I TW&tnttr of Jgk For wtwi&tu HENHY C

Ifl f II I fl I I I! I 1 i : 4 3 I TW&tnttr of - E?LIZADETH , ANGELA HENHY C Jgk r For the Hostess wtwi&tu i - v f-jm- a: Chat oa loterestiai Topics of llmay by 9 .ar m j w mm - w m .vvn mtm a y hw Recoaized a Aataority ONE thousand Zuiich wo men have declared for uni- versal suffrage. It is a re- cent movement there, though otLer Swiss cities have been interested for some time in the much mooted question. Alto- gether the little country has 17,000 ad- vocates for giving women the ballot. Recently the women of Zurich canton petitioned the state for the right to act as jurors on a case in which a wo- man was the defendant. Their re- quest was refused. Later, with char- acteristic Swiss bravery, they sent in another petition to the legislature ask- ing the right to sit in judgment on special courts, such as are held In France for adjusting differences be- tween mistress and maid, and other cases where differences arise between .i vi oman employer and a woman em- ployee. While this. too. was denied. Parliament admitted the sex's eligibil- ity to such an office. "We are not talking much about it." said the vice president of the Zurich Woman's Suffrage society, Fraulein Hounesier. "lest publicity frighten the state into retarding 'lie concession. It is not much of a gain, but." she added with true suffrage optimism. "It is a step forward. If we had made that de- mand ten years ago. when to speak of our having the ballot was to be laugh- ed at as a dreamer, our petition would VvV"vTri2siHCninHjnaK!?W Vi3wNEAaKKaKiRSaf JiBBv$l9vJBBBBBBlH jpy&?y!HSBBlB lflBBBJJBBlr?y !CSX'riIPv,s3ri, "VBKliBMV9flBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiv? 'JdWd''w'LltjB(BBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBB BfHMBBBBBu3B9ABPABBBBBBBBBBBBBPABBBBBBHBJfv t, ut S'XflBBBBBBBBBKBfBBBiaBBHkl.'' Wi ifi fir E3 SBRmBBbi BBBBnllmf 4v p ?- - Ill WBFBBMHBBBTBk f"l fefe fiSz. c Vthb fJ3BY rBBBBBBBBrBBB"fA FH 1 I O &N5,:D&-- K BBBBBBrBBBrBLBBBBW9ny tag ks 11 Mp CSHftflBBBBBfeBlii HsaaaV'n I gfcS iSiE&5t tH S1 '' iKAcY HbHHME SBraSK'wKw,yi I wmfwMyn i. JWMPt aaaaaaaagggggasfflsgiw 7 r'flriBawriBrny1 V5f ZURICHi Ttl? GROHMUR1STER. not have got past the porter's desk. But a city that was the first in Europe to open its university to women will not finally deny us our citizens' right " has no women's clubs. But while the suffragists are engaged along one line, anoth- er body of women is woiking for philanthropy. A group of young vomcn representing the fore- most Zurich families has organized this year a practical training school where members study the needs of poor children and thereby help to better their unfortunate lot. "We are endeavoring to interest our young girls of leisure and education in this work." said one of the promoters, Fraulein Fertz, herself a beautiful, earnest, and cultured joung woman. The medical inspector of schools is assisted by this guild. Chll-die- n of the poor receive two full meals gratis In Swiss schools, and if the mothers of these chil- dren be employed at outside work until a late hour the guild takei charge of the little ones. Through the influence of this guild a law was passed last year by which a guardian Is appointed for illegitimate children and tins guardian can ompel the father of a deserted 'hild to contrib- ute to its support. If the mother be under age also she. too, becomes ward of this guardian. A similar organization to the Zurich guild exists In German cities, and. by a similar state law. the ab- sconder of moral obligations is traced easily and extradited. To women is due the large number of temperance restaurants existing in Switzerland. Frau Professor Oreille of Zurich is the origina- tor or this movement. Socialism Is spreading In Swit7.rland; though how a country governed by th referendum sys- tem can be possibly more democratic passeth un- derstanding. Made up of three races, -- German, French and Italian, socialists of these kindred nations have eirtered Switzerland and scattered broadcast seeds of discontent in the brave, beauti-tfit- l little republic. Zurich has led in every movement of its history. It was the storm center of the Protestant Refor-'matio- n period in Switzerland. Zwingli's home is here. In the Grossmucnster, whose tall towers have dominated the town for eight centuries, he preached the Protestant crusade and was the church's last Catholic pastor and its first Protes- tant one. High up in one of the towers is a quaint, seated figure of Charlemagne, the legendary founder of Grossmucnster chapter. Back of the cathedral are the cloisters which now form part of a girls seminary. Il an old chapel across the road Is an interest- ing collection of articles relating to the Reforma- tion, including letters written by Calvin. Luther and Zwingli, each remarkably distinct. There Is also one by Lady Jane Grey; her penmanship is legible as print and she wrote the letter in Latin. Back of this little chapel, called the Water church, is a splendid bronze statue of Zwingli. Zurich is the capital of the canton of Zurich and is situated at the north end of Lake Zurich. It is the largest city in Switzerland. The old, tradi- tional town, with its narrow, steep streets -- and its high, dark houses, lies on both banks of the Lim-ma- t. The rest of the city has spacious thorough- fares and splendid buildings. The lake quays in the Kliene Stadt are very attractive. Near their northern end is the fine Tonhalle, a popul: mod- ern concert building and pleasure palace. In the vicinity of their southern end is the beautiful Bel voir park. Near the Tonhalle. the stately main street of the city the Bahnhofstrasse leads from the lake north to the railway station. The bridges are striking. Adjacent to the fine Minister bridge is the Wasserkircbe. on the right bank, containing the city library with K'.O.OOO vol- umes aud over 5.000 manuscripts. It preserves more valuable objects, including the Codex Vati-canu- s. The Grossmucnster is Romanesque with Grecian features. Further north is the Rudeu. In the thoroughfare stream at Bel- grade lakes, Maine, where the black bass are they gather around the steamboat wharf in large numbers and stay there from the ar- rival of the anglers in the spring until the water at that point gets too hot for comfort. Then they all dis- perse in one day. The great attraction for black bass around this wharf seems to be large &- - . IiflBW Jsr BE: BeV BKC f Bm ,, v W BBBBUBBBBBBUBBBBBB sBBBKSPi Zfllkttf 111 etw-- iBBBBBBBBBiBBBBr BVaBBBB&V BB'Br yTBVjBBBEBBBBBBBBBBM UBBBBBBBBBB. - "iv"M - kRWV vw v Ml . ' mm S )4il . 