I Heart group guide

My Home. My Community. My Church. Community Group Guide


Compass Christian Church | Community Group Guide

Transcript of I Heart group guide

My Home. My Community. My Church.

Community Group Guide



Introduction to Community Groups .................................................................... 2What a Typical Community Group Looks Like .................................................... 4Community Group Ground Rules ......................................................................... 6Hosting a Community Group is EASY ..................................................................... 7


I ❤︎ I Love My Neighbors ............................................................................................ 8I Love My Church ............................................................................................... 10I Love My Husband ............................................................................................ 12I Love My Wife .................................................................................................... 14I Love My Kids .................................................................................................... 16

What is Next? ..................................................................................................... 18

My Community Group ....................................................................................... 19 Community Group Members ............................................................................. 20

Extra Community Group Guides available at mycompasschurch.com/groups or the Compass Christian Church app

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During I ❤︎ Series we’ll begin to understand how God has called us to love—in our homes, communities and churches. This series includes a DVD with teachings from our team on each week’s topic. As we dive into I ❤︎, consider doing these three things to get the most out of the series:

1. Attend Weekend Services Don’t miss a weekend service of the I ❤︎ Series. At the service you attend, be sure to record key principles and application points.

2. Join a Community Group Join a Community Group in your area, connect with others and discuss how to put everything we are hearing and learning throughout this series into practice.

3. Invite a FriendInvite a friend, neighbor or co-worker to be a part of this incredible series.

*HOST a Community Group today! See page 7 to learn how. Go to mycompasschurch.com to learn how to join a Community Group.

Here we go!

Chris GabbardCommunity Groups Pastor

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Put simply, a Community Group is a collection of approximately 6-15 people (not including kids) from a certain geographical area who follow Jesus together and care for one another. They meet weekly to share a meal and discuss the Bible, serve together on the weekends and throughout the community and support one another in sharing the gospel.

Community Groups at Compass are neighborhood-based, intergenerational, open to anyone and focused on applying the Bible. (HINT: Read the previous sentence again, because it is crucial for truly understanding our Community Groups.) Whether you are spiritually curious or a long-time follower of Jesus, you are welcome to be a part of a Community Group!

Compass Community Groups are committed to living out Compass’ four core values:

NAVIGATE - We tell others about Jesus by demonstrating kindness, discovering stories, and discerning next steps.ENGAGE - We connect with people by eating together, learning together and having fun together.SERVE - We serve everyone, everywhere by identifying and meeting needs – within the group, at weekend services, in the neighborhood and beyond.WORSHIP - We grow on our faith by consistent attendance, authenticity and accountability.

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NAVIGATEA Community Group tells others about Jesus by…Demonstrating Kindness - Consistently get off the couch and go out into the community to show kindness to others. Discovering Stories - Listen to each other and find out where you have been, where you are now, and where you are going. Discerning Next Steps - Sometimes it’s better to invite people to dinner before you invite them to church. Do they need resources? Or is it time to invite them to a Community Group social activity?

ENGAGEA Community Group connects with people by…Eating Together - Share meals together weekly and get together outside of the regular weekly meeting.Learning Together - Together we learn how to live out our four core values: Navigate, Engage, Serve and Worship. Spend time discussing what God has said, what God has done, and what God is doing in our lives!Playing Together - Have fun doing things like hobbies, exercise, vacation and kids’ activities together!

SERVEA Community Group serves everyone, everywhere… At Compass - Serve together in one of the various ministries at Compass. In the Neighborhood - Identify needs in your community, and work together as a group to meet them. And Beyond - Build a house in Mexico together or consider spending a week helping one of the missionaries we support.

WORSHIPA Community Group encourages one another to grow in our faith through… Attendance - Making weekend worship services and community group a priority.Authenticity - Building a genuine faith through the practice of spiritual disciplines (prayer, Bible reading, solitude).Accountability - Helping one another put God’s Word into practice.

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Community Building ..................................................... 20-30 minutesSharing a meal together every week creates a friendly atmosphere where strangers can become friends. The meal is a potluck where everyone brings something. Don’t over-organize and keep it simple. The meal becomes a metaphor for the group because everyone brings something different to the table. Circle around the food, thank God for it, eat and have some great conversations together! When you’re finished, be sure everyone jumps in to help clean up quickly.

Discussion ...................................................................... 50-60 minutesYour Host will help the group spend time discussing what God has said, what God has done, and what God is doing in our lives! During discussion, we will share specific action steps we are going to take with the material we are focusing on. Commit to hold each other accountable to follow through on specific action steps. It’s less about “What do you like about this Bible verse?” and more about “What are you going to do about this Bible verse?”

