I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class



The third grade students created an I Spy book by using: *Kiddle.co - for pictures *http://www.photocollage.com/ - to make the collage *Google Drawings - to add their poems or sentences Enjoy reading our I Spy book!

Transcript of I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

Page 1: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class
Page 2: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy a dolphin, a mermaid with long gold hair, a fish with fins, a treasure, an octopus eating, and and a sea horse blending in.

Page 3: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy an old tractor, a green combine, a dog with sunglasses, and a horse lying down in the green grasses.

Page 4: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy with my little eye a volcano from Hawaii, a park with a red slide, a cute little rabbit, yummy ice cream, two cute pandas, and a Doberman.

Page 5: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy with my little eye a black bull, a skunk or too, a red combine in a field, a nice putt-putt tractor and a big pig.

Page 6: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

l spy a tractor pulling a plow and a crazy red

cow, A 4-wheeler driving on the lawn , and a

calf milking off his mom. I spy cowboy boots, a

brown horse, and a combine and tractor, green

of course.

Page 7: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy a red egg in a basket, an eye with an x, and 3 yellow lines.

Page 8: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy 2 balloons and some presents in the room. I spy some hats that are blue and a party card for you, a happy birthday banner, and some birthday candles too.

Page 9: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy a big bulldozer, a dirty dump truck , a backhoe , a crane, a drill, and a sledge hammer. that is tough.

Page 10: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy a wolf hunting, a sleepy seal, a silly hanging panda, and a funny bunny bear.

Page 11: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy a car, 2 silver nails,1 black jack, a 2 sided wrench, and wouldn’t you guess, a tool bench.

Page 12: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy a pink pig,a dog staring at a can of cola, a horse standing up,and a gray cobra.

Page 13: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy a doll with ears, a green car, fireworks that are clear, and a blue ball of yarn, a grasshopper that’s green, a leaf that’s dark, a kitten that is as pale as wheat, and a mermaid in a pool park.

Page 14: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy three scarecrows, a bunch of pumpkins for sale, and a monster with a tail.

Page 15: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy a clam, a fish, that is small, and a shark that is large. I spy an ocean that is blue and some colorful seashells, too .

Page 16: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy a hovercraft, a green army guy, and a military combat truck.

Page 17: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy a pencil in a desk. I spy a scissors cutting paper and a purple ruler.

Page 18: I Spy....Mrs. Wuebker's Class

I spy a monkey, a cute puppy dog, a kitten with her friend, two horses in love, three Fenic foxes, a bear and her cub, a loveable sea lion, two happy wolf cubs, a cool fighting fish, and these are the animals that I love.