I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969

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Transcript of I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969

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    Approved for public release; distribution isunlimited.

    Distribution authorized to U.S. Gov't. agenciesand their contractors;Administrative/Operational Use; 31 JUL 1969.Other requests shall be referred to AssistantChief of Staff for Force Development (Army),Washington, DC 20310.

    AGO D/A ltr dtd 29 Apr 1980 AGO D/A ltr dtd 29Apr 1980

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969



  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969


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  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969



    A G D A (M ) (8ct b9)


    WASMINQTOtf...(Mi-4WU1 4October1969


    FOK|OT*UT-69317Ql(SUBJECT: O p a L 'iMw* Mepee KlLe ssUSearned, Headquarters, I FieldForceVietnamArtillery^-T^i|eMBB^_li_UI|iJilllllUJ

    tii'heNational.- of the

    SEEISTRIBUTION 7y4# :i 'lJ. c-'jnteata

    ... :-v...LitodBopic.*iuuyjuiiiii- tobyaw."

    1 .ubjectreporti sforwardedforreviewan devaluation: naccordancewichparagraph5 b ,A R525-15. Evaluationsan dcorrectiveactionsshouldbereportedtoA C S FO R OTUT,OperationalReportsBranch,within90dayso freceipto fcoveringletter.2 .nformationcontainedi nthisreportisprovidedtoinsureappropriatebenefitsi nth efuturefromlessonslearnedduringcurrentoperationsan dbeadaptedforusei ndevelopingtrainingmaterial.

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  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969



    C O N F I D E N T I A L DISTRIBUTION(Cont'd)USArmyOrdnanceSchoolUS ArmySignalSchoolUSArmySoutheasternSignalSchool

    USArmyTransportationSchoolCopiesfurnished:Office,ChiefofStaff,USArmyDeputyChiefsofStaffChiefofResearchan dDevelopmentAssistantChiefsofStaffChiefofEngineersOSD(SA)AssistantforSoutheastAsiaForcesDirector,DefenseResearchandEngineeringOffice,JointChiefsofStaffCommandingGeneral, FieldForceVietnamArtilleryCommandantoftheMarineCorpsSeniorArmyRepresentative,MarineCorpsDevelopment&EducationCommandDirector,WeaponsSystemsEvaluationGroupDefenseDocumentationCenterSecurityOfficer,HudsonInstituteCommandingOfficersUSArmyLimitedWarLaboratoryUSArmyLogistics,DoctrineSystems&ReadinessAgencyUSArmyMobilityEquipmentResearch&DevelopmentCenter

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    fC O N F I D E N T I A L

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969


    CONFIDENTIAL DEPARTMENTOP THE ARM!HeadquartersIFieldPorceVietnamArtilleryAPO SanFrancisco96350

    AVFiUAT-DSU&JECTtperationalReportofHeadquarteraandHeadquarteraB a t t e r y ,IPleld PorceVietnam Artilleryf o rPeriod1May t o3 1July1 9 6 9( U )


    1 .ECTIONI tC )ignificantorganisation or unit activitiesa .E N S R A L turingt h ereporting period,I FFORCEV Artycontinuedsupport of A R V N ,R F / P F ,R C K ,US an d SSP/COG forces inIIC T Z ,heIFFORCEVArty organisationaa oft h e closeoft h e period is as outlinedin inclosure1 *hreegroups,twoseparatebattalions,on eseparatebattery andt e n detachaentssupported operations conductedb y allied man-euver units in areas of operations( A 0 ) 'indicated b e l o w :IF O R C E VArtv ifi41stAr t y p(7/13)(7/15)(6/84)

    22d R V NivC sp O KInfDiv173dA bnde


    52dArtyO p (3/6)(6/14)(V17)(1/92)

    24th R V N TZ 4thInfDiv DanQuyen/HineaMarshall

    ProvisionalAr t yO p (5/22)(5/27)23d R V NDivTask .Forceouth DanAn/Sheridan

    6t hBn, 2dArty 22d R V NDivCAP O Knfiv9th C KnfDiv GRID9th O KInfDiv

    -S e enclosurefORrorG R O U P4


  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969


    CONFIDENTIALS U B J E C T tO p e r a t i o n a l R a p o r t of H e a d q u a r t e r s a n d H a a d q u a r t a r aB a t t e r y ,I

