· I u r NEWS OF TilE MINING WORLD Moon KAKTKKH juuHnr aottto XHT-1...

I u r NEWS OF TilE MINING WORLD Moon KAKTKKH juuHnr aottto XHT- OIIILIS 1 nLACK k73lr tw Hexltaa Mlior 1 Fear mm Ontfcr kk f- noatllo TdtNw Rtrlk of later sit In Colorado DS> HB J t H ArUoaa Railroad DaTlorlnB SOr HtaD- RADWOOD I 8 D March lllTo Golden Reward Company are drrnl I tlnnellG feot They have already tbrl nlns arc j driving westward to croon a fourth Tho Cain met hne I nno bodr ot developed When the Iron Hill bolt I finished the ore will be- taken out and to tho Iron HI1L The Calumet will take out a 14foot face by 0 fet thick from one side of the Teln Tho ore from thin milo and from tho Iron Hill can be treated Tory successfully together by tho prritlo proc- ess ¬ Mr IJamberger tho metallurglet of the Iron Kill hns brought the prrjc process to a high degree of perfection treatment of those ores- Adjoining Ihoso two properties I li the Wel- come group owned by New York mon These claims lay on the Mdo of Terras Peak and there I li no property In that neighborhood In an undeveloped state with bettor Indentions than the Welcome There Is no doub that tho panio veins exist on their Iround ns on the Hnrdscrnbbte the Harmony Tornado and Double Standard Tho company have spent I good deal of money In development but this I J Ii nothing unupunl In the hlRtor of I mine r and mnny of the beet mIns that locality bnvo required n considerable outlay both of time anti money before they began to pay The Harmony struck a new body ot ore re ¬ cently Tho ore body Is email but It In be- lle od that It will open out Into a larger vein Tho Harmony han been chipping oro from some reins along tho same tunnel to Omaha and Aurora I 111 for a your or more The feasibility of erecting smolor In Dead- wood of sufllolent capacity t compote with Omaha and Iionvor pmoltors I la being consider- ably discussed anti there are ninny reasons to believe tilt Demluood will havo some big smelters long An Knetern syndicate through their agent 3 K 1 Miller of thin city are putting a large- amotintof money In mining property and they are also buying Deadwood roal estate It Is safe to say that during tho last six months they hun Invested tWOtHM I In nrlous kinds of prnpoity hero They hall honded all the city proporlv they could nnd purchnlolllood deal outright They nro plcklnl up claims owned by the miners In Bald Mountain and lluby Basin getting them nil the way from 13000 to 110000 Just what these people have- In I view Is hard to tell but It Is supposed that they are on the Inside and know what thoy cro about Homo think the Burlington and Mis- souri ¬ Railroad Is behind the scheme while other believe tho Northwestern Railroad I Is In- terested ¬ It Is generally conceded that It mean the erection of I number of smelters and the feeling growing thitt Deadwood will eoon bo as prosperous with her big smelters a Denver or Omaha The Deadwood Central Railroad Is extending Its lines up to the Bald Mountain district and has a large force of men at work on Its sur- veys ¬ The property along Ite line through the olty I Is being condemned whore owners refuse to sell at a roaxonablo price and It Is judged from that that Ibo company means business A largo number of placer claims were lo- cated ¬ In Galena recently by a company that Intends to thoroughly develop tho same The ground has been worked more or less since tho camp frt started but In a rather goasyou please manner The new owners will go to work systematically as eon a the weather APmlta V ITEMS FEOM IDAHO IDAHO CITY March H From every section of the Wo River country come flattering re- ports ¬ mines Much Interest has bon created there of late by tho dKovery of gold mines The most remarkable of these developments Is In the Crtrsus mine near Halley The mine Is In the northeastern ex- tremity ¬ of hits famous Camas sold belt and I Is owed and operated by n resident bls spent n largo sum of money In Its de- velopment ¬ The > em was lately uit by long tunnel run In laSD and directly ahead havlnl been extended only lorty feet have vein wo und one hii I leo wide that yields orts worth 75 per too In gold and a Jew ounces silver 1iihing the tunnel ahead two other volus wore cut The whole lodge Is about twenty feet wide Another large body of galena ore has been found in be North Btnr on the ast fork of Voodltler This mine wbluli belong to tie Philadelphia and iiinho Corn pnny has been u constant producer for six or eeven years The Dnltlmoro near Ketchum althnugn uot working at present IP held ut the enormous price of < jUOuuO On Veer Creek near Halley the Butter Cup War Ianctt Hnow Fly and other claims are looking much better tlmu lust year They nro In the vicinity of tho lied Cluud which lately sold for IJIMJOII Taken altogether tho mines of Wool 1Lier are In a much butter condition- for production now tuRn they were lost year and the output of gold silver nut lead will 11 ery large John rimrrls and U 1 Llnvllle expect to have tlity tons of rock of the now Jjird by the flnt of liar It wil mill Irom S1510 1SO to the tuft In free J01 A Iettr from < George Taylor says he will be how by April 1 to resume work on tho Idaho bedrock mime This I Is ono of the larg- est ¬ undertakings In italic and will employ a large number nl men th your James Constable unit Joseph Travis are still extracting ory rlcliorn from their gold mine on Creek The vein la largo and tracea- ble ¬ Wiow distance An Immense body of galena ore line covered In the Idnhonu mine tour lrlnwri of hnlloy for many ypuis that I ore producer but failed about two years The OW discovery li nt the depth nt 700 nlo aOllt Is said that the ote now In sight Is worth J 200000 It is soon to be worked with nAP The placer ground of George Wise A Co at Deadwood Bnsln fifty miles north of this Dle was sold to I lIMeachusett man for I 3UUOOmm nifMisns IN cuinuAHUAS- ILVEU CITY N SI March lBThere Is con- siderable ¬ uneasiness here on nccount of n threatened outbreak 01 hostile In ¬ dians from tho Mm Curios reservation Homo minor outbreaks have already occurred and Irom the restlessness which the Indians have maulfostod for weeks n general raid Is feared bitch a raid would nlteot the larger camps but little except perhaps those In the Mogollon- dlntrlct I i which are but a few miles from the reSIIlllol and iu n section of country where on former raids have usually made tnelr headquarters In the smaller camps mining would bu a hazardous undertaking anti prospecting would bn out of the guuntlon Hines the surrender of Oeronlmo In beptem tier 18iii minors In New Mexico and Arizona I liavn thiitiuht but little about Indians within the pnst two or three weeks A unti this time would lesult In Incalculable Injury to the mining interests of Lie Nmthuest In re tilcilng reduction and retarding develop- ment In districts which have hut lust fairly re- covered trim the lust Indian outbreak Allthoreiortsfrnm thu Sierra Mndrc Moun talus In Mexico are very favorable and In Cieised shiprneniB of high grade oie from Northern Chihuahua go to show that very rich mileR exist In the Hlerrn Madres as has ul asserted by prospectors It Is to the Interest minors operating mines no romotu Irom rallp ad transportation to sort their oro very cnrefuilv but theio 1f very few mines on thIs lilei of the line which silver ore can be picked that will run morl tItan tlOOOt per ton Mlhtlioexceptlon the mines In the 1lckJnwk Fleming nnd Lake valley I probably not half dozen mines In Sow Mexico from which any conoid Table amount of ore of such high grade could bn obtained > et shipments of me from North- ern ¬ Chihuahua which run moro than 1100 per ton ale not uncommon- It IK reported trim the Hllver Creek district that several new mills will bo put up there this season Charges for mllni ores there have always been high ownol of mines were obliged to pay whatever was8kod Within a year past nearly 11 of mines of this district passed Into the hands of companies with plenty of canltnlto build mills of their own When these new mills are completed there will be a great In ¬ crease In the output of the buyer Creek mineR The tunnel In the Ironclad mine at entered a subterranean cavern of unknown extent at a distance of about 825 feet from Its mouth A strong current of air came Into the tunnel as soon as an opening wee made Int the cavern This prove that an opening tends cavern t the surface from some portion of the Ibo mining outlook at Kingston it excellent leading mines are producing regularly and rich strikes have been reported more ire quentlvot late than has been the case since the omstnck boom which made Kingston for a time tbu Iholleft camp In tile southwest M1MMJ IN COUIIIAUO- DrNVEB March 19The recent discovery the Hily r bier continues to attract attention The leiseea have begun the work of exploring ttelr ore bodies and are meeting eaU factory remit but It I is too wul yet to antur an opinion ii t th vales of the find ttnweat OBO iuuk o mltnl a tot thick that averaged over 1000 onncM per ton and the shaft showed several feet of ore tht Indi- cated ¬ an average above 100 low thIs wilt hold out with further the question yet to b attld Tbo lessees- upon Iolnl through ground of the Camp Din that they haT 6000 tons ol 80 ore In sight y can Ibll lt profit while the new ore bodies tnnt blnl opened run much higher The last for went 40 ounces and some has run as high as 0 ounces The prospect Is so flattering branch tram will be built to connect with the public tramway ths North Btar outh nf tho Silver fell I is opening up verr rapidly Tho ore shipped from tile property runs from forty to sixty olncel It Is being taken from both levels shartland a most valuable ore chute appears to have been oponellher Tho so tar for March has maintained the February average of from 185 to IhO tons per day the ore I Is of bettor grate than that shipped last month and the management nntMpaten that the March dll- tl n < will reach tho highwater mark about The output for Fobrnnrr of 131R tons dally nt LoAdvllle by fr exceeded the most tmgulno expectations viltli tho opening of spring prospects look till brighter us mnnv Ilnpt and looses which hno lain kiln winter months will now l bc worked flio ira ducttnns of the smelters will ulo bo Increased this month ns the Elgin smelter which lout been shut down lor repairs IH now running full force HoportB from tho recent strike In the Kmm tor are very oncoufllnl ns to tho oro both In quantity Rod tunnel wi bo run lu- nt n point about 4x1 feet below mouth of tho present Incline In older to cut tho oro ohuto at noarly tho same depth below the In dine The wotk of taking out oro from tlio new strlkti male In the Inesplnn property bus bell commenced nnd Is proving tho strike of Olin moro Importance thnn watt nt llrnt sill Tim 1 vein has widened considerably aid tho ore Improve grpnly In titiiilltv us well us In Quantity Then I In a pny htrenk of three loet which ntornsD twenty ounces In silver por ton This lady of Ilnorlls about 450 feet from the hesplun I ebllt I found- at a depth of 600 Thn prospecting fet the Tltrhugh I Is being rairled on thoruuh the workings of tho 1110 Branch antI the lessees lina trout llndlng ore chUte ol the Ollvo Ilrnnch tu the zf fllnitt A nl of tnlrgrnde load cnrbonntes- hn In the breast of tho south drift In the new workings the Ore City property The slier valuo of thn oro encountered Is very good while the lead even at tho Irosent development lone over 00 per cent The lessees of tho Virginia Hugar Ioaf feel very jubilant over their prospects Sonic who silver is now being met with hut tho gen- eral ¬ character of tie ore Is sulphiirotp As soon ns tho now shaft reaches a depth ot 215 vein foot the drift will bo ruu both WIS on thu A tonstamp mill Is to be erected nt the Fre Trade and Protection lodes near the Ilmd Fall ilitOr In doing the assessment work on tho Ameri- can ¬ lauio at Boulder the workmen struck some free milling gold that ran lltleen ounces per ton Ihoy are now driving a tunnel on tho vein and hmo to develop a largo body of oro The Geyser mine shaft at Sliver Cliff will bo sunk to CU5 fet Drifting will commence front too while dri will be used OH a tamp The companys by lMMi feet of ground wil then be thoroughly explored from end t and side to stile If necessary Mines In ant around Ourny are In a flourish Ishlnu condition A new strike In the Vnllolil occurred In the porphyry dike the Ing native gold In urge quantities Hereto loin thl ore hits gone over the dump but a close Inspection has shown It to b the rich- est ¬ the mine has yet produced Eluhteun Inches of medium grade ore tiltS also been un ¬ covered In the Noith Cnlllopo und Is being stored until the road Is passable noaw IN ARIZONA TUCSON March l5The flat mine five miles from Tucson has again when lois of great things Jat week the ledge which wAs lot nearly n year ago wns found and at prcent writing shows up big borne of the rook assays 1200 to the ton anti the vein Is about lIve Inches thick It Is to be hoped that It will continue Morn than the usual amount of Interest is elnl taken In the minus In hotiora Mexico I earson of the Bunnrn Itnllroncl It Is 1 learned that the enterprise now under vtay near Imures by the liuurcs Mining Company- of which James l nrley is manager will boot much greater lonellt to that tart of tjnnorn I than most people think He says the works wilt bo first class In every particular and the capacity wi be large U is tho intention of company to do custom work thus ailing tho working of the mines close at hand who now havo no facilities for handling thou Inwgrndo ores of which there I U a large quantity There are a large number of mines along the Sonora Hailrond which produce big quantities- of oro but not of a class to warrant them in shipping It Into the United Status for treat- ment ¬ The railroad company propose to re- duce ¬ freights on tbe e kinds of oro so as to In ¬ duce the owners to develop their protwrties The mines near Carbo alone can producf a large amount of this ore and It Is deslrn of the railroad company to make the rate froU there sny tau or fa2 The mines which ¬ duce oen very low grade of ore wi theroloro be able to ship It and make a From the Tip Top region ore Is beingshlppeij- that yields nil the way from f3U to I6LKI per ton and upward About fifty miners are work- Ing there and ship their ore to Denv er Pueblo and other places for reduction Ore that yields SHH per Ion Is considered low grade tho lowest that cnn be handled but there is nn abundance of oro that will stand shipping with the most satisfactory result Uero thero smelting facilities In thl valley 113 ore could bo mined and work und when railroad facilities are extended to that region there will tin hundreds of millions of tons of tfl lit and S20 ore to be worked as well on almost Inex- haustible ¬ ouantlties of higher grade oro The oies of this district are dllllcult to work The Blue Nose mine In tho llarshaw district hns chnnlelllt name to the Home Again This by Mr Mc nry ten years ago who worked it for some time with fair success alter which I it passed Into thu hauls of the Bon son smelter Company Four yours ago