i l w l MEPWA, I^W TOM, ^JP|i^.Y MANO $ Ms i FOn the...

% .THIS -WSATHER |day mghi and Thursday.* Little *• |n!*pnM^it< »,U- U.'"J UjmniJ—wpwwuwwii- irtnn i<w i .1 < HI »m iTjifjui "• i '"•'•• n "" ""'* ' i, - Ml-.TrI^rTTT?^*' l '*^S^''''^ , ''"^ , ''* w '^^ wMPni* , y*»B'^'W' i »'w» '^W^^-^'^SISS^^^BBBM^^ -es^Ms^gsflWWipji. Mni*iii## Th«^^y jogrneufc re<-<d«»r if #* ^^^ff^^ MEPWA, I ^ W TOM, ^JP|i^.Y y MAEtSt 2, 18 MANO $ fejjfcergh 3s, ^^onHMJlft mot 'and *M*s,, Cjjarles -&J KE35SI seized from his plilherlay'ifr oj a"sevfef'e fefftBr night. aha taken Ipdtoapers -of. vefioia no jNji48» ftjiiftfl-'Wednesday; k||sri have frisked "550,000, ||?|h^&e'V •ehijia^ 'tfwto. Tfti$ were. aoS m^de pub- | ^ e ^ k f t d ' •Cifl'.-'lMfld-:! |?*ajt«|f- M;'.?%$ttof $^ ; -#3Jn^*o& ; y,"<'-* '^ : tb#^-;n3an-;'wh<i 1b#d-r»)ih;; a^p^,r^ ; ';eiteh'ftta- -MfK ii»e; fAt^iiit^'iSpasfctJBe fsoarchera: 4 ^ - " $ * ^ * $ ^ ' - ^tJnat^ -«x*| |'tn^f t ^i^o;fei#ia's peril; la. ooti fsr> | ^ e r # v ^ 4 ^eetant'koth^jv Ws ;;pJos»'' i % tai-tt%^oay/A^'-§y6S Iphtgiiant hy-hsr teats "thats 1ildr would strg;e£ifront JjajUl*. drfiS^Mpa;iro»:ifei^anap| joof. chlja; ifiak h*ff a adbW| at ^We^-.^V'jMito*^' I brokehhearte^ ; - l*,*J6S.'"1B(|tik: doctoringfcift;'.'M \$it^t ' ' * -••'. '•• •' -• '•,'.', is. tiaa^g%'/attcivM St >%• |'^o«iteg .to fee\pltji ier iHaJ^Wet- ; # 4$ftg!$m!$<^ QffiS ,^es)fe^ Jo ,ooinineiftt »jo^ "ithe ifeifinasijHE-^a^a Gol. kinaieygns; qujet liat. inajJi- testly/snftejfing; fronj terrljle ati'ain,! sald^te, suapected ao «po; 1 Ttn black jacket ana'gOU cap, he; . helped jSOllce sea^cSi tits )?j i €t!'|iises. e l l $ s HrelregijaJityi ' ' : f Th^ police toevr o^8y that tjie : iutruaer* ha3 used a lafiEder, put vip, an'^ecajotfa;'Baa"scale* Into th$ f- WrseJ^.TOd' there' left th6 rana^ni' :Eofe» th&i had^sqtaittble^ Acmn th| iadder, making Wa way ^6 a polnf ^otirn ". "Eeatberlj,e,$ .laae'' toward;: 'the t»ala Jjig^wasi :. 'L '"• c5n. this^Sup, actiojdlpg 'ro"fS)tf| .jpiplh% thO l&^hapiBV'lttwiAiift.^-^ a *onj«* assohipjfrCei , " Workmen Find $1,000 in Can JDy«n?, Bardi l^-'Wojrki»en de» molishJpg aa oi3 frams house pear Bjji$srs Corates the t^Jwn of Boge saBJ^ aejO|s. ^a o|4 ^Jrt^on^ ean .hetween thje if/Ah whfch con talaed 4 e M y J?*»W><>,4?i jRt^est. Iffisring qw^teateg i^ft^d hj tho^ ffioylorfl State feaik of Sqdus. The oeri£^t*s ws^e fteiSOJSSpjjtiOjtjs, of *g85i $i«0*a»* $S0; More thah ,20 yeB«3 9g° John &u$$n, d i}S^eMr, t eeaide* for :Manyf^aira;io IJe'siaihoBse. He died in Apyfj, 1913, ajseji i6? 3fe»««l :aM«bJsssstjote s?a? gsttl|a,in 19313 !Bhe eettifiej»t88 aow nncoyerecl r*pWse»t ^ejpo^s m&de toy JVIr. ,4iist:n. .,an4v.«8J iheftpme; |».rt <?f jhfe.; estate. /* •., - ,ot^ i aiwst.0ti^|i^''»Ji4^5tr*tfir of ,j^^e^fe.^|i^amss^ Slo«®son. .'qff ^,oic*tt!.'f#*.-, .ca^pey,. Thft jbhildihg;h^ ^hlWg^SsrtsseTr- |,«r«t ttaies, 5Fhii ^fldjjjg; ,<}f i h s ceo Hftsatess Swas ;r*B0#ed» '&» Mr, "'fh^psoni- :*&fXy$fc ^m^si»n>: ; w^oef. ift4"jiBphei^!of Mr, Austin ifc;fei»|it^"*?ltftOifrhecQ^eoWJiers M FOB a Scenes ant Persons in the Current News Nap6leop, Ohio, JMar. Ir-jfcllOh ; : that esca'^j'. : ft9m.a fi^kM,i*ft| ! •^teiuck. <ageV<ijt ; {he.*llksttt^''|«iitJ-«; i^Seciress^Oxe ;thl»=a|66inti^jS?j^: "irtj»isojDi#.;ife # -j*m' sift ; ®9 'ioatij ^ h ^ o f a i * ^ f e r *»<J ; -i^ii^tMitf^ '4ftte1tr.Sa^ ; :t^rsoFi*^fc:;*eor^ '^' "'ilb'eitisr; *" ;'• ' ~{ Cfrciis Mtaehes *na( :«oi«8^ **•; ?Me With tear .ga* faoiill*. ^ ilfles ioscea the «w«cej *^; ; lha.c* in<;<* its damage'd-cifftt.*pis» : ; was bftcjcga up .to the flftpr irf : tli$! '*Ehe .^ijihial, which wKtftftftl .90ft«SSnij •'•I'.V I York, ^ a r . ^ - ^ h e . f r i t i s k ^ h f e m i t h j h 4*eaanry%.jaetm^ltt*- hment whicif f^ •j^t^," '*-•"•>-*-*'-• **- ^—^^ : "^- I ized it ha4 j^Bje^cfe'totjl ecent aout*:Jp4a^a4'i!i^;j •nguifea; t h M ^ I H o ^ ;0i ^ i large as%-^!^n*tef..i(ic«Jnf| |0O,Q0O on .Brja^'tO KB Aft- banks. -- ..,: . repayinenfc-ijtt U *pptteg:j special i lk^h^"itei!e^[lt.«e.ij «orga.tt '&. Cty$kii m dttW iai hpttsesf.-i,::,." v. / •'••., the pwt^&mW t&iJStoi ^^L^^^^f^'J^'- iOf ithg^Hr.-lftiiMi**'* 9t4N^I board aa»«8or has teceirtd a '^ *B1 he t^t^ll^ai s«|tho^hj fan agreeaient ail'hQt BalMor ayment hefo*6; &«# •&$& M* ihoMths in ad*»ncfr -sf ^ittnrity :caw«48.*-.<lhitl6ct 8jfl«frjfei«'.to-WlSE] [Mtimt . • .•••••, •*•; .-Ktetei i»: •#*»-. «tM*t-,*|. aai^lbjwi fitrtiiBir. *tt4d*Sft .tfVftKoT^ hSFJ |-««o -IRS- .f*ftea ; :iriai '.<»« c*^thii f;jBio»|..-3t3'|ac!«'jin»sfi|tti jMnioili^i ^h^toiyriiathigswhfe .it *(m ?forceJ,.-o*-fte-!|Olt *t«s'iarfl. rthe roof was iorjn,ftom tbo cage '0*-|he a n i m a l . t t ^ * * « paaa^ iBSfer a railrpstir Mflge iuat -jQ&te. ; ihe city li»hlj!