i J H JCALA EVENING STARVolu- - University of...

i + > H I J JCALA EVENING STARVolu- me a 14 No 149 OCALA FLORIDA FRIDAY NOVEMBER 20 1908 Fifty Cents a Month 5 a Year i TilE FLORIDA FRUIT ANDI TRUCK GROWER i Established 1903 OCALA FLORIDAI I I L J BRUMBY Publisher Subscription per year S100 Single Copies lOc r At News Stands Generally l Throughout the State NOVEMBER NUMBER N- OW4fFred ON SALE GB- WEIRE yr THE JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Vc Have One of the Largest Most New awl Complete Stocks o- PINC WATCHES RINGS EMBLEM PINS CHAINS FOBS HAIR ORNAMENTS ETC ETC JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS That Has Ever Been Shown In This City In Cut Gloss Fine China Sterling and Plated Silverware Souvenir Postal Cards Clocks Etc we Do Not Acknowledge a Better Stock in This Section ALL MINDS OF W I- OO H F REPAIRING JE sdtfril SIDE OF SQUARE- R D FULLER DENTAL SURGEON Office Over Mitnroe Chambliss Bank OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH J E CHACE II DENTAL SURGEON Rooms 9 10 ami II Second Floor Holder Block OCALA FLORIDA TERMS CASH m Charles D Hulbert M D Homeopathic Physician- and Surgeon Office Second Floor The Munroe and Chambliss Bank Building Ocala Florida Ttlephones Office 154 Residence 45 Office Hours 912 a m 24 p in 730830 p m I C J PHILLIPS t Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished t Upon Request 129 South Ffrird St Ocala Fla Phone 30 J THE COMMERCIAL BARBERSHOP Opens into the lobby of the Ocala House 4 Offers the very best service of skilled workmen with modern ap pince Strictly sanitary Elec tri fan electric massages ids Running Water at all Times BARBER JOE Manager- s t s SUPPER WAS SUCCESSFUL President Roosevelt Entertains the Representative Men cf the La- bor Organizations I Washington D C Nov HLSuh jctlng his guests who were reprej- sintatives of many of the leading la- bor ¬ organizations of this country to j Preden- t givin l c him at the Whit House en tetcor d to find riot what labor wants fom Congress and in what way he could be of assistance to the toilers iof the country j i Although the dinner began at 8 oclock it was almost midnight before i the gathering broke up Labors attii tuck on various questions was reit crated it is said and the President listened interestedly to each argument prestnted I The dinner was a complete success- as far as could bo learned a spirit of hnrmony and cooperation seeming to I prevail j I No set speeches were made the President merely rising and explaining to his guests that he had brought thIn i together for an interchange of vi ws of public questions i The Preideiit was ably seconded in his questioning by Justice Moody of the United States Supreme Court and by Secretaries Straus and Garfield j i The general impression prevailed j anv > ng the labor leaders soon after th ° j dinner that the Presidents message to Congress v ill show mfr of the I ticvor of the conference I Question d about the dinner after they came out several of the labor IIcaders declared that they had enjoyed tlr mselves immensely at the Presi- d nts table and that thy hall par i taken of a bully dinner j President Roosevelt covered every I possible phase of the labor question The labor leaders talked without- j reservation and Were free to reiterate their pronounced attitude on some issues to which Congress has in the I past turned an unwilling ear But I what seemed mOt significant of all both to the President and other gov- ernment ¬ I officials present was the sug I gestion that Congress should pass a bill of i Khts into which all other leg islattln should be incorporated and j should creAte a publicity board whose i purpose would be to investigate and I make public the details of all contro- versies ¬ between capital and labor SUGAR TRUST SUED I I It is Alleged that It Has Been Cheat- ing I the Government by Means of- I Short Weight Scales New York Nov tIOn information supplied by the customs officer Unit td States list it Attorney Sliimon i has brought seven suits against th > I American Sugar Refining Co to re- cover ¬ I SSfijiiiM for forfeitures and heck duties on imports of sugar sine 11901 weighed at the dork of Hae i meyers t Elder in Prooklyn The complainants in these suits al I r loge the company caused the scale Ion which the customers officers w igh ec the sugar to be so affected bv a I certain instrument as to register less I than the true weight j The discovery that the settles had I been fixed was made it is alleged last November These stiles had been in use fifteen years and on thom was weighed practically all the sugar brought