I h I A I ii- J MtbllcitrWits etoli88 buyWeeveryitemnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s4m919r19/data/0397.pdf ·...

ii w i I j = = = = = MT STERLING ADVOCATE WEpNESDAY DECEMBER 9 1503 I I 1 1 c pt fl IUt IUatipr izzlyir j 9TC I h it 1t ol I > w bIr 5th 1178 Mr Nel I ii- i S t J TnmVl MtbllcitrWits etoli88 Minnie B1rtlkeld 6f Lexington On r i Siiiortar jyjrif reriingof last week De- e c 4wr6th 1903 they celebrated thirIiver < Bedding at their home Of Nbrth May vilie street Fro- m8o11 6plook friends called to ex prNc their congratulations and good wishes The home which la alway attractive was on this oo eftfion resplendent with electric ligfrta waxen candles festoons of- smilax and mOM potted plants earBHttoiiB and roses enlivened by I the merry laugh and happy con reree of beautifully costumed wo j men and courtlymen JQlT Auld be difflcUlt to adequate lytftcribe the enchanting scene ThftnR1n o rc wuril iiuracy and dining room were thrown to = gejuerir Large f quantities of smiles piilc carnations and roses formed the decorations in the parlor with pink iBdl > tJucrYBtal candelabra TTrom the bay window festooned withiouthern smilax was suspen ¬ ded jthe original horse shoe and in- itials ¬ III TH surmounted bj th- erAtUdedat fi their marriage altar 0 1 1all is white Beneath this stood a througha Mrs Trimble wore a handsome gown of point desprit over white taffeta She carried brides roses and wore a veil with orange blos gains The groom wore the conven ¬ tional blaok Both looked young sad were happy J The hall was in red with an bundance of smilax and holly dretftr the stairway sat the harpist the riverXnf Louisville who dis the eurbin eet music sage of thjtary was in yellow chrys ing Audis and lighted with yellow own Judjn brass candlesticks Hero Caswfftests registered ha JJJJ archway between the I hall TSollTnlng l room was suspended a loldJof ho- llyIjrnd green were the colors room from the center chan ¬ delier in white tulle J andsmilarl ropes of green to 1 lwere sides of the room Beneath on a large EQUnd nahngany JSbTe with lace cover was the brides t cake a creation of artistic skill and g surpassing beauty It represented abasket of white roses and ribbons all ot handmade spun candy sur- rounded by silver candlesticks with white candles and silver shades At either end of cake was an ex e riujsite iilver vase the gift of the trUmsl uncle Frank Trimble of T feM y i hia fillm1wlth brides ro s- I ° v1a al i imids of candied fruits candy y in sets of bon bons and silver dishes of nuts completed the table rations I inJRIuoh interest was manifested t Een the ribbons were drawn Miss ringy tlliss Anna Johnsop the dime Miss tlnria Speck Thomson the thimble- s mil Robf < H rWinn the darning i If V delicious btffet supper was ved l Pretty ices formed into- s and snow balls rested in candy ts on silver leaves The cakes e the monogram of dates 1878 1 1903 in silver The favors ire silver hearts All of this was pared and served by the famous terer of Louisville Miss Jennie nedict who with her nine as fents arrived at 12 25 Saturday N Serawere 1 fully 100 presentsI f Jfufj beautiful artistic and ele = W aonsistlngof ice cream bowls sad trays candlesticks ladles ys vases1 bon bon nut and bak dishes cups jewel box salad forks spoons knives and forks jet And last but not least sntyflv6 new silver dollars fresh m the mint a gift from the ems lather he beautiful decorations were work of Miss Kate Corbett of i city assisted by Mr Clar- enceLh i hit was indeed a notable social btion At 11 oclock the guests J lk arted wishing for their V > 1 jy 11 terr AW X 1 p 4 OVHmber190a A Record SmRsher 1902beyond December The Greatest Month by Two Fold buyWe everyitem We sell HS M and- High Art Clothing LouisvilleChlca rVrSell 1 HANDMADE BOOTS and HIGH TOP I SHOES for Men and Boys w I Ask the men and boys wearing them if they do what we say they will We could go on to mention department by department and take our time but we are too busy just now for we are making ready to receive our Grpeat Stock Christmas Novelties Suspendezs ¬ Also Bath Robes Smoking Jackets and Sweaters r May we ask you to study the matter d me see for yourselftry us I We think youll help make December a great month for us and a happy one for you TELL YOUR FRIENDS OP US THUS DO THEM A GREAT FA- VORGuthrie Clothing m Largest btocK Lowest Prices Company Least Expenses Best Goods J The Peoples Place to Buy host and hostess many more years of happiness Among the guests were Mr and Mrs W LfcThrelkeld of Lex ingtonT B Threlkeld of Nich