I HOT ONE NY Morning...THE TELEGRAM; JAN¥ARY 2, 1916, I HOT ONE IIP in. fer. lotion, h n Z> IP. V &...

. : . - ' " THE TELEGRAM; JAN¥ARY 2, 1916, I HOT ONE IIP in. fer. lotion, h n Z> IP. V & TIMES me when dejected, i with grief and care; be kind.—forgiving vpon a tear? to know. me ever—always— •n you rely? . ?s give me sausage, gs and chicken pie? the question. _ you will suit me; * >d a n d t e n d e r still: tey<—you're a daisy— ou—yes I will— SO! !•' [FREEDOM in of Frances Lyncfe Dspital Pleaded fving them to take ad- xkiuest. While he was lattsburg he was- ad- fcpd' was transferred w i state hospital. & which' he mad© ye*' iludge Baker was the >e h a s a t t e m p t e d to be Three of the app»»" dismissed by Suprem* George F. !*<>«• the >eins made two weexs %dge Baker ha* tsement. He told C*P iat he would let 1** ion as soon as it '*»* o'n secured the writ: •* requiring Superintend. > G. Wagner, ol + to- produce his P***?S captain was attended though it did net » art proceeding, s of his delusions is *«"- *e hospital are ^ command a s » n , d , lus ion ^ « £ & , have a- 1 **** ££<* three sons, the lasv in 1906. . / ita i » as an expert. w"» f ;e mental condition. , He gave a teebn^ca be mental affliction* ^ sribing the case a* paranoia. ^ on0 * wa s 10 recovery. «J t n Stetson if he did n captain's mental co oved since he ^ e local State bo-P«*£ i it as his opinion th* pving, the Judgment o *d become w ^ *"*. PEESONALS —Mrs. C. Collins, of Ithaca, is visiting Ebnira Mends. __George Wladis, of Binghamton, Js Tisltin* in the city. __Edwin L. Collins, of Binghamton, is Writing friends in the city. __C«orge Doyle, of Pratt street; has tetn ill for the past week. —.Miss Mabel Roosa. of Buffalo, 4s voting relatives in the city. —Miss Jeanette Jones spent Thursday arening with friends in Corning. —Miss Harriet Paine spent New Year's day with friends in Bingham ton. —Daniel J- Sullivan, of Pittsburgh, came home to spend New Year's. —Miss Genevieve Doyle spent New Tear's day in Sayre and Athens, Pa. —Mrs. S. A. Catlin, of Irvine place, has recovered form a severe Attack of grip. —Miss Catherine Agan spent New Tear's day with friends at Webbs Mills. —Miss Mary Weiser spent Christmas »nd Sunday at her home in Avoca, N. Y. —Edward Falsey and Francis Mac- Namara, of Waverly. spent Sunday in Ehr.ira. *— Miss Margaret Ronan and Miss Mar- garet Keefe spent Wednesday In Bing- ham ton. —Attorney and Mrs. John A. Mathews Trent to New Albany, Pa., to spend New Tear's. , —Miss Pauline Conroy. of Rochester, Is visiting at her home on West Seventh itreet. —Walter Roosa, of the University of Syracuse, is visiting his parents* on Horner street. - —Miss Louis^C Searing, of New York city, is visiting Miss Gertrude Cushing, of College avenue. —Miss Pauline Goodnough„ of West Gray street, is spending some time in Xew York city. —Miss Ruth Adams, of Syracuse, is the jniest of Miss Elizabeth McDowell, of West Water street. —Dennis Maher. of Baldwin street, has returned home after spending Christmas in Scranton. Pa. —Mrs. Roy Doolfttle and baby, of Odessa, are "the guests of her parents on Horner street. —Miss Helen H origan and Miss Agnes Curtis, of West Fourth street, spent New Tear's in Corning. —Frederick McNaughton, of Scranton, Pa., was in the city last week visiting his many old friends. —Triplet Clark, of Buffalo, -has been visiting his many old friends in this city during the holidays. —Frank Hobbs, of , No. 505 Baldwin street, spent the past week in New York and Paterson, N. J. —Mrs. Sarah Kelly and daughter, Ce- cilia, will leave to-day to spend a few days jn Bingham tort. —Trary Hamilton, of the University of Buffalo, spent the holidays at his home on East Market street. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Love, of Bing- hamton, spent the Christmas holidays with Elmira relatives. " —Liscunv Diven, of College avenue, is in Washington, i). Cv. visiting his aunt, Mrs. Emerson 11. Liscum. —Miss Ruth Pickering who came home to spend Christmas returned to New York city the first of the week. —Miss Bernice Foley, of Auburn, N. Y.. is the guest ofsher sister, Mrs. Michael O'Connor, of Rake street. —The Misses Mary and Virginia Rron. of Grove street, spe'nt last week with relatives in Geneva. N. Y. —Miss S. Rilla Wright will leave to- night for Mnglewood, N. J., after spend- ing the holidays in the city. —Mr, and Mrs. Seymour Lownmn, of Euclid avenue, were both victims of the rrip during the past week. : —Miss Mary Louisa Woodard, of Utica. will return home to-morow after spending a couple of weeks Jn the city. —Miss Elizabeth Aialton and Miss Aga- tha Mannix spent New Year's with Miss Mabeli'owers, of Arnot, Pa. —Miss Florence M. Gardner, of Edge- *ood avenue, is spending a couple of days with relatives at KnOxville, Pa. —Mi.v.s Edith M. Cushing, who has been ill at her home on West Water street, for the past week Is improving. —Theodore Nicholas, who came to the cfty to attend the Federation ball Thurs- day night, returned home yestedray. —Charles Mitchell, of No. 413 Davis street^ fcrft Tuesday night for Chicago to enter the Coyne National Trade school. —Mr. and Mrs. Edward l^eGrange who "were married in this city on Christmas day will reside at No. 117 Lormore street. —John Dcmpsey, of Fairfield avenue, will return to-morrow to BeUefonte Acad : emy. after a two weeks' visit at his home. —Misses. Jane Rose and Helen Bird Cahill, of Scranton, Pa., have returned home after spending the holidays in the city. —Miss Mary Wardwell, of Salem, Mass:, has been .visiting Miss Hannah PitfkWing. of West Clinton street, during the past *eek. —Miss Mae Cherry, Miss Nell Feeney and Miss Katherine McElligott Kpent New Year's with Mrs. James Henriessey, of Ithaca. —Mrs. Levi" M. Bacorn r of Washington street, has been confined to her home during tlae past week with an attack of •**>* Krip. w —Miss Adella E. Crane, of 1)-umans- burg. X. Y*. is spending some time with iirs. M. Adele Tompkins, of West Church •treet. ~~ —A son who will be called Welles, was born on Christmas to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Avery, of Madison avenue. —Miss Margaret Collins, of Caldwell avenue, spent last week in Bingham ton **Hh her sister, Mrs. Thomas Gavin Fitzgerald. —Arthur Brooks, of , Syracuse, came »©me to spend New Year's with his par- *nts, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Brooks, of *%m street. —Miss Frances Ronan, of New York *it>'. has been spending the holidays with Jer sister, Mrs. Edmund A. Reilly, of Lake street. -Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Hoadley, of •JBMring, Mich., are visiting her parents. »«•• and Mrs. S. A. Catlin. of No. 321 ^ine Place. —Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mahoney and «r. ar ,d Mrs. William Powell attended Nj* funeral of a relative in RIdgebury. Wednesday. —Miss Susan A. Rose, who is teaching •« Potsdam, N. Y. has been spending the £°ristmas vacation at her home on West w »ter street. —The Misses Anne and Miriam Beard, g Aberdeen, S. D., axe the gueats of the M isses Edith and Iva Hamilton, of East Hudson street —The little daughter, who was born °n Christmas day to Attorney and Mrs. Alexander Diven Falck, has been named SHzabeth Arnot. —A son, who has been named Rodman C^lyle. was born December 24, to Mr. a Mrs. Henry C. Rowutyne, of West Chemung place. —Mi*, Emily A. Weaver, of New York gy« has been visiting her sister, Mrs. f«ymour Dexter, of Euclid avenue, dur- tp * the holidays. —Miss Elinor S. Dlnsmore, of Buffalo, **» to return home to-day, art** a vUit of a week with Mrs. Cora Spalding, of West Clinton street. —Mrs. Chris Duffy, Miss Mary Peel, Miss Alice Murphy and Miss "Marie Hughes have been spending the holidays in Carbondale, Pa. —Dr. and Mrs. George H. Hawley, of Boston, Mass., spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hawley, on Winsor avepue. —John Hackett, of New York, formerly of this city, has been spending the holi- days with his sister. Mrs. T. J. Grady, of Ka*t Church street. —Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beck with, of New York city, are spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Ayer, on East Church street. —Mr. and Mrs. John King Roosa and two children. Jack and Muriel, of New York city, are visiting Mr. Roosa's par- ents on Horner street. —Mrs. Stephen Edward Rose, of West Water street, is spending a couple of weeks with relatives and friends in Hart- ford and Norwich, Conn. —Albert Wright celebrated New Year's by returning home from the Arnot-Ogden Memorial hospital where he had been for a couple of weeks. —Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Cowles Rice, of West Water street, left Thursday for New York city, tb/ffisit relatives and at- tend the automobile!'show. —Miss Lucile Desmond returned to her home in Renovo, yesterday and was ac- companied by her cousin, Miss Kathryn Costello, of South Main street. —Jacob Sloat Fassett, jr., of Boston, came home last week to attend the mar- riage Thursday night of Miss Jennie F. Henry and Benjamin Rathbun. —Mrs. William Weadon Cole arrived in the city the first of the week and will spend some time with Mrs. Alfred A. Wescott, of West Water street. —Leonard JKeefe, of No. 369 Baty street, will resume his studies at BeUe- fonte Academy, after spending two weeks at his home in this city. —Robert Sunderlin,- the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sunderlin, of West Second street, is ill with pneumonia with symptoms of typhoid fever. . —Mrs. Chris Duffy and Miss Mazie Peel left New Year's eve to be guests at a house party at . Miss Marion Healey's home in Carbondale, Pa. —Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. /Thompson, of West Water street, will leave the city the first of the week for DeLand, Fla., where they will remain until May. —Mr. and Mrs. Emil Koenig, of Worces- ter, Mass., arrived in the city Thursday for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Leupelt, No. 125 Sly street. —Miss Lucille Short, of Knoxville, Pa., and Charles Spearman, of Swastika, Ont., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. -Seymour Copeland, of West Water street. —William L. Gilson, of Maple avenue, will leave the city to-day for Detroit hav- ing acepted a position as civil engineer with the MichigaA Central railroad. —George Backer and little daughter, Helen, of Monticello, Ky., spent part of last week with Captain and Mrs. Elmer R. Backer, of West Clinton street. —A son was born yesterday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Tunison, of In- terlaken, at the home of Mrs. Ida M. Gillett. No. 108 East Hudson street. —Miss Emma Kelly, who has been spending- the holidays at her home on West Gray street, will return to-day to New York city where she is teaching. . —Mrs. Edward J. Cole and daughter, Miss Gladys, and son, Webster, of West First street, are spending a couple of weeks with relatives In New York city. —Frank M. Farley, of New York, re- turned home Wednesday, having oome to the city to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. B. Farley, of Columbia street. —The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Tra. L. Leonard are offering congratulations on the birth Tuesday, December 28, of a daughter, who has been named Doris Henrietta. " \ —Wray B. Hoffman returned Monday night to Philadelphia where he has been employed since hre graduated in June from Cornell, having come home for Christmas. —Miss Mildred Smith, of Grove street, who went to Wellsboro, Pa., last Monday, spent the week with Mrs. Harry Landrus, and attended all the parties given.during the holidays. —Mrs. Louis R. Bogert. of New York city, is spending a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Kahley, of Walnut street, having arrived in the city on Thursday. / . —Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Hill, of West Church street, are receiving con- gratulations on the birth Sunday, Decem- ber 26, of a daughter who has been named Margaret Guthrie. —Frank P. Hart, who has been spend- ing the holidays at his home on West Gray street, will leave the first of the week for his southern business trip, going first to Atlantic City. . —Wey Bagley, o* New York, was call- ed to the city last week by the death of his grandfather, the late William A. Bagley, of Lake street, whose funeral was held Friday afternoon. —Miss Bertha E. Harding, who has been at her home on Hoffman street dur- ing the holidays will leave to-night for Bryn Mawr. where she is teaching music at The Baldwin school. —Mrs. Eugene H. Ribble, of Franklin '^-/'Hstreet, came home yesterday from Toledo. James | O., where sho was called by the death of a sister of Mr. Ribble, who returned home earlier in the week. —Mrs. George H. Craze, of Edgewater, N. J., has been spending the past week with her parents. Mr. Craze returned home on Monday, they having come to the city just before Christmas. —Miss Norma Kennedy, of Johnson City, N. Y.. who is a student at the Sacred Heart 'tconvent in Buffalo, came to the city to spend New Year's with Miss Agnes Honan, />^"Euclid avenue. Dudley Leavitt returned to Bain- bridge," N. Y.; the middle of the week after spending a few days with his mother and sister, Mrs^ Leavitt, and Miss Dorothy Leavitt. of No.*650 Euclid avenue. Gerald Holzheimer, of Chicago, who came to the city to spend Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Louis Holzheimer, of East Water street, left Monday morning to spend New Year's in New York. —Clinton R. Wyckoff, of Buffalo, and A. Welling Wyckoff. of Pittsburgh, were called to the city last week by the serious Illness of their brother, George W. Wyckoff. of West Church street. E> r . Edward French and Miss JLulia Frfench, of Rochester, have been visit- ing at the home of Mrs. Horace C. French and Miss Ernestine French on Davis street, during the past week. jliss Anna S. Roberts, of the school infirmary, at Lawrenceville, N. J., and her cousin, William Stage, of Philadel- phia have been spending the holidays with Mrs. Harriet A. Roberts, of Grove street. —Mrs. Charles W. Eastman and two children. Jack and Charlene, of Standish, Mich., arrived in the city, Thursday night for a' visit of several weeks with Mrs. Eastman and daughters of West Chemung place —Miss Jane Patterson and Lawrence Armstrong, of Penn Yan, were guests, last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Preston, v on West First street, com- ing to attend Mrs. Preston's party, Tues- day night. ~ . —Miss Esther Wing, of Newton, Mass., is visiting Mr., and Mrs. Harry Merchant Beardsley having come to the city to at- tend the marriage Thursday night of Miss Jennie ; F. Hei^ry and Benjamin Rathbun. i ,—Mrs. Samuel F. Harris, of Pennsyl- vania avenue.has been in Williamsport for ten days or more. Mr. Harris and grand- son, Harris P. Knauff, came home the first of the week having spent Christmas in Williamsport. —Mrs. Minnie Flynn, of Lake street, left Friday morning for Boston, Mass.. where she will spend a few days with her daughter, Miss Beatrice Bush, who is with the Chin Chin company at the Colonial theatre in that city. —Mrsl Frederick Boyle, of Syracuse, and John Mantell, of Hoboken, N. J., were called to the city the first of the week by the death of their mother, Mrs. Paul Mantell, of College avenue, whose^ funeral was held Thursday morning. —-Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hauver, of West First street, are in Syracuse visit- ing their daughters, Mrs. B. M. Wright and Mrs: George Kite. To-morrow Mr. and Mrs^ Hauver will celebrate the fif- tieth anniversary of their marriage.' —Leo and John Honan, of New York city; Arnold Honan, of Buffalo, have been visiting their mother, Mrs. John Honan, of Euclid avenue. Miss Anna McAuliffe, of Buffalo, also came to the city to spend Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Honan. -^-Principal Francis R. Parker, Miss S. Carolyn Calkins, Professor Dillon A. Cady, Professor John W. Kern and Professor John E. Nichols, of the E. F. A. faculty, attended the convention of the Six Edu- cational associations of New York state held last week at Syracuse. —The Rev. Samuel E. Eastman, D. D,, pastor of The Park church, has been granted a three months' leave . of ab- sence by the trustees, beginning January 1. Next Tuesday Mr. Eastman will leave the city for Florida going over the Penn- sylvania railroad to Baltimore and by steamer to Jacksonville. —Mrs. J. Sloat Fassett and daughter. Miss Jennie, will leave to-morrow night for New York city. From there Mrs. Fassett will go to Atlanta, Ga..- to spend some time with her daughter, Mrs. Fred- erick Grady Hodgson. Miss Fassett will remain in New York, where she is spend- ing the winter, having come home for the holidays. —Mr. and Mrs. William A. Schorn- stheimer and young son, Conrad W., of Syracuse, spent the holidays as guests of Mrs. Ella Schomstheimer, of upper West Church street. Mr. Schomstheimer returned home the first of the week, but Mrs. Schomstheimer and son remained to visit relatives in Corning and returned home, Friday, noon, accompanied by her brothor, Edward Schaefer, of Jeannettc, Pa., who had been visiting in Elmira and in Corning since Christmas. dance programs were in the Federation colors, white arid red, the white program being fastened to a red cord and pencil. The program was as follows: Overture—Selection from "Nobody Home" ........... ............ One Step—"America I Love You". i Waltz—"The Girl Who Smiles" .-..::.. One Stcp-^-"Araby" ................... j Fox Trot—"Pigeon Walk" > .......... <| Waltz—"Blue Paradise" One Step—"Georgia Grind" ..i Ono Step—"Here Comes Tootsie" .... Fox Trot—"Get Over Sal" ........... Waltz—"The Only Girl" One Step—"My Sweet Adair" One Step—"Hello Frisco" >... •. Fox Trot—"Let's Trot" Intermission. Supper Dances: One Step—"Floating pown the Old Green River" ; ... A . Fox Trot—"Magic Melody" ...... \ Waltz—"My Clarabelle" '. V One Step—"Put Me to Sleep With an Old Fashioned Melody" SOCIETY —The State Armory on East Church street was elaborately decorated for the eleventh Charity ball, Thursday night, both the large* drill hall and mess hall be- ing unusually! attractive. The Dale or- chestra with the chimes, whicht was screened by Christmas greens on a raised platform in the center of the drill hall, furnished a very enjoyable program and generously responded to . numerous en- cores. The decorations in the drill hall consisted *of many large American flags, pretty rustic baskets filled with polnset- tia and greens being suspended from the ceiling. Forty-four boxes were arranged on three sides of the hall, all of which were furnished with handsome rugs, divans and easy chairs. The mess hall never looked prettier, the broad ledge be- ing" heavily banked with Christmas greens. Quantities of Japanese fans, Japanese lanterns and Japanese parasols, together with the countless colored electric lights, made a picture that will long be remem- bered. A new scheme of . lighting was arranged by Manager Robert W. Hoy, assisted by William Mack and Lee Seely, of the commercial department of the Elmira Water, Light and Railroad com- pany, and every one was delighted with tjie arrangement. The long . corridor leading to the mess hall was lighted by many Japanese lanterns and in the mess hall there was a large Christmas tree de- corated with many oolored lights, tinsel and Christmas favors of miniature Santa Clauses, different kinds of fruits,* birds and' flowers^ A number of very tall Japanese lanterns loaned by Mrs. J. Sloat Fassett were, "suspended over tables and at the end of the hall. The .tables were lighted by red candles, in colonial glass candlesticks and sprays of holly were ar- tistically arranged the length of the tables. The committee in charge of the decorations at the entrance and drill hall was as follows: Mrs. Charles D. Metz- ger, chairman; Mrs. Theodore Markthaler, Mrs. T. B. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Herbert C. Way, Mrs. Roy Riedinger, Mrs.' Thomas G. Berry, Miss Leah Brooks, Miss Pau- line Pattengill, Miss Jennie Fassett, Mayor Harry N. Hoffman, Elmer Dean, Frank W. Durand, Edward O'Connor, Henry R. Loring, Robert M. Leavitt, H. Lynn Kertscher and Allyn T. Hoffman. The committee in charge of. the decora- tions for the mess hall was composed as follows: Mrs. Archie M. Bovier, chair- man; Mrs. Isaac Allison, Mrs. Benjamin F. Levy, Mrs. Harry M. Beardsley, Mrs. John G. McDowell, Mrs. S. French Iszard, Mrs. Fred Orcutt, Mrs. Harrison K. Tubbs, Mrs. Lebn H. Drake, Mrs. Arthur W. Booth, Mrs. Charles M. Dean, Mrs. Robert Bush, Mrs. Bert G. Smith, Miss Alice Smith, Miss Ernestine French and Miss Mabel Edwards. The decorations in the corridor leading to the mess hall were in charge of Mrs. Charles"M. Dean. The floor committee included the following: Carroll C. Keeton, chairman; Halsey Sayles, Seymour Lowman, Jerome Thomp- son, Captain W. A. .Turnbull, F. Rapelyee Baker, Robert Walsh, Donald Ball, Jer- vls Langdon, Seth Winner. Invitation commitee: Mrs. Walter Lloyd Smith, chairman; Mrs. Harry C. Durland, *Mrs. George G. Reynolds, Mrs. Herbert M. Lovell, Mrs. Elwood B. Crocker, ' Mrs. Charles B. Swartwood, Mrs. M, Doyle Marks, Mrs. Casper G. Decker, Mrs. Kate Deane Andrew, Mrs. Samuel G. H. Tur- ner, Mrs. Harry A. Decker, Mrs. William M. Ufford, Miss Lillian Strauss, Miss Har- riet S. Romer, Miss Katherine B 1 . MC- Knight. Captain James D. S. Reid was in charge of the box sale. Supper committee: Mrs. Seymour Lowman, chairman; Mrs. W. T., Henry, Mrs. Halsey Sayles, Mrs. Floyd Shoemaker, Mrs. George Diven, Mrs. J. H. Harris. Mrs. N. J. Thompson, Mrs. H. H. Bickford, Mrs. M. "H. Murphy, Mrs, George Pickering,, Mrs. Asher J. Jacoby, Mrs. Charles Gridley, Mrs. Daniel Kennedy, Mrs. Daniel T. Pratt. Mrs. George Baxter, Mrs. Benjamin Hall, Mrs. J. M. Connelly, Mrs. Boyd McDowell, Mrs. John Van Campen, Mrs. H. C, Way, Miss Fanny Rice. The following ladies com- prised the music committee: Mrs. Edward K. Tidd, chairman; Mrs. Alexander S. Diven, Mrs. Charles F. Bullard, , Mrs. William W. Gregg, Mrs. Jervis Langdon, Mrs. Nelson Ackley Welles and ^Miss Bird Larson. Ferdinand "W Wyckoff was the general chairman in charge of the bail- The executive committee consisted of Mr. Wyckoff, chairman; Mrs. J. Sloat Fas- sett, Mrs. Alexander P. Morrow, Mrs. Archie M. Bovier, Mrs. Seymdur Lowman, Mrs. Charles D. Metzger, Mrs/Edward K. Tidd, Frank E.' Gannett, Carroll C. Kee- ton and Captain James D. S. Reid. The Waltz— "Sphinx" One Step—"Alabama Jubilee" Ono -Step—"My-Hula Maid" Fox Trot—"Kangaroo Hop" Waltz—"A Perfect Day" One Step—"Ladder of Roses" ........ Fox Trot—"Ragging the Scale" '. Waltz—"Oriental" : .. ....... T The management extends hearty thanks to the following, who loaned articles to make the Armory attractive and the event a success: Sheehan, Dean & Co., Teppor Brothers, J. JP. & M. Sullivan, Thomas B. Fitzgerald, F. W. Durand, j. J. Flanagan Co., the Rosery Shop, Endi- cott, "Johnson Co., W. I. Booth, Gosper- Kelly Co., The Hygeia Co., R. M. Leavitt, S, F. Iszard Co., Mayor Hoffman, Gridley, Fuhrman & Martin^Co., the firms and in- dividuals who have loaned flags and Christmas trees and other decorations. Company L extended every courtesy pos- sible donating the use of their handsome parlor and the piano. The decorations in the entrance, hall and drill hall were in charge of Charles S. Halliday, with Shee- han, Dean & Co., who was ably assisted by James Marshall and Edmund' Fair- child, of Tepper Brothers. At 11 o'clock J. Sloat Fassett, jr., announced from the orchestra platform that supper was ready for all who were not engaged for the next dance. The supper which was served by the Federation forces under the direction of Miss Hunn, consisted of chicken salad, rolls, raisin bread, coffee, ice cream, fancy cakes and bon bons. The boxes were occupied by the following ladies and gen- tlemen: Box 1-2—Mrs. J.. Sloat Fassett, Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gridley, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Fassett, Mrs. E. S. Avertll, of Pittsfleld, Pa.; Jacob Sloat Fassett, jr., of Boston; Edgar Ingraham, of New York city; Miss Jennie L. Fassett and Attor- ney J. Lewis Henry. , Box 3—Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bender Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins, At- torney and Mrs. Richard Hull Thurston, Harry R. Loring. Box 4—Mr. and Mrs. John M. Connelly, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Fitzgerald, Miss Clara Connelly, of New York city; Miss Catherine Connelly, John ,Biggs and Har- old Connelly., . , Box 5—Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ken- nedy, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kennedy, Box 6-7—Mr. and Mrs. Harry McKce, Miss Clements, Miss Genevieve Ruther- ford. Victor Browne, Joseph Latham and Harold Salter,, all of New York city. Box 8—Mr. and Mrs., Henry B. Collin, Miss Whittier, Miss Long, T. Samuel Parsons of New York city; Leonard Clin- ton and George Collin. Box 9—Miy and Mrs. Alexander P. Mor-J row, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Qi Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wrigley. Box 10-11—Mr. and Mrs. Woodford J. Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore. H. Markthaler, Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Roy" B. Delo, Mrs. Grace Owen Walker. Box 12-18—Mr. and Mrs. George M. Diven, Mr«' and Mrs. Seymour Lowman, Mr. and Mrs. George Pickering, Mr, and Mrs. Edward K. Tidd, Mrs. Kate Deane Andrew, Deane Andrew, of Dubuque, la. Box 14-15—Mr. and Mrs^ Chester E. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Niver, Miss Ethel Baldwin, Miss Jessie Howell, Miss Edith Howell, Miss Dorothy Van Horn, Robert Abbott, William ChalHce, of this city; Laurens Hammond and Herbert Snyder, of Cornell. i Box 16—Company L, Miss Elizabeth Lowman, Miss Frances Flaacke, Miss Lena' M. Booth, Corporal W. A. "Mans- field, Lance Corporal W. L. Simcoe, Pri* vate L. R. Newland, Private H. D. Larrl- son. Box 17—Officers of Company L, Lieu- tenant Charles A. Atwater, headquarters Third Infantry; Mrs. Atwater, Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Deister, Miss Zona. B. Atwater, of New York city. Box 18-19—Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Way, Miss Way, Dr. Mabel Flood, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison K. Tubbs, Miss Ernes- tine French and guests ; Dr. French and Miss French, of Rochester; Jay W. Butts. Box 20-21—Mr. and Mrs. Seth Winner, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ufford, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Durland, Judge and Mrs. Charles B, Swartwood, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Waterbury, Frederick H. Hill," Attorney and Mrs. Alexander S. Diven. Box 22—Attorney and Mrs. George G. Reynold^, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Whit- tier, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Silsbee. Box 23-24—Dr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Jervis Langdon, At- torney and Mrs. Halsey Sayles. Box- 25—Mrs. Henry Halsey Sayles, Justice and Mrs. Walter Lloyd Smith, Dr. and Mrs. John Balcom Shaw, Justice and Mrs. Frederick Collin, Miss Katherine, Adams, of-Dublin, Ireland; Henry B. Sayles, John Balcom Shaw, jr. Box 26—Judge and Mrs. -John G. Mc- Dowell, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Eldridge, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. "Underwood, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Reynolds, Mrs. Frances Reynolds Lawson, R. 'G. Sloan, ©f Syra- cuse. Box 27—Psi Upsilon, Miss Dorothy Lovell, Miss Estella H. Welles, Miss Ruth Buck, Miss Clutha Ralyea, Miss Greta Gibson,'Miss Valora Smith, Miss Mar- jorie Dow, Miss Gertrude F. Jones, Miss Marjorle Carpenter, of New York city; William H. Mandeville, Lynn Kertscher, Marshall Lowman, Reed Pulford, Edward A- Mooers, Alexander S. Diven 3d., Dr. Earl Miller, Charles McAllister, of Wash- ington, D. C ; W. Wallis Coykendall, P. D. Fogg, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Clark, of Montour Falls. Box 2^8—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Causer, Thomas Bundy, Miss Leonore Sheely. Box 29—Mr. and Mrs. C. .Eugene Quick. Box 30—Mr. and Mrs. Carroll C. Kee- ton, Mr. and Mrs. George Hurd Carrier, Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Keeton, Mr. and Mrs.- Luin E. Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam G. Hawley, Miss G. Winifred Gilbert, Gerrltt R. Gilbert. Box 32—Mr. and Mrs. Archie M. Bovier, Mr. and Mrs.. Fra.ncis R. Richmond,.Miss Louise Searing,, of New York city; Miss Gertrude Cushing, Miss Mary Say»e, Rus- sell Graham and E Jmer Thompson. Box 33—Jack H. Causer, Miss Gertrude Dartt. Miss Lillian Vanderyelde.Miss Anne Beard, Miss Miriam Beard, the Misses Edith and Iva I Hamilton, % Miss Marion Daghistan, Miss Amelia Tin'mghast, Ed r gar Bowen, Frank Higgins, Maurice Levy, Henry Steele, Harry Record, Allyn P. Hoffman, Frank Higgins and Robert' N. Dixon. Box 34—Mr. and Mrs. Hamblin S. Bryan, Miss Clara P. Havens, Miss Kath- erine Van Doren, Miss Florence Brand,. C. Frank Ferguson, Fred D. Ferguson, Charles H. Miller, Mrs. H. E. Fuhrman. Box 35—Attorhev'i and Mrs. Michael O'Connor, Miss Elizabeth Lowman, Miss Frances O'Connor, Miss Esther Wetsel, j Miss Bernice Foley, of Auburn, N. Yi; Lawrence and Burke O'Connor, Harold E. Wetsel, Earl R3'on. i Box 36—Mr. and Mrs. Martin H. Mur- phy, Mr. and Mrs. Wickham Smith, Miss Jane E. Cotton, Thomas J. Maxcy, Will- iam Phillips. Box 37-38—Occupied- by the Henry- Rathbun wedding party, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Barker Gridley, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Tyler, Thompson, Miss Gladys Gridley, Miss Margaret Jennings. Miss Ruth Stowell, Miss Katherine Pratt, Miss Elizabeth McDowell. Miss Madeline Pratt. Miss Jennie Fassett, Miss Mabel Edwards, Miss Esther M..Wing, of Newton, Mass.; Edgar Ingraham, of New York city; Will- iam B. Coddington, Loring Pratt, Donald Pettit Beardsley,. of Cornell; Roswe'll Young, of Boston; Harry York Iszard, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Leask, of Oswego; Leslie D. Clute, Robert McDowell. Box 39—Lamba Sigma, Miss Helen Sheive; Miss Mary Thurston,- Miss Mabel Loomis, Miss Grace Searle, Miss Marietta Wilson, Joseph Lewis, Clifford Young, Gardner Jennings, Franklin Iszard, Rob- ert A. Wilbur, jr., Allan Preston. Box 40—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks Bush, Mr. and Mrs. William Mulford Cooper, Mrs. Merle D. Thompson, Miss Jane M. Birchard, Attorney Donald C. Hawkes. Box 41—Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Eisenhart, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Davis, Captain arid Mrs. Lewis Sayre Van 1 - Duzer, Mrs. Gertrude .Stowell, Miss Titsworth, of New York oity; and Will- lam Tifft,- of Watklns. Box 42—Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Walsh, Miss Madeline MacMahon, W. J. Walsh, Myles G. Kelly, Dr. George H. Brickwodde, Maurice Mulcahey," of New York city. Box 43—Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kennedy, J. C' Kennedy, Miss Dorothy Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kennedy. Box 1-X—Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.' Hal- lock, Miss Flora Gannett, Miss Harriet M. Wells* Frank E. Gannett. —The meeting of the Opportunity Sun- shine circle has been postponed for two weeks. —The Daughters of Zion will .hold a meeting this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Hebrew. Social Center. , —The Knapp Mandolin orchestra will give a recital at the Knapp studio, No. 112 College avenue, next Tuesday evening. —The Big Sisters Sunshine circle will meet next Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Levi M. Bacorn, No. 214 Washington street. —To-morrow afternoon the Suburban Sunshine circle will meet at the home of Mrs. John Engle, No. 675 West Clinton street. —The Kappa i£lpha Nu society will have its annual dinner next Wednesday night, January 5; a t 7 o'clock at the City club. —Mr. and Mrs. j B. Waxman announce the^engagement of their daughter,' Bertha F. I,, to Dr. H. D. Levin, of Ogdens- burg, N. Y. —Miss Hazel T. Wood will entertain a company of friends at a birthday party, on Monday afternoon at her home; No. 627 Winsor avenue. —The election of officers for the Elmira College Endowment club will be held Monday afternoon, January 10, the place to be announced later. —Mrs. Frank A. Sherman, of Columbia street, entertained the Ivy Embroidery club, Thursday afternoon, the afternoon being spent in playing 500. —The regular meeting of the / Jewish Y. M. S. C. will be held to-night at the club rooms, and a- social time will be enjoyed after the business meeting. —There will be a meeting of Eastern Star Sunshine circle next Friday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Henry C. Schweppe, No. 408 Elm street. —Mr. and Mrs. Julius S. Conn have an- nounced that the marriage of their daugh- ter, Dora R. to Albert A. Bergman, of New York city, will take place to-day. —Mrs. George Hurd Carrier, of West Water street, entertained twel-we ladies Tuesday afternoon who were Invited to "meet her guest,' Mrs. M. M. Hunt, of Buf- falo. —The Westminster Sunshine circle of the Franklin Street Presbyterian church will meet Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. F. Rush, No! 543 South Main street. —Mrs. William R. Compton will enter- tain the Social Sunshine circle next Thursday afternoon at her aprtments in the Reynolds -block, No. 408 East Church street. —The regular monthly meeting of the directors of the Industrial school will be held to-morrow morning at 10. o'clock in the directors' room of the . Federation building.. ' " ; ; . . - ] —The members of the Witting Workers Sunshine circle will have a card party next Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Forest M. Blystone, N6. 