elected Mr Harriman and V Itimsa Jr as the delegates All r Hit iin Congress district convention delegates for Roose IIIMI yesterday yanked out Mayor tu i Knight of Buffalo as one of tIme Kftiis tit large for tho State and put in Jeorgo Urban Jr of Buffalo liovrnor ticxt fall Ixjuls Stem to be w at large from New York county Collwtor Stranahan and SubTreasurer Hid en tho Fifth Avenue Hotel in- he altrnoon The old talk about Ellhu- oot n 10 candldato for Governor next n revived and It wee said wry dly that Mr Roots wishes In the v bed rpgardcdin fat that he Into- h0i Alt of Mr Roosevelts friends want Mr to tokn the nomination r lov Oov OdrilV friends wr- mIT Cio only PInt Ilion the bAt hi I the d friend Y that laS dL trilL tilt trot Ir W tree In Slat mite hi a G h the ohn nte flc 1 pin ht j Cloy candidate pint d Rot 1 I I tIP hero ago bar- rio seate ntrferIng I soy hId U inn I1iIflOiI cciivnt v executive tni tie flfl ri Iran tire Odolls for i their nit fait ma t > < > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ ° < > sullen over the and ono d If never s onecutlve they reiterated with more than usual er phasl that Mayor Knight is the man f them Time talk about Senator Quay becomit chairman of the Republican national cor mitten wan admitted to be bawd only hope and tho old talk about Senator Nelsi W Aldrich of Rhodo Island wa i heard In tho land mSY STREET Cill THIEVES Onr CaiiKlit lies a Pat Uhn Attempted Inse sa HetcotlYr John H Koeppol of 1345 Franklin nvenu a furniture dealer at 231 Fourth nvenu was on his way homo from the Botanic Gardens In Bronx Park yesterday on West Farms trolley car when a thief thrtu- ft newspaper before his eyes and grublx- hl 300 diamond stud man jumped from tho car and ra down Boston road chased by a score c men At Wlllettn place halt a away they caught him Ho was in cent of an excited crowd when a stranger pundit his way through Make way there shouted floshln a shield Im u detective in this predncl t mo got html Look out said a man in tho crowd Hes that fellows Th newcomer away and boards a Boulevard car Just then a policomai camo upattl arrested tho first captive said he was Thomas Barton of 104 Woe Eightyfourth street He didnt have th stud At the Tremont station the police sat that he was an old offender An hour later James Ovens of 1432 Wash- Ington avenue who had taken his wife two children to Bronx Park had an ex- perience with two thieves at the Bedfon Park transfer station As Ovens steppe from a White Plains car a thief a paper over hU and made a grab for his diamond Orons tho thief down and Joe then heard his wife cry for help Anothe thief was attemplng to tear a diamond earring from her ear Tho second thief ran when Ovens mad for him and tho first used the opportunlt- MIIS F A HOLJinOOK WEDS Becomes Mrs Ifnushton Font Day Aftr Her Divorce Ilecame Lesal- SrrtiNonKiD Mass April 10 Mrs Flor once A Holbrook of tints city and Williar Bradley Iloughton of Marlboro Vt hav been She U the granddatighte of the millionaire pisto manufacturer Her former husband wan foreman of the farm where she has spen many of her The fact came only four lays after a divorce was grantee from her first husband adds to the interest in the event As Florence Bull the present Mrs Houghton was one of the socletj leaders of Springfield some twelve or thir- teen years In189 she married Ooprgi- M Holbrook Jfoine yeaira ago xrai rumored that oil was not In the Holbroolc household and husband and wife finally started separate establishmenta Not long after this tine wife filed a com- plaint for divorce from her husband on the ground of desertion The case was in tho Superior Court In September nnd there being no contest a decree wat granted Thin was made absolute March SC nnd two days later a license was taken out for Mrs Holbrooks marriage to Mr Hough- ton Tho marriage took place In this city Monday- Mr and Mrs Houghton did not go on n wedding trip but are living at the brldet Magnolia Terror rWIV 111 XT V IATEHSH- Xro Topi flrliiB One flown From a Telf- Krupli Iolr Tliousht It Wai a Monkey PATKHSOX N J April 10 KoitidentH in the vicinity of Main and Green streets vere aroused from their Ixsds early this morning by several pistol shots Many if them rusluid unto tho street half blinking that murder was being Their fears that something terrible had liappened in the neighborhood wore in jreosed when they saw Jack Cannon and Mike Dunn two of Patersons best known uiliccman shooting into a tree The cops the tree several times nefore they said anything and then Gan non roared out Hey Mike its n blooming monkey- Ill hot it got away from tho quarantine station at Athenia here it comes Down from tine the supposed monkey and headed for a high telegraph ou on the opposite side of tho street There it sat on the top cross piece and look a Both cops again the mimal without doing any apparent damage At last Dunn suggested going to the roof of a throe story tenement whence a good range could be had Dunn ind Gannon climbed to the roof and after rIng several more shots at the animal dlled it and It felt to the ground It was x coon No ono knows where it came from It weighed fifteen pounds HARVEST WORKERS SEEDED ianias llopri to Urt Young Mm Who Will Go WMt to the Worldi Fair TOPEKA Kan April JOTho prospects- or a good crop of Kansas wheat are prom sing enough for the farmers of the State o be thinking of getting an adequate supply if harvest hands into the State from the Jast T B Gerow director of the Kansas Employment Bureau says that many ouna men of East will combine busl lees with pleasure this summer by upending month In tho Kansas wheat fields and some ime at the worlds fair In St Louis Men writing to Mr Gerow on the subject Thy want to see the fair and ore short- f funds Thev figure that they ran mako- noueh In the harvest fields in one month o pay their transportation ways rod their expenws while at the fair Mr Gerow in now in correspondence with wheat growers andCounty Clerks the number of harvest hands Harvest begins in southern Kansas week In June and ends In the north rn counties the last of July Wouldnt l t Emma Cioldman Speak Pirit ADKLPViA April 10 Acting under rders from Director of Public Safety myth who declared on Saturday that mma Goldman must not be o speak at a public city ho police prevented tho Anarchist an address In tho Hoot mater clad Jot chamber nnd again tn I mil he pal 1 who and eye kno to marie summer herd hole I cad i I I I Sot t ret I n ire both nee t aloe tonight leer or i run lid escape tgo rene nit circled re- tarding Odd FeIlrnv17PmpiP I I ¬ > < KILLED IN A COLLEGE JAXlTHIt Of HOVSTOX HllJj A OLD lE MllWEHEDl- lcalen to Heath Ia t rvcnlnn uy a Thin Nhorlly After HcJUIotu Service its KndMl poplitrs Sot Touched but Home Other Valuables Taken Pitn DKUiiu April 10Hls body mull lated and his face bettered In almost bo yond recognition John Thomas the age night watchman of the Houston Club o tho University of Pennsylvania was foum tonight murdered has stlrrei students and faculty of tho University o- Pimnsylvaiila oven more than tho murdc of Prof Roy Wilson White four years ago by negroes Time Houston Club is the swell organiza or the university and is frequcntec welltodo undergraduates On at upper floor is tho trophy room In which are slonxl the valuable prizes won b Pennsylvania men In It is lw janitor whit defending thcwe Provost C C Harrisoi officers of the university ogre In believing that the crime was committal by some one familiar with the trait Thorn had boon religious services in hell in tho afternoon and the strident departed shortly before 6 oclock Tin assault occurred a few mlmitei later as Thomas was making his rounds preparatory for closing at 7 oclock Hi probably the intruder In thi main hall are evidences of terrific struggle tine whlls being spatteruc with blood and the furniture broken From thoro the men proceeded stil struggling to the cellar There tho watch- man was overcome by a blow from a ten- pin and his body stretched lifeless nl the end of the bowling alley Aatudenl named William G Milton a member of the University V M C A who had been de- tailed upstairs after the meeting and who was preparing to leave heard groans Seeing blood stains he rushed to tho base- ment and found Thomas breathing hut unconscious He saw that the man hot been beaten terribly Ono of his ears wa lopped ofT and several fingers were missing Millon rushed across the street to the University Hospital and summoned mtxlleal assistance Thomas however died aftci a few gasps Only the evidences of the struggle and the broken cash register told tho tale of tho crime The contents 1750 had been taken hut curiously enough two twentyfi vecent had been