I-Poh’ce in Active Month; - digifind-it.com September/09-17...~sr,,.~: ’ " Ill’ ’ ’ ", ......

8 I For l ~~ ~ " t F.nkiin ! ! Ne’ghborly [ "l rio II a: et rc1 I Township’s ! Newsand Views J -L ¯ JLJLq~,’ JL IS.~U,~’~LJ’.L I.~ Own i’’ and Views J I I ¯ ¯ q II I I Vol.’XX.--No. 4’6’. " " ..... MIDDLEBUSH, N:’ 3..~j~-~Y-, g~I’EM-B--E’R-171 1954 " "’-PRiCE,"FIVE CENTS ’- " choois Gain 1 Campaigning I-Poh’ce in Active Month; In Enrollment ;.-.. . .-,n . . , :.~::" , ~ . ¯ ~ ,..o__, ,ou= . qL mresrs, ProBes trwrmship schools are not ante : %’ "~ , , , . , , ........ - li FrankLn ro~znshz]) pc,lice madt re’~ed For offtnst.-~ran~In~from oager than m.;t year out are ’" , ,~ ,, , . . , , . .’i ....... I lilif~ll~ " ¯ ,. arrc.-I.~ lost rllolll,l PoJlqe ChiP, f~tl]Ul’r2 |{; 12NIl, )J[ [ t’CH~;(., [0 ~’1"[%’- $111i grOwiNg US, James r~ L.yncn~ ~ I - ! , ¯ ¯ " " " ¯ - -" - . .~. I limtm--.., i. t’~dward ~t~t)r.’mt~ Fit>re’Let| ill hiszt~- ;mu|~safe vc|iiele Su~erlnzenoenz, .rkeporzs cn~z ! ~mmlr " i ! ~-UPU~:.stnm.alJt,I] sttbmilled eal.;v MOTOR VEHICLE opernt|on I~d .C.,OO opine, w.,, an enro - ’/ i:tl[~ ~e-k " ") J ~ ¢" ~, "^ s- .......... r ~sr,,.~: " Ill’ ’ ", ’ c . t( uo wH-I zJ . [no ~’arre. L% ,’It- nlent Of I ~. /wo 03y$ i~te OI1 , - ~T...~- . " , ¯ , ~ . , , ,. ..... . ,..,.^ ~ - -t. --~. *- J l I.~ ~ ! r qfl’t n’e which a<.- c(rttagh) Chief V~mrhees report .aepc. :u sne ngure was : ouo = " , " " .~ ~ ~: ., ,,t ............... ~ ,~ ~ . J ico:nttd f r" l0 ai’rc~,~, was dlsoz-, lo.~]L’.z,) (’);)s put In 321 hours un Mon%a~,tne ,~m ,t w~s e I,~z ; . .f-. [..~ . ":I d,.tJy cot)duet. Hut ,.areles~ drJv- on palrcl duz’hl, the monthly pe- ..,u L.e fo.,..wr.g ,,~=y ~,v..,. ~,r. ~ ’~ :s ~<,*:;. ; in~ ar)(J $,~e,’([[n’* ~1~o I’e~r[~ft’l’c’d";’’~ -r h .... ,t,-~-.. :t...~-i..,p.~ hv rP* Lynch won’t hazard a guess as to ~ ". ;: " ~ , ~ " ’ ~ ,, , " an *qua] totnL Careless dl’l~trs ~crves who added 14’/ hour~ o~ where it will end, but hopes it i~"~\ levels off pretty soon. l~’ ~ :were ~tor~pt’d seven tlme~ and:=.,,-,. ,in,~ ,o ..,,.,=¢,...g =,,~ col.- " ¯ ~[tl’~e speeders Were picked up bv, II1tlz|ity. This time last year, there were .e" ’,~h}’~ nnlh.e. = A(.tuaHy. Chief V,,orhees’ report 1,465 pupils in the schools of the Six violations trt’re (:f a more irett, a|,¢ that the jzreal f)erecntalze town,ship. :( I’t,)tis Ilattlre. Two offenders of the departmerH’.~ Lime went Into - wt, re ,dact,d in eu.~Lt)dy for hit-al~d-!more t-ban 138. tnveatIRattons. Po- ly FUll dlq’,’itl~’. I.xo for i)cti.,, larceny :’ice officers Spell| 169 hours Oil In- Miss Corte ou . ..., ,,,~, ~o,. ,.~,,,.. ,..~ ~, o,., ,,,,, o,,~,. 0,,,.~. Win’"’-sShl hi-c-o’ars-p ;~/ ~L~o~,, ,,..,,,.,. ,,,.,..~,~ ,,~.~o ~-I ’,’~,,.,.,..:,,.,. ,..~,,, o, ~,.o~.~,~ .......... I z’orl(ltlc’t wure rt’poried dtlrlllg the Middiebush ....r,:rt A.,~,,~, ~o,.:~ ^.~ ,ho ,,o~..,~,.. N.anc, v . Cortelyou o( Old . almost as I)u’~y ,as the people. ,Po- ~,~" :’~(’e v,,ent out on 22 calls relating k,’ IIiH Rd. h~, been awarded w,""ns Trail Race Phillips S(.holarsh~p for fr)r to CHIII|IO I)utdness. ~.’£.flr.~ fit Trenlotl Stale Teat’hers’ [ Polic.e were a,~.~i.~,lled t3 outside CoHc,~c. It was nnflouneod at tile An i.’~vear-old Mith|lebush g|r|inucnetes and d~ltJes 54 times dttl ’- d-dir’atirm of Phillips School ill ~eored a t’c.an sweep in the 100-!lng tile month. Ordinary townshl~p .]"ra.k:ln Park Tuesday. roll*, Ira|| ride In.at week in Wood-lu|tjzezis Fete|red tile personalized, Mts~ Curie|you Was ~ra(hlated stock. Vt. Size i.~ gaqdra Hunt.. ~er,.,iee or the dcpartmeot oll 32 tr(,m Prhleetoa High School in d".~hlcr of Peter lIunt of DeMott idlffcren t occasions, Other police June. , - ~,~ P,6. department,~ rec’elved the aid tff The s~’huhir.~hJp, provided In the ~. Xlks ||tll~t (h’f(’ated 75 other par- Iehie[ Vtmrht.’o.~’ nl¢|t .~Vult times. .~ . ’teilmnts f:: cap;ure every prlze!Town~hp aid Coulty (lletal8 as will of the late Jflll(, F. Phillips, :..: i.;~." i!~ i: i Pl ~q b e She rode at} oighl-year- I well a.~ fire c iiE,;)allie.q a )d fcdePtlI who died In 1907. stJpulales Lhati : <~.... the reelpieut ~nust have been ~t: . old .Morgan mare. Areomla. aueneh’s were also nsslsted. atudent of ’Phlllip.s School. As the l DOOR-TO-DOOR campaigning was tarried out last week in The /~rand prize was a,varded to CHIEF VOORHEESsignaled out original Phlllip,: was eonsolldated* Frlnklin Township by Frank Politano (rtght). Democratic ¢anchclate [thP first rider to (~)ver the 100- fhe work I’h c r¢. eerves far .~pe- into the Pr;mklin Park School in for Freeholder. Here he is greeted by Mrs. Mayo Slsler and daugh- I mile (’our~e In ]? hours, spread elm praise in his report. He noted 1~’.’.~, l wa~ the ~uggestlon of Mrs. ter Shirley Ann of t0 Whittier PI., and Mrs. Joseph E. Schneider and over a .period of three d.ay.,~. Other that they performed valuM:’e traf* James J. Sh,h. of the Board or son. Dean. He covered virtually all home* in the Township tins prizes taken bv Mira llunt and flu servlee~ 6m.:ng the week of t~e ~dtt(.afion thai tim Franklin Park week, leaving full information about himself and has platform her mare were:’flrst in the heavy- flrenten’~ baz’lar h= addition to ¯ q(.hoifl be J~JVelt that n~me. In’ whenever he found PeOPle not it home. t’,vei~ht d[v ,~l )t; .he~ tit ~tw~’g- plaring n nZall ill tile patrol e~w honor of Airs. Phillips. who had ....................................... I staI~cs: awards in both heavyweight each night. ° ,. Millstone Methodisti.n n"’arc’ .~,,, ,]~htw,,igh, divisit,n.~ and the Two rem2rves her heOll off strike thin in the tow)z~hi~p, ~ brced prize fi:r the be.~t Morgan duty at K|ngston Tr%~ Rock since The xt.holarshlp I~ adminJslort, d ¯ marl’. ~y the .qtflle Bo:ird of b:dtl(’al.lon. .Mlsg ]:hint IS a gradu.’lte o~ High- ’he ~trike b~2gall there. Chh,f Voorhees roel~tPred, prt(l~ o. =oo, IOOth., , , ann=versa-- ,..., s..,®,. datJon of lho Tc}wn,~hip Board oil the way .in uMng rusel’vo~ [ot* a~- 2u,,,~,o... ,~~,.o,, ,,,, ~,.-, Church Carnival ,,~o ~.,. ~o~ ,,,,,, ~o...~ .o,~ ~..t whose sehohlsl[c staodln~ is Dr..Fred Holloway. pre.~tden! of Prn Maryhmd nnd his B.D. from that municipal|ties throughout the h~h. and who ,hows t~h(. qtl*t t|e~ Drew University and recent dee- Drew. He holds the fol]ou’Jng hon-I A carnival wL’h earot[s(.], poqy stale are fo]]t..v|rlg mdt. ~ff ehnracter and personality whiehi fate to the Wor|d Councl| of orat.~/ dt.grc¢~;: D.D., LL.D. and rhles, and olhor festive aflrfletlon~ Franklin Township eontlnue~ to L.H..D i w|l! h,~, held on the ~reund.,~ of the rt’mah) a bu.~" nrea for the deparl- i tt t Wl.u]d d(.mnt|,drate her fitness to,..hurt,aes, wilt speuk at .the 100th be a tea(.h(,r. The Rev. Roland L. Loertc.h. dis-!.’~lx ,~,llle Bun Reformed Church |n melll, however..bu~y elaough [or .At Ihe dt.d~c:d .t T t..~d 3". wh|(.h ; m)fl[vorsatT service of the MeSh- Irlct ~,oper~’|sor. will pl’(.fluh the Frank:in Park ,qaturday. Ot’t. 9. ~3~ hmlr~ of work m~d 4,276 cn||e~ fc~;k plaue al Iho regular PTA, o(ll~t Church in P,a.~t ,~l.J|storle. morning worship service the morn." fro,n norm to 5 p. m t~ tie Iraveled Jtt l~)lh.e and prt- o .. ’[’he aft;dr I~ spt)t)~nret| hy the vale ear~. meet|¢~g, a p|elll]’e at Mrs. Phi|- The ,~e]’viee will take place Sun- |ng of the ann|ven~a:’y. ,% ze.ow-. . - " ¯ ~,;~:m~,ns Rerr eu L~-ague of lhe Twe.ty-nJne per.~:ms roee[ved I|ps w~s presenf¢.d t(, the s(.hoo;[day, ~ept. 2{L at 2:30 p. m. at the ship ~l, lfft.| ;un(.heon will folloW iehurch. warnings dltr|ng Augoat. hy Mr.~l .Johll 3,1". ]Ht(,mire. AFter:church. ~t 12:30 p. In. Mrs. Stnde had unve||t, tl the me-, l)r. ll~qlnw~v has a dlstin~tuished Olhvr ;lelivtt|t2~ of 1he eht~reh" .......... morial plaque. Dr. Stephen PoJla.! record. Before becoming president include the mmua! "Harvest |l.)me:. II ., II~, 4,’1 . ! elk, nm~t~tant profesmr of eduea-’ o( Drew hu ’e.a.. presldt, nt of W(,m. I:urkey (llnller v, hlch lakes p)at’e ~arl.n i Jmnaz, ~i~li’~* Lion at Trenton Stnto Teachers’ ern Mal~land Colh, ge and of the I tb’.~ Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Ill1~lllklll IIl#lllll~l ~lq[dll[m~l Colh’lzt’, v.poke. ])r’. ]’ollaclk made lWr~t’zd,sh.r Thefflogieal Heminar.~. J The (’hureh re~unwd its regular a ph’a Ih:H |l~ll’t, ll[~ and tt’neher~ He is also thP past presldenl o[ I ~teht.du|e ];~st Sol)dny ~UlldflY. ~ ¯ ¯ ¯ ~ ¯ ¯ (rT h) Inlercst children In the,the Natlona! A~soctal[on of~chools seh~ml m,~t,ts at 9:45 In. "Eh~-’:~l’ ~ll~ll~laMIlll~ i a~.~&al~laz~uma~ Ulalti~al~ teaching profesMon while still ln l ant Colle,.z’e~ of the MethoJi’~timorntn~ worship xervlee is held llk, ellllU~llUII Ll~arllUl~l~ II"l[il~U grammar school, nnd stated that ~ Church and of tile A~soeJation print II o¢|o(k, r recen! s rvey had shown thMI Me|hod|st Theolog|(.al ~.hools. CampMe~fing o,i hehMf of mo~t t(.aehel’~t decided on their ca- A native ot Newark. Dr. Hollo- r Luther Ii. Marlin, Demovrnfle, &ers i, the ,Ixth ~rade, ’ ~,’av reeei,’ec hs AB, from We,t-iS ty PI Wile ¢.altdldafe for C~:lll,ress from Ihe, ............... ............. " .......... ale_ ea iS , Fifth Ct,,t~rt, s~lonal DJ,trh.t, ~(,[ Stat’oned= Alas/<a ~’Renewed. by PTA "’"’’"" ’" ,..~r,,.., ,,,,...~.. i wllh lhe al);)oinlment of t’(:llllty fin Middlebush ,,,,,.., .,,,,~ ,o,., ~,~.~.,. ,,,o,,,.~ (’anlpai~rl manager.~ and formula- I i Sept. 22. A ".|Pa fnr off-.~treef wal!~|l|g MarlhP. ~ formPr registrar fit Rut- . fatill(|es in MIddlehus|. To.vnsh|p ger.,t, curt’ently Is v, rvinR ns pres-; was renewed at the first fMI meet- blent of lhe Bormzgh C’oHne|l in ’Jn~ of the Mhldlebush l’r[’A Wed- Hlehlnnd P,~rk. |le w.’z~ itnanl- linesday nlffht at the scho(H, Last mously eleeled h) lhc [}()st Jnn. ii winl(r, it was polnied" out at the I after a D~mo(.rMie eleet|*,t meeting, tht, PTA .sent a letler to s~vecn Izave lh(, parle IIs fh’s! , the Tnwnsh[p Cv ~miltee, re’luect- H[ehl:md Park maturity tit 4(/y(,;,rs. In~ oFf-street walking facilities for New ,IPr~ey Altorney (.;eneral .yollrltZSIcl’S. Grovcr C. llhhman will be Ihe Thi~ IcllPr hn~ rlever )eeri acl~,d llrhl(intil s-ePker for ’.lie (lino(.r ]o*i or (’Veil fic’kllowle(ll¢’(I by hofllirln~ Mnrlhl, ’Phi. i|]ilnof will Commlltee. h wp.~ t.x~)lahled..A_flor b(, heh] In thP ,%l~rllnsvllh" I,:n II I(,li~lh," dlseu~sloil, Iho Parenl- .Marilii.~vllh.. We¢loe~da.v al 6:30 Tea(’lOl’< ~roul) agreed tn F;elld a P" ~’ : := .~¢’cond letter to the munl¢ip.’ll Rh-hmall is a ormPr U. S. at-. LUIHER H. MARLIN ~1~’ hoar( n td fol ow th s up wllll uer forlley For N,,w Jt, l’SPv. [leeent]yl - ....... ¯ . Three ser:lrafP t.;impal~rl miln- . s~nal =:c,l’t|:tt, lst ~|le ha’~ been .~enrhe.~d 11~ he I- i N,"~v ifficers pre~ld n~" at the’ vt, sltgallolt blip the nffair.~ of lli~.! 3~l, rs [or the tbrt, e emmtles In- r meettn" were’ Mrs C]|f!on V(mr-" latP Harold G. Hoffman. formm~ vhlded In the FJflh Co:tgre~donal l i r ~ , ~ t,s’ I Vet ,ro~ernor i~nd head of the ~V[s]Oil ’lees. p]e’ldent; Mr. J "cp ":- "" ,v R "tv ¯ . Dish;( were ira:red -by Martin. ,f trPe~, vile president Mrs. Paul; o[ Emph. mcnl .. eet0r:.. ||ermatt B. [loffman, .[;..’glt~and VanDvko, corresponding seereta~’:i General chairman of the d|nuler Park Mtor]ley and Dernoerat.[e mu- Mrs iMt.x Nnrutam record ng secy; Is Councilman William G. Kuhn. nielpal eha[tmmn or the borough, I~:ao was eleeled w|. h Marlin in ~vlll head M|dd,lese~ County nortli and Lou|s Loch treaaurer , or the Ra ltan R vcr KODIAK, ALASKA~Navy Capt, Guy B, Helmitk son of Mr. an(/ Dr ~ v’- -’ " ¯ ~" ’Fr -’" 1952 ’to Ihe Park eounei] Former " :~ Mrs. GU D Helmick of 185 ver reen Ave. Alton III. re rte(I . ua to L, evine ~[ ¯ ankltn ~ ¯ ; , . : y , , 2 E g , , , po r Totvn. h-, 1o, .p,, okeon f hept~’ch(log),[~ Mnvor. Joseph De Coster Is Morrlstown. Attorney Challes --~- to the U. S. Navy Station here, whore he assumed the .post of Wa ,,r ,h ~.,,l~,~ ,.hna tre,surer with Cotmet|met~ R~.m- M Egan Jr, president of the Plans Of[leer with the staff of Commander, Alaskan Sea Frontier. I Mr~ I~.(h~l Rtl.oe nrl.*.lnul tn.i ile] Krc.nmnn’nnd Ward ~.hren[eld Young Democratic Club o Morris- ~1 A~¢ompanylng h|m to his new duty stltlon w=s Mrs. Helmltk, the Ilrodteed te-eher. ~ho tv~r..,~p-IIn eharge reservaHons. Ab. L County, w||! handle the re|8’l~ !z ~h~ former Miss Role C. Eckert of Math~r Line, Franklin TOw~smp. t~nted cor~es ........ I Mntt)]lntky I~ (n (,hnr~e o! arrange- Morris Count~. Manu[aeturtr Wit- ~11 Cspt. and Mrs. Helmltk traveled to Kodiak =board the transport |, __-.. -" " - ............ I ments. Earl O Plant), is arrmlging liafin H. Storek o! Wa,’ehungc-pr~,- " ~11 ~OIn~ea| H. B. Freeman, Imd are pictured here In the ship’= lounge | BR$~I,~GER’8 LIOUOR BToIug ]publtctl~. ~pe~ens and pr~am !|dent of the Pl.Ml~fleld ~hhle:,£.~m ~t ~hey mwtlt clelrance to dilembark, Clpt. Helmltk served al / Cholee WineS, L!qnora, Beer i~re undeP the dJroetton of ~Mayor Company and ~pz~delzt .,.o~r.~,.t.bF --~JJM|_l~tO~ of Navy Re¢l~|t~ng and RavaLOfllcer Procurem!0t 8th Re-. ! ¯ Pz~ee. I~.llve~--KI 6.71119 . IWl"lam C. e~nt~.~ntt Hem=n ,-Somer~et.Coun~ ~emu~al)¢.~_P z ~! .,.,~¢rultlng.:AI,ei, lilllt .Lllkl! I~lty Utih~ b!lfor_~-t!lp.~t~tlllIp~l~ Kli{llek for l iti0..-Hanlil~ell 8L. F’rmtktin Tw~.J:B.Ht)flMmJa., All are".or ,/ffSg]tl~ drau,~- the a~tgnntenL =m :L~- ~! I"- r " I I +. i r ..... 4 "i. . a . ~--~." . i: <~q d :1- : . 1 .... : ...... ......... < .... r ~’" , ~ ~ ~’ ; .~3~ ~ ~x~ ~ ’~ ~’~ ’~