Communication ............................................................. 5-10 minutesYour Communicator will take time to inform the group about next week’s Community Group gathering. This is an important time to talk about things like:

• Where are we meeting next week? • What are we eating next week? • Who was missing tonight? • Who is going to call them and see how they are doing? • What announcements do we need to make?• What are some of the current needs in this group, or in the neighborhood,

and how can we come together to meet them?

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Pray ................................................................................... 1-10 minutesPrayer is an important part of Biblical community, so it’s essential that it takes place more than just within the Community Group gathering. During the gathering, there may be a short closing prayer and other times the group will break into smaller groups to pray for an extended period of time. However, some of the most meaningful prayer times will take place when accountability partners are assigned and they each set aside time to pray for each other and the needs of others. It also makes a big impact when group members get together outside of the regular meeting time to pray together during the week.

When the Gathering is Over ............................................. 2-5 minutesGroup members work together to pick up, clean up and take out the trash at the host home.

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COMMUNITY GROUP GROUND RULES• Share feelings as feelings, not fact.

We have all been around someone who thinks their opinions are fact, such as: “Harry Potter is from the devil” or “We all know that Christians should vote Republican.” You might feel that way but that does not make it fact. Stating your opinion like it is fact not only makes you look bad, it can also shut down the lines of communication in a group. So as you share, be careful to share feelings as feelings, not as fact.

• Agree to respectfully disagree. There are times in a Community Group that you will disagree with one another. That is a healthy part of community. This ground rule reminds us that it is okay to disagree, as long as we do so in a respectful way. This is not a healthy response: “Whatever, jerk, agree to disagree!” The key word in this ground rule is respectfully.

• Feedback is essential and welcome. If you are upset about something or see that something needs to be addressed, give feedback to the right person so they can do something about it. The Community Group cannot improve if you don’t give feedback to the right person at the right time.

• Permission to interrupt, please. Let us just say it – some people are talkers. And one person talking too much slows a group’s momentum. So don’t be upset if we interrupt and cut you off. “Thanks so much, what an interesting perspective. Unfortunately, we need to get back on track!” Keep it positive and move the conversation along.

• Confidentiality is mandatory. What is said in a Community Group stays in the Community Group. There is no way to create a setting where people can be honest about their struggles if they are afraid someone will talk about it later. The only time confidentiality can be broken is when someone is a danger to themselves or someone else.

• Confrontation required. Our natural tendency is to avoid conflict, but conflict is a vital part of healthy relationships. Many times our avoidance of conflict is a sign of our own selfishness. Someone who continues to watch a friend struggle with alcohol or treat their spouse badly but says nothing is basically saying, “I don’t love you enough to point out that sinful behavior and help you stop it.”

• Deal with conflict right away and face-to-face. Ephesians 4:26 says, “Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry.” In other words, don’t sweep things under the rug. Deal with them, and do it right away. Do not deal with conflict via email! Phone conversations are at times acceptable, but face-to-face is always best. It is not always easy, but it is the only path to authentic community.

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While each member shares the responsibility of making the Community Group function, there are three vital roles in each group:

Host a Community Group:

H - Have a heart for people. O - Open your place (meet in a home, coffee house, restaurant or workplace.) S - Serve a snack T - Tell a few friends (and turn on a DVD)

*Remember, the Host is not a teacher. A Host simply facilitates discussion using the provided materials.

Co-Host: Works together with the Host to help the group focus on applying God’s Word to their lives.

Communicator: Communicates meeting times, locations and events to all the group members. A communicators role is to be the conduit between the Church and the Community Group.

IT IS EASY TO START A COMMUNITY GROUP DURING THE I ❤︎ SERIES.Grab a HOST Kit and get a few friends together. Our team will help you get started and support you every step of the way. Contact [email protected] if you have any questions.

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1. How many “famous” neighbors can you name?

2. Watch the I LOVE MY NEIGHBORS clip on the DVD.


3. Each week of the I ♥ series there will be a memory verse. This weeks verse is Luke 10:27. Read it together as a group and commit to memorize it this week.

4. According to Proverbs 3:28, Proverbs 14:21, and Luke 10:25-37, what does it mean to love your neighbor?

5. Read Luke 10:25-37 again. Look at this like a crime scene investigator. You are CSI DFW! Based on all the details of the story what reasons do you think the Priest and Levite would use to justify avoiding their “neighbor” in need.


6. Where have you received or expressed this idea of loving your neighbor in your life?

7. What obstacles keep you from being a loving neighbor? (Write down 3-4 obstacles below.)

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8. Look at the list below, in addition to your answers to question #7. Take a couple minutes to mark the top 3-5 reasons you at times avoid your neighbors. Then share your answers with one another.

