k ■' ' ' EVENING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY', FEBRUARY 2cf. I9Î0 m&&3* \ .. « w> .-T^rni to T! c. : 1 JAS. T. Ml/LLIIM & SONS. SENTENCES IN I CHARTER FOR KENT COURT PRODÜCEEXCHANGE John. R. Hudson J. Harlan Hudson. Vf Sole Agents for f IMPERIAL CHAIN HOISTS .1 ; Special to THE EVENING JOURNAL. DOVER. Del., Feb. 23.—Sentence» were Imposed by Judge Grubb In General Ses- sions Court follows: Janies Shannon, breaking and burglar- j Izlng Mr. CarroWs store at Frederica, $21 restitution money. Imprisonment for fif- teen months. Ernest Wharton, larceny of goods from J. G. Weinberg, $10 restitution money, nine months' Imprisonment, ten lashes at the whipping post on Saturday. March 6. James Hoxter, lighting at a school house, on« month. Winjam A. Hoxter, lighting at a school house (Imprisoned since October), one month. Henry Page, resisting and shooting Po- liceman Oliver Jones, three years in the workhouse. Thomas Hall, "Happy,-keeping * a gambling house, 1300 tine, otherwise six months at the workhouse. Owen Huit, selling liquor at Smyrna, six months. State Grangers to Form Cor- poration in Their Own Interests r. HUDSON SUPPLY CO. FRONT AND MARKET STREETS. I il a DOVER. Del.. Feb. 33.With over 300 shares subscribed at |3 a share, and Do- ver Orance Hall full to overflowing with farmers from all over the State, the Dela- ware Produce Exchange's temporary or- ganization decided to form a permanent organization, and appointed a committee of five to file articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of Stale. James T. 8ha.II- cro»s. of Middletown, presented at to- day's big meeting and Professor Wesley Webb was the secretary. The committee on charter consists of James T. Shallcross, Middletown: Gilbert J. Meredith, Felton: Samuel M. Harring- ton, Dover: David Pennewlll, Greenwood: H. P. Quattlander. Mlllsboro. As many farmers present declared that they would double their stock subscrip- tions If necessary to form a powerful Slate organization, and would Interest their neighbors, a permanent committee to solicit stock was appointed. President Shallcross appointed the following stock- I holders as this soliciting committee: C. P. Wainwrtght. Greenwood: John Heyd, Felton: M. N. Wlllltts. Middle- town; Joseph I. Phillips, Delmar; H. W. Marvin, Wyoming; J. E. Roland. Viola; Dr. H. N. Marvin. Dover; Oliver A Newton, Brldgeville; Burton Oosden. Wy- oming; H. P. Quattlander, Mlllsboro; J. H. Raughley. Harrington: Jacob E. Rosa, Milford; Edward A. Evans, Ches- wold; Harry V. I.yons, Lewe»; J. Frank Dukes, Selbyvlllo: F. J. Prettyman. Far- mington; C. H. Sackett, Lincoln. S. W. Darby, Jr., Frederica. The enthusiasm that prevailed grew from the general belief that the farmers of Delaware, by thus combining, could reach out and deal with the best markets In the world, that gluts could he ro- venled. that failures In returns could be obviated, and that by protecting the pur- chaser agalns dishonest and Irregular packages and packing of fruits, higher prices would be realized on every pro- duct. The charter will be applied for probably on Friday, and on Tuesdayl the stock- holders will again meet. mi AUTOMATIC PHONE. 2180. D. & A. PHONE, 2880. qsr i H i| Will Appeal for Fortune. GEORGETOWN. Feb. mayed by a Judgment of the Court of Common Pleas at Lisbon, Ohio, In re- fusing to recognize hla claim to a for- tune of 1200.000 left by the late Colo- nel James Riley, who died without a will. Edward Godwin, of Georgetown, and the head of the 22 Delaware claim- ants to the fortune, loft to-day for Ohio, where he will file his appeal bond, taking the Judgment Into a I Court for settlomcnt. VIOLENCE MARKING STRIKE OF TROLLEY MEN IN PHILADELPHIA ) 23.-Undlo- liV« ti I HEADS AND HANDS *\u - I Were working head and hand to clean up the win- ter stock: to-day, a lot of new values in our special sale: suits at half-price, »4. »5, $6 and 7.50 for good, strong suite: among them. All sizes in stout suits at »7.50: sizes 36 to 44 chest. Our new spring suits are in and ready, »10 to »30. If you are going away or need one for a special occasion. c > 5 w vs BRIDGEVILLE HAS FIRE LADDIES higher and serviceable sizes 34 to 40 Special Bargains y'ii Hpeclal to THE EVENING JOURNAL. BRIDGEVILLE, Del.. Feb. 23.The re- cently organized fire department Is ar- ranging for a big lair for the benefit of the department. All the business men and merchants of Brldgeville and surrounding towns ore contributing money and mer- chandise to be sold at the fair and an effort Is being mode to interest Wilming- ton merchants. Brldgeville recently installed a water works and the Are department was or- ganized soon after. It has become a very efficient body and the members very en- thusiastic. Prior (o Stock-taking, March 1st AU SILVERWARE REDUCED Special Bargains Displayed in Window. Jas, I. Mullin & S»m. (lb and Market \y >v- # 1 fco.PêÂjfJ ONE OF THE SPECIALS Five-Piccc Tea Set Re- duced from $18 to Other Goods in Proportion. $12 «Vwtf.