I iran Sun - Library of Congress...Kihlivt I nelt don ii m.d I'eiuiitly praitd lur 1 loui tin e. '...

. .1 I. I' Ill m.m. . the NFAv YdniTsuTrT '1 ri'll!.IHIIRIM)AH,Y fUWDAlSKXCKITSD. Urcecotnerof Nissan and Fnllon atrttl. Plnrlc To, . TWO rt.ST. B "re.tf Cent for week-N- x Htlsrat,eryfar. E WI:I X' V oTN, wvrkila STstbtmati K atdhell. lliri-)r-- r ln. !. enple- - t reereni. Mill LS S. Ill' sell. Pro; trior of H , T nu Suu L.Alili.in,cnt I THc SCAFFOLD. iran b imet'imch. , HISTORY OF TilM MUmi.H. ' ':EVIKW OF Till: TRIAL. ! i f HE PR SUNEK j CONDUCT IN JAIL. ! (ntorviowo with Iho Coademnod. I ".HE LAST NI5I1T UPON EARTH is. " " " Prepsnllen Tor Ilia Galloiri. run e x v. v. u t i o n. Iylnrj sWorilis ssf I lie 4'iiliirlt. "out iiou' iiouitmi.i::" ft "CONTRITION AnFcoKFESSION. i Bridget's Aceoutt of her Crimi. ! Ate., Ac, Ao, I At idiictoc n. mlnutr past ten o'clock yes terday fuiiiusin, l;iheJallnrdoflbcCeiein- - It Prison, nl New .Ilniuiwkk, New Jcrssy, Ilrhlgcl Huron sulk red the extreme penally of tlic law, for the trul.il munlir nf .Mrs. j Maty Kllrn Cssrhll, v. If. i f Dr. Isaac Corlcll, I Now M iikd. N. J mi Hit' villi of Febru- ary, 1m17. iiloi v ok Tim sir num. Ttie .ryof ll.c crime, n elkltrd (it Hip (rial, although privltm-l- v published In tho cnliunrt of tin- - Mi , is oi'iulliileut Interest to warr.u I .i purllil iitttltie'ii. Alt el 12 n'tloih on tlic night of tlic -- Villi of I'llrnnry. n matt who resided In tlu tiilintv of Dr. CoilcUV n- - Ids ncc, wn start- led If total nnd tcpt-.itt- hum I, nt the dour of IJ residence. I'p.iii niiwciiu,s the sun:-nio- lie una ir.cl nl the itoor hyllihlgtt Dtirgin, Ihe domestic of Dr. Coilcll, who bon- - In Ii:t mtni nil Infant bchiuglu,? to Hu ll ictnr. Scnuiliullo to ritlkiibslc thrs.unh iipnrttit exc.icm nt. Iho (;lil Ikiilly an- -, coninced dial terrible murder hid lin jitntnltlttl nt llic l.oicc of li r cirpbiyor, nnd tint after coiiiili-llt- : lliilr bloody uoik, Iho liurilcnr hid li l I In' bone In llnmoa. Sum- - toning Iho ot his sun. lie hc ml to the; rrsldsncc of llr, l, fiiOti'." Iilch lie fuiiml It lil''d Kith Mnoke, ninl liter proi'lus nlioul li e room. liimlly mi'--1 teedeil liiiinilir. the mingled IhmIv of Mr. (Jirlrll, wluih, upon lihn; rcm'mili In Ihe IlKbl, pri'-- i iiifd . n i clarlc rutolllns 111 the etimnr. from hi.ij in lout the llv I wn Imekid nnd turn In Ibo nnl ln kin-- ; inaiurr, Ihned.-e- ihen Iclinf limml mw-- the rUhl hniid. fix l upr piilun In the head, twentj-fl- i tipon ll.c 1'iik, licet; nnd Ur hlle Ihe cun which Miui ly win! through the iKIii im nlmod liiiiumeraMc. Many nrtbr-- taLd euinUil In the hone, while of Ihe ciila In the nc'k f cured thu Juirii. ular t tn, lluii flowing that tha iinlortu. n?'., ,,?la?". ninllj- - exiilnd throimli - orhlood. Ihe niipiormicc of thu room In blc!i Mr, t'orlcl met her death, pivo lh.it a li'uriltl ilnifule In.l cn.-ii- h- i- pire thf .ialn hvl .iiuycdcd In nucmpliilf Jnir her purpo.e, ll.u M thk, hohlrr. Mid jillluwa hihn; Iwkid nnd rent, nnd Iho Int. then thiiTlroin mn wn ihhklj' alimt Iho Joor of the room, while Ihe clothing m well uthsllmir, wrrv UilauUd wllth the Mwd it '.!;?. !:!!. , A$ to Iho perpetrator of the irvollme I irimc there could l little douM. The ilom-eetl- c. Uridyl Durs-m- , had lelt Khlnd her. on Ihe nlijht of Ihe murder, too many liul.n of tetllnninr, which, n appetired at tlic autm- - lui'tit trill. fi;a:cdacoinpletechiliiorilr-iuuiataiilla- l etldciiic c; ilnxl h r, whlihlhn rouil hied l,ill mid crane c of hlh rfL-- IjIciiI could not mid nuiii'ir. The evidence npilint llrhlirel pruviil aulll. liullycoiifliMve In warrant her nriot. Mw -- "liuli In Id to nnnwcr to a ilnrirc of auiw vuli ft hr. On Itir .Dili W; D,li.iV J '. 1 i;c L'oitit of (lyir mid Tcimlner, nm. , ul;,cvJ UrtiimwUk. lln Ihe tilrl of Ihe ei luc lui n, ;he ciin? wac eheu In the Jury, wlio, aftfra ii llherallon of one hour, returned a icrdiet jf Ku'lly of nmrdir hi the lirrl ck'urrr. tin the Klh of June il.c wai hrnuht Tutu court for fiiitenre, when the ihywus lixtd upon the lloih ol Atitut. The cane wn inhe. iiirutly l.rouhl li furo Ihe Court ol Iililon, hut Ihe Juil;e ri'.u id lo lulirleic with Hit luit ixicntluii i'l Ihe law. lll.ll U'M.llT i jaii. The couducl of thu comlimueil woman iur i' l.ir iLi.iiM'rnli u wii of n wene-Aha- reii.-- d ie clnr-ieo- Online, fur the ipace of ii'UMl eii.iiecutlvedayf. he would nt ii".. Ihe ten id 1 it the d or it lit r Ci II, til lace I ll. ha In In r I. .mil , In" UkIv kwu; in? tf''i ''y lo and Iro, ai.d her w hole cYinean-- r I cl"U'iili'K thu ilieptft ikiwii.iiin.i. At ' meti nine hl.e runiotcd uliitiy iiueout-- 1 aiuiimlie, mid filthoiurh w on , oi peroni rl!li(l h, r dully, tin nikcrnlle wn naii mtni-taine- il the titmoft reileinre. exiepl nt null nliiMili a fi r would uphndil her ililton .'or thilr nuiili'i; liitrn!unih' . t nther ;lr.ie lirnli l would inanlfot n my clu tr- ail dliHiiiilou, JliKIiic; mid ludiit rllii; he r fel- low I'lUuncr uirinlhe corriilor. at whlth llme lit r ilenr rinliii; bunli would rerouu.l lliinulioul the corridom of the prlou, while Ihe alirlll iiotea of her voice' were often liheMld eicii outride t lie thick wnlN. J Durhiir the llrrl lew mouthx eif her Ihe eondemiied woman pile little tatteutlou to the Mihject of nllgion, oltimna MrentliiK with citreiue euolncm the Catholic llpileati who ficiiier.tly vUlttcl lur. A time ,Sorc on, linvieier, and lur encculleu tin iv iIkIi, the Krmliially aaiumed a more contrite 'taood and luully eleiotid herulf aliluouly 10 the linchlnu's ol lur M.iilliul ndiher, the , i;ev I'liilur II.hI.,'! r, who win iinllrli i; In lu'.li'l-lerl- i e t'J hrr iplrllual wanla. Al- -, I Auiinh tiu.it ie In nid or write, ihe con. Lkuii.e.l wiuiiin ili- - l.iu'd the iiliuoit fouil- - 11 li li r Ihe hul 'it i'- olteurittin h r huuri J litrther lilililirr to Ihe Mud It nchliij? of ct 1 ajWliul nilu Miii;il.ir"a It may i tfni, lU prlMi iir i.eicr r Uhltnl any li.ir ol (he hJiic;i nH.lled her: em tl.o 1 tin trarr. amprejiiii; her riilht lllliint-- j lo ei V, Mill even lotAlm; tnrmird with iipp ! 1 rant lonitlnt;, In thtriViy of hi r eiMiilKm. At c li tin. i. while enpL'td In inking a hath, the i tulon of which aiurlment etuinnutla ' llf ol Hie KnlhAVH, tire ptluirer exi I inn- - til, u th viheiiieuee, na ahe gazed upon Um i In truT.ent, ' Why ahouil it imeaiiing iLc J irallowt) li nc any ten or fur Hie. ? Ia it nut If tin atippii'i: toue, Irom which f lull rii- f Into l.cuicn ?" I' liit! her iciil'.tieiiient. llrhlijil neier fur r. mui le ikiv. hut lur ulMi tool, nluaya p.ni.iki if the uicili lur her with the turnout nllih, and li.treaMtl iu h, day byiljy. ifur tin 'I Inn uluy lun, the uiy irurillni; her l'ii.lc,it aa vlslnd hy rulhir who reumliiiil with her during ,i portion ol the nflircoon, mlinlnlttcr. log to her the cm itloin of the lakli, truin I wlileh lirltlKVt cituid lei ehirho much com fort. D'triug the muie altciuiKin tl prlMi-n- cr waa al.u ilaitid hy MIm btillliuu, a ie.uher of lie (.'atholli,' Silmol located In New liiiiutwltk, ami who had Urn milliner-Ing- o the icligiuia wauta of ihe prUoner qiilloICjiiciitly. bliuilly alter the departure of MUa bulllvan, a woman, icceutly frutu lrrlaud, where he l.nd rerhltil In tloe prox. Inillytn Ihe riilclenee of Hrhlgel'a pariuta, 1 cnuic in, nnd held n hmg entiurnlluii wlih theprlaoncr ulatlie to her parcuta. The J iiieuilou of thu name of her widowed motl.tr j much allec-tci- Ihe mlternklu woman, mul opon the tureen' th neiilv foutiil Irleud Kihlivt I nelt don ii m.d I'eiuiitly praitd lur loui tin e. 1 ' mi t.lr Mi.nr i.iittil. V' ' . i ,,r., ,rMI, ! 'iil htiller and trull, llrldit tn iMled hv Cox, with win m fhe held a long coi eimill,n, during which he retiimhoii Ih it !ie wotiid haie pivlerred that the lady had remained nt home, na e ho dealrti! toMligooel idevp. After the departure of Mr. I'm. Iltidg t, who waa now h'fl nlote. at Ihe cell duor nearly an hour, nnd her-e-lf In Joking,' with two negriKM Ia.it liDiieil In a r II opp'Mit' lo lur mom, and with ll'tenlng p, the cll.l erl-- h of an man who a cell In Hie corridor nlntc. Aloiit M o'clock Hit waa i iled tv 1)111 Ic t Attorney llcrlert, who upon tnltrliu the cell greeted llrldgtl with the re iiiark "I halt rome In hid mil g kkI. ''. Ilrhlgel. nnd Intell urn Hut ( did not do .nt th, ig e,i .iir trlil I 'it whit I tlmrght to If nr duty, and to whl h l!il,h-r- t rrplled f.iiiinilngalitit letting Mary nilmv g i, an ahe Maiy had tin more to el'i with -' iht Hi in Hie "min In the mneiti." To Hk' ! iiue-ll'i- n a to whrth - Matt- - llllrovwa'.at the hoiiif of Mr. Core III on ILe'nikhl e'if th'. mur- der. Itrldgil n'p.'ul that the waf cot i.iii alter Ihe ettpirtnrn of Mr. Ilerkrt.nt 11 ei'thnk, llrldget retired lo rtt, hut her aleep waa lilinn dltlurld aa If hy route drrnm, and, after Ij Ing for alont one hour, fhe ngaln arn-- , eippnmillr eniildernhly agl-ta- li J, and eouiuii.nciil purine the tlinir of her cell. At 1 o'clock, ahe retired for the aecond time, and alept roumllr until ahottl A rrlock, when hewa nHnkenetl hy Ihrelilranea Into her icll of Father lloclirera. who ailtnlnltered . lo her the aaemmrnl. the prlwner flirt At G o'clock, the prl'oner wa with hreakf.nt, conal-tin- g of milk and roll, of which ahe (auluuk rrv aparlngly. llrei.Lf.i.t oicr, the eomlemned n airaln xlalled hr Father lloger, aeeotnpnnie-- r hv Falhrra Dugin nnd Mliltlnlla. who, at In o'clock, were Joined hy Jlr. Ilindolph and Mlra Sullhan, who h id rotuufor the purpo-- e of atUUug in drcaalug Hi plUuucr for the gnlhm t. During thla reremonr llrldgit exhlhlliil conslderahle emothin, (il)i'n Ineaklng fottttli In uri'iialnilahle lear, which o utectoe! lr In mi h an e Kent lh..t rhewaa forced to In- come en.iteil. The titw alllro waa fin-il- ihteinnl, niter which llrlilvi l rpent mine t lino n' the glut, nrranclng l.e r hair, in which ahe npi.inil In take teiualileraahle pride. Her dreat coniteel of i tirown merino, open In front, nnd trimmed with ciluil'til nniund Hie uleeiea i a neat while collar, it ialr of dee p riitr, of while linen, pdr of white n ;lo!c, and llper of elolh, A few diya prt lou. llrldgi t had liceii precnled w ith hlarkalrinl, lur I his neendon. hut alio ehtllneil the llfl. Kailng that " Llaik was Ihe aign of Imd luek." She nl-- o iroret nhotit he r nee ka i! ilu I kit I, rtt Ik.ii, to with h w it nt- - ho hid a I lack ebony, croan, the tjlll of one of her tplrlt iul adibcra. I'lii.t'.Mmei i on hi mi. l'lerjlhlni, U'lng now l i rtiHilnca. for Ihe filial a. I hi I1il tertlMi'ih'iiui, Ihe Ph. illk nt liiinutea iat ten o'clock, colore I Ihe ca ll, iu with Cnx, lor the pur-jmi- of hlnillt g the prlonrr. A pcrcctill'ilc ahuildir coi.itil.id the fr.iliie of the man. a- - rli.- 1 tin 1,1 Ihe fatal rope and Ihe cap, hut till" exhibition of le.ir waa lint nn tr.i'tiliry, nntl elenehii i h. r Inndt with i Mnti rHil glipe, a- - If to nerve herwll lor the lurivdu uith'il, ihe advauied tun.itdt thu lollieir-- . Wlille Ihe hi ik cap vvat being plieed upon her l.i.id In r fnilllinle aifatn her, mid her eve-- e.iitlucd with teai ami throning her anna nlmut the neck of otic or her ft male attendant' n If lor pr.ite - Hun, the mlcr..blo lilug gmaiiiil ahmd In l.cru.Miy. Again culm, the pre paiatlo: twiro roeanleil with, the ioKlt liig u.ljiiile.l alujlit Ihe lieik, and the nrmiplnlonetlnl IU m .Nolhlng now rcnnlut'i but reading tit the dcilli warliL Viilch w.h aceoniill-he- d at a fi'W paat ten erdoek, Ihe funeral cortege hwuett from the Jill, hhcrill Clarkum, accompanied by the hin.jinaii, taking the lead, followed hy the prttoncr, who woa m cither ildc hy Kathei'a llodgrraand Dupiii, liny In turn being followed by a poe of deputy ihrrllht, nl tired In the perlalnliig to their oll'ce. Dm lug to the. di'iirc cremtl ot ajxHtalora whieli tllletl the fnrel, contldcrable dlliieully waa expcrleneetl by Ihn cortege In rcathing Hie foot of the gallowj. (he Mnng Cfvwd. Iii Ihilr cajjernivs to grntlly their mcrbi.l furlonlly to get n glluip'c of the lamout culprit, JoMlIng and pushing each either 111 the inont bolfteroua iiinnner. "Down Iront," "Take mr Ihit alove pire," "Take a reef In that umbrtlla, old 111.111," and nub III- e coarre ntuarks were heaid on all aldea, while Ihe etiraea of thoc who conshleml their dignity naanlleel hy the rude manner In wlileh Ihev wire pltchi'd about hv their more nui cular nclghUira, dniw ncil for a time cien tho prayera of Hie pious falhi r, which as they proccceleel Ihcgalhma, were utftrrtt up In of Ihe mlsenihle woman. F.ien llic guinlof filly men, cotnnoscd of Co. I of the Third Keulini'nt, N. J. It. C , under cotntuaiid of Col. I'rlah De Hart, which waa atntlonnl uround Hie foot of the gallon a to prevent tho e row il ''.2. '" 7 .'.liU I'loninrthe aeatrolii rroved Insulhctrnt, J prewiug up to I the verv tool nl the gnllowa, rutltly Jiwillng the prlinti, nnd omehat letardiug thu j 7'0Hincnti or I he Sherlir.aud Ills nasUlants. tut. rxuirlny, Upon rcul.li!g Ihe feiol of the gallows Ihe I priiioiierogalu began teicihiMt tuaiiifi'Ht.itiotit nt fear, tiirioiuiy i;l.uieing lipit lid to the lope which d ingltd nbovn her het.idi hrr race nt emce atMimt d an aahy palcntna, her lipa uiilveriel titrvoiisly, her h.iud clule hcl con- - viihlvety, while n vinli nt Ire mar agitated lur entire body. 1 he pi let-- , nntieiiig lu r rmotlou d wends e.f In her car, ever und anon pie--l- il.e while liory x lo the dpi ol the unhappy woman, width the klxJtl Willi the titni'i-- t ti rvtiiey. Aa IT in .imwir Ion qiiestl m akcd her, In i low lime, lill'l.'.tt I.e. 1,1 n tnomeutaiy v, hi-- , jtnd tonvnaiiou with Father Uoti';i i... at Hie end ol wl.lth iho cxeliin.td with con- - fid ruble it In i : "Via, Fatlurt but ilim't let the I'lo I Miint Know nnythlni; nUiut It." Al lb. luni !urlo:i of llilti n brief pravir waa nad hv Fatle r HiKlgira, slttr vhiih Hie Jill T. Mr. npprouliial the r. and Inking her watiiily by the hand, bid her " good bye,'1 which fhe aiiivee teal hy a faint "flod I lesa you." Mil l III CI. u knoll next ndtaneed, md after prott-rl- udjunlliig Ihe tiiMiie nboul her neck, and ftnt'enlug the end of the tope which encircled her neck lo that which hung from Ihe I uim above, pioceeeh'd to draw the hliek cap over the taeo or thu prlionct, during which iHivimcnt the exclaimed aomewhit excitedly t "Oh! Jiow tctrlllcl" "liudhave: me rey upon me For an Instant the prlnner stood In this icmtlnu, lur hinds lianlk.illy tlii'.ihed, and icr Iratuc nulieriug, and then came Hie al from the Sherlif, the rapid stroke or the executioner's axe , at be Ihe cord, tho thud of Ihe weight, the cr"iklng sound of Ihe I locks, nnd the culprit Is twitched - In the nlr, rebounding with i hock whWi con en the glide! lo creak in every titular, (irt-.i- at waHie shock, it was todhlucat. tho nerk, nnd therrl oner via. Ihutfore, t'raugled. Her "oiiiul-- ( fiiins, nllbnugh ol iry diiruthm, waiu id Iho liiu.t violent di'Mriptlou, Hie legs It'ing scleral times drawn up lowurds tlic Ina-t- , thu dilated, and the hands clenched with a death Tlue conitd- - Ions, howetef, gratlimlly a lira vio- lent elMraeter, and, at theexpiralliin ol about one: inh.ute, entltely ce.aed. In two minutes niter il weight wus detached, the puke h a'' tl 10 pt.l atl-ii- In four minute, and In 1.1'-- ., minute both pulsation aud mpirutlnn a ,cid mill cly. Aim banging for about half nn hour Ihe body w is then hjwert d mid plut.