Transcript of I-Poh’ce in Active Month; - digifind-it.com September/09-17...~sr,,.~: ’ " Ill’ ’ ’ ", ......


I For l ~~ ~ " t F.nkiin !! Ne’ghborly [ "l rio II a: et rc1 I Township’s !

News and Views J -L ¯ JLJLq~,’ JL IS.~U,~’~LJ’.L I.~ Owni’’ and Views J I I¯¯ q II


Vol.’XX.--No. 4’6’. " " ..... MIDDLEBUSH, N:’ 3..~j~-~Y-, g~I’EM-B--E’R-171 1954 " "’-PRiCE,"FIVE CENTS ’- "

choois Gain 1 Campaigning I-Poh’ce in Active Month;In Enrollment ;.-.. . .-,n . ., :.~::" , ~ . ¯

~,..o __, ,ou= . qL mresrs, ProBestrwrmship schools are not ante : %’ "~ ’ , , , . , ,........ - li FrankLn ro~znshz]) pc,lice madt re’~ed For offtnst.-~ ran~In~ fromoager than m.;t year out are ’ ’ " , ,~ ,, , . . , , ..’i ....... I lilif~ll~ " ¯ ,. arrc.-I.~ lost rllolll,l PoJlqe ChiP, f~tl]Ul’r2 |{; 12NIl, )J[ [ t’CH~;(.,[0 ~’1"[%’-$111i grOwiNg US, James r~ L.yncn~ ~ I - ! , ’ ¯ ¯ " " "¯ - -" - . .~. I limtm--.., i. t’~dward ~t~t)r.’mt~ Fit>re’Let| ill hiszt~- ;mu|~safe vc|iieleSu~erlnzenoenz, .rkeporzs cn~z

! ~mmlr " i ! ~-UPU~: .stnm.alJt,I] sttbmilled eal.;v MOTOR VEHICLE opernt|on I~d.C.,OO opine, w.,, an enro - ’/ i:tl[~ ~e-k " ") J ~ ¢" ~, "^ s-.......... r ~sr,,.~: ’ " Ill’ ’ ’ ", ’ c . t( uo wH-I zJ . [no ~’arre. L% ,’It-nlent Of I ~. /wo 03y$ i~te OI1 , - ~T...~- . ’ " , ¯ , ~ . , ,,. ..... . , ..,.^ ~ - -t. --~.*- J l I. ~ ~ ! r qfl’t n’e which a<.- c(rt tag h) Chief V~mrhees report.aepc. :u sne ngure was : ouo = " , " " .~ ~ ~: ’ ., ,,t ’............... ~ ,~ ~ . J ico:nttd f r" l0 ai’rc~,~, was dlsoz-, lo.~]L’.z,) (’);)s put In 321 hours

un Mon%a~,tne ,~m ,t w~se I,~z

; . .f-. [..~ . ":I d,.tJy cot)duet. Hut ,.areles~ drJv- on palrcl duz’hl, the monthly pe-..,u L.e fo.,..wr.g ,,~=y ~,v..,. ~,r. ~ ’~ :s ~<,*:;. ; in~ ar)(J $,~e,’([[n’* ~1~o I’e~r[~ft’l’c’d ";’’~ -rh .... ,t,-~-.. :t...~-i..,p.~ hv rP*Lynch won’t hazard a guess as to ~ ". ;: " ~ , ~ " ’ ~ ,, , "an *qua] totnL Careless dl’l~trs ~crves who added 14’/ hour~ o~where it will end, but hopes it

i~"~\levels off pretty soon. l~’ ~ :were ~tor~pt’d seven tlme~ and:=.,,-,. ,in,~ ,o ..,,.,=¢,...g =,,~ col.-" ¯ ~[tl’~e speeders Were picked up bv, II1tlz|ity.This time last year, there were .e" ’,~h}’~ nnlh.e. = A(.tuaHy. Chief V,,orhees’ report1,465 pupils in the schools of the Six violations trt’re (:f a more irett, a|,¢ that the jzreal f)erecntalzetown,ship.