ulBCTilto j Mrs Zt T Moffett of Sharpsburg Mrs Mark Thomas of Middletown Ohio Mrs J Louis Hughes of Bloomfield Ky H P Thomson wife and daughter of Clark county Mrs 00 P Hugh art Grand Rapids Michigan Miss Lucretia A May Racine Wis Rev and Mrs H D Clark Mrs Alice Reed Turner Mr and Mrs J II E Jeph son Miss Mary H Tibbs Miss Mary E Turner Mr Robt H Winn Mr and Mrs J R Gatewood pr and Mrs Ben F Thomson Rev James Randolph Hobbs Miss Julia Morris Judge and Mrs G B Swango Rev Geo A Joplin Miss Mary L Joplin Mr an J Mrs Chas K Oldham Mrs C A Reed Mrs Emma L Chen ault Mrs Jennie R Robinson Mrs M A Gaitskilli J G Trimble Jr Miss Nannie E Reed Judge and Mrs H R French Mr and Mrs A M Bourne Mrs Ben R Turner Mrs Pierce Winn Mrs Mary Winn Lockridge Miss Elizabeth Duerson > Miss Margaret M Stephens Mr and Mrs Ben W Hall Mrs Jno C Thompson Mr and Mrs C C Turner Mrs RG Stoher Mr and Mrs B F Herriott Mr and Mrs C II Loveland Miss Anne Johnson Mr and Mrs Henry R Prewitt Mr and Mrs W S Lloyd Dr and Mrs Howard VanAntwerp Mr Iv T Chiles Mr and Mrs TF Rogers Mr and Mrs W A Sutton Miss Mary Ray Trimble Miss Mary Bruce Jones Mr and Mrs W P Guthrie Miss Minnie Leigh Horton Mr and Mrs A Sidney Johnson Mrs MdggieM Young Mr and Mrs Chas W Nesbitt Mr R A Mitch ¬ ell Mr and Mrs T B Rodman Mr J GT able Sr Mr and Mrs IF Tabb Mrs J S Herriott Mrs T K Barnes Mrs Nannie E Oldham Mr apdMrs Thos D Jones Mr and Mrs Strother D Mitchell Mrs Henry II Sanies Mr and Mrs Bruce W Trimble Judge J D Tip ton Judge find Mrs H Clay McKee Mrs L E Griggs Mrs M W Chow Mrs Robt Marshal Mrs J M nl staff Mrs Lewis App rson Miss Harriet R Apper son Mrs RobtM Trimble Miss Nannie White Wyatt Mr David Howell Mrs Georgia Turner Mr and Mrs H R Bright Mr R G Kern Mrs B F Cock rellMrs RD Barnes Miss Carrie An ¬ derson Mr and Mrs J E Grubbs Mrs C H Bryan Mrs Clayton Hnwe MUa l T < = 7c r < r Ar rt vanIsant I Chas DGrnhhatlrfcg Ells 0 Tumble Mrs J W Chenault Mrs Enoch Bruton Xmas goods at Guthrio Clo Gos vtis ae o SOCIAL EVENTS s s- A s- o Catlettsburg young man sent a ton of coal to his best girls house thus barring any objections her lather might make to his calls this winter Umbrellas for ladies and gentle men Hartings Main St opposite Court House Lexington 21 3t exenymrt- wcowCIIRI81IA8PBII8III Mr Thos J Douglas has at his store on West Main street a choice line of holiday goods The articles are not expensive yet they are quite useful At this store you may please the little ones with a beautiful doll Every little girl will want a doll The boys may get the thing most suited to their taste a wagon I a gun and the larger ones may have a nice cup and saucer a beautiful decorated individual plate and the mother may have a fine lamp salid dishesIn fact anything her heart may desire The trade is invited to Douglasholiday pure novelty candies also apples oran ¬ ges and bananas ESPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO BARGAINS ON THE 5 AND 10 CENT COUN ¬ TERS Clay Model of Goebel Ready Senator McCreary has been I1 formed by W W Adams of Lex ¬ ington who Is doing the granite work on the monument and Maret tit of New York who is to make the bronze statute of the late Gov ¬ ernor that the clay model is ready for the inspection of tho committee The Senator said that the monuI mcincluding the statue is to lie i tl l rflve foot high and will be- e i the handsomest in the State j adliThe r of Rum cndl tif Growth of Prohibition I I ti ti- I Iti J rr c oI I It L 8JCKB- rent Nunnelley who has been sick at J M Pickrells home in Winchester since Thanksgiving was brought homo Monday His trouble was packed bowels and for a while his condition was critical We are pleased to state that he is now out of danger though still eickJames H Freeman is very much improved from his spell of typhoid fever and is able to sit up for a short time Xmas goods at Guthrie Clo Cos Ladies Read I Some ladies of Lexington some ¬ times go to larger cities to do shop ping and some ladies from Mt Sterling sometimes go to other cities to make purchases To those who go to Lexington we wish to say that you should not fail to see- the very attractive dry goods house of Kaufman Straus Co Every thing is uptodate An inspection of their stock will be a revelation to you See on first page their ad- vertisement ¬ When you callon them say that you have seen their advertisement in the MT STERLING ADVOCATE If you cannot go write them for what you want 212 Calland see the sleds made by Clarence Hard in at Star Planing Mill Co 213t Newspaper advertising costs you too much when you try it today and stop it