-- tn a rie.it unci lottin, m Mill lud lic-- i InrnUliid .y 1'atlur llealgera, Into who" h mda the botly w as eotmnltteil T he gnllowa tueil upon tho otea-lcit- i .at Hie aaine on wlii'h, on tlic 6th Mil ol July hut, thu nific- Wlklauis met his doom. A short time before her death, Bridget of tho M.t rid lint the black cup should uot be re movid fiotii her lacu alti r elealh. Thu reiptcat. howtver, wai not granted, thu lovi-iln- Itlng removed after she bad been depoiltcd In the cnllln. The features, as Uicy appeared alter death, weroiultu aitural, tl.o only noticeable, lea-lu- being a slight discoloration li.eath Hie r ea. which were i Lined, and a slight awellim; of the lips, which were partially separated, and through which the tongue protruded. During the execution a crowd of about .WO men anil women collected upon the street In Iront of the jail yard, eager to get n glimpse ol Ihe prisoner, whore body, It waa supposed would, attc r death, be expoaed In the gate of Ihe populace, as In Ihe case nf Il.e murderer Willi inn. In this, however, the rahblewere disappointed, the scet.ci enacted at the exe- cution ot W'liH.iiua, when tho Hints In Ihn lull eratn mid i in.de a Liovkiry of the 'ant. inn spect-h- , having convinced III" bhciltr of the hrutillty of mtrh a pruct) iir. MillKI V I y CONFIMSUI.S I am nea'V years of age , my rml natm1 la IhiUget Dagiinii my fnlhir's name U nnd that of my mother Hannah, my father Is dead, hill my tnollier Is III lug t she lilts In Ihe pirldi of Ihinillif, In the of Sllgei, Inlandi viae horn Iherei I hue two I rnlhrr lltlngal that tliee, Pilrlck and Johni Ilnvr nlsotri i slders liv'ng there, one who la younger Uiin myself tlvei with my iiiolhfr. ami the other one le married ami liii-- in Knghiid , I eanii- to till- - cirtinlri two jetira ago list ChrltMaa. The rlmtniatAinv eifmr ciitnlng tn America w.is neehlent.il. ami ll came about h Ihli wav i Mv brother kept company with a girl by the'tiame nf lit II Ho-- a i she was a I'io!e-!.an- t, and father hclim eij p" .1 tn my I Mther'a union wlih her lic roohod lo ctiilgrale te Ainerlca. A yoiin-ma- n by the tt itne of Dennis Curraii hut wooed tnr and was clee In my nHcrllotis. Ik lug employed by my lather, who. hearing of tho attain discharged klm, and hiving Iff. for Knglainl, he was never heard of there-alte- r, llell )loa, my brother's betrothed, hearing of this, coaxed me then to go to Amrrlen, and 1 ploinl.id her I would If nn fipMirtnnlty il Itself, The f ict id mv lover It lng driven aw av weighed heavily on my mind. 1 hail no mean', and tno-vln- that fither had a little money In Ida cheat, I resolved tr appropriate It to my own use. I went to chetl ami took therefrom twenty pounds of KnglUh money, and left homo, never to return In my iiMIre land. It look only nine pounds to pay my iiage, and r gate the runalmler, rteven poun.lt, ton man mimed 1'iilrlik OTItieti In take back to mv father, nliout three yeans ago next Decetnlt-r- , arriving Iu New York nitwit two wreka Chrlttiu.aa. I have aluee hoard Hist my father neter reeelred tie money I h it lur him In Hi.' hands nf O'llrlen, Father wre to to me Just altir mv nrrfvd In this eounlrv lo return home, and he would lurglic all Hi it I had done to him. When I Ural arrl' ed, I went to Brooklyn to live with a fimlly hv the nimc of lli-i- u. llheniTitii llnU'a Ferrj", with the l unity of I Ilnrroiichs Knapp. Not liking Ihn plivrr, I I relumed lo N'evr York and remained at t'na-- I tie liattlni. Ono iLev there iu the eiaplut- - olllci', a Mr. Day! of 1'lacaltnny, imeut county, rho-t- me as a ch tneatii , I went with Mm home This was mv . Ilrst Intrtaliiclliin In Mlildle-e- x ciuiiilv. V. .1 i I hiring wlih Ulm altunt emt tear, when I tt'- - estiie artitiatnleil with a ekl lisnied Aau llunu ot j I'latiinrlil. Ai.n ni .ailnl n.wii me to Mr. litjtnn'a ami giil.i PI iir.tl.'lif. Mr. Initim' fam- ily irhlitant'.v i.arto. wl h nv. hsrtn : prevall.-,- l far a lung linn- - iimii i.mj tn ls. I kf hgiieti-r- , an went In a Mr. U il ya faiultj at Plaltitlel.l, ati.l reinslne.l llie-- hut i mnutli, haelnr Ifen with snree rr. h was em re sirrwil.la to live wltb my nan eiiiiiilrjrmea, and I went mttt-finill- of pn. UliKtet.lrt, N.-- llin..kln. near l'l.illillil.l. U. J., vih.le I e, l lil.u.-- l al, L. ' While reatslne.1 I waa tlalled alm.Ht etery das by Iir. I'nri-I- U bijt .hil-lii- . at inline iui f..r s..i, et.s, te-- iu from vi hit I tt-- il.ftora ealla et..'ladt.'' 1 irmalliiat at New lliiM.klvu al.ui fum wttkfe, undo. iii,. titatltu nl i I w.,h .1 to yuy Iti- duel., for Ida sn,l Inr ,rm, ,i v who 11,1 the tht-tn- : the. a was thee tnoi.iti for thl', ami I,t si,- - In toe In lr foil It. PectipulTs; wi'tl airaln, I rct.iinitit In Pisrataw ir, and wa- - i i.i.l-,j.- Iu Mrv Will lllackhinl', fjtii-I'y- , retiislnllu 'l.t'te only two ni'Milh, Ttenre I vn'tit to Hie wtih XI ra, vVlil'sm Oerrii lt - a eutislu nf Ilia te.r ('orrliil, of New Mariist,.N. ' C), Min.laj etenluJ v- - u,mu , N,w MtP. Id, iM.alilJal l: a ria i to pay h.lii wliat I fiwvj. 4, p nA4 4 hi.tne when I alk.l, Aaa, tt,e Hitler's hln-i- l Man; btil with- - I wet liiionii-ri-all.n- wlih Min, Mrs. I'nrrlell csnn-I- friun cliurek, and If I wUI,idtnH the Ihtmr. I lep'h-- m Ihe attlrnittlie, whenal.j sal I Le wi.tiM la-- lionie ala.nt seven. I remalnel, anil, un Invllallt.n, tiaik lea. White thorn dial eveuli,!! Mra. I'.wriell liiinln.l If 1 kne wl.ere alio could get a unik-ghl- ? I replied I dl I lint. Iiittor then a'ked wrere I waa at wnrir. I told him. whoa he retilleil to me that ho had told me when I nasal Mella Mackfurd's that I inu-- l eitl at Ida hiiu-- e In nine or ton eata, and he would emp'ny me. I did not esli em film lln-c- aa I had emxturrd til work tor 1111am t'orrlrlL 1 hlin iho par, and ho rerurt to take It. A fur talklLg a short tltni-- , Ihe D.vti.r aild It wai to.i late to return hnne, and Ibat I runs! rcmalu al bis house ill nhtht. n.e next morning while I was helping tn get brralfaat readr Mra. Curled aaknt the wbelttsheeiiul.l a rlrl Iu wuek hher. 'll.u Iktlnr told her 1 would do It. 1 did, ail I got Itinitigri with It atntit It titlark. I ent dinner ready, ar.d then took part nf the clothea and Ircledtliem. After lea. In the evenlne, Ihe llue-t- or aaked me If t would ralht-- r work fur hlui or for M m. Corlcll. I replied lint I nuuhl rather wmk for Wm. I'orlell, as f hadtheenmi dttiched In Hie place, the Utx-tn- thou made meprnml-- e to remain nnlil he returned home, that he waa going lo .Sew Ynik. When ha returned, Uial I was about to reluru lo Um. C'jrlclrs. lie eatioil to my mind Ids treatment In my airkneas, rrmarktne that any olln r dorttir In ttie I'litled Mates would hale charged me twenty dotlara: that he had rhari-e- lae only three; that I would surely get tck If 1 relnraelto VVlIllam ferUll'a to work, becau they had a family of nleie that to would nut attend raeT I did gel nek. I then pmmlaed him that I would rome to live nlth him. mid he to send A as, ll.c hlied Uian, to William Cvr.'ill'a Utjnj ileja-tn- I told tin. Tiit lor that I w ciula nor a mr Lan, and that 1 would tot my cl.iihhig, that 1 didn't want Aaa, thu hind man, nlth me. Irnt'Mlcek Conoier" lo take mo to William CoPeU's, and, airslnat her whiics, I left to tin servlre at tha ism.'' "' "r-- Wllllaai Walliiro L'orli',1, New in sr. lei whra.' ' 'omalnod till the trseedy of the ih or Fohruarr 'dhaui Corlcll told mo 1 i would rue the da,' "Cr at to work fcr lr. I i i, ii I M hiie I was llv'rg wlih Ir. Corl.-l- l I was liken sltk, aud tlld not f.tl sl.'o 1.1 .V Il.e woiL, and llioiit'hl I hi ul I lone. Mi. I'orlell . m d grot tied to hear thai I was euilig In leave; bul Iht-- to. tor Ittaino liilert'ed In ear raao. The nt lll.er twin- tpihe cold, the d ttur Inoti. lit tin- room to., . lor mo to sl.i-- In ; so he had u.e lake my bod and he In the altilii-roo- Pat I na not mum.. 1 hi l)liir thcie; Ihea he named lue tn take tto leoul rie.t.i up aturn, ntd. h Mr-- . Corlcll oiijooto.1 to. I w la Ihi-l- l ludate.l bj h..n In mike t.iy bed In the ki cl.en by the e, nh. h I wheu he alop by me, und aa ho aid, watch tuo. tiieiiii-ti- t hu biouht tl.o from tl a tllnp-- r torn and Iir lli.iti I' tow ale h mo. At Ihla Mrs. I ,r,. II !' i. i a ,a,e I w.lh hli , and s lid that l.euitilii lit tl.i- luiiu.u nmaiu in tt plaiolu I Iho watch nn. aa well as lis pull it out in lliu Liuliiu wln-r- I wu,wliin the dator got mid and remarked to mo thai he n i.hnd Mrs. I'titii 11 nas dead or out of the nay, I uuili m).elf think Irom Ihla reuiaik Uial the doctor liked lie-- , aul did really think that he wanted eo eel out ultha way, and this preit-- uniii my mind and eave me mi much tineaaltica that I really thought I mutl kill hor, bocaioe I thought it put her nut of thenaylnuuld be all right with Iho doctor, aud would be kept by him, auclnauld tako care uf the house and the batty. AU-u- l 10 P. M.. on the tsth of rehruary li-- t (I will not le .".'llthoas tollmesk Mrs. Corlt ll was l)lng upon the loaitite in the aittlug room, IvTug donn she complained uf not fouling very well, acd sa'd she would Lot go to bed hut would ttunn her.elf uiniii Hie lounge, and wkhed me to si, upsu that I uiVh; watch Id .Iff "Mion-c- if sho stilted, who was In the irsdto Iu the amill bodro-im- . As Mrs, Cor'ull n ae ly tor em It.n loiilist appirer.tly aloo, I enttie out ot llic kltiheu wi ll a hirad knife iu my baud, ul.lih was exhibited on the trial, and pttk.-- un Hie krru-oD- e laiiiji that was on the table Iu the sit. ling room, not hehied, end apj roa. her, struck her with the tampon the ne.k. Mtu stinted li hi a liewll ln.ed m .nner, or d humediaiiiy wrut Into the mall bedroom tt,, i lining the skl'cg room, ard I f .Unwed slier her. hhe flood up agituat the teJ, .nl i. 1 nt.u- lojjr her alai giiota-- t the kulf.- out i f in l.a,..h I Ihon turut J round and paked t.p auoihor knlte nilhawhtte bundle that tsld iifain tt e l ildo la Ihe ltciltiMim, cn.eilfd lie a taliieil nh ihsl had tLr a li over tt. 'll.ia knlle lliadpltud there, liav ng f"Und it In otm the drnn - ui the bureau uf tho bclriaim. I ILen Mined up in Mrs. Condi and puatio.l Iter hark on the hot, nu I with this whim hinehd knlio itrue-- t l.er rtt-- t edlr. 'I he bulk- - alio had gra-- 1 e t out of my hand had fall' n on Hie tt.vir, a at . con not too tr, and I d.'l imt eie it ll.it in lit. ntd ' i nut kluiw huts k iHcsmo la nt, hhe mailo all t.i- she could, deleudliii ertelf wlih u p.'ii-w- . Altir snlklug t.er very tiftem as klio laid on (lie bed and suH-siii- she wve dea-l- I tln'ii pc'le. I nil li 'Vdamiu out of Hie eiadlo and euul unit i. r liilo Iho sitting ruom aud sal ihn luuugu fr a tin moiuenus I then rosa and went Into tho kitchen, harln? Mamie iu my artm,, and washed my hands In tl.o Iruu pot or water anting oa tto .ti.ie. Ilhin came back into tha fitting room and went Imo ho bednaiui, aud found that Mrs. Curled had ten tl.o Led and gone out of the hou-e- . limine-tllaie- lj went In itinreh aud found h.r ruing aloti to the gatta n fton, of tht i1M., fjjj (,?, , , back again sba said milking hut wor.t bicki and as she was paasing througlV the sitting-roo- stesli,iilthmBanif klaod little Mantfe, who nas staudlng by me lounge, whero I had idaeed her when I went after Mra. l.'orlelh Mrs,f'ur.rl tbi-- sst diiwti e.n tho rlour and bedrojm, and while she was sltthiir Uiem I uwk thu small rbild'a chair, which was nu Ibo trial, an t struck her with It twoor three tirars about Iho neek. I then drew her into the snd Isld her down UMin Ibo flour. I Iheu cauio bark Into tho slttlng-ruo- and sat utMiu the Iuuiiko for a few miuutea. 1 thou leaik Mamie's dre-r- and etimo paper, put them Into the stove and lit tLvni, and then threw them burning upon tl.o tad. Mrs. Cor.cl! w..s tint la Ud, bat ou the floor, 1 did not ihuni-- Mi m'e'n d e,t that nltfhi, but carr.el her con f ''.a b w'tti IU ssue Uiiss sba had uu Mata la: lailu tier V.jairlffilrBaaHLVHI on.i'e. I l,en w"rt crtt nf th sPt'nr-rno- dwn In of Iho hrni-- aid stoo.1 the-- . Wh.l. atlndfnj lhe-- e I Ihoneht I heird a man walking up from larsel I'm i IPs store, and went hack Into the hon-- e sglln. I aat down cm Hie titiu,a live or sit mlntift-- a, lleii arnae and went ot.l of h.nte down to Israel I'orlell' tt te to roll-.- - i up. reptrac-iiting- , na waa detailed oa the Ir.al, thai ri.hltera lisd been tln-r-e. 1 had on that i ght when Ik IKI Mra. Cu -- II a wh'-- skirt, ant that akbl was not n..;ii ,1 im the tnil, alihi.ii h the Atk.n,.y, Mr. hal It In Ma p..o..l,in. I hid tsko--i tnr frock oft at stt-t- la t,'il,-- l"-- te the mur- der: went to I'orloll'a stntr Ih ,1 nlcht an 1 orer fn Iter. Mr. I.ltt e's hneiac with tha aim" skirl I wore whsn the murder was e.ii.niiliteib I never tin nerd my okithea thai nkbt aftrr the marjer, n.ir ariamrcd my hslr, nor fltral nr hair, nor Ate I auy n ir, esrept my rand. The nn my rbiHiea eihlh'tol on the trial waa n t oreadonod lis tho litoo.1 of Mra. Or'cll. I never hsnl lira I'orlell say that nleht, ptorbahr '" I did not heir hir maki any nol'o alter ahe went out nf ihe hou-- at.l was eoin down to the ersie. 1 never used tl.o norda lint night. " ako Ellon hvrk." I wia not tip alalia that nlaht lathe room when lh ho-r- e an was ssld to .anpaou Mra. I'nrlell wia not rip tro e that , nor antlaalr elae to my InawVilge. Hr. fvirlel was np there thlt ereo-Irt- g Irartng homo, hatlnit left at f o'ekta k. He wanted his war. heht'n front lhat room, an 1 aakdMra. t'.ulell t.iiret II for hill, I tit she de. cl.ned. llethi-i- i aake.1 mo, an II ,all "Wait a m nii'e,"hni b tavauio Imtiallent ant said ha wia in a hurry, anJ went nf "Mlra hlmelf for It) If the bureau waa n late I I did not do It, and don't know wlaj did, and t hare no nf awing to any one af.er the winter "I d.ml know whether tho bu. reau vras ujet or not." Uim (Wmii tits siof ferf (Ail nl.U. Sho know noth'ng of ihe mirrc'er and t.al nn bind nr with It; ahe la entirely Innocent ; t noier knew hor nntli shoearae to Newt-ark- et to lire I tho alalemont that I was aeon with lor and a Ctrl Mttieti lei VVsahlnglnu Mai iol, hsi Yolk, Is unuaie; I did not put tho lur a. I ka.1.1 eihltiilod on tho trial In ths garden home ol llr. Curl, It, nor do I know who di,L The other knife wlih the white handle which I naed I Itrew Into the store ttat nlghi. Thst nlcht l fore tie. i'orlell he pre psro,l aoiae for Ida wife, ll waa In a tumbler, sho took mime nf it daring tho rtenlng and alas complained Hi it II made her i and al. epy, and thai wsa tte ahe laid up m r lo da solo going in Iikol.Himre, n truth In the storr 1 ld n'l. ut two -- onitn- into the houae of tit. Cni.-l- on tho Im.'ii of telimsry .Mh. Iho I wis men, Patrick and Ml. hai-- I Hunt, and tharlrl Annt.sl.l-- I men. nlit.Mi I uujuatly rliargi I wttti the murder hare n.ilhlne tod,, Willi It 'lln'V ate lun.aatit ; I am Ti'eio waa no dooln'ti or attempt Ialono that night. Tin- - mil. dor was for no. I killed Xlra. fuil.tl, thinking Ibat I tike Tli'a ahme led mo toe 'l the h.nrM erlnto, ro Ilea of nvnrderl ij Mra. t'ltioll did lint e.imo iitmn me and that nltht. I had lluaight ol II n l.mj tlm I. bin- - tl.o ibvd teas dorto. I hsre to' I it l no s rr. I um aoi ry for line cominllled ai gte it a mine, an I li,i 0id tiny foihlve lue. Tnrtv-Tmica- r. NliW-VOH- SATlfl.I)AV. AUGUST ,'H, 1S07. .1'riooTwo Conl;s CRIME. lnnlher Trne.r A M'.liniui Lett In tuts Mleeta lu Hie. One uf Ihe liuiat aiugidir and mv terloua Ir.ig. ill- .- Ui.il w u ciirciirulod in Ihla t t; oc iirreil In N Y., Wediu-.-da- e vening All Iho fact thus far ile lvjKli aie li,li fly ihe-.- o At abotil eight I,'. I.,h. a g"..iiciii.tn tinned 11 li, walk- - ig .il n.g ,,,tP , r t anal, had hit filtentl tn nltr.ii Pal imrir-iligt- . pasr-jn- along, n in in and Xu man, ll-i- wu crvln- - mul the ".an was endeavoring to puily lur. Mr. liulaoii liniiit-.llit- i ly in dllied rirrgi-m- King, id Ihe police, wlni sL.ited In pura dt of the rurligi'. ktil elld not ov.-r- l ike-I- t thedrlur I'liippiug up the hore mid inpldly piarlnz tbioiitli scvernl slretta, li natty d', appeared lu I'poit rclraehig Ills slope, Sergeant IC. Came upon the hotly of a femilc a young girl lying by Hie loidsltln, dead. tln- waa picked up ami com cecal In the- - atntloti houae, where Dr. Hull made a ;n.f m irfm examination id the deceased, nu. I found that she was thu vic- tim ot nn nborllon pe rpetrated by some operator, or oilier pc rscui unktionn, A abort distance Irom the place whero tho girl was picked up, a bundle of cloth-tin- g thrown from lite eimagu ir as found, rem- - awing or a skirt, under ilolhlng, n. white Im key hat. and n p c kit handkerchief, The Jockey hat whs in r' ed " Mks Adama" on Uio liiahlo or tho riown, and the hitulker-chle- r wai lu irked "Carrie." The dn t wai a elalk cidonal one, sKitted vvllh red dots. The riipporltlon It that the girl was also thrown out of Ihe vehicle wheu 11 wis that she could not live, as the t moans to hide, ir pnaalble, Iho cinneellon of Iho guilty tirrpctratoi a with this lit domes- tic horror. Strange to siy, the remain) of Ihe unfortu- nate young lady were only Idcntlllcl this luniniiig, It was at first stippoatd tint a Ml-- s Anna Cunuira, eif Cohoes, wa the vic- tim, and two pi riles apnrnl who Ideiitlllcd the Inaly as that or Mlat (J, First, a coin-I- o'.MI-sO- a man inintil Haves appearitl, and i xprcaaed his t Hit" that' slm was the tnttrderi-- gl'l t but na he wat not entirely poaltivu ot Ihe tail, riergeant King tent to Cohoe fir more Iricmlt or Ml-- s Conner, I" !r ".