:( I’t,)tis Ilattlre. Two offenders of the departmerH’.~ Lime went Into- wt, re ,dact,d in eu.~Lt)dy for hit-al~d-!more t-ban 138. tnveatIRattons. Po-

lyFUll dlq’,’itl~’. I.xo for i)cti.,, larceny :’ice officers Spell| 169 hours Oil In-

Miss Corte ou . ..., ,,,~, ~o,. ,.~,,,.. ,..~ ~, o,., ,,,,, o,,~,. 0,,,.~.Win’"’-sShl hi-c-o’ars-p ;~/

~L~o~,, ,,..,,,.,. ,,,.,..~,~ ,,~.~o ~-I ’,’~,,.,.,..:,,.,. ,..~,,, o, ~,.o~.~,~.......... I z’orl(ltlc’t wure rt’poried dtlrlllg the

Middiebush....r,:rt A.,~,,~, ~o,.:~ ^.~ ,ho ,,o~..,~,..N.anc, v. Cortelyou o( Old . almost as I)u’~y ,as the people. ,Po-

~,~":’~(’e v,,ent out on 22 calls relatingk,’ IIiH Rd. h~, been awarded

w,""ns Trail RacePhillips S(.holarsh~p for fr)r to CHIII|IO I)utdness.~.’£.flr.~ fit Trenlotl Stale Teat’hers’ [ Polic.e were a,~.~i.~,lled t3 outsideCoHc,~c. It was nnflouneod at tile An i.’~vear-old Mith|lebush g|r|inucnetes and d~ltJes 54 times dttl’-

d-dir’atirm of Phillips School ill ~eored a t’c.an sweep in the 100-!lng tile month. Ordinary townshl~p.]"ra.k:ln Park Tuesday. roll*, Ira|| ride In.at week in Wood-lu|tjzezis Fete|red tile personalized,

Mts~ Curie|you Was ~ra(hlated stock. Vt. Size i.~ gaqdra Hunt.. ~er,.,iee or the dcpartmeot oll 32

tr(,m Prhleetoa High School in d".~hlcr of Peter lIunt of DeMott idlffcren t occasions, Other policeJune. , - ~,~ P,6. department,~ rec’elved the aid tff

The s~’huhir.~hJp, provided In the ~. Xlks ||tll~t (h’f(’ated 75 other par- Iehie[ Vtmrht.’o.~’ nl¢|t .~Vult times..~ . ’teilmnts f:: cap;ure every prlze!Town~hp aid Coulty (lletal8 aswill of the late Jflll(, F. Phillips, :..: i.;~." i!~ i: i Pl ~q b e She rode at} oighl-year- I well a.~ fire c iiE,;)allie.q a )d fcdePtlIwho died In 1907. stJpulales Lhati : <~....

the reelpieut ~nust have been ~t: . old .Morgan mare. Areomla. aueneh’s were also nsslsted.atudent of ’Phlllip.s School. As the l DOOR-TO-DOOR campaigning was tarried out last week in The /~rand prize was a,varded to CHIEF VOORHEES signaled outoriginal Phlllip,: was eonsolldated* Frlnklin Township by Frank Politano (rtght). Democratic ¢anchclate [thP first rider to (~)ver the 100- fhe work I’h c r¢. eerves far .~pe -into the Pr;mklin Park School in for Freeholder. Here he is greeted by Mrs. Mayo Slsler and daugh- I mile (’our~e In ]? hours, spread elm praise in his report. He noted1~’.’.~, l wa~ the ~uggestlon of Mrs. ter Shirley Ann of t0 Whittier PI., and Mrs. Joseph E. Schneider and ’ over a .period of three d.ay.,~. Other that they performed valuM:’e traf*James J. Sh,h. of the Board or son. Dean. He covered virtually all home* in the Township tins prizes taken bv Mira llunt and flu servlee~ 6m.:ng the week of t~e~dtt(.afion thai tim Franklin Park week, leaving full information about himself and has platform her mare were:’flrst in the heavy- flrenten’~ baz’lar h= addition to¯ q(.hoifl be J~JVelt that n~me. In’ whenever he found PeOPle not it home. t’,vei~ht d[v ,~l )t; .he~ tit ~tw~’g- plaring n nZall ill tile patrol e~w

honor of Airs. Phillips. who had .......................................I staI~cs: awards in both heavyweight each night.

°,. Millstone Methodisti.n n"’arc’

.~,,, ,]~htw,,igh, divisit,n.~ and the Two rem2rves her heOll off strikethin in the tow)z~hi~p, ~ brced prize fi:r the be.~t Morgan duty at K|ngston Tr%~ Rock since

The xt.holarshlp I~ adminJslort, d ¯ marl’.~y the .qtflle Bo:ird of b:dtl(’al.lon.

.Mlsg ]:hint IS a gradu.’lte o~ High- ’he ~trike b~2gall there.Chh,f Voorhees roel~tPred, prt(l~o. =oo, IOOth.,, , ann=versa-- ,..., s..,®,.

datJon of lho Tc}wn,~hip Board oil the way .in uMng rusel’vo~ [ot* a~-2u,,,~,o... ,~ ~,.o,, ,,,, ~,.-, Church Carnival ,,~o ~.,. ~o~ ,,,,,, ~o...~ .o,~~..t whose sehohlsl[c staodln~ is Dr..Fred Holloway. pre.~tden! of Prn Maryhmd nnd his B.D. from that municipal|ties throughout theh~h. and who ,hows t~h(. qtl*t t|e~ Drew University and recent dee- Drew. He holds the fol]ou’Jng hon-I A carnival wL’h earot[s(.], poqy stale are fo]]t..v|rlg mdt.~ff ehnracter and personality whiehi fate to the Wor|d Councl| of orat.~/ dt.grc¢~;: D.D., LL.D. and rhles, and olhor festive aflrfletlon~ Franklin Township eontlnue~ to

L.H..D i w|l! h,~, held on the ~reund.,~ of the rt’mah) a bu.~" nrea for the deparl-i tt tWl.u]d d(.mnt|,drate her fitness to,..hurt,aes, wilt speuk at .the 100thbe a tea(.h(,r. The Rev. Roland L. Loertc.h. dis-!.’~lx ,~,llle Bun Reformed Church |n melll, however..bu~y elaough [or

.At Ihe dt.d~c:d .t T t..~d 3". wh|(.h ; m)fl[vorsatT service of the MeSh- Irlct ~,oper~’|sor. will pl’(.fluh the Frank:in Park ,qaturday. Ot’t. 9. ~3~ hmlr~ of work m~d 4,276 cn||e~fc~;k plaue al Iho regular PTA, o(ll~t Church in P,a.~t ,~l.J|storle. morning worship service the morn." fro,n norm to 5 p. m t~ tie Iraveled Jtt l~)lh.e and prt-

o .. ’[’he aft;dr I~ spt)t)~nret| hy the vale ear~.meet|¢~g, a p|elll]’e at Mrs. Phi|- The ,~e]’viee will take place Sun- |ng of the ann|ven~a:’y. ,% ze.ow-. . - " ¯~,;~:m~,ns Rerr eu L~-ague of lhe Twe.ty-nJne per.~:ms roee[vedI|ps w~s presenf¢.d t(, the s(.hoo;[day, ~ept. 2{L at 2:30 p. m. at the ship ~l, lfft.| ;un(.heon will folloW iehurch. warnings dltr|ng Augoat.hy Mr.~l .Johll 3,1". ]Ht(,mire. AFter:church. ~t 12:30 p. In.Mrs. Stnde had unve||t, tl the me-, l)r. ll~qlnw~v has a dlstin~tuished Olhvr ;lelivtt|t2~ of 1he eht~reh" ..........morial plaque. Dr. Stephen PoJla.! record. Before becoming president include the mmua! "Harvest |l.)me:. II ., II~, 4,’1 . !elk, nm~t~tant profesmr of eduea-’ o( Drew hu ’e.a.. presldt, nt of W(,m. I:urkey (llnller v, hlch lakes p)at’e ~arl.n i Jmnaz, ~i~li’~*Lion at Trenton Stnto Teachers’ ern Mal~land Colh, ge and of the I tb’.~ Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Ill1~lllklll IIl#lllll~l ~lq[dll[m~lColh’lzt’, v.poke. ])r’. ]’ollaclk made lWr~t’zd,sh.r Thefflogieal Heminar.~. J The (’hureh re~unwd its regulara ph’a Ih:H |l~ll’t, ll[~ and tt’neher~ He is also thP past presldenl o[ I ~teht.du|e ];~st Sol)dny ~UlldflY. ~ ¯ ¯ ¯ ~ ¯ ¯(rT h) Inlercst children In the,the Natlona! A~soctal[on of~chools seh~ml m,~t,ts at 9:45 In. "Eh~-’:~l’ ~ll~ll~laMIlll~ i a~.~&al~laz~uma~ Ulalti~al~

teaching profesMon while still ln l ant Colle,.z’e~ of the MethoJi’~timorntn~ ’ worship xervlee

is held llk, ellllU~llUII Ll~arllUl~l~ II"l[il~Ugrammar school, nnd stated that ~ Church and of tile A~soeJation print II o¢|o(k, rrecen! s rvey had shown thMI Me|hod|st Theolog|(.al ~.hools. CampMe~fing o,i hehMf ofmo~t t(.aehel’~t decided on their ca- A native ot Newark. Dr. Hollo- r Luther Ii. Marlin, Demovrnfle,

&ers i, the ,Ixth ~rade, ’ ~,’av reeei,’ec hs AB, from We,t-iS ty PIWile ¢.altdldafe for C~:lll,ress from Ihe,............... ............. " .......... ale_ ea iS , Fifth Ct,,t~rt, s~lonal DJ,trh.t, ~(,[

Stat’oned= Alas/<a ~’Renewed. by PTA "’"’’"" ’" ,..~r,,.., ,,,,...~..i wllh lhe al);)oinlment of t’(:llllty

fin Middlebush ,,,,,.., .,,,,~ ,o,., ~,~.~.,. ,,,o,,,.~(’anlpai~rl manager.~ and formula-


i Sept. 22.A ".|Pa fnr off-.~treef wal!~|l|g MarlhP.~ formPr registrar fit Rut-

. fatill(|es in MIddlehus|. To.vnsh|p ger.,t, curt’ently Is v, rvinR ns pres-;was renewed at the first fMI meet- blent of lhe Bormzgh C’oHne|l in

’Jn~ of the Mhldlebush l’r[’A Wed- Hlehlnnd P,~rk. |le w.’z~ itnanl-linesday nlffht at the scho(H, Last mously eleeled h) lhc [}()st Jnn.

ii winl(r, it was polnied" out at the I after a D~mo(.rMie eleet|*,tmeeting, tht, PTA .sent a letler to s~vecn Izave lh(, parle IIs fh’s!

, the Tnwnsh[p Cv ~miltee, re’luect- H[ehl:md Park maturity tit 4(/y(,;,rs.In~ oFf-street walking facilities for New ,IPr~ey Altorney (.;eneral

.yollrltZSIcl’S. Grovcr C. llhhman will be IheThi~ IcllPr hn~ rlever )eeri acl~,d llrhl(intil s-ePker for ’.lie (lino(.r

]o*i or (’Veil fic’kllowle(ll¢’(I by hofllirln~ Mnrlhl, ’Phi. i|]ilnof willCommlltee. h wp.~ t.x~)lahled..A_flor b(, heh] In thP ,%l~rllnsvllh" I,:nII I(,li~lh," dlseu~sloil, Iho Parenl- .Marilii.~vllh.. We¢loe~da.v al 6:30Tea(’lOl’< ~roul) agreed tn F;elld a P" ~’ : :=.~¢’cond letter to the munl¢ip.’ll Rh-hmall is a ormPr U. S. at-. LUIHER H. MARLIN

~1~’ hoar( n td fol ow th s up wllll uer forlley For N,,w Jt, l’SPv. [leeent]yl -....... ¯ . Three ser:lrafP t.;impal~rl miln-. s~nal =:c,l’t|:tt, lst ~|le ha’~ been .~enrhe.~d 11~ he I-i

N,"~v ifficers pre~ld n~" at the’ vt, sltgallolt blip the nffair.~ of lli~.! 3~l, rs [or the tbrt, e emmtles In-r meettn" were’ Mrs C]|f!on V(mr-" latP Harold G. Hoffman. formm~

vhlded In the FJflh Co:tgre~donal

l i ’ r ~ , ~ t,s’ I Vet ,ro~ernor i~nd head of the ~V[s]Oil’lees. p]e’ldent; Mr. J "cp":- "" ,v R "tv

¯ . Dish;( were ira:red -by Martin. ,f

trPe~, vile president Mrs. Paul; o[ Emph. mcnl .. eet0r:..||ermatt B. [loffman, .[;..’glt~and

VanDvko, corresponding seereta~’:i General chairman of the d|nulerPark Mtor]ley and Dernoerat.[e mu-

Mrs iMt.x Nnrutam record ng secy; Is Councilman William G. Kuhn.nielpal eha[tmmn or the borough,

I~:ao was eleeled w|. h Marlin in ~vlll head M|dd,lese~ County nortliand Lou|s Loch treaaurer , or the Ra ltan R vcrKODIAK, ALASKA~Navy Capt, Guy B, Helmitk son of Mr. an(/ Dr ~ v’- -’ " ¯ ~" ’Fr -’" 1952 ’to Ihe Park eounei] Former ’ " :~

Mrs. GU D Helmick of 185 ver reen Ave. Alton III. re rte(I . ua to L, evine ~[ ¯ ankltn ~ ¯ ; , . :y , , 2 E g , , , po r Totvn. h-, 1o, .p,, okeon f he pt~’ch(log),[~ Mnvor. Joseph DeCoster Is Morrlstown. Attorney Challes --~-to the U. S. Navy Station here, whore he assumed the .post of Wa ,,r ,h ~.,,l~,~ ,.hna tre,surer with Cotmet|met~ R~.m- M Egan Jr, president of thePlans Of[leer with the staff of Commander, Alaskan Sea Frontier. I Mr~ I~.(h~l Rtl.oe nrl.*.lnul tn.i ile] Krc.nmnn’nnd Ward ~.hren[eld Young Democratic Club o Morris- ~1A~¢ompanylng h|m to his new duty stltlon w=s Mrs. Helmltk, the Ilrodteed te-eher. ~ho tv~r..,~p-IIn eharge o£ reservaHons. Ab. L County, w||! handle the re|8’l~ !z ~h~former Miss Role C. Eckert of Math~r Line, Franklin TOw~smp. t~nted cor~es ........ I Mntt)]lntky I~ (n (,hnr~e o! arrange- Morris Count~. Manu[aeturtr Wit- ~11

Cspt. and Mrs. Helmltk traveled to Kodiak =board the transport |, __-.. -" " - ............ I ments. Earl O Plant), is arrmlging liafin H. Storek o! Wa,’ehungc-pr~,- " ~11~OIn~ea| H. B. Freeman, Imd are pictured here In the ship’= lounge | BR$~I,~GER’8 LIOUOR BToIug ]publtctl~. ~pe~ens and pr~am !|dent of the Pl.Ml~fleld ~hhle:,£.~m

~t ~hey mwtlt clelrance to dilembark, Clpt. Helmltk served al / Cholee WineS, L!qnora, Beer i~re undeP the dJroetton of ~Mayor Company and ~pz~delzt .,.o~r.~,.t.bF--~JJM|_l~tO~ of Navy Re¢l~|t~ng and RavaLOfllcer Procurem!0t 8th Re-. ! ¯ Pz~ee. I~.llve~--KI 6.71119 . IWl"lam C. e~nt~.~ntt Hem=n ,-Somer~et.Coun~ ~emu~al)¢.~_Pz ~!.,.,~¢rultlng.:AI,ei, lilllt .Lllkl! I~lty Utih~ b!lfor_~-t!lp.~t~tlllIp~l~ Kli{llek for l iti0..-Hanlil~ell 8L. F’rmtktin Tw~.J:B. Ht)flMmJa., All are ".or ,/ffSg]tl~ drau,~- the a~tgnntenL =m :L~- ~!