Morgan Davis and W C rowers secured I ease on thn mine In less titan a year they took out and sold llioiii wortli of ore which loft a not profit to thin owners of I little over fAOun after which on account of quarrels among tho lessees and owners work was suspended but since that a large amount of oro has been taken out and tho mine Is still producing Tlm ore body appears to tie an Immense chute or chimney II ore the chimney being 20 by 3D feet at the surface and nt n depth of 150 feet It Is 120 by 200 loot The entire chimney la filled with mineralbearing rock which with ordi- nary ¬ hand sorting yIelds IroD 14ii to 400 ounces of silver and from 21 40 per cent lead The sliver Is native and sulphuret is very desirable ore Anial Got to Robert DODDer Farm It will b remembered that when Robert Bonner went to California last fall principally to e his latest valuable purchase Sunot ho secured a son of Electioneer to place at tho bead of hIs stud In Ansol nboy stallion out of the thoroughbred mare Annette by Lexington When the tock consigned to the Kolo sale was shipped from lao Alto Attest was brought along Ho was sent J 8 Fergusons stable on Fiftythird street Friday night nnd will be transferred to Mr Banners farm at Tarry town today Here ho will bo used for public service nml a number of maros are already booked to him nt tjnu each Ansel has a record of 220 made at Inn Fran- cisco ¬ in 1HS7 In lila Fevonyenrold nmlI- K I a horse of penelng appearance with that elegance of finish which the thoroughbred cross I IH sure to Impart Ho hits been for treading at tIm farm anti three ohis usel will be sold here tills week Bonator Ptnnford was not nnxlous to sell him and hits since ox a doubt us to the advisability of part Eased n stallion that io successfully em hula favorite breeding bob y of mntlng trotting tires with mares of running Mood There line been some discussion regarding Ansels temper which arose from ilk habit of rushing to thin door of lila stall when any onu approached IL This as ono of the rooD from the fnrm put it Is only n bluff there is nothing really vicious nbout the horse Mr Bnnner paid 1001X1 for Ansel and If ho were put up for silo hero lie would probably fetch n considerable ndvnncn on that Ilnro cs speed and breeding now go In tho Teat the Fortune tVllliln HU Grasp PANAMA March 15At thin last drawing ol the Panama Canal Lottery ono of the prlros- of 100000 francs wnn drawn by thn number ol a ticket hold by a poor man living on tho Isthmus Unfortunately however onlnir tn poverty and distrust bo lelllolel to pay tho remaining In ¬ stallment ticket anti consequently forfeited the luck that came to him For the Tennis Canamloitsblp DOST March 28 Thomas Faults arrange his trip to Europe ar competed I I lias no ar that hU scUttle will not be scripted by Baunde- rIIUdslnlwlyMilled ha Mrs that I shah lou Boston for iw Tork on Friday April I and shall l leave on the steamship Umbrla for Llrsrpool on Blur 10 one but Mr risk Warren will accompany roe d- mlI my slay abroad I shall play rbif a great snail return borne about thi r I In June and at ones go to the Newport Casino tor the sum mer to return In lie full tn the IOOul Athletic Association If haundersuoes not win champion sblp I from ma this I I time nnhdy on the other sitle ol the Atlantic wIll while I live for never seam stall I re to no to Ihe other rid In p17 a ciiawpOistiip match I retain my title tlil I tim Upon arriving In FHKHIIJ I hall net down to herd training auiUhall Ply In all th znol ioLsd courts on the Otlte lids- Do you IpCt to meet Kerr for the professional lawn unnlchamplooship white abroad I As yet I cannot say res to thai Qulola rt tlta yeomen reply Ibovia I to mssi conqueror ono won lbs match with him win ait be ra4 UU I reach the other side U at alit u4 Ft must sea alur my coo tll maHtt- wlia Saesutrt u TsrH RELIGION IN POLITICS- A rvaious WAn TBAT itAoao ABOCHD POOl zjma JOBS omm- Rh I the Oalr B OMH Cbthelle Taehsr In th Hckoo1iand the rartr that AppelBUd her Was Rcbakcd br n TeU aflTA to 0 A religious war has boon convulsing Dock ertown N J The strife apparently had a po¬ litical origin but owing to nn appeal to secta- rian ¬ prolutlooRlt soon assumed a rlilou com ostensible if not origin was tho appointment of Miss Mary Dunn a Roman Catholic as a teacher In the public school MilS Dunn Is nslslor Michael I and Charles B Dunn young lawyers of rater son who despite their being humanists are graduates of Presbyterian 1rlncoton A sister of Miss Dunn IK a teacher In the public school of Newton Until she accepted her appoint- ment ¬ to the Dcckorlown school Miss Mary Dunn taiiclit with acceptance In the school In the Pond district four miles from iJeckertown Her Dcckertown appointment cnmo about because a teacher who hnd got tho place throw It up ut tho last moment to tako a bettor place In Newton The tiusteos finding thomfelvos with a lonchornhlti vacant nt tho very begin- ning ¬ of tho school year offered the place to Miss Dunn who was anxious to get to Decker town n It I Is on a railway and she could visit her homo In Norton moro easily The trustees pay thor did not know what Miss Dunns 10 llclon was when they appointed her Thoy wore solely Influenced by her oimtatlun as ono of the bOlt teachers In tho county and tho recommendation of Luther Hill tho County School Huporlntonilent who especially recom- mended ¬ her ns n most odlclont Instructor Mr Hill Is a 1rotestant Ho nn tbo three trustees Charles I Htlcknoy Ixnils H Docker and Ilmrlcs A Wilson The other two teachers In tho school being Presbyterians and the prin- cipal ¬ who Is a man being also a Protestant they did not consider on learning or llps Dunns religion that tho Introduction of a sin- gle ¬ Roman Catholic would do harm or oxen bo objected to The fact perhaps that the was- a protege 1ranelsJ Svsayze a membor 01 tho Republican Stale Committee also Influ- enced ¬ theta Miss Dunn had taught In the Dockcrvllle school but a few days when the little son of Amnrlu Wolfe a stonecutter tolJ tier that ho I wnhnt goIng to school nm moro to an Irish tencher jut accordingly ho bIt school After hln1 staved nny Irom tnn school for some father hud him admitted to one of the other departments About titus eitnio time the Kov AluMindnr MoA ihorborn the pastor of tho Ireibttprlan church uf Ui cl er town began making attacks on Honinnl In his pulpit lie talked of ttio Man of blu mum log presumably tho lot a trying to destroy- the public hchnols anti occnelonnlly made inure pointed rufcrnncu of similar nature Mica Uunn wlntullo resIgn when the Wolfo boy quitted but the trustees wiitildn t let hor hhu was made teacher In October Tho stunt which caused S ohio to withdraw his on from thu school knit him Hecnnillng Mr Thorborns pulpit utterances and their combined cllort added to the ollorts- ol flinllnr sectarians resulted in the growth of asttoug No1opory sontluicnt In the commu- nity ¬ in the Intemil of pix months which Ins elapsed Although no fault could bo with thu Miss Dunn performed her duties nnd In nothing that She did were 1oplBh pro clhltica especially botraied retorts that a nrfAut pna unnii ti nut tliH Hillni tnr t lrl luted It was also said that the watt to be made principal of course In the Inteioots of Human 11 Whcn stio appeared In the stients she pointed out ns thu Irish toucherund Biibjectodto similar atnoyancea Such being the ftato ot ailairs when Mr Wil ¬ sons term KB ccluol trustee exiired Miss Dunnn appointment Wits ure1 Ut a reason against his reMoctlon tho real rea- son ¬ was n IJollIIIII not a religious one Mr Wilson Ist < of J J htantoim one of the proprietors of the fmtef Coinfi jnitr- imulrnt School Trustee Decker Icing the other Editor Itautolls the Republican boss of Dockertonn urroundlng region anti as such has lioon so successful In securing site pumiriu Ulnu UUI UHIIU uiai uu Zulu arouxud much jealousy among his wn party nhaocLile 1 ho appointment if f his brother as Iostmusterof linckortown In May canted us pedal Ill feeling and tho Stautons I icing Catholic the religious element thou became I conspicuous factor of the opposition to thorn Thus public feeling was ripe for using the ap- pointment ¬ of a Catholic teacher ns a club t down the Republican boas with nod tile oppo- nents eagerly selrod time opportunity to tirlko at film mar MIB Dunns shoulders So strong was this ollpollol deemed by Editor MantonB party inteiftlon of supporting Mlson ns his own successor wits laldonoIlud It was determine I to support a jowollor who wan I las closely Identified with the editor instead Tho opposition resolved 10 support Jra llardou thin station master for no totter reason appar- ently ¬ than because ho was at lotirerlm with Stanton over a personal matter Their dlfllculty arose train his practice of Iharuing 10 cents for delivery of the messages which ar- rived ¬ at the telegraph o ill en In the station which Is the only ouo In the village II un eventually successful effort to break up this practice Editor Wanton Is Bald to have written tr time railway authorities calling for Mr Hardons removal There Is good rapol to bellevo that this Is not tie caie Harden anil lila friends nro convinced that It l la Another ground for thin selectIon of Mr Harden as nn opponent to the itantton until ditto I Is Buppoxcd to bo his connection with the Methoillht Church By nomlnntll him the 1resbytorlans who took appealing to sectarian prejudices Loped to gut the sup- port ¬ of Methodists tie As of election which took place last Tuesday night drew nor tho Christian En donor 13oltty n lio > missionary or ¬ ganisation endeavored mainly to iliulp on tho war Members ol the society not only uf ed nil tho usual electioneering methods to convert their fellow townsmen to their way of think ¬ ingbut they are saul radically to bIo threatened boycott thoso who did not prom- ise ¬ to vote for their candidate At any rate such expressions as Il ruin you Ill drive you out nt town attributed to some or Mr llardonV more roalouB supporters On Tuesday women as well as men went nut electioneering und they did It so thoroughly that before the election began that night the result was discounted and when the Harden party wont to tho schoolhouse In tho evening- to vote for its candidate it was already assured of success NOIr before was such n crowdoa school meeting held In Deckertown This was due to the presence of tho Wonton who for time first time availed themselves of tho rluht which hns- olnnloIIO thorn for Uorl IOUIB to vote for n I In 6pltl of tbo ill reeling honevor the meeting was orderly until ito close After thu candidates had boon put In nomination the 0101 hogan a procoodhJI which occupied thnllvo volved rotrltttorlnu llm of each voter in to recording I vote The vote nt Iddltol tood Harden 17 Meeker 112 VUion this result discounted had boon wan nn- nounexd a mighty shout of JOY shook thin lioolhoui anti yells of No Irish nesd apply and similar slogans rent the tho crowd dispersed Thosn cries resounded through tho Hlreets lung alter tho mooting was over anti ono dellehtid anti Meeker man cut > o drunk with joy that Ito got Into a tight nnd WUH thrashed After thn oleo ton the women fortynmn In numbir who JIII voted it m oat to u uoinaii for Mr Harden wnro told thoy would bo wonted again next year wltH tho term of anothnr trustee will ex tr thorn uus something said about orelnl Mr Decker antI Mr Htlckney to resign blt came to nothing Neither Mr lliirUen nor Mr Mocker took am peronnl part In their reyrttitiivo cnnMisseslThe foriimttr refused yes turdai to talk about his triumph Nolmmo Hutu ellect will result Irom It Mr Htlcknay- Hiilil yesterday that Miss Dunn would un- doubtedly ¬ bu allowed In snrvo out her term which will I expire In Tune If ho continues to tnkn this view she will fur Mr Decker Is natu- rally ¬ moro than willing to have her rernnlii- AH fur ns the IHSUO 01 whli h the election wits 01 I Is concerned victory I Is I hnnon ono It is iionotho lotus ntrlumiih otur Editor hMiiton It neuinH likely hnvvnvur that haul Miss Dunn boon n Protestant and consequent- ly ¬ no religious element hail entered tho eon l test hn would hnvn crmn out t on top AH I It t wits 1 im hud n number of 1rnteatunt supporters J horn I is linrdly n bakers doon of itol Ics lu Deckertown so that nnnrly llfty Iroumtnnts unmet hitvn voted lor his nominee It Is under- stood that many iiilH npallanH took sides with time 1llholellnd voted lot Mr Meeker In Deckertown hits ralmuil down since the election und things am moro linrmonlouB tlmu they hate kitten fur six months A PtepuhIp Ashore FKDKAXPINA Fla March 2BTbo NorweglaB- tanSD Cpt ilelkkalsen from la Fer nandlne to complete cargo l If ashore about a rails and a half south of Ternandlna bar A heavy tea I runnIng Tb vessel U test filing I up and will probably be a total liiss Thcrwwa taken sabers tiytb pilot boat Toe had taken In tort of her cargo of lumber at I EL AufUsllD for Rndand Iuralyaed on it Train J If Irnke of 78 Seventyeighth street whileoiittMaien Island Kaput Transit traIts between TiinL > till nail Mapleton ytstrrilny ufternoon re ctlved a uralytlc strake lie ne rouveed ti the re- Ideiice of bis friend deorife haley In Slapletou Tbo duty or every monitor I cc oblaln a tool which will luurlb life and bralb litset ut her thu 1110 ous Nd- hos anti- teem till best ubtitute tot moot r inlik that lisa r bean prouad I OODltu all ib ltngti wbleb aludI41 u Irofl a4 gylpmss a ala The Pope Favor Convalescents from tho Influenza with exemption from Lenten rules 189- 0Ayers Sarsaparilla Rostoros Strongh and Vigor now Proparod by Dr J C Ayer Co Lowell Mass 11 I t > YOU WANT A- New T i Suit or- Spring Overcoat if h r- OiEASTER 1 I 11 Therts no time like t present i f II Sl- ed whiU the stock if jjj- H j Ii complete t We have everything1 t i ij i j J POPULAR PRICE Lr- ft I Samples and Rules for Sttf tit j Measurement sent on l Application If U > I rrI IS1i 1i- I ia < T < Broadway 771 i i- I Bower 145147 tl- Idf f f I B B1 M Cowperthwait Go- 20r 193 to 8 ark flow NEAR CHATHAM SQUARE Furniture Carpets Bedding Stoves Oilcloths Picturos and everything else for housekeeping r Good goods Low prices Cash- or Credit Price lists mailed 1 F NEAR CHATHAM SQUARE 101 to 205 Park Row r B M Cowperthwait Co f j a i h f I raouaar one WAI nt A rDc A Mata rjr > tay fr 0OBM TIM tfca Bar lal of Her Doa htrS- iuuoxxK Fa March 2A noWP In Northumberland ra leued Feb 28 contained the following DledXlw Jeule only danxhter of Mr and Hn Charles BoOb la herrtwenty third year oa rb 2 o prostration ror lathS ptiOe o the 2tb Sartleei at the boO T A C Campbell Intermeil In Northumberland Cemetery Tho remains were not Interred until last Tuesday from the fact that the mother thought the daughter was not dead on the second day of Miss Bousls do mien Owing to tho familys prominence the story was sup ¬ pressed although pooplo would collect In gtoups and converse over tho mysterious affair Yesterday niter careful Investigation 1 re- markable ¬ story was unearthed Charles Doust Is tho proprietor I dry goods store and conducts nn extennlva moot market Mist Jessie Iloust was a handsome Ir brunette typo with nn exquIsite lleuro