1 x ZWJNOLI PREfiCrlBD Y Switzerland a protected, will with the national edu- cational exhibit the PestalozzI cabinet. The modern- - Catholic Church Our Lady is a magnificent basilica. The Church St. Pe- ter holds the tomb Lavator. who was pastor. The town hall. in the German Renaissance, dates from 1694. The university and the famous federal polytechnic with their numerous institutions, laboratories and clinics are In the northern part of Crosse Stadt. Switzerland la the most mountainous country of Europe, three-fourth- s its area being covered with mountains. The grandeur the scenery has been pictured and described innumerable times. With the exception of certain portions Amer- ica, there is nothing in the world to equal it in beauty. The central southern parts are oc- cupied by the Swiss Alps, which spread over nearly three-fifth- s the entire area. The Jura Mountains cover the northwestern portions the country. Far in the mountains is the beautiful little town of Einsiedeln. I was fortunate enough to present during a week-en- d musical fete, in which singing societies from the country and from neigh- boring Bavarian towns were present In numbers exceeding 2.000. Switzerland, having only the summer time for holidaying, has organized a movable sacngerfest by which each town and city gets its share of gay song and jolly visitors. All the cantons were represented tit Einsiedeln and every house was decorated vith Swiss colors, scarlet and white. Early in the afternoon the open air concert be- gan. It was held in the vast, sloping square in front the Benedictine abbey. The assembling the singers was picturesque. Each canton carried a banner. Individual societies carried great horns filled with flowers and the women singers wore white gowns and crimson sashes. As the quiet, well-behave- d little place has but one policeman, the fire brigade turned out to give a semblance civic authority, also to serve as a guard honor. And while the marchers were massing around the conductor's bos a cannon was kept firing a vigorous welcome. The bright Swiss decorations on the quaint; gableU houses, the gay Sunday dress the women, the encir- cling mountains the nearby ones dark green, the distant peaks snow-tippe- d, edelweiss-decke- d made a splendid, old world pictures. And the definite note was the ancient abbey Einsiedeln. which called tho town Into being, and which is one the celebrated shrines of Europe. The abbey church, known as Notre Dame des Er mites. Is a grand the edifice flanked on either side with monastery buildings. Since the year 034 the abbey of Einsiedeln has Housekeeping in Hankow Among our many wanderings our housekeep- ing in Hankow was an experience I never had before nor after, writes Florence Gilbert in the New Idea Woman's Magazine. We have five or six servants. That sounds fine, but before pass- ing judgment you should have experience with them! The peace of mind of the mistress de- pends largelj on her 'number one boy." the head servant, who. if efficient. Is likely to have come from Ningpo. He is a tall, impressive personage who wears a blue cotton coat fastening en the side and reaching to his ankles, without which must never appear in his employer's presence. this is only second as a mark of disrespect to having the cue in any other position than hanging decorously down the back. The house coolie at work may sometimes twist his cue around his head, but the boy never. Through the boy the orders are usually issued to the rest the household staff, translated from the pidgin English of the mistress. There are the "Xo. 2 boy." the house coolie, who is the only one with enough work to to keep him moder- ately busy; the cook the second cook, who is learning his trade at the expense his Black Bass Tame in Maine Waters in the fact that a nice, juicy frog is throw to them once in awhile, and they all have the fun of rushing for with the certainty that one of them will get the prize. These bass are so tame that they take a frog out the fingers of anybody who will furnish the frog. fact, they will sometimes "strike" a bare finger if it is "offered." There are various ways fooling theso bass. ami of of of its of of of and of of up be of of of of of of of he To do of do and of em- - ly it, of In of preserved an unbroken line from the fust prince-abbo- t. Eberhard, Duke of Franconia, to the pres- ent head. Abbe Colomban I. It is the only Cath- olic church in the world not dedicated bj human hands; the legend is that Christ himself perform- ed the act. Einsiedeln and vicinity were known as the Som- bre Forest away back in the eighth century, when a holy hermit. Meinrad. the son of Prince Berthold of Hohenzoliern. built for hims-- lf a cell in which he lived many years. He was murdered by bri- gands to whom he had offered hospitality and who had hoped to find concealed treasures; all they got was a chalice and some books. Ravens, whose evil characteristics had been disarmed by the gentle heiuiit and had become his compan- ions, pursued the assassins to Zurich, screaming and picking at the villains' bends. The strange actions of the irate birds attracted the townspeo- ple's attention and they questioned the murderers, who, terrified, acknowledged thoir crime. In the Einsiedeln Abbey coat-of-arm- s die two ravens. When the noble edifice was ejected over the hermit's cell the walls of the cell were enclosed In black marble and made into a chapel. It stands In the nave of the church and. while plain in style, the richness of the material and the simplicity of design make it impressive. On the altar stands the renowned statute of the Black .Madonna, bronze and many hundreds of years old. The chapel Is known as the Holy Chapel, because of the remarkable legend regarding its dedication. This is the story. On September fUS. Saint Conrad, bishop of Constanco, came at the invita tion of Abbot Eberhard to consecrate the new church. He was attended by tho Emperor Othon. the Empress Adelaide and a large retinue of clergy and courtiers. As they knelt preparatory to be- ginning the ceremony suddenly the chapel became illuminated with a celestial brilliancy and before the altar stood the Savior performing the office of dedication, assisted by the four evangelists. At the right and left of the divine celebrant angels swung censers which emitted a thousand sweet perfumes, the apostle. Saint Peter, and the Pope. Saint Gregory the Great, htld the vestments of the heavenly polntiff. and Saint Stephen and Saint Lawrence, who were the first deacons of the church to be martyred, acred as deacon and sub-deaco- n. An angelic choir, conducted by the archangel Saint Michael, sang glorious music and before the altar knelt the beautiful virgin mother of the Son of