I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S....

I DOCUMENT SOURCE I 7 19683 CURRICULUM VITAE - THOMAS F. BUDINGER, H.D., Ph.0. Titles: Henry Hiller Professor of Medical Research Donner Laboratory at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Faculty Senior Scfentlst, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Professor of Bioinstrumentation, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sclences University of Cal if ornia , Berkeley Professor of Radiology, Un i vers i ty of Cali forni a, San Francisco Board Certified i n Nuclear Medicine, 1973 Room 230 Danner Laboratory University of Calf f o r n i a Lawrence Berkeley Labo r a t ory Berkeley , Cal i forni a 94720 Mailing Address: Telephone: (41 5) 486-5435 Education: , Ph.0. University of California, Berkeley - Medical Physlcs 1971 H.D. University of Colorado, Denver 1964 M.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 Honors and Awards: --- Magna Cum Laude, Regis College Top Man Award (USCG Academy, DCS) Gold-Headed Cane (Top Man in Medicine), Universlty of Colorado Cecil H. and Ida H. Green Visiting Scholar, b r i n e Biomedical Institute, University of Texas Medlcal Branch at Galveston Amertcan Nuclear Society Team Award for Speclal Achlevement Loulse and Lionel Berman Foundation Award for k l c n t l f l c 1954 1957 1964 1974 1981 1984 1985 Vi si ti ng Professor, Unlversi ty of Cincinnati, Ohlo I n Nuclear Technology for Hedlcal Dlagnostlcs Contributions in the Peaceful Uses of Atonic Energy

Transcript of I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S....

Page 1: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum


7 19683



T i t l e s : Henry H i l l e r Professor o f Medical Research

Donner Laboratory a t Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

F a c u l t y Senior Sc fen t ls t , Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

Professor of B io inst rumentat ion, E l e c t r i c a l Engineer ing and Computer Sclences

U n i v e r s i t y of Cal i f o r n i a , Berkeley

Professor of Radiology, Un i vers i ty of C a l i f o r n i a,

San Francisco

Board C e r t i f i e d i n Nuclear Medicine, 1973

Room 230 Danner Laboratory U n i v e r s i t y of Cal f f o r n i a

Lawrence Berkeley La bo r a t o r y Berkeley , Cal i f o r n i a 94720

M a i l i n g Address:

Telephone: (41 5 ) 486-5435


, Ph.0. U n i v e r s i t y of C a l i f o r n i a , Berkeley - Medical Physlcs 1 9 7 1 H.D. U n i v e r s i t y of Colorado, Denver 1964 M.S. U n i v e r s i t y of Washington, S e a t t l e - Physica l Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry ( A n a l y t i c a l ) 1954

Honors and Awards: --- Magna Cum Laude, Regis Col lege Top Man Award (USCG Academy, DCS) Gold-Headed Cane (Top Man i n Medicine), U n i v e r s l t y of Colorado

Cec i l H. and Ida H. Green V i s i t i n g Scholar, b r i n e Biomedical I n s t i t u t e , U n i v e r s i t y of Texas Medlcal Branch a t Galveston

Amertcan Nuclear Society Team Award f o r Speclal Achlevement

Loulse and L ione l Berman Foundation Award f o r k l c n t l f l c

1954 1957 1964 1974




V i s i t i ng Professor, Un lvers i ty o f C inc innat i , Ohlo

I n Nuclear Technology f o r Hedlcal Dlagnost lcs

Cont r ibu t ions i n t h e Peaceful Uses o f Atonic Energy

Page 2: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum

Professional Appointments:

Chalnnan, D iagnost ic Radiology Study Section, N I H 1982 - 1985 Professor, Department o f Radlology, U n i v e r s i t y of C a l i f o r n i a

San Francisco Medical Center 1984 - pres Henry H i l l e r Professor o f Medical Research 1976 - pres Professor, Department o f E l e c t r i c a l Engineer ing and Computer Sciences, U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a , Berkeley 1976 - pres

Head, Research Medicine Group, Odnner Laboratory 1976 - pres D i rec tor , Donner Medical Group 1977 - pres

1968 - pres

1980 - pres 1978 - pres

Medical D i rec to r , Medical Services, L.B.L. 1968 - 1976 Research Physician, Donner Laboratory P r inc ipa l I nves t i ga to r , Program P r o j e c t Grants

Cardiovascular F l o w and Hetabol ism (NIH) Q u a n t l t a t l v e Card iovascular Research (NIH)

V i s i t i n g Professor, Un ive rs i t y of C lnc inna t i Feb. 1974 Phys ic is t , Lawrence L i vermore Laboratory 1966 - 1968

Medical In te rn , Peter Bent Brfgham Hosp i ta l , Boston 1964 - 1965 Senior Oceanographer, U n i v e r s i t y of Washington 1960 - 1964 Science O f f i c e r (USCG) I n t e r n a t i o n a l I c e Pa t ro l 1958 - 1960 Oceanographic and Meteorology O f f i ce r (USCG) 1957

Ana ly t i ca l Chemist, I n d u s t r i a l Laborator ies, Denver 1954

Professional Soc ie t ies :

Society of Nuclear Medlcine American Geophysical Union Cardiac Radiology American Meteorol og i ca l Socl e t y B r i t i sh In te rp lane ta ry Society

sigma X I Alpha Omega Alpha

Nor th American Socfety f o r

New York Academy o f Science A.A.A.S.

The Society of Magnetic Resonance i n Medicine

Comnittee Memberships:

Diagnost ic Radiology Study Section, N.I.H., D i v i s i o n of Research Grants,

-University of C a l i f o r n i a Bioengineer ing Execut ive Committee Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and Donner Laboratory Human Use Comnittee L.B.L. Biology and Mediclne D iv i s ion , Program Advisory Comnittee Los Alamos S c i e n t i f i c labora tory , Advlsory Comnittee on Medical

Radioisotopes, Chairman Medical I n te rna l Rad ia t lon Dose Comnittee, Soc. o f Nuclear Medicine Comnittee on B i o l o g i c a l E f fec ts , Corn. on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,

American Col lege of Radiology, Chairman Technical E lec t ron i c Product Rad ia t ion Safety Standards Comnittee

Food and Drug Admin is t ra t ion , January 1, 1982 through Dec. 31, 1985 Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory S t a f f Committee

Chairman, J u l y 1, 1982 through June 30, 1985.

Page 3: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum

T. F. Budlnger C u r r l c u l m V l t a e Page 3

Chronological Sumnary o f Pub1 i c a t i o n s , Reports and Presentat ions

Gould, HR cnd Tf Budlnger. Control of r e d h e n t a t i o n and bottom c o n f i g u r a t i o n by convcct lon cu r ren t , Lake Uashlngton, Uashlngton. J . b r i n e Res. 17:

- --

183-198, 1958.

Budlnger I F . 49-97, a l s o as c o n t r l b u t l o n no. 1093, C o l l e c ~ ~ t ~ t V o o d s c Occanographlc I n s t f t u t l o n , 1959.

Iceberg d e t e c t i o n by radar. U.S. b a s t Guard B u l l . No. 45, pp

Budlnger TF and W Enbysk. Cobb Seamount, a deep-sea fea tu re o f f t he Washington coast, Unlv. Uashlngton, Tech. Rcpt. no. 60, 83 pp, 1960.

Budfnger TF. Washington, Dept. of Oceanography Ref. m61-36, 16 pp, 1961.

Anderson C, CA Barnes, TF Budinger, CM Love and 0 McManus. discharge area of the nor theast P a c l f l c Ocean: A l l t e r a t u r c survey. Univ o f Yashlngton, Dept. of Oceanography Special Report Ref. Wl-25, 99 pp, 1961.

Budinger Tf, LK Coachman and CA Barnes. Northeast P a c i f l c Ocean, 1961, 1962: Selected aspects of phys l ca l oceanography, Univ. o f Ua$hlngton, Dept. o f Oceanography Tech Rcpt. no. 98, 78 pp, 1964.

Budinger TF and RJ Howerton. Time v a r f a t i o n of rep roduc t l ve processes i n b i o l o g i c a l c e l l s , Unlv. o f Ca l l f o rn la , Laurence Rad ia t l on Laboratory Rept.

Budinger TF and RJ Howerton. Charac te r i za t i on of t h e v a r l a t i o n s o f rep roduc t i ve processes I n l i v i n g c e l l s , Nature 214, 397-399, 1967.

Budinger TF. I n d i r e c t s t l m u l r t i o n o f t he v i s u a l apparatus, Lawrence Rad ia t i on Laboratory Rept. UCRL-18347, 1968.