I"- r " I I +. i r ..... 4 "i. ’ . a . ~--~." . i: <~qd’:1- : . 1 .... : ...... ......... < ....r ~’" , ~ ~ ~’ ; .~3~ ’ ~ ~x~ ~ ’~ ~’~ ’~


Page.Two ,1 HE RECORD ¯ : . ..... Friday, .~ptember 1"7, t~- ,~.

Dean (arab To Leave NJC ~d ~--,~ ~’~-Pohce_,_str,__~=_~ C, rculers... ,..,.--~.>.l~, oo.. ~, ~o~,~ot,o.. L~tfwith I Childref~,l N~c ..~ ~=.-- ,h~ ~01p,~., nformation ’For. n :: iJersey C~llcge {or Women slnee ~

lar~. residue of the estate of the More than I.~0 eli’cular.s ~va~n- "at~n’. Is .re~pon~b[e for t1~ m~d~c~ "!ins ehildre, o! lotterer~ and strafi~- up Qf the ~r~lar. P~ber~.Feehdm! ".I~4, yesterOay announced her ~ late ~’[ovence P. Eagleton of New- ! ers have been deculated thr,)u~h of ".Middlebosh donated hls. ~1-v-.tlrement effectlve June 30, 1955. Smith Douglass. a founder and the ark, fur the esra~ll~hment of a [ out rr~nklln Township by Police ic~ as phot.gTapher. " "Spooking at the convocaUon open- first d~-~n of the Col.lege. Albert’ foundat|on Ln poUtlcal a(falrs und , Chief Ed F. Voorhees. " ’ ".~.?O~s were Paid by the Kln~-lug ~he 19.54-5.3 academic year, E. ML.der, Jr., now Dean of Ad-j.~overnment ..-t)emz Corwln made her announce- mtnisWation at Rutgers, served a~[ -

.,_ . "[’he drcul~s are" ~imcd a~ vet- bfon Trap Rock Co.l,~°ting dean at ’N’JC from 1932 uugl! lag the children ~,o eope~’at.~ ~ Hh . Chief Voorl~e~, in eom~.enbn~

taunt b) all students m~d ~culty ! Miss Corwin s appointment, l oolite a.s well as savin~ !li..~al [ron~ on the c|re~ .prlgram, no.ted t~la~members at the women’s college of " pl d Sfile Stnte Unlvvrsity. DURING DEAN CORWIN’S ad-i Unem Dye amo i.j.ry or embarrassmert the township has-~been yap/ l~k~

Chic[ Voorhees is foH,)wing the tn al>prehe~d~h’lg stmph’lous lad).-:hi his eouvtm~tion address Dr. mlnistrathm,NJC has come o[ ago , ~.’wmple ~et by Bound Brook los: ~’iduals.

l,c’~’s Webster Jones, Rutgors Unl- atlaiulng national stature academt-! A P W :@°ally. ~:’~.r administration has bet,,, ! S riot eek ,o.~.,,.,:., .,, ..., ,,,o ,,..,oPERSONALS~lth profound regret and ~|ilcore i characterzx’d by enrichment o~’~

gt’alltude for her achieveme.ts eurrictdun~ and "faculD’, inere~e L~I Middlesex County unemploy-~,oth children and p"arent~. "l’hc,

over the last 20 years that t~e Boardscholarship offerings and emphasis! meat cl’,~’ns took t. s:tort ddwn- t,m,~h~sized the fact th:~t !)o ¢e-

:ntn are ’he friends .f the yo.ngcr Miss Nancy .B~ewer arrived "£ues~of Trustees received Dean Corwln’s

upon the democratic proce.~es in ward trend for tile week ending

anno~mcement of her retirement,both ~tude.t and .fact tv affairs. I Sept. 4. But the ft, gure ts still Lenoroflon. daF via TWA Airlines from ’Sad

The College under her adminls~ra- Miss Corwin’s more than 20 more than double the same weekFrahkLtnOfficer Towr~hlpGe°rge C. PoliceNewellDenart-°? the daysFrancisC°’as guestCaUL’ofand$lr.Spentand a.Mrs.few

tlon has made a ~ntque contrlbu- ,,’cars as dean have seen capacity last year. James J Slade .before return~gUcm ,o won)effs education and has

bnro/]m~’,t as wo[| as aoquis|t|on I L,~t week’s nts-n;~r o’f cl.~|/ns NJC S iodeveloped ffreatlv, in oreadth, depth o[ Wood Lawn, the Alumnae House;I °’as 5,0~2. cmr~garc~ with 2,461 en rs To : moret° Radcliffeyear. onC°llegeTImrsday,f°r her~heSOpho-~.w

¯ ........,her sister, MI~ Nancy Brewer,

and. quality."a new Dean’s Residenco: Carpender durln:g the same week in 1952. Teach in Area off for a trip to Europe.

N’[ne Xew Jersey CoUe.~e for Mrs, .William Matthews of V-l-¯ ¯ Women seniors will becb~ a four )aralso. Ind., Is a guest of Dr. and

. ’ t t ¯ ,,Mrs. Morgan Uptonweeks period of part-line enth-. .... ¯ .... ~e._/. .Peter ~UOU, ~VflO WaS ~t~tag 4n elementar~ schools Fflday[ : ...... . .... ...~ d_t......as part of the tea°her-training pno- zrom tttgmana .’~r~ .~xsa "~-~’ma~gram In physical education at the in June. I~ts e.per ea.~nes~eoum~,¯ ,VOflp,~n% o,-; I.,~ t~f th~ ~t.qt*. Vlnl. I class In ~tltgcrs umver~ ~..verslt?,’. Robert Harned has retutn}ed b

UPder the direction af teachers’ ~almernana Medical College i’tin ~he N’ew Jersey schools, NJ’C ’PhlL~delpl’,ia for his senior year.students will teach ,physical edu-

oo,.c~"°"~, o,-o~ .,o...~ th~o~,, Reformed ChurchJUMP to your telephone! s d sNew Brunsw4ck schools: Miss De-

C..~ ~o~do. o~ .o.~..~. ~, he ules ervicesBay0.rd School: Miss Elizabeth "Decevey----Chrlst~."’ty" ~vfll~e

Order It bin fill.up of long-burning Old Peter of Montville, .at IAvlng,~ton the scrmo[, :l’,le 04 .a~ Rev: Ver-Schooh Miss Barbara Schumaeher non Detmers at the re,~ttl~ S,m.

Company’, Lehigh Hard Coal fight howl o{ .M.i~burn, ~ Lord Stifling fday moruln~ service In the,Middle-School, M~ss M. Josephine Spauld- bush ~Reformed Church. -Perry

Price, are the lowest of the year during o~r lng of Cape May Court. House, at Turner wlU sing a solo. "The Pub-Nathan Jlale Sehool: and Mtss’Ann lican." and the choir will be" under

special Spring Price Reduction. Dubuchy of Hackensaek.. at Wash- the direction of Mrs. James ToroIngtou School.

¯ tans. There ~411 .be a nursery ~’hcreThis extra-Jaw p[’i~ is o~l~y t~mporar~. ~o ~

~. ~. ’ ~, ~arents wishing, to attend tho ~erv-1" [~[lC~ ~’¢rl~4~ron~ I Ice may leave small cldldren./ ---don’t wait until next F~I[ when coal prices "* ¯ --;~ dm.io’v F~,tlowship will meet at

t ¢ . ¯ "11".,,. D,-,~,:m J~m~s~ ~, p. m. In the chapel. The Senior

t* --are h~gher. Order now, /v ~1¢~111 fflMiiqdlMy croup which meets D- the.ellapel.

A new fe~nure of the New at 7"o. m.,,wlll be led In devothm;Brun~vlt.k ~%VCA dance program, by tlonor Buell, and Robm’t.Zlrff-

I ,s~.heduled to start Sept...20. is the merman ~s’lll be t. charge of the’Debor;~ir Datwe Club. Students so, lal heur. . .... , ¯

’who have sttdied t-~’o or more The EMM .~ltSslonarY:.~oelety¯

Call Today ! K! 5"-3035vitedt°rms ~., the YWCA have been in- ofm°etSMrs.M°"daYRoberteVentngCuddv at-tnejr. Asn°~!~t,.-The o|ub will meet at 9:3~ p.m. in° her as ho°tessos will L,e Mr~

PEOPLES COAL & OiL COattheYWCA’5613’avardSt’°nChlrstin°Sl~"°m" ~f|ssA|°dqlde3[on~o’ evenh)gs fo[lowlng the g)ccom and MrS..Byron Sllchte=re--ular ~,az:ce o[as~es, l~,RrucHon Mrs. Robert Dixon Jr.. wife of th~¯for beginners In fox trot, ss’~ltz, pastor u[ the First Reforme~jltterbu~ is c~ffered at 7:30 p.m,, Church in New Brunsxs’lclf~iI’.

Lawrence Street New Brunswick ~.,, b~,c ,,o~ ,. ~,,~, ,~.o ,~o~k o...~o.o., ~o.0~and samba s available at 8:30

,. [P’m" Township Man,= ..... . .. ’ " .’-’.--..’’ ’ ’ ’ ...... , ..... ’’ ’"---- ¯ : Monday aftt, r~mon clos,~’.s will-- ~,.,~.~" .,,,,, ~,,~ ,,~. ~. ~,,d ~. Wounds SelfAll °in ~es a~’e under the dire°- A Franklin Township ms. :.s l~

for a F res h of ,oo,~.ofj .,,,.~ c. ~,~ J~".. E.m~.,,. ~=~"~’°of ,~c ~"~’*’ *"°~ Go.o~ ,o,,.,~ ~o.’.eiJ)’g from gunshot wound~ In theBIb’lld (~f [~rt-~’tol~ o[ the Dance chest, ~ "

Fall Start l~.du(-ators of Amerk.’a. laD.I Alex. nder Dunes of Gar#en Ave..¯ * ’ Franklin Park. was ~h(, victiln of

........ New Brunswicknear calamity, lie shot hlm~elf a:a"(.ut 2 ,p. m. Wednesday. He toldwith new Seemtoda[, Ace-,,nHng police that he tried to sto °) the

And Prep School bleeding lying on "a co.c.h in ht~I,~ II.Mupncmery ,. o..,,.. ,...,..,.IWln~ room,8. S., M.A., Director Ills wile, Julia. fom!d him whe~

llO Albany St. Kilmer 5-3910 she relurl)e(I h,)me 6:20 p. at.

0ra.es Free Placen, ent Service lie ,~’a, taken to thc !,(>mired by.: ..... , , , ---~. Con~tllllty First Aid SOl,at|.


Custom-made Does

si p.c0, , NECCHI :Everything

New Foil Materials ....ALL YOU DO IS WATCH

Wonderful Selection


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4) WORKMANSHIP .’..~ " ~* ~.-.’- 30 YEARS Own a .Nocchi t~r

’ , -:.., ERY L ¯ SLIPCOVERS ’ ¯ "’. ~"i, " ~. "The Corner Store.That’s ’on"the S "uai" "~v’su";"

.... , ~’:-~= ....