God. A stUl earlier legend has it that when Conrad began the office of dedi- cation he was stopped by a voice that cried out three tlme3 distinctly: "Cease! brother, this chapel has been consecrated by God himself." The journey from Zurich to Einsiedeln is charm- ing. First comes a sail on a lake which Is the loveliest piece of water in Switzerland, then a railroad ride through pine woods, among moun- tains, over gorges and past valleys that now are covered with fragrant, new-mow- n hay. ployer's digestion. The cook's chief business Is going to market aud presenting his account for his purchases. It is a strange collection often in that market basket, whidh a wise housekeeper always sees. Goat flesh, perhaps, politely called mutton: or beef that has uecn exposed vr. a flv.ni'n.i ., o live chicken or two. game of various sorts-phea- sant, teal, snipe and perhaps a fish, more appetizing than one would xpect who has seen aud smelled the Yang-ts- e water. The vegetables are all of the sort that need cooking, for no intelligent person will run the risks involved in eating raw Chinese vegetables and fruits. In addition to the supplies which can be purchased in the Chinese market every day one's diet may include fresh butter from Australia and all sorts of canned goods shipped from the United States. Great Britain. France and Germany. These are sold in shops in the concessions kept by Europeans. Japanese. Parsees those keen mer- chants from India or even Chinese. While ex- pensive, they are not quite such prohibitive lux- uries as to inspire the remark of the English missionary's little girl in centra! India, who said-"Mothe- r, I suppose the kin.; has tinned things to eat every day." one way being to tie a tempting bait to a string before throwing it Into the water. The Joke is to let the bas3 swallow the bait and then pull It back for use in fooling another fish. The Bswer Bird. One of the most remarkable crea- tures known to natural history is the bower bird, which builds a miniature cabin made of small sticks and sur- rounds it with a perfectly kept ring or circus composed of twies rud moss. studded with brilliantly colored flow- ers, fruits and Insects. ,s the curious ornaments become faded they are con stantly replaced by fresh ones, so that scientists are inclined to credit the bird with the possession of the artis- tic sense. In these decorated play- grounds the males meet and pay their court to the female, the bower being used purely for purposes of recreation and not as a nesting place. These birds are chiefly found in the Owen Stanley range of British New Guinea. Wide World. Novel Cotton Wedding. This affair was celebrated way down In old Kentucky, and was such a de- lightful affair that I am sure our read- ers in all parts of the country will be able to adapt ideas from it to suit their own needs and conditions. The Invitations said "Please come in a cot- ton frock." This conveyed the idea that it was to be an informal affair. The spacious porches and grounds were lighted with many lanterns, and dotted over the lawn were great whito cotton umbrellas, such as are used for shade on wagons. They were on long stakes driven into the ground, and had n Japanese lantern lighted and sus- pended from each rib; rugs and chairs were underneath. These trysting places were much sought in the intervals between dances. There was a large platform erected with negro players. Just llko the plantation dance3 before tho war. Before the dancing the hostess pro- duced bandana handkerchief-aprons- , to which the men sewed the strings; then a wee colored china doll was given each girl, with bits of chamois skin from which she was to make a pen wiper for her partner. The refreshments were typically southern: Individual chicken pies, hot corn muffins, tiny stuffed peppers, iced tea and delicious watermelon. A Neck-Wea- r Shower. A fall bride says the prettiest show- er the girls of her home town gave her was "neck-wear- " downpour. The lox-el- y part was that each girl made with her own fair fingers the dainty creation for the bride who had grown up among them and was so soon to go far away across the sea. No one can have too many stocks and collars, and there was every variety imagin- able, some being of Irish crotchet. The table center piece was composed of tho white gilly flower, often called "stocks." and the place cards were bogus certificates of "stock" drawn j upon the Bank of Matrimony and signed by her majesty, the "American Woman." w itli "Cupid" named as treas- urer. Tho gifts were all done up in daintv tissue paper tied with white satin ribbon and were brought In on I a tray with bows of tulle on each I handle. A wee maiden dressed as; Cupid presented the tray to the bride. An Unusual Party for Children. A mother of a twelve-year-ol- d daughter issued invitations for tfils very pretty party. Remembering how children loved to dress up. sho said: "Please come in a costume represent- ing a character from 'Alice in Wonde- rland." When all had arrived there was a pantomime showing the figures """- - dainty dress at tho left is of THE batiste trimmed at the bot- tom and around tho oke and sleeves with embroidery. The yoke and the cuffs are of thu batiste finely tucked. The sa&h is of rib- bon finished in front with a sash end reaching to the bottom of the skirt and ornamented with little pink roses. The next dress Is of old red voile. The front of the b!ouse and of the skirt are made '.vith crosswise tucks and ornamented with buttons of the material. The blouse is trimmed at the top with a tucked band of the the little sleeves and the bottom 3f the skirt are trimmed in the same Would Yru Defy Age? Here are thie excellent "Don'ts" which help to preserve your youthfm-r:css- . Don't wash the face in hot water before going out for a walk. It opens the pores nf the sk'.n and makes them more sensitive to dust and dirt. Don't use soap and water as soon as you return. Rub a gcod cold cream into the face and wipe it off with a toft handkerchief. Don't wrinkle the forehead when worried or draw the brows together In a frown when bright light strikes the eyes. Nothing r.gcs a woman so quickiy as deep ridges on the San Juan Straw Serviceable. A smart-lookin- g and serviceable hat for general wear by a small girl Is of San Juan straw iu a burnt color, hand-presse- d. It Is in a shady, mushroom shape with trimming of red or navy blue ribbon around the crown tied into a bow on either side. Then there is the prettiest little best hat that costs only $1. It is of fine white straw, trimmed with bows on a screen, the children guessing who was who as each little figure passed by. This made loads of fun, as it