I MATCHED FOR 2OROUND BOUT - Library of Congress · ss4 5 4 S4-C 4 t S 5 2 t p 4 5 0 p I 4-r 4 L S...

7 r flZsdr warmer Thnmdnr flOW flnrrte 1 r I FINAL1 t FINALtlR- s oLi = JlJIHlN r Circulation Books Open to tJ = on J Circulation Books Open to All j PRICE OWE CENT NEW YORK WEDNESDAY MARCH 21 WOE PRICE ONE CE1L J I TERRYMGOVERN AND NELSON MATCHED FOR 2OROUND BOUT MilLIONAIRE HAS TWO WIVES KEEPS BOTH IN LUXURY t T Banker T W Kiley of Brooklyn Ad ¬ mits Bigamy Revealed by Lawsuit j and Tells Strange Story to Ac ¬ count for Domestic Tangle IThnt TJiorans W Kllcy millionaire bank president and hardware dealer of Brooklyn has for the past three years kept two wives tin separate estab- lishments ¬ less than half a mile apart was the amazing mart that became I 1nm late this pftcimoon Mr Riley In reply to questions broke down and admitted It all Ho said Ke had no excuse to offer save that he loved both 1 women and that he married th csccoml only when he felt sure his first and legal wife was about to die I Mr Klleys legal wife lives In his manrdon tt No 201 Jefferson avsnue with her two sons and two daughters by her first ftrasband She was the wife of James Kiley brother of Thomas James Kiley died twelve years ago and she married her brotherinlaw I The second wife Ss housed In a magnificent place at No 216 Brooklyn c l ovenuo She la known ts Mrs Flora A Colt and lives with her son by her I first husband who was a Westerner She waa Flora Brown daughter of I Guy B Brown a woal3jy hardware dteoler of the Eastern District of Brook ltD with whom nv > ny years ao- KlJejrutarbod c f in life as a clerk i Mr KIlo Who Is elrtythreo years old la President of the North Sldo Bank of WlUtamsburg and I reputed to be worth several millions He has a larfilo business under tho firm name of Itoomas W Kiley Co of No 67 Grand street Brooklyn He la also In ilneated heavily in the structural Iron business Sues for His Fees The facts came to light today through- the l nllng of a suit ngiinst Mr Kiley and Wife No2 Jointly by Lawyer John- S Griffith of No 63 Court street for sis Griffith was counsel for Wife NO 2 a year ago In a suit for MOO against KUey Ho says there was no trouble between them but ho was very ill and she wished to provide for her future in COBO he eioiild die and all his estate BO to hvs legal wife The matter was settled out of court Kiley charges that Grlttlths larga tee In a shakedinn nnd that It Is by r- l ollvlce of counsel that he has refused to settle With tears in his oyes tho millionaire banker Joday laid bare his romance end Its strange culmination In n pUn omous life He said that he was LgUamed tout it could not be helped I have told my losnl wlfe he said of the matter and ehe has agreed to ignore Mrs Colt yet all Is amlmble be itWien Mrs Co and myself He said that he had known Mrs Colt from chlldihcod and after her husband died flve years ago was on close terms of friendship with her In October 1903 his wife was very 111 when he was called to rue National Convention of Bankers in Son Francisco Mrs Colt accom panjed him She did not intend to go all tho way aald Mr KHey When we left Brooklyn my wiTh was not expected to recover On the wayWestI told Mrs Colt 1 wonted to her Hhe was willing We thought my wife would be dead before our return to Brooklyn and I was suffering from a general breakdownMarried In Indiana i 1 When we reached Hammond Ind w were married under our true names That marriage qannot be denied We continuod on to San Francisco I went totle convention end then took Mrs Colt down to Los Angeles Wo spent a r month there and thai returned East aiy wife did not grow some bettor There was nothing wo could do except keep everything secret I bougnt the home at No 213 Brook lyn avenue firrnlsTiod It and made it over to Mia Colt Since then I have rrtitscd tho homo and have given er everything could want Jfloat BSA why the publtp tmoud In- 4tudo f in private affotn of this nature- aA4e tie nrtsttke and I am willing to toT I1Im supporting my tin- twteaaWIUIt I poawblo way and am tnYesoon everythng she I t- ADRIFT REW 72 HOUR- SwrmouirooDOR DRINK II J I r aurefa aCapt Henry r t th ofrtteocdhooner 4delene and his In a Joltjrtooat aurvived S Bale and violent enow Storm of eth iaetast after they had bee- ni1Ied i to abandon their uiuea vas el and who Trore tC4- clIedltijw S Bdhooner MarjraTot DI1 1Id eCn jJ enUtwoQ- Od or were the DUlon d Intensely treat hun nd were alftiost dead rgII8 t r4 I q MAJOR ICE AT 15t01 WINS CITY PARK RACE = He Takes Second Event- in Easy Manner from Favorite OuralC- ITY PARK NEW ORLEANS March 21The usual sever raes mode up to ¬ days card and brougiit together a lot of noaccount ponies The only excuse for racing hero is thdt the track own ¬ ers need the money for trying to pick winners Is out of tho question for the talent FinBT nACCSelllne six furlon- Uu Starter wellrht on B5itiflr- Iy1e Jvckl33 C 1L NIcol t l > 115 Trottr JI i Morrla IM ii hmith 112 75 Uni or the Vallfi us E Morr ion 03 5 Jinwntatlon 1JJ Young iXr JJ TlInbum Jl2 15 Itinl 1I J Jones 0 M Irsuge no lM1dellr8t iiUe JIll 1 Florence May hIO SwaTh an g i5 Queen Esther 103 W Allen u > Cat Hush 104 W Mcintyre 12 TImI 45 II Wonby Clyde Thidwelaer was anti Mary Morris thIrd econd SECOND nACJSFUe and Ing onehalf fur etarten weIghts and Jochejn sir Betting l- Oural Major 109 W 10 iIt Munro TTy 6 Oak Cliff 10 Farrow 72 HS Kit IWiant 112 Doaly it Il1ronloi Larien Gold Hearer lift lone Si 5 5Oolte5sta 112 W Allen To Pllkln 112 n Smith 5 12 Mr Wiullclgh 100 FehillIng o quan lorer 100 S ned Itchy 100 A Johnson 0 lAUtt Mac 107 Orstar S Biee Frita 1OT Trozler im Mill NlotXl 107 Nlcol B I fihelllKh 107 W McIntyre 7 B- RACE Won by Major Duncan Oural secOnd and Oetlc Cliff third TIUItD Six furlong selflne Starter weights end 5ckej Hi Betting PI TIle On Wuy 112 Orefmr s Gamara 110 J Jonrn 85 Immortelle 110 Tlllman Creole JlmllS IAn in Major Carpenter ltr Trailer 15 n Mlladl love 113 BcbllllnR 7 5a Iulu Young 118 Munro T C2 loiS Steak 112 Jest 30 10 Franc i130n 110 W McIntyre 20 II liundall 110 Nlrol 112 Cold Way 101 Harrison 74 G Lleber lore 1W Hwiiln s S air Fhllllpn W A Johnion 60 a > Pulque M BherWftn 30 10 Won bv The Onlv Wav Oamara sec ¬ ond and Immortelle third FOURTH RAciBI4onl Radnor O <o 1 nnd 5 to 2 Out out for place 2 Ohio lung 3 MURDERED WOMAN THEN SHOT HIMSELFS- pecial to Th Evwiint WorM PHILADELPHIA Maroh SI Crazed by Jealousy Isnatlua Mich manager of an oyster rtJtturant at No 727 Cal lowhtll itreet this afternoon tIred a bullet Into the heart of Helan Weber the proprietress of the place killing her instantly and then Burning the weapon on WIn lelt sent a shot Into his bead Bo U flot expected to recover St- S FIGHTERS WHO HAVE BEEN MATCHED FOR ANOTHER BATTLE 1 S S S 4 S rr t S s r 4S- c t 4S 1s- k k ts5 5 4 s I- S t E t 4 5 S t ss4 5 4 S4- C 4 t S 5 2 t p 4 5 0 p I 4- r 4 L S S 7 5 45i I i SSj S S S 7r- A tiDFeO7lst- T2zzNa J 2VZOth qr 20 T01 SITAT S FAIRGROUNDS Pride of Woodstock Gal ¬ lops Home First- in DashF- AIR GROUNDS NEW ORLEANS March 2JThe talent had many an upset here today trying to locate win- ners ¬ In a card that was entirely lack- Ing in class Under the prevailing con- ditions ¬ It Is Impossible to figure onform and the man that can locate winners Is Indeed fortunate FinST OEOn mils Hotline Starteri uelht and Jockejs Str PI lrld of Wooditock 101 Freeman 1M 7 Uairt Cherry Lilt L Smith 95 a5 Globe Runner 90 Obort 65 25 Sun Hunt 09 Ryan to 10 Abjure 02 AJex 25 8 Henpecked 00 Mrdeo 12 4 Superior lIar 100 Dletfni 12 4 Tlmla15 Won by Pride of Woodstock Last Cherry wa second and Globe Runner third SECOND RACDSIx furlongs eeillni Starters weight and jockeys Kir netting IM Gladiator 112 Robbins in 0 Ternut 100 McCnuly > 7 B2 Discernment 1X1 L Sniltli filgmund 117 Obert lA5a n Mahogany 105 WILe SO R Profane 07 porcIne 72 OR- p W jTlynn 115 DuncaniO 10 lIen MacDhul 120 Uvinirjon 15 0 Hickory COMO 115 DehrenO s Water Lake 100 MoOse 4 8T Flying Tnpeia 115 JohnnenJO 8 Won bv Gladiator1 Ternus was second and Discernment third THIRD RACE One mle Betting SUrtera weight and jockeys sir Il Paul Conlty lt U Water PtnBY 17 Robbhs 10 4 iCings Oem 120 L Bmlth 2 4- Gleenvan 115 Felcht 15 n Atwood 120 McDonald a I 8 MarIn Heal 100 13ehtees in n Daniel Coo 100 D Riley 20 8 Lytellat 110 Obort to- lied 4 Raven 117 McOee IB 50 MaWllUtim 111 hoffman a 8 Roderick 112 Bedell 2O 8 Fenlan 111 Vlttatoo 5 2 Won by Paul Water PAnsy was dec ond and Kings Gem third FOURTH JRACE Nino 7 to 2 and oven 1 WhtopoorwIU out for place 2 Dont Ask tie 3- 100000000FOR NEW RUSSIAN NAVY LONDON MWroh 21Tho Pall Mall Gazette thla nfternoon says it hears that the Russian Governmerit iota prepared a naval programme Involving tho expen- diture ¬ of UOOOOObOO during tho next two yoar of which amount British ship- builders ¬ wilt eeniure a goodly share The sum of 126000000 theP41pe odds fans been allocated for four firstclass battleships similar to those now build- ing ¬ tot Japan t 4 4 DUKES WIFE SENT LOVE BY CABLE TO HUNTOON H Remarkable Affidavits Showing that She Was I in Constant Commnication with Him Dur- ing ¬ t Honeymoon Trip in Europe Sensational allegations wore made In anidnvlts mcsented today bv counsel for James B Duke President of the Amer- ican ¬ Tobacco Company who Is suing his wife Lillian V Duke for an abso- lute ¬ divorce when she made application before ViceChancellor Pitney In Jersey City for alimony and 10000 counsel fees pending the trial Afer hearing tho I affidavits and the ViceChancellors comments on them Mrs Dukes law vera withdrew their application for Ill nony Counsel fees of J3000 were al- lowed ¬ Frank T HuntoOT who Is sixtyseven years old Is named as corespondent I- nIIEiNYORKERS fACED DEATH II STORM Yacht Mascotte Battered in Gale and Crew Rescued When Hope Had Gone Special to The turning World PJIILADELIHlA March laJuet as tho yliad given up all hopes of rescue the crow of the schooner yacht Man co tte belonging to A G Laska of New York City was rescued by the Reading RJlIroad tug Swataru live miles off Northeast End Lightship while a ter- rific ¬ southeast gale was blowing The crew comprising nine men were nearly frozen and haul not tasted food or for nearly twenty hours which time they spent trying to overcome a leak that threatened to vessel to the bottom The Mascotto left New York early Sunday morning and aocordng to Capt A W Loose all went well until the next day when they ran Into a south- east ¬ gale The vessel was hooded with the wind hut despite Slits the sails were torn from the mast the rudder carried away anJ the centreboard was snapped To add to this the vovasel sprang a leak antI notwithstanding the efforts of the nine men who mode up the crew she Tapjdly filled anti was in momentary danger foundering when sighted by tho tug The Maaeotte was towed into this port ° READING DIVIDEND READING Pa Starch 2tThe Board of Directors of the RdadtngCompany to- day ¬ declared the regular a- ldlvldMdot2pqr cent on the second t to t T li t i < A i jr v Mr Dukes suit In the ndldavlts made by Mr Duke and by servants of Mrs Duke it is alleged that on the night ot- her wedding Nov 2 190 Mrs Duke telegraphed to Iluntoon It Is charred further that throughout the honeymoon- In Eurojio she was In communication with him and tint during her absence he occupied whenever he cared to the I mansion Mr Duke bought as a wedding present at No 11 West Sixtyeighth street Cabled Love Notes Tho most startling allegation was In an aflldivlt charging that during her honeymoon trip Mrs Duke cabled tel egniphcd and wrote to Huntoon almost constantly He had two ways of reply- ing ¬ One was by Inserting a personal In a Now York newspaper with the re- quest ¬ that It be copied In the European cJltlon of that publication In this way the personal ame to her notice as well aa to her husbands when they bought- the paper at tho hotels on their trip Tho personals began with the name John but were unsigned Some of the Personals Sled with uflidavlts read as follows Longing for cable announcing safe arrival Your prophecy proved true Little knew how essential you are to my happiness ltemalllcsterdaCnble re- ceived ¬ Sentiments made me much happier If condition serious go to you at once Can nurse you back to happiness Not too late unless you arc contented with present sur- roundings ¬ That ts Impossible Isat It One year from yesterday sWoiild be our anniversary London letter hugely enjoyed Cable arrival At your homo all Is sad e nd lonely Vacant chair recalls absent one Your Louse pets are well The bird sings sweetly I dream every night you will be mine forever Dont wear Ionnecked dresses Oh memories that bless and burn This wTwratlon Is killing Vlease dont wear lownecked dresses Shall enjoy your house until octopus returns when that pleasure will cease Would like to bear you say It s daybreak- The Cther method of communication sounded as bizarre as something from oA J104 lte 4 IY > 6 fr sr LOUIS GETS NEXT NATIONAL BOWLING EVENT The Eastern Bowlers Are Frozen Out in Legislation- at Louisville Congress Special to The Eenln World LOUISVILLE Ky Muroh 21East ¬ ern bowlers havo undoubtedly made their last plea for harmony In tho I American Bowling Congress Charles H Ebbets tile most earnest supporter of peace proporitlons declared this af- ternoon ¬ that he was all In and that- In lime result of tho election of officers i and selection of the next place for the tournament he had got just vhnt had been prophesied bv tho New York men opposed to hn atllllatlon between tho NOW York Bowling Association and American Bowling Congress Philadelphia made a serious blunder- in the nomination of Al BaIts for presi- dent ¬ as he was unknown to bowlers who claimed they wanted a man expe- rienced ¬ In bowling affairs The main opposition of the West and Chicago In particular is due to the tear that once tlJJ > t ngross met In the East it would f strength never to be overcome- by Vest St Louis could not get the Congress- and secure Charles Kauffman of Cin- cinnati ¬ as rposldont after showing oono- wltlon to Philadelphia and DaHl This I made a deal necessary Bob Brysour of Indianapolis was therefore elected president and Kauffman first viceores dent Iuilndelphla delegates In disgust withdrew the name of Belts and say they will Join with New Yorlc and other eastern clUes In organizing a new Con gross Things looks now as if there would be ab split between east and west Norfolk Vo fit Paul Miami 8t Louis ansi Philadelphia were nominated- as clUes for Congress Lad Tournament- In 1907 Bert Fraser of Philadclphliiv lawyer nominated that city and Ebbeta seconded nomination Bbbota made a ringing speech for harmony declaring that this might be tho last effort oj animation between east and west Ho urged delegates to drop petty jealousies and lobbying tactics and give attention to the Ixeit Interests of bowling He said Now York would send ZOO teams to Philadelphia and that thoro could Us way the deal Western Now York He pledged his word that If Philadelphia got the next tournament ihnt New York would vote to send it west In 1906 The nnal vote was St Louis 62 Philadelphia 44 St Paul H- TO MOTHERS RobInson linslUh Patrni B rl r best fond for InXinti and invalids Aik- IX sog ctor luigi5t44n4 Oooars5 LITTLE FIGHTERS- TO BATTLE AGAIN ij ON 25TH OF APRIL 1 7 4a Contest Will Be Decided atTuxedo 1 A Cof Essington Tom ORpurke Putting Up 5000 as Guarantee of No InterferenceTe- rry MtGovern and Battling Nelson aro to meet again They wtero practically matched this afternoon to met in a twccly round bout before the Tuxedo Club of Esslnston Just outside of Philadelphia The date set IB April 26 They will welch in at 131 pounds at 6ocIock1 on the day of the contest S GIANTS IN LAST- PRACTICE GAME 1ATmMI1jS tr Team Leaves for Nash- ville ¬ ToNightPlay- There ToMorrow- T G SCARBOROUGH Special to The Evening World MEMPHIS Tenn Mara1 21Man- ager McGraw continues to adopt tactics that punle the average follower of baseball teams trying to prepare for thl championship season He permitted the entire team to rest half of tday and confined his work- to a brisk two hours practice In the afternoon when a game was playoj between tho squads the regular lineup of The Giants forming one team McGraw advances the argument that thorp li danger In many members of thu team growing stale before the real Issue Iin tho pennant struggle arrives For Pits reason he Is not so greatly dlaay pointed at recent Interruotlons from rain and he views the present physical condition of tile team as satisfactory The practice today was the last be- fore ¬ the opening of the Giants exhibi ¬ tion season Pamorrow against Nash vlli In the latter city The team leaves over the ulBvllle and Nashville to nlsdt Everybody will go along and wilt be sent to the front to show what they can do The pitchers will especi- ally ¬ be called on to stIw the minor leaguers their best samples of speed and curves I The Nashville club possesses a strorg team and the showing made by the Giants will be watched with Interest All thla was arranged tohls afternoon at the Metropole Hotel Fortysecond street and Broadway by Tarn ORpurke a representing the Tuxedo A C and Billy Nolan representing Battling Nelson This is the fIt attempt made to hold t twentyround bouts In the East end this point wan discussed at length be ¬ fore Nolan would agree to anything ORourke assured Nelsons manager that the fight could be held without inter ¬ terence from tho authorities Nolan then said1 Post 1000 to Insure us against any loss of time and money in- cajMj the fltcazunotise hejd- yRourke < agreed to this He afd he would have the money In the hands of George Consldlne tonight Nolan then tossed out live 1000 bilLs to show his good faith In the match j lie said he would expect the same de- posit ¬ to be made by the McGovern party The weight question was settled after n short argument NiJan wanted 133 pounds ringside as at Philadelphia lat Wednesday Joe Humphries for Mc ¬ 1 Govern wanted 131 pounds with the weighl gln time at 6 oclock on the day of the contest Nolan finally agreed to this saying It amounted to almU t f the same thing The challenge of AureUo Hererra was then disposed of by Nolan agreeing to tackle him two weeks after the McGovern fight providing Nelson de- feats i Terry- McGoverns fight with Nelson In Phll udelphla lost Wednesday is etlll being talked of in the eporOng world Nel son won It la true but owinir to the rajght rules under which the v fought i the bout was unsatisfactory It Is al most certain that the men will draw aa well as they did In Philadelphia i MAYORALTY RECOUNT 3 BILL IS REPORTED ji Special to The Evening World ALBANY March 21The Assembly Judiciary Committee this afternoon re ¬ ported the RainesMurphy recount hUh providing for a recount of the votes cast at the last municipal election m f LATE RESULTS AT FAIR GROUNDS 4 Fifth Come On Sam 101 Cut Glass VrpTPretty Nellie + s 1 AT CITY PARK FifthDevout 92 John Carroll out place Grenada I t 1 CONSOLIDATED A1 C BOUTS TONIGHT i 4 J 1 i u Tony Benkeiv of Elizabeth and Tommy Feltz of Brooklyn will meet for three roundsin the star bought the onsolidated j A C totnight f j Six other bouts are on the card jj5nJ- J1TD I + I FALS ALARM CAUSES FIRE HORSES DEATH- S r- fI r t f Bob one of the three horses attached Truck No 24 j was shot this afternoon following an accident on his way up Sixth avenue to West Thirtyeighth street where a false alarm had called the firemen The horses were making good time on the slippery asphalt when at Thirtyseventh street Bob slipped The driver tried to save theY animal but he went down and i of hisforIcssnappedbelow the knee A policeman end < lone the horses sufferingswith bullet 4- S t- c < f lI i rt > 5

Transcript of I MATCHED FOR 2OROUND BOUT - Library of Congress · ss4 5 4 S4-C 4 t S 5 2 t p 4 5 0 p I 4-r 4 L S...

Page 1: I MATCHED FOR 2OROUND BOUT - Library of Congress · ss4 5 4 S4-C 4 t S 5 2 t p 4 5 0 p I 4-r 4 L S S 7 5 45i I i SSj S S S 7r-A tiDFeO7lst-T2zzNa 2VZOth qr J 20 T01 SITAT S FAIRGROUNDS


r flZsdr warmer Thnmdnr flOW flnrrte1 r

I FINAL1 t FINALtlR-s oLi =JlJIHlN r Circulation Books Open to tJ = on J Circulation Books Open to All j








T Banker T W Kiley of Brooklyn Ad ¬

mits Bigamy Revealed by Lawsuitj and Tells Strange Story to Ac ¬

count for Domestic Tangle

IThnt TJiorans W Kllcy millionaire bank president and hardware dealerof Brooklyn has for the past three years kept two wives tin separate estab-


less than half a mile apart was the amazing mart that becameI 1nm late this pftcimoon Mr Riley In reply to questions broke down and

admitted It all Ho said Ke had no excuse to offer save that he loved both1 women and that he married th csccoml only when he felt sure his first and

legal wife was about to dieI

Mr Klleys legal wife lives In his manrdon tt No 201 Jefferson avsnuewith her two sons and two daughters by her first ftrasband She was thewife of James Kiley brother of Thomas James Kiley died twelve yearsago and she married her brotherinlaw

I The second wife Ss housed In a magnificent place at No 216 Brooklync

l ovenuo She la known ts Mrs Flora A Colt and lives with her son by herI first husband who was a Westerner

She waa Flora Brown daughter ofI

Guy B Brown a woal3jy hardwaredteoler of the Eastern District of Brook

ltD with whom nv> ny years ao-KlJejrutarbodc f in life as a clerk

i Mr KIlo Who Is elrtythreo yearsold la President of the North SldoBank of WlUtamsburg and I reputedto be worth several millions He has alarfilo business under tho firm name ofItoomas W Kiley Co of No 67

Grand street Brooklyn He la also In

ilneated heavily in the structural Ironbusiness

Sues for His FeesThe facts came to light today through-


nllng of a suit ngiinst Mr Kiley

and Wife No2 Jointly by Lawyer John-

S Griffith of No 63 Court street for

sis Griffith was counsel for Wife

NO 2 a year ago In a suit for MOOagainst KUey Ho says there was no

trouble between them but ho was very

ill and she wished to provide for herfuture in COBO he eioiild die and all hisestate BO to hvs legal wife

The matter was settled out of courtKiley charges that Grlttlths larga tee

In a shakedinn nnd that It Is byr-l

ollvlce of counsel that he has refused

to settleWith tears in his oyes tho millionaire

banker Joday laid bare his romanceend Its strange culmination In n pUnomous life He said that he wasLgUamed tout it could not be helped

I have told my losnl wlfe he saidof the matter and ehe has agreed to

ignore Mrs Colt yet all Is amlmble beitWien Mrs Co and myself

He said that he had known Mrs Coltfrom chlldihcod and after her husbanddied flve years ago was on close termsof friendship with her In October 1903

his wife was very 111 when he was calledto rue National Convention of Bankersin Son Francisco Mrs Colt accompanjed him

She did not intend to go all thoway aald Mr KHey When we leftBrooklyn my wiTh was not expected torecover On the wayWestI told MrsColt 1 wonted to her Hhe waswilling We thought my wife would bedead before our return to Brooklynand I was suffering from a general

breakdownMarried In Indiana i

1 When we reached Hammond Indw were married under our true namesThat marriage qannot be denied Wecontinuod on to San Francisco I wenttotle convention end then took MrsColt down to Los Angeles Wo spent ar month there and thai returned East

aiy wife did not grow somebettor There was nothing wo could doexcept keep everything secret

I bougnt the home at No 213 Brooklyn avenue firrnlsTiod It and made itover to Mia Colt Since then I haverrtitscd tho homo and have givener everything could want

Jfloat BSA why the publtp tmoud In-

4tudof in private affotn of this nature-aA4e tie nrtsttke and I am willing to

toT I1Im supporting my tin-twteaaWIUItI poawblo way and amtnYesoon everythng she

I t-



I raurefa aCapt Henry

r t th ofrtteocdhooner 4delene and hisIn a Joltjrtooat aurvived

S Bale and violent enow Storm ofeth iaetast after they had bee-

ni1Iedi to abandon their uiueavas el and who Trore tC4-


Bdhooner MarjraTot DI11Id eCn jJ enUtwoQ-Od or were

the DUlond Intensely treat hunnd were alftiost deadrgII8 tr4 I





He Takes Second Event-in Easy Manner from

Favorite OuralC-

ITY PARK NEW ORLEANS March21The usual sever raes mode up to ¬days card and brougiit together a lotof noaccount ponies The only excusefor racing hero is thdt the track own ¬ers need the money for trying to pickwinners Is out of tho question for thetalentFinBT nACCSelllne six furlon-


Starter wellrht on B5itiflr-Iy1e Jvckl33C 1L NIcol t

l > 115 Trottr JI iMorrla IM ii hmith

112 75Uni or the Vallfi us E Morr ion 03 5Jinwntatlon 1JJ Young iXr JJTlInbum Jl2 15Itinl 1I J Jones 0 M

Irsuge no lM1dellr8tiiUe JIll 1

Florence May hIO SwaTh ang i5

Queen Esther 103 W Allen u>

Cat Hush 104 W Mcintyre 12TImI 4 5 II

Wonby Clyde Thidwelaer wasanti Mary Morris thIrd econdSECOND nACJSFUe andIng onehalf fur

etarten weIghts and Jochejn sirBetting


OuralMajor 109 W 10iIt Munro TTy 6Oak Cliff 10 Farrow 72 HSKit IWiant 112 Doaly itIl1ronloi LarienGold Hearer lift lone Si 5

5Oolte5sta 112 W Allen ToPllkln 112 n Smith 512

Mr Wiullclgh 100 FehillIng oquan lorer 100 Sned Itchy 100 A Johnson 0lAUtt Mac 107 Orstar SBiee Frita 1OT Trozler imMill NlotXl 107 Nlcol B IfihelllKh 107 W McIntyre 7 B-


Won by Major Duncan Oural secOndand Oetlc Cliff thirdTIUItD Six furlong selflneStarter weights end 5ckej Hi

BettingPITIle On Wuy 112 Orefmr sGamara 110 J Jonrn 85Immortelle 110 Tlllman

Creole JlmllS IAn inMajor Carpenter ltr Trailer 15 nMlladl love 113 BcbllllnR 7 5aIulu Young 118 Munro T C2loiS Steak 112 Jest 30 10Franc i130n 110 W McIntyre 20 IIliundall 110 Nlrol 112Cold Way 101 Harrison 74 GLleber lore 1W Hwiiln s Sair Fhllllpn W A Johnion 60 a>

Pulque M BherWftn 30 10Won bv The Onlv Wav Oamara sec ¬

ond and Immortelle thirdFOURTH RAciBI4onl Radnor O <o

1 nnd 5 to 2 Out out forplace 2 Ohio lung 3



pecial to Th Evwiint WorMPHILADELPHIA Maroh SI Crazed

by Jealousy Isnatlua Mich manager ofan oyster rtJtturant at No 727 Callowhtll itreet this afternoon tIred abullet Into the heart of Helan Weberthe proprietress of the place killing herinstantly and then Burning the weaponon WIn lelt sent a shot Into his beadBo U flot expected to recover









S s r






k ts5 54




t 4 5





C4 t







0p I 4-

r4 LS S 7 5 45i

I i SSjS


S 7r-A


T2zzNa J

2VZOth qr




Pride of Woodstock Gal ¬

lops Home First-

in DashF-

AIR GROUNDS NEW ORLEANSMarch 2JThe talent had many anupset here today trying to locate win-ners


In a card that was entirely lack-Ing in class Under the prevailing con-


It Is Impossible to figure onformand the man that can locate winners IsIndeed fortunate

FinST OEOn milsHotline

Starteri uelht and Jockejs Str PIlrld of Wooditock 101 Freeman 1M 7Uairt Cherry Lilt L Smith 95 a5Globe Runner 90 Obort 65 25Sun Hunt 09 Ryan to 10Abjure 02 AJex 25 8Henpecked 00 Mrdeo 12 4Superior lIar 100 Dletfni 12 4Tlmla15Won by Pride of Woodstock Last

Cherry wa second and Globe Runnerthird

SECOND RACDSIx furlongs eeillniStarters weight and jockeys Kir


Gladiator 112 Robbins in 0Ternut 100 McCnuly > 7 B2Discernment 1X1 L Sniltlifilgmund 117 Obert lA5a nMahogany 105 WILe SO RProfane 07 porcIne 72 OR-p W jTlynn 115 DuncaniO 10lIen MacDhul 120 Uvinirjon 15 0Hickory COMO 115 DehrenO sWater Lake 100 MoOse 4 8TFlying Tnpeia 115 JohnnenJO 8

Won bv Gladiator1 Ternus was secondand Discernment third

THIRD RACE One mleBetting

SUrtera weight and jockeys sir IlPaul Conlty lt U

Water PtnBY 17 Robbhs 10 4iCings Oem 120 L Bmlth 2 4-

Gleenvan 115 Felcht 15 nAtwood 120 McDonald a I 8MarIn Heal 100 13ehtees in nDaniel Coo 100 D Riley 20 8Lytellat 110 Obort to-


Raven 117 McOee IB 50MaWllUtim 111 hoffman a 8Roderick 112 Bedell 2O 8Fenlan 111 Vlttatoo 5 2

Won by Paul Water PAnsy was decond and Kings Gem third

FOURTH JRACE Nino 7 to 2 andoven 1 WhtopoorwIU out for place 2

Dont Ask tie 3-


LONDON MWroh 21Tho Pall MallGazette thla nfternoon says it hears thatthe Russian Governmerit iota prepared anaval programme Involving tho expen-diture


of UOOOOObOO during tho next twoyoar of which amount British ship-builders


wilt eeniure a goodly shareThe sum of 126000000 theP41pe odds

fans been allocated for four firstclassbattleships similar to those now build-ing


tot Japan

t 4 4



Remarkable Affidavits Showing that She WasI in Constant Commnication with Him Dur-


t Honeymoon Trip in Europe

Sensational allegations wore made Inanidnvlts mcsented today bv counsel forJames B Duke President of the Amer-ican


Tobacco Company who Is suinghis wife Lillian V Duke for an abso-lute


divorce when she made applicationbefore ViceChancellor Pitney In JerseyCity for alimony and 10000 counselfees pending the trial Afer hearing tho

I affidavits and the ViceChancellorscomments on them Mrs Dukes lawvera withdrew their application for Illnony Counsel fees of J3000 were al-


Frank T HuntoOT who Is sixtysevenyears old Is named as corespondent I-



Yacht Mascotte Battered in

Gale and Crew Rescued

When Hope Had Gone

Special to The turning WorldPJIILADELIHlA March laJuet as

tho yliad given up all hopes of rescuethe crow of the schooner yacht Manco tte belonging to A G Laska of NewYork City was rescued by the ReadingRJlIroad tug Swataru live miles offNortheast End Lightship while a ter-rific


southeast gale was blowingThe crew comprising nine men were

nearly frozen and haul not tasted foodor for nearly twenty hours whichtime they spent trying to overcome aleak that threatened to vesselto the bottomThe Mascotto left New York early

Sunday morning and aocordng to CaptA W Loose all went well until thenext day when they ran Into a south-east


galeThe vessel was hooded with the wind

hut despite Slits the sails were tornfrom the mast the rudder carried awayanJ the centreboard was snapped Toadd to this the vovasel sprang a leakantI notwithstanding the efforts of thenine men who mode up the crew sheTapjdly filled anti was in momentarydanger foundering when sighted bytho tug

The Maaeotte was towed into this port°READING DIVIDEND

READING Pa Starch 2tThe Boardof Directors of the RdadtngCompany to-


declared the regular a-ldlvldMdot2pqr cent on the secondt to

tT li t i <A i jr v

Mr Dukes suit In the ndldavlts madeby Mr Duke and by servants of MrsDuke it is alleged that on the night ot-her wedding Nov 2 190 Mrs Duketelegraphed to Iluntoon It Is charredfurther that throughout the honeymoon-In Eurojio she was In communicationwith him and tint during her absencehe occupied whenever he cared to the

I mansion Mr Duke bought as a weddingpresent at No 11 West Sixtyeighthstreet

Cabled Love NotesTho most startling allegation was In

an aflldivlt charging that during herhoneymoon trip Mrs Duke cabled telegniphcd and wrote to Huntoon almostconstantly He had two ways of reply-ing


One was by Inserting a personalIn a Now York newspaper with the re-


that It be copied In the EuropeancJltlon of that publication In this waythe personal ame to her notice as wellaa to her husbands when they bought-the paper at tho hotels on their tripTho personals began with the name

John but were unsignedSome of the Personals Sled with

uflidavlts read as followsLonging for cable announcing

safe arrival Your prophecy provedtrue Little knew how essential youare to my happiness

ltemalllcsterdaCnble re-ceived


Sentiments made me muchhappier If condition serious go toyou at once Can nurse you back tohappiness Not too late unless youarc contented with present sur-roundings


That ts Impossible IsatIt

One year from yesterday sWoiildbe our anniversary London letterhugely enjoyed Cable arrival

At your homo all Is sad e ndlonely Vacant chair recalls absentone Your Louse pets are well Thebird sings sweetly I dream everynight you will be mine foreverDont wear Ionnecked dresses

Oh memories that bless andburn This wTwratlon Is killingVlease dont wear lowneckeddresses Shall enjoy your houseuntil octopus returns when thatpleasure will cease

Would like to bear you say It sdaybreak-

The Cther method of communicationsounded as bizarre as something from

oA J104 lte 4 IY

> 6 fr




The Eastern Bowlers Are

Frozen Out in Legislation-

at Louisville Congress

Special to The Eenln WorldLOUISVILLE Ky Muroh 21East ¬

ern bowlers havo undoubtedly madetheir last plea for harmony In tho

I American Bowling Congress CharlesH Ebbets tile most earnest supporterof peace proporitlons declared this af-ternoon


that he was all In and that-In lime result of tho election of officers

iand selection of the next place for thetournament he had got just vhnt hadbeen prophesied bv tho New York menopposed to hn atllllatlon between thoNOW York Bowling Association andAmerican Bowling Congress

Philadelphia made a serious blunder-in the nomination of Al BaIts for presi-dent


as he was unknown to bowlerswho claimed they wanted a man expe-rienced


In bowling affairs The mainopposition of the West and Chicago Inparticular is due to the tear that oncetlJJ >t ngross met In the East it wouldf strength never to be overcome-by Vest

St Louis could not get the Congress-

and secure Charles Kauffman of Cin-


as rposldont after showing oono-

wltlon to Philadelphia and DaHl ThisI made a deal necessary Bob Brysour of

Indianapolis was therefore electedpresident and Kauffman first viceoresdent

Iuilndelphla delegates In disgustwithdrew the name of Belts and saythey will Join with New Yorlc and othereastern clUes In organizing a new Congross Things looks now as if therewould be a b split between east andwest

Norfolk Vo fit Paul Miami 8tLouis ansi Philadelphia were nominated-as clUes for Congress Lad Tournament-In 1907 Bert Fraser of Philadclphliivlawyer nominated that city and Ebbetaseconded nomination Bbbota made aringing speech for harmony declaringthat this might be tho last effort ojanimation between east and west Hourged delegates to drop petty jealousiesand lobbying tactics and give attentionto the Ixeit Interests of bowling Hesaid Now York would send ZOO teamsto Philadelphia and that thoro could

Us way the deal WesternNow York He pledged his word thatIf Philadelphia got the next tournamentihnt New York would vote to send itwest In 1906

The nnal vote was St Louis 62

Philadelphia 44 St Paul H-

TO MOTHERSRobInson linslUh Patrni B rl r best

fond for InXinti and invalids Aik-IX

sogctor luigi5t44n4 Oooars5






Contest Will Be Decided atTuxedo 1

A Cof Essington Tom ORpurkePutting Up 5000 as Guarantee

of No InterferenceTe-

rry MtGovern and Battling Nelson aro to meet again They wteropractically matched this afternoon to met in a twccly round bout beforethe Tuxedo Club of Esslnston Just outside of Philadelphia The date setIB April 26 They will welch in at 131 pounds at 6ocIock1 on the day ofthe contest S




Team Leaves for Nash-



ToNightPlay-There ToMorrow-

T G SCARBOROUGHSpecial to The Evening World

MEMPHIS Tenn Mara1 21Man-ager McGraw continues to adopt tacticsthat punle the average follower ofbaseball teams trying to prepare forthl championship season

He permitted the entire team to resthalf of tday and confined his work-to a brisk two hours practice In theafternoon when a game was playojbetween tho squads the regular lineupof The Giants forming one team

McGraw advances the argument thatthorp li danger In many members of thuteam growing stale before the real Issue

Iin tho pennant struggle arrives ForPits reason he Is not so greatly dlaaypointed at recent Interruotlons fromrain and he views the present physicalcondition of tile team as satisfactory

The practice today was the last be-


the opening of the Giants exhibi ¬

tion season Pamorrow against Nashvlli In the latter city The team leavesover the ulBvllle and Nashville tonlsdt Everybody will go along andwilt be sent to the front to show whatthey can do The pitchers will especi-ally


be called on to stIw the minorleaguers their best samples of speedand curves I

The Nashville club possesses a strorgteam and the showing made by theGiants will be watched with Interest

All thla was arranged tohls afternoonat the Metropole Hotel Fortysecondstreet and Broadway by Tarn ORpurke arepresenting the Tuxedo A C and BillyNolan representing Battling NelsonThis is the fIt attempt made to hold ttwentyround bouts In the East endthis point wan discussed at length be¬

fore Nolan would agree to anythingORourke assured Nelsons manager thatthe fight could be held without inter¬

terence from tho authorities Nolanthen said1 Post 1000 to Insure usagainst any loss of time and money in-cajMj the fltcazunotise hejd-

yRourke< agreed to this He afd hewould have the money In the hands ofGeorge Consldlne tonight

Nolan then tossed out live 1000 bilLsto show his good faith In the match jlie said he would expect the same de-posit


to be made by the McGovernparty

The weight question was settled aftern short argument NiJan wanted 133

pounds ringside as at Philadelphia latWednesday Joe Humphries for Mc ¬ 1

Govern wanted 131 pounds with theweighl gln time at 6 oclock on theday of the contest Nolan finally agreedto this saying It amounted to almU t fthe same thing

The challenge of AureUo Hererra wasthen disposed of by Nolan agreeingto tackle him two weeks after theMcGovern fight providing Nelson de-


Terry-McGoverns fight with Nelson In Phll

udelphla lost Wednesday is etlll beingtalked of in the eporOng world Nelson won It la true but owinir to therajght rules under which the v fought i

the bout was unsatisfactory It Is almost certain that the men will draw aawell as they did In Philadelphia




Special to The Evening WorldALBANY March 21The Assembly

Judiciary Committee this afternoon re¬

ported the RainesMurphy recount hUhproviding for a recount of the votescast at the last municipal electionm



Fifth Come On Sam 101 Cut Glass VrpTPretty Nellie+ s 1


FifthDevout 92 John Carroll out place Grenada

I t


Tony Benkeiv of Elizabeth and Tommy Feltz of Brooklynwill meet for three roundsin the star bought the onsolidated j

A C totnight f jSix other bouts are on the card jj5nJ-





fIr t f

Bob one of the three horses attached Truck No 24 j

was shot this afternoon following an accident on his way upSixth avenue to West Thirtyeighth street where a false alarmhad called the firemen The horses were making good time onthe slippery asphalt when at Thirtyseventh street Bob slipped

The driver tried to save theY animal but he went down and i

of hisforIcssnappedbelow the knee A policeman end <

lonethe horses sufferingswith bullet 4-



c< f


rt >5