-ÿarf a«» ' nyj COAL i CENTURY CLUB IN PLEASING ENTERTAINMENT MS nord m Special to THE EVENING JOURNAL* MIDDLETOWN, Del., Feb. 23- An in- teresting entertainment was given In the assembly room of the High School on Monday evening by the primary department, Mias Ada Scott and Miss Prudence Lewis, teachers. The room was crowded and all the little ones did their parts well, dollars were cleared, added to the piano fund, was the entertaining program; March and drill, patriotic medley, twelve boys: recitation, Florence Pen- newell; Soldier Boy Game, primary boys; recitation and solo, P. L. Mc- Whorter. Jr.; recitation. Virgle Wil- liams; Snow Brigade, (motion song) Roger Lockwood, Miller Reed, Lacey Swain, Allee Hall. George Blandsfleld. Frank Jones; recitation, Claude Fore- acre; recitaion, Laura Fogel; marching song. Clara Brady, Corrine Vansant, Mary West, Esther Bryncs. Marion Armstrong. Margaret Ritchie; Brave Soldier Lads, Frank Jones. Edwin Mc- Dowell, Harris Berkman, George Swain, Howard Dickson; solo, Helen McWhor- ter; Washington,(exercise) ten boys; recitation, Viola Marker; Red, White 1 and Blue(drill) twelve girls. A little play was given In which the following children took part: Marion Binder, Hattie Cschran. Alice Hall, Miller Reed. Song. America,school . » I <5* •» No Belter Coal Than Our Coal. Try it Yourself. IV I, DISTRICT SCHOOL AT BLUEBERRY CORNER . ; t> m IVÏMYok 1 j REYBURN\ CONSUMERS I ICE AND COAL CO. Jewelers. tja- m About twenty-six which will be Following O' ;■ . 'A . !rTÜ Special to THE EVENING JOURNAL. DOVER. Del.. Feb. 23.The Lend-a Hand Society of The People's Church, will present "The District School at Blue- berry Cornerin the Dover Opera House on the eevning of Wednesday, March 2. This Is a farcical entertainment in three scenes. Scene 1 shows the examination of applicants for the position of teacher. Scene 2 shows the first day In school with the new teacher Installed. Scene 3 de- picts the closing exercises of the school, consisting of declamations, compositions and singing by the scholars. On this momentous occasion, the school will be visited by the commissioners of the district and parents and friends of the children. It will be an excellent oppor- tunity to compare the district school of 1S60 with that of to-day. The complete pro- gram will be prepared by Thursday of this week. , bVüt ■■‘.i Fifth and Market Sts. mTV Main Office, 2d and King Sts. - -W- A nxmmïïKïNfSTREET -aaa F-Vr I IF TWENTY-FIVE 1 PER CENT. 1 - ; m Is worth saving, let us show you a splendid collection of excellent examples of French Limoges China at a price on which you can save Si cents on every dollar. ■Î gm5 f PREPARE FOR SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION f f m * C. F. RUDOLPH, KARKKT AND FOURTH STREETS. The executive committee of the Wil- mington Sunday School Union met on Monday and arranged for the twenty- third annual State convention, which will be held In West Presbyterian I Church on Wednesday and Thursday, 1 April 27 and 28. Sonia of the speakers for the oc- casion will be W. C. Pearce, Interna- tional superintendent of adult class work of Chicago; W. G. Landis, general j »•■cretary of Pennsylvania; Dr. K. H- MfCCIOISIARV AT Delk of Philadelphia: Bishop F. J. j 1 (U Kinsman, the Rev. AY. O. Hurst, of I Seaford: Dr. C. A. Hill, the Rev. L. j Judson AVestfall. the Rev. Thomas P. Holloway, the Rev. J. H. Crawford. Miss Maggie S. Wilson, of Seaford, and Miss Cora Coates, superintendent of elementary work of Philadelphia. Charles N. Bower was appointed chairman of the committee on enter- tainments, A. A'. Hughes, committee of ushers, and Miss H. Klingerman, chair- man of enrollment committee. 1 •il & Stock Reducing Sale February 1st Is stock taking time. It is then that we want our stock lower than at any other time In tho This month wo do not care Help Yourself POLUNGSTRJKE- S&aksp from Jst2 ** .. ~ MIDDLETOWN )rear. for profits but would like Id ex- lot more of our stock for Wholesale dollar value for teal 1 . NEWPORT Change a cash. dollars. I , Ten per cent, reductions on all sales. Twenty per cent, off all metal baa» Pine Watch and Jewelery repairing. Watches cleaned »1.00. Maineono « |1.00. All work guaranteed. Special to THE EVENING JOURNAL. MIDDLETOWN, Del., Feb. 23.