I Institute of CosmoEconomics  · louis Hasbrouck 319 East 50t. h Street, New York 22, N. Y, . ~-I...

louis Hasbrouck 319 East 50th Street, New York 22, N. Y, . . I 1 1. t Institute of CosmoEconomics www.CosmoEconomics.com Institute of CosmoEconomics www.CosmoEconomics.com

Transcript of I Institute of CosmoEconomics  · louis Hasbrouck 319 East 50t. h Street, New York 22, N. Y, . ~-I...

Page 1: I Institute of CosmoEconomics  · louis Hasbrouck 319 East 50t. h Street, New York 22, N. Y, . ~-I 1 1. t • Institute of CosmoEconomics  Institute of

louis Hasbrouck 319 East 50th Street, New York 22, N. Y, . . ~-



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Institute of CosmoEconomics


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Institute of CosmoEconomics


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Institute of CosmoEconomics


Page 4: I Institute of CosmoEconomics  · louis Hasbrouck 319 East 50t. h Street, New York 22, N. Y, . ~-I 1 1. t • Institute of CosmoEconomics  Institute of

Mr. A. Ha:r.il ton Bolton Bolton, Tremblay & Co., 680 Sherbrooke st.,West Iflontreal 2, Canada.

Dear ~r. Bolton:

August 9, 1960.

For the past two years as a subscriber to your Bank Credit Analyst, I have l:;een impressed with your accuracy while noting your attempts to refine the work. I find your .forecasts very helpful.

After the 1929 debaole, Louis Hasbrouok began intensive studies to deteru ine what oa.uses changes in r'iass psychology and t...1.e resulting boons or busts. Re rediscovered SOtle funda!'1ental law8 in the geo­oentric field which point up the major turnings with great accuracy. His foreoasts are UiOre aocurate than Nelson's of R.G.A. in timing tho periods of electrical disturbances and earthquak'!ts. Incidently, ror several years he has filed in advance wi til Jlelson his .foreoaots of such disturban('}oa.

In view of' your recent C01l'A.filents on one's inabili t)" to predict ohanges in mass psyohology and your lateat intensivo review of the IUliot Wave Principle, I a.s k ed him tc> let "Ie have his comments. The enclosed Augua t 7th letter 18 the result. I'm certain you will find it interesting. You might even find that his work would be a tool whioh you could use to strengthen 101..11' own. Should you happen to be in New ~ork fa1rly 80on, you l' ~ ,(ht find that a chat with hltn both interesting and \1 , uable.

In my hUf!lble view, he has founa sor'.lethlng very ,)asio which require. an organizatIon with adequate facilities to conduct intensive 8 tudies to bring it to full fruition.Maybe you could offer helpful suggestiona.

Sincerely yours, /

Institute of CosmoEconomics


Institute of CosmoEconomics


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Mr. Doaa14 C. Townley 527 MicW1 .... Roac1 Dad.a, Coaa.

D.ar Mr. Towal.y:

AUI'l.t 23, 1960

1 cenalo1y 40 appreciate your letter toaet1&.r with Mr. Ha.brouck'. mo.t ..... r •• U. 1 ... 1' to you. l-.m tIl.relor. fOl"Wardi" you. .. extra copy of tlU. 1-.n.r la ca •• you. wi.A to forward. .a.J:IW to u.r. Ha'\)l'ou.c:k.

lAt m. ,0 back a 10"1 way. 1 have alway., .1ac. my coUe •• clay., be.a (a.el .... '.' by tbe bw •• tmeat n.w. Ud. in parUcular the .tock. market. Eve. ia the late 20 f. aa4 early 30 I, 1 u. •• 4 to r.a4, aad. .UU la.av.. maay of the cUl'l'e. boolu wAich a,peal'.4 , .. the liter .. ture aDd which my falhel' 'Dov.pt. (He w ... a 1' ... 1 •• tate mall, Ht al.o a pr.tty .ucc:ce.aful lIlv •• tor cOIl.W.dq b.ia lack of 01'Iaai •• 4 .tu.4y of the .u.bject).