-- v- t.. !:., ind thus eel.ibll.li tin Identity of the body' be- yond a doubl. A elsler-lii-bi- n of Atiua Con- ner nrrlled at the Incite o'clock, flic was conducted to the room win re Ihe body was laid nut, nnd gimd loni' mil a! the fialurca eif lite dmil glil bh. did not ricoiTl'ie Ihtm at IIM, but nt let Hi slm urns poatllvo that It was Atint I Cuilicm and nono other. Hubii'iirutlv. it trnii'plrtit Ihit .MUs Count iv.t nt linliie all Iho time, ."he vrm nrii'.tied Irom bul to reality to her own I kiitlty, anil cstal bliditd the luit lint she hid not' been mur-d- i itil ut nil hi ll.u vv iy mentioned. Ihl- - direct ol the ,t it. of lla Connors' nlitlvii aereed mr a short lime to Intoiitlfv Hi. but thlt tnorn-ln- g the body of tin uulnrtiiirite rlrl viae Hilly i.lcutllli'd at that ofl'inb' llubbai.l. I.ltth, honoMT. is known ot le-- ll lory. It Is she lormeily risldcil In I'lttatonn, wlileh . ue ahe lelt a short time since, nntl It is suj piMi dahu his recently It en living In oroiu-ifth- neighboring v Chic I lliirlbut mul Seigi-nn- t Mug, of I.iUflngburg. hive gono to I'ltlsto-v- to botuelhlug ol Ihe i;! ''r bbtciry prior lo her removal Irom Hint pi 'lue dec eased was appurclitly atoi t t'. ult on ye its tit age, about tr.c tect b.;h Im.' tl rid andy and nut inn Inir As lil.l lu thi- - .on ; i "lliu or box, lait nlglit, the tlie pe It c 1 le lure of liiini-cvn- nnd joulli. Ilir iei hitv oks, .; thet.upllj tvere not lutiiiti lip iu uialrtir dcatlt. Her llpancio parted, n If about to steal,, and her whole appciiatice was mure tint or life thill dentil. livery pre eiiution wns adopted by the police lift night lo arrest, H poeslhlc, niceompiiiiluii or lliu murdered gill. Tho polirimrn ed Troy, West Troy and Cahoe-s- , were tiotillcd of the minder, and Inslritetr 1 to be on the t.tii I't'ei and stiip every single carilige In thu slriets. I.ale lit Ihn iik'ln, Ollletr llurl.e- - of the '.'d nrrt ted erne of oitr t ity .hy-l- i i.r Dr. liate. who wai 111,;" liuui a ci.l in We-- Ti iy, but is tit it ginthmaii gid- Ihi moat sttiiln tory ai e oiiiit of hlmaeir, ue was ilienigui upon his nr.'i-va- l at lliu stiuoii. lo-di- the uiauorities nnd jaisnae are endeavoring to elnclilatu (be Inysterv etiiini oti d with Iheinurl. r. Ac tlicr ai .i t stoete thai nt tlic cororer's Itupieat 11 e teatlllod that they siw tho ten lutiiuii- before abu'dieil, luur a .Mr. Iruy's lie house, u lu 1.1 holdli g her hind und riiii.n k mir that bet null do li'dlilng lur hir.uitei mm. u thu with lilt lit Hin, eiiicrcil a carriau and dtmu away very rupl lly. John Henry, nu alleged parnmour of Mrs. Wager, who Is supi-o-t- lu bale iomiiiltli.1 thu uttirHon on the j.erM.u ol the munh-rct- i w. .in in. and who Is susieclti ol having thrown In viitim liom thu carriage, lu.s been arrested, as also ChrHopher ()car Hlla Hani 1, the alleged scduiir of thu girl, i'lvy I lines. The Troy WkSj of yesterday adds i The excilcmcut exctulun In kanshigliurgh, by the tragic drnlli of an unknown lady, in that village, on Wednesday evening, Increas- ed In Intensity all day yesterday, aa the cor- oner's investigation progressed. Farly yes- terday morning, It wu ascertained that tho name of the unfortunate young lady wai MUs Caroline Hubbard, whose parent! 'fo- ible lu I'ltutowii, In thu oouuty. but who boa latterly been employed oa doniealle In families lu Ijuulngburgh and neighboring village. Her sister, Ellia Hubbard, who hai been foraomo Hmo past, employed la the family of Mr. II. Weaver, of lainilUgbtirgh, was the first lo Identity the remains. The following Is a portion of the testimony before the coroner'! Jury lu tltli extraordinary caaji John CI ute a worn I iivj dccfasAT about Willi iildfcWil f Imlf-pi- eight o'c lo k last evening, atll'ng on the ground by Tracy' Icti luitiacialie spoke, slm ild eho wanted to go hi Ttaey'si she vras naked n hit Tr.ioy's, and I did not hear lu r reply , a cum! of children wat thir i I .in the cirrligi alnndln by Ihe hiiiiso t mw the mui, he had her hand! lu hli n Idle sitting o t a lo.. ho could do nothing lor her t when n. iter was rent lor, Ihe in in got In tin) carriage and droit od nipldly down Itlirr atm-- l t ho vv ve a in m .iimlc taller than mo, with i .tmw hit inn don't know iws I would know lilui If I saw hlui again, llrldgit Hiil-o- ii snorn lavat rvctiliigt wai tinveut w hen Ih.- deocMaed elietl in the slreet i I ain she wat dv Ul' i I held up hi r buck i sl.etl el lu nliout the iiiliiipeot! Iliilhcil hor In cold water ; sho diitl eadly, no con-- t uMoiia or spaatnt, I did nut aea- - the tin- - flit never spoke since Ia nv her; her head lay in my lap when sh, died. "Ill'itn O'lllk-n- , swiitti -- I n issltlinit; on IolwardTru y's nllloe sttHtp when a ca tlage droi c up n,tjate, I vet evening; Mr. liulaoii aiidolhert were llicrci aliottttt tiolleed the wagon atop; In I rew momenls It drill c a,! ay a row steps nnd stooped; I told Ilulaon In go nin' k what was the matter; the hnrae waa rievel notlh; hit went over and aaked hlin vv hit Ihe matter wa: the man who Hi cd In Ihe houae: I did not thru go to the carriage; hen llnlt.ni reliuiud Irom the carnage I tol 1 him to go Tor a policeman, and add I thought there wa aoinethlng wrong Alaou D. Hull, awom lam apriclklng I dt) s Irian and surgeon; I aiw tl . IV ") '"lintj about half-pas- t H o'clock, near Mr. ItiillerV, dual strt et; alio waa do id when I nrrlled there; she w ,s then removed to tho li.lleei.tilli,ii under I iy dlreclhm; I hive afnee cxamlneil her, rMernally all over, In conjuuetlon with Dr. Ilucklln; nc fnumi no external Injury; Ihi mcrnlng wo nude a poat mortem rxammaHoni nc fmind ex-- ti iiaiie iiuaae ol in Hie bow. .. atwl otltei ndjtii-n- l parts very tnucli inllauied, ex- tremely so, Uiem vras rvlihncri of Itrslrti-meii- hailug been uaed er aotiin kind, should think slm n, Peon pngnatit about l" mills, she evideutl)' illi.f rroln Ihn cilect of Infinitnatiiiii preslnted fiotn Ihe cm,- - I hue. tiled. I ahotild Ihlnk Hie opera-Ho- n had erfiirmeil within three- - necks. During the diy, Detective lliirlbut and .'ergeiant Ivlnglnd arrlied Irom bringing with tin-i- ae a nltnesa lu lliooa-- o a yiiniig lit in tinned Oscar William, who, It '"'''I illy Irmaplred, had pi ivttl no In.lg. iiltli-it- it put In the terrible lran u lion, On In lug pi ti ed on Iho stand Jail was ltd ln'itl.itlvii- rnllonsi Hear Wlllliins awom lioaldo lu pill, loni', . iiipii!iilei wlih Cnrolltii Hub. bird. Ihodeeei ahe hid llie-- nt mv fa- ther'- limiM' , she lelt there- - nliout tho 't ed 'tly I . Is i'v hit aluce lu 'I my the ist llino about a week ego. IJ by a Juror Where did you see her in It.,,- at Hu- lime you apeak of' Ansrfei At the hou-- e ed Mr Wngor In nice; I I'llnl. her nnnio is I'ir-- . llu ii i W.tger. Notiodv wiiproaeut vvhe-- i 1 ealhal but Mrs Wa:rr Caroline Hubbnrd ami mvsil'. I hive aeon the nt Mr. igir'. -- ix nr neveii vvtahe ; lhit iv is tin- 111 .t i inn and pliccltuit lur allien she 1. It mv ruber'a lion.-- ; Jlr. W iger wns rI- - ii i nl . f hive s e n her a rittiibcr id tilue-- i lour or lue Hunt nl Hut plate allies-- ; I don'i she was a ser- vant or a Imui tier al Mr. Wnut r'a , shu wa lying on a bed at Hie lime Is-a- lur; aim never complained ed Itdng rlrk to my l.non-lodg- e ; don't know of n matt ly Ihe nine: of John ut thai pl.no saw a in tn Iliac , don't know Ids mine. (juration by John llourke, Juror Hisvrdl.l vim know Ihit the deceased wiu stopping at Mrs. Wager's 1 Answer I didn't know nnlil I called Uiem. (Jiii'sllon by Mr. I'.ouikti When you ap- plied lor admMnn at Mr. Wager a front door, the first time, whom did you uek to feet ? Witness, hesitatingly Caroline Hubbard I I did not inert her Ity any appointment ( j didn't know aim was there, w lien I called i I was not ncusirduted wit's Mrs t.,,l..i',. ' I cnlle-d- . there i shewn total sttnnger tn Bit) I I Hid 1191 expect to find Ml.s Hubbard lltcro whim I went there I did not see Caro- line llubb.ird yesterdsv; It I nearly n week ago liner I nor her ; Mr. Wager spoko In me once anil a.ild that Caroline wns not very well I she tlld not not any what was the mat- ter with her. Here the examination of this witness closed. It will bet seen lhat his evidence niei of the most extraordinary character. On two or thrro occasion he ilei lined In answer Iho direct epie.tlona put to Mm, but llnallv yielded. Ho also desired In knoiv If he could nut employ counsel. Ho only tncti-ly-on- o r tf nge. He wa glien iu charge of the nllloer, and nn lockeel uptoawnll duirlopinruta. The further IntesHgillou of thei c.iwi wns posHmni'd until .Vlondiv liens. The- - ileci'i.e.l wa btsrled ye.terd.iy. Muirer, Hie- silipeclcd vrsimatt, haa dlsipiHared. Lnrit. Olllecn nrtlicd In Troy yctcr-da- Im lug In custody the alleged aborlloit-M- , Mia. linger, wluun they urieatnl at Kin- dt rhook, nt Ihe house ol' her brother. Bho w .is nt once taken to Jill, where, tiion her nirh.il, the fainted away, and unite u scene suoiicd. IMliicr- - 11 it i .1.11 1 und King are- - of great ciedit for the maimer In nhkli they have norkul up Ihe entire cue. .11 ti t di r send filicide In Nrw Ileum. Ni.vv llvvev, Aug, .10 A licninii sub. on hup r mined rUwihaiicr, was idiot ind I. ft intly killed, lu hi msIimiii, ll.U mi. Im.'. I ' iiindher Uenuau name-e- l Miiladi. The iatt. t iiinir-llaUI- shot himself, l.dli.-tlu- .i fatal n mind. K slinieully about in nu y unit- - tirsli tti pined to havi-bic- the la'u-- o of Ih Hag. dy Georcla. r?9irci uf Aii.tar.v, lit, Alt', ol), -- Tho f'ri,i,. ort-- f Srniimt att rts, em tho authority of tm inhere of the Imird of regletere, III tl pri- vate instructions line been banted ihitnn frii'dmeii will be permitted to take seats In the npproit hing foul's iillon. (len, l'opo hisviug lo, loknow wlu lber lliero waauny truth In Hie repor' Hint he ti I suli l Itstilng an ortlcr staying llic collection or debt, replies : j "Vit eonfetrsblo clt.uiii-isiiee- a rouil Induce nn- to Interfere with the general tmilnca of iho Mate, or the rrl ttlons of dehlnr and creditor. '1'ho only ordera lasued, or to bu laauu.1, are such as aru coiiaidrrud neeeaaary to Iho elocution of Iho recomtrui-tlo- acs, which imt warrant iltdent thaiii-- tn the ordinary eour-- o of elvll hualncaa, 'I ,o timet look fir relief os tho Hiate t'onvoiiiloti. 1 do lint eon-ld- sueh mat- ters ss tlhlii my prortnee to adjust." (ioveriior (Jrr - to dtltieri "iltou, ri. C, Inuhl'li hi i illu.lv bo tin people tn r gi.ter md vote foi Ilu Cou- - veiitloii, bcliiLT Mll.lie.l thu ullitiide or Iho nt gro in Il.e 1 otivi-iii- l ui ami ..gU.,ture will pi.jduii- n wonl.-rlu- lu lavnr of ilia ftouili throiiho'it Hu- North, ft.vvtfoaii, (i s.. August .a). It It rumored ties . Hi it a t tin. m hi- - bun si ut lu tn i.i nil I'oiie for Ihe n uioviil ol ihn pii iut Mutor and Hoard ol Abb rain ; and t coiliili-- pi II- - lloll lliu boon gntloii up lis relulii Hie lioird, whieh Is esguid by all tin- - l.stlueullal lili2c;u aud liiinli'iuu ol tlileiilv. Lcuisiaiiai Vellnw I'eser Iti eonalnicllon .aisillrra. Niw Ont.Kvs, August IV). Thero were lHiinty-I- x ileitha byyilluw fever ycatcrday, (lenctnl Cjrui Hnmliu was Interred wlih Masonic cemnonlci. Thirty of tho crew and four ofllicri of the lion-cla- d Ma- haska with yellow lei er, and were removed to the hoapltal ycflerday. Four of Ihe crew have died. They had remained cooped up ou board the ship until the venel almost a pent house. (leneral BherleUn'i order, 129, remove I', 0. Mohan, City Comptroller, and appoints I). H. ilandel lu his stead, for reasons similar to those given In the order readjusting thu City Council. Order 180 orderi the rlccdon on the ictond HTO'jr of SepteEtsr by the l'ollr lurlci of eaidi l'arlah, of Inpeclon or j. irr- - U enter fortiiwllh upon their duties, jotlfylng repnrltn proprlcteire to repair and strengthen or construct now lev ess or In default thereof to euforce the law for audi case-- , providing tint a rorrect oaxgunt of tho exte-ni- for add repair or construction, whether by Indi- viduals or l'ar!h, shall be kepi, and upou the acceptance or the leveca by the Btato the account to ho paid from the pro-fee- of the State bonda appro-arlale- by the laarlilattiac for that nuruoaa. tnOM WASHINOTON. WAaiitxiitnx, Aug. 50. Tlsel varioti correap.indciiU now agree that Iho view which (leu (Irani In heretofore held of hi tswera under Use llcroindritill.m aelharetfcn Incorrect. Upon a rloeo read-- s lug ll I now tliecasvered that Ceueral (Irani' uthnrltyonly rile lid lo removal eif eslllcir. and tint ct rnininauder have full and absolute powers In regUlrallon, elections, Ac. Ilriire (len. (leant has withdrawn one nf Ida pint rating Is iter sent to the rrcahlent, ind ll Is probable thlt the oontrntersy I al an end. Tin re now remain, but cue utipiili-I- I I ed dnciiini-u- ssf the Jolmacn-drm- t ferlri that In which (Irani le tohave pro-te- .1 agclint Htiuit. iii's removal. The I'inltiiasler at I'rcnult, Atliona, in a letter, lelcd July Slat, aaya- "There are probably ten Indiana mnnacrc to CTcry one reported. The military forct here Is tint half rettal to the demand, and utile anme suit-abl- e commander 1 appointed and cm com- prehend the true condition of the country, It It foand many year will rlapae lieforewe will lie rt'loird of Indian trouble and tlantT-r- . The country l, however, rnnttanll) Inereailng In while population,' Ofllric si account from I'alertno, dated Align! Oth, rh.iw a frightful state of affair In that city and neighborhood, Iho cholera luting epidemic and wide spread. Hon, 0, II, Drowning, Secretary of thr In- terior, l considered much weaker Ilia physician hate forbidden all visitor from acclng him. Director fnrnlahr Use following alatement of Iho quantity and value of raw nnd fleece wool and Hock wate and shoddy Imported Into the United Mtates during the llacal year ending Jnne IWlh, ItiTi Wool, ,V,.1f:,,l.'sl pounds - t.V'iVril; aliiHldy,fs,l)C-1- pounds t.'ild.l'O. There a nn full meeting or Ihe Cabinet Ihli morning, but no Import mt action was taken. Mr. Cs mill was y Inlrodiired by Ihe Hccrelary or Slate to the I'resldeiil, who him In Id capacity if Knvoy I'.ilraor-dlnar- y and Minister Plenipotentiary id Ids Miijcalylhe King or Italy. Mr. Ilerllnnlll, hi iuimcdlelc haa Itrtt appoint-c- tl n Mlnltter In Conslanllunple, The whIAey de.aleri are endeavoring to create a reeling against the Comiutanliiucr or Interim! Itrvt into, ami to get (leneral Htcul-ma- n nppolnled in till place, A rumor wa clrculaliu thl afternoon tint doner. il Hlrailmau Is lo lio appoluteil Secretary of War, but on Itupdry nt the proper sourest the report I aicerUlne I to be entirely devoid of truth. The (leneral c died nt the I'aci'ittlve mvntlou to--tl iy merely on a vlait id coiirtray. Then' are no new development alTcctlng the prevent mctnltr of Iho Cabinet. Any fiullicrcli mgea do not nppear now probable In a very brlif Inlcrvluw vrillt the Preil-de- iceenlly, "e mtrrnndenl of Hie llotoii Posr nskiil Itlni Tor something authoritative a lo the wild tlorlca about tho Cabinet dis- solution, to which the Prealdent replied, "You may telegraph that ' liavo uot rocetved any ruslgnillcj;,, nor sskeil one from any member of my present Cabinet," iOI.IHI'.nrl' DISt'HAIttlK PAPnUR. ' Ordsr I'rmn (lnorxl Onsnl. WasiiiacuiiN, August 30. The ftillowluff order was Isaued to day i Waviincitux, August SC. --The following order rccclied from the War Department I I'libllahcd for Ihe Information and guidance of all concerned r Tn tircvent paymenli on fraudulent iol slier sllsrhirgs pstr, pavmtaler nrn In- structed by the chief of their depirlment to rs fue lisyinent mile Iho ldeutlly or the Mi- dler Is prof rly cstablDlu si," " Pitussrtndi lail.'aOrrtor.l Ang-ia- t H, f "Cleocin N.i. M To Inauro a farns prartlea. ble prompt naymetil of pticli claims, and at tho ssnto lime ,1111 more ruefully guard airaln-- t fraud, all ollh'rr wins sign and ilrhvcr dlaibargo papers nlll hi.lriitl ihn soldier to present them to tho rhlefof the liardlaiilci In which he I at Ihe time of his discharge, or If lu prefer to autne chief of a pay ellalrlrt, and tho etlleer Will then Immediately notify, thrimi-- another chnuriol thsn hai.tle of the man ilia. charged, the paymaater doalgiialed, uf Hie facl ot asieli daliarKf with date, liaine, rrglmcut and rompany nf the aoldler, aa as t forth In the pais ra. No pajment will bo made un dlsrhargs- by any paymaster except on receipt of such lui&h'allnti, lime.- ho ibs tr lie otliorwi-- c ronclualselr aatlaflod of ihelr gonuliirai and of the ldeutlly of tlio claim int. " ilv couiman I nf Has-ir- . " K. II. To urin, Aal-i- . AdJ..lli-u'l.- NrvvJeiary I Irons n nl rsiuithkeetials. l'ius.iiMii-.i- e, N. Y, Atlgii-- t W.-'I- ldt niornlng the' New Jersey f.rcnu'li, Invited guest, nnd i'ougliktepslc liretni ii, acciiiupa-nlei- l by Mayor llcetl, of Trenton, and other gititleint'ii, roces did to Vatnr College In triligea. mid uller being hai.d-oiml- inter-Inliic- there nu, a grand piiiude upon the bueulllul rrouiid ol the colli ue hi the Mr. lusts and Ilu gue ts. 