I What Maui MAUI NEWS. If · Saffrey, Sheriff, in re his report was read and tho same was ordered...

11' ?T J ' at j' 1 ; &, . 1 I v it, A' 9k 1: '!; I. .11 What is Best for Maui If you wish Prosperity is Best for the News MAUI NEWS. Advertise in the News wmvi VOLUME XVI WAILUKU, MAUI, H. T., SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 20, 1 909 NUMBER 1 Supervisors' Jleetmg i Minutes of Regular Monthly Session of Board. Wailuku, Fob. 10, 190!). Tlic Board of Supervisors of tho County of Maui wus callid to order at '2 p." in., Clinirnmn W. F. Pogue presiding. toll Cull. Present:' W. F. Pogno, W. P. Ilaia, Geo. Kiiulii, T. 15. Lyons and T. T. Meyer. Minutes of tho previous meeting wore rend Mr. Meyer moved to approve the minutes as read . Sec- onded by Mr. Ilain and curried. COMMUNICATIONS: Communication No. 24 of W. K. .Sheriff, acknowledging re- ceipt of Clerk'H communication in re salary of detectives was read and tho sumo was ordered placed on die. Communication No. 25 of V 15. Saffroy, Sheriff, acknowledging re- ceipt of Clerk in re supplies granted by the Hoard v as read and the same wns ordered placed on file. Communication No. 2G of W. 15. Saffrey, Sheriff , in re his report was read and tho same was ordered placed on file. Communication No. 27 of .1. N S. Williams, Supt. Kahului Rail- road Co. in re decision of the Board of pound lumber hill, Ka- hului, wtiR read and the Fame was ordered placed on file. ComiiiUlrteiitiortfcNO'-2- ot C. Charlock, Secretary Hoard of health in re telephone system Mo-- I lokai was read and the same was ordered placed on file. The Clerk was instructed to acknowledge re ceipt oJ th.e communication and to thank tho Hoard ot Health torpor mission to place County lines on their poles. Communication No. 2!) of the Office Supply Co. Ltd. aeknowledi; ing receipt of order for the type writei was read and the same was ordered placed on file. Communication No. CO of V. 15. Saffrly, Sheriff, in ro tolepono for E. Rogers, Clerk, was read and the same, was placed on file. Communication No. 31 of I). C. Lindsay, Agent, in re premium on-bon- d of Geo. Groves was read and action on tho same was deferred. Communication No. ,'52 of D. C. Lindfay, Agent, in ro premium on bond's of County'Ollicors was read and the same was ordered placed on file. Communication No. 33 of J. W Jones, Adjutant General, in ro au- tomatic gun was icad and the same was ordered placed on file. 'Communication No. 34 and 35 of M'uston Campbell, Supt. of Public Works in re road location at La-hci- unless rules of proceedure of the Hoard could be secured, was ie.td and tho same was ordered placed on file. The clerk stated tlat ho had forwarded the rules of pioceedure. j Communication No. 36 of Clark Farm Co. Ltd. in ro lighting county jmildings etc. was road and action ii.. l.r i on mo sail o iv if oeieneu. I jGonuinieation No. 37 of U. A. j' Buchanan, resigning position of j 'pound-maste- r, Lahaina, was read ' iutd tho sumo was ordered pi iced on le, Mr, Kauhi moved that the 'csiRiiationof Mr. Q, A. Huchanan, f'loundmaster Lahaina ho aeqented. Seconded by Mr. Mam and carried Communication No. 38 of W. J. Coelho, Cheif of Wailuku-Kuhul- ui Fire Department in ro (iro engine ot'e. was rend and action on tho name was deferred. (Continued on page 2.) Our Militia Company Leaves for the Annual En campment. For the past few weeks Company I" has been busy studying drill regulations and infantry tactics, and drilling and getting ready for the annual encampment to be held at Moaualua, Honolulu. The soldier boys were earnest ami willing and ready to learn the prin- ciples which underlie the maneuvers ind formations and the hidden sec rets of military strategy. Within the past week or two it was nothing uncommon to find men bucked up in a 'quiet corner pouring over copies of the drill regulations, or to find one with book closed, a far oft" look in the eye, softly and carefully mumbling to himself some dry, wearisome, passage on drill and tactics as if it were a bit of verso from the latest popular song or a tender billet doux frbm a fair char- mer, or again to run across a group earnestly arguing over some disput- ed point in the execution of a would be command, as if the issues of life depended on a satisfactory solution thereof. Evciy evening could be heard the rattle of the drum alternated with the mellow notes of the bugle rising and filiating in the soft moon- lit night, which to listeners mount only so much music, to the thought- less so much noise but in reality meant moil and toil for our soldier boys. In and around tho armory the khaki clad squads wore tramping and stamping from one formation into another witn a Dreamless rapi dity which is puzzling to the non military On Tuesday lust tho khaki clad men assembled at the armory and the apportionment and packing of the camping outfit wont through with. After 2 o'clock in the afternoon the Company, forty-nin- e strong, un der command of Cupt. Hal and Lieutenants Kanacholo and Kuue fell in and left tho armory for the railroad depot there to entrain for Kahului, followed later by the ho.- - pitul corp detachment of twelve men under Captain 11. II. Dinegar and Sargeant Crowcll, all in heavy marching order. Arriving at Kahului, after a long, tedious wait at the Wailuku depot tho soldier boys fell in Company formation and marched to the wharf to embark on the Claudinc. The wharf yas crowded with people. The usual number of friends woro there to shako hands and all that sort of thing, and ladies to aduuro the brave show and sweet- hearts with brimining eyes full of fond looks to exchange a few tender nothings for a brief space soon to be safely left behind with tho staid land tin- prosaic and the aged. As the tug pulled away its scow loud of human ' freight the soldier boys sulig "Aloha oe" a fitting fare- well to friends and sweethearts and well wishers alike. Tliu rainfall 1'riilay of last week averaged about two inches in Kula and at i'lupalakua. ritsseiiKcrs ler Clandine from Kahu lui, i'Vlmiary 16. Miss Von Teinpsky, Wright, Master Von Tenipsky, Miss Hilda Jyons, Mrs. Keluuoi, J, R. Sin clair and wife, Mrs. W. I. Hal, Mrs. A. C. I'ferdner, . vS. Decker, II. 1.. White, Mrs A. linos, 1. N. Kahokuoluun, La nana Kcawenoolo, Mrs. Geo. Maxwell, Cniit. R. II. Dinegar, Sarg. C. Crowell and 12 men of the hospital Corps, Capt. W. I?. Hal, Lieut. J. Knnneliolo, Lieut. W. V. Kaae and 49 members Company It Wrangle Over Appointments Four District Rroad Over seers Ousted. . Friday, Fob. 12, lt)0!l. The President having declared today to be 11 legal holiday, Mr. Ilaia moved an adjournment to 7 a. m., February 13. Seconded by Mr. Lyons and carried. Suturdny, Feb. 13, VM). The Hoard wns calltd to order at 15 a. 111. Chairman Pogue presid ing. Hull cull: W. F. Pogue, T. H. Lyons, W. P. Ilaia, G. W. Kauhi and T. T. Meyer. Minutes of the 11th and 12th up- - proved us rend. Resolution No. 7 relating to the creation of a Department of Public Improvements was taken up and referred to County Attorney Coke for revision us Deputy County At torney Enos lucent stated in its present form it wus not sufficiently specific to hold water. Resolution No. 71 creating the office of Hack and Humane Ollieer specifying duties of said ollicc and appointment to be made by the Sheriff was adopted. ' ' Resolution No. 75 creating the position of Sanitary Inspectors for the County describing the duties and manner of nppointincnt wns pre sented and adopted. Resolution No. 7(i providing for Fish, Food and Milk Inspectors for the County was presented and adop- ted. Mr; Lyons moved the Count' At- torney compile all laws relating to roads and bridges and draft all rules relating to .the duties of the Hack and Humane officers and other new- ly created offices and to report as soon as convenient. Seconded by Mr. Meyer and curried. Resolution providing for payment of wages twice a month was referred to tho Deputy County Attorney to be reported next meeting. Mr. Lyons moved to allow tho painting of Lahaina Deputy Sheriff's office not to cost over 'roO. Carried. Report of the County Engineer relating to relocation of the Kawcla road, Molokai, was taken up and on motion of Mr. Lyons it was ordered that bids be tailed for to be opened March 11, 190!). Tho County Engineer was author ized to negotiate for a right of way through turn patches at Honouliwai, Molokai. The board authorized the County Engineer to build wire fence and parapet wall on road to llaluwn, Molokai, nfc far as the funds would allow. Specifications of the Kuwelu road relocation were submitted and ap proved. Mr. Hnia moved to approve the the report of the County Engineer on opening Puunene Avenuo, and to instruct tho Clerk to advertise 4 p ni. March 11, 100!), us the date for hearing. Carried Work on Section 1 . Pnuwolu K iaha road 'was authorized to be let out to small contractors not to OX: ceed.S 1,000.00. tovn nail ugliung niatU!!' wns referred to the Town Hull Com mittee to be reported on nt the next meeting. Matter of rules for tho board pro cedure was taken up and referred to a committee of threerMr. Ilaia, T 15. Lyons and George Kauhi. Salaries of Sanitary Inspector! were uxod at rai.uu a inoutn on motion of Mr. Ilaia. Continued 011 Page 6. The Lurline Arrives Tows in the Mohican with big Guns. The S. S. Lurline arrived in Ho- nolulu harbor Monday night after a most eventful voyage. The ship is a lii-g- freight and passenger boat and will soon be one of tho most popular bouts among the people of the islands. It look over ten days and nine hours to inuke the run from the wharf in San Francisco to the wharf in Honolulu. This was not due to the slowness of the bout but to the fact that she wns towing the Mohi- can with big guns for the harbor defenses. All went well, except the passen- gers, during the first twenty four hours niul then just nfter dark it was found that the bits on the Mohi- can had given way and that the towing bridle had pulled through the hawse pipe and that the Mohi- can was tossing helplessly in the sea without adequate sail and no an- chors. After hauling in the three hund- red fathoms of wire cable and as much of the Mohican's chain as pos- sible the Lurline started nfter the Mohican. At daylight she was sighted some ten or fifteen miles off and on getting alongside n line was attempted to be fired from a cannon over the Mohican. The attempt fail- ed as the line broke off near the pro- jectile. A line wus then run by the iwe of u bout and the towing then was begun again and continued without serious delay for the rest of the trip. Captain Weeden changed the course ot the vessel to a more south- erly one in order to avoid the heavy seas that were ragjng in the usual track and probably shortened the trip by several days by this course. l'hcrc were thirty three cabin pas sengers aboard. Many of these were excellent people and far above the average. There were two brilliant children who entertained the grown people with their songs and recita- tions, there was nu eniinint lawyer who, with his .vife was traveling for his health, and there were two mo- therly old ladies who were loved by all their friends and respected by every passenger aboard. Of course some of the pus.-enge- rs were eccentric and these eccentri cities inn used rather than annoyed the rest of the persons nlmurd. There was the sehoolniiun who tried to convince the editor that the rough sea was due to the moon and when she asked him why so many of the passengers were ill and not at the table he emphatically stated that it was the moon. There was a lady who was simply horrilied nt two young men for sitting on n sofa near merry widow and listening to min ing stories. She explained that she never spoke to a man under any circumstances when she was alone and seemed to think it awful that the widow should speak to two at the same time. There were the Peeping Toms of Coventry who tried to find something for which they might pull down their fellow pas seilgcrs but in this they signally failed. There wus tho self satisfied gentleman who was called down by little Miss Iceberg, and it was note that they didn't speak as they pass ed by. The ollicers did everything po siblo to make'tho voyage a pleasant one and at tho captain's dinner speeches wore made by tho pasM'ii gors who one and all g(ivoa vole of .'1 r ii LIQUOR MEN AGAINST LICENSE Senator Coelho Introduces COMMISSIONS Resolution Commending. Kalanianaole Passes Second Reading. (SI'UCIAL TO THE MAUI NEWS.) j ' Sugar !)( dog. test 3.G1 10s. d. HONOLULU, February li). Representatives of the liquor interests in the Senate opened an attack on License Commissions. Senator Coelho has introduced two Representative Alfonso's resolution his work on the bill to allow the local passed second reading in spite of Kauai's opposition. day. Heels enact leave with Shah been Hon. Robt. Shingle Miss Muriel were married yester- - John A. Scott has sued the National Portland Cement Co. Hugh to recover 82S.O00 fraudulently obtained. Ruck andOhlandt are mentioned in the suit. Ronald Kennedy and wife arrived John Hnker and Chns. Desky will today. Bill- s- Kuhio land Sam Campbell Center February 1!). ThoJCoroan prime minister states dual government too expensive suggests as a remedy a strong centralized government. It is belived that important changes are pending. SACRAMENTO; February 1!). racing bill. TEHERAN, Persia, February 1!). lbducted. CINCINATTI, February 1!).- - of Master Mason. WASHINGTON, February 1!). by the PITTSHUG, February 1!). W. of the German National has WASHINGTON, Fcbruury 1!). Delegate Ililonian. Governor will The has and and TOKIO, and Tuft been raised degree Judge Lindsay have been confirmed Senate. Hank, ing salary of the Secretary of State and Knox will go into the HONOLULU, February IS- .- A in the Legislature yesterday. to the ind the Judge Robinson supports Mayor in Mandamus Ninety-si- x passengers for Honolulu will arrive on the Mongolia next Mondav. The bnik Coronado ami the barkentine Iringnrd on a for the Coast yesterday. WASHINGTON. February 18. and Smith charges lliein with libelling Roosevelt, Tall, Root, C. P. I'aft, Pierpont Morgan, Robinson and Cromwell. February The supply ship 'Culgoa has here. The battleship Connecticut SALT LAKE, February 18. dignitaries are headed for Honolulu. Anti-Japane- se anti-Japane- for by for Parker the anti- - the that the case. Ptnrted race NORFOLK, 18. mon SMYRNA, February , shocks lasted two days. Eight persons were killed. ST. PETERSBURG, IS. Grand Duko Vladimir isdend. HONOLULU, February 17. Governor Frear in his message to the Legislature inviting another party of Congressmen. He Buys the primary law would be a useful experiment and that there should be a pronounced change in the leprosy policy. lie on the creased school attendance. The debt is now $4,000,000. He und nnd ship The ship paper S. F. O. E. R. Mrs. F. W. bills. laws Cuba sign of Fern in The appointments of W. been the reduc of bills wore The and tho Ueot are 900 miles off. Smith Mor Miss Miss Mr. Mrs. Mr. G. A. Mrs. .Miss Alice Mrs. Miss- - Miss E. Mr. 15. H. Mr. H. M. Burinester, Mr. W. W. Mrs. .L A. Mrs. M. .March-an- d, Mr. J. L. Miss G. Mrs. A. Mr. 15.11. Mr. Mr. J. 15. Mr. A. W. L. Mrs. Mr. 1). Mr. 11. G. Mr. F. G. Mrs. believes Houqlulu will have a Says land exchange sys- tem is undesirable and that the Territory s underpopulated. The Ter- ritory should assist small to There will bo no settlement associations. Prosecution of cases should be left to Attorneys. Recommends by prosecution in cases. Reform school should bo made of a indeterminate provided. a cut in tho Judiciary Department. fees be taxed as costs. Recommends that all tonus of the bo held in Wuiluku, away with the term at Asks for the Guard of WASHINGTON, February 17. The Naval appropriation .bill tho YAWTON, Oklu., February 17. Jeronimo, chief, is dead. ' to the Captain officers pronoucod the Lurline the most popular of the is equipped with wire- less service anil messages were re- ceived daily and a little print- ed. OFFICERS S. LURLINE. Commander, Henry Weeden; Chief Olliccr, J. Peterson; Chief Engineer, II. Rankin; Clms. H. Warren; Chief Steward, Olden. PASSENGER LIST. Mr. W. commending legislature to the Gillette brother nearly is has arrived February advises touches bonded Justice Wilder Ramsay, formerly President of convicted of bribing councilmen. Roosevelt has signed bill number introduced indictment against Puilitzer President and a dozen Everton, Everton, Master Everton, Howell, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Joyce, Joyce, Trcskow, Treskow, Bach, Young, Mrs. Young, Coke, Mr.'O. Smith, Barker, Barker. Balkan), Bailey, Geo. Rhoades, Wilson, Eaines,:Mr. Hebert, Schoonover, J. Wilson, PurceR, Forrest, Forrest. great library. farmers market produce. more criminul County appeal criminal proceedings non- criminal character and sentences Suggests Juror's should Second Circuit Court doing Lahaina. assistance National Hawaii. passed Senate. the famous Apache thanks Pacific. Purser, Galcutt, Brunei-- , " 1 i S:

Transcript of I What Maui MAUI NEWS. If · Saffrey, Sheriff, in re his report was read and tho same was ordered...

  • 11' ?T J'at j'


    ;&, . 1 I




    9k 1: '!;



    What is Best for Maui If you wish Prosperity

    is Best for the News MAUI NEWS. Advertise in the Newswmvi



    Jleetmgi Minutes of Regular Monthly

    Session of Board.

    Wailuku, Fob. 10, 190!).

    Tlic Board of Supervisors of tho

    County of Maui wus callid to order

    at '2 p." in., Clinirnmn W. F. Poguepresiding.

    toll Cull. Present:' W. F.Pogno, W. P. Ilaia, Geo. Kiiulii,T. 15. Lyons and T. T. Meyer.

    Minutes of tho previous meetingwore rend Mr. Meyer moved to

    approve the minutes as read . Sec-

    onded by Mr. Ilain and curried.COMMUNICATIONS:Communication No. 24 of W. K.

    .Sheriff, acknowledging re-

    ceipt of Clerk'H communication inre salary of detectives was readand tho sumo was ordered placedon die.

    Communication No. 25 of V 15.

    Saffroy, Sheriff, acknowledging re-

    ceipt of Clerk in re supplies grantedby the Hoard v as read and the samewns ordered placed on file.

    Communication No. 2G of W. 15.Saffrey, Sheriff , in re hisreport was read and tho same wasordered placed on file.

    Communication No. 27 of .1. NS. Williams, Supt. Kahului Rail-road Co. in re decision of theBoard of pound lumber hill, Ka-hului, wtiR read and the Fame wasordered placed on file.

    ComiiiUlrteiitiortfcNO'-2- ot C.

    Charlock, Secretary Hoard of

    health in re telephone system Mo-- Ilokai was read and the same wasordered placed on file. The Clerkwas instructed to acknowledge receipt oJ th.e communication and to

    thank tho Hoard ot Health torpormission to place County lines ontheir poles.

    Communication No. 2!) of theOffice Supply Co. Ltd. aeknowledi;ing receipt of order for the typewritei was read and the same wasordered placed on file.

    Communication No. CO of V. 15.Saffrly, Sheriff, in ro tolepono forE. Rogers, Clerk, was read and thesame, was placed on file.

    Communication No. 31 of I). C.Lindsay, Agent, in re premium on-bon- d

    of Geo. Groves was read andaction on tho same was deferred.

    Communication No. ,'52 of D. C.Lindfay, Agent, in ro premium onbond's of County'Ollicors was readand the same was ordered placedon file.

    Communication No. 33 of J. WJones, Adjutant General, in ro au-tomatic gun was icad and the samewas ordered placed on file.

    'Communication No. 34 and 35 ofM'uston Campbell, Supt. of PublicWorks in re road location at La-hci-

    unless rules of proceedureof the Hoard could be secured, wasie.td and tho same was orderedplaced on file. The clerk statedtlat ho had forwarded the rules ofpioceedure.

    j Communication No. 36 of ClarkFarm Co. Ltd. in ro lighting countyjmildings etc. was road and actionii.. l.r ion mo sail o iv if oeieneu.

    I jGonuinieation No. 37 of U. A.j' Buchanan, resigning position of

    j 'pound-maste- r, Lahaina, was read' iutd tho sumo was ordered pi iced on

    le, Mr, Kauhi moved that the'csiRiiationof Mr. Q, A. Huchanan,f'loundmaster Lahaina ho aeqented.Seconded by Mr. Mam and carried

    Communication No. 38 of W. J.Coelho, Cheif of Wailuku-Kuhul- uiFire Department in ro (iro engineot'e. was rend and action on thoname was deferred.

    (Continued on page 2.)

    Our Militia

    CompanyLeaves for the Annual En


    For the past few weeks CompanyI" has been busy studying drill

    regulations and infantry tactics, anddrilling and getting ready for theannual encampment to be held atMoaualua, Honolulu.

    The soldier boys were earnest amiwilling and ready to learn the prin-ciples which underlie the maneuversind formations and the hidden secrets of military strategy.

    Within the past week or two itwas nothing uncommon to find menbucked up in a 'quiet corner pouringover copies of the drill regulations,or to find one with book closed, a

    far oft" look in the eye, softly andcarefully mumbling to himself somedry, wearisome, passage on drill andtactics as if it were a bit of versofrom the latest popular song or atender billet doux frbm a fair char-mer, or again to run across a groupearnestly arguing over some disput-ed point in the execution of a wouldbe command, as if the issues of lifedepended on a satisfactory solutionthereof.

    Evciy evening could be heardthe rattle of the drum alternatedwith the mellow notes of the buglerising and filiating in the soft moon-lit night, which to listeners mountonly so much music, to the thought-less so much noise but in realitymeant moil and toil for our soldierboys.

    In and around tho armory thekhaki clad squads wore trampingand stamping from one formationinto another witn a Dreamless rapidity which is puzzling to the nonmilitary On Tuesday lusttho khaki clad men assembled atthe armory and the apportionmentand packing of the camping outfitwont through with.

    After 2 o'clock in the afternoonthe Company, forty-nin- e strong, under command of Cupt. Hal andLieutenants Kanacholo and Kuuefell in and left tho armory for therailroad depot there to entrain forKahului, followed later by the ho.- -pitul corp detachment of twelve menunder Captain 11. II. Dinegar andSargeant Crowcll, all in heavymarching order.

    Arriving at Kahului, after a long,tedious wait at the Wailuku depottho soldier boys fell in Companyformation and marched to the wharfto embark on the Claudinc.

    The wharf yas crowded withpeople. The usual number of friendsworo there to shako hands and allthat sort of thing, and ladies toaduuro the brave show and sweet-hearts with brimining eyes full offond looks to exchange a few tendernothings for a brief space soon to besafely left behind with tho staid landtin- prosaic and the aged.

    As the tug pulled away its scowloud of human ' freight the soldierboys sulig "Aloha oe" a fitting fare-well to friends and sweethearts andwell wishers alike.

    Tliu rainfall 1'riilay of last weekaveraged about two inches in Kula andat i'lupalakua.

    ritsseiiKcrs ler Clandine from Kahului, i'Vlmiary 16. Miss Von Teinpsky,

    Wright, Master Von Tenipsky, MissHilda Jyons, Mrs. Keluuoi, J, R. Sinclair and wife, Mrs. W. I. Hal, Mrs. A.C. I'ferdner, . vS. Decker, II. 1.. White,Mrs A. linos, 1. N. Kahokuoluun, Lanana Kcawenoolo, Mrs. Geo. Maxwell,Cniit. R. II. Dinegar, Sarg. C. Crowelland 12 men of the hospital Corps, Capt.W. I?. Hal, Lieut. J. Knnneliolo, Lieut.W. V. Kaae and 49 members CompanyIt

    Wrangle Over

    AppointmentsFour District Rroad Over

    seers Ousted. .

    Friday, Fob. 12, lt)0!l.The President having declared

    today to be 11 legal holiday, Mr.Ilaia moved an adjournment to 7 a.m., February 13. Seconded by Mr.Lyons and carried.

    Suturdny, Feb. 13, VM).

    The Hoard wns calltd to order at15 a. 111. Chairman Pogue presid

    ing.Hull cull: W. F. Pogue, T. H.

    Lyons, W. P. Ilaia, G. W. Kauhiand T. T. Meyer.

    Minutes of the 11th and 12th up- -proved us rend.

    Resolution No. 7 relating to thecreation of a Department of PublicImprovements was taken up andreferred to County Attorney Cokefor revision us Deputy County Attorney Enos lucent stated in itspresent form it wus not sufficientlyspecific to hold water.

    Resolution No. 71 creating theoffice of Hack and Humane Ollieerspecifying duties of said ollicc andappointment to be made by theSheriff was adopted. ' '

    Resolution No. 75 creating theposition of Sanitary Inspectors forthe County describing the duties andmanner of nppointincnt wns presented and adopted.

    Resolution No. 7(i providing forFish, Food and Milk Inspectors forthe County was presented and adop-ted.

    Mr; Lyons moved the Count' At-torney compile all laws relating toroads and bridges and draft all rulesrelating to .the duties of the Hackand Humane officers and other new-ly created offices and to report assoon as convenient. Seconded byMr. Meyer and curried.

    Resolution providing for paymentof wages twice a month was referredto tho Deputy County Attorney to bereported next meeting.

    Mr. Lyons moved to allow thopainting of Lahaina Deputy Sheriff'soffice not to cost over 'roO. Carried.

    Report of the County Engineerrelating to relocation of the Kawclaroad, Molokai, was taken up and onmotion of Mr. Lyons it was orderedthat bids be tailed for to be openedMarch 11, 190!).

    Tho County Engineer was authorized to negotiate for a right of waythrough turn patches at Honouliwai,Molokai.

    The board authorized the CountyEngineer to build wire fence andparapet wall on road to llaluwn,Molokai, nfc far as the funds wouldallow.

    Specifications of the Kuwelu roadrelocation were submitted and approved.

    Mr. Hnia moved to approve thethe report of the County Engineeron opening Puunene Avenuo, and toinstruct tho Clerk to advertise 4 pni. March 11, 100!), us the date forhearing. Carried

    Work on Section 1 . Pnuwolu K

    iaha road 'was authorized to be letout to small contractors not to OX:ceed.S 1,000.00.

    tovn nail ugliung niatU!!' wnsreferred to the Town Hull Committee to be reported on nt thenext meeting.

    Matter of rules for tho board procedure was taken up and referred toa committee of threerMr. Ilaia, T15. Lyons and George Kauhi.

    Salaries of Sanitary Inspector!were uxod at rai.uu a inoutn onmotion of Mr. Ilaia.

    Continued 011 Page 6.

    The Lurline

    ArrivesTows in the Mohican with

    big Guns.

    The S. S. Lurline arrived in Ho-nolulu harbor Monday night aftera most eventful voyage. The shipis a lii-g- freight and passenger boatand will soon be one of tho mostpopular bouts among the people ofthe islands.

    It look over ten days and ninehours to inuke the run from thewharf in San Francisco to the wharfin Honolulu. This was not due tothe slowness of the bout but to thefact that she wns towing the Mohi-can with big guns for the harbordefenses.

    All went well, except the passen-gers, during the first twenty fourhours niul then just nfter dark itwas found that the bits on the Mohi-can had given way and that thetowing bridle had pulled throughthe hawse pipe and that the Mohi-can was tossing helplessly in the seawithout adequate sail and no an-chors.

    After hauling in the three hund-red fathoms of wire cable and asmuch of the Mohican's chain as pos-sible the Lurline started nfter theMohican. At daylight she wassighted some ten or fifteen miles offand on getting alongside n line wasattempted to be fired from a cannonover the Mohican. The attempt fail-ed as the line broke off near the pro-jectile. A line wus then run by theiwe of u bout and the towing thenwas begun again and continuedwithout serious delay for the rest ofthe trip.

    Captain Weeden changed thecourse ot the vessel to a more south-erly one in order to avoid the heavyseas that were ragjng in the usualtrack and probably shortened thetrip by several days by this course.

    l'hcrc were thirty three cabin passengers aboard. Many of these wereexcellent people and far above theaverage. There were two brilliantchildren who entertained the grownpeople with their songs and recita-tions, there was nu eniinint lawyerwho, with his .vife was traveling forhis health, and there were two mo-therly old ladies who were loved byall their friends and respected byevery passenger aboard.