• “My neighbors are just mean.” • “I don’t have the time, ability, or resources to invest in new people.” • “They probably already have plenty of other friends.”• “I’m an introvert.” • “We don’t have anything in common.” • “I’ve lived next to them too long to start a new relationship without it being

awkward.” • “We’ve had conflict in the past, and it’s better just to leave well enough


9. Which one of the steps to loving our neighbors and sharing our faith with them do you need to focus more attention on? Why? Step #1: Demonstrate Kindness? Step #2: Discover Stories Step #3: Discern Next Steps

10. What “neighbor” will you make an effort to connect with in some way this week? _____________________________.

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1. Break the group into two or three teams and compete to win the following challenge.The scenario: You’re a senior in College. Your final paper is due now. It’s a 100-page paper. You procrastinated and you are not going to have time to get it done. The challenge: As a group work together to come up with the best excuses that might convince your professor to give you more time to complete it. Come back together and share your team’s “excuses.” The team with the most creative excuses and/or “story” wins!

3rd Place – A “good job” word of encouragement2nd Place – A high-five1st Place – All expense paid trip to the Bahamas (paid for by the HOST...just kidding ☺)

2. Watch the I LOVE MY CHURCH clip on the DVD.


3. As a group, read aloud this week’s memory verse. (1 Corinthians 12:27)

4. According to Ephesians 4:11-13 what is the Pastor’s role and results of that role being fulfilled?

5. Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27. What are four to five things these verses tell us are true about the Church? As you read keep in mind that “the body” is the Church.

6. As a part of the Church, it is important to discover our role in it. Discovering your spiritual gifts is essential to discovering your place in the Church. Distribute and complete the Spiritual Gifts test OR complete it online at mycompasschurch.com/serve.

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7. Write your top three gifts in the space below and share them with the group.

My Spiritual Gifts

1. _________________________

2. _________________________

3. _________________________


8. What percentage of people would you guess carries the load of serving at most churches? What percentage of people serving in a church would make the most sense? (Keep in mind if a church is carrying out the mission to reach people with the message of Jesus, there will always be new people in the church who are serving.)


9. Are you currently serving at your church? If yes, where do you serve? If not, what is holding you back from serving?

10. If you are not regularly serving, what opportunities below interest you and are a good fit for your gifts.

First Impressions | Baptism Team | Bookstore Team | Communion/Offering Team | Greeter Team | Shuttle Team | Guest Gathering Team | Guest Services Team | Medical Team | Parking Team | Section Host Team | Security TeamChildren/Students | Nursery | Pre-K/K | 1st-4th | 5th-6th | 7th-8th | 9th-12thArts | Production | Musician | Vocalist | CommunicationCampus Support | General Office | Maintenance | Roanoke Setup/Tear Down | IT | Online Campus Adults | Men | Women | Community GroupsMissions | Local | Domestic | International

Go to mycompasschurch.com/serve to start using your gifts at Compass.

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1. You and your closest friend are stuck on a desert island. You’ve got a DVD player but can only have one movie. What movie would you choose and why?

2. Watch the I LOVE MY CHURCH clip on the DVD.


3. As a group say this week’s memory verse aloud together at the same time. (Ephesians 5:22-24)

4. Read Ephesians 5:21-33 from the NIV first and then from The Message (printed below):

“Out of respect for Christ, be courteously reverent to one another. Wives, understand and support your husbands in ways that show your support for Christ. The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing. So just as the church submits to Christ as he exercises such leadership, wives should likewise submit to their husbands.

Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church—a love marked by giving, not getting. Christ’s love makes the church whole. His words evoke her beauty. Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her, dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness. And that is how husbands ought to love their wives. They’re really doing themselves a favor—since they’re already “one” in marriage.

No one abuses his own body, does he? No, he feeds and pampers it. That’s how Christ treats us, the church, since we are part of his body. And this is why a man leaves father and mother and cherishes his wife. No longer two, they become “one flesh.” This is a huge mystery, and I don’t pretend to understand it all. What is clearest to me is the way Christ treats the church. And this provides a good picture of how each husband is to treat his wife, loving himself in loving her, and how each wife is to honor her husband.”

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5. According to this passage, what are the ways Christ treats the church, husbands should treat their wives and wives should treat their husbands?

Christ to Church Husbands to Wives Wives to Husbands


6. Choose an example from the lists above and share about a husband or wife you know who lives it out. What positive impact has following this principle made in their marriage?