602 West Water street. —The meeting of the Linden Sunshine circle has been postponed vintil Tuesday afternoon, January 11, when the ladies will meet with Mrs. S. C. Utter, No. 583 Maple avenue. —The U. C.YT. Sunshine circle will meet Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Fred F. Spencer, No. 515 West Fourth street. The ladies will take their own work. '. —Next Thursday afternoon the Baptist Sunshine circle will meet with Mrs."Harry H. Hays, No. 718 West First street. A full attendance is desired as there will be i n election of officers. —The Rev. and Mrs. Harry A. Depfer have announced the engagement of then- daughter, Marie Gertrude, to Joseph R. Ferris, of this city, the marriage to take place at an early date'. —A marriage license was issued De- cember 11, at the town clerk's office at Van Etten to Miss Nina Pearl Fay, of Van Etten, N. Y., and Rebert Verne Schneck, of Elmira, N. Y. —Announcement has been made of the engagement of Mrs. Ellen Bullard Boyle, of New York city, and James Russell Clarke, president of the American-La- France Fire Engine company of this city. —The Elmira Symphony orchestra will meet to-monrow night The orchestra haB recently presented the director, Fred- erick H. Cheeswrlght, a handsome pres- ent, and' also one to the the president, William A. Falck. —The rhembers of the Patriotic Sun- shine circle will meet next Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John G. Courtrlght, No. 310 W e s t Side avenue. There will be a picnic supper to which the gentlemen are invited, —Next Thursday night, January 6, Mrs. Georire Maxwell Diven will entertain the Busiiess Woman's club at her home, 'No. 722 West Water street. The regular monthly business meeting will be held follow red by a social time. —Ther will be a meeting Tuesday after- noon-of the Outlook Sunshine circle at the home of Mrs. Wilbur Kinzie, No. 401 Euclid , avenue. The ladies are to' take their own work and all are asked to bring some bright pieces of silk. —The Good Cheer' Sunshine circle' has accepted an invitation to meet at the Neighborhood House, Friday afternoon, January 7. Take the car that leaves Clark's^ Glen at twelve minutes before 2 o'clock. Each one is to take her own lunch. . "". .: ' —Tuesday afternoon the Eagle club*met at the home of Mrs. Cornelius F. Rey- nolds, on Herrick street; the Kathenloe club with Mrs. Walter D. Humiston, of West Water street; the Iduna club with Mrs. James H. " Gunderman, of Davis s t r e e t . /_, " , Wg$ -T-Mr. and Mr/L Norman J. ; Thompson gave a dinner of fourteen covers Friday night, the table decorations being Sunset roses, yellow and white daisies. The place favors for the ladles wjere fans covered with flowers i and those for the gentlemen gardenias. j if—This afternoon the Arnot Art gallery w/lll be open, at the usual hours, from 2:80 to 6:30 o'clock. The collection of ojil paintings by American artists which has been on exhibition at the gallery is a fine one, and,you will regret it if you cio not attend the exhibition. , f —The regular weekly public dance will jbe held to-morrow night in Federation /hall, when the committee will be from Flanagan's dry goods store, being John Flanagan, Carl .Warner, Merle O. Huy- ler, Joseph E. Considine, Edward Wick- ham, Fred Dunbar and Fred Holly. —New Year's eve the members of the First M; E. church choir and Mrs. Sue B. Fitch, the choir director, very pleas- antly entertained the j members of the Sunday school with a most unique pro- gram, it being one of the most original entertainments ever,given in thp church. building will open to-morrow kfter the Christmas holidays. The Monday night classes in dramatics, dancing and swim- ming will again take up their -vjrork. On Tuesday the classes in cooking, swim- ming, social, dancing and .sewing will open. —A delightful New Tear's ejye party was given at the Thespian Inn by the hostesses, M. Louise Smith and Rose Smith Krug. The guests of the evening Included the Beatrice Morrell sextette, who rendered charming musical numbers. A repast was served amid holiday trim- mings. —All of the activities of the Y. W. C. A. will be resumed this' week, including the meetings of the different clubs, and the ten-cent'supper, gymnasium^ and glee club on Tuesday night. ' A class in arith- metic will be started next Thursday night under the leadership of Miss Florence Brand. —Miss Dora R. Cohn was the guest o honor at several parties last week. A theatre party was given by Miss Mamie Radln; a thimble party by .Miss Madeline Eigles; a luncheon at the Hotel Rathbun by Miss Maude Pollak; a tea by Miss Ber- tha Waxman; a dinner by Miss Leah T. Sittenfield. —The graduates of the Omega club had a supper Friday night at the Fed- eration building. Supper was served at 6 o'clock after which the young men had a "get together meeting." This club was formed several years ago by Rufus Stan- ley and has been a very successful or- ganization. . —The weekly Federation dance was at- tended Tuesday night by nearly 100 ladies and gentleman, the committee in charge being employes of the Eclipse Machine company. The Daghistan orchestra play- ed for this party In place of the Dale or- chestra who played for Mrs. Preston's dance that night. . —Next Friday night the first annual meeting of the Y. W. C. association will be held at 8 o'clock at the building on Maple avenue, when reports of the year's work will be given, including reports by the girls of the different clubs and activi- ties. It Is very important that every member attend this meeting. —Members of the Kill-A-Worry club of the south aide enjoyed a watch night party, Friday night, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Gawne, of Franklin street. The evening was most' enjoyably passed with games arid music, and at midnight the new year was greeted in an appro- priate manner. Refreshments were en- joyed. "watched the old year out and the new year in." . —Tlie Misses Anne and Miriam Beard, of Aberdeen, S. D., Were-'guests of honor at a thimble party given I Wednesday afternoon by the Misses Edith and Iva Hamilton, of East Hudson street. A' pleasant afternoon wa« spent by the twelve young ladies and at 5 o'clock nice refreshments were served. The Misses Beard, whp are students at Syracuse university, have been in the city during the holidays. —Monday night the Young People's Christian Endeavor society of the North Presbyterian church, had a straw ride to Pine City,'there being ovei* twenty young ladles and gentlemen In the party which was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Benja- min Scott. When the young people re- turned to -the city there was a Christ- imas tree in the church parlors loaded with presents and delicious refreshments were served.- ., * —Mrs. Fred 'W. Harrington chaperoned a party of young- ladies and gentlemen on a straw ride last Thursday night to Pino City. Those in the party were the Misses Helena Harrington, Adria Drake, Evelyn Underwood, OCath^dne Miller, Ruth Spencer. Margaret Wiggins. Stella Cris- All the activities of the Federationfpln..Mabel Brown, Viola Bishop, C. GiHs wold, W. Merle Smith, Stewart and Paul Landon, Howard' and Winfleld Basler, Alan Gould, Clarence Dunjbar, Percy Logue, Raymond Butler and Leon Smith. ! —A very enjoyable watchj party was given Friday evening by Miss Dorothea Atwater a.% her home on jupper Lake street. Dancing and games were enjoyed, throughout the evening. Those present were: Helen Dunbar, Leta llde, Maris L'Amoreaux, Eleanor Rhodes, Alta Mc- Connell. Alta Atwater, Dorothea Atwater, Mildred Jackson, Jennie Nelly, Lewis Rhodes, John Kelly, Ray Benedict, Gordon KInner, John Minister, Edward Moyer, Herbert Reynolds, Leslie Benedict, Edgap Tillman, Charles Fell, Harry McConnelL George L'Amoreaux. —Tuesday night EpsIIon chapter of Alpha Zeta fraternity gave its twenty- fifth! annual banquet at Hotel Larigwell there being cdvers for thirty-five. During the evening a very pleasing musical pro- gram was given by the McHenry orches- tra j Robert Abbott was the toa3tmaster and responses were given by Allyn P. Hoffman, Elwood W. Spalding, . Harold Reid, Robert Coleman, Harold S. Rout- ledge, Clarence B. Steen, George D. Lain and Edgar T. Bowen. Among the young gentlemen present was Ray Faatz, of Gamma chapter, Blnghamton.i —Friday afternoon the . junior pupils of Miss Elizabeth Sutherland Rice gave a recital at her home, No. 807 West Water street. Those taking part i were the Misses Frances Sternberg, j Clara and Louise Gilbert, Ethel and Eleanor Smith, Lena and Mary Carroll, Elizabeth Carr, Adeline . Stagg, Margaret Keeton, Eliza- beth Haase and Master Henry Haase. Miss Rice and her class well deserve the many compliments they received for the skill they displaced in giving the pro- gram. After jthe recital the class was entertained at supper by Miss Rice. —Miss Esther Denton very pleasantly entertained twenty friends Tuiesday even- ing at her home ; on Grove honor of Miss Anna Beach came home for the holidays jfrom-Phila street. In, Pratt who —The election of officers jj for. the Wednesday Morning club will j be held next Wednesday, January 5, followed by the annual luncheon. The ' committee consists of Mrs. H. H. Bickford, Mrs. Leon H. Drake,. Miss Dorothy DeForest Mather; entertainment, Kilauewa—"A Confusion of Idols," Mrs. Lemuel ~ T. Holmes. —Last Monday afternoon Mrs. Fred- erick Barker Gridley and Miss Gladys Gridley entertained twenty-six ladles, at Mis3 Gridley'a home on Wajnut street, in honor of Miss Jennie F. Henry. There -were three tables of auction bridge, the other ladies coming in for the 5 o'clock tea. The souvenir was won by Miss Jen- nie Louise Fassett. —Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell Diven. and Mrs. Kate Deane Andrew gave a dance -Monday night in the small dancing hall of the. Federation buldlng in honor of Deane Andrew, of Dubuque, la. The hall was decorated with Christmas greens and polnsettia and the Dale orchestra^ played for the dancing. At 11:30 o'clock refreshments were served in the club room. —The pupils of Miss Elizabeth Suther- land Rice, B. S., in Newark, N. Y., de- lightfully entertained •, t h e i r friends Wednesday afternoon at a musicale. in Grange hall at Newark. There were twenty numbers on the program, alj of Which were heartily encored. Miss Rice is very proud of her class In Newark, which has been doing very good work this year. —Mrs. James D. McCann and daughter; Miss Helen, entertained sixty-five young ladles and gentlemen at a dance Monday .afternoon from 3:30 until 6 o'clock ha the hall' on the third floor of the Federation building.** „The hall was appropriately de- corated with holly, poinsettias and Christ- mas greens. Miss Frances Sliter played for the dancing and at 5 o'clock nice re- freshments were served. —Mrs. Leonard S. Whittier, Mrs. E. W. Underwood and. Mrs. James R. Reynolds delightfully entertained thirty-five couples at a 'The Dansant" at the Country club yesterday afternoon, from 5 to 10 o'clock. The club was decorated with holly and Christmas greens and the music was given by a piano and drum. It was one of the prettiest and most enjoyable New Year's parties given in the city. ; —The annual meeting of Loyal chapter, O. E. 8., was held Wednesday night In Masonic Temple, when the following offi- cers were elected: Worthy matron, Mrs. Clara Burk; worthy patron, Frank W. Weeks; associate matron, Mrs. Maude Smith; secretary, Miss May Stewart; conductress,. Mrs. Anna Hogg; associate conductress, Mrs. Bessie Lovell; trustee for three years, Mrs. Carrie Tuttle. —The dance that had been planned for last Monday by the Father Mathew Tem- perance society, was postponed on ac- count of the death of Dr. John J. Ervin, and 1 the arrangements for keeping open house on New Year's day at the club house on East Gray street, were a!?o can- celled. The. next party will be in Bundy hall. Monday night. January 17. The an- nual election of officers will be held this month. , ' ..- —The next meeting of the Morning Musicales will be held oh Thursday morning, January 6, in the lecture room of The Park church, when the program will be in charge of Mrs. Melvin R Ellis and Mrs: Marie Carr Fraser. The next concert in the series that is being given this winter by the Morning Musicales will be on Tuesday >night, January 11, when George Clifford Vieh, pianist, will give a recital. • '—Miss Ethel Morrow and Miss Mary Thurston charmingly entertained fifty young ladies and gentlemen at a mas- querade party, New Year's eye at Miss? Morrow's home on West Church street. The party was held in the ball room on the third floor, Mr. Schultz playing for the dancing. \ There were many -hand- some costumes and the young people delphia, where she is taking la course in • psychology at the University [of Pennsyl- vania. The ladies were all friends of Miss Pratt, who had been associated with her in the social service work in this city. A talk was given by Miss Pratt bf her work at the university which'was greatly en- joyed by those present. Nice refresh- ments were served during th£ evening. I—The College Woman's club will hold its annual luncheon a»d election of offi- cers at the, Federation building, , next Saturday, [January 8, 1916, at 1:30 o'clock. Acceptancjes should be sent td the secre- tary, Mrs. F. M. Edson, N/bj 406 Euclid avenue,- not later than January 5. Tho price of the luncheon will be: fifty cents. Dues for the past year, 1515, arid the com- ing year, 1916, will be received by the treasurer on that day. Following the luncheon a program of music will be given by Mrs. Cora Chamot, of Ithaca, assisted'' by Miss Isabel J. Rosenbloom, of this city. ;—During the months of October, No- vember and December there were seven meetings of the Willing Workers Sun- shine circle. The ladies made thirty-two garments, and one comfortable? gave $1.50 to the tuberculosis hospital; $2 to tho Sal- vation Army; one comfortable and one dozen glasses of jelly' to the Neighborhood, House; a basket of toys to Miss Stowell, at the Federation building; twelve gar- . ments to the Visiting Nurse and twenty fgarments to the Needlework guild; refur- nishing the bedding and linen jof the Will- ing Workers' Sunshine room {in the Fed- eration building. '—Miss Jennie F. Henry was the guest' of hbnor lata week at several functions, Tuesday afternoon, Miss Dorothy Pick- ering and Miss Jessie Hpwell gave a luncheon of nineteen covers at the honie of Miss Pickering on West Clinton street; that same night Miss Margaret Jennings entertained twenty-two at dltnner at her hpme on East Church street; Wednesday night, Mrs. J. Sloat Fassett' entertained the Rathbun-Henry wedding party at din- ner at Stralhrhont, her guests being Miss Henry, Miss Gladys Gridley, Miss Jennie Louise Fassett, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Barker Gridley, Benjamin Rathbun, Les- lie Clute, Edgar Ingraham, of New York . city, and Jacob Sloat Fassett, jr., of Boston. —Miss Emma G. . Drakej, daughter of Mr! and Mrs. Edward Drake, of Dushore, Pa., and Jerome C. O'Connell, of this city, were married Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at SS. Peter and Paul's church in this city, by the Rev.' Father Long, ' their attendants being Miss Elizabeth O'Connell, sister of the groom, and John Dra'ke, the bride's brother. The brids was dressed in a traveling suit of brown doeskin trimmed with fur, a hat to match and canned an ivory prayer book. Mr. and Mrs; O'Connell who left immediately after the ceremony for a western.trip will be "at home" after JanuarylO, at No. 311 Franklin street. Hearty congratulations and best wishes are being offered Mr. and Mrs. O'Connell. —At the monthly meeting of Chemung chapter, Daughters of American Revolu- tion, last Thursday afternoon a very in- teresting and instructive paper on "Mod- ern Penology" was read by Dr. Frank L. Christian, of the New York state re- formatory. Several piano selections were given by Miss Jessie L. Andrews. Three' new members were voted into the chapter/ being Mrs. Charles L. Jones, No. 1,112 W. Water street; Mrs. Samuel A. Pulford, No. 128 East Hudson street; Mrs. Frank ,E. Robblns, No. 106 Elm street. The hostesses for- the afternoon were Mrs. Lewis C. Gates, chairman; Mrs. Frederick R Orcutt, Mrs. Max H. Wheadori and Miss Carrie Howland Smith. The Jan-' uary meeting will be an open date and the chapter birthday will be celebrated op Friday, January 14. t \—About 200 young ladies and gentlemen attended the annual dance given Monday njght in Federation hall by the Kelvin Scientific society. The pale orchestra, with the chimes, was screened on the stage by palms with the name Kelvin in* largeV colored letters suspended over tho stage. The decorations of the hall were in purple and gold, the society colors. Th* committee In charge of the J dance con- sisted of William Yungstrom, 1 Miss. Lillian Graham, Miss Mabel Brownl Miss Anna Kraft, Ranger Collson and Carl Havens. The patrons and patronesses were the Rev. and Mrs. William -H. jChapman; Dr. and Mrs. Charles Haase, *Vfr. and 'Mri. • Jackson R. Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. Bay ~tl*. Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Hlrry Esjpey. , m .'.:••. ,. ' SH! 1 f •' ' ••.'.'•••;.-/:- - : ' : i ^ X M : M k . ..•'••"'• .-• : -' -...•'•.•••• '.''•• .... vJwKi Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Transcript of I HOT ONE NY Morning...THE TELEGRAM; JAN¥ARY 2, 1916, I HOT ONE IIP in. fer. lotion, h n Z> IP. V &...