    Of course some of the pus.-enge- rswere eccentric and these eccentricities inn used rather than annoyedthe rest of the persons nlmurd. Therewas the sehoolniiun who tried toconvince the editor that the roughsea was due to the moon and whenshe asked him why so many of thepassengers were ill and not at thetable he emphatically stated that itwas the moon. There was a lady whowas simply horrilied nt two youngmen for sitting on n sofa nearmerry widow and listening to mining stories. She explained that shenever spoke to a man under anycircumstances when she was aloneand seemed to think it awful thatthe widow should speak to two atthe same time. There were thePeeping Toms of Coventry who triedto find something for which theymight pull down their fellow passeilgcrs but in this they signallyfailed. There wus tho self satisfiedgentleman who was called down bylittle Miss Iceberg, and it was notethat they didn't speak as they passed by.

    The ollicers did everything posiblo to make'tho voyage a pleasantone and at tho captain's dinnerspeeches wore made by tho pasM'iigors who one and all g(ivoa vole of

    .'1 r




    Senator Coelho Introduces


    Resolution Commending. KalanianaolePasses Second Reading.

    (SI'UCIAL TO THE MAUI NEWS.)j'Sugar !)( dog. test 3.G1 10s. d.

    HONOLULU, February li). Representatives of the liquor interestsin the Senate opened an attack on License Commissions.

    Senator Coelho has introduced twoRepresentative Alfonso's resolution

    his work on the bill to allow the localpassed second reading in spite of Kauai's opposition.




    leave with

    Shah been

    Hon. Robt. Shingle Miss Muriel were married yester- -

    John A. Scott has sued the National Portland Cement Co. Hughto recover 82S.O00 fraudulently obtained. Ruck andOhlandt

    are mentioned in the suit.Ronald Kennedy and wife arrivedJohn Hnker and Chns. Desky will







    February 1!). ThoJCoroan prime minister states dualgovernment too expensive suggests as a remedy a strong centralizedgovernment. It is belived that important changes are pending.

    SACRAMENTO; February 1!).racing bill.

    TEHERAN, Persia, February 1!).lbducted.

    CINCINATTI, February 1!).- -of Master Mason.

    WASHINGTON, February 1!).by the

    PITTSHUG, February 1!). W.of the German National has

    WASHINGTON, Fcbruury 1!).



    Governor will

    The has




    Tuft been raised degree

    Judge Lindsay have been confirmed Senate.


    ing salary of the Secretary of State and Knox will go into the

    HONOLULU, February IS- .- Ain the Legislature yesterday.

    to the



    Judge Robinson supports Mayor in MandamusNinety-si- x passengers for Honolulu will arrive on the Mongolia

    next Mondav.The bnik Coronado ami the barkentine Iringnrd on a

    for the Coast yesterday.

    WASHINGTON. February 18.and Smith charges lliein with libelling Roosevelt, Tall, Root, C. P.I'aft, Pierpont Morgan, Robinson and Cromwell.

    February The supply ship 'Culgoa hashere. The battleship Connecticut

    SALT LAKE, February 18.dignitaries are headed for Honolulu.

    Anti-Japane- se



    byfor Parker

    the anti- -



    the case.

    Ptnrted race

    NORFOLK, 18.


    SMYRNA, February ,shocks lasted two days.Eight persons were killed.

    ST. PETERSBURG, IS. Grand Duko Vladimir isdend.

    HONOLULU, February 17. Governor Frear in his message to theLegislature inviting another party of Congressmen. He Buysthe primary law would be a useful experiment and that there shouldbe a pronounced change in the leprosy policy. lie on thecreased school attendance. The debt is now $4,000,000. He


    shipThe ship





    R. Mrs. F. W.








    The appointments of


    the reduc

    of bills wore


    and tho Ueot are 900 miles off.

    Smith Mor

    MissMiss Mr.

    Mrs. Mr. G. A.Mrs. .Miss Alice Mrs.

    Miss- - Miss E.Mr. 15. H.Mr. H. M.

    Burinester, Mr. W. W.Mrs. .L A. Mrs. M. .March-an- d,

    Mr. J. L. Miss G.Mrs. A. Mr. 15.11.Mr. Mr. J.

    15. Mr. A. W.L. Mrs. Mr.

    1). Mr. 11. G.Mr. F. G. Mrs.

    believes Houqlulu will have a Says land exchange sys-tem is undesirable and that the Territory s underpopulated. The Ter-ritory should assist small to There will bo no

    settlement associations. Prosecution of cases should beleft to Attorneys. Recommends by prosecution in

    cases. Reform school should bo made of aindeterminate provided. a

    cut in tho Judiciary Department. fees be taxed as costs.Recommends that all tonus of the bo held inWuiluku, away with the term at Asks forthe Guard of

    WASHINGTON, February 17. The Naval appropriation .billtho

    YAWTON, Oklu., February 17. Jeronimo,chief, is dead. '

    to the Captain officerspronoucod the Lurline the most

    popular of theis equipped with wire-

    less service anil messages were re-ceived daily and a little print-ed.

    OFFICERS S. LURLINE.Commander, Henry Weeden;

    Chief Olliccr, J. Peterson; ChiefEngineer, II. Rankin; Clms.H. Warren; Chief Steward,Olden.


    commendinglegislature to











    Justice Wilder

    Ramsay, formerly President ofconvicted of bribing councilmen.

    Roosevelt has signed bill

    number introduced

    indictment against Puilitzer

    President and a dozen

    Everton, Everton, MasterEverton, Howell, Johnson,

    Johnson, Johnson,Joyce, Joyce,

    Trcskow, Treskow,Bach, Young, Mrs.Young, Coke, Mr.'O.


    Barker. Balkan),Bailey, Geo. Rhoades,

    Wilson, Eaines,:Mr.Hebert, Schoonover,

    J. Wilson, PurceR,Forrest, Forrest.

    great library.

    farmers market produce.more criminul

    County appealcriminal proceedings non-criminal character and sentences Suggests

    Juror's shouldSecond Circuit Court

    doing Lahaina. assistanceNational Hawaii.

    passed Senate.

    the famous Apache





    Brunei-- ,

    " 1




    THE MAUI NEWSuterod nt tlie l'ost Oiliee nt Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii, as second-clas- s mutter.

    A Republican Paper Published in the Interest of the PeopleIssued Every Saturday.

    maui Rublisliing: Company, Limited.Proprietors and rutllHrsSunscirnos Katks, in Ahvantk $2.50 per Year, $1.50 Six Months

    Ilunh Al. Coke,


    ticlltor and manager

    FEBRUARY 20. 190!)

    George It is the custom to say a few words on tha anni-Washington, versary dedicated to the memory of notable menwhose deeds and achievements are for the pood of mankind.Among tho many whoso names are written on the walls of thetemple of fame is that of the noted son of Virginia above written.It is a name to be proud of and a name all America and lovers ofliberty love to conjure with, the name of this simple Virginiangentleman!

    George Washington was born February 22nd, 17112. and a me mo- -

    nihln iliirii. wiu nml n momentous one for thoso United States.Looking through the pages of history clear down into the age of

    myths for an empire builder one looks in vain for tho equal ofWashington, for none surpass him Endowed with all the qualitiesfor the making of a greac man. he used the great opportunities,the goddess of Fortune laid at his door, for the good of his countrymen.

    When the colonies rose against the mother country it. was perhans the rarest piece of good luck that from among many worthyAmericans Continental Congress selected Washington and placcd him in command of the armies of the embattled colonies.

    With a poorly equipped army ho beseiged and compelled theTlritiali tn pvnr.nnt.p Hoston. At Lonsr Island he managed to savehis army from an over-whelmi- force of the enemy. He displayed a rare combination of military talents in the long dark periodof tho war of revolution that followed. Washington's plan was topreserve his ar-n- and to strike as the opportunity 1 offered as atTrenton, Monmouth and later at Yorktown and be adhered to hisplans, against bitter adversity and the calumny of self seekingpnomins who sniicrht to suuersede him in power. When at last theopportunity offered, the Fabian policy was dropped and he hurledhis ragged Continentals like a thunderbolt on Lord UornwainsYorktown fell, Cornwallis surrendered and the independence ofthe colonies, purchased with so much blood and suffering, becamean assured fact. His work accomplished with the praises of hiscountrymen ringing in his ears he turned his eyes, not to a kinglythrone, but to his waiting wife and country home in Virginia.

    TTo hnflo fn.rawp.ll to his companions in arms saving as he tookeach by the hand : "I now take leave of you, most devoutly wishing that your latter days may be as prosperous and happy as yourformer ones have been glorious and honorable." He surrenderedhis commission to Congress and read a farewell address, reflectingtho purity and nobility of the man and retired to private life andto his wife and estate at Mt. Vernon, Virginia, but the call of dutyagain found him presiding over the Convention which framed theConstitution of the new member of the family of nations.

    For a President of tho new republic the colonials turned as onemnn to him n,s tho one most fitted for that high office. After twoterms he again laid down the badge of authority which his country men had bestowed on him, as easily as one would tako off a hatto retire once more to the privacy of his estates at Mc. VernonTWnmhnr 14 17!f!i. fieore--e Washington paid the debt we must allpay to Nature and was buried at Mt. Vernon.

    The examplo set by Washington has become an accepted principie in the practices of the public men of our country, and as Ionas they are adhered to the nation shall remain a democracy.

    When the colonies separated from the mother country it wasweak confederation of thirteen states and had a population2,500,000, today it has,grown to be one of the foremost nations onf lia f:irp nf t.ViA oarth with a population near unto one hundremillion souls!

    If one Bhould contemplate the marvellous growth and wonderfulprosperity of the modern giant among nations and ask who amongits most worthy sons was the master mind and master builderwViinii hrmio-lit- , forth so great a marvel, the answer would

    ' George Washington, ''first in war, first in peace and first in thehearts of his countrymen,'' and who in turn after all things havebeen said was only a plain Virginian gentleman.

    Improvements The people of the town of Lahaina want a decentfor Lahaina. school house, as the old one is overcrowded, and ifwe tiro not mistaken some of the classes are housed under an open lanai.

    The grounds occupied by the Lahaina public school is the identicalspot where King Kamehamcha III proclaimed the first Constitution andfor which an appropriation was secured from the last legislature fur the

    erection of a memorial tablet. A $25,000 concrete school building would

    l,e a suitable memorial to mark the historic spot, and the of La-

    haina would perhaps le better pleased and satisfied with that improve-ment than a memorial stone only.

    For the sake of old associations some of the leading residents of thetown of Lahaina would much prefer to have the present Courthousebuilding renovated at an expense of say 5,000, as there is sullicientroom in the same for the government offices, rather than to have it torndown for a new building entirely.

    Our New Judge Selden B. Kingsbury comes to live inCircuit Judge. Wailuku. and to assume the duties of CircuitJudge for the Second Judicial District otherwise known as theCounty of Maui. It. is a mere superfluity to say that be will per-form his duties justly, fearlessly and mercifully, for such are ex-pected of judges.

    Among Hawaiians it is tho custom to put confidence in thoseplaced high In authority over them. Tbey look up to the man inauthority as the representative of government and have faith thatthe workings of the wheels and checks and balances of justice are

    , in safe hands, and that whoever is brought before the court willget nothing more or less than what the laws have prescribed forhis case.

    There is work beforeHhe new judge, but we have faith that thecommunity will profit more by tne example he may set before themthan it would from judicial decisions he may render in causesbrought before him, which must necessarily be in accordance withthe harsh rules laid down in the law, in fact tho community woulddo better with less litigation and law and more fatherly advice andsympathy for the erriug. '

    ( 1

    Secretary Hays on

    Agricultural Education.

    In writing of the new movementaitwirla iinvM flip

    yricu r.uueiiwun, tanners uouciant etary of Agriculture ;.vs consolidating, country-lif- e cducasays: tion can sucesifull to

    It scem.i perfectly clear that we nearly all farm youtli. Themust for thin work the four required are thirty thou- -

    classes of schools aerieulturalcol- - consolidated rural pciioois,leires. amieultural highand consolidated rural schools,

    ith normal schools to aid in lit- -

    tinu teachers. bill introducedCongress, known as the Davis In-dustrial Education Dill, and alsothe Nelson Act, passed two yearsago, if the former be also enactedinto law, will provide these fourchis-se- s of schools sulhcientnumbers. Below the fifty agricuh





    tural colleges would Sherin. I.aliainn, wasprovide three read action was

    schools, one deferred.ten three 40

    thousand agricultural Counties. Saffrey, Sheriff establishmentwould provide for office was readtiuudiniiin lintiin eennomics action the was

    normal schools. would ferredforget youth,

    would provide secondary Coke, Attorney, office

    mechanic hoihe economics of hanitiiry Inspectorthose inc.itv read action

    nities. At each agricultural highwould provide tor a

    branch atation.greatest work, however,

    hit nrovide placed on

    thirty thousand consolidated ruralcounty districts,

    trade in districtsinstruction home-niak- -

    in secondary lowerschools. The Davis Bill,son Act, earlier agricultural mechanical colleges,would fifteen milliondollars education in industrial vocations, Mate appropriations wouldamount, would givefacilities approximately twenty

    thousand highschools, and would make goodstart toward half amillion in technicalcourses sonsoiiuatca






    tlircc hundredhitih schools 1! of


    : -- ...:. i. ..... .K.I I .,...!.u.I RMfiwn Amerie.m

    OI j 1 H ru i n?ii- - . , . , .mill miim

    lie y

    have numbersI i t it


    A in


    three hundred highfifty

    and fifty or hundred

    high audi

    teach some'of of tothe cost.

    l.)V. E.

    Snffrey in re expense incurredDavis Hill

    hundred and on the sameor for

    each district of of the No. of W.It in re

    aim ofm is nnrl on same de- -

    in the It


    the city and No 41 of Jas. L

    schools County in re

    arts and Mack andfr.r who live and on the

    school it


    road readtvniihl teachers the same ordered


    schools in forschools urban

    and for inimz and

    theand ucts forand

    soonfor the

    anddouble this

    this sumfor

    five ina

    foror morein rural










    ioi- - ui



    tenscare for

    from page


    the the





    L. in rewas

    tn for was






    43 of Jas.in re

    to 7

    was read nnd action on samewas deferred.

    44 of W. F.re oath of office of

    was read and the wason file.