Fridoy, September 17, ] 954 THE RECORD Page Three

It’s P J YOU NG’S.: For Your

Imp0rted Dinnerware !

¯;l!~l’) "C~’.FQ

~ Tubular steel le<;s, with fll’..or .%1.... hi~k. Non-slip rubber tit

.o,.. " ’ ......._._blurna, Bavaria, Is amused by’lllG.l.’s version o! the old In- -.. ,.-#~...,

-"’"e.s,..o.,. o..’"e~o, ,.e~"e ..,b,,sWe’~ed "M^LVERN M ULBERR¥":’-~ UNIVERSAL APPLIANCES!which show trainees’ progress. 53-piece Imported Johnson Dinnerware

"berry" design. FA].I. SPECIAL ~ quality F..lecIi~.e Ap,);ianee.s hi !’i .REG. 26.95 ." ...... use. Try coffee made In the.................... _ ,o~o,.~ ~’.,,..,~s, ~o,,eo~,~. J COFFEE !

,,.,,,o., ,o,,,.,. 29 5010-cup slze .................................................. ¯

Universal Autpmatle Toaster -- the only toaster that toasl.~ Ilghl:and dark slices at the

19 75same time ................................................... ¯

without ealptylnt ............................................ .



quaKE L~..~VZS ~i~lU{ . . . 1011[l~lll"Mrs, Marvin Welshiept of 81t11- AiI~U~II~ Exciting, scientific dl~coler~, pefformlwllte,, Nee.. ,,,, 0. edge o! erev- fCt~l~Vel

carpet cleaning magic.3 79lee ciused by elrthqulke len ..~...! Callon ....................... ¯

miles eliot ot Fallen. Nee. Illulld- ~~’: "" : "~’~ GLAMORENE for Cotton Rugs~

S13ti - ,.

From Mlrgaret n, Moore. On-

i young farm hand made $17.00 a illmonth, and room snd board, witll

1ii7 Un,,AualS-,,h~i~’~ .,,gi,’,. y., p/,,,,yoft,,....-.~.,~..l~ldry sometimes Included. This , mnrve|oui new comt’.rt nnd ,~t. S,tlki,,;lvdlrnot mean he had.us eight hour I~.lu, lifid, in chrome ~nd y,.|l,,w. 10 height nJiu~,-day, but often wis busy at field ml~nllf’ircl’mf°ri’h’vellr°ninl’sitilnlll)rivuldillg’

work from three o’clock In the ~l~.~.-~_ ~" ~ =: ? l’atent~l Olll~ll-ln,~lll tl’ll~. All IlC~l ~.-.llllligul~,ioIJt..

morning till nine at night. There~were a]woy~ the, chores around the

barns before the early breakfast. ’ .....as mllidnl, feeding the stock,

]0Q5 ADJUSTABLE RID-JID IRON.pumping water b~’ hand and per.ING BOARD, PLUS" 1.50 PAD andblips," harnessing the horses he FOAM PAl) and COVER FOLDING LAUNDRY CARJr

would use for the day’s work. A. COVER: qil~ 00 SET -- FALL SPECIALthere were no tractors Iniewthat ;ong

ALL FOR ............................ |Us11~ . Regularly Fall Special’ i)lIJlllTAIl~ago day and only a riding 1 98plows. It all meant *oct work Th~s 2.98 .................. ¯ Reg. 5.95 . ~,

was before the Spanish-American 4-PC. FOAM COVER SET--War, Tubular metal frame, heavy’

¯ . . Reg. 3..~. i) ~Odrill basket.

" Fiom"Ele~Hettll 8. Greene, Dlly. Now ................ L¯ VJ

.tolul l~ml~h. ,il’ltitili: in these days ..... .of free.flowing tile baths, It may

COPPER BRITE CLEANERfill dh~cu]ty of II bath when thowater had to be brought Into the -.houlle in two buckets and heated " " ’

. on tile range (ours was vailed ’.’The¯ Farmer Gtil"), We had an lron~kettle and after, cooking the r0sst~Ing ears for dinner I often had a . . ";. ~ .’iibath In the same w ter -- vel~,

~~.,,,~.....~ ii.,~,,..

:llweet .srnel/hllll it was, too. ; ]’

" ¯ All Aluminum!-" From E. E. llieredlih, Flilrmeet.Wlbst Vlrlllntll: Do you remember

Clothes Dryer ~’when . . . mother used a broom- , ;~¢raw to ~ee If the cake In theoven was done? "When bHc~ coy.

Y: ere~l’~wl.th’old piect~ Qf eirpet were U~tUALLY ’114} I~ll=. doQr-’ stopS? ~ the - .t .. -. i915 ~ ¯Is. ll,! " " ’ ’ ’- c.;i’ .._:~--. -~’ -:.


THE RECORD Frick=y, September 17, 1954Page Four .:

" :~oK Aia ......... "E I d-xp’ore-U-y-°" °"°°’-"°= "°’ :- ........:L l’ega’ c"eps "" ="’" "The meeting was called to erder : ~H| "~ $|¢~rOR. :~’"- :~ ~ " ~" -~ " "

by Thomas F. Miller, secretary of ~

the Board of Health and a mere- =~3~A[I| N~

New Pollution Group toltec. Last week’s meeting was~0~instituted at a previous meeting

In the home of Mr and M~. ̂~- 90 SECIIeZSeveral alternative courses of u state eoturks In 1948. old Johnson on August 31.

legal a0tlon "~III he presented to Altornev Rolh ~,as empowered Miller explalncd that at thethe second meeHng of the newly- by last week’s kickoff meeting of initial meeting it was decided tot’ormed Old Bridge Anti-Pollution the Association to lnvestl~ale the term an organization to halt waterAs,coat.lion tonight In th., Americanpresent status of the 1948 injunc- and air pollution ok" the Sonth RiverLegion tin . lion. The state attorney general’s and not to collect for damages.

East Brnnswlck Township At- office would be responsible for In charging the State Board oftorney Theodore Appleby wa~ pro~eentlng such a suit. Appleby I|e..lth wlth.a do-nothing attitude.~heduled 1o confer wllh former pointed out. MIHe|" said: ’It ,~een~s that we haveMadison Township Attorney Mar- In the criminal courts, the anti- no alternative but to fight for ourris Roth earlier in the week to pullnthm campaign has not fared property and our health."

¯ ,explore legal avenues open to the a,,~ well. The Middlesex County[ The following were given credit~ew anti-pollution group, prosecutor’s office several times for formln~ the organi:,atlon: AL

Attorney Appleby declined to has failed to get a grand jury in- bert Appleby. Mr. and Mrs. Donaldcomment on pos,sihle steps nntil dietment on pollution charges. Norman Wood of East Brunswick.;:tier conference with Attorney "1 don’t see how we can bring and Madison Township residents~oth. liowever, he did trace the criminal actiou now." Mr. Appleby Mrs. George Baker. Mr. and ~Mrs.legal history of anti.pollution aa- continued. Arnold Johnson. Mrs. Andrewlion. [ At la,~t week’s meeting where Gregory. Bernard Long and Mrs.

A suit was begun by the State Jpossesslon of lhe sense of smell Eleanor Brown.Board of llealth in 1948. according seemed to be Ihe only reqoiremenl Following the election, the presl-1o the East Brunswick atlorney. The I for admission. Arnold John.son was dent appointed a eonst.ltutlon cam-suit ~’as on the verge of trial but elected president without appeal- mlttee which set membership dues

v, as ’permltteci do fall by the tlon. Other offices filled were at $1 per nmnth per member.wayside" during re-organlzat’;on of Donald Treat. vice president; Mrs.

Rescue Truck ,,h,,. ,., ,..,,..... -.,0..,b*rder with East (l~d) I~rlin, chlldEcn from both =era play james

, at party given by M.lror Kreuzberg.

Back to School in Collision .e.oeThe East Branswiek

Squad ambulance nearly needed aHaberdashery at ro~ne squad itself Wech;esd~.,,

night. On its way to St. Petershospital with a patient, the ve-hicle collided with another autoat Easton Ave. and Ray St, in NewBrurwwlck.

tlo~s:ever, damage was negli-gible and the ambulance contin-ued to the hospital. Riding in theambulancewas Mrs. Esther Rahlsof 9 P|.erton Rd.. Old Bridge. who

i was sufierlng from burns and49 Paterson Street New Brunswick I shoek following an accident in her~90 steps above George St’,) Next to Parking Lots

I home..- ..... , .... , .......... ~ ....................

BE WISE---SAVE YOURMONEYBuy Your Girls’ Coat Right .~. ~.o,o~... ~h,.., ~a~h....,. of ~rs,,d..,

at COAT FACTORY ~..~. ~,ioathe ., .t,o.,,. ~., res,.d, ~ eh.r, of L"-- deleg.~ when national commander Arthur Cmm¢ll presenteA her

to convention in Washinlton. D. C. 4J~


i~ !~!!i;"~’ ~!;~ /" * ’, when you buy aut0 ,nsura.~e!And the news is extra-goodthL~ year[ We’ve an especial-ly I-arge selectionscoopsgathered together in one bigdepartment . . . all going atwonderi’ullyCome lfl ,lov’[

~-.~:STORM ~ACK~TS .,,

- Wond(,~:ul. v.t|ter resistant~.’~" cotton gabardine . . . warmly> " trlnuned with a mouton col-~:~ "tar ... and only

~LARED COATS . . ..’~"~" ". .uxorious soft wool with a smm

servJoe.../ elf-belt that pl~Ys hide and [] =bout OO*|..* ~i~ ml~O~l[~ek~ All the season’s new Allstate is famous for its fast,

¯ ’ ~ades Compareend beneflt~.Alistate’ayou’lll°Wsee rateSwhyfair claim settlements by ex*

$2s., thenumbero*A’lats po"o,perienced representativesholders hna more than throughout the U. S. Baf~y~

EXTRA WARM -.COATS~MetalIIe Insulateddoubled in less than three

autoY°U spendinsurance,anotherthinkdOlla~rtw~ce=..},ears. Today, over two intl.lining pl.~ u-on1 Interll.lng. Choice of many [ion car owners ore getting and see your Allstate Agent.fabrics and colors . the really better value you’d Ask, too, about Allstate’s Jew

’ $19 99 "p .,~.~, fro= the .=.n. oo.*~o=,rehens,*.~----"¯ founded by Sears. Lhtbdity lnmmram~,,e.

~ .sA-~sRoo,,, .o~.~ Sears, Roebuck-and C0. Bldg. !Tuesday, Wednesd;~y, 101ALBANY ST. CH 7.1082 NEW BRUmWiCI

JThursday ..... 9 a. m. - 6 p. m, iFridays ........ 9 a, m. - 9 p.m. IstlNImNmestlmMIIWM, m’m="l~dime’s.," "~-I1Saturdays ...... 9 a, m. - 5 p. m.LJ__d. L~J _~

~. ~ Sundlys ...... II a. m. -, 4 p, m.

. "., :,.: ~."

Page Six Friday: September 17 1954 THE R~’CORD Friday, September 17 1954 Page Severll

¯ Join m rm




Specialsa~Fabulous :,, i

.,w ,ALL o.,ssesCasuals and dress-ups A 89in the popular colors.

100% Woolst.- ¯ .,,~s~,.Women.J,,i~,. --"~ ’. "."*

MISSES’ JERSEY BLOUSESPennauently pleated orlon

q 89

LUXURY !.washable. Sizes 32 to 38.~ UJue/ly l.lt

COATS (,.., 100% WOOL FLANNEL SKIRTS! reported flannels ....


~;~. ] f.~

Embroiderednotched eyelets, self--I~ 89

belts, I~’I~. .1 .~4 to 30.

_. ..... OevaUr S.tlll

MISSES’ ORLON CARDIGANShLterlock knit orlons, soft A ROas cashmere. Washable. I~ v~White and pastels. 84 to 40.as cashmere. Washable.

tWhite and pastels. 84 to 4

Usually 39.95 ’.~u,..~ ,,¯


¯ Smart Chinchillas ’ " ~ !~ $:Oz. Sanforized denims. A J~ -Copper rivets, bartaeklng. 18 18

¯ Deep, Lush Plushes /~l.imit: 2tea customer! J ¯

¯ Kama Kurls y I’ ut~,ur I.IP¯ QUILTED CAMPUS COATS

".~’~+ "~""

¯ Gorgeous Wool Suede For boys and girls.A99. Famous-make styles.., superb woolens c.,h=,,, m..d, Mix and ma~ch 10 different ways ! ~ep,od-,sed wool me|ton.

CHECK COATS : ’ " 4 PIECE SUITS,,.o,...’.:o,,".’...-.’-,,o,,.It

. ¯ Poppy Seed Effects, ’ ;, ~.,..:.. I .tl6tatlfl’ |?