overlooked The watchmans were turned Inside out and every movable article of intrinsic value had been taken from tho place The trophies however were found to be Intact Tine of the Woodland avenue sta- tion a square away were notified and spe- cial own were sent about tho neigh- borhood A was sent out by the central office force to look for a negro either blood bespattered or wounded The police incline to the theory that the murder was the work of ncgroe M the university Is pot tof from one of fbo most notorious settlements M Philadel- phia a nogro was in the downtown port of with his hand bandaged He Is being held on suspicion authorities however do not Incline strongly to tho theory that the man arrested is the murderer They point out tho fact that the murderer was familiar with the place as he knew the hour when- it would be least frequented Color Is given to this by the fact that a watch which had been broken by the combatants In their struggle and which was at first sup- posed to have to Thomas has been identified OB the property of a former em- ployee who had been discharged One important clue Inure been given to the police by A P Kline superintendent- of the hall and concerns a former employee who was discharged shortly his mar- riage The officers of the university were told that the man had represented himself- to the girl ho was to who was of station in a student his discharge the man is said to have expressed resentment against some of the other employees at the The murderer also his crime a hatchet that hued been secured for the pur- pose of breaking open this cash register- In tho bookroom The watchman who had the thief or thieves at work was with a long andiron weighing twenty pounds and that lie made a desperate struggle for WHAT ODELL SAYS HE SAID lie Was Stare Yesterday That He Hadnt Attacked Unions on Saturday Night Gov Odell wasnt Inclined to make public yesterday the text of his speech at the of Squadron A on Saturday and those at the dinner observed about tho address The Governor said to those who asked him about this speech yesterday that ho had not attacked labor unions as somo of the diners intimated on Saturday evening- Ho said ho had never mentioned labor unions In connection with the National I did say said the Governor was that the National Guard was a State organization and was part of the State Hovernment and that It was manifestly Improper for that reason to stigmatize anv one because of his membership In the National Guard Any organization that sought to do that or to ostracize those of their members who belonged to the National I said came dangerously near to That was all I said which could have given rise to the reports of my speech FIttEME TO THE RESCtE Firing I a Ulrn to irt out Two Mm mil Two Women From a Loft Building Four coat makers employed by R Fried nan on tine third floor of a loft building at Twelfth street and Broadway worked last right and got locked in the building When hey got to tho outside door at 9 oclock hey found it locked Tine four Ros Friedman and Jennie Jpkowltz of 28 Orchard street and Morris Jreenfleld and Max Alton of 318 Stanton itrtHit went back to tine titled floor and hooted from tine front windows Policeman Byrne heard them and went o the fire house In Thirteenth street Tie a couple of ladders and carried the two women down from the hInd floor The men climl ed selves AT AU CAFKS Tiber ilenllvet Scotch Att CLUB to ere ton athletiC tint encounter a pies souring nero are i engage I god I hal hear wit din- ner night Guar Guar I I I I eng down I urvu police belonged after r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ WAXTS A 950000 A WIFE Frrnrh Count In fhlcitRo hook In 1C for Marriageable Heiress CHICAGO III April 10 If there Is a tall blond girl in Chicago who U anxious t a French countess she might for name mid address Count Al phonsi De Campau at tho Auditorium Annex Tho Count is In Chicago He is lookinj for a wife and sho must lie tall and hay light hair antI blue eyes She must nisi possess a graceful figure with an Incomi of 50000 u year and be willing to ylgi cheeks The Count Is a queer sort of man Hi also has queer notions ns to the privilege- of those horn of tho nobility- I want a wife I need 50000 a he said this afternoon I have no of tho 50000 If I dont have a wife do I have any use for a wife if I dont liavi 50000 a year I have estates near Toulouse are very valuable anti they have been ir- my orally for many generations If do not got 50000 a year tho estate pan away If the estates pass away there if no need for perpetuating my family There- fore I have no need of o wife fJo you see FIVE DEAD I TROLLEY WRECK nunaway far In Hnntu llarbsra Mrs lulltn KrutUchnltt Injured SANTA HAIIUAIU Cnl April 10 Ar electric street car tho track on c steep grade here and nearly on were hurt Five worn killed injured thirty seriously Among those injurer slightly was Mrs Julius Kruttschnltt wife of E II Harrlmans new director of trans at Chicago from thc old Mission down which tine car started runs directly south for t distance of about two nnd a half blocks Tho brake gave way soon after the car started The first turn was made safety hut several were thrown oft by tho violent lurch as cleared the curve Just a block beyond the track turn sharply to thin the car which was going at n terrific speed struck tint curve It jumped from the rails and ploughed across tho street on Its stile striking n telephone pole The roof caved In on the occupants Tints is in the heart of one ol the best residence parts of tho city and directly In front of what Is known as the Crocker cottages The dead are all tailoring men Among the are Mrs Julius Kruttschnltt Ccvcnaux her maid fatal Mrs Henry Carter Mrs Burgin San Francisco Mrs Roast wife of the manager of tIne Homo Telephone Company Santa Barbara Mrs Nora K Engert Chi- cago Alice Dupuy and Mrs Golden wife of Earl Golden LITTLE FIRE IS WOMESS HOTEL Twai In a Trunk Itoom nod That Worried the Martins Washington Guests The women who live in the Hotel Martha Washington hod a lively half hour yuster day because of a little Ore In a trunk store on the eleventh floor The the Twentyninth street and there are no windows In it 5 oclock a guest smelled smoke and the elevator boy who traced it to tho storeroom By the time tho elevator boy hail un- rolled the fire hose there was blaze enough- to set going tine automatic alarm The woman who had discovered the smoko had alarmed the othor women on the floor nnd they of their rooms Whom they the fire was they made a united dash for the trunk room My trunk they in chorus The automatic an engine a truck and tine fire patrol but tine levator boy and tho women had tho blaze pretty well out when they arrived The firemen however began to use their picks the woodwork on some of the trunks The three policemen until their hands full keeping the women far enough away to let the firemen woik The firemen estimated the damage in the storeroom at 100 The hotel manage- ment said It was more The blaze started from defective insulation CK 1AM FLOODS TWO TOWXS- rtlilenU of Verdun unit Ijipralrlr sear Montreal llrseiioil In lloatM- ONTTIKAI Quebec April 10 A jam of ce on the St Lawrence today resulted In flooding of Verdun a small town Montreal The water backed up ntindatlng tIne low lying district near the Victoria bridge which connects Montreal thu south shore of the St Lawrence two hundred houses in Verdun were hooded and the water covered the railways on depth of several feet Many of the esldents had to bo rescued front the top tory windows and removed In boats o far no loss of life is reported The water in tine St Lawrence opposite lontrcal has not so high since the Teat flood of 1885 the big wall along harbor front so far has protected tho Uy front Laprairie opposite Montreal four louses wore swept away early this morn ng by tho lee and the Inmates had a close All escaping In their nisht clothes The lamago from the flood will be very heavy TO PREVENT WEDDISG- omrUod llroke Into SInew and Burned All the MediltiiK felineS HEiirsrEJiD L I April 10 Mies Mar arct Walsh of Hempatoad is to be married ext Wednesday according to nnnouncc- ent to William Holropfcl Their mouse an completely furnished and was to have eon occupied by them upon their return the honeymoon They will now have o look for another house or postpone redding Some who it is thought ran disgruntled marriage ot Into tIne house by waking In a rear door Tine lace curtains rnro torn from tho windows by the depre lator and set on Ire Somo valuable rings other furnishings wero found to bo nifslng- Only prompt action by the firemen saved tie house from being completely gutted ho trousseau of the