..I .Q T. HE POINTER ''! / Senate· Takes No Action · I .Q T. HE . POINTER SERIES VIII, ... Tbc...

- WlsconslnState .Q T . HE POINTER s1e,~:~-;.:! ..I . SERIES VIII, VOL. 12 WSU-STEVENSPOINT, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1969 10 PAGES, NO. 28 ' ''! .-- . . / I # 1W ' ·· I .~.. ., · ~lf.• ,..; a :;p:~ . .. ~1' -~ ~, • . ~ j ........ - T - - -- •' 'l ~\rus titlt~oiHsen . G• r.t!lll , 'i>f..-e ,... Toh!\ G'uie."L11\t.S otlr Sft(\11.~ : 1,.ttn.l"I01cd for~f\rot\l.fl ~ A SIGN TITlEO " DREYFUS INDELICATESSEN" was displayed 01 rhe French SfM'eCh roll~ held lou week m frolll of Old Mo,n Thi" ,c,' \ ~\Cu rnlled ro ga in suppor1 for o resolu1 ,on rice $11,c\ol Do Yo• E,1 Leo ? QI,).'(' , c,1,)1'\ tro ... J or C,o..i ON' Mort ~ i;, ~:i,.U{ !! lf J~= ;. .. f, 1~ ; \)( ~~~ 1 ;~~ St~ ~La+:~~,., , ' · Yo u (coi. &'.~ ~-o~r w hich od:~ for 11udenls bemg obl e 10 spe:ok ol faculty meehngs (Photo by J,m Ponme,) Faust Boosts Female Egos Faculty Endorses Retention R cg 1s trJr GIibert F:auu boosit'd th,.. egos of ,o\·, .h h,·r..· this,,.,,..,.~ Of Academic Credit For ROTC In :a report or r; r :ad;: dist1ihu 11on fo, J Udtm1c 3Ch1cn-m,·nt J111111[1. the fi rst s.·nu·5h'I, womrn con!ds tc111lr kd lhl' rncn . Tiu.• combined gr.11Je point Y\'Ct:1gc of all women was ! 55 (n\':l rl )' a C pluJ) whik 1ht' · ,:omb1ncd :wcni:t fo, all me n v. ·a) ~"/ Br clu~,. 10o tm1cn hdJ C\'try \call . rr,·shmcn JI to 200. sophomoa\, .. ~6 10 JS . 1unt0u. 2 77 10 411 . \Cn1o n. J.09 10 10. iradu;rn: anJ sprcl3 1 slutknh . J.JO 10 J I .S Flight School Will Be Held In The Fall · A 16,,..cci,: nl3110n i:round school cou rs.: "" 111 l>l' offcn•'iJ 1h1s hi\ accorc.lln g to c.it tc.·nS&on durc101 Orbnd Radi,:c , Thi11 y rcrsons wHI b..- a cccplf d for the non-cr..-J11 s tu dt · of pre• rlight bcu, met eoroloJy. O~ht cornrutcr . naviga11on, 1,;iJ10 n:iviμuon and fcdcnla\·i.J.t1on rcgubtt0ns, The insuu,t or wiU be Robl.• n McMaho n . Cl1nt o nv1Ur . who conductrU lhf fi ru rounc of !h is l.inU : 111 ws u lu 1 bll. lnlcn-stcU penon . may l\'gblcr, By Paul lint y Th e fa c ulty ,·ndo r ~J a c urri c ul u m 1;ommittce nud)' wh,rh calkd for 1he reten t ion of H lldrmi c c redit for ROTC COUl5CS by an O\'t rwhclnli ng margin o f 129 10 SO. The action ,;amc at ! he ir mtttina tu t ThursJaycvl"ni.ng. The acl ioncamcaf1cr as1udy by !he currir.ulum committee on a resolution, authorcJ by John 8: 11Jiff . n1cmbn of t he Ph ll oJop hy dcp.H t ment , ,..h1chca[kdfor 1he te \'OC1t ion of :inJc nut cn:dit for ROTC courses cffrcl1\·c Scpl. I, 1969. Joseph Woodka. chairman or the Cun1culum commiu .·c, said th..- rl"solu11on was ··OOnside rt"d rat her rxt..-nsivcly'" by his b) ·o n t3 c tmg th..- e,m:niJcd wnok,:s otricr m ~t:ain Building 11 WSU. Rad ke s:iKI tcniativc pbns ror h.:gmnmg the: c:ounc Wl"dncsday. Sc:pl. 10 1n t he Cbs.voom Ccn1er and continuing on successive Wcdncsda)·s from 6:30 10 9 p.m. Ch:i rge for admiss ion. books am.I rnatcrbls will be S48 . Arr: 1ngc111c:n ts will be: made: 11 t he co mplc ti on·or l hc course to h:ivc: the: FAA Ground School Final Exami~ tion administered. Radke said flight mini ng will be a\ ·ailablc from severa l ce nual Wi sconsin aviation firms, and while WSU will not contract that p:i.n of 1he inuruction it will assist mtcrcSlcd persons ml'lkc ncccss;i ryarr:ang,cmcnts. Students Will Have Chance To Buy Reserved Grid Seats FOi th<' 11rst lune the 11udcn1 body ,..ill have an opportunity 10 purchasr a IC$Cn"cd scat fo r the l'oin1crs· home football pmcs Appl ka11ons fo r a :K:uon rcSC'rved 5t31 muu bl' rn:idc by June I anU w1\1 cos1 t he1tuJcnt Sl . .SO Stude nt s ar c admi ncd to all athlet ic C\'cn1, frtt wi th 1he !71~n1:~i~n p~~c~ h; s~ 1 ~i rcsc1Vcd Jl'a t they 3rc ass urtd ~:so 5!~tc loca tion for t he enl in: main reason th e Ath let ic Commi ttee was making available t he rcscrvc:d sea l 10 the stude nt body was bccausic of a new %~ noi'fc 'J 1~oml~j Associ.uion mcmbcrs. Alu mni members will be able 10 purchne II rcsc1Vcd ticket for t he entire home schedule for SI O. This is bcklw the price or individ ual tickell. Any student who desi res lo purcha:te a reserved x at should se nd his applica1ion to the Alu mni Associ11ion orficc wilh a chick of S2.50 made out to the WS U-Stcvcns Point Alhktie Dcpartmcnl. Tidtct1 wi ll then be pldt ed up at lbc concession sll nd in Bna Gymnasium (the o ld fii k1hou,c) in Scp1embcr. Tbc Poinlen will o pc.n their rornm111~. Whi le ll afcrbecl,:c r wu lie said his committee voted prese nt ing them wit h t heir b)' an 8 10 2 rnaJBin to rcurn cenificatu signed by Governor at:iUcmic cr cdiu earned by W1rrcn Knowks anU Execut ive srndcnts enrolled in the ROTC Di rec1or Eugene McPhee, t he proSra m. facult y gave t he two :a standing A motion was inu od uccd at ovat ion which \as1cd for nearl y a 1hc faculty mce1ing by Robert minute. Dodge to re """ t he Bai liff H:afcr bccker no1cd th at reso lu tion back to th e one-half the fundJ for National eurr 1cu lum co mmi tt ee for Dc.fense Eduation loa ns have furthc1 siudy but this molion been cut along wi th a similar cut was dckat l'd. in won:-s1udy fund s. 11a/;rt!~t: 1 r .a~\~ 0 e~Pr~~~rJfu~ t he 51 ~t~~~H~~;;;,~":t~m::J 0 ! academic affairs, gave the rcporl member of l'cace Studies fo r Prcsklcnr OU'yfus bccause of commiu ec. rcpom:d to the 1he bnc r's abscnel' . llafrrbc:ckcr facul1y 1hat 3 peace dcpan mcnt po,n1rd o ut that President "seems, at this time. feasible" Dre yfu s w;n in Washi.n1ton, and asked th e faculty for D.C., m 3 m;.:ctmg to discuss additional time bl'causc of 1hc plans (o r 1hc new waicr vast ma terial involved . lie ukl a pollut,on la boratory sch«lulcJ report wiU be fonhcoming by to be bu,ll here t he end of 1hc fint semeslcr of ll af rrbccker prese nt ed t he 1969-70year. ccrtifica1cs ot SCl\licc 10 Miss .. As one o r the last pieces Bcr1ha Gknnon and Miss Sybil acted on, 1hr fac ulty gave its Mason who have scrvcd this endorxmcnt to a rcsolu1ion by uni\·crsity wi lh a combined total Jose ph Woodka. Woodk a's o f 68 years. Bot h arc rt" tiring u resolution asks fo r suppor1 or t he end of this academic year, l he hcul1 y for t he " Lei Us Miss Glennon Is a member o r Vo te" voup on campus. the English dc par t n1ent while LUV , 11s ii is commonly Mi ss Muo n wo r ks in the c, lled, is seeking a kl "1o-ering of Learning Resources Center. the voting age to 18 years o r age. Thl" an nounccmc n1 of ' this new pbn was maJc by l\t hktic Director Bob Krueger. " Last season we madl' available a re sc r v cd seal fo r th e Homecoming aame ." sai d Kr ucscr . "Allhou,h it was unropubr with ma ny of t bc stude nts. it reecivcd favon blc reaction from the alumni and . ac ncral public." added Kturgcr Kruege r coffimenled thal the 1969 ~le on Sept. 6 when 1111 ........ t hey ho mlinc Univusity o( Sa . Paul • . inn . RESERVE SEAT TICKET APPLICATION "'""- -- - -- --------- Home Address ____________ _ Senate· Takes No Action On ·ROTC Program·Here By J im Ho fer Se nate was dclc1atcd the T he Scn11c 11 expected to read to 1hr Scna1c preliminary 1 9ll1o ~i 1:i,n~i~!1c 0 io~~~ r: /.o~ ~ a~ i~~ y c~~cerrcn 1 i~·;c~ :r:r~~:p~~~n, hen;rt'~l1: n!~c; to T 0 .:m~~c ::~~for election that body c on1lderl n1 frcshmcndircctory , the nine un i venilict will nc x1 ra il to dcu rmrnc rc1o lut lo n1 and hcarln& The director)' would be consider lhcmon May22. repr csrnlation for off-c:ampus information on !he locl l ROTC prin1ed priva1cly II no co11 to The followina ii a lis t o r studenls accordina to each or prov.ams. the Scn1te and would conl ai.n s11M!cn 1 scnatOB for the recently t he four academic colleges. The Sc:n11e , mcc 1in1 on May pic1 urcs i nd ln_ fo,mation of lnitbted 19'69-705:cn11e . A second uracs that 7, pa.JICd i1s first resolution. It i,ncomma con1c: ntm1 freshmen. Pres .- Wa \l y Thicl, V-P.- Man: formation of a policy for 1hc usc drab with the procedure for The sale of the boob would Da hl ; Tr c11. • Len Sippel, of absentee ballou be: developed t11adin& and posli.n1 propoxd be ope n fo au 11udcnt 1. Sec r~tary • Audrey John1an by 1hc Senate. Ano ther calls for • re1olulions. .New .senate pruidcnl, Wa Uy (Un! l rd C.o uncll Cam~us u incr ease 111 the campus Sen at e vice-preside nt Man: Thiel, appealed to scn11orJto rela11ons duec tor); 1c n1 or scc urily pc1 1on ne l a nd Dahl told 1he Senate of t he po ll t heir co nstitutcnt1 on tcnators • Dar,:y l Germain , Lee equipment. !1:orJ J~,';~~:~i'~df ~;~: r :::Jm~~io~:.001 year s:~::o~y~ 10 i~o~~:nC::~ti::-1h~m/:~ ml~ ! ~ ~tn:e Sc~lc , "There One of 1hcd 1 wdo trbpouhls, ~ophomo rc tenuors K- Be..,_ Scn.ai c. would ur&f mod ificat ion is no possible way there can be ~icc/p7c:~c nn 1-~f -aea~e!ic~ in1~if~~:r~ity ~~~~l s,cn:1:~;.' Univcn,ty meal 11:1\/icl' eco n omic ga in by t he affairsof1henincWSUschools. Mike Durki n, Dave 8r11a1 2: · universi t y" In having 1he ROTC wo uld provide for the first reside nce hall president's council A proposed conui 1ut ional rro, ,~ma 1 ~ 0 ca,;~~u :iio n ed that i 4 ~cstcr to begin on Mon ., Aug. ~::!~~s ;. .. ~r:i:delt°.:JO~~ :~t1!hi ~~l i~c!~n1 t~1i!~f y s:b~:d should the ROTC prognr,m be Under this plan , t he first Students • Joallne Dobr:wi and for full Senate conside ration in ter minaled at any pai ticu lar se mes ter would end on Dee. 22 Belh Herbcn , 1wo weeks dctcrmi.ncs 'sc lcctions t inic .contract tcrmspcrmilthe and t hcsecondonMayl2. Tht The frolh sena tors will be p1ocedurcs f or studcnu program to cx\ u for one other plan givcs fivcaddltional elec ted i.n the {all anU 1he intcre11cd 1n se rving on additional academic year aflcr days be t wee n the end of p an - he 11c n i c c O un c i I studcnfaculty committ ees. th e uniYc rs ity r cquuts Ch~ist_ mas ~acatlon and !hr rcprcscniativcs arc yet to be All or these bills ha ve been te rmination. bcgmn1111 of fmal exams, named. Fo ur resolut ions were rden cd 10 comm111 ,c. I FC scnalor Mike Dw-kin , anticipating atl cmpll to end t he ~~~i l::~at!~":?ic~hfn':'::c"1h1!!~ responsibility 10 t he k1Us that :arcini1." lie was speakmg in reference 10 1hr fael l hll underclassmen l aldn& cour:tes in the ROTC program wou ld lose: crcd il should !he program be ended. The Senate took no action conce rning ROTC as 1hc purpose or D.1hl ) h'm11l,a was o nly 10 inform scnatou of the RO"rc sci.up. The welfare commin er of the Paul Janty Is Named New Editor Paul Jan 1y, 21, a Junior from Ne w Uolstcin, will serve u UC Approves Statement On Black Philosophy BJim Horcr accrcd11at1on and acccp1ancc of decl5.ion n1 ai,:1ni. The Spring ~ne ral Assembly an ROTC pro gram on us T hi s pr o gr;i m ,i bcin1 of 1hc Unit e d Council hu campus. miuatcd b) sever.i i dcpartmenl5 presen ted a s ulcment of Amo na amcndmcnu made to al WSU-SP phi lowphy of Bbck Studicsand the consi i1ut ion of the Ul\l tl'd Th e Unit ed Co unci l abo approved a working paper on Counc il is Ol'IC' that allows votin, cndorscU syucm wklc dror--add student rightsaswdlassclccti.na pr ivil cau to the bunc h and pal.Hail procedures dmilat offietrs for next year. camp uses of scvera1 or the four to 1hosi: used al S1cv,ns Pomt. This year 's rinal gcncr.111 ycarins111u1 ions. WS U-S P's new sena te u scmblywashcld May9and 10 The Uni tcdCo uncilal10 ""cn1 pr eside nt Wall y Th iel at WSU-Os hkosh . Twen1y on record supporting the state commended 1hc Stevens Point dclcgate5 1cprc s cn t cd budFI preparcdby l hc,overnor dclcg:ition folhl,.·ing thc i;tnc12I WSU -Stevcns Poin l at the as opposed to the budget asse mb ly. met. ting. p1tparcd by the Joi nt Finan,:e Al t ho u1h 1he delegation Th e ph ilosophy of Black Co mmittee. failed in t heir aucmpt to win a St udies wu prepared by a It abo voled 10 suppor, the t hird consecu ti ve awanl u Uni1cd Council seminar on black par 1lcip1 tlon oJ 1tudcnt1 in outstandina dclcption, Thiel studies and was una n imousJy dctcrmi.ning uniYrnity policy on I hanked a ll mcmbcn of the accepted u 1hr officb l Rand of lhc dcp1rlnJCnt level. dc 1eption for their fine work the United Council. The WSU-SP S1udcn1 Senate throughout !he year. The foll owi ng is lhllil r ece ntly paned a similar Thirl also sud 1hat much statement: .. The purpo1e of _ pro posal where by the academic could be expected from Uni1cd Bbdr: Studies in 1hc WSU system depanmcnu select s1udcn1s to Council neu ynr and said he will be toprovkle1hcs1udcnt s i.n a1 1end depar1n1rnt mcclinp, felt !his yell!' hid been very following his sckction by 1hc 1hc system with an uposurc to 11vc o pi n ions · and auisl in successfu l. ;'!~t~r fie T::n:~~::ie~~r ~:! public:i.tions board composed of . all faccu or Black Culture and four ~tudcnts anU three faculty. Black con t ribu 1ions to 1hc J anly, :i his1o ry m:ljor and a wo rkt . The exposure 10 Black soct0loJY ,ni nor. has bttn the Stud.rs will prepare students for nt"1o"S ed itor this yur . Last ycu a lire in milted cult um and he se rved o ne semester as ethnic Y.iilucs 1hat comprise t he S1uden1 Senate report er. social environments in which With lhis issue he assumed they will live and dcYclop their the duticJ of ed 11or alklwinghim careers. t he oppo11unity to ,.o,k wi1h \ Black S1ud1cs arc also a kt )' the present siarr in pulling ou1 to the pp bct wttn .Whitc and the paper. BL:l ck citizens or our racially Po-int Blank II-. Call 341 - 12S1 ht. 235 li e rc pb ecs Gcnl' Kcmme 1cr tom na1ion in 1ha1 !hey provide who 5CI\/Cd i.n the main editorial I he in forma lion needed fo r pos t fo r four se meslcrs. the W h i t c A m c r i can I I o longcsl 1crm in the 72 year co mm u nica te on a more Why do11hecampus 1ecuril yofr.ccrshsve1 radio in1hcir cu in hisloryor thepapcr. Kcmmctcr i,:n o w l cdg:rblc leve l o! ca.sc of an cmergcney'! BobBulik, Kenosh.a . g111duatrsin Junc. uodcntaflding of the Blade man in Ame rica . We in t he scmi nar hope 1ha1 members of th,: Uni t ed Co uncil and the citiicns of America wiU sec the importance or Black Studies." A not he r document comina from bst wcckcnd·s mce:ting. a working paper On 1hc rights o r studcnlS, was prcp.ircc.l durifla 1hc course of this year by a seminar on s1udcn1 bill or rights. The seven page documcnl is to ser ve as a basis for a ua tcmenl of studcn1 righu lo be developed on each of ! he camp u $CS of 1h e Sta te Universilk1. . Nine sludcnt1 were s:Jcctcd to SCIVe next year .as orfi ccn of t he United Council, which is foUy titkd the United Council or Wisconsin Seate Unive rsit y SI uden1 Governments. Robert Arndorfer, a junior from WSU·Sto u1 and lonlJ time delt'jatc to l!nitcd Cou.nctl, was unani mously se lected as U.C. preside nt. li e succeeds Bob Rumus:sc:n who wiU gradu11c i nd pb ns lo 1 1t c nd 1h r Univcnil y of Wisconsin law school. Sel ect ed 10 fi ll a new ly creu cd poll. 1h31 of cxccu1ivc v ice-p rcs id en 1. wu Sco tt Johnson from WSU-Oshkosh. Davr Pe lton, studcnl senator fro m WSU.SP was dcfcalcd i.n a bid for this post. Arnd Ol'fer t old 1hc f21D.W" hc Claude Aufdermaucr. Jt'CUrily officer.11id lhat a pageboy system 1s prcscn1ly being used. The system consists or a small 12dio unit placed in t he o fficer's e1r and a base stalion loc:ued at the protection and Jecuri1y office in _Nelson hall . An opr rat o r ca n K nd a fflCWJC from the base by pu1hin,. 1 buu on actiYaling a bc:cpm; sign:i l in t heofficcr'scar. The lianal continues to bc,c:p until Ille officc-r picks up the m:~ivcr. A verbal mnsagc is heard shorll y af1er Ir 1hc off1Ccr d~·t reach t he radio in a ccriain lime , be will miss !he mew,..-. the sy11 cm works only onc-ay so the base has no way o! 1 elli.ng ir thr o rficcr picked up t he rcccivn and ha rd 1hc Jnc1&.1gc. Aufdcrmaurr staled that a two-way raJio system !us been under considcra1ion for many years. Unl il a )'Qr ago. the nu,n probkm 1n auaini ng such a 1ystcm was obtaining~ JicenJC from the F.C.C..... hc- protec1ion and security office~ onl)' a 1cmpor.u-y local ion with its fu 1urr location then undclcr n1incd . The F.C.C. would not ~nt 2 license until t~)' lcnl'w ,..here 1hc- sy1tem woukl be klcated. Another reason the syslcm was not purchatcd w11 that 1hc protection and iecurit) o rficc bckcd 1hc nccemry personnel 10 opcr.uc such a sys1em. Onoc t he prOlcelion and wcurlty office was established at Nelson ha U, thus, eliminating 1hr F.C.C. probkm. another problem arose !au July. The big frceu which Governor Knowlci initialed bit summer limited the purchasina power of !ht' protection and security office. The old pageboy system had to be uscd. The rrcezc is r xRCCt cd 10 be lif1ed this summer so tha t the t wo-way 111d io s.)' stcm can be pure~d. insu lled and in opcnt ion by ncxl fa ll . The 1y11cm will inclut(c an iru.idc oper.uo'r won:ina 24 hours a day {about four opentors wi ll work in shif15)land an outside 1owcrfor t12n smi tt ins . Each officer, whe ther or not he is in the security car. will carry a porllbk, l wo-way hand set . A ha nd set wiU not be pcr:!nlly inSlallcdin thcsecu ri tyar . Wit h 1 hr new system, the pro1cc1ion and sceurity office have someone on duty 24 hours a day so that a student can report an c mc11cncy at any lime by callin& protection and .security. r~:: ~i~t!~:C U:IJ~~ ~~~ ~r Who bu !he faslat tel or whttl, on Chis campu.t'! the United Council and t.hc Gate uninrsitirs which it ,cpresc.nls. My colorful coun1crpart , Ed Mukl. boaSls Iba! his Schwinn He abo said he hopes to bicydc is the fastest . incrdse Uni1cd CoW1cil npport with "the pcopit in Madison" How m1ny mcmbtts or 1be 550' 1 ue YcteT1ns or the Vit111un and tht WSU-sySlem Board of w., ? Regent 1. Co 1 :n°~?f i~:,.e:~~c~'CC: Over ri!l y per cent of S50'1 ur Yctcn ~ of Virtnam. Enclosed i s1~ tor$ __ tor1reserved1ut forsix (6)home foot blll 91mes. I Mike s:hec:k PIYable 10: W.S.U.-Stevens Point Athletic Dept. Return to: WSU Alufflnl AslocfitlOI) • Nelson Hill STENtEN HAINES, member of the history deportment, reported to the foculty on the progreu of o comminee which ii stvdyiiig the pouibilities fo r the estobli sh· mttnt of o deponment of peace on COMFX,li. He sold o full report would be mode before 1he end of fint semester of ne xt year. {Photo by Jim Ponnie,) ~~~':"o 'n ,:':=!es :?J; 1 How milch did the bricklayer fot the heml ina plant chimney tel state universit ies. ptthour? ' sup~~i'ng wt~I :t ~ ~~: The chimney which Aands 125 feet high WH e rt"c, b)' Mr slate ulU'l'enity to determine Its Robert Wantcrslu. He received tht sum of S7.50 per hour for bh own statem ent on lh e labor.

Transcript of ..I .Q T. HE POINTER ''! / Senate· Takes No Action · I .Q T. HE . POINTER SERIES VIII, ... Tbc...

-WlsconslnState .Q T. HE POINTER s1e,~:~-;.:! ..I .


' ~ ''! . --. . / I # 1W ' ·· I .~.. ., · ~lf.• t · ,..; • a :;p:~ . .. ~1'

-~ ~, • . ~ j ........ - T - ~ - -- ~ ~ • ' ' l • •

~\rus titlt~oiHsen .