'I Ids evening tin re will bo a grind display of l.renork unit an open nit coiit crt In honor ot Ihu Jsrecyiueu, who will bin u home niornlng on Hie m.imir Mary I'owsll. Thtv expre lliemseliui highly plecntd with their vlait. Tiik merih nits or Klclimoti.l, Vs., organl-re- d a Hoard of Trade yesterday. Dauh ItKMitr A t'n.'s) wliolciale Ibiuor tore, Chicago, wna destroyeil by Are ) ester-di- Total loaa nltiut f Psi.lSal. Tntwlfu or Colonel Ilankheid, and twenty, live men or Hie Fifth regiment, recently died eif cholera at Fort Wallace, Kan-- i. llvi'l- - A Co ' tobacco manufactory, 111. Vs., was aelied yeatcidiy furviuli. tlou or Ihe Intern Kevciiue, Am ir ime-hi- ir or lleyunli! City, Mont ma Territory, wuj dtslroieil by fire ou Ihe l dh of Align. I. Till' Monbitii Hingrn, tinder (leneral llcein, npn led to min-- . igalnst Ihe ludlaii In a short time, l ive bundled dulkera have been psld for three Indian wulp. Ovv imi to the ioiitlnuc.1 sciloin Illness of Hon. J. T. Ileltn, (ioverncr-ilrc- t of Hlii.iiigiiiailoii cot colonic will take place at hi private rfldcnie at Kllr.ibc (If.Ni'ii.vi. IIisiiv, Hccrctiry or War to the Hiiltaii or Turkey, arrived in Toronto, C W., Thursday evening. The (leiiciai1 md Hullo Intend spending three weeks In Catiadi, mul will then proceed aoitlh. Their visit to America will occupy thrto months, (inn'.iiaou Fusion his inado the following appolntinent i William Fullcrton, or New-bur- Jiullco of the Huprtmo Court, to Oil the vacancy lit the Second Judicial District, rained hy tha death of William W. Hcrttij. ham. John Austin tjlevens, Jr., of New York, aa CoramUaloner In represent the. State Statistical Congress to be held lu l'arla duriug the month of September next. A iad drowning casually occurred at ;, Conn., yesterday, VIllIam, the younireat son of flev. John It. KMp, trae!;-,-- nt the Deaf and Dumb Aiylum of Hartfotd, waa In a low boat with a female relative on I'urmliigtoultlicr, and approaching tu near the dam, wni carried over the falls and drowned, III companion aared her life hv t llnidng to the edgu or the boat. Mr. Keen was nb nit tivs-nl- yoars of nge, and a taeui-h- e of Bonhtaore rkua at Val Cilljge, Sun Cablo Dispatohoff. THU WAR IN SOUTH AMEIMCA. A QREAT BATTLE AT HAND. TURKEY AND THE UNITED STATES. A SK.VSATIO.V CHKATKI). Aallir Spctch bj iVnpoIteta. tiii: ti.i:s.ii.'4.N oi' ih.:i:. Ac, Ac, Aa. llso Weir In isth Amertess. I. Isnot, Aug. ilUlh Kvetilng. The regular mail steamer from Kin Janeiro ariltcd hen alio bring Ihe Important Intelli- gence lhat the allied army Ins crotued the Uper Parana Into Paraguay, ami that eon. ae.uenlly a great battle might be looked for at any moment. Ilrntiss Polities. Srcrreunr, August oOth, The olllclal (lamm: of this city, In lit lue of thl morning, ronlal i an article deny lug that the subject of a South (Irirnin Iliind was or eten brosclii d at Iho recent at Snlrhurg. Iwrkrr and Iho resiled Mate. losmtit, Aug. .10th. The serle or solut- ion or Hie I'nllcsl Stitc Cotigie, rtpreae. Ing ymvalhy r.tr the stniggllne Cretan, , which Mr. Morrl, Ihe American minister, teee nlly presentttl to the Sublime I'ortr. ha created a prorottnd sensation at Constintl-tiopl- e. Prnnee ssnd Iterminr. Ioimiox, Aug. Rvlli Fienlng. H a said that Ihe (lovernmcnt of Frame waignliil aimnineei nf e In I'rusla. Assollsrr raicrrfi by Nnpolenn, I'Altl, Augud KOIIi, - Whllo tho I'.inporor Napoleon win le inoratIly dilayed at l.lllu yealorday, he made u ihort speech. Ho allu- ded to put rctirsc ru "dirk potion Ihe liorUo.i,"and comiuetiti-- l at mhii le iiath on the pacllle sUlc- - of atrilra In Hurope. He poke cncnurigliigly In Ihe people, nnd that Ilia cerbiluty of puu-- would give a gicat linpelus' to trade. While he bhitncd the director or the public prcn tor prcadlng iinroundeil rninori, and rreitlug general dllrii-l- , ho htiuseir would do all In hi power to recall conlhlcncr. A I'rencli Ncto llapccted. r.iuia, Aug. .".oth, It Is iihiiIi-,- llnl n netefrom th" French Foreign Oilier, pacific In Its character, will amin maiiini:. fli.Annw, Aiijttai .it) Kvetilng.-Tli- o An-cl- l.lne'a luwo, Citplnln Clalg, iv hkh loft New Yorkou tho 17 Hi, atrhid at thl port (Ji August 30. Noon.-T- ho atcamihlp ltuai Captain Cook', rrotn Ni'W York on the Xlst Itiat., arrived hetu this tiiorti-ln- tr on her way toLlvcriiool. llitK-sT- , August SO Etenlng The steim-lil- p Cella. Captain (lleadell, wlileh kit New York nn Hit- - VOlti or August, arrived hero to- day on the way to lonidon. (ll.Asiinw, Augitat 30 The stcntnsldp SI (Jeorge, Captain Smith, from (Jitelf c August JMb, arrived al this port FINANCIAL. r.o.tiin-- , Attgiut -- eJ"0'' arc somewhat (Inner, and closed at Ot lur money. Aincrioan Mrcuiltlr The poaltlnn nvmm-n- l by (leneral (Intnt lu Ihn American Cab-luc- e, haa had a marked effect on Iho prim e.f American and H.ero Is inn, h tt-uli- . Il.m. parllcitlstlylu y Nusd. . r. lowing aie the clniliu ncel share.-- . 43; llhnnl. Central Itallw.y rtirei rv f I nlteil Stales y lajuda, TS1.: He snd Ureal We.tem, il A en- 0.1 . Ksrnlinr. -- Cnlte.l rllalei bund, cloaeil In Ud city Ibis eten- lng at Tit ',, COM.MKr.C'IAI. I.tvsneiaii, Ail.', SU. -ulinr. I.'otlon-T- li'i lnrkrl Is dull, and prleis, llioiuh .to tniiitnldy um hinged, hales H,ll halo. M'ddhng upland, Iti'.iLi inlddllng Orloaiia, 'Trade Kenorl The adrlre rmm Maiiehraler eontlnimnnosmrjlilo. '1 ha markel for linhIs aud yarn In lhat city la dull and drooping, llreuilaliilTs-Tli- o ntstkstt la dull, and nrlie ban declined eoital.b-rslily- , Who it lit. Jl m i rrutal ror UabfoenU; peas 4a. per Ml Iha. for ( anadlin; corn, ara, ocisrier for lulled weaterii : nits, 3. rvl. per buah. nitls'tin and Pnalueo- - I hu market f,r artl. ilea f American nnd other produce t without chanc., 'Ihe ttattal aiithoiltloa ouo'e a li.ll.l.iai Tallow, Ha. SH; lm, t JT. b; potk, 75a. ikb i lwscon, t,a. ; lard, lis. vd.; all ir unlet at Sta. 6.1. for No. 11 II. .4. AMiur, Aug. So I'vcnlng - I', tiol-ji- n Is flrmer, ami prl.es haso adianced to a f, auc ler blih fur ftsttdard white. .llealenn News. Meilean ad line icpiiteut Hi it Ihu City of Mexlesi his It on remarkably Irt-s- Iront erbu nid aln.'t-I- capture byDIai; that Join and cabinet ait hard at iiotk on He. roiistrui Hun ; th.il l.oper. In betii eiidoiiini. lug to ciinvliiio the world Hut ho did not I I ray Maxlinlllin, nnd ha aildre-si- d thu1 put lit- tlsts-i- Utne Usrouith Iho prea- - In an ellnrt to e xculpate himself. Thu I u t, bun. hell ll.lng In ouul.le thu prtaon. while other llupcilali.ls are lutide, convinces the put He lliithli assertions uro unworthy of credit. (Jeneral Minpn)! hid escaped, Santa Anna nut tn bo tried soon. I'rliK'C S.ilm Hiliuwa lobe IliiprL-touc- In- stead of being shut; other ollleera writ-t- It- - dealt with iu the 11110 manner. Four schools were to Ir opened In Ihu Clly of Mexico, and Ihu Mtdlcal L'ulurslty was iu lull oprrnll m. NEW YOHir. ( oalltulltinfi1 Convention - Hty.stc-OQ- f llrsr I'liiceilltia. Ai.niNV, N. Y , Aug I'O - Tho Slate Con. slltutluiial Contention nut at ten o'llocli A. M. . Mr. II. Ilrooks, fiotn tin-S- i h i t rotunilt'ec on Charities ami I'haritibh li. litiilluin, re- ported the lollon lug null lei Section I. Iho IeirUlitu.it may enttbl'.h a Hoard nf Conn 'lanliitiera uf ssiark.e i nslaiing siri'.gh' ., a uajorll) of w .t i conali-lut- e a i. tor uu w . h i'l 'sa ' p. wer to vlall, In. and ri K'is ln.ni el.atlutilo In .tu. t,,ua .if fieri sia.i n a- t do-- i rlpllou whv cor, whi hi r e- dOial hy issillv tti tl or siplmrtt-- i or tided by tin- Mate, exu pi teilloiis orgasilll-Iiou- . ol 0 - ' . all .l.arar.i, ,, c,.,,,.. tlonsl trrllli.i'i ns otierw'se eoiitroll.-- hy law, Hu- li Hoard In up .ti to the l..'..:i.'ure. shall also t,l toil, i tu the- Alt.irnui linn Hl of any tin a. It f tru t In the l.ianigimeut of .,. .a Imtltutli.tis or their funda, who shall r refer Il.e i;iiotloti ol such h eai b uf irn.t to the prur I oiltl. Ihn nuh llosid ahull boariailnted by ihe lloieriior, with the eon.. ,,t uf tho heuaio, 'i heir term id ortlre ,h, , emM yeaia, aud the-- sha'l bo su iloaaiu-- that llTs-- shall got nui of oft) T In e.uh v. ir. bee. J, Auyirrson or r.oiis may esialdUh or leerrasethe endonmont nf a rhirliahlo Insilnt-Ho- for the support nf II o p.tir. Die a liancemenl e.f learnim-- , and other lawful and puiilli purni-C- Such liiat uitiont shsll la- eilallUhrsl, aud lis funda aduilnutrred In acei.rdatuo with tho rules of courts of ly, bat 11 o legislature diallhsie Power to llmli u.o niuo.ii.t nhlch a t. la.ot miy devise or be.ariih for rhtrltahlo s. Nu fharttab'e gilt, deviser or beiiiet shall be Invalid for went of a trustee, and I lie prou-n- court shall. If uccrsisrr, appoint a Irusiee when-- sr Drupcrty Is dcvl-en- l er u smsvlied In T.., or rharltsble purioss, but not to an nisi.itit'.ui 'Hike It. Tho Hoard uf t'hsrl. lies shall hwalreanj r?pors ,l.L""r """" I phjccllon lu lliotiusi, grow lug uutrf lae roiiu.. tlotlurtho mind er illbuo mr ity claltnauis ou Ids bounty. If the icwrt I. idisrae Iho rharllablo pruvlaloss shall fall; if fsiurallo, Iho pipiwr fuurl shall carry tu trust lul.i eirei t It shall U no iilUrc'li ii tu tcharllshla trtul th.it II larposnl. 'ho ll.sird of I'harlt tu toy, at U.e end s f ii.irl) )ea s uf s f i e- - alt. tun. .i .fa d.Ui. in ...os (i s cra.j...'-u- , u a. pirsirrtTshmli! ha eo.itlnasl In llspuwiat an, i loymcnt. On tl elf that urh empluyuonl p a no I tnyr prsrtletbl", sieh property mar, oi-- l oi Iho stnctrn nf Iheemrt, rwdern'e! to nlfior ptita He ne. Thl secllon slsall not apply ta tha Inatk tntlon excenred In this first section of ibla ar Hole. r See, X Nn clnrilshle Instllnllon shall reeolrs Stale aid fleet.! nnder lit tdlowlnt condlfMna: liter Applieitlon for neh aid shall bs mule to . . Ihe Ikiard of Charltlca at lea! two mouth f ir the reeettng r.f Ihe rrrnnd ilia Hoard rhll esimlr.e Into Ihe e(renmlnes-- s of Hit rise, and rciior! Ihl tko InstttuUnu claiming ajieh aid lends In relicie tho txitle from expoaso wl- h tho m Hint of ' t'h relief, ami thil It la nut red-Kl- iw eeetirli i In Ita character, and lhat a f i. Jnrf y tjt It m. QVier am nut rrl .don denoi nallnn. Tl.lrd- - If Um m In. atltiillon haa ,,a lot ily received Stale a'd, II isitial It I lhat nr'. aid hsa fslrl asitlci lo the pnrtoea lor w Itlsh It eras t. S- -e t lite I, lainure miy prrrlde thai an ij donor of phirltthlo fitn.D may direel lhat ancn T fnnda shall be bare-re- d In Iho registered bondo ii U thl male or if the fnltrt StateMn In held In ; the name nf thi Controller. The Ij may lurthrr pnilhh thai Um Itnalro of rbrllaba uiayaiail themscltea of tha boasflta ott this prorl'lon. , nmi nr ot tiik JcntrtAnr. ' Mr. Folger, from the Standing Commll'ee nn Judiciary, re ported an article providing aa follnnst See Hon I establishes Const of Impeachment, the same u the presy-n- t Coaatitatloa. Section J eatahl, she a Court of Appol. seretl Jndtre to tt- - elected hy State ticket, and to b il t ofitredailrge-sat- l hrharlor nploaorvatyyosraol j esrfe; lo apieilnt a Ch'ct Jasltce from ono of theli 1 Hum tor, and to appoint a clerk, reporter and aU I tendinis. 1 Hee. . The Cnrnmlaalnn of Appeal Intake ar. I rear on Ihe calendar nf tho present Court of Ap-- peal. (If lire eommlaatimera. eompoal of tha f.asr J.tdee nf tho preeeat Coort of Appeal, whs hsre tain eloetej by the people, aud Ihe fifth U It apSKriulrtl by Ihotluternor an,Hnite. Thelf doci.fons tn bo ieat-iei-l by the repirtor of thi Omrl of Apea, ami lo las enfttrss! aaa Judg- ment nftbc ameeussrll tbo erommtaaton to explrs aper three tears. See. n. 1'ho lo hare power at Ihi end nf leu years lo pros Ids fur a similar coram la. slnn. See. a, .Voprs- - Cmrt. Hie Slat to b dlrtdH Into riatr drtiartmoiits, nd each tlrpartment Into Iw.s New York clly la lu tie una there shall h thlrly.f.mr Justice of thi court, ten nf them In Ihe New Ymk cltyderaart. menl. and eight In earls of tho other department. Tho Inrlslaiiir mar provide fie aa addllhsnal tt Jlldsro Its each one of iho dot SMmeot. .o. t. Tl o lvkl Ituro al! pnsvldo fur deal. j) nsllni Inslleea wltu shell hJil grnerl lorm. anil j lor chief of etch slpaitlr.ent I'ool I ludgi-- a shall general term, three .srm'iir si Anrtme or sum pi let- - m iy see-- I clal term and Clnnp Cuiirta, ami any sstio may ptesi.lo al ll)er and Tertuiii' r. Hit. a. NitJn k-- alnll sit In review rvf his nwn opinion, te tub-- All vaoan. ioa. In all Jmkirs ol ctni-t- s nf rii unl. t s. epl r.t, r.t) Jtido and .urrH j rate, sli-- tl a. ml,. h, s, with aeirrnf ap- - ! Inlni. nt by iho lloieruor and iwt, He la'lsrrea eatllona. I . t the gen.-a- l la t It1, lliee(.ie.ion shvll l" sithailtie-- l (., Ihe poo. 1 pin iibelhi-- r Judnaof Ihe h'srhs.r of rn,.rd I hall la-- , , I oi .11 p,lllled. Is.elflh .IllThrc , slnll hnllnnoiiieri.tllro. Thlrleonls n.olnu-- s j ml Ohio of hnhllii It tut tulai tltolbylsw: bill Hiere ei.alt Ihi a s.1 l eral is nn In en It dklrtet run loom h Iho rent' val sc ion Is lh .am ai lilth ptesent I'ssrst ssUiia. I'lf.eon'h-Pn.r'.s- hs Iir a tin "wr I' nrt of five In '.ae; t Coeimnll Ptesas.r Ave pnUoa f ,r Mew itkeeiy; a Stlerl-s- I'sotrt sis' slsrm Ire f..r ol lluHul.1, to It rl et lit th-- to oplr and to holt nf-- ,. ilnr'ng gitt Isrlianor tip In seres tr rir ot re, virsnc'ea to Iti tilled the at fur llso Sir. I. Jndgea of Us Snnre-- Ciel-- t, thi New York and llmralu clly cotirii. Pi It elecled by ti e a pie. Sec. tt. Ttie eoTineitl.m of aM Jale of t hUher courts lu It- - rxe.1 by I iw, and mil thoolll'o. I. Tlio t'ountr .lu Igo l th sima I aa In lb old Outittlti.tl in, except the term of e oilleo la s, and that Ihe Ugbl sluro ussy V lnerc-- o iho hrlfd'clt ,n, and lhat the sslirr . to Isollarl by Ih Snerrs..rs. an I not tu U dlmln. Ii.. d during Hi of thr otllro. III. A esainly J.sdgo i any county may at county camel of any other e See. Jl. Itlethoramn aa In th oil Conallta-tint- s aa tnlh slootlnnof l.sral ofllca-r- a to doth duty of C'uitnty See. SI. T ho hicldat.tro may th Snprem Cuutl doisrlme-it- and dlaltiet, after e.s. ts couana, teat isjt In lucrnsto lh uainSer nf or dl.trlrta. erc. rj. Justices uf Iht Peace tho sine aa In old I , Ciiliattlntlois. See. . Thosam-- ai lhnll t.'onstltntlon is Is. i Ih elootlon of Inf. rlor or Judicial nnlcrr. , . St Clerks of eounliei tu Im clocks nf tho S'ipremc Colli, .to,, as in theotd Cotiatltatloa. ' t Twnly.nrt'ertalu Jullilsl nrrlcer shill not . ''"slnaliycinlitor ait as rrfrrre. Twenty- - elhi '"tl of Itidlelal a In be ItteJ t by the liy'.Tre same 1.' Tiie.,liyi.rAnrll an I Um (iffl 1w. "fJu.'r; l"st; e on tlio ilr.s Mm.-- ,J if July, Tiielilr.uliio-- Th secllon uf i d Cnnalltnilon Innaferrlni jurU llrtlon In nna t illngiaaesl.retslmal. Thirty The Ju.lsre of Iho rireseuleourla am eligible lu ee.tn f.,r any V?.lrT " el.ftlon. Thirty. , Iwu-- AII hard esmrls in In. as In tho ji.eenl touatlliitlou. Thirlythrc.- - The IriMu l lure may Prohalo I'ourl; ah dish Ih orTIro ofSurriuile: giro to esisiln-- eittrts tho Nuro-gi.- e J.irl.bctl.iii; cmaie re.ti rs of wills, and pinvlde r..r trial hyjury In probate ea.es. A wat tvlniiti-t- l Iti it after Ihli i vtei I, the Coiiieiillon will meet diily at nln I si'tliHk A. Jl., except cm Monday., aud tiki n tun tnn to lour o'clock. iiivm:!:-- . .ist. to rii'.e in nit thiiiatvii'iiK. Tip Cotive-tillii- went Into Coininltteo ol ' Ihu M htilcon Ihe powers aud ilutka sjf thi I.i gia uure, Mr. linker in the cltilr. 'I he proi Idlng lhat thu l.cglsl itun shall not iiuilil or ullnw any prli.ili tloliii or ug dint the SI He, nr p any nr ehllnvlu llmr. to, but miy appro-r- i litis liioiuy to piy mull clilm at aball ii have been audited and all snesl aicordluii lo in . n n tithiptsil i Tlio r. Hon en itlng a Court or Cbahni w s et Inglh. but w Ithmtt tnklnii ! uclloii upon It thu CoiiviuUuti tnokaree-c- to yt o'eluik P M. i 2 I t I..MMI H.,ot. Tl.o Convention in. t at ; jn ,, ife (,i, 3 tviilng. The loithk-itt- l u e.f ihe leport ol the Ciiinniltls-- e ou the power- - unl duties ul I Ihu l.cglsl Huts- iv.it rusiimnl In Couimllteeot Ihe- Mi..e. 'Ihe cveiii..g n.ie in'cupksl in ili nt'-ir- the poprliti of in .itlng ,i Court idl laltne. Alter a long debate a section wm adopted, directing that thu I.egUIaturo sh.dl piovlde by ,iv tor creating a Court ol Claitni to c.nill-- t of Unco Judge, to tt; appointed bv tho (sovcrnor and Senile, In which Cuutl shall be adjudicated all such cl.ilmi against the Statu aa tbu LcgUdature shall from Urns i tu time- - hy general Ltwi direct. Adjourned. ' - . t iMMMfc, in luTKSOF ADVin-IJUNo- rtrsaea iarsaisaltr.lt SDTAiicia. For every Insortkm f.f fotrr'nesof Ir.....)ct4 rot every extrl line or part of fin-- .. .,.,,! tt f Adrertlaeinrnta wllllelnerteclli open of J.l Syedtlyle, or In Uadedlypss, also vt atii""al asiritiua-snoni- a tr special not.ces al prcportlon.at istei, tolt- - on t l!caUnnat lhoo"fVo. ; tf Twenty-- s r wonts aa fmr line t seal sswen w.t-- each Iha, mora than f sar. ' SPOItTI.MJ .11 tTTKIt.H. The Ureal Hate Hall .Hatch. Pun uu t.i'iiiv, Ang. :ii Thu .Mutuali of i New York, and thu Keystone or this city, played x game or liaic Hall, at Camden, this iirtcrucou, In livor or Ihe latter by a scote of il to '.ay. The result of the Hutch was a ureal sin prise, as bit were generally In fivor of the M.ilud by hcavv oddi. Al j thcthtoc-o- f ihe eighth loiilug Ihu Mutuali wen- - throe ahead, but In the iiii.lk the Ju, luul mr.' d, and the Kryitooei. t.y exli ionliiury luck, and tine hitting, i tu nle eleven runt ucUcilhn; the victory. Thu (allowing is thu score i " Ml'riais. kltttoau. i s O. It. 'tkr, c. t Pick, SJb I 4 Hilttt, e f 3 1 I'oia p litlt i Stulih, t4 1 I W ilcin. tn. id b ... I Ktiisll, c I I Pcera. p 3 WciikIi, If I litiield.ildb I i MtClaruin. i s.,..i I ' Hn-d- , rf 4 I Hobln-- t i, tit b...l I Mrltjli u, I f 3 1 McMu.1,.,1. c f , lr)r, t 3 MseliU-- , Jdb. i ( Total 7l 'W Totsl tf tu.lli.ui t 'J341IISI) j Mii'iihIs ... ...s f 4 1 I o o t i) Keyaiuue iioitvill 11 Itnae Hull hi I'vejueelteat, Nriv CI-- Aug. M - The game leu Ibe- - championship ul Louncetlciit was plays tl Utn sen thu Pc piut sjub ol tlm illy ami Hie Club, of Mvstle, aud resuli- - ed In tivnr ol ihu dinner by- - a scute of ii ta IK. Tho lV'iUul played til col their seeoust utne. . Th" Morse Fair itf irlnUrlJ. Ma.. Aug. Ji -- The Ihlnl d iys" programme of the horse f sir al this oily h is been sJicvsjIu c.irrkal out Tin -- 1.1 sosoiiie ,f . i ...u nu ri- - n.ik i'" ullcruoon n ta not Ic s thin Iwenly iiouu,ij' lu Hie ilis. nl lioi.et thlt haie nut troiiiJ ftsii-- Hun i'.iO in pul Ic, live stirii J ,i, J". - i n,,(, ,. I I.. - ... ,.'. d 'isMtuig Nai ami Caput,, I " L' bnindv vTiuo uul llilt-n- vvu-- ' '""'''e' r.ecc of in,, mil.,,,,,. .(, huidli'j tia. lion pv tVl . ' ! 1, j i . . I