was done before they entered the big draw- ing room. I had better explain exact- ly how. As the guests arrived (and they were all very prompt) they tfere met by a maid who took them into a side room without removing their wraps. The screen was in plain view. Each guest was taken separately, the wrap removed and he or she was placed behind the screen. If the chil- dren recognized the character, that in- dividual took a seat in the drawing room, the chairs being arranged in rows. When all were admitted there was a professional entertainer, who did wonderful tricks for 20 minutes; then there were games and dancing for a half hour. Refreshments were served in the upstairs ballroom, which had been transformed into a veritable "wonderland." with a bountiful use of gold and silver tinsel. Many little surprises had been cleverly planned for tho mystification of the young guests. For instance, there was an immense water lily made from paper and placed before a screen made from a clothes bars covered with crepe paper and ferns; there was a petal for each child, which when pulled down revealed a plate contain- ing an ice cream rabbit. From the mouth of a huge, fierce-lookin- g cat there came cookies and from an enor- mous snow ball came'&wee boxes of bonbons. There was a witch who passed favors and a clown who dis- tributed balloons. Wasn't this a won- derful party? It sounds rather diff- icult to produce, but the hostess as- sured me that it had been a delight to get all ready, as she had the loving cooperation of a couple of young col- lege men and two adoring aunts of the little hostess. MADAMn MEFUU. otUti. mSEnKEET: Heels are to be lower. Black satin tailor-made- s are good. In materials, pied de poule is one of the newest. The smartest new hats are low, broad affairs. The plaited frill holds its vogue won- derfully well. Jet for buttons Is not quite as pop- ular as last year. The colonel's plume is more than ever worn on small hats. Shaded automobile veils are among the novelties of the hour. Yellow- - Is one of the favorite colors as the summer advances. Three Dainty Dresses way, and a similar band forms the gir die. The tucked guiraps and the puf- fed underslcevcs are of white batiste. The dress at the right Is pink silk voile. The blouse Is shirred at the shoulders and crossed in front; the front is tucked and trimmed at the top with lace. The collarette is of tulle, as are also the puffed under-sleeve-s, the latter trimmed with nar- row bands of liberty. The sleeves themselves are wide and cut In one piece with the body of the waist. The skirt Is trimmed at the bottom wtih twooverlapping ruffles of the ma- terial. The girdle is of liberty, knot ted at the left side. ot satin ribbon and forget-me-not- s This. too. has a mushroom brim and f:.irly high crown. Fagoting on Black. A blaek satin tunic gown seen re- cently was trimmed by two rows of fagoting, in light green and red, fol- lowing In pattern the outline of the tunic. The work was finished off by a double row of French knots in al- ternate red and green. The black net of the yoke was em- broidered in the same way, and by a ro.v of little rose pearl buttons. New Collar and Frill. A modish shirtwaist shows a frill of white tucked lawn edged with dull blue and a strip of embroidery la buckle effect, with a darker blue for Hie buckle and a shade matching the frill edge for the buckled strap. The stock is edged again with the blue lawn, and tho smart little bow tie la of the two shades, the darker show- ing in the under loops. Patent leather belts with enameled or Jeweled buckles arc In t!ic icad- - B BBbIbTaVBBBBBBi') ff MBBBQaW M" A fit bbbbH iBatBBBr "x.-a"- J & M BK SBBBBBBB 4Br BKt- - iuBBr BBBkx' .fK BBBjHJEaMr 3Bb BBy . m BBB' v- - " - Years-fo- r nai-locmi- ty. Yoan for neat est leavening power. Tfeem for never failing resaita. Years for parity. Years for ecoaomy. Yosrs for every thing that goes to make sp a strictlv high grade, ever-depeada- ble baking powder. That is Calumet. Try it once and note the im provement in your bak- ing. See bow much mora ecosomkal over the high- - priced trust brands, how Blsch better than the chean and big-ca- a kinds. Calumet is highest in quality moderate in cost. Received Higfccrt Award World'. Pare Food Ezpoeitfc W. L. DOUGLAS HAND-SEWE- D OUftPQ PROCESS OriwKO METS $2.00. S2M, $3.00, S3 JO, $400, $5.00 WOMEN'S $2.50, $3,$3 JO, $4 SOTS' $2.00, $2.50 &. $3.00 THE STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS They are absolutely the most popular aad bestahoes for tho price in America. Thev are the leaders every where because they hold their shape, fit tetter, look better and wear loa- - than other makes. , fer are vositiTelv the Jj TBr fa. Wit E4Kfv i-- J ' EK?1 M Rri A Bk most economical shoes for yon to boy. W. L. Donelaa name and the retail price are stamped oa the bottom Yalue guaranteed. TAKK MO SUMTITUTKt If yoor dealer cannot f apply yon write for Hall order catalog. W. L. UUUULAi. HracktM, I I would eay to all: Use your gentr est voice at home. Elihu Burritt. Ttt. Pierces pleasant PHlrts cm constipation onstlpaUon Is th caiirufmniijUlsm'S. t.nr Itjo caux aal Juu cute llu dicise. &&y totakA Faith is not a blind, irrational asset, out an intelligent reception of the truth on adequato grounds. Charles Hodge. Local Enterprise. Tourist Why do you call this a vol cano? I don't believe it has had as eruption for a thousand years! Guide Well, the hotel managers li this region club together and keep a fire going in it every year during tht eason. Meggendorfer Blaetter. Not That Meaning. "The doctor said that Bill wa drunk when we took tho poor fellow to have his head attended to lasi night after he fell." "Doctor never said anything of tht kind!" "Didn't I hear him? Said it was Jagged cut." Worth Remembering. "One of the delegates to the conven- tion of the Negro Business Men's league In New York was wortb $4,000,000," "Here's a pointer for the colored brother." "Let's have It." "That delegate didn't make h'.t money shooting craps." Speaking-o- f Fires. Roy Bone, a brother of United States District Attorney Harry Bone, several years ago was a reporter on the Wichita Beacon. In going to a fire one of the members of the tire de- partment was thrown from a hosd cart and killed. Bone wrote a head, with this as the first deck: "Gone to His Last Fire." The piece got Into the paper and Bone was promptly "fired." Kansas City Journal. Brings Cheer to the breakfast table Post Toasties with Crisp, golden-brow- n "crinkly" bits, made from white corn. A most appetizing:, con-venie- nt, pleasurable breakfast, "The HenMiy Lingers" Fmtns Cereal CVk. Ltd. Battto creek. Mich. wr i.- v i

Transcript of I TW&tnttr of Jgk For wtwi&tu HENHY C





flI I




i :



Jgkr For the Hostess

wtwi&tu i - v f-jm-


Chat oa loterestiai Topics of llmay by9 .ar m j w mm - w m .vvn mtm a y hw Recoaizeda Aataority

ONE thousand Zuiich women have declared for uni-

versal suffrage. It is a re-

cent movement there,though otLer Swiss cities

have been interested for some timein the much mooted question. Alto-

gether the little country has 17,000 ad-

vocates for giving women the ballot.Recently the women of Zurich cantonpetitioned the state for the right toact as jurors on a case in which a wo-

man was the defendant. Their re-

quest was refused. Later, with char-acteristic Swiss bravery, they sent inanother petition to the legislature ask-ing the right to sit in judgment onspecial courts, such as are held InFrance for adjusting differences be-

tween mistress and maid, and othercases where differences arise between.i vi oman employer and a woman em-

ployee. While this. too. was denied.Parliament admitted the sex's eligibil-ity to such an office.

"We are not talking much about it."said the vice president of the ZurichWoman's Suffrage society, FrauleinHounesier. "lest publicity frighten thestate into retarding 'lie concession. Itis not much of a gain, but." she addedwith true suffrage optimism. "It is astep forward. If we had made that de-

mand ten years ago. when to speak ofour having the ballot was to be laugh-

ed at as a dreamer, our petition would



jpy&?y!HSBBlB lflBBBJJBBlr?y



t, ut S'XflBBBBBBBBBKBfBBBiaBBHkl.'' Wiifi fir

E3 SBRmBBbi BBBBnllmf4vp ?--

Ill WBFBBMHBBBTBk f"lfefe fiSz. c Vthb fJ3BY rBBBBBBBBrBBB"fAFH 1 I O &N5,:D&--K BBBBBBrBBBrBLBBBBW9nytagks 11Mp CSHftflBBBBBfeBlii

HsaaaV'n I gfcSiSiE&5t tH S1 '' iKAcY HbHHME SBraSK'wKw,yi IwmfwMyn i. JWMPt aaaaaaaagggggasfflsgiw

7 r'flriBawriBrny1


not have got past the porter's desk. But a citythat was the first in Europe to open its universityto women will not finally deny us our citizens'right "

has no women's clubs. But whilethe suffragists are engaged along one line, anoth-er body of women is woiking for philanthropy.A group of young vomcn representing the fore-

most Zurich families has organized this year apractical training school where members studythe needs of poor children and thereby help tobetter their unfortunate lot.

"We are endeavoring to interest our young girlsof leisure and education in this work." said one ofthe promoters, Fraulein Fertz, herself a beautiful,earnest, and cultured joung woman. The medicalinspector of schools is assisted by this guild. Chll-die- n

of the poor receive two full meals gratis InSwiss schools, and if the mothers of these chil-dren be employed at outside work until a latehour the guild takei charge of the little ones.

Through the influence of this guild a law waspassed last year by which a guardian Is appointedfor illegitimate children and tins guardian canompel the father of a deserted 'hild to contrib-

ute to its support. If the mother be under agealso she. too, becomes ward of this guardian. Asimilar organization to the Zurich guild exists InGerman cities, and. by a similar state law. the ab-

sconder of moral obligations is traced easily andextradited. To women is due the large number oftemperance restaurants existing in Switzerland.Frau Professor Oreille of Zurich is the origina-tor or this movement.

Socialism Is spreading In Swit7.rland; thoughhow a country governed by th referendum sys-

tem can be possibly more democratic passeth un-

derstanding. Made up of three races, -- German,French and Italian, socialists of these kindrednations have eirtered Switzerland and scatteredbroadcast seeds of discontent in the brave, beauti-tfit- l

little republic.Zurich has led in every movement of its history.

It was the storm center of the Protestant Refor-'matio- n

period in Switzerland. Zwingli's home ishere. In the Grossmucnster, whose tall towershave dominated the town for eight centuries, hepreached the Protestant crusade and was thechurch's last Catholic pastor and its first Protes-tant one. High up in one of the towers is aquaint, seated figure of Charlemagne, the legendaryfounder of Grossmucnster chapter. Back of thecathedral are the cloisters which now form part ofa girls seminary.

Il an old chapel across the road Is an interest-ing collection of articles relating to the Reforma-tion, including letters written by Calvin. Lutherand Zwingli, each remarkably distinct. There Isalso one by Lady Jane Grey; her penmanship islegible as print and she wrote the letter in Latin.Back of this little chapel, called the Water church,is a splendid bronze statue of Zwingli.

Zurich is the capital of the canton of Zurich andis situated at the north end of Lake Zurich. It isthe largest city in Switzerland. The old, tradi-tional town, with its narrow, steep streets --and itshigh, dark houses, lies on both banks of the Lim-ma- t.

The rest of the city has spacious thorough-fares and splendid buildings. The lake quays inthe Kliene Stadt are very attractive. Near theirnorthern end is the fine Tonhalle, a popul: mod-ern concert building and pleasure palace. In thevicinity of their southern end is the beautifulBel voir park. Near the Tonhalle. the statelymain street of the city the Bahnhofstrasseleads from the lake north to the railway station.The bridges are striking. Adjacent to the fineMinister bridge is the Wasserkircbe. on the rightbank, containing the city library with K'.O.OOO vol-

umes aud over 5.000 manuscripts. It preservesmore valuable objects, including the Codex Vati-canu- s.

The Grossmucnster is Romanesque withGrecian features. Further north is the Rudeu.

In the thoroughfare stream at Bel-

grade lakes, Maine, where the blackbass are they gatheraround the steamboat wharf in largenumbers and stay there from the ar-rival of the anglers in the springuntil the water at that point gets toohot for comfort. Then they all dis-perse in one day.