:D\lrlnathe 1930'. 1 b.aclmy fb.t di.1Uu..loam." witb valu. tb..od •• wh.n OaG. a,.,ia the ecoaom1c: .avlI'OJUDe. of 1937/8 .wept away valu.. rt.aht aad. left. A..o of, •• hap,.... 0 .. ,Ge' to extrem... T.clud.qu ••• uch a. Dow neory wer. 1" their IMY"'YI y.t they a1.0 'by 1939 1wl c ... eel to fu~t'_ ,ropedy. la til ...... ime I .. 1.0 took. up what are aow calle4 "cycle" .tuelle.. T1M d •• i .. tile .UIIUD.r of 1938 .. ppareaUy wa. e..,lai .. el by .ueh auly.l.. H.r ...... la Jaow.ver tIlere ••• me4 at daal time to be .0 extremely coui., •• k.y. (lalate .. year. I .aw 11.ow .ueh .t"cU.e. l.ucatecl a para1y.'''1 .tock market cUmak ia 1951-·52 .1mUaI' to 1930.32. whick fonwaakly faUeel to mat.d .. U.e).

At aNut W. time I &1.0 bael my fir.t 1atI'04u.cU. to EIUott ia the •• rie. of articl •• l'efel':r.4 to ia the Fl ..... ct.al Worlc1, to which my father .,,It.erilMel.

At w. $ime &l.0 I came aero •• Da_ Sld ... r'. "Sev •• K1acl. of laflaUOJl" wWea ..... el to ,lve ( ....... un .... ) a '''perior .. pproach to lav •• tm ... fo ... ca.U... Thl.book 1. loaa out of p"'_ but it pro4v.c.el th. tlIlnJdaa a'bout mouy aad. erecllt wldea .. llow.el me la the po.t-wal' periocl to clev.lop a •• w app:roach to .'lock market tlalald ...

Institute of CosmoEconomics


Institute of CosmoEconomics


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Pa,e Z.

'ba.ed Oil th. fu.ad.ameatal. of mOMY aa4 cl".4". Her.lofore ttfuac:la.mAldalau

lack.d aay *YPe of qu.aatitaUve ,rect.s.OIl. It wa. aU qualitative ar&4 .v.ry maa (aJlCllU. 40a) came up with 4Ufere. auwer. wlUe1l u.ully eacled up la bu.yi .. at D.e top aDd .eW .. at the 'bottom. Dau Ski_zot. 'book (WhiW •••• Hou. •• 1931) i. a piou.dAi work of the lUte of Curle. Dow' • • elitorial. laD.e WaU St_ Jou ... ! frOID 188' oa. How.ver it i. MV.I'

11kely to have .... impact that Dow bat ba4 oa .ub.aqu. •• 'ecJud.cal WIIki..,.

The war y.ar. i.erN"' •• eriou. •• ""'dy, but wh •• in 19<6' we .taneel up a .ew bual .... ChIto.. Tremblay Ie Com,...,) ia iave.bne. co ... u.ltial. 0" of the lil'" JOD' w. uaclertook wu to .. velop .ome bl'oaclecoaomic aacl moaetary .tudf.e. alo .. the U ... of D ..... SId ... I' • TAl. took tim. .lace with a .mall .tall everybody hal to 1M "chi.f. cook. aad bottle wa.heI'U. Thu. it wa. aot tW Ju.ae 1'<69 that w. w.l'e able to 1 •• u. our fir.t two pal_ l:N11.tia. caw. .. lor" re'u.mptioa of the major Dull market which ia 1t. way wa' quite a m1aor rrail •• toae a. w. look 'back.

In the me .. attm., we hav •• iudJ..d ju..t a'bout .very techJl1que which i. availal:t1e arul .tiU dOl\'t £eel w. bave aaywbel'. a.ar the Ii-.l " .. w.r. In other words. ou.r &"I'oach ba. become extrem.ly .clectic, cam .. \\,oIl aU manner of 111l0l'mation" iel ....... 4 tryl .. to .yJltbe.i.e OIl tae N.ia of expert.ace wba.t .houlcl bappe.. Thi. m.thod i. perha,. .imUar to •• epina OM 01' two .iap' ahead of the baWlf, but it al.o require. a pld,10.ophy of iav •• tm •• which mo.ey aad. credit .t\\die. bave b.en able to ,lv., &Aclln wlUck .tr ... ely aaou.lh the Elllott theory hal ,.ndltd. to eoncu.r.

