THE FRANKFORT ROUNDABOUT I GEO A LEWIS Publisher A WEEKLY PAPER DEVOTED TO LOCAL ANT SOCIETY NEWS = TEIIMS si 00 In dVllnce1 IVOL XXIXFRANKFORIKENrUCKYSJTURDAY JULY 28 1906 = No 47 t Wait For Ferd Jacobs EvttG Stock Reduction Sale r I BEGINNING WEDNESDAY AUG 1ST UNTIL THE 15TH GOES Come and see the BARGAINS and be convinced u SUNDAY KILLING Country Saloon the Scene of Murder About 130 ppon Sunday I a Mr Price Stuart watchman at the Old Taylor distillery on the Glenns Creek pike went to the saloon and grocery of Daily Bros I one mile from the city limits on the Versailles pike Ho was ac ¬ I companied by several other young men I Stuart went into the get some whisky when someI words passed with Jas F Daily and Stuart was ordered out of the house He went out on the pikeI using threatening Daily who followed him and the I l two engaged in an angry dispute I Just here there is a divergence as to what occurred Some say that Daily caught Stuart by the arm was shaken off and the shot was fired which killed Daily Others Jisay that Daily was some six feet away that hot words passed and f the shooting followed I ItThe shot took effect in the ab ¬ not far front the heart 1the ball plowing a big furrow t Daily only lived a few minutes i after being shot f Coroner L S Graham was noti ¬ titfled and went to the scene and f charge ot the body Doily was considered a danger ¬ ous man when in his cups but a rr social fellow when at himself ti He leaves a wife and two daugh- ters ¬ r to mourn his deathi J Stuart is the Robert Stuart and is about 25 years of age q1 He was arrested by officers 1 Johnson and Reagan and placed in jail t7 The affair is a most deplorable ione in every way It is another argument in favor fi1 ° ofa strict enforcement of the r Sunday closing law I The funeral services were con ¬ li ducted by Mr Henry Clingman > on Tuseday afternoon at 2 oclock awayif A SWEET BREATH t A sweet breath adds to the joys kiss You wouldnt want to kiss l your wife mother or sweetheart with a bad breath You cant have a sweet breath without a J healthy stomach You cant have Fk a healthy stomach without perfect r digestion There is only one rem ¬ edy that digests what you eat and tr makes the breath as sweet as a r roseand that remedy is Kodol for dyspepsia It is a relief for i sour stomach of hoI heart and other ailments arising tr Ifrom disorder of the stomach and Take a little Kodol after your meals and see what it- t rwill do for you Sold by J W Gaylee c CONTRACT LET AND BUILD ¬ ING SOON TO BE ERECTED IC t Mr Frank Chinn has let the contract for a handsome residence on the west end of Yapping street ito bo erected at once The con ¬ tract calls for 0500 Mr Will Wright has the contract W8 Early Risers I The famous little pills i Yit r il 1t i MfL LAJIVra EARLY MORNING BLAZE At 1a m on Wednesday an alarm from box 87 called the de ¬ partment to the Champion Saw Mills on tho West Side where the sawdust under the lath ma ¬ chine was on fire The blaze was quickly extinguished The hose wagon was out in a few minutes after the alarm was turned in and made a quick run and did effective work But the new horse belonging to the ladder wagon became demoralized and it hitchIhim ful to put the harness on him and in the melee the old reliable horse his mate became worried also and got on the wrong side and added to the confusion Finally when the fractious- I horse was hitched he plunged so that the tongue of the wagon struck the casing of the door crushing it in like an eggshelland the doubletree of the ladder truck snapped square in two By hard work the thoroughly demoralized team was gotten out of the house after a quarter of an hour delay and the run was made Two or three of the force came near being crushed by the fright ¬ ened horse against the sides of the building and it was a wonder that no one was hurt It turned out that tho broken doubletree was made of ash timber The raw horse should be exer cised in tho rush drill every day until he becomes docile and tract able enough to understand his duties i The damage at the mill did not amount to anything although it might have become a serious fire THE PERFECT WAY Scores of Frankfort Citizens Have Learned it- t you suffer from backacheI IIf is only