Glaeser RM, and TF Budinger. Computer-sfmrlated Four ie r images i n r e l a t i o n t o b i o l o g i c a l e l e c t r o n microscopy, J- U l t r a s t r u c t u r e Res. 30, 238,

Parachute drogue obsc rva t l on t n the Columbla plume, Univ. o f

The Columbia R ive r

Columbia R Ivc r a f f l u e n t i n t h e

UCRL-1437, 2 2 ~ ~ . 1966.


Budinger TF. Fron ta l a t tack on r a d i a t i o n , k l e n c c 168:315, 1970.

Yano D VanDyke, TF 8udlngcr. HO Anger and P Chu. Myocardial uptake s tud ies w i t h '"Cs and the s c l n t l l l a t i o n camera, 3. Nucl. Ned. 11, 663-668, 1970.

t l a e s e r RM, TF Budinger, PH Aebersold and G Thomas. b i o l o g i c a l specimens, Proc. In tern. Congress E lec t ron Microscopy, Grenoble, 1970.

---- Radia t i on damage i n

Budinger TF, VP E l i s c h e r and HI Hogan. processing of s c l n t i l l a t l o n camera output by d i g i t a l systems, LBL Rept. no.

Budinger TF, CA Tobias, JT Lyman, PK Chapman, LS Pinsky, H Blschel , JD Denny and UB Nelp. S c BIolo

High speed data a c p u i s l t i o n end

LBL-532, 1971. 0 0 c

L i g h t f l ash phenomenon seen by astronauts, Proc. Co l l o ulum of Related t o Post-Apollo Program of ESRO, E S R O X I k E

-! IMlVrpr

Page 4: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum


T. F. Budinger Curr icu lum V i tae Page 4

Glaeser RM, I Kuo and TF Budinger. reduced l e v e l s o f e l e c t r o n I r r a d i a t i o n , -- SOC. h e r . , C. 3. Arceneau, ed., Boston, E.Tc Budinger TF, RJ Howerton and EF Plechaty. humans: Theore t ica l studies, Phys. Wd. B io l . 16, 439-450, , 1971.

Toblas CA, TF Budinger and JT Lyman. Observations by human sub jec ts on rad ia t ion- induced l i g h t f lashes i n f a s t neutron, X-ray, and p o s i t i v e i o n beams, -- Nature 230, 596, 1971; LBL-19868,

Budinger TF. App l i ca t i ons I n e l e c t r o n microscopy and nuc lear medicine, Rept. No. LBL-565, 1971.

Tobias CA, TF Budinger and JT Le i th , A-H Mamoon. cosmic rays and accelerated p a r t i c l e s , Proc. Advisory Group f o r Aerospace Research and Development, NATO, 1971.

Budinger TF, H Bichsel and CA Tobias. Visual phenomena noted by human sub jec ts on exposure t o neutrons o f energies l e s s than 25 MeV, Science 172, 868-870, 1971.

Method f o r process ing o f p e r i o d l c images a t 29th Ann. Proc. E lec t ron Microscopy

Neutron radiography and dosimetry i n


Transfer f u n c t i o n theory and image eva lua t i on i n b io logy : Ph.D. thesfs, L.B.L.

Visual phenomena induced by

Chapman P, LJ Pinsky, R Benson and TF Budinger. f lashes observed on Apo l lo 14, Proc. Nat. S Natural and Manmade Rad la t ion - i n Space, NASA Rept. N A S A - T H - X - 2 m p m 2 % k

- - Cosmic ray induced l i g h t

Budinger TF, JR F a m e l l , AR Smith and H Bichsel . de tec t i on by neutron a c t i v a t i o n w i thout chemical separation, I n t . J. Appl. Radiat. Isotop. 23, 49, 1972.

Human t i s s u e t r a c e element

Tobias CA, TF Budinger and JT Lyman. exposure, Proc. Nat S Natural and Manmade Rad ia t ion i n Space, NASA Rept. NASA-T!l-X-2-p%6* 1972. - -

Human v i sua l response t o nuclear p a r t i c l e

Budinger TF. s c i n t i l l a t i o n camera images, J. Nucl. Med. 13, 418, 1972.

Budfnger TF and Y Yano. Nucl. Med. 13, 417, 1972.

L i m i t a t i o n s i n data man ipu la t ion and presenta t ion of

Myocardial f u n c t i o n eva lua t i on by uptake o f 12%s, J. --- Budinger TF and RH Glaeser. objects, Proc. 5th Euro ean Con ress of Elec t ron Microscopy, The I n s t i t u t e of Physics, w n , pp&,+

Budinger TF. Rapid manipulat ion and d i sp lay o f counts vs t lme curves by

2nd d F 7 2 & 3 * . hardware and software, i n Nuclear Medicine, A . E T ep t

Budinger TF, JT Lyman and CA Tobias. nuc le i i n t e r a c t i n g w i t h the human r e t i n a , Nature 239, 209, 1972.

Phase changes on e l e c t r o n s c a t t e r i n g from t h i n

Sharin o f Com u t e r Pro rams and Technology --

Visual Percept ion o f accelerated n i t rogen

Page 5: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum

I- ... 1

1. F. Budinger Curr iculum V i tae Page 5

Budinger TF. Aspects of d i g i t a l ana lys l s o f card iac rad ionuc l l de f low studies, In, 3rd S Sharin o f Computer Programs and Technology i n Nuclear Medicine, Oak mg$?e&7X

Toblas CA, TF Budinger and JT Lyman. accelerated heavy p a r t i c l e s and t h e DrOblemS o f nervous system exoosure i n

B i o l o g i c a l e f fec ts due t o s i n g l e

space, Akadami e - V e r K -pfl3&,13m- - in, L i fe -S i l ences and 5 ace Research X I , PHA Smith, ed., '

Budinger TF. C l l n i c a l and research q u a n t i t a t l v e nuc lear medicine, i n , Medical Radioisoto e Scint igraphy, 1972, v01. 1, IAEA, Vienna, 1973, pp 5m55,+

Budinger TF. camera, LBL repo r t LBL-2145, 1973; abst ract , J. Nucl. Med. 14, 383-384, 1973.

Derenzo SE. TF Budinger, RG Smits. H Zakland and LW Alvarez. L iau id xenon

High count ing r a t e performance of t h e Anger s c i n t i l l a t i o n

f i l l e d w i r e chambers-for medical imaging appl icat ions, Proc. !$?TI+ Advanced Research, Argon-tiona Labaratory,

Gul lberg GT, and TF Budinger. imaging, J. Nucl. Med. 15, 497-498, (Abstract) , 1974.

Moyer BR and TF Budlnger. Francisco Bay,

LBL-2642, UC-11 Energy and Environmental and Ear th Sciences, TID-4500-R61, 37 pp, 1974.

Budinger TF. Icebergs and pack ice, in , Encyclopedia B r i t ann ica Vol. 9,

Budinger, TF, GT Gullberg, J *Rae and HO Anger. I so tope d i s t r i b u t i o n recons t ruc t i on from m l t i p l e g a m camera views, J. Nucl. Med 15, 480, (Abstract ) , 1974.

Zakland H . SE Derenzo. TF Budinger. and LW Alvaret .

At tenuat ion c o r r e c t i o n f o r three-dimensional

Cadmium l e v e l s I n t h e sho re l i ne sediments o f San In, Proc. VIII Trance Substances I n Environmental Health Conf.,

OD Hempht 11, ed., U n z f m s x C o l umbl a, MO';-; 1974 , pp 1 2 7 - 1 m ~ C

154-161, 1974.

L i a u i d xenon m r l t i w i r e p ropor t t ona l chambers- for n u c l e i r &dtc i ne appl l c a t i o n s ,' Ft r s t World Congress -- of Nuclear Medicine, Tokyo, pp 362-367, 1974.

Budinger TF, J *Rae, Y Yano, and WG Myers. Myocardial imaging w i th 81Rb, J . Nucl. Med. 15, 480, (Abs t rac t ) , 1974.

- --- Hathieu L, TF Budinger. P inhole d i g i t a l tomography, F i r s t World Congress of Nuclear Medicine, Tokyo, pp 362-367, 1974.

Budinger TF, K Crowe and LL Kanstein. radiography a t t h e 184-inch cyc lo t ron , LBL repo r t LBL-2654, 1974.

Budinger TF. Ouan t i t a t i ve nuclear medicine imaging: Appl icat ions o f computers t o the g a m camera and whole body Scanner, Nuclear Medicine, JH Lawrence, Ed.. Chapter 2, Grune and St ra t ton , NY, PP

Prel iminary experiments w i t h he l i um i o n

In, Recent Advances E 41-130,r

Page 6: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum

Culon Na 3 aF& I Fddu No.