G•r.t!lll ,'i>f..-e ,... Toh!\ G'uie."L11\t.S otlr Sft(\11.~

: 1,.ttn.l"I01cd for~f\rot\l.fl ~

A SIGN TITlEO " DREYFU S INDELICATESSEN" was displayed 01 rhe French SfM'eCh roll~ held lou week m frolll of Old Mo,n Thi" ,c,' \ ~\Cu rnlled ro ga in suppor1 for o resolu1 ,on

rice $11,c\ol

Do Yo• E,1 Leo ? QI,).'(', c,1,)1'\ tro ... J or C,o..i

~ ON'

Mort ~ i ; , ~:i,.U{ !! lf J~= ;. .. f, 1~ ~~ ;

\)(~~~1;~~ ~~ St~

~La+:~~,.,, ' ·You (coi. &'.~~-o~r ~

w hich od:~ for 11udenls bemg oble 10 spe:ok o l faculty meehngs (Photo by J,m Ponme,)

Faust Boosts Female Egos

Faculty Endorses Retention R cg 1s trJr GIibert F:auu

boosit'd th,.. egos of ,o\·,.h h,·r..· th is,,.,,..,.~

Of Academic Credit For ROTC I n :a report or r; r :ad;:

dist1ihu 11on fo, J Udtm1c 3Ch1cn-m,·nt J111111[1. the fi rst s.·nu·5h'I , womrn con!dstc111lr kd lhl' rncn . Tiu.• combined gr.11Je poin t Y\'Ct:1gc o f all women was ! 55 (n\':l rl )' a C pluJ) whik 1ht' · ,:omb1ncd :wcni:t fo, all me n v.·a) ~ ~"/

Br clu~,. 10o tm1cn hdJ C\'try \call . rr,·shmcn ~ J I to 200. sophomoa\, ~ .. ~6 10 ~ JS . 1unt0u. 2 77 10 ~ 411 . \Cn1o n. J .09 10 ~ 10. iradu;rn: anJ sprcl31 slutknh . J .JO 10 J I .S

Flight School Will Be Held In The Fall ·

A 16,,..cci,: nl3110n i:round school cou rs.: "" 111 l>l' offcn•'iJ 1h1s hi\ accorc.lln g to c.it tc.·nS&on durc101 Orbnd Radi,:c ,

Thi11 y rcrsons wHI b..­acccplf d for the non-cr..-J11 s tu dt· of pre• rlight bcu, meteoroloJy . O~ht cornrutcr . naviga11on, 1,;iJ10 n:iviµuon and fcdcnla\·i.J.t1on rcgubtt0ns,

The insuu,tor wiU be Robl.• n McMaho n . C l1nto nv1Ur . who conductrU lhf fi ru rounc of !h is l.inU :111 wsu lu 1 bll. l nlcn-stcU penon . may l\'gblcr,

By Paul lint y Th e fa c ulty ,·ndo r ~J a

c urri c ul u m 1;ommittce nud)' wh,rh calkd for 1he reten t ion of H lldrmi c c redit for ROTC CO Ul5CS by an O\' t rwhclnli ng margin o f 129 10 SO. The action ,;am c a t ! he ir mtttina tu t ThursJaycvl"ni.ng.

The acl ioncamcaf1cr as1udy by !he currir.ulum committee on a resolution, authorcJ by John 8 :11Jiff . n1cmbn o f t he P h lloJop hy dcp.H t ment , ,..h1chca[kdfor 1he te \'OC1t ion of :inJc nut cn:dit for ROTC courses cffrcl1\·c Scpl. I , 1969.

Joseph Wood ka. chairman o r the Cun1culum commiu .·c , said th..- rl"solu11on was ··OOnside rt"d rat her rxt..-nsivcly'" by his

b) •·o n t3 c tmg th..- e,m:niJcd wnok,:s otricr m ~t:ain Building 11 WSU.

Rad ke s:iKI tcniativc pbns ror h.:gmnmg the: c:ounc Wl"dncsday. Sc:pl. 10 1n the Cbs.voom Ccn1er and continuing on successive Wcdncsda)·s from 6: 30 10 9 p.m. Ch:i rge for admission. books am.I rnatcrbls will be S48 .

Arr:1ngc111c:n ts will be: made: 1 1 the co mplction·or l hc course to h:ivc: the: FAA Ground School Final Exami~ tion administered .

Radke said flight mining will be a\·ailablc from severa l ce nua l Wisconsin aviation firms, and while WSU will not contract that p:i.n of 1he inuruction it will assist mtcrcSlcd persons ml'lkc ncccss;i ryarr:ang,cmcnts.

Students Will Have Chance To Buy Reserved Grid Seats

FOi th<' 11rst lune the 11udcn1 body ,..ill have an opportunity 10 purchasr a IC$Cn"cd scat fo r the l'o in1 crs· home football pmcs Applka11ons fo r a :K:uon rcSC'rved 5t31 muu bl' rn:idc by June I anU w1\1 cos1 the1tuJcnt Sl . .SO

Students arc admincd to all athlet ic C\'cn1, frtt wi th 1he

!71~n1:~i~n p~~c~h;s~ 1~i ~~!

rcsc1Vcd Jl'a t they 3rc assurtd ~:so5!~tc location for the enl in:

main reason th e Ath le t ic Committee was making available the rcscrvc:d seal 10 the student body was bccausic of a new

~~k:~ %~ ~i~ noi'fc 'J 1 ~oml~j Associ.uion mcmbcrs.

Alu mni members will be able 10 purchne II rcsc1Vcd ticket for t he entire home schedule for SI O. This is bcklw the price or individ ual tickell.

Any student who desi res lo purcha:te a reserved x at should se nd his a pplica1ion to the Alu mni Associ11io n orficc wilh a chick of S2.50 made out to the WS U-Stcvcns Point Alhktie Dcpartmcnl. T idtct1 wi ll then be p ldted up at lbc concession sllnd in Bna Gymnasium (the o ld fii k1hou,c) in Scp1embcr. Tbc Poinlen will o pc.n their

rornm 111~. Whi le ll afcrbecl,:c r wu l ie said his comm ittee voted prese nt in g them wit h their

b)' an 8 10 2 rnaJBin to rcurn cenificatu signed by Governor at:iUcmic c rcdiu earned by W1rrcn Knowks anU Execut ive srndcnts en ro lled in the ROTC Direc1o r Eugene McPhee, the proSra m. facult y gave t he two :a standing

A motion was inu od uccd at ovat ion which \as1cd for nearly a 1hc faculty mce1ing by Robert minute . Dodge to re""" the Bailiff H:afcrbccker no 1cd th a t reso lu tion back t o th e one-ha lf the fundJ for Nat ional e urr 1cu lum co mmi tt ee for Dc.fense Eduation loa ns have furthc1 siudy but this molion been cut along wi t h a similar cut was dckatl'd . in won:-s1udy fund s.

11a/;rt!~t:1r .a~\~

0e~Pr~~~rJfu~ the


0! academic affairs , gave the rcporl member of l'cace Studies fo r Prcsklcnr OU'yfus bccause of commiuec. rcpom:d to the 1he bncr's abscnel' . llafrrbc:ckcr facul1y 1hat 3 peace dcpa n mcn t po,n1rd o ut t hat President "seems, at this time . feasible" Dre yfus w;n in Washi.n1ton, and asked th e faculty for D.C., m 3 m;.:ctmg to discuss additional time bl'causc of 1hc plans (o r 1hc new waicr vast material involved . lie ukl a pollut,on laboratory sch«lulcJ repor t wiU be fonhcoming by to be bu,ll here t he end of 1hc fint semeslcr o f

ll a frrbccker p rese nt ed t he 1969-70year. ccrt ifica1cs ot SCl\licc 10 Miss . . As one o r the last pieces Bcr1ha Gknnon and Miss Sybil acted on, 1hr fac ulty gave its Mason who have scrvcd th is endorxmcnt to a rcsolu1ion by uni \·crsity wi lh a combined tota l Jose ph Woodka. Woodk a's o f 68 years. Both arc rt" tir ing u resolut ion asks fo r suppor1 or the end of this academic year , l he hcul1 y for the " Lei Us

Miss Glennon Is a member o r Vo te" voup on campus. the English dc par tn1ent while LUV , 11s ii is commonly Mi ss Muo n wo rks in the c, lled , is seeking a kl "1o-ering of Learning Resources Center. the voting age to 18 years o r age.

Thl" an nounccmcn1 of ' th is new pbn was maJc by l\ t hktic Director Bob Krueger. " Last seaso n we madl' available a re sc r v cd seal fo r th e Homecoming aame ." sai d Kr ucscr . "Allhou,h it was unropubr with many of tbc stude nts. it reecivcd favon blc reaction from the alumni and

. acncral public." added Kturgcr Krueger coffimenled thal the

1969 ~le on Sept. 6 when 1111 ........ t hey ho mlinc Univusity o( Sa . Paul • . inn .


"'""---- -----------Home Address ____________ _

Senate· Takes No Action On ·ROTC Program·Here

By J im Ho fer Se nate was dclc1atcd the The Scn11c 11 expected to read to 1hr Scna1c preliminary

19ll1o ~i1:i,n~i~!1c0

io~~~ r: /.o~ ~ a~ i~~ y c~~cerrcn1i~·;c~ :r:r~~:p~~~n,hen;rt'~l1:n!~c; to T0

.:m~~c ::~~for election t h a t body c on1lderl n 1 frcshmcndircctory , the nine un ivenilict will nc x 1 r a il t o dcu r m rnc rc1o lut lo n 1 and hcarln& The director)' would be consider lhcmon May22. reprcsrnlation for off-c:ampus information on !he locll ROTC prin1ed priva1cly II no co11 to The followina ii a lis t o r studenl s accordina to each o r prov.ams. the Scn1te and would conlai.n s11M!cn 1 scnatOB fo r the recently the four academic colleges.

The Sc:n11e , mcc 1in1 on May pic1 urcs i nd ln_fo,mation of lnitbted 19'69-705:cn11e . A second uracs that 7, pa.JICd i1s first resolution . It i,ncomma con1c:ntm1 freshmen. Pres.-Wa \ly Thicl, V-P.-Man: formation of a policy for 1hc usc drab with the procedure for The sale of the boob would Da hl ; Trc11 . • Len Sippel, of absentee ballou be: developed t11adin& and posli.n1 propoxd be ope n fo au 11udcnt 1. Sec r~tary • Audrey John1an by 1hc Senate . Ano ther calls for • re1olulions. .New .senate pruidcnl, WaUy (Un! l rd C.o uncll Cam~us u i nc rease 111 the campus

Sen at e vice-preside nt Man: Thiel, appealed to scn11orJto rela11ons duec tor); 1c n1 o r scc urily pc1 1on n e l a nd Dahl told 1he Senate of t he po ll t heir co ns t itutcnt1 on tcnators • Dar,:y l Germain , Lee equipment.

!1:orJ ~~/~~~f J~,';~~:~i'~df ~;~:r :::Jm~~io~:.001 year i~~.~~~; ~~:~~. s:~::o~y~ 10 i~o~~:nC::~ti::-1h~m/:~

ml~ ! ~ ~tn:e Sc~lc , "There One of 1hcd 1wdo trbpouhls, ~ophomo rc tenuors K- Be..,_ Scn.aic . would ur&f mod ificat ion

is no possible way there can be ~icc/p7c:~cnn 1-~f -aea~e!ic~ in1~if~~:r~ity ~ ~~~l s,cn:1:~;.' ~~~he Univcn,ty meal 11:1\/icl' eco n omic ga in by t he affairsof1henincWSUschools. Mike Durki n , Dave 8r11a1 2: · universi ty" In having 1he ROTC wo uld provide for the fir st residence hall president's cou ncil A proposed conui1ut ional

rro,,~ma1~0ca,;~~u:iioned that i 4~cstcr to begin on Mon ., Aug. ~::!~~s ;. .. ~r:i:delt°.:JO~~ :~t1!hi~~l i~c!~n1t~1i!~fy s:b~:d should the ROTC prognr,m be Under this p lan , the first Stude nts • Joallne Dobr:wi and for full Senate conside ration in te r minaled at any pai ticu lar se mester would end on Dee. 22 Belh Herbcn , 1wo weeks dctcrmi.ncs 'sc lcctions t inic .contract tcrmspcrmilthe and thcsecondonMayl2. Tht The fro lh sena tors will be p1ocedurcs f or studcnu program t o cx\u for one other plan givcs fivcaddltional e lec ted i.n the {all anU 1he intcre11cd 1n se rving o n additiona l academic year afl cr days be twee n the e nd of p an - he 11 c n i c c O un c i I studcnt·faculty committees. th e uniYc r s ity r cquuts Ch~ist_mas ~acatlon and !hr rcprcscniativcs arc yet to be All or these bills have been te rmination. bcgmn1111 of fmal exams, named. Fo ur resolut ions were rden cd 10 comm 111 ,c.

I FC scnalo r Mike Dw-kin , anticipating atl cmpll to end the

~~~i l::~at!~":?ic~hfn':'::c"1h1!!~ responsibility 10 the k1Us that :arcini1."

lie was speakmg in reference 10 1hr fael l hll underclassmen laldn& cour:tes in the ROTC program wou ld lose: crcd il should !he program be ended .

The Senate took no action conce rning ROTC as 1hc purpose o r D.1hl) h'm11l,a was only 10 inform scnatou of the RO"rc sci.up.

The welfare commin er o f the

Paul Janty Is Named New Editor Paul Jan 1y, 21, a Junior from

Ne w Uolstcin, will serve u

UC Approves Statement On Black Philosophy

By·Jim Horcr accrcd11at1on and acccp1ancc of decl5.ion n1ai,:1ni. The Spring ~neral Assembly an ROTC pro gram on us T hi s pr ogr;i m , i bcin1

o f 1hc Unit e d Council hu campus. miuatcd b) sever.i i dcpartmenl5 presen te d a sulcment o f Amo na amcndmcnu made to al WSU-SP philowphy of Bbck Studicsand the consi i1ut ion of the Ul\l tl'd Th e Unit ed Co uncil abo approved a working paper on Counc il is Ol'IC' that allows votin, cndorscU syucm wklc dror--add student rightsaswdlassclccti.na p r ivil cau to the bunc h and pal.Hail procedures dmilat offietrs for nex t year. camp uses of scvera1 or the four to 1hosi: used al S1cv,ns Pomt.

This year ' s rinal gcncr.111 ycarins111u1 ions. WS U-S P ' s n e w sena te u scmblywashcld May9and 10 The Uni tcdCo uncilal10 ""cn1 p r eside nt Wall y Th iel at WSU-Os hkosh . Twen1y on record supporting the state commended 1hc Stevens Point dclcgate5 1cprc s cn t cd budFI preparcdby lhc,overnor dclcg:it ion folhl,.·ing thc i;tnc12I WSU -Stevcns Poin l at the as opposed to the budget asse mbly. met. t ing. p1tparcd by the Joi nt Finan,:e Al t ho u1h 1he delegatio n

Th e ph il osophy of Black Co mmittee . failed in their aucmpt to win a S t udies wu prepared by a It abo voled 10 suppor, the t hird consecu tive awanl u Uni1cd Council seminar on black par1lcip1 tlon oJ 1tudcnt1 in outstandina dclcption, Thiel studies and was unanimousJy dctcrmi.ning uniYrnity policy on I hanked a ll mcmbcn of the accepted u 1hr officb l Rand of lhc dcp1rlnJCnt level. dc1eption for their fine work the United Council. The WSU-SP S1udcn1 Senate throughout !he year.

The foll owi ng is lhllil r ece ntly paned a similar Thirl also sud 1hat much statement : .. The purpo1e of _ pro posal where by the academic could be expected from Uni1cd Bbdr: Studies in 1hc WSU system depanmcnu select s1udcn 1s to Council neu ynr and said he will be toprovkle1hcs1udcnts i.n a1 1end depar1n1rnt mcclinp, felt !his yell!' hid been very

following his sckction by 1hc 1hc system with an uposurc to 11vc o pi n ions · and auisl in successfu l. ;'!~t~r fie T::n:~~::ie~~r ~:! public:i.t ions board composed of . all faccu o r Black Culture and four ~tudcnts anU three faculty . Black con t ribu1ions to 1hc

Janly, :i his1o ry m:ljor and a wo rkt . The exposure 10 Black soct0loJY ,nino r. has bttn the Stud.rs will prepare students for nt"1o"S ed ito r this yur. Last ycu a lire in milted cult um and he se rved o ne semester as ethnic Y.iilucs 1hat comprise the S1uden1 Senate reporter. socia l environments in which

With lhis issue he assumed they will live and dcYclop their the duticJ of ed 11o r alklwinghim careers. t he oppo11unity to ,.o,k wi1h\ Black S1ud1cs arc also a kt )' the present siarr in pull ing ou1 to the pp bctwttn .Whitc and the paper. BL:l ck citizens o r our racially

Po-int Blank

II-. Call 341 -12S1

ht. 235 lie rcpb ecs Gcnl' Kcmme 1cr tom na1ion in 1ha1 !hey provide

who 5CI\/Cd i.n the main edi torial I he in forma lion needed fo r post fo r four se meslcrs. the W h i t c A m c r i can I I o longcsl 1crm in the 72 year co mm u nica t e on a more Why don·11hecampus 1ecurilyofr.ccrshsve1 radio in1hcir cu in hisloryor thepapcr. Kcmmctc r i,:n o w l cdg:rblc leve l o! ca.sc of an cmergcney'! BobBulik, Kenosh.a . g111duatrsin Junc. uodcntaflding of the Blade man

in Ame rica . We in the scminar hope 1ha1

members of th,: Uni ted Council and the citiicns of America wiU sec the importance or Black Studies."

A not her document comina from bst wcckcnd·s mce:ting. a working paper On 1hc rights o r studcnlS, was prcp.ircc.l durifla 1hc course of this year by a seminar on s1udcn1 bill or rights.

The seven page documcnl is to ser ve as a basis for a uatcmenl of studcn1 righu lo be developed on each of ! he camp u$CS of 1h e Sta t e Universilk1. .

Nine sludcnt1 were s:Jcctcd to SCIVe next year .as orficcn of the United Council, which is foU y titkd the United Council o r Wisconsin Seate Unive rsity SI uden1 Governments.

Robert Arndorfer , a j unior from WSU·Sto u1 and lonlJ time delt'jatc to l!ni tcd Cou.nctl, was unanimously se lected as U.C. preside nt.

lie succeeds Bob Rumus:sc:n who wiU gradu11c i nd pb ns lo 1 1t c nd 1h r Univcnil y o f Wisconsin law school.

Selec ted 10 fi ll a new ly creu cd poll. 1h31 of cxccu1ivc v ice-p rcs id en 1. wu Sco tt Johnson from WSU-Oshkosh.

Davr Pe lton, studcnl senator fro m WSU.SP was dcfcalcd i.n a b id for this post .

Arnd Ol'fer to ld 1hc f21D.W"hc

Claude Aufdermaucr. Jt'CUrily officer.11id lhat a pageboy system 1s prcscn1ly being used . The system consists or a small 12dio unit placed in the o fficer's e1r and a base stalion loc:ued at the protection and Jecuri1y office in _Nelson hall . An oprrato r can K nd a fflCWJC from the base by pu1hin,. 1 buu on actiYaling a bc:cpm; sign:i l in theofficcr'scar.

The lianal continues to bc,c:p until Ille officc-r picks up the m:~ivcr. A verbal mnsagc is heard shorlly af1er Ir 1hc off1Ccr d~·t reach t he radio in a ccriain lime , be will miss !he mew,..-. the sy11cm works only onc-ay so the base has no way o! 1elli.ng ir thr o rficcr picked up the rcccivn and hard 1hc Jnc1&.1gc.

Aufdcrmaurr staled that a two-way raJio system !us been under considcra1ion for many years. Unl il a )'Qr ago. the nu,n probkm 1n auaining such a 1ystcm was obtaining~ JicenJC from the F.C.C ..... hc­pro tec1ion and security office~ onl)' a 1cmpor.u-y local ion with its fu1urr location then undclcrn1incd.

The F.C.C. would not ~nt 2 license unti l t~)' lcnl'w ,..here 1hc­sy1tem woukl be klca ted. Another reason the syslcm was not purchatcd w11 that 1hc protection and iecurit) o rficc bckcd 1hc nccemry personnel 10 opcr.uc such a sys1em.

Onoc the prOlcelion and wcurl ty office was established a t Nelson haU, thus, eliminating 1hr F.C.C. probkm. another problem arose !au July. The big frceu which Governor Knowlci init ialed bit summer limited the purchasina power of !ht' protection and security office. The old pageboy system had to be uscd.

The rrcezc is r xRCCtcd 10 be lif1ed this summer •so tha t the two-way 111d io s.)'stcm can be pure~d. insu lled and in opcnt ion by ncxl fa ll . The 1y11cm will inclut(c an iru.idc oper.uo'r won:ina 24 hours a day {about four opentors wi ll work in shif15)land an outside 1owcrfor t12nsmitt ins .

Each officer , whe ther or not he is in the security car. will carry a porllbk, lwo-way hand set . A hand set wiU not be pcr:!nlly inSlallcdin thcsecu ri tyar.

With 1hr new system, the pro1cc1ion and sceurity office have someone on duty 24 hours a day so that a st udent can report an cmc11cncy at any lime by callin& protection and .security.

r~:: ~i~t!~:CU:IJ~~~~~~r Who bu !he faslat tel or whttl, on Chis campu.t'! the United Council and t.hc Gate uninrsitirs which it ,cpresc.nls. My colorful coun1crpart , Ed Mukl. boaSls Iba! his Schwinn

He abo said he ho pes to bicydc is the fastest . incrdse Uni1cd CoW1cil npport with "the pcopit in Madison" How m1ny mcmbtts or 1be 550'1 ue YcteT1ns or the Vit111un and tht WSU-sySlem Board of w.,? Regent 1.

Co1:n°~?f i~:,.e:~~c~'CC: Over ri!l y per cent o f S50'1 ur Yctcn ~ of Vir tnam.

Enclosed is1~ tor$ __ tor1reserved1ut forsix (6)home footblll 91mes.

I Mike s:hec:k PIYable 10: W.S.U.-Stevens Point Athletic Dept.

Return to: WSU Alufflnl AslocfitlOI) • Nelson Hill

STENtEN HAINES, member of the h istory deportment, reported to the focu lty on the progreu of o comminee which ii stvdyiiig the pouibilit ies fo r the estoblish·

mttnt of o deponment of peace on COMFX,li. He sold o full report would be mode before 1he end of fint semester of next year. {Photo by Jim Ponnie,)

~~~':"o'n ,:':=!es :?J; 1 How milch did the bricklayer fot the heml ina plant chimney tel state universit ies. ptthour? '

sup~~i'ng wt~I ~~ :t~~~: The chimney which Aands 125 feet high WH e rt"c, ~ b)' Mr slate ulU'l'enity to determine Its Ro bert Wantcrslu. He received tht sum of S7.50 per hour for bh own statem ent on lh e labor.

•• I n

s Mar

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J schc l'oil hi11h

'" '" W<e

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1'1c: Ch, .~ "' ·su, ,., (Sf (SP


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,.,.v 15, 198lil

JP1 2 THE POINTE A .. T H E PO D 1· U M Missey Assailed

By Overseas G.I.

Letters ... -Baumgartner Blasted

ill-co n cluded . You do nOf DearEditor , huiutc: 10 1dmit th1t your

1 n r e JI I y 1 0 R u • s :'c:~~~?t'!d~ith Greek lifr h~ B1um11rtner's reply 10 the If you are wilC enough 10 defense or the Greek syttc:m. admi t this thr.n you !houkl 1bo

Letters -Columns Editorials • • Dc:.ar Editor, ~ I just 1tcc:lvc:d your Mar. 27

issue 'o"r ~ I would like 10 11ke some time to comment on the interview with

Dc:.ar Rull , realize th.II there lS a good chance that your judvnent 11,

not adequate or 1ccural.e ..

Counterpoint Editor Replies :~·~;~:~.:;~;:t;,.~ l1elt or ltnowledF on the 1ubjcct. For ooc thin&, I'd like

I am not 1boul Co nd1culc °' amult. your lon&•hain:d frienils simply bectUSC they prefer kma hail nor will I rebuke lh05C in

the i,eaee viallbc:caUJC1hc:irs111 perfectly le111'1'rna te expru.1fon of opinion . I realiu that some G,eek men on c;amp~s dls llh k>nr hair and the peace vigil. Do you think 1h1t they are the only ones who do?