#jftuirtly iftej-J p.»;] ' .Only ?ni.flf Ihe. JtoRf Uejhi s'u&.: ifieeded Jn l«W>iag oYft the «p«»: top of tl(e 1^04 ;Ow of ithe^ trainers tta^a Sejith •.tw heat Jh« •-other 1 « l H i a M $ S & $ f e f t 3 v pike. * ' r Harry >a»J|jfc'- , *Wft...|ftd« M •-charge of ih*.ji^'t^jifc>.»lirrow&'l ! eaqapetf being ntnifti; ,>« he tried ^..sljp a largo hag^Vtr: j^» «n*| Jlnjiajfs head Juat i l l i e c . ^ ABgh|e«| •Oft'theiroad froift ^ft' ; wicf6^<i v M)E8:l ; •^•animal ap>1^h^\.-|*wpii#] cajftare by the f&ig^im:®&®& : 1 , of |*opte struck th«>tt^t Dit| ca«*f toward o griahp wqt"#;*MR| stimett She noise ffi*dr,th«* , «hhaii* : , r # ^ | t lowwrd the h*r» at '^tv I—Japtnew-intrhie In fiJw pushing a xotaryj?low throngh ionthvestera Colorado. 3h~VU indec th« autyicet'O* Japan aal Expire March 8th ihtrch «th, la the l»at Ostf-ftS. $i\m«mx& Mkppum sax »j^i Oona oh the Rtimary ballot, |hji: foWowlng poaitjons are to be pi* sea oh^Bfftaary day April 5th. :t§k$p ^%m stelegates to the Nhtlojaiit' eoriif^tien; Two alternato (1^1|« gates to the National Conventlprt; Tm metahora of the State C»n> aaltte*;"lEwo metnboxa of the Cosift*; <ty £^sa|r»l Conwatttaii lirottt *rh» jiw-PrewrvaHba pljrty h«TO Jllei Pnrty positions as Jtol- ^he^JecUon or Two members of the Stato Committee from the 1th, ms<m aistrict. 'Waif? /membjsrs (at large) of; tho State Committee from the «th, i^diciai iPlatrict. Two mi>mbor» of the $ou»tyj Cjjhtral Committee from each of thft 31 election districts of Orleans A SESSION *#• United Action for Employment pngifr ;)$$& **!' mm*& : --n$»' |ns this 4impajgn will win ' -of it ;*.fm?0i^,:*^^ui? , ' of cei«^-:¥a^.e i i;'ia^-.#%--g I *at. ny -o«-"^!|ai^Wft.'1wt'^*' eadf>r*#o^fel!inf* iarh* I «bort:'iw# , *a*#Mfe*a^ : *i&' |ptoyirfi-v •-'•''•'*•;:;:-v^.- ; -: --,.;. |Tbe i ^ . - ^ f m f | « | ^ t t m f t i *M* «id *^er««en ,* jut one unemployed man or A Million Jobs, is the goal of ^fe^lHEa«P fte -WAR '"•$&'/gitift #$aipit_gB : has. hrOBght togeth« MOM Ameri- Afhg..ltt =I^TO».^M2|EHaS :th»a ;'^».,«^^','l(«to»» aoa#t- »BM!VR end Jo tlim* «f pewce. .;-,' : -'5jfif .***#• *«» iNKK JM* .4$£.tit;$&.*t !•**nwthod #.4#hti»t:.«». appsllioe: sp«c- ;.; '$N». ,:*- i^i*- **»*» * P b ' KASliUSTSSBD ^ ^ ei*Mt rforf to In IfNTTKD ACTION ««M WITH *>*• W*a/. Jo,n yoor local > « * • * • * jeiw. ««*«» and .^l^t^* GlfpFi'%*?,•&-& P,ttt moaer sale of trid*ets aiad ««nrea- Irjj wtti;4b^M#>»"«faB« ^ihthelBjg; the oaBSpalga of Odr. Wjlllam H.. : Mmt#; $&• ^ r#«W«crfH$--jHMi< dentlalHOBihiaUoa,, .., - Georg* Hkm»haw< ,mm0» -.<f; the. Mnrray^or-Pree!d*Bt |**»d^ few her* »ald ^wjtBitiAk* a i ^f.' - ||»T«rl^-iis^^«ai»-,iMrBOft|' of the- c*ih crop school hrfd by | the "Wayna Coonty ,ftm» Boreaaj *t ihs-il«rtf«tk Grtngs Sail |od*y w * *bay eertMed seed.'* i l l of the speakers brought the heed this ijeisr'of J o o d i S ^ i |#6Wj!er, ca*-i ttvation, a^d sjws3rlBg, ^ A Browne of SsWiHtah. ident, and IhO were fn attendsnee. Dr. Hugh Glasgow Of the Geueirs Experiment Ststion ;' -#rct|ssed plant dlsessesv 'IT# org*d early treatuwnt when tJ» plsfits mm first thrc^igb the ft««i>4. ! ., I)r..eWiesCh*»*a«»flf the 'state, colkge, ipoioe on t»atm*nt Of ditesMed plaice. He urged » 'and the use of tested seed. He said tfeti-»«<t^.j*tf c«M I* plsntiid In gweisd «*#t -tawd f«• .tabh^ge » r « r l o « ^ ;iad •Sewnae- ini«t«iv|eeitj»i|f' , ft-.:ihif tesehud .by mt -mmihtmm '*i)N8tt -ground. lie told oC *»ew-#etwto «*<* tf««6a«fe »«Doir 4 i t | | «f- ni«r- : i .owry,--iB'#K«- •«l,.|«|-»«rrcsf»e. sobltaate discOTtrs*fi»1895. Dr. Stat state* 44,- .ifiKms'ig th» genersl sgyftMbsral * Dr ""' r tha«> •• the bssie '^f.-iire-ww' |«r* 1|» yrice •<fttta podocta- i. W t«r «««*, 1 * 1 * asaeWeery WiBdshiBld stieksfs, c««p*l«h hats, women's hahdy } pocket tnirrors and books contain- ing M«ray speechef have btea' place* oo sale throaghotit the m- : «tti-lE&fhih*w,!' •^hf^ittfbnal Coniiflfttee, If^ ray'tor-JPrealdcitt. knows the Gov. ernors* stand against faror hiint- I i«g «orperstIons and special fcfg lialerests, who do not contribBt* to *a»»Wgn«—they boy- (and fia --.g#43^ef-hs«- nothing'- to- uty,f\ f h » ««hmfttee has dedded; a#B t*te-ii»1tf%g: cah»»«tgft « y » e Rj«hij od -Of **snciBg .the campaign.' Alj^ijy, Jtifa. 1~A pollticAl »p«t over the state** unempJoymewt, re* .li«C:|p9|nu|g *tthJ«ht' :tBWM**ett. ^h^-%ipil*ejr*;with' wh-eit** inm\ p i l l a r „t*M mefltlsg adjourn*. * aiteittt^Mt #«>«« dttfe^f * pes* ttoa of wwpjo»t,MK|y f o f t H ' t w ^ ' posed amussment admission Ux to* talso a taft«0d.««0 jftliof ~i\»f$l The nece*?