into this port in that time I The steamers bringing in the sugar I go direct to Havemeyers C Klders I locks in Williamsburg and the sugar t is taken off in baskets and placed on I the scales There are seven of these scales with a custom officer and a checker for the company stationed at each The customs rued discovered the nature of the scales it is said through the merest accident I HOW TO GET STRONG- P J Daly of 147 1C fongress St Chicago tells of a way to become strong He says My mother who I is old and was very feeble is deriving I so much benefit from Electric Fitters that I feel its my duty to tell those j who need a tonic antI strengthening ndicine about it mln ny mothers i case a marked gain in irsh has re I suited insomnia has been overcome and she is steadily growing strong- er I Electric Bitters quickly remedy stomach liver and kidney complaints I Sold under guarantee at all drug- stores 50c JA FATAL DOSE OF PATENT MEDICINE I I Eatonton Ga Nov 10 Dosing himself on a well known patent nos iruin Samuel lox a prominent Put ram enmity farmer took to his bl y sterdiy and died immediately ac- cording j o attending phy > ieian < I Coplaining of a simple ailment In lvent to his room and in the pre > eue of the family took the dove according ito printed directions I I A PAYING mVtSTMENT i i i Mr Jolla White of 3S Highlird 1Avt Houlton Maine says fluv I been troubled with n cough every win- ter ¬ and spring Last winter I tried I many advertised reined but the cough continued until I bought a 5lc bottle of Dr Kings New Discovery I before that was half gone the cough vas all gone This win r the same happy result has followed a few I doses once more banished the annual cough I am now convinced that Dr Kings New Discovery is the best of all cough and lung remedies Sold under guarantee at all drug stores 50c and 100 Trial bottle free r THE BALANCE OF THE i RAILROAD WRECK j GOODS I I hive arrived after quite a delay The entire lot wily be put on sale I Saturday 2 1 inst- Bigger j Values Than Ever It will pay you and pay you well to travel many miles in order to be at the I sensational slaughtering of merchandise as this is un ¬ questionably the grandest j event of the 20th century I Never in the history of Ocala has such a crowd of people attended a sale as j i the crowd that congregat- ed ¬ at the Great Railroad j Wreck Sale on Saturday- and i the entire week I j I The good citizens of this vicinity appreciate a good think when they see it and are showing their gratitude by laying in their supply- of winter goods while the opportunity is at their command i The management of this impor tant event have engaged a much larger force of salespeople in order to cope with the tremendous throng that will be in attendance Saturday i If you fail to be one of the many customers at this the grandest op- portunity of a life time you will then regret it for the balance of your days RaiIroa wreck Sale KnightMartin Cos Old Stand Anderson Building LOOK FOR THE LARGE BLUE SIGNS OUTSIDE OF STORE PRINCIPLE OP PROJECTION Seems to Have Many Staunch Adher i ents Among Some of Floridas Leading Business Men I i Washington Nov OThe soterm ed starch trust was under fire at i the heating on tariff revision venter day bt fore the House Committee on Va s and Means I The Fruit Growers J Florida fruit growers gave the coini mittee information on Citrus fruit pine apples and vegetables especially I as affected by competition with Cuba j and requested dither the retention of the present tariff on these articles or- an increase in the duty j The argument that the states of t Florida Arizona Louisiana and Cali- fornia ¬ I can in time produce all of the citrus fruit used in the United States was put forth by E P Poreher of j Jacksonville Fla for a protective duty on oranges and lemons J G Chase representing the Jack- sonville ¬ Board of Trade was urging a 1 rotection duty on citrus fruits when l Representative Underwood of Alabama t I asked Do you believe in the general I idea of protection I Yes va < tne reply so far as it j does not harm the country I Is that the attitude of tlu Jackson = vile Hoard of Trade questioned Un j dcrwood- Mr Chase answered affirmatively I And its the attitude of all the peo ¬ ple of Florida isnt it urged Mr- Bontell Republican member from Illi- nois ¬ Again the fruit grower agreed add- ing ¬ i of all the thinking people I just wanted to know about it I said Mr Underwood because Florida gave its electoral vote for a party whose platform favors a tariff for rev- enue I Representative Clark and Sparkman- of Florida asked leave of the commit- tee