Page 1: I HOT ONE NY Morning...THE TELEGRAM; JAN¥ARY 2, 1916, I HOT ONE IIP in. fer. lotion, h n Z> IP. V & TIMES me when dejected, i with grief and care; be kind.—forgiving vpon a tear?

• • • • . : . - • ' "











& TIMES m e w h e n dejected,

i w i t h g r i e f a n d care ; be kind.—forgiving v p o n a t e a r ? t o k n o w .

m e e v e r — a l w a y s — •n y o u r e l y ? . ?s g i v e m e s a u s a g e , g s a n d c h i c k e n pie? t h e q u e s t i o n .

_ you wi l l s u i t m e ; * >d a n d t e n d e r s t i l l : tey<—you're a daisy—

o u — y e s I wil l— S O ! !•'

[FREEDOM in of Frances Lyncfe Dspital Pleaded •

fv ing t h e m to t a k e ad-xk iues t . W h i l e he was l a t t s b u r g h e was- ad-fcpd' w a s t r a n s f e r r e d w i s t a t e h o s p i t a l . & w h i c h ' h e mad© ye* ' i ludge B a k e r w a s the >e h a s a t t e m p t e d to be

T h r e e of t h e a p p » » " d i s m i s s e d b y Suprem* G e o r g e F . !*<>«• the >eins m a d e t w o weexs %dge B a k e r ha* * £ t sement . H e told C*P i a t h e w o u l d let 1 * * ion a s soon a s it '*»*

o'n s e c u r e d t h e writ: •* r e q u i r i n g Super in tend . > G. W a g n e r , o l + to- p r o d u c e h i s P***?S c a p t a i n w a s attended t h o u g h i t did ne t »

ar t p r o c e e d i n g , s of h i s d e l u s i o n s is *«"-* e h o s p i t a l a r e ^ c o m m a n d a s » n , d,lusion ^ « £ &

, h a v e a- 1**** £ £ < * t h r e e s o n s , t h e lasv in 1906. . / itai

» a s a n expert . w " » f ;e m e n t a l c o n d i t i o n . , H e g a v e a teebn^ca be m e n t a l affliction* ^ s r i b i n g t h e c a s e a* p a r a n o i a . ^ o n 0 * w a s

10 r e c o v e r y . « J t n S t e t s o n if he did n

c a p t a i n ' s m e n t a l co oved s i n c e h e ^ * £ e loca l S t a t e bo-P«*£ i i t a s h i s opinion th* pv ing , t h e J u d g m e n t o *d b e c o m e w ^ *"*.

PEESONALS —Mrs. C. Collins, of I thaca , is vis i t ing

Ebnira Mends. __George Wladis, of Binghamton , Js

Tisltin* in the city. __Edwin L. Collins, of Binghamton , is

Writing friends in the city. __C«orge Doyle, of P r a t t s t r ee t ; has

tetn ill for the past week. —.Miss Mabel Roosa. of Buffalo, 4s

voting relatives in the city. —Miss Jeanet te Jones spent Thursday

arening with friends in Corning. —Miss Harriet Paine spent New Year ' s

day with friends in Bingham ton. —Daniel J- Sullivan, of P i t t s b u r g h ,

came home to spend New Year 's . —Miss Genevieve Doyle spent New

Tear's day in Sayre and Athens , Pa. —Mrs. S. A. Catlin, of Irvine place, h a s

recovered form a severe At t ack of grip. —Miss Catherine Agan spent New

Tear's day with friends a t Webbs Mills. —Miss Mary Weiser spent Chr i s tmas

»nd Sunday at her home in Avoca, N. Y. —Edward Falsey and Franc i s Mac-

Namara, of Waverly. spent Sunday in Ehr.ira. *— Miss Margaret Ronan and Miss Mar­garet Keefe spent Wednesday In Bing­ham ton.

