*i The establishment of national social welfare organi zations … · 2013-09-30 · Boy Scouts'...

to make State aid available, results in Non-Europeans benefittlng to a very much smaller degree than Europeans* A growing number of welfare organizations which at first did not actively include (even if they did not specifically exclude) Non-Europeans in their activities^are now extending their work to cover Non-Europeans. The poverty of ths Non- European communities as a whole prevents them from giving the financial support which the organizations need in order to undertake work for Non-Europeans, so that the 0 t* European public must be the largest supporter. Non-Europeans are, however, taking a more active part in social work both by their financial contributions and through voluntary and paid personal servioe. Organizations sponsored and manned mainly, and in many instances^ entirely,by Non- _____ . *i Europeans^, are growing in number. The establishment of national social welfare organi- zations to oo-ordlnate and advance particular aspects of social welfare has resulted in the development of policy and programmes which have considerably affected legislation as well as the nature and scope of the various forms of if social welfare work. Not least has been the attention given by these bodies to the needs of Non—Europeans and the encouragement and help given by them to their constituent and allied agencies to undertake work for Non-Europeans.

Transcript of *i The establishment of national social welfare organi zations … · 2013-09-30 · Boy Scouts'...

to make State aid available, results in Non-Europeans

benefittlng to a very much smaller degree than Europeans*

A growing number of welfare organizations which at first

did not actively include (even if they did not specifically

exclude) Non-Europeans in their activities^are now extending

their work to cover Non-Europeans. The poverty of ths Non-

European communities as a whole prevents them from giving

the financial support which the organizations need in

order to undertake work for Non-Europeans, so that the0t*

European public must be the largest supporter. Non-Europeans

are, however, taking a more active part in social work

both by their financial contributions and through voluntary

and paid personal servioe. Organizations sponsored and

manned mainly, and in many instances^ entirely,by Non-_____ . *i

Europeans ,̂ are growing in number.

The establishment of national social welfare organi­

zations to oo-ordlnate and advance particular aspects of

social welfare has resulted in the development of policy

and programmes which have considerably affected legislation

as well as the nature and scope of the various forms ofif

social welfare work. Not least has been the attention

given by these bodies to the needs of Non—Europeans and

the encouragement and help given by them to their constituent

and allied agencies to undertake work for Non-Europeans.

National Organizations

N.B. Only those bodies have been included which are

known to conoern themselves with special or general

aspects of social welfare work for Non-Europeans. For

particulars of their activities and those of their

constituent bodies, application should be made to the

bodies concerned. Ghurch organizations have not beenr _


African Women. National Council of, TU** ^ruir'Cii • r

Blind, 8 .A. National Council for the, P.O. Box 13^3, Pretoria.#

Boys' Brigade, Transvaal, P.O. Box 7*5&L, Johannesburg.

Boy Scouts' Association of S.A., Council of, P.O. Box 999, Capetown, The Association acts as secretariat for the following —

Pathfinder Boy Soouts Association of 3 .A.Coloured Boy Scouts Association of S.A.Indian Boy Scouts Association of 3 .A.

Care of Cripples, S.A. National Council for the, S17 G-roote Kerk Gebottty, Adderley Street, Capetown.

Child Welfare, S*A. National Council for, P.O. Box 13^3, Johannesburg.

Coloured Advisory Council, Magistrates' Court//Buildings, Capetown.

Deaf, S.A, National Council for the, F.O. Box 8446, Johannesburg.

Fatally Welfare, S.A. National Council for, c/o Mrs. U. Scott, Blzane, Plumstead, C.P.

Friends of Afrloa (Industrial and Co-operative),10^, Allbrett Buildings, Johannesburg, ' ~

GirlO^G-uldC Association of S.A. , Craigmere, 215 North Ridge Road, Durban.

Girl Wayfarers' Association, P.O. Box 674, Pretoria.

Health Foundation, National War Lleniorlal, P.O. Box £446,


Mental Health, S*A. National Council for, P.O. Box 25^7,Johannesburg,


Penal Reform League, 25 Victoria Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria.

Race Relations, 3.A. Institute of, (General), P.O. Box 97, Johannesburg.

Red Cross Society, Central Executive Committee of S.A.,P.O. Box S726, Johannesburg.

St. John, the Priory In S.A. of the Granft Priory in theBritish Realm of the Venerable Order of, Permanent Buildings f5 Darling Street, Capetown.

School of Social work, Jan Hofraeyr,' Jubilee Centre, Eloff Streep Extension, Johannesburg.

Social Services Association of South Africa, Central Councilof, 39 Colonization Chambers, West Street, Durban,

Too H. Southern Africa, Balgovmie House ̂ Johannesburg.

Tuberculosis Association, 3 .A. National, 51/2 Club Aroade, IXirban,

Y.M.C.A.* a, S.A. National Council of, P.O. Box 7716, Johannesburg,

The following provincial bodies are not yet organi­

zed on a national scale or affiliated with a national

^ ^ l z a t i o n .- f.QA+i I* * /,

Boys* Club, Transvaal Association of, Too H. Balgownle House, Johannesburg.