bride and the wedding lollies of Mr Holzepftl were burned with many other articles The police think that hey have a clue to tine who did the lamage- MCiirra OP conMiius SPECIAL TRAIN TO WASIHMJTOX VIA PENX- STLVAMA IUIUIOA1 11 leave New York W t l MP U roakljrn H 4 P U Tuudsj April IJIb with SlOt aiurhrd Hate I7SO Ibr round IB TIckets will be on tUb I2lb ins th rood to return untO April llflb Inclusive EtC a bole to I year I ned I I jump oar pronE I I portal Ion I i I Injure rom rom but trop I chime i on the ad- joining with hon the danger- At 4 from tine ole prop and I ron DId a 4 The The line Street ear sat 45r ¬ ¬ ¬ > MAIN IN PINKERTON STABLE COCKS FOVXD FIGHTIXG THERl- THIRTYTWO ARRESTS Amonis tine Irlnnrri Was Allen nmltl Who I Said to He Allan PInkerton i Hon of Col Hubert Pinkerton of the Aernpy Prisoners lulled The police of the Sixth avenue ntatloi raided a cockfight arrested thlrtytw noon and took twentyfive live birds tour decal ones and two which were fighting In i pit in Robert Pinkertons stables 783 Union street Brooklyn at 3 oclock yesterda morning The arrest was made by Patrol- man Joseph Donovan Sorgt Gallaghei and reserves under CapU White who deny that they were aware or even ye know thattha raid on tho cook tight wai made In a statue owned by one of the famoui detective family Among the thirtytwo men arrestee was one who gave tine name of Allen Budr of Clinton and Fulton streets Brooklyn He was the only one of the prisoners ballet out at tine pollen station He was Build by the alleged proprietor stable Andrew Hannigan 21 years old of 78 Union street who wins held on a charge of violating section 003 of Iho Penal Code In the Myrtle avenue court yesterdaj Budd appeared with the same bonds man who furnished for all the othei prisoners- For many years during his school days and even yet among his intimate Allan Pinkerton tho ton of Col Pinkerton in whose stable the cockfight took place and where tho raid occurred lias been known as Build At tine home of Robert Pinkerton and the son last night It was positive that Allan Pinkerton was tho mar caught in the raid or in that any raid had taken place It was also denied that was ever known ns Budd It that the stable had been leased although the telephone is connected with the private residence of the Plnkertons by a private switch it beIng necessary to get the in order to speak with the occupants- of the stable Yesterday morning shortly after 3 oclock Patrolman Donovan was the stable at 782 Union street heard the cheers of men and the words They are grime ones nil right Going close to the heavy glass doors he heard sufficient to convince him that a cockfight was going- on and that there was a crowd o men In the stable He summoned Sergt Gallagher The sergeant was soon satisfied from the sounds within the stable that the law wan being violated and hurried to tho police station for the reserves leaving Donovan- on watch On the arrival of the reserves and the patrol wagon the doors were battered in and the officers rushed Into the midst of the crowd They found four cocks lying beside the pit bl ih thousand of their handlerfin be of beginning a new fight The raid waari complete surprise Ever njort In tile place had npparentlyIelt most absolute security from arrest in enter ing the stable of Cot Robert Pinkerton It is more than hinted at in police In Brooklyn that tho police lint not know until after the raid was made that the stable was owned by the Pinker tonsAmong tho crowd of sports arrested were men from all over the country if the names given may be used as a criterion Among tho names given were tlioso of William C Kane London England John Small Amity fllle L 1 and James Robinson Balti- more Md It U understood that tIne light was lie wecn Baltimore amid Brooklyn blrdn the having been supplied from England by a man who was aupposed- o lie at the tight Tho fight is also said- o have ixen an annual one this having to decide he championship of tine The thirtytwo prisoners were arraigned icfore Magistrate Nauiner In the Myrtle iveiiun court later in the day and lucid In each until Tuesday for further The police and all con jorned deny that they have any knowl tiRe that Allan Pinkerton was taken in he raid TACK TARS HKAR OT LOOSE liisiltti Icl of Columbia Causes a Panic at league PHILADELPHIA April 10 Nearly one housand Sunday visitors at tine League stand Navy Yard wero thrown into a lanio this afternoon by Bruinsky tho lusslon bear mascot of the cruiser Colum lia which about the yard in a armless nearly an hour ex itoment prevailed Women dragging Iron by the hand men girls and cattored in all directions Bruinsky was finally cornered by a squad if who lassoed him and led him to his pen The trouble was brought about by the fact that CapU Miller f the Columbia had ordered Bruinsky o be sent to the Eoo TIne sailors were eluctant to lose their pet so they con ealed him in the coal bunkers for two days Us keepers decided to let him free yester ay afternoon for a little exercise not thinking that the boar would cause any rouble among tho visitors The bear trotted on back and then down gangplank to the yard The sight f the animal with his monstrous head wnying from side to side struck terror o the hearts of the visitors and Instantly hero was a stampede Meanwhile Indifferent to the excitement his presence was creating risked about the lower end of the yard hen he trotted over to the torpedo boat ostroyer Hopkins and went up the gang lank Several women aboard became s terrorstrlcken that they were only pro tinted from leaping overboard by the saIl rsBnilnsky left tho Hopkins and dashed ward tine entrance gate The gate was losedon lila noire and he was then lassoed led back to tho vessel More Colorado leaders Arrested TRINIDAD Col April 10 James D Ichie secretarytreasurer of the cal union at Broadhead Robert resident of the Broadhead union and Ibrario Vlalpando a Mexican have been rough from Aguilar by the troops and laced in the county jail The first two are iwrged with Intimidating noon who wished work Vlalpando U having tot nt a soldier cUed non hal fronds I Alan I d tao I Alan I i ping circle t later hen hal t lou 1 gamboled chi maine the that and lAbor mines Det rot lye resi- dence died with two the wo cities Las ohrged with ¬ SESATOR QUAY SICK Friends Unable to Him Abiolute Hn- Ii Prescribed ATLANTIC CITY N J April 10 It wa learned tonight that Senator Quay Is sick but his illnees Ii could not be learned Friends who caller today were not admitted Reporters won told that absolutely no one could see him nor could any messages be delivered to him ills physician had given strict orders tha no verbal or written message to politics or business should be taker Into the sick chamber The Senator II was said must havo absolute rest and bt free for the present from all care He L 71 hECK FOUR rEED Ill EIGHT To De Presented by the Knlgtiti or Co- lumbus to the Catholic University Possibly the largest check In area of paper over paid on any occasion wilt be de livered to tine Catholic University America next Wednesday by the Knights of Colum- bus for the establishment of a chair of secu- lar history The check beautifully en grossed will measure 8 by 4 feet It will contain the names of nil tho councils that contributed to the triad will be drawn to the order of thn Catholic University and signed by the otTlcials of tho Knights The indorsement will ho by thin Right Rev Mgr OConnoll rector of the university and In honorary form by Cardinal Gibbons- its chancellor The presentation will take place at 4 P M at Washington with elaborate exercises on n grandstand erected In front of McMahcn Hall From 5000 to and ladles attn expected to lOr4VO HOSTESS KILLED Fell Downitalr Whllr IssrorllnB Her to the flour Margaret Elizabeth Lillian Grose 10 years old entertained some friends nt her home 344 East Fortysecond street on Saturday night and at 1030 oclock when tinny to leave went with them toward Half way down the stairway she tripped and fell Her head struck the floor below and her skull was fractured Sho died a few later KAISER VERY RESTLESS Tires Out the Members of 111 Party nn the llohenollernt- peetal CaSts Dt3palclt to Tng Sex LONDON April 11 The Standards Berlin correspondent sends further proof from an absolutely authoritative source of tho very satisfactory state of Emperor Wil health proof Illustrates what Is said by members of his entourage who describe his restlessness as amounting to Illness inasmuch as the Emperor is de- scribed an not only tiring out those with whom he conversed by continually pacing the deck of the HbheozoUern with them but he alsodelivered hy afternoon lectures ot the rnoet arUd speaking In a