I note that Mr. Hasbrouck ref.r. to Key Cyclel aM. I .. m quite famUlar with the lel ... : ia fact I eo .... atly watch .om. 01 th ...... Stock Tre .. u 111 Spnaaf1eld, Ma ••• f alao •• em. t. have worked. 0. ta.... Howev.1' I have f<Nu. 4ue 110 doubt to my own lack of thorou,h .tueiy of tIlem, tAa.t it ... imp ... lble for me. belol'e th •• v •• , to .. ll in maay ca ••• wheth.r th ••• win 1M hlp. or low.. Thu. a Key Cycle waa o'bviou. aroun4 the b.,bnJ", of 1960. A. it turaed out, w.1Iad a 40\\ble top ia the Avera ••• ,lu. a coulul'a'ble el.t.riOI' .. tio. la mark.t breadth at the time aad al.o a 110p,., cr.dit .1tv.atioa. It wa. obvi.u.ly a c1oubl.'""iop olliiportaace. 'but til. pl'oblem of pu.Ui. it ia It. 'I'oper perlpeetive 6 m.0IlthI or 5 year. i. aclvarace i. ODe wblch It.&1 e.eap.d. YO\\I'I truly. Thi. may .... omew_t of aa a.,.e:ra'lOD. .bac. on a cycl. N.b I am famUiar with the approximate October 1931 Juae 193' tw.nty­el.ht y.ar cycle whlch miaht be can.d. ufb •• cou..iu oaca remov.d.tl

aad whicb at W. p~lDi. allo Sol .. back to Ib..e 1'0<6 exp.ri.nca • the previoul Z8 yeaI' cycle .. mi.At .. e1aforce a bun al'.u.meat at W. Um •• Howev.r .ucll exam,l •• a8 'hl. are quite 1'01&"4, aad. i. _tw .... th.r. are I ... at voiela.


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Institute of CosmoEconomics


Page 7: I Institute of CosmoEconomics  · louis Hasbrouck 319 East 50t. h Street, New York 22, N. Y, . ~-I 1 1. t • Institute of CosmoEconomics  Institute of

BOLTON, TREMBLAY & COMPANY .-', ", to ,.,.. ~&;..U

S I X I I OHry S ,.,£,..,.OO~£ s r,.CC T WCS T . MOHTReAL .2. C A NADA _ TeLePHONe: Vlc r O R Z - ;/71lJ

At all eveDU, I c:.rtainly shall look forward at .om. t1me thh fall perhaps to having a c:haac:. to m •• t Mr . Ha.brouc:k 1a N.w York.. What lmpr ..... m. mo.t about Mr. H ' . letter 1.1 that he 1. aot a c:raDk.. So mallY of the people who write ill taking me to ta.k for thi. or that are obvlou,ly craD.k. Qf the firat order . The •• g.ntl.m.n have the germ of all 1d.a but thiD.k that heav.1l and earth should .~ .Ull while they polltUicate. 1'm happy to f.el that Mr. Hasbrouc:k i . aot one of th.... Aayone who hal beell around ia the iave.tment waten 01 the last generatioll .hould have gained a c:.rtaill amount of humility. If he ha.Il't. in my opiDioa. he I., ,u'pect.

Siac:.r.ly your"

HBolton:ec: c . c .

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Institute of CosmoEconomics


Page 8: I Institute of CosmoEconomics  · louis Hasbrouck 319 East 50t. h Street, New York 22, N. Y, . ~-I 1 1. t • Institute of CosmoEconomics  Institute of

H Al<4lL r ON tJ OLrON

I<4AUI'tICC r l'tCM tJLA r

BOLTON, TREMBLAY & COMPANY $U't'J/;,;uwl" tt;'"d,,/Nmn

SIX £ /Ol-tTY S l-t£ RB ROOK£ STR££T W£S T, M ONTREAL 2, C ANA D A - T I!:L £Pl-tON£: VIC TO R 2 - 271B

M r . Donald C. Townley 527 Middlesex R oad D a rien, Conn.

D ear Mr. Townley:

Octob e r 5,1960.