to file briefs on the subject of tar- iff I on citrus fruit and F G McMullin for the Florida pineapple growers ask gd for a 70 per cent duty on pineap- ples ¬ i SON OF HEAVEN REVIEWED HIS SHIPS I I Emperor of Japan Is Somewhat of a Sea King Himself j lobe Japan Nov 1ITlw fighting craft of Japan comprising 110 vessels exclusive of submarines in n view before the Emperor yesterdays- The I tTther wasperfoet and the occa Mon was ont long to be remembered I Th1 Emperor and his attendants ar- rived j i at Kobe yesterday morning Em 1 1 barking on the battleship Asama the Kmpi rur was welcomed by Admiral Togo stud the other admirals of the tied I The Asaina with Admiral Togo on I l the bridge steamed slowly between the lines of lvar hips and auxiliaries with fry baud playing the national an I i tlu m Togo at the Emperors side dt tailed the strength and equipment of I ah vessel pointing out the hps ptured from Russia luring the Rus i Japanese War i The review was concluded shortly I before non and the officers took tiffin on the A > ama As the Emperor left i the fllIhil the entire fleet united in- a thrndfious salute The Emperor congratulated the navy upon its great improvement i ITS A CRIME ITo neglect your health The w < rst I neglect Cut you can be guilty of i- to arm constipation biliousness 01 I any = ver or bowel trouble to con thine It is poisoning your entire system and may lead to a serious chronic disease Take Bailards Herb int and gt absolutely well The sure cure for any and all troubles of the stomach liver and bowels Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore PREACHER SUED FOR LIBEL j Described a Bell Wether of His Flock as a Devil Incarnate I Atlant Nov 20 A dispatch from I Jonesboro Clayton county twenty miles from Atlanta says Mrs Sadi A lean one cf the best known and most prominent church workers in the town has filed a suit for 10000 dam j ages against Rev J Atkinson pas- tor I of the Methodist church at Jones ¬ burn The petition alleges 11v Atkinson usl his position as pastor to intlict undue mortification and injury upon I the complainant and that among other j things he referred to Mrs Bean whom lu charged with dissenting ruin th church discipline in a recent public I crmmas a devil incarnate a peril from hell i I RAW LUNGS I When thelungs are sore and in r named the grrrns of pneumonia and I I consumption find lodgement and mul- tiply ¬ Foleys Honey and Tar kill i the cough germ cures he most ob I tinate racking cough heat the lunss I land prevents strious results The genuine is in the yellow package i I Sold by all druggists i i r THE MOSAIC PUZZLE CRAZE j The toy shops and department I I j t iit < of New York are put to their tt stunts to supply the demand for I th mosaic puzzles or cut up picture Mizzle that everybody is now after The craze is equal to ping pong wl >> h I swept the country a few years ago The New York Sunday Wrld has ar ranged a unique mosaic or cut up picture puzzle for its renders Issue of Sunday Nov 22 See if you can- o it Simple but interesting No prizes offered Just for fun Also a- new and popular song as usual ONI CORNR 1 Visit onr new store It is modern and uptodate and somesay as pretty as can be Some of onr new goods are in DRIED APPLES 15 DRIED APRICOTS 15 DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25 DRIED PRUNES 15c two for 25 NEW MACKEREL 10 FRESH ASSORTMENT CAKES AND CRACKERS Try our famous Hudnuts Pearl Grits and Mealwhite as snow CRANBERRIES Two QUARTS 25c O KGfoceiyCl- ark Bros ProprietorsP- HONE 175 OYSTERSA- NY STYLE j SHORT NOTICE KEATINGS CA- flOYSTERS u WC BLANCHARD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans furnished on application- PO Box 46 Ocala Fla om icIYER MAcKAY FUNERAL DIRECTORS Undertakers and Embalmers D E McIVER ALFRED E OWLN Undertakers t Fine Caskets and Burial Robes All llork Done by Licensed Em ¬ balmers and Fully Guaranteed FALL AND WINTER j I TAILORING I I HAVE MY FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF PIECE GOODS i i An elegant exclusive line and will be j pleased to show you the goods and- i make your fall or winter suit or trous- ers You dont have to wait Pick out your goods and the suit is made and fitted at once and guaranteed as to workmanship fit and quality of goods I also have an elegant line of sam- ples ¬ so that you are sure of fins ing what you want Respectfully Jerry Burnett The Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building- Fort King Avenue ICEBe- sk Quality Prompt Service Lowest Price Buy from the BLUE WAGONS OCALA ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Phone 34- J 4