Be causo this is the 13st issue of The l'ointcr for 1968-69, we felt it necessary and intportanttocoininent a t least in p..,.ssins on a number of issues. These matters arc of a sor t . perhaps, that do not rate full edito rial commen t . However, we cou1d not a llow them 10 go flying by unhearlded and unnoticed .

I O l t t D f toltnoww heretheEamclrom

n Pen et er. o rey .us ~ .. ~:i:\k·.:::·~::~ t~~ E. But this Is not the Only

Veteran Vents Vietnam Verse (T he f0Uowin1 leuc:r WH

o ri1ln1 IIJ 1tnt to Presidcnl Dreyfus by Enallsh lnslructOt"

f~w~ ~~o; ~~t~~ Froeh lke wri11c:n wilh the incen l or public

The on ly good we could see when Mel Uurd wask1c.kcd cl r c u l1 1ion . ~ upsta.Jrs was th3t he prob3bly would not be runmng ch: fi'~~r,c:


arou nd the 7th districl arranging lhings. However , ~t has ~:unt!n!:1n1 con u oversy.) just been announced that Robert F. Froehlke , aS&stant U.S. secretary or defense for administration, wi ll be t he Dear Mr. Prc:sidcni :

speaker for spring commencement. At the riculty mc:ctin1 (April Froehlke is a former Stevens Point resident and Sentry 17) you addressed th t fa culty

insurance execut ive. He is also a boyhood friend of Mel's. regarding yo ur personal

llis return is clear evidence that the suzerain ty of Mel is no fo0n~lud';~

0;~lr ~t~!!~~:1· y~~

myth. uked !he faculty editors of

· ll1e Poin ter wonders just how deep the Laird and ~r:J;tt~';r!"~~[,~h~h~~b'::~i.o~ Sent ry Insurance tentacles reach into our univcrsi t;i. perwni\ly answer your question.

~~~~~~~l~;x~&~.lcrpoint is my Go ldstein

We would like 10 thank Dr. ~bcrl Goldstein for his recent tes t ea ting experiment. The ex periment nol on ly broke the long-standing and s tagnan t attitude which pre\'3ils toward testing. but also taught us a couple lessons about ouneh·es.

To~.1.CSt eating showed us first of all how ma terinlisticly we f:lcc our cduc:nion. And. it showed us how frightened the system can become 01 any honest experime nta tion.

Mason and Glennon We would like 10 offer our si ncere appreciation fo r

many years of dcdicaled se rvice to rwo re t iring WSU fa culty mcmh l· rs. Miss Sy bi l Mason and Miss Berlha Glen nor

The l'llcch 01 11 1.::.i.· two !Jdics cannot be measured in pr.u1ue~ "·· . .,11 • 1 .. n,·c-rno r or rara!!r.tPh~ in 111c Pointer. The measure in students hai. been made for man y years and for many )' l!al'S to come.

The Faculty If the Student Senate canied on their meetings like the

facully carries o n theirs , t he s tudents would dissolve themse lves in embarrassment.

If the faculty docs not reorganize into a facu lty senate soon. President Dreyfus is going to order it to. T hink about tha t , dear faculty.

I can do no better than what

hi~:n ~h; sc~~1~ ~1Y."~t~O%ioJt

pub Jlshlna a month l y. copcrativc:, non-profit,joumal of many opinions on the left, wt11tcn and c:diled in pcopk"s spare time, this 1s my best - our best.

I lhink I speak for lhe ~vc:n cc:nsurcdflcu lty edltorsand thc m1ny other people who work on the paper . We have made mis ta.kes • in bo1hjudgment and 1c:chnical ucculion. This is to be upcctc:d in a publicatKlnof 1his nllurc . often dealing with pro,·ocauve klcal issues We hope­not to n" pC'aC o ur mistakes nu1 11mc .

Being a serious full- time tcJo.:i1c1 111111oses nuny limitations on whl t to do with creative spuc: l ime . Maybe we could wrile books or publish in scho~rly journals: these at least would look good in our "fik" · whatever Iha! is • and not cause any undue intc:nction in either the e3mpus or Stevc:n1 Point communities.

But we choo,c to channel this energy into Counttrpoin1 and so

create more waves In the p,ocus. Given our 1oals and our l ime and our energy and ow money .nd our txpc:rlcncc: : ~dourcpreacnlthe itanilard or uctllence we 1n, c1 p1b le o f , and we h1Ye 1chlcvc:d.

Pall of lhc probkm or doing one's befl , and or ucc:llc:ncc: in 1enc:ral, is co n cemcd ,with viewpoint . From ·my polnc of vicw, we are succeeding; from yours v.·c arc failina. Bui l 1m1n EngliJh teacher and you an: 1 co llege pre! ident . We have different points o f view, different pcnpec1lvc:s, differenl ruponsibili tics • and pc:rh1ps speak for di!rc:R!nl aenc:ra tions. Necc:s11rilyso.

As you pointed out in your "Defe nse of !he Establishment" speech las! month, you are 1 visible target for cri1 icltm since you 11.rc: the visible fiaurehc:ad of a massive and multi-fac:c1c:d institurion, 1nd you accept !his difficult posi tion •nd the rok it imposed upon you. (They tell me you were a rabble·rousina libc:ul a t Mad ison bu! I


1 rti

1:l w:tm~~rn~~~

milht 1)1( how my sllndards of excellence differ fromy oursand how they defend my work on

Cp~w:r::;'JxisttnC'e of a frc:c: , open off<1mpus nc:w1p1pcr is one defense. It is cxctlknt Iha! ii exists. It is I papc:, which prinlS far more ,crious 5tudcnt and faculty writing 1han the school r,:aper is able to do. It prints much mo re creative: writin1 thin any 01her klcal paper pretends to.

It also niisc:s more quulions 1bout klcal valua 1h1n any 0 1hc:r klcal paper. It is not scholarl y like the IO<allc:d prorc:uional journals • bul its rc:~ershipisfardlrfc:rc:nt .

onl~n :~~~· j~~~~f'hl1n!~~J~~

that ubts, and the only local

shortcomina. out1c:1 ror serious crca1lve 1t1vin1 been In Vietnam for writina. (Al you know, I once seven monlha, I feel I have ,ome a)lted you to write for ua, but ltnowled&,! on the sub}ect . If the you declined because of lime United Stites were 10 pull out of commllmcnl.) Vlc:1n1m, the NVA would hive

Ano1her cr ite ri on which Utile trouble or none 11 111 m\ghl be appUcd In considerinJ t11dng South Vietnam .

~=~,~~,~~ a~1~: In r~, ~o::::. ~h~: ~~kit/~: amona students 1nd f1 cu1ty: 1t is 11dlb and knowledge to operate 1n excellent close-conllct the equipment supplied them. I( 1itu1tion each time we write 1nd tbc:y arc to mc:c:I the challc:nF or edit this paper. II is good that !he pro-communill a nd the enterprise: ubu, If on ly thlt communist countries, we'll have It brinp student 5, non"'luden t1 10 support them. and hcu lty toac:ther in I Truethisb thc:lrcountry ,b ut sianificant o!f-ampus leamlnJ these people are ultinJ for help situation. !hat we c1n Jive them. They

In thil Knse, barricn are don'! want to leave their lowered and a genuine cou ntry, not even to JO to the studc:nt•faculty Interaction taltc:1 United States. place. Maybe we educate each As fu u belt of support from olher to wh11 is hlppening the ARVN , they r!Jht side by around hcrc : certainly I have side wilh our G.l.1. I look to the been educated to a number of licit of suppor1 from the U.S. points of view from wort.in& for i11 own uoops. It's funny

wit~n~uldhc:bt~ ~o~~rn~lJit:~ ~~~mi°:,1~d ~~·:' o~~~· ;;:~:

that is ucc:llc:nt : the newspaper our supPort . lt'a a hell of 1 strives primarily to educate· not sound to hnr a 10 7, 122 or 240 10 be a propaganda shttl . The mm rocket slam into I base nllur c of the writing· ind ump 1tnowin1 1 G.1, will

~~~~;:~iv~~ £~;:~~~rul~~ ~ pro:::~ci~lyw~~~d t~~ kit:sdi shared and democracy usually strikes, which keep "Sir Charles" prevails. By uling the device of from gc: t t Ing an area "guc:s1-editonhip1" we have sub111nlially set-up, are beina tricd 10 prevent the piper from cu l bad. . 1r 1nythin1, they bc:comln1 either borlna or shou ld be incrused 10 protect predictable. the American G.I.

We ,re I kftist jou,nal or The fight for peace w\U be 1 opinM)n - but we ,re not a Iona, hard one. It will continue: revolulion:;uy mouthpiece. Ir we with C1mbod'il, Laos,. Arrie1 or sought to overlhrow by violence South America. Where do we rather lhan by education we make a s111.nd7 I would rilthc: r do would bc out in the 1trcc:t1, no! It on foreign soil lhan American. put in& print in a bucmcnt The deslruction is terrible. M11.ny­worltshop. G.l .s will sufrc:r but this will not

We IICC:k more rapid social be1hc:c:nd. chanlC' than b nol.,,i t1king placc Jr Dr. Missey wants lo wa.llt tn - bolh In the University and in front of an American post the lay territory sunoundlna 11, oHicc, he hu tht frc:edOm. We m pus~ing up the lcYC:I o r (That 's one of the nice thinp tolc:n1nce in thb community - 1bou1 lhc U.S. • freedom). But perhaps forcln& people· to see let's look ahead. how undanac:rous we really are. Loolcin1 ahead, I'm &0ing to

Oc:11 Editor:

Being I Veteran of 1he Vietnam War I am 1ppatlcd al the demonstrations of t¥. campus ap.inst thie w~r. Thi• poem "To Whom 11 ~IY Concern" expresses my rc:c:hngs and those or o ther veterans :

What kind or world would thil be If everyone: had the Ulllf opinions? Just u the people wi th k>n& hair arc abuxd b} Greeks , so also arc the Grech 1buxd by lhote whh long hair As 111111terof1ruth,1he1e11c1 number of Greeks who arc nOI in the lease :u11a1onls1ic lowarJ yo \fr friends .

Perhaps. 1he rcuon ther~ islO

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ~ndch11-:J:::1ilt~~~:~~r::l:

Take I man, then put him 1lone Thouunds of miles away from

home. Emply hb he1rt o( all but

M~~im live In sweat and mud.

This is lhc lire I havt to live My soul, 10God I give.

You "peace boys" rant from youreuyctpir,

Bui you don't know what i1'1 lilte overlhtrc .

You burn yourdrafl cards, m.uchatdawn,

Chant your songs on the White llousc Lawn.

You all w1n1 10 ban the bomb­The real war is in Vietnam!

basic misundentanding bctv. ccn the two groups. Whether you 11t aware of it 01 not, these fraternal groups are based on 11lt idea that brolhc:rhood is t ht nobksl hum1n relationship.

That is, brotherhood in 111 largest and rullest sense. Wt,tht Greeks , do not claim 10 be perfc:c1 . Unfortun11cly , we 11t only human like you . Somc:timu we loSc: sight of the ideab v.·h1ch we c:xp,c:ss In ow crec:ds,1nd 11 seems that It has been only on 1hese occuions that you h1,t bc:c:n present. Thal brelff'llablc

Your fc:c:lin11 rc:1ard 1n1 plc:dtint are ,imply I manc:r of personal opinion . We try 10 devc:k>p the individual through participation in organila11 on1I

You use your drugs ind have: ac1ivitics In this respect 11,t• arc your fun , quite similu to the res1dcn~e

Thenyourclusc1o usc1hc:aun. h:alls and o ther campu, Therc·snorh111gtlsc for or,an1utions

A~;~ .: :u0Pposcd to dk for you, G,;":s ::cr:if~rc:~a~~c: :re~~:~

I'll hatt you 'ti! the day I d ie. pndc: .1~ t~ c:11 ach tc:,·c:mc:n11 You make me hear my buddy cry; Fratc:m1t1~s ,lf'l'SS mvo j\ ~mcnt Jgwhifumabklodyshrc:d- ~ol w1thdrawah l hu

I ~,1:J .t.htm ~Y; "Thif one's ~ r~~J;c:n;~nt :a:~~ev~~~cnrttu:!m~ ' con sumll ion of ind1 v1 J 11JI

11'11 \a,p: price to pay, Not to live another d1y. lie had the gu11 10 fight ind die , He paid !he price.bu!

whll'd he buy'/ He bought your life, by

losln1his, But who Jives I damn, what a

wklic:rJjvc:s7 His wife doe1, his Mother,

Fa1hc:r, and Sons.-But 1hcy'reabout !he only

cfrorl s which Ire first bt1un 1n the pled&c: period .

I will not deny the u.ist t n~~ o r drunlt~n fraternity ~mes Of winier carniYJI beards. Thtselff bo1h forms o f in,uh·c: mtnl What difference: does it makl' 1f you go out and get drunk v. 11h yow fri tndsin thtrc:sidtncc hlll yow b101her1 in the: fratcm1t) or your orr-campus buddies'!

Thank You . .• graduating seniors .•• leaving professors ... s tudent

leaders ending their te rms or service ... and readers of the

It's Impolite to Point-

Fwthc:rmorc , ii is 11ood idea Ir)' 10 send Dr. Miltey I pair of ,th.II countcr-opinioru ubt in " l ,000 miles." These are sandals 1bit area : and 10 Counterpoint made from our old discudc:d publishes these op1mons 1n jeep 1ires. The NVA and VC newsp1pc:r format. In our wear them fo r shoes. I've gol 1 collective op inion, we arc fc:c:lina he'll be able to put a neither obscene nor 1housand miles on !hem before pornocn.phic. I strongly believe he'll en d his pc:1c:c vi&il.

ona! · In concl"'1ion , )'Our flu!

implication Is toully unfoundtd ancf"mislc:adini. True, the fr\ lov,

non-independent Po inte r... ·

To the Graduates ... As the annual academia strikes i1s set , rolls up its

p.:ipers d packs its pencils, the blood o r the lab waits

Pointer , Presents 1st Annual Sig.gy Awards

this. I 1munintcrc:s1edin 1c:aring r down community standards or community taste - but I am interested in crc11in1 tolc:r1ncc: here rorothc:r 111nd1Tds.

We are not trying to emulate

Spcci,lilt Fourth Cla11 All111P. Pro•r

Tay Ninh, South Viclnam

fn~e~f; qwu~i° !~1:id, 5t!!~Ju~ he hid a auilty conscitnct

· From DAV M1gazinc,Subml11c:d However, his auilty conscitnct by Paul Nodolr wu lhe ttsult or concem over

his imability to do something for Richard Rude the rratc:mity.

The Men of Vktnam -SP 4 C.W. Ganc:11,Jr,

He lad.c:d confidence: 1n /us ability 10 become involved Jnd

upon the rs tcp - many will en ter but rew 'wi U leave. Yet. tho who are opening that fina l golden door will look back ot in despair but in joy at t he hordes fo Uowing bchin·d. · to t he valley of li fe strives l hese several hundreds. cir mout hs and their books have comforted them. The will fear no evil. Fo r they arc !he mcdin and the culture and the gory forever .


By Scott S(hUUe

The l'ointcr proudl)' presents 1he first annual "Siggy Awards" which wilt be annu11ly ordained for r.culty achievements after the lut rc:gulu meeting or th l: ,· faculty meeting every yc:11 . The awards ire presented by the Pointe r Academy of 1hc: Performing Arts.

Sa>tt Schutte, 1969-70 Associate Editor 10 ~n~:v~: 7:ui~~v~:1i::~ Bill MeM illen, 1968-69 Astociate Editor "Sigy." Several 1hc:orics have

A Final Point Well Taken

bc:tn circu\atin11 and deserve comment. One theory is that "Siuy" is n1mtd 1fltr Sigmund Romberg, a eompo,cr who is belier known for hi1 •·0cscn

Th P • . C if, • Son,." Another is that Sigmund e nvat;e on esswns t::~ 'j,:'::,,:, .. ~':~, •t;~; upbn1t1ons on derivation that

of an Editorial Hack Jn~

0~o not feel should be gone

The lw o mos! prominent 1hcorics have a &realer rin1 of trulh . The first is 1h11 it WIS

By Bill McMilkn ;:~c::ir:~tj~n~:loa:ltuir~!~

This final Point Well Taken nurk1 my conclusion or over three ~';'~~~~1•\:J~/~i H: ~:!i~: ~~~rs ::.a wr~~~ln~~ Te~&:;1%yl ~:,~:~,!ha~~~i~::: a..r:~ or :::~l~n~ _it~e~~4~$ r~t ~oi! reported 111.:it fact 10 him-He said, "So what?" named I fie r an obscure

However, one must not become: discour2gc:d, even in the wanina ad min istntor 11 1 sm,11 days of his undcrgr.iduate career, Therefore I am goina to take time midwestcm university. and indulgt for !his bst column. Despite the: origin, we are

This iuue or The Pointer v.·ill mart: 1he 86th consecutive paper in sure I.hit all the ptoud ~cipicnts which I have h.:id a signed article:. That strina started at the beginning or the award can overlook !he or my sophomore year three years qo. I also wrOlc for the paper II u~ol~rly n111m: <! f its · ' . a fre~n1an . Thc:!1 1 wu liwina!n Hye,. l~all (when ii wu a men's hall ) · !tn:o:'~~earc:~c:pridc d 11 "":' and hm Goodwin 111kc:d me mto wn11ng the Hyer llaU news. (Doc:1 sclc:clions· a c:my s anyone remember J im GooJwin7 I 1m sure his n.ame still sends Dr J ~I Mc Count 1hr Wax,


1{~~ta~f!~ica~~ Point Well ~~~~:~t'}a~lt~

1~~e Takc:ns ror all 26 papers ln 1966-67. Looking over !hem now 1hc:y in ~he moll 1cnslble way ire all pretty lc:rrible. However, I am sure they were hilarously f\lnny POSSibk. when I first wrote them. TIK: funny Thins H1nnm£d

One favorite column 1h1t I did I number of times thal year and ~ l;Y J 10 _ihe Ouorum have done a number or times since then is my Shakespeare quotes. I w The •0 n M tnki~. h F . woukl take sonic ,theme like homecomin, or politics and uk Wil Award . f: Dr~~~'sep~ w~~! Sh21tespcare questions. I woukl then reply through famous quotes. for his motion 10 brina LUV orr For eX1n1pk, my favorite , which concluded one column went like 1he table and place it befon! the 1his: ' r~culty.

Q. Do you think you"llc:ver take that girl out qain, Will? The fua: in lbs: (mwg A. '"Thec:villhal men do livesaftc:r1bem._•• ~- to Dr. Richard Face for But I must confess here 1h11 I did not know all !he Shlltespeare '::" rili:ani way he RAPTS up

quotes t~t- I wed verbatim. Instead I u,cd a handy lillle book 1

' 1 hccuht~ Nf!.tinli,t Whu h It'

(lctAus~~~~::. ~~:i ~!~ ~~r:i!-:::::•:5:~~~d11ndc~st of ~ 0j~ofo~~t!~:I!~. for its

:1:~ti:,';:~ys':! ~~!d~~la:y ~~n ;,~~~~.~~1th~~ ~ _17~nt1\be~f"f,u~w,~ hive finally fcu~ out how peopk R!ld editorials: they read the rcpslration. .

~=:~r':ric~~J~!.~.""'11 conclusion oa the topic and ignore the ~ A~ H'"mc:~~~'fi!

I did manaac 1 (cw Point Well Takc:ns 1hou1h. One reoccurrina:- JtQTb'.Y JVho voted apinst

(continue-fl on~ 7J 1J)c: Snrndlpify Awat.11.. . 10

Pres1dc.nt Drtyrusfor placina the

The Brrlseln Barb - uc:cpt in je-st - nor arc: v.·c: crus.ldina for manyofiucauses. But bee1usc I think a particular 111ltude toward somet hing like ,c11u1I freedom does not pcnain lo me,

Greeks Defended ~;i:,li,h':'rn!~h~~~:::i~~ \ Dear Edilor : o r rc:prc: ucd from free This lc:Ucr comes u a direct discuuion rc:sponSc: to Mr . Runc:11

It is h~althy and provocative B1umiar1ntr'~ ktttt In_ which he 10 read things which make us chOK to enligh1c:n this ctmpus think - and maybe rethink - as to the dansi:rs of Greek about our own s1anduds. H orpni:u1ions. ~ has been trying to Mr. Bnmprtnc:r must be :a

~·~ s~":i'ai":1; s:~:~~:1~u}~~~: d!:~t ~i:~~;i!n;::u~:ll~;u: don't you 1hink'! from hll wr111n1 I pthcr thal he

And I think we an! doina our suppo1Cs to know me personally best by languap: - 1ppuc:n1ly bc:ausc I am• '™:m!"= r of SiJJ;ll• the most explosive iuuc th11 Tau Gamma. This IS 1he point spring S1Cmcuc:r around here. My which suggests. to me that he own fcclin a is !hat we 1tldom - mull be very wise. or never -11Cc:k to 5hoclt people Fo r a l1hou1h he doc1n"t

~~i~~~11;r~~~:ne~: n'::r ::,°nwkn~! 1

1hna~ t::~:~J~ h~c:;:~

been shocked by it. still able toj udsi: me. Truly.he A• a teacher in I langu•JC has tbc wbdom or God. From

,rea - English - I am h~ly my expc:ric:nct with life- in a conscKlusof the power of words democratic Amuica I h.l\le and the lcJitlmacy which prinl noticed 1h1t • lrbl by peen is

.- f~va~h 10

c~~~c:':'i!:;·ot~r!,ui~ !~~ u,~:~ ~~~'~r~:' Ji~J;,"t~\i which does not shy away !,om the evidence. givina frank kairimacy to.il.Dl:':or And ccnainly 11 no time hn all spoken words : !here ire a sinak incident of one pcnon's coiitexu in which.!!!. languqc ac t ions been generalized to mustbe1v1ilabkforusagc . ~vict hundreds. (Hitler and

It is 1n okl argument, I 1hc: Jews being the ucc:ption). rc:alin that I now make . It hn And Mr. Ba11maar1ner. you b«n r0uah1 and won before the ue most unusual in that you Supreme Coun - at lust since pretend to be peace loving and I 9S9 - and the free use or frank yc:t you obtain"° n1uch pkuure language does pn!nil in the out of vioknct. in the C1S1C of literary community. As an your docile fric:.l'ld ._ ~llybc: you

(conriniad on pqt BJ keep your peace v111I only for

show, or maybe you jusl liltc: to count 1hc: cars which pus you by. Swely you do not show 1ny consistency in your life mode,

As for our "plc:dJina t1ctics" (apin, I speak only for Sigma Tau Gamma, for I don't have the infinite 1tnowkd1c which you do to knowevc:rythin1)10 be blun1 . they 1rt or no con«m to you. F.ach n11n who pkd,rs u1 I qin honestly 11y , runs his own mind.

Nobody controls it or even tries to. Whal the pkdging period ls all about is to find out what kind or a person each man is. Your colicae d~ys 1n: four years or pc: r f ~c t bliss, ..-;i1h responsibility on ly bcin& fo ,ctd ul!on. you four 1i mcs a year, micUerms and fm1ls. 11'11 do IS you please, run your own life keep yow own dally scheduk 1ype or deal. You are praciically rm .to do uyou wane .

But aflCr you Jraduate or leave tchool. you f111d oul that life Isn' t 111 that euy. You've aot 10 be ,o rganized . you are respon11bk to someone else

.probably for I.he ftnt lime. 1i cerlainly is diHc:rc:nt than school.

This _ is wh11 1hr. pledaina period 1S for, 10 show a pkdJc: that everything in !his iociety is

~:.~~~~~~0c::~Jo !~ !:t,1~! pain and humiliation 1k)n1wi1h the pleaRJre and pride.