—Attorney and Mrs. John A. Mathews Trent to New Albany, Pa. , to spend New Tear's. ,

—Miss Pauline Conroy. of Rochester , Is visiting at her home on Wes t Seventh itreet.

—Walter Roosa, of the Univers i ty of Syracuse, is visi t ing his parents* on Horner street. -

—Miss Louis^C Searing, of New York city, is visiting Miss Ger t rude Cushing, of College avenue.

—Miss Pauline Goodnough„ of Wes t Gray street, is spending some t ime in Xew York city.

—Miss Ruth Adams, of Syracuse, is the jniest of Miss Elizabeth McDowell, of West Water s treet .

—Dennis Maher. of Baldwin s t ree t , h a s returned home after spending Chr i s tmas in Scranton. Pa.

—Mrs. Roy Doolfttle and baby, of Odessa, are "the gues ts of her pa ren t s on Horner street.

—Miss Helen H origan and Miss Agnes Curtis, of West Four th s t ree t , spent N e w Tear's in Corning.

—Frederick McNaughton, of Scranton, Pa., was in the city las t week visi t ing his many old friends.

—Triplet Clark, of Buffalo, -has been visiting his many old friends in th is city during the holidays.

—Frank Hobbs, of , No. 505 Baldwin street, spent the past week in New York and Paterson, N. J .

—Mrs. Sarah Kelly and daughter , Ce­cilia, will leave to-day to spend a few days jn Bingham tort.

—Trary Hamilton, of the Universi ty of Buffalo, spent the holidays a t his home on East Market s treet .

—Mr. and Mrs. H a r r y Love, of Bing­hamton, spent the Chr i s tmas holidays with Elmira relatives. "

—Liscunv Diven, of College avenue , is in Washington, i). Cv. visi t ing his aun t , Mrs. Emerson 11. Liscum.

—Miss Ruth Picker ing who came home to spend Christmas re turned to New York city the first of the week.

—Miss Bernice Foley, of Auburn, N. Y.. is the guest ofsher sister, Mrs. Michael O'Connor, of Rake s t ree t .

—The Misses Mary and Virginia Rron . of Grove street, spe'nt las t week with relatives in Geneva. N. Y.

—Miss S. Rilla Wr igh t will leave to­night for Mnglewood, N. J., • af ter spend­ing the holidays in the city.

—Mr, and Mrs. Seymour Lownmn, of Euclid avenue, were both vic t ims of the rrip during the past week. : —Miss Mary Louisa Woodard, of Utica. will return home to-morow after spending a couple of weeks Jn the city.

—Miss Elizabeth Aialton and Miss Aga­tha Mannix spent New Year 's wi th Miss Mabeli'owers, of Arnot , Pa .

—Miss Florence M. Gardner , of Edge -*ood avenue, is spending a couple of days with relatives at KnOxville, Pa .

—Mi.v.s Edith M. Cushing, who h a s been ill at her home on Wes t W a t e r s t ree t , for the past week Is improving.

—Theodore Nicholas, who came to the cfty to attend the Federat ion ball Thu r s ­day night, returned home yes tedray .

—Charles Mitchell, of No. 413 Davis street^ fcrft Tuesday night for Chicago to enter the Coyne National Trade school.

—Mr. and Mrs. Edward l^eGrange who "were married in this city on Chr i s tmas day will reside a t No. 117 Lormore s t reet .

—John Dcmpsey, of Fairfield avenue, will return to-morrow to BeUefonte A c a d : emy. after a two weeks ' visi t a t his home.

—Misses. Jane Rose and Helen Bird Cahill, of Scranton, Pa. , have re turned home after spending the holidays in the city.

—Miss Mary Wardwell , of Salem, Mass:, has been .visiting Miss H a n n a h PitfkWing. of West Clinton s t reet , dur ing the pas t *eek.

—Miss Mae Cherry, Miss Nell Feeney and Miss Katherine McElligott Kpent New Year's with Mrs. J a m e s Henriessey, of Ithaca.

—Mrs. Levi" M. Bacorn r of Washing ton street, has been confined t o he r home during tlae past week with a n a t t a c k of •**>* K r i p . • w

—Miss Adella E. Crane, of 1)-umans-burg. X. Y*. is spending some t ime with iirs. M. Adele Tompkins, of Wes t Church •treet. ~~

—A son who will be called Welles, was born on Chr i s tmas to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Avery, of Madison avenue.

—Miss Margaret Collins, of Caldwell avenue, spent last week in Bingham ton **Hh her sister, Mrs. Thomas Gavin Fitzgerald.

—Arthur Brooks, of , Syracuse, came »©me to spend New Year ' s wi th his p a r -*nts, Mr. and Mrs. George B. Brooks, of *%m street.

—Miss Frances Ronan, of New York *it>'. has been spending the holidays wi th Jer sister, Mrs. E d m u n d A. Reilly, of Lake street.

-Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Hoadley, of •JBMring, Mich., a re visi t ing he r pa ren t s . »«•• and Mrs. S. A. Catlin. of No. 321 ^ i n e Place.

—Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Mahoney and «r. a r,d Mrs. William Powell a t t ended Nj* funeral of a relat ive in RIdgebury. Wednesday.

—Miss Susan A. Rose, who is t each ing •« Potsdam, N. Y . has been spending the £°ristmas vacation a t her home on W e s t w»ter street.

—The Misses Anne and Miriam Beard, g Aberdeen, S. D., axe the gueats of the M isses Edith and Iva Hamil ton, of E a s t Hudson street

—The little daughter , who w a s born °n Christmas day to At torney and Mrs. Alexander Diven Falck, has been named SHzabeth Arnot.

—A son, who has been named Rodman C^lyle. was born December 24, to Mr. *£a Mrs. Henry C. Rowutyne, of W e s t Chemung place.

—Mi*, Emily A. Weaver , of N e w York gy« has been visi t ing her s is ter , Mrs. f«ymour Dexter, of Euclid avenue , dur -tp* the holidays.

—Miss Elinor S. Dlnsmore, of Buffalo, **» to return home to-day, art** a vUit

of a week with Mrs. Cora Spalding, of Wes t Clinton s t reet .

—Mrs. Chris Duffy, Miss Mary Peel, Miss Alice Murphy and Miss "Marie Hughes have been spending the holidays in Carbondale, Pa .

—Dr. and Mrs. George H. Hawley, of Boston, Mass., spent last week a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry J . Hawley, on Winsor avepue.

—John Hacke t t , of New York, formerly of this city, has been spending the holi­days with his s is ter . Mrs. T. J . Grady, of Ka*t Church s t reet .

—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beck with, of New York city, a re spending a few days a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k W. Ayer, on Eas t Church s t ree t .

—Mr. and Mrs. John King Roosa and two children. Jack and Muriel, of New York city, a r e visi t ing Mr. Roosa's pa r ­en t s on Horner s t reet .

—Mrs. Stephen Edward Rose, of Wes t W a t e r s t ree t , is spending a couple of weeks with relat ives and friends in H a r t ­ford and Norwich, Conn.

—Albert Wr igh t celebrated New Year ' s by re tu rn ing home from the Arnot-Ogden Memorial hospital where he had been for a couple of weeks.

—Mr. and Mrs. Augus tus Cowles Rice, of Wes t W a t e r s t reet , left Thursday for New York city, tb/ffisit relat ives and a t ­tend the automobile! 'show.

—Miss Lucile Desmond returned to her home in Renovo, yes terday and was ac ­companied by her cousin, Miss Ka th ryn Costello, of South Main s t reet .

—Jacob Sloat Fasse t t , jr., of Boston, came home last week to a t t end the mar ­riage Thursday night of Miss Jennie F . Henry and Benjamin Rathbun.

—Mrs. William Weadon Cole arrived in the city the first of the week and will spend some t ime with Mrs. Alfred A. Wescott , of Wes t W a t e r s t reet .

—Leonard JKeefe, of No. 369 Baty s treet , will resume his studies a t BeUe­fonte Academy, after spending two weeks a t his home in this city.

—Robert Sunderlin,- the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Sunderlin, of Wes t Second s t ree t , is ill with pneumonia wi th symptoms of typhoid fever. .

—Mrs. Chris Duffy and Miss Mazie Peel left New Year ' s eve to be gues ts a t a house par ty a t . Miss Marion Healey 's home in Carbondale, Pa .

—Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. /Thompson, of Wes t W a t e r s t reet , will leave the city the first of the week for DeLand, Fla., where they will remain unti l May.

—Mr. and Mrs. Emil Koenig, of Worces­ter , Mass., arr ived in the city Thursday for a visit a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Leupelt , No. 125 Sly s t reet .

—Miss Lucille Short, of Knoxville, Pa. , and Charles Spearman, of Swastika, Ont., are the gues ts of Mr. and Mrs. -Seymour Copeland, of Wes t W a t e r s t reet .

—William L. Gilson, of Maple avenue, will leave the city to-day for Detroit hav­ing acepted a position as civil engineer with the MichigaA Central railroad.

—George Backer and little daughter , Helen, of Monticello, Ky., spent pa r t of last week with Captain and Mrs. Elmer R. Backer , of Wes t Clinton s treet .

—A son w a s born yes terday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd C. Tunison, of In-ter laken, a t the home of Mrs. Ida M. Gillett. No. 108 E a s t Hudson s t reet .

—Miss E m m a Kelly, who has been spending- the holidays a t her home on Wes t Gray s t reet , will re turn to-day to New York city where she is teaching. .

—Mrs. Edward J. Cole and daughter , Miss Gladys, and son, Webster , of Wes t F i r s t s t reet , a re spending a couple of weeks with relat ives In New York city.

—Frank M. Farley, of New York, r e ­turned home Wednesday, having oome to the city to spend the holidays with his mother, Mrs. B. Farley, of Columbia s treet .

—The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Tra. L. Leonard a re offering congratulat ions on the bi r th Tuesday, December 28, of a daughter , who has been named Doris Henr ie t ta . " \

—Wray B. Hoffman re turned Monday night to Philadelphia where he has been employed since hre graduated in June from Cornell, having come home for Chris tmas.

—Miss Mildred Smith, of Grove street , who went to Wellsboro, Pa. , last Monday, spent the week with Mrs. Ha r ry Landrus , and a t tended all the par t ies g iven.dur ing the holidays.

—Mrs. Louis R. Bogert. of New York city, is spending a couple of weeks with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Kahley, of Walnut s t ree t , having arrived in the city on Thursday. • / .

—Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Hill, of West Church s treet , a re receiving con­gra tu la t ions on the bir th Sunday, Decem­ber 26, of a daughter who has been named Margare t Guthrie .

—Frank P . Har t , who has been spend­ing the holidays a t his home on Wes t Gray s t reet , will leave the first of the week for his southern business trip, going first to At lant ic City. .

—Wey Bagley, o* New York, was call­ed to the city las t week by the death of his grandfather , the late William A. Bagley, of Lake s t reet , whose funeral was held Fr iday afternoon.

—Miss Ber tha E. Harding, who has been a t her home on Hoffman s t reet dur­ing the holidays will leave to-night for Bryn Mawr. where she is teaching music a t The Baldwin school.

—Mrs. Eugene H. Ribble, of Frankl in ' ^ - / 'Hs t ree t , came home yes terday from Toledo.

J a m e s | O., where sho was called by the death of a s is ter of Mr. Ribble, who re turned home earlier in the week.

—Mrs. George H. Craze, of Edgewater , N. J., has been spending the pas t week with her parents . Mr. Craze re turned home on Monday, they having come to the city j u s t before Chris tmas.

—Miss Norma Kennedy, of Johnson City, N. Y.. who is a s tudent a t the Sacred H e a r t 'tconvent in Buffalo, came to the c i ty to spend New Year 's wi th Miss Agnes Honan, />^"Euclid avenue.

Dudley Leavi t t re turned to Bain-bridge," N. Y.; the middle of the week after spending a few days with his mother and sister, Mrs^ Leavi t t , and Miss Dorothy Leavi t t . of No.*650 Euclid avenue.

Gerald Holzheimer, of Chicago, who came to the city to spend Chr is tmas with his mother, Mrs. Louis Holzheimer, of E a s t W a t e r s t ree t , left Monday morning to spend New Year 's in New York.

—Clinton R. Wyckoff, of Buffalo, and A. Welling Wyckoff. of P i t t sburgh , were called to the city last week by the serious Illness of thei r brother, George W. Wyckoff. of Wes t Church s treet .

E>r. Edward French and Miss JLul ia Frfench, of Rochester, have been visit­ing a t the home of Mrs. Horace C. French and Miss Ernest ine French on Davis s t reet , dur ing the pas t week.

j l i s s Anna S. Roberts , of the school infirmary, a t Lawrenceville, N. J . , and he r cousin, William Stage, of Philadel­phia have been spending the holidays wi th Mrs. Ha r r i e t A. Rober t s , of Grove s t ree t .