tens of voice for more than an hour a AUTO liE CHASED HIM Contractor flute Turned and Ills Machine Caught the Dloycle Cop Herbert Clute a contractor of 23 last Eightysixth street was arrested at Ninety and Riverside Drive yesterday afternoon by Bicycle Policeman Mnlloii wino said that he had been running automobile 11 an hour When ton who hid chuslrig tho auto for several blocks caught up with it Cluto- uddeply turned the machine and Mallon was caught between it and the curb HU uniform was torn but he was not Cluto said that he came from mad didnt know anything about the speed laws here Ho said he had no intention of unning into Mallon when ho turned tine mtomobile He was bailed TVSIKS WITH STRIPED SflTS Keeper IMiurne IlniN Com lots hale Them Worse Than the TRENTON X J April 10 Head Keeper jeorgo O Osborno of the State prison las hit upon a new punishment for convicts who violate He simply dresses them- n tine that were abolished as a egular prison uniform a little morn han u roar The men hate tine stripes more intensely thAn they do the or any other lunlshment that the prison authorities- an inflict They look upon them as de- grading and especially so since they Inane neon abolished as an uniform Keeper Osborne will recommend the stripe punishment to the board of prison nspectors GIRLS ACCIDENTAL DEATH HM Miliel Dulrher Falls Ween anti the WInd IMont Out tine IJjht- i Miss Mabel Uulcher IB years old who ras employee as a clerk by the company rhich publishes Everybodys ifayatinc- fas found by her mother Mrs Charles H hitcher dead in bed at her home 45- Salrmount avenue Jersey City yesterday aorning She fell asleep while reading a book on Saturday night The wind through a window which had by her before she retired the light The room filled with as and she was suffocated while she slept he lay propped up on pillows with the book n her lap PLAED HIS OWN FlXERAI- htirrh Organist Selected HI Comn anti MiMlc to DC flayed RUTLAND Vt April 10J H Engels- rgonlst of the Congregational church one of the best known musicians In England was buried yester ay according to his own plans Until he mine down with pneumonia ton days ago- e had never been n lila ad no sooner reached tine hospital than- e declared he would not Ho called an undertaker to submit wimples f one of which ho selected lender of the brass bound f which Mr was director was sum toned and alter it had bean agreed lint organization shoukl play of accompany tho bcdy to randon for tho to bo was selected and an organist was ngagrd to officiate at the MM Roosevelt Goes to Groton Man WASHINGTON April 10 Mrs Roosevelt ift Washington today for Oroton Mass- If a visit with her sons nnrnvtt Kxusct VuUlU miCa a suNder dcllficjr of flavor try II une It t Unite year toO nUll tare hour I lams liT hit min I hurt I Iln ron I I nile ago j i dung I I I blow- ing ben lower ChI and northern Ntw corn j I the I the I u 1 See pertaining the aft r well sustained tIme CII if ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ PUZZLE RULES THE BRIDGE IltESTO CHASOK ASD YOl CAXT- FIXD YOUR THAIX- Ioe l Passengers Knit to the I lnn1 Through Trains IMvlilnl llelwern Platforms IlrliiK Tickets Wllh You for You May Not Flout for Sale The blind goddess who presides over the fates of passengers to Brooklyn by the Bridge did a full days work yesterday shuffling the cards for them rule for gcUi j Brooklyn by train now is to go to the platform you didnt go to before Perhaps It wont bo the right platform but the chances are that it will a pocketful of tickets You may able to find the ticket sellers Also as to trolley oars If you want ono that gocn- up Fulton street bring a mandamus with you Otherwise your Fulton street turn up Washington street notice from anybody to anybody There was trouble aplenty on the Bridge last night a puzzled public and a police force was growing gray with worry To begin with tho local passengers were again as formerly to the tho rear oar of through trains leaving the Island platform But Instead of starting from tho Island with this car empty to pick up the emigrants at the east platform the trains take an at tho Island and pass the other plat- form without stopping and you cant a local train at the east platform The Lexington avenue Fulton street Kings County and Rldgewood Myrtle avenue trains leave from the Island form as usual but the Coney Island ivenue Bay Ridge Bath Beach Brighton Beach and Shoepshoad flay trains leave From the cast platform There were neither signs nor announcers ronterday to indicate a change and many astonished people after depositing their LlckeU in tine accustomed boxes were in- formed that their train loft from the other platform and that the company was much obliged for the extra faros a workman with a family of dozen trailing behind him dropped his ticket In the wrong box and had to buy others there was trouble for the poor ticket shopper The ticket were wild before the night wins when they werent pump handling the accumulation of tickets In the boxw they were wIttIly gesticulating and shouting to an indignant and Incredulous public that the way they should go was tho other way The cops were busy filling tho places of the missing B R announcers Every time one cop told a explorer how to go tho explorer astonishment or incredulity and passed along to try the next cop Long before traffic slackened the policemen wore alt red In the face and hoarse Just to fit In with tho other Improvement the gate at the foot of the stairway leading platform closed About 8 oclock P M both ticket booths where the crowd IB accustomed to buy tickets for the out- going platform wero closed Those will walked the length of the station to by tickets there had to go back to the booths in tine front of the Brldgo and then como back again to the east platform TIll pleased them very much The Police say the coolness of the night which Inept tine crowd smell enable them to handle the traffic at STOLE MAILED JEWELRY Cargo AiculnM lames P diner ClrrK- In ito Crnrral Post onioe James F Xehiier a clerk In thin General Post wire arrested curly yesterday Post OHlcu InspKctors Jacobs mil Mijern on a charge of stealing letters mid Mckafte from tine inulK According 0 the inspector more than pieces- if mail Including mastered letters and isckngiit worth In till about 5000 have joeri stolui lint Inspiotors say hat the ewplry district man htnn tIne hardest hit Xtfhner was caught through n mat packaR ont by inspectors Tho pncknguV- HH addrosHl lo Stephen lone Foljcor jeweller at ISO In thr package were 050 arid three college ehner who was on night duty was when tim package wasrataerlW- HS accused The inspectors say hen idmtiliKl HlnalliiK It hut wouldnt say about the other packages antI otters that wero stolon- Eehncrs salary was WOO a KB rare fla h clothes und according to the nspectors spoilt a good deal of time away rom Ills work Flue inspectors think 10 used tine money to gamble Ho Is singla lives at 008 East lottth street Ho was locked up in mine Oak street station will bo iirrnifcnrd before Commissioner this morning KKltlllEttl 0 ills SHIP haling Captain lives Ills Venrl After Mnn r Ills Crew Dleil- XKW BKDFOHD Mass lt Copt illlani B Ellis hat just arrived at his here from St helena whore ha Ii vowel tine whaling brig I coaorn Th rfonora way down on count of s outh America after time vnluaib night whaleh kern beriberi broke out among tha crow ToctinR nearly the whole company- All haste wee mad to St Helena hut tie brig arrived thire nine or her row dead with tine fatal arid seveiol lore sick After recruiting the Ionorn sailod fo- nother cruise and until January dl i disease ntack apt llli Again io Leonora was liondcd for St H Hia here a doctor told only hnnco ho had to av hi life wn men mama change of oilmae IIt ha ricurly iv- overed WWVK WSMV KILLED roiiKlit About u HJOIIIIO t inai unit by ShootInc Altriulitil- XEW HooiiKltu April 10 Thn MonU Piirson 15 years old wino fell om u freight train each wins cut to piwcii the Iclhnm Manor of th New Railroad thU afternoon romoved witness in a 20POO damage suit liich the relatives of Howard Aflller of yack tiavr broiiRhl npnitiRt Iho Wrl nester County Society which rns fho 1lniiiM Inir The damage unit I for tin death of young lllor on tlmt tlu i thus last Hummer Plorson was shoot and the bullet from his gun passed rough Millers brain killing loauutiy An Cary cl- ay wit shift plat Ever chopper puzzle a Oft and and Shllll nat pr home wit no the CUt ot at law U t 4 o c I them get I 1 I from thqJu was n mad all I COO i tine I puns 0 nvt tiling f 4 year I Lu left I Ire Ellis tin ate lI lung n I cry iou in pint ion tIn j- il not properly a shootIng galler where Miller was em ¬ ¬ ¬ > < <