But or course Mr lbumprtnc:r. I realized tha1 yo~

Senat:e Scoreboard :::: ,,.w ""- yo, ·~ "'Y ucc:lknct in lcichinJ award 11 Siam• :rau Gamma ls a-social !~!~~ of hisanti.C:Oun1crpoint Co mpikd by J bn Hofer ~:.~:~ft~'.'thc·,~o~: Ja'!vir~~

~e _ ~o'L\., t':n~~t~~! 1-inlroduecd N-flot approved C-complc:tc:d I 2: j :=:y '':r!~m::sst~~c: ~:c:r:u~ lit~b:1,1: ~!thk:hM~ A4PJIIOYCd T-tabled 5-lchc:duled J Ii cl : :::a;~ ~~c'!!:~;~-to :~ ~t~n'~Jii:~~~~reJ!ds N::.·~·1!~~n I !! I rr!~Ji;.~·a y~~I


The Mid Hatter, the doo; ____ _c.,;__,-------r--r-r., ~rfric:ndsltipsin1hedorms mouac, the Cheshire Cal, and 1let0hltioa pracnli lion·proctdur t A I've lived in !he dorms ·w :::,e~tu!.~" show editorial Frcsbmmn dittctory I r ::v: 1~':ni!.;itit~~:ooaf!:/~

All awards are fmal and tbe Pro--' tchool vu, modlRcadons .I I r hard lo lt c:c:p tract of-I here ls no

f:::se~~yw:{;~~.°ledanr:;'ui~ Ofr.ampu.a • udnls ttprcscn1cdby 1CNCmic:c:olk,m T L ::;1:C:1t n~o~nt~ Pt~,~; membc:n who losl will still have Ab9rll lCC ballots T I T addJUIUIJ corrc:spondc:net. Now 1 dance to win apin nexl year IoatUC ln UnirenitY 1eauily (Ofoc T I • ~!m w~o~: ~ Y~ha:'f P'I'!:!':; fhet:C ~Shi&fr~: ::' J!';!!~u:i:c; Modifacalion of me•l lffrict plln bia:ds contc:mpl. 1h11 every member or the S1udeoi-t11Cd y comd11urnrmbadttenaiutio11 r T ~h~~~?Y ii • "mUI media JS"''°""!!!!!-!!..----------'--'-'---'--' ...........

asaresuh hc:pvc:up. Yc:s, Ruu you were right. Certainly , " To lhinc:own telfbc:ttuc.·•


Makobero Sends African Hello Dear Friends ,

This is Barthelemy MU.ot-r1,> saying htllo to )'OU from Afri~J

I kft the un1nrs11y and ) Our ~untry two months ago. bul I 11111 remember you because n1) stay in the Unilcd Stain v.~ s;ui enjoyable: one. I h:;ad mldc friends among students :anJ 1hr rro!c:uon and the mcmbrr~ of at:arr wen: pleased to help mt JS !hey do fo r any fotti,n stuJtnl In orde r 10 prove my 1n1i1udr . I will help 1tttnJ1hc:n the friend !} rc:lalions c:xi11in1 bctwc:c:n yo11r country and ours .

Before I came bad: I had ambitions for J>Olilical 'cam·r; Now. fa cina the realities in m) country , 1 am very pleased v.11 h Whal the Jbvc:rnmc:nt advbc:d nie lo do . I teach French anJ English in one of the 1 .. 0 bu l eovc:rnmc:nt Secondary schools I lry to do my best ;ind 1hr students seem 10 be coopc:n11vt This gives me a pleasure: .

Two other students who attended American univc:rsi11e1 have good pOllitions. even better than mine. One b ,A'mbusadOf 10 .the United Slall!• and to thr Unucd Na1ions ainct five yc:an An o t her , who m~ored 1n ~mmc:re:c 1t1d economy is the vice presidc:nto(1hc Banltof1 he Republic of Burundi. As you ICC , I t hink 1h11 you If( contributin1 lo !he development of our youna; nation.

The university 1utbori1ic:s here ,d,,b,c: me to JO back 10 school for a mutc:r'a dc:Jrt-c: and ~'ltn fora Ph.D. I think. thalthis is • IOOd SU&&ellion since I an, not mll.n icd yc:1. U I make up my mind, lhc:tt is no doubt that I wi ll be bact to the United Stiles.

Meanwhile. I Jftt l all of you and lc:U you I.bit the members or my r1mily and my countrymen were pleated to k am thal the Americans had ITUtc:d me like one oftbem.

--May 15, 1969

Piano Conc.ert

Presented This Evening

Chatltl Goin of lht musk hcully will prek'nl a piano rom:tfl toni,:hl al g ,n the Maln BuilJmgauJimrium.

lk will play Bach's ltalia.n Conct1lo , 8tlho\"tn's Sonata in Eb Ma jo r . Op. JI, No. 3, Chopin's l:.tutk in F M~or, Op , 10 , M1 zu1\a111t\ Minor,Op. 17, &lladr rn F Minor , Op. S2, an~ lb ctunaninoffs Moment Musial in Db M11,Jo r. Op. 16. Prdudcs in F.b and Sb M:1.101. Op. ~J .

Goan 1s a natfrc uf KnoxYillt , Tenn .. "'ho Jomcd tht' WSU fa culty in Stptt mber of 1967. tic am·nlkd tht Uni\·cu.11y o r Ttnn.:ucc ,n Knot\'illc , Indiana Univtrsi t) m Blominglon and Cy,nco rd1:.a T chcn CoUqc, R1n•r Forn i. Ill

AWS Initiation F,ftrcn tvCds at WSU l'>CI\'

rcctr,·rd 11110 membership oftht Auoci11N Womt n Studcnu' Ho nor Soc1tty in ccrcmoniC'S S.11un.la) on th<- front bwn of ;\b,in Bu1kl in,,

They \.\CTI: Stltct,..d on tht b:isisofthc1r:i c:idrmu: 1nJ.:11:tn

!cuc~~J,~t 1~; p/,~,~~~tct.l\~~l~s~

O'Co no6r o f ~lo)l n.:c . To bl' rn11,11,•d :ire : Sus.:in

Anduwn, ihugh1c1 of M, . anJ Mrs . Albe rt Antlttson. 71'1 Bo)te D111t . Rhinr \1ndcr. Diane Bau mian . 1bughh·r of Mr. and Mn Kenndh 8:u1mp rt , 425 Cr oo k) S11Ht. Gmm 81)': Chllrloth' Ddloer . Jaughh' r o f Mr Jnd \\rs Charks DtBo.-r , Jr . Bo, 16J. Br.1ndon, Joanne 0.:,hron . d1ughu1 of !,lu Ann Dohrl)n , IOJ ; S. 23rd S1r,:,,.•t. M1l"luktt . Chrt!imJry Durmkk, J :rnghtcr o ( \h 1nJ Mr~ Roi;e r D1.1rn11d,. !OJ~ \\ y1n ,\w nu.:. S1e•tns l'oint .

Ch rimn,· FlooJ, d:aughtcr o f \h , and \\rs Kcnntih Flood, 14 0 \l c:0111 A•cnut, Ste,·tns Pornt ; \llrs.uc11tc Gay, daughter of Mr . and Mn Elwyn Gay. BoA 1;1 , Hriusiql\c . Carol llartl, daugh1cr o f Mr. and ~In. John llartl , 10~ North Pinc ,\\'tnuc, MJrshhckl : MarcU Kosmnchock, JaughlrtofMr . and Mrs , LaVern Kosmtrc hock . 7~ I Turner Strcc1. Wausau . DUnt Mrshak, du,ghtn of Mr. and Mrs. l' dw ard Mtshllk , 2609 Stanley Strccl . Sten•ns Point

Sharon 1'1td:c. daughter o f \Ir . anJ Mrs. Daniel l'itzke, Route I , Stc t:son.,illc. Sharon l'oliccllo. dauj!.hler o ( ~Ir . and Mrt Joseph Poli~llo, Middlt lnltt , C'aro\ Schultz, daughter of Mr. 3nd M"- Donald Schultz., 428 Third A•·enuc , Stra1ford. Barbara rcnnn1,1;:n, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Pttcr Trnnuscn. Routc I . Bo , 169. Ca tawba : anJ Ila Mu Wolff. daughter or Mn. 11:uold Wolff, Howltr.

Saturday's cerrmony, an annual affair surted fh·c )'UU ago. was hdd at J :30 p.m. fo llowed by a banquet at S p.m. in I hr Un i.,crsity Crntcr honoring the new members and their p1rrnts.

Speaker wiU be Mrs. 0al'id Cokrr. former fa culty mrmbcr and w1h o f 1hc sc hool's counJtlinC ;1:nd 1uid:rncc center dittcto r.

Mi u Kay Thompson, a faculty mrmbrr 1,1;:,·cral ycats who h lcavina a t the end of the sprin1 term. has btcn named honorary ad\•bct of this year's 1roup.

TH IS STATELY PINE is one of mony trees which odd lo the scemc beov1y present on !he fron1 of Old Ma in. Here on

Engl,s h don tokes odvontoge of ih shode ond conducts o don beneo1h ils bronches. (Photo by J im Pannier)

Miss Mason. Retires From Staff Of Lea rn.ing Resources Center Miss Syble Mason nc,·rr got

too fat in lift (dis tan~wisr) ofte r enrolling at WSU in 1924. But hrr st~tu.s at the school z.oomcd from studerft to anociatr professo r in the 45-ycar intenm."

Shi: w1U rttire June I from a librar)' suff which grew from thrtt lo 26 pcrlCmS during hC'f 39ycauasancmploytt,

Miu Mason is the second senior membrr of 1hc faculty (Mi ss Mildred Da\'is has 1he longest tenure with 4 1 ynn in th c f o r c i g n la n & uage dcputmcnt). and she leaves th.: campus after making sc,·cra l records. And what she didn't ma.kc hcrscU, she meticulously recorded for posterity in the form ofarchivcstrapbooks.

She and about I S other pet'$0nS ll'Crc mcmbrrs o f the first c I ass to receive baccalaureate degrees rrom Stevens Poi nt State . TNit was in the spring of 1928-the sea>nd l ime she Nid graduated from the institution. Shr hlld completed a 1hrec,yrar high school teacher t rllinina cour1,1;: the ye3r before, bul decided 10 re-en ter because the opportunity of receiving her degree coukln'I have been more convcnienl .

In terms of SJCrvice, she and

her !lither , Raymond, a fireman teaching some coUeliC oowsc1 in thr hcating plant 24 years, and manning the reference desk", logcd a total o f 63 years 11 drcub t ion 1nd tex tbook library WSU. anJdoingac:quisltionlng .

Miss Masop was hom in In 1952 s he umtcd In Wcst(ield and ru1cd in Oxford, planning the library which is 10 After ,he h1d rompktc.d hl&h be •acatcd next spring for 1ff K.hool , her ra1hcr quit his job as el1boratc structure now under manager of a mill and electric const ructioo on Reserve Stiff!. plant and moved the family to " We nc•er dreamed there would Srcvcns Point so it would be ever be a need for another cronomicaUy possible to send library-we just didn't expect the both she and her brothi: r to the school lo grow so fast ." sta te teachers coUege. Since then . the Ubruy has

John Sims he:adcd the school bcc:omc knqwn IS a learnin& !hen, subsequently she wlS resources center with emphasis auociated eilhcr as a student or on 1udio-•isual (instruction faculty member with ei&hl or mcdil}servitt,. the nine presidents. While libr.irians univeuaUy

Min Mason's interest . in h1Ve rcput1 tio ns fo r being libr!ll'Y work jelled when she .. hooked on books" C\'Cn on took a teacher library ind then I heir off hours, Miss M1,on worked as a student us.i11ant In lilr;ewise likes lo read -but has had the WSU libr..-y two summers some other time eonsumini and one Cull school ltrm. But intrrests, too. her first fuU time job was a sharp She hu been president, contrast to lhc orderly keeping district oHicer ind state of books.

Her only period 1way rrom the campus was b: twt'Cn 1928 and 1930 when she was one of

f:·~ul!yno:f ;~1~:."r:1u~~

commi tl ee member of the Bulincu and Profcuion1I Women. On campus she wu an adviser fo, Omep Mu Chi socia l soro r i l y, facu lt y secretary, lllcmbcr of the Aaod1tion of Wi1couin S l ate UniYcrsitles F1cult ies and chairman or the 1lumni and student 1clivitic1 commi11ecs.

She t1kcs particular pride in two or her special projects, the '"President's Books" compiled from clippings 1ppearing in newspapers about the presidents of WSU and alumni reccxds on 111 g raduates of the school duringaqull'ttrcen tury .

Miu Muon, who is 62 ind eligible for eight more years on the faculty Slid ''the limc \ is ri&ht for me to retire.'" She won't have 1n opportunity to se rve; in the new six~ory lc1rning rnourcrs center (library), but "'I won't mill visiting it."

Choral Groups Give Final · Concert Sunday

Coloma High School. She t1ughl bioloay, dviu, physlc1I cducalion, En,lish and hu1ory. li er undergraduate major had been Enilish and her minors were Lll in and history, so 1he biolo&Y oou~ in particular was ·•1 real chaUenl!C," " I learned with the Sluden ts- we only had one microscope arid I h:ad had 1r1inin1 on ly in bo11ny," she recalkd.

In 1930 she was hired for a sum mer job in the WSU libruy ind was offered a teml)Ofat)' posi tion for the f11st semester in t he library . She says she pmblcd by &ivinJ up her teachin& job w llh hopes or stayina here pumanently-and~on. hen arc 23,s!,e wastheyoun I faculty member.

The l'i~I COMen of the ye.lit to be preM.'nted by the music depanmcn 1 will be on Sunday, Ma)' 18 11 8 p.m. in the audilorium .

The "Town and Gown" Chorus ind University Choir will combine to pc::rform Cantata No. 4 , .. Chlist Lag in Todesbandcn ." by J. S. 8.ach and !he Mass in C M111or by Beethoven. Mrs. Judith Bfo wn , \'otal mu,i.: teacher in I he Stevens Point schools wiU provide piano ac:companiment for I he Bach Canlata, wilh Kenyard E. Smith cond uctinJ.

The combined ,hoin and Chamber Ofi:hestra, conducted byWilli.amDick ,wiUprrsentthc Beethoven Mau. Soloists for the evening are Marjorie Phelps GerlOn , Meredith JohM:>n Leet Jo hn Baird and Ktnyard E'. Smi1h.

Mrs. Leck has been guest soloist for te•en l productions 11 wsu~ A &nd u.tc of St'. Olaf College, she has tauaht vocal musk in the Stevens Point clemcn111y schoob for the plSI thrre yean. Soloists, Marjorie Genon a n d John 81.ird , mcmbeu of the WSU voice facult y , hlYC afPCIUd frequently u soloists 1n recital, Ontorio and open.

m~~~I I>Ji~• :'C:,p~ School ind diff:ctor or the Univenhy Chamber Orcbetln, has reheariied lhe orchcltn in prepantion for tbe concert aDd will conduct the combined cboiu •nd orcheatra In

presentat ion of the C Major Mus.

As directo r o r c hott l 1ctivi1ies at WSU , Smit h o rpniz.ed the Ota1orio Chorus in 1967 . Comprised o r univns:ity studen1s and facuh )' mcmben, plus singers £tom Stncns Poin1 and neighboring communities., the "Town and Gown" chorus h as prescnlcd two major concerts pe r year. The University Choir· just reantly presented its Spring Concert ind hu spen t the past three weeks working o n the Beetho•en Mass

~t~rioS~~~=_ted w it h 1he

Although thil concert wiU mark I.he final 1ctivity of the year fo, lhe Tow n and Gown Chon,a, the Univenity Choir will continue with final preparation fo r the forthcomin, Concert Tour of Ewopean cities dwina Auaust. Concerts in London, A m1terd1m, Koln , Berli n, Wiesbaden, Lucerne. GcncYI and Paris 1nd addit ional Slops will hi&hlight t he three-weeks abroad.

• Pnsons interested in joininJ the choir and bind on Ibis tour may wish to contad the WSU Oep 1r1mcnt o f Mu sic. Rearv1tion1 may be made at this time.

LOST Che ,lcboolt··Reward offered, Co nt 1, t Marlene Ext. 301 - Meu.aninc in Libruy.

Mist Mason ook leaves In 1935 ind in 1942 lo do gndualc work II the University o r Wisconain and Univcnily o f I llinois .. Ch1 mpaign· U rba n1, ,e_,ec:tively .



~~ico(~b~;c w~e7ndc1:::


.... 3

Miss Glennon Recalls Point A.t The .End Of long Career

All that talk you he11 1bout Wisconsin-Milw1ukee, today's )'OUfll people being A "Pointer'' pholographcr poorer En&Jbh studenls lhan who m1dt the bi, time and has I h'elr puenu hn't true , rtc:eivcd numerou1 awards for 1cconHn1 to a proftJIOI' who is hb picture• In ~ ~!!~s~fV::~. month after 29 ~ it Gco rae am

Miss Berlha Glennon uys, In the cllmoom, 1 suney of

:·:!r;:!~ :ca="h1a~re:= r.n:~~tc1i1~:::: h:ilt~:n ah!

E ngli1h tu cheu ue doing Keats her C.vorite writera. exce llent Jobi , M1ybc the Miu Glennon'• teaching fnshmen haven' t rcac:hed the duties were enlivened In 1943-44 ldul in spellin&, but the)' 11e by the presence o n cunpus o f improvina." World War II lllaht !raining

She isn't ncn contpllininJ groups. The men were being aboul their grammar. groomed II omcen ind were . "I've noticed , too, lhat young •ssi4"td to her clam "to dnelop

people arc I lltllc more · the1t English ao thly could sophistiuted now1days, but c:ommunicate more erfectlveJy

~~:~.!~IIJ1~re c!::;::J:c a~: wit~t!!'e~":,~··:::;:c:an':;chcd work wit h - I only hope IN.I in to the dauroom 11 the doesn 't chanp: ," she ukl.. Thoit direclion of !heir seric1nt , and

• ire her obtervations after scrvina one di)' each came with 1 1bout . 6,000 a>llqians during bri&htly poliahcd 1pplc, marched her 1enun in 1he Enili.lh faculty. In front of her wi th stulght

Miss Glennon, whoit oftlce faces ind placed the fruit on her 1lways has been in Old M1ln , desk. She responded : "This is a hun 't always been just an lot or apple sauce" ind the 1pell Enalish teacher. wu brokrn wilh In uproar of

She 111.11h1 1 full load (twelve Lauahter, credits per week) plus servina u Miu GleMon is a native of 1dviser for DlLf2.inln•nd The Stncns Point and member of an lrb, student newspaper 1nd Irish family w~kh came to the ycarl>ook, respectiYely. Sht abo city more than" • ccntw)' 110.

:~Ja::r =O~l~e,:, ~ Uye~: ~hr; J:l1~io~~;i ,f:ra~=~~t~~;! was d.ireclor of school publicily so 11 was natural she had 1n for the local news media, and intcn:st in writin&, WhJ1e a high wu faculty secretary • lseasurer school student , she cn}oycd when Miss Bc•ie May Allen w11 doing themes and rnding chairman . li t erature an d dec:ided lhat

She h.l.ndlrd moll or 1ho1t tcachin1 English should be her jobs simulllneously, with the 11d profession . o f midnight oil. On Monday Miss Glenno n anendtd the ni&hts she had se•ions with the Stevens Point Normal Sc:hool , newsp1 per edjlorial s11ff in 111,•o summcn ind two regular p rep arin& copy for the sc hoo l ter ms to re ceive a newsp.ipc::r. On Tuesday nights lhrcc•)'Ur diploma whi c h she wu b1ck to help her qualified her to 1cach on Im" studenu read the pllcy proofs high school lel'cl Later she ind 10 111end the ,ororit)' n:ceivcd her B.A. and mu1er's meeting, . Sometimes on degrees fiom the Univtrsity o f wceken,ds She . wrote the publicity, includitig a weekly eolumn which appqred in the

Wisconsin In Mad ison. She wu on 1he f1 cully at

W1upaca , Waukcshaand Stevens Point P. J, Jacobs ll igh School

tf~~~rr:1~0 ti~'ae Ce~':::,~11:: 1940. She rtc1lls her ftiih school tcachingwitfi'"'rnuchpluwre .

A cNirter member o f ~he Wisco nsin Council o f Tcachns o f. English, she also 111 member o f I he Nattonal Council of Ttachcrs o f English, plus !hr Wisconsin Education A1SOci1tion and Assocbl ion of Wisconsin State Uni.,ersity F1cultks.

In re1ard to htr coming retirement shr uy1, " It 's amusing to melhat for the put five yeus people have come up to me and said 'ate you 11ill trachlna1' with emphasis on the "slill.'' Now thcy'rt hying 'oh, you're retirina - wha1 arc you golna to do w1th your time?"

She'll m:akc that decision when !he timt ,omcs on June I ,


Stcgnes !fWi, ¥fv!;r/i~ki:r11~sakes

is a minia t1.1rc bulletin b01rd po'sted with pictures o f au "Poinler" edilon who ,erved dwin& her 14 ycars II advbtr.

HOT F1SH SHOP She takes special pride in 1U

of the editors including Frank DcGuire, now a law professor at MI rq uct le University : composition edi l or OIVid Belm,ndl, now cduc1tion wriler for 1he Milwaukee Journa l: Jerry Madison , now home 1ecret11y

Featuring Seafood and Steaks DOWNTOWN STEVENS POINT

Phone 344--4252

!~~ ia~~~;:,a~!~:~CI~~~~ ~nw~WW'i!IWWWWW prof<=• " th< Uoimoly or ~ • ~

~ i COLF SETS )lc·tal Tennis 3 Bvilt in bor; two lvxvriovs t~ ~ porty room,, o ir cond,1ion· R:..u: ke ts ~ ing, indoor p lumbing. All Storting ot $29.95 ~ · vlili ties poid . Exfremely > 5 Iron s end 2 Wood, g_-J6,9"' _ • '.,'J_-J,9~ ~ cheop. one 1.0. perfect for ~ XXX Golf 80111 39c v ... v ~ o single person or o cou· ~ ~ pie. CALL 344, 2123. > ~

1-.~ .• t~!} E THE SPORT SHOP 3 - ~ 1036 Main StrHI ~


ul know the wav. home with lllV eves closed:

Tnen you know lhe way too well. Because driving an old ltm1liu 1ou1e can make you

drowsy, even when you'11 rested .

W1>001no1no,i>,oo . .,.,u~,.,.,..,.,,,. _ -·enci lake iwoNoOozeAciion Aids• They'H help you

• d1rve l'lome Wllh your ..,.., ooen. NoOol Acllon A.lc:ls. No u, should be w,lhoul ll'lem. ~

s " J ,,


•• ' . ..

" ,ir

" " ,rl ., icJ .. o,

"' it1

' ,I) ,, I

'~. I

" " d ,,

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..... Three Elected lo Board.

The 'Wisconsin Asociat ion fo r llu\th, PhyJ.ica l Education and Rcacat lon hclJ lu annual sprlng conference on M1y 2 and J at Wisconsin Dells. Attending fiom WSU, Stevens Point, were MiM. Marge Spr ing, Dr. Alioc Clawson, Mr. Bob Bowen, Miss Mary Jo Mullen and MW Ev Dillin. •

) During the recent e lections hckl by thb ass:,ci11ion, three ml'mb~rs of the department o f health, physicaleduc,,tion and rrc rcalion wrrc elccicd to teNt on the executive board . They arc Mr . Rob e r t Bowen, •ice prcsiJent for health, Dr. Allee Chwso n . vice pruident fo r recrnt ion, and Miss Marie Spling was elected 10 • two-year h·rmu!.listrict reprctcnt1tivc..,;

Lecturer Pubfshes ~~t Z,w,d~y', ~•

r~~e~el1u~~0!,s· p~

~ansit ion Prcu,1new publishing firm speciltiting in books for young adulu. The no\·el. written under the pen

0 fi~~i~n~1~!~J ~~rJi~:Ch!~ciJ of Mrs. Zaw1dsky'1cxperienccsua writina consultant to the Job Co rps.