})* , tor more* Jfetief ihoBoy a#a,,ft# -i new tax to rafira <U origlts4% ; »^peawd to )&*(»«• won gtsdiflyMl hetweeh the' Demo* fcfatlc Qotensor, Itoilklltt % HooaeTett, «mv the ,v 2R«pttMic»ii ioatlam of Mm tegislature. ^rutetta agajtast th# ijm wete lodKcd by thester Intsrwjs. The! l3o*ernor *is deitrlbed'^s hellet* Jag the jt»«jBjii6fllt» l o t the tl»*> ter tax proposal WAS hwtire placed ofcilf.-JlienjaeiRi' : hy 'jd)« Jiejmtafcj -V'I i"'i;injii iiiiiij»iiii|'iinii»iiii?ii>ji inium'.iijinii',.,; LIIU HogaiiVSurtet - Eatertaininjf . '•*w*ilHj>JI>i*ti'iill Mrs. Clara Achilles Is entertnin- itkg the Kno*l«rrltIe ladles tm- «he«i Clsh *t o*e o'clock tedsr. ;The d*«th of Miis JaJtanivft Hcgnn occurred •Th^daywyenhig; rehraary 25. at, hsr home In Ding- Btmfon, after a wsek's Mines* at PKoomonra, MM* Hogan-was a steter fit Her, Jumm A, Koga»,. Mttof At St, SSHy*#'Cft«rcJ6. Bo-j Sides J«he^ #g4»* s%eft*f«r» trrcd by several sisters and broth- ers. v^S*'stBM«(l wxi-'festst tismtoiki lUsbwsry 3»s^BtWar/'aCfen-cJi, ShtghsiBlon, ant ws* one a« th» (**g»*t erar held te that chBroh. 'federal Mesfte wettls-^eiaftWiit-^ :Tbe-- Ms*t-«i«'» *tld' by *Slh*r : : Ho- ; f«»,*'»eir. '5flWWi»> H*]W«i«' <c* St-j Tsreaa's Chorch, Baifalo *»» »«•• •on, 1t*v. Destel JHOlloy of stMale- e#rt wax- S«&-I>escc#, sad. HOT. J*seph O'Cwtnor set Medina WJW Imam ot cttntvot. m« mi were »i* iMfsae**. can i««d«rs. Ho tbareHpon dscldsd, hto'.idytsiw *«i$r.-^> hfftltftftHa <«*; buslines OR tte «tsj* o| tee lie* puhllciuM <|»ft*r»»ttljr'jwssgltafc :^d» i*|tsl*tait»-4o- -gpp»^cm«- - the .^m-i^trnw .^ Mm «»*cw- -KdxjEpil! '.JhHJ-. < .-8J#:<» 'Hi'* gtnteit; 'bu^i;hlf:JiJreiu|r htsea hsl»noed<; thslnltt»liy<ei:or*nyadtlIUoiiat,tsje iesrlettetliiJfettkjiilUr XMUl.-fFt^ tho imtoi&m, should the h««lsIM«r6.«B«*t w appKSfJuMafc htfi AtK ..«*»**" "-W monty, hut fall-So pass sotn* ^i*m .of t*s-M)» J^-^Wi«»#^|Ht'iHH acrthed as -teidjr tihJh^ftWeSjr to ; aummon the Iswmiksirs t«ck for another t«ftl«tfc WETS IN HOUSE FORCE A m«hj»g^. mt tr*A jiosmsi vote on consider**-"'?" ii hQl WgiviaJ eoatrpl «l He »'!? . •» states 1 wa? asaared today. , , Tho wet hlec oMalned di^S slgr* •^me^-ix^m * ^l&i^-^'--wlj8t*:j Jim tonmAmoa to JA1».g Ih^^ho^li Aatt'Vejffyt* vol* tttl.lja t$$k (uitonj(MBoaliy r i9n.Ma& 4* oa lit^ "quesj&tt whothsr tftp i»WHls&«re <v»ijj| •Usftljsjma.Mfios .ths-sal^ttdar^f ;Jh% Ko|i89 for Its «o»«MesajjQ«, Ja«pi"$vlai)i!^i{gro8Se* HS^Bttij yai», mm moA^, %%i\ $.$)$<$&%. ,h*v®. heeji. "%eic«|8*4y -^ W « cowni&toe twm .cc^tdaijjilieu Mi * Mtt'.M this o»t«et «e t}ili».;.js.#|} *f,e& the Mrtsi?: w*a xMi^a t% ImmodJa.tely after o .sutfictent. number had sigaadj, [ReprQaenta.-: tlsteh JSiftthiSttttji.^t^tSMSKlmd^lScq^. ot^^»i^lS^ttl«, jfsaft^ .oe#tMii •Dei»oera««[ «nd ItsphlWasi «et, ©*ga»S«*tfoirt.. v J^eft , Avely, ^ e e i l j \ i si^ttSjetaGsltege,^^5fi(i^^.v; ^eaeivo the bulk. of the e»tRte ,ftf; 'sllllsf Ella Jf. Ball, IW» « | , #^ f fpUwtt*-'iH» estatstftonsista of #20,-' $ta BSi*o»tt|jir6p«t^ ^dgeJohh-talfihtln Bs4ted' •f<|c^i.v;Jtaa gmhMsd padlock »sd*|t 'IqjjS;^ .mohtjis on* u> BBOtaiflfc-: j ^ g i i l i t ^ h e t s iis.:.*f«i -»Ue 8 ed §& mg^mfylWS were vlolst* ,» statement saying the/% 14 will show "thfe AM'ert^ exactly how ev^ry rep. ; standi on' the tit*" 'Tlioy addodf ** ^ e , »»•* naturally, j I the apaecly BUeceea" oi meiu'to^tiaifnhe m jiepenl *)f the l«tu Amend ifore the-Rous* oCfteftres .iter a$<Ktu^sjoh to th«:Jt*<>>*, ,„ tjelioVa that .ft new 1 chapte* wi opeusd today'itt t u e t i s t ^ <$ this co^trovsrsy nnd t h w the. mem*. ,ot buV efforts is «s*\w»jt?* Medina Rjaacte -> One Hundred ¥e«r M a r k Too»aBP©W , «•}» fri»'" Din t w ^ Tomovrow $he"^B,» J w U M l annWowsry ot t}»*tgr»*|f»| oj -chartov to thu VfllM* <rf Wh»o the tfatdjfctoMbfr4« tat to feV relldenU due to, (act that no public demonstratteh Jlia* heea pi^paredln Iwnior dt thei icifant, neve* the Jess the'f^rt '>te< mattts that the JneoffiaMtite at fthe* vIllRKQ took plado on'hWMh & fl8»st * ' r • ^i vlow of .tlie etwt'MlJrortJrhlft -neU has, asked' that'ilajss dW- jldayed la ttpi^ar'of the oco»|iltwf.)ft (a jtiKoly that sometime flmtlm <»« year «.. fitting obe«rv«B<!« « fl^i ovt*t .will h«-held. GUNS ROAR WHILE MPA« AND CHINA TALK •A, Sbanthal, War, >-^ flsrw Jsp-j ilirouih Csfttette **• to -AflatM».*aa«ik •««; th* JCInnrwan 'iiall&i Iftfm )Pfl.f-'ii|» ! thimdoflDR «#it,.-TBi-:li*l^ -«;r*#lwy over Iti*! Whole Use iato ShaoRhai, Jarrlnr sali*. -jatJ*»»* <-$pf,<J$fKWl» -of « WV hatUe earn* frpm Uutio, ao miles ' Tea :thoueaail new aa.paia»iej troot#,.lgaaJd-fWaw I4uk9,yt«i«ii% 4»»..,-*i** ilhUof tftjijf,/*^ ^,:aaa««?iii,;iiaii:^ijy DESTROYED BY Fl fii»a>-frV^s*i»wa*ji|ijifi Ayewwfe .3G, '-lis** !