Transcript of I iran Sun - Library of Congress...Kihlivt I nelt don ii m.d I'eiuiitly praitd lur 1 loui tin e. '...

Page 1: I iran Sun - Library of Congress...Kihlivt I nelt don ii m.d I'eiuiitly praitd lur 1 loui tin e. ' mi t.lr Mi.nr i.iittil. V' '. i,,r.,,rMI,! 'iil htiller and trull, llrldit tn iMled

. .1 I. I' Ill m.m.

. the NFAv YdniTsuTrT'1 ri'll!.IHIIRIM)AH,Y fUWDAlSKXCKITSD.

Urcecotnerof Nissan and Fnllon atrttl.Plnrlc To, . TWO rt.ST.B "re.tf Cent for week-N- x Htlsrat,eryfar.

E WI:I X' V oTN,wvrkila STstbtmatiK atdhell. lliri-)r-- r ln. !. enple- - t reereni.Mill LS S. Ill' sell. Pro; trior of

H , T nu Suu L.Alili.in,cnt


iran b imet'imch., HISTORY OF TilM MUmi.H.' ':EVIKW OF Till: TRIAL.


! (ntorviowo with Iho Coademnod.


Prepsnllen Tor Ilia Galloiri.

run e x v. v. u t i o n.Iylnrj sWorilis ssf I lie 4'iiliirlt.

"out iiou' iiouitmi.i::"ft "CONTRITION AnFcoKFESSION.

i Bridget's Aceoutt of her Crimi.

! Ate., Ac, Ao,I

At idiictocn. mlnutr past ten o'clock yesterday fuiiiusin, l;iheJallnrdoflbcCeiein- -

It Prison, nl New .Ilniuiwkk, New Jcrssy,Ilrhlgcl Huron sulk red the extreme penallyof tlic law, for the trul.il munlir nf .Mrs.

j Maty Kllrn Cssrhll, v. If. i f Dr. Isaac Corlcll,I Now M iikd. N. J mi Hit' villi of Febru-

ary, 1m17.

iiloi v ok Tim sir num.Ttie .ryof ll.c crime, n elkltrd (it Hip

(rial, although privltm-l- v published In thocnliunrt of tin- - Mi , is oi'iulliileut Interest towarr.u I .i purllil iitttltie'ii.

Alt el 12 n'tloih on tlic night of tlic --Villi

of I'llrnnry. n matt who resided In tlutiilintv of Dr. CoilcUV n-- Ids ncc, wn start-led If total nnd tcpt-.itt- hum I, nt the dourof I J residence. I'p.iii niiwciiu,s the sun:-nio-

lie una ir.cl nl the itoor hyllihlgttDtirgin, Ihe domestic of Dr. Coilcll, whobon-- In Ii:t mtni nil Infant bchiuglu,? to Hull ictnr. Scnuiliullo to ritlkiibslc thrs.unhiipnrttit exc.icm nt. Iho (;lil Ikiilly an- -,

coninced dial terrible murder hid linjitntnltlttl nt llic l.oicc of li r cirpbiyor, nndtint after coiiiili-llt- : lliilr bloody uoik, Iholiurilcnr hid li l I In' bone In llnmoa. Sum- -toning Iho ot his sun. lie hc ml

to the; rrsldsncc of llr, l, fiiOti'."Iilch lie fuiiml It lil''d Kith Mnoke, ninl

liter proi'lus nlioul li e room. liimlly mi'--1teedeil liiiinilir. the mingled IhmIv ofMr. (Jirlrll, wluih, upon lihn; rcm'miliIn Ihe IlKbl, pri'-- i iiifd . n i clarlc rutolllns111 the etimnr. from hi.ij in lout the llvI wn Imekid nnd turn In Ibo nnl ln kin-- ;

inaiurr, Ihned.-e- ihen Iclinf limml mw--

the rUhl hniid. fix l upr piilun In the head,twentj-fl- i tipon ll.c 1'iik, licet; nnd Ur

hlle Ihe cun which Miui ly win! throughthe iKIii im nlmod liiiiumeraMc. Manynrtbr-- taLd euinUil In the hone, while ofIhe ciila In the nc'k f cured thu Juirii.ular t tn, lluii flowing that tha iinlortu.n?'., ,,?la?". ninllj- - exiilnd throimli -orhlood. Ihe niipiormicc of thu room In

blc!i Mr, t'orlcl met her death, pivolh.it a li'uriltl ilnifule In.l cn.-ii- h- i-

pire thf .ialn hvl .iiuycdcd In nucmpliilfJnir her purpo.e, ll.u M thk, hohlrr. Midjillluwa hihn; Iwkid nnd rent, nnd Iho Int.then thiiTlroin mn wn ihhklj' alimt IhoJoor of the room, while Ihe clothing m welluthsllmir, wrrv UilauUd wllth the Mwdit '.!;?. !:!!.

, A$ to Iho perpetrator of the irvollmeI irimc there could l little douM. The ilom-eetl- c.

Uridyl Durs-m- , had lelt Khlnd her. onIhe nlijht of Ihe murder, too many liul.n oftetllnninr, which, n appetired at tlic autm--lui'tit trill. fi;a:cdacoinpletechiliiorilr-iuuiataiilla- l

etldciiic c; ilnxl h r, whlihlhnrouil hied l,ill mid crane c of hlhrfL-- IjIciiI could not mid nuiii'ir.

The evidence npilint llrhlirel pruviil aulll.liullycoiifliMve In warrant her nriot. Mw

--"liuli In Id to nnnwcr to a ilnrirc ofauiw vuli ft hr. On Itir .DiliW; D,li.iV J '. 1 i;cL'oitit of (lyir mid Tcimlner, nm. , ul;,cvJUrtiimwUk. lln Ihe tilrl of Ihe ei luc lui n,;he ciin? wac eheu In the Jury, wlio, aftfraii llherallon of one hour, returned a icrdietjf Ku'lly of nmrdir hi the lirrl ck'urrr. tinthe Klh of June il.c wai hrnuht Tutu courtfor fiiitenre, when the ihywus lixtd uponthe lloih ol Atitut. The cane wn inhe.iiirutly l.rouhl li furo Ihe Court ol Iililon,hut Ihe Juil;e ri'.u id lo lulirleic with Hitluit ixicntluii i'l Ihe law.

lll.ll U'M.llT i jaii.The couducl of thu comlimueil woman

iur i' l.ir iLi.iiM'rnli u wii of n wene-Aha-

reii.-- d ie clnr-ieo- Online, fur theipace of ii'UMl eii.iiecutlvedayf. he wouldnt ii".. Ihe ten id 1 it the d or i t lit r Ci II,til lace I ll. ha In In r I. .mil , In" UkIv kwu;in? tf''i ''y lo and Iro, ai.d her w hole cYinean-- r

I cl"U'iili'K thu ilieptft ikiwii.iiin.i. At' meti nine hl.e runiotcd uliitiy iiueout-- 1

aiuiimlie, mid filthoiurh w on , oi peronirl!li(l h, r dully, tin nikcrnlle wn naii mtni-taine- il

the titmoft reileinre. exiepl nt nullnliiMili a fi r would uphndil her ililton.'or thilr nuiili'i; liitrn!unih' . t nther;lr.ie lirnli l would inanlfot n my clu tr-ail dliHiiiilou, JliKIiic; mid ludiit rllii; he r fel-

low I'lUuncr uirinlhe corriilor. at whlthllme lit r ilenr rinliii; bunli would rerouu.llliinulioul the corridom of the prlou,while Ihe alirlll iiotea of her voice' were often

liheMld eicii outride t lie thick wnlN.J Durhiir the llrrl lew mouthx eif her

Ihe eondemiied woman pile littletatteutlou to the Mihject of nllgion, oltimnaMrentliiK with citreiue euolncm the Catholicllpileati who ficiiier.tly vUlttcl lur. A time,Sorc on, linvieier, and lur encculleu tin iv

iIkIi, the Krmliially aaiumed a more contrite'taood and luully eleiotid herulf aliluouly10 the linchlnu's ol lur M.iilliul ndiher, the

, i;ev I'liilur II.hI.,'! r, who win iinllrli i; Inlu'.li'l-lerl- i e t'J hrr iplrllual wanla. Al- -,

I Auiinh tiu.it ie In nid or write, ihe con.Lkuii.e.l wiuiiin ili- - l.iu'd the iiliuoit fouil- -11 li li r Ihe hul 'it i'- olteurittin h r huuri

J litrther lilililirr to Ihe Mud It nchliij? ofct 1 ajWliul nilu Miii;il.ir"a It may

i tfni, lU prlMi iir i.eicr r Uhltnl any li.irol (he hJiic;i nH.lled her: em tl.o

1 tin trarr. amprejiiii; her riilht lllliint--j lo ei V, Mill even lotAlm; tnrmird with iipp !

1 rant lonitlnt;, In thtriViy of hi r eiMiilKm.At c li tin. i. while enpL'td In inking a hath,

the i tulon of which aiurlment etuinnutla' llf ol Hie KnlhAVH, tire ptluirer exi I inn- -

til, u th viheiiieuee, na ahe gazed upon Umi In truT.ent, ' Why ahouil it imeaiiing iLcJ irallowt) li nc any ten or fur Hie. ? I a it nutIf tin atippii'i: toue, Irom which f lull rii-

f Into l.cuicn ?" I' liit! her iciil'.tieiiient.llrhlijil neier fur r. mui le ikiv. hut lur ulMi

tool, nluaya p.ni.iki if the uicililur her with the turnout nllih, and

li.treaMtl iu h, day byiljy.ifurtin 'I Inn uluy lun, the uiy irurillni; herl'ii.lc,it aa vlslnd hy rulhir

who reumliiiil with her during ,iportion ol the nflircoon, mlinlnlttcr.

log to her the cm itloin of the lakli, truinI wlileh lirltlKVt cituid lei ehirho much com

fort. D'triug the muie altciuiKin tl prlMi-n- cr

waa al.u ilaitid hy MIm btillliuu, aie.uher of lie (.'atholli,' Silmol located InNew liiiiutwltk, ami who had Urn milliner-Ing- o

the icligiuia wauta of ihe prUonerqiilloICjiiciitly. bliuilly alter the departureof MUa bulllvan, a woman, icceutly frutulrrlaud, where he l.nd rerhltil In tloe prox.Inillytn Ihe riilclenee of Hrhlgel'a pariuta,

1 cnuic in, nnd held n hmg entiurnlluii wlihtheprlaoncr ulatlie to her parcuta. The

J iiieuilou of thu name of her widowed motl.trj much allec-tci- Ihe mlternklu woman, mul

opon the tureen' th neiilv foutiil IrleudKihlivt I nelt don ii m.d I'eiuiitly praitd lurloui tin e.

1 ' mi t.lr Mi.nr i.iittil.V' ' . i ,,r., ,rMI,


'iil htiller and trull, llrldit tn iMled hvCox, with win m fhe held a long

coi eimill,n, during which he retiimhoiiIh it !ie wotiid haie pivlerred that the lady

had remained nt home, na e ho dealrti!toMligooel idevp. After the departure ofMr. I'm. Iltidg t, who waa now h'fl nlote.

at Ihe cell duor nearly an hour, nndher-e- lf In Joking,' with two negriKM

Ia.itliDiieil In a r II opp'Mit' lo lur mom, andwith ll'tenlng p, the cll.l erl-- h of anman who a cell In Hie corridor

nlntc. Aloiit M o'clock Hit waai iled tv 1)111 Ic t Attorney llcrlert, who

upon tnltrliu the cell greeted llrldgtl withthe re iiiark "I halt rome In hid mil g kkI.''. Ilrhlgel. nnd Intell urn Hut ( did not do.nt th, ig e,i .iir trlil I 'it whit I tlmrght toIf nr duty, and to whl h l!il,h-r- t rrplledf.iiiinilngalitit letting Mary nilmv g i, anahe Maiy had tin more to el'i with -'iht Hi in Hie "min In the mneiti." To Hk' !

iiue-ll'i- n a to whrth - Matt- - llllrovwa'.at thehoiiif of Mr. Core III on ILe'nikhl e'if th'. mur-der. Itrldgil n'p.'ul that the waf cot

i.iii alter Ihe ettpirtnrn of Mr. Ilerkrt.nt11 ei'thnk, llrldget retired lo rtt, hut heraleep waa lilinn dltlurld aa If hy routedrrnm, and, after Ij Ing for alont one hour,fhe ngaln arn-- , eippnmillr eniildernhly agl-ta- li

J, and eouiuii.nciil purine the tlinir of hercell. At 1 o'clock, ahe retired for the aecondtime, and alept roumllr until ahottl A rrlock,when hewa nHnkenetl hy Ihrelilranea Intoher icll of Father lloclirera. who ailtnlnltered .

lo her the aaemmrnl. the prlwner flirtAt G o'clock, the prl'oner wa

with hreakf.nt, conal-tin- g ofmilk and roll, of which ahe (auluuk

rrv aparlngly.llrei.Lf.i.t oicr, the eomlemned n airaln

xlalled hr Father lloger, aeeotnpnnie-- r hvFalhrra Dugin nnd Mliltlnlla. who, at Ino'clock, were Joined hy Jlr. Ilindolph andMlra Sullhan, who h id rotuufor the purpo-- e

of atUUug in drcaalug Hi plUuucr for thegnlhm t.

During thla reremonr llrldgit exhlhlliilconslderahle emothin, (il)i'n Ineaklng fottttliIn uri'iialnilahle lear, which o utectoe! lrIn mi h an e Kent lh..t rhewaa forced to In-come en.iteil. The titw alllro waa fin-il-

ihteinnl, niter which llrlilvi l rpent mine t linon' the glut, nrranclng l.e r hair, in which ahenpi.inil In take teiualileraahle pride. Herdreat coniteel of i tirown merino, open Infront, nnd trimmed with ciluil'til nniundHie uleeiea i a neat while collar, it ialr ofdee p riitr, of while linen, pdr of white n

;lo!c, and llper of elolh, A fewdiya prt lou. llrldgi t had liceii precnledw ith hlarkalrinl, lur I his neendon. hut alioehtllneil the llfl. Kailng that " Llaik was Iheaign of Imd luek." She nl-- o iroret nhotit he rnee k a i! ilu I kit I, rtt Ik.ii, to with h w it nt- -ho hid a I lack ebony, croan, the tjlll of oneof her tplrlt iul adibcra.

I'lii.t'.Mmei i on hi mi.l'lerjlhlni, U'lng now l i rtiHilnca. for Ihe

filial a. I hi I1il tertlMi'ih'iiui, Ihe Ph. illk ntliiinutea iat ten o'clock, colore I Ihe ca ll,

iu with Cnx, lor the pur-jmi-

of hlnillt g the prlonrr. A pcrcctill'ilcahuildir coi.itil.id the fr.iliie of the

man. a- - rli.- 1 tin 1,1 Ihe fatal rope andIhe cap, hut till" exhibition of le.ir waa lintnn tr.i'tiliry, nntl elenehii i h. r Inndt with iMnti rHil glipe, a- - If to nerve herwll lor the

lurivdu uith'il, ihe advauied tun.itdt thulollieir-- . Wlille Ihe hi ik cap vvat being

plieed upon her l.i.id In r fnilllinle aifatnher, mid her eve-- e.iitlucd with teai

ami throning her anna nlmut the neck ofotic or her ft male attendant' n If lor pr.ite -Hun, the mlcr..blo lilug gmaiiiil ahmd Inl.cru.Miy. Again culm, the pre paiatlo: twiro

roeanleil with, the ioKlt liig u.ljiiile.l alujlitIhe lieik, and the nrmiplnlonetlnl IU m.Nolhlng now rcnnlut'i but reading tit thedcilli warliL Viilch w.h aceoniill-he- dat a fi'W paat ten erdoek, Ihe funeralcortege hwuett from the Jill, hhcrill Clarkum,accompanied by the hin.jinaii, taking thelead, followed hy the prttoncr, who woa

m cither ildc hy Kathei'a llodgrraandDupiii, liny In turn being followed by apoe of deputy ihrrllht, nl tired In the

perlalnliig to their oll'ce. Dm lug to the.di'iirc cremtl ot ajxHtalora whieli tllletl thefnrel, contldcrable dlliieully waa expcrleneetlby Ihn cortege In rcathing Hie foot of thegallowj. (he Mnng Cfvwd. Iii Ihilr cajjernivsto grntlly their mcrbi.l furlonlly to get nglluip'c of the lamout culprit, JoMlIng andpushing each either 111 the inont bolfterouaiiinnner. "Down Iront," "Take mr Ihitalove pire," "Take a reef In that umbrtlla,old 111.111," and nub III- e coarre ntuarks wereheaid on all aldea, while Ihe etiraea of thocwho conshleml their dignity naanlleel hy therude manner In wlileh Ihev wire pltchi'dabout hv their more nui cular nclghUira,dniw ncil for a time cien tho prayera of Hiepious falhi r, which as they proccceleel

Ihcgalhma, were utftrrtt up Inof Ihe mlsenihle woman. F.ien llic guinloffilly men, cotnnoscd of Co. I of the ThirdKeulini'nt, N. J. It. C , under cotntuaiid ofCol. I'rlah De Hart, which waa atntlonnluround Hie foot of the gallon a to prevent thoe row il ''.2. '" 7 .'.liU I'loninrthe aeatroliirroved Insulhctrnt, J prewiug up to I

the verv tool nl the gnllowa, rutltly Jiwillngthe prlinti, nnd omehat letardiug thu j

7'0Hincnti or I he Sherlir.aud Ills nasUlants.

tut. rxuirlny,Upon rcul.li!g Ihe feiol of the gallows Ihe I

priiioiierogalu began teicihiMt tuaiiifi'Ht.itiotitnt fear, tiirioiuiy i;l.uieing lipit lid to thelope which d ingltd nbovn her het.idi hrr racent emce atMimt d an aahy palcntna, her lipauiilveriel titrvoiisly, her h.iud clule hcl con- -

viihlvety, while n vinli nt Ire mar agitated lurentire body. 1 he pi let-- , nntieiiig lu r rmotlou

d wends e.f In her car,ever und anon pie--l- il.e while liory x

lo the dpi ol the unhappy woman,width the klxJtl Willi the titni'i-- t ti rvtiiey.Aa IT in .imwir Ion qiiestl m akcd her, In ilow lime, lill'l.'.tt I.e. 1,1 n tnomeutaiy v, hi-- ,

jtnd tonvnaiiou with Father Uoti';i i... atHie end ol wl.lth iho cxeliin.td with con- -fid ruble it In i : "Via, Fatlurt butilim't let the I'lo I Miint Know nnythlni;nUiut It." Al lb. luni !urlo:i of llilti

n brief pravir waa nad hv Fatle rHiKlgira, slttr vhiih Hie Jill T. Mr.

npprouliial the r. and Inkingher watiiily by the hand, bid her " good bye,'1which fhe aiiivee teal hy a faint "flod I lesayou." Mil l III CI. u knoll next ndtaneed, mdafter prott-rl- udjunlliig Ihe tiiMiie nboul herneck, and ftnt'enlug the end of the tope whichencircled her neck lo that which hung fromIhe I uim above, pioceeeh'd to draw the hliekcap over the taeo or thu prlionct, duringwhich iHivimcnt the exclaimed aomewhitexcitedly t "Oh! Jiow tctrlllcl" "liudhave:me rey upon me

For an Instant the prlnner stood In thisicmtlnu, lur hinds lianlk.illy tlii'.ihed, andicr Iratuc nulieriug, and then came Hie al

from the Sherlif, the rapid stroke or theexecutioner's axe , at be Ihe cord, thothud of Ihe weight, the cr"iklng sound ofIhe I locks, nnd the culprit Is twitched -

In the nlr, rebounding with i hockwhWi con en the glide! lo creak in everytitular, (irt-.i- at waHie shock, it was

todhlucat. tho nerk, nnd therrloner via. Ihutfore, t'raugled. Her "oiiiul--(fiiins, nllbnugh ol iry diiruthm, waiuid Iho liiu.t violent di'Mriptlou, Hie legsIt'ing scleral times drawn up lowurds tlicIna-t- , thu dilated, and the handsclenched with a death Tlue conitd- -Ions, howetef, gratlimlly a lira vio-

lent elMraeter, and, at theexpiralliin ol aboutone: inh.ute, entltely ce.aed. In two minutesniter il weight wus detached, the puke h

a'' tl 10 pt.l atl-ii- In four minute, and In1.1'-- ., minute both pulsation aud mpirutlnna ,cid mill cly.

Aim banging for about half nn hour Ihebody w is then hjwert d mid plut.-- tn a rie.itunci lottin, m Mill lud lic-- i InrnUliid .y

1'atlur llealgera, Into who" h mda the botlyw as eotmnltteil T he gnllowa tueil upon thootea-lcit- i .at Hie aaine on wlii'h, on tlic 6thMil ol July hut, thu nific- Wlklauis met hisdoom.

A short time before her death, Bridgetof tho M.t rid lint the black cup

should uot be re movid fiotii her lacu alti relealh. Thu reiptcat. howtver, wai notgranted, thu lovi-iln- Itlng removedafter she bad been depoiltcd In the cnllln.The features, as Uicy appeared alter death,weroiultu aitural, tl.o only noticeable, lea-lu-

being a slight discoloration li.eath Hier ea. which were i Lined, and a slight awellim;of the lips, which were partially separated,and through which the tongue protruded.

During the execution a crowd of about .WO

men anil women collected upon the street InIront of the jail yard, eager to get n glimpseol Ihe prisoner, whore body, It waa supposedwould, attc r death, be expoaed In the gate ofIhe populace, as In Ihe case nf Il.e murdererWilli inn. In this, however, the rahbleweredisappointed, the scet.ci enacted at the exe-cution ot W'liH.iiua, when tho Hints InIhn lull eratn mid i in.de a Liovkiry of the

'ant. inn spect-h- , having convinced III"bhciltr of the hrutillty of mtrh a pruct) iir.