Flo years nio her mind became unbalanced Her condition became such that three months BIO sho was removed to the State lunatlo asy- lum ¬ at Uunvlllo After a sojourn ot ono month she v ns taken home because Dr Shultz would not humor liar many strange rogtiostii- MJO luaU a mania for fruit too much of which Dr Hlmlt toll Mrs lloust WI not good lor that patient Whoa tho woman reached homo her notions Iccumoso Ixtnrous Hint I I n I bed was placed In the parlor which room MIs- llou t fioouontod oNClUBhely because tier piano wits there Several times Miss Doust escnpod from the room when tho door wits bolted and tho win- dows barroJ On thnnlchtuf her deuth sha was unmnnugenble at lime running to tho piano und placing wlord und beitutilul muila then again smashing thin furniture Ills I said she finally ucoked the plaao The grief Htrlckflii Inmates tilt In auolhcr room walling Im the frenzy to hUbsldP- I things bi cnmo quiet In the parlor when tho faintly I thinking time young woman hail tullun asleep tutlrca Next morning the motor waited until halo beforo entering the nllnw hop ilnttLfhlMr time In alnMn niT tho JilrxNiil Finally Mrs lionet went In with breakfast The > oung woman was found on the bod dead her lace horribly distorted nnd black Dr Sheottz was summoned and pronounced It congestion of tho brain E U dertaker embalmed the both making nn In- cllollnlho loft arm Into which over a gallon Injected That night t lie mother entered the parlor to look at tho body when she almost sank to the Iloor In joy Site thought liar daughter was lu- n trance the skin being white ns snow nnd time cheeks a rosy roil Dr Sheet and tIm under- taker ¬ worn calOJ but they could not make the mother was tho fluids action Next lay relatives and intends assembled for the In ¬ torment The minister preached nail tho announce- ment ¬ that the burial would not take place uusud much mvstillcutton Tho mother nt thin lat moment vvonld not penult tho Inter- ment ¬ thinking her chili yet alive Most of the people thought tho postponement wits caused liy the grnvct containing water n heavy rain having prevailed the night previous Tho following day Mr Boust opened his stores Un last Tuesday afternoon Undertaker Bright while returning on his hearse from a funeral thought ns tho weather was no Ino that It would bo the time to bury idles whose remains woo In tho collie Driving to the houso Know his wishes and at last the mother consented hllo the family lollrd for the Interment Bridget collected tim for the sec- ond ¬ time nnd an hour later thin remains were taLon quietly to the cemetery and Interred without a uilulutoi boil present GEN CHOOKN tUXKKAL The Hcroa Body on the Way to MarrlBnd lor Burial CniCAOo March 23Hy 3 oclock today tho body of tho late MajorGen Georce B Crook had been borne from among the thou- sands ¬ who loved him hors toward Its last rest- ing ¬ place In Mart land During the entire morning It seemed as though tho entire city endeavored to obtain a last loot tho face of n tho dead General Through tho parlor where be lay In state tho silent thousands passed un- til ¬ as tIme time of service drow near tho crowd became so largo that the pollen woro stationed nt tho foot of all the stairways with orders to allow no ono to ascend to tho second lloor The parlors and hal on that floor wore Im passable when 10 Dr McPherson de- livered ¬ tho opening prayer A uuartet from the Second Presbyterian Church choir sang at the close of the prayer nod wore followed by Dr Thomas who quoted from the 00th Isalm and a chapter from Job In the cOlrsn of Ills brief but comforting re- marks ¬ Swing then rued n most elo juent- tilbute to tho ileml After tho uuartet llr Molherson spoke eloquently again ollered prayer Dr Ilnton Locke closing the serviceS by mIte benediction Then tho toilln was taken from the room foloolllY thin members ot the Loyal Legion whlo sting Iiet for tho WIrl Crook und Mrs Rencle drove the 11 anil O depot Thu funeral procession on 10a111 time hotel passed north nn Clark aHlilngton then east on Washington to tho depot the streets being crowded tho en ¬ tire distance Thu following ordur was ob- served ¬ ltattailon of police D BAlo Artillery LN 0 First nlmenllM art Mrst Rfrimtnt latin I I pull hrrn u illitliufuuitK I itaeilii In carriage trnar by Hx nni cotnmll moued olllcerp seounit iieifiuitnt heall Secant imPel fluent Infanlrj I s li asCOt Keeiuient bin Fourth Itcvlmrnt Infantry I N O Ui > al Leirion- eteran life and drum corps Qrand Army uf tie lie public The B and O train on which the funerl pnrtv loft at a I oclock onslsted of the one containing tho ctotlln lining In the rear of time mall tar I it as entirely covered with blnck and the InlrlorVs draped with Ameri- can ¬ Slugs Pullman devoted to Mrs Crook and tho oeeor wits heavily draped In black In tho looped with narrow bands of white nl officers detailed to act aan guard of honor anti who occupied seats In this special carwero OnlsCorblnIfoi Mnnlou Major Randall anti I apt Kennan Tho ear will start Irol Oakland tomorrow night ro turnlug these ofllcors 001 tho special guard now In charge of the Among thu many noted mel present wore ex Proulilont If B Hayes exliov Clinches Foster of Ohio Ad IInOI G W llurchitnl of Wisconsin Cap King Commandant of the Wisconsin mllllla Rod other Col C O H Ooldln who wns ono of thin Isconsln dole gates was a private under Gon Crook at the battle of Rosebud and wax In attendance ut tho lunorlinot only ns a representative of thu the nrmv but also aa a repre- sentative ¬ of the citizen soldiery oittti Aiir Tho doath of Miss Angelina Byrne tho eldest daughter of Dr John Dyne of TH Clinton ftreetJJrooklyn on Saturday a thin Catholic convent In Westchoster county hus caused surprise noL sorrow to a largo cliclo of friends Fow young women In Hrooklyn hnd apparently n moro brilliant future bro her thnn Mies- llyrne when sho unexpectedly onternd the convent n couplo of rears ago and became dead to tile world Convent life had Croat at ¬ tractions for her nnL sho had onjoiod uninter- rupted ¬ good until about n week ago when ehl was prostrated by paralysis cntiRfd- ns It I Pimrosod by the broken point of n needle entering one of her lingers und working I ll I ii way Into the aim The i frt Intimation I ol her serious Illncsi roceUed her father was on Thursday lust when ho wits summoned bv telegraph to Limit convent Her funeral will tithe this IIOmlnl trout tit Ietors Church In Hlokx Frank I Hart brother of Theatrical Man- ager ¬ Josh Hat diet of honrttllsvnso ester day morning at his homo 151 fcast 12 Id street Ho wits t years old anti leaves n wife and five children Hn wit once associated with his tji other In buHlnoKs anti 11 wn treasumr of t the Theatre Comii Iii ii In Ilrlel us lung as Joih Hart innungod tIme tleltru AlosandoT 1orgiison a Sandy Hook Pilot who was I ott roil v linn 1llot I Idwnrd Co- llins ¬ was killed vvlilln tnhll to board the tug Ell Ioml in a ron 1 outside thin baron lied juMnrduy his nt homo at 44 oliver Street H wns J 12 yeuni old unit hail been fourtuon yean u pilot 1 oro mo W Klmpson who for sovoml years conducted u jewelry manufacturing bu lnen8 In Newark died on Hnturday after nn lllnens of several months Ho wan u veteran or the Twoutyflxth Nuw Jersay Volunteers and a member of Lincoln lost Q A1 lie leaves a widow and three children Eugene Wilson Crampon died on Friday at 18 llrevoort plaoo in nls 47th year He was tho junior member of the rich firm of Oranmpton Brothers He was u trustee In the Central Congregational Church He leaves a widow and two chidren Amort I Jrencb oldest merchant on Central ono of tlio oldest nmldents- nf lonoll dint yesterday Ho wits born In Illllerlcu lu 1H12- I J Jlruncr editor nnd owner of the Carolina llufmiiii ulHallsbury N I died inttleiday Hu was 71 years old and had edited tho Uafct man Al yuan Herman btelnbaoh a young manufacturer died on baturduy alibI at Ha ETnalod was 80 rar old 1- oa ah z AIQ pP 114 T at ETI11 SOME CHANCEOFARACE NOW LORD Dmnurmr AND mn fALL n pzxltD xo aiuxo mum TAOUTS The Owner > of the Titanta Zoiri Hlikmreek niud ale JEccer to Knee with time TaUkrrl or TCuriuan ar Belli After waiting for the English yachtfltner to make A move toward spine international racing four of the members of the New York Yacht Club havo sent an Invitation to tho own n r of Englands I fnMoflt seventyfoot yachts to try conclusions with ono or four of our soy ¬ entyfooters for a prize or prizes subscribed for br these gentlemen It la not a challenge In tho strict sense of the term neither Is It a Now York Ynoht Club affair beyond tho tact that tho racing rules of that club will govern the contests if the invitation Is accepted by either Lord Dunrnven or Mr Halll or br both but It will nevertheless bo an ¬ IllernatonacontosloW- Inl out of the rolllols ¬ tween English and American rachtmen It will undoubtedly tend to stimulate the royal sport on both slpes ot the Atlantic antI It per ¬ hap will hasten the pending of n challenge- for tho Americas Cup which many believe is 5otnt to como In time for I race this sOlon Lord Duuravcns coriospondonca last year with the Now York Yacht Club he ox pressed the hope that his cutter Valkyrie might bo pitted against our seventy footers for the Ialno Cup or for any other prize or no priZe at nil provided ha was first allowed to contest for time Americas Cup Acting on the belief that ho Is still willing to race against boats of the Valkyrlot class the following lot tons woro boot last week New Yose Marsh U IPSO tfr f3firn etIbuatp l O Exfving< place Ace Tort City PtAnSin We the owners of ttinrentj foot iiloopi- Tltanla Katrlna Shamrock anti Oracle berby anihor Ice you to arrant with Lord JJunraren for a itrlti of Terse with the Vnikyrle an st forth lu the letter drawn up by you bereuuto annexed And we do further aim tbonze you to Under the lame term and conditions to Mr IMil A hall owner of the cutter Varana ant we wish younicceiilu your nccotlntloua YouriTerjrtru r- Ouma C lutiif- K 8 jut IU D AUCBlltCtOIH J ROIIU Uilwktu- Joi Kru I gulL Kiw YOKE March It IPSO ro fte Rltht tlnnorabte tht Furl of liunrattn K I 20 St- JJTHU iTmtre otiAon is H KnymruL- Mr LURM Interring from the personal corrripond sac between yourself anti Jamel I It Nmlth lai duo with lien Paine during tie iiat year that lou ueilreil to race the aikjrrl cm ttil elms tint t a you hare writ teL tttal you attach nn i Importance m t lie taCtile uf the true It Cited uie ilenure tu advIce vnu that I am authorized by O ultver bliii 1ef tie HuMrs Auchm clue J Kuifrra Maiwrll Mir COil J r Jurle him owner ot uur tuur l tell ipTenty foot elonp yitrhla viz- Urania Katrlll Mhainrurk ntnl trade rauril br the > uw tub arlit Cult an ttilrU cia hinte tu Mrrtnire- xvltti you a frlfliillv lunivt to d cnte the r Hicctlvu merit of tie I kyrle anil the cur i SybIl name I prof no to you on behalf i f ttiene irenllf melt a sac tee I rAcrbritt twuoutnr throe nr tune tut of uvc- tuft H a re rei ntatlve yacht < lcctel from the fonr tir a mHtch race nlth Pant jat ht to ie mtllejal New York outalite of Hanilj Hi ttk clurlntr either Joy or Auuuplt course nrteu hints to wltidu rd antl return with uti agreed time lout New u orb yacht Club ricing rule to govern the RetfMtta Cnmmitteii of the club to have charge of the nxturcs St ould you sleet to sail only our tent yacht lh lletiatta Committee to name tier ten amy before the first rare nttU tbs lines will he a sun crlptluii cult of li nlvalue from our tour rarhu- In caie J eu prefer toentl a mutch race or s spite of beet tv onut ol three with each > arht the price for such inMcli or eerie will be a t up of vilue of J o- t am aul ortfeil by Mr Uffilen Oneettu Invite iou to compete for the nloup cup tirlre cOrnet br him valued at fcum witch V1U be ailed for during August ce riew port R 1 there Ire many matter of detail to be arranged linuta you accept till proposition which will require time anti therefore I trut that you will fever me wltli- an early reply I beg lo assure yiiu of my oeit services to arraiiee any matters In coiinectlott with tutu offer and hopIng to recetxe a favorable answer 1 have tIe boner to remain my dear sir yours trulr r TI HUt 1KAtlOnT- KflCKKRBOCXf H Clcn 3t9 FirrM At Kill NEW Yoim March 14 IPII- UIOulA RIOt Ft7 hess IRI I enclose herewith a copy of an otter to SHU a eerie of rare sent this tiny bv registere t ninil tn Lord I Itiiremeru i uy me in t ehalf of mhe uwiirrn nf tie seenly 1iot Moupyitcht Titans Kntrln t Miarnrork- anil tlraile I Ler to cue that the i ouM be pleanid tn- offir you the the saul terms tot a rue or eerie of- raren houtil you Sat l It rmirerilnut tn o cute tu till iMe- durlnir the connnv eiimnier whit tie urana hoiiiiifc tint You wilt nud yourself at liberty to accept ttie rom Lithe itggeetiOim and hekirlni I In trailer mv services to arrange any matters f tt tfttl tot yuit prior to our ar- rival I Imve the the honor to rrmMii my dear rlr your truly htKriiRt Iupoty Excepting Gen Pnlnns offer ot last year this In the first time that American yachtsmen huvo directly Invited their Kngllsh follow Miortsmen to crohB tho big toni to race for prlxate prizes and the result will bo looked forward to with a great loal of interest by yachtsmen nil over the United Mutes It Is generally understood from a recent Interview with Lord Dtinruvtin that ho will nut cro the Atlantic to riuo for tiny prle but tho Americas Cut tint tho send- ing ¬ of an Imitation to Mr Pnlll tlio TnranVs owner und the po hlblllty nf that genileinunH accepting muy niter the situation The I iar ann according to her last neiitonn perform- ance ¬ is n faster bout than the u mtlki rio Min stood nt tho ton of this llt nf English rnclnucrift- In iiuiJ winning 11 prices to the nlkyrio82 i butt Is n 6Hriitlng yucht while the A nlkyrle Is n 77 rater Ynchtmensoan last nightviho read thou corrwipondenoe sent to the owner of the Vnl kynio sail theyhopetl Clint both yachts would come over nml race against the Tltunln hnm rock antI Kntrltvi limo Oracle IH u much faster yacht than sue ever xni Inpnst yenrs but no HUH bplUnei site will tun I f timi V elm a ii cc with Cite other three In u thiush to nlndmird nnd hick aut Ionbody said last night that n cable ¬ gram of acceptance mlulitte received at nny hour after Lord Dtmraen received ito letter hut he thought It mum likely that n week would elapse before anything definite It heard WAXCUKl IMIlIIUtlWS LAXI- CommUiloner > Stepheinaon ThniiEht If e Hnd Got u CHHCI lor tlie < onurrnanipn When time monitors of tho Joint oommlttoo of the United flutes Hcnnto and house ap ¬ pointed to look Into Immigration mutters nt this port got back to tho Fifth Avenue Hotel on Saturday night after seeing Crime in Flue Senator they found Immigration CommissIoner rtojihenson waiting for thom with the Infor- mation ¬ that he would huvo a big bout loath of foreigners down at Castle Garden early yester- day ¬ morning for them to Inspect Thin Con greiBmun promised to get up early and boat time Garden by 9 oclock At that hour Com- missioner ¬ Stephonson was on hnnd rind soon ad or the bniges hocim to empty Into the Our den thom fuu Immigrants vihlvh had urrlodby the baulo Not