:’(. . ¯ G,oranteed tin;ngt ~ ~":’:’" "" ~ ’* " GIRLS’ SCARF COATS

~’:~ ~ ’ ¯ a narrow skirt, a contrasting .~,:" :Fitted and boxy styles m tea¯¯ks of the season. Dramatic lines, costly tailoring, hand ,~win~: back. Interlined. 14’:131 ~;nd novelty weaves. Iridescent details. Rayon satin linings guaranteed for the life of the color skirt and a reversible 7 to 142

: .rayon lhfing, warmly interlined, garment. 100’g wool interlinings. 8 to 18 for the weskit. Fully lined smooth-fitting u~-ur ~a.t$

{" Many costly hand-tailoring 5"4" and trader, and regular sizes, notch collar jacket. Fine rayon BOYS’ GABARDINE JACKETSand acetate flannel. Oxford Open ing Special aa,,o, gabardine with

I~ 99dmas. Snes s to 18. Usually ~8.95 grey, smoke blue. 12 to 20 Nv’lon added. Quilt-lined,! ¯ - : . , w~tter-repellent. 8 to 18. J

BOYS’ CORDUROY SLACKSHollywood model thickset

~¯ -- :~: . corduroy stacks.O¯ ’:’: Sizes 8 to 18.

’ .... ~.*,e/I:, $$:~, The sitits the experts said Buy Now! Save a Big $10 ! MEN’S REVERSIBLE JACKETScould not be sold Z~p front, elas’d,’c~,.d

" ZIPCOATS 7"for less than $40 Popular colors. 84 to 46.

...... 1000~ WOOLol superb quality MEN’S SPORTCOATSl00g wools in ..button

1OO% WOOL TWEEDS models with pateh or ttappockets, center vent. 18"* WESTERFIELD 100% WOOL COVERTS .~to,5. ,

¯ u,u~h, $24

" FLANNEL SUITS 9s MEN’S FALL WEIGHT STACKS~’ : "~ " Many with self belts and

turndown waistbands. J~ 95Usually Popular Fall fabrics,

$~0 ~to~.Una, l~ *.95


¯ Crossgrain corduroy in ~1~ 95INCLUDED

"hnported look" tweeds, smooth single-breasted model witht ¢~verts in single breasted buttou, patch pockets. 8.5 to 46.A new high in quality at an amazing low price| through models with bal collar. Ih--/b, 14.gJOurown tailOringplants, ourown low-overhead

All-wool zip-out liners. HymoMEN’S ALL-WEATHER COATSsalesrooms acCOunt for the savings. Single-breasted

canvas interfacing, perspiration4-Harness twill rayon

$14patch peeker modeB in new Fall shades. Sizes 35 to 44 proof rayon lining. Fall tones,

gabardine. Single breasted,its regulars, shorts and longs!- " 34 to 44 in regulars, shorts, longs.

¯ ~ ~ " bal collar, lined. 34 to 46.~"



Reg U $ Pal Off.

,~,.: ~. . :.) ..

ON ROUTE 2,2.~:i " ......... o~,~,os,T,,3:] ’ ’ ’ ’ " d P ~’ " 1


’~ WIESTERVELT ,,.,.~a pr

.., .. :~..,., AVENUe " NORTH PLAINFIELD . WATCHUNG AV£NU;~.. ... -~ ~ ,.~ .... . ¯ ... , / , l/


Friday, September 17, 195q THE RECORD P~je Nine

Sullivan Hits Auchincloss Record " Didjaknowthat,=l i JI

but ha~ e~cn fldled 1o come upwith a reasonable approach 1o theproblem. . ¯ ¯ 6"I fear that the Dre~ent tneun.. If you want a good ~ bali:bent has b--rayed away from the for catfish try setting #,~Itt~ tripe

On Economy, Beach Erosion p~,riods, that he has lost touch flavor the tripe with a b/t of ard~mlth the people and their prob- oil. This isn’t too unpleasant toIctus--not only on beach erosion use and stays on the hook

Charles F St~lllvan. Democratic espccla ly for those 7.500 peop c in fresh approach to the entire prow which has gone from bad Io worse, --Spot~ Afield welLIcandidate for Congress from the the dEsErter who are drawing un- lure--an approach based upon a new but on counfle.~ other mailers a~ A new p|astlc freezer trayIThird Col~gre~iona .District ham-I crop oymc t checks, to say nothing conccp! of more liberal Federal!well." ~formx water Into finely chipped,mcred relentless at the policies of of countle.~ others who have ex- [InaJwlal aid." [ Sullivan promised that if elected ice instead of cubes. I¯ .his opponeJ.~t in two consecutiveI hausled th.eir compensation claims "For 12 ve,~rs" he continued,[ he would make more federal aid , ,,~,pPeehcs tins week. I and the thousgnds of .younger per- " ,, for beacll erosion one of hi.,; first The men who rise the’ htghe’Mr.’ Auc.hincloss has not o..ly at’-; 8t

Speaking W_edncsday betore the sons ~.~ho have jutt joined the labor compllshcd nothing in this -egard,[ orders of bu.~lncss hi the next sea- :are those who have always re,Tlelmar Women s Democratic Club, J for~. . s on of Congress. Imained on the levelS,lllvaz~ accu:¢~, GOP Rap. Auchln-[ ¯ Nobody ever talked us into or ............... ’- " ..........................,’lo.~s (*f being ’Just as recklessly[ out of deprP.~ion, but whatever the ....confused on ’beach erosion as when old guard Republicans may call us,:he assall¢~l GoT. Robert B..’t|cv- we DemoeraL~ intend to raise the ..... ..net f:,r suspending cA-GoT. Harold economic s:or~ signals unit] weH,Mlman on suspicion of embezTJ- gel some ,RCIiOIL For we want --’,~¯ mE $300,000 in state funds, this administration to be StlCCPS~ "’" ’ i

Every.one’s "Sullivan then came right back in gut in ~vlng the eountD’ trom -.:., .".;, speech prcpaxcd for delivery mmther depression. |~ ~ ~ ’ ~

¯" "’¢ " % " 1Thursday to the Freehold Young "The basic question is--do you ... ..-

Democrats to charge that "Old treat the patient when he has the ~..~.’~.’~-~ iGuard Repttblican law of gravity" sniffles--or do you wait until he ~****..e*.*.***.e, .**e*e**.*ee,*e**,l, ." ’ ," .!~*hi(’h. he said, seerr~ fo regard a devciop~ pneumonia? ¯-"¯ -ertaln amoun, or" ezononde down .... We cannot be content to stand

invitedto :

’~urn as not only normal but in-[ on a second-best prosperity. This " "°’ ,vl!able. ~is t]~e major reason" Sullivan said. " ."~

A 47-year om ,~lar!ne veteran andI "why 3~,mng Americans should look ’ .’ 1,Zormer .~f~yor of E~.~t Brun~,lck, to the DemocraHe Part,,’. We think " " -~.Sullivan asxerted that "it doesn’t and plan in terms of the future. ; .,~~.em to woa’ry the Old Guard Re-’ instead of i,dulging in visions of "~ "~""

~hi~ year than It. was last year.. In the Belm~r address Sullivan .~,.,’. i.They keep telling us that every- said his opponent’s views are so -" .~ ,."~ Ilhing’s all rl.ght---~usine~ is still co,n fused that even leaders of his

:.’*-i~-:. i4~etter th.an it was three years o~n party disagree with him as to .. ~.~." :,.~.-,,-]~.~.?.’" the principal source of funds 1o .,;~..,~: j

’WELL THE OLD Guard Re- combat beach erosion which is .~.~j;j" Ipublicans ha,,e always preferred~ threatcn|ng the life.blood of the " ~"~oktng back’ward to looking for-] shore.v,’ard, but that ,an bc a darlgel’-, Reea|l[ng h,~ recent eonferenc’e


r.us habit--especially when you’re with Gay. Meyner on beach, ero-~rvln.~ to stop a recession--and let slon, Mr. Sullivan d~elared, It Is-us all hope thai it has stopped, obvious that what Ls needed is a

IRA[. ~- ~’

a. t your Telephone Company

II Y ~l~~~ ~ ,~~’~


WALLPAPERS --33c 55c 77c 99c

Were 7~c to 2.75 per rollWonderful ooportunity to freshen uO any room in yourhouse at great savings. Select from huge assortments . , .all first quality . . , each roll fadeproo~ and washable.Styles for every room, every taste and every purse.

., o...,.o c.o,o.o it’s FUN. it’s FREEroom for as little as $3.30 per room. Sale lasts whde . .. ee4 .equantities lastl Hurry in first, for best selection! **.eeeee.*.*~

" )s Fascinating!S P E C I A L S .... See moderntelephoneservice in action! See the latest

Save On Mounted Canv== Panels scientific marvels--amazing devices that route telephoneSIZE WAS SALE PRICE . calls faster than you can wink.., that locate trouble8 x I0 25c ea. 6 for 96e ". before it happens. Meet the men and women responsible .9’, 12 30¢ eo. 6for 1.21

10 x 14 35c e~. 6 for 1.59 ¯ for the efficient operation of your telephone service. ,12 x 16 40c ca. 6 for 1.72 Yes, see something new and learn something14 ̄ 18 50c ea.. 6 for 2.01 interesting every, minute. Come to Open House. ,,16 x 20 55c ee: 6 for 2.9S

Bring your family. Don’t miss it!.el~ WHITE and CREAM

MAT BOARDS REG. J~J,.,~ AIr~,- . " : ¯. ~0" x 40"

~ ,’~w It~’~




Thtl olassitied section appe,.r,; in the SPOKESMAN, THE KECORD and th~NEW BRUNSWICK SPOKESMAN and WEEKI’V NEWS-REVIEW..Ads may be Write for tSisphoned to SOUTH RIVER 6-1900 up ~ 5 P. M. Tuesday. Minimum sore 60cants for 20 words three cents for each additional ward.

I saLe. Good eondRlon, ,Priced I Cellars, grading. Any amountFOR SALE --S* ,~p BOX Racer. reasmlably. Ca]l SO 6.£54~-W, bank run gravel, ~rade ,s, top soiL,

(~mrc*h ~| K.w~*,r ,.J .1 ~-~, i ~*[Iddte,~ex Manufacturng Co I~ Public Service and the Electric Indus-port---7"-0~’34J. ..... ~’ ...........

~-a- corer Ren~L’n Ave. and Howard ]$OAR’D EOR C~E LD}EN .... ulxI try are celebrating Light’s Diamond..... ~t., New B~nswLek. Distributlws mmlths to six years, Licensed.¯ AIqTJQUES: Pine wa~sLands Sl2,:of a~phaR ~Jring~e~..’210. "250, 2751Call CHarter ~ fre~lt 3 p. m, Jubilee, Seventy-fiveyearsago, Thomas~pIJIJnms chair~, cherry chest L~s,, pastL4 and ~talld3rd eolors:! ~ ....

drawer~. ¢hez’ry d,"opdeaf I~odle ~45. i "Century" asbestos shlngles~ 8ral.-i El & R UpboLsterlug Co.. SLIp-so other ro~W~od n~lodian $i0 e and ~ fle s ¯ e, cadet% gut- cove’s, d’aPes, Harw Eeja, 8d A, Edison inve~ted the first incand~-

V lcterhm Iove-~eat fAO. rosewoad tei’s ~la:~hitg ~ .9 ed brick sld-[ Winthrop Rd.. W. P. Call ME.~entlem~ll*S chair ~.i. rope beds. iln~ fi I (.’olor~ a undt:um weatber ie’14~8,

cetlt lamp, From ~his invention havetllght~tnn~ nmrb{e top abe $20 baar s d ~ Ca CHarter 9.419~7 .............¯ " ’ : " fOR GUARANTEED Radl~ & ~el come the developments which haveet[pb~qrd~ dry ~ k~. 0 d cha ’s, - ........ . " *ete. J. Ptmdeye, Ghlgerbreed , APPLES e~dsmll service ca[ Bud G nes a

ISO 6-3415~fCasl e Rd Ha bqr ~ ~SC CO¯ . ., ’ g, 0", *X " U FOR ̂ LL USES. ?.dam’s Old1"nrm "resulted in the Electric Era,

ty, N, J,, 12-miLe off Hwy. No. 23,: Roadside Stalld, PrankUn Park,! [,EARN TO DR[VF, at Art’~ DHe- A very interesting booklet has beenPRICED ~’OR QL’[CKS.~[.F,~-’ Rt. 2T. tf ing Sch~L For appointment ea]14fl,~0~!l~Ur C;~t31),,~>~:,,t:~l~,,sl:~, - ] [,R£~oplEccoEndiBdg2RO~)~[ S~Lt~ sm!,h .i~_,ver_ 0 ~_. ........

prel~red about electric service, entitled

~dlu $2~ 4-non-ru~t green ~llndow S d 4@9 after d pJ "" It ~ LOST AND FOUND "The Genie in the Amber Box," Forboxrs, br0nd new. $2 earh; Uni- " "versa] va(’uun] clea~te,’. $1.5: crib, M^LE COLI.IE DOO. Sablv and your copy of this booklet, write Publicc’hiffaJ’alle, ~-~’l’Lh nlattresse~,’ O} Kl’Ak ~’~*IAT~ 1 while. [~t in Parlin, Seward.