T. F. Budinger Curr iculum V i tae Page 6

Budlnger TF. Recent advances I n 3-0 Imaging i n nuc lear medicine. Trans. Amer. Nucl. Soc. 19, pp 41-42,

Budlnaer TF. Y Yano. and J McRae. Rubidium-81 used as a myocardium lmaalna

1974. ---- agent; Schattauer Verlag, S t m g a r t , pp 2-15, 1974.

k s e l l s c h a f t f u r Nuk learked i t in , B )4111amos, MI Pabjt , G Hor, ed;. FK

Fisher 04, TF Budinger, A Fo in and TE Everhart. Harmosa m i t i s , Mutat ion Res. 22, 299-304,

Budinger TF and GT Gullberg. Three dimensional recons t ruc t i on I n nuclear medicine by i t e r a t i v e l e a s t squares and Four ie r t rans form technlques, LBL repo r t LBL-2146, 1973; also, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Scl NS-21(3), 2-20, 1974.

Budinger TF, and GT Gullberg. Three dimensional recons t ruc t i on o f isotope d i s t r i b u t i o n s , Phys. Hed. B fo l . 19, 387-389, 1974.

Budinger TF, and GT Gullberg. Three-dlmenslonal Imaging from m u l t l p l e gama camera views, F i r s t World Congress o f Nuclear Medfcine, Tokyo, pp 1267-1272, 1974.

Rudinger TF, Crowe K, Cahoon JL, E l l s h e r VP, Gu l lberg GT, Huesman RH, and Kanstein LL: Two- and three-dimensional d i g l t a l Image processlng f o r medical d iagnosis us ing photons and alpha p a r t i c l e s . Presented a t t h e 8 th Asllomar Conference OR C i r c u i t s , Systems, and Computers, December 1974.

Sudinger TF, Y Yano, and B Hoop Jr. myocardial p o s i t r o n sc in t ig raphy . J. Nucl. Med. 16, 429-431, 1979.

Moyer BR, and TF Budinger. soi ls and sediments f o r cadmium, Energy and Environment Annual Report, LBL 1975.

Derenzo SE, Y Zaklad and TF Budlnger. A n a l y t i c a l study o f a h igh r e s o l u t i o n pos i t ron . r i n g de tec tor system f o r t r a n s a x i a l recons t ruc t i on tomography, 3-

Crone KM, Budinger TF, Cahoon JL, E l l s c h e r VP, Huesman RH, and Kanstein LL: Ax ia l scanning w i t h 900 He!! alpha p a r t i c l e s . Lawrence Berkeley Report LRL-3B12, IEEE Trans Nucl Sci NS-22: No 3, 1752-1754, 1975.

Spontaneous chromosome gaps I n 1974. --

A comparison o f *%b and 13NH fo r

An improved technlque f o r the q u a n t i t a t i v e assay o f

NuCl . Med. 16, 1166-1173, 1975. ---

----- Budinger TF. Computer ass is ted Imaglng procedures and techniques i n nuclear medicine, i n , Nuclear Medicine i n C l i n i c a l Ped la t r i cs , H. Handmaker and JH Lowenstei n, eds., Soci e t y c x a r n e , NY, pp 243-260, 1975.

Budinger TF, and J Harpoot l ian. Developments..in d i g l t a l computer implementation i n nuclear medicine lmagfng. Computers Biomedical Research - 8, 26, 1975.

Budinger TF, FH DeLand, HE Duggan, JJ Bout, UT FkLaughlin, and PH Weber. Dynamic time-dependent ana lys is and s t a t i c three-dimenslonal imaging procedures fo r computer ass is ted CNS studies, Ima I n Usin &o& o f Nuclear Medicine, pp 45-66, 1975.

i n , Past p resent and Future of Brain Noninvasive Techniques, H I kBtanc and J A X r e n s o n , eds., Mew

Page 7: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum

T. F. Budinger Curr lcu lum V i tae Page 7

Budinger TF. tomography, J. Nucl. h d . 16, 517-518, (Abs t rac t ) , 1975.

Budinger TF, KH Crowe, JL Cahoon, VP E l i sche r , RH Huesman, LL Kanstein. Heavy p a r t i c l e radiography, Presented a t 1975 Winter Meetlng, Amerlcan Nuclear Soclety, San Francisco, Proc. 4ner. Nucl. Soc. 22, 112, 1975

Jones RH, 1 Lidofsky, TF Budinger, and P Weber. Quant l ta t l ve Nuclear Cardlo f a h , JN Pierson Jr., JP KrIss, RH Jones, and WJ RacIntyre, e d m d l l e y and Sons, pp 231-253, 1975.

Budinaer TF and GT Gullbera. Reconstruct ion bv two-dlmenslonal f i l t e r i n a o f

General theory f o r imgrovement o f s lmple superpos l t lon

I n s t r u m n t a t l o n , in ,

s l m p l i superpos i t ion t r a n s i e r s e sec t i on image,- i n , Ima e Processin fo r -2% and 3-D Reconstruct lon from Pro 'ec t i ons Theor and ++ r a c t i c e i n c i n e = the ~ h s 7 c a l k i e n c e s , KY- d y ~ h e r i c a and ktiana~ m e h d m p T h A9- 1 -T hA9 - 4, 1 9 7 5 .

Budfnger TF, and B Hacdonald. Reconstruct ion of t h e Fresnel coded gamna camera image by d i g i t a l computer, J . Nucl. Med. 16, 309-313, 1975.

HcGinnls J, R Cassou, EV Benton, TF Budinger and BR Hoyer. temperature on the l a t e n t t rack fading r a t e i n AgCl (cadmium doped) c r y s t a l detectors, LRL Report No. 2043, Feb, 1975.

Budinger TF. Three-Dimensional imaging of t he myocardium w i t h isotopes, i n Vol. 72 - Cardlovascular Ima i n and Ima e Processln Theor and Prac t ice m,% Harr ison, H Sand&dx d r & o d e g s t a t e s , m f o r n l a , Soclety o f Photo-Optical Ins t rumenta t ion Engineers, pp 263-271, 1975.

Budlnger TF, KH Crowe, JL Cahoon, VP E l i scher , RH Huesman, and LL Kanstetn. Transverse sec t i on imaging w i t h heavy charged p a r t i c l e s : Theory and

The e f f e c t o f

app l i ca t i ons .

~ a d e ~ o ~ a ~ n d Pro 'ec t ions Theor d r d M e d i c i n e Na t i o n a n c G c % % t h M A L the

Rudlnger TF, CA Toblas, RH Huesman, FT Upham, TF Wieskamp and R A Hoffman, Apollo-Soyuz l i g h t f l a s h observattons. Presented a t COSPAR Conference, Ph l lade lph ia , June 1976.

Budinger TF. Presented a t FASEB Symposium, Anahefm, C a l i f o r n i a , A p r i l 12, 1976 (Also Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No. LBL-5605). 1976.

Budinger TF. D i g i t a l image processtng fo r medtcal diagnoses us ing gamna rad ionuc l ides and heavy ions from cyc lo t rons . I n Df i t a 1 Processin of B i o m e d i c a l Ima es (K. Preston, Jr. and H. Onoe, E - k i l d s m n g tompany , 19769-

Budinger TF, Tobias CA, Huesman RH, Upham FT, and Wieskamp TF: L igh t f l ash observat lons du r ing Apollo-Soyuz. I n te rna t tona l As t ronaut ica l Federation X X V I I Congress, Anaheim, C a l i f o r n f a , October 10-16, 1976, I A F Paper 76-032, 8p., 1976

I N , Ima e Processin for 2-D and 3-0 Reconstruct ion from ences, (New - 1 t o

NAL-4, 1975.

Current and fu tu re app l i ca t i ons of recons t ruc t i on techniques.

Page 8: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum

T. F. Budlnger Cur r icu lum Vf tae Page 8

Hoop B Jr., TF Budlnger, JW Banes, e t al. Hyocardlal p o s i t r o n sc in t ig raphy w i t h s h o r t - l i v e d 8%b. IEEE Trans. k c l . kf. NS-23, 584-589, 1976.

Budlnger TF, Tobfas CA, Schopper E , Schott JU, Huesman RH, Upham FT, Wieskamp TF. Kucala Jn. Gouldlna FS. and Landis DA: P u a n t i t a t l v e observat ion o f l i g h t f l i s h sensat ions - E x p j r i G n t MA-106. A 0110-So UT Test Pro jec t , Prel iminary Science ReDort. NASA TM X-58173. 18. + - . - - _ -

Budlnger TF, GT Gullberg, 8R Moyer, JL Cahoon, and RH Huesman, Transverse sec t i on Imaging o f t he myocardiun. o f Nuclear Medicine, Dal las. J Nucl Med 17:552 (abs t rac t ) 1976

Budinger TF, Tobias CA, Huesman RH, Upham FT, Wieskamp TF, and Hoffman RA: Apollo-Soyuz l i g h t f l a s h observations. XV, Proceedings o f t h e 19th p lenary m e e t l n g r C o s p a r , P h n & a m n e 8-7, 1976. Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp 141-146, 1977.