a commlttoomnn hal l appparod anti n- t9lr thin CouimliKloner sent word to honutor Chantllor nt tIle 1 Ifth Aonuo Hotel thai Iniml- crautB woio landing Ihou thin Iommltsionur picked out four Immigrants anil ordered them I Into tlid little Inner pen In I lie centre of tho building whore they woro put through u rigor- ous ¬ examination Unjor htmsoy thin allarountl Interpreter of thin iiinleii found out that thoy went Hun- garians ¬ hound for Michigan whero they had n promise ol work In a mine at fln a day itelatlves anti friends ahondy at work there hind written to them they still nud assured thitni that the buss would gist them till a toil ut that prlcn- Commlsiloner Htephonfon hurried off to the telegraph olllcjo to Bond title meeaugo to teua tin i hiindlur It is Important that your committee should come to Castlti tiiinlen its soon ns pcsnlblB- Tlio i oininNlonoi looked atonal thu Garden again but there wacitt onu of tlio Kodoril Con tract Jubor Inttpoi tors in sight ullhiinili It was now after 10 oclock uud the immlgruut oro beginning to drift out of thou uiidou llaforo noun Innpectoisdroclun anti Tnilor llnallv ar rlvud nt tlio Garden They luaU no Interuiot eye with thuui but they found a few uf tho Huulott pusnongois lift In the Garden and they went to work to trnssexnmlnu them Thoy dl covorod nothing wrong homo of limo eom- mlttooroon hud Ipslntoil upon golnu to cliuren but jud boforo noon Senators Chnntller 1ettl grow anti KtiHtls anti Itepruscntutlvos Gates anti htumpf Hurueondeuoral Hamilton roljclt I llopburn Commnuder loiter Commlsaloner of Emigration John li Wobnr and ton James OHolrno ar rhfJ Mi Stophonson took thorn In hound nt once nnd led them men to his llungn- ilan ImuilgrnntH who hud to go thiouuli another examination In thin presence of thu lHltuiB titer listening to their talc anti to what both Commissioner Btophenaon and Inspector Taylor hint to say on the sub- ject ¬ both Senators chandler and Eustlscnmo to tIle opinion that the men could not bo held as contract abaters because contract could not be prood Mr Stephenson nrguod that there was nn Implied contract army way hilt Honator Euttls said that didnt make ally difference and as the law gives entire freedom to tha Inspectors In making their decision hn thought that there was no way of holding such cases Finally everybody agreed that the law would have to ba amended If laborers who como In under such an agreement are to be ihutout After looking around the Garden time party walked oier to the llurgo Gftlca arid took the revenue cutter William K Chandler for nn In cpoctlonof tIme hmlgrnnt Hospital on Flints Island Ily thin time thoy got lack this Noord lund hail landed another lot of ImmlgrnntH and thovisltom wittrhod nllh Interos itliv iroe eel ofregistering and utsictid iota of juottioiis concerning the detalU Today tIme committees will visit Iledlows Ellis and Governors Islands They sail In the cutter at 10 oclock from the toot ot West Twentyfourth street Four little Gorman bands wire to r1 Ilwr wr Ui7 Sriiwliiji to LfINFS4Mi D1DAPPX4IZ8 The Trench Composer Is HoppoMd to tee tiequtered by Rlttoes PATHS March SalntBncns the corn ¬ poser iota suddenly disappeared He was ab ¬ sent from the firstnight representation ot- Ascnnlo but that was supposed to have been in consequence of his unwillingness to witness n posMblo falluro of the piece He however baa not been soon since and It Is surmised that bela I confined br foul play Inquiries are being actively pursued br the police Instigated by the composers cousin llosallo Jaonson who claims to be his next of kin She says that his reason Is falling and that ho Is confined br rapacious friends who are anxious to obtain a fortune of 4000000 francs the proceeds of a legacy from his aunt HISSlAItCKS ItKHIOfTATIOf- fHe is Bntd to Unve Expected the Emperor lo Ask Him to Itenmln U Office BEIIIIN March 23The Berlin papers referring to the Xort Qtrman Oatrtttt revela- tions > regarding tho causes of Blsuarcks resig ¬ nation condemn tho statements of that paper as unedlfylng to oulooklng nations The Vtistiicit Zrituna repeats the story that niamarck rose from his bed to answer the Emperors demand for nn explanation of the intervIew with Indthorst Bismarck itt s said insisting that ho should nut bo controlled toll hn Lmporor that ho Viiis quIto ready to resign if t his retention of tho olllco was Irksome that ho only retained It to fulfil his promise to Emperor William L U he ilniiiliurgrr XaeMchtrn declares thatBls- marek was deeply affected and expected to hu last that the Emperor would ask him to re- consider ¬ hN resignation VIENNA March 21It Is reported that Gen Caprlvl Count hnlnoky and Premier Crisp Will have a mooting at un early date CltVCODILK UVJUSIIKH A New Egyptian Find that IB Attraottnc Attention By Dvnlavl Cable Aeut CVnnpany LONDON March 23 British enterprise laving been delighted with Egyptian cats Is now turning Its attention to the crocodile pets at Maabotob where there Is a rich mine ot nitrates cf Immense extent Tho crocodiles are laid hike nnrdlnos in n box with palm enos between them thin interstIces being Hied up with mvrlnd of eggs The crocodiled are done up In bundled catered with cloth It Is bohovod hut beyond these nro vaults containing mummied rroeodlles und In which vault treasures nro stored Cot North tho nitrate king IH still to be willing tolnpstln tile entoiprise In which ctise lonl Itandolph Ihiirchlll the 1rlnco ot IS tiles and other toad ng persons will hao shares itruTI Jv J3LIfLI Celebrating the Ordenefeat Gen Ton AValderiee New Comnsaad BERLIN Mardi 23The Onlensfcst was observed today with the usual ceremonies rho Prince of Wales Empress Frederick anti Chancellor Von Caprlvl were prunent nt time xvrxlcui In the cnnpul and afterward at the state biiinjuct 1 thto Hanover tricr says It Is reported that Gen Von Valdonuteo will be nitpolnted to the command of tho Tenth Army Corps Thin command was made vacant hy the elevation of len Von f prlvl to the Chnncellorshlp- 1rlnco Itcgeut lultpold of Bavaria rent a complimentary uutogrnpb letter to Irince Difmnrck on the occasion of time luUerB retire- ment ¬ from uUlcu Ouirnite In Hlbcrla used Armenia LONDON Mnroh 24A number of Russian refugees met In Geneva on the anniversary of the Commune and protested against the re- cent ¬ Siberian outrages There Is an ugltutlon among the students at PetroffsUoo near Moscow similar to arid In COtilmit ion vlth i the Ht Petersburg movement Imi a fight with conJarmos 200 ot the students were ntrestftl- ltepl > Ing loan address from Armenians in Modems Mr Gladstone PXPIVSBO sympathy with them in their sufferings and eayn tie thinks I t thnt luglanil I Is tiniltr I n strong obliga- tion ¬ to do Its utmost In their behalf Ho re- gret that Ills own ugH priolinles his acting In Iho mutter and tocoimnonds Mr Bryce as an able champkU Hrmle IIMIwooil In Jail LovnoN March 23A ix tltlon extensive- ly ¬ signed from nil the theatres and music italIc IH being arranged to endeavor to release Depfllo Hull wood from Hollowny jail Today a lurco bifket containing pies hirer pickles fjusigux chainMignn and cigarettes went gent to lien by her varIous dutle friends and ulsn a tan load of carpets rugs beth linen books and bricubrac A Talk with llr IVIadfhorM LONDON Mnich 24A Berlin correspond- ent ¬ gives nn account of an Interview with Dr WlndthorBt the leather of tho Centre party In- Germnny Dr Windthorst said that tilt party dltl not propose to enter Into tiny permanent coalitions butt oMioutod to make certain com ¬ binations from tlmu to time The Centrists hit said would olfer no systematic opposition to this Cioiernmont anti would support Em- peror ¬ W Iliums mousuro4 for social rotorm llepnbllcan Mucceeaea ID France 1Aniw Munch 21Time second ballots nt Toulouse todny for members of tho Chamber of Deputies resulted In the election of MM Leyguu uud ulvlubuc Itupubllcaus An 1arclitiiiuke on the Istbrnii PANAMA March 1SOn tIm night of Than day the loth a sovoro shock of oartli iifiko- luxllng fully ten seconds wns full In the town of lluennvontiirt on the west const of Colom- bia ¬ In the department Cuiicn Thenoxtduy- nt II Ji r SI WHIII after the cnbo hint brought iou nanhtii t rnnninn tItle city ulso ncchod a Botoiu shuck which IIIHIOI moro than live sec ontl It Is worthy of mention that this earth iniMko was preceded during u few days by heavy showers of ruin an unprecedented oc- currence ¬ ut tills time of the year A Untie Wound nn III Forehead A welldressed goodlooking man of 25 years nresenleil himself ut hts New Ynrk llonplial last nigh with a bailu kinv oounit In Ms fureheail which he sail he named ilresieJ II save tile flout aiJoseiih Jflter nn mil ntilil allorJ no furlher Inloruullon nuj alt hotgi nilvisea tu reoiain at the lio jiital for i treat lucia I be retiiird The surgeons thluk the wound th result of a knife cut Where Yeilerdara fires Were A M12IG CM Broadway Shinier Brothers A Co clothier damage fitS Sin ISO Kastt Illy second street dwelllt damag efn t9 KM Juillow tret jaii In reekheissr apartrnsnts lamar M t4Cl 3 rnnoe street Usury Ellis Jrocery dsraa ejin ion vti West Blity seysutit slret oo oopld Ijy fjiarlss IJalrd damaf Lieu Fnlthlul to bu lajiired Mater A member of tIme company playing in the Drana Street Thtalre UlUiamiburgb was thrown from his horse yesterday afternoon In dranil slrttt Th horn after lltrnwlnii Ins ruler ran a block and then reiurnlnx siooil Ur tie man iinin tite amtuianc ar rltel I The I Injiirtix I 11 Hit nun S lino imioe is sui 10 tip I arpiffi en ire erluu itt ituris ia itt trick litre tiowmi ca ltjuigmtl Krmmler Hears Ilia Doom AUBURN March 23Wllllam KemmUr the ooartcta mgrdtrr wu oday offleltlJr Boufltd by Waitiss Ponton of Auburn Trit of t deolsicu e lb Coul ol Appeals la milieus Ksmmsriuplyti We lioi miaaaiBli ul U omJy WU4kWMMlMUkM WHd M on MACOflEGOR IMMlifl8ED The Ceremony Performed In the Dan ion Place Hnpttet Church Tho formal transit of tim Rev Dr Duncan UncGroeor from the Methodist to the BaptIst t denomination took place last night la the Hanson Place Baptist Church In Brooklyn lie lad just closed a nIne roars continuous ser- vice IIB pnator In Brooklyn Methodist churches when Ions than n month ago ito surprised thin i Carroll Park congregation by bidding them I farewell and announcing hla conversion to tha Baptist belief Ho received a very warm wel- come to become a member of the Hanson Place Baptist Church antI all ito arrangements were quietly perfected for lila Immersion last night The Hanson 1laco Church la without a regular pastor at present anti Dr MncOropor occupied 0 ho pulpit nt both tho morning and evening services Ho did not especially refer In either of hb sermons to the causes which led him to I pi t change his belief but ho announced that the title of his sermon trout the same pulpit next Sunday night would bo Why I became a p Baptist Time Hanson Place Church has not t boon BO crowded as It was last night since the 5 i period ot the Kov Dr Justin I Fultons stormy F pnstoruto more than ton yours ago Enough lersons were turned away from tho packed mllcllnu to form another lange congregation a Dr MncGrogor preached from the text tn Job Ohl that I know where to find Him Just at the clone of his sermon and In antici ¬ M pation of his baptism by immersion ho said For ten yours my bark has boon swinging near to this theological rock but storms anti fc tempests swept it away The old compiles i however has veered my bark again toward the rock mind us I Maud on the brink of this denomination I foil my Snltmr has hallowed the approach to the o crystal portals I am I not alrala und I willingly render this obe- dience ¬ I Dr MneOrogor then withdrew todlsrobe and prepare himself for the Immersion unit while thus choir singing Hock of Ages the coy cuing of the baptismal pool in thu centre of the g iilntmrm nus removed and the Itev Dr N ii Wood of tito Strong 1laco Baptist Church the i nfilclating minister took bin place In tho water Dr tVooti icnd from tho Itnptlst ritual and was loon toilet In tho pool by Ur MnuGrogor clad L In aclosnllttlng vvnturproof suit except us to hla head which was covered with n luxuriant i growth of dark hair Ho roxuonded In n firm and loud tone to the usual ijuextlonij and was thrice Immersed by Dr Wood vlrn iirew him bnckwun until lie wits entirely under water I Dr Mitcdrogoi then notended from the pool and disappeared through the tloorat tile back of tho pulpit anti with that pronouncing of time 1 benediction by Dr mood thu services were jt brought ton close The inet that n meeting of the church has t been called for April 1 to select npnstor has tr cnmed un Impression flint Dr MacGrngor may roceivo it call to tin pulpit Ho tumtudo it favor ift ublo Impression xcsturday anti thero will be a good ioal of interest tn hour his explanation of tho cau ° os of bin doctrinal change next 1 Sunday llopreacbetl hlKfurowoll iornionlntho Carroll Iark Methodist Church on March 2 His resignation however hud been pn ontad sev- eral ¬ weeks botore ami hnd been accepted OtT hero an rumors to thou effect that serious 4 dltTeroncoH hud arisen between Dr MacOrogor s anti time governing hotly of Carroll 1urk Church a during flit Imiot your of hi pnHtorato anti that they took delimit1 bhupo at tLn quarterly con feroncn which wns held on Dec 17 7 An ex- planation ¬ p r his crltlti nay of Dr > IaoCrogors- clinngo 1j of rollgioiiH iuvvs would bo Imperfect I without Bomo rfloreiico to tlio closing incidents t t lu his Carroll Iark pustorntu lint One Moro of flir Thom Concerts I The twelfth and next to time last Sunday con 05cC by tie Theodore Ttjonma orcljeBtr wit given la- the e4 Ienox Lyretiin last nljfht A lurtm audtenoe WM tiretent Mtlr lie Vre wa tie favorite a uiutil ant after each nf tier rrrroriimnrcA tie apptanfte wa lay Ub flue mug sitli great effect Me > erb ri aria yI 1KtoiIe dim uort with MeMn Onterle And Itletrel- Accomiianyiuir t upon tIe ilutci Itt an encoreatie gave an aria from 51onrt Hjtoro On tier second A- Ipearance > ate give an aria train Verdi e Aids and tI air a In ihc treatci her aJmlren to a delightful lerenade catty Ills AlvlriA Friend played Itubltntetna concerto p1 No 4 In It miner I titus i 7 Terhap tIe most imtabl 1 work of the nrtiiettrA wan In Iu xpiiilon of Oounoda Funeral March nf A Ho > al Marlutiei Amonethc outer numbers on Ihe jirotfrAmino were lAtzit line ffanan Uhap mh Ni 12 Hie uverture La Camarat I KomHln I iiy erll07 ant nine cuitiponttlnn br Gold S mark and tumId The hit waa Lluted with JOhan l Btranu a Itttte Oanub mttl Next Sunday Mime Ue er will log again and ft- nuiubtr uf pisces specially rnjueitet Milt lie placed Giuudnur Won the Itnce j j- JAcxsoNvltIE March 23Hnmm Oaudaur e Ten Krck and Mo mrr tilled n rnceon the St Johns River tIle afternoon at Mandarin ten ntile above thl city Neartr A thunHAnd people wltnptmed it from tie p4 dscko nf eicurnlon > t Ainfira dau 1aur wu baodlcmppid three boat If mtli on account ut hn recent vlctorUe t In tlitrtdA and itlll he won cull fUmin cain la Beyond v Ten I lyck ihtrJ aol lloiimr fourth Uuirner U Cot yu- wbolljr recovered from tie efleiu of a tevtre Illotu