’ !so e-2507-x]. It Service, Room 8315, 80 Park Place,sprln.q und juveniLe rug, $85 for~ ..............lot: Lane [lope L’hes dark t’&-. RAY~O~I) J PRk’,SNAL : .. ,zl t. $45: 2-face t cuokie jar, $2; I ; Llren~¢d Real Estlte Rrnkar il SITUATI,,,rN W*,NTED~ Newark 1. N. J,’I)~, Hurricane l,Jnq)s, $7; I >r. Saylevl]le SK d-1~,51 ~ ~’~ ~’ :Jlew ftll’-cuffed WOl~le~ll$ "dn boo s

].tv[" ............ ...............f’)r h!#h heel~* ’[~e (~} $:] ~ (’Ltl:l- F( R S:~{"]’:’ E~’(?eZl~nt l(Ica i~’*X~l]l*~" []~OXING dnne ]*1 ]~’ ’PUBLIC "~L~.,~SERVICE,plote sets hflpurted cut gloss stem- Uon, 100 I W 140. o~1 Wilcox i heal|’. Ca]l .d[ lllowlt ~eO~.’~’~’~’~’~’~’~a-L " ̄ " ~ Iware, 25~’ each I) ~.’e. ( SO 6-. A "e., Soulh Rh’er. See E. W., ........... ,3854 fe’4 p ’P" "e A:{e e 75 ~a S SO ~- V)MAN "SI?IS q"CPNG work

)"’R ........0 4 at home. .%pectalt]e~: sLaUslicsI

, * " "-’-~(It . ALE--DeJur ~ers0H)e ¯ " " -- ~ " a d re o’L~ Cal -’;O C.-0.500-3 "’-" ""Enh r~er, Ilk*, e., | lus other NEWLY (~C’MPLE’L’EI) IIOU.

])~p’k HUOlI| ~qti{l~:llent+ Phonl! Lout r(aJOlS with baLh. on %’[i,- ............................ t %gilda St R0oln~ u11flnisht’~l Oil sac- HELP WANTED ’.::KfhP-r 6~783 after 5 p.m. ¯

.~%’. ;, " ¯ .... ~, d I!~,u , ~;,.~ ] eaL robber file .................. .,4 ;}EAI hIOS~ LN)R our tnwn and. donr zn nlodera k:tcllen. InquLL’e;WO~EN. l¢0rden, NaLu,~.~ ,iv,n o*dl ~n,,- ,"a ’k Scupp |6 /. e~e’ct S ,, SOid o~er. Large Bale. 4. 2 ne F," 6-L~0~

WLo. a. Z~RMERS UOO’, A.~SU ............. ~nvolids or Bedridden

,~’ 470 ’ " " " ’ tf ’EBER"2,"(XLiT ~Ft’~P"Guaran- c0n use yoLn’ phone, we can" P SO " ............

teed sel’~ice, Te[evidon-rad[o- :dlnw You a way to e’arn $10 to-~.F[|:~T I~I~[ALv farn :a[)p]ia ’el. ~W ])er "’V ~rvL’e r ~ a daY. We traLn ,yotl fit

¯ land top soil. :r~,00 .pcr eub[e~ "aLl 80 6- ~U6-M L5 TerFy I.~ e, IC~i,J. y’4ur ~Inme.: C .Red Baok ’ : ,E~rd$3:00 per ~ubie’ yard delivered ~ .... ~:k ~J~, W~L contact

’ ",-- "- ; ................. jr " 1st floor,~’~l $~gma. up,: ~~- _ i

.... bJi"{[I ..... I~l[e ~l’(~elfiln ~{-{’ []L[{"*lR°~ "¢’¢~t’* R’Mt Bl’u"lIw’~k,l. |ell’ ~"r’d"{~ °~ll°~’u"RY "~°| .11 " Please len¢i,ne’"}’heGe,’de{n d~.Amber &.x.’. - -,.~I,

~R~A~ ...... Itee ~/tfina~er, RedReM VIII~se I N*=e.,,...,~ ....................................................... =,-.~ ........... ;" (1I

desks. Coil R[.!~erb~t~n~lTntUl~ot P^Y YOUe SUaSCe[PTION I~ld¢ 2D. Apt. Z Moffuchen. N. JI

" ’ I~¯ . WOMAN TO CARE for t-.co Iphil- ~~teel ............. : ............. ?,...,) ...................... ,.,..~L..-...,. ....... !

|~IHlIiimI I m n HImiii~i~m~t

I Page Twewe THE RECORD " Fridoy, September 17, "1954,j . ,

Washington IF l" gh . thofo+w+,he.oheoo,,, .3,599 Get Free Chest X-Rays ,n uy Xo~;o2Np ~;m~ ~.Franklin TownsMrp reddent..lelatx when rogIMeHng. The ph+vsb’. U.&.* ~.11, l’q.~lD Oral.I. I d Fi e. I lid ~p 110 and

aee~unfod +’or P~8 of the 8 ~ chert i elan will be I.formed it the p[eture l I IIIll Ul 11mlW~rr ~llil :Tt~adFa’tosh’, MS’is Georse4 ’ ar

I Sloader Troon ~l, M~ 3, J T~ha~,X-ray taken bF he Sac ~Dep - to till " ’ " ’ ’

News,..h .oh0 -ra. oo "be*’ .,,. be., +oodl, ¯ - U--Ort Ca.- ̄ .o=o .d

In Somp~ot Cmln v ast we’~k, ’tug mt-dt0ai altentloo. Otherwlae, l rr ~ ~ J gl~s: Mrs, Vincent Bosoy, TeSSpF ’ore 0 a m to ~ p m We he.. ! be re ,or( goe~ on y o ~ho Person _~e~ .P .tee Frellns,huy~.en, ]r.1 nf IH,p.; Mr?, Mfe, bee] %ivY., ~d V~ w tht Ill00 for meals, work. ’ X.r~+yed J In(+ ~ F II ~ }1 ~reRs one LJ s ̄ pt ,’ 4, , a d I;1 S e Mr+t snug as~r It~. Ix.~r rr*a.~au~,+.¯ ~r, ,’ ~ , "d~l day ~rereh, erttlelsed th(~ Max~ell ehalrman Tr.op Cotnmlt

+ toerx rout In the Co:l+mu11 y Plrel~ p sacred he sepvee, keeps a " ’ " P "The following Is one In ¯ ’ ¯ o P. Case. He ~atd tht’+m al!’+(lkq lee member on welfal~ e~l~vltles¯

House on Hamilton Sd. and sdg{ et re ’erie+ a d does he hook w klertel ot guest colu~+lfls which ¯ iv w i ~ ~++ ~tl p D ~l ~t’Ol ’ h e e ’ a a ’k~ rdl Pr ~ - al d C8 o K re e and d dv L Illt ~]eope vho came for thi~ tree for 1he X-II a hi t ’ . ’ ’ *H~presentative FreHnghuysen se’e ee X-ravs were eke 4 he ar n e of ~ ea h finances he dent E[Renhmeer", and .qpeculaled !yaXl~ky, il’DOp aides ansisting ’#[thbit been |uccetsful In oblate,at ~p ek ~y e ," i1 e ace v., o Pave opt, ,a og of he mat:h, le ,l(bat those, behind the+ sell-Case :Tt pdrrfeKd.Crom various members of the xv th It, Mis. Chat~;es K. Tta’ker ~nd r e ̄ e e fact eh ef me a ed , Tlho first meeting[ of BrOw,executive branch. This column Peep e w o were X-rayed ~a ’e )Ml’a F Staptnn ~r Middlebtl~h t v a de~h’e to embarras~ the P~.,SI-!TI’o’;I~ ]ID and t~ will he held’q~takes the place of the congress* 1he Ilame of theh" persollal phyM-la~sisled in registration, :[lenT’ "~V(’dot’~d~v at the P o0 Groveman’s r@¢lllllr Wa;hington Letter. .................................... i (+]nll~res~man Pre]lo/~hLl~o Fq~oke hlaqtor ~nheo] ~t’~t 2:45 lo 4:30

YOUR OPINION AND kJ J-II--L----L*bJ~ ~ ltA# I_ ,~’ ! * iMmlday before a Joint mvelblg’ n. m. The [l’O.~ps wIB meet tU tee~oR~to. ROUCY MIaaloousn man, cx,wasnlngronlon, i.~ Iho ~,,.f+ co,,,,,., w,,,.e.,~ i,~d esretert..’~,,,’ ,.o,he. lole,-:RPpuhlh’a]l and YounR Beltnblir:Je ;’.’t’d In asslstl~+g x~dtb the seth’;-* By Thurston B, Morton

Assistant Secretary of State ~f~’~ Senator Jnckcan Af R,~llv ;,,, ~T "L1’’~"’~"1 "]"~4 .ties ,,~1[ he w~]eome at the meet-¯ HOW much does rqnr IPdnion at- ¯ " ’ ! +: .+ ’~’ .... ng

~’ect foreign policy? The answer Is: Hr. Morgan Upton nf Mlddle+~u~h ~. Alexander and olher notables., tb: 1 ih c aBlI.Fa.~ e faelion consisted;~loz’e than you tetek. 111 tact, the Iv+as amo,l~ thP rormol I re.dents of The {Ol¯mt!r Washhlgtoldaos were" of no mm’e [hall ’In ++mall, botStale Del,arH.ent .,’cold be se-Ihe State or Wa..hlllt+tD, v*~ho were ,eee ’ h m y by he hl,.,hly voeM a0d ,vell+rhlauCed dT;t+tkSePerr’°’rmedf"omv~uW at’

Selaom cone. e Lse"s~afrloos]y handicapped if It L~.0re CUt nn land to R,.e(!t Sella~O onrvi :castor. who remarked tll,!~ ]lpi i~lhlor]Iv*," , ¯Op~" ft,om ~OUF otdaLoo--rrn~I ihe ~t{. [~eoop daek.so~ whet1 he came e~’’, ed he " "It" lo 9F+P.be-" FrPll~ghtiysen said Ihose T{.:ptih-~ ....................fheu~qnds of tellers, nelvshapers, h) ~dogrlalown Wedlte~day evening; ’al he ttved so far 8x, y t, lieans who were op~o~bt~ Case111aRPZ~IIeS, bl>Ok~,’ organizational to ~peak nt a VoJunteerPfor-Hawell~ n ks n he’e had# heard b u fens’rallY represented the same ..+~l~i..._ __ ~,~¢GpoPt+k public Dphtion polLs, and ral]Y, bl |he .&lcXallder Haodllonl~t small grot~p of Repu,blleans who

I+~ other ~xDre*~s~on~; o~ P.I)Jnion~ flow School auditorium.. J "+~ePRt/H" Jacksnn is a~ ah,nlou+l, h~d opposed the PrexhtenPs Pffor s ’~+~ Jag Into the de.g, arhneltt oaeh w(¯vk+ Pl’eeed|n£ the rally, there wa~ a, of tile OnI;’erdty of Washlngtou LI1 " ~’It} m(~ertdze and ]lheraUze ~e

~veJ’y day Secretary of State reeepUoo ’or the Senator and Mrs, Ihe clas~ of 1935, wMle Dr, Uplon GOP"¯J,mn ~,~’*ter OuII~ a.d hi, ~n,~:,,w+lh Sta~e Trea~.,’~,’ A,’eh~h,,d ,+aa ~r~damed ~her~ m ;~. ! ’ i ~ SE Eas~lMants receive a summary of

-’~" ........ ~’.m’, .............opinion expre~’~ed during Ihe pre- ~ ....................... ’

¯,(’re m e~ ]rein~o,. ~, hour. ~o ,.,+or,a. ,a ; iFranklin Twp

/--he÷ A~ d/e÷nn+a n dessert card party eel, 7 at 1:30. ~.* *" i

~’.rla * I,o+lttotlpt;~lJe opinioa In Secretary Oollrs k* +.~.+JL ¯ ¯ I ¢L¢..~¢.+..*i I.~. . p, m. In lhe Grange Hall¯ I Kr~WJ~I~ NI~IIII~I~ lq~,*,~that while he was at the Berllo

MP~ William Rh’d m o~ I he l MIIl~tone Valley Grange vlHConference earlier thls T’~zr he ............ - - . * , . .

weeke d a Oe’a Reat~h sponsor a eard parly Sept. 25 at Collrlrrllt~.=a Ma,.,,.I= N,....,,,,,.,+l,,requeatad a dally eah]e from the " ¯ iMr and Mr~ The ~1 s J¯ I*PO have[ 8 p. In,

.! a~1~ ¯ l~r’~lW h the hundredsdepartment to keep him [nforaled

i . ~ ~ r an Mla~t Nancy Hart da i.htcr eli The first fa n eettng o the C m-(’turned after vl Itlng ,’[ , d ’ Q :~L TV Lt:ason Ar~rtean OlIIl’[rn1*o ~ Mr a d Mrs J h a s a s - bned BrowSe eaders and rnop II,ON~[ OF THE MOST important Mra We ! ~e k en a LaSa}e 1

, , , (~RI:FI L flrr .¢M oh.’ They" a .~" v s ’d he ~e~’yl deal curse al Middlesex General commillees of Frankli, Tov.nshlg

. .~otlrccs of opinion comes in the Fold mtl oum t DeeM ;: . ’

1 a,born [eh ~ov a ~,~asheda hehoneo P+ ".<-Re-’ POOLF 5~’0rm of letters -- as many as 4:

F] nt M ch.’ Canada and N agars Mr<s dcan Day, danghter of Mr.~. ard Ftst’her on Aug. 22. 5 Bayard S . .x.u~" Brunswick000 a week. These are not filedFalls’ M’s Lee’s ~isler M "a R s.+[ Morgan ireland, Is sttld,hlS

ours. FIsnswere made fop-the year and¯ away -- yOU can bet on tllat! IThey arc carol(Sly screened by sell Wltltemsmt of Mmtowo ae- ing at St. Petet#s Hospital.I -- ................................