tomorrow says the Tampa Fla Tribune So would clerks cost you too much if you hired them for a day now and then Same with delivery wagons The Wheels of your business must never stop and the whole machinery is out of gear unless the big advertising wheel is always turning Islaad rinter Xmas goods at G le Co Cos I I I IToys for the children uociul and ornamental articles for older peo pie are in our stock 20 4t ROBKKTS MARTIN I iMARj E8 i I COMBSnOUTON Isaac W Combs of Campton and Miss Laura Morton of Right Angle Clark county were married in November ANNOUNCEMENT byDr announcing the marriage of their daughter Miss Eflle Lenora to Mr Chas Milton Durham at the More head Baptist Church Thursday December twentyfourth Miss Williams is a very popular young woman and Mr Durham is a suc- cessful ¬ young business man who will be cashier of the Sandy Hook Bank Sandy Hook Ky where they willreside after January let 1904 A nice selection of Candelabra at Hartings opposite Court House Lexington Ky 21 3t Xmas goods at Guthrie Clo Cos Elks Memorial The Elks Lodge of this city held its annual memorial services at Masonic Temple on Sunday after ¬ noon Mrs Wm Leverone presided at the organ Messrs Wm Lever ono Judge A A arid Thus Hazel rigg sang Rev H G Turner de- livered ¬ an interesting address The meeting was attended only by the members See Collector Yerkes report on tobacco and distilled spirits Hero are facts for observations Diamond Broooh Pins Hart inge Main street opposite Court- House Lexington Ky 21 3t p L 1 r 1 LAND STOCK AND CROP ITEMS I See sale of D L Smith in this issueFarmers and otherfolks should read of twofswindles described in this issue Medicine Dien4Lnnd Look Out for This On Friday Jno F Horton at his home near Spencer will sell live stock surrey harness household and kitchen furniture preparatory to moving to Indian Territory Strother DMitchell on Wednes ¬ day returned from his Western trip He has decided to locate at Allen Lyon county Kansas While there he purchased 300 cattle He will be associated with his uncle ES Jameson who has bought 3300 acres of land in that county about 100 miles west of Kansas City ulo See his advertisement of sale in this issue On the New York Cotton >Ex- change on Thursday December cot ¬ ton sold at 1232 Jauuury 1240 March 1259 Great excitement b prevailed the advance being 910e above close Two million bale soldJ A Cowdery a prominent stock man of Lyons Kansas has been ini this county and Bourbon for sev- eral ¬ days buying jacks and horses He bought five fine jacks paying from 400 to 600 for them Ho bought a weanling colt from Asa Bean by Cecil Wilkes at 200 and a 3year old filly at 175 4 I Xmas goods at Guthrie Clo Cos I Tour of All Mexico Via Iron Mountain Route under escort of Reau Campbell Manager The American Tourist Association Quincy Building 113 Adams St Chicago Selected clientele lim- it u > All exclusive privileges in ¬ dependent travel Special Pullman r tibuledtrain druwroom compartment library and m 1Vl room with the largest dining carts in the world and the famous open top observation car Chililitli Special baggage car Tickets in ¬ elude all expenses everywhere For information address A A Galla ¬ gher D P A 419 Walnut elruet Cincinnati Ohio or H C Town send G P and T A St Louie Mo Xmas goods at Guthrie Clo Cos Our choice selection of Xmas goods has been received and will soon be ready for your inspection 20 4t ROBERTS A MASTIN Yee you will call on Victor Bo gaort when you go to Lexington if you want the late and nice designs in jewelry oil paintings and other domestic and imported wares See his ad 20 tf The Rummage Sale 1 The rummage sale opposite P 0 Friday and Friday night Sat ¬ urday and Saturday night Deceml ber 11 and 12 20 2t Silver Comb Brush and Mirror in different patterns at Hartings Main street opposite Court House Lexington Ky 21 8t On Saturday afternoon another theatrical company cancelled its evening engagement at the Frank ¬ fort Opera House on account of effect produced by the religious service by Evangelist Strouse Xmas goods at Guthrie Clo Cos DR FENNERS KIDNEY an- dBackache ormdneysCUREBladder I I Dont become discouraged There is a cure for you If necessary write lr Fonnor lie has spout a llfo tine curing just such cases as yours All consultoUous A gravel lodged lu my bladder Aftci using a few bottlus of lr Fouuurs Kldnos and uackac Cure Ia gravel halt a < largo as a marble Tho medicine prevented further formations 1 I was cured- WTOAKES Orrlx Va Druggists 60o II Ask for Cook BookFree < tT IiUSDANCEounorrFrredonlnNY 11 > Ti > 1 x