MillKI V I y CONFIMSUI.SI am nea'V years of age , my rml natm1

la IhiUget Dagiinii my fnlhir's name Unnd that of my mother Hannah, my

father Is dead, hill my tnollier Is III lug t shelilts In Ihe pirldi of Ihinillif, In theof Sllgei, Inlandi viae horn Iherei I huetwo I rnlhrr lltlngal that tliee, Pilrlck andJohni Ilnvr nlsotri i slders liv'ng there,one who la younger Uiin myself tlvei withmy iiiolhfr. ami the other one le married amiliii-- in Knghiid , I eanii- to till- - cirtinlri twojetira ago list ChrltMaa. The rlmtniatAinveifmr ciitnlng tn America w.is neehlent.il. amill came about h Ihli wav i Mv brother keptcompany with a girl by the'tiame nf lit IIHo-- a i she was a I'io!e-!.an- t, and father hclimeij p" .1 tn my I Mther'a union wlih her licroohod lo ctiilgrale te Ainerlca. A yoiin-ma- n

by the tt itne of Dennis Curraii hutwooed tnr and was clee In my nHcrllotis.Ik lug employed by my lather, who. hearingof tho attain discharged klm, and hiving Iff.for Knglainl, he was never heard of there-alte- r,

llell )loa, my brother's betrothed,hearing of this, coaxed me then to go toAmrrlen, and 1 ploinl.id her I would If nnfipMirtnnlty il Itself, The f ict id mvlover It lng driven aw av weighed heavily onmy mind.

1 hail no mean', and tno-vln- that fitherhad a little money In Ida cheat, I resolved trappropriate It to my own use. I went to

chetl ami took therefrom twentypounds of KnglUh money, and left homo,never to return In my iiMIre land. It lookonly nine pounds to pay my iiage, and rgate the runalmler, rteven poun.lt, ton manmimed 1'iilrlik OTItieti In take back to mvfather, nliout three yeans ago next Decetnlt-r- ,

arriving Iu New York nitwit two wrekaChrlttiu.aa. I have aluee hoard Hist my

father neter reeelred tie money I h it lurhim In Hi.' hands nf O'llrlen, Father wre toto me Just altir mv nrrfvd In this eounlrv loreturn home, and he would lurglic all Hi it Ihad done to him.

When I Ural arrl' ed, I went to Brooklyn tolive with a fimlly hv the nimc of lli-i- u.

llheniTitii llnU'a Ferrj", with the l unity ofI Ilnrroiichs Knapp. Not liking Ihn plivrr, II relumed lo N'evr York and remained at t'na-- I

tie liattlni. Ono iLev there iu the eiaplut- -olllci', a Mr. Day! of 1'lacaltnny,

imeut county, rho-t- me as a ch tneatii ,I went with Mm home This was mv

. Ilrst Intrtaliiclliin In Mlildle-e- x ciuiiilv. V. .1 iI hiring wlih Ulm altunt emt tear, when I tt'- -

estiie artitiatnleil with a ekl lisnied Aau llunu otj I'latiinrlil. Ai.n ni .ailnl n.wii me to Mr.

litjtnn'a ami giil.i PI iir.tl.'lif. Mr. Initim' fam-ily irhlitant'.v i.arto. wl h nv. hsrtn : prevall.-,- l

far a lung linn- - iimii i.mj tn ls. I kf hgiieti-r- ,

an went In a Mr. U il y a faiultj at Plaltitlel.l,ati.l reinslne.l llie-- hut i mnutli, haelnr Ifen

with snree rr. h was em re sirrwil.la tolive wltb my nan eiiiiiilrjrmea, and I went mttt-finill-

of pn. UliKtet.lrt, N.-- llin..kln. nearl'l.illillil.l. U. J., vih.le I e, l lil.u.-- l al, L.

' While reatslne.1 I waa tlalled alm.Htetery das by Iir. I'nri-I- U bijt .hil-lii- .

at inline iui f..r s..i, et.s, te-- iu from vi hitI tt-- il.ftora ealla et..'ladt.'' 1 irmalliiat at New

lliiM.klvu al.ui fum wttkfe, undo. iii,. titatltu nl iI w.,h .1 to yuy Iti- duel., for Ida sn,lInr ,rm, ,i v who 11,1 the tht-tn- :

the. a was thee tnoi.iti for thl',ami I,t si,- - In toe In lr foil It.PectipulTs; wi'tl airaln, I rct.iinitit In Pisrataw ir,and wa- - i i.i.l-,j.- Iu Mrv Will lllackhinl', fjtii-I'y- ,

retiislnllu 'l.t'te only two ni'Milh, Ttenre Ivn'tit to Hie wtih XI ra, vVlil'sm Oerrii lt - a eutislunf Ilia te.r ('orrliil, of New Mariist,.N. 'C), Min.laj etenluJ v-- u,mu , N,w MtP.Id, iM.alilJal l: a ria i to pay h.lii wliat Ifiwvj. 4, p nA4 4 hi.tne when I alk.l,

Aaa, tt,e Hitler's hln-i- l Man; btil with- - I wetliiionii-ri-all.n- wlih Min, Mrs. I'nrrlell csnn-I-friun cliurek, and If I wUI,idtnH theIhtmr. I lep'h-- m Ihe attlrnittlie, whenal.jsal I Le wi.tiM la-- lionie ala.nt seven. I remalnel,anil, un Invllallt.n, tiaik lea. White thorn dialeveuli,!! Mra. I'.wriell liiinln.l If 1 kne wl.erealio could get a unik-ghl- ? I replied I dl I lint.Iiittor then a'ked wrere I waa at wnrir. I toldhim. whoa he retilleil to me that ho had told mewhen I nasal Mella Mackfurd's that I inu-- l eitlat Ida hiiu-- e In nine or ton eata, and he wouldemp'ny me. I did not esli em film lln-c- aa I hademxturrd til work tor 1111am t'orrlrlL 1

hlin iho par, and ho rerurt to take It. A furtalklLg a short tltni-- , Ihe D.vti.r aild It wai to.ilate to return hnne, and Ibat I runs! rcmalu al bishouse ill nhtht.

n.e next morning while I was helping tn getbrralfaat readr Mra. Curled aaknt thewbelttsheeiiul.l a rlrl Iu wuek hher. 'll.uIktlnr told her 1 would do It. 1 did, ail I gotItinitigri with It atntit It titlark. I ent dinnerready, ar.d then took part nf the clothea andIrcledtliem. After lea. In the evenlne, Ihe llue-t- or

aaked me If t would ralht--r work fur hlui orfor M m. Corlcll. I replied lint I nuuhl ratherwmk for Wm. I'orlell, as f hadtheenmi dttichedIn Hie place, the Utx-tn- thou made meprnml-- e

to remain nnlil he returned home, that he waagoing lo .Sew Ynik. When ha returned,

Uial I was about to reluru lo Um.C'jrlclrs. lie eatioil to my mind Ids treatment Inmy airkneas, rrmarktne that any olln r dorttir Inttie I'litled Mates would hale charged me twentydotlara: that he had rhari-e- lae only three; thatI would surely get tck If 1 relnraelto VVlIllamferUll'a to work, becau they had a family ofnleie that to would nut attend raeT Idid gel nek. I then pmmlaed him that I wouldrome to live nlth him. mid he to send A as,ll.c hlied Uian, to William Cvr.'ill'a Utjnj ileja-tn-

I told tin. Tiit lor that I w ciula nor a mr Lan,and that 1 would tot my cl.iihhig, that 1 didn'twant Aaa, thu hind man, nlth me. Irnt'MlcekConoier" lo take mo to William CoPeU's, and,airslnat her whiics, I left to tin servlre at thaism.'' "' "r-- Wllllaai Walliiro L'orli',1, New in sr.lei whra.' ' 'omalnod till the trseedy of the ihor Fohruarr 'dhaui Corlcll told mo 1 i

would rue the da,' "Cr at to work fcr lr. I

i i, ii I

M hiie I was llv'rg wlih Ir. Corl.-l- l I was likensltk, aud tlld not f.tl sl.'o 1.1 .V Il.e woiL, andllioiit'hl I hi ul I lone. Mi. I'orlell . m d grottied to hear thai I was euilig In leave; bul Iht-- to.tor Ittaino liilert'ed In ear raao.The nt lll.er twin- tpihe cold, the d ttur Inoti. littin- room to., . lor mo to sl.i-- In ; so he had u.elake my bod and he In the altilii-roo- Pat I

na not mum.. 1 hi l)liir thcie; Ihea he namedlue tn take tto leoul rie.t.i up aturn, ntd. h Mr-- .Corlcll oiijooto.1 to. I w la Ihi-l- l ludate.l bj h..n Inmike t.iy bed In the ki cl.en by the e, nh. h I

wheu he alop by me, und aa ho aid,watch tuo. tiieiiii-ti- t hu biouht tl.o fromtl a tllnp-- r torn and Iir lli.iti I' tow ale h mo. AtIhla Mrs. I ,r,. II !' i. i a ,a,e I w.lh hli , and s lidthat l.euitilii lit tl.i- luiiu.u nmaiu in tt plaiolu

I Iho watch nn. aa well as lis pull itout in lliu Liuliiu wln-r- I wu,wliin the datorgot mid and remarked to mo thai he n i.hnd Mrs.I'titii 11 nas dead or out of the nay, I uuili m).elfthink Irom Ihla reuiaik Uial the doctor liked lie--


aul did really think that he wanted eo eel outultha way, and this preit-- uniii my mind andeave me mi much tineaaltica that I really thoughtI mutl kill hor, bocaioe I thought it put her nutof thenaylnuuld be all right with Iho doctor,aud would be kept by him, auclnauld tako care ufthe house and the batty.

AU-u- l 10 P. M.. on the tsth of rehruary li-- t(I will not le .".'llthoas tollmesk Mrs. Corlt llwas l)lng upon the loaitite in the aittlug room,

IvTug donn she complained uf not foulingvery well, acd sa'd she would Lot go to bed hutwould ttunn her.elf uiniii Hie lounge, and wkhedme to si, upsu that I uiVh; watch Id .Iff "Mion-c-

if sho stilted, who was In the irsdto Iuthe amill bodro-im- . As Mrs, Cor'ull n ae ly tor emIt.n loiilist appirer.tly aloo, I enttie out ot llickltiheu wi ll a hirad knife iu my baud, ul.lihwas exhibited on the trial, and pttk.-- un Hiekrru-oD- e laiiiji that was on the table Iu the sit.ling room, not hehied, end apj roa. her,struck her with the tampon the ne.k.

Mtu stinted li hi a liewll ln.ed m .nner, or dhumediaiiiy wrut Into the mall bedroom tt,,i lining the skl'cg room, ard I f .Unwed slier her.hhe flood up agituat the teJ, .nl i. 1 nt.u- lojjrher alai giiota-- t the kulf.- out i f in l.a,..h I

Ihon turut J round and paked t.p auoihor knltenilhawhtte bundle that tsld iifain tt e l ildo laIhe ltciltiMim, cn.eilfd lie a taliieil nh ihsl had

tLr a li over tt. 'll.ia knlle lliadpltudthere, liav ng f"Und it In otm the drnn - uithe bureau uf tho bclriaim. I ILen Mined up inMrs. Condi and puatio.l Iter hark on the hot, nu I

with this whim hinehd knlio itrue-- t l.er rtt-- t

edlr. 'I he bulk-- alio had gra-- 1 e t out of my handhad fall' n on Hie tt.vir, a at . con not too tr,and I d.'l imt eie it ll.it in lit. ntd ' i nut kluiwhuts k iHcsmo la nt, hhe mailo all t.i-she could, deleudliii ertelf wlih u p.'ii-w- . Altirsnlklug t.er very tiftem as klio laid on (lie bed andsuH-siii- she wve dea-l- I tln'ii pc'le. I nil li'Vdamiu out of Hie eiadlo and euul unit i. r liiloIho sitting ruom aud sal ihn luuugu fr a tinmoiuenus

I then rosa and went Into tho kitchen, harln?Mamie iu my artm,, and washed my hands In tl.oIruu pot or water anting oa tto .ti.ie. Ilhincame back into tha fitting room and went Imoho bednaiui, aud found that Mrs. Curled had

ten tl.o Led and gone out of the hou-e- . limine-tllaie- lj

went In itinreh aud found h.r ruing alotito the gatta n fton, of tht i1M., fjjj (,?, , ,back again sba said milking hut wor.t bickiand as she was paasing througlV the sitting-roo-

stesli,iilthmBanif klaod little Mantfe, whonas staudlng by me lounge, whero I had idaeedher when I went after Mra. l.'orlelh Mrs,f'ur.rltbi-- sst diiwti e.n tho rlour

and bedrojm, and while she was sltthiirUiem I uwk thu small rbild'a chair, which was

nu Ibo trial, an t struck her with It twoorthree tirars about Iho neek. I then drew her intothe snd Isld her down UMin Ibo flour.I Iheu cauio bark Into tho slttlng-ruo- and satutMiu the Iuuiiko for a few miuutea. 1 thou leaikMamie's dre-r- and etimo paper, put them Into thestove and lit tLvni, and then threw them burningupon tl.o tad. Mrs. Cor.cl! w..s tint la Ud, batou the floor, 1 did not ihuni-- Mi m'e'n d e,t thatnltfhi, but carr.el her con f ''.a bw'tti IU ssue Uiiss sba had uu Mata la: lailu tier


on.i'e. I l,en w"rt crtt nf th sPt'nr-rno- dwnIn of Iho hrni-- aid stoo.1 the-- . Wh.l.atlndfnj lhe-- e I Ihoneht I heird a man walkingup from larsel I'm i IPs store, and went hack Intothe hon-- e sglln. I aat down cm Hie titiu,a liveor sit mlntift--a, lleii arnae and went ot.l ofh.nte down to Israel I'orlell' tt te to roll-.- - iup. reptrac-iiting- , na waa detailed oa the Ir.al, thairi.hltera lisd been tln-r-e.

1 had on that i ght when I k IKI Mra. C u -- IIa wh'-- skirt, ant that akbl was not n..;ii ,1 imthe tnil, alihi.ii h the Atk.n,.y, Mr.

hal It In Ma p..o..l,in. I hid tsko--itnr frock oft at stt-t- la t,'il,-- l"-- te the mur-der: went to I'orloll'a stntr Ih ,1 nlcht an 1

orer fn Iter. Mr. I.ltt e's hneiac with tha aim"skirl I wore whsn the murder was e.ii.niiliteib Inever tin nerd my okithea thai nkbt aftrr themarjer, n.ir ariamrcd my hslr, nor fltral nrhair, nor Ate I auy n ir, esreptmy rand. The nn my rbiHiea eihlh'tolon the trial waa n t oreadonod lis tho litoo.1 ofMra. Or'cll. I never hsnl lira I'orlell say thatnleht, ptorbahr '" I did not heir hirmaki any nol'o alter ahe went out nf ihe hou--at.l was eoin down to the ersie. 1 never usedtl.o norda lint night. " ako Ellon hvrk." I wianot tip alalia that nlaht lathe room when lh ho-r- e

an was ssld to .anpaou Mra. I'nrlell wia notrip tro e that , nor antlaalr elae to myInawVilge. Hr. fvirlel was np there thlt ereo-Irt- g

Irartng homo, hatlnit left at f o'ekta k.He wanted his war. heht'n front lhat room, an 1

aakdMra. t'.ulell t.iiret II for hill, I tit she de.cl.ned. llethi-i- i aake.1 mo, an I I ,all "Wait am nii'e,"hni b tavauio Imtiallent ant said hawia in a hurry, anJ went nf "Mlra hlmelf forIt) If the bureau waa n late I I did not do It, anddon't know wlaj did, and t hare no

nf awing to any one af.er thewinter "I d.ml know whether tho bu.reau vras ujet or not." Uim (Wmiitits siof ferf (Ail nl.U. Sho knownoth'ng of ihe mirrc'er and t.al nn bind nr

with It; ahe la entirely Innocent ; t noierknew hor nntli shoearae to Newt-ark- et to lire Itho alalemont that I was aeon with lor and a CtrlMttieti lei VVsahlnglnu Mai iol, hsi Yolk,Is unuaie; I did not put tho lura. I ka.1.1 eihltiilodon tho trial In ths garden home ol llr. Curl, It, nordo I know who di,L The other knife wlih thewhite handle which I naed I Itrew Into the storettat nlghi. Thst nlcht l fore tie. i'orlellhe pre psro,l aoiae for Ida wife, ll waaIn a tumbler, sho took mime nf it daring thortenlng and alas complained Hi it II made her i

and al. epy, and thai wsa tte ahe laid up mr lo da solo going inIikol.Himre, n truth In the storr 1 ld n'l. ut two

-- onitn- into the houae of tit. Cni.-l- on thoIm.'ii of telimsry .Mh. Iho I wis men, Patrick

and Ml. hai-- I Hunt, and tharlrl Annt.sl.l-- Imen. nlit.Mi I uujuatly rliargi I wttti the murderhare n.ilhlne tod,, Willi It 'lln'V ate lun.aatit ; I

am Ti'eio waa no dooln'ti or attemptIalono that night. Tin-- mil. dor was for no.

I killed Xlra. fuil.tl, thinking Ibat Itike Tli'a ahme led mo toe 'l

the h.nrM erlnto, ro Ilea of nvnrderl ijMra. t'ltioll did lint e.imo iitmn me and thatnltht. I had lluaight ol II n l.mj tlm I. bin- - tl.oibvd teas dorto. I hsre to' I it l no s rr. I umaoi ry for line cominllled a i gte it a mine, an I

li,i 0id tiny foihlve lue.

Tnrtv-Tmica- r.NliW-VOH- SATlfl.I)AV. AUGUST ,'H, 1S07. .1'riooTwo Conl;s

CRIME.lnnlher Trne.r A M'.liniui

Lett In tuts Mleeta lu Hie.One uf Ihe liuiat aiugidir and mv terloua

Ir.ig. ill- .- Ui.il w u ciirciirulod in Ihla t t;

oc iirreil In N Y., Wediu-.-da-

e vening All Iho fact thus far ile lvjKliaie li,li fly ihe-.- o

At abotil eight I,'. I.,h. a g"..iiciii.tn tinned11 li, walk- - ig .il n.g ,,,tP , rt anal, had hit filtentl tn nltr.ii Pal imrir-iligt- .

pasr-jn- along, n in in andXu man, ll-i- wu crvln- - mul the".an was endeavoring to puily lur. Mr.liulaoii liniiit-.llit- i ly in dllied rirrgi-m- King,id Ihe police, wlni sL.ited In pura dt of therurligi'. ktil elld not ov.-r- l ike-I- t thedrlurI'liippiug up the hore mid inpldly piarlnztbioiitli scvernl slretta, li natty d', appearedlu

I'poit rclraehig Ills slope, Sergeant IC. Cameupon the hotly of a femilc a young girllying by Hie loidsltln, dead. tln- waa pickedup ami com cecal In the- - atntloti houae, whereDr. Hull made a ;n.f m irfm examination idthe deceased, nu. I found that she was thu vic-tim ot nn nborllon pe rpetrated by some

operator, or oilier pc rscui unktionn,A abort distance Irom the place whero thogirl was picked up, a bundle of cloth-tin- g

thrown from lite eimagu ir as found, rem- -awing or a skirt, under ilolhlng, n. whiteIm key hat. and n p c kit handkerchief, TheJockey hat whs in r' ed " Mks Adama" onUio liiahlo or tho riown, and the hitulker-chle- r

wai lu irked "Carrie." The dn t waia elalk cidonal one, sKitted vvllh red dots.The riipporltlon It that the girl was alsothrown out of Ihe vehicle wheu 11 wis

that she could not live, as the t

moans to hide, ir pnaalble, Iho cinneellon ofIho guilty tirrpctratoi a with this lit domes-tic horror.

Strange to siy, the remain) of Ihe unfortu-nate young lady were only Idcntlllcl thisluniniiig, It was at first stippoatd tint aMl-- s Anna Cunuira, eif Cohoes, wa the vic-tim, and two pi riles apnrnl who Ideiitlllcdthe Inaly as that or Mlat (J, First, a coin-I-o'.MI-sO- a man inintil Haves appearitl,and i xprcaaed his t Hit" that' slm was thetnttrderi-- gl'l t but na he wat not entirelypoaltivu ot Ihe tail, riergeant King tent toCohoe fir more Iricmlt or Ml-- s Conner, I"

!r ".-- v- t.. !:., indthus eel.ibll.li tin Identity of the body' be-

yond a doubl. A elsler-lii-bi- n of Atiua Con-ner nrrlled at the Inciteo'clock, flic was conducted to the roomwin re Ihe body was laid nut, nnd gimd loni'mil a! the fialurca eif lite dmil glilbh. did not ricoiTl'ie Ihtm at IIM, but ntlet Hi slm urns poatllvo that It was Atint

I Cuilicm and nono other. Hubii'iirutlv. it

trnii'plrtit Ihit .MUs Count iv.t ntlinliie all Iho time, ."he vrm nrii'.tied Irombul to reality to her own I kiitlty, anil cstalbliditd the luit lint she hid not' been mur-d- i

itil ut nil hi ll.u vv iy mentioned.Ihl- - direct ol the ,t it. of

lla Connors' nlitlvii aereed mr a shortlime to Intoiitlfv Hi. but thlt tnorn-ln- g

the body of tin uulnrtiiirite rlrl viaeHilly i.lcutllli'd at that ofl'inb' llubbai.l.I.ltth, honoMT. is known ot le-- ll lory. ItIs she lormeily risldcil In I'lttatonn,wlileh . ue ahe lelt a short time since, nntlIt is suj piMi dahu his recently It en living In

oroiu-ifth- neighboring v

Chic I lliirlbut mul Seigi-nn- t Mug, ofI.iUflngburg. hive gono to I'ltlsto-v- to

botuelhlug ol Ihe i;! ''r bbtciry priorlo her removal Irom Hint pi 'lue dec easedwas appurclitly atoi t t'. ult on ye its tit age,about tr.c tect b.;h Im.' tl rid andy

and nut inn InirAs lil.l lu thi- - .on ; i "lliu or box, lait

nlglit, the tlie pe It c 1 le lure of liiini-cvn-

nnd joulli. Ilir iei hitv oks, .;

thet.upllj tvere not lutiiiti lip iu uialrtirdcatlt. Her llpancio parted, n If about tosteal,, and her whole appciiatice was muretint or life thill dentil.

livery pre eiiution wns adopted by the policelift night lo arrest, H poeslhlc, niceompiiiiluiior lliu murdered gill. Tho polirimrn edTroy, West Troy and Cahoe-s- , were tiotillcdof the minder, and Inslritetr 1 to be on thet.tii I't'ei and stiip every single cariligeIn thu slriets. I.ale lit Ihn iik'ln, Ollletrllurl.e- - of the '.'d nrrt ted erne ofoitr t ity .hy-l- i i.r Dr. liate. who wai

111,;" liuui a ci.l in We-- Ti iy, but is tit itginthmaii gid- Ihi moat sttiiln tory ai e oiiiitof hlmaeir, ue was ilienigui upon his nr.'i-va- l

at lliu stiuoii. lo-di- the uiauoritiesnnd jaisnae are endeavoring to elnclilatu (beInysterv etiiini oti d with Iheinurl. r.