Mn . Zawadsky's previous bot*, Thr Mrucry of the Old .\lu,ktt,pubhshecl last yur by Piiiiii"m' s. won the au thor's awnil of 1968 from the New t~J'::{Jrt&ociation o f Epglish

As.ide fro!II her no\·els, Mrs. z:a,.:ailsky has publishrd over I ~5 :n t idrs :and short storks in nalion:al •magazines. Her most n.'!.' <'111 contributions have been pubhshrd in 1he March, 1969. 1~u.- o f St. ,\nlhony Messcngt.r (:a shorl ~IOry), the winter 1ssur of (hilJrrn's llousr a mag.nine for teachers and 1hrApril, l 'J69, 1i1iutof ~(ahumorous artkk).

Mrs . Zawaihky, whose husband is the chai rman or the p hilosophy Jepanmcn t u W.S.U, is also a pan,time kc1u1c1 1n the English di:par1mrntat W,S.U.

THE UNIVERSITY FOLK DANCERS, under 1he d i1ection of Fronk and Undo ' Horch, pedormed al d ifferent ochvihes for The yeor. Pic1vred here ii lhe

entire grovp at one of its rehearsals.

Former Resident Federal Funds Cut ~J1F1F,~~!~~m,J~~.!.~.~p~ For wsu Students U.S. secretary of defense for of Her but Wenger . Calvin 1dminis1r:11ion, will dtlfrrr the Schmid, Don:akl Green\' :anil speech June I for \\'SU-Stevens William Hanford of the farultr, Point's 75th annual spring and M:urke llodt and Donna commencement. Wridman.studrn ts.

The afternoon ceremony will ,\ fo rmer rcsi!.lent of Stevrns be on the lawn in front of Main Point and \'ice prrsidcnt of Build ing where Froehlkr will Senuy Insurance Co., Frochlkc discuss "Tomorrow." was appointed to his prcSl"nt

Commrn~ment con1mi1ttc position in Januuy by t he new ch~m9n John Gach s.aid the secretary o f ddense, Melvin R. selection of the speaker wu l :aird .

li e wu rn t he national

The nine state univcrsitiu expec t abo u1 7,000 more s1udcnu nex t fall, but they will receive about SS6 1,000 less in federa l funds fo r student financial aids.

Federa l fund notices indicate thu the ·wsu sys1em may receive about S2,080,000 in educ:alional opportunity grants for nex1 year. This is an over-all increue o f $21,000 over the current year. but t he amount earmarked for freshmen is S836,000 , a reduction o f SIOl,000.

Procedure Outlined For Admittance

Children Accepted For Summer School

spo t liJ.!ht last weckrnd ~·hen Laird announced t hat ' Frochlke would O\ 'CISCC operations of the dcfcnseintrlligcnccagcncyand the na tionatsc,urity:all('ncy .

"We need a focal point for &upeo•iliion of intell igence below the secre tar y of <lefrnsr ," 3

· 1•en1:agon spokl' stnan said . "The si:crc1:ary IS JUSI 100 bUS)' wi t h 100 m:i.nr mattl'rs to g.ivr 111he person:al :altl'ntion ii should ha\·c."

The ten pcrccn1 reduction in federal funds, alona wi th an estimated 12 pe rcent increase in enrollment , was reported by Rober! W. Winter, M1dison, WSU system assist an t direclor /or business and finance.

Durina the academic year jun ending,lhesJate universitiesand 1heir branch campuses receive;:! abou t SS .8 million in fe de ral funds for grants, loans end Jobs • for s tudents. Total enrollment • was 58,242 las t September and

The state univeni1tcs expect to receive S l ,838,000 in federal work-s tudy fu nds. a decrease of S383.000. A total ors 1.339,000 U expected fo r na tional defense s tu dent loans. a drop o f $200,000.

~lo;e than 100 pre-school th rough high sc hool, .. ;agcd yuungst<'IS will be enrolled in summer session workshops June 1010 Aug . 8- Stcvensl'oint .

Or. John J>c3rson. d irector of t hl' WSU L:i.boratory School, ;.a,,J :acli\·itics would be from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. daily and interspcrscil with opt ions to pa11icipa 1c in 1ccrcation1l programs al t he ficldhousc gymnuium and swimmina pool.

He said the sessions would be gearrd for personal en richment and basic lcarnir11 experiences. At the Slmt time, teachcrswillbe enrolled in the educ1tion1I laboratory si!ua1ion to test newly acquired tn.chingski\lson the students.

Claucs will be in ae rospace, Suiuki \·io\in. science, economic educa t ion and p re-primary . Sckctrd afternoons will involve sp tech ins truction and improvement activities.

. ,\ cbss Dr. Pearson describes as. "mos t unusual" will be conducted by a visiting, leclurcr, Dr . Ra)' Barsch, eh:airman o f the special education department of Southern Connecticut State Uni\'trsi ty in New Haven.

It wi ll p robe learnin g disabilities 'and be • open 10 s tuden1s of 111 11cs through

Sausage Feed Substituted For Smelt Fry

The conservat ion fntcmity here II WSU U saai.ficina , 2J-year-tndit ion to emphasize possibk danger of the'pcstkide DDT to human health ,

Nu Alpha T1u'1 annual smell fry was subslitulcd by a Polish saus.igc feed Thursday night in Bukolt Park Pavilion beca\l.SC smelt m:cived hcrc isfrom l.alte Mic higan and biobpsls have found conccntri t ions of the pesticide in fishlakcn fromtblt body of watc: r. !

Lyle Updike, Janesville, •ice

g::rddentm~~1:;raJ~~~':,i 5:~~ prc caut ioniuy measure would lend support 10 groupssee:kin1 a ban o n the use: of D.D.T.

Nu Alpha Tau, according 10 Updike, '.'is ' sympathetic with ! he aimpaign carried on by the Ci lize ns Natural Resources Associlrion of Wisconsin"' which hu railed funds for hafin&s in Madison on uuic of the pcstlddt. The local fntemity recently presented CNRA P reside nt Frederich B1um111tncr , profcasor at St~.ens Polnl State, with• SSO c heck to ,use for hearina

· expenses. ·

senior hit:h s;;hool who have average or3bovcin telligen~but aregrossundc rachievcrsin thc Cl:i.$$100111. •

Students who :arc :a yea, or more behind t heir peers in learning :arr eligible fo r the class. Or , Pea rson said . Each child will havr assis tancr froru a regulllr classroom t.·achCT during t he regubr school year . to work individually with him on his learning problem. This cb ss will meet Mond1y through Thursday from I until 3 p.m .. at the University Fieldhouse .

Extensive use o f the 1rampo\ine, o t he r exe rcise equipment. and the pool will be made . Perceptual handicaps ~·ill be the focus of this class, and Dr .. Barsch will be assiliwd by his son, Jefr.:i. tcachcrat P.J . J:,.cohs lligh School. and five :assistants from New Haven .

Persons interested in enrolling their children in !he summer program can secure a bullclin and applicalions b)' calling the Lab School a m~ at WSU. Because cbsscs arc filled on a first,comcbasis,it is advised tha! interested people, Dr. Pc:arson cm::ou111gcs, apply as soon as possible to insure admission into lhe clissofthei.r choicc.

UW Advisor

Talks With


assi~~t ~ic1~! ' ~can H~r'":h; College of E n gi nee ri ng , University of Wisconsin ·Mad i­so n , wi ll be on cam pus

Th e A ss oci3,te<l ·P ress describe!.! FHx"hlkc :as 3C1ini; :as L.aird'srycs :mJcars

A n:itive of Neenah . he wu:a boyhood fri~n<l of Laird in Marshf1,•kJ . lk served as :an officer in Wnrkl W31 II . recrh·N his l:aw deg ree from 1hc Uruvcrsity of Wisconsin in 194'J, pra cticed one ye:u.sco·cd a year as instructor and director of placcmeQt of thr UW in Madison , and joined Sentry .in \ 9S I . Lan summer he w11 named res ident vice president of the firm's New England division and within five months he left 10 take the government post.

Active in ci \· ic and Prrsby1crian Chu,ch :i.frairs in Stevens Poin1. he and his wire :i.nd four chi ldren formnly 11:sided al 120 1 W. Soo Mlllic Avenue.

tomorrow, to confer with ROBERT FROEHlkE

is upe.-tcd to be about 65,000 nex t fall . •

The reJu c1ion in federal rumb me:ans that state fin:anci:1 1 :aid prOgrarns would have to inc,callt' consider:ab ly fo r next year in o rder to malntain the same to tal - level of financial support per studen1 Winter said .

The bud1t1 bill now pending in the s111c leJislalure would continue state grants and s tu den1 emp l oym ent 11 approximately the same dollar lc\·eJ nu t year fo r the sutc universi ties. Conlinuancc of 1he natc nudent loan program will require kgjsli;ith·e :action to raise 1hc :au thoriied maximum of loans outstand ing.

Many Student Citizens Maire Friendly


Ban Ir


• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• SENIORS

.Your Grad;,ation Announcements are now in

EMMONS Acron from Boldwln Holl

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• students who plan to transfer to

theUWcnginccru:gcoUcge. Speech Award -His hudqL.Li,ners wiU be in • ·

·1!'6J9'111f Wf ~"~r r'J'>~'~I · U~i~i;C i:~:tttc:~tt:: Will Be Given ~:!~b~"~h~~~


9/~~- ~~:i: By Hanford

about 4

p.m. ' The semi-annual Ltt Sherman All pre-cngincCring students ~y.fus Aw.in! for E11tt lknce in