    No. 45 of Jas.L. in re

    wasread action on was

    No. 46 of Jas.L. enclosing in re oi

    was read and same was

    In a manner, it ordered placed on niewould provide training No. 47 of S. Keof secondary and liinoi, Co. L, First In- -

    mary grades for in city fantry N. tr. U . per--

    in otner it miesion ior sen ami i.i. jviueiKiiuwould carry modern scientific edu- - to attend encampment tit Honoluluntinn tn th iwm.lp ivlm will work waB read. In thisin manual vocations of farm- - County Clerk asked for permission

    nml home- - for himself. Asst. Clerk Rose, De--

    mnbin.r putv Shentt U. uieiK........ . . .....In so far as agricultural educa- - Uimmings, lush and l'ood In

    tion is the main pro- - John Dose, and all emploblem is in the rural yees of the County, on road workhave now two and fifty to to the companies. Mr.

    three hundred thousand little rural Lyons moved that the beschools. If we two permitted to attend encamphundred thousand of these into ment at S.

    thousand consolidated rural Road W. K. Kaluakini, Llwith a Police County Clerk

    teacher of agriculture and a teacher Kaae, Asst. Clerk Deputyoi tie i ii ni . n ?of home our farm popu- - erin rowe... vter ummings,

    I I notMiiitAK II nan nnrl nil ami rv ima. , . I lIUOVi I til UU Vlli IHJ vobiii.ui n I tiit rt nn nviuirt im- - I ' - .mi.uu wv. u .... o the on road work belongctitional basis. inr the Seconded

    America about by Mr. Haia andmillion youth and fifty-fiv- eworkers and home-itaker- s.adding one cent a day the efficiency of our worker would havean increase income wealth andhome comforts two hundred million dollars add-ing cents a day we wouldhave annually a ofeffective wealth." We could wellafford to spend one-fift- h of eitherof these sums to secure largersum. The of forty

    would give a profit of onehundred and sixty millions; the

    of two hundred millions would give a profit ofhundred millions. These figureslook ridiculously large. They areneitiier large small compared with the size of theJlieworld s greatest waste is inlabor, the cause is thelargest remedy general

    of school schemes which haveproven

    Our Statehave learned how eflicient the experimenters andedi along lines.Thirty forty secondary agricultural school have fully demon


    stratcd tli:itcultural wouldimmense servicecation, successful

    schools, agricultural colleges!hundrednormal schools equipped to



    agricultural, andmillions dollars

    (ContinuedCommunication No. 3!) of


    Communication E.

    agricultural, of interpreters


    eommu-ct- c.










    same deferred.Communication No. 42 las

    County Attorneymatter Molokai and

    Communication No. L.Coke, Comity Attorney,amendments No.


    Communication No.l'ogue in Knpa- -wai sameordered placed

    CommunicationCoke, County Attorney

    incurring expensesand the same

    deferred.CommunicationCoke. County Attorney,

    resolution liningclaims the

    rchools. similarvocational Communication

    collegiate, pri- - Captainpersons requesting

    communities, words,

    connection the



    concerned, spectorschool. We

    hundred belongingfollowing

    consolidate theHonolulu: Keliinoi,

    thirty Clerk;schools, each provided Lahaina;



    (jountyto companies.

    thirty-fiv- e carried.million









    collegesto produce

    teachers,countrv-lif- e



    Communication No. 48 of Jas.L. Coke County Attorney transmitting opinion on section 18 of

    the County Act was read and actionon the same was deferred.

    Communication No. i'J of FrankA. St. Sure applying for the position of Sanitary Inspector Wailukuwas read and action on the samewas deferred.

    Reports No. 3 of the Auditor forthe biennial period, No. 4 ditto forthe month of January, No. 5 oftho Treasurer for the month ofJanuary, No. f of the Treasurerfor tho biennial period, were sub-mitted and the same were orderedplaced on file.

    Auditor's report for Jan., 190'J.Receipts 32,353.1"

    Expenditures,Warrants drawn 11,071.25Cash Dalancc 20,081.88

    32,358.13Iveport No. 7 "f (ieo. Groves,

    Road Overseer, Makawao was readand action on the samewasdeferred.

    Report No. 8 of Jas. L. Coke,County Attorney for the monthwas read and action on the samewas deferred.

    Report No. 9 of Frank ..Sonnner-fel- dRoad Overseer, Wailuku, was

    read and ncli.ili on the same wasdeferred.

    Report No. 10 f W. E. Saffrey,Sheriff, for the month was read andaction on the same was deferred.

    Report No. 11 of W. F. Poguc,Committee on Uoails mid Bridgeswas read, lie reported lor ailu-k- u

    Available funds $15,225.00.1 UoiKl Overseer, 1 Light keeper,22 cantoniers, with mules and cartsfor repairing roads, 2 wateringwagons, repairs to bridges andculverts, $500.00 a mouth. $1,400.-0- 0

    a month for nmcmlammng, oil-ing and otherwise improving roads.

    We are spending $5)0.00 a monthfor wettingdown Kahului-Wailuk- iiroad, and this should be stoppedand the road oiled.

    Macadamizing of the streets ofWailuku town could be cotnple'edwith one month's more work,recommends the Road Overseerproceed with macadamizing thstreets of Wailuku town.

    Makawao district has the beptcared for roads in the CountyThere are 217 miles of roads in thedistrict.

    The estimated available fundsfor the district roads ore $11,43500. In charge of the road workare 1 Road Overseer, 4 foremen21 Cantoniers. A gang of six menincluding stablemen for workingplows and graders. An AssistantCounty Engineer and four helpers$2,250, available for road improvemeuts to June 30.

    Lahaina District. In Lahaint!itself are (30 miles of roads with 28miles on Lanai, making 88 mileof roads in the district.

    The next available road funds areestimated at $0,415.00 of which say8600.00 be set aside for the Lanaiportion leaving $5,815.00 for Ihaina roads. In charge of theroad work tire a Road Overseer, 15cantoniers, including one stableman, one light keeper, one sprink-ling wagon driver, one luna' andeight laborers, incidentals etc.. forteam feed etc. $1,100.00. leaving abalance of say $300 00 for oilingroads etc. ,

    Continued next issue.


    More Snow on

    Haleakala last Week.

    There was a heavy fall of snow onHaleakala Friday night last week.On Saturday morning the whole

    summit from Kanahau on the south-west edge to Cragleii altout five ihilesin length lay under a white mantle.

    Apparently the heovist fall wasround White Hill andBed Hill (Kolekole). At this writ-ing, Feb. lilih, snow is still lying inthe hollow between the two highestpoints of the summit. Saturdaylast a party of ladies and gentlemenfrom I'aia climbed up the mountainto enjoy the novelty and the bracingeffects of the frigid atmosphere. Thesmoke from their camp fire could beseen Sunday morning at the lowerdge of the snow fields Im Iow the

    twin peaks named above.n hour and a half ride by auto

    mobile could have carried any ad-venturous sightseer from Wailuku toOlin la anil a little beyond withineasv reach of the snow fields.


    .Regular meetings will lc held nt theKnights of Pythias Hall, Wniluku, on tliesecond and fourth Saturdays of eachmonth.

    All visiting niemlK.-r-s are cordially invited to nttend.

    VM. Al'LT, C. C.JOHN J. WAI.SII. K. OF R. & S.

    Gem Theatre.T4vm v r--v cr .t

    Aluli Block, Market Street

    Luti-B- t Moving Picture SuccetiHes

    Wednesday andSaturday evenings

    Admission: Adults, 25c, Children, 10c


    Hawaiian Iron fence andMonument Works, Ltd


    We Sell Iron Fence1


    Whose Fence received tho RichestAward, "Ciold Medal," World's

    air, bt. Jxmis, iwi.Tho most economical feme yon can

    buy. I'riec s than a rese)tubls woodfence. Wliy not replace your old onenow, with u ucL, nt tractive IfcON

    ".ASf A MFKl'DlE."Over 100 dt'rtlt! tn ' lion iros liowtr iIim, Nctte.'A etiv, m ii lu oitrcHialoHUva.

    Low l'rict-- illl Su.;riri l'ouU.M.'w MKli. l.

    Uime UcibleJaliuliii Slailroad Company.



    M- - M M"STATIONS t STATIONSPit . Pa 8. on)v Pas. Pas

    Kahului Leave 7.00 ' 2.00 P. M. Kahului Leave 6.20 1.20Wailuku Arrive . 7.12 2.12 Puunene Arrive 6.35 1.35Wailuku Leave 7.20 2.20 4.15 Puunene Leave 6.40 1.40Kahului Arrive 7.35' 2.35 4.30 Kahului Arrive 6.55 1.55Kahulur Leave 7.40 9.40 2.40 4.35 5.10 Kahului Leave 8.10 i.l0Sp'ville Arrive 7.52 J.55 2.52 4.47 5.22 Puunene Arrive 8.25 3.25Sp'vil'.e' Leave 7.55 10.15 2.55 4 50 5.25 Puunene Leave 8.30 ,3HPaia Arrive 8.10 10.35 3.10 5.00 5.40 Kahului Arrive 8.45 3.5.Paia Leave 8.20 10.50 3.20 5.05 5.45 Kahului Leave 9.45 ' 'Sp'ville Arrive 8.35 3.35 Puunene Arrive 10.00 'vSp'ville Leave 8.40 3.40 Puunene Leave 10.30 . IKahului Arrive 8.52 11.30 3.52 5.30 c.or, Kahului Arrive 10.45Kahului Leave 8.55 1.00 3.55Wailuku Arrive 9.10 1.30 4.10Wailuku Leave 9.20 2.00 4.15Kahului Arrive 9.35 2.30 4.30

    Kahului Railroad CompanyAGE NTS ROR

    ALEXANDER & BALDWIN. Ltd. ALEXANDER A BALDWIN. Line of SailinL' Vessels BetwtrrSau Eraucisco and the Hawaiian Islands: AMEKICAN-I- I AWAI1 AN STEAMSHIP CO.;

  • f



    In eccoi i w ith Section 1268, Revised Laws oT Hawaii, the following list of Delinquent Taxpayers is hereby published and comprises delinquent taxesremi.'rting un r. : on December) I 1008, including 10 Penalty and Advertising Costs. Interest at the rate of 12 per annum on Income Tax and 10 per annum onall oil' k p Tax not ir.v.lnled.

    WAIL i.i ' ' T rAh Che ) yAki, Kel 7 4"Aloha Sal K:n, ... ixAki, Tan Clit-- 7 10Ah Ho (;nv ji ; . 6 90Ah Mock vi'ifr, jvird. ; 10Ah Kang ' i 30Amundst, Hans i yAh Sam (Restaurant)A )9 i'-Ah Lo 17 .joAh Knna, G J, is 9"Ah Sam, J. C 7Andrews, L. A , ?oBong On Tong 35

    . Drown, John Sr it 4Burns, Jerry 19 70Bismark Stables Co.

    Ltd 2 i.sBrown, J. Kahula 3 VjCarillo, Mary 4 7Clark, Thos 1 i 9Cornwell, Mrs. Emalia 4 tCaswell, Mrs. Jas ' i sc.Cockett, Lizzie,....:.... 13 70Cleghorn, A. S ,ii 20Conway, Mrs. W. A... i860Cockett, Jos h 15Conradt, C. C , 50Decker, Mrs. Sam ?!i onDecker, Sam 6 00Estate Kaehanui 4 90" Maialoha, Ka- -

    makaiwi JH so-Estate Emalia Nama- -

    kaokala 6 -Estate Makahookano.. 4 90" Kaweawea 27 90. " Fred Scholtz... 31 ;,o

    " Kaliko Kainea i 20". Iokama Kekua . 11' Kanalulu so 80" Hoomana S 10" Kapu Louzada 11640" Noa Kaaa, 21 y" J. Brown 93 60' Wm. Saffrey... 32 80" Kanepaina, .... 1990" Maikaaloa 42 6o." Uiaupio 29 50" Solomon Hale, 19 00" Keawe Kaulana 3000" W. H. Daniels 49 4

    H. W. Daniels 67 00" KapeheKaolu- -

    lo 3a 80Estate Kekuahilo 8 20

    " R. Keanu Ke- -ahi 1230

    Estate Joaquin Enos, 54 20Keawe 13 6

    " Abr. Kunukau 126 50" Kalehuawehe, 14 1" Wm. Kahau- -

    walu, 2 70Estate B. K. Kaiwiaea, .

    (N. Omsted, Admr; 59 7Enos, Aug 127 55Ferguson, T. W 17Fugimoto, 1 2 70Funaoga, K 17 00Faustino, Ant. J 7Furusato, T 15 9

    , FookLin 115Goodness, Pruvia 47 10Heleikalani, 26 10Halama, Kaili 115Hong Chong ( Aki

    Propr.) 22 50Hansmann, Mary E... 16 90Huia, Adams 8 20Hazama 11 50Hirai, G 1040

    . Hirotsu, M..... 8 75Hansen, Jennie 6 00Hanaoka, Mrs 18 10Harris, J. A. 42 80Ishimaru, Y 21 40Ide, D 11 5Jackson, Alonzo, l 1Jackson, Mrs. Hana... 9 80kaialiilii, Fannie, n 40Kolona, S 24 30Kamana, Mrs. Pahu- - -

    koa 3 00Kaumualii, Laa 6 50Kalahele, S. P 21 60Kapohuli-opi- o 7 60Kalino, Jno 3 80

    . Kaimi, Punohu Mrs. 16 40Kekapai, E. H 58 35Kwong Lung Tai Co. 93 40Kaiae, Wm 2 70King, Mrs. W. H.... - 7 10Kawailiilii, M 19 00Kawaihoa, Mrs. M.... mooKahookele, Mrs. L.... 6800Keanu, W. B 2 15Kekua, Kupau 24 00Keanini, Mrs. Mele- -

    mele 23 60Kaonohi, Mrs. Api... . 3060Kosai 1 1 60Kahopewai, Kau 5 45Kondo, T 15 90Keliinoi, S 223 10Keanini 153 7Kahaleole 45 5Kuheleloa, Ikaia 14 10Kailua, Lono 1 60Kaahanui 7 60Kinolua, Uaua 2 15Kapono, Mrs. A 2 70Kauhane, Mrs. J 10 35Kamakele, Estate J.

    (J. L. Coke, Admr) 186 50Kafeihoa, A. S. W.... 50 80Kaialiilii, D. K 8 10Kahookano, Mrs. He-

    len 24 60Kamkaula (w) 5 4Kamauoha - 3 80Keoole, Aene 10 40Kaholokai, A. S " 5Kaholokahiki 14 7Kaaihue, 13 10Kaaihue, Malie - 3 80Kaili Kaloi (w) 9 3Kaaemoku, D. K 8 10

    JTuciiu, G. Mahiai 7 10; t ; elani, Mrs. K.