    F i e l dF o r e V i e t n a m A r t i l l e r y f o r P e r i o d 1 N a y t o3 1J u l y1 9 6 9( 0 )T h e 4 t h f e ,6 0 t h A r t y( A H ) ( S P ) ,w i t h a t t a c h e d B t r yB ,2 9 t h ( S L T ) a n dB t r y I ,4 1 a t A r t y ( H G ) ,a n d H H B ,8th E t a ,2 6 t h A r t y ( T A B ) w i t h e l e v e n a t t a c h e d c o u n t e r -a o r t a rr a d a r d e t a c h m e n t s c o n t i n u e d o p e r a t i o n i n s u p p o r t o f a l l i e df o r o e at h r o u g h o u t I I C T Z

    b .n t e l l i g e n c e !( 1 )o a t i l ea r t i l l e r y a t t a o k e d u r i n g t h ep e r i o d r e a c h e d ah i g h p o i n to n 1 1 - 1 2 N a y w h e n t h ee n e m yc o n d u c t e d 7 3 a t t a o k ea n d e x p e n d e d1 1 6 7 r o u n d si n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h t h eb e g i n n i n g p h a s e o f t h eS u m m e rO f f e n s i v e .n e m ya c t i v i t y c o n t i n u e d a t ah i g h l e v e ld u r i n g t h em o n t h w i t h t h e m a j o r i t y o ft h ea c t i v i t yc o n c e n t r a t e d i n t h eD a k T o -B e n H e t a r e a o f t h eD A NQ U I E N-H I N 1 S S A 0 .T h ee n e m y ' s i n t e n s ea r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t y c o n t i n u e d i n t o J u n e ,c o n c e n t r a t i n g o n t h es a n e a r e a .T h e l a s t t w o w e e k s o f J u n es a w t h ee n e m ym a a s h i s a r t i l l e r y a c t i v i t ye n t i r e l y o n B e n H e t i n h o p e so f i s o l a t i n g t h e

    c a m p a n d e v e n t u a l l y o v e r r u n n i n g i t .T h i s t a c t i c f a i l i n g ,t h ee n e m y w i t h -d r e w f r o m t h ea r e a a t t h ee n d o f J u n ea n d h a s r e m a i n e d a b s e n t t h r o u g h o u t J u l y .D u r i n g t h e p e r i o d 8 May - 3 0 J u n e ,t h e e n e m y c o n d u c t e d 3 5 3 a t t a c k s a n d e x p e n d e d 4 7 6 5 r o u n d s a g a i n s t D a k T o -B e n H e t .v e r a l la c t i v i t y d e -c r e a s e d c o n s i d e r a b l y d u r i n g t h e m o n t h o f J u l y ,w i t h t h e r e p o r t e d newo f f e n s i v e n e v e r m a t e r i a l i z i n g .T h ef i r s t t w ow e e k so f J u l y o b s e r v e d i n -c r e a s e ds t a n d o f f a c t i v i t y i n t h e P h a n T h i e t a r e a o f B i n n T h u a n P r o v i n c ew h i c h a c c o u n t e d f o r o v e r2 5 % o f t h e a t t a c k s w i t h i n I IC T Z d u r i n gt h e m o n t h . T h el a c ko f a c t i v i t y d u r i n g J u l yc a n p r o b a b l yb ea t t r i b u t e dt ot h ei n -a b i l i t y o f t h e e n e m y t om a i n t a i nac o n t i n u o u s f l o w o f s u p p l i e s a n d a m -m u n i t i o n t o u n i t s l o c a t e d t h r o u g h o u t I I C T Z . ( 2 )T h e e n e m y a r t i l l e r yc a p a b i l i t y r e m a i n e dt h es a m ea s t h ep r e v i o u sq u a r t e r w i t h n o n e w e n e m y a r t i l l e r y u n i t s b e i n g i d e n t i f i e d .( 3 )E n e m y a r t i l l e r y a t t a c k s a n d e x p e n d i t u r e s ( D a i l y A v e r a g e )t h r o u g h -o u t I IC T Z f o r t h e r e p o r t i n g p e r i o da r e i n d i c a t e d b e l o w t

    m s s &m a a f l m im/mM a y34 0J u n e68 0J u l y7( 4 )T h ee n e m yc o n t i n u e d t o e m p l o y t h e8 5 m m g u n w i t h i n I IC T Z p r i m a r i l yi n t h eB e n H e t a r e a .B e n H e t r e c e i v e d 6 4 a t t a c k s i n w h i c h t h ae n e m ye x p e n d -e d1 0 4 0 r o u n d s d u r i n g t h a r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d . ( 5 )D u r i n g t h e q u a r t e rt h e r e w e r e5 8 7 r o u n d s o f 1 2 2 m m r o c k e t f i r e d a t f r i e n d l y i n s t a l l a t i o n s i n 7 0 s e p a r a t ea t t a c k s .T h i s t o t a l i n c l u d e s r o u n d sw i t h d e l a yf u s e s w h i c h w e r ee m p l o y e d i n t h eD a k T o a r e a w i t h d e v a s t a t i n ge f f e c t i v e n e s s . 2