Transcript of I WI t t1t1t - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · o heading a committee which U to prosen a platform...

Page 1: I WI t t1t1t - chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · o heading a committee which U to prosen a platform prepared over a week ago bj-fiov Odell and which craoks up Presiden-Koosevclts adniinisrntion


WI Mom T APRIL 11 t-


Jt Partly cloudy today and


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o Time In See Plait Ward for Clialrmn-

nn Credentials ulBC to Chlcag-

UIIM nouEUft or DouRlaa Doesnt i

The Aew Hallroatl Commissioner

dloll nan been a busy man since r-

i nine I I own Friday afternoon BO busy tIlL

hnil time to see Senator Platt forUVH irirmtis on Saturday although hotare slipping nt tho Fifth Aventio HotelThe Ouvernors labors were so nrduoiv-

put erdiiy that lw hndnt time to son SenatorPlait al nil but then thoOovomorsadhii-i nii overlooked this on tho ground that h-

oiilclnt relax from his work of siniiflhlnto MnithiTiMiH this pnrt of tho compac-

Miteroil into between Cloy Odell and BonatcPlait it tho hotel on March 20

I wan furthor agreed that wherovcwore local contests for leadcrwhi

in the irty them should bo no InterferencIn frvor of or against any one either bSenator or Oov Odell

iov not desired thnt tho nameof the chairmen of the committees on ereJpniiilit niul resolutions In the Stnto con

of Tuesday should be known ii

Tho choice of the chairman of thcommittee on resolutions and platform i

not so niCTilficant ho wIll bo AssomblymaiJoan I Hurnott of Ontario but tho ohalrman of the committee on credential i-

eiptvtrd to do business for the OovornorMr Burnett is merely to go through the formo heading a committee which U to prosena platform prepared over a week ago bj-

fiov Odell and which craoks up Presiden-Koosevclts adniinisrntion and declaresGovernors administration to hove been Hi

everov own wants WostchesUv-

wardninn oxRepresentative William L

Ward to ho chairman of tho commlttei-nn credentials and In this desire GovOrtell sustained by hi9 downtown wardman Representative Lucius N LlttnuerMr Ward was pver in Washington a shortlime and ho said Representative CharlesWilliam Oillet of the Thirtythird dUtricishould be sent back to Congress for theeighth tune and that J Sloat Fassett

business to aspire to go to Congresifrom the district Mr Fassett and MrFasM tts friends think differently andcommittee on credentials of the approachi-ng convention is to be called upon to settlea contest In the district which is modup of lie counties of Ohernung SchuylerSeneca and Stouben Mr QuIetcontestants in Seneca county Ir

the convention and Coy Odell not at nlin favor of or against an

one insists that Mr Ward shall be chairmm of the committee on credentials inorder to aid Glllet and damage Faisett ancFassetts that the contest putup in of the flimsiest character-The settlement of tilt content by GovOdells wardman either way will have noeffect upon the candidate in tho Congressdistrict as it is to bo taknn to the courtshut a declaration tn favor of Gillei wouldRive him prestige and go a long way towardelectuiK another Odell Stato commltteeman

Gay Odell having tumbled out as Stntocommitteemen all of the Platt old guard-Ia New York county took up yesterday thodispute in the Fifteenth Congress districtover delegates to the national conventionThe slate hits been Represent at ivn WilliamH Douglas and Lemuel E QuiggOdell called a conference of tlioso inter-ested and there wero present redoubt-able patronage patriot Abe WilliamHalpin William B Fuller Warren C Yune-

Knderiok C Waters Mr Quigg W B

Mack Theodore I Oilman Alexander TMason teorge W Wanmuker nnd CharlesH Abo Irillier anil most of the

for personal reasons said MrJ-

uiKR tthould rIot Iw allowwl to go us onoof th national delegates for thoYet it was proved that Mr Douglasbut twenty delegates out of the fiftynixin Hi Nineteenth Assembly district andfn it MI ly decided that if Mr-

Nonpluss cnpporiers ndlicro to their origi-

nal agreement Mr Quigg is to bo IIIH-

oliraKiio in Mr Douglas willRO to I not Mr DouglasIs to U lropped and Alexander T Masonwni in his place Quigg who will goanyway has menu a Congressman for the dis-

trict three times and was president of thecounty commit t ro and twice temporary

of a Statei vr ii toadfaet party worker So like-wise was Edward Iauterbach president ofinn county committeo and a Republican

ho helled out thousands when the tillwa empty and yet he has been eel asidefor Dr Nicholas Murray Butler So youcant tt very much what is to happen-ih e days The convention of the Fift-

eenth onsross district on Thursday nightPromiw h to Ixj interesting Incidentally It

marked by an Odell adherent thatsome f them mugwumps didnt knowhat kind o shingles are made of

inJ a of President Roose-vtlt M in reply There are ft lot o bricks

this hotel today that you couldnt putReid on

William Barnes Jr of Albany after aWits think decided to remain chairman-of the committee of the

mid MI Of his friendsOiMl has chosen new Railroad

ommUMoners George W Aldrldge ofocheri r now secretary of the board

former Superintendent DOlT of theErie an adherent of Edward HHarriiMii are to bo the two new commUl-ontrj md already announced in TUB

SRC rge Edward Graham manager ofAhiKiatcd Press at Albany Is to benow sMTctary f board

numont wa heard because Cloyil Twentieth Congress dlstricti con

ntio stiHlvan Orange and Rockland-Jo n Saturday instruct for President

hut elected Mr Harriman andV Itimsa Jr as the delegates All

r Hit iin Congress district conventiondelegates for Roose

IIIMI yesterday yanked out Mayortu i Knight of Buffalo as one of tIme

Kftiis tit large for tho State and put inJeorgo Urban Jr of Buffalo

liovrnor ticxt fall Ixjuls Stem to bew at large from New York countyCollwtor Stranahan and SubTreasurer

Hid en tho Fifth Avenue Hotel in-he altrnoon The old talk about Ellhu-oot n 10 candldato for Governor next

n revived and It wee said wrydly that Mr Roots wishes In the

v bed rpgardcdin fat that he Into-h0i Alt of Mr Roosevelts friendswant Mr to tokn the nomination

r lov Oov OdrilV friends wr-







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sullen over the and ono dIf never s

onecutlvethey reiterated with more than usual erphasl that Mayor Knight is the man fthem

Time talk about Senator Quay becomitchairman of the Republican national cormitten wan admitted to be bawd onlyhope and tho old talk about Senator NelsiW Aldrich of Rhodo Island wa iheard In tho land


Onr CaiiKlit lies a Pat Uhn AttemptedInse s a HetcotlYr

John H Koeppol of 1345 Franklin nvenua furniture dealer at 231 Fourth nvenuwas on his way homo from the BotanicGardens In Bronx Park yesterday onWest Farms trolley car when a thief thrtu-ft newspaper before his eyes and grublx-hl 300 diamond stud

man jumped from tho car and radown Boston road chased by a score c

men At Wlllettn place halt a awaythey caught him Ho was in centof an excited crowd when a stranger pundithis way through

Make way there shouted floshlna shield Im u detective in this predncl

t mo got htmlLook out said a man in tho crowd

Hes that fellowsTh newcomer away and boards

a Boulevard car Just then a policomaicamo upattl arrested tho first captivesaid he was Thomas Barton of 104 WoeEightyfourth street He didnt have thstud At the Tremont station the police satthat he was an old offender

An hour later James Ovens of 1432 Wash-Ington avenue who had taken his wifetwo children to Bronx Park had an ex-

perience with two thieves at the BedfonPark transfer station As Ovens steppefrom a White Plains car a thiefa paper over hU and made a grabfor his diamond

Orons tho thief down and Joethen heard his wife cry for help Anothethief was attemplng to tear a diamondearring from her ear

Tho second thief ran when Ovens madfor him and tho first used the opportunlt-


Becomes Mrs Ifnushton Font Day AftrHer Divorce Ilecame Lesal-

SrrtiNonKiD Mass April 10 Mrs Floronce A Holbrook of tints city and WilliarBradley Iloughton of Marlboro Vt havbeen She U the granddatighteof the millionaire pistomanufacturer Her former husband wan

foreman of the farm where she has spenmany of her

The fact came onlyfour lays after a divorce was granteefrom her first husband adds to the interestin the event As Florence Bull the presentMrs Houghton was one of the socletjleaders of Springfield some twelve or thir-

teen years In189 she married Ooprgi-

M Holbrook Jfoine yeaira ago xrairumored that oil was not In theHolbroolc household and husband and wifefinally started separate establishmenta

Not long after this tine wife filed a com-

plaint for divorce from her husband on the

ground of desertion The case wasin tho Superior Court In Septembernnd there being no contest a decree watgranted Thin was made absolute March SC

nnd two days later a license was taken out

for Mrs Holbrooks marriage to Mr Hough-

ton Tho marriage took place In this cityMonday-

Mr and Mrs Houghton did not go on n

wedding trip but are living at the brldetMagnolia Terror


Xro Topi flrliiB One flown From a Telf-Krupli Iolr Tliousht It Wai a Monkey

PATKHSOX N J April 10 KoitidentH in

the vicinity of Main and Green streetsvere aroused from their Ixsds early thismorning by several pistol shots Many

if them rusluid unto tho street halfblinking that murder was beingTheir fears that something terrible hadliappened in the neighborhood wore injreosed when they saw Jack Cannon andMike Dunn two of Patersons best knownuiliccman shooting into a tree

The cops the tree several times

nefore they said anything and then Gannon roared out

Hey Mike its n blooming monkey-

Ill hot it got away from tho quarantinestation at Athenia here it comes

Down from tine the supposedmonkey and headed for a high telegraphou on the opposite side of tho street

There it sat on the top cross piece andlook a Both cops again themimal without doing any apparentdamage At last Dunn suggested going

to the roof of a throe story tenementwhence a good range could be had Dunn

ind Gannon climbed to the roof and afterrIng several more shots at the animaldlled it and It felt to the ground It was

x coon No ono knows where it came fromIt weighed fifteen pounds


ianias llopri to Urt Young Mm Who Will

Go WMt to the Worldi FairTOPEKA Kan April JOTho prospects-

or a good crop of Kansas wheat are prom

sing enough for the farmers of the Stateo be thinking of getting an adequate supplyif harvest hands into the State from theJast