w ho intend to transfer to Public Spukini; will be 1nlk.le

~~~~1n/ho~~ :~fe~:~Wa~lc ~tglh~\:u!;'. the Frank Lloyd infor!"ation about ~rricula at , Th! sc111i-fln:i. ls took pbce Madno n . s ynchromzatk,n of bu mght wi th the fin als taking t h!>,c curr icub with counics o n pb.ce tonight where the winners this campus and opponunitics will be announcetl . I.' • for cnJinecrs after graduat ion. Tbc finals awards total 1 -------­-------- S17~ . with first pbcc winnrr ~

;;~~!11hu!1P~;tS1;' pbce, d i\ · About 100 persons-members Judges for. the contc51 will be <-!\

and friends of lhe fratern ity- Mi ss Allee Pcc1 , drama • · altcndcd the sausage feed which dep1rtment : Richan! Schneider ppdite 11id "includ.cd art ; and three 11aff 111embcrsoi

f~~c'a'd":C~~Jti(e~t).~ed meat c!~mu~k~t'?o~!. t men 1 0 f

~ymond Ande.r1a~ is facuh y awi~: JU':"~!;!" b of o!he 1dTI10r for lhe fratenu1y . William Hanford . Y •n

CITY NEWS STAND All University

· l\1110-s - Ceramics - Ashtrays

" l/2 Price ~111 -~11t CITY NEWS STAND ~



SUMMER JOBS l\Iale and Fem ale Students

We o re hiring students who ore Interested In full . ·

t ime summer emP,loyment . Those hired will also hove

the opportunity to continue employment on a port-l ime

~sis next foll. All jobs will g ive you tremendous ex·

perience for nexl 1vmmer regardless of fie ld.

WE OFFER-1) Earnings it\ excess of $125 a week (gvo rontccd

salary) , ·

:iJ Opportunity to work for one of 1he largest com: ponies in its field

3) Opportunities for advancement through summer months, . ,

A Summer Contest Which Includes

1) $15,000 in cosh scholarships

2) $20,000 in merchandise prizes

3) ~lh:~e;se paid tr ips around the world including

41 1969 Sport Cars

5) Boot - mofor - trailer combinations

QUALIFICATIONS MtE ' 11 Neat oppecuance

2) Ab,1,ty to converu inl•lligen!ly

3) Willingness to work hard

All Positions Are l\lost

Desirable, Unique and

Very 1,nteresting


Stev•n• Point 344::6020 o,

Green lcry 435~763 o,

MHwoub. 634-2144 htw"" the houn of

9 o.m. ond 2 p.m.

May 15, 1969

PINN INGS ENGAGEMENTS Kob p wu se lec t e d 11 ' P • n he 11 en i c J un io r

1)1:1;1,' ZmJ.1 , fo rmallv of .Zeh Repru::n tative , Janet Kachur as nu l'hJrl..-r hue now affiliated his torian and U nd1 Roberts I' ~ 11h Tap ,n M:tJison o f Delta Socil \ Chairnlln . Zcl J . 1) L11•J\k 1cd to l'cccr 03y Chu Dc 8oe r wu initiated l>f hu Ka11r,u Fpslk>n. Di1nn.e into AWS Ho no r Society th is Sialunlln11 ub,o of Delta Zeta 1s wce kenJ 1.1,•Jhcrnl w Oo1111 Hoskins o f Weddin1s will occupy put o f S1g111a l'1 . s ummer and h ll ac tivity

l'111mnp annou nced th l.S week nlendan. The first will be Cindy Jrc Jo\•,·c N(wutn y of Delta Ste llmacher on June 14th in ZetJ If> John FJSancll1 o f Kapr,a Ripo n Ch i JI St Norbe rts: Cindy · Skerbc,k of Theta Phi Alpha is \Hnn,·,I 10 lknny Pliska o f l'hi Slll,1t1J !· 11~11011 . •

l· ni:ai:cmen t aoJ weddi~ unnmni..:emcols 1nc\uJc, Bonn ie Odnl anJ lknnis Braumer . JoJnn,• 1.>ollr,munJ Ste ve llo vcl of l' tu Si1rn1a 1-.psilo n i nd Sue

t~~t~~ut1~~~1 ~~~~:fonoinJu~if1~'\j 1hrec !!ills arc 1e mbersof Alph1 Sigm11 Alphl s .rority.


Wi th pl e dac 1ctivi tics comple1ed the sisters of Alpha Phi hekl init ia tion ceremo nies for t he fo llowina ncw members: ll c lcnc Osier , Niai,ara; Lindi Schmidt . Menominee (Mich.): Brc ndi Schroth, Little Chute : T ru die Se huen:r , Brookfield :


Bob VVatson thought safetr belts were.too conf_i.ling.

Judy Broe 1n1 is enpaed to John B1enc1 n.


Mary S1cinback , Clintonvnte ; Jane Tenn ie, New London: Caryl Wainer , Wey1uwep : F r1nccs W11cr , Clevell nd ; and Karen Weber , S.yncr.

Following initiation, a banq ue t wu he ld in t he Wisconsin Roo m for the chapt er and alumni.

MAUO•IE Eltl Helt) ond Jomu tombotd ' were' p resented th is ploque for their o'-!IU~nding w9rk in lhe field of speech po1hology ond o udio logy. Movteen O 'Connor won lhe o word losl yeo,. (Photo by Mel Glodowski)

l JSI ·,·ci.. ,m,1 thc membi.:rso r rtwt.i l'hiAlph:1assisteJ theG ~I S,•1) Ut) on Jn ownmghl al h rr:.on i'JrL The i; 1rb in the tr ol>p uc nn:•n tall y and 11h~ ~1,·all} handicJJl lll'd. They ~11rl,,eJ on ,·1:ifu 311J cookcJ th,•1r ,,,.111 mcab

S,·11101'.) t!1a.Ju311ng th is yea r .ire ; \bnl}n Can twdl. Sh3ro11 Joh11son.l'111dr S1dh11:1d1cr :rnd \IJr)l 'strn.:l .

\l th,· IJ~t 111l'c tins. Lynel

svJeetheart Chosen By Fraternity DdtJ S1i,;1na l'hi fraterni ty

.,,:k,t.•J M.11y 1':11 LJV1ollette . a JL111 1or mJ)Or1ng in business ,•Ju,.111011 lrom ,\pplrton. 35 th,·1r '"•'•'th,·:irt for nu t year.

\l pr,·,,:nt, she rc i.idcs a t Kouh hal1 anJha)i;cr,1cdashall ,,,,:1,,I .J1J11111an for one and hai r ,cJr, Stw rllns o n Jth:n,hng ~umm,·r s.: hoo t and will r.1r ti.·1p.1 tc . ,n the Gbcurh ,:(111f,• r..·n,·,· 1mmcdiatel)· afte r the ,ummer~,·ssion .

Sh,· plJns on gr~duat ing in 1 Jun,· J»~o

Cable TV Airs Ar~a Sports

l d1ron Cable tdtwis1on is hll!lj!J• host for ascriesofloc:al •r,~r1' prov.rams produced by ,tu,knts ~t WSU. The programs lltkJ . Srothi,;ht on Sports, will be 1clce:nt each Wednesda)' at ,a 00 l' .~I.

The purpose of the program i1 10 1epo11 011 che sports teams .ind ~ch,>dukJ r1·en1s of l' .J . J.iwh). l'.1cdh. anJ M:inl lligh Sd1,>ub as ~c11 u the WSU ,ontesH ·1 he programs are p1 1>i.lu,·.,.J h)'St ud,·nucnrolled in OrJ 111:i 19 1. l t v production IJt,orator) 3nJ d m.:etcd b)' '\1,·hoLls Sehaff. aiunior :it WSU "hl' •~ Jorn~ the progr:ims to 1ulf1ll the eounc rcquLJcmcnts.

I .1ch ~eek students from the par111.111:.11m11 high schools and Lh.! 1111wea1t)' are 1nv1ted to bt 011 lhe program where tht)' arc mtl'r.inh'J hr Robert l' la hmcr, Sports Dm:ctor or m.ho slitio n WSl1S I· M. llw progra m foc uses on ~ urrcnt spri n g sports 1lb..11SMn1,t th,: fundamcnt:,i l or l'J,·h soort. tbc parueipants and u rcpon on wins and los.sc:5 ir110IH·J mca~h

Ceramics Displayed By LaCrosse Man

Current!)' on ex hibit ion in l h,· l:i .Follcttc Lounge o f the Un11c1SII)' Cen ter is a rollcclion of whrtl·th:own ecnmics by Kenneth Vavrek, Y Crossc.

Mr Vavrck is a faculty

~:r~~r I~! ~~t~;Jos::F t dcgm-s from Ohio Univcni1y .

The ex hibit , accordin& to R1 e h:ird Schnei der, A1n hhibilion Series dircctor, lis p,:rhaps Ont of the mosts trik in&

~1me~~a~el;ed~!;, · heO ;,tittd out . to t he bold upright forms which arc Vavre k's latCst inno,·uions. !

" ll is 'DMZ' shapes 1ppcu 110 be son1t timcs purely abstr1c1 l!Jinimal sculptures, someti""'s Fr e udian symbols, a nd sometimes wcial protest ," Mr. Sehncidc,_ declared . And tti:ey lte usuaUypcrplcxin1, hc add(d .

Mr . Si:hncidcr noted that Vavrek's use of sanitary whites. bold metallic lustcn and limi~d ~ of a>lor is alw1y1 comblricd

:i:i~:::cr:n~uut~~~~lt,he con5cpt o r R,Oltcry inf , trad1tio11al sense. '"The pieces may delight some and distJrb

1 ~:::~·r b:!n ~t ane~1~·d (~ thcm," hcadded.

The cxhibil Will continue 10 May 29. ·

Many s i s t e rs utend cd sweclhcart events hdd the pa.sl weekend. Sisler Pan i Jo PeelerJ reigned as Sigma Tau Gamma sweechcart at the'Whitc Rose frstivi t ics in the Delli.

Mo nJa y night a fo r mal initiation banquet was h,·kl at th e Ant le r s R esta ura nt. Fourteen new membe rs were Initia ted into the b1o thcrhood . They 1rc : Rick Dorn, Robe rt Gehle , Charles Gruenkc, Guy Habeck. Mike llilgenberg. J im Kio cs, Bill Ono. MOa• l'c rt mrr. Jo hn Snmln , Mike Valig.:i . Bill Bnam , Ray Meuc\ka, Mik e Staszak.and Mike Winski.

HALL-A-DA VS By J ud )' Brocldna

Al a rece nt 75 th year ct l~br:ition of the un ivcrsi1y.1he c hlptc r wis represe nted by sis ters Jann Ringer and Jud y l'oldn .

Jan11 Ringe r has been choxn tos1udy1bror nexl year.

SIGMA PHI EPSILON . PiXk Econon1 wu crowned as

th e Sigma Phi Ep silo n s .... ·tciheart o f 1969 at t hc fntcmity's Sweet heart Ball held lis t wee k e nd al C able , W~consin .

Oan i;mg , sw1n11ning and a sa una bath were among the act ivitiuof thcwedcnd .

Elections for t he fa ll semester w Cr C h C I d I nd A P O congr:itul:ites ilS new o ffi cers: Pres. Vern Rcbclein. ht VP Brion Mulry, ~nd VI' Ron King, Treas. Ma rk Marqulrdt , Alumni Sec. Bob Harris, Rcconl ing Ste . J ames I'. Vol.kc. Corresponding Sec. Denny Po ~·ell, Sgt. at A11ns Glen Yates and llis101i:in Mk Yanaehck .

KNUTZEN HALL Lu i Wednesday, May 7, the

membets o r the Knut zen lfaU Counci l with, the aid o r men fr o m Knu 1zc n po ur ed the founda t io n fo r a fireplacc in the wooded afl':tJUSt e:ist o f the hall. Othe r members of the cou ncil ass.:mbled and stained severa l picnic Ublcs to be used in t his 3rca . T he oouni:il p l:ins to 1um t he llt'a in to a park-like area for ,ccreatiom,t use and to prcscO'e t he an-a from the ruins or progrc.<.ll. The fitepla~ will be

TAU KAPPA EPSILON ~~~i:ca~ef1a1fYro : h~hc mi; : ~ With the conclusion of Help :inyone. It is hoped the project

Wec k the brothers of Tau Kappa will be cornplclcd by the end of Epsi lo n ini tiated 14 pledges on thesi.•mester .

DELTA ZETA ~tan:Cfti~~~ y : ill Ti~yr,;~~ :1 ~hi~ The Knuuen Hau Council

unn~~~~ 1t~l ains~!11a~::Y0/~ !tk~nh~n.G IJ~~: 8~~;~: tt:: ;~~klo/~;d 1S0:~gr~~~z1:n


new c hap l cr Kappa Chi in Dcl'an s. John Frank , Ray thd r wi nning the haU so rtball Pituburg, Pcnnsy\vanla . Hosmer. Dave Itro n. Rich Kopf. ~~::r:;~ :~~sn~ipTh~n ~nat::m~:'.

::lfi!ifl~f fi~z~! :fr~1;;;;;~;::I~~:;:' ;~' ~1ri~:i:!.~~::m·~:,~::;: Bo rn , Mary Bu rns. Sherry Tomon ow Kivcr Supper Club. Cichon. Ru1h Dtmmcrt . Colleen At ~ reecp~Jon held Wed., STEINER HALL

b~z~:iik. : t~n ~,~:~1 g!rA'. 1 ~~~ \o~e::r~y 0.!~ ~:/~r:~ Steiner will hold its 1ll-doi:m

E vonne Kraemer , Joyce swee1hcart fo r t he rom 111gye:1.r. party this Sa turday May 17 al Novotny. Maureen O'Connor. A sweetheart ~nee. was held 1n t he Pour Haus. Delzell hn also Lila Tha lacke r ind Dianne her honor at R1vnsidc Sat . Ma)' been invi1ed . The pu1y is being Zvokna 10 . spo nsored by Ste iner Hall

Ha ~'olff has been awarded A I Pirena withou1 panner5 Co uncil and expenses will be the highest overa ll gi,dc point Swin1!'ning part y w::,s held Frid.ay covered by the Mar5hfield Clinic average for five semesters. eve ning · l t PJ. Ja~obs ll ~gh blood drive prizc{S7S .00) which

Tht oz ·s arc plsnning a School: The Te~es 1n5:1rucllng St ciucr won sc ve,al months ago summe r reun ion in th e thcPomt:ircachildrcnmwa tcr . andbythchall trcasury. Wisconsin Dells Ka ren Picka!V.i safety was the order of the day. I n~ the put few weeks. :ind Nancy Jaciu arc In charge Sunda y. May I I . a paren1t' St~ineritcs havc1on!around1.ht o r the plannina for the event to day banq uet and a party were ncighborhood helping •.hut •ins be held in July. held at Bukho ll Park . do odd jobs i uch u l1km1 off

ALPHA PHI OMEGA Last weekend was a busy ono:

for t he bro thers or A·Phi-0. They fin ished putting a new coat of paint on the Newm.in Ho use and a ls o prepared Ca mp Chickagami for use this summer by the Boy Scouts.

Halls Schedule Formal At Inn Schmeeckle and Pr.iy-Sims

halls arc join!ly sponsoring 3 t.by Fo rmal at the llo liday Inn, Saturday cvtning between 8 to 11 p.m. Music will be pro~idtJ by the Ross Konikorf q uintet.

wi ll ine\udc long o r short formals fol lhe girls and sport eout s or su1ts fortht"boys.

The au irc for the occasion

Ticke ts for tl\e event will be S:? .50 pe r co uple and arc availlblcatbO(hhalls.

"I'm sorry about your parade, sir. I guess I splashed on too much after shave'~

I~'°" i"-.-Q <f.:-=o ,-, .

/ RoTcl JU':..--!l~, /nc~:-::,t--1 J;. RV, -

r:// }/ -'<,,,, @v

j'~.1 \. ';17/% ~ y 1%~~ r/~\ l,,..._\. E1~on, o \ ,\~ ~ ~ l~, /~ I" ~ . /L,,f . i~~ ~\ 1~

I \~ '--7 Y. - ~ Even the might of the military can't protect you if you're not careful how you use Ha j Karatee After Shave and Cologne. One whiff and females get that " make love not war' ' took in their eyes. So to maintain mi lita,Y diSC:lpline and keep your uniform intact, we put in~tructions on self-defense in every package. Just in case it comes down to hand-to.hand combat.

Hai Karate-be careful how you use it.



st o r m w indows and running em1nds.

ROACH HALL Al a n 11!-hall party , the

o ffictrs o f hi ll council for t he 1969-70 yeu were inslllled . They arc president , Ka thy Co llin s; vice prcddent , Bub Piekan: sccrclary, Kare n Wan ta : tre asurer, Sheil, Kopli lZ; cuhural chairman, Kuen Wahl and AWS represent.alive Sue Stueck . ·

SMITH HALL Elections for positionson1 hc

Smith HiU Co wicil Execut ive Bo1td were hc.Jd Tucsd1y, April 29. The new officers for the 1969·70 Council sre : president , Roger Waisanen; vicc,prcsidcnt , Marty Ochs: t reasurer , Srott Schu llz and se:crclary , Srotl Martin .

Th e Smith Hall beauty pageant will be held Sunday evenina , M1y 18. A queen .lobe picked from candid 11cs from Roach · , nd Hyer hills. will be Smith Ha ll' s cand idate for homecoming queen next fall .

t he canoe tip, mob55Cs dro p and r o pe pull : secon d i n t he Volkswagen push and t hird in the to ilet paper ro ll and the penny find .

serv ing as student as1i.1sl.1n1Snl'~t Schult1 will be th,· resident year will inc l ude Karil ~ss1Sllnt Junp.unlz, Bun ny G1!Jnl' . kan ThrC<.' 1t1tls well.! initiated in to Bergman . Barb lt cnnehs. Sus.in thl' AWS llo no r Society on Goetsch. Julie Cooi... Kan•n S.1turJ:iy. The)' :ire Ca rol

NEALE HALL : ~!~~/::tfro~iN~~:.nJ Judy ,~j~~~·/arb Ti.:nnyson and Sue

Sc~~~:~5kl; ~Ci~undJ ~:::rib~~ i Chf~~fc:dc~rbr;, ~::x~ky~rd =~ Smith Hall placed sca>nd in

t he RHC sames p)mpctition lut week . Smith men p laced farsi in

The new s1arr appointment s have been se kclcd . The gir ls ll nbcrt from H )'c:r . CJrol 6:i rbf.ricksonaS3nalterna1e.













s T R 0 N G s

A V E N u E

7 0 5 8

p •

ROTC Provokes Debat,e · ByC. Bruake

In t he cvenin& of M•y 6, 1 Free Speech UKmbly wa1 held on thf. lawn or Old Main. Ostensibly It wu held u, rally for the purpotc of plhcring support fo r I propo11l allowing dudcnts I voice 11 the faculty mectin&J (thi1 propo• I had been defe11cd at a previous mcetinaof thc fa culty).

Approxinutcly 2S0 p«ipki attended th-; uxmbly, lncludinl some hl&h school studenu and thirty membcn or the campus veterans orpniut\on. Seven! n1cmbcrs or the Vet11ppemd wearm& sweat5hirU m1rbd 'KIU'. ·

An opponent of the u:xmbly, cutyina the Ji.an ROTC IS NOT · MANDATORY: FREEDOM OF CHOICE related in adiscuuion th1t he wu sick o f some ,cgments or the student body aivin& the entire university a bad n•mc by rcsor11nt to 11..u:h antics.

1e11!v~1!1rioto;~, :~~~1:!~brr~~ht~u=n:: ~ :C~: m1kin1 pr csxs o f I his univenity.

Jam Mi.ucy ... ,nd ~nis M1cOon11d spoke on the need for studc to participate in the aovcrnmcnt o f their WUvcnhy. MI. Mis y 11ld 1h1t the Enalish department WIii already lnvolvcd in suc;h an I ity in Iha! the dcp1rtment hu called for I mcel ing of Enalish m.Jors t o determine whit part s1udent1 should play In the orpniution or the department.

A skit wn performed by le1dcrs of !he Speech movement , 11 the umc time 1he Vets wived 1 'south Vi~tnunese Ola, 'Throughout the fcstivitics,JtsSC Blackwcllpr•nided the blues. '

--M1y 15, 1969

State U's Announce Increases In Fees

StuJl'nls li\·i~ in unin:nity 0 1,.-,a t,•J halls'a t the 11inc v. ucunsrn State Unin•rsilicswill rJ> s~; to S~4 u week fo r 100111 Jntl mNIS Junni; the 1•169,7 0 J,aJ\'mh: }'CJr, the WSU S)'Stcm ,1 1Cin• m ~faJu.on r,'J"(l rlS,

l n \' l<':»<.'S un•1 tlu.· 1•1cscn t H'JI "111 awrni;r :about S.! :a

~~t/~~t:1:~:;~:~;£~ A~1;~i H'Jf ,tJrltnj,:IWA I So:ptdnbo thc UIIIH'ISII) ,· h:u11ci for 100111 am! nwJls \\1ll 1J11J!e from S7~0 10 S~b4 1>1Hn,·ri.·cs in duugcs. at tho: u1111<•1si11ts a , c due to ,hff,•1,•ncl') m consuuction and hnJnrn1i; d1ar~-;.·s and in cosu of v1~1aun~ fooJ s..· rvicc facili tk11, \ld'h,•,•s;ml

Ro1,kn,·c halls arc financed 11,•m)tuJc111 pa)'l111:n1s. No~tatc tJ\ tunJ}a,c in votvcd in ,u1is1ru,·11,, o r op<rat ion of rcsnkn~c I Us, dining halls or HuJcnt ·e nters.

Room and meal .:h argr in,·rusi:~ :,.t year vdU ~ngc flom SI SJ.SO a week u the nrmus ni,·crsi tiu . Reasons for 1hc incr l>t' in room. char,cs 1ndu,k increased fu, ancmg cosu incaucd sa\uics o f cmpto)·tes paid from residence hlll budgets and the need for p\'Jtt'I ltM'f''eS btCIU!IC fcv.-u s1u,kn1s arc required to live in lH11'"<'1SII\" halls.

ln,-,cj§l;'sinchlfiesformuls ,m- che ,csult of higher food ,osts, m.:1t1sr:d v.ages and more 11htral policies in providing "stconds" for students. Thc mt1l.:h11gnlisud art fo r 1910 ; 1 mca\s .a 11•cek . Most Ulll\CISlll<."S al.so ha,·,: mtalplan5 !,)r fri,•r 111,:1\s per v.-ttk, for stud~t s 11ho so horm.• on w«kcnJi


(con,fnutd from /HIit 2J column which KCl!lC'd to be I favorite o r roru dealt wi th WSU irMa. In these columns I would K l-up I quiz on such things u how m1 ny different color chain lhen: 1.re in lhc clasuoom cenler (6). It wu notcsped1Uy rclcvant , but lhen ...

Thu year I have been The Pointtr'11uoci11e editor mcanu,g that I have been in charge of lhc edi1ori1l pagt. (A posi t ion I leave willingly to the competen t hands o r Som Schulle.) I have mainly writte n tditorisb but h,ve 1lso done a rew fealurc stork:s 1nd l'oinl Well Taken,.

The moll extensive and imponan1 featu re I wrote was for I!!! Pointer's special " The Party 's Over" e<lilion. The article was on the role ol the faculty in our universi ty. I 1houih1 it was pretty well researched and relcvanl for our campus (as were all the artic les In l ha l edition). Howevt r , I wu ex treme ly disappoilucd when the raculty treated !he article wi th total di51!1Jn and.,.LJsrcg:ird .

lronicaUy, while this anicle which I ha,J spen t lilcratly week$ wri ting was ianored, an earlier Point WeU Taken that took me 1 half-hour to wrile became my IJIC)lt ~pular, In the middle o f Augusi or last ytar I wrott a short little pic'cc welcoming tht students back to the wonden of Dreyfusvania. I did not think 1hat lll licle was cspcci.1 \ly good but it went in 1he first Po!n1tr. More pcopk commented favorably on that Point We ll Takeniiiiiii" commented on aUmyot herf2i..!:!.!.u.anick:1combillcd .

As we wen: fran lluUy pu tt in1 1osc1hcr this bst issue. Frank, who works in the University Center, tokl me I'd min I his weekly hell m 11 month or so. Perhaps I will. But right now ii i1 a plcuurc 10 he done.

if your school ,nrd,obe doesn't indudethewa!Jip.intslhatnever need i,oninJ-LEVl 'S STA-PREST Sportswear-now featured al

~II flip when you climb into a p;iir ol lhe wash pants that never need ~-LEVI'S STA-PREST Sportswear-now leatuied at

Room anJ meal charges for the 1~-; 1 ml•al pbn fo r 1hc J<Jo~-iO .:i,~ c1nic ynr will tK S"'~ JI Su1'<'rior. 5800 11 La Cw~c. SS\b 11 Stout. SSW :i t S1ncns Pornt and Whitewater, s.s.•o JI Oshl.osh :1.nJ Pb n cvilk, S$J0 JI l'au Cbue 211d S86J 11 R!Hf FJ\b

TH IS BRAVE MAN does mony things while riding his bicycle. He boloncu himself while holding ir, one hond on vmbrello and his textbooks. Shippy Clothing ~44 Moin

Shippy Clothing 944 Moin

Other .;hariu established for 11<''-l H'JI mduJ<' activil)' fees t J npi,F from SJ\ 10 560. ~tuJcnt centn fo:s r1ngini from s:o to S40 and book.rental recs oi S\O to SJO. All studcnu at SurtnorJnJ 11\esctpl freshmen anJ sophomores at Eau Cbitt "Ill pur~hlSt' thdrto:tbooks for t ht' fust time next yu, . A t~,ttwol.. purchase pbn 3\so is rr.ipos,:J3tO~kosh.

Basic fr,·s for rt'sidcn1 and 111>nr,·s1Jcn1 stuJcnlS will not br c,tlhlishcJ until the 1969,7 1 t,1cnn ium "udgr1 has tx.:n J-pproH'd b) thc lf:gisl~turc.

'8JS1, frcs lo, u.odcrguduatcs 1h1, )<"Js lrc S.?38 for the J,·JJcn11,·yc al; for Wisconsin 1 c ,1J c n t ~ an J S 678 fo r n,;,n r,· sid cnu.


Two Students Win Grants

Two chemistr)' sl udl·nts ha,·t rect"tvcd grants to sptci.a lizc in rcsc11ch work :it institul\'5 liter th is ) ' Cat. according to Dr . Ro la nd Tr)tt,:n. depa(tment chairm3n. ·

Diane Baumgut, ~I .daughter of Mr . rnd Mrs . Kcnne 1h Baumgart, J1S Crooks St .. Grren Bay. h:is bten awarded S7SO 10 a tt end a Na1ion.al Science Foundation program a l Bosemann . ~lont . from Jun e 23 10 Aug. 29 S1uar1 Staples, .?0. so11 o r Mr. :ind Mra. Corliis llaycs , Rt. • I, Fri en dS"hip, rccei \·cJ S6SO to spend the majo111y of thr first semester th is foll at ,\rgonnc National


THE ~OSSIL of on extinct an{mo1 , which lived 30 mill!~ yeors ego in the weuern port of North ·Americo, hos been cleaned in o del,co1e project of severol months ond ploced in !he rrivs~m of natvrol h istory at Wisconsin Store University· 5'evens Pciint. Philip R. Bjor k, oui,tonl professor of geogra· Phy 01 WSU ond OJrotor of pa leontology for 1he musevm, SCid rhe onimal woi an even,toed ungvlote which wos e,:­dusively North American in distr ibution. The animal wot

obov, the size o f a sheep and hod teeth like o dttr. II hod 101.lr loet on eoch foot.

laboratory in suburban Chicago. Miss B:1umgar1 , a 1966

gnduillc of Grct n B1y St. Josep h's Academy, will be gh"cn

·a choke to do research clthe rin photo..:hernistr)". ion pumps in I iv in g cc I ls o r ll -ray cup1allogra phy.

Meissner Has Poem Published

Kapter Attends NSF Institutes :=.=====:

Staples. a 1966 1Bduatc o( Adams-Fritndship High School. will p3n icipate in the Arionnt Undergraduate Honors Research BiU Meissner , a WSU-Stcven1 Prog ra m, taking clus~s in Point Jun ior, was mxntly advanced nuclear chcm!Slry, informed that one of his poems advanced laboratory techniques • was chosen for publicalion in ~~thods~ H~ na~dwu~"w


1~ the National Poetry Press.

rcsurch project in protein and Th e pQC m, entitled ''Cily

g?l)r~~~nn1~m~h~::.C"'ision ~r~~.;;1 'Jfc~~~;hc p5!r:t. • Staples is the thin! WSU Meissner. an Englbh majo{ (rom

•cbefnisl:rf:; majol UI four,ycars fo Bar.boo, had ha pocin Choaen bll' , 1hen a scholarship at for the Los Angeles' anlholon Argonne. James Wheatley wu from l he J0,000 e ntries the 1966 rccipic nl :ind · D:lnlcl s ubmi tted by students in Smilh, the 1967 winner. i:oUegcs throughout the country.

Speech Majors Recognized As Outstanding

and e:ulC'rtc,c in clinical work. Last year's winner was Maureen O'Connor o( Mosinct , who made the11wartlprcscnu1ion.1.

Stevens Point is becoming a leader in W'11consin for training speech and htaring pathologists 1nd1udiologi.sl:1. 11 11111 the first in the WSU systtm to recelvt authority from the Coordinating Council for Hi&her Ed ucat.ion to

John D. K1p1u , usociale pro fenor of gcognphy 11 WSU-S1cvens Point , hu been selected u a part icipant in thtte Nilli9na l Science Foundation swnmtr institutu. He will first 111 vtl to New Mexico Sutt University for 11111ter resou.rccs symposium June 2-27 ; then on to the University o( Dclawut fo r a .e llm1tolo1y inslitute headed by F. Kenneth Hue, British meteorologist , July 1-26;

finall)' · Ri ce Univers ity in Houston, Texas will host an institute on gulf co:ist geolog)' August 11 -30.

Mr . KJptcr will rud · the p'apt r "T h e I ndustrial Geoiu1ohv and Water Resources of Waukegan, Illinois.Pan II," at the New Mexico symposium. P1rt I of the Waukegan research paptr was presented during an earlier 1967 summer confc~ncc at New Mexico St3lc Univcrsi1y.

COILEGE MEN latge Natlonol Monufocturer needs S young men to supplement summer work force .

$125 .00 PER WEEK


-Travel Incentives

-Complete Training Program

-Scholorahlps to $800

111111 ~ Y~II blcM1 )bull hate

11 ~ ,~~1, )but.self of the 1reaf new wash pants lhatnnuneedironinJ-LEVl'S STA-PREST Sportswur-now fea­tured al

Shippy Clothing 944 Main

ifyoudon't1obatk loschool inthewuhpanlsthatnever ,need ironin2-LEVl 'S STA-PREST 'Sportswear-now fnlured ' al •

Shippy Clothing 944 Moln

Students from Medford and arant mlllC'r of Kltncc dtptt



fun1~: ;:"':..:':::"":..:u:.:':.:'·-----~========,--_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_~----------------....:. award in sptcch pathology • ...

audiOlogy at WSU-Sttvtns Point .

Th ty arc Mar j orie Erl , daughter or Mr. and Mn. Otto F. Erl, 12 6 E. Broiidway SI. . Medford , and Jall'IC's Lombardo, so n o f Mr. and Mn. Peter Lombardo, Yi Sitver St.. Hwlty.

Their names will be engraved on a pbquc kept on permanent display in the speech p1tho\ogy and audiology dcpartmenl , acco rd ing t o chairman Dr. Gtrald Johnson , ind they will be WSU rtprc,cnutives nut ynr al the Amttican Speech an~ Hea tin1 Assoc:ation's n11ional conttntion in Chicago.

&i:b~;.tt:~c~:.•:iNi~e~ per,onality, 1rad u1te pottntial



344-9557 Try Our FRENCH FRIES or · ONION RINGS With Your


Hosiery Sale

."Fbhermen uy th1t they erooy outunartin1 1 Hlh. WeU, fish are so· 11upld lhlt thert isn't any Ulck lo that - it's 1U ·1 m111er0Cluck ." ·

''The fishermen I kriow go

::~ t:: .~~ !~~ r~':i· t"11:i

whc:1. Fishlna Isn't I sport - it's jult 11'1 t11.cu1C men utc lo be ab'° to do the thlnp they reaUy wanl lodo ,"

'"The purpox of fishing ii to provide 1n opportunity for 1 man lo gel 1way by himxlf and think deep thouahl s, and commune wilh lll tllle. The fish themsetves don't count. It's the experience, ind thechaUcnge, lh1t mattcn."

"Fishermen are a l;lig bunch of lius. Why can't they teU1he truth about the fish they catch? And that okl wheeze about the b\l one thtl aot aw1y - if I hear tha l one once more I'll positivelyscrt1m!'

Th1t's the gi of severa l 1rticlcs' about fii · & !hit I hive re,id in the last re weeks. Some o r the writers w rt fishermen, ind some weren't but 1U of the

rn~~~~cicci°w ni' tti~~!~ 10 COl'TtCt . I'm do & thu partly in self-defense, bul largely bcctUIC I'm tired of hc11ing lhcse age-okl misconceptions repc1ted without any chance for rebuttal by I fisherman. let's look it these st1temenu ·one by one and try to diicovcr the truth :

" There 's nothin& t o outsm1rtlng a fis.h - ruh 1rt s tupid . " Of coune fish arc stupid. The biggest fish have brains no larger than a petnul. No one cl1ims that lhcy are

!!1/f~~~11TJ:s 11:hi~w~~~~

become qui(e wcU ad1pted to s t1ying alive in I savage environment , The b&u O( trout you fish for is the sole survivor of thousands of eggs.

His brothcnandsistendidn'I make it. He did because he was s lightly more 1ware of the thrc1ts to hit life, and beuer able 10 1void them. Time and experience have made him

~=~~~~: in~~ h~~I~~ :::~~

When · 1 fi1herm1n his overcome: the nalh'e caution of a fl.sh, and tricked him into taking a lure or som e sort, the fisherman hu good reason to be proud of hiJ catch. He has mt.I !he fish on his own pounds, and defeated tum. There is no battic of wits invotved, but rather a contest between the intelligence and skiU or the: ruhtnnan and the inslincts of the rt1h. As you can sec, it's not just a milte r or luck. In fatting u in poker, still beats luck in the k>ng haul, and quite often in lhe short h1ul, too.

"Fishin& isjuSI an excuse for drinking and lo.ding and getting out · of the house." For some men , that's quite true . They do spend most of their "fishing" time drinking beer, playin& cards. and shooting the: bull. But

. they're not fishermen, even when they splash 11ound a bit on lake or strum, fri&hlcning the fish and litterin& the shoreline.

I don't begrudge them their fun, if that's what it is. but !do resient it when they call what they arc doing "fishing". It isn't. Rl*I rishcrmen arc serious and considenttc while fi.itting, and fool around 1fterwanh.

"Fishin1 b for thlnkin&deep 1ho11t1hts." I find it hard to diSl~ewiththltonc.lt sounds

1 like something I shoukl aptt with - a sort or philosophical 1pproa.ch. But yet.I wonder ju.st ow m1ny deep thoughts I actuaUy get ofr durina a day's fishin&. Most or my thoughts at

:~~h .:::::~ a~d ~:!:e:o ~':'!:i~h fi.lh : why arep't llicy hinin1, where are they, wha11m l.doin1 wrona, why did the last one strike, etc. When I feel a need for deep thinldn,. I st aside a time for it, so 1h11 I can do a 1oodjob. ;


Fishermen ire suppo,cd to commune with n11ure, too. Now l 'muinterntedinnatureu lhe next fellow, and always lake note or the birds and otbc:r animtls thtl I 11eewhilc fl.dlin&, but I fee l that n1ture 51.udy, lil:e deep thinldn&, reqURS more conocntntion than I can pvt it and fish 11 the 11me time. Ukc most fishermen, I prefer lo

"Fishermen lie aU the time, and lhe bigut lies arc aboul lht big fish th•t 101 1w1y." WeU,

~~s~!;~nh~~dlie ,1 :nd dl~~t~~

11c I bi& joke among the non•fishcn. who ire perh1ps more adept 11 lying. llow 1bout the juvenile who t rlc• lo build up hi s "mucu linit y" lJ\d impress other idiou by tearin& abo ut in I areal rouin& behcmoih of I cu. drtvin& 11 tho1.11h he were in 10mc1ort or1 r1ce.1 191'thelyln11

And rhe go11lp and slander that women Indulge in - do they care U any of it ii true? The promises m1de and never kept

:rnSU!llic~~f~~:-:: o1~ea:t:

on . I n comp1 ri so n , the stretching o f I fish by • few in ches or ounces ii I sma U nwattcrindeed .

I 1lways believe 1101ics abour the big ruh 1h1t got aw1y. I know that they're mostly lure , becau5e the bi& ones alw1ys do get aw,y • 1h11's how they live


whoppers they 1lmort cau1h1 , beC1u1tsuchlalesarethetrue,1 form of humility, even if !hey ire totally f1l1e . Whit couto.! be wrona with I revclttion of one's failures?

"II doesn't matter If you don't c1tch anything - it's the c h1 1lcn1e I hat counts." Somewhere, tuddcn in those two 11tntences, is the fundame'ntal mttning of fishing . Sure, we all want ro catch fuh, and we work hud It i~. but the genuine fisherman is the man who can try from d1wn to du5k without raising a. single fish, and still not consider the day 1 1ota l loss.

There's another upect of fishing which is se ldom mentioned, but which might be the main n!ason that people pursue it' so avid ly. Fishing

~i!e~r~bc!~sc~cc::;s.~ ~~~g~ in t!ut tach new fuhing trip is a fresh stan, a new chance to succeed .

Every call might be the one that results in I trophy fuh. Past failures an be forgotten, and worries and cares can be s.et aside for the moment. This mighl be the tiine! Later, when !he ruherman re turns home, he feels I pltas:mt rclax11ion ind 1 s.ensc or fulfillment. If he has C:IU&hl some fish, hefeclsh1ppy 1nd successful. If he hun't, there's always anothc:r chance. Whit mon: could you ask or 1 sport?


CONCENTRATION is exhibited here os .fhis mon p,epores to shoot o bank shot in a game of b illiords. The piclvre was token in the games room

of the University Center. ·

Soccer Club Posts Win Over LaCrosse, 3-0

The Soccer Cub posted iu Point and finally the offcnllC got ball downfickl, John Clark, second str&ighl win in ils spring rolling. Frink Druckc. tl,c right playing at kft wing, made 1 s.euon bydefealin& the LaCtos.sc forwud missc:d two well placed pcrfc:ct pass over the heads o r Sute University Soccer tum 3-0 corner kicks in attempting to the laCrosse defenders right to here last St1unl1y. The Pointers head them into LaCronc's goa l. Yonan . The go11ie came out to ri.iJcd their record to 2-0 with His allempts were jusl wide. At narrow the tnglc of the shot, but only twopmcsremaininginthe · lhc end of the first period Yon1n si d es tepp ed the spring se1son . nc:ither teams had scored . on rushing goalie and neatly

Outheadin& 1hcir opponents In the second period of play placed his shot into the right ind 11king 1dn.nt11e of their 1he Pointc:n tallied two goals to comer of the goa l. The: fourth wuk defen se:, the Pointers put Jhem out in front of period went by scoreless, but llshed out fo r 1wo aoals in the LaCrosse. The fir11 score came l aCrosse again made sevcntl second period of pity ind on I shot by the left wins. Lee excellent aucmpts to score only another goal comin& in the third Sartorius. coming in from his to be 1hwarted by the ddcnJt or period. position 10 shoo! a rebounding Point. .

The Pointen started off with baU coming off a player involved The laCrow: club boastc:d a a ratherwe1kflntperiodofplly 1n action deep in LaOosse number of foreign players aU gettin1boggcddownwith1vcry territory The go1l1e for who coukl play n:a\ well. but poor passing game and for I LICrosse let the baU slide off his • they had nol pla.ycd 1oge thcr as while 11 1ppe.and that LaOosc rinaers. tut him in the chesl, ind a team for Ill)' length or l ime. mighl make thin&s I litt le hot coukl only helplessly witch lhe, Durina lhe 11tcond half. LaOoue for go.lie ·Arturo Roidtn . The baU bo\mce over his head into : probably played • better passin& ddenJt held st ron, (of Stevens the aoal for the score. game than the Pointen, bul

The second score for the Stevc:ns Point seemed to gtin

;~~~f:y ~~~e~n pl~J,°:11~?:_ ~:~ehe~rn'a~i~~:t~~lian:'e~


(continutd from page 2/

foi'wud . Hii shot came as he while laOosse headed very littk followed up on a rebounding throughoul the g1me. The bill nur the goal area of apparent llck of experience of L1Crossc . Al the half the the L&Ctos,c goalie mull be

. Pointen led 2-0. ' considered a decisive facto r for Enaliih 1c1cher I wort. with both theuniven;i1yand the readers : they must understand each o t her, must understand how lanauaac"wmsctc.

When language: becomes 1n issue I do know ,omcthin& 1bou1 its potential power to shock ind alienate. I also know that this "power" must be explained, grappled with and understood . If you make !he argument !hit such langu1ge is 11.right in Madison or New York but no! in Stevens Point . I simply disagree.

Ltnauagc must be tolcntcd in Stevens Point u weU as in ' those other more 1olcr.1ntly-educattd pltccs. If not, 11 becomes our duly to so educate. Our whole culture must become more tolerant ind mon: open to alien idcu, a tolerance which is abo the best defense ,aainst violent revolution.

il is bet:aUIC Stc:vcru Point'• rea ction •• and yo un Mr. Pre.sident - is inloleranl and closed that we have the cunent misundentandin&. Standillds of ptrtOI\II taste dktate too much or our moral code, breed too much an111onism, and too often le1d lo hypocrl ti cal sel.f-righteousneu, bi1otry, ncum ind the su.ppreuion of idcu.

When .one stand1rd of tu1c becomes dominant it tnmplcs ind cr41ht1 all competing llanduds - which ire usu1Uy all difftrin& s11ndard1. Whit I am here to tttc.h is thtt not only ire then: different 1t1nduds, but that tho,e standards mull be

1olerated - and perhaps -.even The first hllf hid UCrossc it definitely weakened their understood . pllying into the wind, so during dcfc:ns,c ,

Thil is ·1ccomptished in my ;~~la:coi:!i ~:!' :~dP:Y,J~! plli';~~c~n~l~~~ICth~~r!;~: clas.sroombydiscussingdiffcrtnf idvantqe. Buf even with this season this weekend . On w r i I er s • n d di rre rent idvantagc they railed to score . Saturday, !he Poin~en will take ~~:~:t~~:ti'~!.~ii~f :~~: They did m1na1e several Hne on the Green Knights or SI.

open-mindedness , more Rt~~dlnt\~!e=\!:e'\:,1~~h ~0S~~e~~to:i~':1,!!


tolerance. great uvcs. LaOose nearly the fie ld across from lhe sco r ed on a well placed Cbssroom Ctnte r. . .

In our most abjcclive sllte, we cannot draw lines in whit we arc willing to consider; however, !his docs not mean we must accept for otm1tlves aU thtt we are exposed 10 . And 1his includeslan1u1rc: :

My defense of W11uage hu been forced upon me. I would .not chooJt lhii to be an iuue -there are many more ' ideu I would 11ther champion.


wb~s~ef~~~ef°~hrii~tt~: si tu 1tloru. Yet I know it can be better. Maybe next issue. Ill position is inherently opposed to yours, Mr. President , since vou mun work within limitttioni -both fin1noial ind social - which we do not hue imposed on us.

A newsp1per like ours'cxi1u

~ire~:~s~I ~:;~~! y~:!1:l

comer.tick. The ball was placed On Sunday the Pointers will perfectly and woukl hive sailed travel to . LaCtossc r? r a rc1um into the goal hid not Roldfo n;i:1tch .with the lndi:ins. Game made I fine lea ping uve. lune will be at I p.m. Students

Point's t.hird goal came in the are urgc:d 10 attend the home third period by center forward , g1me Saturday and b1ck up the Easho Yon1n Advancina the tttm.



- FOR YOU We do not expect our position to be in harmony with youn -o nly lhtt o ur position be

:=;o:i~~~:r :~ c:!~~.t~~ ;::.===============::; may phce cop ies of 111 Counterpoints ill my rue. -

Sincerely, /

Toby.4ner Eqlitb Imtnacto,

,rmington's :::::::; 0 ~,~~t J::. on the ,----------------~

~ • • • I h O r O • v.11 ~ LAUNDERING • DRY CLEANING





Dalfy Pickup ond DeliYMY at Dorms

10% DISCOUNT On Cash and Carry

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-428 Oi\1i1ion St. [opposite College Dorm,}

1124 Second St.

3049 Churc:h

900 Pork St.

Netters Drop Pair Of Conferenc~ Duals

By Tim Ltsch LC, beat Mike Dowlin&, 4-6 , 6-1, WSU·Stcvens Point 's tennis 6-1 ; Falun, LC, beat W1ymi~.

t eam managed o nly three 6·2, 6-1; Wais, LC, belt Tom victories in a pair of dual 1cnnis Wa I l sc hlaegcr, 6'·2-61; meets and lost both encounters, Ticrenth1 ler , LC, beat 9-0 lo La Cr0S1C and 6,3 to Tcrzynski , 9-1, 2-6, 6-2; and Whi1cw11er, in action on the Pin s ca k , LC ., beat Poin1er couns last Saturday Vandcn lleuvel, 4-6, 6-3, 6-0. mo rnina. DOUBLES,-Murphy-Youna .

Against 1hc Indians, five of LC., beact Cat1an1ch-Dowling, the nine matches went to I third 6-2. 6·3; Fatufll-Ticfcnthaler. sci, but the Pointers did not LC, but Tcrtynski-Waymire, manap to win a singk mllch. 4-6, 6-4. 6-4; and W1is-Pinsctlc,

S tevens Point picked up LC, beat WaUschiaercr-Vandcn· victories against 1hc Warhawks in lleuvcl, 6-3 and 8-6. two singles and one doubles Whitewater 6, Steven, Point 3 match. Ed Tcn.ynski ind Jim SINGLES-Skoglund, W, beat VandcnHeuvtl won their sinales Dowlin&, 6·3, 6-2 ; Pete Scheuer, matches ind Tom Cat1an1ch and W, bell Waymire , 6-0, 6-0; Herb Waymire beat their doubles ' Poliui, W, be11 W11lsc:hllegcr, opponents. 6-2. 6-3: Tenyn.sk.i, SP, beat • The Poin ters, who now hive I N. is s I er. 1 - !i, I !i- I 3; 3-6 dual meet record in WSUC VandcnHcuw::J SP, beat Baas, 1ction, wiU travel to Platteville 1-9. 6·3, 6- 1. this Friday and Saturday for the • DOUBLES--Cat11nach-Way­confertnce meet . mil'~. SP. beat Zigrnund-Scheuer,

Complete results or 1111 6-0, 6-0: Polil.ti·Skoglund, W. Strunlay's action follow : beat Dowling-WaUsclllK&er, 6-1,

LICronc9,StevensPoUlt0 6-3; Bus-Niss lc r , W, beat SINGLES-:-Murphy, LC, beat Terzynski-Vandcn Hcuvcl, 6-4

Cattanach. 6-8, 6-2. 6-1 : Youn&, and 6-4.

M,y 16, 1989

UAB Announces Winners Of Games

The Unlyeulty Actlville1 Boird hekl their annual pocket

blU!'do~or:r:~dt~hc ~'::~ ~D.I wilh billilrdS WII the~ spon,orshlp of I Uble tenms toum1men1 .

Winnen In the 14: I blllwd competitio n were Dave Johnson ind Don KuUck, flnl and ,econd place retpect lvely.

In nine bill poc:kel billiard•, Dive Johnson cook nnt place with Jo hn Jensen caplurin& 1econd .

Ron Greenwald and Tom Schultt pllccd firA and secon~

:·:~;ii~r!>;;. in thc..,!•ble tcnnlS

A luncheon WIS served for the partlc.ip111ts 11 noon.

UC _Sponsors


At Eau Claire The United Council or

Wiscon1in SUit Uninrsity S1udenf Governments in conjunc t io n with lhc Oep11tmcnt of Sociology at WSU·Etu Cl1ire has inlli1ted pl1ns for • tummcr fiekl ex pericncc in sociology. The proa,ram, financed In put by J.C . , will be open 10 two quaUfyin& students from each or the nine: Wisconsin St11c Universi ties.

The program ls tlesiancd 10 provide an individual lc1ming experience for each or lht s1udcnts. They will work wi1h the cuhuraUy dislinct in severa l areas of the Hate of Wisconsin, and contribu te to the day to day living experience of thox pcopic by assisring in local recrtation1I and summe r eduutional proarams. ·

Nine sites have been cho11tn 1S field usianmcnis in the sutc . The main ethnic group with which the s(udents will work ii the Amcrie1n Indian. Sludent applicants for the pro&fllm will be 1tlccted on the basil of co 11 e1e m 1j or Ind recommendation o f their rcspcc1ivc studc:nt 1ovcmment andunivcnity ofrki1II.

Six credits is being &ivcn for the course which will run fro m Ju ne 9 - Au1 . 8. Further information may be obuined by writin&: ·

Or. John M. Hunnicull Chairman , Dept. of

Sociolo,y. wsu . Etu Claire, Wlscoruin !54701




Ml 15, 1969

Badgers Win Two Both by One Run

T he Wi sco ns in Badger 's b~sc b:all tu m choked o (f hu e inning ulJJes Tuu day artemoon to 110:11 a rai r o f wins over the , m 11 ngS1,·ve1u 1'0 1111 sq uad, 4 to ,I ;anJ .• 1 10 ! .

h1J lwo hils. Bohrn, Bent ley anJ Mand. Both o r Mand 's hlu n mc in the pin ch hit icrro le and bot h d rove in runs.

I n h is s ix in ni ng 1tin1 , Ritzc nthalcr allowed si x hits,

T h,:o l'o1n te1s performance , struck out five, walked one and "'u ,·.-,y .:n•,h1 abk as in both gave up t wo e arn ed ru ns. gJnws 1110:)' h:ad thl' l ymg run on lk rkhahn also gave up sh hiu , t>a5t: JnJ thi• 11otcn 11al winninc but wa lked t"'·o, struck out one mn a l ba t but the)' couldn 't ind gave up one earned run. In )CUI\' They stranded IS runners the one lnnU1g he pilcheJ, Setu r m the 1 ... 0 garnu, induJm K 10 allowed no hiu, walked one, • m the s,:,·ond g11 mc . struck out one and didn' t give

up any runs. Rit i cnthalcr and Berkh ahn abso rbed the losses. The p1t.:hing was also nron1,

Tum R1 1l.en 1hate r , Gle nn Bt1J..h1hn and Ji m Se t ter lllo,..,mg onl)' four ramcd runs "'luk striking out seven, walkin1 fou1andg1vingup l 2 hits. ln thc hrlJ. th.-y committcJ fou r en-or5 and at bat 1hey ban p:d out 11 hits

Stu Voigt was the big man fo r the Badac rs . J" lting rour hits in six t rips and batting In three runs. One of 1hrce .300 hittcn o n t he tcaiii; he rlise ~. his 11 vo.: n gt' to .339. T he only other Badgc:r to colle ct two hits, wu fi111 basc m~ Gsty W, ld who

Dnr11<· t he . Joublt" los.s, was1two for 'three pilying in Poin ter ,·oa,·h Jun Clark wu only he second game. pl~ued "' i t h th e 1e11 m 's per lorrnan,:e '"These "' en- some__.....-pit ching was thcd lffe rcnce in of 1hc N:st ga11cs ,,..e\-e played the gamt s and Wisconsin had it. JU ~cason. "e made .~n mental Mike McEvilly ...,-ent the disu.na: rm!tales th:rn foll! . in the nu t game, 1\lowin1 rh·e

The fru I ra tion o f losing hits. st riking out seven. watk in& Mg»i 111 1he xt h inning of th1: one 11.nd giving up one earned

fim g~me "1th the scort tied : ~:;;n~ ~~li~a~lier~!: ~~;~e 7;t~h:

;~~· ~~~~ s /~~ofs~s:~do r~c~-'::i second game, lll lowing six hits , J i.ingk and wen t to sec-ond st, iking out se ven , walkin& none "h,·n O..nnis Bohm couldn' t and g1n ng up one earned run in honJk Tom Johnson's grou nder. fiv e and one thi rJ innings. Ile Both 1unncrs adv11.nced I base on 1clk\·ed Slan e , Les Pennington

GENE JACK, 1he Poinrers· leftr1elder, is shown here os he crones home plole in hopes thot he will beot the boll to the f}lote. (Photo by Mike

Domiriows ki)

Pointers, Blugolds Divide

..... Infra mural Press .Box

lyJ ~hn StengJ

Baldwin l P.atl clinched the a ll -c 1m p u1 rca ld en ce hall cha mpi onship ( or yea r-round inlra mutllls by fi nlshin1 second in t he an nu a l re lays a nd ddea l in g their clo,est riva l, Baldwin I East in softb11l.

Second P.ast finished wi th 20S poinll for the year, to 194 fo r runneru p Baldwin I Eut, • who held the kid fo r 1Jmo11 half the year. 2 Ent , however, ca m e a live In the liecond 1t1nester. They finished liCCOnd o n camp u s In bow ling, badf!1int.ion, and relay,, added a thud m volleyba U, and played in t he roftba ll champ ionship Tucsd1y night against Sims 2 Norlh .

Seco nd ~ u t hi'.5 neve r f inished k>wcr than fourt h ln

ri:·r~:~d y:~::~~·~o~~:,!: againstftlltc rnit lcsaswell.

M e m bet S O f I he championship wing include ; !'etc Hansen, Bill SchwlSf. Oive ll oban, Bill Vancos , Mike Maderich, Doug 80elt chcr , Marv Hanson, John Breneman, John lla usu, Paul Ebeling. John Clark, Tom Orcsen . J im l.kdkc. Oick':-Johnson, Jerry Ols1erhaf1, Br uce lhmler, Al Prochnow, Jo hn Melge r. Greg Robbins. Ken t Roloff, Mike Gorman and T im LaM:h (Captain).

~~:~~n;:~~ rt 01~:1!n p; t:ahcri;i~ \~ad


: ; o::~: s ;~~ ..... ~:u~~= fl) to· d,·ep ce nt er . After ~r;:,,c~c::~~:. ';~i:ni~hg~~~d: t~ui~~