Budinger TF, JL L in foo t , BR Fbyer, JT Lyman and JL P e l l e t l e r . w f t h heavy-ions. -I- Ions a t the Bevalac, 1 9 h a p t e ~ B ~ l ~

Presented a t 23rd Annual Meeting, Society

I n L l f e Scfencer and S ace Research

Bra in research IN, R i o l o i c a l and Medical Research w i t h Accelerated Heavy

Yano Y, TF Budinger. pancreas scanning agent as a 6 ? h amino a c i d chelate. J. Nucl. Med.

Cyclotron-produced Zinc-62: A poss ib le p ros ta te and

18(8):815-821, 1977. - Oerenzo SE, PG Banchero, JL Cahoon, RH Huesman, T Vulet ich, and TF Budinger. Design and cons t ruc t i on o f the Donner-280 c r y s t a l p o s l t r o n r i n g for dynamic t ransverse sec t i on emfssion imaging. dec i s ion and Control . Vol. 1, pp 341-349. 177CH1269-OCS. 1977.

Budinger TF, SE Derenzo, GT Gullberg, WL Greenberg, and RH Huesman. E m i s s i o n computer ass i s ted tomography w i t h s ingle-photon and p o s i t r o n a n n i h i l a t f o n photon emi t te rs . J . Comput. Assist . Tomogr 1(1):131-145, 1977.

Huesman RH, C r o w KM, and Rudinger TF: Heavy charged p a r t i c l e s versus photons i n computer ass i s ted tomography: theory and experiment, J Comput A s s i s t Tomogr 1 ( 2 ) : 265, (Abs t rac t ) 1977.

Derenzo SE. TF Budinaer. JL Cahoon. RH Huesman. and HG Jackson. High

In Proe. o f t h e 1977 IEEE Conf. on

resolut ion-computed iomography o f p o s i t r o n emf t te rs . IEEE Trans Nucl Sci NS-24(11:554-55%. 1977.

Budinger TF. Ins t rumenta t ion t rends i n nuc lear medicine. I n Seminars 2 Nuclear k d l c l n e , 1:285-297, October, 1977.

Budinger TF, Tobias CA, Huesman RH, Upham FT, Uleskamp TF, Schott JU, and Schopper E: L i g h t f l a s h observat ions - Experiment MA-106. P ro jec t - Summary Science Report, NASA SP-41.2. pp 193-209,

Budlnger TF, R t l Glaeser. e l e c t r o n microscope o b j e c t i v e lens. U1 t ramicroscopy 2:31-41, 1977.

A 0110-So uz Test

Measurement o f focus and spher tca l aberrat ion o f a n

Budinger TF, FD Rol lo. Physics and instrumentat ion. I n Progress i n Card iovascular Diseases, Vol. XX, No. 1, pp. 19-53, 1977.

3 0 0 t Y 0 2

Page 9: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum

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Yano Y, P Chu, TF Budinger, PM Grant, A€ Ogard, JU Barnes, HA O'Brien, and B. Hoop. Rubldium-82 generators f o r imaging studies. J. Nucl Med. 18(1):46-50, 1977.

A tk lns HL, TF Budlnger, E Lebowlt t , AN Ansarl, MI Green, and R Fa i r ch i l d . Thal l lum-201 f o r medlcal use. 111: Human d l s t r l b u t l o n and phys ica l imaging proper t ies . - Med 18(2):133-140, 1977.

Rrookhaven Nat iona l Laboratory Report No. BNL-20910 and -- J. Nucl.

Budinger TF, JL Cahoon, SE Derenzo, GT Gul lberg, BR Moyer, and Y Yano. Three dlmensional imaging o f t he myocardium w i t h rad ionuc l ides . Radlology - 125~433-439, 1977.

Budinger TF, and GT Gul lberg. e m i t t i n g rad ionuc l i des i n pa t i en ts . I n Reconstruct fan Tomo r a h i n D i a n o s t i c Radiolo and Nuclear Medicine (M. Ter-Pogoss e e v s , an Gordon k e d e s . ) U m t y r e s s , pp. 315-342, 1977.

Huesman RH, GT Gullberg, WL Greenberg, and TF Budinger. Users Manual - Donner Algoralthms fo r Reconstruct ion Tomography. Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Pub l l ca t l on PUB-214, 1977.

Sargent TS, TF Budinger, G Braun, AT Shulgin, and U Braun. An iod ina ted catecholamine congener f o r b r a i n imaging and metabol ic studies. J. Nucl. Med.

Sargent T, TF Budinger, G Braun, AT Shulgin, and U Rraun. An iod ina ted catecholamine congener f o r b r a i n imaging and metabo l ic studies. J Nucl Med

Sargent T5, 6 Braun, U Braun, TF Budinger and A Shulgin. R ra in and r e t i n a uptake o f rad io - l od lne labe led psychotomimetic i n dog and monkey. Comnunications 71 Psychopharmacology, m:l-lO, 1978.

P e l l e t i e r JL, BR Moyer and TF Budinger. l e s i o n s i n dogs by a 2 mn heavy-ion c y c l o t r o n beam. Laboratory, U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l f f o r n i a , Berkeley, C a l i f o r n i a , LBL-7401, 1978.

.Rudlnger TF, P Wong and C-K Yen. Epidemiological study design, Laurence Berkeley Laboratory Report 8319, October 1978.

Budinger TF, WL Greenberg, SE Derenzo, GT Gul lberg, and RH Huesman. Q u a n t i t a t i v e p o t e n t i a l s o f dynamlc emission computed tomography. J. Nucl. Med.

P e l l e t i e r JL, F Guignier, C Tourery, BR Moyer and TF Budinger. Radioimnunoassay of t hy ro t rop in - re leas ing hormone I n serum and i t s app l i ca t i on i n dogs w i t h hypothalmic les lons . I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conf, Washington, DC, S e p t e i n b e r , T 7 8 . --

Transverse sec t l on recons t ruc t i on o f g a m - r a y

19(1):71-76, 1978.

- 19~71-76, 1978.

E f fec ts o f hypothalamic radio-induced Laurence Berkeley

Magnetic f i e l d e f fec ts on humans:

- 19(3):309-315, 1978.

IN , Uor ld Fed Nucl Hed Proc, h d

3 0 0 b 9 0 3

Page 10: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum

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P e l l e t i e r JL, BR Moyer and TF Budinger. Technetium-9% labe led thy ro t rop in - re leas ing hormone (TRH) i n dogs w i t h and w i thou t a n t e r i o r hypothalamic les ions , Laurence Rerkeley Laboratory, U n i v e r s l t y of Ca l i f o rn ia , Berkeley, CA, LBL-7402, 1978. Tsui E, and TF Budlnger, Transverse sec t i on imaging of mean clearance time. L-- Ph s Med B i O l 23(4b644-653, 1978.

Tsui ET, and TF Budinger. A s tochas t i c f i l t e r f o r t ransverse sec t i on recons t ruc t ion . IEEE Trans. Nucl . ki NS-26(2):2687-2690, 1979.

Budinger TF. Computed tomography: Three dimensional imaglng w i t h photons and nuc lear magnetic resonance. Processin , KF Fu, T P a v l i d i s (eds.). B e r l i n - h n T d e r l a g 4". 0-6940 Ueinheim, pp 179-212, 1979.

Budinger TF, GT Gullberg, and RH Huesman.

In Biomedlcal Pa t te rn Reco n i t i o n and Ima e

Emission conputed tomography. I n App l ica t ions ed. by


Yano Y, TF Budinger, HA O'Brien, Jr., and PM Grant. Eva lua t ion and app l i ca t i on o f alumina column Rb-82 generators. J. Nucl. Med. 20(623684, (abs t rac t ) , 1979.

Budiger TF, and G f Gullberg. a t tenua t ion compensation i n ECT. J. Nucl. Med. 20(6):658, (abs t rac t ) , 1979.

Budinger TF, Y Yano, SE Derenro RH Huesman, JL Cahoon, BR Moyer, WL Greenberg, and HA Obrien, Jr. tomography. J. Nucl . Med. 20(6):603, (abs t rac t ) , 1979.

Budinger TF. Physics and physiology o f nuc lear cardiology. I n Nuclear Cardiology, ed. by JT Wil lerson.