Transcript of · I u r NEWS OF TilE MINING WORLD Moon KAKTKKH juuHnr aottto XHT-1...

Page 1: · I u r NEWS OF TilE MINING WORLD Moon KAKTKKH juuHnr aottto XHT-1 nLACK OIIILIS k73lr tw Hexltaa Mlior 1 Fear mm Ontfcrkk f-noatllo TdtNw Rtrlk of later

I ur


Moon KAKTKKH juuHnr aottto XHT-OIIILIS1 nLACK k73lr

tw Hexltaa Mlior1 Fear mm Ontfcr kk f-noatllo TdtNw Rtrlk of latersit In Colorado DS> HB J tH ArUoaaRailroad DaTlorlnB SOrHtaD-

RADWOOD I8 D March lllTo GoldenReward Company are drrnlItlnnellGfeotThey have already tbrlnlns arc

j driving westward to croon a fourth Tho Cainmet hne Inno bodr ot developed Whenthe Iron Hill bolt I finished the ore will be-

taken out and to tho Iron HI1L TheCalumet will take out a 14foot face by 0 fetthick from one side of the Teln Tho ore fromthin milo and from tho Iron Hill can be treatedTory successfully together by tho prritlo proc-ess


Mr IJamberger tho metallurglet of theIron Kill hns brought the prrjc process to ahigh degree of perfection treatment ofthose ores-

Adjoining Ihoso two properties Ili the Wel-come group owned by New York mon Theseclaims lay on the Mdo of Terras Peak andthere Ili no property In that neighborhood Inan undeveloped state with bettor Indentionsthan the Welcome There Is no doubthat thopanio veins exist on their Iround ns on theHnrdscrnbbte the Harmony Tornado andDouble Standard Tho company have spent Igood deal of money In development but this I


Iinothing unupunl In the hlRtor of I mine

r and mnny of the beet mIns that localitybnvo required n considerable outlay both oftime anti money before they began to pay

The Harmony struck a new body ot ore re ¬

cently Tho ore body Is email but It In be-

lle od that It will open out Into a larger veinTho Harmony han been chipping oro fromsome reins along tho same tunnel to Omahaand Aurora I111 for a your or more

The feasibility of erecting smolorIn Dead-wood of sufllolent capacity t compote withOmaha and Iionvor pmoltors Ila being consider-ably discussed anti there are ninny reasons tobelieve tilt Demluood will havo some bigsmelters long

An Knetern syndicate through their agent3 K 1 Miller of thin city are putting a large-amotintof money In mining property and theyare also buying Deadwood roal estate It Issafe to say that during tho last six monthsthey hun Invested tWOtHMI In nrlous kinds ofprnpoity hero They hall honded all the cityproporlv they could nnd purchnlolllood dealoutright They nro plcklnl upclaims owned by the miners In Bald Mountainand lluby Basin getting them nil the way from13000 to 110000 Just what these people have-In

Iview Is hard to tell but It Is supposed that

they are on the Inside and know what thoy croabout Homo think the Burlington and Mis-


Railroad Is behind the scheme while

otherbelieve tho Northwestern Railroad IIs In-


It Is generally conceded that Itmean the erection of I number of smeltersand the feeling growing thitt Deadwood willeoon bo as prosperous with her big smelters aDenver or Omaha

The Deadwood Central Railroad Is extendingIts lines up to the Bald Mountain district andhas a large force of men at work on Its sur-veys


The property along Ite line through theolty IIs being condemned whore owners refuseto sell at a roaxonablo price and It Is judgedfrom that that Ibo company means business

A largo number of placer claims were lo-


In Galena recently by a company thatIntends to thoroughly develop tho same Theground has been worked more or less since thocamp frt started but In a rather goasyouplease manner The new owners will go towork systematically as eon athe weather


IDAHO CITY March H From every sectionof the WoRiver country come flattering re-


mines Much Interest has boncreated there of late by tho dKovery ofgold mines The most remarkable of thesedevelopments Is In the Crtrsus mine nearHalley The mine Is In the northeastern ex-tremity


of hits famous Camas sold belt and IIsowed and operated by n resident

bls spent n largo sum of money In Its de-velopment


The > em was lately uit by longtunnel run In laSD and directly ahead havlnlbeen extended only lorty feethave vein wo und one hii I leo wide thatyields orts worth 75 per too In gold and aJew ounces silver 1iihing the tunnel aheadtwo other volus wore cut The whole lodge Isabout twenty feet wide Another large bodyof galena ore has been found in be North Btnron the ast fork of Voodltler This mine wblulibelong to tie Philadelphia and iiinho Cornpnny has been u constant producer for six oreeven years The Dnltlmoro near Ketchumalthnugn uot working at present IP held utthe enormous price of < jUOuuO

On Veer Creek near Halley the Butter CupWar Ianctt Hnow Fly and other claims arelooking much better tlmu lust year They nroIn the vicinity of tho lied Cluud which latelysold for IJIMJOII Taken altogether tho minesof Wool 1Lier are In a much butter condition-for production now tuRn they were lost yearand the output of gold silver nut lead will 11ery large

John rimrrls and U 1 Llnvllle expect tohave tlity tons of rock of the now Jjird bythe flnt of liar It wil mill Irom S1510 1SOto the tuft In free J01

A Iettr from <George Taylor says hewill be how by April 1 to resume work on thoIdaho bedrock mime This IIs ono of the larg-est


undertakings In italic and will employ alarge number nl men th your

James Constable unit Joseph Travis are stillextracting ory rlcliorn from their gold mineon Creek The vein la largo and tracea-ble

¬Wiow distanceAn Immense body of galena ore line

covered In the Idnhonu mine tour lrlnwriof hnlloy for many ypuis that Iore producer but failed about two yearsThe OW discovery li nt the depth nt 700 nloaOllt Is said that the ote now In sight Is worth

J 200000 It is soon to be worked withnAPThe placer ground of George Wise A Co at

Deadwood Bnsln fifty miles north of thisDle was sold to I lIMeachusett man for

I 3UUOOmm nifMisns IN cuinuAHUAS-ILVEU CITY N SI March lBThere Is con-


uneasiness here onnccount of n threatened outbreak 01 hostile In ¬

dians from tho Mm Curios reservation Homominor outbreaks have already occurred andIrom the restlessness which the Indians havemaulfostod for weeks n general raid Is fearedbitch a raid would nlteot the larger camps butlittle except perhaps those In the Mogollon-dlntrlctI i which are but a few miles from thereSIIlllol and iu n section of country where

on former raids have usually madetnelr headquarters In the smaller campsmining would bu a hazardous undertakinganti prospecting would bn out of the guuntlonHines the surrender of Oeronlmo In beptemtier 18iii minors In New Mexico and Arizona

I liavn thiitiuht but little about Indianswithin the pnst two or three weeks A untithis time would lesult In Incalculable Injury tothe mining interests of Lie Nmthuest In retilcilng reduction and retarding develop-ment In districts which have hut lust fairly re-covered trim the lust Indian outbreak

Allthoreiortsfrnm thu Sierra Mndrc Mountalus In Mexico are very favorable and InCieised shiprneniB of high grade oie fromNorthern Chihuahua go to show that very richmileR exist In the Hlerrn Madres as has ul

asserted by prospectors It Is to theInterest minors operating mines no romotuIrom rallp ad transportation to sort their orovery cnrefuilv but theio 1f very few mineson thIs lilei of the line which silver orecan be picked that will run morl tItan tlOOOtper ton Mlhtlioexceptlon the mines Inthe 1lckJnwk Fleming nnd Lake valley

I probably not half dozenmines In Sow Mexico from which any conoidTable amount of ore of such high grade couldbn obtained > et shipments of me from North-ern


Chihuahua which run moro than 1100per ton ale not uncommon-It IIK reported trim the Hllver Creek district

that several new mills will bo put up there thisseason Charges for mllni ores there havealways been high ownol of mineswere obliged to pay whatever was8kodWithin a year past nearly 11 ofmines of this district passed Into thehands of companies with plenty of canltnltobuild mills of their own When these newmills are completed there will be a great In ¬

crease In the output of the buyer Creek mineRThe tunnel In the Ironclad mine atentered a subterranean cavern of unknownextent at a distance of about 825 feet from Itsmouth A strong current of air came Into thetunnel as soon as an opening wee made Intthe cavern This prove that an openingtendscaverntthe surface from some portion of the

Ibo mining outlook at Kingston it excellentleading mines are producing regularly

and rich strikes have been reported more irequentlvot late than has been the case sincethe omstnck boom which made Kingston fora time tbu Iholleft camp In tile southwest

M1MMJ IN COUIIIAUO-DrNVEB March 19The recent discovery

the Hily r bier continues to attract attentionThe leiseea have begun the work of exploringttelr ore bodies and are meeting eaUfactory remit but It Iis too wulyet toantur an opinion iit th vales of the findttnweat OBO iuuk omltnl a tot thick

that averaged over 1000 onncM per ton andthe shaft showed several feet of ore tht Indi-cated


an average above 100 lowthIs wilt hold out with furtherthe question yet to b attld Tbo lessees-upon Iolnl through ground of the Camp

Din that they haT 6000 tons ol 80ore In sight y can Ibll ltprofit while the new ore bodies tnnt blnlopened run much higher The lastfor went 40 ounces and some has run as highas 0ounces The prospect Is so flattering

branch tram will be built to connectwith the public tramway

ths North Btar outh nf tho Silver fell Iisopening up verr rapidly Tho ore shipped fromtile property runs from forty to sixty olncelIt Is being taken from both levelsshartland a most valuable ore chute appears tohave been oponellherTho so tar for Marchhas maintained the February average of from185 to IhO tons per day the ore IIs of bettorgrate than that shipped last month and themanagement nntMpaten that the March dll-tl n< will reach tho highwater mark about

The output for Fobrnnrr of 131R tons dallynt LoAdvllle by fr exceeded the most tmgulnoexpectations viltli tho opening of springprospects look till brighter us mnnv Ilnptand looses which hno lain kilnwinter months will now lbc worked flio iraducttnns of the smelters will ulo bo Increasedthis month ns the Elgin smelter which loutbeen shut down lor repairs IH now runningfull force

HoportB from tho recent strike In the Kmmtor are very oncoufllnl ns to tho oro both Inquantity Rod tunnel wi bo run lu-nt n point about 4x1 feet below mouth oftho present Incline In older to cut tho oroohuto at noarly tho same depth below the Indine

The wotk of taking out oro from tlio newstrlkti male In the Inesplnn property bus bellcommenced nnd Is proving tho strikeof Olin moro Importance thnn watt nt llrnt sill

Tim1 vein has widened considerablyaid tho ore Improve grpnly In titiiilltv uswell us In Quantity Then IIn a pny htrenk ofthree loet which ntornsD twenty ounces Insilver por ton This lady of Ilnorlls about450 feet from the hesplunI ebllt I found-at a depth of 600

Thn prospectingfet the Tltrhugh IIs beingrairled on thoruuh the workings of tho 1110Branch antI the lessees lina troutllndlng ore chUte ol the Ollvo Ilrnnch tuthe zf fllnitt

A nl of tnlrgrnde load cnrbonntes-hn In the breast of tho south driftIn the new workings the Ore City propertyThe slier valuo of thn oro encountered Is verygood while the lead even at tho Irosentdevelopment lone over 00 per cent

The lessees of tho Virginia Hugar Ioaffeel very jubilant over their prospects Sonicwho silver is now being met with hut tho gen-eral


character of tie ore Is sulphiirotp Assoon ns tho now shaft reaches a depth ot 215

veinfoot the drift will bo ruu both WIS on thu

A tonstamp mill Is to be erected nt the FreTrade and Protection lodes near the IlmdFall ilitOrIn doing the assessment work on tho Ameri-


lauio at Boulder the workmen strucksome free milling gold that ran lltleen ouncesper ton Ihoy are now driving a tunnel on thovein and hmo to develop a largo body of oro

The Geyser mine shaft at Sliver Cliff will bosunk to CU5 fet Drifting will commence fronttoo while dri will be used OH a tampThe companys by lMMi feet of ground wilthen be thoroughly explored from end tand side to stile If necessary

Mines In ant around Ourny are In a flourishIshlnu condition A new strike In the Vnlloliloccurred In the porphyry dike theIng native gold In urge quantities Heretoloin thl ore hits gone over the dump but aclose Inspection has shown It to b the rich-est


the mine has yet produced EluhteunInches of medium grade ore tiltS also been un ¬

covered In the Noith Cnlllopo und Is beingstored until the road Is passable


TUCSON March l5The flat mine five milesfrom Tucson has again when lois of greatthings Jat week the ledge which wAs lotnearly n year ago wns found and at prcentwriting shows up big borne of the rook assays1200 to the ton anti the vein Is about lIveInches thick It Is to be hoped that It willcontinue

Morn than the usual amount of Interest iselnl taken In the minus In hotiora Mexico

I earson of the Bunnrn Itnllroncl It Is1learned that the enterprise now under vtaynear Imures by the liuurcs Mining Company-of which James lnrley is manager will bootmuch greater lonellt to that tart of tjnnorn


than most people think He says the workswilt bo first class In every particular andthe capacity wi be large U is thointention of company to do customwork thus ailing tho working of themines close at hand who now havo no facilitiesfor handling thou Inwgrndo ores of whichthere IU a large quantity

There are a large number of mines along theSonora Hailrond which produce big quantities-of oro but not of a class to warrant them inshipping It Into the United Status for treat-ment


The railroad company propose to re-duce


freights on tbe e kinds of oro so as to In ¬

duce the owners to develop their protwrtiesThe mines near Carbo alone can producf alarge amount of this ore and It Is deslrn ofthe railroad company to make the rate froUthere sny tau or fa2 The mines which ¬

duce oen very low grade of ore wi therolorobe able to ship It and make a

From the Tip Top region ore Is beingshlppeij-that yields nil the way from f3U to I6LKI perton and upward About fifty miners are work-Ing there and ship their ore to Denv er Puebloand other places for reduction Ore thatyields SHH per Ion Is considered low grade tholowest that cnn be handled but there is nnabundance of oro that will stand shipping withthe most satisfactory result Uero therosmelting facilities In thl valley 113 ore couldbo mined and work und when railroadfacilities are extended to that region there willtin hundreds of millions of tons of tfl lit andS20 ore to be worked as well on almost Inex-haustible


ouantlties of higher grade oro Theoies of this district are dllllcult to work

The Blue Nose mine In tho llarshaw districthns chnnlelllt name to the Home Again This

by Mr Mc nry ten years agowho worked it for some time with fair successalter which Iit passed Into thu hauls of the Bonson smelter Company Four yours ago MorganDavis and W C rowers secured I ease on thnmine In less titan a year they took out andsold llioiii wortli of ore which loft a notprofit to thin owners of I little over fAOunafter which on account of quarrels among tholessees and owners work was suspended butsince that a large amount of oro has beentaken out and tho mine Is still producing Tlmore body appears to tie an Immense chute orchimney II ore the chimney being 20 by 3Dfeet at the surface and nt n depth of 150 feet ItIs 120 by 200 loot The entire chimney la filledwith mineralbearing rock which with ordi-nary


hand sorting yIelds IroD 14ii to 400ounces of silver and from 21 40 per centlead The sliver Is native and sulphuretis very desirable ore