Tha nk y o u for your lette r of S e pte mber 14th. I would like to meet Mr . H a sbrouck, as you sugg e st, but I don't h ave a firm date in mind yet. It is possible tha t I'll be in New Y ork in the week of No v embe r 14th, a nd possibly specifically Novemb e r 18th.

Wha t I'll do is write you wh e n I know , w ith a copy t o Mr. H a sbrouck. Presuma bly some thing may b e a rra nged.

Sincerely y ours,

~~L HB o lton :cc

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Institute of CosmoEconomics


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.~ s~ NEW YORl: 22, If. Y. KUlIIEt IlASBROUCK. 319 E. SOw~, '

Ue~r 'r . Bolton : now t at we ' ve oet , if only brieflf and by accident ,

I ' m wrlti'~ you my peroonal on~ratulatio, s , from oac C n~llinn to Bootl ,er , on your nCl'! project 6.S outli od in laat 'iunday' s liew Yor' Ti les . You are oin \'1hat 'f ' ve been llopin:; oO'1ebo:ly would do ever since the early twenties , when I was journuli:3t1c li~ison (or should it be liniooone) between Toronto nnd New

'Yor- , Joing feature r~orico for tITe ,t ar .eekl y on outstanj'ng ClnaJians i n t be . S . I be I idea , L ,en , of t r :lOs ", lont1ng 'self to this side of tle line . It ha~ oned , but once a

'Rritlsber -- you know 1 011 it is .

Fro wtat my busb'm:l tello me , yOU '}ere (as ,e expecte~) quick to sec t ~e value , and t r. c vali ity, four rat Ler cxtra­orJl llary discovory in correlating Clclic se1uences of t i~e vith bU"''ln behavio r an i ocono,.2 ic trends . I can ' t he l p fee ling that t he ti ~e contin~um Itself t06k 6. hanl i n our neeting just .hen yo ' l a ' reac ' ed DO vitel a point cf expans i on . As Louis told you , t I e t hin : we want ~ost of e ll is to put our work 12 ~ where it can be of value to people concerne wit h tte m~jor acono ic oroble ms that l oom up , in this decade , as more exaoting and !rll 're dangerous than ever before to our knowled e . If , 1n so~e -'uy , ttde could be .orke1 thro LlI~h a Canudi::m- baGed ozrani­zation , Iul~ feel t hat all y varied and extenoive labors ha1 been .loro thlln iorth wh i l e . I love t he U. S., but Car' da is cy cc..untr,Y . lJy t be way , that ' s a potent oy/!lbol you ' v e go t -- the "aple ~eaf snug -lin~ u to the Eagle! It ' s a beauty.

Sentl ent a aldo , it Ras interestinr t ~t in t'e sa~e section of the ,;unr1ay l' i mes (p . '~7) the A 'erican Il" ti itute for Leono ic Resoarch elllphasizeJ tho .oint t :at ", ,en lore people are pr~ pared for de~ression 'if fi:ultios , fewe r unRise com _1t ­['1ents are ,ale 1, "he OAr 1 ' s t:l" OS of b slness recession. " TI ey referred , vaguely ( 10 usual) to "t :"e :loretto and 'ears atle!ll . " Ttey ' d neve believe , of co,rso , t ·'t t lese pericis c~n be t i ed in e v !!ce , 3nd prepared for . You 'lve our c ,art , fro.! a .ay back, showing t t s t thi s can ;)0 lono , a:l1 t .. a t one typo of recesoi ,n or depression can be dl f.forent.ia"eJ fro:'l anot he r both in dur at Lon and in q lality of intensity . TUeecban lH aan ~ e ~ntirely co cea led fro , t b' c S~ 11 observer . I ' ve workel out a iJ~ 0 ' l fre~ent -aye \;0 10 t '0 ; ourely t ro; r t be choico of Ylorls .

~u .~ravulatif ns a~ain , an' ~y I add to Louin ' ... ou will Uno w i!; .l us next ti E) Yo ..1 ' r o in Nil York ':IV invit9.tion - - yo ' , W t t e wny - -


ope t~at o' n war ~

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Geomagnetlcs Research, Inc. 319 East 50th Street, N.ew York 22,N..Y .•

r. A. Ha:1llton Bolton 1245 ,t·e brooke St . eot ontre 1 25 , u bec , Can~ja

ear lamilton:

January 8 , 1 6~

l'hanks for your good letter of DeceCiber 13 with enclosures . Your analysis of present conditions , as always , is so close to bein perfect t hat it is ~ost enjoyable to s e . yo~ basic pre­mise that "oney ake!) t he narl<et " is of course tru . liaving , i n our work , gone one Gtep further -- to find out what it is that keeps the money on its ~ob at v ryi S r ates of nergy and mot ion - - we apprecIate your lew point perhaps more than most of your reader s .