T B Gerow director of the KansasEmployment Bureau says that many

ouna men of East will combine busl

lees with pleasure this summer by upending

month In tho Kansas wheat fields and some

ime at the worlds fair In St Louis Menwriting to Mr Gerow on the subject

Thy want to see the fair and ore short-

f funds Thev figure that they ran mako-

noueh In the harvest fields in one montho pay their transportation ways

rod their expenws while at the fairMr Gerow in now in correspondence

with wheat growers andCounty Clerksthe number of harvest hands

Harvest begins in southern Kansasweek In June and ends In the north

rn counties the last of July

Wouldnt l t Emma Cioldman Speak

Pirit ADKLPViA April 10 Acting under

rders from Director of Public Safetymyth who declared on Saturday thatmma Goldman must not be

o speak at a public cityho police prevented tho Anarchist

an address In tho

Hoot materclad Jot

chamber nnd



















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lcalen to Heath Ia t rvcnlnn uy a ThinNhorlly After HcJUIotu Service itsKndMl poplitrs Sot Touchedbut Home Other Valuables Taken

Pitn DKUiiu April 10Hls body mulllated and his face bettered In almost boyond recognition John Thomas the agenight watchman of the Houston Club otho University of Pennsylvania was foumtonight murdered has stlrreistudents and faculty of tho University o-

Pimnsylvaiila oven more than tho murdcof Prof Roy Wilson White four years agoby negroes

Time Houston Club is the swell organizaor the university and is frequcntec

welltodo undergraduates On atupper floor is tho trophy room In whichare slonxl the valuable prizes won bPennsylvania men In It is lw

janitor whitdefending thcwe Provost C C Harrisoi

officers of the university ogreIn believing that the crime was committalby some one familiar with the trait

Thorn had boon religious services inhell in tho afternoon and the stridentdeparted shortly before 6 oclock Tinassault occurred a few mlmiteilater as Thomas was making his roundspreparatory for closing at 7 oclock Hiprobably the intruder In thimain hall are evidences ofterrific struggle tine whlls being spatterucwith blood and the furniture broken

From thoro the men proceeded stilstruggling to the cellar There tho watch-man was overcome by a blow from a ten-

pin and his body stretched lifeless nlthe end of the bowling alley Aatudenlnamed William G Milton a member of theUniversity V M C A who had been de-

tailed upstairs after the meeting and whowas preparing to leave heard groansSeeing blood stains he rushed to tho base-ment and found Thomas breathing hutunconscious He saw that the man hotbeen beaten terribly Ono of his ears walopped ofT and several fingers were missing

Millon rushed across the street to theUniversity Hospital and summoned mtxllealassistance Thomas however died aftcia few gasps Only the evidences of thestruggle and the broken cash register toldtho tale of tho crime The contents 1750had been taken hut curiously enough twotwentyfi vecent had been overlookedThe watchmans were turned Insideout and every movable article of intrinsicvalue had been taken from tho place Thetrophies however were found to be Intact

Tine of the Woodland avenue sta-

tion a square away were notified and spe-

cial own were sent about tho neigh-borhood A was sent outby the central office force to look for a negroeither blood bespattered or woundedThe police incline to the theory that themurder was the work of ncgroe M theuniversity Is pot tof from one of fbo mostnotorious settlements M Philadel-phia a nogro wasin the downtown port ofwith his hand bandaged He Is being heldon suspicion

authorities however donot Incline strongly to tho theory that theman arrested is the murderer They pointout tho fact that the murderer was familiarwith the place as he knew the hour when-

it would be least frequented Color Isgiven to this by the fact that a watch whichhad been broken by the combatants Intheir struggle and which was at first sup-

posed to have to Thomas has beenidentified OB the property of a former em-

ployee who had been dischargedOne important clue Inure been given to

the police by A P Kline superintendent-of the hall and concerns a former employeewho was discharged shortly his mar-riage The officers of the university weretold that the man had represented himself-to the girl ho was to who was of

station in a studenthis discharge the man is said to have

expressed resentment against some of theother employees at the

The murderer also his crime ahatchet that hued been secured for the pur-

pose of breaking open this cash register-In tho bookroom The watchman who had

the thief or thieves at work waswith a long andiron weighing twenty

pounds and that lie made a desperatestruggle for


lie Was Stare Yesterday That He HadntAttacked Unions on Saturday Night

Gov Odell wasnt Inclined to make publicyesterday the text of his speech at the

of Squadron A on Saturday andthose at the dinner observedabout tho address

The Governor said to those who asked himabout this speech yesterday that ho hadnot attacked labor unions as somo of thediners intimated on Saturday evening-Ho said ho had never mentioned laborunions In connection with the National

I did say said the Governorwas that the National Guard was a State

organization and was part of the StateHovernment and that It was manifestlyImproper for that reason to stigmatizeanv one because of his membership In theNational Guard

Any organization that sought to do thator to ostracize those of their memberswho belonged to the National Isaid came dangerously near toThat was all I said which could have givenrise to the reports of my speech


Firing I a Ulrn to irt out Two Mm milTwo Women From a Loft Building

Four coat makers employed by R Friednan on tine third floor of a loft building atTwelfth street and Broadway worked last

right and got locked in the building Whenhey got to tho outside door at 9 oclock

hey found it lockedTine four Ros Friedman and Jennie

Jpkowltz of 28 Orchard street and MorrisJreenfleld and Max Alton of 318 StantonitrtHit went back to tine titled floor andhooted from tine front windows

Policeman Byrne heard them and wento the fire house In Thirteenth streetTie a couple of laddersand carried the two women down from thehInd floor The men climl edselves


Tiber ilenllvet Scotch Att






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Frrnrh Count In fhlcitRo hook In 1C forMarriageable Heiress

CHICAGO III April 10 If there Is a tallblond girl in Chicago who U anxious t

a French countess she might forname mid address Count Al

phonsi De Campau at tho AuditoriumAnnex

Tho Count is In Chicago He is lookinjfor a wife and sho must lie tall and haylight hair antI blue eyes She must nisipossess a graceful figure with an Incomiof 50000 u year and be willing to ylgicheeks

The Count Is a queer sort of man Hi

also has queer notions ns to the privilege-of those horn of tho nobility-

I want a wife I need 50000 ahe said this afternoon I have noof tho 50000 If I dont have a wifedo I have any use for a wife if I dont liavi

50000 a yearI have estates near Toulouse

are very valuable anti they have been ir-

my orally for many generations Ifdo not got 50000 a year tho estate panaway If the estates pass away there if

no need for perpetuating my family There-fore I have no need of o wife fJo you see


nunaway far In Hnntu llarbsra Mrslulltn KrutUchnltt Injured

SANTA HAIIUAIU Cnl April 10 Arelectric street car tho track on c

steep grade here and nearlyon were hurt Five worn

killed injuredthirty seriously Among those injurerslightly was Mrs Julius Kruttschnltt wifeof E II Harrlmans new director of trans

at Chicagofrom thc old Mission down which

tine car started runs directly south for tdistance of about two nnd a half blocksTho brake gave way soon after the carstarted The first turn was made safetyhut several were thrown oft

by tho violent lurch as cleared the curveJust a block beyond the track turn

sharply to thin the car whichwas going at n terrific speed struck tintcurve It jumped from the rails and ploughedacross tho street on Its stile striking n

telephone pole The roof caved In on theoccupants Tints is in the heart of one olthe best residence parts of tho city anddirectly In front of what Is known as theCrocker cottages

The dead are all tailoring men Amongthe are Mrs Julius Kruttschnltt

Ccvcnaux her maidfatal Mrs Henry Carter Mrs BurginSan Francisco Mrs Roast wife of themanager of tIne Homo Telephone CompanySanta Barbara Mrs Nora K Engert Chi-

cago Alice Dupuy and Mrs Golden wife ofEarl Golden


Twai In a Trunk Itoom nod That Worriedthe Martins Washington Guests

The women who live in the Hotel MarthaWashington hod a lively half hour yusterday because of a little Ore In a trunk store

on the eleventh floor Thethe Twentyninth street

and there are no windows In it5 oclock a guest smelled smoke

and the elevator boy who traced itto tho storeroom

By the time tho elevator boy hail un-

rolled the fire hose there was blaze enough-to set going tine automatic alarm

The woman who had discovered the smokohad alarmed the othor women on the floornnd they of their rooms Whom

they the fire was they madea united dash for the trunk room

My trunk they in chorusThe automatic an

engine a truck and tine fire patrol but tine

levator boy and tho women had tho blazepretty well out when they arrived Thefiremen however began to use their picks

the woodwork on some of the trunksThe three policemen until their hands fullkeeping the women far enough away tolet the firemen woik

