I Pod Touch 3

iPod Touch
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Transcript of I Pod Touch 3

iPod Touch


The iPod touch, A flash-based iPod from Apple that was modeled after the iPhone. It is essentially a thinner iPhone without the phone capability and uses a touch screen for navigation. Its features include the capability to play music, videos and show photos; also the touch includes a calendar, calculator and contact list as well as e-mail and Web browsing via Wi-Fi. The iPod touch has recently been introduced into the world of education. It has many uses in the classroom like note taking, keeping individual agendas, translation for world languages, and accessing research through the Internet. In addition to these uses other applications can be synced to the device that teachers can use with the entire class in the classroom.

Why do we need the iPod TouchIt was created for people who wanted the capabilities of the iPhone without the monthly contract of a cellular service. More importantly students are in the age of technology they use cell phones, MP3 players, and computers daily outside of school. The iPod Touch would put the use of technology in the classroom to reach students.Fields such as education could use such a device in the classroom for note taking, keeping individual agendas, translation for world languages, and accessing research through the Internet, with the distraction of mobile service.

The iPod Touch was developed by Apple Inc. the development of the iPhone began with Apple CEO Steve Jobs' direction that Apple engineers investigate touchscreens.Researchers determined that a product that has access to the same applications as the iPhone without the phone service would be marketableOnce the iPhone was sold June 29,2007 the iPod Touch was launched on September 5, 2007.The iPod Touch is a version of the iPhone without:GPS 3G cellular connection (that is, it can only connect to WiFi networks) Compass Camera Built-in microphone

The development of the iPhone subsequently lead to the development of the iPod Touch.The initial audience for this innovation was anyone who wanted to use the device for recreational purposes such as a music player, video capabilities, Internet access.The uses in the field of education were quickly revealed with the use of the innovation as a way to deliver audio and video podcasts to students quickly and easily. This has blossomed into iPods being used to document student readings, interactive personalized quizzes, SAT and ACT practice, PowerPoint conversion, and much more.Additionally, for education, there was development of specialized iTunes Education Content and now iPod Touch/iPhone applications that focus on education redirecting the audience for educators and students.

How was the iPod Touch commercialized?The iPhone was unveiled to the public on January 9, 2007 in a keynote address to promote interest, but wasnt sold until June 29, 2007.The iPod Touch was launched on September 5, 2007, at an event called The Beat Goes On.The 2nd generation iPod Touch, featuring external volume controls, a built-in speaker, a contoured back, built-in Nike+, Bluetooth support, and the ability to connect a microphone, was unveiled on September 9, 2008, at the "Let's Rock" keynote presentation.The late 2009 iPod Touch was announced and subsequently released on September 9, 2009. The late 2009 model is available with 8, 32, or 64GB of flash memory. The 8GB version has identical hardware as the 2nd generation model. The 32 and 64GB versions of the late 2009 model, popularly referred to as the 3rd generation, include faster hardware a slightly lower battery life, voice control, light sensor, and bundled earphones with a remote and microphone.









December 15,1999Apple registers iPhone.org and makes it redirect to Apple.com

Knowledge:Jobs refuses to confirm or deny creation of new device

Apple begins to trademark the iPhone in various countries

Knowledge:December 16, 2004Apple admits they will work with Motorola to create a phone that uses iTunes.

September 7th 2005The ROKR, an iTunes enabled phone, is released by Apple and Motorola.

Knowledge:October 18,2005 Jobs says there are more phones on the way.

September 25,2006 Apple applies for trademark of iPhone in U.S.

Persuasion:November 30,2006 patent granted for iPhone

Decision:January 9, 2007Jobs officially announces iPhone.

Implementation:June 29,2007 the iPhone is officially launched

Implementation:September 5, 2007The iPod Touch was officially released

Confirmation:iPod Touch continuesto be redesigned to meet the needs of the consumers. iPod Touch continues to gain more features including expanded memory for more apps.

Since the iPod Touch is a direct result of the iPhone the timeline of design for the iPhone is necessary for determining the development and adaptation of the iPod touchKnowledge of Apple creating a product peaked interest in 2002 when it began to trademark the iPhone around the world, although Steve Jobs would not confirm that the project was underway.A slightly successful phone that Jobs called an iPod shuffle on your phone debuted in 2005. This innovation was seen as unfavorable and prompted more research for a better product.Once the iPhone was revealed it built up anticipation and when it was finally released in June of 2007 it was highly successful, the marketing of the product persuaded buyers it was a phone like no other. The capabilities of the iPhone prompted the creation of the iPod Touch that was released September of 2007. This new innovation was confirmed by consumer demand. Apple continues to put out newer versions of the iPod touch to meet the needs of consumers. As more applications are created to use with iPod Touch Apple continues to expand memory and improve the quality of the product.


It is difficult to find exact sales on the iPod touch because Apple does not break down iPod sales by model in its quarterly reports, so we've relied on Piper Jaffray's iPod touch estimates to draw the chart presented.Based on the quarterly sales of the iPod Touch the adoption of the device was immediate. Buyers began purchasing the product as soon as it was introduced. Sales seem to always peak around Quarter 1 with holiday sales and taper off during the non holiday quarters. The sales of the iPod Touch do not indicate a true s-curve but the sales pattern continues to be constant indicating of the plateau of the s-curve.