Transcript of I h I A I ii- J MtbllcitrWits etoli88 buyWeeveryitemnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s4m919r19/data/0397.pdf ·...

Page 1: I h I A I ii- J MtbllcitrWits etoli88 buyWeeveryitemnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7s4m919r19/data/0397.pdf · 2014. 2. 19. · ii w i I j MT STERLING ADVOCATE WEpNESDAY DECEMBER 9 1503 I I 1


II 1 1 c

ptfl IUt IUatipr izzlyirj 9TCIh it1t olI>w bIr 5th 1178 Mr Nel

I ii-

iSt J TnmVl MtbllcitrWits

etoli88 MinnieB1rtlkeld 6f Lexington On


i Siiiortarjyjrif

reriingof last week De-

e c 4wr6th 1903 they celebrated

thirIiver< Bedding at their home

Of Nbrth May vilie street Fro-m8o11 6plook friends called to exprNc their congratulations andgood wishes The home which laalway attractive was on this oo

eftfion resplendent with electricligfrta waxen candles festoons of-

smilax and mOM potted plantsearBHttoiiB and roses enlivened by

I the merry laugh and happy conreree of beautifully costumed wo

j men and courtlymenJQlT Auld be difflcUlt to adequate

lytftcribe the enchanting sceneThftnR1n orc wuril iiuracyand dining room were thrown to

= gejuerir Largef quantities of smilespiilc carnations and roses formedthe decorations in the parlor withpink iBdl >tJucrYBtal candelabra

TTrom the bay window festoonedwithiouthern smilax was suspen ¬

ded jthe original horse shoe and in-


III TH surmounted bj th-erAtUdedatfi their marriage altar

011all is white Beneath this stood

athroughaMrs Trimble wore a handsome

gown of point desprit over whitetaffeta She carried brides rosesand wore a veil with orange blosgains The groom wore the conven ¬

tional blaok Both looked youngsad were happy J

The hall was in red with anbundance of smilax and holly

dretftr the stairway sat the harpistthe riverXnf Louisville who disthe eurbin eet musicsage of thjtary was in yellow chrysing Audis and lighted with yellowown Judjn brass candlesticks HeroCaswfftests registered