The firemen estimated the damage inthe storeroom at 100 The hotel manage-ment said It was more The blaze startedfrom defective insulation


rtlilenU of Verdun unit Ijipralrlr searMontreal llrseiioil In lloatM-

ONTTIKAI Quebec April 10 A jam ofce on the St Lawrence today resulted In

flooding of Verdun a small townMontreal The water backed up

ntindatlng tIne low lying district near theVictoria bridge which connects Montreal

thu south shore of the St Lawrencetwo hundred houses in Verdun were

hooded and the water covered the railwayso n depth of several feet Many of theesldents had to bo rescued front the toptory windows and removed In boatso far no loss of life is reportedThe water in tine St Lawrence opposite

lontrcal has not so high since theTeat flood of 1885 the big wall along

harbor front so far has protected thoUy front

Laprairie opposite Montreal fourlouses wore swept away early this mornng by tho lee and the Inmates had a closeAll escaping In their nisht clothes Thelamago from the flood will be very heavy


omrUod llroke Into SInew and BurnedAll the MediltiiK felineS

HEiirsrEJiD L I April 10 Mies Mararct Walsh of Hempatoad is to be marriedext Wednesday according to nnnouncc-

ent to William Holropfcl Their mouse

an completely furnished and was to haveeon occupied by them upon their return

the honeymoon They will now haveo look for another house or postponeredding Some who it is thoughtran disgruntled marriageot Into tIne house bywaking In a rear door Tine lace curtainsrnro torn from tho windows by the deprelator and set on Ire Somo valuable rings

other furnishings wero found to bo

nifslng-Only prompt action by the firemen saved

tie house from being completely guttedho trousseau of the bride and the weddinglollies of Mr Holzepftl were burned with

many other articles The police think thathey have a clue to tine who did thelamage-


STLVAMA IUIUIOA111 leave New York W t l M P U

roakljrn H 4 P U Tuudsj April IJIb withSlOt aiurhrd Hate I7SO Ibr roundIB TIckets will be on tUb I2lb insth rood to return untO April llflb Inclusive


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Amonis tine Irlnnrri Was Allen nmltlWho I Said to He Allan PInkerton i

Hon of Col Hubert Pinkerton of theAernpy Prisoners lulled

The police of the Sixth avenue ntatloiraided a cockfight arrested thlrtytwnoon and took twentyfive live birds tourdecal ones and two which were fighting In i

pit in Robert Pinkertons stables 783 Unionstreet Brooklyn at 3 oclock yesterdamorning The arrest was made by Patrol-man Joseph Donovan Sorgt Gallagheiand reserves under CapU White whodeny that they were aware or even yeknow thattha raid on tho cook tight waimade In a statue owned by one of the famouidetective family

Among the thirtytwo men arresteewas one who gave tine name of Allen Budrof Clinton and Fulton streets BrooklynHe was the only one of the prisoners balletout at tine pollen station He wasBuild by the alleged proprietorstable Andrew Hannigan 21 years oldof 78 Union street who wins held on a chargeof violating section 003 of Iho Penal CodeIn the Myrtle avenue court yesterdaj

Budd appeared with the same bondsman who furnished for all the otheiprisoners-

For many years during his school daysand even yet among his intimateAllan Pinkerton tho ton of ColPinkerton in whose stable the cockfighttook place and where tho raid occurredlias been known as Build

At tine home of Robert Pinkerton andthe son last night It was positivethat Allan Pinkerton was tho mar

caught in the raid or in that any raidhad taken place

It was also denied that was everknown ns Budd It thatthe stable had been leased although thetelephone is connected with the privateresidence of the Plnkertons by a privateswitch it beIng necessary to get the

in order to speak with the occupants-of the stable

Yesterday morning shortly after 3 oclockPatrolman Donovan was the stableat 782 Union street heard thecheers of men and the words They aregrime ones nil right Going close to theheavy glass doors he heard sufficient toconvince him that a cockfight was going-on and that there was a crowd o men Inthe stable He summoned Sergt GallagherThe sergeant was soon satisfied from thesounds within the stable that the law wanbeing violated and hurried to tho policestation for the reserves leaving Donovan-on watch

On the arrival of the reserves and thepatrol wagon the doors were battered inand the officers rushed Into the midst ofthe crowd They found fourcocks lying beside the pit blih thousand of their handlerfin beof beginning a new fight

The raid waari complete surprise Evernjort In tile place had npparentlyIeltmost absolute security from arrest in entering the stable of Cot Robert PinkertonIt is more than hinted at in policeIn Brooklyn that tho policelint not know until after the raid was madethat the stable was owned by the Pinker

tonsAmong tho crowd of sports arrested weremen from all over the country if the namesgiven may be used as a criterion Amongtho names given were tlioso of William CKane London England John Small Amityfllle L 1 and James Robinson Balti-

more MdIt U understood that tIne light was lie

wecn Baltimore amid Brooklyn blrdn thehaving been supplied from England

by a man who was aupposed-o lie at the tight Tho fight is also said-o have ixen an annual one this having

to decide he championship of tine

The thirtytwo prisoners were arraignedicfore Magistrate Nauiner In the Myrtleiveiiun court later in the day and lucid In

each until Tuesday for furtherThe police and all con

jorned deny that they have any knowltiRe that Allan Pinkerton was taken inhe raid


liisiltti Icl of Columbia Causesa Panic at league

PHILADELPHIA April 10 Nearly onehousand Sunday visitors at tine Leaguestand Navy Yard wero thrown into alanio this afternoon by Bruinsky tholusslon bear mascot of the cruiser Columlia which about the yard in aarmless nearly an hour exitoment prevailed Women dragging

Iron by the hand men girls andcattored in all directions

Bruinsky was finally cornered by a squadif who lassoed him and led him

to his pen The trouble wasbrought about by the fact that CapU Miller

f the Columbia had ordered Bruinskyo be sent to the Eoo TIne sailors wereeluctant to lose their pet so they conealed him in the coal bunkers for two daysUs keepers decided to let him free yesteray afternoon for a little exercise not

thinking that the boar would cause anyrouble among tho visitors

The bear trotted on back and then downgangplank to the yard The sight

f the animal with his monstrous headwnying from side to side struck terror

o the hearts of the visitors and Instantlyhero was a stampedeMeanwhile Indifferent to the excitement

his presence was creatingrisked about the lower end of the yardhen he trotted over to the torpedo boatostroyer Hopkins and went up the ganglank Several women aboard becames terrorstrlcken that they were only protinted from leaping overboard by the saIl

rsBnilnsky left tho Hopkins and dashedward tine entrance gate The gate waslosedon lila noire and he was then lassoed

led back to tho vessel

More Colorado leaders ArrestedTRINIDAD Col April 10 James DIchie secretarytreasurer of thecal union at Broadhead Robertresident of the Broadhead union andIbrario Vlalpando a Mexican have been

rough from Aguilar by the troops andlaced in the county jail The first two areiwrged with Intimidating noon who wished

work Vlalpando U havingtot nt a soldier





Alan I


tao I



















Det rot lye


diedwith two


wo cities


ohrged with



Friends Unable to Him Abiolute Hn-Ii Prescribed

ATLANTIC CITY N J April 10 It walearned tonight that SenatorQuay Is sick but his illnees Ii

could not be learned Friends who callertoday were not admitted Reporters wontold that absolutely no one could see himnor could any messages be delivered to himills physician had given strict orders thano verbal or written messageto politics or business should be takerInto the sick chamber The Senator II

was said must havo absolute rest and btfree for the present from all care He L



To De Presented by the Knlgtiti or Co-

lumbus to the Catholic University

Possibly the largest check In area ofpaper over paid on any occasion wilt be delivered to tine Catholic University Americanext Wednesday by the Knights of Colum-bus for the establishment of a chair of secu-lar history The check beautifully engrossed will measure 8 by 4 feet It willcontain the names of nil tho councils thatcontributed to the triad will be drawn tothe order of thn Catholic University andsigned by the otTlcials of tho Knights Theindorsement will ho by thin Right RevMgr OConnoll rector of the universityand In honorary form by Cardinal Gibbons-its chancellor

The presentation will take place at 4 P Mat Washington with elaborate exercises onn grandstand erected In front of McMahcnHall From 5000 to and ladlesattn expected to


Fell Downitalr Whllr IssrorllnB Herto the flour

Margaret Elizabeth Lillian Grose 10

years old entertained some friends nt herhome 344 East Fortysecond street onSaturday night and at 1030 oclock whentinny to leave went with themtoward