    It., (C. A. Long,A'.tnr; 107 10

    Kai.ie, E. 4 9Ka. U, Mrs. W. B.... 7 10K.ui.hine, Keaka. 9 80Kc 'e Kaiko (w). 10 00K.i';i- lau 4 35K 10.' ohi, t.i 4 35Kiiiiitra S. I5 20K.'.'iVo Mtkakoa a 10Kana. Mr. J. Kini... 2 70K':(s:,'notO,! G

    '8 20

    Kilo M II 50Kiun-l- Nocau 18 00Ko-ii'o- , I.i 6 00Kua'laau .1 5 4oKaim e, Lilialau (w)... 7 10

    17 75KmHi i.Fahaa '9 5KfMii ha, (Waiu (w)... 9 80Kauv.ekatfe, 5 4oKvl;i., 1). H 14 40Ki.iiiiinouni, Mrs. Hat- -

    465Kiha, Mrs. Annie

    fl 1 54 30Kal.i. Mrsi. Mary Sol. 6 50iinij Lucy 44 5t,rcli, Virginia E... 169 20

    ,'Wm - 21 15Maliuta (w) 5 45M,UMi, W. E 27 9.M.tVoio, Wm 16 30Mnlii, Kalaukua 14 80M.'hv., Wni 22 40

    ! ),! 'a, MJ 40 20linka: u .....i. 8 10M'.utrami ..K 11 5Mora, ka, K.." 72 00I!ftkc-- C. B....V. 38oM'nW. Hattie....V. 65 40N'orris, Mrs. Mary.v,... 2 70

    Kapule 3280MrX.iinara, Geo....., 9 3oMaui Land Co. Ltd... 44 5Maui Drug Co. Ltd.... 34 60Malaiana (w) i-- . 380Maui Racing Assn..V.. 82 20Makahala (w) 2 70Makekau, R. H. . ..ft... 46 50Napulou, Mrs. J. N'jr 1 60Nawahine, Rev. O...J.. 19 00Nee Sing 16 40Nahale-- a (k) 13 10Nakihei, Kauhai 3 80Oneha, S K Jr. 3 20Oda 1040Pa, T K Est. ;J 19 20Pahuino, Ualua : ' I 16 40tj : v i 12 00Plemer, Mrs Maryi 10 40

    19 60Piipii, Mrs Isabella 380Parker, Sam 444 5

    Rogers, W H 9 20Rogers, E H 28 50Shimizu, T m 18 10Smith, Mrs Kamia" 70 85Sugiinoto alias S Ku- -

    nimatsu 30 10St. Sure, A F 9 3JSylva, Mrs F 6 00Scholtz, Mrs Eunice 33 5Svlya,..Kaanapu j 6 00Sakurai, T . j 19 20Snifieo, E L 86 95Torres, M. Silva 14 25Tobita 11 50Takasi 11 5Tosu 10 40Tanioka 19 60Tokuyama 490Tanaka, B 6 00Tokunaga, N 37 35Uwetaki 6 00Wong Kong, Ah Lee 10 40Whitford, J W 14 25Waldeyer, Carl 79 65Waihee Rice Plant Co

    Ltd 456 75Wong, Ling 12 00Ye Quon 12 60Yasutnori, G " ' 41 20Young Men's Savitg

    Society Ltd 10 40Yeong Young 152 75Yeong Tung 64 70


    Delinquent Inccwie Tax.

    Ah See, G 4 90Ah Chew . 2 70

    I Aloha Saloon I 3 85Hal, w a 4 9Born, E O 10 40Coke, J L 22 5o

    Enos, Aug . 75 68Filler, R W bo 50Hart, EH .4 9Hirai, G j 2 70Hong Chong 4 90Harris, J A 18 60Kwong Lung Tai C - 27 40

    ' i Ul U1U V mm jIKaae, W F ; 4 9Kam Yen 115Kirkland, Jas 4 90

    agawa, Y 3 80;Vloeller, E 4 9yui Meat Market Ltd 11 50Miraoka, K 22 50iAui Drug Co Ltd 19 20

    oody, W J 69 64(A'icholsou, D F 17 00Cfrdway, Geo 4 80Klaymond, J II 22 50sKflery, WE 7 10

    ibiniizu. T ' 2 70. iun Fat 4 90

    inipson, A M ,' '156sTiaylor, Jas 22 50

    .ylor, II T f " 22 94Vykunaga, N 11 50Vivas, J M ' 6 00aldeyer, Carl Io


    1 hereby certify that the forebest of my knowledge and belief.


    Waihee Rice Plant CoLtd 40 2t

    Wai Kee 4 90Yasumori, G . 1370Yeong Young 30 10Yeong Tung 25 00


    Alves Maiioel 8 54Ah Sam J. C 75 51Ah Mi 78 16Ah Fong C 7 00Ah Fook 24 76Ah Nee 17 32Aea, Mrs. L. K 5 66Apele Kaluau 73 96Ah Crow 8 20Avery Mary I 32Aiona 19 42Aruda Francisco 2 14Akuna G 28 79Akuini Ahana 72A1110 S '. 25 80Apele Hoopii and Me- -

    leana 2 80Alana Jas. Estate .' , 20 35Ah Fat 3 25Abo 7 21Abo,.Jr 3 91Brown Mrs. Julia " 18 90Brown Mary K 14 74Booth C. W. 30 40Boteilho Manoel Jr.... 3 20Bras J. S '5 45Brown Emily J 2 14Baker Ed. Est 12 93Crook L. R 9 74Cockett J. P 831Cooper Henry Est 33 86Cummings W. H. Est. 127 93Crowell D. Est 3 74Caires Anna F 3 41Camacho J. F I 05Coelho Jose 5 34Costa Francisco 6 00Dang Young 12 50Emmerson, O. P 7 07Eldridge D. K 26 24 .Etnmesley Joe 2 15Engle R. F 3 60Freitas Lelia A 20 50Fivella Ant. P... 7 00Ferreira Enorme 19 10Fernandez John 7 55Fernandez Est 511Ferreira Antone 3 20Fat Sing ; 6602Fong Wai Mrs. M. K. 41 47Fernandez Antone 25 32Fukuda 17 00Fernandez Joaq 6 00Freitas Manoel 6 00Franco M. A 5 34Grilho M. F 1 60

    :ia Est 4 34Godfrey Frank 8 00Haynes C. E 12 50Holiona 2 04Hamili Kaina 11 00Haake Malie Poni Kiki 1 2 50Hekekia S. M 40 51Hale J P 27 00Hookaia II 06Hiram Hattie M 10 23Honokaupu J. M 6 50Hayashi 6 20Hokoaua Ben 6 27Holiona. 654Hayashi T 8 20Hayashida n 5Huluole ." 2 70Haake Mrs. Kakuila... I 60Henriques, Lucy K.... 1 60Heen H. A 18 10Ilae D. K 44 10Iwami 6 00Ikeda..." 11 5Jordon Si. M 19 15Jacintho Manoel I 04Juan Jose ; 7 10Joseph Peter 6 82Kakalia 4 5?Kelupokaliilii 3 7Kaonohi 3 70Kekua Mioi 5 30Kaaimoku 14 74Kini (w) 8 10Kobayashi 17 40Kalohe P 6 50Kahoounauna 9 63Kekapai E. II 6 50Kealoha Annie 31 18Kuehu Keoni 19 40Kaauana (w) 34 85Kuula Sam 49 68Kahi 17 5Kaili .' 51 00Kaula Mrs. Maakeahi 46 00Keanini 36 65Kaleihuia W. K 138 81Kili 60 00Koloe (w) 3Kapiioho Victoria 4 3Keohokaua Est 63 08Kaili Est 22 76Kaawa Est. Dan 22 26Kahopuoku Est 10 20Kala W. B 32 16Kapu Lewaina Est 16 22Kalawe Est 2 64Kamakele J. Est 356 44Kalama Mrs. S 17000Kawabe 1 1 50Kawasaki 5 50Kuihelani 34 50Kekahuna K. Est 5 00Kiulu Halehua 16 00Kalia N. K. Est 13 95Keliinoi S. E 59 54Kanoholani Est II 70Kanaha Palaile.., 17 86Kaleikini 4 15Kali Kenoho 12 40Kapihe J. P 18 92Kaholokula Kuhaupio 6 00Kahiapo S. P. N 6 00V Kaleipopo 1370

    E 3 01

    Krumbhaar C. C 6 00Kaaimoku Kelupoka... 14 24Kekua Mioi I 60Kahapula 3 80Kawamura 1 1 50Kashimura 12 71Kauhi Kekila 3 25Kalalani Holomalie.... 2 70Kalalani Philip...-- . 9 41Kuji 11 50Kalamahiai D 8 98Kaimina Geo 17 22Kaleimakalii S. K. .... 2 25Kapohakimohewa D... 3 80Kwock Hing Ui 4 90Kwock Ying Yuen 5 45Kaluau Apele 1150Kaauana 6 00Kaonohi & Nuumea... 94Kaonohi Jack 4 34Kahue Est 3 68Kuehu Mahiai 380Kahoolawi Est 6 23Kahiapo Kekahuna I 60Lukai .1 71Lee Seong 6 50Lee Pat Mrs. C 6 00Masaki S 6 50Morinaka 22 40Miura. 22 90Martins M. Cv 650.Miner G. E..... 262 37Mahuna B....; - 71 51Manoanoa Ben 18 69Mattos Daniel 7 00Makia Peter 21 18Momona Kamaka...... 7 78Makua Est.. 21 72Momotia Kawika 29 40Morton David 38 94Manoanoa Simeon M. 12 44Murashige 5 70Mukai II 50 'Martins J. P 2 92Mahoe Ululani.... 13 74Mitchell Joe I 60Masaki S 7 10Madeiros A. S 39 67Medeiros Manoel 8 45Mignel John II 20Mosstnan Mrs. L.. 8 88Manoel Muniz 4 34Manoe Est 2 14Nakila N. K. ...... 22 80Nawahineokalani Est. 55 00Niue Mrs. Kuleana 1 82NuiJ. H 2084Naaieono Moses Est... 20 30Olelo - 27 00Okamura 1200Ozawa A. K.-- 6 42Ozaka 1 1 50Pa T. K.. 22 52Plunkett John... 9 25Plunkett Robert 13 40Pulehu !..'. - 9 80Pavao Manoel............ 10 30Ponte Joseph da . 6 50Puleloa Mrs. Kaailaau 16 30Peterson W. L 10 64PuptUe Kamaka 35 34Papu Rose Est 56 30Puu Est 6 80Pacheco Francisco 4 00Piohia Kupa 2 81Piva 1 60Pires F. M... 6 38Poepoe Kaai 253Paio Mrs. Elm...'....:... 2 26Pukila K 1 92Perreira Manoel Est... 3 24Pico M. P. Est 4 95Perreira Ant. Est 4 95Rapoza Joe 7 00Rodrigues John 10 40Silva Joe , 6 50Sabey Dr. L. R 43 88Sato.... 1250Sniffin S. K 118 06Smith G. W. Mrs 30 82Sumida . . 6 40Souza Antone 8 00Souza Felavio 16 24Smith Wm 2 97Seu Chong 28 49Scholtz Eunice 13 80Scholtz Fred.Est. 20 70Sato K ; . 34 00Shimizu 2 70Sakemoto II 50Sato T 13 4Saki 6 00Souza A. R 1 9JSniffin N. K 39 54Sylva Ant 2 58Thompson Mrs. Chas. 2 16Tanaka Clio 16 20Tong Kau Lee 7 10Tagiri 17 5Taneguchi M 12 71Taneguchi 7 70Tanagi : 11 00Takahashi 11 50Urada t 17 00Veveiros Juan 7 10Vascoucellas John 5 40Ventura Antone 7 10Veveiros Manoel 3 20Wa Chun 1245Wilikina 56 01Wilson Jos 9 05Wong Kiu 9 80Waikalau 9 50Wada 11 90Wailehua Mrs. J. B.... 7 90Yamamoto 17 5Yamota 17 50York Mum 45 9sYum Cook 9 74Yamamoto Y 2 toYee Hop Tong........ ; ? ?S i

    LAHA1NA DISTRICT. ;Ah Puna 'SboCockett, C. B. ..m .26 30David, John 4 90Est. of Baker, R. II 1420

    " Cockett, Jos. 2 70" Cummings, . Wm. 4160

    t of the Delinquent Tax Payers of the

    " Gibson, W. M. ... 82 90" Hayselden Talula 7 60" Jones, Alfred 14 70' Liilii 15 20" Makoo 22 50" Melicula 103 20" Naliaolelua, Kia H 75" Shaw, Lahela 12 00" Wahineaea, liana 3 80

    Farden, E. K. 3 80Hatnanalau 15 20Hauki . I 60Hauki, Kapeka 2 70Haloikalatu. 6 00Hoewaa, Harry...... 28 40Hoopii, Wm. Mrs. 3 80Hose, R. P 72 40Hose, John W. K 6 00Kaae, Alice Mrs 10 30Kaaipoalitua 600Kahaulelio, D. K 45 00Kahoomiha, Kekau 9 80Kaliikina 2 70Kahue, Jcs 10 90Kaiwa 5 40Kaiwipunakea, J. M 6 00Kaka 9 80Kalama, D. M 3 80Kalama, L. K 4 90Kalua, John K 40 50Kaluakini, Wm 9 30Kamakee 6 00Kamanoulu 2 70Kaniau 600Kaonohi 600Kauhane, Pia 6 00Kauhi, George 13 70Kaukau, John K 7 20Kaulalani 3 80Kauweuaole, Geo. W. , 12 00Kealakaa II 50Keawe, Kawa - 6 00Kekele, Mile 3 25Keliipio, Liliu 1 60Kilinahe 2 70Kuheleloa 6 00Leialoha 2 70Makaona 6 00Martinsen, II 6 00Meleana 2 70Miner, Geo 3 25Murashige 600Nawahine, O. Rev. ...... 11 50Nuuhiwa 6 00Oana, Nellie Mrs 3 80Paaoao, G. K 6 00Paki, Wahineaea Mrs. .. 2 70Pali, Philip .'. 490Paona, David 6 00Peniamina, I. Pa 18 00Pimenta, Antone 2 70Pupule (K).. 380Reimann, August 2690Reiniann, August Jr 9 30Sea, Louisa Mrs. 18 60Seoug, G. G .. 6 55Seong, G. G. Mrs.......... 46 15Spencer, Martina 35 00Taylor, David 23 00Taylor, Keola Mrs 3 80Tetzlaff, Mrs. Gdu. 8900Treadway, S. E 3 20Vierry, Henry Sr 10 80Wainee Church., 15


    Ahulii, Est. of J.i 11 33Ahulii, Est. of J. I 82Ahulii, J. 2 . 5 12Ah Fat 13 42Akiona 1 10Ah Wa 8 26Ah Sa 5 50Ako, Chas 7 49Akahi 9 94Akana, L 4 10Ah Tuck..". 3 07Bridges, Rebeka 1051Baker, Jno. A.... - 32 62Coelho, Jo'ao R 7 02Capellas, Eliza R , 5 28Cheoug Chung 15 35Deas, W. B 33 94Esterella, Jacintha. 14 2bFereirra, Manuel 3 55Fadstino and wife 17 74Gookiin, E. Kamae...