one perfect way is to cure the kidneysI means Neglect it urinary troubles fol ¬ low I Doans Kidney Pills are made for kidneys I Are onlvI people I Mrs Lou street saysII Off and on for a goodmany years I have suffered with a heavy dull aching pain over the kidneys and across the small of my back the pain run ¬ ning up my spine told becoming very severe on the least exertion i There was also a weakness of the kidneys which produced an irreg- ular scalding and excessive con- dition I was treated by doctors land it seemed as if medicine did conditionI relief About this time a neigh- bor i spoke so highly of Doans Kidney Pills that I couldnot believe but they had some My laughter procured a meritI me at J W Gaylos drug and after giving tho remedy aj good fair trial Ictiii now cote scientiousl give my good rocom mondation and endorsement of I what consider a grand kidnoy remedy Doans kidney Pills certainly curry out the claim made for thorn For solo by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Mil burn Co Buffalo New York solo agents for Remember the United StutesI and take no otherI bi Ja ii6et Jt t1 FISHING GOOD For the last ten days or more the fishing in the river has been exceptionally good for this season of the year Every day parties can bo seen offering big strings ofI Buffalo perch white perch and catfishOn Wednesday afternoon a col- ored ¬ boy by the name of Collins hooked a cat fish at Salenders wharf that weighed 28 pounds had the time of his life land ¬ and ing it It took half an hour to wear the fish out before he could he secured LOOK A LITTLE AHEAD It is always well to have a box of salve in the house Sunburn cuts bruises piles and boils yield to DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve Should keep a box on hand at all times to provide for emergencies For years the standard but fol ¬ lowed by many imitators Be sure you get the genuine DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve- WTANTED 1 TO RENT Two ladies wish to rent two or three rooms Persons having rooms to rent apply at this office 7lt i J FOR TRAVELERS And those who find it not con veni ¬ out to use Father Williams Indian Tea will receive the same excel ¬ lent results from using Father Wil ¬ liams Indian Herb Tablets They am made from the same pure Herbs told are n mild laxative but not a racking cathartic For Consitpation Sick Headache Indigestion Dyspepsia Sick Stom ¬ ach Billiousnoss and Malaria they will he found invaluable They are positively the best Liver Regulator 25 doses 20 cents 50 doses 35 cents For sale bv Frank ¬ fort Drug CoW 3 FUNERAL CAR INEV Rogers tC Sons have a beautiful new funeral car with plate glass sides 1hosoI ¬ thing they do BIG CROWD WENT TO CIN- CINNATI ¬ The excursion from this city on Sunday lust over the FtC C and Q C to Cincinnati car ¬ red 208 persons and they were joined ut Georgetown by some 800 or 000 more from Lexington and other points They hndIt big time told reached home at 180 a in of Monday GOSPEL TRUTH- If every business man or firm would do a cash business it would be better for buyer and seller There would be no disputed ac ¬ counts and people would live within their means It is so easy have things charged that Ito pay day comps accounts are always bigger than was ex peetei People who buyou credit forget some articles purchased and there is no chancoof min 1mh11S ¬ antness between buyer and seller There are a dozen good reasons in favor of buying und selling for cash thom is not ono valid rea- son against this system When credit for purchases is given it is impossible to avoid making some bad debts and it is not fair to make good customers pay for bad onesor for those who never think of paying a debt < > ii 1 l tzm1t n STATE COLLEGE SCHOLAR- SHIPS ¬ At the recent examination for county scholarships at State Col- lege ¬ there were a number of ap ¬ plicants County Superintendent E R Jones has completed the examination of the papers and has awarded the fouryear term to Mr Leonard Bridges and the threeyear term to Miss Aubyn OhinnI STAMPING GROUND Miss Mattie Kelly is convalesc- ing ¬ after a two weeks spellof illness Mr f W Graves who was shot by his wife on July 10 died on Mon day afternoon preachthe Muscle Shoals