This S-curve was interesting way of putting the adoption of the iPod Touch in perspective of how consumers use it. Data retrieved from http://mymediaexperience.com/media-center-adoption-curve-case-ipod-touch/ Awareness: hears about it, does nothing. Majority hear about iPod Touch, but not fully aware of its functions.Interest: hears about it, observes and looks into it. Seek more information by going into store, Google it, read articles etc.Trial: hears about it, gives it a try. Educated enough to make purchase, and use it simply as a media player.Adoption: continues to use it after giving it a try. The more you learn about the functions the more you use it. Extension: after adoption extends media center capabilities. Continue to expand use of iPod Touch as new ways to use it are developed.



Early Adopters



Relative Advantage



Strategies for persuasion

Strategies for persuasion

How did adoption occur?Innovators: Apple CEO Steve Jobs and Apple engineersEarly adopters: younger teachers with more experience with technology. Those that are more willing to try new things.Strategies for persuasion: Exposing teachers to applications that pertain to the educational field.Continuous creation of applications that correspond to education. Make applications affordable for education budgets.Laggards: older teachers, those afraid of new technologyStrategies for persuasion:Professional development to present ways to use iPod Touches.Demonstration of lessons that incorporate the iPod Touch in all subject areas.AttributesRelative Advantage: Show all teachers how effective the iPod Touch is in differentiating the lesson in comparison to promethean boards or LCD projectors.Compatibility: Explain to teachers how the iPod Touch can be used in all subject areas to meet standards.Trialability: Allow teachers to try an iPod Touch lesson in their classrooms

Decentralized Approach

The i-Pod Touch follows a decentralized approach in the educational field. As peer diffusion of innovations through horizontal networks occurs, teachers are able to see the capability of the innovation for educational purposes. As teachers experiment with the iPod Touch in the classroom they can share positive experiences from the benefits of using the innovation.

Reference: Rogers, E.M. Diffusion of Innovations. (5th ed.) New York: Free Press.


A change agent in the field of education for the iPod Touch would most likely be a teacher that is very comfortable with using technology and has an interest in using new technology with students and other educators. Seven roles of the change agent:To develop a need for change: The educator with the background in technology will show how the iPod Touch can be used to organize students and aid students in completing assignments. To establish an information exchange relationship: The educator with the background in technology will demonstrate lessons planned with the iPod Touch to validate their usefulness.To diagnose problems: The educator will have a proposed plan for budget because the innovation is an expensive expenditure for schools.To create an intent to change in the client: Give data to show the difference the iPod Touch makes in student achievement.To translate an intent into action: The educator will differentiate lessons in all content areas to prove effectiveness for all subjects.To stabilize adoption and prevent discontinuance: Inform other educators that applications are constantly being created for use with the iPod Touch and there are a lot of inexpensive applications created for educational uses. To achieve a terminal relationship: Show how product works and give leads to how educators can find applications to fit their content area.

References: Rogers, E. M. (2003) Diffusion of Innovations. (5th Ed.) New York: Free Press.


Critical Mass is defined by Rogers as the point after which further diffusion becomes self-sustaining. With this definition in mind critical mass has already been met in society entire school districts as well as colleges and universities have already begun implementing the use of the iPod Touch in the classroom and more applications for educational purposes have been created proving that the iPod Touch is becoming an useful tool in the educational field.


So why the iPod Touch?In the age of technology educators need a way to connect with their students to maximize student potential. Students are constantly intrigued by the use of new technological devices and ready to get their hands of such devices. In recent years devices such as Promethean Boards and other interactive white boards have been introduced into the classroom. However, such devices limit student involvement because only one student can access the device one at a time. A device such as the iPod Touch will allow all students to participate simultaneously. Each student can have his or her own device to participate in the lesson. It also gives students the ability to work at their own pace. Although cost may be an issue there are several ways to combat this issue. School districts can handle the implementation of the iPod Touch in several ways including: providing an iPod Touch for all students, limiting the iPod Touch to middle or high schools, getting a class set for teachers, just getting one or two iPod Touch carts for schools so that teachers can share. The uses of the iPod Touch are limitless and the device can be used in all courses.



Rogers, E.M.(2003) Diffusion of Innovations. New York: Free Press.www.wikipedia.com/iPodTouchhttp://tech.fortune.com/2010/04/15/how-many-ipods-did-apple-sell-2/http://www.sizlopedia.com-wp-content-uploads-iphone-timeline-11.jpg.urlhttp://mymediaexperience.com/media-center-adoption-curve-case-ipod-touch/


Series 1iPod Touch Sales

Sheet1Series 1Series 2Series 3Q3 200710,000,0002.42Q4 200710,000,0004.42Q1 200820,000,0001.83Q2 200810,000,0002.85Q3 200810,000,000Q4 200810,000,000Q1 200920,000,000Q2 200910,000,000Q3 200910,000,000Q4 200910,000,000Q1 201020,000,000