«•! J J s i f ^ r 'Ssadar*-. raade'homstess and at iesufc 70 bulMiuits were destroyed of dam-j aged hy a Ur# that mma through (SS%ar«of46t& to#f fih a wtnfl; that was neatly gafe » The homeiaw were eednwitsd at] s» high as f 10; the fire warshsi ptrt ths nuniher at Sdo. fi*#ltt«it» •m$» SMITH'S N AMF WH f W^^'MM^-i sF •-W ^ss7 , ^ jP'WsW Ss»WeVj^tt r ^V'V'sWMsfnlPRf PI ; Wort**. Um' '|,;***"Alfr«# ^ Smttk was fc«w»«y ttited today *i\ * suatliate for; -the;. Dem'oosiie- yreside#tist W|Ms^lMw|t' la -tt-* M«)»iU!h«#ett* prtsaaty, Apr. ffsflMf as««t to Mm iwe of W* MM hy tbewe amfchiig places ex' tn* state's 4ele|Mio«' to m m- .tfaaat- «»t«atJo»v x*a.*}j-*d -oEdap; MsseacNsetta saw twtore. Ati# g*m.mm **#***, was welT. «f kr Frea* Jl A a » h x , rx*<»- ^ss^. s« heunserlDg 1« a»y Wfy- .ta*^d*»lr« «f my trie*** hi- , ^p^^^^^S^BSwSS^nSFwWIS*. . ••* ' WJ<"^'IS:^WW^ - ¥-^^S^^" •vrtiaMMfos- »ev" we* * ##««r ,«f H> Smith's -assent to t«* a**- ufj MsaasMwItb the se^e**!*.'^ 'Hdtim. .' f*a* i»M atanrisrd be«r«f« a«^ 'M«pHi * e-iitb-HedgWI saHp» t*r4XsM«a 'Jer - eermstjm^ and «sr district *d i y * majority ef torlsissg (am 'OKI 1 CflaWMW whoa* homes' escaped the uames soioS a ia mihjr a*, fhey cc«M fihtrii were tfiiKf . - "ink *twt Kfiiif ttojaJ tank, two Wtfpr WlMtagf, # scheoj.. tJtehoKiBgh hall and fWoJ slttrchife l8*:sJid* who were among llw«» >&ftim jft^ft- lh«ilr homes ieitsti$M; ^t#4«»j»Iifd m J8«le», h«athf,*Thif jttMiDV wg# ««xe« iRf -to * Ji^W w past «t- ij^batogtoa, im* mmi j tho,c«iaw»re JWttt '' Tift •jaKSa'iK. '&««»»•« %» %»V#| -. 8yr»c«M* IfercJj 5^^A Gssrn*- to masleiaw as *-«r*dit*rte«,Wfl»; croahed to .worthlwsiiess. andtf, 4b« Wheels of «n *Hto*aohlte hers lodsy, It w-ss ytitted ,»4;|1T^ hy h» owwtr, Andre P*«|j, 4««d c*. th» violin depsrBhsirt, schoel cd $m arty at Syr«*a«# ifntvenity. »>. MA with rn* rlrttntoit*; e'aw t«t**d 'lender h** arm, #Hp- psd or* iee- «itd ««H .aS'.hfc - "ifIf ^ hscked their car -opt os* a jpWage-] pwpsrstery to t a « » ^ a|ea'.»(> trafit- m which J** w#«.to go to; nM.iphU aa guert e^ndw . ; •of- - -the. 'I*sawj!l*aii}# -'i^a-phOB^ Owhsetrs. The «*** flew #p*n a i g | ih# valaed iwi^meest., mooted] BJidfr »a* it*r. tWts*:!!*^ Jrfmsalf: ,-Jbwrd- tt. , -«y|jtfg m0^mt wife,* "d' -BOt teaie^l*^*; ,ti># Itis, fSnktflfc - wiltWft Inehsig "•«* th# .tioljB/cmJid'wei - « i y - ' i t e » Jt. ThsrVwM «.«ne«Mif( ssM fhe in. atmnw-ws».**B»'t#. ' ; ^here, - si* 'Oiiar»*«*s»* iSmn if Gtiillfi'lii: tlwr. outfottaMM* f M l , JhMt v,hich i t e w M J i l i ;4s» ose. Mr. fsdak laid ""' again fe»; ,#Hf.Md ,Or y-- Bed ira- set loft Unas: of tkritWi eewtAdegiatema* Klangwsn »»•, >«V»MMISK> ai»> ..•tliesHie ««,>»(• «eii. Chapef, dewMtsted -s*ttletrc««d ot the eMftiei's -heglsaljig, store ,ths» suienth ago,'took ta*h«*r- ii«*t nuttlUlMent « ' « # * a»nt sh«)t itliW far. It was * Waatag jaleww «»***h>e#'(»wttred liege *re«w«t Sh»rttere4 hslidlngs, ' 1 ( ' t Japftneee gtw« hatumeeW' 6*1. ;n»se poiftions with their powerful explosives. CWosse guns repKsd {Jn kind, thslr he*y{est-«itdtaMrte», placed ot» railway oars in 'Wettim J.Cliapel, thunderiog above the leaser pliK-es: ' The batile aheck everytWi* irlthlo mii«s< TtereBgioiit. Wmltn fiat's restdertlal dtsttfet mm mi spitlfnintlWe^te rssde*,aS# shelling iKIet fewnttag #* "tftO Ibe night, op«n*d >si» s f * l # H » . Jew danm. ' ' %J * Receive Ward Dt*ih at Hitae >^^^ ^Fw^*^^"eif ^wer ass'^B^sw^ewnr^ 5*r, 4 »*d Mrs, .J, 3* MiMlltt h w e Mcetv^d *oi&4t!Om M^m 4&&-M taafa- aWs* :*#>«. Kaasin "•wssa-ft* ^^^ssgw^^ .^sfwi^BieBm^MP' *s^V ^WWR IsfPeHlw^F «fgrwd.ltt w . ' a J « H t t « M r t t r W W ^ . ^ i W S ? f e ^ * M * front. K«*f by rewldents reported j - tier: .ftad' #«#a, »m $0, *i»; .with «ai<ilws Jn .# *s>iott. •o'ehscw: SteeiM^ feeejsj -www hsld l%te -aftermeen m Ooof stwjing chlMteg of ,fh» "w«" eotwf! 1I»rw we «J» sfsihi «g« m is well wuu itiddy Xmm\ land- Here the «atth word yMrt«rdey: Padding. - ' jju«is«i* -- m oBhtm Mmnvm , msnci ts 'CSAttlN d - Xferev Is «a* for fewrtghi: I*I»* J 'las; the hawse of a c«tal« -srtfelt; '^•:; ' >•».»,.©. <':•' t'f-lVB .:_"•, '-SJ^'0 J ' That 0«B||l to be »ln»»l#, imi\ fta thJalt^ tfe» k^e is * ]NNMa| whMllsjsiw.swtfjiUJce. If J# «»ut oay^aaflifc.m« - ^^^ ,*" w ^"Wpr^^jeawsiwiws»» U»t "ft i t a JWHI df jeMMiiieki w "««*•* wart mmmimifimmi- And «•!» mw MtH* aossw.* Ato» 't^ja^R t^g^U^Mfc •MAM -^^^^^M p»*sw J^ss^w i^s^^T#^»w ^»^W^ TH^^^S' ' Aotf est aheat te>l*4k* Msiil •*^SP l#^VIjS^BS^ ff^eSPSSfSBi^^fBg SBBBg^^BB^^B^. ^ They gathered. »li theft Mi* aaht t**a HKHslfr 0 $ f dsJil J i l t 4 t l e a f AaA J* tt MMM 1 esiw feeikvd Sfe*ld HtMf Mmfsfly SB**C* ( tTtBV ^••""' thalf OMrsMia ' And sJ#4ied (hear sge^itt. iMisi|tg lit sHWl asenrfsl jahe "Whsl £n M-Jkl* -1—*, litest *Tf* helsfi--oesj- ssedlwg deetf (Bad *