+ ..............

.a special staff in the Secretaz?/s eOnllmnJed Ihem. , Mrs. W. Woodruff In visltiog her: .¢~¢~¢.¢~~~.

Mrs John F B Ilnt’t Is a pa Is°n’lll"Law and danghlcr, Aft1¯ o11(]office, sod the eerlous ones are(tent In Mldd]e~ex’ffo~gltal’. "1 Mrs. Fred Welsh of Mlddlcbu~[ ~ .d~ NOW S THE TIME TO PLANT BULBSdtslrtbt~ted throughout lhe depart-

Mr and~ MI~ Henrw RU err Mils one Va ey Gra ge w ~ IMgny go atraLght Io the Seeletary~+or rl~p]¥. ~or Mr. ’Dnl]es (ake.+ +rupert Tuesday n thu Poeooo i~:3o p. ~. ~tate ~cturer P.ntlre

+ d[t+~<t pcr~o.aJ Interest b, his Me,retains Ma]leBOl wRt be the ~eaker+ ~IJ~’~ r, mpoPted fronz Holttm~

~8 * Mr, all( 1 ~1.~. ,]r)hn Sehnrc}l .ndl mr+. Oonalt~ ~ead, ,MJR~ ~tea°°]’P ~l~ For Gay Spring Beeuty from eifly .BUT IT" ’S OBVIOUS ,hat S ....... Jcten’re’Ltr°edh°m’afterMerre]l’Mra’+ug’e°eParls’*R[ch"i ~’~’/~ ’~}+ --+ Mirr.h till Ilto May

........ ’+~ se+~era we°k~ t °ttrtng ard V°°rSeea a°" C’ra°ge P+]a++t (PLrI~ ~/j~

dl] kfod@ of flowerlng b~tha avldl-reta~ ~)t3]len can A~+x+’+J+ no, n+oPethan It few of the hllrJdreds Of Left ,Fief|rill. I+ Waiter Wyekoff attended the Mh- z+bLe tn ~x~Lbltion sizes on y1era he reeelves each day. The .bulk l~., ++.,~c RaymOnd HI}I+ of Nor-I dlesex a]+d Bomeraet Pomona Oa,t +’our advk’o from a ,I)~l.~lst he m,i go+ +o +. °+fob +a- +o +rid +h’Or.+ o,o+o+’o *r+o (aS.--+of perso~s who analyze the L011er8 his parents, .~d]’. atld Mrs. John¯ S~tl]L’day. ADRIAN VAN DEff~OORTmad draft rop]ie% They work efome- HiLls. +--- Upper L vtegstoo Ave, N ~runl

]y with speot~Jsts throughout the Mrs, E4hel St+mla Js rc~:overlng,i ’Tel. KI 5-7521ro,.a f.o ’e ++ a, +e .f,. H,’.m,l*,m ~[~.+~/~ +d~P~o~t Jn Pl*~)al~ng el(sWellS*

er retlzrtling tree1 ~omemct Hompi-I "= m’,- _~_.~_ ..__~.- ,and often a lop ~teto DepartmentcffleLal .persona)b, takm over the tel. me waa lnJnred ta+t week teI PTA M,~m~.= "7:..-2-:.::_~-7-- :__-~_--.~.--.--~-_=._.deaf(tog oF a lop]),. Whoneyer a a tall from a chair. E sin mler’~/¢zmrlotls ]etler on a foreign-policy Mrs. J, Mr, Btn’th; ha8 rotnrnedi

FJr+q rail meellng or tho ttnmll- la, kBPR ,) ii JIqueauon is roeulved, eYefy effort home from St. Peler’s Ifosplt~l, , to]t S¢.honl o]1 Ilamliton .Rd. was I,=~LII~I,/ ~II

M]s, Margaret Dune cntertai,,ed+he]d TLlesd~.’ ~1 the svhoal. Offl- ~~~ ’JS r~ade to gLve tee wrller an BII"swer that W[]I c[arLfy his prr~lem Mrs, Sewell ~;~ri’pt+tPn of NPW I eers nnd eommlltee members were | iFltf J=op, Lime, Farm undor provLde the teformaiton re, Brunswick and Mrs. Helen ~tgmsen So(reduced.

or Florhta Jam "£hurm+ay. Cla.mlonm mothers sad new PouJtfy Supp||es _ ~.d~ll~.qlJ°Med"

oooomJcs comm,(lee wS[ Sl)onMor purchased +’rein any eTA nlem~er.

Anoiht’r im~orten¢ soot~’e el The F++L~I Mil]~tone "PTr A. Will teacher~ also ’+ere pre~e.ted, In Planer Jr. ~rden Tro¢forgoRIBLIIII comes thI’~ugh exehan,~Jng ffLeet hi Lhe E, M. ~:ho01 ~eilL fnture ~Sa0s, tha PT~. aqheduh’d

.q at 8 p, m, Mrs, Eugene lta.rglns, a card narly for Oct. ~0 at thevl~ with dtLze, grom~ p~rtle., ond EquipmentJar y rl erl~a ed foreign po[Ley ,r4~+dd~at, wSl .preside, ’~(lh{)o], ~rs, Harry Sieora accepted~gartmen~.~l omeer,, s~eah t~ MIttetoneValleyGrangehome~he ehelrm~nshlp. Tlrkats may be Sher~b~-Willloms FuIl-o.Pep~,od~+ of th~+a ~o., ......h ; WILLIAM R. T. LAIRD~e~r, Members of ITlalLy nrgaldza, tt~o~G coItle tu Wal(hh]slnn to m~:t ......... : ........with State Deparlnwnt offleLala and Phone: |, Milhltone 8-2"/96 Fronklin Pork Idlscn~.~ po]h.+y ii~qtlPra. ’ ...................................

PUBLIC OPINION ts most effee-! Are You Registered To Vote ..............ttve whet+ it h informed¯ Secretary

,+Jc+D"~+’+t+ i’,’,+’l+]]t~+ ......,.,+r ] ,.a j,’+ (’+ ’l’[+’.++p]+]’+ In Somerset County ’relepKone KI liner 5-I I00

all the tacte at hL+ disposal throaghhis froquenl radio - television l.lllt ~oy for Rig’It+orlon..+oeil. ao0,,te+o+.pr--eo,. JAMES H MAHERferenees. These public sta.tements= or . ,.IOffer a unique b,~is u’>on which+a1~ informed c+pJuLon ean +J+ baaed., Chonge o, .....+.,+. A N D S 0 NPtz~0]lc opinion enUiLL+ a verygreat’deal In the £o+.matlon of for- SEPTEMBER 23, 19Me~gn ’pollCY. For a~ Lincoln said: FUNERAL DIRECTORS

"With pu,bHe mentimetlt nil its+[de, +vet)thing +urv+ed~; with WHIRl TO REGISTER -- Quol;Fied voterl of SomersetpubT[c +arltin,t, nt ago,ash nnthh:g C+unty racy register at the office of the Somerset County 2~ |oaten Avenue New Srunsw+¢k, N. J.,.m,eeeda:’ ............ Boord of Elections, Adminiltrot;on Bu;Idlng, Somer+ill*,

I+..:. o, o,, o o.,. o, t,.. M.,o,oo, +,.rk._ +., ..,. - ¯ + +-¯----- -+~,..,+t v. m~. +.,o,1++o,,, ,,r ,a,¯ t.+. rifle residents muir register ot the Adminiltrotion Build- WHEN YOU SHOP AT HOME !Z~4~ It~Ld ̄ mt+l~dl~P1~p~ (h[,Pp’o 0rtl. log,V+Ldlm tnr tPnur~ at +me" r"r t’°llP~ter+ You Get Servi©ff Ag W+,II Ag Seeings ....knd raCelwr~ ot t~rx. ¯ peta~m~ hal

"~,o. rlz~, wna Ul~ J’lPr~ o~ lot. "J’:d~" .... TIME--At County Office, ~,ee or Cell These Merchonts For Big Money-SeeingIbid’* Of Peal(bUlL Cl*U~ty .l ~JZtpt~L,~+ew at+~>, .,,.~*t,.~ u,.~ u,o .+.~no. Mondoyn through Fridoyl, 9 o. m, * 4 p, m, Buys ¯ ¯ Super SRrvieR I

¯ el wh¯Lher ̂ at¯ J n.,:H.mL ¢o~h~-i~r ’Or t~Xt~ Or n’r l~*~LxhlZ+ nl Fr"n~]IIt+ SPECIAL REGISTRATJON HOURS.~=1 ~ me ,,~o ,,, ,,,,.o~ ,. ~,~P,i ¯ FAR/~ SUPPLIES | STOVESot t~.. ~o~n~,u ,,r ~v..aa,,. ~+n..r.~t. Saturdoy, September 18, 9 o, m. to $ p. m.Coumx, ~.r.m ~.,,:, ,~l:,,~t~r ~,~a .o,i September 20, 21, 22, 23, 9 o. m. to 9 p, m,b~ rrmme*d nlel"efrom ex~-t¯pt Ior L’¢,od ~TOVE & Jl~.................. " ................ F’ C" A. RICH APPLIANCE CO*+’+1’=t the n,xt ~uo=p,a,,~ .~.~r.I .~ti.,," Note: Noturollzed ¢ifltenl mull presont cJflzenlhip

~’mrD ~ ~^SOOM,paperl. FEED -- SEED -- FERTILIZERS Es|. 1917¯

~*~ll’lO’ ~T* 24: ]9"1 TO"tii hip (Jl~ik Monogt¯m Comb(el(ion Stoves......................... Free Ol+Hvlr y

+..~’L- RECORD v...h+,hove ehon,ed rkelr non~31 mull’ "r..psn O¯,R¯~I,,

i ¯rog/$fer, . Phon* Kilm*r ~2dTu Westlnghousw Applilncl $

¯ l Frlnkiln. To~mthlpl’ Own ~on ol~d Women in lervlee or f~enliy di|¢horgld,’con- ~.In¢oln Highwe~ lad Haw LlneYoungstown ,W.!lehenl

Newlpl@er - Freneh St. New eru tlw[¢kPcbltehed Friday bp PJ’anklia feet the County Offfge or your Muni¢lpol Clerk for In- P;.nme KllmeP 5-’;IF~~’ownahip Puhllshlng Co. tormotion. 411FUELOILM+‘ddlebush, N, J. ~s.

+WARRgN GLASEH __._Publ+he, Tolephone of ~ounty Office, SO 8+.4700 ¯ FURNITURE¯ JOHH LSNKEy ........... Edito~ I ’ ’ ’ "- Bubse~pffoh ~ale 12.00 Per Year ¯ OTHER SPECJA~’HOURS A. EIIISIIII~II 6’ ~ ~glll the "Frelqch ~t.~ Schm,, tz.~, Phone: CHarter 9-a~O ] ’ FUll. OILS -- KEROSENE ’ , .’- = s" ’° ’ " " F,,,,m,= ¢*.+. v~e:,~t~.O~J~, at ~l~ll~bm~, +Sept. 20-23+Tto9p. m. .~ . . Ollllurnl, r*h~fltolled "

t"’~’~l~. .Wle ~ o~.Mmh&, " "’ ": ": ="~’ " .... ~ ’fill Nlm+ll~n I~¢~ Blw’llmnlV~d~ " +~: ~I~ ~ ’ ""?’: ....