7. How would your marriage improve if you lived by this text? Outside of marriage, how would applying these principles impact other relationships in your life? (work, sports teams, etc.)


8. The point of this passage is not limited to having better marriages; it’s that when we live like Jesus, all our relationships improve. What one thing that we talked about tonight will you put into practice this week?

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1. Describe a time when you, or someone you know, tried to fix something on their own and ended up having to call in an expert.

2. Watch the I LOVE MY WIFE clip on the DVD.


3. Have a volunteer from your group read aloud this weeks memory verse. (James 1:19)

4. Read Genesis 3. What were the results of not listening?

5. Where do you notice a lack of listening in the world? What is the impact?



6. On a scale of 1-10 how good of a listener are you? Circle where your location is on the graphic below. (1 being “people throw things at me to get my attention” and 10 being “I hold a PHD from The University of Listening”)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I ❤︎ 15

7. Pick one thing from the list below that you will do this week to be a better listener?

• Have a technology free night • Plan a date night• Ask your spouse or friend “What are some things I can do to be a better spouse/friend?” (just listen, don’t get defensive) • Schedule a meeting with your spouse to simply listen to what is going on in their life• Ask your spouse about a specific task or chore that you can do for them this week that would really bless them. (listen carefully, and do it!) • Come up with your own idea to be a great listener: ________________________.


8. Spend the remainder of your time listening to each other’s prayer needs. (and then pray for each other…)

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1. What product have you purchased that didn’t do what it promised?

2. Watch the I LOVE MY KIDS clip on the DVD.


3. Have each group member say this week’s memory verse aloud. (Proverbs 22:6)

4. Using the Mythbusters Exercise below. Match each parenting myth to the Bible passages that “bust” them.

MYTHBUSTERS EXERCISEDraw lines to match these parenting myths to the Scriptures that debunk them.

Myths Scriptures

Just take your kids to church and they’ll be fine.

Hebrews 12:11;Proverbs 19:18; 23:13

You’re supposed to be your kid’s best friend.

Jeremiah 17:9;Psalm 14:2-3

Kids are good.Their hearts are innocent. Deuteronomy 6:6-9

Disciplining our kids damages their self-esteem.

Philippians 4:8-9;1 Corinthians 6:18-20

Our kids’ happiness in our first priority. Ephesians 6:1-3

Kids will be kids.Let them experience the world.

1 Samuel 3:13-14;1 Kings 1:5-6

I’ll correct that behavior when they get older.

Mark 8:34-37;Ecclesiastes 12:13

Kids set the agenda for family.

Proverbs 22:6;2 Chronicles 17:3

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5. Which of these myths have you seen do the most damage to children in our world?


6. Looking back at your childhood, which of these myths did your parents believe and which did they reject?

7. If you’re a parent, which of these myths need busting in your home? If you’re not a parent, or your kids are grown, which myth would you encourage parents to focus on busting?

8. Parents, share one thing you’ll do this week to begin busting these myths in your home.

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Congratulations! You completed the I ❤︎ Series! It’s time to have some fun! Have a party and celebrate what God has done in and through your group the past five weeks. Our prayer is that after weeks of daily study of Scripture, after hearing solid weekend messages, and after a number of application-focused Community Group gatherings, you are seeing clearly how God has called us to love in our home, community, and church.

After completing this series, you and your Community Group will decide whether to continue or conclude.

1. CONTINUE: You have fulfilled your five-week commitment, but your group is welcome to do another Community Group series together. Consider participating in our next Community Group series this Spring. We will provide discussion guides, resources and ideas to help your group connect during this series.

2. CONCLUDE: Your group has chosen to stop gathering after the series. Celebrate what God did in your group and thank everyone for participating. If some members wish to continue while others choose not to, that is perfectly fine. You can always invite new friends to join the group. If you don’t know anyone to invite, please consider going to Group Connect, which takes place once a month at Compass. At Group Connect, you will have the chance to meet new people who are looking to get plugged into a Community Group. However, if some in the group want to continue, but the HOST is not going to fulfill that roll anymore, simply select a new HOST. A new HOST just needs to contact our Core Values team to sign up for a short orientation via email at [email protected] or via phone at (817) 906-1478 x296.

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My Community Group meets on:

________________ at ________________. (Day) (Time)





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In order to have a home, community and a church we love, we must understand the current condition, the people and the

potential. Only then will we assume responsibility and take ownership of how God has called us to love.

I ❤ My NeighborI ❤ My Church

I ❤ My HusbandI ❤ My WifeI ❤ My Kids

COLLEYVILLE | ROANOKEmycompasschurch.com