Transcript of i l w l MEPWA, I^W TOM, ^JP|i^.Y MANO $ Ms i FOn the...



|day mghi and Thursday.* Little *•

| n ! * p n M ^ i t < »,U- U.'"J UjmniJ—wpwwuwwii-irtnn i<w i .1 < HI » m iTjifjui " • i '"•'•• n "" ""'* ' i, - Ml-.TrI^rTTT?^*'l'*^S^''''^,''"^,''*w'^^


'^W^^-^'^SISS^^^BBBM^^ -es^Ms^gsflWWipji.

Mni*i i i##

Th«^^y jogrneufc re<-<d«»r if

# *

^ ^ ^ f f ^ ^ MEPWA, I ^ W TOM, ^ J P | i ^ . Y y MAEtSt 2, 18


fejjfcergh 3s, ^^onHMJlft mot 'and *M*s,, Cjjarles -&J KE35SI seized from his plilherlay'ifr oj a"sevfef'e

fefftBr night. aha taken Ipdtoapers -of. vefioia no jNji48» ftjiiftfl-'Wednesday; k||sri have frisked "550,000,

||?|h^&e'V •ehijia^ 'tfwto. Tfti$ were. aoS m^de pub-| ^ e ^ k f t d ' •Cifl'.-'lMfld-:!

|?*ajt«|f- M;' .?%$ttof $^;-#3Jn^*o&; y,"<'-* '

:tb# -;n3an-;'wh<i 1b#d-r»)ih;;

a p ,r ; ';eiteh'ftta- -MfK ii»e; fAt iiit 'iSpasfctJBe fsoarchera:

4 ^ - " $ * ^ * $ ^ ' - tJnat -«x*| | ' tn^f t ^i^o; fe i# ia ' s peril;

l a . ooti fsr> | ^ e r # v ^ 4

^eetant'koth^jv W s ;;pJos»'' i % tai-tt%^oay/A^'-§y6S

Iphtgiiant hy-hsr teats "thats 1ildr would strg;e£ifront JjajUl*.

drfiS^Mpa;iro»:ifei^anap| joof. chlja; ifiak h*ff a adbW|

at ^We^- .^V ' jMi to*^ '

Ibrokehhearte^ ;- l*,*J6S.'"1B(|tik: doctoring fcift;'.' M \$it^t

' ' * • • - • • ' . ' • • • ' • - • ' • , ' . ' ,

is. tiaa^g%'/attcivM St >%•

|'^o«iteg .to fee\pltji i e r iHaJ Wet-

; # 4$ftg!$m!$<^ QffiS ,^es)fe^ Jo ,ooinineiftt »jo "ithe ifeifinasijHE-^a^a

Gol. kinaieygns; qujet liat. inajJi-testly/snftejfing; fronj terrljle ati'ain,! sald^te, suapected ao «po; 1

Ttn black jacket ana'gOU cap, he; . helped jSOllce sea^cSi tits )?ji€t!'|iises. ell$s HrelregijaJityi ' ' :

f Th^ police toevr o^8y that tjie:

iutruaer* ha3 used a lafiEder, put vip, an'^ecajotfa;'Baa"scale* Into th$

f- WrseJ^.TOd' there' left th6 rana^ni' :Eofe» th&i had^sqtaittble^ Acmn t h | iadder, making Wa way 6 a polnf ^otirn ". "Eeatberlj,e,$ .laae'' toward;: 'the t»ala Jjig^wasi :. 'L '"• c5n. this^Sup, actiojdlpg 'ro"fS)tf|

.jpiplh% thO l&^hapiBV'lttwiAiift.^-^ a *onj«* assohipjfrCei , • "

Workmen Find $1,000 in Can

JDy«n?, Bardi l^-'Wojrki»en de» molishJpg aa oi3 frams house pear Bjji$srs Corates l» the t Jwn of Boge saBJ^ aejO|s. ^a o|4 Jrt on^ ean .hetween thje if/Ah whfch con talaed 4eMy J?*»W><>,4?i „ jRt^est. Iffisring qw^teateg i^ft^d h j tho

ffioylorfl State feaik of Sqdus. The oeri£^t*s ws^e f» fteiSOJSSpjjtiOjtjs, of *g85i $i«0*a»* $S0;

More thah ,20 yeB«3 9g° John &u$$n, d i}S^eMr,t eeaide* for :Manyf^aira;io IJe'siaihoBse. He died in Apyfj, 1913, ajseji i6? 3fe»««l

:aM«bJsssstjote s?a? gsttl|a,in 19313 !Bhe eettifiej»t88 aow nncoyerecl r*pWse»t ^ejpo^s m&de toy JVIr. ,4iist:n. .,an4v.«8J iheftpme; |».rt <?f jhfe.; estate. /* •., -

,ot^iaiwst.0ti^|i^''»Ji4^5tr*tfir of , j ^ ^ e ^ f e . ^ | i ^ a m s s ^ Slo«®son. .'qff ^,oic*tt!.'f#*.-, .ca^pey,. Thft jbhildihg;h^ ^hlWg^SsrtsseTr-

|,«r«t ttaies, 5Fhii fldjjjg; ,<}f i h s c e o Hftsatess Swas ;r*B0#ed» '&» Mr,

"'fh^psoni- :*&fXy$fc ^m^si»n>: ; w^oef. ift4"jiBphei^!of Mr, Austin ifc;fei»|it^"*?ltftOifrhecQ^eoWJiers

M FOB a Scenes ant Persons in the Current News

Nap6leop, Ohio, JMar. Ir-jfcllOh ;:that esca'^j'.:ft9m.a f i^kM,i*ft | !

• teiuck. <ageV<ijt; {he.*llksttt^''|«iitJ-«; i^Seciress^Oxe ;thl»=a|66inti^jS?j^: "irtj»isojDi#.;ife # -j*m' sift ;®9 'ioatij ^h^ofai*^fer *»<J; -i ii tMitf '4ftte1tr.Sa^;:t^rsoFi*^fc:;*eor^ '^'

"'ilb'eitisr; *" ;'• ' ~{ Cfrciis Mtaehes *na( :«oi«8^ **•;

?Me With tear .ga* faoiill*. ^ ilfles ioscea the «w«cej * ^ ; ;

lha.c* in<;<* its damage'd-cifftt.*pis»:

; was bftcjcga up .to the flftpr irf:tli$!

'*Ehe .^ijihial, which wKtftftftl .90ft«SSnij


I York, ^ar.^-^he. fritisk^hfemithjh 4*eaanry%.jaetm^ltt*-

hment whicif f^ •j^t^," '*-•"•>-*-*'-• **- ^—^^ :"^-

Iized it ha4 j^Bje^cfe'totjl ecent aout*:Jp4a^a4'i!i^;j •nguifea; t h M ^ I H o ^ ; 0 i ^

i large as%-^!^n*tef..i(ic«Jnf| |0O,Q0O on .Brja^'tO KB Aft-

banks. -- ..,: . repayinenfc-ijtt U *pptteg:j special ilk^h^"itei!e^[lt.«e.ij

«orga.tt '&. Cty$kii m dttW iai hpttsesf.-i,::,." v. / •'••.,

the pwt^&mW t&iJStoi ^^L^^^^f^'J^'-

iOf ithg^Hr.-lftiiMi**'* 9 t 4 N ^ I board aa»«8or has teceirtd a ' ^

*B1 he t^t^ll^ai s«|tho^hj fan agreeaient ail'hQt BalMor ayment hefo*6; &«# •&$& M*

ihoMths in ad*»ncfr -sf ^ittnrity :caw«48.*-.<lhitl6ct 8jfl«frjfei«'.to-WlSE] [Mtimt . • . • • • • • , •*•;

.-Ktetei i»: •#*»-. «tM*t-,*|. aai lbjwi fitrtiiBir. *tt4d*Sft .tfVftKoT^ hSFJ

|-««o -IRS- .f*ftea; :iriai '.<»« c* thii f;jBio»|..-3t3'|ac!«'jin»sfi|tti jMnioili^i ^h^to iyr i ia th igswhfe .it *(m ?forceJ,.-o*-fte-!|Olt *t«s'iarfl.

rthe roof was iorjn,ftom tbo cage '0*-|he a n i m a l . t t ^ * * « paaa^ iBSfer a railrpstir Mflge iuat -jQ&te.