Transcript of i J H JCALA EVENING STARVolu- - University of...

Page 1: i J H JCALA EVENING STARVolu- - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/01005/0516.pdf · J JCALA EVENING STARVolu-me a ... to Congress v ill show mfr of the






14 No 149 OCALA FLORIDA FRIDAY NOVEMBER 20 1908 Fifty Cents a Month 5 a Year




Established 1903


Subscription per year S100

Single Copies lOcr

At News Stands Generally

l Throughout the State






Vc Have One of the LargestMost New awl Complete Stocks o-




That Has Ever Been Shown In ThisCity

In Cut Gloss Fine China Sterlingand Plated Silverware SouvenirPostal Cards Clocks Etc weDo Not Acknowledge a BetterStock in This Section








Office Over Mitnroe ChamblissBank



Rooms 9 10 ami IISecond Floor Holder Block



Charles D Hulbert M D

Homeopathic Physician-and Surgeon

Office Second Floor The Munroe andChambliss Bank Building Ocala

FloridaTtlephones Office 154 Residence 45

Office Hours912 a m 24 p in 730830 p m


Contractor and Builder

Plans and Specifications Furnishedt Upon Request

129 South Ffrird StOcala Fla Phone 30 J


BARBERSHOPOpens into the lobby of the

Ocala House4

Offers the very best service ofskilled workmen with modern appince Strictly sanitary Electri fan electric massages

ids Running Water at all Times






President Roosevelt Entertains theRepresentative Men cf the La-

bor OrganizationsI

Washington D C Nov HLSuhjctlng his guests who were reprej-sintatives of many of the leading la-


organizations of this country to jPreden-tgivin l c him at the Whit House entetcor d to find riot what labor wantsfom Congress and in what way hecould be of assistance to the toilers

iof the country j


Although the dinner began at 8oclock it was almost midnight before i

the gathering broke up Labors attiituck on various questions was reitcrated it is said and the Presidentlistened interestedly to each argumentprestnted I

The dinner was a complete success-as far as could bo learned a spirit ofhnrmony and cooperation seeming to I

prevail j

I No set speeches were made thePresident merely rising and explainingto his guests that he had brought thIn i

together for an interchange of vi wsof public questions i

The Preideiit was ably seconded inhis questioning by Justice Moody ofthe United States Supreme Court andby Secretaries Straus and Garfield j

i The general impression prevailed j

anv > ng the labor leaders soon after th °j

dinner that the Presidents messageto Congress v ill show mfr of the I

ticvor of the conference I

Question d about the dinner afterthey came out several of the labor

IIcaders declared that they had enjoyedtlr mselves immensely at the Presi-d nts table and that thy hall par

i taken of a bully dinnerj President Roosevelt covered everyI possible phase of the labor question

The labor leaders talked without-j reservation and Were free to reiteratetheir pronounced attitude on someissues to which Congress has in the

I past turned an unwilling ear ButI what seemed mOt significant of allboth to the President and other gov-ernment


I officials present was the sugI gestion that Congress should pass abill of i Khts into which all other legislattln should be incorporated and

j should creAte a publicity board whosei purpose would be to investigate andI make public the details of all contro-versies


between capital and labor


I It is Alleged that It Has Been Cheat-ingI the Government by Means of-

I Short Weight ScalesNew York Nov tIOn information

supplied by the customs officer Unittd States list it Attorney Sliimon

i has brought seven suits against th >

I American Sugar Refining Co to re-cover


ISSfijiiiM for forfeitures and

heck duties on imports of sugar sine11901 weighed at the dork of Haeimeyers t Elder in Prooklyn