Your belief that the il greUents for the "bust- up" will c~anate lar el from broad Is being substantiated more nd ~ore in t he news ; you spoke about t~is a year a~o wben you wer laet here . But .he t he the trouolea co e fro~ . urope or Alph Centauri , wo now that t~ey wi ll not bre k the present trend until the time is ripe , and tb t our cyclic spacc-tl~e structure of chan lng trends indicatcs whe n that will be -- mor e c learly , in fnct , t an ever bofore , throu h recent refino ents ari i n out of uriel ' s remar­kable work with spAce-t i~e astrophYSics in predlctin solar flares . The t 0 sides of thc research have et , in full mutual upport .

You are one of t e very few people f s. i liar with our l on ran -e econo~i c forecasts; you have seen how clo ely the cycle and pha e turns fit the pattern of Gvents as t ey develop . 0 I on 't hav to remi d you of the basis of our pre ise: that variat ions in the ec tro yn mic f ield affect a ll l iving t hi gs and be in 8 , and t hat t herefore the pattern of these variations -- e pecially the turnin 3-points of ch noe -- can bo t i med in advance , bcause ti-ne is of the ess ence of t he fielJ . Von isos speake of " tu,nn action in otlon" as the driving force bebind all econo ic chan e , and he b3~es teleology as the ain mot ivating power 1 the sciences of hU'llon action -- "the ends ou-ht by _an in the pursuit of their own desi:>;ns" is the dictio ary definition . "'e lcolo ~y hae for so 10. been four-letter ord in econo ics that it ' ~oo to see it on its way back to respectability.

At any rate , nobody c n der,y th tit i'l t e pull ahead tr.at calla the tune , not the ,ush fro behind . TtJat is ~ y pred lction is ,he ro 1 ,im of cience , but ho ,any ould- be predictora know wroat ·t i they are tryi ~ to ,redict The newer i , as vou nd I we 11 now , "18 n few , if any. "

Institute of CosmoEconomics


Institute of CosmoEconomics


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A . H. B. 2

ell , as our Brandfathers s aid , I do r un on . But will you give e one goo l reas on t y you and I can ' t ge t to ether and pool our fi nJ inge in time to take advantage of both the co ing peak anj the collapse?

~ow t hat our work h ~ found it s scientific niche -- space­ti e 1yn mics -- it is (ith, urie l adds , all lue re 6~ ct)

ore scientific t .an your El liott ave which , like our econo~ic trend s tructure , follow s the 61~ple and very ancient principle

of the l'ibonacci series" and links it -- as proba bly it was originally lin~e , in " rlbonncci ' a" time -- with Mathe atical astrono lY o ~ , if you ike , co~~olo~J .

An ay , you wit h your ethod , an j we with ours , lave ot it by t he t ail. ihy can ' t we swinti it?

oat wishes fro us both , a s alw ys - -


Loui s Ua brouck:

, 1

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JUL!:S L. TR!:M8LAY, '~"'O~~ ' THE~~-~

Mr. Louis Hasbrouck, 319 East 50th Street, New York 22, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Hasbrouck:


July 16, 1964

Mr. Hamilton Bolton of Bolton, Tremblay & Company, expressed to us his wish that The Bank Credit Analyst be sent to you, in future, with his compliments. We are, of course, very pleased to make arrangements to insure that our service will reach you regularly beginning with the next issue scheduled for release at the end of this month.

In the meantime, we are enclosing the current bullet i n, July, and a copy of the enlarged and revised "Introduction to Bank Credit Analysis". Should you wish any other of Mr. Bolton's works, please let us know and immediate attention will be given to your request.