;ihe city li»hlj!#jftuirtly iftej-J p.»;] ' .Only ?ni.flf Ihe. JtoRf Uejhi s'u&.: ifieeded Jn l«W>iag oYft the «p«»: top of tl(e 1^04 ;Ow of ithe trainers tta^a Sejith •.tw heat Jh« •-other 1 « l H i a M $ S & $ f e f t 3

vpike. * ' r Harry >a»J|jfc'-,*Wft...|ftd« M •-charge of ih*.ji^'t^jifc>.»lirrow&'l!

eaqapetf being ntnifti; ,>« he tried ^..sljp a largo hag^Vtr: j^» «n*| Jlnjiajfs head Juat illiec.^ ABgh|e«| •Oft'theiroad froift ^ft';wicf6^<ivM)E8:l ; •^•animal ap>1^h^\.-|*wpii#] cajftare by the f&ig^im:®&®&:

1, of |*opte struck i» th«>tt^t D i t | ca«*f toward o griahp wqt"#;*MR| stimett She noise ffi*dr,th«*,«hhaii*:

, r # ^ | t lowwrd the h*r» at ' ^ t v

I—Japtnew-intrhie In fiJw pushing a xotaryj?low throngh ionthvestera Colorado. 3h~VU indec th« autyicet'O* Japan aal

Expire March 8th

ihtrch «th, la the l»at Ostf-ftS. $i\m«mx& Mkppum sax »j^i Oona oh the Rtimary ballot, |hji: foWowlng poaitjons are to be p i* sea oh^Bfftaary day April 5th.:t§k$p ^%m stelegates to the Nhtlojaiit' eoriif^tien; Two alternato (1 1|« gates to the National Conventlprt; Tm metahora of the State C»n> aaltte*;"lEwo metnboxa of the Cosift*; <ty £^sa|r»l Conwatttaii lirottt

*rh» jiw-PrewrvaHba pljrty h«TO Jllei Pnrty positions as Jtol-

^he^JecUon or Two members of the Stato Committee from the 1th, ms<m aistrict.

'Waif? /membjsrs (at large) of; tho State Committee from the «th, i^diciai iPlatrict.

Two mi>mbor» of the $ou»tyj Cjjhtral Committee from each of thft 31 election districts of Orleans



United Action for Employment

pngifr ;)$$& **!' mm*&:--n$»' |ns this 4impajgn will win ' -of it ;*.fm?0i^,:*^^ui?,' of cei«^-:¥a^.eii;'ia^-.#%--gI*at. ny -o«-"^!|ai^Wft.'1wt'^*'

eadf >r*#o^fel!inf* iarh* I «bort:'iw#,*a*#Mfe*a^:*i&'

|ptoyirfi-v •-'•''•'*•;:;:-v .-;-: --,.;. |Tbe i^ . -^fmf |« |^t tmft

i *M* «id *^er««en , *

jut one unemployed man or

A Million Jobs, is the goal of

^fe lHEa«P I» fte -WAR

'"•$&'/gitift #$aipit_gB: has. hrOBght togeth« MOM Ameri-Afhg..ltt =I TO». M2|EHaS :th»a ;'^».,«^^','l(«to»» aoa#t- • »BM!VR end Jo tlim* «f pewce. .;-,':-'5jfif .***#• * « » iNKK l» JM* .4$£.tit;$&.*t !•**nwthod #.4#hti»t:.«». appsllioe: sp«c-

;.; '$N». ,:*- i^i*- **»*» * Pb' KASliUSTSSBD

^ ^ ei*Mt rforf to In IfNTTKD ACTION « « M

WITH *>*• W*a/. Jo,n yoor local > « * • * • * jeiw. ««*«»


. ^ l ^ t ^ * GlfpFi'%*?,•&-& P,ttt moaer sale of trid*ets aiad ««nrea-Irjj wtti;4b^M#>»"«faB« ^ihthelBjg; the oaBSpalga of Odr. Wjlllam H..

:Mmt#; $&• r#«W«crfH$--jHMi< dentlalHOBihiaUoa,, .., - Georg* Hkm»haw< ,mm0» -.<f; the. Mnrray^or-Pree!d*Bt | * * » d ^ few her* »ald wjtBitiAk* a i ^f.'

- ||»T«rl^-iis^^«ai»-,iMrBOft|' of the- c*ih crop school hrfd by | the "Wayna Coonty ,ftm» Boreaaj *t ihs-il«rtf«tk Grtngs Sail |od*y w * *bay eertMed seed.'* i l l of the speakers brought the heed this

ijeisr'of J o o d i S ^ i |#6Wj!er, ca*-i ttvation, a^d sjws3rlBg,

^ A Browne of SsWiHtah. ident, and IhO were fn attendsnee. Dr. Hugh Glasgow Of the Geueirs Experiment Ststion ;' -#rct|ssed plant dlsessesv 'IT# org*d early treatuwnt when tJ» plsfits mm first thrc^igb the ft««i>4. ! . ,

I )r . .eWiesCh*»*a«»f l f the 'state, colkge, ipoioe on t»atm*nt Of ditesMed plaice. He urged »

'and the use of tested seed. He said tfeti-»«<t^.j*tf c « M I* plsntiid In gweisd «*#t -tawd f«• .tabh^ge »r«r lo«^ ;iad •Sewnae-ini«t«iv|eeitj»i|f',ft-.:ihif tesehud .by mt -mmihtmm '*i)N8tt -ground. lie told oC *»ew-#etwto «*<* tf««6a«fe »«Doir 4 i t | | «f- ni«r-:i .owry,--iB'#K«- •«l,.|«|-»«rrcsf»e. sobltaate discOTtrs* fi» 1895.

Dr. Stat state* 44,- .ifiKms'ig th» genersl sgyftMbsral * Dr""'r

tha«> • • the bssie '^f.-iire-ww' | « r * 1|» yrice •<f t t ta podocta-i. W t«r «««*, 1*1* asaeWeery

WiBdshiBld stieksfs, c««p*l«h hats, women's hahdy

} pocket tnirrors and books contain­ing M«ray speechef have btea' place* oo sale throaghotit the m-

:«tti-lE&fhih*w,!' •^hf^ittfbnal Coniiflfttee, I f ^

ray'tor-JPrealdcitt. knows the Gov. ernors* stand against faror hiint-

I i«g «orperstIons and special fcfg lialerests, who do not contribBt* to *a»»Wgn«—they boy- (and fia --.g#43^ef-hs«- nothing'- to- uty,f\ fh» ««hmfttee has dedded; a#B t*te-ii»1tf%g: cah»»«tgft « y » e Rj«hij od -Of **snciBg .the campaign.'

Alj^ijy, Jtifa. 1~A pollticAl »p«t over the state** unempJoymewt, re* .li«C:|p9|nu|g *tthJ«ht' :tBWM**ett. ^h^-%ipil*ejr*;with' wh-eit** inm\

p i l l a r „t*M mefltlsg adjourn*. * aiteittt^Mt #«>«« dttfe f * pes*

ttoa of wwpjo»t,MK|y foftH'tw^' posed amussment admission Ux to* talso a taft«0d.««0 jftliof ~i\»f$l The nece*?})*, tor more* Jfetief ihoBoy a#a,,ft# -i new tax to rafira <U origlts4%;»^peawd to )&*(»«• won gtsdiflyMl hetweeh the' Demo* fcfatlc Qotensor, Itoilklltt % HooaeTett, «mv the ,v2R«pttMic»ii ioatlam of Mm tegislature.