The great attraction for black bassaround this wharf seems to be large

&-- . IiflBWJsr BE:BeV BKC f Bm




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with the national edu-

cational exhibitthe PestalozzI cabinet.The modern- - CatholicChurch Our Lady isa magnificent basilica.The Church St. Pe-ter holds the tombLavator. who waspastor. The town hall.

in the German Renaissance, dates from 1694. Theuniversity and the famous federal polytechnicwith their numerous institutions, laboratories andclinics are In the northern part of Crosse Stadt.

Switzerland la the most mountainous countryof Europe, three-fourth- s its area being coveredwith mountains. The grandeur the scenery hasbeen pictured and described innumerable times.With the exception of certain portions Amer-ica, there is nothing in the world to equal it inbeauty. The central southern parts are oc-

cupied by the Swiss Alps, which spread overnearly three-fifth- s the entire area. The JuraMountains cover the northwestern portions thecountry.

Far in the mountains is the beautiful littletown of Einsiedeln. I was fortunate enough topresent during a week-en- d musical fete, in whichsinging societies from the country and from neigh-boring Bavarian towns were present In numbersexceeding 2.000. Switzerland, having only thesummer time for holidaying, has organized amovable sacngerfest by which each town and citygets its share of gay song and jolly visitors. Allthe cantons were represented tit Einsiedeln andevery house was decorated vith Swiss colors,scarlet and white.

Early in the afternoon the open air concert be-

gan. It was held in the vast, sloping square infront the Benedictine abbey. The assembling

the singers was picturesque. Each cantoncarried a banner. Individual societies carriedgreat horns filled with flowers and the womensingers wore white gowns and crimson sashes.As the quiet, well-behave- d little place has but onepoliceman, the fire brigade turned out to give asemblance civic authority, also to serve as aguard honor. And while the marchers weremassing around the conductor's bos a cannonwas kept firing a vigorous welcome. The brightSwiss decorations on the quaint; gableU houses,the gay Sunday dress the women, the encir-cling mountains the nearby ones dark green, thedistant peaks snow-tippe- d, edelweiss-decke- d

made a splendid, old world pictures.And the definite note was the ancient abbeyEinsiedeln. which called tho town Into being,

and which is one the celebrated shrines ofEurope. The abbey church, known as NotreDame des Ermites. Is a grand the edificeflanked on either side with monastery buildings.Since the year 034 the abbey of Einsiedeln has

Housekeeping in Hankow

Among our many wanderings our housekeep-ing in Hankow was an experience I never hadbefore nor after, writes Florence Gilbert in theNew Idea Woman's Magazine. We have five orsix servants. That sounds fine, but before pass-ing judgment you should have experience withthem! The peace of mind of the mistress de-pends largelj on her 'number one boy." the headservant, who. if efficient. Is likely to have comefrom Ningpo. He is a tall, impressive personagewho wears a blue cotton coat fastening en theside and reaching to his ankles, without whichmust never appear in his employer's presence.

this is only second as a mark of disrespectto having the cue in any other position thanhanging decorously down the back.

The house coolie at work may sometimestwist his cue around his head, but the boy never.Through the boy the orders are usually issuedto the rest the household staff, translated fromthe pidgin English of the mistress. There arethe "Xo. 2 boy." the house coolie, who is the onlyone with enough work to to keep him moder-ately busy; the cook the second cook, whois learning his trade at the expense his

Black Bass Tame in Maine Watersin the fact that a nice, juicy frog

is throw to them once in awhile, andthey all have the fun of rushing for

with the certainty that one ofthem will get the prize. These bassare so tame that they take afrog out the fingers of anybodywho will furnish the frog. fact,they will sometimes "strike" a barefinger if it is "offered." There arevarious ways fooling theso bass.














To do



of em- -





preserved an unbroken line from the fust prince-abbo- t.

Eberhard, Duke of Franconia, to the pres-ent head. Abbe Colomban I. It is the only Cath-olic church in the world not dedicated bj humanhands; the legend is that Christ himself perform-ed the act.

Einsiedeln and vicinity were known as the Som-bre Forest away back in the eighth century, whena holy hermit. Meinrad. the son of Prince Bertholdof Hohenzoliern. built for hims-- lf a cell in whichhe lived many years. He was murdered by bri-gands to whom he had offered hospitality andwho had hoped to find concealed treasures; allthey got was a chalice and some books. Ravens,whose evil characteristics had been disarmed bythe gentle heiuiit and had become his compan-ions, pursued the assassins to Zurich, screamingand picking at the villains' bends. The strangeactions of the irate birds attracted the townspeo-ple's attention and they questioned the murderers,who, terrified, acknowledged thoir crime. In theEinsiedeln Abbey coat-of-arm- s die two ravens.

When the noble edifice was ejected over thehermit's cell the walls of the cell were enclosedIn black marble and made into a chapel. It standsIn the nave of the church and. while plain in style,the richness of the material and the simplicity ofdesign make it impressive. On the altar standsthe renowned statute of the Black .Madonna,bronze and many hundreds of years old. Thechapel Is known as the Holy Chapel, because ofthe remarkable legend regarding its dedication.

This is the story. On September fUS. SaintConrad, bishop of Constanco, came at the invitation of Abbot Eberhard to consecrate the newchurch. He was attended by tho Emperor Othon.the Empress Adelaide and a large retinue of clergyand courtiers. As they knelt preparatory to be-ginning the ceremony suddenly the chapel becameilluminated with a celestial brilliancy and beforethe altar stood the Savior performing the office ofdedication, assisted by the four evangelists.

At the right and left of the divine celebrantangels swung censers which emitted a thousandsweet perfumes, the apostle. Saint Peter, and thePope. Saint Gregory the Great, htld the vestmentsof the heavenly polntiff. and Saint Stephen andSaint Lawrence, who were the first deacons ofthe church to be martyred, acred as deacon andsub-deaco- n. An angelic choir, conducted by thearchangel Saint Michael, sang glorious musicand before the altar knelt the beautiful virginmother of the Son of God. A stUl earlier legendhas it that when Conrad began the office of dedi-cation he was stopped by a voice that cried outthree tlme3 distinctly: "Cease! brother, thischapel has been consecrated by God himself."