-George I AVashlngton was properly remembered on They are made from the purest ingredients, are rich, frcsli and delicious. When yon want a real treat in confections try our kind. Special to THE EVENING JOURNAL. NEWPORT, Del.. Feb. 23,-The Marshall THEY SAY PRAYER SERVICE Iron and Steel Companys plant which I Tuesday by the women of the Middletown has been closed for the past week, has I -'PW'<^entury Club. The committee In began operation again. charge of the day. Mrs. G. V, Peverly, Miss!Vera Duff, who is attending the,^r9' an(l Miss Edith Shall- AA'oman's College at Baltimore, spend- ing a week's vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Lewis Duff. The Rev. W. N. Sloan, D. D., district secretary of the Presbyterian Home Mis- sionary Board will address the prayer- tneeilng at Central Presbyterian Church this evening. Dr. Kloan was at one time a horde ml.lonnry In Montana, and Knows the work of fold point of view. He Is an Interesting speaker, and will havo something worth hearing. * M. C. Robbini. Joseph Kern ------ JEWELER------ 19 Market St, cross, worked hard and the result was one of the most delightful days of the j season. Several visitors were present, one of whom helped entertain. So many things they say Just now,! Tts hard to keep apace; [Wise like the Serpent we must be. To enter In the race. They say tis this, they say 'fls that, They gossip all day long; They never give a single thought. That they are doing wrong. 2d Floor The pupils and teachers of the Newport Public School enjoyed Tuesday as a holi- day. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Way have remov- ed to AAllmlngton. William Price is quite 111 at hla home on SI. James street. Miss Irene Price /.as returned home from a week's visit with relatives in Elk- ton. Charles Nearly, of Wilmington, spe it Sunday as the guest of MIsZ Alice Coop- Reynolds Candy Co., missionary from u two- As the members entered toe club room, they were met by three "Washington La- dies,Misses Charlotte Peverley Laura Connellee and Helen McDowell, who wel- comed them. The room was elaborately trimmed with patriotic colors in crepe paper. An interesting program was given as follows; Singing. "Star Spangled Banner.Reading, Lady AVashlngton and Her Son." by Miss Edith Shallcross, dressed as Lady Washington. Plano duett. Mrs. J. Allen Johnson, Miss Mary Hutchln. Reading. "Wedding of George Washing- ton.Miss Whiteman, of Wilmington. Duett. Mrs. Johnson, Miss Hutchln. Reading from Thackery's "Virginians,niITA AT f* â TIDI1?DC M'. RURAL IAKKilKj ELECT OFFICERS WARNER’S COAL FIFTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY INVITATION Sunday, March 6th, will mark the Ilf- | tleth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smlthens. of Smyrna, Del- aware. No formal Invitations are to be issued but they will be glad to see all their friends at their home on Com- merce street. Monday, March 7th, from 3 to 5 ocolck and from 8 to 10 In the I evening. They desire this to ho rc- I gat'ded by all their friends as a per- sonal Invitation,* Nox McCain to Lecture Here. An Egyptian travelogue will be given tomorrow night by Nox McCain In the gymnasium of FriendsSchool at 8 o'clock. The lecture will be Illustrated by an unusualy tine set of stereoptl- con slides. Unlike moat of the lec- tures in the course, a small admission foe will be charged as there is more than the usual expense attached lq this lecture. Good coal, well piepared. They pick to pieces all their friends, They tear them ail to shreds; They let their scandal fall like rain, On I heir defenseless heads. From early morn 'till night-shades fall, They go from door to door; They tell Just everything they know, Indeed, they tell much more. / ' E. B. Grilieaberg, Mgr. 415 Market St. 225 Delaware Ave. Grand Opera House PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA or. CARL POHLIG, Conductor. To-night at 8.30. REQUEST PROGRAMME. Tickets at Grand Opera House. MARRIED FIFTY YEARS. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smithers of Smyrna to Celebrate Golden Anniversary. .Special to THE EVENING JOURNAL. SMYRNA. Del., Feb. 23Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smithers of this town, will have been married 50 years on Sunday, Mardi H, and they will celebrate this Interesting anniversary, by holding a reception at . their home on Commerce street on Mon-; THIS FUNERAL day, March 7 from 3 to 5 o'clock, and | I I'd rather meet the bandit, AVIth sword and pistol armed : Ho could not Injure me as much, Nor do me near I he ..arm, That Iho daffy seandaler can do, AVllh her venom every time 'Tls like the Serpent as It trailed. In the garden-home Us slime. The committee surprised those present with Cere-sota with most delicious refreshments faevors of candy cherries. Î* THE EVENING JOURNAL. I'd rather meet the pestilence. E'en with Its trail of death; Than suffer from Ihe scorching flame. Of scandal's blighting breath For life's such n worthless thing, And hearts so