Baptist Church Owen county tomorrow Sun ¬ day The many friends of Mrs Martha Lindsay are saddened by the news that comes from her bedside She is slowly sinking to her long rest and the end may come at any time l A stroke of lightning during the storm of last Monday killed the only horse of Mr Robert Duke The animal was standing near a large oak tree when the lightning struck the tree and jumped to him killing him in ¬ stantly The tree struck has been known as a bee tree for many years and more than a barrel of the stored sweetness was taken out after the storm The rain of Monday noon was almost a water spout The small streams were put on rampage and hill laud was badly washed The oat harvest is on but the ground will have to dry before the reapers and binders can go to workOwing to lack of threshers con- siderable ¬ wheat is yet unthreshed and in shock Some uneasiness is felt by those who have not stacked their grain UNO Is Disease a Crime Not very ago a popular magazine published an editorial article in which the writer assorted in substance that all disease should be regarded as criminal Certain it is that much of the sickness and suffering of mankind is due to tho violation of certain of Natures laws limit to say that all sickness should be regarded as criminal must appeal to every reasonable individual as radically wrong It would bo harsh unsympathetic cruel yes criminal to condemn the poor weak overworked housewife who sinks under tho heavy load of household cares and burdens and suffers from weak ¬ nesses various displacements of pelvic organs and other derangements peculiar to her sex I Frequent bearing of children with Its ex ¬ acting demands upon the system coupled with the care worry and labor of rearing a large family Is often the cause of weak- nesses ¬ derangements and debility which are aggravated by tho many household cares and tho hard and neverending work which the mother Is called upon to inrform Dr Pierce tho maker of that worldfamed rem- edy ¬ for womans peculiar weaknesses and Illslmr Plerees Favorite Prescription says that one of the greatest obstacles to the euro of this class of mnlndles Is the fact that the poor overworked housewife can not get tho i needed rest from her many household cares and labor to enable her to secure noon tho uso of his Prescription Its full benetlts It i Is a matter of forwent experience he says In his extensive practice in these cases to meet with those In which his treatment falls by rea > on of the patients Inability to abstain from hard work long enough to bo cured With thoso sutferlng from prolapsus ante t version and retroverslon of the uterus or other displacement of tho womanly organs It Is very uelISS 1 that In addition to tak lug his Favorite Prescription they abstain from being very much or for long periods on Ihelr feet All heavy lifting or straining of i any kind should also be avoided As much outdoor air as possible with moderate light exercise Is also very Important Let tho patient observe these rules and tho Favor ¬ lit 1iescriptiatwill do the rest Dr tierces Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of is to pay expense of mailing only Sent to Dr KV Pierce Buffalo 21 ona cent stamps for pa¬ percovered or 31 stamps for clothbound chargeby held sacredly confidential- Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets Invigorate and regulate stomach liver and bowels + l m 1I tn YorTE- MPTING VALUES Those should in ¬ 1huynr Linen Lawn 85 inches wide Linen Lawn beautiful sheer quality for Waists Skirts 30c per yard Irish Linent 86 inches wide Irish Linen excellent quality for Skirt and Shirt Waist Suits35c per yard French Lawn 35 inches wide 20c qual ¬ ity15c per yard 100 Corsets W B and P N odd ots 250 50c1 beautiful style elegantly trimmed 11 jren 124c Yard Wide Vnbleacheclf Cotton 5c per yard 44feta for sashes 1 25c per yard Infants White and Col ¬ ored Hose lOc per pair iJ y CIKA6N BRO 1 41 St Clair st at Bridge jWe For people in troublewe just some how cant help it But if oc got you in trouble by buying cheap flour just buyJEM k next time and your troubles will be over TfteJEMflhillingCO n JOIN EDG- EBEICZMAS01T J FE NXFORJ KY I Zhouso I Furnace work and Phone 528 aa6mJI vj 6 ti t