The journey from Zurich to Einsiedeln is charm-ing. First comes a sail on a lake which Is theloveliest piece of water in Switzerland, then arailroad ride through pine woods, among moun-tains, over gorges and past valleys that now arecovered with fragrant, new-mow- n hay.

ployer's digestion. The cook's chief business Isgoing to market aud presenting his account forhis purchases.

It is a strange collection often in that marketbasket, whidh a wise housekeeper always sees.Goat flesh, perhaps, politely called mutton: orbeef that has uecn exposed vr. a flv.ni'n.i ., olive chicken or two. game of various sorts-phea- sant,

teal, snipe and perhaps a fish, moreappetizing than one would xpect who has seenaud smelled the Yang-ts- e water.

The vegetables are all of the sort that needcooking, for no intelligent person will run therisks involved in eating raw Chinese vegetablesand fruits.

In addition to the supplies which can bepurchased in the Chinese market every day one'sdiet may include fresh butter from Australia andall sorts of canned goods shipped from the UnitedStates. Great Britain. France and Germany. Theseare sold in shops in the concessions kept byEuropeans. Japanese. Parsees those keen mer-chants from India or even Chinese. While ex-pensive, they are not quite such prohibitive lux-uries as to inspire the remark of the Englishmissionary's little girl in centra! India, who said-"Mothe- r,

I suppose the kin.; has tinned things toeat every day."

one way being to tie a tempting baitto a string before throwing it Intothe water. The Joke is to let thebas3 swallow the bait and then pullIt back for use in fooling anotherfish.

The Bswer Bird.One of the most remarkable crea-

tures known to natural history is thebower bird, which builds a miniaturecabin made of small sticks and sur-rounds it with a perfectly kept ringor circus composed of twies rud moss.

studded with brilliantly colored flow-ers, fruits and Insects. ,s the curiousornaments become faded they are constantly replaced by fresh ones, so thatscientists are inclined to credit thebird with the possession of the artis-tic sense. In these decorated play-grounds the males meet and pay theircourt to the female, the bower beingused purely for purposes of recreationand not as a nesting place. Thesebirds are chiefly found in the OwenStanley range of British New Guinea.

Wide World.

Novel Cotton Wedding.This affair was celebrated way down

In old Kentucky, and was such a de-lightful affair that I am sure our read-ers in all parts of the country will beable to adapt ideas from it to suittheir own needs and conditions. TheInvitations said "Please come in a cot-ton frock." This conveyed the ideathat it was to be an informal affair.The spacious porches and groundswere lighted with many lanterns, anddotted over the lawn were great whitocotton umbrellas, such as are used forshade on wagons. They were on longstakes driven into the ground, and hadn Japanese lantern lighted and sus-pended from each rib; rugs and chairswere underneath.

These trysting places were muchsought in the intervals betweendances. There was a large platformerected with negro players. Just llkothe plantation dance3 before tho war.Before the dancing the hostess pro-duced bandana handkerchief-aprons- , towhich the men sewed the strings;then a wee colored china doll wasgiven each girl, with bits of chamoisskin from which she was to make apen wiper for her partner.

The refreshments were typicallysouthern: Individual chicken pies,hot corn muffins, tiny stuffed peppers,iced tea and delicious watermelon.

A Neck-Wea- r Shower.A fall bride says the prettiest show-

er the girls of her home town gaveher was "neck-wear- " downpour. Thelox-el- y part was that each girl madewith her own fair fingers the daintycreation for the bride who had grownup among them and was so soon to gofar away across the sea. No onecan have too many stocks and collars,and there was every variety imagin-able, some being of Irish crotchet. Thetable center piece was composed oftho white gilly flower, often called"stocks." and the place cards werebogus certificates of "stock" drawn j

upon the Bank of Matrimony andsigned by her majesty, the "AmericanWoman." w itli "Cupid" named as treas-urer. Tho gifts were all done up indaintv tissue paper tied with whitesatin ribbon and were brought In on I

a tray with bows of tulle on each I

handle. A wee maiden dressed as;Cupid presented the tray to the bride.

An Unusual Party for Children.A mother of a twelve-year-ol-d

daughter issued invitations for tfilsvery pretty party. Remembering howchildren loved to dress up. sho said:"Please come in a costume represent-ing a character from 'Alice in Wonde-rland." When all had arrived therewas a pantomime showing the figures


dainty dress at tho left is ofTHE batiste trimmed at the bot-

tom and around tho oke andsleeves with embroidery. The yokeand the cuffs are of thu batistefinely tucked. The sa&h is of rib-

bon finished in front with a sash endreaching to the bottom of the skirtand ornamented with little pink roses.

The next dress Is of old red voile.The front of the b!ouse and of theskirt are made '.vith crosswise tucksand ornamented with buttons of thematerial. The blouse is trimmed atthe top with a tucked band of the

the little sleeves and the bottom3f the skirt are trimmed in the same

Would Yru Defy Age?Here are thie excellent "Don'ts"

which help to preserve your youthfm-r:css- .

Don't wash the face in hot waterbefore going out for a walk. It opensthe pores nf the sk'.n and makes themmore sensitive to dust and dirt.

Don't use soap and water as soon asyou return. Rub a gcod cold creaminto the face and wipe it off with atoft handkerchief.

Don't wrinkle the forehead whenworried or draw the brows togetherIn a frown when bright light strikesthe eyes. Nothing r.gcs a woman soquickiy as deep ridges on the

San Juan Straw Serviceable.A smart-lookin- g and serviceable hat

for general wear by a small girl Is ofSan Juan straw iu a burnt color, hand-presse- d.

It Is in a shady, mushroomshape with trimming of red or navyblue ribbon around the crown tied intoa bow on either side.