~~~to~a~1;~:~ !~,\~'\~::~~ :~~:h:n: ~ dd";~~e~ht::/ itni~:

; 1~!~:d :1:~~;~ ~!!1': r~

1~0 ~:~:: o f work . lie allowed no hits o r

Last Home Doubleheader

Baldwin I East set a new· record o r 2:29.4 for the combined 440 and 880 relays. Runners included Dave and Don Sturm, Ed Lcona:d o.nd Oa~ Templeton.

In the opening round or softba ll pl.:lyorh, Sims 2 North bea t Knut,.en 3 South, HI:

the "'inning run . In the top half or the r\·cnth. the l'oin tc rs

C/~,\:1 ·~n~:~ ::; ... ~us1 r! :;;:

out at second b)' Bob llennins. G~n.:- Jack pinch,•J hit fo r Marv AnJuson and dn: "' a walk , putung runners al firs l and sr~onJ

Wik'Onsin scored first in both contests and was never be hind. The)' scored in the fim inning and the- Pointers came back to t ic it _uJfin the second .

In the fourth inn in&, !he Bad gers pushed across another run to rep in the lead , but !he next inn ing the Pointers came back to kn ot it up.

!. Tl h they 5{:ored scvcn times off o f Y m Laa: Eau Claire's Randy MiUis.

OJVc tenon's second home llan- is 100 o ff wi th a walk and run of the ga me in the bott om 100 k seco nd w hen Mil lis half o f the seven th inning gave ovcrthn:w first on an attempted WSU-St cvc,\S Point a 9.7 win pick-oH. Sam Bent ley laid J own and a spli t o r it s douhlcheadcr a bunt and was safe at first with WSU-E au C la i re last w h e n E a u. Cla ir e se co nd Satu nl ay at Buko lt l'ilfk. The b ase ma n , Schere r. forgot to Blugo lds rallied for five runs in cover the Wsc. Harr is came in on the seventh inning of the opener a wild pi tch moments later. to win . S-1. Arter Dave Groeschel struck out .

T he s pli t lcf1 Coach J im O:ive Pete rson d rove a Millis C lark' s Po inte rs with a 4~ fast ba ll over the riaht field fcni:c co nfc1cn cc mark 11.nd 8-14 to t ic the g:ime at 3-all . Walkner aga in s t all compet it ion. Ea u follo,..,·ed with a si ng le and Gene Claire is now 3-7 in the WSUC Mand wu ufc on an error by and 6·8 overa ll . Scherer.

its 1969 season thls weekend on the road wit h a p1 ir o f co nfe rence d o ub le hea d e rs , taking on Slout on Friday and River FaUson Sa turday.

FIRST OAMT. Olu ,:-o ld,i A.U R R rbl Tultr. I f .......... 3 0 0 0 Langlola. 3b ··- J I O 0 Scherer. 2h ........ 4 1 2 2 D. 01&<>11, cf .... _ 4 0 0 0 Gipp. N .......... _ 4 O O O M . Olaon. c ........ 3 0 1 0 Hughca. l b ........ 2 l 1 0 . SL Ccnnalne, rl 3 1 2 l Hov.•c, p .. _ ........ 3 l l l

,. ' r olntf'ni AB R

IY H R Cf'bb so Howe (W) 1 6 1 1 l 1 Rltzenl'cr (L) 6 1 6 3 3 4 Crundttn 100002

S &COND OAM.E Blu('Old!I AB R H rbl Tuter. If ... _ .. _, 4 1 1. O Langlol1. lb .... 3 l 2 0 Scherer, 2b ...... f 1 2 1 D. Ol.t0n, cf ...... f O l 1 $L Germaine, l b f l l O

Bohm. 3b ....... 3 l Andcnron. c .... 3 0 Henning. pr ...... 0 1. Berkhahn. p ...... O O Set~r. p ............ J 0 Cn.inde,en. p ·-·- 1 0

20 9 7 7

EAU Clalno ..... ,_ .. 300 003 1-7 Stcven1 Point ·- 700 000 2- 9 E-MUJla 2, Scht:rer. SL ~ ­matr1e. Harri,. HR-PelCnlOn 2. Cl pp. DP-Stevens Point l . Eau Clairt: I. LOB-Eau Clalrto 7. P oint 2. S8,1iennlng. S-Howe, Crouehrl. PB-And,rson. \.\'P­Crundcen 2, Millis.

Smith 2 South outscored llansen 4 West. 11-3, Pray 4 East beat St eine r 3 Sou. t h , 7-6: and Baldw in 2 Eut wh ip ped Bu rr oughs 3 West . 12-6. In semi-final action. Sims 2 North bombed Smit h 2 South, 22- 11, and 8.1\dwin l East rallied for five runs in the bst inning 10 edge l'ray4 East. 10-9.

Wi1h a l -2 count on hi m. pinch hille r Gene ~h nd lined a single 10 tenter and Henning soon:d, leaving runners on fi rs t ;uid second .. ,, , In the second game, the u ory

was much the ume as the fi rst . Wisconsin gnbbcd the lead in the fi rs t inning , added an other run in t he fo ur th and scored their fin al run in the fifth. The Poin ters picked up their firs t run in tha t contes t in the sixth. Bohm struck out but the ball got a .... ·ay fr om the catcher and he wu n fe at first . Moving to second on a 11ounder , he wen t to t hi rd on an e rror by the shortstop and scored on ~land 'i pinch single .

To m Ritzcnthalcr o r Stevens Denny Boh!g sU1glcd to score Poiot . :i.nd J im Uowc o r Eau one llln and the runners took Claire , locked In a tight pi tchc.rs second and third o n the play at due l in the o pener. The o nly run the plilte . Marv Anderson lac-cd of the contest gping into the ano ther single to right cen ter to fina l inning was Pointer ve teran score ~h nd and Bohrn, bul was John Harris' th ird home run of put out trying to ta.kc second on

Cro"chcl, ct ·-··· 3 0 Bentley, c ....... - 3 0 Har r1JJ. 2b _,,_ .• J l

7 • H rbl 0 0 2 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

~r.;~· :: :.~~:::~· ; ~ ~ ~ MUlla fL) U' JI R er bb 60 HughC9, c ----.. 3 l O O Berkham : ~ ; ; i :

Studcn 1.11' He1dquarte11

Beren's Barber Shop Three Barbera

Ydu n111y hr next Phone: :W,&-4!1,Jf;

Next to Sport Shnp

But tha1 was..lll the Pom1c rs could do. The next bane r, John !bn-is. grounded to the thi rd baseman on the fi m pitch . forcing M1ndat sccondbn e and endm1 1hc1ame .

Pctcraon, l b --· 3 0 Walkner, rl .... J 0 J ilek . It ............ 3 0

Mlllls, P --·-2: ~ ~ . ~ ~~~em(W): : ~ ~ ~ ~

In th e second ga~c. the Pointers trailed, 3, 1, going into the top of the sevent h. l eading orr. Sam Bent ley lined a home run into le ft field, bu1 the next ,.,.o baucn "'"<' rt" registered u st.nkc ouu. Dennis Bohm kept the Pom t ho~s alive with 1 :..inglc.bu! lt cnning ... ·asrct ire d on strikes to end !he con1es1.

Henning !ed the Pointe rs in baning, going thn:e fo r seven in the double hude r an d d riving in 1"'0 runs. Three ot her Poin ters

the yc:a.r in t he first inning. the play. Rit ;r.ent hakr carried a four hit Berkhahn drew a walk. and

shutout into t he sevent h, but a pin ch runner Bob Henning sto ic walk , two hits, an e n-or, and a second . Harr is was sa fe on an

~~":' ~: upu.~i3.cr~~ (~\·: r~u~: : ~:rth&~tt:ii~h ~;~c:utnu!~: Ritzentha le r was sclic.vcd and wu cau.Jht o ff first by Millis, Ron Grundeen finally retired the bu.I stayed •live in a rundown 1ide. long enough for Henning to­

J e rr y Hu ghes, w ho also score from third before he was staned in basketball for Eau tagged out for the third out .