Anial Got to Robert DODDer FarmIt will bremembered that when Robert

Bonner went to California last fall principallyto e his latest valuable purchase Sunot hosecured a son of Electioneer to place at thobead of hIs stud In Ansol nboy stallion out ofthe thoroughbred mare Annette by LexingtonWhen the tock consigned to the Kolo salewas shipped from lao Alto Attest was broughtalong Ho was sent J 8 Fergusons stableon Fiftythird street Friday night nnd will betransferred to Mr Banners farm at Tarry towntoday Here ho will bo used for publicservice nml a number of maros arealready booked to him nt tjnu eachAnsel has a record of 220 made at Inn Fran-cisco


in 1HS7 In lila Fevonyenrold nmlI-KI a horse of penelng appearance with thatelegance of finish which the thoroughbredcross IIH sure to Impart Ho hits been fortreading at tIm farm anti three ohis uselwillbe sold here tills week Bonator Ptnnford wasnot nnxlous to sell him and hits since ox

a doubt us to the advisability of partEased n stallion that io successfully em

hula favorite breeding bob y of mntlngtrotting tires with mares of running Mood

There line been some discussion regardingAnsels temper which arose from ilk habit ofrushing to thin door of lila stall when any onuapproached IL This as ono of the rooDfrom the fnrm put it Is only n bluffthere is nothing really vicious nbout the horseMr Bnnner paid 1001X1 for Ansel and If howere put up for silo hero lie would probablyfetch n considerable ndvnncn on that Ilnro csspeed and breeding now go In tho

Teat the Fortune tVllliln HU GraspPANAMA March 15At thin last drawing

ol the Panama Canal Lottery ono of the prlros-of 100000 francs wnn drawn by thn number ol aticket hold by a poor man living on tho IsthmusUnfortunately however onlnir tn poverty anddistrust bo lelllolel to pay tho remaining In ¬

stallment ticket anti consequentlyforfeited the luck that came to him

For the Tennis Canamloitsblp

DOST March 28 Thomas Faults arrangehis trip to Europe arcompeted I Ilias no

ar that hU scUttle will not be scripted by Baunde-rIIUdslnlwlyMilled ha Mrs that I shah lou

Boston for iw Tork on Friday April I and shall lleaveon the steamship Umbrla for Llrsrpool on Blur10 one but Mr risk Warren will accompany roe d-

mlImy slay abroad I shall play rbif a greatsnail return borne about thi r IIn June

and at ones go to the Newport Casino tor the summer to return In lie full tn the IOOul AthleticAssociation If haundersuoes not win championsblpI from ma thisI Itime nnhdy on the other sitle ol theAtlantic wIll while I live for never seam stall I reto no to Ihe other rid In p17 a ciiawpOistiip matchI retain my title tlilI tim Upon arriving In FHKHIIJ Ihall net down to herd training auiUhall Ply In all th

znol ioLsd courts on the Otlte lids-Do you IpCt to meet Kerr for the professional

lawn unnlchamplooship white abroad I

As yet I cannot say res to thai Qulola rttlta yeomen reply Ibovia I tomssi conqueror ono won lbs match with himwin ait be ra4 UU I reach the other side U at alitu4 Ft must sea alur my cootllmaHtt-wlia Saesutrt u TsrH


A rvaious WAn TBAT itAoao ABOCHD

POOlzjma JOBS omm-

Rh I the Oalr BOMH Cbthelle Taehsr Inth Hckoo1iand the rartr that AppelBUdher Was Rcbakcd br n TeU aflTA to 0

A religious war has boon convulsing Dockertown N J The strife apparently had a po¬

litical origin butowing to nn appeal to secta-rian


prolutlooRlt soon assumed a rliloucom ostensible if notorigin was tho appointment of Miss MaryDunn a Roman Catholic as a teacher In thepublic school MilS Dunn Is nslslor MichaelIand Charles B Dunn young lawyers of raterson who despite their being humanists aregraduates of Presbyterian 1rlncoton A sisterof Miss Dunn IK a teacher In the public schoolof Newton Until she accepted her appoint-ment


to the Dcckorlown school Miss MaryDunn taiiclit with acceptance In the school Inthe Pond district four miles from iJeckertown

Her Dcckertown appointment cnmo aboutbecause a teacher who hnd got tho place throwIt up ut tho last moment to tako a bettor placeIn Newton The tiusteos finding thomfelvoswith a lonchornhlti vacant nt tho very begin-ning


of tho school year offered the place toMiss Dunn who was anxious to get to Deckertown nIt IIs on a railway and she could visither homo In Norton moro easily The trusteespay thor did not know what Miss Dunns 10llclon was when they appointed her Thoywore solely Influenced by her oimtatlun as onoof the bOlt teachers In tho county and thorecommendation of Luther Hill tho CountySchool Huporlntonilent who especially recom-mended


her ns n most odlclont Instructor MrHill Is a 1rotestant Ho nn tbo three trusteesCharles I Htlcknoy Ixnils H Docker andIlmrlcs A Wilson The other two teachers Intho school being Presbyterians and the prin-cipal


who Is a man being also a Protestantthey did not consider on learning or llpsDunns religion that tho Introduction of a sin-gle


Roman Catholic would do harm or oxen boobjected to The fact perhaps that the was-

a protege 1ranelsJ Svsayze a membor 01

tho Republican Stale Committee also Influ-


thetaMiss Dunn had taught In the Dockcrvllle

school but a few days when the little son ofAmnrlu Wolfe a stonecutter tolJ tier that hoI

wnhnt goIng to school nm moro to an Irishtencher jut accordingly ho bIt schoolAfter hln1 staved nny Irom tnn school forsome father hud him admitted to oneof the other departments About titus eitniotime the Kov AluMindnr MoA ihorborn thepastor of tho Ireibttprlan church uf Ui cl ertown began making attacks on Honinnl Inhis pulpit lie talked of ttio Man of blu mumlog presumably tho lot a trying to destroy-the public hchnols anti occnelonnlly madeinure pointed rufcrnncu of similar nature

Mica Uunn wlntullo resIgn when the Wolfoboy quitted but the trusteeswiitildn t let hor hhu was made teacher InOctober Tho stunt which caused S ohio towithdraw his on from thu school knit himHecnnillng Mr Thorborns pulpit utterancesand their combined cllort added to the ollorts-ol flinllnr sectarians resulted in the growth ofasttoug No1opory sontluicnt In the commu-nity


in the Intemil of pix months which Inselapsed Although no fault could bowith thu Miss Dunn performed her dutiesnnd In nothing that She did were 1oplBh proclhltica especially botraied retorts that anrfAut pna unnii tinut tliH Hillni tnr t lrlluted It was also said that the watt to be madeprincipal of course In the Inteioots of Human11 Whcn stio appeared In the stients she

pointed out ns thu Irish toucherundBiibjectodto similar atnoyancea

Such being the ftato ot ailairs when Mr Wil ¬

sons term KB ccluol trustee exiired MissDunnn appointment Wits ure1 Ut a reasonagainst his reMoctlon tho real rea-son


was n IJollIIIII not a religious one MrWilson Ist < of J J htantoim oneof the proprietors of the fmtef Coinfi jnitr-imulrnt School Trustee Decker Icing theother Editor Itautolls the Republican bossof Dockertonn urroundlng regionanti as such has lioon so successful In securingsite pumiriu Ulnu UUI UHIIU uiai uu Zuluarouxud much jealousy among his wn partynhaocLile 1 ho appointment iff his brother asIostmusterof linckortown In May canted uspedal Ill feeling and tho Stautons IicingCatholic the religious element thou became Iconspicuous factor of the opposition to thornThus public feeling was ripe for using the ap-pointment


of a Catholic teacher ns a club tdown the Republican boas with nod tile oppo-nents eagerly selrod time opportunity to tirlkoat film mar MIB Dunns shoulders

So strong was this ollpollol deemed byEditor MantonB party inteiftlon ofsupporting Mlson ns his own successor witslaldonoIlud It was determineI to support

a jowollor who wan Ilasclosely Identified with the editor instead Thoopposition resolved 10 support Jra llardouthin station master for no totter reason appar-ently


than because ho was at lotirerlmwith Stanton over a personal matter Theirdlfllculty arose train his practice of Iharuing10 cents for delivery of the messages which ar-rived


at the telegraph o ill en In the stationwhich Is the only ouo In the village II uneventually successful effort to break up thispractice Editor Wanton Is Bald to have written

tr time railway authorities calling forMr Hardons removal There Is good rapolto bellevo that this Is not tie caieHarden anil lila friends nro convinced that Itlla Another ground for thin selectIon of MrHarden as nn opponent to the itantton untilditto IIs Buppoxcd to bo his connection with theMethoillht Church By nomlnntll him the1resbytorlans who took appealingto sectarian prejudices Loped to gut the sup-port


of MethodiststieAs of election which took place lastTuesday night drew nor tho Christian Endonor 13oltty n lio > missionary or ¬

ganisation endeavored mainly to iliulp on thowar Members ol the society not only uf ed niltho usual electioneering methods to converttheir fellow townsmen to their way of think ¬

ingbut they are saul radically to bIothreatened boycott thoso who did not prom-ise


to vote for their candidate At any ratesuch expressions as Il ruin you Illdrive you out nt town attributed to someor Mr llardonV more roalouB supporters OnTuesday women as well as men went nutelectioneering und they did It so thoroughlythat before the election began that night theresult was discounted and when the Hardenparty wont to tho schoolhouse In tho evening-to vote for its candidate it was already assuredof successNOIr before was such n crowdoa schoolmeeting held In Deckertown This was due tothe presence of tho Wonton who for time firsttime availed themselves of tho rluht which hns-

olnnloIIO thorn for Uorl IOUIB to vote forn IIn 6pltl of tbo ill reelinghonevor the meeting was orderly until itoclose After thu candidates had boon put Innomination the 0101 hogan a procoodhJIwhich occupied thnllvovolved rotrltttorlnu llm of each voter in

to recording I vote The vote ntIddltoltood Harden 17 Meeker 112 VUionthis result discounted had boon wan nn-nounexd a mighty shout of JOY shook thinlioolhoui anti yells of No Irish nesdapply and similar slogans rent the

tho crowd dispersed Thosn criesresounded through tho Hlreets lung altertho mooting was over anti ono dellehtid antiMeeker man cut > o drunk with joy that Ito gotInto a tight nnd WUH thrashed After thn oleoton the women fortynmn In numbir whoJIII voted it m oat to u uoinaii for Mr Hardenwnro told thoy would bo wonted again nextyear wltHtho term of anothnr trustee will ex

tr thorn uus something said aboutorelnl Mr Decker antI Mr Htlckney to resign

blt came to nothing Neither Mr lliirUennor Mr Mocker took am peronnl part In theirreyrttitiivo cnnMisseslThe foriimttr refused yesturdai to talk about his triumph NolmmoHutu ellect will result Irom It Mr Htlcknay-Hiilil yesterday that Miss Dunn would un-doubtedly


bu allowed In snrvo out her termwhich willI expire In Tune If ho continues totnkn this view she will fur Mr Decker Is natu-rally


moro than willing to have her rernnlii-AH fur ns the IHSUO 01 whli h the election wits

01 IIs concerned victory IIs Ihnnon onoIt is iionotho lotus ntrlumiih otur Editor

hMiiton It neuinH likely hnvvnvur that haulMiss Dunn boon n Protestant and consequent-ly


no religious element hail entered tho eonltest hn would hnvn crmn outt on top AH IItt wits1im hud n number of 1rnteatunt supportersJ horn Iis linrdly n bakers doon of itol Ics luDeckertown so that nnnrly llfty Iroumtnntsunmet hitvn voted lor his nominee It Is under-stood that many iiilH npallanH took sides withtime 1llholellnd voted lot Mr Meeker

In Deckertown hits ralmuildown since the election und things am morolinrmonlouB tlmu they hate kitten fur sixmonths

APtepuhIp AshoreFKDKAXPINA Fla March 2BTbo NorweglaB-

tanSD Cpt ilelkkalsen from la Fernandlne to complete cargo lIf ashore about a rails and ahalf south of Ternandlna bar A heavy tea IrunnIngTb vessel U test filingI up and will probably be a totalliiss Thcrwwa taken sabers tiytb pilot boat Toe

had taken In tort of her cargo of lumber atI EL AufUsllD for Rndand

Iuralyaed on it TrainJ If Irnke of 78 Seventyeighth street

whileoiittMaien Island Kaput Transit traIts betweenTiinL > till nail Mapleton ytstrrilny ufternoon rectlved a uralytlc strake lie ne rouveed ti the re-

Ideiice of bis friend deorife haley In Slapletou

Tbo duty or every monitor I cc oblaln a tool whichwill luurlb life and bralb litset

ut herthu1110 ous Nd-

hos anti-teem till best ubtitute tot moot r inlik that lisa

r bean prouad I OODltu all ib ltngtiwbleb aludI41 u Irofl a4 gylpmss aala

The Pope FavorConvalescentsfrom tho Influenzawith exemptionfrom Lentenrules 189-

0Ayers SarsaparillaRostoros

Strongh and Vigor


Proparod by

Dr J C Ayer CoLowell Mass






Suit or-

Spring Overcoat ifh



I 11

Therts no time liketpresent i f II

Sl-ed whiU the stock if jjj-


j Ii

complete t

We have everything1 t iijij J



Samples and Rules for Sttf titj

Measurement sent on lApplication If U

> IrrIIS1i1i-

Iia<T <

Broadway 771 ii-II

Bower 145147 tl-Idf



BB1 M Cowperthwait Go-

20r193 to 8ark flowNEAR CHATHAM SQUARE

Furniture Carpets BeddingStoves Oilcloths Picturos andeverything else for housekeeping r

Good goods Low prices Cash-or Credit Price lists mailed 1


101 to 205 Park Row r

B M Cowperthwait Cof j

a ihf

I raouaar one WAI nt A rDcA Mata rjr> tay fr 0OBM TIM tfca Bar

lal of Her Doa htrS-

iuuoxxK FaMarch 2A noWPIn Northumberland ra leued Feb28contained the following

DledXlw Jeule only danxhter of Mr and HnCharles BoOb la herrtwenty third year oa rb2 oprostration rorlathS ptiOe othe 2tb Sartleeiat the boO T A C Campbell Intermeil InNorthumberland Cemetery

Tho remains were not Interred until lastTuesday from the fact that the motherthought the daughter was not dead on thesecond day of Miss Bousls do mien Owing totho familys prominence the story was sup ¬

pressed although pooplo would collect Ingtoups and converse over tho mysterious affairYesterday niter careful Investigation 1 re-


story was unearthedCharles Doust Is tho proprietor Idry goods

store and conducts nn extennlva moot marketMist Jessie Iloust was a handsome Irbrunette typo with nn exquIsite lleuro Floyears nio her mind became unbalanced Hercondition became such that three months BIOsho was removed to the State lunatlo asy-


at Uunvlllo After a sojourn ot onomonth she v ns taken home because Dr Shultzwould not humor liar many strange rogtiostii-MJO luaU a mania for fruit too much of whichDr Hlmlt toll Mrs lloust WI not good lorthat patient Whoa tho woman reachedhomo her notions Iccumoso Ixtnrous Hint II

nIbed was placed In the parlor which room MIs-

llou t fioouontod oNClUBhely because tierpiano wits there

Several times Miss Doust escnpod from theroom when tho door wits bolted and tho win-dows barroJ On thnnlchtuf her deuth shawas unmnnugenble at lime running to thopiano und placing wlord und beitutilul muilathen again smashing thin furniture IllsI saidshe finally ucoked the plaao The griefHtrlckflii Inmates tilt In auolhcr room wallingIm the frenzy to hUbsldP-

I things bi cnmo quiet In the parlorwhen tho faintly Ithinking time young womanhail tullun asleep tutlrca Next morning themotor waited until halo beforo entering the

nllnw hop ilnttLfhlMr time In alnMn niTtho JilrxNiil Finally Mrs lionet went Inwith breakfast The > oung woman was foundon the bod dead her lace horribly distortednnd black