often break, Because the breath of Their spotless lives o ertake. ' V Special to DOVER, Del.. Feb. 23.The Rural Mail Association of Delaware held % \ Flour A MILE LONG * from 8 to 10 o'clock p. m. Mr. Smithers Is the owner of the Smyr- na Gas Works and a retired Delaware railroad official. Mrs. Smithers has been ! for years, president of the Kent County W. C. T. U-. and well-known in the State and National W. C. T. U. organizations. They have friends throughout the Slate and are .Issuing an invitation to all through Ihe press. No formal Invitations will bo sent out. J / u ■f Carriers' their annual meeting to-day and discussed largest funeral held in this section for j rlous propositions for National years took place yesterday when Ihe body I'ar 1 . . . , . of George Bryan, storekeeper and post- 1 state atd on a comI>lc,of EOO<l master, of Sycamore, was buried In As- ! roads. William E. Cole, of Lelpsic, and bury Churchyard. The funeral procession j Mr. Stevens, of Maryland, made vigorous was nearly a mile long, and it took an hour for those attending to pas? the ! coffin. People from all over Sussex conn- 1thc year; jty drove over, and every farmer's house i President, AA. Harry Brown, of Seaford; __ In the vicinity was thrown open to enter- vice-president. James Crow, of Newark; Plans for the annual dinner of the taln fhcm. Hev, j. . rjsrrlcllKon and Rev I 8ecretary. (re-elected) Mrs. L. A. Don- Board ol Trade have been started and , w)ll|tn T,I1(,all l(oth ,1{C|onR frlcnds nf i oho Edge Moor; treasurer, J. H. John- the committee on house and social fea- fK. 08 1 1 on°. r'UK , ... , ,, , ... . * ! the deceased, preached, turc» will shortly »elect the dale. y O GEORGETOWN. Del., Feb. 23.The 1 mil > ■4 mdal. w O Don!, defend me. T would a»k, From tonguOD that are defiled. / speoche». These officer« were elected for over Theyre like the I pas plant (hat lives, In sections dark and wild. Id 'ra*her-have s spotless name. Than all that earth can Rive; Tls better far than rubles grand. I want it ûBoard of Trade Banquet. Try a Bag. X vhlle I live. son, of Houston. Sold at All Grocers. Trade Board Committee Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Board of Trade Committee this evening to Major 1 FREE EXHIBIT THE PEOPLES STORE. arrange for a meeting Deakyne, United States Engineer at Philadelphia tomorrpw, when the ques- tion of a 35-foot channel for the Dela- ware will he considered. The Navigation and Transportation Committee will meet nt 8 oclock to with FREE FOR THE Lyn Thomas Optometrist and Jeweler, Just think of a 12)4 pound hag of CcreSota Flour making 2 loav'cs more to the bag ; then Avhy not use CcrcSota Flour, thc famous flour from Minnesota? It is manufactured expressly for use in the household ;cvcry sack is guaranteed and money Avili be returned if you are not satisfied, bread and pastry may be made with CcrcSota Flour. ASKING 9 Proprietor, Interlaken Lakes, . Switzerland. For Your Correspondence Showing the largest pop- ular price retail Jewelry Store in Delaware. PostGards A Painting Unique.Six feet high. 14 feet long, To be seen in our Eye Par- Bcautiful, white and nourishing consider a number of subjects. Established 15 years. Only 409 Market Street. Wilmington, Del. Our Eye Fitting Parlor ia complete. Eyes examined and fitted. The eame done by two Delaware Licensed Optometrists (or Opticians). The Its It and all the latest improved Mountings, Lenses (including the Famous Tori* Lens), fitted by us at a saving of something to you. Oculists and Hospital Prescriptions Fillsd. Broken G'itui replaced quickly; just bring us the pi eces. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p. OUR JEWELRY, WATCH, DIAMOND, SILVERWARE AND CUT GLASS DEPARTMENTS show everything in the best makes at popular prices. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT does everything. Six men at it. FREE PUBLIC WAITING ROOM, with alt conveniences, lady attendait. Took Stroll to Newport. The parents of Joseph Dlminskl, who Is but four years old, and lives at Maryland avenue and Linden streets, were much concerned over the disap- pearance of the youngster yesterday. The lad could not be found anywhere and the mother was becoming much exercised, when word came from New- port that a child had been picked up near Haydens, outside the town and was given In keeping of thc town bail- iff. Joseph was taken home lost night. He had walked al the way to Newport. lor. John R. Marr Co. Disfributing Agents, 106 E. Second SI. A .i Snellenburgs Marke! and Seventh Streets Snellenburgs Market and Seventh Streets The Snellenburg Halt-Price Sale of Winter Clothes Offers You What Every Man KnowsThe Best Ready- Made Clothes in the Land. THOUSANDS OF THIS SEASONS GARMENTS TO CHOOSE FROM 1 \ V