—Mrs. Charles W. E a s t m a n and two children. Jack and Charlene, of Standish, Mich., arr ived in the city, Thursday night for a' visit of several weeks with Mrs. E a s t m a n and daughte rs of West Chemung place —Miss J a n e Pa t t e r son and Lawrence

Armstrong, of Penn Yan, were guests , las t week a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Pres ton , v on Wes t F i r s t s t reet , com­ing to a t tend Mrs. P res ton ' s party, Tues ­day night. ~ . —Miss Es the r Wing, of Newton, Mass.,

is visit ing Mr., and Mrs. H a r r y Merchant Beardsley having come to the city to a t ­tend the marr iage Thursday night of Miss Jennie ; F . Hei^ry and Benjamin Rathbun. i •

,—Mrs. Samuel F . Har r i s , of Pennsyl­vania avenue.has been in Williamsport for ten days or more. Mr. Har r i s and grand­son, Har r i s P . Knauff, came home the first of the week having spent Chris tmas in Williamsport.

—Mrs. Minnie Flynn, of Lake street , left Fr iday morning for Boston, Mass.. where she will spend a few days with her daughter , Miss Beatrice Bush, who is with the Chin Chin company a t the Colonial thea t re in t ha t city.

—Mrsl Frederick Boyle, of Syracuse, and John Mantell, of Hoboken, N. J., were called to the city the first of the week by t h e death of their mother, Mrs. Paul Mantell, of College avenue, whose^ funeral was held Thursday morning.

—-Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hauver , of Wes t F i rs t s t reet , a re in Syracuse visit­ing their daughters , Mrs. B. M. Wright and Mrs: George Kite . To-morrow Mr. and Mrs^ Hauver will celebrate the fif­t ieth anniversary of their marriage. '

—Leo and John Honan, of New York city; Arnold Honan, of Buffalo, have been visi t ing their mother, Mrs. John Honan, of Euclid avenue. Miss Anna McAuliffe, of Buffalo, also came to the city to spend Chris tmas with her sister, Mrs. Honan.

-^-Principal Francis R. Parker , Miss S. Carolyn Calkins, Professor Dillon A. Cady, Professor John W. Kern and Professor John E. Nichols, of the E. F. A. faculty, a t tended the convention of the Six Edu­cational associations of New York s ta te held last week a t Syracuse.

—The Rev. Samuel E. Eas tman , D. D,, pastor of The Pa rk church, has been granted a three months ' leave . of ab ­sence by the t rustees , beginning January 1. Next Tuesday Mr. E a s t m a n will leave the city for Florida going over the Penn­sylvania railroad to Baltimore and by s teamer to Jacksonville.

—Mrs. J. Sloat Fasse t t and daughter . Miss Jennie, will leave to-morrow night for New York city. From there Mrs. Fasse t t will go to Atlanta , Ga..- to spend some t ime with her daughter , Mrs. Fred­erick Grady Hodgson. Miss Fasse t t will remain in New York, where she is spend­ing the winter, having come home for the holidays.

—Mr. and Mrs. William A. Schorn-stheimer and young son, Conrad W., of Syracuse, spent the holidays as guests of Mrs. Ella Schomstheimer, of upper Wes t Church street . Mr. Schomstheimer returned home the first of the week, but Mrs. Schomstheimer and son remained to visit relatives in Corning and returned home, Friday, noon, accompanied by her brothor, Edward Schaefer, of Jeannet tc , Pa., who had been visit ing in Elmira and in Corning since Chris tmas.

dance programs were in the Federat ion colors, white arid red, the whi te program being fastened to a red cord and pencil. The program w a s a s follows: • Overture—Selection from "Nobody

Home" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One Step—"America I Love You" . i Waltz—"The Girl Who Smiles" . - . . : : . . One Stcp-^-"Araby" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j Fox Trot—"Pigeon Walk" > . . . . . . . . . . <| Waltz—"Blue Pa rad i se" One Step—"Georgia Grind" . . i Ono Step—"Here Comes T o o t s i e " . . . . Fox Trot—"Get Over Sal" . . . . . . . . . . . Waltz—"The Only Girl" One Step—"My Sweet Adai r" One Step—"Hello Fr isco" > . . . •. Fox Trot—"Let ' s Tro t"

Intermission. Supper Dances :

One Step—"Floating p o w n the Old Green River" ; . . . A .

Fox Trot—"Magic Melody" . . . . . . \ Waltz—"My Clarabelle" '. V One Step—"Put Me to Sleep Wi th a n

Old Fashioned Melody"

SOCIETY —The State Armory on E a s t Church

s t ree t was elaborately decorated for the eleventh Chari ty ball, Thursday night, both the large* drill hall and mess hall be­ing unusually! a t t rac t ive . The Dale or­chest ra with the chimes, whicht was screened by Chris tmas greens on a raised platform in the center of the drill hall, furnished a very enjoyable program and generously responded to . numerous en­cores. The decorations in the drill hall consisted *of many large American flags, pre t ty rust ic baskets filled with polnset­t ia and greens being suspended from the ceiling. For ty-four boxes were arranged on three sides of the hall, all of which were furnished with handsome rugs, divans and easy chairs. The mess hall never looked prettier, the broad ledge be­ing" heavily banked with Chris tmas greens. Quanti t ies of Japanese fans, Japanese lan terns and Japanese parasols, together with the countless colored electric lights, made a picture tha t will long be remem­bered. A new scheme of . l ighting was arranged by Manager Robert W. Hoy, assisted by William Mack and Lee Seely, of the commercial depar tment • of the Elmira Water , Light and Railroad com­pany, and every one was delighted with tjie a r rangement . The long . corridor leading to the mess hall was lighted by many Japanese lanterns and in the mess hall there was a large Chris tmas tree de­corated with many oolored lights, tinsel and Chris tmas favors of miniature Santa Clauses, different kinds of fruits,* birds and' flowers^ A number of very tall Japanese lanterns loaned by Mrs. J. Sloat Fasse t t were, "suspended over tables and a t the end of the hall. The . tables were lighted by red candles, in colonial glass candlesticks and sprays of holly were a r ­tistically arranged the length of the tables. The committee in charge of the decorations a t the entrance and drill hall was as follows: Mrs. Charles D. Metz-ger, chai rman; Mrs. Theodore Markthaler, Mrs. T. B. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Herber t C. Way, Mrs. Roy Riedinger, Mrs . ' Thomas G. Berry, Miss Leah Brooks, Miss P a u ­line Pattengil l , Miss Jennie Fasse t t , Mayor Ha r ry N. Hoffman, Elmer Dean, F rank W. Durand, Edward O'Connor, Henry R. Loring, Robert M. Leavit t , H. Lynn Ker tscher and Allyn T. Hoffman. The committee in charge of. the decora­tions for the mess hall was composed as follows: Mrs. Archie M. Bovier, chair­man ; Mrs. I saac Allison, Mrs. Benjamin F . Levy, Mrs. Ha r ry M. Beardsley, Mrs. John G. McDowell, Mrs. S. French Iszard, Mrs. Fred Orcutt, Mrs. Harrison K. Tubbs, Mrs. Lebn H. Drake, Mrs. Ar thur W. Booth, Mrs. Charles M. Dean, Mrs. Robert Bush, Mrs. Ber t G. Smith, Miss Alice Smith, Miss Ernest ine French and Miss Mabel Edwards . The decorations in the corridor leading to the mess hall were in charge of Mrs. Charles"M. Dean. The floor committee included the following: Carroll C. Keeton, chai rman; Halsey Sayles, Seymour Lowman, Jerome Thomp­son, Captain W. A. .Turnbull, F . Rapelyee Baker, Robert Walsh, Donald Ball, Je r -vls Langdon, Seth Winner. Invitation commitee: Mrs. Wal te r Lloyd Smith, chai rman; Mrs. Har ry C. Durland, *Mrs. George G. Reynolds, Mrs. Herber t M. Lovell, Mrs. Elwood B. Crocker, ' Mrs. Charles B. Swartwood, Mrs. M, Doyle Marks, Mrs. Casper G. Decker, Mrs. Ka te Deane Andrew, Mrs. Samuel G. H. Tur ­ner, Mrs. Ha r ry A. Decker, Mrs. William M. Ufford, Miss Lillian Strauss, Miss H a r ­riet S. Romer, Miss Kather ine B1. M C -Knight. Captain James D. S. Reid was in charge of the box sale. Supper committee: Mrs. Seymour Lowman, chai rman; Mrs. W. T., Henry, Mrs. Halsey Sayles, Mrs. Floyd Shoemaker, Mrs. George Diven, Mrs. J. H. Harr i s . Mrs. N. J. Thompson, Mrs. H. H. Bickford, Mrs. M. "H. Murphy, Mrs, George Pickering, , Mrs. Asher J. Jacoby, Mrs. Charles Gridley, Mrs. Daniel Kennedy, Mrs. Daniel T. P r a t t . Mrs. George Baxter , Mrs. Benjamin Hall, Mrs. J. M. Connelly, Mrs. Boyd McDowell, Mrs. John Van Campen, Mrs. H. C, Way, Miss Fanny Rice. The following ladies com­prised the music committee: Mrs. Edward K. Tidd, chairman; Mrs. Alexander S. Diven, Mrs. Charles F. Bullard, , Mrs. William W. Gregg, Mrs. Jervis Langdon, Mrs. Nelson Ackley Welles and ^Miss Bird Larson. Ferdinand "W Wyckoff was the general chairman in charge of the bail-The executive committee consisted of Mr. Wyckoff, chai rman; Mrs. J. Sloat F a s ­sett , Mrs. Alexander P . Morrow, Mrs. Archie M. Bovier, Mrs. Seymdur Lowman, Mrs. Charles D. Metzger, M r s / E d w a r d K. Tidd, F rank E.' Gannett , Carroll C. Kee­ton and Captain James D. S. Reid. The

Waltz— "Sphinx" One Step—"Alabama Jubi lee" Ono -Step—"My-Hula Maid" Fox Trot—"Kangaroo Hop" Waltz—"A Perfect Day" One Step—"Ladder of Roses" . . . . . . . . Fox Trot—"Ragging the Scale" '. Waltz—"Oriental" : . . . . . . . . . T

The management extends hear ty thanks to the following, who loaned art icles to make the Armory a t t rac t ive and the event a success: Sheehan, Dean & Co., Teppor Brothers , J. JP. & M. Sullivan, Thomas B. Fitzgerald, F . W. Durand, j . J. Flanagan Co., the Rosery Shop, Endi-cott, "Johnson Co., W. I. Booth, Gosper-Kelly Co., The Hygeia Co., R. M. Leavit t , S, F . Iszard Co., Mayor Hoffman, Gridley, Fuhrman & Martin^Co., the firms and in­dividuals who have loaned flags and Chris tmas trees and other decorations. Company L extended every courtesy pos­sible donating the use of their handsome parlor and the piano. The decorations in the entrance, hall and drill hall were in charge of Charles S. Halliday, with Shee­han, Dean & Co., who was ably assisted by J ames Marshall and Edmund' Fa i r -child, of Tepper Brothers . At 11 o'clock J. Sloat Fasset t , jr., announced from the orchestra platform tha t supper was ready for all who were not engaged for the next dance. The supper which was served by the Federat ion forces under the direction of Miss Hunn, consisted of chicken salad, rolls, raisin bread, coffee, ice cream, fancy cakes and bon bons. The boxes were occupied by the following ladies and gen­tlemen:

Box 1-2—Mrs. J.. Sloat Fasset t , Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Gridley, Mr. and Mrs. Henry L. Fasset t , Mrs. E. S. Avertll, of Pittsfleld, Pa . ; Jacob Sloat Fasset t , jr., of Boston; Edgar Ingraham, of New York city; Miss Jennie L. Fasse t t and At tor ­n e y J. Lewis Henry. ,

Box 3—Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Bender Crocker, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins, At­torney and Mrs. Richard Hull Thurston, Ha r ry R. Loring.

Box 4—Mr. and Mrs. John M. Connelly, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Fitzgerald, Miss Clara Connelly, of New York city; Miss Catherine Connelly, John ,Biggs and Har ­old Connelly., . • ,

Box 5—Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Ken­nedy, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kennedy,

Box 6-7—Mr. and Mrs. Ha r ry McKce, Miss Clements, Miss Genevieve Ruther­ford. Victor Browne, Joseph La tham and Harold Salter,, all of New York city.

Box 8—Mr. and Mrs . , Henry B. Collin, Miss Whit t ier , Miss Long, T. Samuel Parsons of New York city; Leonard Clin­ton and George Collin.

Box 9—Miy and Mrs. Alexander P . Mor-J row, Dr. and Mrs. Henry Qi Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wrigley.

Box 10-11—Mr. and Mrs. Woodford J. Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore. H. Markthaler , Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Roy" B. Delo, Mrs. Grace Owen Walker.

Box 12-18—Mr. and Mrs. George M. Diven, Mr«' and Mrs. Seymour Lowman, Mr. and Mrs. George Pickering, Mr, and Mrs. Edward K. Tidd, Mrs. Ka te Deane Andrew, Deane Andrew, of Dubuque, la .

Box 14-15—Mr. and Mrs^ Chester E. Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Niver, Miss Ethel Baldwin, Miss Jessie Howell, Miss Edith Howell, Miss Dorothy Van Horn, Robert Abbott, William ChalHce, of this city; Laurens Hammond and Herbe r t Snyder, of Cornell. i

Box 16—Company L, Miss Elizabeth Lowman, Miss Frances Flaacke, Miss Lena' M. Booth, Corporal W. A. "Mans­field, Lance Corporal W. L. Simcoe, Pri* vate L. R. Newland, Pr iva te H. D. Lar r l -son.

Box 17—Officers of Company L, Lieu­tenant Charles A. Atwater , headquar ters Third Infantry; Mrs. Atwater , Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Deister, Miss Zona. B. Atwater , of New York city.