    ..Helela (w)Hopili, (w) Est 2 97Hofani and Aikau.T... 1 5Hooliliamanu 24 66Haia. W. P 34 47llaia, Fanny . 22 90Hana Church 3 16Hop Siug Co 9 35Hutchison, Jr. W. K.... 18 46Hiapo, R. 10 17Hoopai, W. P . 16 89Hu, Lilia 4 70Issac. Wm. K 28 38Iosepa, Hana 21 72Kala, W. A 2 17Kahaleualii, S. K 50 53Kawaakoa, J. W 7 98Kaialotni, Hana 4 90Kuheleloa, W. K '. 10 73Kaai (w)... 55Kahue, Est Kauhane... 10 61Kamauo (w) 3 81Keopuhiwa, Est 14 72Kupau, Mariana 2 90Kaeo, D. P I 70Kekahuna, Wm. Alapai 18 80Kanakaole, Iriaahao 6 1 aKamai, W. K ,.tj.i i,f.Kaleo, J. JUkole..-,- .; "2 f ,

    L Jtaleo, st.j .M 90.rjvaniuu........ n...ir 3

    'KalamVL1. H.,.J...-.t- . 5 31.

    Kal&JVa,--Kamanohop- 1342'Keawchaku, K. P 5 95Kaiaka (w) I 15Kau, Pika 20 06Kakalia I 27Kailihiwa - 7 17Kaulana 5 43Keaheinakaui (w) - 69 40

    Kiniinaka 15 39Knleo (Kuau) 8 72Kaleo, J. Patau 2 97Kahelemauna, Est. F..... 82 65Kalanihou (w) '.. 11 38Kamila, (w) Est 21 23Keliihelola. ....... 16 55Kaaua, Kauanui (w).... 12 09Kaleo, Jas. II. S 44 70Kalalaina, Lee Fat (w) 17 53Kalehua 10 67Kapuni, Frank I 92Kanoho 10 75Kamakaono, S 10 75Kapu, S 48 76Kailiuli, L, M. 25 74Kaualoku, G. II 2 40Kapiolani, Est. Ltd 214 10Kekuailani, P 9 60Kauitnakaolc, G. P 56 89Keoahu, G. W 8 54Kaiwiaea, Est. B. K.... 133 75 'Kelohauui Kalihi, O. 12 02Keliaa (w) 9 98Kahuena, Nohoanu (w) 3 64Kukauahi, J. K 20 94Kaiewe, Kahololio 10 59Kanakaokai, Loke 4851Lyoii9, Est. Kekela (w) 23 25Lake, Chas 38 29Lyons, M. T 35 40Lyons, Jno. E 16 40Malulu, Lono 7 18Marian Cabral 2 55Makaena, Albert M 25 39Makaena, S. K 43 73Maule, Miss Hattie 5 91Murdock, D. B 2 57Makahio, Jno 2 16Malina, Louisa 2 83Maunaloa, Malie 128 23Maria Rosalina 16 04Mololani, M. K 16 18Mokulau Coffee Co 1 1 65Milaina et al 3 41Nohua, J 2 61Naauao 1 28Nee Sing Wai 15 02Nakila, J. K 99 45Nawahineokalani Est... 46 12Nakoolani 7 65Nishwitz, J. II 3 26Nahalea, Sol 13 85Omsted p Chong Chung 8 25Ololua, Kaaihue 12 36Pomaikai Est. Kaaha-

    nui 8 99Piilani, M '. 1 28Pupuhi, Hana 17 02Pila, Ben 2 36Piwai 1 2rPuhi, Daniela 11 38Pauahi, Est. Enoka 862Poohina, D. M 52 79Paulo, Est. Akeneki(w) 83 45Pierre, Joe 31 66Puhibale, Kailianu 4 55Pahia 368Rubinstein & Co 2 88Roback, A 14 90Rosenwarne, Lena G.... 633Saunders, P. Richard... 89 63Smvth, J. Kalani Hu- -

    elo 121 31Schleif, Jno 6 22Schnack, J. II 5 23Smith, Chas 15 77Smyth, Kike 14 05Tellos, E 27 04Tarn Yau 8 55Ui (w) Kuau 18 58Unauna, Est. Jos. U.

    Kauai 1476Wing Ching 3 30Watanabe 6 39Wilkins, Ben.... 2 25Wills, T. C 74 67Wagoner, Kaniho (w). 16 35Waha, Est 19 60Wilkingson. Beke . 52 36Yap Toe 12 42Yee Chong 3 95

    Ineome Del'nquent Tax.Deas,.W. D ...... 39 23Uaiwiaea, B. K. 39 5Watt, Geo 1047

    MOLCKAI DISTRICT.Aim, Annie f 8 00Akela 4 80Apaiana 1480Apelahama, Mcle.... 2 70Buchanan, C. A - 16 26Buchanan, Namaha- -

    na 28 OOBishaw, minors II 40Brown, J. F 83650Bannister, Andrew-Callo- w, III 40

    Jane - i 35Conradt, Mrs. C. C. 297 60Cockett, C. B 17 35Cockett, Isaac 4 80Clark. Mrs. R. K... 3 25Castle, J. B 45 31Dudoit, Jnles 4 30Dudoit, Kahoilina... 1 60Dart, Mary 11 40Dowsett, A. C 64 27Duvauchelle, Ed..... 7083.Foster, Mrs. FrankFountain, Rult..f.- - J ,f u T 70Greta.. M- Hcf of Moiketro::.: - "45

    ' 8 10Kurrfhea 42 10

    - - M Lililehua 41 60" Hulihee 1080" KaUiaiuoe ... 19 60" Nakumu 8 H" Kr..u 48 20" KauakuHilii. 860" Napapa. ...... 81 20

    Kaokaka . 3 70" Halualani 2 70" SamNowlej 23 00Hana (w) "

    Second Taxation Division, Terr!.

    HikionaIlui, JohnHitchcock, II. R...Hulu, JHuluoliiH api paIokuaJones, W. FKapiolani, EstKeaweolu, S. EstKahoinoKahananui (w)KawainuiKaihula, PunaKaalihikaua, SolKekuinaeKauhiokalaniKeakuanuiKamai, A. L -Kalua, J. WKaahanuiKekoowai, Kaiakea.Keawepooole, ElizaKahalekooluaKauliliKatnakaia .Kaaihue, JosKapu, Hiel.....KukahiKaanianamanu -Kaluaaha.SKahiamoe, Kamai...KaleikoaKuikahi, ChasKekumuKuhihcwaKahalewaiKukahaoaKanewanui, SamKalalikeKahemalaniKaluhi, LouisaKahinu, JoelKalauokalaniKalilikaneKahapuu, Kahcle....KamaiKatuaewaewaKalaluhiKueneKaiue, S. EKulouKakani, DavidKeakamaiKeohokalole, Lcihu- -

    luKekaulaKoloKahele, MaryKekahuna, S. KKaahu, KawaaKaopuikiKane, EmmaKamanao, JackKapawaiKalaauKamoku w.....Kaiawe wKanele, Akoni -Kapahu, Miss KiniLaakilaLewis, ClutsLuuloa, HenryManase, Rev. H......MakalekaMahiai, LeviMauliawa, Rahapa...Morse, JamesMeyer, Theodore...- -Makela wMakaleiMelika..McVeigh, J. D -Naki, PaiaNaki, Mrs. Clara. ..NamakaokainaNakuina, Emma M.NaukaNaeolaNamaieluaNakaleka, JoelOopa, Namaielua.....Pihe, JohnPapi, HarryPiiapooPa. Zelie Bnl...I'aahab, LukaPoahaPualani, MalieFremhirgast, John...Peabi .PauhewaPaaluhi, Emma.PaahaoPawaaReimann, MakalekaSpitz, Mrs. C. W...Smith, IsaacTownsend, GeoUaua wWaianiaWilson, J. HWilliams, ChasWeed, Mrs. KupekeWaiaholo, Ed


    109 3026 30

    7 6018 60

    2 70283045 0022 509 10

    13 5800

    II 907 60860

    27 9028 9024 1030 0014 7038 3o

    6 4013504 80

    22 9015 7"15 764 6020 1524 00

    4 80147016 2528 90300015 70

    6 4013 5"15 7o19 OO25 58 10

    46 5021 30

    4 905 4o7 604805 4o9803 20

    17 505 4o

    17 5o2 7038ot 604 353808 208 20

    9338o6 004 352 701 05

    34 6511 4010 402 70

    20 1052 0035 7o19 00164033 503802 706 00

    . 1 6029 lai860

    24 OO237 9

    8 109 3o38o4 906 00

    ' 24 50II 40

    5 4o13 So9 75

    13506 40

    "954 307 102 70800

    27 409 80

    11 40860

    16 90101 60

    3 20IS

    8 20

    Ineome Delinquent Tux.Ah Toon.. 22 50Hart well. A.. H3- -

    - LANAf tbiCTzlTT.it

    Chu Gain and Young .. 'vnee mv 53 7""Juoiu Pla , 28 40- Kealakaa A 1 60

    Lupeau 26 20Manviwai 'Anloe 8 10Mahelona S. W II 90Makalutiialoa I 60

    , Smyth J. K 41 60Zablun Ane Estate... 17 4o







    H A List of High Grade Securities mailed on application



    -- o-



    HONOLULU, HAWAII P. O. Box 346 3

    Best quality for the moneyThat's what you can depend on when you deal withTts. Our departments are always well stocked withthe beet and freshest of goods. We mean just whatwe say. Call at our store and be convinced that youcan save timo and money by dealing with us.

    The Lahaina StoreDry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes,

    Plantation Supplies,LAHAINA, MAUI.

    A NewWing Tip

    OxfordMade both in TAN RUSSIA and PATENT LEATHER. We

    arc selling th'cin at $4. 50 per pair. Send us your order by mail.

    Include 2r) cts. for postage when cash accompanies the order.



    .3 7

    This brand denotes quality.f. Write us in regards to youri

    I Leather needs. Send yourtx&Ko. Hides to us and you may teelThvt certain of fair treatment.

    Metropolitan Meat Co. 'Box 504.



    Telephone Main 143.

    HONOLULU, T. If.

    SUMMER SPORTSAre you all ready for the good times you are going to

    have this Summer? If it's Tennis, keep in mind the fineassortment of Rackets wo have from $2.50 to $10.00 eachand tho Slazenger and W. & D. Balls as well as Nets,Tapes, etc.

    If it's Baseball, just remember that we have the com-plete SPALDING line and also have as complete a line oflower priced baseball goods. Our sporting Roods and ath-letic supply stock is now most complete and you can getnearly everything you need on short notice.

    Let us send you catalogues and prices.

    E. 0. HALL & SON, Ltd.




    t lAKKIAUc dUILUHNU 3mm

    lirl . . i ; 1 t 1 . Mnen you want your carriage repaireu w lastbring it to the right bIiod.




    uku, Maui E

    Telegraphic News. maui publishing co.,(SPECIAL TO THE MAUI ISEWH.I

    Suar 9(3 deg. test 3.61 "Beels 10s.HONOLULU, February 16. Kaamoana, who was accused of

    burning the Booth house, withdraws his story and says he was coercedby Chillingworth to concoct the story.

    W. O. Smith will be president of the Senate.Hotel men have declared in favor of tourists making the trip to

    Hawaii and volcano.The steamer Lurline towed in the bark Mohican last night.Kaleikini has been convicted of murder in the first degree.

    edACAPULCO. February 16. Three hundred persons were

    a burning theatre yesterday.WASHINGTON, February 1-C- Senator Newlands offered an

    amendment to the Naval bill appropriating $12,000,000 for tho con-struction of vessels for transport service, dispatch boats, cruisers andscouts. Senator Hale said if the increase is to continue the Govern-ment may have to borrow money for construction work.

    NEW YORK, February 16. The battleship fleet is in communica-tion with wireless stations along the Atlantic coast.

    WASHINGTON, February 16. Separate statehood bills forArizona and New Mexico passed the House today.

    HONOLULU, February 15. Baker won the election as Auditorof Kauai County in the second contest by 200 votes.

    The steamer Lurline will arrive today and the Hilonian tomorrowLONDON, February 15. Admiral Beresford will probably be re

    tired next month.

    WELLINGTON, New Zealand, February 15. Fifty-tw- o bodieshave been recovered from the wreck of th9 steamer Penguin.

    SAN FRANCISCO, February 15. The wife of Daniel Frohmanannounces her intention of applying for a divorce.

    CINCINNATTI, February 15. Taft has returned home safelyand announces that he wants a nice inauguration.

    HONOLULU, February 14. Chas. Booth has been discharged ona demurrer. Judge De Holt ruled that it is not a crime for a man toburn his own home or employ another man to do so. A nolle pos. wasentered in the case of the native arrested with him.

    The Pacific Construction Co., a mainland firm, was the lowestbidder for the dry dock at Pearl Harbor. E. J. Lord was second.

    senator renting ot (jamornia nas Killed tne coastwise suspensionbill in committee.

    Governor Frear will urge a special tax of 2 on incomes of over$4000. .