Derenzo SE, TF Budinger, JL Cahoon, WL Greenberg, RH Huesman and T Vu le t i ch , The Oonner 280-crystal h igh r e s o l u t i o n p o s i t r o n tomograph. I E E E Trans. Nucl. - Sci. NS-26(2):2790-2793, 1979.

Derenzo 'SE, Rudinger TF, Cahoon JL, Greenberg WL, Huesman RH, and Vu le t i ch T: The Donner Laboratory 280-crystal h igh r e s o l u t i o n pos i t ron coincidence tomograph. I n Proceedings of t he 5 th I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on Posi t ron Ann ih i l a t i on , Sendaf, Japan, The Japan I n s t i t u t e o f Metals, pp 409-411, 1979.

Budinger TF. Thresholds f o r phys io log i ca l e f f e c t s due t o RF and magnet ic f i e l d s used i n NMR imaglng. I E E E Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS 26(2):2821-2825, 1979.

Budinger TF, SE Derenzo, GT Gu l lberg and RH Huesman. Trends and prospects f o r c i r c u l a r r i n g p o s i t r o n cameras. I E E E Trans. Nucl. ki. NS-26(2):2742-2745. 1979.

Rudinger TF, SE Derenzo, RH Huesman, J L Cahoon, and Y Yano. Dynamic e m i s s i o n t r a n s a x i a l tomography fo r p o s i t r o n emi t te rs . I n F r o n t i e r s i n Nuclear Medicine, W Horst, HN Wagner, Jr., and J Buchanan ( e d s ) . r n n - --Verlag, pp 52-70, 1980.

L i m i t a t f o n s of t he simple geometric mean f o r

Myocardial uptake o f rubidium-82 us lng p o s i t r o n emission

FA Davis 6 Co., Phi ladelphia, p p m l 9 7 9 .

Page 11: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum

OOCUMENT SOURCE h r r n c r B u k o l q Labofrlofy kChlvO8 Md flKOrd8 o f k 4

T. F. Budinger Curr icu lum V i t a e Page 11

Budinger TF, Y Yano, SE Derenm, RH Huesman, C-K Yen, BR Fkyer, and LG Sherman. I n f a r c t t o n s i t i n g and myocardial per fuston measurements u s l n g Rubid ium42 and p o s i t r o n emfssion tomography. h e r . J. Card io l , 5 : 3 9 9 , 1980.

Budtnger TF. Mul t i -d imensional space and t ime s i g n a l p roce ts fng i n b io logy and medicine. Proceedin s IEEE I n t e r n a t t o n a l Symposium 0" C i r c u t t s and Systems, 2, d l v ~ 6 ; .

Budinger TF. Phys ica l a t t r l b u t e s of s i n g l e photon tomography. --- 3. Nucl. Med. - 21:579-592, 1980.

Yano Y, J Cahoon, and TF Budinger. P r e c i s i o n f l o w - c o n t r o l l e d Rb-82 generator f o r bo lus and constant in fus ion . *I, Nucl. Med. 21(6):P85, (Abs t rac t ) , 1980.

Budinger TF, SE Derenzo, RH Huesman, LG Sherman, BR Moyer, and Y Yano. Q u a n t i t a t i v e myocardial f l o w - e x t r a c t i o n data u s i n g gated ECT. - 21(6):P16, (Abs t rac t ) , 1980.

Budinger TF, SE Derenzo, and RH Huesman. rad ionuc l ide d i s t r t b u t i o n and k i n e t i c data. Presented a t t h e I n t e r n a t t o n a l Rad iophanacuet tca l Dosimetry Symposium, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, October 7-10, 1980. Laurence Berkeley Laboratory Report, LRL 111649, 1980.

Budtnger TF. S i n g l e photon emiss ion tomography. In: Current Develo ments i n Medical Ima i n - An Evaluat ion. Proceedings o f a s p p o ~ h o - m , d & d o , ~ u g u * t 5-7, pp 81-101, 1980.

Venkatesh N, TF Budinger, and C-T Peng. Whole body autoradtography: A procedure f o r e v a l u a t i o n o f radiopharrnaceuticals. J . Nucl. Med. 21(6):P78, (Abst ract ) 1980.

Yano Y, JL Cahoon, and TF Budinger. generator f o r bo lus and constant i n f u s i o n s tud ies of t h e h e a r t and bra in . 3-

Rudinger TF, C-K Yen, Y Yano, RP Fr ied land, and HA O'Rrien, Jr. b a r r i e r p e r m e a b i l i t y and i n t r a v a s c u l a r f l w - v o l u m e measurements u s i n g Rubidium-82 and dynamic p o s i t r o n tomography. J. Nucl. Med. 22: P-15-Pl6, (Abs t rac t ) , 1981.

Budinger TF. imagtng. Presented a t NATO Advanced Stud I n s t i t u t e (ASI) on Diagnost ic Imaginp & Medicine, S a n m i m d t . 11-23, 198T. - Gaffey CT, T S Tenforde, TF Rudinger, and BR Moyer. E lect rocard iogram and blood pressure measurements on monkeys d u r i n g exposure t o s t a t i o n a r y magnetic f i e l d s .

Washington, D.D., 4ugust 9-12, 1981.

Yen C-K, and TF Budinger. Eva lua t ion o f b lood-bra in b a r r i e r permeab i l i t y changes i n Rhesus monkeys and man u s i n g E2Rb and p o s i t r o n emission tomography. 3. Comput. Assts t . Tomogr. 5:792-799, 1981.

--- J. Nucl. Med.

Role o f tomography f s p r o v i d i n g

A p r e c i s i o n f l o w - c o n t r o l l e d Rb-82

NuCl Med. 22:1006-1010, 1981. --- Alood b r a i n

Current s t a t u s and l i m i t a t i o n s o f s i n g l e photon emission

Presented a t the 3rd Annual Conference o f t h e Bioe lect romagnet ics Society,


Page 12: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum

I WCUUENT SOURCE Lrvrrrncr Bwtrlw Labornlw

I Uchlvrr m4 R&& otlici I

'- . I

T. F. Budinger Curr icu lum V i t a e Page 12

Derenzo SE, TF Budinger, RH Huesman, JL Cahoon, and T Vulet ich. p r o p e r t l e s o f a p o s i t r o n tomograph with 280 BGO Crysta ls . IEEE Trans. Nucl.


- S C ~ . NS-28(11:81-89, 1981.

Huesman RH, SE Derenro, GT Gullberg, and TF Budinger. Novel two-pos i t ion sampling scheme f o r dynamic emission tomography. J. Nucl. Ned. 22:P38-P39, (Abst ract ) , 1981.

Budinger TF. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NHR) i n v i v o s tud ies: Known th resho lds f o r h e a l t h effects. J. Comput Ass is t . Tomogr. 5:BOO-811, 1981.

Budinger TF. Overview o f Imaging technologies: Present and f u t u r e trends. Presented a t US-Ita1 J o i n t S m on Methods of Noninvasive Dia nos is i n

8udinger TF. Phys ica l and medical a t t r i b u t e s of s i x contemporary noninvasive imaging techniques. D i g i t a l Radiography Proc. S.P.I.E. =:9-17, 1981.

Budinger TF. Phys ica l a t t r i b u t e s o f s i n g l e photon tomography. In : Emission Cam u ted Tarno r a h The Sin l e Photon A roach, P. Paras, EA Eikman, '(eds).- &t-&?&& and &S-s%nd Drug Admin is t ra t ion , Bureau of Rad io log ica l Health, Rockv i l le , Maryland HHS P u b l i c a t i o n FDA 81-8177,

Budinaer TF. P o t e n t i a l medical e f f e c t s and hazards o f human NMR studies.

Card iovascular + 9 i s e a s e m e s a,m=n%ess, NY, No V*9E.

August, pp. 6-25, 1981.

I n : & c l e a r Ha n e t i c Resonance Ima i n i n Mediclne, L. Kaufman, LE Crooks, and A M a F C h a k u -Shoi n, Ipp9 ew ork7p-1, 1981.

Budinger TF, E Ganr, DC Pr ice, b! Lipton, RR Moyer, Y Yano. nuc lear magnetic resonance methods o f eva lua t ing a therosc le ros is . Presented a t Workshop on O u a n t i t a t i v e Eva lua t ion Atherosc leros is , S i l v e r Springs, MD., Spr inger-VerEg, NY, Feb 22-23, 1981.

Fr ied land R, Rudinger TF, Yano Y, Huesman RH, K n i t t e l B, k r e n z o SE, Koss B and Ober BA: Regional cerebra l metabol ic a l t e r a t l o n s I n Alzheimer-type dementia: Studies w i t h 19-deoxyglucose. I X I n t e r n a t i o n a l Symp. on Cerebral Blood F1 ow and Metabolism, Par is , France, Junr 20-24, ( a b s t r a c t ) 1981.