Transcript of I JAS. T. Ml/LLIIM & SONS.

k ■' ' '

EVENING JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY', FEBRUARY 2cf. I9Î0m&&3*\.. « w> .-T^rnito T! c.



Sole Agents forf

IMPERIAL CHAIN HOISTS.1 ; Special to THE EVENING JOURNAL.DOVER. Del., Feb. 23.—Sentence» were

Imposed by Judge Grubb In General Ses­sions Court a» follows:

Janies Shannon, breaking and burglar- j

Izlng Mr. CarroWs store at Frederica, $21 restitution money. Imprisonment for fif­teen months.

Ernest Wharton, larceny of goods from J. G. Weinberg, $10 restitution money, nine months' Imprisonment, ten lashes at the whipping post on Saturday. March 6.

James Hoxter, lighting at a school house, on« month.

Winjam A. Hoxter, lighting at a school house (Imprisoned since October), one

month.Henry Page, resisting and shooting Po­

liceman Oliver Jones, three years in the

workhouse.Thomas Hall, "Happy,-’ keeping * a

gambling house, 1300 tine, otherwise six months at the workhouse.

Owen Huit, selling liquor at Smyrna, six


State Grangers to Form Cor­poration in Their Own





DOVER. Del.. Feb. 33.—With over 300 shares subscribed at |3 a share, and Do­ver Orance Hall full to overflowing with farmers from all over the State, the Dela­ware Produce Exchange's temporary or­ganization decided to form a permanent organization, and appointed a committee of five to file articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of Stale. James T. 8ha.II- cro»s. of Middletown, presented at to­day's big meeting and Professor Wesley Webb was the secretary.

The committee on charter consists of James T. Shallcross, Middletown: Gilbert J. Meredith, Felton: Samuel M. Harring­ton, Dover: David Pennewlll, Greenwood: H. P. Quattlander. Mlllsboro.

As many farmers present declared that they would double their stock subscrip­tions If necessary to form a powerful Slate organization, and would Interest their neighbors, a permanent committee to solicit stock was appointed. President Shallcross appointed the following stock-

I holders as this soliciting committee:

C. P. Wainwrtght. Greenwood: John Heyd, Felton: M. N. Wlllltts. Middle- town; Joseph I. Phillips, Delmar; H. W. Marvin, Wyoming; J. E. Roland. Viola; Dr. H. N. Marvin. Dover; Oliver A Newton, Brldgeville; Burton Oosden. Wy­oming; H. P. Quattlander, Mlllsboro; J. H. Raughley. Harrington: Jacob E.Rosa, Milford; Edward A. Evans, Ches- wold; Harry V. I.yons, Lewe»; J. Frank Dukes, Selbyvlllo: F. J. Prettyman. Far­mington; C. H. Sackett, Lincoln. S. W. Darby, Jr., Frederica.

The enthusiasm that prevailed grew from the general belief that the farmers of Delaware, by thus combining, could reach out and deal with the best markets In the world, that gluts could he ro- venled. that failures In returns could be obviated, and that by protecting the pur­chaser agalns dishonest and Irregular packages and packing of fruits, higher prices would be realized on every pro- duct.

The charter will be applied for probably on Friday, and on Tuesdayl the stock­holders will again meet.

mi AUTOMATIC PHONE. 2180.D. & A. PHONE, 2880.qsr

— i Hi| Will Appeal for Fortune.


mayed by a Judgment of the Court of

Common Pleas at Lisbon, Ohio, In re­

fusing to recognize hla claim to a for­

tune of 1200.000 left by the late Colo­

nel James Riley, who died without a

will. Edward Godwin, of Georgetown,

and the head of the 22 Delaware claim­

ants to the fortune, loft to-day for

Ohio, where he will file his appeal bond, taking the Judgment Into a I

Court for settlomcnt.






- I We’re working head and hand to clean up the win­ter stock: to-day, a lot of new values in our special sale: suits at half-price, »4. »5, $6 and 7.50 for good, strong suite:among them. All sizes in stout suits at »7.50: sizes 36 to 44 chest. Our new spring suits are in and ready, »10 to »30. If you are going away or need one for a special occasion.

c > 5w




and serviceablesizes 34 to 40

Special Bargains y'iiHpeclal to THE EVENING JOURNAL.

BRIDGEVILLE, Del.. Feb. 23.—The re­cently organized fire department Is ar­ranging for a big lair for the benefit of the department. All the business men and merchants of Brldgeville and surrounding towns ore contributing money and mer­chandise to be sold at the fair and an effort Is being mode to interest Wilming­ton merchants.