Page 1: I dVllnce1 IVOL XXIXFRANKFORIKENrUCKYSJTURDAY Wait …nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7g1j977k2x/data/0294.pdfother points They hndIt big time told reached home at 180 a in of Monday GOSPEL TRUTH-If



t Wait For Ferd Jacobs EvttG Stock Reduction Sale rI BEGINNING WEDNESDAY AUG 1ST UNTIL THE 15TH GOES Come and see the BARGAINS and be convinced



Country Saloon the Scene ofMurder

About 130 ppon Sunday I

a Mr Price Stuart watchman atthe Old Taylor distillery on theGlenns Creek pike went to thesaloon and grocery of Daily Bros I

one mile from the city limits onthe Versailles pike Ho was ac ¬ I

companied by several other youngmen I

Stuart went into theget some whisky when someI

words passed with Jas F Dailyand Stuart was ordered out of thehouse He went out on the pikeIusing threateningDaily who followed him and the I

l two engaged in an angry disputeI

Just here there is a divergence asto what occurred Some say thatDaily caught Stuart by the armwas shaken off and the shot wasfired which killed Daily Others

Jisay that Daily was some six feetaway that hot words passed and

f the shooting followed I

ItThe shot took effect in the ab ¬

not far front the heart

1the ball plowing a big furrowt Daily only lived a few minutes

i after being shotf Coroner L S Graham was noti ¬

titfled and went to the scene and

f charge ot the bodyDoily was considered a danger ¬

ous man when in his cups but arr social fellow when at himself

ti He leaves a wife and two daugh-


r to mourn his deathiJ Stuart is theRobert Stuart and is about 25

years of ageq1 He was arrested by officers

1 Johnson and Reagan and placedin jail

t7 The affair is a most deplorable

ione in every wayIt is another argument in favor

fi1 °

ofa strict enforcement of ther Sunday closing law

I The funeral services were con ¬

li ducted by Mr Henry Clingman> on Tuseday afternoon at 2 oclockawayif


t A sweet breath adds to the joyskiss You wouldnt want to kiss

l your wife mother or sweetheartwith a bad breath You canthave a sweet breath without a

J healthy stomach You cant haveFk a healthy stomach without perfectr digestion There is only one rem ¬

edy that digests what you eat andtr makes the breath as sweet as a

r roseand that remedy is Kodolfor dyspepsia It is a relief for

i sour stomach of hoIheart and other ailments arising

tr Ifrom disorder of the stomach andTake a little Kodol

after your meals and see what it-trwill do for you Sold by J W



ICt Mr Frank Chinn has let the

contract for a handsome residenceon the west end of Yapping street

ito bo erected at once The con ¬

tract calls for 0500 Mr WillWright has the contract

W8 Early RisersI The famous little pills




il 1t i MfL LAJIVra


At 1a m on Wednesday analarm from box 87 called the de ¬

partment to the Champion SawMills on tho West Side wherethe sawdust under the lath ma¬

chine was on fire The blaze wasquickly extinguished

The hose wagon was out in afew minutes after the alarm wasturned in and made a quick runand did effective work But thenew horse belonging to the ladderwagon became demoralized and it

hitchIhimful to put the harness on himand in the melee the old reliablehorse his mate became worriedalso and got on the wrong sideand added to the confusion

Finally when the fractious-

Ihorse was hitched he plunged so

that the tongue of the wagonstruck the casing of the doorcrushing it in like an eggshellandthe doubletree of the ladder trucksnapped square in two By hardwork the thoroughly demoralizedteam was gotten out of the houseafter a quarter of an hour delayand the run was made

Two or three of the force camenear being crushed by the fright ¬

ened horse against the sides ofthe building and it was a wonderthat no one was hurt It turnedout that tho broken doubletreewas made of ash timber

The raw horse should be exercised in tho rush drill every dayuntil he becomes docile and tractable enough to understand hisduties i