Girls* Club, Transvaal Association of, c/o Main and Simmonds Streets, 8 5 Cullinan Buildings,. Johannesburgy

____1 . U cn t, m e w e ± '

uc u-jL- -3rakpan Native Creche, PsO, .Bnv 1,j;> (Private Cnmmlttee)

Cape Plats Distress Association Creche, Prince George’ s Drive, Retreat, Cape,

ACare Committee Creche, c/o Care Co® ittee for T.B. Patients,

6/8 Sixth Avenue, Bokmakirle, Capetovm. Secretarial Address - 7,4th Floor, Markhams Buildings, Capetotm.

t 1 , r>nmnittpes are not affiliated to a National1 . Creohee welfare Oo-dtte.e haveDoay, “ •Venn nnlttftd.


Coloured Child Care Centre, o/o Coloured Child Care Centre Committee, 19̂ - Blackwood Street, Arcadia, Pretoria,

Dikonyaneng Nursery School, Orlando, o/o Anglican Church Mission, Ray Street, Sophlatown, Johannesburg,

Dorcas House Creche and NUrsery School Council, o/o Social Welfare Officer, Kroonstad.

Holy Cross Creche, o/o Holy Cross Sister, Little Flower Missions, Lady Selborne, Pretoria,

Hoeko Creche, c/o The Missionary in Charge, Dutch Reformed Mission Station, Ladysmith, C.P.

Janet Bourhill Institute Day I&irsery, o/o Committee of Janet Soura.il! Institute, Third Avenue, Claremont, C.P,

* n

Kensington Creche, o/o Union-of Jewish V</omen, 2nd Street, - Fifth Avenue, Kensi^nton,-.Secretarial address - IMS St, George*s Street, Capetown,

Khaiao School Creche, P.O, Box 226, Pietersburg.

Ladysmith N.G-. Kleurling Creche, o/o Dutch Reformed MissionStation, Ladysmith, C.P.


Mendl Memorial Creche, Non-SuropeanWelfare Committee,<&ieenstown, C.P,

Mtselsmanzi Creche, P.O. Fort Hare, Alice, C.P.

N.G. Sendlngkerk Creche, o/o Dutch Reformed Church, Concordia, Knysna.

Payneville Creohe-and liursery School, 6 Nigel Road, Selection . Park, Springs, ffcan&vaal.


St, Andrews Creche, P.O. Box 1 3 B Rustenburg. (Private eonmlttee-fr

R.C.Creohe, Holy Cross Convent, Station Road, Matatieli, East • G-ricualand.

Soar Creche, Dutch Reformed Mission Station, Ladysmith, C P.

St. Michaels Creche, Anglican Mission 177 Barron St^Lady Selborne, Pretoria.

Sophlatown Creche and Annex, Ray Street, Sophlatown, Johannes­burg.

gtmBo m i for tfat Aa»d.

«Adcock Homes, P.O. Box 5 0 7 6 , Port Elizabeth.

Bantu Refuge, P.O. Box 1106, Johannesburg.r


Eur-African Horae, Rand Aid Association, P.O. Box 66, Fordsburg.V. i. ~ -

Hostels for Low-War;e Earners. 0# „

Durban Hostel for Coloured Women, 38 Adrian Road, IXirban.

Helping Hand Club, 76 Hans St^Falrview, Johannesburg, .

Native Girls Home, 0 /0 Anglioan Churchy 3 7 2 Siepherd St.Pretoria.

St. Martins' Hostel, 5 Buxton SI^Doornfontein, Johannesburg.

Certified Hostels.

Brandon Bantu Hostel, P.O. Box I 3I# Durban,

Gonroo Institute (African), c/o Child Welfare Society, 22 Cuthberts Buildings, Oxford Street, East London. .

%M.A. Motala Indian Lads Hostel, P.O. Wyebank, Natal.

Martindale Non-European Girls Hostel, c/o Salvation Army,P.O. Box 1013, Johannesburg,

Lunrcalegwaba Hostel (African)• Orlando Township, 209 Exploration Buildings, Commissioner Stt^fthannesburg.

Mountain View Hostel, (Coloured), Military Road, Retreat.4 *5

Mtutuzele Rescue Home (African), Orlando, Transvaal.

Talitha Home (African), Western Native Township, P.O. Nevrville, Johannesburg.

,r.Wierda Native Hostel (African), P.O.Box 1372, Pretoria.

Certified Institutions.# _

Aryan Benevolent Home, Mayville, Durban.

Bedford Convent Farm, P.O. Box 60, Umtata.*

Bethlehem Horae, 9 New Street, Graham a town.

TT«ww>y—yo—aaiiSh -inftr»r Ovarportr Durban.

ClgB'rcrnen t™*THXTIOHS.̂ 9Brandon Bantu Hostel, P.O. Box 731, Bor ban.

Goedehoop Institute, 52 Caledon Street, Capetown.

0°2]po iMtitute, o/o Child Welfare Society, 22 Cuthberts Building*,Oxford Street, Bast London.