    Sullivan got the decision over Peterson in the fifth round on a foulWASHINGTON, February 14. -- Goelhals, chief engineer on the

    Panama Canal, says the work will be finished in 1915.REGGIO, February 14. Another violent earthquake shock , oc-

    curred yesterday. Many walls of ruins have fallen.

    CONSTANTINOPLE, February 14. The constitutional crisispassed without trouble. A new ministry has been formed. .

    HONOLULU, February 13. The parade and ceremonies yester-day were the most impressive seen here in many years. The weatherwas delightful but several heat prostrations occurred among thesoldiers. In spite of pouring rain the Opera House was crowded tocapacity in the evening to hear the exercises.

    The Estate of J. B. Atherton donated a $15,000 fund to Punahou.PEORIA, 111., February 13. Minister Takahira delivered an

    eulogy on Lincoln at the Centennial banquet. In the course of his re-marks he said war between the United States and Japan was impos-sible.

    HODGEVILLE, Ky., February 13 President Roosevelt andLuke Wright eulogized Lincoln at the dedication services yesterday.

    SPRINGFIELD, 111., February 13. Among the orators here yes-terday were Ambassador Bryce from England, M. Jusserand fromFrance, Wm. J. Bryan and Robt. T. Lincoln.

    SACRAMENTO, February 13. A joint session of the Legislaturewas held yesterday. Governor Gillette made an address on Lincoln.

    WELLINGTON, February 13. The steamer Penguin is wrecked.She was driven ashore at Terra White. Sixteen lives were lost.

    PASADENA, February 13. One person was killed and two werewounded by a landslide following a cloudburst at Rudin Canyon.


    "Do you mean to say," beganshe tourist to the villacer withwhom the London Daily News saythe had struck up conversation,"that the old man in front of thathouse is really one hundred yearsold?"

    "One hundred and four," correct-ed the native.

    "No wonder you're proud ofhim!' congratulated the tourist.

    ''I don't know about bein' proudo' him," replied the villager, calm-ly. "Far'B I know, he ain't doneanything in this place except growodd, an' it's took him a sight o'time to d"o that."

    rv i. "i m m ''

    boon' Satisfied.A poor, half-fe- d, Bhrinkingr'Ger-ma- n

    peddler rapped timidly. Mrs.Kelly, whose temper that day wasbad, flung open the kitchen doorand glowered down at him. Every-body's Magazine tells the story.

    "Did yez wish to see me?" shedemanded, in threatening tones.

    The man backed off a few steps."Veil, if I did." he assured her,

    with an apologetio grin, "I got "myvish. Thank you!"



    One never knows just isthe power behind the throne. Thetrue motive often lies buried deepunder a pile of plausibilities. Per-haps the clergyman in the skittaken from London Opinion prob-ed down to a true spring of action.The good parson was summonedfor driving his automobile beyondthe speed limit.

    "Now," said the magistrate,"you say you were going at onlyeighteen miles and hour, ' but theconstable still declares you weretraveling at thirty. Now I don'tlike to doubt either of you. Canyou think why he declares you weregoing at that rate? Is there anygrudge he owes you?"

    "No," replied the clergyman,'no, I can't think of anything- -

    unless it is thatyears ago."



    threeI married him


    Orders taken for ICE CREAM,FRUITS, NUTS, .CIGARS.

    Ice Cold Drinks Always on Hand.Market St. : : VVailuku, Maui

    j LIMITED.i 3 l

    d :











    Modern BathMake Modern

    ,3 .

    JWhen visitots come isn't it gratif'yirto equipped that it wins the approvieye? "jtfeuKfunf' Porcelain Enarnelep Fixtures

    modern' admired.famous wire can

    When plumbing comof grade It promptneat bath roomsent tree.Kahulul Co.,


    The GA"NO


    are Agentsestimates on:

    g to have your roomhg glance of critical

    your bath

    room and a room to be We sell and install

    this and quote you (you pltce youi

    high pr and servict



    We the for the




    riccs that wilL please you.

    ract with us you are assuredBooklet illustrating many

    Mdse. Dept.

    MAKE YOUR OWN GAS.Sunlight "OME Acetelyn

    Generators HAVE EQUAL

    451"OMIpA" and w ill cheerfully give

    GENERATORS from t J Its. to 300 Its., FIXTURES of all kin.

    COMPLETE PLANTS1 roperly installed.

    Ius talk "GAS MACHINE" toV;ou and we can convince youtul you require an outnt to nj uKe your home complete. ,


    Read the AMI


    Sole Agents

  • i Locals anfcMr. C. R. Collins of Honolulu is in

    Wuiluku on business.

    There will 1c no service in the Clmrcliof the OmhI Shepherd tomorrow.

    You take no chances when you Imy n".Singer" L. J. Ekberg, the Singer man.

    Sam Kuula, the Kihei democrat, poli-ticin-weut'lo llonoliilu on the Claudine

    this week. '

    ikm't miss the show nt the GemyTheatre tonight. A good set of films willbe shown.

    Geo. Weight has been appointed timekcejier for the Wailuku road ilisUietservice.

    Mr. K. T. Chnpin says Paia's new.

    f22,000.00 school house is Hearing com-pletion.

    The hnnner crop produced from oneacre of pines in Haiku netted $i8oo.x,so we are told.

    Chairman Pogne has called a special

    meeting of the Maui Ikmrd of Supervisorsfor February 25th.

    The "Makaweli" Capt. Neilseu fromIcpiique, Chili, with nitrnte9 is in Kahu-lu- i

    discharging cargo.

    W. Henning Esq. , ex county supervi-sor lrom Lahaina, was a visitor to theCounty seat Wednesday last.

    Don't tell your troubles to the police-men. Phone Ekberg, the Singer man,about that old machine.

    The people of Lahaina want a new

    f25,000.00 concrete school house, as thepresent school buildings arc overcrowded.

    Dr. J. J. Carey, the dentist, will be atPiper's Hotel, Paia, on Monday morning,where he will be ready to do dentalwork.

    The recent rains have given the peopleof Kula enough water, and the farmersare lieginning to plant their crops for theyear.

    Rev. J. Nua has been asked by themembers of the native church at Taia toaccept the pastorate vacated by Rev. JKalino.

    Jas. L. Coke County Attorney is confined at home, being, a little under theweather with something harmless,mumps.

    Hen Souza, a Portuguese brakeman,working for the Maui Agricultural Co.,was killed in a railroad accident at Paialast Monday.

    Sol. Aikau, Captain of the Hana police,brought over two Japanese prisonerssentenced to three months imprisonmentfor embezzlement.

    Sixty-on- e men of Hilo headed by II.F. Ludwig have petitioned the government to be enrolled as a militia companyof the National Guards.

    For the sake of old associations theLahaina court house should be repairedinstead of being replaced by a new build'ing as suggested by some.

    The Woman's Guild of the Church ofthe Gocd Shepherd will hold their regularbusiness meeting on Tuesday, February23, ot the Rectory at 2:30 p. m.

    Co. "D" N. G. II. of Hilo, Capt. Fetter, with 47 men and two officers camethrough on their way to Honolulu by theClaudine, Tuesday , February 16.

    Eleven officers and one hundred sixtyone men of the National Guard went toHonolulu this week's trip of the Claudineto attend the annual encampment.

    Needles and parts for all makes of machines. Expert repairing. "All workguaranteed. Our motto, "A pleasedcustomer." Phone Ekberg, the Singerman. , '

    Capt. Keliinoi, Lieut. Searle and LieutKaluakini, with 53 men of Company"L" of the Lahaina Militia went to theannual encampment at Moanalua, Honolulu, by the Clnudine.

    Next Wednesday, Ash Wednesdaythere will be special services at theChurch of the Good Shepherd. HolyCommunion at 7 a. m., Evensong withdevotional reading at 7:30 p. m.

    The members of the Women's Aid Society of Union Church regret that theywill be unable to entertain YOU on the

    ' evening of February twenty-secon- dThey are obliged to postpone that pleasure.

    W. G. Scott returned from his Nahikubber lands to Paia last week and ex

    pects to go back to Nahiku today. Hereports the roads and bridges aroundthat section of the district of lianago d condition aiid praises the work done

    ; vby Supervisor Iaia for his district.

    Mr.. C. D. Lufkin of Wailuku, Mauisells the dinner Player Piano, now so extensively au't"Ttisccl in tlle magazines,If you waut a pi4" ' a"V style or priceit will be to yourVntc'rest to consult himWhen in the East lasvsPri,,8 Mr- - Lfkinrenewed business relat"s wllumanufacturer. u ill, - V he had douebusiness before coming to ilu"se is'1'"'!'It will be to your interest to !!'"' UP MrLufkin if you contemplate .Jurcliiisingpiano. The Inner Player can " 1,1Wailuku by railing on Mr. Lufkin.


    personalsYour old machine taken in as part pay

    ment on a new Singer. Telephone Ek- -berg, the Singer man.

    The Gem Theatre will exhebit n newset of Films this evening at their Hall ntAlr.li Block, Market street. Jf you wantto enjoy your self, dout fail to come.

    f.The teachers of the Makawao nnd Wailuku districts will hold their next regularmeeting in the Pain school house on Feb-ruary 26 Inst., commencing at 10 o'clock

    m. A full attendance is requested.

    Captain McAllister of the V. S. Armycame up from Honolulu Tuesday eveningon a visit to Maui. The Captain wasHccotnpaniod by his wife who is a sister

    f Mr. C. C. Krumbhaar of Hamakua- -poko.

    Officer Kamaka Kailianu has been accused of assultiug a Japanese woman and

    ill be tried before Judge McKay Feb.24th. He went to arrest the woman foran alleged petty offense and got intotrouble instead.

    New Maui Circuit

    Judge Has Arrived.

    Judge Seidell li. Kingsbury arrived from Honolulu Tuesday even-

    ing lust to assume tlie duties ofJudge fur tlie Circuit Court of theSecond Judicial District lie is

    pleasant mannered gentleman,past middle aye and a veteran ofthe civil war.

    He lias ordered alterations madein the arrangements at tlie CourtHouse where he intends to put onhelves for the convenience of law

    yers and lovers of legal lore t he whole.of his law library consisting of loOO

    olumes. To carry out this planthe room occupied by the CountyAttorney for an ollice will be takenfor Court purposes, and tins CountyAttorney will have to move elsewhere.

    He left for Honolulu last eveningto return with Airs. KingsburySaturday next week. They will re-side in the Bailey premises on Vine-yardaStre-

    Engagement of Popular

    Young Couple Announced.

    Saturday afternoon, the 13th,t.n afternoon lea was uiven nyMrs. D. T. Fleming of Kawaapae,

    Makawao, in honor of her mother,Mrs. J. C. Foss of California, who

    is at present visiting Maui.The interior of the parlor was

    prettily decorated with a profusionof red paper hearts and and othertokens of good Saint Valentine.

    The afternoon entertainment he- -gun nun tlie following musicalprogram:I'iano Selection Miss Woods.Vocal Solo Mrs. Campbell.Piano Duet

    Misses Mattison and Hayward.Vocal Solo

    Mrs. Dora von Tempsky.Vocal Duet

    Mrs. Nieoll and Mrs. Hair.ngelus Selection Mrs. NieollThe programs themselves were

    most artistic containing tiny photographic glimpses of Makawao,Standford University, and the Lahaina lagoon and coeoanut palms.The covers bore reproductions ofthe seala of Hawaii and California.

    After the music there was apleasing game of hearts and arrows followed by most elaboraterefreshments, during the service ofwhich a large cake containing aring, a thimble, and a dime wascut by the unmarried ladies.

    A most interesting feature of theoccasion which came as a surnrisewas the announcement by Mrs.Foss of tlie engagement of MissIrene Crook to her son, HarryFoss of Palo Alto. Miss IreneCrook is the daughter of Mr. WC. Crook of Makawao and is one ofthe most popular young ladies ofthe district. Mr. Foss who is atpresent instructor at Standfordwas formerly well known on Mauias civil n ..! ' ! ii tin employ ofthe Ma As. : ieuiiura! Company

    Ther iiimui iorty ladiespresent mi. Mr- -, r ss.


    RlivSOLU'I ION.

    BE IT RESOLVED by the Hoard ofSupervisors of the County of Maui, Terri-tory of Hawaii, that:

    All officers, agents, representatives,servants and employees of the County ofMaui, Territory of Hawaii, at the time ofor before incurring andjlebt, claim, ordemand, chargeable against the saidCounty of Maui, for material or suppliesto be furnished to said County or fortraveling expenses, or hotel fare of anysuch officer, agent, representative, ser-vant or employee, shall date, fill out,sign, and deliver to the person to whompayment is to be made by the said Coun-ty for such material or supplies, travel-ing expenses, or hotel fare, a written or-der to said party for the same, whichsaid order shall 'accompany the claimfiled with the County Clerk by the partyclaiming payment for such material orsupplies, traveling expenses, or hotelfare, before such claim will be allowedby the Hoard of Supervisors.

    The foregoing resolution shall lakeeffect from and including the first day ofMarch, A. I). 1909.

    Hoard of Supervisors for and withinthe County of Maui,(Signed.) Hy Wm. F. POGUK,


    I hereby certify that the foreging re-solution 11 Km consideration had andvote taken was adopted by the Hoard ofSupervisors of the County of Maui, at itsregular session held at Wailuku on thenth day of February, 1909.

    Wm. F. KAAIi,County Clerk, County of Maui.

    Wailuku, Maui, February 15, 1909.


    Sealed Tenders will be received by theBoard of Supervisors of the County ofMaui up to 2 p. m. on Thursday, Marchnth, 1909, and then opened, for the im-provement of the KawelaRoad, Molokai.

    Specifications can be obtained of theundersigned at his office in Wailuku,Maui, upon application.

    No tender will be entertained unlessmade upon the blanks and enclosed inthe envelopes, sealed, furnished uponapplication to the undersigned.

    The Hoard reserves the right to rejectany and all tenders.

    HUGH HOWELL,County Engineer, County of Maui, T. H.Feb. 20, 27. Mar. 6.


    Notice is hereby given that the following named persons have been apointedand commissioned by the Board of Super-visors of the County of Maui, Territoryof Hawaii, as poundmasters for theseveral districts of the County of Maui.

    Harry Hoewaa, for the District of Wailuku, with a pound situated at Makaliua,in the said District of Wailuku.

    Hiram Jesse for the District of Lahaina, with a pound situated in the Countystable yard, in the said District of Lahaina.