FIRST GAME ;~~~teh. a~f~';:~ at ~lk~t~r: un~fi t~~re ·':i;! h ~ :r~n 1"i~

Stevens Point ....... 0100 10 1·3·5-3 St. Germaine Singled and J im Blugo lds scored three t imes Wisconsin ..... .... .' .. 100 1021-4·6-S Howe followed wi.lh 1 · long against Pointer lefty Ji m Setzer,

double to drive in the lead ru n. who had pitched t hree scoreless SECOND GAM E Riue nt haler struck out JeH innings. After one out, Howe

Stevens Point ....... 00000 11 -2-6-1 Tulci- , but O:i n Langlois was safe singled and Bill Gipp drove one Wisconsin ............ 1001 IOx-3 ~-2 on an erro r and Roger Scherer o f Seizer's offerings over the left

belted an 0 ·2 pi tch over tbc right fie ld fe nce for a home run.

P • A ' • field fen ce to give the Blugolds • Sco:cr wa lked Huahcs and was

te SI Ctlon S-l edge . Gru ndccn camc on and behindonMiUis,2-0 , whcn he

0 I n r n i[~ncnnc: t~: '~n~~s:.n and e m Gipp wsg:~~C:c~y ~~u~pe~~Cd the The Pointers threa tened in walk to MilliS and bot h runners

B,\Sf:BALL - Friday. AT Stout , (2 ), \ p.m., ~ lurday: AT River their half o f the seventh u Tom advanced as Tulcr grounded out Fall.s.(!). 1 p.m. - Walk ner and Gene Jack bo th t o Po int e r fi rst baseman

singled to o pen the inning, bu.I Peterson. The fina l run o r the

;~;~CK Friday and Satunlay: WSU Conference Meet AT River tJ~w~ i:.:~/:nwyn ~n:s ~!~ngt~~ ~nn!~~ 5~ft'~. (j~~~; !!nla~:;u~~

capture the victory. Rit :r.enthalcr out Langlois to rclirc the sade took the loss for the Pointe rs. with the Po inters cl inging to a

GOLF F1iday and Sllt urday: WSU Conference Meet at Cherokee Ea u Cla ire pushed across nan ow 7-!i lead. Country Club, Madison. three i-uns in the first inning or Eau Claire ra llied for the

t he night cap to grab an culy 3-0 tying ru n in the seventh. Aft er TE~~ IS- Thurstlay, Friday , Sa1urday: WSU Con ference Mcot a t lead off o f Pointer right hander two out , St . Gcrm,inc singled, Pbttcvdle. Glen Berkhahn. took second on a wild pitch , and

Jcrt Tuler led o ff and beat scored on a solid single by the out a slow chopper down 1M reli,blt Howe. Howe got as far 1 h l r d base li ne . La ns lo is as second on a pasted ball , but a tt cm pte J to ucrifiec and Grundeen fi nally induced hughcs popped up. but t he ball sailed to pop out to end the inn ing. over the head of Berkhahn , who The Pointers we~ not to be was charging off the mound and denied I.his t ime, however, and went for an infield hit . Sche~r Peterson came through wit h a follo wed wilh a bloop single to two-out home r to left center , left field to sco~ Tuler and Dave scoring Harris , who had opened ~~nn~"oe!. ~ ~~c:Xi !~ud~! the inning with a wall: , ahead o r ·

Bohm. 3b ... ·-··· 2 O Henning. q .... 2 0 Caruso, 11 ........ 1 O Rllu ntha ler, p 2 0 Crundeen. p ...... 0 0 Mand, pf _ ............ l 0

2e 1 81

Poln~ AB R Harri•, u ·--- 2 2 Bentley, 2b ... _ 4 l Cronchel. d .... 3 O P t1enon, l b -· 3 2 \ \'1\kner, rt ·- 2 l Mand, If ............ 3 l

SUMMER JOBS For Fox liver Volley A,,..a

Full Time S139.00 per week (Ta ke home}

Driver's License Required (MEN-ONLY) For Detoi ls Coll 344-7630

o r wrile P.O. Box 3-43, Appleton, Wis.

Liaten For Our

GooJ Luck to the Po inter teams competing in the conference bunl . by J im Howe scored ~lit ;::t::d~; ~ the Pointen 1

;~;~\~is~~:.=~~· Ci;.1:ro~~kc~:~~ w~~n::! \°t.c.R::~i ~::n'~~ Scherer with t he fin al ru n o r the Grundccn picked up the win FREE S1o1mmer Storoge for Your Clothing

Pb1tcville. inn~ .Pointers enjoyed their ~~,~~~ ~~~ ~~~kj::: 7~: :re . 2.57 bM1ktn 5trNt TIie t~ck team hid an outstandUlg week last week . win nin& the mo.st prod uct ive inning of the defeat . Aaoss from No,th Point Shopping C.ntllt'

Michigan Tech Invitational for the fifth st raight year , placing • seuon in the home first when .~';!:":::":"':.'~•::••;.• .:••:::·u.:c:::loz:..:o:::"'~===;;;;:============~ respectable fourt h in the Whitewate r ln~tational and winninJ their ~--------, U\to'n Poin ter Invitational. They ahould make ~n impressive showing 1" the conference meet and could fi nish as high H third .

The golfe rs. who finis hed second to a hot-shooting Su.pcriol Sl:luad last weekend ', will be in the thick o f the cha mpionship battle at Mad150n, and will have to come up with another fine team effo rt to UllSCal three -t ime champion Odikosb, who finished one point Jhr:iJ or the Pointers, Whitewater, and LaCros,c in t ria ngubr Mandmp.

I was certainly surprilcd that such NFL powers as"Clevdand and B.iltimore went to the A.FL. I thought it would be lbe newest n_iembcrs like New Orleans o r Atlanta , (it "(Ould have scnoed them right to get kicked out o f the "National" League.) or one of the Wctk me mbers like Philadelp~. • • •

Jim Johnson of Wisconsin o r Gcorsc lbompson or Muquctte miatu turn out u a sleeper in the NBA, especially since the "old men" drd ted them. Now tho farst t hin& they sbouki d~ ii meet Jadt Twym1n 101_!1C)' can get wed ~o .~ u!'biucd ann~undna:-


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5,30 A.M. • 2'30 A.M.

c1~, ~'l~lghts And All Day Sunday

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.The Governor Supports Pollution



It's . fhe -n..Go,nr, 1111ng ,!7



OPEN: M,on. Wsd . • Fri. 'Tll ~




Mlv 16, 1969


Track Team Continues Impressive Showing Pointers Outclass Meet Competition

By Cral11 Joh.anuen

The l'oin1crs outclassed all lltompson (S) 6-0 ; S. Wundrock competit ionin'6'inning lhc 1hird lSP) S- 10 . - S P (J 9Yi )·· S annual l'llintc r invil :i t iona l track I S )·· MT ( 14}-RF (IJ}-NM rnl'e l at Goctke Field . Despite IOY.i}-R (7}-EC (7}-N (6)

s lr o n g wind s a nd co ld (SP~o:I~.J~i'."j~i!ko~fs~ ~O~\rr~~\~:· t~'ui:tco~~ctlpb~~ 3. Wundrock (SP) 19~; 4. Miclugan Tl'ch's 4 1Yi , foUowcJ Laje urreuc ( MT) 19-6~; S.

~~l t~r~lu~l i;h.i::~ ·R2irvi~ R·i;~; f:9~;r~uctl9(f.~l!Tl9(~:;J~

Falls . 16, Northland -9 Yi and (ll)· ·NM ( IOY.i)-·R (7}-EC Eau Claire . 9 . (7}-N (6)

Th e w ea th er h e ld <140 -vard in t e rm ed iate performan ces below par in most hwdlt:s-1 . Grieb, Bill(R) :S9.0 ; events but hclpctl a couple of 2. Beutler (S) :S9.2S ; 3 . Bratt o thers- notably the 22 yard (SP) :60 .2: 4 . Cundy ( M1' ) duhinwhichTornLubo:r and :6 1 .2: S. Le Cla ir e (MT) JmiPic ring run :2 1.7 :2 1.8 :6 1.3 . - SP (S2 \li}-S (23}-MT respectively. Lubuer's tine wi ll ( 19 )-· RF (1 3)·- R ( 13)-N M count :is a meet re ror but not ( IOYl)- EC {7}-N (6)

as ;.~,..h~~i~,;~ r~4o · ay trnn (S1'1;

0T1-0~u~.- IRe1~fiJaldBe~;;j

equakd th l' mc o: t re J o f :43.9 12-6 ; J . Faraday (NM) 12·6 : 4. set by Lal'rossc in l . ,lcspitc Walsl:ak (SP) 12-6 ; S. Nccu ha\·ing Kon Whitt spike: in l ht l MT) 1'2·0 . - S P (6 4 Yi )--S kg :rnd running without one o f 2 3)-MT (20)-NM (I ] Yi}-RF hbshocs 13}-R(l3),·EC(7)-N(6)

To m Md(,1ysuffcrcd $L-Vera l 880 -ya rd run-- 1. Jo hn rnt s when he fdl passing tht Chartrand (S) '2 :00.7 ; 2. llaus bJton 10 Whi tt. who wu lhtn (SI') 2:0 1.4: J . Nostad (SI') spiked :inJ Jost h1sshoc . lubncr ! ·01 .S; 4 . Schram (NM) 2:02.3; put th,: i'uintcrs m front with II S . Jenkins (N) 2:02.8.- SP , gn:at thud leg gi,·ing l'icring an (7 1 Y.i ) --S (29}-MT (20)-MN ,·asy Jnchorlrg torun. (IS Yi )--RF (13)-R (IJ)-EC

St out's Oa,·e Dn:xkr ran the (7)-N (7) 440 U1 :S0.2 to bme r the n:cord hvelin-1. Rat Robinson (R ) of •S0 .1 Sc: t by Soon Lindgrl'n 193-8'/i; 2. MattS<ln (MT) 179-9: o f L:iCrossr m 1968. J . Erickson (NM) 176·8 : 4 .

La C rorn.· hdd iu own Worley (MT) 168-7 ; S. Todd inv1t at io n.1I meet or Saumlay. (NM) \ S6·J .- S P (71 Yi}·S thu s t:1kin g a~y any real (29),· MT ( 26}-MN (1 9 Y:,}-R

~lPf,~f~in (~£.ck:~ ~;i~t!~i ( 19iJ~l-~i ~;~E~}:t.~ ~7~ om

~-~~ · l~~J ~~ ~ ·~J~ r r~~cjku':~ht Wr2 1 ~t> / 1 ~~h~-~;~ anJ nine sccoru.ls. Thl' depth of :22 .:!S ; 4 , StOChr (S):22.3: S. the Puinh·rs allowed them to Buno.•c\\ (S) :2:? .JS. (Record, old )con• so ill•avdy. o ft en gett ing rcconl Nick Misch , Stout 1968. thn•c pbc,:s 1n an c,·cnt :22.7)- SI' (8 1 Y:, )-S (32)-MT

( 26) ·- K (22)-NM ( 19Yi)-R F Thmt ,\unual Pointer ln,·itational ( IJ)-EC{7}-N (7)

Ma >' 10. 1969 cspf'tS':32~~; r~.n-~;hi:icr NM 440 -)•a rd r<.'la )'-1. ~ I S ;4S .O: ] . lhnnual (MT)

fui.!11 (Tom MeK:iy, Ron Whit! , IS:48 .J ; 4. 11:tus (SP) 16:01.S; Tom Lubner. Jerry J>iering) S. Les Alm (EC) 16:11.S.- SP :43.9. ~. Stout :44.8; J . River (93 1'1 )·-S (32)-·M T (29)-- R Falls .44.95 : 4. Michig:sn Tech (22)-N~ (19 Y.i}-Rf ( 1))-EC :4 5 CJ , S. Ripon :4S .8. (TH.'"s (8),·N (7) r eco rd Sl' t by Lac ro sse Discus- I. M:irk Wille (MT) l 9 6 8 l - S P ( 6 ) · 142·\0 'h; 2. Rob inson (R) S{4)-RF(J }-~IT(2)-R(I) 131-9. 3 . Pohlman (MT) IJ S-7 :

to bottom, Morie Urbon, Bonnie Borborich, Mory Dennis, Po l Jockson; right column, lop to bollom, JoAnn Oobron

ond Sue Anderson.

T earn Places Fourth At. Whitewater Meet

By Cr1l1 Johanrsen ham ' (LJ, 2. Hottman (W), I. JI.Ml (0), .. . Broob (0), 5. The Point e r 1rack team

~~w~~~~rn!?t:1~~:~hi~e:~ Tuesday. Pbcteville won the meet , outJCoring Oshkosh and host WhJ1ewater.

The Pointers, who managed to take 1wo first places, we~ never In conleneion for the lead . Tom Lubner won the 100 yard dash in ;10 .1 and Jerry Pierini wo n the 120 yard high hurdle• ln :15 .0 for 1he Poln1crs firsl a.

Ray Alm Kl a school record in the three mile , uk.ing fourth pbcc with a cimc of I S:01.1. The old record WIS IC I by Pau l LaMere in 1968 with a lime -or lS :06 .6 .

Crea Becic:c:r ,ct a record in lhe po le vault by going 13 '4", a %" higher 1h11.n the record sel by Bill Rclchw.ald in 1967.

Rnults ol the mfft : Plat\e­YIIJe , 67; ' Oahko,h, 47\.!i; White,. water, 44 ; Steven, Polnt JO~: Carthloae. 25 ; Marquettt, 24; Lewi.a, 19; Mll lOtl, 15,

Track Ev-la 440.yd relay - 1. Olhkolh

{Wayne Younkle, Run Schub., Bob Beach and Mike Kneip), 2. Whitewater , 3. Plattevl!Je, • · Muqueue, 5. Lewla. 43.2.

MJle,.run - 1. Mike CUnnln&· ~

120 hjgh hurdles. McKay has a time o r : JO .I in

1he 100 yard dash and coukl give the Po inters three or five pbr.es in 1hat event.

ca.plain George Check is one o r the leaders in the triple jump. Wundro ck and Eschcnti3us.eh coukl also place in that event. Anyone of them coukl gt! a pbce in the long jump although it is unlikely anyone wiU.

Paul Haus has an excellent chance for a place in the mile as Ray Alm docs in the three mile event . Mark Chcpp or Paul Haus coukl come through In the 400 yard .duh.

H=-y~PJ~ :1.5_:. 1, Jim WU. Ilana (C), 2. Lawtnaer IP), J , Holley (Pl. 4. Ule> Wu.on I\\'.)

ui:oo.~:.:~lt_(~~· T!~b-ner (SP), 2. DttUltr (WI, S. Holley (Pl. 4. Brkrton (Mu), 5. Bloldtl (W): 10.l,

Je~yd Pie~: ct~ Jkbul~ )~;: :: ~:,'~{y,.'·u~

81).yd duh - 1. Mike Q.m.­ntn,ham (L), 2. yana,chedc IC). l . Hertel (W), • . Lawtn1er IP). 5· ~~~th

1 :~-'i. Don Brler· ton (Mu), 2. Kneip 10), J. Hol• ley (Pl, f . Dodds IP), 5, Drttt-

le~::.n~~l-- 1. Tom Hott· mi n CW) , 2. Jahn. 101, l . Kra· mer <Cl. 4. Alm (SP), 5. Brookl (0) . 13 :56.4 (new ue,ord; old m1rk 14 :02.2 by Hbtfman In 1961).

f.40.yd lnterme-dlate hunlle-1. Ralph Gltiaon (0). 2. Schrie• ner (Mar), l . Broolu IP), 4. Spang (Mill , 5. Butml (W). 55.5.

Mlle re lay - I . Plattevllle (Tom Ooddt. Bob Holley, Don Guldlnaer ind Jim L1wtn1erl, 2. Marquette, 3. Olhkoah, • · Whtiewatt r, 5. Stevel\l Point. 3:2.3.7.

Field Evea&a Shot put - 1. Clen KeppY

{Pl. 2. Vlasek IL), 3. Immlnt CO), • · McDanlels (MUI, 5. Ur· ban (SP) . 4''2".

Lona" Jump - 1. Harlan n1ck IP) , 2. Baum1a~r IC), 3. McDowtll (Pl , • · Elchl!nbauch ISP). 5. Da1enhardt (W) . n · 5%".

Javelin - 1. Lt• Wright CW). 2. P,11e (WI. 3. Schwebke Chllll, • . McDan!el1 (MIi) , 5. Dettnhardt (W). 177'8".

Hlah jump - 1. WIJUam Yach <Mar), 2. Hendrlckl IC), 3. Mc­Dowell IP), 4. ltiel Oit-ck ISP) and Hensler (Wl. 6'1".

DucUI - l. Mlu McDaniel, (Mil ), 2. lmmlna- 10), 3. Urb.n CSP), 4. Slulttr (LI. 5. Cox

In th e fie ld events, Kurt tP). lU''l" . Urban has the best chance o f Pole vault - 1: Joe Town,.. ~lile run- I. l'aul l laus (SP) 4. Urban (SP) l l l • tl ; S. Perlich

4:34.6: 2. ,\Im (Ee) 4.37.4 : 3. (MT) 129-101'1.- SP (9S1'i)-MT 11:innub (MT) 4:37.6 : 4 . 8:ikcr ( 39)··S (J2) .. R (26 )--NM (MT) 4.4.U 5. Amonson (SP) (\9 Y,)-Rf (IJ}-EC(8)-N(7) 4 :44 .5. SI' (IJ),. MT (7)-S Mile Reby- 1. Stout (Mark 1ci~N1~; (4)--RF (J)-R (1}-NM Burwell , Bill S loehr, John

THE NE•~HEERLEADERS for the 1969·70 ocodemic yeor hove be selecied. They ore from the left column, lop to bottom, S wn Gronger, Borb Erickson; center column, lop

Harriers To Tilt In Conference Meet placin1 in the , hot or discus, ley 101. 2. Utunnct IP), J. while Bill Reichwald and Gres EUia 10), 4. Shtkion CW), 5. Becker could place in the pole B«ku ISP) . U't'Ai'' (new rk· ,. vault . ord: old mark U'8'4" by

440-ya,d das h··I . Dave: f~; .(l\'i~tev?na/;oin~Tj~~;~ By Cra.i11 Joh.ancun Dn'xkr (S) :50 .! . :? : Rozak (RF) 3 . Riv e r Fills 3 :34 .8: 4 . The Pointe r track team fina l event , the mile relay , :H · S0.8S. 3. Burwell (S) :Sl.09 . 4. Northern Michigan J :3S .S: S. travels to River Falls Friday for Oshkosh edged them in the lbuns (SI') :51.I S: S. l'ort man l!.au C lai r e 3 :43 .7 . - S P theconfe1enccmcct.Trialswi11 eventinwhatwu thebcs1racc (NM) 51. 2 S. (R eoord . old (99 Y:i )··MT (39)-·S (38)-R be held Friday with the rmals of tbcycar. rc tord Scull Lindgren . L:iCrossc (26}-NM (2 1Yi)-RF (16}-EC bcingheldonSaiurd•y. , This year .Oshkosh docs not li:~I~ 1r)-t~S/,i)~N~l\ 1r)-~: (9):/ . (i)J I G La Crosse, Platteville and fi1ure to be in the running as

( I >-·N (0 ) (Sl')11

~'2e4,h~r wu·~a~~k°lSPk1 . ~~~\~wat~r ~tleh:~~c ~~~e~~c:; ~hc~.:e )~~s~e;~r1:~0;:. a:

I OO· )' JrJ J as ll-·1 Cal 42.JY.; 3. (Tic) Bnttun (~IT) champions Oshkosh. LaOosseis s t rong tum with 1even l L\\' m~to n (NJ . 10.3. 2. Lubnc, and Bo"'·cn (N) 41~ ; 5. Bw~e the to p team in the con ference o utstanding individua ls, (S I') 10 . 'iS. l . Whitt (SI') (NM) 39-4%. - SP (109'h}-MT ?O far th is season, winning the Wh it ewaler h as the top 10.6 1. 4 Carlson (RF) 10.7 , S. (41 Y.i ) · ·S (38)-·R (26)-NM indoor and reby championships individual in the confe~ncc in

f~~r)I..·~{ :ti~!. RlO"i~f. NS~ (22 Yl)-RF (16)-N (9Y.i)-EC (9 ) LaCrosse lost the mee t on th~ Tom HoH man , a dista nce

runnc:r. II could come down 10 a

th ree learn mee1, a lthough La Crosse s hould wi n the championship.

Th e Pointers have ao excellent chance at fourth pbce,

1l~rsiu~~ :ihcc~;a,b~hd1.htru:u!}

the Pointers' success depends on how weU Ron Whitt is for the meet .

Ron was spiked in his right le& Saturday and if his Jcgdocs

Given good weathu, k,ok for TfMIJ\l~Y In 19681 . zveral records to ran includina Triple jump - 1. Bnd Mc.-

no t respond 10 ueatment , the 440 relay, 110 high hurdles. Dowelf (Pl, 2. Fllc.lt (Pl, 3. d~!n!C:~~~ the Pointeu will be 440 dash, shot put, long Jump, gi~ 5~5~~ ~f~~

Ron has the bu t time in the r'-·"-'_m_H_"_"_d -m'_''-"_"_'·---'"c.""c_· -------, 100 yud dash so far in 9.9 sc co nds and !las bee n instrumental in the 440 yard . relay team's succe.u. The tum , or Tom McKay, Tom Lubncr, Wh.ilt and Jerry Picring has the best clocking of 42.7 seconds in Chat event .

Picring and Lubncr have the

St,van1 Point Civic lloll• t Praunll:

"EXPRESSIONS IN BALLET" An ~llciting orroy of 16 seporole donces, ranging from dass,col bollet ta temperomen1ol slovonic doncesl All donces are beaut ifully costumed - 72 costumes in oll

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(l}-MT(8)- FC (4) ·-N (6)-R {I ) Shot put- I. Ray Robinson

(R l 46-S·•~. 2. Urban (SI') 4S- IO'h; 3. Egon (NM) 4S-8 ; 4. Hanse n (NM) 45-<Ht S. Boemer (SP) 44 ,8Y,. SI' (27 )-S ( 13)­RI· (9 )· -MT ( 8 )--N M (6}-N

THE POUR HAUS top times in lhe 220 yard dash

!1111~!"1111~~~~~-j with :2 1.8 and 2 1.7 rcspcclively. Lubncr has a time of : 10.0 in

~': ~~ %!!~a~: : ~~~8 :r~ Sotvrdoy, Moy 17, 1969 ol 7:30 P.M.

B•n Fro:nklin Auditorium Ad11lts $1.75 , ·Stud• nts $1.00, Child11n vnd~r 12 soc

(6)-EC(4)-R(7) 120 hig.h hurdles-I. Wu*

~ 1\~: ~ ~'.S~tc~~~e(E() · \ S.11 ; 4. Check (SP) : IS .8 ; S. ~h,nson(N M) :16.2. - SP (3S}·S ( I 3)-· RF ( 1 l ) ·-MT (8)-NM (7}-R (7)-EC (7)-N (6)

High jump- I. Rid; lloopcs (MT) 6-1 ; 2. (Tie) Check (SP) :ind Etick~n (NM) 6-0; 4.

Team Sweeps, Wins 9 Firsts

. I


The ROBBS With th,ir new 7 Pi,c, Bo nd



By C"i&fo h~'""

The Pointe rs swept tO their fir1 h consecutive victory in the Michigan Ttch lnviutional Meet n Houah1on. Michigan. Winning

nine first and se tting three meet ecords and one school record ,

the Poin te rs pikd up 103 points E3

1070 for Michigan Teach.

St. Norbert's was third with 60 foll o wed by Northern Michigan with 34. Superior 10, No rthland 2 1 and Suomi I.

Caplllin George Cht'ck broke the old recoid of 421-%" in 1he triple j ump with a leap o f 43'8 Yi". · Jerry l'iering ,ct a new mark of : I S.2 in the 120 high hurdles. The o ld mark was : I S.25.

Piering also a.ncho~d the 440 relay team to a new record. of :43.s compared co the old time of :44.6. Tom Lu.bncr,. Tom McKay and Ron Whilt were the o ther members or the team.

Bill Reichwald set a JChool rccOrd in the pole vault of l l'3~". The old ttcord WIS


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