    T n c l


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    CO lN lF lD tNT IALA V FA - A T - DSUBJECT:perationalReport of HeadquartersandHeadquartersBattery,IFieldForceVietnamArtilleryfo rPeriod1Mayto3 1July1969( U )

    ( 6 )uringth eperiod,therewere4attacksin which1 1roundof140mmrocketwereemployedintheFlelku area.heseareth efirst attacksofHOmmrocketsinth eCentralHighlands.

    ( 7 )adarOperations.(a)recentadditiontotheradarassetsofIICTZisth eAN/TP3-25GroundSurveillanceRadar.FFORCEVrecentlyreceivedtw odetachmentsconsistingofone( 1 )officerand6EM each.hesesetsare presentlydeployedatLZSherry(PhanThiet)andUUplift(LEEA0).he272ndF ARadarDetachmentlocatedat LZSherryhas made numeroussightingswhichfriendlyartilleryhasengagedtorestrictth eenemy'smovementaroundth efirebase.( b )uringth eperiod1May69through3 1Jul69th eenemyconducted

    atotalof346standoffattackswithinrangeofoperationalcounter-mortarradarsthroughoutIICTZ.ountermortar radarsmade locations in 1 08in-stancesfo raeffectivenessof5 1percent.breakdownbymonth follows:MONTH OT ALATT ACKSERCENTAGEMay 35 0$June 55 4%July 6 8 %( c )MReffectivenessincreasedoverth epreviousreportingperiodwhichca nbeattributedtotheintenseactivityin th eDAK TO-BENHETareaandconcentrationofCMRassets inthatarea.( d )heAN/TPS-25GroundSurveillance Radarhasbeeninstrumentalinrestrictingenemymovementinthe PhanThiet area.saresultoftheradardetections snd quickartilleryreactionth eenemy's capabilitytomove atwillhasbeenseverely limited.c .perationsandTrainingActivities(1)perations( a )uringthereportingperiod,artillery unitswithIFFO R C E Vcon-tinuedsupportofARVN,ROK,US,RF/PF,RDTeamsan d USSF/CIDGforcesInII CTZ.F FO R C E VArtilleryunitscontinuedsupport ofIFFGRCEV maneuverforces1Aprovidingmaximumparticipationin pacification,fireplanning,an dartilleryprotectionfo rth e greatestnumber ofvillagessndhamletsin theII CTZ.Btry,3dB n ,6thArtywaspermanently attachedto5th

    Bn,27thArty in ordertoprovideadditionallight artillerysupporttoTF South.3


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    CONHDEN T I A LA V FA - A T - DSUBJECT:perationalReportofHeadquartersan dHeadquartersBattery,IFieldForceVietnamartilleryfo rPeriod1Mayto3 1July1969( U )

    ( b )reasofresponsibilitiesremainedunchangedwithth egroupscon-tinuingtooperateintheirAO*s.orcommandandcontrolpurposes,C/7/15wa sattachedtemporarilyto3/6 Arty( - ) .

    ( 2 )ireSupportCoordinationElement(a)avalGunfiresupportfo rIICT Zwasprovidedby an average oftwoshipseachday.hefollowingis asummary ofnavalgunfiresupport:M I SSI ONSARGETSOUNDS

    4 05,1335, 8 17(b)uringthereportingperiod,a dailyaverageof 6 8immediatereactionand hangfiretargetswere developed;ofwhich,adailyaverageof 47werefired.hefollowing is asummary oftargetsdevelopedan dfired:

    IMMEDIATEREACTION HANGFIRE O T H E RDEVELOPED:2948 223FIRED:703714 8(c)uringthequarters,IF FO R C E V FS C Eissueda dailyaverageof 9175mmgunsuppressionsfo r ARCLIGHTS.( d )he areaharassmentprogram,established 1March69,hasbeendevelopedintoaworkingapplication of th eprincipleofwar-economy offorce.riticalevaluationofintelligence,knowledgeofenemyhabits andeffectiveemployment ofavailable firepowerresourceshaveharassed theenemyin hisbaseareasan dsanctuaries.urrentlythe programmonitors1 3areas, of which7arebeingtargeted.t hadbeennoticedthattheenemy movedtothe maximumrangelimitsofartillery and navalguns seek-ingnewsecureareas*sintelligence provideshis position,ai rstrikesaredirectedagainst hisforcesserving toeffectively dispersehis forces,to preventenemy build-upfor the attackan dto denyhimthesanctuariesneededtoconducttraining,resupply,andcommandactivities.s Intelli-genceindicatesenemyactivitymoving out of adefinedareaofharassment,th eareaismovedtoencompassth enew areaofenemyactivity.veryfivedaysth eentire program is reevaluatedtoselectnew priorities of engage-mentandtoconsider proposalsfo rrelocation ofareas.hefollowingIsth eFireSupport Summary 1May -31Jul69s

    4 / sS O R T I E Ssatsmim )122 67,200CONF I DEN T I A L

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    CONFIDENTIAL AVF* -AT -DS U B J E C T : Operationale p o r tofHeadquartersndHeadquartersBattery, I FieldFo r c eietnamArtilleryforPeriod a yo1uly 969U )

    (e) Aotalf1 5R C L I G H T targetswer etruckwith051ircraftduringhequarter. Thefollowings ummaryofprovinceupportbyt yp ef R C L I G H T t WWS& T A R G E T S M2SBAI2 BinhDinh BinhThanh KhanhHoaKontum Pleiku


    1A 2 18

    33 24677291 171 926

    imm TARGgTS AIBGBJBBinhOinh Kontum Pleiku


    55 66 2u 125 ( f )hree new AMCCareahavebeenestablishedin I I CTZ bringing thetotalt o 2 3 operationala r e a s .woworkingconferences werehelda t Head-quarters MACV by direction ofthe Joint Air Operations G r o u p .ttendeeswerecharged with theresponsibility of revising MACV Directive 95*13*working group will be assembled at I FFORCEV toinclude Army and Air Forcepersonnel from U S ,A R V N ,andRORforces.he purpose ofthisgroup will

    b e t ostudyandrevaluatet h e present I I Corpss y s t e m ,exchangean under-standingofgeographicalandtacticalconsiderations peculiar t oalliedoperationsthroughoutI ICorps,andt o discussthe proposed directivei nan attempt to anticipate problem areas an d develop solutions prior topublication ofthedirectiveby M A C V ,( 3 )raining.( a )heI FFORCEV Arty Forward Observer Training Course( F O T C ) andt h e FireDirection Officer Training Course(FDOTC)continued t otrainartil-lery Lieutenantsandother US an d RVHAF personnel1Twoseparateprograms of Instructionsare being conducted toaccom-modatet h e various personnel receiving forwardobservertrainings5 da ycourseconducted forartilleryLieutenante end A R T S * personnel; a 4 hour livefiringexercisefor RF/PF RangerS c h o o l *totalof3 3 ARVNpersonneland130 US personnelgraduated from the two courses


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    CONFIDENTIAL AVTA-AT-DSUBJECTiperationalReportofHeadquarteraandHeadquartersBattery,IFieldForce?ietnaa\ArtilleryforPeriod1Hayto3 1July1969( 0 )

    heFireDirectionOfficerTrainingCourae(FDOTC)graduated09officersand23enliatadsenduringth ethreemonthperiod2heFAD ACAssistanceTeascomposedof1enlisted nan,and1civiliantechnicalrepresentstirevisitedelevenbatteryelseelementspresentinginstruction onthetacticalandtechnicaluseoftheFieldArtilleryDigitalAutomatic Computerduring thequarter(b)rtilleryAssistancetoRVMAFX RVXAF assistanceprogramscontinuedtoshowprogress duringthereportingperiod.urveycontrolhas beenextendedto most ARVMartillery

    positionsandadvanceshavebeenmadeinthetransmissionofmeteorologicalmessages toARVMartilleryunits*onsequently anincreaseintheuse ofMET plusVEcorrectionsbyARVMartilleryhasbeennotedg Increasedemphasis has been placedonartilleryassistancetoRF/PFunits,RDTeamsandP 8 D F ieldgradeartillerycommandershavebeenassignedspecificdistrictsInwhich toimplementartilleryassistanceCurrent goalsaretoreviewandstrengthenallterritorialforcefireplans,toincreaseth elevelof trainedforwardobservers sadtogeneratemorefiremissions fromterritorialforceunits2s a partoftheacceleratedPhaseIIplanfor S V N A F ImprovementandModernisation,6thE t o ,8 4 thArty has beensenednledforturnovertothe ARVM