Brldgeville recently installed a water works and the Are department was or­ganized soon after. It has become a very efficient body and the members very en­thusiastic.

Prior (o Stock-taking, March 1st


Special Bargains Displayed

in Window.

♦ Jas, I. Mullin & S»m.

(lb and Market\y ■ >v-




duced from $18 to

Other Goods in Proportion.

$12«Vwtf.-ÿarf a«» ' nyj COALi CENTURY CLUB IN



nord m Special to THE EVENING JOURNAL* MIDDLETOWN, Del., Feb. 23- An in­

teresting entertainment was given In the assembly room of the High School on Monday evening by the primary department, Mias Ada Scott and Miss Prudence Lewis, teachers. The room was crowded and all the little ones did their parts well, dollars were cleared, added to the piano fund, was the entertaining program;

March and drill, patriotic medley, twelve boys: recitation, Florence Pen- newell; Soldier Boy Game, primary boys; recitation and solo, P. L. Mc­Whorter. Jr.; recitation. Virgle Wil­liams; Snow Brigade, (motion song) Roger Lockwood, Miller Reed, Lacey Swain, Allee Hall. George Blandsfleld. Frank Jones; recitation, Claude Fore- acre; recitaion, Laura Fogel; marching song. Clara Brady, Corrine Vansant, Mary West, Esther Bryncs. Marion Armstrong. Margaret Ritchie; Brave Soldier Lads, Frank Jones. Edwin Mc­Dowell, Harris Berkman, George Swain, Howard Dickson; solo, Helen McWhor­ter; ’’Washington,” (exercise) ten boys; recitation, Viola Marker; “Red, White

1 and Blue” (drill) twelve girls.

A little play was given In which the following children took part: Marion Binder, Hattie Cschran. Alice Hall, Miller Reed. Song. “America,’’ school

. » I

<5*•»“No Belter Coal Than Our Coal.

Try it Yourself.IV



; t>■• m I VÏMYok 1


I ICE AND COAL CO.Jewelers. tja- ■


About twenty-six which will be


-Ç O' ;■. 'A .


DOVER. Del.. Feb. 23.—The Lend-a Hand Society of The People's Church, will present "The District School at Blue­berry Corner” in the Dover Opera House on the eevning of Wednesday, March 2.

This Is a farcical entertainment in three scenes. Scene 1 shows the examination of applicants for the position of teacher. Scene 2 shows the first day In school with the new teacher Installed. Scene 3 de­picts the closing exercises of the school, consisting of declamations, compositions and singing by the scholars.

On this momentous occasion, the school

will be visited by the commissioners of

the district and parents and friends of the

children. It will be an excellent oppor­

tunity to compare the district school of 1S60 with that of to-day. The complete pro­gram will be prepared by Thursday of this week.

, bVüt■■‘.iFifth and Market Sts. mTV

Main Office, 2d and King Sts.■ - -W-A

nxmmïïKïNf’STREET -aaa

F-Vr I


1 -


m Is worth saving, let us show you a splendid collection of excellent examples of French Limoges China at a price on which you can save Si cents on every dollar.

■Îgm5 f ■


J« ff

m *


The executive committee of the Wil­

mington Sunday School Union met on

Monday and arranged for the twenty-

third annual State convention, which

will be held In West Presbyterian

I Church on Wednesday and Thursday,

1 April 27 and 28.

Sonia of the speakers for the oc­

casion will be W. C. Pearce, Interna­

tional superintendent of adult class work of Chicago; W. G. Landis, general j »•■cretary of Pennsylvania; Dr. K. H- MfCCIOISIARV AT Delk of Philadelphia: Bishop F. J. j 1 (U

Kinsman, the Rev. AY. O. Hurst, of I Seaford: Dr. C. A. Hill, the Rev. L. j

Judson AVestfall. the Rev. Thomas P.Holloway, the Rev. J. H. Crawford.Miss Maggie S. Wilson, of Seaford, and Miss Cora Coates, superintendent of elementary work of Philadelphia.

Charles N. Bower was appointed chairman of the committee on enter­tainments, A. A'. Hughes, committee of ushers, and Miss H. Klingerman, chair­man of enrollment committee.


&Stock Reducing Sale■February 1st Is stock taking time.

It is then that we want our stock lower than at any other time In tho

This month wo do not careHelpYourself

POLUNGSTRJKE-S&aksp fromJst2

** ’’ .. ~ ■ ■

• MIDDLETOWN )rear.for profits but w© would like Id ex-

lot more of our stock for Wholesale dollar value for teal

1 . NEWPORT Change a cash.dollars. I ,

Ten per cent, reductions on all sales.Twenty per cent, off all metal baa»

Pine Watch and Jewelery repairing. Watches cleaned »1.00. Maineono « |1.00. All work guaranteed.


MIDDLETOWN, Del., Feb. 23.-George I AVashlngton was properly remembered on

They are made from the purest ingredients, are rich, frcsli and delicious.