The damage at the mill did notamount to anything although itmight have become a serious fire


Scores of Frankfort Citizens HaveLearned it-


you suffer from backacheIIIf is only oneperfect way is to cure thekidneysImeans

Neglect it urinary troubles fol ¬

low I

Doans Kidney Pills are madefor kidneys

I Are onlvIpeopleI Mrs Loustreet saysII Off and on for agoodmany years I have sufferedwith a heavy dull aching painover the kidneys and across thesmall of my back the pain run ¬

ning up my spine told becomingvery severe on the least exertion

i There was also a weakness of thekidneys which produced an irreg-ular scalding and excessive con-

dition I was treated by doctorsland it seemed as if medicine did

conditionIrelief About this time a neigh-bor


spoke so highly of DoansKidney Pills that I couldnotbelieve but they had someMy laughter procured a meritIme at J W Gaylos drugand after giving tho remedy ajgood fair trial Ictiii now cotescientiousl give my good rocommondation and endorsement of

I what consider a grand kidnoyremedy Doans kidney Pillscertainly curry out the claimmade for thorn

For solo by all dealers Price50 cents Foster Mil burn CoBuffalo New York solo agentsfor

Rememberthe United StutesI

and take no otherIbi Ja ii6et



For the last ten days or morethe fishing in the river has beenexceptionally good for this seasonof the year Every day partiescan bo seen offering big strings ofIBuffalo perch white perch and

catfishOnWednesday afternoon a col-


boy by the name of Collinshooked a cat fish at Salenderswharf that weighed 28 pounds

had the time of his life land ¬anding it It took half an hour towear the fish out before he couldhe secured


It is always well to have a boxof salve in the house Sunburncuts bruises piles and boils yieldto DeWitts Witch Hazel SalveShould keep a box on hand at alltimes to provide for emergenciesFor years the standard but fol ¬

lowed by many imitators Be sureyou get the genuine DeWittsWitch Hazel Salve-



Two ladies wish to rent two orthree rooms Persons havingrooms to rent apply at this office

7lti J


And those who find it not con veni ¬

out to use Father Williams IndianTea will receive the same excel ¬

lent results from using Father Wil ¬

liams Indian Herb Tablets Theyam made from the same pureHerbs told are n mild laxative butnot a racking cathartic

For Consitpation Sick HeadacheIndigestion Dyspepsia Sick Stom ¬

ach Billiousnoss and Malaria theywill he found invaluable They arepositively the best Liver Regulator

25 doses 20 cents 50doses 35 cents For sale bv Frank ¬

fort Drug CoW 3


INEV Rogers tC Sons havea beautiful new

funeral car with plate glass sides1hosoI¬

thing they do



The excursion from this cityon Sunday lust over the FtC C

and Q C to Cincinnati car ¬

red 208 persons and they werejoined ut Georgetown by some 800or 000 more from Lexington andother points They hndIt bigtime told reached home at 180 a

in of Monday


If every business man or firmwould do a cash business it wouldbe better for buyer and sellerThere would be no disputed ac ¬

counts and people would livewithin their means It is so easy

have things charged thatIto pay day comps accounts are

always bigger than was expeetei People who buyou creditforget some articles purchasedand there is no chancoof min 1mh11S ¬

antness between buyer and sellerThere are a dozen good reasons infavor of buying und selling forcash thom is not ono valid rea-

son against this system Whencredit for purchases is given it isimpossible to avoid making somebad debts and it is not fair tomake good customers pay for badonesor for those who never thinkof paying a debt

< > ii 1l tzm1t




At the recent examination forcounty scholarships at State Col-


there were a number of ap ¬

plicants County SuperintendentE R Jones has completed theexamination of the papers andhas awarded the fouryear termto Mr Leonard Bridges and thethreeyear term to Miss AubynOhinnISTAMPING GROUND