    45thArty E n . pprovaloftheturnoverwasgrantedayMACVon 2April1969BtryCcompletedturnoverofits equipmenton1 8April1969tryBandBtryAaccomplishedturnoveron 1 5Junesad14Julyrespectively(4)ther(a)rtillery SafetyheArtillery SafetySectionprocessedseven(7)IIFORGEVArtillery sadsix(6)4 thDivision Artillery reports of In-vestigationinvolvingartilleryaccidents/incidentsduringthisthroe monthperiodheSafety Sectionwas theproponentoftherevised IF F O R CB CReg-ulation20-3,publishedon5 May 1969*omesignificant provisions ofthisregulationwere(a)afinalletterreportbe sentto USARV insteadofthecomplete reportofinvestigation,( b )officialfile forreportsofinvesti-gationbemaintainedatdivision,artillerygroup,andseparatebrigadelevel,and(e)responsibility for processingmortaraccident/incidentre-portsofinvestigationbegivento03IFFORCEV.nMsy 1969,the SafetyOfficerinitiatedanartilleryfiringsafetyawardprogram.plaquesadcertificatewasawarded tothe6thBattalion,32dArtilleryfortheperiod2 1March1 9 6 7to30April1969*hisbattalionhas not hadanartilleryaccidentorincidentsinesitsarrivalintheRepublicofVietnamertificatesofrecognition werepresented to 7/15,6/84,7/13,2jY!ad6/14ArtilleryBattalionsfor havingnoaccidentsorincidentsattributedto



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    A V F A - A T - DS U B J E C T :O p e r a t i o n a lR e p o r t o f H e a d q u a r t e r s a n d H e a d q u a r t e r s B a t t e r y ,If i e l d P o r c e V i e t n a m A r t i l l e r y f o r P e r i o d 1 M a y t o 3 1 J u l y 1 9 6 9( U ) t h e f a u l t o f t h e a r t i l l e r y b a t t a l i o nf o r a s i x m o n t h p e r i o d .O t h e ra c t i v i t i e so f t h es a f e t ys e c t i o n i n c l u d e d p u b l i c a t i o n o f o n eL e s s o n s L e a r n e d I n f o r m a t i o nL e t t e rf r o m a n a l y s i s o f a r t i l l e r y a c c i d e n t s , p u b l i c a t i o n o f a l e t t e r d i s t r i b u t e db y I F F O R C E Vr e g a r d i n g c l e a r a n c e f o r a r t i l l e r y a n d m o r t a r i l l u m i n a t i o nr o u n d s ,a n d p u b l i c a t i o n o f f o u rU)c h a n g e st oI F F O R C E VA r t i l l e r y F i r i n g S a f e t y S O PH a n d b o o k a n d f o u rU)s a f e t y i n f o r m a t i o n a r t i c l e s i nt h eI F F O R C E V A r t i l l e r yS e a l - W e e k l yB u l l e t i n T h e n u m b e r o f a r t i l l e r y a c c i d e n t / i n c i d e n t s e x p e r i e n c e dt h i s q u a r t e rb y u n i t s w i t h I F i e l d F o r c e V i e t n a m w a s1 1 T h i s c o m p a r e s w i t h1 2 d u r i n g t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g p e r i o d i n1 9 6 6

    ( b )M e t e o r o l o g i c a l Q u a l i t y C o n t r o l T e a m( M Q C T )T o m a i n t a i n t h e q u a l i t y o f b a l l i s t i c m e t e o r o l o g i c a l d a t a i nI I C T Zt h eI F F O R C E V A r t i l l e r y M Q C T c h e c k e dt h e f o l l o w i n g n u m b e r o f s o u n d i n g s d u r i n gt h e r e p o r t i n g p e r i o d w i t h r e s u l t s a s i n d i c a t e d t

    mm m ammm

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    CONIIDLNTIAL A VFA- A T-DSUBJECT:perationalReportofHeadquartersandHeadquartersBattery,IFieldForceVietnamArtilleryforPeriod1Mayto3 1July196 9(U)thesituation.fth etwelveofficersassigned,twoar escheduledtorotatewithin30 days.nthepast,lieutenants with asecondaryMOSof1 15 4havebeenassignedtofill2 1 1 A0positions.hereare nonecurrentlyavailable.hisshortage,coupledwithth eshortage ofradartraineden-listed menasenumeratedbelow,severelyrestrictstheeffectiveness ofradarcounterbatterycoveragewith IICorpsTacticalZone.