When yon want a real treat in confections try our kind.

Special to THE EVENING JOURNAL. NEWPORT, Del.. Feb. 23,-The MarshallTHEY SAYPRAYER SERVICE Iron and Steel Company’s plant which I Tuesday by the women of the Middletown

has been closed for the past week, has I -'PW'<^entury Club. The committee In began operation again. charge of the day. Mrs. G. V, Peverly,

Miss!Vera Duff, who is attending the,^r9' an(l Miss Edith Shall-

AA'oman's College at Baltimore, 1» spend­ing a week's vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Lewis Duff.

The Rev. W. N. Sloan, D. D., district secretary of the Presbyterian Home Mis­sionary Board will address the prayer- tneeilng at Central Presbyterian Church this evening. Dr. Kloan was at one time a horde ml.lonnry In Montana, and Knows

the work of fold point of view. He Is an Interesting speaker, and will havo something worth hearing. *

M. C. Robbini.

Joseph Kern------ JEWELER------

19 Market St,

cross, worked hard and the result was one of the most delightful days of the

’ j season. Several visitors were present, one

of whom helped entertain.

So many things they say Just now,!

Tts hard to keep apace;

[Wise like the Serpent we must be.To enter In the race.

They say tis this, they say 'fls that,

They gossip all day long;

They never give a single thought.

That they are doing wrong.

2d FloorThe pupils and teachers of the Newport Public School enjoyed Tuesday as a holi­day.

Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Way have remov­ed to AA’llmlngton.

William Price is quite 111 at hla home on SI. James street.

Miss Irene Price /.as returned home from a week's visit with relatives in Elk- ton.

Charles Nearly, of Wilmington, spe it Sunday as the guest of MIsZ Alice Coop-

Reynolds Candy Co.,

missionary from u two- As the members entered toe club room, they were met by three "Washington La- dies,” Misses Charlotte Peverley Laura Connellee and Helen McDowell, who wel­comed them. The room was elaborately trimmed with patriotic colors in crepe paper.

An interesting program was given as follows;

Singing. "Star Spangled Banner.”Reading, “Lady AVashlngton and Her

Son." by Miss Edith Shallcross, dressed as Lady Washington.

Plano duett. Mrs. J. Allen Johnson, Miss Mary Hutchln.

Reading. "Wedding of George Washing­ton.” Miss Whiteman, of Wilmington.

Duett. Mrs. Johnson, Miss Hutchln.Reading from Thackery's "Virginians,” niITA AT f* â TIDI1?DC



Sunday, March 6th, will mark the Ilf- | tleth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smlthens. of Smyrna, Del­aware. No formal Invitations are to be issued but they will be glad to see all their friends at their home on Com- merce street. Monday, March 7th, from 3 to 5 o’colck and from 8 to 10 In the

I evening. They desire this to ho rc- I gat'ded by all their friends as a per­sonal Invitation,*

Nox McCain to Lecture Here.An Egyptian travelogue will be given

tomorrow night by Nox McCain In the gymnasium of Friends’ School at 8 o'clock. The lecture will be Illustrated by an unusualy tine set of stereoptl- con slides. Unlike moat of the lec­tures in the course, a small admission foe will be charged as there is more than the usual expense attached lq this lecture.

Good coal, well piepared.

They pick to pieces all their friends, They tear them ail to shreds;

They let their scandal fall like rain,On I heir defenseless heads.

From early morn 'till night-shades fall, They go from door to door;

They tell Just everything they know, Indeed, they tell much more.

/ ' E. B. Grilieaberg, Mgr.

415 Market St. 225 Delaware Ave.


or.CARL POHLIG, Conductor.

To-night at 8.30. REQUEST PROGRAMME.

Tickets at Grand Opera House.MARRIED FIFTY YEARS.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smithers of Smyrna to Celebrate Golden

Anniversary..Special to THE EVENING JOURNAL.

SMYRNA. Del., Feb. 23—Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Smithers of this town, will have been married 50 years on Sunday, Mardi H, and they will celebrate this Interesting anniversary, by holding a reception at .

their home on Commerce street on Mon-; THIS FUNERALday, March 7 from 3 to 5 o'clock, and |

II'd rather meet the bandit,

AVIth sword and pistol armed :Ho could not Injure me as much,

Nor do me near I he ..arm,That Iho daffy seandaler can do,

AVllh her venom every time 'Tls like the Serpent as It trailed.

In the garden-home Us slime.

The committee surprised those present

withCere-sota with most delicious refreshments faevors of candy cherries.

‘Î*THE EVENING JOURNAL.I'd rather meet the pestilence.

E'en with Its trail of death;Than suffer from Ihe scorching flame.

Of scandal's blighting breath —For life's such n worthless thing,

And hearts so often break,Because the breath of

Their spotless lives o ertake.

