i Gcse 21 Crossword Mains Electricity

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Transcript of i Gcse 21 Crossword Mains Electricity

Forces & Friction

IGCSE 2.1 Mains Electricity Crossword


1. Can be caused by non safe procedure

2. Neutral wire

4. Blue wire

5. Live wire

8. Type of electricity supplied to our homes

9. Type of automatic switch

11. Power in W with 5A and 10V

13. Turns on and off

19. Volts with 20W and 5A

20. Power unit

21. Resists current flow

23. One way current

24. Current in A with 80W and 10V

25. Collection of wires carrying a current


1. Insulation with two layers

3. The flow of electricity

6. A safety wire

7. Of paramount importance with the mains

10. Current times voltage

12. Like friction

14. An effect of current

15. Safety device that blows

16. Not direct

17. What electricity can give one

18. Mains is 230

22. The dangerous wire

26. Kept in place by the grip of a plug