Then there is the prettiest littlebest hat that costs only $1. It is offine white straw, trimmed with bows

on a screen, the children guessing whowas who as each little figure passedby. This made loads of fun, as it wasdone before they entered the big draw-ing room. I had better explain exact-ly how. As the guests arrived (andthey were all very prompt) they tferemet by a maid who took them into aside room without removing theirwraps. The screen was in plain view.Each guest was taken separately, thewrap removed and he or she wasplaced behind the screen. If the chil-dren recognized the character, that in-

dividual took a seat in the drawingroom, the chairs being arranged inrows. When all were admitted therewas a professional entertainer, whodid wonderful tricks for 20 minutes;then there were games and dancingfor a half hour. Refreshments wereserved in the upstairs ballroom, whichhad been transformed into a veritable"wonderland." with a bountiful use ofgold and silver tinsel.

Many little surprises had beencleverly planned for tho mystificationof the young guests. For instance,there was an immense water lily madefrom paper and placed before a screenmade from a clothes bars covered withcrepe paper and ferns; there was apetal for each child, which whenpulled down revealed a plate contain-ing an ice cream rabbit. From themouth of a huge, fierce-lookin- g catthere came cookies and from an enor-mous snow ball came'&wee boxes ofbonbons. There was a witch whopassed favors and a clown who dis-

tributed balloons. Wasn't this a won-

derful party? It sounds rather diff-icult to produce, but the hostess as-

sured me that it had been a delightto get all ready, as she had the lovingcooperation of a couple of young col-

lege men and two adoring aunts of thelittle hostess.



Heels are to be lower.Black satin tailor-made- s are good.In materials, pied de poule is one of

the newest.The smartest new hats are low,

broad affairs.The plaited frill holds its vogue won-

derfully well.Jet for buttons Is not quite as pop-

ular as last year.The colonel's plume is more than

ever worn on small hats.Shaded automobile veils are among

the novelties of the hour.Yellow-- Is one of the favorite colors

as the summer advances.

Three Dainty Dresses

way, and a similar band forms the girdie. The tucked guiraps and the puf-fed underslcevcs are of white batiste.

The dress at the right Is pink silkvoile. The blouse Is shirred at theshoulders and crossed in front; thefront is tucked and trimmed at thetop with lace. The collarette is oftulle, as are also the puffed under-sleeve-s,

the latter trimmed with nar-row bands of liberty. The sleevesthemselves are wide and cut In onepiece with the body of the waist.

The skirt Is trimmed at the bottomwtih twooverlapping ruffles of the ma-

terial. The girdle is of liberty, knotted at the left side.

ot satin ribbon and forget-me-not- s

This. too. has a mushroom brim andf:.irly high crown.

Fagoting on Black.A blaek satin tunic gown seen re-

cently was trimmed by two rows offagoting, in light green and red, fol-

lowing In pattern the outline of thetunic. The work was finished off bya double row of French knots in al-

ternate red and green.The black net of the yoke was em-

broidered in the same way, and by aro.v of little rose pearl buttons.

New Collar and Frill.A modish shirtwaist shows a frill

of white tucked lawn edged with dullblue and a strip of embroidery labuckle effect, with a darker blue forHie buckle and a shade matching thefrill edge for the buckled strap. Thestock is edged again with the bluelawn, and tho smart little bow tie laof the two shades, the darker show-ing in the under loops.

Patent leather belts with enameledor Jeweled buckles arc In t!ic icad- -


fit bbbbH iBatBBBr "x.-a"-J & M


BKt- - iuBBr

BBBkx' .fKBBBjHJEaMr 3Bb

BBy . m BBB'v- - " -

Years-fo- r nai-locmi- ty.

Yoan for neatest leaveningpower.

Tfeem for neverfailing resaita.Years for parity.Years for ecoaomy.

Yosrs for everything that goes tomake sp a strictlvhigh grade, ever-depeada- ble


That is Calumet. Tryit once and note the improvement in your bak-ing. See bow much moraecosomkal over the high- -priced trust brands, how

Blsch better than the cheanand big-ca- a kinds.Calumet is highest in quality

moderate in cost.

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METS $2.00. S2M, $3.00, S3 JO, $400, $5.00WOMEN'S $2.50, $3,$3 JO, $4SOTS' $2.00, $2.50 &. $3.00

THE STANDARDFOR 30 YEARSThey are absolutely the

most popular aad bestahoesfor tho price in America.Thev are the leaders everywhere because they holdtheir shape, fit tetter,look better and wear loa- -

than other makes. ,

fer are vositiTelv the

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most economical shoes for yon to boy. W. L.Donelaa name and the retail price are stampedoa the bottom Yalue guaranteed.TAKK MO SUMTITUTKt If yoor dealercannot fapply yon write for Hall order catalog.

W. L. UUUULAi. HracktM, I

I would eay to all: Use your gentrest voice at home. Elihu Burritt.

Ttt. Pierces pleasant PHlrts cm constipationonstlpaUon Is th caiirufmniijUlsm'S. t.nr

Itjo caux aal Juu cute llu dicise. &&y totakA

Faith is not a blind, irrational asset,out an intelligent reception of thetruth on adequato grounds. CharlesHodge.

Local Enterprise.Tourist Why do you call this a vol

cano? I don't believe it has had aseruption for a thousand years!

Guide Well, the hotel managers lithis region club together and keep afire going in it every year during thteason. Meggendorfer Blaetter.

Not That Meaning."The doctor said that Bill wa

drunk when we took tho poor fellowto have his head attended to lasinight after he fell."

"Doctor never said anything of thtkind!"

"Didn't I hear him? Said it wasJagged cut."

Worth Remembering."One of the delegates to the conven-

tion of the Negro Business Men'sleague In New York was wortb$4,000,000,"

"Here's a pointer for the coloredbrother."

"Let's have It.""That delegate didn't make h'.t

money shooting craps."

Speaking-o- f Fires.Roy Bone, a brother of United

States District Attorney Harry Bone,several years ago was a reporter onthe Wichita Beacon. In going to afire one of the members of the tire de-partment was thrown from a hosdcart and killed. Bone wrote a head,with this as the first deck: "Gone toHis Last Fire."

The piece got Into the paper andBone was promptly "fired." KansasCity Journal.


to the breakfast table



Crisp, golden-brow- n

"crinkly" bits, madefrom white corn.

Amost appetizing:, con-venie- nt,


"The HenMiy Lingers"

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