    (4)nlistedpersonnelstatuscontinuestoimprove,withth eoverallstrengthbeingmaintainedatorabove100%.riticalshortagesstillexistinth efollowingMOS's:M O S T ITLE 13B4 G C NecC h 0 5 C 4 RadioMCh 1 3 E 4 JDCC h 1325 OpsntelstGT - . . ' f l t AutopnsecC h 17B4 R adech 63C4 M o to rG T 76Y/ SnnGT 8 2C4 SurveytyCh 1 7A /B Radarpr 26B Radarech 76S/I S uplerks

    Mg ACTUAL S H O R T 55 9 41 9 -14035 18 -1 7 130 65 -6586 37 -4 9 142 42 -10018 7 -1 1 74 47 -277ft 5 7 -2 1 4 1 24 -1 8 110 67 -4 3 17 4 -132 1 1 137 -74

    ( 5 )hefollowingaccidentswererecorded duringthis period forIF F ORCEVArty Unite*MA Y JUN JL

    V E H I C L E A T A LV E H I C L E O N - F A T A L F I R E A R M S O T H E R T O T A L

    (6)h eollowingawardsnddecorationswarsapprovedforIF O R C E V ArtyUnits:T Y P EO F W A R D A Xlffl&D S M 0DIC 0LO M 2SS 05 9 5 3 2 42 3 312 15 12 8


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    0 0 010 10 15 8 5 109 9 427 36 39 93 118 8 2 1 0 05 1 49 28 -&- JL . -3L

    AV F A-AT-DSUBJECT:perationalReportofHeadquartersandHeadquartersBattery,IFieldForceVietnam ArtilleryforPeriod1Mayto3 1July1969( U )TYPEOFAWARD A Y JUN JULS MBS M"VHBS MA RC OMVHA RC OMA M"V"AMPHTOTALS 07 348 293

    ( 6 )oraleanddisciplinecontinuedtobeexcellentthroughoutth eperiod*( d )viation i( 1 )nMay1969th e AviationSection.publishedth eAviationS OPinordertostandardise policies,proceduresandmethodstobefollowed byIF FORC B V ArtilleryAviation Sections.( 2 )hereiscontinuedinterest inth e utilization of IF FORC EV Artyaircraftorganicand allocated,inordertodetermineth emost efficientandeffectivemethods ofemployment

    2 ectionII( C )essonsLearned;ommanders observations,evaluationsandrecommendationsaersonneloneb .perations.on ec .rainingoned .ntelligencesimultaneous.Employmentofth eAN/TPS-25and AN/MPQ-4ARadars.( 1 )BSERV ATI ON!tappearsthatthenevly acquiredAN/TPS-25GroundSurveillanceRadarandth eAN/MPQ-4 Countermortar Radarcanbe utilisedina combined effort to locatetargetsandtrack th eenemy.( 2 )VALUATION^t thepresent timeone( 1 )AN/MPQ-4 andone( 1 )AN/TPS-25areemployedatLZSherry.henth eAN/TPS-25makesapersonnel

    detection,theAN/MPQ-4 sectionis alertedandscansintotheareaofinterest.f th epersonnelturnout to beamortarteamth eQ-4can,aftermarkingth eincomingrounds,pinpointthislocation andassistinadjusting


  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969



    A V T A - A T - D S U B J E C T S Operationalepo r tofeadquarterandHeadquartersBattery,, FieldForc eVie tnamArtilleryforPeriod a yto1uly 9690)

    friendlyfire nothearget. A athenemywithdrawsromthereaheAN/TPS - 25anrackhetargetandartilleryflraaanb eplannedaccordingly.Inordertoutiliseeffectivelytheab ov eoncepteloaecoordinationmustb e effectedb e twe enhes /MPQ-4andAM/TPS - 2 5ectiona. Directradiorandlineommunicat ionsaaaniat . In format ionroaboththeQ -4orTPS - 2 5 ahouldemoni tor edconstantlyytheupportingatteryEC.