The complainants in these suits alI

r loge the company caused the scaleIon which the customers officers w igh

ec the sugar to be so affected bv aI certain instrument as to register lessI than the true weightj The discovery that the settles hadIbeen fixed was made it is allegedlast November These stiles had beenin use fifteen years and on thom wasweighed practically all the sugarbrought into this port in that time

I The steamers bringing in the sugarI go direct to Havemeyers C KldersI locks in Williamsburg and the sugart is taken off in baskets and placed onI the scales There are seven of thesescales with a custom officer and achecker for the company stationed ateach The customs rued discovered thenature of the scales it is said throughthe merest accident


P J Daly of 147 1C fongress StChicago tells of a way to becomestrong He says My mother who

I is old and was very feeble is derivingI so much benefit from Electric Fittersthat I feel its my duty to tell those

j who need a tonic antI strengtheningndicine about it mln ny mothersi case a marked gain in irsh has re

I suited insomnia has been overcomeand she is steadily growing strong-erI Electric Bitters quickly remedystomach liver and kidney complaints

I Sold under guarantee at all drug-stores 50c



I Eatonton Ga Nov 10 Dosinghimself on a well known patent nosiruin Samuel lox a prominent Put

ram enmity farmer took to his bly sterdiy and died immediately ac-cordingj o attending phy > ieian <

I Coplaining of a simple ailment Inlvent to his room and in the pre > eueof the family took the dove according

ito printed directions I



i i

Mr Jolla White of 3S Highlird1Avt Houlton Maine says fluvI been troubled with n cough every win-ter


and spring Last winter I triedI many advertised reined but thecough continued until I bought a 5lcbottle of Dr Kings New Discovery

I before that was half gone the coughvas all gone This win r the samehappy result has followed a few

I doses once more banished the annualcough I am now convinced that DrKings New Discovery is the best ofall cough and lung remedies Soldunder guarantee at all drug stores50c and 100 Trial bottle free






hive arrived after quite adelay The entire lot wilybe put on sale I

Saturday 2 1 inst-



Values Than EverIt will pay you and pay

you well to travel manymiles in order to be at the I

sensational slaughtering ofmerchandise as this is un¬

questionably the grandestj event of the 20th centuryI Never in the history ofOcala has such a crowd ofpeople attended a sale asj

i the crowd that congregat-ed


at the Great Railroadj Wreck Sale on Saturday-andi the entire week



I The good citizens of thisvicinity appreciate a goodthink when they see it andare showing their gratitudeby laying in their supply-of winter goods while theopportunity is at theircommand

i The management of this important event have engaged a muchlarger force of salespeople in orderto cope with the tremendousthrong that will be in attendanceSaturday


If you fail to be one of the manycustomers at this the grandest op-portunity of a life time you willthen regret it for the balance ofyour days

RaiIroa wreck SaleKnightMartin Cos Old Stand

Anderson Building



Seems to Have Many Staunch Adheri

ents Among Some of FloridasLeading Business Men I


Washington Nov OThe sotermed starch trust was under fire at i

the heating on tariff revision venterday bt fore the House Committee onVa s and Means I

The Fruit Growers J

Florida fruit growers gave the coinimittee information on Citrus fruitpine apples and vegetables especially I

as affected by competition with Cuba j

and requested dither the retention ofthe present tariff on these articles or-an increase in the duty j

The argument that the states of t

Florida Arizona Louisiana and Cali-fornia


can in time produce all of thecitrus fruit used in the United Stateswas put forth by E P Poreher of j

Jacksonville Fla for a protective dutyon oranges and lemons

J G Chase representing the Jack-sonville


Board of Trade was urging a1 rotection duty on citrus fruits when l

Representative Underwood of Alabama tI

asked Do you believe in the general I

idea of protection I

Yes va < tne reply so far as it j

does not harm the countryI

Is that the attitude of tlu Jackson=

vile Hoard of Trade questioned Un j

dcrwood-Mr Chase answered affirmatively I

And its the attitude of all the peo ¬

ple of Florida isnt it urged Mr-Bontell Republican member from Illi-


Again the fruit grower agreed add-ing

¬ i

of all the thinking peopleI just wanted to know about it I

said Mr Underwood because Floridagave its electoral vote for a partywhose platform favors a tariff for rev-enue I