Radionucl ide and

Budinger TF. Reviva l o f c l i n i c a l nuc lear medicine b r a i n imaging. J. Nucl. -- Med. 22:1094-1097, 1981.

Gu l lberg GT, and TF Budinger. constant a t t e n u a t i o n i n s ing le-photon emission computed tomography. Trans. Biomed. BME-28(2):142-157, 1981.

Huesman RH, Derenzo SE, and Budinger TF: Two-posit ion sampling f o r p o s i t r o n emission tomography. San Francisco, C a l I f o r n i a , October 21-23, 1981.

Huesman RH, Derenzo SE, and Budinger TF: A two-pos i t ion samplfng scheme f o r p o s i t r o n emiss ion tomography. I n Nuclear Medicine and B i o l o Proceedings o f t h e T h i r d World Congress o f N u c l e ~ c ~ ! 3 ~ o d u s t 29-September 2, Par is , France. Ual. I, pp 542-545, 1982.

-- The use o f f i l t e r i n g methods t o compensate f o r

-- Presented a t t h e IEEE 1981 Nuclear Science Symposium,

Page 13: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum


T. F. Budinger

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Yen CK, Y Yano, TF Budinger, RP Fr iedland, SE Derenro, RH Huesman. tumor eva lua t i on us tng Rb-82 and p o s i t r o n emisslon tomography. J. Nucl. Med.

B ra in

23:532-537, 1982. - Derenzo SE, TF Budinger, RH Huesman, JL Cahoon. wnamic p o s i t r o n emission tomography i n man us ing small bismuth germanate c rys ta l s . Ahh ih i l a t l on , PG Coleman, SC S h a m , LM Diana, eds. t o , New Yort, pp 935-945, 1982.

Budinger TF. and nuclear magnetic resonance methods o f measuring phys io log i c parameters, Presented a t t h e Ear l H. Wood Symposium, Hayo C l i n i c , Rochester, Minnesota, August 28-29, 1981. Mayo C l i n Proc 57(supplement):67-77, Ju ly , 1982.

In: Posi t ron North-Holland Pub1 i s h i n g

Oynamic t ransmfss ion computed tomography, emission tomography,

Budinger TF. Emission tomography: an overview o f Instrument l i m i t a t i o n s and p o t e n t i a l s . In, Noninvaslve Technl ues f o r Assessment of Atherosclerosis fi Per i he ra l , Carot id , and C o r o n & e v F Budinger,TS Berson, I . &t@ Hock, J n a d m e d s . , Raven Press, N.Y., pp 154-179, 1982.'

Rudinger TF. Medicine 10(12):835-840, 1982.

Image ana lys i s i n c r i t l c a l care medicine. C r i t i c a l - Care

Budinger TF. Medical app l i ca t i ons o f NMR scanning: kme perspect ives i n r e l a t i o n t o o the r techniques. Par ta in , edr. Proceedings o f an I n t ~ a & S y m p o s l m on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Winston-Salem, North Carol lna, pp. 51-64, 1982.

Budinger TF, SE Derento, RH Huesman, JL Cahoon. design o f a dynamic p o s i t r o n tomograph f o r hear t studles. I E E E 1981 Nuclear Science Symposium, San Francisco, C a l i f o r n i a , October 21-23, 1981. - IEEE - Trans. - Nucl. - Scl. NS-29(1):488-492,

In : NW Ima i n , RL Ui tco fsk i , N Karstaedt, CL

Bowman Gray School o f Medicine o f Wake Forest Univers i ty ,

Medical c r i t e r i a f o r the


Presented a t the

Rudinger TF, Derenzo SE, Huesman RH and Cahoon J: Medical c r i t e r i a fo r the design o f a dynamic p o s i t r o n tomograph f o r hear t studies. I E E E Trans Nucl S c i NS-29: NO 1, 488-492, 1982. P

Rudinger TF. Nuclear magnetic resonance i n the study of a therosc leros is . In, Noninvasive Techni ues f o r Assessment of Atherosc leros ls i n Per i heral t a r o t o r & r G , ud i nger, erson, n z v d k , d n % S w n v e : F P : e s s , NY, !51-154, '1!:2.

Budinger TF, BJ &Nei l , PO Alderson. pulmonary studies. J . Nucl Med. 23:60-65, 1982.

Budinger TF, Yano Y , Hoyer BR, Mathis CH, Ganz E, Huesman RH and Derenzo S E . Pos i t ron Emission Tomography o f the Heart. Proceedings o f t he Thi rd World Congress of N u c l e m c j n e and 8mogy. August 29-September 2, Par is , France. vbl . 111, pp 2338-2341, 1982.

Perspect ives i n nuclear medicine:

Jn Nuclear Medicine and B i o l o g y .

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Page 14: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum

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Budinger TF, Yano Y, Huesman RH, Oerenzo SE, Hoyer BR, Mathis CA, Ganr E, and K n i t t e l B: Pos i t ron emission tonography of the heart . 26, pp 31-34, 1983, presented at, 33rd Ann. F a l l Meeting 0f-e- Phys lo log ica l Soclety, San Diego, CA, Oct. 10-15, 1982.

Budinser TF. SE Derenzo. RH Huesman. JL Cahoon. Pos l t ron emission tomoaraahv:

The Ph s i o l o 1s t

i ns t r imen ta t i on perspect ives. Proceedin s o f the I n t e r n a t f o n a l Uorksho - i n * Ph s i cs and En i n e e r i n f n M e d l c d m n r e r e n c e a t F a d o X , b n F 1 - TEE-*: 3-13, 1982.

Brownell GL, TF Budinger, PC Lauterbur, and PL kGeer . nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. Science 215:619-626, 1982.

Pos l t ron tomography and

Budinger TF. Preface: Ins t rumenta t ion f o r imaglng receptor b ind ing s i t es . In: Rece t o r B i n d i n F l o r k 8 d B Z .

Radiotracers, Vol. 11, WC Eckelman, ed. CRC Press,

Davis J, Y Yano, J Cahoon, and TF Budinger. and L-[S-methyl- l'c] methionine by an automated cont inuous f l o w process. J. Appl. Radiat. I so t . 33:363-369, 1982.

Yano Y, and TF Budlnger. Shor t - l i ved pos i t ron e m i t t e r s from rad io lso toPe

Prepara t ion o f lk -Methy l i od ide I n t . - - ---

generators. In: Fourth I n t e r n a t i o n a l . S osium on Radiopharmacuetical' Chemistrx, KFA J u l i u g u s t 23-27, pp *,-138Z.

Huesman RH, SE Derenzo, and TF fludinger. A two-pos i t ion sampling scheme f o r p o s i t r o n etnlrs ion tomography. ed., Pergarmon Press, New York, VolI,542-545,3.

Budinger TF and C Cullander. v i v o magnetic resonance.


I n Nuclear medicine and Biolo%, Raynaud C.,

B i o l o g i c a l phenomena and hea l th hazards of i n C l i n l c a l Ma n e t l c Resonance Ima i n , AR Hargu l i s e t

a i , ed. Radiology Research X T E l i Z a d i i - E n d a t l m ; San 7es rancisco: 303-321,

Tenforde TS, CT Gaffey, BR Hoyer and TF Budinger. i n Macaca monkeys exposed t o s ta t i ona ry magnetic f i e l d s : Experimental observat ions and t h e o r e t l c a l analysis, Bioelectronmagnetlcs 4, 1-9,

Card iovascular a l t e r a t i o n s


Krohn KA, Y Yano, TF Budinger, BR Moyer. produced isotopes, I s o t o e Generators i n Nuclear Medicine, American Chemical Socfety Meeting, d a s h , ngton, Seatm.,1983.

Derenro SE, TF Budinger and T Vulet lch. tomography us ing narrow bismuth germanate c r y s t a l s and i n d i v i d u a l photosensors.

Fr ied land RP, CA Mathis, TF Budlnger, BR Moyer.and H Rosen. and phosphorylchol ine: Body d i s t r i b u t l o n and b r a i n autoradiography: Concl se c o m n i c a t i o n , J. Nucl. Med. 24: 812-815, 1983.

Budinger TF, Y Yano, BR Moyer, JA Tw i t che l l , and R H Huesman e x t r a c t i o n o f Rb-82 vs. f l o w determined by pos i t ron emission tomography. C i r c u l a t i o n 68: 111-81, (Abs t rac t ) 1983.