Dr Sheottz was summoned and pronouncedIt congestion of tho brain E U

dertaker embalmed the both making nn In-

cllollnlho loft arm Into which over a gallonInjected

That night tlie mother entered the parlor tolook at tho body when she almost sank to theIloor In joy Site thought liar daughter was lu-n trance the skin being white ns snow nnd timecheeks a rosy roil Dr Sheet and tIm under-taker


worn calOJ but they could not make themother was tho fluids action Nextlay relatives and intends assembled for the In ¬

tormentThe minister preached nail tho announce-


that the burial would not take placeuusud much mvstillcutton Tho mother nt

thin lat moment vvonld not penult tho Inter-ment


thinking her chili yet alive Most of thepeople thought tho postponement wits causedliy the grnvct containing water n heavy rainhaving prevailed the night previous

Tho following day Mr Boust opened hisstores Un last Tuesday afternoon UndertakerBright while returning on his hearse from afuneral thought ns tho weather was no Inothat It would bo the time to bury idleswhose remains woo In tho collie Driving tothe houso Know his wishes andat last the mother consented

hllo the family lollrd for the IntermentBridget collected tim for the sec-ond


time nnd an hour later thin remains weretaLon quietly to the cemetery and Interredwithout a uilulutoi boil present


The Hcroa Body on the Way to MarrlBndlor Burial

CniCAOo March 23Hy 3 oclock todaytho body of tho late MajorGen Georce BCrook had been borne from among the thou-sands


who loved him hors toward Its last rest-ing


place In Mart land During the entiremorning It seemed as though tho entire cityendeavored to obtain a last loot tho face ofntho dead General Through tho parlor wherebe lay In state tho silent thousands passed un-til


as tIme time of service drow near tho crowdbecame so largo that the pollen woro stationednt tho foot of all the stairways with orders toallow no ono to ascend to tho second lloorThe parlors and hal on that floor wore Impassable when 10 Dr McPherson de-


tho opening prayerA uuartet from the Second Presbyterian

Church choir sang at the close of the prayernod wore followed by Dr Thomas who quotedfrom the 00th Isalm and a chapter from JobIn the cOlrsn of Ills brief but comforting re-marks


Swing then rued n most elo juent-tilbute to tho ileml After tho uuartet llrMolherson spoke eloquently again olleredprayer Dr Ilnton Locke closing the serviceSby mIte benediction

Then tho toilln was taken from the roomfoloolllY thin members ot the Loyal Legionwhlo sting Iiet for tho WIrlCrook und Mrs Rencle drovethe 11 anil O depot Thu funeral processionon 10a111 time hotel passed north nn Clark

aHlilngton then east on Washingtonto tho depot the streets being crowded tho en ¬

tire distance Thu following ordur was ob-served


ltattailon of police D BAlo Artillery LN 0 FirstnlmenllM art Mrst Rfrimtnt latin

I I pull hrrn u illitliufuuitK I itaeilii Incarriage trnar by Hx nni cotnmllmoued olllcerp seounit iieifiuitnt heall Secant imPelfluent Infanlrj I s li asCOt Keeiuient binFourth Itcvlmrnt Infantry I N O Ui > al Leirion-

eteran life and drum corps Qrand Army uf tie liepublic

The B and O train on which the funerlpnrtv loft at aI oclock onslsted ofthe one containing tho ctotlln lining In the rearof time mall tar I it as entirely covered withblnck and the InlrlorVs draped with Ameri-can


Slugs Pullman devoted toMrs Crook and tho oeeor wits heavily drapedIn black In tho looped with narrowbands of white nl officers detailed to act aanguard of honor anti who occupied seats In thisspecial carwero OnlsCorblnIfoi MnnlouMajor Randall antiI apt Kennan Tho earwill start Irol Oakland tomorrow night roturnlug these ofllcors 001 tho specialguard now In charge of the

Among thu many noted mel present wore exProulilont If B Hayes exliov ClinchesFoster of Ohio Ad IInOI G W llurchitnl ofWisconsin Cap King Commandantof the Wisconsin mllllla Rod other Col C OH Ooldln who wns ono of thin Isconsln dolegates was a private under Gon Crook at thebattle of Rosebud and wax In attendance uttho lunorlinot only ns a representative of thu

the nrmv but also aa a repre-sentative


of the citizen soldiery

oittti AiirTho doath of Miss Angelina Byrne tho eldest

daughter of Dr John Dyne of TH ClintonftreetJJrooklyn on Saturday a thin Catholicconvent In Westchoster county hus causedsurprise noL sorrow to a largo cliclo of friendsFow young women In Hrooklyn hnd apparentlyn moro brilliant future bro her thnn Mies-llyrne when sho unexpectedly onternd theconvent n couplo of rears ago and becamedead to tile world Convent life had Croat at ¬

tractions for her nnL sho had onjoiod uninter-rupted


good until about n week agowhen ehl was prostrated by paralysis cntiRfd-ns It I Pimrosod by the broken point of nneedle entering one of her lingers und workingIllI ii way Into the aim Thei frt IntimationI olher serious Illncsi roceUed her father wason Thursday lust when ho wits summoned bvtelegraph to Limit convent Her funeral willtithe this IIOmlnl trout tit IetorsChurch In Hlokx

Frank I Hart brother of Theatrical Man-ager


Josh Hat diet of honrttllsvnso esterday morning at his homo 151 fcast 12 Id streetHo wits tyears old anti leaves n wife and fivechildren Hn wit once associated with histji other In buHlnoKs anti 11 wn treasumr oftthe Theatre Comii Iii ii In Ilrlel us lung asJoih Hart innungod tIme tleltru

AlosandoT 1orgiison a Sandy HookPilot who was I ott roil v linn 1llot IIdwnrd Co-llins


was killed vvlilln tnhll to board the tugEll Ioml in a ron 1 outside thin baronlied juMnrduy hisnt homo at 44oliver Street H wns J12 yeuni old unit hailbeen fourtuon yean u pilot

1 oro mo W Klmpson who for sovoml yearsconducted u jewelry manufacturing bu lnen8In Newark died on Hnturday after nn lllnensof several months Ho wan u veteran or theTwoutyflxth Nuw Jersay Volunteers and amember of Lincoln lost Q A1 lie leaves awidow and three children

Eugene Wilson Crampon died on Friday at18 llrevoort plaoo in nls 47th yearHe was tho junior member of the rich firm ofOranmpton Brothers He was u trustee In theCentral Congregational Church He leaves awidow and two chidren

Amort I Jrencb oldest merchant onCentral ono of tlio oldest nmldents-nf lonoll dint yesterday Ho wits born InIllllerlcu lu 1H12-

II J Jlruncr editor nnd owner of the Carolinallufmiiii ulHallsbury N I died inttleidayHu was 71 years old and had edited tho Uafctman Al yuan

Herman btelnbaoh a young manufacturerdied on baturduy alibI at HaETnalodwas 80 rar old


oa ah z AIQ pP 114T



LORD Dmnurmr AND mn fALL npzxltD xo aiuxo mum TAOUTS

The Owner > of the Titanta ZoiriHlikmreek niud ale JEccer to Kneewith time TaUkrrl or TCuriuan ar Belli

After waiting for the English yachtfltnerto make A move toward spine internationalracing four of the members of the New YorkYacht Club havo sent an Invitation to tho ownn rof Englands IfnMoflt seventyfoot yachtsto try conclusions with ono or four of our soy ¬

entyfooters for a prize or prizes subscribedfor br these gentlemen It la not a challengeIn tho strict sense of the term neither Is It aNow York Ynoht Club affair beyondtho tact that tho racing rules ofthat club will govern the contestsif the invitation Is accepted by either LordDunrnven or Mr Halll or br both but It willnevertheless bo an ¬IllernatonacontosloW-Inl out of the rolllols ¬

tween English and American rachtmen Itwill undoubtedly tend to stimulate the royalsport on both slpes ot the Atlantic antI It per ¬

hap will hasten the pending of n challenge-for tho Americas Cup which many believe is5otnt to como In time for I race this sOlon

Lord Duuravcns coriospondonca lastyear with the Now York Yacht Club he oxpressed the hope that his cutter Valkyriemight bo pitted against our seventy footersfor the Ialno Cup or for any other prize or nopriZe at nil provided ha was first allowed tocontest for time Americas Cup Acting on thebelief that ho Is still willing to race againstboats of the Valkyrlot class the following lottons woro boot last week

New Yose Marsh U IPSO

tfr f3firn etIbuatpl O Exfving< place Ace Tort City

PtAnSin We the owners of ttinrentj foot iiloopi-Tltanla Katrlna Shamrock anti Oracle berby anihorIce you to arrant with Lord JJunraren for a itrlti ofTerse with the Vnikyrle an st forth lu the letter drawnup by you bereuuto annexed And we do further aim

tbonze you to Under the lame term and conditions toMr IMil A hall owner of the cutter Varana ant wewish younicceiilu your nccotlntloua YouriTerjrtru r-

OumaC lutiif-K 8 jut IU D AUCBlltCtOIHJ ROIIU Uilwktu-Joi Kru I gulL

Kiw YOKE March It IPSOro fte Rltht tlnnorabte tht Furl of liunrattn K I 20 St-

JJTHU iTmtre otiAon is H KnymruL-

Mr LURM Interring from the personal corrripondsac between yourself anti Jamel IIt Nmlth lai duowith lien Paine during tie iiat year that lou ueilreilto race the aikjrrl cm ttil elms tintt a you hare writteL tttal you attach nn iImportance m tlie taCtile uf thetrue It Cited uie ilenure tu advIce vnu that I amauthorized by O ultver bliii 1ef tie HuMrs Auchmclue J Kuifrra Maiwrll Mir COil J r Jurle himowner ot uur tuur ltell ipTenty foot elonp yitrhla viz-Urania Katrlll Mhainrurk ntnl trade rauril br the> uw tub arlit Cult an ttilrU cia hinte tu Mrrtnire-xvltti you a frlfliillv lunivt to d cnte the r Hicctlvumerit of tie I kyrle anil the cur i SybIl name

II prof no to you on behalf i f ttiene irenllf melt a sactee I rAcrbritt twuoutnr throe nr tune tut of uvc-

tuftH a re rei ntatlve yacht < lcctel from the fonr tira mHtch race nlth Pant jat ht to ie mtllejal New Yorkoutalite of Hanilj Hi ttk clurlntr either Joy or Auuupltcourse nrteu hints to wltidu rd antl return with utiagreed time lout New u orb yacht Club ricing rule togovern the RetfMtta Cnmmitteii of the club to havecharge of the nxturcs St ould you sleet to sail only ourtent yacht lh lletiatta Committee to name tier tenamy before the first rare nttU tbs lines will he a suncrlptluii cult of li nlvalue from our tour rarhu-

In caie J eu prefer toentl a mutch race or s spite ofbeet tv onut ol three with each > arht the price forsuch inMcli or eerie will be a t up of vilue of J o-

tt am aul ortfeil by Mr Uffilen Oneettu Invite iou tocompete for the nloup cup tirlre cOrnet br him valuedat fcum witch V1U be ailed for during August ce riewport R 1

there Ire many matter of detail to be arrangedlinuta you accept till proposition which will require

time anti therefore I trut that you will fever me wltli-an early reply I beg lo assure yiiu of my oeit servicesto arraiiee any matters In coiinectlott with tutu offerand hopIng to recetxe a favorable answer 1 have tIeboner to remain my dear sir yours trulr

r TI HUt 1KAtlOnT-KflCKKRBOCXf H Clcn 3t9 FirrM At Kill NEW

Yoim March 14 IPII-UIOulA RIOt Ft7

hess IRI I enclose herewith a copy of an otter toSHU a eerie of rare sent this tiny bv registere t ninil tnLord IItiiremerui uy me in tehalf of mhe uwiirrn nf tieseenly 1iot Moupyitcht Titans Kntrln t Miarnrork-anil tlraile I Ler to cue that the i ouM be pleanid tn-

offir you the the saul terms tot a rue or eerie of-raren houtil you Satl It rmirerilnut tn o cute tu till iMe-durlnir the connnv eiimnier whit tie urana hoiiiiifctint You wilt nud yourself at liberty to accept ttie romLithe itggeetiOim and hekirlni IIn trailer mv services toarrange any matters f tt tfttl tot yuit prior to our ar-rival I Imve the the honor to rrmMii my dear rlryour truly htKriiRt Iupoty

Excepting Gen Pnlnns offer ot last year thisIn the first time that American yachtsmen huvodirectly Invited their Kngllsh follow Miortsmento crohB tho big toni to race for prlxate prizesand the result will bo looked forward to witha great loal of interest by yachtsmen nil overthe United Mutes It Is generally understoodfrom a recent Interview with Lord Dtinruvtinthat ho will nut cro the Atlantic to riuo fortiny prle but tho Americas Cut tint tho send-ing


of an Imitation to Mr Pnlll tlio TnranVsowner und the po hlblllty nf that genileinunHaccepting muy niter the situation The Iiarann according to her last neiitonn perform-ance


is n faster bout than the u mtlki rio Minstood nt tho ton of this llt nf English rnclnucrift-In iiuiJ winning 11 prices to the nlkyrio82 i

butt Is n 6Hriitlng yucht while the A nlkyrle Is n77 rater Ynchtmensoan last nightviho read thoucorrwipondenoe sent to the owner of the Vnlkynio sail theyhopetl Clint both yachts wouldcome over nml race against the Tltunln hnmrock antI Kntrltvi limo Oracle IH u much fasteryacht than sue ever xni Inpnst yenrs but noHUH bplUnei site will tun If timi V elm a ii cc withCite other three In u thiush to nlndmird nndhick

aut Ionbody said last night that n cable ¬

gram of acceptance mlulitte received at nnyhour after Lord Dtmraen received ito letterhut he thought It mum likely that n weekwould elapse before anything definite It heard




Stepheinaon ThniiEht If e HndGot u CHHCI lor tlie < onurrnanipn

When time monitors of tho Joint oommlttooof the United flutes Hcnnto and house ap ¬

pointed to look Into Immigration mutters ntthis port got back to tho Fifth Avenue Hotelon Saturday night after seeing Crime in FlueSenator they found Immigration CommissIonerrtojihenson waiting for thom with the Infor-mation


that he would huvo a big bout loath offoreigners down at Castle Garden early yester-day


morning for them to Inspect Thin CongreiBmun promised to get up early and boattime Garden by 9 oclock At that hour Com-missioner


Stephonson was on hnnd rind soonad or the bniges hocim to empty Into the Ourden thom fuu Immigrants vihlvh had urrlodbythe baulo

Not a commlttoomnn hall appparod anti n-t9lr thin CouimliKloner sent word to honutorChantllor nt tIle 1Ifth Aonuo Hotel thai Iniml-crautB woio landing Ihou thin Iommltsionurpicked out four Immigrants anil ordered themIInto tlid little Inner pen In I lie centre of thobuilding whore they woro put through u rigor-ous


examinationUnjor htmsoy thin allarountl Interpreter of

thin iiinleii found out that thoy went Hun-garians


hound for Michigan whero they had npromise ol work In a mine at fln a dayitelatlves anti friends ahondy at work therehind written to them they still nud assuredthitni that the buss would gist them till a toilut that prlcn-