Box 18-19—Mr. and Mrs. Herber t C. Way, Miss Way, Dr. Mabel Flood, Mr. and Mrs. Harr ison K. Tubbs, Miss E rnes ­tine French and guests ; Dr. French and Miss French, of Rochester; Jay W. But t s .

Box 20-21—Mr. and Mrs. Seth Winner, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ufford, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry C. Durland, Judge and Mrs. Charles B, Swartwood, Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Waterbury, Frederick H. Hill," Attorney and Mrs. Alexander S. Diven.

Box 22—Attorney and Mrs. George G. Reynold^, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Whi t ­tier, Mr. and Mrs. J ames A. Silsbee.

Box 23-24—Dr. and Mrs. Ar thur W. Booth, Mr. and Mrs. Jervis Langdon, At­torney and Mrs. Halsey Sayles.

Box- 25—Mrs. Henry Halsey Sayles, Just ice and Mrs. Wal te r Lloyd Smith, Dr. and Mrs. John Balcom Shaw, Jus t ice and Mrs. Frederick Collin, Miss Katherine, Adams, of-Dublin, Ireland; Henry B. Sayles, John Balcom Shaw, jr .

Box 26—Judge and Mrs. -John G. Mc­Dowell, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Eldridge, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. "Underwood, Mr. and Mrs. J ames R. Reynolds, Mrs. Frances Reynolds Lawson, R. 'G. Sloan, ©f Syra­cuse.

Box 27—Psi Upsilon, Miss Dorothy Lovell, Miss Estella H. Welles, Miss Ruth Buck, Miss Clutha Ralyea, Miss Greta Gibson , 'Miss Valora Smith, Miss Mar-jorie Dow, Miss Gertrude F . Jones, Miss Marjorle Carpenter, of New York city; William H. Mandeville, Lynn Kertscher , Marshall Lowman, Reed Pulford, Edward A- Mooers, Alexander S. Diven 3d., Dr. Ear l Miller, Charles McAllister, of W a s h ­ington, D. C ; W. Wallis Coykendall, P . D. Fogg, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Clark, of Montour Falls.

Box 2^8—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Causer, Thomas Bundy, Miss Leonore Sheely.

Box 29—Mr. and Mrs. C. .Eugene Quick. Box 30—Mr. and Mrs. Carroll C. Kee­

ton, Mr. and Mrs. George Hurd Carrier, Mr. and Mrs. F rank M. Keeton, Mr. and Mrs.- Luin E. Dexter, Mr. and Mrs. Will­iam G. Hawley, Miss G. Winifred Gilbert, Gerrlt t R. Gilbert.

Box 32—Mr. and Mrs. Archie M. Bovier, Mr. and Mrs.. Fra.ncis R. Richmond,.Miss Louise Searing,, of New York city; Miss Gertrude Cushing, Miss Mary Say»e, Rus ­sell Graham and E J m e r Thompson.

Box 33—Jack H. Causer, Miss Gertrude Dar t t . Miss Lillian Vanderyelde.Miss Anne Beard, Miss Miriam Beard, the Misses Edith and Iva I Hamilton,% Miss Marion Daghistan, Miss Amelia Tin'mghast, E d r gar Bowen, F r a n k Higgins, Maurice Levy, Henry Steele, Har ry Record, Allyn P . Hoffman, F r a n k Higgins and Robert ' N. Dixon.

Box 34—Mr. and Mrs. Hamblin S. Bryan, Miss Clara P . Havens , Miss K a t h ­erine Van Doren, Miss Florence Brand, .

C. F r a n k Ferguson, F red D. Ferguson, Charles H . Miller, Mrs. H. E . Fuh rman .

Box 35—Attorhev'i and Mrs. Michael O'Connor, Miss Elizabeth Lowman, Miss Frances O'Connor, Miss Es the r Wetsel ,

j Miss Bernice Foley, of Auburn, N. Yi; Lawrence and Burke O'Connor, Harold E. Wetsel, Ear l R3'on. i

Box 36—Mr. and Mrs. Mart in H. Mur­phy, Mr. and Mrs. Wickham Smith, Miss Jane E. Cotton, Thomas J . Maxcy, Will­iam Phillips.

Box 37-38—Occupied- by t h e Hen ry -Rathbun wedding par ty , Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Barker Gridley, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ty le r , Thompson, Miss Gladys Gridley, Miss Margare t Jennings . Miss Ruth Stowell, Miss Kather ine P r a t t , Miss Elizabeth McDowell. Miss Madeline P ra t t . Miss Jennie Fasse t t , Miss Mabel Edwards , Miss Es ther M..Wing, of Newton, Mass.; Edgar Ingraham, of New York city; Will­iam B. Coddington, Loring P ra t t , Donald Pe t t i t Beardsley,. of Cornell; Roswe'll Young, of Boston; Har ry York Iszard, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Leask, of Oswego; Leslie D. Clute, Robert McDowell.

Box 39—Lamba Sigma, Miss Helen Sheive; Miss Mary Thurston,- Miss Mabel Loomis, Miss Grace Searle, Miss Marie t ta Wilson, Joseph Lewis, Clifford Young, Gardner Jennings, Franklin Iszard, Rob­ert A. Wilbur, jr., Allan Preston.

Box 40—Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brooks Bush, Mr. and Mrs. William Mulford Cooper, Mrs. Merle D. Thompson, Miss Jane M. Birchard, At torney Donald C. Hawkes .

Box 41—Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Eisenhar t , Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Davis, Captain arid Mrs. Lewis Sayre Van1-Duzer, Mrs. Gertrude .S towel l , Miss Titsworth, of New York oity; and Will-lam Tifft,- of Watklns .

Box 42—Mr. and Mrs. Robert F . Walsh, Miss Madeline MacMahon, W. J . Walsh, Myles G. Kelly, Dr. George H. Brickwodde, Maurice Mulcahey," of New York city.

Box 43—Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kennedy, J. C' Kennedy, Miss Dorothy Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kennedy.

Box 1-X—Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R.' Ha l -lock, Miss Flora Gannett , Miss Har r i e t M. Wells* F r a n k E. Gannett .

—The meeting of the Opportunity Sun­shine circle has been postponed for two weeks.

—The Daughters of Zion will .hold a meeting this afternoon a t 3 o'clock a t the Hebrew. Social Center. , —The Knapp Mandolin orchestra will

give a recital a t the Knapp studio, No. 112 College avenue, next Tuesday evening.

—The Big Sisters Sunshine circle will meet next Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Levi M. Bacorn, No. 214 Washington street .

—To-morrow afternoon the Suburban Sunshine circle will meet a t the home of Mrs. John Engle, No. 675 Wes t Clinton street .

—The Kappa i£lpha Nu society will have i ts annual dinner next Wednesday night, J anua ry 5; a t 7 o'clock a t the City club.

—Mr. and Mrs. j B. Waxman announce the^engagement of their daughter, ' Ber tha F. I,, to Dr. H. D. Levin, of Ogdens-burg, N. Y.

—Miss Hazel T. Wood will enter ta in a company of friends a t a bir thday party, on Monday afternoon a t her home; No. 627 Winsor avenue.

—The election of officers for the Elmira College Endowment club will be held Monday afternoon, J anua ry 10, the place to be announced later.

—Mrs. F r a n k A. Sherman, of Columbia street , entertained the Ivy Embroidery club, Thursday afternoon, the afternoon being spent in playing 500.

—The regular meeting of the /Jewish Y. M. S. C. will be held to-night a t the club rooms, and a- social t ime will be enjoyed after the business meeting.

—There will be a meet ing of Eas te rn Star Sunshine circle next Fr iday after­noon a t the home of Mrs. Henry C. Schweppe, No. 408 Elm st reet .

—Mr. and Mrs. Jul ius S. Conn have a n ­nounced tha t the marr iage of their daugh­ter, Dora R. to Albert A. Bergman, of New York city, will take place to-day.

—Mrs. George H u r d Carrier, of Wes t Wate r street , enter ta ined twel-we ladies Tuesday afternoon who were Invited to "meet her guest, ' Mrs. M. M. Hunt , of Buf­falo.

—The Westmins te r Sunshine circle of the Frankl in Street Presbyter ian church will meet Tuesday afternoon a t the home of Mrs. J. F . Rush, No! 543 South Main street .

—Mrs. William R. Compton will en ter ­tain the Social Sunshine circle next Thursday afternoon a t her apr tments in the Reynolds -block, No. 408 E a s t Church street .

—The regular monthly meeting of the directors of the Industr ial school will be held to-morrow morning a t 10. o'clock in the directors ' room of the . Federat ion building.. ' " ; ; . . - ]

—The members of the Witting Workers Sunshine circle will have a card par ty next Fr iday afternoon a t the home of Mrs. Fores t M. Blystone, N6. 602 West Wate r s treet .

—The meeting of the Linden Sunshine circle has been postponed vintil Tuesday afternoon, J a n u a r y 11, when the ladies will meet with Mrs. S. C. Utter , No. 583 Maple avenue.

—The U. C.YT. Sunshine circle will meet Wednesday afternoon a t 3 o'clock a t the home of Mrs. Fred F. Spencer, No. 515 Wes t Four th street . The ladies will take their own work. '.

—Next T h u r s d a y afternoon the Bapt is t Sunshine circle will meet with Mrs."Harry H. Hays , No. 718 Wes t F i r s t s t reet . A full a t tendance is desired as there will be i n election of officers.

—The Rev. and Mrs. Ha r ry A. Depfer have announced the engagement of then-daughter , Marie Gertrude, to Joseph R. Ferr is , of this city, the marr iage to t ake place a t an early date'.

—A marr iage license was issued De­cember 11, a t the town clerk's office a t Van E t t en to Miss Nina Pear l Fay, of Van Et ten , N. Y., and Rebert Verne Schneck, of Elmira, N. Y.

—Announcement has been made of the engagement of Mrs. Ellen Bullard Boyle, of New York city, and James Russell Clarke, president of the American-La-France Fire Engine company of this city.

—The Elmira Symphony orchest ra will meet to-monrow n i g h t The orchestra haB recently presented the director, F red­erick H. Cheeswrlght, a handsome pres­ent, and' also one to the the president, William A. Falck.

—The rhembers of the Pat r io t ic Sun­shine circle will meet next Wednesday afternoon a t the home of Mrs. John G. Courtrlght, No. 310 Wes t Side avenue. There will be a picnic supper to which the gentlemen are invited,

—Next Thursday night, J anua ry 6, Mrs. Georire Maxwell Diven will enter ta in the Bus i iess Woman ' s club a t her home, 'No. 722 Wes t W a t e r s treet . The regular monthly business meeting will be held follow red by a social time.

—Ther will be a meeting Tuesday after-noon-of the Outlook Sunshine circle a t the home of Mrs. Wilbur Kinzie, No. 401 Euclid , avenue. The ladies a r e to' t ake their own work and all a re asked to bring some bright pieces of silk.

—The Good Cheer' Sunshine circle' has accepted an invitation to meet a t the Neighborhood House, Friday afternoon, J anua ry 7. Take the car t h a t leaves Clark's^ Glen a t twelve minutes before 2 o'clock. Each one is to t ake her own lunch. . "". .: '

—Tuesday afternoon the Eagle club*met a t the home of Mrs. Cornelius F. Rey­nolds, on Herrick s t ree t ; the Kathenloe club wi th Mrs. Wal te r D. Humiston, of

Wes t W a t e r s t ree t ; the Iduna club with Mrs. J ames H . " Gunderman, of Davis s t reet . /_, " , Wg$

-T-Mr. and Mr/L Norman J . ; Thompson gave a dinner of fourteen covers Fr iday night, the table decorations being Sunset roses, yellow and white daisies. The place favors for the ladles wjere fans covered with flowers i and those for the gentlemen gardenias. j

if—This afternoon the Arnot Ar t gallery w/lll be open, a t the usual hours, from 2:80 to 6:30 o'clock. The collection of ojil paint ings by American a r t i s t s which has been on exhibition a t the gallery is a fine one, and ,you will regret it if you cio not a t t end the exhibition. , f —The regular weekly public dance will jbe held to-morrow night in Federat ion /hall, when the committee will be from Flanagan ' s dry goods store, being John Flanagan, Carl .Warner, Merle O. H u y -ler, Joseph E. Considine, Edward Wick­ham, Fred Dunbar and Fred Holly.

—New Year 's eve the members of the Fi rs t M; E. church choir and Mrs. Sue B. Fitch, the choir director, very pleas­ant ly entertained the j members of the Sunday school with a most unique pro­gram, it being one of the most original enter ta inments ever ,given in thp church.

building will open to-morrow kfter the Chris tmas holidays. The Monday night classes in dramatics , dancing and swim­ming will again take up their -vjrork. On Tuesday the classes in cooking, swim­ming, social, dancing and .sewing will open.

—A delightful New T e a r ' s ejye par ty was given a t the Thespian Inn by the hostesses, M. Louise Smith and Rose Smith Krug. The guests of the evening Included the Beatr ice Morrell sextet te , who rendered charming musical numbers . A repas t was served amid holiday t r im­mings.

—All of the activities of the Y. W. C. A. will be resumed th i s ' week, including the meetings of the different clubs, a n d the ten-cent ' supper , gymnasium^ and glee club on Tuesday night. ' A class in a r i th ­metic will be s ta r ted next Thursday night under the leadership of Miss Florence Brand.

—Miss Dora R. Cohn was the guest o honor a t several part ies las t week. A thea t re par ty was given by Miss Mamie Radln; a thimble par ty by .Miss Madeline Eigles; a luncheon a t the Hotel Rathbun by Miss Maude Pollak; a tea by Miss Ber­tha W a x m a n ; a dinner by Miss Leah T. Sittenfield.