Half way down the stairway she trippedand fell Her head struck the floor belowand her skull was fractured Sho died afew later


Tires Out the Members of 111 Party nn thellohenollernt-

peetal CaSts Dt3palclt to Tng SexLONDON April 11 The Standards Berlin

correspondent sends further proof froman absolutely authoritative source of thovery satisfactory state of Emperor Wil

healthproof Illustrates what Is said by

members of his entourage whodescribe his restlessness as amounting toIllness inasmuch as the Emperor is de-

scribed an not only tiring out those withwhom he conversed by continually pacingthe deck of the HbheozoUern with thembut he alsodelivered hy afternoonlectures ot the rnoet arUdspeaking In a tens of voicefor more than an hour a


Contractor flute Turned and Ills MachineCaught the Dloycle Cop

Herbert Clute a contractor of 23 lastEightysixth street was arrested at Ninety

and Riverside Drive yesterdayafternoon by Bicycle Policeman Mnlloiiwino said that he had been runningautomobile 11 an hour Whenton who hid chuslrig tho auto forseveral blocks caught up with it Cluto-

uddeply turned the machine and Mallonwas caught between it and the curb HU

uniform was torn but he was notCluto said that he came from

mad didnt know anything about the speedlaws here Ho said he had no intention ofunning into Mallon when ho turned tine

mtomobile He was bailed


Keeper IMiurne IlniN Com lots hale ThemWorse Than the

TRENTON X J April 10 Head Keeperjeorgo O Osborno of the State prisonlas hit upon a new punishment for convictswho violate He simply dresses them-

n tine that were abolished as aegular prison uniform a little morn han uroar

The men hate tine stripes more intenselythAn they do the or any otherlunlshment that the prison authorities-an inflict They look upon them as de-

grading and especially so since they Inane

neon abolished as an uniformKeeper Osborne will recommend the

stripe punishment to the board of prisonnspectors


HM Miliel Dulrher Falls Ween anti theWInd IMont Out tine IJjht-

iMiss Mabel Uulcher IB years old who

ras employee as a clerk by the company

rhich publishes Everybodys ifayatinc-

fas found by her mother Mrs Charles Hhitcher dead in bed at her home 45-

Salrmount avenue Jersey City yesterdayaorning She fell asleep while reading abook on Saturday night The wind

through a window which hadby her before she retiredthe light The room filled with

as and she was suffocated while she slepthe lay propped up on pillows with the bookn her lap


htirrh Organist Selected HI Comn antiMiMlc to DC flayed

RUTLAND Vt April 10J H Engels-

rgonlst of the Congregational churchone of the best known musicians In

England was buried yesteray according to his own plans Until hemine down with pneumonia ton days ago-e had never been n lilaad no sooner reached tine hospital than-e declared he would notHo called an undertaker to submit wimplesf one of which ho selected

lender of the brass bound

f which Mr was director was sumtoned and alter it had bean agreed lint

organization shoukl play ofaccompany tho bcdy to

randon for tho to bowas selected and an organist was

ngagrd to officiate at the

MM Roosevelt Goes to Groton ManWASHINGTON April 10 Mrs Roosevelt

ift Washington today for Oroton Mass-

If a visit with her sons

nnrnvtt Kxusct VuUlUmiCa a suNder dcllficjr of flavor try II une It















Iln ron





dung I




ing benlower


andnorthern Ntw

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theaft r

well sustainedtIme












Ioe l Passengers Knit to the I lnn1Through Trains IMvlilnl llelwern

Platforms IlrliiK Tickets Wllh You

for You May Not Flout for SaleThe blind goddess who presides over the

fates of passengers to Brooklyn by theBridge did a full days work yesterdayshuffling the cards for themrule for gcUi j Brooklyn by train nowis to go to the platform you didnt go tobefore Perhaps It wont bo the rightplatform but the chances are that it will

a pocketful of tickets You mayable to find the ticket sellers Also

as to trolley oars If you want ono that gocn-

up Fulton street bring a mandamus withyou Otherwise your Fulton street

turn up Washington streetnotice from anybody to anybody

There was trouble aplenty on the Bridgelast night a puzzled public and apolice force was growing gray withworry

To begin with tho local passengerswere again as formerly to the

tho rear oar of throughtrains leaving the Island platform ButInstead of starting from tho Island withthis car empty to pick up the emigrantsat the east platform the trains takean at tho Island and pass the other plat-form without stopping and you canta local train at the east platform

The Lexington avenue Fulton streetKings County and Rldgewood Myrtle

avenue trains leave from the Islandform as usual but the Coney Islandivenue Bay Ridge Bath Beach BrightonBeach and Shoepshoad flay trains leaveFrom the cast platform

There were neither signs nor announcersronterday to indicate a change and manyastonished people after depositing theirLlckeU in tine accustomed boxes were in-

formed that their train loft from the otherplatform and that the company was muchobliged for the extra faros aworkman with a family of dozentrailing behind him dropped his ticketIn the wrong box and had to buy othersthere was trouble for the poor ticketshopper The ticket were wildbefore the night wins when theywerent pump handling the accumulationof tickets In the boxw they were wIttIlygesticulating and shouting to an indignantand Incredulous public that the way theyshould go was tho other way

The cops were busy filling tho places ofthe missing B R announcers Everytime one cop told a explorer howto go tho explorer astonishmentor incredulity and passed along to try thenext cop Long before traffic slackenedthe policemen wore alt red In the face andhoarse

Just to fit In with tho other Improvementthe gate at the foot of the stairway leading

platform closed About 8 oclockP M both ticket booths where the crowdIB accustomed to buy tickets for the out-

going platform wero closed Those willwalked the length of the station to by

tickets there had to go back to the boothsin tine front of the Brldgo and then comoback again to the east platform TIllpleased them very much The Police say

the coolness of the night whichInept tine crowd smell enable them tohandle the traffic at


Cargo AiculnM lames P diner ClrrK-In ito Crnrral Post onioe

James F Xehiier a clerk In thin GeneralPost wire arrested curly yesterday

Post OHlcu InspKctors Jacobsmil Mijern on a charge of stealing letters

mid Mckafte from tine inulK According0 the inspector more than pieces-

if mail Including mastered letters andisckngiit worth In till about 5000 havejoeri stolui lint Inspiotors say hat theewplry district man htnn tIne hardest hit

Xtfhner was caught through n mat packaRont by inspectors Tho pncknguV-

HH addrosHl lo Stephen lone Foljcor

jeweller at ISO In thr packagewere 050 arid three college

ehner who was on night duty waswhen tim package wasrataerlW-

HS accused The inspectors say hen

idmtiliKl HlnalliiK It hut wouldnt sayabout the other packages antI

otters that wero stolon-

Eehncrs salary was WOO a KB

rare fla h clothes und according to thenspectors spoilt a good deal of time awayrom Ills work Flue inspectors think10 used tine money to gamble Ho Is singla

lives at 008 East lottth streetHo was locked up in mine Oak street station

will bo iirrnifcnrd before Commissionerthis morning

KKltlllEttl 0 ills SHIP

haling Captain lives Ills Venrl AfterMnn r Ills Crew Dleil-

XKW BKDFOHD Mass lt Coptilllani B Ellis hat just arrived at his

here from St helena whore haIi vowel tine whaling brig I coaorn Thrfonora way down on count of s outh

America after time vnluaib night whalehkern beriberi broke out among tha crowToctinR nearly the whole company-All haste wee mad to St Helena hut

tie brig arrived thire nine or herrow dead with tine fatal arid seveiollore sickAfter recruiting the Ionorn sailod fo-

nother cruise and until January dl i

disease ntack apt llli Again

io Leonora was liondcd for St H Hiahere a doctor told only

hnnco ho had to av hi life wn men mamachange of oilmae IIt ha ricurly iv-



roiiKlit About u HJOIIIIO t inai unitby ShootInc Altriulitil-XEW HooiiKltu April 10 Thn

MonU Piirson 15 years old wino fell

om u freight train each wins cut to piwciithe Iclhnm Manor of th New

Railroad thU afternoon romovedwitness in a 20POO damage suit

liich the relatives of Howard Aflller of

yack tiavr broiiRhl npnitiRt Iho Wrlnester County Society whichrns fho 1lniiiM InirThe damage unit I for tin death of younglllor on tlmt tlu

i thuslast Hummer Plorson was shoot

and the bullet from his gun passedrough Millers brain killing loauutiy






























from thqJuwas n








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Ellis tin


lI lung n I cryiou in

pint ion

tIn j-

il not properly a shootIng gallerwhere Miller was em