Sincerely yours,

DC/sa B.C.A.Distributors

Publbh.d and all righh r.,.rv.d by Bolton. Tremblay (Bermuda) lid., P.O. Box -498, Hamillon. Bermuda Edlted by Bolton, Tr.mblay & Company. Invellment Conlultonh ond Monage". 12.5 Sherbrooke 51 . W.,I. Montreal 2S. Canada

Diuribut.d by B.CA. Di,tributors Lid., 12.S Sherbrooke 51. Well, Monlreal 25. Canoda

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Institute of CosmoEconomics


Page 13: I Institute of CosmoEconomics  · louis Hasbrouck 319 East 50t. h Street, New York 22, N. Y, . ~-I 1 1. t • Institute of CosmoEconomics  Institute of

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Hr. Jules Tl-emb1ay Bolton, Trelablay '" Co. 1245 Sherbrooke Street West Mont!'8&l. 25, Quebec, Canada

AprU 24, 1967

We do appreciate your Bedding UB the telegram announcing the sad news Of Hamilton Bolton ' s sudden paasing. It was hard to bo1iove. He had been with us here , only a t ew days earlier; he stopped over tor sevora1 hours on Ms night back to Bermuda from ¥nntrea1 on April 1st. He had beoomo a much cherbhed triend, as well as one ot the great inspirat ional supporto in our work of Space_Time Forecasting in lIhich, as you know, he was daepl;y interested.

You probab~ do not know __ I think faw people did __ that he had spent IlUch til!Je and effort, during the past several years , in an intensive, personal rellearoh ot the I!l8thods , techniques, and SOur081 ot the Spaoe-TilIIe concept. In taot, he was better acquainted with it. f'undal!l8ntals than alVone else except ouraalves. We believo , from what he told us that last Saturday , that he wanted to carry this undertalctng through to a logi oal point of deve10pnent &md application. He made a speoial date with us tor the IIIOrning ot April 24th - t oday I

Among his papers there IlUst be considerable correspondence trom us. He wrote to UI by hand, fro_ h_, correspondence record is only in our rues. But he told us ot a _jar researoh with our work that he had begun, but not completed, and there may be ot hers that 148 had not heard about.

We are wonderi ng if you would be so very good as to find out who it _y be who might be taking over those papers and l etters conneoted with our work, and ask if he would get in touch with us about its about its further use along the linel begun by Hamilton which, we know, ha was anxious should be carried f'urther. We would hope that you m1ght be the one to take them over, as you are already tamiliar with our work through perso!16l acquaintance and through Jim Fraser . But perhaps that is t oo much to hope.

t\:) let us hear from you, and when you are in New York , do stop and soo us. We would like very muoh to keep in touch with you, and with the Company, as the inevitable naw develop1l8Jlts 00_ to pass. And ItJIq I add warm aympathy trom both ot us in what MUst be a great pel'8Onal loss to you.


Lou18 Baabrouok

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May 2nd, 1967

Mr . Louis Hasbrouck, Space -Time Forecasting of Economic Trends, 319 East 50th Street , New York, N. Y. 10022

Dear Mr. Hasbrouck :

Thank you so very muc h for your warm letter of April 24th.

The deatb of the "boss" - as I used to affectionately call him - to me was a bolt from the sky; I knew he was not feeling well but I had no idea that he was seriousl y ill. After his release from the hospital, I heard the word t hat they had f ound nothing wrong with him, s o , why worry? With the benefit of hinds ight and some investiga ­tion, it now appears that he was well aware of his condit i on. It takes courage to keep a t hing like this to oneself - perhaps he con­fided his secret into you? To us, he never offered more than vague hints .

I don ' t know whether it was sheer intui t i on on your pa r t or the use of your space- time c oncept , but you could not have gotten in touch with a better person . Not that I have any personal merit in being able to be of he l p to you , but it so happens tha t Hammy kept his as s ociation with you shrouded with such secrec y that nobody at Bolton-Tremblay ' s, including his personal secretary , somehow knew much about it.

My luc k - and yours - is tha t Hammy chose my own secretary to have his space-time study work done.