Ac tlicr ai .i t stoete thai nt tlic cororer'sItupieat 11 e teatlllod that they siwtho ten lutiiuii- before abu'dieil,luur a .Mr. Iruy's lie house, u lu 1.1 holdli gher hind und riiii.n k mir that bet null doli'dlilng lur hir.uitei mm. u thuwith lilt lit Hin, eiiicrcil a carriau and dtmuaway very rupl lly.

John Henry, nu alleged parnmour of Mrs.Wager, who Is supi-o-t- lu bale iomiiiltli.1thu uttirHon on the j.erM.u ol the munh-rct- i

w. .in in. and who Is susieclti ol havingthrown In viitim liom thu carriage, lu.sbeen arrested, as also ChrHopher ()car HllaHani 1, the alleged scduiir of thu girl, i'lvyI lines.

The Troy WkSj of yesterday adds i

The excilcmcut exctulun In kanshigliurgh,by the tragic drnlli of an unknown lady, inthat village, on Wednesday evening, Increas-ed In Intensity all day yesterday, aa the cor-oner's investigation progressed. Farly yes-terday morning, It wu ascertained that thoname of the unfortunate young lady waiMUs Caroline Hubbard, whose parent! 'fo-ible lu I'ltutowii, In thu oouuty. but whoboa latterly been employed oa doniealle Infamilies lu Ijuulngburgh and neighboringvillage. Her sister, Ellia Hubbard, whohai been foraomo Hmo past, employed la thefamily of Mr. II. Weaver, of lainilUgbtirgh,was the first lo Identity the remains.

The following Is a portion of the testimonybefore the coroner'! Jury lu tltli extraordinarycaaji

John CI ute a worn I iivj dccfasAT about

Willi iildfcWil f

Imlf-pi- eight o'c lo k last evening, atll'ngon the ground by Tracy' Icti luitiacialiespoke, slm ild eho wanted to go hi Ttaey'sishe vras naked n hit Tr.ioy's, and I did nothear lu r reply , a cum! of children watthir i I .in the cirrligi alnndln by Ihe

hiiiiso t mw the mui, he had her hand!lu hli n Idle sitting o t a lo.. hocould do nothing lor her t when n. iter wasrent lor, Ihe in in got In tin) carriage anddroit od nipldly down Itlirr atm-- l t ho vv vea in m .iimlc taller than mo, with i .tmwhit inn don't know iws I would know lilui IfI saw hlui again,

llrldgit Hiil-o- ii snorn lavat rvctiliigt waitinveut w hen Ih.- deocMaed elietl in the slreet iI ain she wat dv Ul' i I held up hi r buck isl.etl el lu nliout the iiiliiipeot! Iliilhcil hor

In cold water ; sho diitl eadly, no con-- tuMoiia or spaatnt, I did nut aea- - the

tin- - flit never spoke since I a nv her;her head lay in my lap when sh, died.

"Ill'itn O'lllk-n- , swiitti -- I n issltlinit; onIolwardTru y's nllloe sttHtp when a ca tlagedroi c up n,tjate, I vet evening; Mr. liulaoiiaiidolhert were llicrci aliottttt tiolleed thewagon atop; In I rew momenls It drill c a,! aya row steps nnd stooped; I told Ilulaon In gonin' k what was the matter; the hnrae waarievel notlh; hit went over and aaked hlinvv hit Ihe matter wa: the man whoHi cd In Ihe houae: I did not thru go to thecarriage; hen llnlt.ni reliuiud Irom thecarnage I tol 1 him to go Tor a policeman,and add I thought there wa aoinethlngwrong

Alaou D. Hull, awom lam apriclklngI dt) s Irian and surgeon; I aiw tl .

IV ") '"lintj about half-pas-t H o'clock, nearMr. ItiillerV, dual strt et; alio waa do idwhen I nrrlled there; she w ,s then removedto tho li.lleei.tilli,ii under I iy dlreclhm; Ihive afnee cxamlneil her, rMernally all over,In conjuuetlon with Dr. Ilucklln; nc fnumino external Injury; Ihi mcrnlng wo nudea poat mortem rxammaHoni nc fmind ex-- ti

iiaiie iiuaae ol in Hie bow. .. atwlotltei ndjtii-n- l parts very tnucli inllauied, ex-tremely so, Uiem vras rvlihncri of Itrslrti-meii-

hailug been uaed er aotiin kind,should think slm n, Peon pngnatit aboutl" mills, she evideutl)' illi.f rroln Ihncilect of Infinitnatiiiii preslnted fiotn Ihecm,- - I hue. tiled. I ahotild Ihlnk Hie opera-Ho- n

had erfiirmeil within three-- necks.During the diy, Detective lliirlbut and

.'ergeiant Ivlnglnd arrlied Irombringing with tin-i- ae a nltnesa lu lliooa-- o ayiiniig lit in tinned Oscar William, who, It'"'''I illy Irmaplred, had pi ivttl no In.lg.

iiltli-it- it put In the terrible lran u lion, OnIn lug pi ti ed on Iho stand Jail wasltd ln'itl.itlvii- rnllonsi

Hear Wlllliins awom lioaldo lu pill,loni', . iiipii!iilei wlih Cnrolltii Hub.bird. Ihodeeei ahe hid llie-- nt mv fa-ther'- limiM' , she lelt there- - nliout tho 't ed'tly I . Is i'v hit aluce lu 'I my the istllino about a week ego.

IJ by a Juror Where did you seeher in It.,,- at Hu- lime you apeak of'

Ansrfei At the hou-- e ed Mr Wngor Innice; I I'llnl. her nnnio is I'ir-- .

llu ii i W.tger. Notiodv wiiproaeut vvhe-- i 1

ealhal but Mrs Wa:rr Caroline Hubbnrdami mvsil'. I hive aeon the ntMr. igir'. -- ix nr neveii vvtahe ; lhitiv is tin- 111 .t i inn and pliccltuit lur allienshe 1. It mv ruber'a lion.-- ; Jlr. W iger wnsrI- - ii i nl . f hive s e n her a rittiibcr idtilue-- i lour or lue Hunt nl Hut plateallies-- ; I don'i she was a ser-vant or a Imui tier al Mr. Wnut r'a , shu walying on a bed at Hie lime Is-a- lur; aimnever complained ed Itdng rlrk to my l.non-lodg- e

; don't know of n matt ly Ihe nine: ofJohn ut thai pl.no saw a in tn Iliac , don'tknow Ids mine.

(juration by John llourke, Juror Hisvrdl.lvim know Ihit the deceased wiu stopping atMrs. Wager's 1

Answer I didn't know nnlil I called Uiem.(Jiii'sllon by Mr. I'.ouikti When you ap-

plied lor admMnn at Mr. Wager a frontdoor, the first time, whom did you uek tofeet ?

Witness, hesitatingly Caroline Hubbard II did not inert her Ity any appointment ( jdidn't know aim was there, w lien I called i Iwas not ncusirduted wit's Mrs t.,,l..i',. 'I cnlle-d- . there i shewn total sttnnger tnBit) I I Hid 1191 expect to find Ml.s Hubbardlltcro whim I went there I did not see Caro-line llubb.ird yesterdsv; It I nearly n weekago liner I nor her ; Mr. Wager spoko Inme once anil a.ild that Caroline wns not verywell I she tlld not not any what was the mat-ter with her.

Here the examination of this witnessclosed. It will bet seen lhat his evidence nieiof the most extraordinary character. Ontwo or thrro occasion he ilei lined In answerIho direct epie.tlona put to Mm, but llnallvyielded. Ho also desired In knoiv If hecould nut employ counsel. Ho only tncti-ly-on- o

r tf nge.He wa glien iu charge of the nllloer, and

nn lockeel uptoawnll duirlopinruta.The further IntesHgillou of thei c.iwi wns

posHmni'd until .Vlondiv liens. The- - ileci'i.e.lwa btsrled ye.terd.iy. Muirer, Hie- silipeclcdvrsimatt, haa dlsipiHared.

Lnrit. Olllecn nrtlicd In Troy yctcr-da-

Im lug In custody the alleged aborlloit-M- ,Mia. linger, wluun they urieatnl at Kin-

dt rhook, nt Ihe house ol' her brother. Bhow .is nt once taken to Jill, where, tiion hernirh.il, the fainted away, and unite u scenesuoiicd. IMliicr- - 1 1 it i .1.11 1 und King are--

of great ciedit for the maimer Innhkli they have norkul up Ihe entire cue.

.11 ti t di r send filicide In Nrw Ileum.Ni.vv llvvev, Aug, .10 A licninii

sub. on hup r mined rUwihaiicr, was idiotind I. ft intly killed, lu hi msIimiii, ll.U mi.Im.'. I ' iiindher Uenuau name-e- l Miiladi. Theiatt. t iiinir-llaUI- shot himself, l.dli.-tlu- .ifatal n mind. K slinieully about in nu y unit- -

tirsli tti pined to havi-bic- the la'u-- o ofIh Hag. dy

Georcla.r?9irci uf

Aii.tar.v, lit, Alt', ol), --Tho f'ri,i,.ort-- f Srniimt att rts, em tho authority oftm inhere of the Imird of regletere, III tl pri-

vate instructions line been banted ihitnnfrii'dmeii will be permitted to take seats Inthe npproit hing foul's iillon.

(len, l'opo hisviug lo, loknowwlu lber lliero waauny truth In Hie repor' Hinthe ti I suli l Itstilng an ortlcr staying lliccollection or debt, replies :

j "Vit eonfetrsblo clt.uiii-isiiee- a rouil Inducenn- to Interfere with the general tmilnca of ihoMate, or the rrl ttlons of dehlnr and creditor.'1'ho only ordera lasued, or to bu laauu.1, are suchas aru coiiaidrrud neeeaaary to Iho elocution ofIho recomtrui-tlo- acs, which imt warrantiltdent thaiii-- tn the ordinary eour-- o of elvllhualncaa, 'I ,o timet look fir relief os thoHiate t'onvoiiiloti. 1 do lint eon-ld- sueh mat-ters ss tlhlii my prortnee to adjust."

(ioveriior (Jrr - to dtltieri"iltou, ri. C, Inuhl'li hi i illu.lv botin people tn r gi.ter md vote foi Ilu Cou- -veiitloii, bcliiLT Mll.lie.l thu ullitiide or Ihont gro in Il.e 1 otivi-iii- l ui ami ..gU.,ture willpi.jduii- n wonl.-rlu- lu lavnr of iliaftouili throiiho'it Hu- North,

ft.vvtfoaii, (i s.. August .a). It It rumoredties . Hi it a t tin. m hi- - bun si ut lu tn i.i nilI'oiie for Ihe n uioviil ol ihn pii iut Mutorand Hoard ol Abb rain ; and t coiliili-- pi II- -lloll lliu boon gntloii up lis relulii Hielioird, whieh Is esguid by all tin- - l.stlueullallili2c;u aud liiinli'iuu ol tlileiilv.

LcuisiaiiaiVellnw I'eser Iti eonalnicllon .aisillrra.Niw Ont.Kvs, August IV). Thero were

lHiinty-I- x ileitha byyilluw fever ycatcrday,(lenctnl Cjrui Hnmliu was Interredwlih Masonic cemnonlci. Thirty of thocrew and four ofllicri of the lion-cla- d Ma-haska with yellow lei er, and wereremoved to the hoapltal ycflerday. Four ofIhe crew have died. They had remainedcooped up ou board the ship until the venelalmost a pent house.

(leneral BherleUn'i order, 129, remove I',0. Mohan, City Comptroller, and appointsI). H. ilandel lu his stead, for reasons similarto those given In the order readjusting thuCity Council.

Order 180 orderi the rlccdon on the ictondHTO'jr of SepteEtsr by the l'ollr lurlciof eaidi l'arlah, of Inpeclon or j. irr-- Uenter fortiiwllh upon their duties, jotlfylngrepnrltn proprlcteire to repair and strengthenor construct now lev ess or In default thereofto euforce the law for audi case-- , providingtint a rorrect oaxgunt of tho exte-ni- foradd repair or construction, whether by Indi-viduals or l'ar!h, shall be kepi, and upouthe acceptance or the leveca by the Btato

the account to ho paid from the pro-fee-

of the State bonda appro-arlale- by thelaarlilattiac for that nuruoaa.

tnOM WASHINOTON.WAaiitxiitnx, Aug. 50.

Tlsel varioti correap.indciiU now agree thatIho view which (leu (Irani In heretoforeheld of hi tswera under Use llcroindritill.maelharetfcn Incorrect. Upon a rloeo read-- s

lug ll I now tliecasvered that Ceueral (Irani'uthnrltyonly rile lid lo removal eif eslllcir.

and tint ct rnininauder have full and

absolute powers In regUlrallon, elections,Ac. Ilriire (len. (leant has withdrawn onenf Ida pint rating Is iter sent to the rrcahlent,ind ll Is probable thlt the oontrntersy I alan end. Tin re now remain, but cue utipiili-I- I

I ed dnciiini-u- ssf the Jolmacn-drm- t ferlrithat In which (Irani le tohave pro-te-

.1 agclint Htiuit. iii's removal.The I'inltiiasler at I'rcnult, Atliona, in a

letter, lelcd July Slat, aaya- "There areprobably ten Indiana mnnacrc to CTcry onereported. The military forct here Is tint halfrettal to the demand, and utile anme suit-abl- e

commander 1 appointed and cm com-

prehend the true condition of the country,It It foand many year will rlapae lieforewewill lie rt'loird of Indian trouble and

tlantT-r- . The country l, however,rnnttanll) Inereailng In while population,'

Ofllric si account from I'alertno, datedAlign! Oth, rh.iw a frightful state of affairIn that city and neighborhood, Iho choleraluting epidemic and wide spread.

Hon, 0, II, Drowning, Secretary of thr In-

terior, l considered much weakerIlia physician hate forbidden all visitorfrom acclng him.

Director fnrnlahr Use followingalatement of Iho quantity and value of rawnnd fleece wool and Hock wate and shoddyImported Into the United Mtates during thellacal year ending Jnne IWlh, ItiTi Wool,,V,.1f:,,l.'sl pounds - t.V'iVril; aliiHldy,fs,l)C-1-

pounds t.'ild.l'O.There a nn full meeting or Ihe Cabinet

Ihli morning, but no Import mt action wastaken.

Mr. Cs mill was y Inlrodiired by IheHccrelary or Slate to the I'resldeiil, who

him In Id capacity if Knvoy I'.ilraor-dlnar-y

and Minister Plenipotentiary id IdsMiijcalylhe King or Italy. Mr. Ilerllnnlll,hi iuimcdlelc haa Itrtt appoint-c- tl

n Mlnltter In Conslanllunple,The whIAey de.aleri are endeavoring to

create a reeling against the Comiutanliiucr orInterim! Itrvt into, ami to get (leneral Htcul-ma- n

nppolnled in till place,A rumor wa clrculaliu thl afternoon

tint doner. il Hlrailmau Is lo lio appoluteilSecretary of War, but on Itupdry nt theproper sourest the report I aicerUlne I to beentirely devoid of truth. The (leneral c diednt the I'aci'ittlve mvntlou to--tl iy merely on avlait id coiirtray.

Then' are no new development alTcctlngthe prevent mctnltr of Iho Cabinet. Anyfiullicrcli mgea do not nppear now probable

In a very brlif Inlcrvluw vrillt the Preil-de-

iceenlly, "e mtrrnndenl of Hie llotoiiPosr nskiil Itlni Tor something authoritativea lo the wild tlorlca about tho Cabinet dis-

solution, to which the Prealdent replied,"You may telegraph that ' liavo uot rocetvedany ruslgnillcj;,, nor sskeil one from anymember of my present Cabinet,"

iOI.IHI'.nrl' DISt'HAIttlK PAPnUR.' Ordsr I'rmn (lnorxl Onsnl.

WasiiiacuiiN, August 30. The ftillowlufforder was Isaued to day i

Waviincitux, August SC. --The followingorder rccclied from the War Department I

I'libllahcd for Ihe Information and guidanceof all concerned r

Tn tircvent paymenli on fraudulent iolslier sllsrhirgs pstr, pavmtaler nrn In-structed by the chief of their depirlment tors fue lisyinent mile Iho ldeutlly or the Mi-dler Is profrly cstablDlu si,"

" Pitussrtndi lail.'aOrrtor.lAng-ia- t H, f

"Cleocin N.i. M To Inauro a farns prartlea.ble prompt naymetil of pticli claims, and at thossnto lime ,1111 more ruefully guard airaln-- t fraud,all ollh'rr wins sign and ilrhvcr dlaibargo papersnlll hi.lriitl ihn soldier to present them to thorhlefof the liardlaiilci In which he I atIhe time of his discharge, or If lu prefer to autne

chief of a pay ellalrlrt, and thoetlleer Will then Immediately notify, thrimi--another chnuriol thsn hai.tle of the man ilia.charged, the paymaater doalgiialed, uf Hie faclot asieli daliarKf with date, liaine, rrglmcut andrompany nf the aoldler, aa as t forth In the pais ra.No pajment will bo made un dlsrhargs- by anypaymaster except on receipt of such lui&h'allnti,lime.- ho ibs tr lie otliorwi-- c ronclualselr aatlaflodof ihelr gonuliirai and of the ldeutlly oftlio claim int.

" ilv couiman I nf Has-ir- ." K. II. To urin, Aal-i- . AdJ..lli-u'l.-

NrvvJeiary I Irons n nl rsiuithkeetials.l'ius.iiMii-.i- e, N. Y, Atlgii-- t W.-'I- ldt

niornlng the' New Jersey f.rcnu'li, Invitedguest, nnd i'ougliktepslc liretni ii, acciiiupa-nlei- l

by Mayor llcetl, of Trenton, and othergititleint'ii, roces did to Vatnr College In

triligea. mid uller being hai.d-oiml- inter-Inliic-

there nu, a grand piiiude upon thebueulllul rrouiid ol the colli ue hi the Mr.

lusts and Ilu gue ts. 'I Ids evening tin re willbo a grind display of l.renork unit an opennit coiit crt In honor ot Ihu Jsrecyiueu, whowill bin u home niornlng onHie m.imir Mary I'owsll. Thtv exprelliemseliui highly plecntd with their vlait.

Tiik merih nits or Klclimoti.l, Vs., organl-re- d

a Hoard of Trade yesterday.Dauh ItKMitr A t'n.'s) wliolciale Ibiuor

tore, Chicago, wna destroyeil by Are ) ester-di-

Total loaa nltiut f Psi.lSal.Tntwlfu or Colonel Ilankheid, and twenty,

live men or Hie Fifth regiment, recently diedeif cholera at Fort Wallace, Kan-- i.

llvi'l- - A Co ' tobacco manufactory, 111.

Vs., was aelied yeatcidiy furviuli.tlou or Ihe Intern Kevciiue,

Am ir ime-hi- ir or lleyunli! City, Mont maTerritory, wuj dtslroieil by fire ou Ihe l dhof Align. I.

Till' Monbitii Hingrn, tinder (leneralllcein, npn led to min-- . igalnst Ihe ludlaiiIn a short time, l ive bundled dulkera havebeen psld for three Indian wulp.

Ovv imi to the ioiitlnuc.1 sciloin Illness ofHon. J. T. Ileltn, (ioverncr-ilrc- t of

Hlii.iiigiiiailoii cot colonic will takeplace at hi private rfldcnie at Kllr.ibc

(If.Ni'ii.vi. IIisiiv, Hccrctiry or War tothe Hiiltaii or Turkey, arrived in Toronto, CW., Thursday evening. The (leiiciai1 mdHullo Intend spending three weeks In Catiadi,mul will then proceed aoitlh. Their visit toAmerica will occupy thrto months,

(inn'.iiaou Fusion his inado the followingappolntinent i William Fullcrton, or New-bur-

Jiullco of the Huprtmo Court, to Oilthe vacancy lit the Second Judicial District,rained hy tha death of William W. Hcrttij.ham. John Austin tjlevens, Jr., of NewYork, aa CoramUaloner In represent the. StateStatistical Congress to be held lu l'arla duriugthe month of September next.

A iad drowning casually occurred at ;,

Conn., yesterday, VIllIam, theyounireat son of flev. John It. KMp, trae!;-,-- nt

the Deaf and Dumb Aiylum of Hartfotd,waa In a low boat with a female relative onI'urmliigtoultlicr, and approaching tu nearthe dam, wni carried over the falls anddrowned, III companion aared her life hvt llnidng to the edgu or the boat. Mr. Keenwas nb nit tivs-nl- yoars of nge, and a taeui-h- e

of Bonhtaore rkua at Val Cilljge,

Sun Cablo Dispatohoff.THU WAR IN SOUTH AMEIMCA.




Aallir Spctch bj iVnpoIteta.

tiii: ti.i:s.ii.'4.N oi' ih.:i:.Ac, Ac, Aa.

llso Weir In isth Amertess.I. Isnot, Aug. ilUlh Kvetilng. The regular

mail steamer from Kin Janeiro ariltcd henalio bring Ihe Important Intelli-

gence lhat the allied army Ins crotued theUper Parana Into Paraguay, ami that eon.ae.uenlly a great battle might be looked forat any moment.