    (3) R B C O I M g N D A T I Q B i Inhosereas%hereheAN /TPS -2 5andAN/MPQ-4Radarr eocatedwilihinao hothersangecapabilities,veryeffortshouldbemadeoav ehewoystemsunctionasaeamntrackingandocatingtargets.e. Logistics Nous

    3ncl I IA ITS ID I * as rigadierGeneral,S A CommandingD I S T R I B U T I O N S 2- I N C U S A R P A C ,T T N t G P O P - D T 3- G ,S A R V ,T T N i A V H A G - C - D S T 4- G , F O R C E V ,T T N : A V F J W G G - D 5-IIF O R C K V 5- X I VCo rp s5- S A F A S 5- S A A D S 2 e a-41stAr t yG p 5 2 d ArtyGpIPTQRCEV Prov Arty Gp4th B ,60th Arty1-H U B ,8th B n ,26th Arty1- Pile


  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969


    AVFA-GC-ltlST (Undated) 1stnd 0UQ1BB9SUbJcET: OperationalReportfeadquartersandHeadquartersbattery,1ieldorceietnamArtilleryorFeriod 4*yo1uly1969U )DA ,Headquarters, ieldorceVietnam,K)anFrancisco 96350TO: CommandingGeneral,UnitedStatesrmyVietnam,T T K : AVHGC-DST,

    A P O 963751. (U) Thiseadquartersasevaluatedubjecteportndoncurs.< .. (U ) ReferenceSection parac) (1 }age. Authorizedstrengthofh BA W- U ' O B-501EP02,mplemented9A p r8houldbe:

    OFFICERSf A U R A l f fOFFICERSLISTKD 342 58 3. (U ) Referenceection parac) (4)a~e8. U S A R Vasbeenmade awarefhenlistedhortagesnheited-JOcK^s,ndpersonnelactionsarebeingakenoalleviatehehortages.F O RH EO i ' i w A U D i R :

    Copyurn: R E O E N C K E .HOLUMQ1-CG,FFVArty88T


  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969


    IP mmmi

    14FP1969 AVHUC-ST3 1 Jaiy IVV) 2dndSUsJiiCT: UperationaleportfHeadquartersndHeaaquartersattery, 1ieldForceietnamArtilleryo rPeriod ayo\ulyoVU)HbtaXU*nXb i t& i j UWil 'cSTATESiwtf, ViTN^i,FOanrancisco 9J7J>T O : CommandernChief,UnitedStates rmy,acific,T T K : GPi'-LT,

    A H O 9o55B 1.hiseadquartersaseviewedheperationaleport-Lesionsearnedforheuarterlyeriounding1 July9oVr omHeaaquarters, ieldForceie tnamArtillery.2.eferencetemconcerningSimultaneousjnploymentfhe N/TFS-2J)nd A N / M H Q - 4 Aaciars,,,ectionI,age, paragraph2d;oncur. Recommend thistemeorwardedohe Sr rayFieldArtillerySchool,t.Sill,Oklahoma. ThistemwilleublishednheextombatntelligenceLessonsamphlet.F U R rHtC M ANDER:


    C. 1LT , A.A.AssistantAdjutantGeneral


  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969


    GPOP-DT (3 1Jul6 9 ) 3dIndSUBJECT: OperationalReportofHQ &HQ Battery,Field

    ForceVietnamArtilleryforPeriodEnding31July1 9 6 9 ,RCSCSFOR-65 (Rl )

    HQ,USA rm y ,Pacific,APOSanFrancisco6558SSLP69T O : AssistantChiefofStaffforForceDevelopment,DepartmentoftheA rm y ,Washington,D.C. 20310


    t . SHORTfA*AQ/


  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969


    CONFIDENTIAL IFieldPoreVletmam Artillery

    270thFieldArtillery Detachment(Radar)272dFieldArtilleryDetachment(Radar)

    4 thBattalion,60thArtillery(AH)(SP)BatteryB ,29thArtillery(SLT)BattbryB ,4 1 stArtillery(HG)

    6th Battalion,32dArtillery(175/8inchSP)Headquarters Battery,8 thBattalion,26thArtillery(TAB)

    54thInfantryDetachment(RadarGroundSurveillance)7 7thField Artillery Detachment(Radar)237thFieldArtilleryDetachment(Radar)2 4 1 et Field Artillery Detachment(Radar)242dFieldArtillery Detachment(Radar)243dFieldArtilleryDetachment(Radar)244thFieldArtillery Detachment(Radar)253dFieldArtilleryDetachment(Radar)254thFieldArtilleryDetachment(Radar)255thFieldArtilleryDetachment(Radar)256thField ArtilleryDetachment(Radar)