Representative Clark and Sparkman-of Florida asked leave of the commit-tee to file briefs on the subject of tar-iff


on citrus fruit and F G McMullinfor the Florida pineapple growers askgd for a 70 per cent duty on pineap-ples






Emperor of Japan Is Somewhat of aSea King Himself j

lobe Japan Nov 1ITlw fightingcraft of Japan comprising 110 vesselsexclusive of submarines in nview before the Emperor yesterdays-TheI tTther wasperfoet and the occaMon was ont long to be remembered

I Th1 Emperor and his attendants ar-rived


at Kobe yesterday morning Em 1


barking on the battleship Asama theKmpi rur was welcomed by AdmiralTogo stud the other admirals of thetied

I The Asaina with Admiral Togo on I


the bridge steamed slowly between thelines of lvar hips and auxiliaries withfry baud playing the national an


i tlu m Togo at the Emperors sidedt tailed the strength and equipment of

I ah vessel pointing out the hpsptured from Russia luring the Rus i

Japanese War i

The review was concluded shortlyI

before non and the officers took tiffinon the A > ama As the Emperor left i

the fllIhil the entire fleet united in-a thrndfious salute

The Emperor congratulated the navyupon its great improvement i

ITS A CRIMEITo neglect your health The w < rst I

neglect Cut you can be guilty of i-

to arm constipation biliousness 01Iany = ver or bowel trouble to con

thine It is poisoning your entiresystem and may lead to a seriouschronic disease Take Bailards Herbint and gt absolutely well The surecure for any and all troubles of thestomach liver and bowels Sold byAntiMonopoly Drugstore


jDescribed a Bell Wether of His Flock

as a Devil IncarnateI Atlant Nov 20 A dispatch fromI Jonesboro Clayton county twentymiles from Atlanta says Mrs SadiA lean one cf the best known andmost prominent church workers in thetown has filed a suit for 10000 dam j

ages against Rev J Atkinson pas-torI of the Methodist church at Jones ¬

burnThe petition alleges 11v Atkinson

usl his position as pastor to intlictundue mortification and injury upon I

the complainant and that among other j

things he referred to Mrs Bean whomlu charged with dissenting ruin thchurch discipline in a recent public


crmmas a devil incarnate a perilfrom hell



RAW LUNGSI When thelungs are sore and in r

named the grrrns of pneumonia and I

I consumption find lodgement and mul-tiply


Foleys Honey and Tar killi the cough germ cures he most obI tinate racking cough heat the lunss I

land prevents strious results Thegenuine is in the yellow package i

I Sold by all druggists i


The toy shops and department II

j t iit < of New York are put to theirtt stunts to supply the demand for I

th mosaic puzzles or cut up pictureMizzle that everybody is now afterThe craze is equal to ping pong wl>> h I

swept the country a few years agoThe New York Sunday Wrld has arranged a unique mosaic or cut uppicture puzzle for its renders Issueof Sunday Nov 22 See if you can-

o it Simple but interesting Noprizes offered Just for fun Also a-

new and popular song as usual


Visit onr new store It ismodern and uptodate andsomesay as pretty as can be

Some of onr new goods are inDRIED APPLES 15DRIED APRICOTS 15DRIED PEACHES 15c two for 25DRIED PRUNES 15c two for 25NEW MACKEREL 10


Try our famous Hudnuts PearlGrits and Mealwhite as snow


O KGfoceiyCl-ark Bros ProprietorsP-

HONE 175








Plans furnishedon application-

PO Box 46 Ocala Fla



FUNERAL DIRECTORSUndertakers and Embalmers



Fine Caskets and Burial Robes

All llork Done by Licensed Em ¬

balmers and Fully Guaranteed







i An elegant exclusive line and will bej pleased to show you the goods and-i make your fall or winter suit or trous-ers You dont have to wait Pick outyour goods and the suit is made andfitted at once and guaranteed as toworkmanship fit and quality of goods

I also have an elegant line of sam-ples


so that you are sure of fins ingwhat you want Respectfully

Jerry BurnettThe Exclusive Tailor Burnett Building-

Fort King Avenue


sk QualityPrompt Service

Lowest PriceBuy from the



Phone 34-