Cryptate complexes o f generator Presented a t the Nuclear Chemistry and fechnoloqy Session,

High r e s o l u t i o n p o s i t r o n emission

I E E E Trans Nucl S c i NS-30: No 1, 665-670, 1983. ---- Labeled cho l ine

---- Myocardial

Page 15: I DOCUMENT SOURCE I fileM.S. University of Washington, Seattle - Physical Oceanography 1957 B.S. Regis College, Denver - Chemistry (Analytical) 1954 --- Honors and Awards: Magna Cum

WCUMENT SOURCE Lnrtncr B u l ~ o l q W a l o r y kChlv.8 Md RUO& OIlicO

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Budinger TF. NMR i n v i v o studies: a comparfson t o o t h e r noninvas ive imaging techniques. In: Nuclear Ma n e t i c Resonance (NMR) Ima I n CL Partain, AE James, FD Rol lo , R R m h 3aundcrs C ~ w d & p , 357-374, 1983.

Budinger TF. Nuclear magnetlc resonance and p o s i t r o n emiss ion tomography In: Cerebra l Vascular Dfsease, Re iv ich H, H I Hur t lg , eds. New York, Raven Press; -83.-

Budfnger TF. Presented a t t h e US-I ta ly J o i n t Symposium o f Methods o f Noninvaslve Diagnosis i n Card iovascular Disease, Rethesda, Maryland, November 12-13, 1981. In: Noninvasive Methods 2 Atherosc le ros is Research. RJ Hegyeli , (ed.), A t h e r o s c l e r o m i e w s , Vol 10, Raven York, pp 7-12, 1983.

Budinger TF, Y Yano, CA Hathis, JU Davis, RH Huesman, SE Derenro. emission tomography of the hear t . Symposium, Naples, I t a l y , September 21-23, 1981. In: Nuclear Cardiology. Plenum P u b l i s h i n g Corp., New York, pp. 229-248, 1983.

Budinger TF, Y Yano, RH Huesman, SE Derenzo, RR Moyer, CA Mathis, E Ganz, B K n i t t e l . P o s i t r o n emission tomography o f t h e hear t . Phys io log is t , 5:

F r i e d l a n d RP, TF Budinger, E Ganz, RH Huesman, SE Oerenzo, R K n l t t e l . Q u a n t i t a t i v e e v a l u a t i o n o f b lood b r a i n b a r r i e r i n t e g r i t y i n Alzheimer-type dementia: P o s i t r o n emision tomographic s tud ies w i t h Rubidium-82. Euro Neurol Vol 22, Suppl 2:19, 1983.

Robertson JS, RR Price, TF Budinger, VF Fairbanks, M Pol lycove. absorbed dose from Iron-52, iron-55, and i ron-59 used t o study f e r r o k i n e t i c s ,

Budinger TF, E Ganr, DC Pr ice, H Lipton, BR Moyer, and Y Yano. and nuc lear magnetic resonance methods o f e v a l u a t i n g a therosc le ros is . Presented a t t h e Workshop on Quant i ta t i ve Eva lua t ion o f A therosc le ros is , S i l v e r Spring, .Maryland, February 22-23, 1981. A therosc le ros is Quant i ta t i ve k t h o d s o f Evaluat ion, M% +Insul, Jr.. 5 Ragov, AB Ch and ler and F C o r m ( g s > , Springer-Verlag, New York. pp.

F r i e d l a n d RP, TF Budinger, Y Yano, RH Huesman, B K n i t t e l , SE Derenzo, R K o s s , BA Ober. Regional cerebra l metabol ic a l t e r a t i o n s i n Alrheimer-type dementla: K i n e t i c s t u d i e s w i t h 18-fluorodeoxyglucose. .I . Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. 3,

F r i e d l a n d RP, TF Budinger, E Ganz, Y Yano, CA Mathis, B Koss, 9A Oher, RH Huesman, and SE Derenzo. Regional cerebra l Metabo l ic a l t e r a t i o n s I n dementia o f the Al rhe imer type: Pos i t ron emission tomography w i th CleF]Fluoro- deoxyglucose, J. Comp. Ass is t . Tomogr. 7: 590-598, 1983.

Rudinger TF. T ime-o f - f l tgh t p o s i t r o n emission tomography: Status r e l a t i v e t o convent ional PET, J. Nucl. Med. 24: 73-78, 1983.

Overview o f imaging technologies: present and f u t u r e trends.

Pos i t ron Presented a t t h e F i r s t Naples Cardiology

31-34, 1983.

Radiat ion

J. Nucl. Med 24: 339-348, 1983. ---- Radionucl ide

In: C l f n i c a l Dia nos fs of

189-219, 1983.

Suppl. 1: 5510-511, 1983.

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Yano Y , TF Budinger, JL Cahoon and RH Huesman. An automated Microprocessor-Control l ed Rb-82 Generator f o r Pos i t ron Emission Tomography Studies. American Chemical Society; 97-122. 1984.

Fr ied land RP, TF Budlnger, UJ Jagust, Y Yano, RH Huesman, BL K n i t t e l , E Koss, BA Ober. An te r io r -pos te r io r and l a t e r a l hemispheric a l t e r a t l o n s I n c o r t i c a l glucose utilization i n Alzheimer's disease. J . Nucl. Med, G:PSt, (Abst ract ) 1984.

Knapp FF, TA Bu t le r , eds. Radlonucl lde Generators. Washington, D.C.:

Budinger TF, KS B r i s t o l , C-K Yen, P Wong. B i o l o g i c a l Ef fects o f S t a t i c Magnetic F le lds . Proc. Magn. Reson. Ned. Th i rd Annual Meeting, p113, (Abs t rac t ) 1984.

Fr ied land RP, S Prusiner, W Jagust, and TF Budfnger. Bitemporal hypometabolism I n Creutzfeldt-Jacob dlsease: p o s i t r o n emission tomography w l t h 18F-2-fluorodeoxyglucose. J. Comp. Assist . Tomogr. 8(5):978-981, 1984.

Bruno MF, RH Huesman, SE Derenro and TF Budinger. Charac te r l za t i on o f Compton s c a t t e r i n g i n emission tomography. J. Nucl. Wd. 25:P14, (Abst ract ) 1984.

Budinger TF. T h i r d Annual Meeting, p l l 5 , (Abst ract ) 1984.

Krohn KA, JH Link, Y Yano, and TF Budlnger. Cryptate complexes o f generator produced isotopes fo r measurement o f b lood flow. J . Nucl. &d, 25:P119, (Abs t rac t ) 1984.

Eckleman WC, RC Reba, UJ Rzeszotarski, RE Gibson, T H i l l , BL Holman, T Budinger, 35 Conklin, R Eng, and MP Grfsson. External imaging o f cerebral muscar in ic ace ty l cho l i ne receptors. Science, 223:291-293, 1984.

Comparison o f NMR t o other modal i t ies . Proc. Magn. Reson. Hed.

Rudinger TF, C Cullander. Heal th e f fec ts of i n v i v o nuc lear magnetic resonance. I n Biomedlcal Ma n e t i c R e s o n a n c e m m e s , AR Margul is, (eds), Radfology Research and tducat -4-r on oundation, San Francisco, pp. 421-441, 1984.

Oerenzo SE, RH Hucsman, TF Budinger, JL Cahoon and T Vulet ich. Hfgh reso lu t i on p o s i t r o n emisison tomography us ing 3 mn wide bismuth germanate c rys ta l s . J. Nucl . Ked. 25: P46, (Abs t rac t ) 1984.

Budinger TF, SE Derenro, RH Huesman. tomography. Ann. Neurol . 15(suppl):S35-S43, 1984.

Budlnger TF, Y Yano, BR Hoyer, JA T u i t c h e l l , KJi Brennan, RH Huesman. Measurements o f myocardial f l ow vs. e x t r a c t i o n of rubldlum under varying phys io log i ca l condi t ions. J. Nucl. Ced. 25:P69, (Abst ract ) 1984.

Budinger TF, RH Huesman, BL K n i t t e l , JA Tw i t che l l , KH Brennan. pe r fus ion by dynamic p o s i t r o n emission tomography (PET) us ing ! I -15aater . (Abs t rac t ) J Nucl Hed 25:P69, (Abst ract ) 1984.

Budlnger TF, PC Lauterbur. studies. Science, 226:288-298, 1984.

- -- Instrumentat ion f o r p o s i t r o n emission


Nuclear magnetic resonance technology fo r medical

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Richards T, TF Budinger, R Nun l i s t . imaging o f the r a t b r a i n i n v i v o with the surface c o i l . Hed. Th i rd Annual Meeting, (Abs t rac t ) p621, 1984.

Jones RM, T Richards, TF Rudinger. and aqueous metabo l i tes ex t rac ted from bra in . Annual Meeting, (Abs t rac t ) p395, 1984.