The enclosed dating back to March 1965 is all that she had, the ba l ance being at his house. We do not know whether the material found among his personal papers consists of corres pondence, rough figures or s~mply photocopies of letters that he had sent you , and the go-between used fo r obtai ning this information indicated a certa in l ac k of co-operation . Bolton's brother, Richard, is the final a rb i ­trater of a ll thi ngs and, fortunately, happens to be a very nice person. Why not write to him and state your case? His address: Richard E . Bolton, c/o Bolton , Ellwood & Aimers, 4101 Sherbrooke St. W. , Montreal, Quebec. My secretary, Denyse Cuirot - your ange l - requests tha t this exchange of correspondence and the enclosed, be kept con­fi dentia l.

Publilh.d and a ll rights re.erved by 1oIt000, Tr. mbloy (Be rmuda ) ltd .. P.O . 80 .. 498, HOl'll ilton, a.rmvdo Edited by 80lton, Tr.mblay & Compony.ln .... llmefll Conlultonh and Mono"., I, 124 5 Sh. rbroolt. 51. We,t, Montreal 2 5. Canodo

Diltribut.d by B.C." . Di, tributon ltd., 1245 Sh.rbroolte St. W. , I, Montreal 25, Canodo

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Mr. Louis Hasbrouck Page 2

It will be a privilege and a pleasure to stop and see you the next time I am in New York~which may be as early as some­time this month . Meanwhile, please do not hesitate to get i n touch again if Denyse, or myse l f , can be of any a ssistance.

JLT:dc encl


yr.~ Jules L. Tremblay

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May 1st, 1967

Dear Mr . and Mrs . Hasbrouck:

First permit me to i ntroduce myself as Jules L. Tremblay's assistant and VP of BCA Distributors Ltd. Foremost, however, is (or was) my friendship with Hamilton Bolton.

In the past seven years that he and I came to know each other, he often spoke of you to me and whenever he did, his deep affection for both of you did not escape me. In fact, he became very humble when he'd relate to me the attent i on he enjoyed from you . His inquisitive mind, keen perception and sensitivi t y -qualities a dded to his brilliant mi nd - made him a worthy disciple of yours.

Many years ago he loaned me - then bought me - a copy of your book , "Pursuit of Destiny" which I recommended to others . Hammy often referred to this book - so do I for that matter.

When Jules showe d me your letter of the 24th, I felt I had to write you persona lly besides sending you , through Jules, the work that Hammy entrusted to me two years ago . I believe that it may be part of the work mentioned in your letter and from what Hammy s a id to me. I should tell you that when I prodded him a few months ago as to the following pages, he was evasive until I suggested that he may have had second thoughts over what had been wri tten. He agreed but I' m not sure that he was truth­ful. Perhaps his deteriorating health prevented him from adding to this work I had in my possession and perhaps he did not want to be prodded , or couldn' t be •. . In any case, only you can determine the value of the work . tha t will reach you shortly , through Jules.

I know that Hammy 's desk at home was gone through and that Mr . Don Storey may be a contact. However, Mr . Richard Bolton, Hammy's brother, 4101 Sherbrooke St. W., may be the more logi cal contact under the circumstances to obtain the papers . that were found. I also understand that Mrs . Hamilton Bolton, Spithead Lodge , Wa~vick Pari s h, Bermuda, rel inquished to her brother-in-law all lawyers' contacts, etc.

Mr. and Mrs . Hasbrouck , I do not expect any answer if it is negative but I would appreciate your enlightenment on the foll owing :

Some time early last year, Hammy told me that he'd ask you to plot our respective b1rthdates i n relat i on to each other . I heard no more of this. Around the 22nd of May , he was particularly depressed and implored me to be careful come ~ Fall: " • •• be careful ••. your health •.. or an accident . .• Be careful - something is going to

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happen . •• " is how he put it. Twice again, over the months, i.e . until early November , he made me promise him that I would be . r "~ careful. From the 14th of November, he steadily grew worse: ~ My question is this: did he ask you to plot our birthdates ~ ::::'\ (October 7, 1911, his; J anuary 25, 1925, mine) and was this the basis of a worry he couldn't overlook? or had he a pre-monition of sickness, grave sickness , that he attributed to me instead of himself? A no- reply wi l l mean the latter.

Forgive me for writing you in this vein but Hammy was very close and very dear to me. He also wanted us to meet but because of Jules, I thought it was better tha t I continued to know you through Hammy's words and affection.

I hope that you'll remember him always with fondness. You were among the very few he truly cared for .

Sincerely yours,

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