Miss Mattie Kelly is convalesc-ing


after a two weeks spellofillness

Mr f W Graves who was shotby his wife on July 10 died onMon day afternoon

preachtheMuscle Shoals Baptist ChurchOwen county tomorrow Sun ¬

dayThe many friends of Mrs

Martha Lindsay are saddened bythe news that comes from herbedside She is slowly sinking toher long rest and the end maycome at any time


A stroke of lightning duringthe storm of last Monday killedthe only horse of Mr RobertDuke The animal was standingnear a large oak tree when thelightning struck the tree andjumped to him killing him in ¬

stantly The tree struck has beenknown as a bee tree for manyyears and more than a barrel ofthe stored sweetness was takenout after the storm

The rain of Monday noon wasalmost a water spout The smallstreams were put on rampage andhill laud was badly washed

The oat harvest is on but theground will have to dry beforethe reapers and binders can go toworkOwing

to lack of threshers con-siderable


wheat is yet unthreshedand in shock Some uneasinessis felt by those who have notstacked their grain


Is Disease a CrimeNot very ago a popular magazine

published an editorial article in whichthe writer assorted in substance that alldisease should be regarded as criminalCertain it is that much of the sicknessand suffering of mankind is due to thoviolation of certain of Natures lawslimit to say that all sickness should beregarded as criminal must appeal toevery reasonable individual as radicallywrong

It would bo harsh unsympatheticcruel yes criminal to condemn the poorweak overworked housewife who sinksunder tho heavy load of household caresand burdens and suffers from weak ¬

nesses various displacements of pelvicorgans and other derangements peculiarto her sex I

Frequent bearing of children with Its ex¬

acting demands upon the system coupledwith the care worry and labor of rearing alarge family Is often the cause of weak-nesses


derangements and debility which areaggravated by tho many household caresand tho hard and neverending work whichthe mother Is called upon to inrform DrPierce tho maker of that worldfamed rem-edy


for womans peculiar weaknesses andIllslmr Plerees Favorite Prescription saysthat one of the greatest obstacles to the euroof this class of mnlndles Is the fact that thepoor overworked housewife can not get tho i

needed rest from her many household caresand labor to enable her to secure noon thouso of his Prescription Its full benetlts It i

Is a matter of forwent experience he saysIn his extensive practice in these cases tomeet with those In which his treatment fallsby rea > on of the patients Inability to abstainfrom hard work long enough to bo curedWith thoso sutferlng from prolapsus ante t

version and retroverslon of the uterus orother displacement of tho womanly organsIt Is very uelISS 1 that In addition to taklug his Favorite Prescription they abstainfrom being very much or for long periods onIhelr feet All heavy lifting or straining of iany kind should also be avoided As muchoutdoor air as possible with moderate lightexercise Is also very Important Let thopatient observe these rules and tho Favor ¬

lit 1iescriptiatwill do the restDr tierces Medical Adviser is sent free

on receipt of is to pay expense ofmailing only Sent to Dr KV PierceBuffalo 21 ona cent stamps for pa¬

percovered or 31 stamps for clothboundchargebyheld sacredly confidential-Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellets Invigorate

and regulate stomach liver and bowels

+ l m 1I tn




Those should in ¬1huynrLinen Lawn

85 inches wide LinenLawn beautiful sheerquality for Waists Skirts

30c per yardIrish Linent86 inches wide IrishLinen excellent qualityfor Skirt and Shirt Waist

Suits35c per yardFrench Lawn

35 inches wide 20c qual ¬

ity15c per yard100 Corsets W B and PN odd ots

250 50c1beautiful style elegantlytrimmed 11jren124cYard Wide VnbleacheclfCotton

5c per yard44fetafor sashes 1

25c per yardInfants White and Col ¬

ored Hose

lOc per pairiJ y


41 St Clair st at BridgejWeFor people in troublewe

just some how cant help it

But if oc got you in troubleby buying cheap flour just


next time and your troubleswill be over

TfteJEMflhillingCO n



FE NXFORJ KY IZhouso IFurnace work and Phone 528aa6mJIvj