ha JJJJ archway between the IhallTSollTnlngl room was suspended a

loldJof ho-

llyIjrndgreen were the colorsroom

from the center chan ¬

delier in white tulleJ andsmilarlropes of green to

1 lwere sides of the room Beneathon a large EQUnd nahngany

JSbTe with lace cover was the bridest cake a creation of artistic skill and

g surpassing beauty It representedabasket of white roses and ribbonsall ot handmade spun candy sur-

rounded by silver candlesticks withwhite candles and silver shadesAt either end of cake was an ex


riujsite iilver vase the gift of thetrUmsl uncle Frank Trimble ofT feMyi hia fillm1wlth brides ro s-

I °v1a aliimids of candied fruits candy

y in sets of bon bons and silver

dishes of nuts completed the tablerations

I iinJRIuoh interest was manifestedt Een the ribbons were drawn Missringytlliss Anna Johnsop the dime Miss

tlnria Speck Thomson the thimble-s mil Robf < H rWinn the darning

i IfV delicious btffet supper wasved lPretty ices formed into-

s and snow balls rested in candyts on silver leaves The cakese the monogram of dates 1878

1 1903 in silver The favorsire silver hearts All of this waspared and served by the famousterer of Louisville Miss Jennienedict who with her nine as

fents arrived at 12 25 SaturdayN Serawere1 fully 100 presentsI

f Jfufj beautiful artistic and ele

= Waonsistlngof ice cream bowls

sad trays candlesticks ladlesys vases1 bon bon nut and bakdishes cups jewel box salad

forks spoons knives and forks

jet And last but not leastsntyflv6 new silver dollars fresh

m the mint a gift from theems latherhe beautiful decorations werework of Miss Kate Corbett of

i city assisted by Mr Clar-enceLh i

hit was indeed a notable socialbtion At 11 oclock the guests

Jlk arted wishing for theirV >

1 jy 11 terrAWX1


OVHmber190a A Record SmRsher

1902beyondDecember The Greatest Month by Two FoldbuyWeeveryitemWe sell H S M and-High Art Clothing

LouisvilleChlcarVrSell1 HANDMADE BOOTS and HIGH TOPI SHOES for Men and Boys

w IAsk the men and boys wearing them if they do what we say they will We could go on to mentiondepartment by department and take our time but we are too busy just now for we are makingready to receive our

Grpeat Stock Christmas NoveltiesSuspendezs¬

Also Bath Robes Smoking Jackets and Sweatersr

May we ask you to study the matter d me see for yourselftry us I We think youll help makeDecember a great month for us and a happy one for you TELL YOUR FRIENDS OP USTHUS DO THEM A GREAT FA-

VORGuthrie Clothing m

Largest btocK Lowest PricesCompany Least Expenses Best Goods J

The Peoples Place to Buy

host and hostess many more yearsof happiness

Among the guests were Mr

and Mrs W LfcThrelkeld of Lex

ingtonT B Threlkeld of NichulBCTilto j Mrs Zt T Moffett of

Sharpsburg Mrs Mark Thomas of

Middletown Ohio Mrs J LouisHughes of Bloomfield Ky H PThomson wife and daughter of

Clark county Mrs 00 P Hugh

art Grand Rapids Michigan MissLucretia A May Racine WisRev and Mrs H D Clark Mrs Alice

Reed Turner Mr and Mrs J II E Jephson Miss Mary H Tibbs Miss Mary ETurner Mr Robt H Winn Mr and Mrs

J R Gatewood pr and Mrs Ben FThomson Rev James Randolph HobbsMiss Julia Morris Judge and Mrs G B

Swango Rev Geo A Joplin Miss Mary

L Joplin Mr an J Mrs Chas K Oldham

Mrs C A Reed Mrs Emma L Chen

ault Mrs Jennie R Robinson Mrs MA Gaitskilli J G Trimble Jr Miss

Nannie E Reed Judge and Mrs H RFrench Mr and Mrs A M Bourne Mrs

Ben R Turner Mrs Pierce Winn Mrs

Mary Winn Lockridge Miss ElizabethDuerson > Miss Margaret M Stephens Mrand Mrs Ben W Hall Mrs Jno C