Ilrntiss Polities.Srcrreunr, August oOth, The olllclal

(lamm: of this city, In lit lue of thlmorning, ronlal i an article deny lug that thesubject of a South (Irirnin Iliind was

or eten brosclii d at Iho recentat Snlrhurg.

Iwrkrr and Iho resiled Mate.losmtit, Aug. .10th. The serle or solut-

ion or Hie I'nllcsl Stitc Cotigie, rtpreae.Ing ymvalhy r.tr the stniggllne Cretan,

, which Mr. Morrl, Ihe American minister,teee nlly presentttl to the Sublime I'ortr. hacreated a prorottnd sensation at Constintl-tiopl- e.

Prnnee ssnd Iterminr.Ioimiox, Aug. Rvlli Fienlng. H a said

that Ihe (lovernmcnt of Frame waignliilaimnineei nf e In I'rusla.

Assollsrr raicrrfi by Nnpolenn,I'Altl, Augud KOIIi, - Whllo tho I'.inporor

Napoleon win le inoratIly dilayed at l.llluyealorday, he made u ihort speech. Ho allu-ded to put rctirsc ru "dirk potion IheliorUo.i,"and comiuetiti-- l at mhii le iiath onthe pacllle sUlc- - of atrilra In Hurope. Hepoke cncnurigliigly In Ihe people, nnd

that Ilia cerbiluty of puu-- wouldgive a gicat linpelus' to trade. While hebhitncd the director or the public prcn torprcadlng iinroundeil rninori, and rreitlug

general dllrii-l- , ho htiuseir would do all Inhi power to recall conlhlcncr.

A I'rencli Ncto llapccted.r.iuia, Aug. .".oth, It Is iihiiIi-,- llnl n

netefrom th" French Foreign Oilier, pacificIn Its character, will amin

maiiini:.fli.Annw, Aiijttai .it) Kvetilng.-Tli- o An-cl-

l.lne'a luwo, Citplnln Clalg,iv hkh loft New Yorkou tho 17 Hi, atrhid atthl port

(Ji August 30. Noon.-T- hoatcamihlp ltuai Captain Cook', rrotn Ni'WYork on the Xlst Itiat., arrived hetu this tiiorti-ln- tr

on her way toLlvcriiool.llitK-sT- , August SO Etenlng The steim-lil- p

Cella. Captain (lleadell, wlileh kit NewYork nn Hit- - VOlti or August, arrived hero to-day on the way to lonidon.

(ll.Asiinw, Augitat 30 The stcntnsldp SI(Jeorge, Captain Smith, from (Jitelf c AugustJMb, arrived al this port

FINANCIAL.r.o.tiin-- , Attgiut --eJ"0''

arc somewhat (Inner, and closed at Ot lurmoney.Aincrioan Mrcuiltlr The poaltlnn nvmm-n- lby (leneral (Intnt lu Ihn American Cab-luc- e,

haa had a marked effect on Iho prim e.fAmerican and H.ero Is inn, h tt-uli- .Il.m. parllcitlstlylu y Nusd. . r.lowing aie the clniliu ncelshare.-- . 43; llhnnl. Central Itallw.y rtirei rv fI nlteil Stales y lajuda, TS1.:He snd Ureal We.tem, il

A en- 0.1 . Ksrnlinr. -- Cnlte.l rllaleibund, cloaeil In Ud city Ibis eten-lng at Tit ',,COM.MKr.C'IAI.

I.tvsneiaii, Ail.', SU. -ulinr. I.'otlon-T- li'ilnrkrl Is dull, and prleis, llioiuh .totniiitnldy um hinged, hales H,ll halo.M'ddhng upland, Iti'.iLi inlddllng Orloaiia,

'Trade Kenorl The adrlre rmm Maiiehralereontlnimnnosmrjlilo. '1 ha markel for linhIs audyarn In lhat city la dull and drooping,

llreuilaliilTs-Tli- o ntstkstt la dull, and nrlieban declined eoital.b-rslily- , Who it lit. Jl m irrutal ror UabfoenU; peas 4a. per Ml Iha. for( anadlin; corn, ara, ocisrier for lulledweaterii : nits, 3. rvl. per buah.

nitls'tin and Pnalueo- - I hu market f,r artl.ilea f American nnd other produce twithout chanc., 'Ihe ttattal aiithoiltloa ouo'e ali.ll.l.iai Tallow, Ha. SH; lm, t JT. b; potk,75a. ikb i lwscon, t,a. ; lard, lis. vd.; all ir unlet atSta. 6.1. for No. 11 II. .4.

AMiur, Aug. So I'vcnlng - I', tiol-ji- n Isflrmer, ami prl.es haso adianced to a f, aucler blih fur ftsttdard white.

.llealenn News.Meilean ad line icpiiteut Hi it Ihu City of

Mexlesi his It on remarkably Irt-s- Iront erbunid aln.'t-I- capture byDIai; thatJoin and cabinet ait hard at iiotk on He.roiistrui Hun ; th.il l.oper. In betii eiidoiiini.lug to ciinvliiio the world Hut ho did notI I ray Maxlinlllin, nnd ha aildre-si- d thu1put lit- tlsts-i- Utne Usrouith Iho prea- - In anellnrt to e xculpate himself. Thu I u t, bun.

hell ll.lng In ouul.le thuprtaon. while other llupcilali.ls are lutide,convinces the put He lliithli assertions urounworthy of credit. (Jeneral Minpn)! hidescaped, Santa Anna nut tn bo tried soon.I'rliK'C S.ilm Hiliuwa lobe IliiprL-touc- In-

stead of being shut; other ollleera writ-t-It- - dealt with iu the 11110 manner. Fourschools were to Ir opened In Ihu Clly ofMexico, and Ihu Mtdlcal L'ulurslty was iulull oprrnll m.

NEW YOHir.( oalltulltinfi1 Convention - Hty.stc-OQ- f

llrsr I'liiceilltia.Ai.niNV, N. Y , Aug I'O - Tho Slate Con.

slltutluiial Contention nut at ten o'llocliA. M.


Mr. II. Ilrooks, fiotn tin-S- i h i t rotunilt'econ Charities ami I'haritibh li. litiilluin, re-ported the lollon lug null lei

Section I. Iho IeirUlitu.it may enttbl'.h aHoard nf Conn 'lanliitiera uf ssiark.e i nslaiingsiri'.gh' ., a uajorll) of w .t i conali-lut- e

a i. tor uu w . h i'l 'sa ' p. wer to vlall, In.and ri K'is ln.ni el.atlutilo In .tu.t,,ua .if fieri sia.i n a- t do-- i rlpllou whv cor,

whi hi r e- dOial hy issillv tti tl or siplmrtt-- i

or tided by tin- Mate, exu pi teilloiis orgasilll-Iiou- .ol 0 - ' . all .l.arar.i, ,, c,.,,,..

tlonsl trrllli.i'i ns otierw'se eoiitroll.-- hy law,Hu- li Hoard In up .ti to the l..'..:i.'ure.shall also t,l toil, i tu the- Alt.irnui linn Hl ofany tin a. It f tru t In the l.ianigimeut of .,. .aImtltutli.tis or their funda, who shall rrefer Il.e i;iiotloti ol such h eai b uf irn.t to theprur I oiltl. Ihn nuh llosid ahullboariailnted by ihe lloieriior, with the eon.. ,,tuf tho heuaio, 'i heir term id ortlre ,h, , emMyeaia, aud the-- sha'l bo su iloaaiu-- that llTs--

shall got nui of oft) T In e.uh v. ir.bee. J, Auyirrson or r.oiis may esialdUh orleerrasethe endonmont nf a rhirliahlo Insilnt-Ho-

for the support nf II o p.tir. Die a liancemenle.f learnim-- , and other lawful and puiilli purni-C-Such liiat uitiont shsll la- eilallUhrsl, aud lisfunda aduilnutrred In acei.rdatuo with tho rulesof courts of ly, bat 11 o legislature diallhsiePower to llmli u.o niuo.ii.t nhlch a t. la.ot miydevise or be.ariih for rhtrltahlo s. Nufharttab'e gilt, deviser or beiiiet shall beInvalid for went of a trustee, and I lie prou-n-court shall. If uccrsisrr, appoint a Irusiee when--sr Drupcrty Is dcvl-en- l er u smsvlied In T.., o rrharltsble purioss, but not to an nisi.itit'.ui

'Hike It. Tho Hoard uf t'hsrl.lies shall hwalreanj r?pors ,l.L""r """" I

phjccllon lu lliotiusi, grow lug uutrf lae roiiu..tlotlurtho mind er illbuo mr ityclaltnauis ou Ids bounty. If the icwrt I. idisraeIho rharllablo pruvlaloss shall fall; if fsiurallo,Iho pipiwr fuurl shall carry tu trust lul.i eirei tIt shall U no iilUrc'li ii tu tcharllshla trtul th.itII larposnl. 'ho ll.sird of I'harlt tu toy, atU.e end s f ii.irl) )ea s uf s f i e- - alt. tun. .i .fad.Ui. in ...os (i s cra.j...'-u- , u a.

pirsirrtTshmli! ha eo.itlnasl In llspuwiat an,i loymcnt. On tl elf that urh empluyuonl pa no I tnyr prsrtletbl", sieh property mar, oi-- l oi

Iho stnctrn nf Iheemrt, rwdern'e! to nlfior ptitaHe ne. Thl secllon slsall not apply ta tha Inatktntlon excenred In this first section of ibla arHole. r

See, X Nn clnrilshle Instllnllon shall reeolrsStale aid fleet.! nnder lit tdlowlnt condlfMna:liter Applieitlon for neh aid shall bs mule to . .Ihe Ikiard of Charltlca at lea! two mouth f irthe reeettng r.f Ihe rrrnnd iliaHoard rhll esimlr.e Into Ihe e(renmlnes-- s of Hitrise, and rciior! Ihl tko InstttuUnu claiming ajiehaid lends In relicie tho txitle from expoaso wl- htho m Hint of ' t'h relief, ami thil It la nut red-Kl-

iw eeetirli i In Ita character, and lhat a f i.Jnrf y tjt It m. QVier am nutrrl .don denoi nallnn. Tl.lrd- - If Um m In.atltiillon haa ,,a lot ily received Stale a'd, II isitialIt I lhat nr'. aid hsa fslrl asitlcilo the pnrtoea lor w Itlsh It eras t.

S- -e t lite I, lainure miy prrrlde thai an ijdonor of phirltthlo fitn.D may direel lhat ancn Tfnnda shall be bare-re- d In Iho registered bondo ii Uthl male or if the fnltrt StateMn In held In ;the name nf thi Controller. The Ij maylurthrr pnilhh thai Um Itnalro of rbrllaba

uiayaiail themscltea of tha boasflta ottthis prorl'lon. ,

nmi nr ot tiik JcntrtAnr. '

Mr. Folger, from the Standing Commll'eenn Judiciary, re ported an article providing aafollnnst

See Hon I establishes Const of Impeachment,the same u the presy-n- t Coaatitatloa.

Section J eatahl, she a Court of Appol. seretlJndtre to tt-- elected hy State ticket, and to b il tofitredailrge-sat- l hrharlor nploaorvatyyosraol jesrfe; lo apieilnt a Ch'ct Jasltce from ono of theli 1

Hum tor, and to appoint a clerk, reporter and aU Itendinis. 1

Hee. . The Cnrnmlaalnn of Appeal Intake ar. Irear on Ihe calendar nf tho present Court of Ap--peal. (If lire eommlaatimera. eompoal of thaf.asr J.tdee nf tho preeeat Coort of Appeal, whshsre tain eloetej by the people, aud Ihe fifth UIt apSKriulrtl by Ihotluternor an,Hnite. Thelfdoci.fons tn bo ieat-iei-l by the repirtor of thiOmrl of Apea, ami lo las enfttrss! aaa Judg-ment nftbc ameeussrll tbo erommtaaton to explrsaper three tears.

See. n. 1'ho lo hare power at Ihiend nf leu years lo pros Ids fur a similar coram la.slnn.

See. a, .Voprs- - Cmrt. Hie Slat to b dlrtdHInto riatr drtiartmoiits, nd each tlrpartment IntoIw.s New York clly la lu tie una

there shall h thlrly.f.mr Justice of thicourt, ten nf them In Ihe New Ymk cltyderaart.menl. and eight In earls of tho other department.Tho Inrlslaiiir mar provide fie aa addllhsnal tt

Jlldsro Its each one of iho dot SMmeot..o. t. Tl o lvkl Ituro al! pnsvldo fur deal. j)

nsllni Inslleea wltu shell hJil grnerl lorm. anil jlor chief of etch slpaitlr.ent I'ool I

ludgi-- a shall general term, three .srm'iir si

Anrtme or sum pi let- - m iy see-- Iclal term and Clnnp Cuiirta, ami any sstio mayptesi.lo al ll)er and Tertuiii' r.

Hit. a. NitJn k-- alnll sit In review rvf his nwnopinion, te tub-- All vaoan. ioa. In all Jmkirs olctni-t- s nf rii unl. t s. epl r.t, r.t) Jtido and .urrH jrate, sli-- tl a. ml,. h, s, with aeirrnf ap- - !

Inlni. nt by iho lloieruor and iwt, He la'lsrreaeatllona. I . t the gen.-a- l la tIt1, lliee(.ie.ion shvll l" sithailtie-- l (., Ihe poo. 1pin iibelhi-- r Judnaof Ihe h'srhs.r of rn,.rd Ihall la- - , , I oi .11 p,lllled. Is.elflh .IllThrc ,

slnll hnllnnoiiieri.tllro. Thlrleonls n.olnu-- s jml Ohio of hnhllii It tut tulai tltolbylsw:

bill Hiere ei.alt Ihi a s.1 l eral is nn In en It dklrtetrun loom h Iho rent' val sc ion Is lh .am aililth ptesent I'ssrst ssUiia. I'lf.eon'h-Pn.r'.s- hsIir a tin "wr I' nrt of five In '.ae; t

Coeimnll Ptesas.r Ave pnUoa f ,r Mew itkeeiy;a Stlerl-s- I'sotrt sis' slsrm Ire f..r ollluHul.1, to It rl et lit th-- to oplr and to holtnf-- ,. ilnr'ng gitt Isrlianor tip In seres tr rir otre, virsnc'ea to Iti tilled the at fur llso

Sir. I. Jndgea of Us Snnre-- Ciel-- t, thiNew York and llmralu clly cotirii. Pi It elecled byti e a pie.

Sec. tt. Ttie eoTineitl.m of aM Jale of thUher courts lu It- - rxe.1 by I iw, and mil

thoolll'o.I. Tlio t'ountr .lu Igo l th sima I

aa In lb old Outittlti.tl in, except the term of e

oilleo la s, and that Ihe Ugbl sluro ussy Vlnerc-- o iho hrlfd'clt ,n, and lhat the sslirr . toIsollarl by Ih Snerrs..rs. an I not tu U dlmln.Ii.. d during Hi of thr otllro.

III. A esainly J.sdgo i any county mayat county camel of any other e

See. Jl. Itlethoramn aa In th oil Conallta-tint- saa tnlh slootlnnof l.sral ofllca-r- a to doth

duty of C'uitntySee. SI. T ho hicldat.tro may th

Snprem Cuutl doisrlme-it- and dlaltiet, aftere.s. ts couana, teat isjt In lucrnsto lh uainSer nf

or dl.trlrta.erc. rj. Justices uf Iht Peace tho sine aa In old I

, Ciiliattlntlois.See. . Thosam-- ai lhnll t.'onstltntlon is Is. iIh elootlon of Inf. rlor or Judicial nnlcrr. ,

. St Clerks of eounliei tu Im clocks nf thoS'ipremc Colli, .to,, as in theotd Cotiatltatloa. '

t Twnly.nrt'ertalu Jullilsl nrrlcer shill not. ''"slnaliycinlitor ait as rrfrrre. Twenty- -elhi '"tl of Itidlelal a In be ItteJ tby the liy'.Tre same 1.'Tiie.,liyi.rAnrll an I Um (iffl 1w. "fJu.'r;l"st; e on tlio ilr.s Mm.-- ,Jif July, Tiielilr.uliio-- Th secllon ufi d Cnnalltnilon Innaferrlni jurU llrtlon In nna tillngiaaesl.retslmal. Thirty The Ju.lsre of Iho

rireseuleourla am eligible lu ee.tn f.,r anyV?.lrT " el.ftlon. Thirty. ,

Iwu-- AII hard esmrls in In. as In thoji.eenl touatlliitlou. Thirlythrc.- - The IriMu llure may Prohalo I'ourl; ah dish Ih orTIroofSurriuile: giro to esisiln-- eittrts tho Nuro-gi.- e

J.irl.bctl.iii; cmaie re.ti rs of wills, andpinvlde r..r trial hyjury In probate ea.es.

A wat tvlniiti-t- l Iti it after Ihli i

vtei I, the Coiiieiillon will meet diily at nln I

si'tliHk A. Jl., except cm Monday., aud tikin tun tnn to lour o'clock.iiivm:!:-- . .ist. to rii'.e in nit thiiiatvii'iiK.

Tip Cotive-tillii- went Into Coininltteo ol 'Ihu M htilcon Ihe powers aud ilutka sjf thiI.i gia uure, Mr. linker in the cltilr.

'I he proi Idlng lhat thu l.cglsl itunshall not iiuilil or ullnw any prli.ili tloliii orug dint the SI He, nr p any nr

ehllnvlu llmr. to, but miy appro-r- ilitis liioiuy to piy mull clilm at aball iihave been audited and all snesl aicordluii loin . n n tithiptsil i

Tlio r. Hon en itlng a Court or Cbahniw s et Inglh. but w Ithmtt tnklnii !

uclloii upon It thu CoiiviuUuti tnokaree-c-to yt o'eluik P M. i

2I t I..MMI H.,ot.Tl.o Convention in. t at ; jn ,, ife (,i, 3

tviilng. The loithk-itt- l u e.f ihe leport olthe Ciiinniltls-- e ou the power- - unl duties ul IIhu l.cglsl Huts- iv.it rusiimnl In CouimllteeotIhe- Mi..e. 'Ihe cveiii..g n.ie in'cupksl inili nt'-ir- the poprliti of in .itlng ,i Courtidl laltne. Alter a long debate a section wmadopted, directing that thu I.egUIaturo sh.dlpiovlde by ,iv tor creating a Court ol Claitnito c.nill-- t of Unco Judge, to tt; appointedbv tho (sovcrnor and Senile, In which Cuutlshall be adjudicated all such cl.ilmi againstthe Statu aa tbu LcgUdature shall from Urns itu time- - hy general Ltwi direct. Adjourned. '

- . t iMMMfc, in


rtrsaea iarsaisaltr.lt SDTAiicia.

For every Insortkm f.f fotrr'nesof Ir.....)ct4rot every extrl line or part of fin-- .. .,.,,! tt

f Adrertlaeinrnta wllllelnerteclli open ofJ.l Syedtlyle, or In Uadedlypss, also vt atii""alasiritiua-snoni- a tr special not.ces al prcportlon.atistei, tolt- - on t l!caUnnat lhoo"fVo. ;tf Twenty-- s r wonts aa fmr line t

seal sswen w.t-- each Iha, mora than f sar. '

SPOItTI.MJ .11 tTTKIt.H.The Ureal Hate Hall .Hatch.

Pun uu t.i'iiiv, Ang. :ii Thu .Mutuali of i

New York, and thu Keystone or this city,played x game or liaic Hall, at Camden, thisiirtcrucou, In livor or Ihe latter bya scote of il to '.ay. The result of the Hutchwas a ureal sin prise, as bit were generallyIn fivor of the M.ilud by hcavv oddi. Al jthcthtoc-o- f ihe eighth loiilug Ihu Mutualiwen-- throe ahead, but In the iiii.lk the Ju,luul mr.' d, and the Kryitooei.t.y exli ionliiury luck, and tine hitting, itu nle eleven runt ucUcilhn; the victory.Thu (allowing is thu score i "

Ml'riais. kltttoau. i

s O. It.'tkr, c. t Pick, SJb I 4

Hilttt, e f 3 1 I'oia plitlt i Stulih, t4 1 I

W ilcin. tn. id b ... I Ktiisll, c I IPcera. p 3 WciikIi, If Ilitiield.ildb I i MtClaruin. i s.,..i I '

Hn-d- , r f 4 I Hobln-- t i, tit b...l IMrltjli u, I f 3 1 McMu.1,.,1. c f ,lr)r, t 3 MseliU-- , Jdb. i (

Total 7l 'W Totsl tftu.lli.ui t 'J341IISI) j

Mii'iihIs ... ...s f 4 1 I o o t i)Keyaiuue iioitvill 11

Itnae Hull hi I'vejueelteat,Nriv CI-- Aug. M - The game leu

Ibe-- championship ul Louncetlciit was plays tl

Utn sen thu Pc piut sjub ol tlm illyami Hie Club, of Mvstle, aud resuli- -ed In tivnr ol ihu dinner by-- a scute of ii taIK. Tho lV'iUul played til col their seeoustutne. .

Th" Morse Fair itf irlnUrlJ.Ma.. Aug. Ji -- The Ihlnl

d iys" programme of the horse f sir al this oilyh is been sJicvsjIu c.irrkal out Tin-- 1.1 sosoiiie ,f . i ...u nu ri- - n.ik i'"

ullcruoon n ta not Ic s thin Iwenly iiouu,ij'lu Hie ilis. nl lioi.et thlt haie nut troiiiJ

ftsii-- Hun i'.iO in pul Ic, live stirii J ,i, J".- i n,,(, ,. I I.. - ... ,.'.

d 'isMtuig Nai ami Caput,, I " L'bnindv vTiuo uul llilt-n- vvu-- '

'""'''e' r.ecc of in,, mil.,,,,,. .(,huidli'j tia. lion pv tVl . ' ! 1, j

i . .