Commlsiloner Htephonfon hurried off to thetelegraph olllcjo to Bond title meeaugo to teuatin i hiindlur

It is Important that your committee shouldcome to Castlti tiiinlen its soon ns pcsnlblB-

Tlio i oininNlonoi looked atonal thu Gardenagain but there wacitt onu of tlio Kodoril Contract Jubor Inttpoi tors in sight ullhiinili It wasnow after 10 oclock uud the immlgruut orobeginning to drift out of thou uiidou llaforonoun Innpectoisdroclun anti Tnilor llnallv arrlvud nt tlio Garden They luaU no Interuioteye with thuui but they found a few uf thoHuulott pusnongois lift In the Garden and theywent to work to trnssexnmlnu them Thoydl covorod nothing wrong homo of limo eom-mlttooroon hud Ipslntoil upon golnu to cliurenbut jud boforo noon Senators Chnntller 1ettlgrow anti KtiHtls anti Itepruscntutlvos Gatesanti htumpf Hurueondeuoral Hamiltonroljclt Illopburn Commnuder loiterCommlsaloner of Emigration John liWobnr and ton James OHolrno arrhfJ Mi Stophonson took thorn In hound ntonce nnd led them men to his llungn-ilan ImuilgrnntH who hud to go thiouulianother examination In thin presenceof thu lHltuiB titer listening to their talcanti to what both Commissioner Btophenaonand Inspector Taylor hint to say on the sub-ject


both Senators chandler and Eustlscnmoto tIle opinion that the men could not bo heldas contract abaters because contract couldnot be prood Mr Stephenson nrguod thatthere was nn Implied contract army way hiltHonator Euttls said that didnt make allydifference and as the law gives entire freedomto tha Inspectors In making their decision hnthought that there was no way of holding suchcases Finally everybody agreed that the lawwould have to ba amended If laborers whocomo In under such an agreement are to beihutout

After looking around the Garden time partywalked oier to the llurgo Gftlca arid took therevenue cutter William K Chandler for nn Incpoctlonof tIme hmlgrnnt Hospital on FlintsIsland Ily thin time thoy got lack this Noordlund hail landed another lot of ImmlgrnntHand thovisltom wittrhod nllh Interos itliv iroeeel ofregistering and utsictid iota of juottioiisconcerning the detalU

Today tIme committees will visit IledlowsEllis and Governors Islands They sail Inthe cutter at 10 oclock from the toot ot WestTwentyfourth street

Four little Gorman bands wire tor1 Ilwr wr Ui7 Sriiwliiji to


The Trench Composer Is HoppoMd to teetiequtered by Rlttoes

PATHS March SalntBncns the corn ¬

poser iota suddenly disappeared He was ab ¬

sent from the firstnight representation ot-

Ascnnlo but that was supposed to have beenin consequence of his unwillingness to witnessn posMblo falluro of the piece He howeverbaa not been soon since and It Is surmised thatbelaI confined br foul play

Inquiries are being actively pursued br thepolice Instigated by the composers cousinllosallo Jaonson who claims to be his next ofkin She says that his reason Is falling andthat ho Is confined br rapacious friends whoare anxious to obtain a fortune of 4000000francs the proceeds of a legacy from his aunt


fHe is Bntd to Unve Expected the Emperorlo Ask Him to Itenmln U Office

BEIIIIN March 23The Berlin papersreferring to the Xort Qtrman Oatrtttt revela-tions


regarding tho causes of Blsuarcks resig ¬

nation condemn tho statements of that paperas unedlfylng to oulooklng nations

The Vtistiicit Zrituna repeats the story thatniamarck rose from his bed to answer theEmperors demand for nn explanation of theintervIew with Indthorst Bismarck itt s saidinsisting that ho should nut bo controlled tollhn Lmporor that ho Viiis quIto ready to resignift his retention of tho olllco was Irksome thatho only retained It to fulfil his promise toEmperor William L

U he ilniiiliurgrr XaeMchtrn declares thatBls-marek was deeply affected and expected tohu last that the Emperor would ask him to re-consider

¬hN resignation

VIENNA March 21It Is reported that GenCaprlvl Count hnlnoky and Premier CrispWill have a mooting at un early date


A New Egyptian Find that IB AttraottncAttention

By Dvnlavl Cable Aeut CVnnpany

LONDON March 23 British enterpriselaving been delighted with Egyptian cats Isnow turning Its attention to the crocodile petsat Maabotob where there Is a rich mine otnitrates cf Immense extent Tho crocodilesare laid hike nnrdlnos in n box with palmenos between them thin interstIces being

Hied up with mvrlnd of eggs The crocodiledare done up In bundled catered with cloth

It Is bohovod hut beyond these nro vaultscontaining mummied rroeodlles und In whichvault treasures nro stored Cot North thonitrate king IH still to be willing tolnpstlntile entoiprise In which ctise lonl ItandolphIhiirchlll the 1rlnco ot IS tiles and other toadng persons will hao shares

itruTI Jv J3LIfLI

Celebrating the Ordenefeat Gen TonAValderiee New Comnsaad

BERLIN Mardi 23The Onlensfcst wasobserved today with the usual ceremoniesrho Prince of Wales Empress Frederick antiChancellor Von Caprlvl were prunent nt timexvrxlcui In the cnnpul and afterward at thestate biiinjuct

1thto Hanover tricr says It Is reported thatGen Von Valdonuteo will be nitpolnted to thecommand of tho Tenth Army Corps Thincommand was made vacant hy the elevation oflen Von fprlvl to the Chnncellorshlp-

1rlnco Itcgeut lultpold of Bavaria rent acomplimentary uutogrnpb letter to IrinceDifmnrck on the occasion of time luUerB retire-ment


from uUlcu

Ouirnite In Hlbcrla used ArmeniaLONDON Mnroh 24A number of Russian

refugees met In Geneva on the anniversary ofthe Commune and protested against the re-


Siberian outragesThere Is an ugltutlon among the students at

PetroffsUoo near Moscow similar to arid InCOtilmit ion vlth ithe Ht Petersburg movementImi a fight with conJarmos 200 ot the studentswere ntrestftl-

ltepl > Ing loan address from Armenians inModems Mr Gladstone PXPIVSBO sympathywith them in their sufferings and eayn tiethinksI tthnt luglanil I Is tiniltrI n strong obliga-tion


to do Its utmost In their behalf Ho re-gret that Ills own ugH priolinles his acting InIho mutter and tocoimnonds Mr Bryce as anable champkU

Hrmle IIMIwooil In JailLovnoN March 23A ix tltlon extensive-


signed from nil the theatres and musicitalIc IH being arranged to endeavor to releaseDepfllo Hull wood from Hollowny jail Today alurco bifket containing pies hirer picklesfjusigux chainMignn and cigarettes wentgent to lien by her varIous dutle friends andulsn a tan load of carpets rugs beth linenbooks and bricubrac

A Talk with llr IVIadfhorMLONDON Mnich 24A Berlin correspond-


gives nn account of an Interview with DrWlndthorBt the leather of tho Centre party In-Germnny Dr Windthorst said that tilt partydltl not propose to enter Into tiny permanentcoalitions butt oMioutod to make certain com ¬

binations from tlmu to time The Centristshit said would olfer no systematic oppositionto this Cioiernmont anti would support Em-peror


W Iliums mousuro4 for social rotorm

llepnbllcan Mucceeaea ID France1Aniw Munch 21Time second ballots nt

Toulouse todny for members of tho Chamberof Deputies resulted In the election of MMLeyguu uud ulvlubuc Itupubllcaus

An 1arclitiiiuke on the IstbrniiPANAMA March 1SOn tIm night of Than

day the loth a sovoro shock of oartli iifiko-luxllng fully ten seconds wns full In the townof lluennvontiirt on the west const of Colom-bia


In the department Cuiicn Thenoxtduy-nt II Ji r SI WHIII after the cnbo hint broughtiou nanhtiit rnnninn tItle city ulso ncchod aBotoiu shuck which IIIHIOI moro than live secontl It Is worthy of mention that this earthiniMko was preceded during u few days byheavy showers of ruin an unprecedented oc-currence

¬ut tills time of the year

A Untie Wound nn III ForeheadA welldressed goodlooking man of 25 years

nresenleil himself ut hts New Ynrk llonplial last nighwith a bailu kinv oounit In Ms fureheail which hesail he named ilresieJ II save tile flout aiJoseiihJflter nn mil ntilil allorJ no furlher Inloruullon nujalt hotgi nilvisea tu reoiain at the lio jiital for itreatlucia Ibe retiiird The surgeons thluk the wound thresult of a knife cut

Where Yeilerdara fires WereA M12IG CM Broadway Shinier Brothers

A Co clothier damage fitS Sin ISO Kastt Illysecond street dwelllt damagefn t9 KM Juillowtret jaii In reekheissr apartrnsnts lamarM t4Cl 3 rnnoe street Usury Ellis Jrocery

dsraa ejin ion vti West Blity seysutit slret oooopld Ijy fjiarlss IJalrd damaf Lieu

Fnlthlul to bu lajiired MaterA member of tIme company playing in the

Drana Street Thtalre UlUiamiburgb was thrown fromhis horse yesterday afternoon In dranil slrttt Thhorn after lltrnwlnii Ins ruler ran a block and thenreiurnlnx siooil Ur tie man iinin tite amtuianc arrltelI TheI Injiirtix I11 Hit nun S lino imioe is sui 10tip I arpiffi en ire erluu itt ituris ia itt trick litretiowmi ca ltjuigmtl

Krmmler Hears Ilia DoomAUBURN March 23Wllllam KemmUr theooartcta mgrdtrr wu oday offleltlJr Boufltd by

Waitiss Ponton of Auburn Trit of t deolsicu e lbCoul ol Appeals la milieus Ksmmsriuplyti Welioi miaaaiBli ul U omJyWU4kWMMlMUkM WHd M


The Ceremony Performed In the Dan ionPlace Hnpttet Church

Tho formal transit of tim Rev Dr DuncanUncGroeor from the Methodist to the BaptIst tdenomination took place last night la theHanson Place Baptist Church In Brooklyn lielad just closed a nIne roars continuous ser-vice IIB pnator In Brooklyn Methodist churcheswhen Ions than n month ago ito surprised thin iCarroll Park congregation by bidding them I

farewell and announcing hla conversion to thaBaptist belief Ho received a very warm wel-come to become a member of the Hanson PlaceBaptist Church antI all ito arrangements werequietly perfected for lila Immersion last nightThe Hanson 1laco Church la without a regularpastor at present anti Dr MncOropor occupied 0ho pulpit nt both tho morning and eveningservices Ho did not especially refer In eitherof hb sermons to the causes which led him to I pi t

change his belief but ho announced that thetitle of his sermon trout the same pulpit nextSunday night would bo Why I became a p

Baptist Time Hanson Place Church has not tboon BO crowded as It was last night since the 5 i

period ot the Kov Dr Justin I Fultons stormy F

pnstoruto more than ton yours ago Enoughlersons were turned away from tho packedmllcllnu to form another lange congregation a

Dr MncGrogor preached from the text tn JobOhl that I know where to find HimJust at the clone of his sermon and In antici ¬ Mpation of his baptism by immersion ho said

For ten yours my bark has boon swingingnear to this theological rock but storms anti fctempests swept it away The old compiles ihowever has veered my bark again toward therock mind us I Maud on the brink of thisdenomination I foil my Snltmr has hallowedthe approach to the o crystal portals I am Inot alrala und I willingly render this obe-dience


Dr MneOrogor then withdrew todlsrobe andprepare himself for the Immersion unit whilethus choir singing Hock of Ages the coycuing of the baptismal pool in thu centre of the giilntmrm nus removed and the Itev Dr N iiWood of tito Strong 1laco Baptist Church the i

nfilclating minister took bin place In tho waterDr tVooti icnd from tho Itnptlst ritual and wasloon toilet In tho pool by Ur MnuGrogor clad LIn aclosnllttlng vvnturproof suit except us tohla head which was covered with n luxuriant i

growth of dark hair Ho roxuonded In n firmand loud tone to the usual ijuextlonij and wasthrice Immersed by Dr Wood vlrn iirew himbnckwun until lie wits entirely under water I

Dr Mitcdrogoi then notended from the pooland disappeared through the tloorat tile backof tho pulpit anti with that pronouncing of time 1

benediction by Dr mood thu services were jtbrought ton closeThe inet that n meeting of the church has t

been called for April 1 to select npnstor has trcnmed un Impression flint Dr MacGrngor mayroceivo it call to tin pulpit Ho tumtudo it favor iftublo Impression xcsturday anti thero will be agood ioal of interest tn hour his explanationof tho cau ° os of bin doctrinal change next 1

Sunday llopreacbetl hlKfurowoll iornionlnthoCarroll Iark Methodist Church on March 2 Hisresignation however hud been pn ontad sev-eral


weeks botore ami hnd been accepted OtThero an rumors to thou effect that serious 4dltTeroncoH hud arisen between Dr MacOrogor santi time governing hotly of Carroll 1urk Church aduring flit Imiot your of hi pnHtorato anti thatthey took delimit1 bhupo at tLn quarterly conferoncn which wns held on Dec 177 An ex-planation

¬ p rhis crltlti nay of Dr >IaoCrogors-clinngo

1jof rollgioiiH iuvvs would bo Imperfect I

without Bomo rfloreiico to tlio closing incidents t t

lu his Carroll Iark pustorntu

lint One Moro of flir Thom Concerts I

The twelfth and next to time last Sunday con05cC by tie Theodore Ttjonma orcljeBtr wit given la-the

e4Ienox Lyretiin last nljfht A lurtm audtenoe WM

tiretent Mtlr lie Vre wa tie favorite a uiutil antafter each nf tier rrrroriimnrcA tie apptanfte wa layUb flue mug sitli great effect Me > erb ri aria yI

1KtoiIe dim uort with MeMn Onterle And Itletrel-Accomiianyiuir


upon tIe ilutci Itt an encoreatie gavean aria from 51onrt Hjtoro On tier second A-Ipearance

>ate give an aria train Verdi e Aids and tI

air a In ihc treatci her aJmlren to a delightful lerenadecatty Ills AlvlriA Friend played Itubltntetna concerto p1No 4 In It miner I titusi 7 Terhap tIe most imtabl 1

work of the nrtiiettrA wan In Iu xpiiilon of OounodaFuneral March nf A Ho > al Marlutiei Amonethcouter numbers on Ihe jirotfrAmino were lAtzit line

ffanan Uhap mh Ni 12 Hie uverture La Camarat I

KomHln Iiiy erll07 ant nine cuitiponttlnn br Gold Smark and tumId The hit waa Lluted with JOhan lBtranu a Itttte Oanub mttl

Next Sunday Mime Ue er will log again and ft-nuiubtr uf pisces specially rnjueitet Milt lie placed

Giuudnur Won the Itnce jj-

JAcxsoNvltIE March 23Hnmm Oaudaur eTen Krck and Mo mrr tilled n rnceon the St JohnsRiver tIle afternoon at Mandarin ten ntile above thlcity Neartr A thunHAnd people wltnptmed it from tie p4

dscko nf eicurnlon > t Ainfira dau 1aur wu baodlcmppidthree boat If mtli on account ut hn recent vlctorUe tIntlitrtdA and itlll he won cull fUmin cain la Beyond vTen Ilyck ihtrJ aol lloiimr fourth Uuirner U Cot yu-wbolljr recovered from tie efleiu of a tevtre Illotu