Thompson Mr and Mrs C C TurnerMrs RG Stoher Mr and Mrs B FHerriott Mr and Mrs C II LovelandMiss Anne Johnson Mr and Mrs HenryR Prewitt Mr and Mrs W S LloydDr and Mrs Howard VanAntwerp MrIv T Chiles Mr and Mrs T F RogersMr and Mrs W A Sutton Miss MaryRay Trimble Miss Mary Bruce Jones Mrand Mrs W P Guthrie Miss MinnieLeigh Horton Mr and Mrs A Sidney

Johnson Mrs MdggieM Young Mr andMrs Chas W Nesbitt Mr R A Mitch ¬

ell Mr and Mrs T B Rodman Mr JGT able Sr Mr and Mrs I F TabbMrs J S Herriott Mrs T K Barnes

Mrs Nannie E Oldham Mr apdMrsThos D Jones Mr and Mrs Strother D

Mitchell Mrs Henry II Sanies Mr andMrs Bruce W Trimble Judge J D Tipton Judge find Mrs H Clay McKee Mrs

L E Griggs Mrs M W Chow MrsRobt Marshal Mrs J M nl staff Mrs

Lewis App rson Miss Harriet R Apperson Mrs RobtM Trimble Miss NannieWhite Wyatt Mr David Howell MrsGeorgia Turner Mr and Mrs H RBright Mr R G Kern Mrs B F Cock

rellMrs RD Barnes Miss Carrie An ¬

derson Mr and Mrs J E Grubbs MrsC H Bryan Mrs Clayton Hnwe MUal

T <=

7c r <


Ar rt


Chas DGrnhhatlrfcg Ells 0 TumbleMrs J W Chenault Mrs Enoch Bruton

Xmas goods at Guthrio Clo Gos

vtis ae o





Catlettsburg young man sent aton of coal to his best girls housethus barring any objections herlather might make to his calls thiswinter

Umbrellas for ladies and gentlemen Hartings Main St oppositeCourt House Lexington 21 3t


Mr Thos J Douglas has at his store onWest Main street a choice line of holidaygoods The articles are not expensiveyet they are quite useful At this storeyou may please the little ones with abeautiful doll Every little girl will wanta doll The boys may get the thing mostsuited to their taste a wagon

Ia gun and

the larger ones may have a nice cup andsaucer a beautiful decorated individualplate and the mother may have a finelamp salid dishesIn fact anything herheart may desire The trade is invited to

Douglasholidaypure novelty candies also apples oran ¬




Clay Model of Goebel Ready

Senator McCreary has been I1formed by W W Adams of Lex¬

ington who Is doing the granitework on the monument and Marettit of New York who is to makethe bronze statute of the late Gov ¬

ernor that the clay model is readyfor the inspection of tho committeeThe Senator said that the monuImcincluding the statue is to lie



rflve foot high and will be-

e i the handsomest in the Statej

adliTher ofRum cndl

tif Growth of ProhibitionI





rr coII ItL 8JCKB-

rent Nunnelley who has beensick at J M Pickrells home inWinchester since Thanksgivingwas brought homo Monday Histrouble was packed bowels and fora while his condition was criticalWe are pleased to state that he isnow out of danger though still

eickJamesH Freeman is very much

improved from his spell of typhoidfever and is able to sit up for ashort time

Xmas goods at Guthrie Clo Cos

Ladies Read I

Some ladies of Lexington some ¬

times go to larger cities to do shopping and some ladies from MtSterling sometimes go to othercities to make purchases To thosewho go to Lexington we wish tosay that you should not fail to see-

the very attractive dry goods houseof Kaufman Straus Co Everything is uptodate An inspectionof their stock will be a revelationto you See on first page their ad-


When you callonthem say that you have seen theiradvertisement in the MT STERLING

ADVOCATE If you cannot go writethem for what you want 212

Calland see the sleds made byClarence Hard in at Star PlaningMill Co 213t

Newspaper advertising costs youtoo much when you try it today andstop it tomorrow says the TampaFla Tribune So would clerks costyou too much if you hired them fora day now and then Same withdelivery wagons The Wheels ofyour business must never stop andthe whole machinery is out of gearunless the big advertising wheel isalways turning Islaad rinter

Xmas goods at G le Co Cos



IIToys for the children uociul andornamental articles for older peopie are in our stock


I iMARj E8 iI


Isaac W Combs of Camptonand Miss Laura Morton of RightAngle Clark county were marriedin November

ANNOUNCEMENTbyDrannouncing the marriage of theirdaughter Miss Eflle Lenora to MrChas Milton Durham at the Morehead Baptist Church ThursdayDecember twentyfourth MissWilliams is a very popular youngwoman and Mr Durham is a suc-cessful


young business man whowill be cashier of the Sandy HookBank Sandy Hook Ky where theywillreside after January let 1904

A nice selection of Candelabra atHartings opposite Court HouseLexington Ky 21 3t

Xmas goods at Guthrie Clo Cos

Elks MemorialThe Elks Lodge of this city held

its annual memorial services atMasonic Temple on Sunday after ¬

noon Mrs Wm Leverone presidedat the organ Messrs Wm Leverono Judge A A arid Thus Hazelrigg sang Rev H G Turner de-


an interesting address Themeeting was attended only by themembers

See Collector Yerkes report ontobacco and distilled spirits Heroare facts for observations

Diamond Broooh Pins Hartinge Main street opposite Court-House Lexington Ky 21 3t





See sale of D L Smith in this

issueFarmersand otherfolks should

read of twofswindles described inthis issue Medicine Dien4LnndLook Out for This

On Friday Jno F Horton at hishome near Spencer will sell livestock surrey harness householdand kitchen furniture preparatoryto moving to Indian Territory

Strother DMitchell on Wednes ¬

day returned from his Western tripHe has decided to locate at AllenLyon county Kansas While therehe purchased 300 cattle He willbe associated with his uncle ESJameson who has bought 3300acres of land in that county about100 miles west of Kansas City uloSee his advertisement of sale inthis issue

On the New York Cotton >Ex-change on Thursday December cot ¬

ton sold at 1232 Jauuury 1240March 1259 Great excitement


prevailed the advance being 910eabove close Two million balesoldJ

A Cowdery a prominent stockman of Lyons Kansas has beeninithis county and Bourbon for sev-eral


days buying jacks and horsesHe bought five fine jacks payingfrom 400 to 600 for them Hobought a weanling colt from AsaBean by Cecil Wilkes at 200 anda 3year old filly at 175 4


Xmas goods at Guthrie Clo CosI

Tour of All Mexico

Via Iron Mountain Route underescort of Reau Campbell ManagerThe American Tourist AssociationQuincy Building 113 Adams StChicago Selected clientele lim-

it u >All exclusive privileges in ¬

dependent travel Special Pullmanr tibuledtrain druwroom

compartment library and m 1Vlroom with the largest dining cartsin the world and the famous opentop observation car ChililitliSpecial baggage car Tickets in ¬

elude all expenses everywhere Forinformation address A A Galla ¬

gher D P A 419 Walnut elruetCincinnati Ohio or H C Townsend G P and T A St LouieMo

Xmas goods at Guthrie Clo Cos

Our choice selection of Xmasgoods has been received and willsoon be ready for your inspection


Yee you will call on Victor Bogaort when you go to Lexington ifyou want the late and nice designsin jewelry oil paintings and otherdomestic and imported wares Seehis ad 20 tf

The Rummage Sale 1

The rummage sale opposite P0 Friday and Friday night Sat¬

urday and Saturday night Decemlber 11 and 12 20 2t

Silver Comb Brush and Mirrorin different patterns at HartingsMain street opposite Court HouseLexington Ky 21 8t

On Saturday afternoon anothertheatrical company cancelled itsevening engagement at the Frank ¬

fort Opera House on account ofeffect produced by the religiousservice by Evangelist Strouse

Xmas goods at Guthrie Clo Cos





Dont become discouraged There is acure for you If necessary write lr Fonnorlie has spout a llfo tine curing just suchcases as yours All consultoUous

A gravel lodged lu my bladder Aftciusing a few bottlus of lr Fouuurs Kldnosand uackac CureIa gravel halt a<

largo as a marble Tho medicine preventedfurther formations 1I was cured-

WTOAKES Orrlx VaDruggists 60o II Ask for Cook BookFree<tT IiUSDANCEounorrFrredonlnNY11 >

Ti > 1