    Hoard of Supervisors for and withinthe County of Maui,(Signed) By Wm. F. POGUE,

    Chairman.Attest: Wm. F. Kaak,

    County Clerk, County of Maui.Wailuku, Maui, Feberuari 15, 1909,


    Ma keia ke hoolaia aku nei ua hookohuaku ka Papa Luna Kiai o ke Kalana oMaui, Teritore o Hawaii, i keia poe 110lakou nf inoa malalo nei imau Luna pa- -aupuui no keia mau apnna o ke Kalana oMaui:

    Harry Hoewaa, no ka Apana o Wailuku, 110 ka paaupuni ma Makaliua, ilokoo ka Apana o Wailuku.

    Hiram Jesse, no ka Apana 'o Lahaina,no Va paaupuni ma ka pa malauia holo- -holoua iloko no o ka Apana o Lahaina.

    Papa Luna Kiai 110 ke Kalana o Maui,Ma o Wm. F. POGUE,


    Wm. E. KAAE,Kakauolclo o ke Kalana,

    Kalana o Maui.Wailuku, Maui, February 15, 1909.


    Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing named persons have been appointedand commissioned by the Hoard of Super-visors of the County of Maui, Territoryof Hawaii:

    Dr. R. II. Dinegar, Examiner ofChauffeurs.

    E. F. Deinert, Examiner of ChauffeursDr. F. A. St. Sure, Sanitary Inspector,

    District of Wailuku.Dr. W. F. McCoukey, Sanitary Inspec-

    tor, District of Makawao.Dr. F. Huert, Sanitary Inspector, Dis-

    trict of Lahaiua.Dr. W. 11. Deas, Sanitary Inspector,

    District of Haua.H. R. Hitchcock, Sanitary Inspector,

    District of Molokai.W. E. K. Maikai, Fish and Food

    Wailuku.Chas. K. Makekau, Fish and Food In-

    spector, Lahaina.

    SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1909 5

    Hugh Howell, County Engineer,County of Maui.

    S. Keliinoi, Road Clerk, County 01Maui.

    Geo. Groves, Rnad Overseer, Districtof Makawao.

    J. C. Foss Jr., Assistant County En-gineer, District of Makawao.

    Hoard of Supervisors for and withinthe Countv of Maui,(Signed) Hy Wm. F. POGt'E,

    . Chairman.Attest: W.M. F. Kaak,

    County Clerk, County o Maui.Wailuku, Maui, February 15, 1909.


    Notice is hereby given that at thestated meeting of the Hoard of Super-visors of the County of Maui, Territoryof Hawaii, to be held on the 111 day ofMarch, 1909, at 4 p. m., at Wailuku,there will come up for considentiou theopening ami acquiring the right of wayfor the road leading from Kahulni townto Puunene Club House.

    Hoard of Sujiervisors for and withinthe County of Maui,(Signed) Hy Wm. F. Pogue,

    Ch airman.Attest: Wm. F. Kaak,

    County Clerk, County of Maui. 'Wailuku, Maui, February 15, 1909.


    N0T10; ok Dkawino ok orand andTRIAL Jl'RORS.

    Notice is hereby given that the draw-ing of Grand and Trial Jurors to serveand act as such during the March, 1909Term of the Circuit Court of the SecondJudicial Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, willtake place in the Court Room of the saidCourt, at Wailuku, Island and County ofMaui, Territory of Hawaii, on Wednesday,the 27th day of February A. D. 1909, at 10o'clock in the forenoon of said day.

    SELDRX B. KINGSBURY,Judge of the Circuit Court of the Second

    Circuit, T. II.Dated at Wailuku, Maui, February iS,

    1909.Feb. 13, 20.


    At Chambers In Proiiate.In the matter of the Estate of P. KI

    late of Koali, liana, Maui Deceased.

    Order of Notice of Hearing Peti-tion fop Administration.

    On P.eading and Filing the Petition ofD. W. Kawahamac, of Hana Maui alleging that P. KI of Koali, Hana, Maui,died intestate at Koali, Haua, Maui, onthe nth day of January A. D. 1909, leaving property 'in the Hawaiian Islandsnecessary to be administered upui), andpraying that Letters of Administrationissue to petitioner, D. W. Kawahamae.

    It is Ordered that Thursday, the 1stday of April, A. D. 1909, at 10 o'clock A.M., be and hereby is appointed for hear-ing said Petition in the Court Room ofthis Court at Wailuku, Maui, at whichtime and place all persons concerned mayappear and show cause, if any they have,why said Petition should not be granted,and that notice of this order be publishedin the English language for three succes-sive weeks in the "Maui Nuws" printedand published newspaper in Wailuku,Maui, T. H.

    Dated at Wailuku, Maui, February iHth1909.(Sd.) SELDEN B. KINGSBURY,

    Judge of the Circuit Court of the 2ndCircuit.Attesu (Sd.) Edmund H. Hart, .

    Clerk of the Circuit Court of the 2ndCircuit.

    Feb. 20, 27, .March 6, 13.


    Alonhttttun Ctifc & Kokery Co. Ltd.At the regular annual meeting of the

    stockholders of the Manhattan Cafe &Bakery Co., Ltd., held on Fell. 10, 1909,the following ofiicers were elected forthe ensuing year:B. J. Guerrero President.C. O'Sullivan Vice President.W. F. Crockett Treasurer.Jos. M. Keauu Secretary.


    li J. Guerrero, C. O'Sullivan, W. F.Crockett, M. P. Lichaudro, J. R. Coelho,Jr.

    (Sgd) JOS. M. KEANU, '

    Secretary, Manhattan Cafe & Bakery Co.Feb. 13, 20, 27.

    LODGE MAUI, No.'S4, A. F. & A. M.

    Stated meetings will be held atMas inie Hall, Kahului, on the firstSaturday nitrl't of each month at. 7.30l M.

    Visiting brethren are cordially in-vited to at tend.

    C. K. OOPKLAND li. V. M.1! KXJ A M I N W 1 L LI AM S,

    t. f. Secretary.


    Clias. M. Couke, President W. T. Robinson, 1stD. II. Case, 2nd R. A. Wadsworth, DirectorC. D. Lufkin, Cashier A. Aalberg, Auditor

    SEVENTH AIN1NUAL STATtiMniNTat the close of business, December 31, I90S

    RESOURCESLoans and Discounts JW7.7.S7.14United States Honds 16,500.00Premium on U. S. bonds 300.00Other Honds (quickly convert) 44.S17.50;Cash and Due from Hanks ,V.433.4KHanking House, Furniture, etc 6,525.005.'., Redemption Fund N25.00


    OF HAWAII., COUNTY OK MA CI, 'I, C. D. Lufkin, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the

    above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.C. I). LUFKIN, Cashier.

    Subscribed and sworn t" before me this 4th day of Januarv, 1909.JAS. N. K. KEOLA, Notary Public Sec. Jud. Circuit.

    The LahainaChas. M. Cooke, PresidentW. L. Decoto, 2ndC. D. Lufkin, Cashier

    A. Aalberg,

    THIRD STATEMENTat close of Dusiness, December 31, 1908,

    Loans and Discounts 39,869.20Cash and Due from Batiks 34,212.65lionets 12,000.00United States Ikinds 6,250.00Premium on U. S. Bonds 200.00Furniture and Fixtures 1,240.005- - Fund 312.00









    I, C. D. Lufkin, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that theabove statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

    C. D. LUFKIN, Cashier.Subscribed itnd sworn to before me this 4th day of January, 1909.

    JAS. N. K. KEOLA, Notary Public Sec. Jud. Circuit.

    Good CigarsNot every cigar is a od ciyar; every smoker knowsthat from experience.

    That's why wo carry only' the Staple Brands ofcigars. Send for them. We pay special attentionto all mail orders.

    Robert Burns, Little Bobbies,Van Dyck, General Arthur,

    and Owl Cigars

    Capital Stock $ 35, 000. 00Surplus anil Profits.... 24.7X3.19Circulation 16,297.50Deposits 50,64 .54Due to banks IU..V7-.-Dividends Unpaid 1,42s. 00


    National BankWm. Henning,R. A. Wadsworth, DirectorV. C. Schoeuberg, Asst. Cashier


    LIABILITIESCapital Stock $ 25,000.00Surplus and Undivided Profits.. 756,95Circulation 6,250.00Dividends Unpaid 750.00Deositors 61,327.40


    for HEALTH


    Kodaks andCameras

    We have Kodaks and Hrownie Camera

    of all H.es and prices, and everything thatjroes with them. Write tin for particular?.

    We do Developing and 1'rinting by mail.

    Honolulu Photo Supply Co.Everything Photographic FORT ST., HONOLULU


    One Needs a Tonicin this climate; and the hest tonic for one

    to takeand the pleanantest, is a glasp ofriUMO BICKI: with lunch or dinner.


  • .

    ' 1

    THE 20, 909

    MilkThat Keeps

    in tiny weather for any length of time the can isopened, and then for three or four day?.

    Pure, rich, creamy milk that gives everythinghetter llavor, and is equally useful in the kitchenand at table

    A L V X IS M L K



    H. HackfeklAGENTS,

    PrjmoI Bock Beer!

    We have the first outputofthe season in pints and


    Maui Wine & LiquorAGENTS FOR



    A.. H.

    m- - '""'Vl'f...,,,,

    NEWS 1


    L I

    j SOLE MAUI. e

    &HONOLULU. j

    CENTRALMaukkt Wait.uku


    Pull lino popularWTNES, LIQUORS,


    Primo & Seaie

    25c 2 25c

    Seeing is Believing,Wo have in exhibition in our show room a choice

    selection of nickol plated BATHROOM ACCESSORIES, such as

    Soap Dishes for the Bathtub,Shower Heads,

    French Mirrors,Soap Disnes for tho Wall,

    Sponge Holders,Sponge Cups,

    y Soapjand Spontro Holders,' Towel in various sizes,

    Towel Racks, 2-- 3 and 4 fold,

    4Comb and Brush Trays,


    Toqth .and Brush Holders,Tumbler Holders,

    Buth Seats,Sprays,

    Hooks, etc.. etc.

    To realizo their boauty and usefulness theymust bo soon and used. Taken ns a wholo Ihosofittings tho most artistic, practical, easily cleanedand thoroforo tho MOST SANITARY.


    - prices thorn within the roach of all.We invito your kind inspection.


    FARM PRODUCTSDelivered in Wailuku every Saturdayand at I'aia and Hamaktmpoko on

    at lowest prices.


    Telephone Orders to

    L a n d g; r a fPropriistor KA IvUA l'AKM,No. 359.

    Pine Job Printing at theMaui Publishing Co.

    W- ft,






    Co., Ltd.



    of brands ot




    Plato Glass




    Our bring



    (Continued from Page I.)

    The following appointments forSanitary Inspectors were made:For liana Di W. 11. Deas," Makawao Dr. V. F. McConkey," Molokai H. H. Hitchcock," Lahaina Dr. Burt,- -" Wailuku Dr. If. A. St. Sure,Fish and Food Inspectors. On

    motion salary for Lahaina was fixedat eSJO.OO and for Wailuku, at $10.-0- 0

    a month.For Wailuku. W. E. Maikai was

    appointed on a vote of three to two.Poguo, Ilaia and Meyer for him andLyons and Kauhi voting for A.Jackson.

    For Lahaina, Chas K. Makekauwas appointed. Ilaia, Lyons andKauhi for him and Poguc andMeyer for J. Hose.

    Appointments for liana, Maka-wa- oand Molokai were deferred.

    Communication of the Sheriff giv-ing list of ollicers and rate ofmonthly pay was presented and ap1proved on motion of Mr. Lyons.

    The Clerk was instructed to notifythe Sheriff to inform the boardwhenever existing vacancies arefilled.

    The Clerk was instructed to askthe Hoard of Health to commissionDr. St. Sure and Chas. K. Makekauas Health Agents.

    By Meyer, resolution transferring$54.30 from Roads and bridged Ma-kaw-

    to Kula pipe line. Carried.Dr. Dinegar requested permission

    to address the board asking that theSanitary Inspector work in har-mony with the government physician. Approved.

    Mr. II. B. Penhallow for theWailuku Sugar Company explainedtho nature of the culvert wanted forcane flume under the road beyondWaikapu. On motion of Mr. Lyonsthe l)oard granted permission forthe change.

    By Mr. Ilaia to reappoint Dr.Dinegar and E. F. Deinert ex-aminers of chauffeurs. Carried.

    By Mr. Kauhi, to reappointHarry Iloewaa poundmaster forWailuku at Makaliua. Carried.

    By Mr. Kauhi to appoint HiramJesse pound master for Lahaina.Carried.

    Deputy County Vincent presentedthe draft of resolution re public im-provement department as revised.

    The resolution - provides for theappointment of live Road Overseers,at the following specified monthlysalaries, Wailuku, 100.00; Maka- -wao, $125.00; Lahaina, $00.00;liana, $50.00; Molokai, $40.00;Clerk for department. S100.00;County Engineer, $200.00; Asst.County Engineer, Makawao district,S150.00; and fixes amounts of thobonds of each officer. Also pro-vides the several Road Overseersand Supervisor in each district havefull and entire charge of tho districtroad work, and repeals all resolu-tions and motions heretofore passedcontrary to this.

    Mr. Lyons moved to insert theword 'Supervisor' after 'Overseer'in paragraph on duties.' Carried.Lyons, Kauhi and Ilaia for, Poguoand Meyer voting against amend-ment.

    Resolution adopted, with Poguoyoting against adoption.

    Mr. W. P. Ilaia retired to returnhome by tho Claudine.

    Nominations for Road Overseers.For Wailuku, Thomas Clark and

    Frank Sonnncrfeld. Meyer andPoguo, for F. Sommerfeld, Lyonsand Kauhi for Thomas Clark. Re-sult, no choice.

    For Makawao, Geo. Groves waselected without opposition.

    For Lahaina, W. L. Decoto andP. Pali were nominated, Poguoand Meyer voted for Deeoto, Kauhiand Lyons for Pali. Result, nochoice.

    Appointment for liana was deferred.

    For Molokai, J. II. Mahoe andPaia Naki were nominated. Poguoand Meyer voted lor Mahoe. Lvonsand Kauhi for Naki. Result, nochoice.