' V Special toDOVER, Del.. Feb. 23.—The Rural Mail

Association of Delaware held


\ Flour A MILE LONG*from 8 to 10 o'clock p. m.Mr. Smithers Is the owner of the Smyr­

na Gas Works and a retired Delaware railroad official. Mrs. Smithers has been ! for years, president of the Kent County W. C. T. U-. and well-known in the State and National W. C. T. U. organizations. They have friends throughout the Slate and are .Issuing an invitation to all through Ihe press. No formal Invitations will bo sent out.

J/u ■f Carriers'their annual meeting to-day and discussed

largest funeral held in this section for j rlous propositions for Nationalyears took place yesterday when Ihe body I'ar 1 . . . , .of George Bryan, storekeeper and post- 1 state atd on a comI>lc,• of EOO<l

master, of Sycamore, was buried In As- ! roads. William E. Cole, of Lelpsic, and

bury Churchyard. The funeral procession j Mr. Stevens, of Maryland, made vigorous was nearly a mile long, and it took an hour for those attending to pas? the ! coffin. People from all over Sussex conn- 1thc year;

jty drove over, and every farmer's house i President, AA‘. Harry Brown, of Seaford; __ In the vicinity was thrown open to enter- vice-president. James Crow, of Newark;Plans for the annual dinner of the taln fhcm. Hev, j. „. rjsrrlcllKon and Rev I 8ecretary. (re-elected) Mrs. L. A. Don-

Board ol Trade have been started and , w„)ll|tn T,I1(,all l(oth ,1{C|onR frlcnds nf i oho Edge Moor; treasurer, J. H. John-the committee on house and social fea- fK. 08 1 1 on°. r'UK, ... , ,, , ... . * ! the deceased, preached,turc» will shortly »elect the dale.

yO GEORGETOWN. Del., Feb. 23.—The

1 mil>■4 mdal.

w O Don!, defend me. T would a»k, From tonguOD that are defiled./ speoche». These officer« were elected foroverThey’re like the I pas plant (hat lives, In sections dark and wild.

I’d 'ra* her-haves

spotless name. Than all that earth can Rive;

’Tls better far than rubles grand. I want it

û—Board of Trade Banquet.

Try a Bag. Xvhlle I live.

son, of Houston.Sold at All Grocers. Trade Board Committee Meeting.There will be a meeting of the Board

of Trade Committee this evening to Major


FREE EXHIBITTHE PEOPLE’S STORE.arrange for a meeting

Deakyne, United States Engineer at Philadelphia tomorrpw, when the ques­tion of a 35-foot channel for the Dela­ware will he considered.

The Navigation and Transportation Committee will meet nt 8 o’clock to


Lyn ThomasOptometrist and Jeweler,

Just think of a 12)4 pound hag of CcreSota Flour making 2 loav'cs more to the bag ; then Avhy not use CcrcSota Flour, thc famous flour from Minnesota? It is manufactured expressly for use in the household ;cvcry sack is guaranteed and money Avili be returned if you are not satisfied, bread and pastry may be made with CcrcSota Flour.

ASKING9 Proprietor,Interlaken Lakes,

. Switzerland. For Your


Showing the largest pop­ular price retail Jewelry Store in Delaware.

PostGards“A Painting Unique.”

Six feet high. 14 feet long, To be seen in our Eye Par-

Bcautiful, white and nourishing consider a number of subjects.Established 15 years.

Only 409 Market Street.Wilmington, Del.

Our Eye Fitting Parlor ia complete. Eyes examined and fitted. The eame done by two Delaware Licensed Optometrists (or Opticians). The It’s It and all the latest improved Mountings, Lenses (including the Famous Tori* Lens), fitted by us at a saving of something to you. Oculists and Hospital Prescriptions Fillsd. Broken G'itui replaced quickly; just bring us the pi eces. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 8 p.

OUR JEWELRY, WATCH, DIAMOND, SILVERWARE AND CUT GLASS DEPARTMENTS show everything in the best makes at popular prices.

OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT does everything. Six men at it.

FREE PUBLIC WAITING ROOM, with alt conveniences, lady attendait.

Took Stroll to Newport.The parents of Joseph Dlminskl, who

Is but four years old, and lives at Maryland avenue and Linden streets, were much concerned over the disap­pearance of the youngster yesterday.

The lad could not be found anywhere and the mother was becoming much exercised, when word came from New­port that a child had been picked up near Hayden’s, outside the town and was given In keeping of thc town bail­iff. Joseph was taken home lost night. He had walked al the way to Newport.


John R. Marr Co. Disfributing Agents,

106 E. Second SI.A


Snellenburg’sMarke! and Seventh Streets

Snellenburg’sMarket and Seventh Streets

The Snellenburg Halt-Price Sale of Winter Clothes Offers You What Every Man Knows—The Best Ready- Made Clothes in the Land. THOUSANDS OF THIS SEASON’S


1 \