Holy Cross Orphanage, Parow, Cape Province.

Holy Rosary Nleeion, P.O. lox 11, Cradock.

House of Mercy and St. Joseph1 e Hone, Leliebloem, Woodstock.

Jonkersdam Volkskerk Tan Afrika Weeshuis, Matroosfontein, Xleiesrlrisr.

Lawrencia (State Institution), Iraaifontein, C.P.

Lourdes Mission, Bast Oriqualand, (Malenga Wrtlsy Halt).

Marienfaof, P.O. Hot springs, Tim Uniondale.

M.A. Mo tala Indian Lads Hostel, P.O. Ttyebank, latal.^

Mount ?iew Hostel, Military Hoad, Retreat.

Mtutuzele, Orlando, Transraal.^

B.C. Mission, Bietpoort, P.O. Bitterfontein.

B.C. Mission, P.O. Onseepkans via Kaksaaa.

B.C. Mission, Pslla via Kakamas.

St. Ttmneis Home, Athlone, C.P.

sored Heart Convent, Draai Street, Oudtshoora.

’red Heart Mission, Uatwalumi, Hatal.

Boas, Jan Hofaayr Bead, Schauder Township, Port Bllaabeth.

St. Josppl4 Home, Good Street, Sophiatown, Trl.

St* Mary's Orphanage, Rosemoor, Georgs.

St. Hlcholas Home for Coloured Boys, 17 Cliff nay, Schauder Township, Port Elisabeth

St. Philopaena*s Orphanage, Stella Road, Malvern, Hatal.

St. Sheresa’s Orphanage, lesyrille, Durban.

St. Shoaas Road Coloured Infants Home, 15 St. Thomas Road, Durban.

St. Vincent*s Orphanage, P.O. Mariannhill, Hatal.

falitha Home, Western Hatire Township, P.O. Mewrttiel Johannesburg.^

Wierda fctlTe Hostel, P.O. Box 1372, Pretoria. ^

Margaret Ballinger Convalescent Home for African Children, Hoodepoort, Tvl

Bethany Catholic Mission, P.O. Box 119, V enter sour g.

Bethshsfu/ Children1 s Hone, 70 South Bo ad, Overport, Durban.

Dominican Convent, Oerazanno, P.O. Tongeat, Hatal.

Heatherdale Orphanage, Veld Street, Athlone.

Holy Cross Creche, Little Plover Mission, Lady Selhome, Pretoria.

Homes for Orphans and Destitutes, 1049 Mann Hoad, Durban.

Little Plover Mission, Ixopo, Hatal.

Maria Hllf Convent, Woodlands Mission, P.O. Gladstone, via Stutterheim, C.

B.C. Mlselon, P.O. Box 31, Upington.

B.C. Mission, P.O. Box 9, Keimoes.

St. Annes Home, 107 Chapel Street, Oapetovn.

St. Ceorge'a Orphanage, Lanadovne Bo ad, Claremont C.P.

St. Josp&s Coloured School, Blchmond, Hatal.

St. Joseph's Home for Chronic Invalid Children, Lansdovne Hoad, Philllpl, Cape Plats, C.P.

St. Monica*s Home, P.O. Box 15, Hillary, Hatal.

Sunshine Homes for Children, Lincoln Boad, Belville, C.P.

Waterval Islamic Institute, farm Haterval Ho. 34, Box 1, Johannesburg.

St. Jam^s Mission, P.O. Magaliesborg.

St. Scholastics^ Orphanage, P.O. Davlesvllle, >. Transvaal.

Masonic G-rove,The Legal Aid Bureau, 19 Lincoln’ s Court,/Durban.

The Legal Aid Bureau, East London.

The Legal Aid Bureau, 1 ,2 ,3 , New Magistrates* Cour^rf;Johannesburg.

Social Centimes.

KyMJtcLibgrrgariy Iks ti-tMt ecj jfcr *

Bantu Men’ s Social Centre, Sometsu Rdf^Durban.

Bantu Men1s 3ooial Centre, P.O. Box 13 31, Johannesburg.r

Bantu X.M.C.A., The Looation, Bloemfontein.« r ,

Donaldson Orlando Community Centre, P.O. Orlando,Johannesburg.

Hyman Liberaan Institute (Non-European) Muir StiH^ard 7 ,Capetown.

Janet Bourhill Institute (Non-European), 3rd Avenue, 01aremont,C.P.

Marion Institute (Non-European G-irls) 124 Chapel StV^fapetown.

Central Social Welfare Registers.

Central Case Register, c/o Cape Coordinating Council, P.O. Box 259# Capetown.

Central Case Register, 0 /0 Johannesburg Social Welfare Department, P.O.Box 10^9, Johannesburg.

Social Welfare Exchange Committee, c/o Social Services <c Assoaation, 39 Colonization Chambers, West SHv* Durban,

Collection Number: AD1715


PUBLISHER: Collection Funder:- Atlantic Philanthropies Foundation

Publisher:- Historical Papers Research Archive

Location:- Johannesburg



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