I Love Keyboard!

I LOVE KEYBOARD! Mersedeh Arvaneh, Irvine CA USA, Sep 2007


a free interpretation of keyboard and Life

Transcript of I Love Keyboard!

Page 1: I Love Keyboard!


Mersedeh Arvaneh, Irvine CA USA, Sep 2007

Page 2: I Love Keyboard!

I am not a Calculator, nor an Abacus

Not a tablet PC, nor the blackboard

Not a blogger, nor a writer

Not a PC, nor a MAC Not Vista, nor the


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I am just an Operator Next Door - who loves

“Creation”, “Destination”,” Imagination” & “Operation”

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My life: one day

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One day

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Sometimes, I

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Sometime, I

To a world of possibilities

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I…my misery

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By …from the Ordinary

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Or Starting all over again by…

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Sometimes my life is pure caps LUCK

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Let’s be more …

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Let’s …to the next LEVEL

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Do not …HOPE

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Sometimes you need …more THOUGHTS

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OR just go back to your…

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Sometimes you need a little … in your

“Perspective”, “Attitude”, “Life Style”, “Goals”,

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Life is not all about… Money Control Percentage!

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There is more to Life Get a … Breath more

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Whatever you do, find another way,

Direction, Path, Possibility, Look up, Right, Left, Even Down!

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Whatever you do, there is always…

A Second chance Forgotten Forgiven Another space Another door Another possibility Use your “Backspace”!