Richards T, TF Budinger, R Nun l i s t . spectroscopy us ing l i p i d and n-acety l aspar ta te peak c h a r a c t e r l s t i c s o f normal b ra in . Proc. Magn. Reson. Med. T h i r d Annual Meeting, p623, (Abs t rac t ) 1984.

Roos M , A Hasenfeld, MR Bendall , RH Huesman, TF Budlnger. . s p a t i a l s e n s i t i v i t y f o r n u l t i p l e pu lse sequences and s e l e c t i v e e x c i t a t i o n s i n inhomogeneous B1 f i e l d s . Proc. Magn. Reson. k d . T h i r d Annual Meeting, p632, (Abs t rac t ) 1984.

Budinger TF, C Cullander, R Bordow. Switched magnetic f i e l d th resho lds f o r the i nduc t i on o f magnetophosphenes. Proc. Magn. Reson. M d . T h l r d Annual Meeting, p118, (Abs t rac t ) 1984.

F r ied land RP, TF Budfnger, M Brant-Zawadskl, UJ Jagust. The d iagnos is o f Alzheimer-type dementia: A p re l im ina ry comparison of p o s i t r o n emission tomography and pro ton magnetic resonance. JAM 252:19, 2750-2752, 1984.

Mazoyer BH, Hucsman RH, Budinger TF, and K n i t t e l BL: A study o f f ac to rs t h a t a f f e c t t he p r e c l s i o n o f Compartmental model parameter es t ima t ion us ing dynamic p o s i t r o n emission tomography. LRL-19614, (submit ted f o r p u b l i c a t i o n ) 1985.

Fr ied land RP, TF Budlnger, E Koss, and BA Ober. An te r io r -pos te r io r an l a t e r a l hemispheric a l t e r a t i o n s i n c o r t i c a l glucose u t i l i z a t i o n . Neuroscience L e t t e r s 53:235-240, 1985.

Phase encoded pro ton spectroscopy and Proc. Magn. Reson.

Proton and carbon spectroscopy of l i p i d s Proc. Magn. Reton. Med. Th i rd

RF pu lse energy o p t l m i z a t l o n f o r proton

S imula t lons o f

Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Report No.

Alzheimer's disease:

-- Gul lberg GT, RH Huesman, JA Malko, NJ Pelc and TF Budinger. An at tenuated pro jec to r -backpro jec tor f o r i t e r a t i v e SPECT recons t ruc t ion . Phys. Hed. B io l . Val. 30:8 799-816, 1985. -- Wesby G, R Hurd, T Richards, M L ip ton , M Hoseley, B K n i t t e l , C Higgfns, T Budinger. Changes i n w s c l e water proton resonance frequency w i t h Ischemic exercise. Proc. Soc. Hagn. Reson. Hed. Fourth Annual Meetfng, London, 19-23 August, p 825, (Abs t rac t ) 1985.

Oerenzo SE, TF Budinger, and RH Huesman. r k t e c t o r s f o r h igh r e s o l u t i o n dynamic PET. I n The Metabolism o f the Human Bra ln s tud led w i t h Pos l t ron Emlssion TomographyT. G r e i t t , e t ~ , d ~ a ~ r e s s , w Y o r k , 1985.

Mathis CA, TF Budlnger, T Sargent, AT Shulgin, HF Kung. 122I- labeled amines and diamines f o r b r a l n blood flow measurements in neuro log ic disorder. J. Nucl. Med. (Abs t rac t ) June, 1985.

Mathis CA, TF Budinger, T Sargent 111, AT Shulgin, Kung HF. Generator produced 1-122 labe led amines and diamines f o r b r a i n blood f l o w measurements i n neuro log ic disorders. J. Nucl. Med. 26:P105 (Abs t rac t ) 1985.

Generator produced

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Lnwrrncr Bukrly Worrlo~y &chlvr: and Arorda OMcr

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Soulen RL, TF Budlnger, CB Higgins. Clagnctic resonance imaging of p ros the t ic h e a r t valves. Radiology =:705-707, 1985.

Jagust WJ, RP Fr led land, TF Budlnger, RH Hucsman, B K n l t t e l . Hethodologic f a c t o r s a f f e c t l n g PET measurements of glucose metabolism. Neurology 35 (Suppl 1):138, 1985.

F r i e d l a n d RP, WJ Jagust, TF Budinger, RH Huesman, B K n l t t e l . Methodological f a c t o r s a f f e c t l n g t h e accuracy o f metabol ic measurements I n PET s tud ies w i t h (18F)-2-Deoxy-D-Glucose (FOG). J. Cereb. Blood Flow and Pktab. 5:5609-5610, 1985.

------ F r i e d l a n d RP, A Brun, TF Budinger. Patho log lca l and p o s i t r o n emission tomographic c o r r e l a t i o n s l n A l the lmer 's disease. The Lancet I :228; 1985. --- Lawton M, TF Budinger. Proceedings, Soc. Magn. Reson. Med. Four th Annual b e t i n g , London, 19-23 August, p 1009, (Abs t rac t ) , 1985.

Phase-encoded, rap id, mul t ip le-echo (PERHE) Imaging.

Budinger TF, RH Huesman, B K n i t t e l , R Fr ied land, and SE Derenzo. modeljng o f dynamic measurements o f metabollsm us ing p o s i t r o n emission tomography. Emisslon T o m o g r a p K 'f. Gre l tz ,

Yano Y, KH Brennan, SN Ebbe, M Singh, BH Moyer, DA Carpenter, EM Hazoyer, CA Mathis, TF Budinger. P l a t e l e t l a b e l i n g and p o s l t r o n emisslon tomography i n the d e t e c t i o n o f s t t e s of vascular I n j u r y . J. Nucl. Med. 26:P21 (Abst ract ) 1985.

Phys io log ica l

I n The Metabollsm o f t h e Human Bra in s tud led wi th Posl t ron Raven m m o r k , .

F r l e d l a n d RP, TF Budinger, HJ Jagust, Y Yano, RH Huesman and B K n i t t e l . P o s i t r o n emisslon tomography and t h e b lood b r a i n b a r r i e r i n Alzheimer's disease. In : Cerebrovascular Diseases Pathopharmacology: Bra in Imaginp 2 Cerebrovascular Diseases. NA Lassen and J Cahn, (eds.), S. L i b b n r o t e x t , Rontrouge, F r a n c w e s s ) . 1985

J fgus t WJ, PR Fr ied land, TF Budinger. [ F]f luorodeoxyglucose d i f f e r e n t i a t e s normal pressure hydrocephalus from Alzheimer 's- type dementla. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psych., 48: ( I n press) 1985.

Pos i t ron emisslon tomography w l t h

Fr led land RP, TF Budinger, UJ Jagust, E KOSS, S Derenro, RH Huesman and Y Yano.

Alzheimer's disease.

Budlnger TF, UK Doyle, VA Levln, PH Gutln. nervous system s t u d l e d by PET. J. Nucl. Med. 26:P24 (Abs t rac t ) 1985.

Budingcr TF, W Pavl icek, DO Faul, AW Guy. p r o t o n MR imaging. Proceedings, Soc. Hagn. Rtson. k d . Four th Annual Meeting, London, 19-23 August, p 916, (Abst ract ) . 1985.

P o s i t r o n tomography and t h e d i f f e r e n t f a l d iagnosis and pathophysiology of I n : A i n of the Brain, J. Traber and W. Gispen,

Spr inger-Ver lag Co., Heidel $9 e r g (5 pres-985.

Radfat lon necros ls of cen t ra l

RF heat ing a t 1.5 Tesla and above I n

3 O O b q I 2

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A QY 1

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t la th fs CA, T Sargent I 1 , AT Shulgin, Y Yano , TF Budfnger, H Lagunas-Solar. Synthesis and eva lua t i on of meta-subs t i tu ted I-122-labeled dimethoxy-N,N-dimethylamphet%es f o r b r a i n fnaging studies. J. k c l . I 4 d . 26:P69 (Abs t rac t ) 1985.

Budinger TF, and RH Huesman. Ten precepts f o r q u a n t l t a t i v e data acqu ls i t l on and analysts. C i r c u l a t i o n 72 Suppl. I V , ( I n press) November 1985.

Budinger TF, B K n i t t e l , P Bruner, C Harrison. Tissue pe r fus lon phantom f o r p ro ton magnetic resonance f l o w studies. Proceedlngs, Soc. Hagn. Reson. Heed. Fourth Annual Heetlng, London, 19-23 August, p 577, (Abs t rac t )

Budinger TF. Uses of p o s i t r o n emission tomography f o r Alzheimer 's disease, stroke, and tumor therapy. Trans. h r . Nucl. Soc. 50:32, 1985.



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