i nternationa L Specialized exhibition of Manufacturing ... · facts and statistics of...


Transcript of i nternationa L Specialized exhibition of Manufacturing ... · facts and statistics of...

Page 1: i nternationa L Specialized exhibition of Manufacturing ... · facts and statistics of “BaLttEcHniKa 2016“ 103 23 10 exhibitors exhibitors from abroad represented countries: lithuania,

2017Specialized exhibition ofManufacturing, innovations and EnginEEringSolutionS

10–12 MaY, 2017L i t e x p o

i n t e r n a t i o n a L

Page 2: i nternationa L Specialized exhibition of Manufacturing ... · facts and statistics of “BaLttEcHniKa 2016“ 103 23 10 exhibitors exhibitors from abroad represented countries: lithuania,

the engineering industries association of lithuania linpra

exhibition visiting with invitations only

organisErs of tHE EXHiBition:

EXHiBition oPEning Hours:

lithuanian exhibition and congress centre litexpo

MaY 10-11,10.00 a.m - 17.00 p.m

MaY 12,10.00 a.m - 16.00 p.m

BaLttEcHniKa – tHE PuLsE of industriaLtEcHnoLogiEs, BusinEss and KnoWLEdgE!

Page 3: i nternationa L Specialized exhibition of Manufacturing ... · facts and statistics of “BaLttEcHniKa 2016“ 103 23 10 exhibitors exhibitors from abroad represented countries: lithuania,

tHE EXHiBition is intEndEd for sPEciaLists,BusinEss and acadEMic coMMunitY.

BaLttEcHniKa EXHiBition

is the only and most important engineering industry event of the year in lithuania, with the key mission of introducing local engineering industry companies, their achievements and potential, encouraging co-operation between business and research institutions and initiating closer links between vocational schools and business community.

Page 4: i nternationa L Specialized exhibition of Manufacturing ... · facts and statistics of “BaLttEcHniKa 2016“ 103 23 10 exhibitors exhibitors from abroad represented countries: lithuania,

KEY toPics of tHE EXHiBition:

• industrial equipment and materials,

• industrial robots,

• robotic devices,

• electronics,

• electrical engineering,

• automation,

• welding technologies and materials,

• surface treatment equipment,

• metal processing equipment and materials,

• machine tools,

• energy saving,

• tools,

• pipelines,

• co-operation, etc

Page 5: i nternationa L Specialized exhibition of Manufacturing ... · facts and statistics of “BaLttEcHniKa 2016“ 103 23 10 exhibitors exhibitors from abroad represented countries: lithuania,

facts and statistics of “BaLttEcHniKa 2016“

103 23 10exhibitors exhibitors from


represented countries:

lithuania, latvia, estonia, poland, Germany, austria, Switzerland, italy, ukraine, finland, bulgaria.

with event zones4 600 sq.m

totaL EXHiBition arEa:

exhibitors from lithuania

from abroad

38 30 8

ParticiPatEd for tHE first tiME:

interactive events, training,international conferences, seminars,presentations to experts.

4 500


visitEd BY:




Page 6: i nternationa L Specialized exhibition of Manufacturing ... · facts and statistics of “BaLttEcHniKa 2016“ 103 23 10 exhibitors exhibitors from abroad represented countries: lithuania,

online registration to the exhibition: http://epus.litexpo.lt

deadline for exhibitors’ registration is 26 april 2017

Minimum stand size at the exhibition – 6 sq.m. minimum stand size at the exhibition – 6 sq.m. Standard stand consists of: stand of octanoRm exhibition constructions (2.5 meter high), grey carpeting,100W lamps (one every three sq.m.), 1 desk with 2 chairs, standard socket for three plugs (220V/2kW), litterbin, company’s name in standard font on the top of the stand (maximum 10 letters), daily cleaning of the stand.

application registration fee 105 eur

Rent of empty indoor exhibition space 1 sq.m. x eur 71*


When ordering over 30 sq.m. 1 sq.m. x 67 eur

outdoor exhibition space 1 sq.m. x 29 eur

Rent of standard stand 1 sq.m. x 19 eur

pRiceS exclude 21% V.a.t

ParticiPation tErMs and conditions:

Page 7: i nternationa L Specialized exhibition of Manufacturing ... · facts and statistics of “BaLttEcHniKa 2016“ 103 23 10 exhibitors exhibitors from abroad represented countries: lithuania,

for more detailed information on participation

terms and conditions, individual stand installation

possibilities and organisation of conferences, seminars

or other thematic events please contact -

Exhibition Project Manager AGNĖ ŽEKONYTĖemail: [email protected]; [email protected]

mobile phone: + 370 693 24714


more information is available on www.litexpo.lt


contact PErson: