I Need More. - 1|Good Shepherd

Newsleer from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School I Need More. . .Rest People put in many hours of work each week. Weeknight evenings are filled with acvies for children and meengs of all sorts. When the weekend rolls around, there are many acvies that we want to parcipate in. There are sports for chil- dren, recreaon for families, and leisurely interests for individuals. Hours on Saturday are taken up by home improvement projects or needed mainte- nance. By the end of it all we are red. Finally, it is Sunday morning, a day of rest, and I get to sleep in. It is the one morning that if I dont get out of bed, my work will not call, and my children will not bother me. Nothing much happens on Sunday morning, so it is a good me to relax. I get so red during the week. I need more rest and Sunday seems to be the perfect day to get it. If I sleep in on Sunday morning, I may be well rested physically but spiritually I am exhausted. On the front wall of the church where I grew up is this Bible passage. Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest(Mahew 11:28). Those are Jesuswords. It is his invitaon to provide rest, not for our bodies but for our souls. There were plenty of mes I walked into that church physically red, but I always re- ceived rest for my soul. I heard a message about my sin and Jesusforgiveness. I was reminded every me that I had real rest in Jesus. I had the rest of a clear conscience because Jesus took my sin away with his death and resurrecon. I had the rest of knowing that when I die, I will rest eternally with Jesus. I had the rest of knowing that the same Savior who loved me enough to die for me is ruling all things in this world for me, and for the benefit of all his people. Such a busy life! It makes you wish you could have more rest. You do! In Jesus you have the rest you truly need. The church may not have that Bible passage printed on the wall, but through the Word of God you hear, you will receive rest for your soul in Jesus. Next Sunday morning, come and get some rest with us at church. It is good for your soul.

Transcript of I Need More. - 1|Good Shepherd

Page 1: I Need More. - 1|Good Shepherd

Newsletter from Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School

I Need More. . .Rest

People put in many hours of work each

week. Weeknight evenings are filled with activities

for children and meetings of all sorts. When the

weekend rolls around, there are many activities that

we want to participate in. There are sports for chil-

dren, recreation for families, and leisurely interests

for individuals. Hours on Saturday are taken up by

home improvement projects or needed mainte-

nance. By the end of it all we are tired.

Finally, it is Sunday morning, a day of rest,

and I get to sleep in. It is the one morning that if I

don’t get out of bed, my work will not call, and my

children will not bother me. Nothing much happens

on Sunday morning, so it is a good time to relax. I

get so tired during the week. I need more rest and

Sunday seems to be the perfect day to get it. If I

sleep in on Sunday morning, I may be well rested

physically but spiritually I am exhausted.

On the front wall of the church where I grew

up is this Bible passage. “Come to me all you who

are weary and burdened and I will give you

rest” (Matthew 11:28). Those are Jesus’ words. It is

his invitation to provide rest, not for our bodies but

for our souls. There were plenty of times I walked

into that church physically tired, but I always re-

ceived rest for my soul.

I heard a message about my sin and Jesus’

forgiveness. I was reminded every time that I had

real rest in Jesus. I had the rest of a clear conscience

because Jesus took my sin away with his death and

resurrection. I had the rest of knowing that when I

die, I will rest eternally with Jesus. I had the rest of

knowing that the same Savior who loved me

enough to die for me is ruling all things in this world

for me, and for the benefit of all his people.

Such a busy life! It makes you wish you could

have more rest. You do! In Jesus you have the rest

you truly need. The church may not have that Bible

passage printed on the wall, but through the Word

of God you hear, you will receive rest for your soul

in Jesus. Next Sunday morning, come and get some

rest with us at church. It is good for your soul.

Page 2: I Need More. - 1|Good Shepherd

Rose Marie Adams

Julie Bunt

Sherri Cepress

Elaine Craig

Robert Dorr

Mandy Ehlke

John Estlund

Dave Etter

Ron Fregien

Audrey Hanson’ s Family

Pastor Robert Hartman

Karen Heiman

Scott & Debbie Heiman Family

Andy & Margie Hogan

Ben Holberg

Bonnie Jaecks

Katie & Lily

Faith Kanter

Linda, Kim M’s cousin

Elmer Loechler

Markka, Pat H’s daughter

Marichal Family

Dr. Kevin Miller

Jonathan Mittelsteadt

Roger Newman

John Ozburn’s Family

Judy Ozburn

Becky & Sam Piper

Violet PowelL

Elliot Przybylski

Robert in Ecuador

Cassie Ross (Malawi)

Pat & Alan Rozelle

Duane Ryun

Ryan, Betty H’s grandson

David Seidler

Tom Shepard Family

Eugene Sigmund

Lorna Skicki

Loren Tullberg

Pastor Keith Tullberg

Micheal Weigel

Pastor Mike Wolff

Elaine Zuege’s Family

Elton Zuege


Sarah Allerding’s Grand-mother

Pat Hunziker

Dr. Shannon Straszewski

Gloria Walters

5) John & Terri Haase 7) Joe & Amanda Grant 10) Conrad & Karen McGarrity 14) Dave & Chris Ryun 16) Al & Julie Bunt 17) Mike &Tricia Weigel 19) Bruce & Linda Mohns Brad & Tambi Prey 22) Ron & Fern Fregien 25) Bill & Sue Atwood 30) Pete & Sue Danielsen

1) Mary (Jake) Cline 2) Stacey Berdan Elaine Harrington 4) Amanda Grant 5) Dan Rech Tom Thiele 6) Dub (Norm) Hanson 7) Violet Powell 9) Elise Irwin Madison Roberts

14) Bill Harrington 16) Andy Bunt 18) Paul Davis 20) Mike Weigel 23) Brad Davis Faith Kanter 25) Noah Kammueller 27) Bill Atwood Jon Mittelsteadt 29) Elmer Loechler

Page 3: I Need More. - 1|Good Shepherd

“News from Your School”

June, 2019 Good Shepherd Lutheran School, 10611 Hwy 13 South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494

PH: 715.325.3355 WEB: 1goodshepherd.org/school/ Email: [email protected]

Blessings! ~ Mrs. T

Point Basse Field Trip

On Thursday, May 23, our school went to historic

Point Basse in Nekoosa for a fun day of learning about our

area’s beginnings. The volunteers at the site recreated the

various activities that the early community of 13 residents

would have done back in the day. In addition, we enjoyed

candle dipping, along with outdoor lumber camp games of

tug-of-war and (for the older students) hatchet throwing!

AS a bonus, our Ladies Group delivered a yummy sack

lunch (of very generous portions!) at noon.

At the end of our visit, our main tour

guide let our teacher know that of all the

school groups that have come to Point

Basse, Good Shepherd was one of the

most enjoyable for the staff, as well. It is

encouraging when God lets us have posi-

tive feedback when we, as His children,

simply “let our lights shine!” And, of course, all the glory belongs solely to HIM!

2019 Good Shepherd Lutheran School

8th Grade Education

Sunday, June 2, during the 9:00 a.m. church ser-

vice will be a special day to ask God for His continued bless-

ings on this year’s graduation class from our school. Our 8th

Grade students are: Nils Carlson, Grace Johnson, and Kayden

Savage. Please remember these young graduates in your

prayers as they continue on to high school!

Page 4: I Need More. - 1|Good Shepherd

One of my favorite devotional texts is from Isaiah 43:1-3a. But now,

this is what the Lord says—he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you,

Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name;

you are mine. 2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and

when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you

walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you

ablaze. 3 For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;”

These Scriptural truths are what set you and me on fire to proclaim

the gospel to our family of faith and those whom the Lord graciously allows

us to connect with; whether family, neighbor, co-worker or you fill in the

blank. With the bold promise from our gracious God to bless our humble

but energetic efforts, I am truly amazed at His work done among us at Good


Oftentimes summertime may appear to be an opportunity to rest from

some of our activities we carry on the other 9 months of the year. Gladly,

shoveling snow or sitting by a warm fireplace inside our living room just to

stay warm are two functions we won’t miss for a while. Sadly, worshipping

with our fellow Christians and digging into Scripture with like-minded be-

lievers may seem easy to put on the backburner too. We rationalize that

there are so many summer activities that draw our attention and so little

time to get them all in. However, as the prophet Isaiah comforts us above,

this is what the Lord says “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have sum-

moned you by name; you are mine. 3 For I am the Lord your God, the Holy

One of Israel, your Savior;” Out of love and respect for the Lord God who

sent a Savior to redeem the world and brought us into the family of faith,

we will want to make regular and planned worship and Bible study an ac-

tivity every month of the year. And praise be to the God of all faithfulness,

our congregation makes every effort to offer these opportunities – including

one additional one off-site.

I have been granted permission to use Misty’s Menu and/or From the

Ground Up Coffee House (250 West Grand) for hosting a weekly Bible class.

There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex/lobby for those who may be inter-

ested in joining us this summer and beyond to grow in our faith at one of

these locations. Check it out and don’t forget to invite one or more to join

you in this new adventure!

John Melke

Page 5: I Need More. - 1|Good Shepherd

In addition to the beginning of summer, June is also recognized as “Cataract Awareness Month” and I

would like to focus our attention on this common disorder. Often the Bible talks about the eye figuratively. Prov-

erbs 4:25 states, “Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you” (NLT). In Matthew 6:22 we read

“The eye is the lamp of the body. So then if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light” (EHV). But

there also literal discussions of vision. All four gospels record accounts of Jesus restoring sight (Matthew 9:27-31,

Matthew 10:29-34, Mark 8:22-26, Mark 10:46b-52, Luke 9:1-7, and John18:35-43.) I know your vision is important

to you.

The parts of your eye work together to provide sight. The pupil is the opening of the eye, it allows light in.

The pupil is surrounded by the colorful iris. The muscles of the iris control the amount of light going through the

pupil. The lens sits behind the iris. It changes shape in order to focus light on the retina in the back of the eye. If

the object is close, the lens thickens and if the object is farther away, it thins. The retina is at the back of the eye

and hold millions of light sensitive cells. The retina is responsible for converting the light into nerve signals that the

brain understands (kidshealth.org)

What is a Cataract? A cataract is a problem with the lens. Normally the lens is clear and transparent. A

cataract is a clouding of the lens. The clouding blocks or changes the passage of light into the eye. The result is a

cloudy, blurred of dim vision (preventblindness.org).

What are Symptoms of a Cataract? Most cataracts develop slowly and don’t disturb eyesight early on.

As the cataract grows and clouds more of the lens, symptoms become noticeable. Common complaints include

blurred vision, difficult seeing at night, lighting seeming too dim for reading or close-up work, sensitivity to light,

seeing “halos” around lights, fading of colors, and frequent changes in eyeglass prescription (mayoclinic.org).

Why Do Cataracts Form? Cataracts are most often a result of aging. About one in five adults over the

age of 65 have a cataract and by age 80, more than half of all Americans either have a cataract or have had cata-

ract surgery. As a person ages the lens gradually loses water and increases in density. Lens proteins dry out and

clump. This clouds the lens. (healthinaging.org and nei.nih.gov). Other risk factors for cataract formation include

diabetes, years of excessive exposure to the sun and UV waves, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, past eye

injury or inflammation, previous eye surgery, and steroid medication use (standordhealthcare.org and pre-


Can You Prevent Cataracts? While there are no clinically proven

approaches to preventing cataracts, simple recommended strategies in-


Reducing exposure to sunlight through UV-blocking lenses

Decreasing or stopping smoking

Increasing antioxidant vitamin consumption by eating more leafy

green vegetables and taking nutritional supplements (American

Optometric Association).

How are Cataracts Treated? When your prescription glasses can't

clear your vision, the only effective treatment for cataracts is surgery. Talk

with your eye doctor to determine if surgery is right for you. It is up to you to

decide when surgery is right for you, but your doctor will be able to guide you in that decision. Typically surgery is

considered when your cataracts affect the quality of life or interfere with your ability to perform normal daily activi-

ties, such as reading or driving at night. Until you decide to have surgery, make sure you have an accurate eye-

glass prescription, use a magnifying glass to read, improve lighting in your home, wear sunglasses and a broad-

brimmed hat when outside to reduce glare, and limit night driving.

The key to preventing vision loss is regular eye exams. The recommended frequency for eye exams

depends on age and race. Your eye doctor can provide guidance regarding frequency.

May God bless you with healthy eyes,

Kathy Lee, RN

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Someone told me how critical it was for

the dam operators to get their timing right. If

I understood the person explaining this to me

correctly, a big part of the job is anticipating

how much water might be coming.

I’m not an engineer – but we all know what

happens when the overflow gates are mis-

managed. The protection and buffering that

a dam provides needs proper use of the flood-

gates. Accurate information and application

is needed otherwise there are poor decisions.

Damaging consequences can happen down-


Jesus has unlimited resources in this

area of accurate information. Jesus has ab-

solute control. What is amazing is

that God chooses to bring me in on

how He will use His blessings to bless

me and bless others through me. The

disciples knew this. Yet he disciples kept

on doubting and wavering. Do I? Sadly, yes.

But God, who is rich in mercy, keeps bringing me back to reality, back to the Word.

God pictures His blessings like flowing rivers with damns and floodgates. The

LORD God, Creator-Engineer-Supreme, our Living LORD of life, stands ready to throw open

floodgates of blessing for me. So much blessing! I will not know what to do with it?! Isn’t that

a grand vision? All that blessing – with no curses attached! Just blessings on blessings– all that

water, all those blessings, but WITH NO damage or destruction! Doesn’t it sound almost too

good to be true? (Before we continue, remember the TITHE was 1/10 of everything. The Old

Testament Tithe was demanded by God from believers up until Jesus came. So If God gave

you a dime, He would demand a penny as taxed and appropriate to what was due Him.) But

here is God’s great Gospel promise.

Read it yoursel f : “Bring the whole t i the into the storehouse,

that there may be food in My house. “Test Me in this,” says

the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates

of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have

room enough for it.” says the Lord Almighty. Malachi 3

God wants to flood my life with His blessings, what is truly good

for me. Not only that, He says: “…try Me out in this! –step out in faith –

do things in My Name – dedicate your first-and-best to Me– dedicate your-

self– give Me a thank-You note – and then don’t be surprised! I have

packed eternity with blessings for you. And they are coming your way, be-

cause that’s what I love to do – yep, blessings will be comin’ ,and comin’

Page 7: I Need More. - 1|Good Shepherd

lots, and fast!”

So what do I do with such promises? Sadly, I often wander into fear-shadows; I hesi-

tate; I doubt; I whine; I complain I can’t afford it when it comes to increasing my time spent

with God; I’m already stretched; I haven’t got the talent or the training to carry out whatever

God wants me to do.

My sinful nature is great at making excuses. I sometimes humorously think God must get

tired of repeating His promises to me so often. But He doesn’t get tired or grow weary. Jesus

died and rose from the dead. He put an exclamation point at the end of every promise of God

when He ascended into heaven. God keeps His Word!

The bottom line is this: God has placed me as a manager of all God gives me. First and

foremost, God gave me His Word. What’s my attitude toward His words and promises? God

wants me to have His plans in my mind, my decisions. Jesus promises He will multiply what-

ever He moves me to generously return to Him.

Hmmm. Let’s think about Heaven’s holy-math for a moment, shall we? My one gift multi-

plied by God becomes ?? 222? or 27,777 gifts?! You just gotta love God-math! We divide

what we have into buckets. God multiplies what is needed to fill His buckets. Trust Him. He

can, and has, and always will provide! Jesus’ promise stands: “Seek first God’s king-

dom....and all these things will be given to you as well.”


month, if you

haven’t started,

carve out a mo-

ment in every

day to take some

time to dig into

God’s Word and

read. Refresh

yourself with the

truth that Jesus

Christ, crucified

and risen, stands

behind every one

of His promises

in the Bible.

How can I say

thank You to

Him who so

loved me? What

can I return to

God in thanks for life everlasting, freedom from sin and guilt? The Holy Spirit uses His Holy

Scriptures to crank open the floodgates of blessings for me! What about you? God’s hand is on

the control – and God says: “Come on, already! Give Me a reason to open My gates for you!”

So, take Him at His Word; dig in; grow up; get stronger!

From my family and me to you and yours, Happy digging! Alive in Jesus! Pastor Tullberg

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This year in lieu of vacation Bible school, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and School will be holding

Family Weekend Bible Blast. You can see by the title, this is an activity for the entire family. “Family”

includes single adults, so don’t stop reading if you have no children in your home.

Our Family Weekend Bible Blast program is “To Mars and Beyond.” We will

Go Beyond with Faith with Daniel

Go Beyond with Boldness with Esther

Go Beyond with Kindness with the Good Samaritan

Go Beyond with Hope with Jesus on the way to Emmaus

The Family Weekend Bible Blast will take place:

Friday, August 2, 6:00 – 9:00 pm

Saturday, August 3, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm

Sunday, August 4 about 10:10 am (immediately prior to the church picnic).

Prayerfully consider volunteering for this activity. It is okay if you are only available one or two of the days.

This is the help that is needed.

Decorating - Decorate the front of the church as a space station and the halls and doors with space

themed decorations. Most of this will take place prior to August 2nd.

Registration – Greet families as they arrive each day. Ensure registration forms have been completed.

Assign children to their age based groups. Help with name tags.

Opening and Closing Leader – Plan activities to begin each day’s activities and a closing activity for

Saturday. Work with the Campfire Leader to plan Friday evening’s activity. Work with the Music

Leader. Materials are available to help you with skits or other activities.

Music Leader – Lead the children in song during opening, closing, and camp fire. Music is available

from the “To Mars and Beyond” program or add your favorites. Work with the Opening/Closing

Leader and Campfire Leader.

Team Teachers – (multiple needed) Teach the four lessons to a group of children with a co-teacher(s)

or lead a Bible study for adults on Friday evening and Sunday morning. Materials are available for

storytelling, applying the storying, and an optional science project for each session for the children.

The adult Bible study will need to be developed.

Recreation/Games Leader – Plan games (materials are available). Plan games for outside, but have

a backup indoor activity in mind. For Friday night, include all ages (adults and kids) in the game.

Campfire Leader – Work with the Music Leader and Opening/Closing Leader to plan a campfire that

includes a skit, music, and other activities. This position can be combined with any of the other po-


Food Leader and Assistants – Plan a snack for Friday night and lunch for Saturday. Suggestions are


Craft Leader and Assistants – Lead the children through craft activities. Some craft ideas have al-

ready been identified.

Babysitter – Provide child care on Friday evening for all families and on Saturday so others can volun-


Sign-up in the church lobby. A planning meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 5th

at 6:30

pm. Please plan to be there if you are volunteering. You can volunteer if you are not available on the 2nd,

but I would like as many people there as possible.

If you have questions, contact Kathy Lee – 715-423-3891 or [email protected] (that is an RN

and not a M)

Page 9: I Need More. - 1|Good Shepherd

Good Shepherd Financial Stewardship – April 2019

The giving still is out pacing our expenses which is a very desirable. Our Lord wants us to give out of hearts

and not just to support numbers or budgets. It’s not the amount of the gift but the condition of the heart

that matters. Do you remember the Widow’s gifts and how valuable it was? Every time I give, I ask myself

who do I give to and answer is the “Lord”. When I think of this, it changes my focus to how we are about to

share this good news of salvation.

We will soon be upgrading our line streaming to help share that word. Thank you all for your gifts to sup-

port this ministry. We can reach those who can’t make it church in our area and the world. What a blessing

our Lord has given us to allow us to carry out this ministry on his behalf. I am always amazed he choose us

to carry the message.

Tommy Woltman


General Operating Fund July 1, 2018 Balance: $53,889.49

General Operating Fund April 30, 2019 Balance: $60,132.69

April Giving April Budget (+/-) FY 18-19 Giving FY 18-19 Budget (+/-)

$26,261 $25,833 +427 $256,107 $258,333 -$2,225

April Expenses April Budget (+/-) FY 18-19 Expenses FY 18-19 Budget (+/-)

$24,803 $26,396 -$1,593 $250,198 $259,460 -$9,261

Summary of Giving minus Expenses YTD +$5,909

Special Funds July 1, 2018 Balance: $68,601.86

Special Funds April 30, 2019 Balance: $84,276.07

April Receipts April Expenses FY 18-19 Receipts FY 18-19 Expenses

$5,372 $22,196 $57,661 $47,448

Page 10: I Need More. - 1|Good Shepherd

Bible Adventures!!

This summer and beyond we plan to meet at a

local business for a weekly Bible Study with

Good Shepherd members and friends.

Sign-up sheet is in the narthex.

Choose a location, day and time, and share your ideas

for topics to discuss.

If you have any questions, please contact John Melke 715-451-3694

Friday, August 2, 6:00 – 9:00 pm – Fun and Bible studies for the entire family. This

evening includes a closing campfire. Plan to attend even if you have no children in your

family. Babysitting available.

Saturday, August 3, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm – This day is for the kids, but adults are

welcome to attend and assist.

Sunday, August 4 about 10:10 am – Bible studies for all ages immediately following the

9 am worship service. The Bible lesson is followed by the church picnic.

Music provided by Mike Westendorf on Sunday.

Register now at bit.ly/BibleBlast, at church or at


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Page 12: I Need More. - 1|Good Shepherd

Come and See! Go and Tell!

Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church

and School—WELS

10611 Highway 13 South, Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494

Phone: 715-325-3355


Pastor Paul A. Tullberg | Principal Donna Tullberg

Congregational Assistant/Minister of the Gospel John Melke





Or Current Resident