I Made It To 57!


Transcript of I Made It To 57!

PowerPoint Presentation

I Made it to 57!All In One Piece And ready to roll!*Click through at your own pace

Dearest Family and Friends,

This is a milestone birthday for me. Because of my Mother. She was quickly gone at the age I am now. Suddenly her life was over, without ever having experienced the gift of age.

I wish she could have loved and cared for herself more. She was so smart, creative and a truly gentle spirit. I imagine the fun we could have had together ! Her as a little old lady and me as a slightly younger little old lady. Knocking down walls and tiling everything in sight! She used to say, If I was young again, Id apprentice as a carpenter. So funny coming from her delicate little self!

She was always so full of projects and ideas and fun! A true artist who never reached her full potential...but sometimes whispers it to me.

Early beauty is a dubious blessing and in truth a burden.To me she was forever beautiful, but she didnt see it that way and felt compelled to try to maintain the illusion of youth. By cutting away at her physicality she held the hope that this finally might make her feel worthy and wanted. At the same timeThrough out her life her angelic face often made it difficult for people to see beyond her exterior to her amazing talents, intelligence and sensitivity. Because of a life time of this she felt betrayed by her body as she aged.

She abused her body not only with substances but with anger, frustration, unhappiness and resentment. At the end of her life she closed herself off and left without a word. The diagnosis brought utter surrender. She left no diary, letters or thoughts. I dont blame her. I miss her. I regret that she didnt and couldnt love herself more.

Her life was precious, my life is precious and your life is precious. Because we have these bodies each and every one of us is able to be here and experience all that the earth has to offer. Suffering and joy. Love for each other and love for life.

Call it what you will. Contemplation, meditation, pondering or considering. Plant a seed of love for yourself and let it grow.

Then take a moment to consider

The Bliss of Being in a Body!

Our bodies are our Ticket to ride! You must have your body to be here with everyone you love and everyone who loves you.

So please take care of it! Do what you can to make it last. We all leave this life eventually, but I just want us all to stay awhile and enjoy the journey. Because I love you!

Its a darn good thing that our bodies are so forgiving! I think of all the physical and mental abuse I heaped on my innocent form when I was young and its a wonder it still serves me so well!

Back in the day

Young me constantly thought I was fat and blamed my poor body for all that fatness!

Old me has periods of fatness but I dont lay the blame on my innocent body with indignant disgust! I know Im not accidently fat. Pudging up is fun! I did it and big fat deal! No one but me and my pants even notice!

Young me was tortured because of my flat chest and wildly curly hair.

Old me really only cares to lose weight so my chest can be flatter and out of my way when I dance!Old me is happy when my ridiculouslycurly hair makes my now silver hair look thicker!

Young me worried about failure, what other people thought, disasters and what ifs?

Old me doesnt dwell on what people think, doesnt worry about failure and I now know that most of what we stress about never happens!

Fat? Bahahaha! Id love to be so fat now!

Young me was afraid Older is Better! Old me is not!

This is the GIFT of aging and I wish it for all of us. So Mom, whether you meant to or not, you did leave me with a few very important concepts seared on to my brain

Dont waste time suffering when you have the power to change it.

Dont waste your talents.

Dont waste a moment of your life living in resentment and regret.

Thank you for that.

Now that Im old, Ive become very wise! And Ive discovered

The Secret of Life is Simple!

So simple we insist on making it complicated.

We all can experience happiness, love and joy.

Right along with the sadness, loss and pain of life.All you have to do is

Bless me, bless you, bless just being!

Start the day off with one simple thought. God Bless me. God Bless my family, God Bless the world.

Whatever you think God is, even if you think God is not, it does not hurt to send out a blessing.

Bless your body, bless your day, bless everyone you love and especially those you dont!

Simple huh? Then

Experience the Grace of Gratitude

For a happy relationship with your life and your Ticket to ride cultivate gratitude.

Is my heart still beating? Score! Can my eyes still see? Sweet! Do I get to strap the feed bag on today? Delish! Am I surrounded by family and friends? The best!

Everywhere. Everything. Everyone. I am grateful for it all.

Its all awesome! Next give yourself

The recharging, revealing energy of being alone.

Learn to love being alone!Alone there is no onslaught of others thoughts, judgments or expectations.No distracting or draining needs to fill.When youre alone you have to start listening to your own silly mind chatter.Thats a good thingIf you cant self reflect youll end up sucking the life out of someone else. And thats a super creepy thing to do!

After that be sure to

Have fun!

Sing!Dance!Celebrate!Dont let a day go by without fun and laughter. Not a day.Dont live in fear. Live in faith.Look for the good.Hope for the best.Love your family andyour friends.Lastly, be sure to remember to

Practice Acceptance Dont be a hater!

No criticism allowed! No good ever comes of it.

Youre in exactly the right place, doing exactly the right thing.

Youre perfect and beautiful.

Every one of you.

Relax and enjoy your life and all the wondrous experience of being here.

I remember the very moment this picture was taken. If only that young girl could have known even a sliver of what lay ahead. The joy, the sorrow, the magic! The blessing of lifelong friends, the treasure of family. New friends, growing family, renewed connections. Puppies, babies, sunsets, spring times, summers, glorious autumns, and long cozy winters. A wonderful life, ever changing. I wish such wonder for each and every one of you. You have all made my life a joy.