    4 1 atArtillery Group7th Battalion,13thArtillery(105mm T)7 thBattalion,15thArtillery(-CBtry)(I75mm/8inchSP)6thBattalion,8 4thArtillery(155mmT )

    52dArtilleryGroup3dBattalion,6th Artillery(105mmSP)(-BBtry,1 05 SP)(withC/7/15

    175mm/8inchSPtemporarilyattached)Ind H D U P4..O W N G R A D E D T E A R '7N T E R V A L SBECIA5SIFIED_F T E R2 E A R S CONFIDENTIAL

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969


    CONFIDENTIAL 6thBattalion,UthArtilleryl75a/8inchSP )2dBattalion,7thArtillery-Ct ry ,55nraT )1stBattalion,2dArtillary155amt)

    If O R C B VProriaionalArtilleryGroup5 thBattalion,2dArtillaryl75ow/8inchSP )5thBattalion,7thArtilleryI05enT) (attachedB/3/6,05amS P )Divisional,rigadeandSeparateBattalion

    A thInfantryDivisionArtillery2dBattalion,thArtillery105MT )5thBattalion,6thArtillery(15W8inoh P )6thBattalion,9thArtillerylOSnT )-4thBattalion,2dArtillery

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969



    C A M B O D I A

    A D




    South Ch ina Se*

    1 ?> .O 20 4060

  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969



    1 C )rtillerystrengthuof3 1July 69included6 9-105Mhowitzers,25 -155 hovitaara,2 3 -8 Inchh o w l t i e r s ad 25 -175Mgunsfora totalof142t u b e s . 2 C )unl t l o n expendituresb ytargetcategory!T A RG WCATEGORYCGMFIMCBDACQUIREDCOlOTiaBAfTSRIPREPARATION1MTSRDICTICSPECIAL FORPOSEOTHER


    K A IM U M MBflB JUNE B f l B B B BBBflB J U L I B S B B S I S S I S E S 26,049 31,0278,82014,492 16,403 16,713 1 . 3 2 3 . , ,

    1 , 1 5 9 5 ,579 48 9 9 42 6,451 1 , 9 37132

    20 ,512 38 , 96416,772 12,421 21 ,808 12 , 3571 . Q Z T ,

    9 78 6,123 1 ,088 1,0267,2271,647U S 114 , 827 16,68923,861 18 , 238 3 (C) Jesmnitionexpendituresyaliber:SUMM0UKD3*J T 105B155MSinch17!

    S ubTotalG R A E D O T A L * ProratedArerage

    57 , 929 31 , 39 9 14,812 10,687SabTo ta l 114 ,827 June 105M159Sinch

    175M61,365 37,64915,081 9,766

    SubTo ta l 123,861 July 105M

    155M81neh 175M

    51,600 13 , 885 10 ,9248 ,405 84,814 323 ,502

    tOTAL 5 0$ 27$ 13$ 100$49 $ 30$ 12$ 8$ 100$61 $ 16$ 13$ 10$ 100$

    12 ,968 32,0013 , 9 29 8 , 1 9 5 1 5 , 1 5 2 11 , 39 3 1.176

    642 7 ,5 82 1 9 2 709 5 , 813 1 , 580 1 1 3 84 , 8 14 16,631

    2 7 4021 26 29 48 2 1 12 28 241715 1 1 1 9 *



  • 8/3/2019 I Field Force Vietnam Lessons Learned 14 October 1969


    UN tMitilKllJ)J^*"2JI^JJ*^'" DOCUMfNTCONTROLDATA R&Dftutmltr****>*******ml' t w < V 'ftW f j4vftigtmrntmiimtM wwwgl*ftmilmgmn"tlMlHm*t

    HQ,OACSFOK,DA,Washington..C. 203104 .MCrOMIUCUHI'i IItlltKtllO!


    OperationalReport-LessonsLearned,HQ, 1FieldForceVietnamArtillery4.piicmiiOTHftm lWBM Wm4iwhtiwem)Exptrtenetsf unit engaged inountervnsurgencyperations, 1ay9 to1 July9.!MiHomt ir r t f ~ . ..4.UKr%7=iCG , 1ieldorceVietnamArtillery MbOTLMO *ttft

    20 ft .HOJICTMO

    N /A 693170ft.OTMCMat*tM4MWfA*r4MwitUMMrft******>TMCnc



    OACSFOR,A ,Washington,.C. 20310rrTiTHJirr

    1 8

    DD:~..1473 UNCLASS IF IED SBoirityClaftftthcaUea