—The gradua tes of the Omega club had a supper Fr iday night a t the Fed­eration building. Supper was served a t 6 o'clock after which the young men had a "get together meeting." This club was formed several years ago by Rufus Stan­ley and has been a very successful or­ganization. . —The weekly Federat ion dance was a t ­tended Tuesday night by nearly 100 ladies and gentleman, the committee in charge being employes of the Eclipse Machine company. The Daghistan orchestra play­ed for this pa r ty In place of the Dale or­chestra who played for Mrs. Pres ton ' s dance tha t night. .

—Next Fr iday night the first annual meeting of the Y. W. C. association will be held a t 8 o'clock a t the building on Maple avenue, when reports of the year ' s work will be given, including reports by the girls of the different clubs and activi­ties. I t Is very impor tant t h a t every member a t tend th is meeting.

—Members of the Kil l-A-Worry club of the south aide enjoyed a watch night party, Fr iday night, a t the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Gawne, of Franklin s treet . The evening was mos t ' enjoyably passed with games arid music, and a t midnight the new year was greeted in an appro­priate manner . Refreshments were en­joyed.

"watched the old year out and t h e new year in." .

—Tlie Misses Anne and Miriam Beard , of Aberdeen, S. D., Were-'guests of honor a t a thimble par ty given I Wednesday afternoon by the Misses Ed i th a n d Iva Hamilton, of E a s t Hudson s t ree t . A' pleasant afternoon wa« spent by t h e twelve young ladies and a t 5 o'clock nice refreshments were served. • The Misses Beard, whp a re s tuden t s a t Syracuse university, have been in the city dur ing the holidays.

—Monday night the Young People 's Christian Endeavor society of the Nor th Presbyter ian church, had a s t r a w ride to Pine Ci ty , ' there being ovei* twenty young ladles and gentlemen In the par ty which was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Benja­min Scott. When the young people r e ­turned to - the city there was a Chr is t -

i m a s tree in the church parlors loaded with presents and delicious ref reshments were served.- ., *

—Mrs. Fred 'W. Harr ington chaperoned a par ty of young- ladies and gent lemen on a s t raw ride last Thursday night to Pino City. Those in the par ty were the Misses Helena Harr ington, Adria Drake, Evelyn Underwood, OCath^dne Miller, R u t h Spencer. Margaret Wiggins. Stella Cris-

All the activit ies of the Federat ionfpln . .Mabel Brown, Viola Bishop, C. GiHs wold, W. Merle Smith, S tewar t and P a u l Landon, H o w a r d ' and Winfleld Basler, Alan Gould, Clarence Dunjbar, Percy Logue, Raymond Butler and Leon Smith.

! —A very enjoyable watchj par ty w a s given Fr iday evening by Miss Dorothea Atwater a.% her home on jupper Lake street . Dancing and games were enjoyed, throughout the evening. Those present were: Helen Dunbar, Le ta llde, Maris L 'Amoreaux, Eleanor Rhodes, Alta Mc-Connell. Alta Atwater , Dorothea Atwater , Mildred Jackson, Jennie Nelly, Lewis Rhodes, John Kelly, Ray Benedict, Gordon KInner, John Minister, Edward Moyer, Herber t Reynolds, Leslie Benedict, Edgap Tillman, Charles Fell, H a r r y McConnelL George L'Amoreaux.

—Tuesday night EpsIIon chapter of Alpha Zeta fraterni ty gave i ts twen ty -fifth! annual banquet a t Hotel Larigwell there being cdvers for thirty-five. During the evening a very pleasing musical p ro­gram was given by the McHenry orches­t r a j Robert Abbott was the toa3tmaster and responses were • given by Allyn P . Hoffman, Elwood W. Spalding, . Harold Reid, Robert Coleman, Harold S. Rout -ledge, Clarence B. Steen, George D. La in and Edgar T. Bowen. Among the young gentlemen present was Ray Faa tz , of Gamma chapter , Blnghamton.i

—Friday afternoon the . junior pupils of Miss Elizabeth Sutherland Rice gave a recital a t her home, No. 807 West W a t e r s treet . Those taking par t i were the Misses Frances Sternberg, j Clara and Louise Gilbert, Ethel and Eleanor Smith, Lena and Mary Carroll, Elizabeth Carr , Adeline . Stagg, Margaret Keeton, Eliza­beth Haase and Master Henry Haase . Miss Rice and he r class well deserve the many compliments they received for the skill they displaced in giving the p ro ­gram. After jthe reci tal the class w a s enter tained a t supper by Miss Rice.

—Miss Es the r Denton very pleasant ly enter ta ined twenty friends Tuiesday even­ing a t her home ; on Grove honor of Miss Anna Beach came home for the holidays jfrom-Phila

s t reet . In, P r a t t who

—The election of officers jj for. the Wednesday Morning club will j be held next Wednesday, J anua ry 5, followed by the annual luncheon. The ' committee consists of Mrs. H. H. Bickford, Mrs. Leon H. Drake , . Miss Dorothy DeForest Mather; enter ta inment , Kilauewa—"A Confusion of Idols," Mrs. Lemuel ~ T. Holmes.

—Last Monday afternoon Mrs. Fred­erick Barker Gridley and Miss Gladys Gridley entertained twenty-s ix ladles, a t Mis3 Gridley'a home on Wajnut s treet , in honor of Miss Jennie F . Henry. There -were three tables of auction bridge, the other ladies coming in for the 5 o'clock tea. The souvenir w a s won by Miss Jen­nie Louise Fasse t t .

—Mr. and Mrs. George Maxwell Diven. and Mrs. Ka te Deane Andrew gave a dance -Monday night in the small dancing hall of the. Federat ion buldlng in honor of Deane Andrew, of Dubuque, la . The hall was decorated with Chris tmas greens and polnsett ia and the Dale orchestra^ played for the dancing. At 11:30 o'clock refreshments were served in the club room.

—The pupils of Miss Elizabeth Suther­land Rice, B. S., in Newark, N. Y., de­lightfully entertained •, their friends Wednesday afternoon a t a musicale. in Grange hall a t Newark. There were twenty numbers on the program, alj of Which were hearti ly encored. Miss Rice is v e r y proud of her class In Newark, which has been doing very good work this year.

— M r s . J ames D. McCann and daughter; Miss Helen, enter ta ined sixty-five young ladles and gentlemen a t a dance Monday .afternoon from 3:30 until 6 o'clock ha the hall' on the third floor of the Federat ion building.** „The hall was appropriately de­corated wi th holly, poinsett ias and Christ­mas greens. Miss Frances Sliter played for the dancing and a t 5 o'clock nice r e ­freshments were served.

—Mrs. Leonard S. Whit t ier , Mrs. E. W. Underwood and . Mrs. J ames R. Reynolds delightfully enter tained thirty-five couples a t a 'The Dansan t" a t the Country club yesterday afternoon, from 5 to 10 o'clock. The club was decorated with holly and Chris tmas greens and the music was given by a piano and drum. It was one of the pret t ies t and most enjoyable New Year 's part ies given in the city. ;

—The annual meeting of Loyal chapter, O. E. 8., was held Wednesday night In Masonic Temple, when the following offi­cers were elected: Worthy matron, Mrs. Clara Burk; worthy patron, F rank W. Weeks; associate matron, Mrs. Maude Smith; secretary, Miss May Stewar t ; conductress,. Mrs. Anna Hogg; associate conductress, Mrs. Bessie Lovell; t rustee for three years , Mrs. Carrie Tutt le .

—The dance tha t had been planned for las t Monday by the Fa the r Mathew Tem­perance society, was postponed on a c ­count of the death of Dr. John J. Ervin, and1 the a r rangements for keeping open house on New Year 's day a t the club house on Eas t Gray street , were a!?o can­celled. The. next par ty will be in Bundy hall. Monday night. J anuary 17. The an ­nual election of officers will be held this month. , ' ..-

—The next meeting of the Morning Musicales will be held oh Thursday morning, January 6, in the lecture room of The Pa rk church, when the program will be in charge of Mrs. Melvin R Ellis and Mrs: Marie Carr Fraser . The next concert in the series t ha t is being given this winter by the Morning Musicales will be on Tuesday >night, J a n u a r y 11, when George Clifford Vieh, pianist, will give a recital. • '—Miss Ethel Morrow and Miss Mary Thurston charmingly enter ta ined fifty young ladies and gentlemen a t a m a s ­querade party, New Year 's eye a t Miss? Morrow's home on Wes t Church s t reet . The par ty w a s held in the ball room on the th i rd floor, Mr. Schultz playing for the dancing. \ There were many -hand­some costumes and the young people

delphia, where she is taking la course in • psychology a t the University [of Pennsyl ­vania. The ladies were all friends of Miss Pra t t , who had been associated with he r in the social service work in this city. A talk was given by Miss P r a t t bf her work a t the university w h i c h ' w a s greatly en­joyed by those present. Nice ref resh­ments were served during th£ evening.

I—The College Woman ' s club will ho ld its annual luncheon a»d election of offi­cers a t the, Federat ion building, , next Saturday, [January 8, 1916, a t 1:30 o'clock. Acceptancjes should be sent td the sec re ­tary, Mrs. F . M. Edson, N/bj 406 Euclid avenue,- not la ter than J a n u a r y 5. Tho price of the luncheon will be: fifty cents . Dues for the pas t year, 1515, arid the com­ing year, 1916, will be received by the t reasurer on t h a t day. Following the luncheon a program of music will be given by Mrs. Cora Chamot, of I thaca, assisted'' by Miss Isabel J. Rosenbloom, of this city.

;—During the months of October, No­vember and December there were seven meetings of the Willing Workers Sun­shine circle. The ladies made th i r ty - two garments , and one comfortable? gave $1.50 to the tuberculosis hospital; $2 to tho Sal­vation Army; one comfortable and one dozen glasses of jelly' to the Neighborhood, House; a basket of toys to Miss Stowell, a t the Federat ion building; twelve ga r - . ments to the Visiting Nurse and twenty

fgarments to the Needlework guild; refur­nishing the bedding and linen jof the Wil l ­ing Workers ' Sunshine room {in the Fed ­eration building.

'—Miss Jennie F. Henry w a s the g u e s t ' of hbnor lata week a t several functions, Tuesday afternoon, Miss Dorothy Pick­ering and Miss Jessie Hpwell gave a luncheon of nineteen covers a t the honie of Miss Pickering on Wes t Clinton s t ree t ; tha t same night Miss Margare t Jennings enter tained twenty- two at dltnner a t her hpme on Eas t Church s t ree t ; Wednesday night, Mrs. J. Sloat F a s s e t t ' en ter ta ined the Ra thbun-Henry wedding par ty a t din­ner a t Stralhrhont, her gues ts being Miss Henry, Miss Gladys Gridley, Miss Jennie Louise Fasset t , Mr. and Mrs. Freder ick Barker Gridley, Benjamin Rathbun, Les ­lie Clute, Edgar Ingraham, of New York . city, and Jacob Sloat Fasse t t , jr., of Boston.

—Miss E m m a G. . Drakej, daugh te r of Mr! and Mrs. Edward Drake, of Dushore, Pa., and Jerome C. O'Connell, of this city, were married Tuesday morning a t 10 o'clock a t SS. Pe te r and Paul ' s church in this city, by the Rev.' Fa the r Long, ' their a t t endan t s being Miss El izabeth O'Connell, s is ter of the groom, and John Dra'ke, the bride's brother. The br ids was dressed in a t ravel ing sui t of brown doeskin tr immed with fur, a ha t to m a t c h and canned an ivory prayer book. Mr. and Mrs; O'Connell who left immediately after the ceremony for a wes te rn . t r ip will be " a t home" after J a n u a r y l O , a t No. 311 Frankl in s treet . Hear ty congratula t ions and best wishes are being offered Mr. and Mrs. O'Connell. •

— A t the monthly meet ing of Chemung chapter, Daughters of American Revolu­tion, last Thursday afternoon a very in­terest ing and instructive paper on "Mod­ern Penology" was read by Dr. F r a n k L. Christian, of the New York s ta te r e ­formatory. Several piano selections were given by Miss Jessie L. Andrews. T h r e e ' new members were voted into the chap t e r / being Mrs. Charles L. Jones, No. 1,112 W. W a t e r s t reet ; Mrs. Samuel A. Pulford, No. 128 E a s t Hudson s t ree t ; Mrs. F r a n k ,E. Robblns, No. 106 Elm s t reet . The hostesses for- the afternoon were Mrs. Lewis C. Gates, cha i rman; Mrs. Freder ick R Orcutt , Mrs. Max H. Wheadori and Miss Carrie Howland Smith. The J a n - ' uary meeting will be an open da te a n d the chapter bi r thday will be celebrated op Friday, J anua ry 14. t

\—About 200 young ladies and gent lemen at tended the annual dance given Monday njght in Federat ion hall by the Kelvin Scientific society. The p a l e orchest ra , with the chimes, was screened on t h e s tage by palms with the name Kelvin in* largeV colored let ters suspended over tho s tage. The decorations of the hall were in purple and gold, the society colors. T h * committee In charge of the J dance con­sisted of William Yungstrom,1 Miss. Lil l ian Graham, Miss Mabel Brownl Miss A n n a Kraft , Ranger Collson and Carl H a v e n s . The pat rons and patronesses were t h e Rev. and Mrs. William -H. jChapman; Dr . and Mrs. Charles Haase , *Vfr. and 'Mr i . • Jackson R. Shoemaker, Mr. and Mrs. B a y

~tl*. Tucker , Mr. and Mrs . H l r r y Esjpey. ,

m . ' . : • • . ,. ' S H ! 1 f •' ' • • . ' . ' • • • ; . - / : - • - : ' : i ^ X M : M k . . . • ' • • " ' • .-• :-' - . . . • ' • . • • • • ' . ' ' • • .... vJwKi

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