^rutetta agajtast th# ijm wete lodKcd by thester Intsrwjs. The! l3o*ernor * i s deitrlbed'^s hellet* Jag the jt»«jBjii6fllt» l o t the tl»*> ter tax proposal WAS hwtire placed ofcilf.-JlienjaeiRi' :hy 'jd)« Jiejmtafcj -V'I i"'i;injii iiiiiij»iiii|'iinii»iiii?ii>ji inium'.iijinii',.,; LIIU


- Eatertaininjf . ' •*w*ilHj>JI>i*ti ' i i l l

Mrs. Clara Achilles Is entertnin-itkg the Kno*l«rrltIe ladles tm-«he«i Clsh *t o*e o'clock tedsr. •

;The d*«th of Miis JaJtanivft Hcgnn occurred •Th^daywyenhig; rehraary 25. at, hsr home In Ding-Btmfon, after a wsek's Mines* at PKoomonra, MM* Hogan-was a steter fit Her, Jumm A, Koga»,.

Mttof At St, SSHy*#'Cft«rcJ6. Bo-j Sides J«he^ # g 4 » * s%e ft* f«r» trrcd by several sisters and broth­ers. v^S*'stBM«(l wxi-'festst tismtoiki lUsbwsry 3»s^BtWar/'aCfen-cJi, ShtghsiBlon, ant ws* one a« th»

(**g»*t erar held te that chBroh. 'federal Mesfte wettls-^eiaftWiit-^ :Tbe-- Ms*t-«i«'» *tld' by *Slh*r ::Ho-;

f«»,*'»eir. '5flWWi»> H*]W«i«' <c* St-j Tsreaa's Chorch, Baifalo *»» »«•• •on, 1t*v. Destel JHOlloy of stMale-e#rt wax- S«&-I>escc#, sad. HOT. J*seph O'Cwtnor set Medina WJW Imam ot cttntvot. m« mi

were »i* iMfsae**.

can i««d«rs. Ho tbareHpon dscldsd, hto'.idytsiw *«i$r.- > hfftltftftHa <«*; buslines OR tte «tsj* o | tee lie* puhllciuM <|» ft*r»»ttljr' jwssgltafc : d» • i*|tsl*tait»-4o- -gpp»^cm«- - the

.^m-i^trnw .^ Mm «»*cw--KdxjEpil! '.JhHJ-.<.-8J#:<» 'Hi'* gtnteit; 'bu^i;hlf:JiJreiu|r htsea hsl»noed<; thslnltt»liy<ei:or*nyadtlIUoiiat,tsje iesrlettetliiJfettkjiilUr XMUl.-fFt^ tho imtoi&m,

should the h««lsIM«r6.«B«*t w appKSfJuMafc htfi AtK ..«*»**" "-W monty, hut fall-So pass sotn* ^i*m

.of t*s-M)» J^-^Wi«»#^|Ht'iHH acrthed as -teidjr tihJh ftWeSjr to;

aummon the Iswmiksirs t«ck for another t«ftl«tfc


m«hj»g . mt tr*A jiosmsi vote on consider**-"'?" ii hQl WgiviaJ eoatrpl « l He »'!? . •» states1 wa? asaared today. , ,

Tho wet hlec oMalned di S slgr* •^me^-ix^m * ^l&i^-^'--wlj8t*:j

Jim tonmAmoa to JA1».g Ih^^ho^li Aa tt'Vejffyt * vol* tttl.lja t$$k (uitonj(MBoaliyri9n.Ma& 4* oa lit^

"quesj&tt whothsr tftp i»WHls&«re <v»ijj| •Us ftljsjma .Mfios .ths-sal^ttdar^f ;Jh% Ko|i89 for Its «o»«MesajjQ«,

Ja«pi"$vlai)i!^i{gro8Se* HS^Bttij yai», mm moA , %%i\ $.$)$<$&%. ,h*v®. heeji. "%eic«|8*4y -^ W « cowni&toe twm .cc^tdaijjilieu Mi * Mtt'.M this o»t«et «e t}ili».;.js.#|} *f,e& the Mrtsi?: w*a xMi^a t%

ImmodJa.tely after o .sutfictent. number had sigaadj, [ReprQaenta.-: tlsteh JSiftthiSttttji. t tSMSKlmd lScq . ot^^»i^lS^ttl«, jfsaft^ .oe#tMii

•Dei»oera««[ «nd ItsphlWasi «et, ©*ga»S«*tfoirt..vJ^eft,Avely, ^ e e i l j

\ i si^ttSjetaGsltege,^^5fi(i^^.v; ^eaeivo the bulk. of the e»tRte ,ftf; 'sllllsf Ella Jf. Ball, IW» « | , # ^

f fpUwtt*-'iH» estatstftonsista of #20,-' $ t a BSi*o»tt|jir6p«t^

^dgeJohh-talf iht ln Bs4ted' •f<|c i.v;Jtaa gmhMsd padlock »sd*|t 'IqjjS;^ .mohtjis on* u> BBOtaiflfc-: j^gi i l i t^hets iis.:.*f«i -»Ue8ed §& mg^mfylWS were vlolst*

,» statement saying the/% 14 will show "thfe AM'ert^ exactly how ev ry rep. ; standi on' the tit*" 'Tlioy addodf • ** ^ e , »»•* naturally, j I the apaecly BUeceea" oi meiu'to^tiaifnhe m

jiepenl *)f the l«tu Amend if ore the-Rous* oCfteftres .iter a$<Ktu sjoh to th«:Jt*<>>*, ,„ tjelioVa that .ft new1 chapte* w i opeusd today'itt t u e t i s t ^ <$ this co^trovsrsy nnd thw the. mem*. ,ot buV efforts i s «s*\w»jt?*

Medina Rjaacte -> One Hundred ¥e«r

Mark Too»aBP©W , «•}» fri»'" Din t w ^

Tomovrow i» $he"^B,» JwUMl annWowsry ot t}»*tgr»*|f»| oj -chartov to thu VfllM* <rf Wh»o the tfatdjfctoMbfr4« tat to feV relldenU due t o , (act that no public demonstratteh

Jlia* heea pi^paredln Iwnior dt thei icifant, neve* the Jess the'f^rt '>te< mattts that the JneoffiaMtite at

fthe* vIllRKQ took plado on'hWMh & fl8»st * ' r • ^i vlow of .tlie etwt'MlJrortJrhlft -neU has, asked' that'ilajss h« dW-jldayed la ttpi ar'of the oco»|iltwf.)ft (a jtiKoly that sometime flmtlm <»« year «.. fitting obe«rv«B<!« « fl^i ovt*t .will h«-held.



Sbanthal, War, > - ^ flsrw Jsp-j ilirouih Csfttette **• to -AflatM».*aa«ik •««; th* JCInnrwan 'iiall&i Iftfm )Pfl.f-'ii|»!thimdoflDR «#it,.-TBi-:li*l^ -«;r*#lwy over Iti*! Whole Use iato ShaoRhai, Jarrlnr sali*. -jatJ*»»* <-$pf,<J$fKWl» -of « WV

hatUe earn* frpm Uutio, ao miles

' Tea :thoueaail new aa.paia»iej troot#,.lgaaJd-fWaw I4uk9,yt«i«ii% 4»»..,-*i** i lhUof tftjijf, /*^


DESTROYED BY Fl fii»a>-frV^s*i»wa*ji|ijifi Ayewwfe

.3G, '-lis** !«• ! JJsif^r 'Ssadar*-. raade'homstess and at iesufc 70 bulMiuits were destroyed of dam-j aged hy a Ur# that mma through (SS%ar«of46t& t o # f fih a wtnfl; that was neatly • gafe »

The homeiaw were eednwitsd at] s» high as f 10; the fire warshsi ptrt ths nuniher at Sdo. fi*#ltt«it»


SMITH'S N AMF WH f W^^'MM^-i sF • - W ^ss7 , ^ jP'WsW Ss»W ™ eVj^tt r ^V'V'sWMsfnlPRf


1 »

; Wort**. Um' '|,;***"Alfr«# ^ Smttk was fc«w»«y ttited today *i\ * suatliate for; -the;. Dem'oosiie-yreside#tist W|Ms lMw|t' la -tt-* M«)»iU!h«#ett* prtsaaty, Apr.

ffsflMf as««t to Mm iwe of W* M M hy tbewe amfchiig places ex' tn* state's 4ele|Mio«' to m m-.tfaaat- «»t«atJo»v x*a.*}j-*d -oEdap; MsseacNsetta saw • twtore. Ati# g*m.mm **#***, was welT. «f kr Frea* J l A a » h x , rx*<»-

^ s s ^ .

s« heunserlDg 1« a»y Wfy- .ta*^d*»lr« «f my trie*** hi-

, ^p^^^^^S^BSwSS^nSFwWIS* . . • • * ' WJ<"^'IS:^WW^ - ¥ - ^ ^ S ^ ^ "

•vrtiaMMfos- »ev" we* * ##««r ,«f

H> Smith's -assent to t«* a**- ufj MsaasMwItb the se^e**!*.'^

'Hdtim. .' f * a * i»M atanrisrd be«r«f« a«

'M«pHi * e-iitb-HedgWI saHp» t*r4XsM«a 'Jer - eermstjm^

and «sr district *d i y * majority ef

torlsissg (am


whoa* homes' escaped the uames soioS a ia mihjr a*, fhey cc«M

fihtrii were tfiiKf . - "ink *twt Kfiiif

ttojaJ tank, two Wtfpr WlMtagf, # scheoj.. tJtehoKiBgh hall and f WoJ slttrchife

l8*:sJid* who were among llw«» >&ftim jft ft- lh«ilr homes ieitsti$M; ^t#4«»j»Iifd m J8«le», h«athf,*Thif • jttMiDV wg# ««xe« iRf -to * Ji W

w past «t- ij^batogtoa, im* mmi • j tho,c«iaw»re JWttt

'' Tift •jaKSa'iK. '&««»»•« %» %»V#|

-. 8yr»c«M* IfercJj 5^^A Gssrn*-

to masleiaw as *-«r*dit*rte«,Wfl»; croahed to .worthlwsiiess. andtf, 4b« Wheels of «n *Hto*aohlte hers lodsy, It w-ss ytitted , »4 ; | 1T^ hy h» owwtr, Andre P*«|j, 4««d c*. th» violin depsrBhsirt, schoel cd $m arty at Syr«*a«# ifntvenity.

»>. M A with rn* rlrttn to it*; e'aw t«t**d 'lender h** arm, #Hp-psd or* iee- «itd ««H .aS'.hfc - "if If hscked their car -opt os* a jpWage-] pwpsrstery to ta«»^ a|ea'.»(> trafit- m which J** w#«.to go to; n M . i p h U aa guert e^ndw . ; •of- - -the. 'I*sawj!l*aii}# -'i^a-phOB^ Owhsetrs. The «*** flew #p*n a i g | ih# valaed iwi^meest., mooted] BJidfr »a* it*r. tWts*:!!*^ Jrfmsalf:

,-Jbwrd- tt.,-«y|jtfg m0^mt wife,* "d' -BOt teaie^l*^*; ,ti># Itis,

fSnktflfc - wiltWft Inehsig "•«* th# .tioljB/cmJid'wei - « i y - ' i t e » Jt. • ThsrVwM «.«ne«Mif( ssM fhe in. atmnw-ws».**B»'t#.

';^here, - si* 'Oiiar»*«*s»* iSmn if Gtiillfi'lii:

tlwr. outfottaMM* f M l , JhMt v,hich itewMJili

;4s» ose. Mr. fsdak laid ""'

again fe»;

,#Hf.Md ,Or y--Bed ira-


loft Unas: of tkritWi eewtAdegiatema* Klangwsn »»•, >«V»MMISK> ai»>

..•tliesHie ««,>»(• «eii. Chapef, dewMtsted -s*ttletrc««d

ot the eMftiei's -heglsaljig, store ,ths» suienth ago,'took ta*h«*r-ii«*t nuttlUlMent « '«#* a»nt sh«)t itliW far. It was * Waatag jaleww «»***h>e#'(»wttred liege *re«w«t Sh»rttere4 hslidlngs, ' 1

(' t Japftneee gtw« hatumeeW' 6*1. ;n»se poiftions with their powerful explosives. CWosse guns repKsd

{Jn kind, thslr he*y{est-«itdtaMrte», placed ot» railway oars in 'Wettim

J.Cliapel, thunderiog above the leaser pliK-es: ' • The batile aheck everytWi* irlthlo mii«s< TtereBgioiit. Wmltn fiat's restdertlal dtsttfet mm

mi spitlfnintlWe^te rssde*,aS# shelling iKIet fewnttag #* "tftO Ibe night, op«n*d >si» s f * l # H » . Jew danm. ' ' %J*

Receive Ward Dt*ih at Hitae >^^^ ^Fw^*^^"eif ^ w e r ass'^B^sw^ewnr^

5*r,4»*d Mrs, .J, 3* M i M l l t t hwe Mcetv^d *oi&4t!Om M^m 4&&-M taafa- aWs* :*#>«. Kaasin "•wssa-ft* ^^^ssgw^^ .^sfwi^BieBm^MP' *s^V ^ W W R IsfPeHlw^F

«fgrwd.ltt w . ' a J « H t t « M r t t r W W ^ . ^ i W S ? f e ^ * M * front. K«*f by rewldents reported j - tier: .ftad' #«#a, »m $0, *i»; .with «ai<ilws Jn .# *s>iott.

•o'ehscw: SteeiM^ feeejsj -www hsld l%te -aftermeen m

Ooof stwjing chlMteg of ,fh» "w«" eotwf! 1I»rw we «J» sfsihi «g« m is well wuu itiddy Xmm\ land- Here I» the «atth word yMrt«rdey: Padding.

- ' j j u « i s « i * --m oBhtm Mmnvm , msnci ts

'CSAttlN d - Xferev Is «a* for fewrtghi: I*I»*J

'las; the hawse of a c«tal« -srtfelt;

' •:; ' > • » . » , . © .

<':•' t ' f - l V B

.:_"•, '-SJ^'0 J ' That 0«B||l to be »ln»»l#, imi\

fta thJalt^ tfe» k^e is * ]NNMa| whMllsjsiw.swtfjiUJce. I f J# «»ut oay^aaflifc.m« -^ ^ ^ ,*"w^"Wpr^^jeawsiwiws»»


"ft i t a JWHI df jeMMiiiekiw

"««*•* wart mmmimifimmi-

And « • ! » mw MtH* aossw.*

Ato» 't^ja^R t^g^U^Mfc •MAM -^^^^^M p»*sw J ^ s s ^ w i s^^T#^»w ^»^W^ T H ^ ^ ^ S '

' Aotf est aheat te>l*4k* Msiil • * ^ S P l # ^ V I j S ^ B S ^ ff^eSPSSfSBi^^fBg SBBBg^^BB^^B^. ^

They gathered. »li theft M i * aaht t**a

HKHslfr 0 $ f dsJil J i l t 4 t leaf AaA J* tt M M M 1 esiw feeikvd Sfe*ld HtMf Mmfsfly SB**C*(

tTtBV ^••""' thalf OMrsMia '

And sJ#4ied (hear sge itt. iMisi|tg lit sHWl asenrfsl jahe "Whsl £ n M-Jkl* -1—*,

litest *Tf* helsfi--oesj- ssedlwg deetf

(Bad *